Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, February 13, 1844, Image 3

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T II 1: 71 A C O \ GEORGIA T E L E G R A P II. jy |jj 31 O C H A C tiisdav noiiMsfi. fi:ij>v. i.j, iS4i. Druioernlic Candidaie- for Froidcuf. 9IARTUV VAX BBBEHr,of3S.¥ LEWIS CASS, of Ohio, fUCU’D. M. JOI1XSOX, of Ky JOHX TYLER, of Virginia, To be decided by « Notional Convention in Mar, 1844. Macon Cotton Market. Our market is ilull and inactive, with a down ward tendency. On yesterday, prices ranged front 7i to 9 cent!. The advices from below, ore rather unfavorable—dealers are evidently losing confidence in the article. A better feeling will, piobably, not exist until further advices be receiv ed from the other side. 05** We refer our readers to the notice in our advertising columns, in regard to the Jerusalem Artichoke. Also, to the article from the Tennes see Agriculturalist, on the same subject. It seems A 81 oaly anil Pal ll Itr icotslrc. R*il Hot. " Mr. Clay. Mr. Clay!’’ said an eccentric genius, who I Itbe.romesour piinful duty to rec »nl one of the most i*t cup dnv on a steamboat: “ «1/i4rr Clay, (at the ; bloody tragedies, with which the Newspapers of the pre- [Hail any little boy in pantalells said that, it might have been called smart!] Murine and Fire Insurance Hank, Snvnnnnh. Tbe following gentlemen were. on the 5-.h in«t. elected l)ii mors ol ihi< Institution for tbe ensuing year: Edward Padelfuiid, a. Chamfio.v, George Mam., j. Lewis. Elias Heed. j. Washburs, G. J. Kullock. And at a meeting of the Board on the next day, Ed WARD PadelFoUD, Es.j . was re-elected President. contents ok the United States tl ij tzuio Jt Oemscratic Review, For February. IS,4. Mr. Calhoun's Parliamentary Eloquence. Grey lock Lines to Fretlertka Bremer—Bv Miss Anne B Lynch. The Spoliation of American Commerce, first by the French and then by our own Government. The Poor Debtor—A Tate from the French. Lines. One of the Problems of the Age. The Harmony of the Universe—By Alfred B. Street. Our Indian Policy.—With a Map. Niagara—By W. Gilmore Simms, Author of ‘■Atlantis," etc. The Antiqnitis at Paris. From Schiller An Incident in the War—By Mrs. E.F.EUei S mnet—By Park Benjamin. Preacoit's Conquest of Mexico. Perseveranoo. From tbe French of Victor Hugo—By Mrs. Mary E. Hewitt. Drake's Poems. Clevenger (W.tb a drawing of bis statue of an Indian Chief.) Sonnet The Poet—By Anne M. Hirst. Monthly FurthdM and Commercial Articles. New Booksot the Month. Monthly Literary Bulletin- The New York Historical Society. On Monday last a $1 bill on the Bank of the State of Georgia, payable in Savannah, and raised to $£0. was pa's- sed on a gentleman it. this place by a stranger, who inime ,0 u. that a .rial of the cultivation of ibis root, by j Olir farmers, would induce them to continue it to . the words -twenty dollars," judging from appearances, , _ ,c -i,; were rut from a blank bill of *har is usuilly denominated Some extent, as the cost of such ex pert men , sli u d ..p| or ;j, money.” and were very ingeniously plastered no it prove valueless, would be but a mere trifle. PUBLIC MEETING. Tbe members of the Democratic Republican Parly of JJibb county, nre requested to assemble at such portions of the bill as was requisite to make it appeal like a genuine S 0 note by a thin glutinous substance. Should any such be in circulation, they can be easily detec ted by holding them up to the light face outwards, when the origiual figures, letters and words can be distinctly seen. Forsyth Georgian, 9th i'nit. pump. he soon relieveJ from his perilous situation.—Sav Sun. 6ih inst. Attempted stnicidc. Last evening, a free colored man was found in the . A ,, . ,, . . i. c street, prostrate, supposed intoxicated, and was taken into the Court-House, at 11 o clock. Oil the morning It J Jf r . Ferguson's Cabinet Shop: but it was soon discovered the 22d February instant, then and there to pre- i that he had takes a large portion oflaodanum. Dr. Kichard- . „ , .. ... . sone was catted to his assistance with a stomach pump, and pare and organize lor the approaching political p p ' conflict. It is Imped that every member of the Party, both in town and country, will be in attendance; and that all who are opposed to Ilenri/ Clay's elevation to tbe Presidency—to n National Rank—to a Pro tective TnnfP—and to the Assumption of S'200 000,- 000 of State D«bts, will meet us at the Court- House on Washington's Birth-Day. resulted in thq slabbing of the three letter by the farmer. anJ the death ot D >bbs. winch ensued the following evening. The other two. Trammell an t Heltnn. are still alive, and it is supposed will recover under proper treatment and alien- lion. It secnls that Helton and D.ibbs, With others, whose names it is unnecessary to mention, had tailed at Long's about 12 or l n'c'nck of that day. and had purchased a small quantity ofapiritoua liquor, with which they had been mdulgingtheir appetites fur tuis beverage, for an hour or more, when Tram mel came in —That soon after hia arrival a quarrel ensued between him and Long in relation to ronie ieal or suppo sed injury, or indignity offered to Long or hia sign board on the previous evening, by Trammel! and others then with him The quarrel ceased for a short time, but was again renewed, when Trammell atiemrted lo strike Long with a slick, but ihe blow was -warded nlTby one of the joist of the bouse. Long had a large butcher knife in th» mean time, with which he repelled the assault of Trammell, by stabbing hitn in the left side. Helton and Dobbs were both in the house when the fight took place, but what part they took in the affray is not definitely known. Long it seems, however, continued cutting with his kuife until he had in- flirted a stab on all in the house. A pistol was fired during tbe fracas by Heltnn. as it is supposed. The shot from which stiurk Long near the eve brow on the left temple. & penetrated to the back of the bead, where it lodged under the skin. This was the only serious injury done to Long, who lias been arrested and recognized in a bond of two thou- sand dollars to appear at our next Superior Court to answer the charge of murder.—Dahlourga Timet. 1 tl intt. Another Defalcation. Another Defalcation ;n one ol the Banks of New-Vork has come to light. The -Express, of the 1st inst. says: ‘A S -ood deal--f sensation was created in Wall street yester- ay by the disclosure that Mr Kissatn, for a number of years, third Teller in the Mechanics* Bank, was a defaul ter. It seems that Mr. Kissatn. who has been in very fee- ble health as is supposed with consumption, is no v pros trate and bis recovery despa mg i of. Being, as he believes, near hia end. he has confesseq what the Bank was entirely ignorant of. that he is a defaulter to the amonnt of 820.000. Mr. Kissetn has an interesting faini Iv .and although in hum* ble life, has maintained a very excellent character. Drtviil Flanders, Win. 0. Stndli, Geo. M- Logon, Jii'in J. Bennett, J. L. Jones, Wnt. Green, J. It. Morrell, Robert Collins, A I*. Powers, T. R. Blown, St. Lanier, J. 11. Powers, Win. S. Ifate. Geo. W. Price. Win. P- Rowland, D. J. Davis, S-mytel J. Rav, J. G. Mo «re. D. W. Orr. D. M. Demick, A. J. Orr, Win. II. Mwris, J. W. B.tlteock, C. Bruno, John M. Trawick, Marcus Johnston, Edward J. Stow, F. D. D mey, H. S. Cutler, James Dean, C. A. Ells, A. Mix, Su k pii f> n Woodward, John Latuar. T. E. Gorman, A. Stevens. James R. Bints. Peter Sohnnrnt, M. Bartlett, A. G. Buns. Thomas Mrfpttrtn, Jo' it II. Elii< Jost*|ili K. We Is, Win. S. Ellis. \V. C. Kennedy, W A. Altlen, Thomas Gnllaclier, Witt. C. Hatrell, Tliontns Giltson, Arnold Johnson, Keelin Cook, John S. Davison. James Goddard, Wm. Gunn, Scott Cray, Thomas H. Flint, Win. Hi.chiower, Harmor B. King, Wm. Kin?, Charles M. Hyde, J. P. Evans. D. (Wrimshiy, J. B. Andrews, J. Gr*tc**. Sam'l. Gtive, E. Btirtterd, F. L. Owen, J. J. Flanders, Jim S. Huge, F. E. Nit-itoll, Win. L. Hojc, A Ivan Keeclt, P. P. Brown, E. B.Cook, David Hallman, H. L. Cook, • K. Smith, C. Ladd. J.*-. Willett, Alexander Richards, Kphrain Cort'ie. Jnltii McDonald. Jr., John .McDonald. Sr., Alex. McDonald, Perry Dillard. C. Dillard. Peter Grogan, S. T. Rowland, W. II. Hughe*, Wm. Jarvis, Elisha Cresweli, Henry Pike, James Willingham, Charles Beasley, Ot is Sessions, ||. Linsey, Thomas Sltiibv. James M* Green, R. K. Evans. Elijah. B. Weed, R. Bassett. Cltas. Campbell, )ra H. Taylor. Sam’l- B. Huttier. Antlrew Beaton, C. W. P. Lvman, Luke Ross, E. C. Bulkley, Robert Broach, M. A. Franklin, Thomas L. Ross. Thomas Taylor, Central Rank Rill*. There were burnt of the bills of this Institution. Iasi last week. 8 166.445. There is in tie* Treasury, which will not he issued the further amount of 8100.000. which leaves in rirrularioit about 8200.000 When it is re.neiuliered the length «! time in which this issue has been in ciiculmion. ami that i: has entered largely i in the circulation of Alaba ma and Tennessee it will at once he apparent why these hills are becoming so rare. When we reinember ton. that it is only hv these hills that the best investment in State Bonds in the Eicon can be made, it is surely no exaggerated opinion, that these hills, instead of being possibly hereafter depreciated, tbe nature of the case, appreciate ann.-e the value of those o-'the other Hanks, mid will be ea gerly sought, even at an advance, for tbe purposes above in- dictated.—Southern Recorder. Ck iu*t. Atlantic Strain NurigntToa. We have already mentioned, tuat. in addition to the Great Western, of 1,700 tons, we are to have, daring the coining season, the Great Britain, of 3,309 tons, plying be tween Liverpool and this port. Their day* of departure from tlte two places will be it- follows: FROM LIVERPOOL. (Saturday, 27th April. 8 iturday, 25th May. Saturday, loth June. Saturday. 13th July. Saturday, 3d August. Saturday, .list August Saturday. 21st September. Saturday. 19th October. Satur lav. 9th November. FROM SEW TORE. Thursday, 23d May. Thursday. 20tlt June. Thursday, lltli July. Thursday, 8th August. Thursday. 20th August. Tours-lay, '26th September. Thursday, 17lb October. Thursday. I4th November. Thursday. Sth December. The Fares by both Ships, it is announced, will be at re duced rates. The French steamers, some of them at least, we pre sume, will be on the line from Havre to this port, early in tlte sesson; in which esse we shall be pretty well supplied with news, Ac without the aid of our Boston frien Is. jY. y Journal of Commerce. Great Western, Great Britt in, (i--rat Western. Great llritiii.. Great Western, G ear Britain Great Western. Great Britain, Great Western. G-eat Western, Great Britain. Great Western. Great Britain. Great Western. Great Britain. Great Western, Great Britain, Great Western, Tbe Weather at the North. The cold weather has moderated considerably in New York. The Bay and Harbor continue navigable. Vessels arrive from sea up to tbe city, ami leave the wharves for sea. without difficulty and very little risk. The Express says all around us we have accounts which, if true, confirm the opinion that this is the severest winter experienced in the United Slates for a great number of years. The same paper contains the following: We are now cut nfT from all trade with the East. The Sound is closed and with it all s'eatn an I other vetsels are stopped. This suspension is not only a great disappointed, hut a loss to the city. The trade with that section of the country is im mense. and at this season large quantities of domestic goods are received, an I a large amount of flour and other pro. Jure sent East. It is impossible to predict how long the ice will remain solid in the narrow pass of the East ltiver. We have known it to be good cartiug across on the ice for four weeks. Opening of Rostou Harbor. After miking an ineffee'ual demonstration yesterday I (says the Advertiser of the 1st inst.) the party gave up the attempt and returned to the city, twenty five of the men hav ing frozen their faces. We Irani that the Committee have now contracted with Messrs. 11 iff in c innectiou with Gage. Ilitlinger A Co . who are experienced managers of ire, by whirl, they stipulate to o|>eii a passage for the British steam er by this evening, and further to make a ship channel at least 20i> feet wide Iron the ferry wav to the open sea. From the character of the gentlemen who have undertaken this important enterprise for energy and skill, and llteir ex- perience in managing fresh water ice. we feel great confi dence in their sucres*. Tneir purpose to apply all the nta- ,-hiiierv now used in the business, together with horse pow er. The distance tobeupene.l is estimated at ahntit ten miles, ami is covered hy an nt.broken surface of ice from six to twelve inches thick. Another canal also lo be cat f-omthe ferry wtinrfto India wharf, into which other chan- nels can be opened bv such as desire it. We do n-»t know that it is now intend* 1 that the Britannia shall sail to inor r iw night, but. if practicable, -in opening for her will he pro vide 1 hv this arrangement The contractors are to receive 815W if the two cauaL afaovp described are completed in three days from sunrise this iiinrning. otherwise ug Intuit. A tJopiip Caught. A vagabond who hails from New York, and who has Keen loitering about Colunihi ■ for some time bark, named Jack Morris, waj arrested hy Officer Snowden, on Monday last, as the person who has been committing sever il burg- laries here latelv. Several of our merchants hive been much annoyed f -r the la«t three in milts by having their doors force-1 and their tills robbed of the change left in them at night, and the Odice of tlte vorth v Clerk of the Court was also entered last month, nnd robbed < f between fifteen and thirty dollar* i change, together with the Seal of the Court, which lieiog in silver, tbe rogue supposed to be val uable.but unfortunately for him. it was tite means nflead- ing to It's detection, as he attempted to sell it. He '» now safelv lodged in jail.and we trust will have ample justice done him.—Columbia Chronicle, Mihnlt. Vol unfair Invention. A mitt nam-l Hibb. in EtiglatiJ. has invented a mam- moth v htstle to be place I upon fe-lges and breakers at sea. The rising and falling of the engine, noon the waves, caus es it to shriek horribly, an 1 its cries >f warning may thus be heard for many miles. It is a capital idea, fir heite- than lights, which require attention and cannot lie seen in a hea vy storm or fog, tor it not only acts at uiglu. bat also by day, and as well in thick weather as clear. The idea ought to receive immediate attention. Dentls of Mnj. Rutledge. The Nashville Banner announces the death of Maj. Hen ry M. Rutledge, the only son of the Hon Edward Rutledge, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and formerly Governor of South Carolina. 'Major Rutledge was born in Charleston. S. C. in April. 1774. At the age of 22. in 1797. he joined at Paris. Gen. C C Pinckney, in the embassy sent to France, aa his private Secretary, and on his return to the United Stales, in 1799. he received a commis sion as Major in the United States Arrnv. ahd became also the Aid of General Piuckney.—Charlatan Transcript. Ocmulgec Encampment, 1C* VT© nrr nuihoriznl lo niinouncr DBUBY M. CON as a candidate far Receiver of Tax Return* far llibh county, at the Elcctiitn in 18-t'. J in a 1 *** Rambling in Kentucky. A bill ha* been introduced by Mr. Hardin into the Senate of Kentucky, making it n ppnitentiarv offence to deal faro in that Sta e. or to manufacture mr’rked cards. It is expect ed to pass without much opposition. Wild Turkey*. These fine birds have not yet been exterminated, in onr neighborhood. One of our citizens. G. Meiliin, E<q. killed the other day. four fine piblers at a single shot. They had been attracted to a spot by being bated.—Federal Union. Tbe Dead of 1S43. Araongtlie distinguished persons who have died the past year, we perceive the name of Robert Southey, La Motte PJpuque; author of “Uniue,” Mnhreirtann, the founder of the Hnmocpathic School; Casaimir Delavigne. the French Poet; Foster.llie anther of valuable essays; Noah Web* ster. Washington Allatnn. Hugh S. Legare, Clevenger, the Sculptor. Thomson, the founder of the Thotnsonian system of medicine, and Dr. Channing. Gen. Cast a Temperance Itfuu. Gen. Ca*s a tat- (1 in a recent lecture on Temperance, de livered at Detroit, Michigan, that he had already passed three sc« re years, and had never yet tasted a drop of intoxi cating drinks, although subjected fora long series of years, in peace and war. to the fatigues and hardships incident to the settlement and defence of a new country. A <’b n imble Woman, Bulwer’s mother, who lately died, was princely in her charities, which she, always gave unosieo'atiously. A thousand guineas in aid ofthe propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts was one of her recent donations, nnd an alms- house fur poor widows, she just live- to see completed. Wctuuipkn. Two FERRIES have been established on the Coosa River, at Weiumpka, since the carry lug away ofthe bridge by the late freshet. I. O. of O. F. (•aturdny Evening, 1XTILL hold their regular meeting. - _. , v T Feb. 17th,at7 oc!nck. precisely. Punctual alten- ; dance particularly requested. Bv order .if C. P. Fra.S(Jis J. Ogdes, Scribe. Feb 13 The .Jer:i*:i!cm Irtlchalie, (A NEW ARTICLE.) T HE cultivation of thia root in extending rapidly in Ten* nesse© and tho Cherokee ronntry in Georgia ; and is found, upon trial, in afTord more ntiiritive mutter to t'le acre for fattening ho***, than any vegetable \et discovered. It is planted and cultivated like corn, requring bill two plough ing, and will produce from four to riijlit hundred bushel* per acre*—as an examination nt this time, of the fields of John Beavers, in Chattoojp : Col. A. T. Iltfdirt, in Ktoyd j. and John Leslie, on tbe Hightower in Cuss eminty. will folly prove. The produce of one acre will keep in good plight sixteen head o( hogs from th-? 1st of October to 1st April. They can be lnd at all ofthe above places, at 50 cents per bushel; and mny be plnnted from the 1st of March to the 15th ol April, at the rate of five hushels per acre. Feb 1,1844. 20 CCT Wo arc nnthot ize<) to nntiuuucc SOb, *4 JOHNSON os a Cindi irtie for lleceiv^r of Tux Katarus of Bibb Countv, at the election in January IS 15. Jan 9 15 viia y boss rfx Fit DM tbe plantation lately occupied by 8i- inon Parker. decea.-»*J. in B;bb county, a dark f f \ Bay HORSE. nl»out o years old, his fight eye oat-has • small blaze in hi* face, and one wlute hind foot; no other marks recollected. Any person deliv ering sail! Horse -o the subscriber, on s u l premises, or giv ing inform ttiun so that be can be h id, shall be liberally re- wardc 1. XLACHAKL PARKER. Jun 16 16 tl i .i staid Creditor*, j A LL persons indebted to tbe Estateof Z icUariah Hollo- xjL non, deceased, late of Crawford county, are requested to make immediate payment; ami those having demands a- I gainst saiti Estate, are required to piesent them; duly au thenticated. agreeable to Inw. NATHAN HOLLOMONV, Feb 14 eo david woh.^ham. ’ I Ears. CJMJTIOY. A LL p»rsons nr<* h.ivliv o-itttionf 1 ag Promissory NOTE, give i hy I! -he , Hardy Hargrove, t .the anlers-gne-i. - r dated about die Sitb ot February fa i t, of Dee. tiiereafler. The said*Note fa-vii laid, application will be tnad its* trading fir a t W. and ir far. for 81.370. ttd drte nh tbe 1st g hern iort or lr.ift- nt ofthe san-e. Feb 13 20 JAMES K- BARNETT. Irish Potatoes. 50 BLS. Yellow, just received by Feb 13 20 H. C. FREEMAN. Tapers. ^ DOZ. boxes Tapers, fir sale by- Feb 13 20 II. C. FREEMAN. Weal 1*0itit Academy. From a Reportof tlte War Depiriment in replvtna resolution of inquiry relative to this establishment, which was Iran,mined lo Congress this morniug, we ma- e t--c fol- j |I(V etmacience wispered me. in tones is it would m-ike tlieui fdquid I-'ire—Crime. Shoemaker who was iatelv Ituag at Z tnesrille for the murder of itis Brother, beibre tils execution made a lull eon frssi-in of iiis ifuilt, which lias been published, lit says that before be c mid brin^ himsell to commit the deed, be had frequent rerourse to intoxicating drink. He rev* ; "l was reared, ns was all of mv family, bv my father, to ihe -eeujt iti'-n lie himself followed—that ot'fanuilig. I wss always inv owo m later —grew to marth-vid in deplorable ig. noranee. having never received anv education—disregarded the Sab >ath, and rarely visite.1 religious gatherings n my iieighb.irb.XKl or elsewhere trr any purpose than that of in dulging in the scuffing of a wiekei ami unregenerate spirit. Anti yet, notwithstanding ail this, there were in intents when Riuoti-y Phillips the Irish orator, in one of his speeches, gives a most vivid pesonificatiun of bigotry. Says ue : "Bigotry has no head and cuimotthiuk; she has no heart, and cannot leel; when site utoves it is in wrath; wiien she pluses, is is amid ruin ; her prayers are curses; her com munication is death; her vengeiice is eternity; herdecaltigue is written iu the blood of victims, and if she stops far a mo ment Irutn her infernal flight il is upon some kindred rock to wiiet her tang for keener rapine and repluuie Iter wiug tor a more saiiguinaiy desolution.” This is certainly a highly wrought picture, but no more so we think, that the supposition which check the expansion of the mind no one is more ravinous Ilian that of bigotiy It draws lo one adamantine fucus. the must frigid and perti nacious elements of human nature. It' narrows down the intellect, deadens the atfections, and contracts tlte impulses ofthe heart, ll beget* a self-rignteous vanity, and though a blind and baruaruus zeal, urges one to tlo what he deems G.hI's service, when til fact lie is violating his laws in his uwn constitution, serving the cause of ig:.urauce, error and bitterness. Ralitcr it 13il, Doctor. A few years since there resided in Utica several medical students, one of wuom inquired of a Mechanic, who was working ai a water wheel, wiiat lie was making ? "A bed w.ieel tor tile Court iluuse,’’ answered tbe shrewd liutb of the adz. "Alt," quoth the student, “are we to have two bells iu this little village? 1 should think oue would answer every purpose for the prevent.” -You are right,” replied the tithe*; ‘-but it is very likely that, wheu all of you young doctors commence the practice, one bell w ifi not do all the tolling.” luaslers. and as be was determined tiial none of hi* proper- ty should g-t out of his family, lie resolved to hire poor relations ; and very niicn when large companies would be present at his table, he might be heatd giving his orders : * Uncle Tom, tell cousin Dick to go down tc the kitchen and ask aunt Nelly tn seud up the roust uiuilou,” and so on. lowi' g abstract: The number admitted into the institution, since its estab lishment. 2,942 Of wbirh Itave graduated. l,2t'6 Resigned before graduation, SI De -li'tetl receiving commission*. 0 Resigned after receiving commissions, 323 Disbanded, dropped, or dismissed, 33 Killed iii service. Died in service, 147 Now in service. 512 Of those now in service, there are 4 colonels, 6 lieutenant coheir!*. 13 majors. 173 captains. 17(1 first lieutenant*, 131 second lieutenants. 70 bievet second lieutenants, o paymas ters and 1 military sto ekeeper. Tbe amount ap rnpriated fur tlte institution since its estab lishment. for buildings, library, apparatus, Ac. is 8711.399 88 For salaries, psy, subsistence, Ac. 83.291.S01 27 84.U02.90l 15 Washington Spectator, 31 tl nil. Army of the United Stntes. The Army ofthe United States it organized a* follows: Speaking of the next Presidential election, tlie Newburyport Herald, n Whig paper, says—“If | the bailie is to he fought in 1844. between Mr. Van Buren nnd Mr. Clay, we have not now, mul ^ nevei hnd, but very little doubts ns to ihe result. c It will be the reverse of 1840, and it wi I he brought about by the votes of nut less than 120,000 citizens in various pans of tbe Union, who will vote for Mr. Van Buren. not because tl ey in renlily like bin*, anti bis |toticy, but because they dislike him less tlinn Mr. Cloy. Coining Statistics. The following is an extract from a report read in the house of Representatives, on the 23tl oh., show ing the amount of coinage at the various minis: The coinagent ihe Piinripnl Mint nt Philadel phia, in 1843, amounted to S6.5C0.043. At the New Orleans Brnnclt Mint, the coinage ,-;led toS4.568.000. At the Branch Mint at it amounted to 8582,682. At the Georgia Voicaiio. It exists only 'n his imagitiati.-n, and uaSM ot' the ettv. since (Saturday night. The remaiuder those that his article, firm published in the Southern Ban- c.-e child ten.” ner. d»cea>ed. The mourtain haitbesaine^appearaiice of j ■ qq,e iniimaticn of the I’o-t. as it heads the paragraph - — Ti»r Pfior,** is ihxt.ilieae beings perished froui a want of only written : a moil Dahlone_ Mint ai Charlotte, the coinage was 8287,605. The whole ewinnse in the United States timing Hite jam veur, amounts lo within a small fraciion of twelve millions of.loHitrs. and exceeds, by more than one half, lhat of any former year. Of ibis coinage, more than eight million ism gold; showing It greater proportion.lo silver than lies hitherto been pBesomed. The Branch M»m etCharloite and Dahlotjrpn, have each* coined nearly -double ihe amount which ;!:i-v have coined in any funner vtar; mid the New Orleans Mint nearly quadruple. The production ofthe (sold Mims of the Uniird States, its indicated hy dm amount sent to the Muds, exceeds tltui of any former Near, whole amount of lo nnge, from the establishment of the Mint, iu 1792, to the present time, m &102,- 489,993 86. 1 Major General; 2 Braga.lier Generals; 1 Adjutant Gen eral; C Assistant Adjuttnt Generals; I ttuartennaater General; 2 Assistant Uuartermaster Generals; 2 Deputy Q.uanerinsster Generals; 4 Q.uartermnsiers; 2d Assistant Cboartennssters; 1 Commissary General; 1 Assistant Com- mis*"' rv General; 6 Commissioners of Subsistence; I Sur geon (jeneral; 2U Surgeons; 50Assistant Surgeons; 1 Pay- master General; 15 Payssstees. 17 Mditary Storekeepers; 17 Colonel* 1 18 Lieutena t Colonels ; 2C Majors; 2 Adju- , 7 Uairtnins; 203 First Lieutenants; 163 Seen d • * .nt ll*<A*a • Id Oii«*-vsteivintltae Anns*. selves heard, of the exceeding wickedness of ir.y course. But her iupressions wete neither deep nor lasting, nor stay, ed nte but tor a mere motne-it iti my career. My ttabbuks were chiefly aftent in traversing the forest with tny gun, searching tor game—nr at a tavern pl.tving ball, and on anrh occasions, by nightfall. 1 and my associates, who hailed me as their leader, were g uer.i'ly ripe for the commission of any immoral offence. And It such times Inn, I drunk im moderately; always an occasional drinker but on occurren ces like these. I drank deeply.” The following are the Iasi word* of die confession. Let it be read and remembered by a 11: •• Let these, tny last words, tell upon your heatt!—Shun olt. shun the intoxicating draught as you would the whirl wind of ruin here, the damnation of hell herenfi-r. For. be assured, it arm» and prepares a man to do the work of a fiend To you all 1 say—Farewell!” A Mr. Sou. of South Carolina, has succeeded ir. engraft ing the lilac on the ash Tins is frequently done in France with perfect success, and nothing can be prettier titan die dr oping ash hut g with tbe elegant flowers ofthe lilac- | The receipts at the New York Custom House for the | mouth of Jauuary amounted to die very great sum of 1,876.- 0J0. or three sod a halt times die amuutti coliected iu the same mouth of last year. NEW SPRjNG GOODS. SAMUEL J. RAY & CO. H AVE jut t received, and offers for sale. 4 eases new stale Spring Print*! low priced medium and .super fine Blue, Black, and Fancy colored Cloths and Casai- meres; plain and figured Black and Fancy eolnted Silks; Plaid, Swiss, and Jaconet M-. slins and Cambrics; Irish Linens; Long Lawns; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; 3 Csises CJeorgi.-i Nankeens, lO Cases Sd’inv ami Willow All of which they offer at wholesale or retail, low* for cash. Macnti, Feb. 1J. 1844. TMU PEO&JLETS STORE. MORE NEW GOODS. W E are now opening our fourth general supply of New Winter GOODS, consisting of a complete assort- ment of Gimps; figured and plain Alparcas; Muslin de Lains. Prints, Homespun*, Hosiery, together with a com plete assortment of all kinds of DRY-GOODS, At very -educed prices. We are ofl’ei inv Great Bargains in Dry-Goods, to make room for a splendid Stock of SPRING GOODS. There is no half w >y w-.rk about it. All in want'of binkI Goods, cheap, will do well alwuvs to ell at CRANK be. CLARK’S [C7* Store on Mulberry street, under Washington Hall. Macon, Feb. 13 1844.* 20 CAUTION; T HEREBY caution all persons from trading for fottreer- tain promissory Notes, made hy til'- to lieu & Cotton.lor Rent, for S-TOeach; tne first doe 1st JanUary last; the second due 1st April next; tit* third due 1st July next; and the fourth due 1st October next. The .on* •'**•- lion for which said Notes were given, having partly fn tied, i am determined not tn pay them, unless compelled by law. Mncon. Feb 1.1844. 20 't P. L. J. MAY. GUOlUlU, Itibl) 1'ot.itl}-. 1 glOLLKL) before me, Samuel Biek- I l*y, a Justice of the Peace in md - fot tlte 432.1 Company District. G. M., by Green Wilder, one Mate MULE; aiu.ut 4 years old, nnd ef small size; ap praised "by Henry Newsom and Camp bell Benlroe, to be worth 835; this 12th Jan. 1814. SAMUEL BICKLEY, .T. P. A true extract from tite Betray Rook, tins 6'lt I'eb. 1314. 20 ‘2t JOHN K. JEFFERS. C I. C. GEORGIA; Gibb County. 1130 L LED before me, L. C. Lances- J_ ter. a Justice of the Peace in t>'d for the 520th Comr.nny District, G. IJ., by Jos Sorrel Mare MULE, ►tippnsed to be 14 or 15 years old. 4 feet 4 inches lilgh ; appraised by Lsaiah Ford and Daniel Skipper, to be worth 8-0; this 25th January. 1844. L. C. LANCASTER. J. P. A true extract from tbe Estrny Book, this 6th Feb.1844. 20 at JOHN E. JEFFERS. C. I. C. Fos* 5>rcsses4 A FEW pieces BALZARRINE. which are very bandsome, received this iiiorniiig at Feb 8 20 CRANE S CLARK'S. iNDlN "SPRING HOTEL JL|A Fov S.tlc or Rent. I....„.M.-.. mmtjm»V " be always observed tuat tne servants would ebeat tneir ain(J „ ie ell!|r( . Funiiture n f, lie House, which is ample far the EMabliriiment. Any per«i»n wishing lo purrhnse or rent this Establishment, will it ake anpliratinn before the first of May. or it will he kepi as usual by the auhwriher My only object in ►eiling or renting, is, that it wilLbe ne cessary lor me to be absent a port «»n of tbe next watering *ensnn. I will if necessary, let a few valuable HOUSE SERVANTS go with tho property. Il is unnecessary to make any statements about the Hotel as. wbe:i application is made t*»buy nr rent, I will shew the cash receipt# of the Establishment, for the last hich is the best criterion to judge from. Feb 13, 1844 SO 4t HENRY DILLON GUN-SMITHING. rilHE subscriber would inform tbe citizens of Mo -on mid S tbe public Tcnerallv. tlmt It* lias taken tbe stand knov n as the old Post-Office, on Mulberry street, one door fr-irf B. 8. Newcomb & Co’s. Eating House and Bowhni A-Ioy j, where he is prepated todoa’l kinds ofworK in tue a jiivc business, in a sunerir stvle. It ides made 10 order, and r. er- ranted. D-mb’e Guns restocked, and all Kinds of repairing doar with despatch. ' T ^.- lie has nls't on Itand, a few fine DOUBLE GENr-tTf:- fle POWDER of a superior quality; Gl N POV5 DE Rt SHOT.of all sizes; Baldwin', Elastic GUN WADDiNu; plain PERCUSSION CAPS; soiit and ribbed dr ; a!k- e-'s best English Caps; POWDER FLASKS; ."1.0 x POUCHES: “and all articles usually kept in the ae ; «rmcH will be sold low for cash. "• ®- ROGER.-. Macon. Jan 30. 1644 43 &rG@ds! NEW GOODS!! T HE Subscribers nre now receiving a general tssorr. ment i f staple and fanev DRY-GOODS, ot gie latent style and patterns, whirli they offer for tale atfair prices,in brick building one door from Washington Hal!. Sent-25 5'2 GKO. W. PRICE ll CO. II H. & ,T. COWLES, AVE now on ltati Messrs. .1 II. Iln*! Plamets' Supplies, coni formerly occupied by tenet al assortment of Front I-'Iot-ifln. By the steam packet St. Matthews, Capt. MeNelty, we have receded St. Augustine and Jacksonville papers ofthe 3d insL—contents anticipated, and the Herald of the 5th inst. We regretto learn by her that D Church, of St. Marys, was found drowned near his residence i-n Tuesday morn ing last. He was missed on Mr nday evening and search made after lain, but without success, until Tuesday, when his body was found. It is supposed that he drowned him self on account of his pecuniary affairs, as when his body was recovered bis pockets were filled with stones- Deapernte Affray. A private letier received yesterday by a gentleman in Lieutenants{H Seijeant Majors; 14 Quartermaster Ser- this city, from Springfield, Green county, Ala.,and bearing •cants- 6!W Aerueama; 560 Cor,--orala; 3tt-2 Musicians; 100 date Jau 23tli. giving the p trticulars of a desperate and fa- farmer* blacksmiths, and artificers; 6.040 privates—in all tal affray, which occnred in that town a few days previous. farmers, blaoksmilhs, 8.613. . The Georgia Volcano—a Hoax. It at>;iea>a from the annexed letter from a gentleman of CUtksvillc. that the doubts we expressed in copying the notice of the volcanic mountain were but too well found- CLAtt.WiLtB. Ga., Jan. 26. Afrssr*. Editors:—1 write you liar me purpose <>f cor- tecung a verv egregious error l see t.-aveHm* the rouml.of the ttupers, in relation to a iiurningor ' olcanic MonnUtn IU Rabat! county. Ga. !«is all a humbug. Ih*'»C nothing more than a tradition preserved ie tlte memory «>.* * n old lady ot that enuniy. who told one of our citizens, that many years ,„o. lights and smoke were seen of daik niehJs. on the nfnuntain aide This was communicated to "W, the A qua: rel arose at a race between two persons named Meadow,, and Thomas Crawford, concerning the race, du ring which, the Uuer call-d tlte former ‘*aliar.” when Crawford drew a pistol, and shot bis opponent through the lungs. Killing him instantly. Meadow's brother bearing the report of the pistol and learning wiio was the victim, rush ed into the crowd, with a drawn bowie knife, hewing his way tn the spot, and in his progress lieu tally wounding sev eral of those in his way, and advancing upon Crawford plunged it into his breast. Craw ford fell dead on the spot, and tlte tuurdeier escaped. At the last accounts he was atilt at large.—Mobile Herald. illiftt-ty and Death. The New York Evening Post of Monday says \Ve are informed that twelve dead bodies have been n|IIUHI«t" «*«».»- - »• -* , . « vvx. respondrulof the Athens Banner, whou is known, het'e lull ; received from the Dead House in the Park, this morning, a fine imagination ; and from his creative genius sprang the „f |j ieul were tnen who have been found dead in various the thousand other mountains around us. This article is onlv written for ••truth'ssake." Yonra, 4 ^ HUTJJ Bice Mill Dcutroye’it. The Charle.ton Courier, of t1*e 5th inst.. says—"We learn from Captain Marshall.of the steamer Vandetbill.that Potter A: Wade’s Hire Mill, at Wilmington. N. C . wasdr- tlte nct'e—aries ot lilt*. It is an awful comment on the une qual disi’i button of wealth; but Dr. Young says. "Look into ,(,,** v nu eg.I unfortunate, and closer viewed, you will fintl thev tire unwise " Poverty it frequently the result of bad habits. But are we all •rcouutable for these habit*. more than the chi.M o the Esquimaux far the tendency ot — , -- .. hi* appetl es.and ih" otft-ii-iceness «d hi* t:nstotn*7 Pee stroxedhv fire on Friday morning last, together wtth up- baps what mo-.tdemai.ds.••reytppu'liy and aid tn die wards of 12.000 hushe's of Rice, iu tlte rough. The prop- (HU><[llL>lr Terv creill wine «>t properfaste and tetaper.the 1 em a short time sinct, was valued at $14,000. on which tlte’re was but $3,000 insurance at the time of its destruc- lion. Queer Action for a Malicious Proaeculiou. A case of this kind wav lately tried before the Utfitt-.j > Strt-s C-urt in Sa'eni.(Mass.) in wliicit tltejury returned a vetdirtuf 8*58. This tet on was bniueft l>y Mist 8arah Blanchard, of Marblehead against John Lovett, of Bevcr n t_ recover damage, fur huviag procured a warrant and * ,u * the plahtriua bouse to be searened for stolen mo nrv wbi h was taken from the 8a!em Dep 4 la*, spri-e. Tlte esse "tew out of same mc-nteiie experiments. The sub- iert declared the pro;*«ty would be found in the lady s pre mises, and for his reason a starch warrant was obtained. i ■hirh to tlegrade them, and too often diminisit our sympathi s.— L S. Gazelle. Mnddeii L'enlh. Mr. Murray Reed, a worthy citizen, was on horseback yesterday, attending towdait cs* *"r a' widow- !idi. when lie Snddrniv diaoi.unted. and remarking to a centleman in com- pstn - Jean go tin futther.’’ fell and expired it is su- p • -ed'iltai Mr. Reed died o! an i.ffeni"i. the heart, he nvv inc been fa-some lime afflicted wittlbm disease; anti Ia-t Pnbbatb. it was. we tram, with d.fficulty that lie re-tchetl home fmm bW p'tre of -st.rship. He was an exemplary member of tbe Methodist Church and one of God s noblest work*— an honest man--~h£avjnn(ih Gsor^uzn^ 7tn inst. MARRIEDi In Junes roomy.on the lGtn ult. bv the Rev. Mr. Ber- den Mr. JOSEPH STILES, to Miss MARTHA ANN (STRIPLING. hi J me* county, on the t*t itut. bv Esq. Besden, Mr. J. J. Aliss ELIZABETH SUMMERS. In ite letin-t.bvtne Rev Mr. Neufville. HENRY It. JACKSON. Esq to Mim CORNELIA A . only daughter of die late Fault Davenport, all nfSavaiinah. On tlte 29th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Sweat. Mr. M. C. HEN RY, of Charleston S C. to Mis* SUSANNAH IS., daugh ter ol'lhe late Mf. JAMES NOCK, of Savannah. In Morgan county, on the 25th ult. bv the Rev. E. L Wittteh. Mr. PLINY HRAWNER. to'Miss MARIA N. \Vh>T. In Athens, on the 31st oil. bv tlte Rev. Mr. Hoyt, Mr. STEPHEN C. TAL.MAbGk.of Monticello.Ga. to Miss. CYNTHIA, daughter of Co-tger, of Athens. In Madison county, on the 23th ult. ov the Rev. D. W. Pattman. Mi. WILLIAM M. GATHKIGHT.V Jackson county, to Miss ELIZABETH STRICKLAND, of the fertuer place. On the 28th tilt, by the Hon. Janies W.Gndkin. JAMES RltRK. Esq. ol Greene rountv. to Mi-s MARTHA A. KING, daughter of Jos. King, formerly of Greene county. In Hancjck county, on tbe '25th ult. hv James A. R. Kennedy, Esq. Mr WILLIAM C SMITH, to Miss MARTHA, daughter of Thomas W. Burton. Esq all ol said county. In Pulaski conntv, on the 13th ult. by the Rev. David Smith, Mr. SAMUEL POWELL, to Miss HARRIET PACE, daughter of William Pnce, Esq. In Pulaski county, on the 18ih ult. hv John Lee. Esq. Mr. JAS. DYKS. to Miss HARRIET McDANIEL. daugh ter of the Rev. Archibald McDaniel In Pulaski county, on the2!-th ult. by John Lee. Esq. Mr. JAMES BRYANT, of Barber county. Ala. to Miss MAR GARET McDANIEL. daughter of the Rev. Archibald McDaniel. In Pulaski county, on the Ifith ult. bv James Hensnn, Esq Mr.GIDEON Miss PENELOPE AD AMS. daughter of Berry Adams. Esq. In Oglethorpe rount\.on the 1st inst. bv the Rev. Joslnta Glenn. J. H. ECHOLS. E«p to Miw MARTHA E, daughter of Robert S. Smith. In Talbot connty. 6a on the 1st inst Mr. GEORGE W. .Miss EVELINE MAINES. Notice. D URING my temporary absence from the City of Ma con. Mr. G’f.okce Ro'binso.x wil! act as my Attorney in Fact, in all matters concerning my business. Macon. Jsn 31.1844 19 3. JAS. H. JENKINS. More Prizes than Blanks GROCERIES, STAPLE DRY-GOOSS, HARDWARE, SHOES, &*• See. Macon. Oet 25. 1843 U.VPARALLELED & l'\E\ tSPIED SPEED IN OBTAINING LARGE AND BRILLIANT )[i]ITI T i] e i b Can be learned, by investing in the 111 DIED; Near Rlnnntsvi’le. -Tone, county, on the 25th ult. Mrs. ASBNBTH S. MILLER, in the 61th yeur of her age, widow of the late John J Miller. Council Chamber, I MACON. Feb. 9, 1841. j ItEGULAIt MEETING. Present— The Mayor. Ahl. Collin*. Ryhtuder. Rots, Freeman, Ellis, D-n'on. Absent—Aid. Holmes. Il ian. The minutes ofthe last regular meeting were read and confirmed The Tax Ordinance for 1844. was read first time. John P Gavan’s Bund, as Vendue Master, was present- ed and approved. 0. Crawford's bill for burying Wm. Lefever, a pauper, amount 38, was passed. Tlte Finance Committee Report having Dr. George A. Winn, for l’iaitk t - tl or tit the Bridge, for Post or White 0 tk. at $20 pe- 1,000 feet. An Ordinance to amend tbe Ordinance regulating tbe mar- et. wa* reao fir-t fine. Council then adjourned. ATT1ST. A R. FREEMAN. C. C. contracted with lie upper side of TO BE DRAWN IN THIS CITY! TO.JKORROW; February 14, At the late unfortunate Ocmulgee Bank—row the most Lucky & Prize-imying- Lottery institution in the United States. GEORGIA LITERATURE ILs ’□37^THTLaz: CLASS C. TO 11E DRAWN IN THIS CITY TO MORROW'. NEW STORE- THOMAS L. ROSS, ^gent* Corner of Cotton Avenrrf and Cherry slreelf ¥ ¥ AS jiwr r«*reivt*<i a choice •elec-imti nf 11 (iROC PRIES, Conaixtingof Sucar. Coffee. CMlt. Iron, Nails Baniog. Rop5, Rum. Gin Wliickev. Tobacco. M"iasses, Loaf caglT, Itai* sins. Irish Potatoes. GrindulirtMM, 4c. «Scc. He will also keep on ha**), a tn*o<| Slock of PRoyiMVD.ifs, Sii**haaCftna1. Baltimore, and Country FLOUR; Itice, Meal. Coni, and B.icon; and is determined to sell as low as anv house ih the place. Macon. Fel» 6. 1844. W - -V t Sakai 'vrtP i t HE undoesigood have coinniem cd ihe I tmve. in connection witli their CLO PH-' ING BUSINESS, ami are prepared ufacture Clothing, of every kind, in the latest style, and at the shortest notice. Tite ext !n- sive etrcntioti of otie of tlte firm, will be given to this, branch of llteir Business, and vinca experience, they believe, will enable them tn give entire satisfaction. They will at all titiie.i Imre in their employ the. best workmen ; nrd will be supplied from New York and Pit'll 1" delphia. with whatever may be of interest to the fashiona ble world. The patronage of the public is tespectfuJQy so licited J. A E. SAULSBURY. Macon, Dee 12, 1843 11 JAttES PJIAr.KN A- CO. ITInnascra. 1 Prize of $12,000 1 do do 5,000 1 do do 3,000 1 do do 2,000 \ do do 1,425 4 do do i ,200; i do do 1,100 10 do do 1,000 m SI 27 iff © & V X Ts (V SISfS, H A v £ cons> atstlv on hand, and offer fi r Bale at p rice* * ns low as < tn be purchased in the southern country, a plendid assortment of PIANO-FORTES, from the Celebrated and Ions established Manufartnrie* o’ O'-Af'Mr301.i\ :.'Ii J. CflilCKEklNG. The we.1 knnwr. r>j)utatinn of these Manufactories pro eludes the necrsMt,- Of cotiraienting upon the tziv!li • ce their iustrianents. which have stood .ite test of every c! 1 mate, for many years. A L A R G E ASSORTMENT OF Vioi.i.v- at rf st it: u e.t ft JB8. i t < ,.r t , TBOSBOKI 8, Till IIJPI ’IS. 1(4' 1 M«, GLAUlO.M Tfl, I I-iM (Mils. JF11-' li.*>, Ac. At. Ac. Besides a host of snrriler amount*, from §5 down to $12. Packages warranted to draw at least one-half. TICKETS $4.00—Shares in proportion. and oil.t nnd For Clr r Vi.-lin Bi Buckwheat, Dry and t ickled Codfish, &c. Feb 13 20 For sale by H. C. FREEMAN* Whiskey and Rum. BL^. Whiskey, 50 h!.«. Rnm, ItJ 1G0 haps Coffee. 10 lids. 50 bfa. flour, For wle by I-eb 13 30 H. C. FREEMAN. [C7* Persons frnm tbe country wisltiug Ti'-kstt, and rot in time for this Lottery, can order iminedia.ely. ami will be furnished with Tickets in CLASS D. to be drawn at Ma con. on the 28th inst. Result of Draw ing forwarded imme diately by mail, to all who order. ALSO, Classes <>7 and 68, WITH CAPITAL PRIZES OF 6.000 DOLLARS, 5.000 DOLLARS, To be drawn nt Aug-sta, Tuesday and Friday. TICKETS $2 ami $1—Shares tt propi rtirn. Orders promptly attended tn. Fora lilitiotidi pariicttlars. see Managers'Official ScLem at tny Office. GEORGE ROBINPON. Agent Fab 13 *o F or Maaagere. Violin, Guitar, Tunihj; Hammer* i per,ifec. Ac. forming tv I merchandize, act can 1 ? As they import dir.? enabled t«* sell ibeir gf c B. Ac V. have in ail I ment ofPOBEIGJV (IJ’Music sold at reduced pvkt s- (Cr*Terms Lash. I May 17. 1842. 33 Ju«>t Received, "from" tl'ic Mauufactm s at the very lowest pi inn to their catalog in MUSIC. ! 10 HRS. 10ft ba St. Cr L’fi prtit nix Sugar, ne Rio Coffee. ! 40 bl fi.Unfit till Km ... ‘.Oh! c . metif. ed Wltfa | 20 d. n -lenr kfa Git i, ro d .i CAN AL FI,( : 200 s. srkti S ALT. 50,1 r -CAS TING 8i ^ 200011 •s. old Irish l'i att.t •S, But-kwht It te Flour. - H. C. FREEMAN. (rentfcnit il’s 4 ioih Cfo.ftlks. J UST He.-eived a hands, me iuBsorin ♦ i t of Genth m*’ Circular Cloth Clocks. (B/o«d^rV «rvJep F«r >■ , by J, -SAULSBURY i Dm i It