Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, February 13, 1844, Image 4

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TEIE MACOrN GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. iJuWfc Sales. Dooly .llnrch SnlM. W ILE be told, on die tirat TucsJsy in MARCH next, before tlie Court-Hoiae door in Vienne, Dooly coun ty, within the legal hours of sslu, ' Lot of Land No. 1J1, in the Mth District of said county: levied on a* the properly of William Roberta, by virtue ol two J ustice’s Court li fas in favor of (jeorge Hargrove vs. William Roberta. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, Lot of Land No. 205, in the 7lh District of said county; levied on as the property of Wesley Doughtrey, by virtue of a fi fa in favor of Charles Guyton and Moses Guyton vs. Wesley Doughtrey. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, foor Negroes, vit: Louisa, Marta, Nelson, and a child; levied on as the property of Reuben K. Brown, by virtue offi las in favor of James White vs. Reuben E. Brown; Joseph E. McCoy vs. ssid Brown; Uaslatn, I’nee A Co. vs. Reuben E. Brown, and another; Isaac Newell vs. Henbcn K Brown and David C. Campbell, security on the stay of execution. ... Alan, one House and Lot, in the town of Vienna; levied on aa the property of John M. Bottom, by virtue of a li fa in favor of Luther Roll va. John M. Bottom. Said Houae and Lot is at present occuoied by said Bottom as a grocery atore. Alao, ene t.ot of Land. No. 95. in the 11th District of Dooly county; levied on by virtue of a fi fa in favor of Ca leb M. Norwood vs. Joseph Davis and Samuel Story, aa the £ rope tty of said Davis. Levied on and turned over to me y the former Sheriff, Thomas W. Pettee. Also, four Lots of Land, in the 5d District, No. not known, but the Plantation whereon William P. Caoaseaux now re sides; and two Negro Women and 7 children, named Pa- melia, Mahalia, Dennis Henry. Jim, Parris, Sam, Abram, and Sandy; all levied on as the property of Vi, lUtjm P. virtue of sundry ft fas in favor or Wiley Kent vs. William P. Csusseaux and Jamea Gan.ble. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Jan 26 18 YOUNG P. OUTLAW, Shff. Will be told, at the same time and place, Lou of Land Nos. 8 and 36, in the 6th District of Dooly county; levied on as the property of Alexander Bustle, or bis cliim or interest therein ; levied on as tiro property of said Bustle, bv virtue of a Justice's Court fi fa in favor or Abraham Y. reavey va. Alexander Bustle. Levy made and returned tome by a constable. _ J Alao, the interest of Thomas Bembry in and to Lot of Land No. 50. in the 7th District ol said county; Ifviedon by virtue of a fi fa in favor of Thomas M. Gatlin vs. Tho tnas Bembry. ... M Also, ISO acres of Land, more or leas, ttbetitg partot Lo of Land No. 119. (the South aide of said Lot.) in the 1st Dta trict of said county, with a Grist Mill thereon ; levied on as the property oi Hugh Smith, by virtue of fi fas \\ UUW M. Livingston va. Hugh Smith: John B. Wright va. Hugh Smith and William Livingaton. for the uae ol David AV. Culpepper. Property pointed out by said Uultiepper. Jan 20 18 WM.FARNELL. D. Shff- fttftttc Sales* KotCccs. I TIOUR, months after dale, application will be made totlio ' Inferior Court of Jones cuunty, when sitting for ordi. m mmk' " (Maj Ailniiui-lrntoi»’ .Sale, H Y virtue of an order of the Inferior Coart ol Twi„„_ — . ltf . county, when siaing for ordinary purposes, will be nary purjxisea. for leave to sell two Negroes, (Major and sold, on the'first Tuesday in A PRIL next, before the Court- Beuy,) belonging to the Estate of Reuben Roberts, deceas- House door, in the City of Macon, Bibb county, within the ed. late ol said county. Sold for the purpose of making legal hours of aale, 73 acres of Pine Land, whereon Hiram distribution among die Legatees named in his Will, as en- M. Allen now lives, in Bibb rounty, eight miles heluw Ma- titled to distributive share thereof. con.on the Marion road. Also. 177 acres of Swamp Land. Dec 19 12 LUKE ROBERTS, Qualified Exr. adjoining Newman lingers and H. M. Allen on two aides. XT!OUR monthTafter d»te. application will be made to and «he Ocmolgee river on the West side, about eight mi, t“.tg' the Inferior Court of Houston comity, when sitting for front Macon. The first named Land has about 15 acres ' ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Wil- cleared, on which is the necessary buildings for a small j; am H. Rudd, deceased, late of said county, family. The last named Land has 35 nr 40 acres cleared, | j ln a j 0 MORTEN N. BURCH. Admr. drugs, it tiiiaiws, Ac. M of the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. ISH AM Q. ANDREWS. ) V ,_v" JOSEPH B. ANDREWS, 1 Admr * Jan 30 18 AdiniuisIrntorM’ Sale. \7ffTILL be sold, on the firat Tuesday in APRIL next. ▼ ▼ before the Court-House door, in Vienna, Dooly county, within the legal hours of sale, all the Real Estate belonging to Hardy Royal, Jr. deceased, late of said coun ty. Sohf under an order of the Inferior Court of said coun ty, while sitting for otdinory put poses. Terms on the day. MOSES PIPKIN. Jan 30 18 JOHN C. ROYAL, { Artnl,r * Atliiiinislrnior’a stale- INFILL be sold, on >be first Tuesday in APRIL next, T T before the Court-House door in Vienna. Dooly coun ty. within the legal hours of aale, one Lot of Land. No. 17, in the 1st District of Dooly county, containing 202J acres, more or less, belonging to the Estate of Thomas Knight, de ceased. late of said county. Bold agreeably to an order of the Inferior Coart of Dooly county, when sitting lor ordiuary purposes. Terms made known on the day. Jan 30 19 WM. M. 8. HOUGHTON. Admr. Dooly march Sale. W ILL be told, before the Court House door, in Vien- nn. Dooly county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, 5,000 lbs. of Seed Colton, more or less; levied on as the property of Willis Pope, to satisfy one fi fa in favor of William Blanchard vs. W illis Pope. Property pointed out ■aid Blanchard. JAS. G. OLIVER, D. SbflT. Jan 30 18 . Dooly .llarch illarlgnge Male. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court-House door in Vienna, Dooly coun ty. within the legal boars of sale. Two Negroes: John, a man, about 25 years old. and Min ty, a woman. about 45 or 50 years old; levied on as the p'roperty of Alexander Mtriwether, to sati.-fy one mortgage fi fa issued from Dooly Inferior Court, in lavor of Henry C. Faqua vs. Alexander Meriwether. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. Dec 19 11 THOMAS W. PETTEE. Shff. . Feb 6, 1944 £. 2tf. WSZTTIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACOX. GEORGIA. 19 JOSEPH IS. CXrAPP, Attorney nt I,axv, Vienna, Dooly county. May 10.32 Georgia. Jan 25 j. s. ATTORNEY AT I.AW, PERRY. GEO. FAMB&O 6l srSAR, ATTORNEYS AT LA IV, FORSYTH, MOXROE COUXTY. GA June 15 * 37 the honorable Inferior Court of Butts county, wlteo ait ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes lielonging ui the Estate of John A. Malone, deceas ed, late of Butts countv. MARTHA MALONE, Ex’rx. THOMAS B. BURFORD, | Exrj Oct 17 BRITTON BUTTRILL. r OUR months after dale, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Twiggs county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all thn Lands belonging to the Estate of Robins Andrews, deceased, late of Twiggs county. ISHAM G. ANuRKWS,? , , Oct 10 2 JOS. B. ANDREWS. J Admrs S,'OUlt months after date, application will be made to § the honorable Inferior Court of Pulaski county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the Estate of Hugh Carr, deceased—for the benefit of the heirs. JOSEPH N. CARR, Admr. Nov 14 7 F OUR months after dale, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Houston county, when sit ting for ordinary pur|x>ses, for leave to sell all the Lsnds belonging to the Estate of Caroline and J. J. Barrow, mi nors and orphans of William Barrow, deceased, late of Pu laski county. GEO. B. McCOLLUM, Guardian. N « 28 £ F OU li months afterdate, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Upson county, when sitting for ordi* nary purposes, forleave to sell the Laud and Negroes be longing to the Estate of Wiley Dean, deceased, late of said county. Feb6 19 WM. McKINNEY, Admr. TTIOUR months after date, applwatinn will be made to the _T Inferior Court of Dooly county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, forleave to sell all the Lands belonging to tbe'Estate of Jamea Powell, deceased, late of said county. Feb 6 19 AMBROSE POWELL. Admr. A FRESH SUPPLY, just received by J. IK. & IV. ». JEIjLIS. Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. Among which are the following MEDICINES, dec.:] Sulphate Quinine (French)' Cantbaridea Sulphate Morphine Acetate do 1 740UR months after date, application will be made to the , Inferior Court of Houston county, when sitting for or- d nary purposes, for leave to sell a portion of the Land and Negroes belonging to the Estate of Thomas Woodard, de cease**. late of said countv. . Feb 6 19 SYLVAXU3 S. BRYAN, Admr. G EO RGIA, Dooly County.—W liereas. Elizabeth Ward applies to me for letter* of Administration on the Es tate of Eltalia Ward, deceased, late of said county: These are, therefore to rite and admonish all and singu lar, the kiudred and creditor* of said derensed, to be and appear at ray office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any they have.) wliv said letters should not be grante 1 (j.veu under niv hand, this 9th Jan. 1844. 17 JOSEPH B. CLAPP, cco Houston march Males. YA7TLL be aold.on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, ▼ T before the Court-House door in Perry, Houston county, within the legal hours of sale. Lot of Land No 129, In the 10th District of said county; levied on aa the property of John Gilbert and Thomas J. Gilbert, to satisfy sundry fi fsa from the Justice’s Court of the 771st District, G. M.. in favor of George Walker vs. Mid John Gilbert and Thomas J. Gilbert. Property joint ed out by the plaintiff. Levy made and returned to me by e constable. Also, Lot of Lsnd No. 23. in the 5th District of said conn- tv; levied on aa the property of James H. Holt and Mary fi. Morris, to satisfy one fi fa from the Justice’s Court of the 771st District. G. M.,infavorof Daniel Allman va. said Jamea II. Holt and Mary D. Morris. Levy made and re turned to me by a constable. Alan, Lot No. 140. in the 13th District of said county; levied on as the property of Turner G. Pierce, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Justice's Court of said county, in favor of Amos Lassiter, assignee of Allen E Barton, plaintiff in said fi fas. vs. said Pierce. Levy made and returned to mo by a constable. Also, one Lot of Land, whereon Simon Dupree now lives, No. not recollected; levied on aa the property of said Du pree. to Mtiafy a fi fa from the Superior Court of said coon- »y, in favor of John Lamar vs. said Dupree. Alao. one Negro Girl, by the uatne of Eliza; levied on aa the property of William T. Brown, to satisfy one fi la from the inferior Court of said county, in favor of Kelly A Rice va. said Brown. Alao. one two acre Town Lot, in Fort Valley, in said county, well improved, now in the possession of Joseph Tooke; levied on aa the property of Wareham B. Daniels, to satisfy one fi fa from a Justice’s Court of said countv. in favor of Hiram Dunbar, bearer, vs. said Wareham B. Dan iels. Levy made and teturned to me by a constable. Alao, 11 head of Sheep, 1 Ox Cart, and 306 bushels Cora, more or less; all levied nn by virtueofan attachment in fa vor of Samuel Clark vs. Drewry Clark—returnable to Hona- ton Inferior Court, July Term, 1843; and to be sold in obe dience to an order of said Court. Also, Lots of Land Nos. 2 and 31, in the 10th District of Houston county, well improved; levied nn as the property of Stephen R. Ham, to Mtiafy sundry fi fas from a Justice's Coart of Mid county of Houston, in favor of James Hardison ▼s. Mid Ham. Levy made and returned to me by a con- •table. Also, one Lot of Land, No. not known, whereon Henry J. Engt am now lives; levied on as his property, by virtue of two fi fss from Houston Saperior Court, one in favor of Bry ant Batton, and one in favor of James T- Thomson vs. said Engrain. Alao, Lot of Land No. 153, in the lOtU District of said county; levied on as the property of Jobu Rowland, lo sat isfy a fi fa issued from a Justice's Court of Laurens county, in favor of Adam Hunter, transferred to W. H. Calhoun. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, the undivided half of Lou of Land Nos. 280, 287. and a part of Lot No. 303, in the 13th District of Houston county; leried on aa the property of Alexander J. Nowland, to satisfy sundry fi fai from the Justices' Courts of the county of Bcrke, in said 8tate; two of said fi fas in fsvorof L. P. Brown vs. Mid Nowland ; four in favor of Mark Tar ver va. Jamea M. Dye. trustee for Alexander J. Nowland; and three in favor of Cyrus Hudson, for the use of Mark Tarver va. Jamea M. Dye, trustee for Alexander J. Now land. Levies made and returned to me by constables of said connty of Houston. Jts'JS 18 WM. HERRINGTON, Shff. I T is well known that Lakdreth’s Gardes Seeds arc superior to all others. The credit which these Seed* sustains, and the yearly increasing demand, is satisfactory evidence of approval. A supply of the above Seed*,of the growth of 184.3. tost received and lor sale by GEORGE PAYNE, who is Agent for the same. Jan 2 14 4m ( 1 EOKGIA. Dooly County.—Whereas. Matthew Floyd K and Ci'riaiian Williams apply »o me for letter* of Ad ministration on the Estate of Robert Williams, deceased, late of said county: These are. therefore, to cite anil admonish all and singu lar. the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be ami appear at my office, witliiu the time prescribed by law, to anew cause.’(if any they have.) wiivsinl letter* should not be granted. Giwe’u under mv hand, this 9th Jan. 1344. 17 JOSEPH B. CLAPP.ccc SHAKER A GENERAL assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, war ranted to germinate, received and for vale by J H. A W. S. ELLIS. Cotton Avenue. Jan. 26 15 jg?- E2IZL GJ-CSSsS 5311 W ARRANTED genuine, and the Growth of 1843. from tlie celebrated Seed Garden of Wethersfield , Conn. These Seeds are raised witlt the greatest care and atten tion ; and nut up in the neatest manner, with printed direc tion* for cultivating soil, best adapted to each kind. Ac. Foraaieby HARVEY SIIOTWELL. Jan 16 16 AdiniaiNtrntor’n Mule- ► V virtue ol'an order of the hownrablc Inferior Court of ► Houston county, when silling for ordinary purposes, will be aold.on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court-House door in Vienna. Dooly county, within the legal hours of Mle, Lot of Land No. 39, in the 6th District of Dooly county; belonging to the Estate of John West, de- ceased, late of Houston county. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Mid deceased. Terms on the day. Nov21 8 ISAAC W. WEST. Admr. Administrators’ Male. A GREEABLY to an order ol the Inferior Coart of Twiggs county, when siaing for ordiuary purposes, will be aold.on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court-House door in Marion. Twiggs county, within the legal houra of mIc, all the Lands belonging to the Estate of Robins Andrews, deceased, late of said countv. to wit: 72} acres of LanJ, being a part of Lot No. 180, and 72} acre* on said Lot; 72} acres, being part of Lot* Nos. 120 and 121; 721 acres, being a part of Lot No. 121; 72} acres, whereon John Be-iford now lives ; 72} acres, being a part of Lot Nn. 144; 72} acres, where J. B. Andrews formerly lived ; 72} acres, where J. B. Moon formerly lived; 72} acres, being partofLot No.145; 130 acres, being part of Lot No.144; 130 acres, being part of Lot No. 145; Lot No. 146, 202} a- ere*, swamp| Lot No. 150, 202} acres, swamp; Lot No. 152.202} acres, swamp; 101} acres, known ns the Line Hill half Lot. All the above named Lends, when surveyed, were in the 7th District of originally Baldwin, and 28lh Dis trict of originally Wilkinson, now Twiggs county. The most of the above Lands are tolerably well improved. Terras made known on the day of sale. ISHAM G. ANDREWS, > . , Dee26 13 JOSEPH II. ANDREWS. S ' RAISED BY THE United Society of simkcis. r.nfidtl. Conn T HE inbacriber, having been appointed Agent for the sole of the above, is now opening tin extensive assort ment, selected with much care, and adapted to this maiket. They will be warranted genuine, and entirely the growth of 1843. Also, the GARDENER'S MANUAL, a small Book, but containing much useful knowledge. Pet sous de sirous of supplying themselves, will please call. Also “ The Southern Fanner and Market Gardener,” by Francis A. Holmes, of Charleston. So. Ca. This is a Southern Bonk, for Southern soil and cl mate, ami should be read by all who wish to succeed in enrdenine. Macon. Jan 30 17 J. M. BO ARUM AN. G EORGIA, Houston County.—Whereas, Stephen R- Ham applies to me for letters of Administration tie bo nis non, with the Will annexed, on the Estate of Daniel Clark, Sen- deceased, late of »aid county : These are. therefore, to cite and ndmonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any they have.) why sail) letters should not be granted. Given under tny band, this 22d Jan. 1344. 18 BRYANT BATTON. cco To Debtor* mill Creditor*. * LL persons indebted to the Estate of Reuben Roberts. r\ deceased, late of Jones county, are requested to make immediate payment; and hose having demand* against said Estate, are required to present them agreeable to law. JanlC, 1841 16 LUKE ROBERTS. Exr. To Debtor* aud Creditor*. A LL persons indebted to tlie Estate of Edward Engram. deceased, late of Houston county, are hereby request- ed to make imu ediale payment; and those having demand* against said deceased, will render them in agreeable to law. Jan 16 16 6t CHARLES WEST, Ex’r. To Debtor* ntitl Creditor*. .4 LL persons indebted to the Estate of William H. Rudd, deceased.late of Houston county, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having demand* ugaiusl said Estate, are required to present them agreeable to Uw. MORTEN N. BURCH. Admr. Macon. Ja* 23.1944 17 To Debtor* and Creditor*. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Arthur Bardin, deceased late ol Dooly county, by Note. Account, or otherwise, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having demand* against said Estate, are required to render them in, duly authenticated, in terms of the law. B HANSOM BARDIN,).... Feb 6 19 WM. G. WALDEN. J Auinrs NEW GOODS. 1 A CASES New Style Merrimack Prints, X a t 1,500 piece* assorted Engliab and American Prints, - Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, Tickings, Umbrellas ; Point. Duffil, and Rose Blankets, Striped and Plaid Linseya; Kerseys. Plaid*.and Kentucky Jeans, just received and fur sale bv tlie piece or package, Nov 28 9 SAMUEL J. RAY it CO. To Drbto>» nml Creditor*. 1 LL persons indebted to the Estate of Janies Powell, .'\ deceased, lateof Dooly county, ate hereby requested to make immediate payment; anil those having demands against said Estate, are required to present them agreeable to Jaw, to ms. as Administrator, or Chas l’owell, tny agent. Feb 6 19 AMBROSE POWELL. Admr. Hamilton, HaniesnnR & Co. FACTORS AND General Commission Merchant* SAVANNAH, GBOKRIA. August 29, 1843. 43 THOM AS II. HARD HUT, Commission Merchant, s.iI'./.r.r.m, cbu/.-c/./, ■ S prepared to execute all order* for telling and pureba JL ing Produce, and will make liberal Advances on Prod ace consigned to him for sale. jScfer to—Wm. Hearing A Sons. Charleston. Wil Er, Lane A Co. •• P. A. Lawson. Albany, Ga. R. K. Minks, Km. ” Rka A Cotton. Macon, ■ Chas. Dat it Co- ** Johnson, Joshs A Peck, Griffin, Beck, Dobbin* A Co. Kwbkovgh A Ridoivat, Apalachicola, F ■ Lockhakt A Yoo.vo, •* Augnst 1, 1843. . - • 64 ~jT. S. KALL-sfc CO’S. Illiggp&SS* Simrditin*’ Nnlc« P URSUANT to an order of the Inferior Coart of Hous ton county, when *ming for ordinary purposes, will be told, before the Court-House door in Perry, Houston coun ty. on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, within the lejpil hours of sale, the undivided interest of two-fifths of 135 a cres of Lot of Land No. 34. in the 14th District of said county—belonging to Felix McNair and Frances McNair, orphans of James 3. McNair, d tcensed. To he sold for the benefit of said minor orphans. Term* on the «Jay. GKO. M. DUNCAN.Guardian for Felix McNair. SOLOMON FUDGE. Guardian Dav 12 U for Frances McNair. Sand.*’ Sai*«a{>a2’i!ln, For the removal and permanent cure of all Disease* arising from an Impure State of the blood,or habit of the system, namely : CROFULA. nr King's eviL Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneuu* Eruption*. Pimples, or Pustule* on the face. Blotches, Bile*. Chronic sore eyes. Ring worm. Tetter, Scald Head. Enlargement and paiu of the bones and joint*. Stubborn Ulcers. Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica, nr Lum bago, and Disease* arising from nti Injudicious use »f Mer cury, Ascites, of Dropsy, exposure nr imprudence in life. Alsu, Chronic cnnstimtiunal disorders, wili be removed by this p-eparation WONDERFUL EFFECTS OF SATYDE’ S.IR- NAPAiCHiliA IN NORWICH, CO.VNDC- TICIT. Read the following Irum Mr*. Wm. Phillip*, who has lon^iesided at the Falls. The fact* are well known to ali the old resident* of that part of the city. Mkssiis. A. B. Sands A Co.—Sirs: Most gratefully do I embrace tbi* opportunity for stating to you the great relief I obtained from tlie uae of your Sarsaparilla. I shall also be happy, through vot, to publish to all who are alHicted, as I lately was, the account of my unexpected, and even lor a long time despaired of cure. Mine i* a painful story, and trying aud sickening aa is the narrative of it. for the sake of many who may be so surely relieved. I will briefly yet ac curatrly state it. Nineteen years ago last April, a fit of sicknesa left me with an Erysipelas eruption. Dropsical collections immediately took place over the entire suifaceof my body, causing such an enlargement that it was necessary to add a yard to my dresses around the waist. Next followed upon tny limbs, ulcers painful beyond description. Foryears.both in sum mer and winter; the only mitigation of tny sufferings was f.rand in pouring upon those parts cold water. From my limbs the pain extended over tny whole body—there was literally fortne no rest, by day nr by night. Upon lying down, these pains would shoot through tny system and com pel me to arise, and for hours together, walk the house, so that I was almost entirely deprived ol sleep. During this time the Erysipelas continued active, and tlie ulcers enlar ged, aud. so deeply hive these eaten, that for two anil a half yearsthey have been subject to blee'dllig. During these al most twenty year* 1 have consulted many physician*. These hare called tny disease—as ft was attended with an obstinate cough and a -teady and active pain in tny aide—a dropsical consumption; and though they have been skilful practition ers, they wei e only able to afford inv rase a partial and tent- pornry reliel. I had many other difficulties too complica ted to describe. I have nHg used manvofthe medicines that nave been rec •tninended as infallible cures for this dis ease. yet these all failed, and 1 was most emphatically growing worse. In this critical condition,given up by friend's and expecting for niyaell relief only in death. I was by the kind interposition of Providence, furnished with your, to me, invaluable Sarsaparilla. A single buttle gave me an nssurance of health, which for twenty years I had not once felt. Upon taking the second my enlargement diminished. Colocynth Anodiue Court Plaster Acetic Acid Castor Oil (fresh) Oxalic do Sweet Oil do Citric, do Charcoal, pulvj Prusaic doj, Corks, velvet} Tartaric do' Calomel Ammonia Antimony do (Arom spts) Aloes Antimonials pulv Rheubarb Veratrine Jalap Slrychuune Digitalis, Emetine.* Opium lllteubarbine Prepared Chalk Croton Tiglium’ Acetate Lead Secale Curuutum do Cupri Oil Sinapinc do Zinc Oil Canutaridin Arseniate Potassa Proligenous ActjJj Ether Sulphuric Hydrtatate Patassa do Nitric Pepperine Nitrate Silver Oil black Pepper do Potassa Irish Moss Phosphate Soda Musk do Iron Chloride Soda Citrated Kali Chloride Lima Medical Mustard,in pots Opium denurcotized Cyauuret Potassium Comp. Tonic extract Currageen (prepared) Spigelia comp extract Blue Moss ' Precip_. ext. bark Peruvian do Calisaya do Toxa do Red do Chamomile flowers Senna Uva Ursi Horehound Sage African Cayenne Bayberry bark, powdered Blood root do Colckicum do Golded Seal Slippery Elm, powdered Quassia Gentian, powdered Cort Aitrant do Lobelia and seed Hemlock Skunk Cahbage Squills Gamboge Hops Mezerlum Alkanet root Cort Cassarilla do Sassafras Ladies’Slipper Golden thread Saffron Cinuamnn bark Powdered Ginger Root do Curcuma Mustard seed Mace Cloves Nutmegs Caraway seed Anise do Coriander do Arrow root Aque Fortis Anodyne (Hoffman'a) Borax Fig blue Black Lead Nutgalls Brimstone Alum Blue stone Cochineal Juniper berries Spts Turpentine Cubeb do Venice do Oxide Bismuth Starch Boes-wax Salt Tartai Burgundy Pitch Salt Ammechiae Balsam Copavi Glue do Tolu Rosin do Peru Jujube Paste Black drop PATENT MEDICINES Ac. do do do do do do do ^plphale Iron ao Potassa do Soda do Magnesia Borate Soda” Phosphorus Manna flake Ointment hyd. Pota do Iodine do Veratrine do Itch Oxide Mercury Extract Jalap d«* Butternut do Ilyosciantns Gentian Belladonna Taraxici Rhubarb Nux Vomica Rhatania Cicuta Glycyrrhiza Gum Arabac do Campher do Scammony do Myrrh do Asafoctida' do Guiac Pearl Barley Syringes Honey Otto Roses Magnesia, calc d do carb Isinglass Quicksilver Sedlitz Powders Soda do Saratoga do Sponge Tamarinds Wafers Sarsaparilla Red Precipitate White do Black do Pearl Ash Annntta Indigo, Spanish float Logwood Fustic Copperas Spanish brown]* Venetian red Madder Lee's Pills Opodeldoc Chapman’s anti-dyspectic Peters’ do do Hunter’s Pills Hooper’s do Anderson’s do, British Oil Bateman’s drops Tompson’s Eye-water Godfrey’s Cordial Salts Lemon Worm tea Effervescing Magnesia Botanical drops Swain's Panacea Indian’s do E s. Iceland Moss Cough Mixture Fuid ext Sarsaparilla Syr Liverwort Comp. Sarsap. Cubebs and Comp, fluid ext. Pink Root, by G. W. Carpenter Dalby’s Carminative Bleaching Liquid Mead's Pills Issue Plasters Elixer Life Ginger beer powder Medicated Oil Silk Digestive Elixer Pile remedy Chlorine Tooth-wash Bay Rum Balsam Honey Couch Lozenges Extract Coffee Cullen’s liquid Magnesia Potter's Catholican Rowan’s Tonic Mixture Relfe’s Vegetable Specific Oil Wormseed Ext liuchu Ext Boneset Tonic Extract „ Copavi PERFUMERY AND BRUSHES Ac Hair Powder Almond Paste' Pearl do Ground Paint Brushes Rouge do Sash do Milk of Roses Oval Varnish do Cold Creaut Camel hair do Cream Almond* Badger’s hair do Florida Water, various size* Graining do Cologne do do do Flesh do ass Lavenderdo do do Horse do Hose do do do Hair do Rears’ Oil Nail do Ward’s Hair Oil Comb do Marrow Pomatum Tooth do Orange Flower Water do do silver Macassar Oil Cloth do Spirit of Hose Scrubbing do Camphor Soap Shoe do Musk do Patent feather Brooms Emollient do do do Dusters Windsor do do do Brushes ■lo do Brown Fitch Tools for the | in veil from all those excruciating trail unalleviated pains that Kxrrulor*’ Nulf. \*7TLL be sold, on the first Tnesdav in MARCH next, ? T before the Couri II-um- . j,... r in .) :i< kson. I Inti- r.n.n ty, within the legal hour* of sale, one Lot of Loud. No 171, in the 1st District of origioally Henry now Butt* enuntv.— Also, hall ol Lm No. 150, ui the sum* 1).*trI■ i anti county. Also. Ben, a negro man. about 30 jrearaofngfe; Wilie, 25 years old; Sally a woman, about Ml years-old ; nml Minin, a woman, about S3 years old. Bold by aoortiernf the Infe-' rior Court, when sitting for ordinary purposes,B* the prop- ertyofjohn A, Malone, deceased—for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors. Terms on the day of sale. MARTHA MALONE. Exr’x. . THOMAS B. HI' It Ft) III), 12 BRITTON BUTTRUL, - £u«. DAILY EXPRESS, AND GFJiER\L FORWiRDIXU & COMMISSION IlOUSr. rrtllE Ckntiul Hail Road and Banking Company J. of Georgia having granted to the subserihers the pri vilege of running an EXPRESS over their lload during the present year, with the privilege of an apartment under their own Lock, they oiler superior advantages for the I in pel prompt and safe convoyanre of valuable Articles, Specie, ved f __________ . Ac. Ac. and are in hopes o< being able to make a* arrange- j had afflicted my days, a* well n* robbed me of my night’* ntent with the P(8I Office Department, ly which they will repose. The nlrera upon my limb* are Itealed, the Erysi- be allowed to carry a Mail Bag. 1 pelaa cared, A my sixe reduced nearly do my former mess- They are prepared to receive and forward Goods of all j ure, description*, to and front Savannah aud Macon, and iaterme t Thus much do I feel it a privilege to testify to the efficacy diate place* and between Savannah and Cliaileaton, with : ofyour health restoringSanwpjrilla. A thousand thanks, the greatest safety and despatch; tnd will also pay particq-j air*, from one who tis comfort and whose hope of future lsr attention to the purchase of God is, collection and pay-, health ore due under O'l. to ymr instrumentality. And menls of Drifts. Notes nod Bills, and transacting all kinds of ; may the same Proridgnce t'.at directed me-pjyour aid, businessln the qbove place*, f ' make the happ, art) honored iu -irutneni* of blessing niters. They have also extended their arrangement 40 run their j ns diseased anil despairing as vnttr much relieved and very Express by the S mlliern Boats to Picolata, in Florida, and grateful friend. ASENATH M. PHILLIPS. intermediate places on that route. ] Neiv Lonh-n O. 5;. ,\ -ich, X >\ 4.184a! Wash Ralls Curling fluid Antique Oil ’ e(P, Counter Brushes Hat do Crumb do LipSalve(Persian Otto Rosc)Shaving do Tooth Powder (superior) Erosive do Extract Bergamot do Rose do Musk Honey Water 8having cakes Shaving Oil Powder Puffs and boxes Preston Salts Smelling bottles Tapers Dutch Cologne Atkinson’s Depilatory SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. An Amputating cases Trepanuing Instruments Dissecting do Pocket cases Spring Lancets Evans’ thutnbdo Dentists’ cases Teeth Keys Cupping Glasses do do with air pumt" Gum Elastic Catheters Silver do Seton Needles Spring Lancet blades Tooth claws Gum Lancets Snc Kin- Scales and We Teeth Files 7eights fluid DRUGS. MEB1CIJ\ES. uC. A FRESH SUPPLY, just received Dy HAKVJCY 8UOTWBU., IHuggint, ' Corner oj Mulberry and Third Streets, opposite the Central Hotel, Macon, Ga. Musk, Blue Mass Horehound] Otto Rose Isinglass Sponge, Mace Annato, Copperas Borax, Nutgalls] Rosin Oil Almonds “ Annisede “ Burgamoll “ Cajiput > 11 Cassia " Cloves “ Caraway “ Onganum* “ Audios * Juniper “ LavenderjJ “ Jessamine " Fennel “ Saviue fresh “ Goldwood *• Wormseed “ double Tansey “ Peppermint •* Spearmint “ Tansey pure “ Cedrat •* Croton , “ Sage " PuTegt j “ Sarsafrae Orange “ Cedar “ Black Pepper “ Hemlock “ Spruce " Candiarides “ Tar “ Copavai “ Amber rect *' “ com “ Seneca Rhodium “ Nerole “ Camomile “ Valerian *' Cubebs • Wormwood " Nutmegs " Anniseed Spalalas assorted Syringes „ Trusses " Brushes “ Tooth Brushes' Nail Brushes White Wash dcuNo I, 2, 3 Bot Brushes No 1,2, 3 Flesh do No 1, 2,3 Cloth Brushes, fanev from No 1 to 12 Blacking Brushes assorted Bristol Brick Sheep Skins, extra French No 1, 2 and 3 Almond Paste Antique Oil Balm of Columbia Bears Oil Cream of Amber Cold Cream Cologne Farina “ French " German " American) Extract Milliflores Lip Salve Otto of Roses Macassar Oil Pomatum Pearl Powder Preston Salts Toilet Powder Vegetable Rouge Vinegar Aromatic Eyewater Godfrey’s Cordial Hayes Lirniment Harlem Oil Itch Ooimment Sulphate Quinine do Morphine Acet. Morphine.. Court Plaster Castor Oil Citrated Kali Chloride Soda Senna Alex Cayenne African Indigo Spanish Float Caraway Seed Anodyne Hofiamont Aqua Fortis Juniper Berries Bees Wax Charcoal Pulv. Corks Velvet Calomel Eng. Calomel Am. Croton Tiglium Gum Arabic Gamboge Blue Stone Salts of Tartar Extract Jalap do Lemon, for pies, sauces, Ac-a new and very conve nient article Extract Valerian Accomta Buchu compd Pink Root FI Auguslura Hardback Lettuce M W A M Cort Peru compd Bark Precipitated Nux Vomica Rhubarb Gentian Ratania Dandelion Colocynth pure “ compound Balsam Copavia Hyoscamus Cicuta Stramonium Belladonna Boneset Butternut Glycopt ** refd Eng. Sarsaparilla Herbs Horehound Cleavers Catnip Thorough wort Cicuta Marsh Melon C *1 foot Pirs.ey Snearmint Sturvey Grass Kvazeamous Wormwood Double Tansey Hyssop Horse Radish Ritter Sweet Lemon Sweet Mrajoram Motherwort Penneroyal Sage Cantliarides Fly Stone Colocynth Acetic Acid Sweet Oil Veratrine Shychonine Digitalis Creta prept Irish Muss 1 Oxalic Acid Celtic do I Prussic do Tartaric do Opium Pepperine, Uva Ural Sage. Syrenges Honey, Squills Mezerian Hemlock J Hops . I Saffron Evicuma I Nutmegs WafersJ Cloves Quicksilver Arrowroot Logwood Madder Allum II I 111 OF ALL KIXDS, DONK AT SHORT NOTICE, IN A NEAT STYLE ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS ’ AT THE OFFICE OF THE ’ JHaron (Sronjfa Eclirfiraijfi —scar .ts— PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, LAW BLARKS, HAKOBlUs EC BSE SILLS, IALELSj ‘ ‘ «c Vf*afA£-JI O III- CJEIf Ts &C. &C. &c. * A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF [JUB ILt _/3lL 'WxdT Of use in tins Stnte, printed on fme paper, in legal r* constantly kept on hand, aud for sale at very low ntin.. ’ Macon, June 1, 1843. 38 F MLLIKERI AI*1> fancy GOODS, AND nKJESS JltlKEYG. R3. w. H. HIORRI. 1TJL would respectfully annea*, , to the Ladies of Macon and coumn generally, that she is now opeaia/ on Cotton Avenue, opposite Mes s 4' Scott A Carhart. anti next door to the Messrs. Orrs, an entiri n* Stock of the most Fashionable sod Latest Style of GOODS, adapted to 1 the above Business; all of which has been selected by one I of the best judges in New York City. Great inducements will be held out to purchasers fot CASH ; in considentioa of which, she solicits a share of public patronage. N B.—Orders from Town or Country, thankfully receir. ed and promptly attended to. Her motto will- ever be— "Promptness without delay, and punctuality with despatch.” I Macon, Nov 7. 1843 0 J«>S.& SAUISBCRY, R AVING purchased of Mr. R. W. en tire Stock of ea CLOTHING, CIOTSJS, CASSIMESES, die, re prepares to offer the same at very red need prices for cash The Stock is new, and the Clothing manufactured in the latest style, and in the best manner. They feel warranted in saying, that, as regards variety, quality, ana price, their Stock catinnt be surpassed by any in the city. They have on hand, Gentlemen's soper Beaver and Pilot Cloth je: —so c® rar as, Gentlemen’s super Beaver and Pilot Cloth FROCK COATS, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s super CLOTH CLOAKS, Gentlemen’s Blue. Black. Green, Cadet Mixed Frock and Dress Coats, Gentlemen's super French Cassimere FROCK COATS, Gentlemen’s Cloth. Cassimere. Sattinelt, and Jeans YOUTH'S CLC5SJIB4G, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ; BLUE, BLACK, MIXED, AND FANCY CLOTUS .f.lD CslSSIJIEAlES. Also, a splendid assortment of VESTS, Gloves, Suspeiuleis, Shirts.’ COLLARS, DASDRERCfllEFS, IiOSIERT, TPs^KTKS, CAIiPSS SAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. Ac. Macon, Dec 5. 1843 L O’ The undersigned, having disposed of bis entire stork of CLOTHING to Messrs. J. A E. SAULSBURy.waflJ recommend them to the patronage of liis former ca;- tamers and the poblic general y—believing that their ir- rsngements are snclt as will enable them to offer their Goods at such prices aa to make it 10 the interest »f parr las ers to boy of then.. R. W. MORRIS. Dec 5. 1843 10 3m NEW GOODST »«. N. IA ’ children swear. ALSO. We would particularly call the attention of the citizen! of Macon end its vicinity, to seine extraordinary bargains, in tlie way of rich dark Prints ; 5,000 yards stripe and plaid, new patterns and bighcolorg; 5,000 yards do. slightly im perfect, at fi] cents; 90 doz. Liale Cn’ps. at 12) cents apiece; 60 dozen Lmirn Cambric Hdkfs at 12) cents each; fine Ken tucky Jeans, at 37} cen's; Black Watered Velvets.for lorg Galley Pots assorted Mortars from 1 inch to 12 Medical Spoons Pill Tiles graduated from I inch to 12 Polishing Clay- Putty Knives Anoth’s Scales and Wei-rhf* I tuesy jeans, at -wj cen's; mack watered t civets tor torg Wrickin'- for T -n„,* “ i ’' ,aw ' s an ^ cardinals; Muslin de Loines; < huisas; Change- Extract Roles ‘ able A !l ,a , cc »: Crape Brothel Eoh.ns; Crape Netherlands, Essence of Tyre Florida Water Freckle Wash Hair Oil Ward’r Hungary Water Hair Powder Indian Dye! Kaphttlia Orange Flower "water Fig Blue Bnmstane Starch Glue Antimony Aloes Soot Rhubarb Emetine PATENT lUKmciIVES. British Oil Blue Smalts Balsam Honey Deep Blue Smalts Spice Bitters Red do Bateman’s Drops Green do Butler’s Magnesia 1 Brown do Bailey's Extract Sarsaparilla, Black do anew and superioraiti-Indian Specific cle. used in preference to New England Cough Syrup Opodeldoc Moffat's Pills Phccnix Bitters Jewett’s Pills Dean’s do Davenport’* do Mead’s do Swaim’s Panacea Saratoga Water) Tomato Pills Vermifuge Swam’* Freuch Pills Dt Lopier's Fever and cigue for ladies' dresses; ricli stripe and plaid ffilks. ! The above Goods are more than 25 per cent, cheapert'nia any other Store in the Slate ol Georgia can sell them. CRANE A CLARK. (O’ Store on Mulberry street, under Washington HalL Jan 2.1844 ]4 Drought to Jail, "ff N Houston county, Ga. a Negro Fellow.aged -M about 35 years, who .ays bis i:nme is JKSSE. and that be belongs to \V iiiiaui Tait. of the flute of Alabama lr miles from Greenville, Said Re- I gro is about 5 feel 10 or 11 inches high, and light built. He say* his master’s plantation is on the Alabama river. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, mj I charges, and take him awnv. Jar. 23. 1844 18 WM. HERRINGTON. Shff. all others I Cora Plaster Cephalic Snuff Chemical Pile Ointmen Essence of Peppermint Gordack’s Cordial I Soap Naples Castile White bar Variegated 1 in pots No 1,2, 3 I Haynes’ Pills Beckwith’s do Peters’ do ' Elmore’* do I Meskin’s do Scarificators Alices* Lancets Tonrniqneu The subscribers intend keeping a full assortment of I>rn-r«, JIc«liciiie*,PniHl*,Oii*,!<ll]op-Fiirniti«r<?, Ac., consisting of articles in the line necessary for the sup plv of Physicians, Plantations or Families. They will he supplied with the best that can be selected outof the New mtutcedTakhtg vour STnlSfi ' *** S tvSSSSZST' brdersfromMeroha Specia Bottles from ]pt SdSlbJSh^rof^ n » «"l ever ‘enjnyeti $2 i »"1 "*?»?«- W 1 Cal, °" S rivet health. Besides, 1 was in this short time, relie- Jan 28 31 J. II. A W. S. ELLIS. SI KGiriL IASI ltl illElVTS. Amputating Instruments iu cn- Laticeuts Evan’s best ses “ com shell handles Amputating and Trepaning “ Guin Instruments in cases “ Abscess GE Bougie’s Cupping Instru- “ Cases ments with Scarificator Nursing Ttibeslvory and Five Cupping Glas- Needles Selous ses " Curved Catheters male Nipple Shell* female Pocket Case* containing 22 In- Couching Instruments in on-. struments aes _ Pocket Cases containing 16 In- Cauielar’s double silver Dis- struments secting Instruments in ca-Pocket Cases containing 12 ses ' Instruments Dentist’s Instrum’ts for plug- Probes ging and scaling Pessaries gum elastic Foreept's Midwifery Saws Amputating Dissecting Stethescopes Dressing Scissors straight and curved Bone Stomach Tubes E G Tooth and patterns Tooth Keys ivory handle Glyster Bags with Ivory Pipes spring Hair Lip Pins _ Tooth Keys pivot handle Knives Amputating spring . Cailine ToethKeysivoryhandleliinge Whispering Tubes for deaf fulcrum persuus, a most valuable Tdurnequet article Tooth Files GLASS WAKE, Ac. to 2 Nipple Shells gallons Nursing Bottles $20 KEYYARD. YjANAWAY from the subscriber,lit- XV ing in Perry. Houston countv, on d* 6ih inst. mv Negro Fellow JACK. He is between 5:8 and 30 years of age; about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high* quite square built, * of dark complexion; when *prkei> lohehu somewhat a pleasnm countenance. He had cn. when be left, a Fur Cap and Cloth Frock Coat. lie f<?ok with b:m a knapencl, containing eome two or three suits of cloihef. It may be that some worthless white man has conducted him ofi*. as I know of no cauae, whatever, for his abacoad- w ing—If not. it is highly probable that he may aim to get c>* Pills I ther on some Hail*Honu. or River, as a boat hand, I will GhoJegare’s Perer and Ague I give the above reward of $20, to any pewen who will Pills I prebend him. and .iodpe him in tome mle Jail, so tliat I no get him if taken out of the counties,ol Houston and Kacca; or if taken in either of $aid counties, and delivered to n>* n Perry, I Will pay #20. JAJffi' UOLVKR^KSS. Jan 30 1$ It TIIICEE PI,4A'TATI0ffS FOR SALE, ph ^ ■ mm Tincture Bottles from Jpt to do FJa?ks BONNETS. onthatroutr. They intend to put nn Team*, to run regularly through J from Macon to C"lumbus, under thoirowti charge, to carry all kinds of Merchandize, with all reasonable despatch anil safety,On the t ; r-i i.f Or;■■ tier nn*. SlACOS—tJfliceir/thc IVashinglass Hull. SAVANNAH—Offirr at ,\o. 153 Hay street. DO. S. Phtlbrirk. Agent,for rergitistpand fortrardinp Good sand Me, ,,1 ,<e. CHARLESTON. S. Cc—Amos H ad, Agent, office Ao. 30, East Bay. July 4 40 If M. S. BALL A CO New Lo.nii n C». .«s Personalb- .-ippejrdie above zmnnj.1 Asenadi M. Phillip*, nd made oath of tlie facts contained Vu the foregoing state- teat before me. RUFUS W. MATHEWSON. Justice of the Peace. iiy'acquainie.I with Mrs. nttlUH, I -er e a-serted fact* are .ubstaniiallv trae. WILLIAM II RICHARDS, f thr Gospel at Xorrcich, Conn, • by St VV.S. ELLIS, Agents. 38 Oct 31 rj'HE subscriber has just received . a fresh supply of fine ami fasliion- alde Florence, Tuscan, and Strau■ ROIfiraTM. Also, a few Dolt Parents rich Mou.lin ile Lane; an as- *• r'ment of Elastic and Half ltng Mills; Ilich nod FashionableDrea* Silks, at reducer! prices ; also, one piece Turkv Satin. G. L. WARREN, One door above G. A. Kimberly's. 2 gallons’ Funnels assorted Salt month Bottles Cupping Glasses I Breast Pipes Phials assorted I Urinals Graduate Measures PAINTS. White Lead ground in Oil Drop Blark Fire Insurance. II : ng p"rmi tify that tlie ab< Foi Mi sale at New York prii J.H. 'II'HE Undersigned, Agents for the ./Etna Insurance Company ol Hartford Conn., are prepared to take risks on Buildings, Merchandize in Store and Cotton iu Ware-houses, in the City of Macon and iu vicinity, again* Fire. F*b 7 REA & COTTON, Ag’u 93 ly do do dry Bed Lead Black Lead ! Spanish Brown Venetian Red Yellow Orlire Chrom Yellow Chrome Green Lilherage Prussian Blue Vermillion Verdigris Ivory Black Terra de Senna Hntten Stone Hutch Pink Dose Pink Spanish While Paris White Ttukay Uaab Gum SbeBack Linseed Oil Lamp Oil Train Oil Neat, Foot Oil Spirhs Turpentine Varnish Copal “ Japan “ Black E at her Gold Leaf Silver Leaf Pointce Stone Patent Yellow Chalk Bed do White Putty Carmine Drop Lake Patent Brush and Sash Tal*t I • fall kind* HE PLANTATION in the first District u 1 c 0 ! county, uine miles below Traveller*’ Rest, near tit road to Drayton, known a* Hines’ Pot d Place. It consist* l of 1,100 acres of rei-y sbperior Land—800 under fence, I 01 little of which lia* been cultivated more than three ye** Stables. Ao.' all'new and in fine onlt-g. But few placesbt* e been so thoroughly or well improved, or can oiler eo tntrj inducements to the planter as this—among them, pure fit* stone water, not often found in the lev. country lit of /‘ r ' it has proven entirely healthy, will doubtless ronum* so, as the neighborhood has im many year* l eena.Wsre*- tirely exempt trout ,«?cktiers I , • v. t-limgietWB** or rent.^Xn examine tlie pint e, b\ calling on John S- tnas or William S., Em)s.* residing near, who h’*Ve the plat e shown to them ; or for further par;iru.*r*' the undersigned would re er to T. G. Hilt, Jaw** V** 3 ! Esqs. Dr. C Wert. Marott. or II. K II ■ es. E*«- An**J- A is* 1 , the valuable plantation in r**® Wtidty, 5miles front li i 11 .ami . ' c In.- • Place, containing 1.6Q0 acres of f neLaud. with »ho 01 acres of open Land, a good rotnfortsb.r frame D»eH‘ r f: r ltom-. s,and a two story framed Grist Mill.with two rf ' stones, and a Saw Mill in c< n | lete order. Both M- situated on a nrver fstlioe t-tte.-ut . entirely new. a> 1 ', 111 c , plete repair. This is a derir i ,■ ' 1 y - lt " V', "jpe cannot fail to please sitrh ns nre in pursuit cf a . Plontatien. With a Grift tit.c; Saw Mill, ai d evety thing Inched for the rneyenirree of farming. , 5 Also, the PLANTATION in Monroe eouttiv. " be the Rml erf.titi Piece ID miles tram Macon sd) I ’'. I ’ ;, '; l> , e taodiof NrftdlMji Min > and John Powers. ^ i!> 1 a pJ contains Cl!0 acres of Horn I and. n . -t < fwhii h * ; 0# , under got d fet'i hig.g 11 n fiirmble Dwcllit - N<'C r ",* j or Gin Utilise, Ac Ac. situated no oo elt vatttl .-itc. »" ■ , •100 yards of the Met r< e Rail B< ttd. at .1 c< t>* :,ler ^ tirely healthy. Tltis place, with a little improven r susceptible of being Georgia Forte Or in his absen of the hattf »[ ply t<* .1 t.v 1 - Deax, T (1. Ilot.r. or G.M. I 5 A P. PA Sf BLS. PJEACH BBAiVUY, n genuine •; O sole by JOS. N* ’ Pm lt