Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, February 20, 1844, Image 4

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« mm. mli lim. public Salt&. Doolf .Tlnrrh .Hairs. ^TCTHsli be «o)d, on tbe first Tuesday in MARCH next, ▼ ▼ before the Cojrt-House door in Vienna, Dooly coun «/• within the legal hours of sale, Lot of LaoJ No. 131, in the 14tli Diatrict of saidjeoanty leviej on as ilie property of William Roberts, by virtue of two Justice's Court fi fas in favor of George Hargrove va. William Roberts. Levy made and returned to me by oonstable. Also, Lot of Land Ko. 203, in the 7th District of said county; levied on as the property of Wesley Doughtrey, by virtue of a fi fa in favor of Charles Guyton and Moses Guyton vs. Wesley Doughtrey. Levy made and returned to ute by a constable. Alio, four Negroes, via: Louisa. Maria, Nelson. and child; levied on as the property of Reuben E. llrown, by virtue of fi fas in favor of Jninet White va. Reuben E. Brown; Joseph E. McCoy vs. said Brown; Haslam. Price Jk Co. vs. Reuben E. Brown, and another; Isaac Newell va. Reuben E. Brown and David C. Campbell, security on the stay of execution. Also, one Honse and Lot, in the town of Vienna; levied on as the property of John M. Bottom, by virtue of a fi fa in favor of Luther K ill vs. John M. Bottom. Said House and Lot is at present occupied by said Bottom as a Grocery store Also, ene l.otofLand, No. 93. in the 11th District of Dooly county; levied on by virtue of a fi fa in favor of Ca leb M. Norwood vs. Joseph Davis and Samuel Story, as the property of said Davis. Levied on and turned over to me by the former Sheriff - , Thomas W. Pettee. Also, four Lots of Land, in the 2d District, No. not known but the Plantation whereon William P. Causseaux now re. sides ; and two Negro Women and 7 children, named Pa metis, Mahalia, Dennis. Henry. Jim, Parris, Sam, Abram, and Sandy: all levied on as the properly of William P. Causseaux. by virtue of sundry n fas in favor of Wiley Kent vs. William P. Causseaux and James Gamble. Levy made and retnrned to me by a constable. Jaa 20 13 YOUNG P. OUTLAW, Stiff. Will be told, at the same time and place. Lots of Land Nos. 8 and 36, in the 6th District of Dooly oounty; levied on as the property of Alexander Bustle, or hia claim or interest therein ; levied on as the property of •aid Bustle, bv virtue of a Justice’s Court fi fa in favor of Abraham Y. Feavey vs. Alexander Bustle. Levy made and returned tome by a constable. . . Also, the interest of Thomas Bembry in and (o Lot of Land No. 50, in the 7th District ol said county ; levied on by virtue of a fi fa in favor of Thomas M. Gatlin va. Tbo mas Bembry. Also. 150 acres of Land, more or less, it being part of Lo of Land No. 119, (the South aide of said Lot,) in the lit Dts trict of said county, with a Grist Mill thereon; levied on as the property of Hugh Smith, by virtue of fi fas W illiam M. Livingston vs. Hugh Smith; John B. Wright va. Hugh Smith and William Livingston, for the use of David W. Culpepper. Property pointed out by said Culpepper. Jin 26 18 WM. FARNELL. P. Shff- W 1 , Dooly March Snlc. r ILL be sold, before the Court House door, in Vien na, Dooly county, within the legal houra of sale, on the first Tuesday in APK1L next, 3,000 lbs. of Seed Cotton, more or less; levied on as the property of Willis Pope, to satisfy one fi fa in favor of William Blanchard Vs. Willis Pope. Property pointed out said Blanchard. JA8. G. OLIVER, D. Shff. Jan 30 18 Dooly Mnrch iTIortgnjtc Sale. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court-House door in Vienna, Dooly coun ty, within the legal hours of sale. Two Negroes: John, a man,about 25years old, and Min ty, a woman, about 45 or 50 years old; levied on as the property of Alexander Meriwether, to sati.-fy one mortgage fi fa issued from Dooly Inferior Court, in lavor of Henry C. Faqua vs. Alexander Meriwether. Property pointed out is said mortgage fi fa. Dec 12 ll THOMAS W. PETTEE. Shff. Houston March stales. TV 7" ILL be aoid.on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, T T before the Court-House door in Perry, Houston county, within the legal hours of sale, Lot of Land No 129, In the 10th District of said eounty; levied on as the property of John Gilbert and Thomas J. Gilbert, to satisfy sundry fi fas from the Justice's Court of the 771st District, G. M.. in favor of George Walker vs. said John Gilbert and Thomas J. Gilbert. Property point ed out by the plaintiff. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, Lot of Laud No. 23, in the 5ch District of said coun ty ; levied on as the property of James H. Holt and Mary D. Morris, to satisfy one fi fa from the Justice's Court of the 771st District. G. M.,iu favor of Daniel Altmaft va. said James H. Holt and Mary D. Morris. Levy made and re turned to me by a constable. Alan, Lot No. 140 in the 13th Diatrict of aaid county; levied on as the property of Turner G. Pierce, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Justice’s Conn of said eounty, in favor of Amos Lassiter, assignee of Alleu E Banon, plaintiff in said fi fas. vs. said Pierce. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. ^Also, one Lot ofLand, whereon Simon Dupree now lives, No. not recollected; levied on as the progeny of said Du pree, to satisfy a fi fa from the Superior Coart of said coun ty. in favor of John Lamar va. aaid Dupree. Also, one Negro Girl, oy the name of Elixa; levied on as the property of William T. Brown, to satisfy one fi la from the Inferior Court of said county, in favor of Kelly A Rice ▼a. said Brown. Also, one two-acre Town Lot. in Fort Valley, in said county, welj improved, now in the possession of Joseph Toolte; levied on as the property of Wareham B. Daniels, to satisfy one fi fa from a Justice's Court of aaid countv. in favor of Hiram Dunbar, bearer, va. aaid Wareham B. Dan iels. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, ll head of Sheep, 1 Ox Cart, and 300 bushels Corn, more or less; all levied on by virtue of an attachment in fa- ver of Samuel Clark vs. Drewry Clark—returnable to Hous ton Inferior Court, July Term, 1843; and to be sold in obe dience to an order of said Court. Also, Lots of Land Nos. 2 and 31, in the 10th District of Houston eounty, well improved; levied nn as the property of Stephen R. Ham, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Justice's Court of said county of Houston, in favor of Jamas Hardison vs. said Ham. Levy made and returned to me by a con stable. Alan, one Lot of Land, No. not known, wkereon Henry J. Engi am now lives; levied on as his property, by virtue of two fi fas from Houston Superior Court, one in favor of Bry ant Bauoc, and one in favor of James T. Thomson vs. said Engram. Also, Lot of Land No. 153, in the 10th District of said county; levied on as the property of John Rowland, to sat isfy a fi fa issued from a Justice’s Court of Laurens county, in favor of Adam Hunter, transferred to W, H. Calhoun. Levy made nnd returned to me by a constable. Also, the undivided half of Lota of Land No*. 280, 287. and a part of Lot No. 303, iu the 13th District of Houston Sales* ZLtflal Rollers* DRUGS, M^DICIIVES, &C. ldiuiui>irntoi »* Mule. | |AOUR months after dale, application will be made to the H Y virtue ,nf an order of the Inferior Court ol Twiggs X’ Inferior Court of Jones county, when sitting for ordi- county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be nary purposes, for leave to sell two Negroes, (Major and sold,on the first Tuesday in APRIL next.before the Court- Betty.) belonging to the Estate of Reuben Roberts, deceits- House door, in the City of Macon, Bibb county, within the ed. late of said county. Sold for the purpose of making j legal hours of sale, 75 acres of Pin* Land, whereon Hiram I distribution among the Legatees namedjin his Will, as ~“ M. Allen now lives, in Bibb ronnty, eight miles below Ma- titled to distributive share thereof, con, on the Marion road. Alao, 177 acres of 8wtntp Liod, B i) :i K T9 r Qualified Bxr. adjoining Newmau Rogers and H. M. Allen on two sides, and the Ocmulgee river on the West side, about eight miles . A . tbe i„c er j„ r Court or Houston county from Macon. The first named Land has about 15 acres ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Wil- cleared, on wbiehis the necessary buildings for a small j |j„ ra H.'Kudd, deceased, late of said county. family. The last named Land has 35 or 40 acres cleared, without buildings. All to be sold as the property of Robins Andrews, decea.ed, late of Twiggs county—for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale* ISHAM G. ANDREWS. ) . , ^ AUlUfa Jan 23 10 MORTEN N. BURCH. Admr. Jan 30 18 JOSEPH B. ANDREWS. Administrator.’ Sale. W ILL be aold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next.] before the Court-House door, in Vienna, Dooly county, within the legal hours of sale, all the Real Estate F OUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Courtof Bultscounty, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the Esuteof John A. Malone,deceas ed, late of Butts countv. MARTHA MALONE. Ex’rx. THOMAS B. BURFORD, Oct 17 3 BRITTON BUTTRILL, ■ Exrs wViov.i f Adrors of Twiggs county. ISHAM G. A.N'uREWS, ) .. Jan 30 18 MO JOHN C. ROYAL Oet IO 2 JOS. B. ANDREWS. Admrs W rT T i I fi,'OUR months afterdate, application will be made to ££ be .r ol i'” n . ,l £ fir i l nwvronn * *> honorable Inferior Conn of Pulaski county, when before the Court-House t y' sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to Ike Estate of Hugh Carr, dreeased-for the in the 1st District of Dooly county, containing 202} acres, more or less, belonging to the Estate of Thomas Knight, de ceased, late of said county. Sold agreeably to an order of the Inferior Court of Dooly county, when sitting lor ordinary- purposes. Terms made known on the day. Jan 30 19 WM. M. S. HOUGHTON. Admr. tngt benefit of the heirs. Nov 14 JOSEPH N. CARR. Admr. » Feb 6,1844 li. ST. WHISTLE, ATTORNEY AT ff,A\V, MACON, GEORGIA. F OUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Houston coonty. when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to the Estate of Caroline and J. J. Barrow, mi nora and orphan* of William Barrow, deceased, late of Pu laski county. GEC. B. McCOLLUM, Guardian. Nov 28 9 19 JOSEPH B. CIAPP, Attorney at Lair, F OUR months afterdate, application will bemade to the Inferior Court of Upson county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, forleave to sell the Land and Negroes be longing to the Estate of Wilev Dean, deceased, late of said I county. FebG 19 WM. McKINNEY, Admr. May 10. 32 Vienna, Dooly county, Georgia. Jan 25 J. S. DEFIIffAJEtD, ATTORNEY AT l.Aff, PERRY. GEO. PAMBEO & SPEAK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, FORSYTH, MONROE COUNTY. GA June 15 37 F OUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Dooly eountv, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to 1 the Estate of James Powell, deceased, late of said county. Feb 6 19 AMBROSE POWELL. Admr. P OUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Courtof Houston county, when sitting for or- I d nary purposes, for leave to sell a portion of the Land and Negroes belonging to the Estate of Thomas Woodard, de ceased, late of said countv. Feb 6 19 8YLVANU8 S. BRYAN, Admr. EwATURAUPTjgPj G EORGIA, Dooly County.—Whereas,Elizabeth Ward applies to me lor letters of Administration on the Es tate of Elisha Ward, deceased, late of aaid county: These are, therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and I appear at ray office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any they have,) whv said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand, this 9th Jan. 1844. 17 JOSEPH B. CLAPP, cco C N EORG1A, Dooly County.—Whereas. MatthewFloyd U and Christian williams apply to me for letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of Robert Williams, deceased, late of said county: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all aod singu lar. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. to shew cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not I T is well known that LanDRETH’s Garden Seeds are I be granted. Given under my hand, this 9lli Jan. 1811. superior to all others. The credit which these Seeds J 17 JOSEPH B. CLAPP.ccc sustains, and the yearly increasing demand, is satisfactory I OKGIA, Houston County.—Whereas, Stephen R. evidence of approval. A supply of the above 8ee.!s,ufilie j |j an , applies to me for letters of Administration de bo- growib of 1813.just received and for sale by GEOJIUE I nis non, with the Will annexed, on ihe Estate of Danie* A FRESH SUPPLY, just received by JT. II. <V IV. M. KI.I.II4 Masonic Hall, Colton Avenue, Macon, Ga. Among which are the following MEDICINES, &c.:j Sulphate Quinine (French)* Caittharides PAYNE, who is Agent for the same, Jan 2 SIMKER Garden Seeds. A GENERAL assorltneotof GARDEN SEEDS, war- | ranted to germinate, received and for sale by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS, Cotton Avenue. Jan. 26 15 Clark, Sen., deceased, late of said eounty : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu r lar. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause," (if any they have.) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band, this 22d Jan. 1311. 18 BRYANT BATTON,cco Garden Seeds. To Debtor* and Creditor*. fi LL persons indebted to the Estate of Reuben Roberts, deceased, late of Junes county, are requested to male immediate payment; and hose having demands against said Estate, are required to present them agreeable to law. Jan 16, 1814 16 LUKE ROBERTS. Ear. To Debtor* nud Creditor*. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Edward Engram, deceased, late of Houston county, are hereby request- YAf ARRANT ED genuine, and the Growth of 1913. I e d to make immediate payment; and those haring demands IT from the celebrated Seed Garden of Wethersfield , | against said deceased, will render them in agreeable to law. against < Jan 16 CHARLES WEST. Ex’r. To Debtor* and Creditor*. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of William H. Rudd, deceased.late of Houston county, are requested to make immediate payment; and those haring demands against said Estate, are retjnired to present them agreeable to law. MORTEN N. BURCH. Admr. Macon. Jaa 23.1811 17 county; levied on as the property of Alexander J. Nowland, to satiny sundry fi fas from the Justices' Courts of tbe county of Burke, in said State; two of said fi fas in fsvorof L.P. Brown vs. aaid Nowland ; four in favor of Mark Tar ver va, James M. Dye. trustee for Alexander J. Nowland; and three in faror of Cyrus Hudson, for the use of Mark Tarver vs. James M. Dye, trustee for Alexander J. Now land. Levies made and returned to me by constables of said eonnty of Houston. .Tanas 18 WM. HERRINGTON, Shff. Administrator** Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the honorable Inferior Court of Houslun county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be aold. on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court-House door in Vienna, Dooly county, within the leesl hours of sslc. Lot of Land No. 39, in the Cth District of Dooly county; belonging lo the Estate of John West, de ceased, late of Houston county. Sold for the benefit of the heir* and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day. Nov 21 8 ISAAC W. WEST. Admr. Administrator*’ Male- A GREEABLY to an order o| the Inferior Courtof Twiges county, when silting for ordinary purposes, will be sold.on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court-House door in Marion, Twiggs county, witbiu the legal hours of sale, all the Lands belonging to tne Estate of Robins Andrews.deeeased, late of aaid county, to wit: 72} acres ofLand, being a part of Lot No. 120, and 72} acres on aaid Lot; 721 ncres, being part of Lota No*. 120 and 121; 721 acres, being a part of Lot No. 121; 72} acres, whereon John Benford now lives: 72} acres, being a part of Lot No. 1J1; 72} acres, where J. B. Andrews formerly lived; 72} acres, where J. B. Moon formerly lived; 72} acres, being part of Lot No.115; 130 acres, being part of Lot No. Ill; 130 acre*, being part of Lot No. 115; Lot No. 116, 202} a- cres, swamp; Lot No. 150, 202} acres, swamp; Lot No. 152.202} acres, swamp; 101} acres, known ns the Line Hill half Lot- All the above named Lands, when surveyed, were ia the 7th District of originally Baldwin, and 28th Dis trial of originally Wilkinson, now Twiggs county. The most of the above Lands are tolerably well improved. Terms made known on the day of sale. ISHAM G. ANDREWS, I Dec 26 13 JOSEPH 11. ANDREWS - Admrs Sunrdinna’ Snlc. J jUHSUANT to nn order of the Inferior Court of Hous ton county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be no,'d, before tbe Court-House door in Perry, Houston conn ty. on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, within the legal hours of sale, tbe undivided interest of two-fifths of 135 a crcs of Lot of Land No. 3-1, in the lltb District of aaid county—be'onging to Felix McNair and Frances McNair, orphans of James S. McNair, deceased. To be sold for the benefit of said minor orphans. Terms on tile day. GEO. M. DUNCAN, Guardian for Felix McNair. SOLOMON FUDGE, Guardian Df« IS ll for Frances McNair. Executor*’ hale. W ILT, be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court-House door in Jackson, Butts coun ty, with in tiir legal hours of sale, one Lot of Land, No. 171, in the 1st District of originally Henry, now Butts county.— Also, half of Lot No. Jr,o, in the same District and county. Also. Hen, « negro man.about 30 years of age; Wilie, 25 years old ; Sally a woman, about 59 years old ; and Minta, a woman, about 23 years old. Sold by an order of the Infe rior Court, when silting for nrdinnry purposes, as the prop erty of John A. Mslone. deceased—for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Perms on the day of sale. MARTHA MALONE. Exr’x. Besik 12 THOMAS B. BURFORD,?- BRITTBa BWTTRUL. s e> Conn. These Seeds are raised with the greatest care and atten tion ; and put up in the neatest manner, with printed direc tions for cultivating soil, beat adapted to each kind. Ac. For sale by HARVEY SHOT WELL. Jan 16 16 Garden Seeds, RAISED BY THE United Society of Sliakcis. EnHeld, Conn. . „ , T HE subscriber, having been appointed Agent for the ‘^“in.duly authenlicated. in terms of the law. sale of the above, is now opening an extensive assort-I - WM c WAinpv ' { Admrs merit, aelected with much care, and adapted to this market. I Feb 6 19 WM ' G * WALDEN. J They will be warranted genuine, and entirely the growth of 1843. Also, the GARDENER'S MANUAL, a small Book, but containing much useful knowledge. Perrtous de sirous of supplying themselves, will please call. Also “ Ttie Southern Farmer and Market Gardener,” by Frawaia A. Holmes, of Charleston. So. Ca. This is a Southern Book, for Southern soil and el.mate, and should be read by all who wish to succeed in Hardening. Macon, Jan 30 17 J. M. HOARDMAN To Debtor* anil Creditor*. LL persons indebted lo the Estate of Arthur Bardin, deceased, ljile ol Dooly county, by Note. Account, or otherwise, are requested to make immediate payment; aod tlihse baring demands against said Estate, are required to To Debtor* nnd Creditor*. 4 LL persons indebted to the Estate of James Powell, Vi deceased, late of Dooly county, ate hereby requested to make immediate payment; and those having demands against said Estate, are required to present them agreeable to law, to m*. as Administrator, or Ch i*. Powell, iny agent. Feb 6 19 AMBROSE POWELL, Admr. Hamilton, Hardeman & Co. FACTORS AND General Comm i ss ion. Were ft an ts SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. August 29,1813. 48 THOM AS H. HA ft 0& IV, Commission Merchant, h.ii'./.r.v./H. atsnnct.i, ■ 3 prepared to execute all orders for selling and pureha Xing Produce, nnd will make liberal Advances on Produce consigned to him for sale. «• Refer to—Wm. Hearing St Sons. Charleston. Wiley, Lank & Co. “ P. A. Lawson, Albany, Ga. R. K. Hines, Esq. ** Uea A Cotton. Macon, Chas. Day St Co.. ” Johnson, Jones it Peck, Griffin, Beck, Dobbins St Co. <• Kimbrough & IIidgway, Apalachicola, F Lockhart St Young, “ August 1,1843. 44 Sands’ ttarsaparilia, For the removal and permanent cure of all Disease* arising from an Impure State of the blood,or habit of the tysUm, namely: CROFULA, or King's evil. Rheumatism, Obstinate ' Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples, or Pustules onthu face. Blotches, Biles. Chronic sore ryes. Ring worm. Tetter. Scald Head, Enlargement and pain of the bonea and joints. Stubborn Ulcers. Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica, or Lum bago, and Diseases arising from ,n Injudicious use of Mer cury, Ascites,of Dropsy, exposure or imprudence in life. Also, Chronic constitutional disorders, will be removed by this p'eparation. tVO.VDEBFl'L EFFECTS OP S.IXDV N IK- NAIMHH.Li.V IN .NORWICH, CONNEC TICUT. Read the following tram Mrs. Wm. Phillips, who has longiesided at the Falls. The fact* are well known to all the old residents of that part of ilie city. Messrs. A. B. Sands St Co.—Sirs: Most gratefully do I embrace this opportunity for staling to you the grent relief tiie use of your Sarsaparilla, f: Sulphate Morphine Acetate do Anodine Acetic Acid Oxalic do Citric do Prussic doj, # Tartaric do' Ammonia do (Arom spts) Antimonials pulv Vcratrine Strychinine Emetine.; Rbeubarbine Croton Ttglium' Secale Cofnutum Oil Sinapine Oil Cantnaridin Proli-eiious AcidJ} Hydnatate Pitasaa Peppcrine Oil black Pepper Irish Moss Mask Chloride Soda Citrated Kali Chloride Lime Medical Mustard,in pot* Opium denurcotizeri Cyanuret Potassium Comp. Tonic extract C un-age en (prepared) Spigeliacomp extract Blue Moss Precip. ext. bark Peruvian do Calisaya do Toxa do Red do Chamomile flowers Senna UvaUrsi Horehound Sage African Cayenne Bay berry bark, powdered Blood root do Colchicum do Golded Seal Slippery Elm, powdered Quassia Gentian, powdered Cort Aurant do Lobelia and seed Hemlock Skunk Cahbago Squills Gamboge Hops Mezerlum Alkanet root Cort Cassarilla do Sassafras Ladies’Slipper Golden thread Saffron Cinuamon bark Powdered Ginger Root do Curcuma Mustard seed Mace Cloves Nutmegs Caraway seed Anise do Coriander do Arrow root Aque Fords Anodyne (Hoffman's) Borax Black Lead Brimstone Blue atone J uniper berries Cubeb do Oxide Bismuth Bees-wax Burgundy Pitch Balsam Copavi do Tolu do Peru Black drop PATENT MEDICINES &c. Fly Stone Colocynth Court Plaster Castor Oil (fresh) Sweet Oil do Charcoal, pulv. Corks, velvet} ’ _ Calomel 1 Antimony Aloes Rheubarb Jalap Digitalis Opium Prepared Chalk Acetate Lead • do Cupri do Zinc Arseniate Potassa Ether Sulphuric do Nitric Nitrate Silver do Potassa Phosphate Soda go Iron Sulphate Iron do Potassa do Soda do Magnesia Borate Soda Phosphorus Manna flake Ointment byd. Pota do Iodine do Veratnne do Itch Oxide Mercury Extract Jalap do Butternut Hyosciamus Gentian Belladonna Taraxici Rhubarb Nux Vomica Rhatania Cicuta Glycyrrhixa Gum Arabac do Camphor do Scammony do Myrrh do Aaafcetida' do Guiac Pearl Barley Syringes Honey Otto Roses Magnesia, calc' <1 do carb Isinglass Quicksilver Sedlitz Powders Soda do Saratoga do Sponge Tamarinds Wafers Sarsaparilla Red Precipitate White do Black do Pearl Ash Annatta Indigo, Spanish float Logwood Fustic Copperas Spanish brown Venetian red Madder Fig blue Nutgalls Alum Cochineal Spts Turpentine V enice do 8tarch Salt Tartai Salt Ammechiac Glue Rosin Jujube Paste do do do do do do do do do Lee's Pills Opodeldoc Chapman’s anti-dyspectic Pills Peters' do do Hunter’s Pills Hooper's do Amlerson’sdo British Oil Bateman’s drops Tompson’s Eye-water Godfrey’s Cordial Salts Lemon Worm tea Effervescing Magnesia Botanical drops Swain’s Panacea Indian's do E -s. Iceland Moss Comp, fluid ext. Pink Root, by G. W. Carpenter Dalby’s Carminative Bleaching Liquid Mead's Pills Issue Plasters Elixer Life Ginger beer powder Medicated Oil Silk Digestive Elixer Pile remedy Chlorine Tooth-wash Bay Rum Balsam Honey Cough Lozenges Extract Coffee Cullen's liquid Magnesia Potter’s Catholican Rowan’s Tonic Mixture Relfe’s Vegetable Specific Oil Wormsced Ext ISnchu Cough Mixture Fuid ext Sarsaparilla Syr Liverwort Comp. Sarsap. Cubebs and Ext Boneaet Copavi Tonic Extract PERFUMERY AND BRUSHES &c Hair Powder Almoud Paste' Pearl do Ground Faint Brushes Rouge do Sasli do Milk of Roses Oval Varnish do Cold Cream Camel hair Cream Almonds . . Badger’s hair Florida Water, various sizes Graining Cologne do do do Flesh du 1 obtained from i [shall also HI. 8. f SAL I* & CO’S. ft* DAILY EXPRESS, AND GENERAL FORWARDING & C0.H.1IISSI0N IIOBSr. T HE Central Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia having granted to the subscribers the pri- r : rVaapvo— i j be happy, through yon, to publish to all who are afflicted, as I lately was, the account of iny unexpected, and even for a long time despaired of cure. Mine is a painful story, and trying and sickening as ia the narrative of it, for the sake of many who may be so surely relieved, I will briefly yet ac curately state it. Nineteen yearsago last April, a fit of sickness left me with an Erysipelas eruption. Dropsical collections immediately took place over the entire sui face of my body, causing such an enlargement that it was necessary to add a yard to my dresses around the waiaL Next followed upon my limbs, ulcera painful beyoud description. For years, both in sum mer and wiuter, tbe only mitigation of my sufferings was found in pouring upon those parts cold water. From my lunbs the pain extended over my whole body—there w as literally forme no rest, by day or by night. Upon lying down, these pains would shoot through my system and com pel me to arise, and for hours together, walk the house, so that I was almost entirely deprived of sleep. During this time the Erysipelas continued active, and tue ulcers enlar ged, and so deeply have these eaten, that for two and a half do do do do ass'd do do do do do do silver wire do do do vilege of running an.EXPRESS over their Road during “ ea ;, they h.vcUen subject io bleeding. During these al- the present year, wtth theprtv.legeof an apartment under J mnsl lw / nty yea „ lUsre consulted many physicians. These their own Lock, they offer superior advantages for the have called my disease—as it was attended with an obstinate prompt and safe conveyance of valuable Arttcles. Specie, ,, , nil „ £ ndy Bnd act ; Te p a in in my , We -a dropsical Ac. Ac. and are in hopes ol being able to make an arrange- con ’ umpsion . „d though ihey Yiavebeef. skilful pracution- meot with the Post Office Department, 1 y which they will I Pr5 ,i le y we , e only able to afford my case a partial and tem- be rllowed tocorry aMail llapr. porary relief. I had many other difficulties too complica- They are prepared to receive and forward Goods of all J e<1 ^describe. I have also used manvofthe medicines descriptions, to and from Savannah and Macon, and mterme |bat bare been rec -mmeoded as infallible cure* for this dis-* mate places and between savannah and Charleston, with the greatest safety and despatch ; and will also pay particu lar attention to dm P uiCha.e of Goods, collection and r>.,-| expecting for myself reliefonly in drath, I'wa* by t menu of Drafts,Note, and Bills, an J transacting all kind, of kinH im er po,ition of Providence, furnished with yo5r, bn mI! e " L ,nth, ? b °’ e . P J • . . me, invaluable Sarsaparilla. A single bottle gave me They have also extended their arrangement to ran their 1 aMurance of health, which for twenty years I had not once femrmedioie 1 places ^nthatroute* ^ 1C ° al *’ ^ For1 ^ 11 ' * n< * [ felt. Upon taking the second iny enlargement diminished. They intend to put nn Teams, Lavenderdo do do Horse Rose do do du Hair Bears’ Oil Nail Ward’s Hair Oil Comb Marrow Pomatum Tooth Orange Flower Water do Macassar Oil Cloth Spirit of Rose Scrubbing Camphor Soap Shoe Musk do Emollient do Windsor do do do Brown Wash Balls Curling fluid Antique Oil LipS.-ilvo(Persian Otto Rose)Shaving d Tooth Powder (superior) Shaving Oil Erosive do Powder Puffs and boxes Extract Bergamot Preston Salts do Rose Smelling bottles do Muse Tapers Honey Water Dutch Cologne Shaving cakes Atkinson’s Depilatory SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. &e Patent feather Brooms do do Dusters do do Brushes Fitch Tools Counter Brushes Hat do Crumb do Cupping Glasses do do with air pumr« Gum Elastic Catheters Silver do Seton Needles Spring Lancet blades Tooth claws Gum Lancets from Macon to Columbus, under all kinds of Merchandize, with all reasonable despatch and safety, on the first of October next. MACON—Office at the Washington Hall. 8AVANNAH—Office at No. 153 Bay street, DO. jS\ Philbriek, Agmt.Jor receiving and foncardingGoodtand Merchandise. CHARLESTON. S. C.—Amos Head, Agent, office No. 96, East Bay. 4 10 %t M. 8. BALL A CO. *• , , , . and in twelve days from the Sth of October, when I com- j York «rd Philndelnldn n, their owrf charge' toc°.°r?v n,< 7 cud “ kin .S y" ur Sarsaparilla. I was able to enjoy sleep ^„ a Phvs ; c ; ans , T iUrecei i!^,S e ’ lo f arr 7 a nd rest by night as refreshing as any I ever enjoyed when v»n da ti iy night as refreshing as any I ever enjoyed in pe, feet health. Beside-, I wasiu ibis short time, relie ved from all those excruciating and unallcviated pains that had afflicted my days, as well as robbed me of my night’s repose. The ulcers upon my limbs are healed, the Erysi pelas cured, A my size reduced nearly to my former meas ure. Thus much do I feel it a privilege to testily to the efficacy of your health-restoring Sarsaparilla. A thousand thanks, sirs, from one wlio^e comfort and whose hope of future To Debtor* iind^ Creditor*. _ I health are due under God, to your instrumentality. And A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Znchariah Hollo-1 may the same Providence that directed me to your aid, non, deceased, late of Crawford county, arc requested make the hnptiy and honored instruments of blessing stliers. Amputating cases Trepanning Instruments Dissecting do Pocket cases Spring Lancets Evans’thumb do Dentists’ cases Teeth Keys do_ do moveable buttons Medical 8poons Scarificators Scales ana Weights Abce3* Lancets Teeth Files Tourniquets The subscribers intend keeping a full assortment ol DriiK* | >ill<’iliciiiCN,PniiilB,Oil8,Sliop-Fiii'iittiirc 4 Ac., consisting of articles in the line necessary for the sup- ply of Physicians, Plantations or Families. They will be [ ’ supplied with the best that can be selected out of the New . -r—i j TOLn-j-i-hia markets. Orders from Merchants receive prompt attention. Jan 28 31 J. H. A W. 8. ELLIS. BONNETS. _ subscriber lias just received I>KUOS. itiilDlCIi\KSi A FRESH SUPPLY, just received by UARVKY SHOnVIilX, Druggfl, Corner oj Mulberry and Third Streets, opposite the Central Hotel, Macon, Ga. Sulphate Quinine Musk. Blue Mass do Morphine Acet. Morphine Conrt Plaster Castor Oil Citrated Kali Chloride Soda Senna Alex Cavenne African Indigo Spanish Float Caraway Seed Anodyne Hoffamont Aqua'Fonis Juniper Berries Bees Wax Charcoal Pulv. Corks Velvet Calomel Eng. Calomel Am. Croton Tiglium Gum Arabic Gamboge Blue Stone Salts of Tartar Extract Jalap do Lemon, for pies, sauces, Ac., a new and very conve nient article Extract Valerian Accomia Burtiu compd Pink Root Fluid Augustura Hardback Lettuce X W A M Cort Peru compd Bark Precipitated Nux Vomica Rhubarb Gentian Ratania Dandelion Colocynth pure “ compound Balsam Copavia Hyoscamus Cicuta Stramonium Belladonna Boncset Butternut Glycopt ” refd Eng. Sarsaparilla Herbs Horehound Cleavers Catnip Thoioughwort Cicuta Marsh Melon C it foot Pirs.ey S-w-trmiirt Sn rvey Grass rivezeamous Wormwood Doable Tansey Hyssop Horse Radish Bitter Sweet Lemon Sweet Mrajoram Motherwort Penneroyal Sage j Cantharides Fly Stone Colocynth I Acetic Acid Sweet Oil Veratrine Shychonine Digitalis Creta prept Irish Moss \ Oxalic Acid , Ceiric do I Prussic do Tartaric do Opium Peppcrine, Uva Urai Sage. Syrenges Honey, Squills Mezerian Hemlock Hops Saffron Eviruma Nutmegs I Wafers I Cloves Quicksilver Arrowroot Logwood Madder Allum Fig Blue Brimstone Starch Glue Antimony Aloes Soot Rhubarb' Emetine H PATENT MEDICINES British Oil Blue Smalts Balsam Honey Deep Blue Smalts Spice Bitters Red do Bateman’s Drops Green do Butler’s Magnesia Brown do Bailey’s Extract Sarsaparilla, Black do anew und superior at ti-Indian Specific cle, used in prelcren'’" to New England Cough Syrup Horehound) Otto Hose Isinglass Sponge, Mace Annato, Copperas Borax, Nutgalls* Rosin Oil Almonds “ Annisede ” Burgamott " Cajiput * “ Cassia " Cloves “ Caraway “ Oueanum} “ Antlios •• Juniper “ Lavender^ " Jessamine “ Fennel " Savine fresh ** Goldwood “ Wormseed “ double Tansey ” Peppermint “ Spearmint “ Tansey pure H Cedrat f Jroton ; “ 5a ? e . " Pulegi “ Sarsafras " Orange " Cedar " Black Pepper “ H emlock’ • “ Spruce ” Cantharides " Tar " Copavai “ Amber rect “ “ com “ Seneca “ Rhodium •• Nerole ** Camomile “ Valerian •' Cubebs • Wormwood “ Nutmegs " Anniseed Spatales assorted Syringes „ Trusses ’* Brushes “ Tooth Brushes Nail Brushes White Wash do No l, 2,3 Bot Broshes No 1, 2, 3 Flesh do No 1, 2,3. Cloth Broshes, fancy from No 1 to 12 Blacking Brushes assorted Bristol Briek Sheep Skins, extra French No 1, 2 and 3 Almond Paste Antique Oil Balm of Columbia Bears Oil Cream of Amber Cold Cream Cologne Farina “ French ** German “ Ame.rican Extract Milliffores Lip Salve Otto of Roses Macassar Oil Pomatum Pearl Powder Preston Salts ToiietPowder V egetable Rouge Vinegar Aromatic Eye Water Godfrey’s Cordial Hayes Linament Harlem Oil Itch Oointment Funnels Wedgwood from No l to 5 Galley Pots assorted Mortars from 1 inch to 12 Medical Spoons Pill Tiles graduated from 1 inch to 12 Polishing Clay Putty Knives Apoth’a. Scales and Weights Wicking for Lamps Extract Roses Essence of Tyre Florida Water Freckle Wash Hair Oil Ward’s Hungary Water Hair Powder Indian DyeJ Kaphalia Orange Flower v,-'ater OF ALL KINDS, D05E AT SHORT NOTICE, IN j, s ON THE MOST REASONABLE tkrvs’ 4*» AT THE OFFICE OF THE ’ JWaton PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, LA$ BLANKS hawd SO-RSE-EIIXS, IrABEXs L8llS ' ~ ~ MSN* ' II \iRE~Ii o USE RE C£fp r &C. &c. &C. ri rs, A GOOD ASSORTMENT Op Ot nse in this State, printed on fine paper , » constantly kept o„ hand, and forsaleVvenM. ^ Macon, June 1 1843. 33 ™ ^pfietF Jtll l.IM KV AND 1-• GOODS, AND DRESS JfEsBUUJVG. ]|1 :£ * W. 0. lUOPn ill would re,pec,fu'|,°® fi «S to the Ladies of Macon generallv, ,b.t ,h e i, now,?*'? on Colton Avenue, oppo,;., (fH Scott & Carliart. and j* 1 the Messrs. Orrs, an trvnt** Stock of the most ?,&»*» Latest Style of GOODS -Tj ' ^ the above Business; all of which has been of the best judges in New York City. Great S™ *• will be held out 10 purchasersfoi CASH; in co ij e=e * of which, she solicits a share of public patronac^*' 1 ’-** N 3.—Orders from Tnwti or Country, thankfullv ■d and promptly attended to. Her motto will Promptness without delay, and punctuality with , Macon, Nov 7, 1813 ’ f‘ JOS.&EDWIH SAULSBiRy H AVING purchased of Mr. R. W. MORItra u ' tire Stock of CLOTHING, CLOTHS CASSIBEEREs’fc are prepared tooffer the same at very reduced pricei'f*— The Stock it new, and the Clothing mansflei^,/! • latest style, and in the best manner. They feel j in saving, that, ns regards variety, quality, aa «i D ri« ,w! Stock cannot be surpassed by any in the city, r They have on band, Gentlemen’s super Beaver and Pilot Cloth Gentlemen's super Beaver and Pilot Clc-h FKOvK COATS, Ladies* and Gentlemens super CLOTH CLOAKS, Gentlemen’s Blue. Black. Green, Cadet MiieJ FrocJi and Dress Coals, Gentlemen’s super Freuch Cassimere FROtK COATS Gentlemen’s Cloth. Cassimere. Sattinett, and Jem " YOUTH’S CLOTHING, OF EVERT DESCRIPTION ; BLUE, BLACK, MIXED, AND FANCY cXjOtjms .jj» a cv/* hls, Also, a splendid assortment of VESTS, Gloves, Snspeitdns. Sln’rls EOLUBS, BABDIEIPHIEF8, B0SK8F, TRUST2S3, CAXtPST SAGS, UMBRELLAS, <fc c . Macon, Dec 5, 1843 (CP The undersigned, having disposed ofhi? entireuiyl of CLOTHING to Messrs. J. A E. recommend them to the patronage of hij former m tomers and the public general y—believing that their c rangements are such as will enable them to offer iler Goods at such prices as to make it te the lmrren.fnntriav ers to buy of them. H. W. MORRIS. Dec 5. 1813 10 Sm alia con Iron & Brass Foundry AND MACHINE SHOP. ' 4,1 ILL and Gin Gerring, Steam Engine Jl'orl, lin . .Ti and Bras* Castings of every description,made it order, and Machine Work inO eneral, cartero f KotrJ and Walnut Streets. (O’ The highest prices will be paid for Old Ceppti Brnsa, Lend, and Cnatlioii. Jan 31 17 ROBT. FINDLAY. II. & J. COWLES, H AVE jnst leceived. Fresh Market*!, Canal Flour. Regain A Principe Segin, New Buckwheat, in half and quarter bun el*, Together with Bn^inn. Sugar, Ctificr.&c*Ac. Macon, Nov 28 9 all others I Corn Plaster Cephalic Snuff Chemical Pile Ointmen Essence of Peppermint I Gordack's Cordial Soap Naples “ Castile White bar Variegated “ in pots No 1,2, 3 Haynes’ Pills Beckwith’s do Peters' do. Elmore’s do Meskin’s do Opodeldoc Moffat's Pills Pfcccnix Bitters Jewett’s Pills Dean’s do Davenport's do Mead’s de Swaim’s Panacea Saratoga Water. Tomato Pills Vermifuge Swam’s French Pills Di Latrier’s Fever and -Ague PiUs Ghalegaro’s Fever and Ague Pills to make immediate payment; and those haring demands a gainst said Estate, are required to present them, duly au llienticated. agreeable to law. NATHAN HOLLOMON, Feb 14 20 DAVID WORSHAM, - Exrs. CALTIOIV. \ LL persons are heieby cautioned against trading fora l’romi-sory NOTE, given by Robert W. Hnskm and Hardy Hargrove, to the undersigned, or order, for 81.330. dated about the 25th ol February. 1913. and due or, the 1st of Dec. thereafter. The said Note having been lost or mis laid, application will be made for n renewal of the same. F*b 13 90 3i* JAMES E. BARNETT. as diseased nnd despairing o< your much relieved and very grateful friend. ASENATH M. PHILLIPS. New London Co. rs. Norwich, Nov. 4.1842 Personally appear the above named Arennth M. Phillips, nnd made oath of the fact, contained (hi the foregoing state ment before me. RUFUS W. MATHEWSON. Justice of the Peace. Being per3nnn!!y acquainted with Mrs. pHIf.lirs, J[ -er tify that the above a verted facts are substantially true. WILLIAM H- RICHARDS, Min istrr of the Gospel at Noricich, Conn, For sale at New York price, by J.H. A W. 6. ELLIS, Agents. 31 Oct 31 a fresh supply of fine and fashion, able Florence, Tuscan, and Strati BONNET*. Also, a Tew Dress Patterns rich Mourlin de Lane; an as sortment of Elastic and Half leng Milts; Rich and Fashionable Dress Silks, at reduced prices; also, one piece Turky Satin. G. L. WARREN, One door above G. A. Kimberly’s. 5 dry do do Red Lend Black Lead Spanish Brown Venetian Red Yellow Ochre Chrom Yellow Chrome Green Litherage Prussian Blue Vermillion Verdigris Ivory Black Terra de Senna Rotten Stone Ware-houses, in the City of Macon and its vicinity, agains Pose^P^nk^ F F.h7 - REA A COTTON, Ag’ts f£Sw2J h# F * h 7 Taric.y Umk SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Amputating Instruments in ca- Laucents Evan's best ses “ com shell handles Amputating nnd Trepaning “ Gum Instruments in cases “ Abscess GEBougie'sCuppinglnstru- “ Cases ments with Scarificator Nursing Tubeslvory and Five Cupping Glas- Needles Setons ses " Curved Catheters male Nipple Shell, female Pocket Cases containing 22 In- Couching Instruments in ca- struments ses Pocket Cases containing 16 In- Camclar’s double silver Dis- struments seeling Instruments in ca-Pocket Cases containing ses Instruments Dentist’s Instrum’ts for plug- Probes ging and scaling Pessaries gum elastic Forcept’s Midwifery Saws Amputating “ Dissecting Stethescopes Dressing Scissors straight and curved Bone Stomach Tubes E G Tooth and patterns Tooth Keys ivory handle Glystcr Baps with Ivory Pipes spring Hair Lip Pins _ Tooth Keys pivot handle Knives Amputating spring * . Catline Tooth Keys ivory handle hinge Whispering Tubes for deaf fulcrum persons, a most valuable Tournequet article Tooth Files GLASS HARE, dice. Specia Bottles from jpt to 2 Nipple Shells gallons Nursing Bottles Tincture Bottles from jpt to do Flasks 2 gallons Funnels assorted Salt month Bottles Cupping Glasses Breast Pipes ’ Phials assorted Urinals Graduate Measures PAINTS. White Lend ground in Oil Drop Black Brought to Jail, j N Houston coonty, Ga. * Negro Felloe about 35 jears^ win* >nvs hi? name is and that he telorgft to Wii-inm Tail, of il;e Sts'f of Alabama. 1: miles from Greenville. Slid X* I’m is about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, and light l oilr. Be 50 # vs lii» master's plantation is on tbe Alabama rirer. Tie owner is requested lo cr-n e forward, prove preptnj. V*J charges, and take him a wav. Ja'r.23, 1814 19 WM. HERRINGTON.^ S20 REWARD. 13 ANA WAY frrin the sDb$rriker.I> _rv jng iii Ferry, Houston countv, on the 6th inat. my Negro Fellow JACK. He* between 28 ana 30 years of age; about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, quite equ»re of dark complexion; when spoken tohecj* somewhat a pleasant countenance. He had on. when « left, a Fur Cap and Cloth Frock Coal. lie took with a knapsack, containing some two or three suits of ristlex It may be that some worthless white man has conduct^ him off, as I know of no cause, whatever, for his abicow - ing—If is highly prclinble that he may aim to«8*j ther on some Rail-Uond. or River, as a boat hand. I* 1 ” give the above reward of 820, io any person who will «g prehend him, and lodge him in some sale Jail. soth*tI'' ,, get him. if taken out of tbe counties of Houston and M««*. o: if taken in either of said counties, and delivered to®* n Perry. I will pay S10. JAME-* KOLDERNEtS- Jun 30 18 It THREE VALUABLE PLANTATIONS FOR SALE, Fire Insurance. w pHE' Undersigned, Agents for the .(Etna Insurance ® Company of Hartford Conn., are prepared to take risks on Buildings, Merchandize in Store and Cotton in Gum Shellack Linseed Oil Lamp Oil Train Oil Neats Foot Oi ! Spirits Turpemino V arnish Copal ” Japan “ Black H'ather Gold Leaf Silver Leaf Poiniee Stone Patent Yellow Chalk Red do White Putty Carmine Drop Lake Patentjrush and 6aafc' T»!c» •nn I^hhIii fi'HE PLANTATION in the first District ol 1"*^ X county, nine miles below Travellers’ Re»U ^ road to Drayton, known ds Hines’ Pond Place. J lcCfl< S of 1,100 acres of very superior Land—800 under little of which has been cultivated more than three _ . ' fS ihe necessarv buildings. Dwelling House, OvenfJ* Negro Cabbins, Gin-House, Barn, Cribs. Fodder Stables. &c. all new and in fine order. But few places * been so thoroughly or well improved, or can offer to inducements to tbe planter as this—among Ar. stone water, not ofien found in the low country. To 0 * ’ it has proven entirely healthy, and will doubtless so. ns the neighborhood has for many years beenab^ fi ‘* lirely exempt from sickness. Persons wishing to P"' or rent, can examine the plnce, by calling on Join *j* ^ inns or William S. Ilnmel, Etqs. residing near, . have the place shown to them ; or for furiher ) 3r:,c n . t * the undersigned would refer to T. G. licit, T Esqs. Dr. C. West. Macon, or B. K Hines, Rnj* Also, the VALUABLE PLANTATION ® county, Smiles from Hawkit sville, known as «ao Place, containing 1,600 acres of fine Land, with acres of open Land, a good comfortable frame B'*c houses, nnd a two-story framed Grist Mill-with tr e stones, and a Saw Mill in complete order. Both . situated on a never-failing stream, entirely 11 ltd plete repair. Thi# is a desirable and healthy I 003 va j’^j|e cannot fail to please such as are in pur.-uit of a ,. a j. Plnmaticn, with a Grist ar.d Saw Mill, and ever) t J * - tached for the convenience of fanning. , Also, the PLANTATION in Monroe county. * n ? the Rutherford Place. 10 miles from Macon. lands of Needham Mims and John Powers. contains 600 acres of fine Land, most of which is c t under good fencing, n rial !e Dweh’ir-p. . 3i'* Gin-House, &c. &c .situaied on an elevated * ,te » £v ] en* 400 yards of the Monroe Rail-Road, nnd is cCCSK ‘ ‘ ntf if lirely healthy. This place, with a little J# susceptible of being one of the handsomest one Georgia For terms, apply to Or in his absence, to James Dea.v, ^ ^ T G. Holt, or . oi / ■ N. Esqs.3 6 ?.feby rEACM BBA "”Vs.ravMO0»’ Dee 1* n