Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, April 02, 1844, Image 3

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T II IS »l A C O \ a IS « « « 1 A T E L E (* IS A P II jiiraror Drniocrnilc Sterling | say. told much frir hint, ( lie riiighl have saiil.J . a mcciinl orilu* Dtmi'>crnli^ imriy'if Monrne ■ I lie lmlil, energetic! anil undaunted manner in lily, on Thursday* the J4tl» jtfarcli, Rif the pur- which lie spoke of ti.e ojipnsiiion and ol'theirClay P U of forming a Demncrmic A**<ic’i:>ii'>n for said won fiir him many friends in Monroe, to ^tv.nn motion. Col. Win. 0. Redding was call- whom he has not the pleasure of an acquaintance. t0U , the Chair, and Win. B. Cone, Esq. requested ; At the conclusionofjiisremarks, W. B. Cone, E*q. j odrred the follnwiiio resolutions, which weie unan- outed: 'I'Iiiii the President and Vire-Pre*i- rdio K #ct «s Secretary ” \fier some explanatory remarks from the Chair, j inionsly adr Hiring the object of the meeting. &c.. T. B- 0«r- Resolved, . (n g S q. offered the ‘nllowios Preamble and Res- , dents appoint necessary rommiitees in each district olutin**; ami acconi|ianie<l the same with some in the comity, to select all Midi as may have a de- Litf srel pertinent remarks, they were unanimous- si ire to join nor Association, am! lot oilier purposes Resolved. That the pnateeiliugs of iliis meetiii; he published in the Macon (aenrgiu Telegraph, nn:l all OexVs|iitpers friendly to the Democratic cause. Alter the usual thanks being triidered to the Chairiiiau and Seereiaty, the meeting then adjourn ed to the first Tuesday in April. WM. C. REDDING, Chairman. Wit. B. Conk, See’y. Marietta Hotel. 'Ve call the Mteminn of our readers to the advertisement oor old Iriends nnd fellow citizens Messrs Daniel and who h ire taken Mr. Roberta' Hotel, nt Marietta It Tentperance. rB^IIE Annieersirv of the origin of the Baltimore Teat- I Iterance Reform, will be celebrated by appropriate Excr,i*e*in the Presbyterian Church, on Friday evening next, at early candle light. All are invited to attend. i .H. EL Lit*. See. April l. 1841 27 |y adopted, to wit In conformity with a resolution, passed l»y a Crn-rnl Convention held in MUIedgcviUe oil the fir,t Monday in Decettifier last, by the DemocrHiic party of Georgia, lecninuiending ilte Rmnaimn of Associations in nl! the counties »f this State, fi.r the purpose of pmtiioting contort of action in the Presi dential Election, anti to conciliate differences form ed from personal predilections for distinguished in dividuals of the steal Democratic Republican Pat- of the Union, whose names have been favorably „f „ ur spoken of by their respective persnnnl friends.— ^cak. Ami a* principle is the prime tnrn fiir each of the distinguish! kfd nf, are doubtless Ulliueillly quanneu to carry are nur Irieu Is. wim. we have no doubt, have arranged •,,.1 the principles oft lie Democracy of the Un.on. ,f,n ' "“'••r.liiig to tl.rir ..wo lane We have said, o.iothcr ^ * ' r , . , . . occ«»|iip*, how murb. in our opinion. wn<* Io»t )i»w lit if circled In the III "heal office in Ihe Bill nl 111** A- tin jainetl hjr a summer trip tn il»f» North, instend n) nti ex* merican people. And, ns the principles of Demo- w «-teru Genrpia. The r.„„„ry i* lull "froriw- mtncuu I j 1 1 iiie.« 4 ;il be luties mid can be explored with halt tit* trouble crscV are the same every where. East, West, or money aecrsaa-y for a Northern tour. Health is nere'u ,1.:. ilnion Wp therefore 1 a'* 1 -and the season delighltul. We hope to see the travel North, ami Ssoulll, in tins union—We. titer, tore, ^roed in that .Wtinn. and. without disparagement to ...h- having implicit confidence in nur known nnd well j era. recommend ad who vii-t the b rjutil'ul village ot Mari tnetl Delegates npjM.inte.l to attend ilm Convention eUa ' «« “1*°" Dinifl • ud —Griffin Jeffersonian id assemble at Baltimore in May tiexf, Rir the pur pnse nf nominating suitable candidiites, and those most acceptable to the American people, for Prcii- j e „! and Vice-President of the United States— plnlge ourselves lit support tiie nominees of said Convention—Therefore, 1st. Resolved. That this Association he denomi nated anil entitled the Dcinociatic Republican As- mrisiio'i <>f Monroe county. 2d. Resolved, Thai there shall he appointed a President and five Vice-Presidents, two Secreta ries. a Treasurer, ttnfi one Cnrresjmmling Secreta ry. The President shall have jaiwer to cj.ll meet ings of ll» Association, ami preside over their de- lilwraVuins. *n>l keep goodonlrr; nnd in his ab- letice, either nf’he Vtce-PresidejMs may afct in his itrail; and that nnV citizen of Mntirhe rsnlnty, op pnsed to the elect hii nf Henry W.-iV, i’itny be um- o.lrretl as a tiiett'dier of this AnsCeinii.Mi; itml said Convetitiitti shall meet tin the first Tuesday in each month, and oltener, if necessary. 3d. Resolved. That we recommend Auxiliary As-sriations to he formed in each di>irict in the county, to he held at such time ami plac e as they •hay designate. to . Resolved. That we be ieve tlie Whig lead ers in 1840. made promises to the people, which they have never tried or intended to fulfil; and th-ce placed in power nnd office, by virtue of-uch promises, have only distinguished tfiemselv s fi t a tlistegiird nf |Hipttlar will anil representative re- »|«m*il>ilitv. bv hastily rnaeling laws most partial ia their character and demoralising in their lemlen cv. - 5di. Resolved-, Thai we view the Tariff Ar t i f 1842. ns levied more for protection, than fi.r a rev alue fur the snppirt of Government—and is, ilicre- f ire, violative ol the constitutional cluutrr. 6ilt. Resolved, Tlmt the power, secured to the President of flic United States bv the Constitu tion. is the chief harrier to unwise and hasty legis laiinn; and that its abrogation, as proposed by Henry Clay, would end in the subversion of our libei ties. 7lh. Resolved. That Congress has no constitu tional grant in charter n National Rank ; and thi t the exercise of this pretended power, would he de moralizing in its eff-cts, and destructive oft he best interests of the people. 8tll. Resdced. That the Federal Legi-latttre has BACON! BACON!! Qf'l | |( ll I LBS Georgia Cured BACON, Ol/iUUU 20.000 ILs. H«» do IIAMS. ALSO 4,000 lbs. extra LEAF LARD, foranle hv WM A. CHERRY. April 5 27 4m C«»ti n Avenge. Macoii.Ga. JLarge a inch of 4 heap auel <ie- sir able Opening for (:<<■ S|iriiig strict b^iu- mcr Trade :it CT.A-u .U CL C XsA . K’^. T HE mlwriliro of Its P.-njil,.";, spire, nre now" iiiakik» riiniirrnrrnufteuH-uie Kir ufictiiijr to Unar cisln Ill-re •! xerv iistortmriil,if tint tn-sr si-lt*,*- tioii of tiiHiils lor tin’ i-n .ling -ra»uii, ili-it ran hr liiuml i in this uinrkn; unit iln-ir taciliiiee fur iiinkiui; pindne rs are out lielipiil nitv of ihrir rote aporarii’s. Quirk rv 1 urn* and suwll prnfil*. will In- ilirir n.otto..iinl ilierel'orc tliey uff.-r every «mclr in tin* l)iy (in kI* line, nl tin* lowraijirn-e. nr in mhrr »nnt--, thnugli in intniy tliiugf they umleisrll. tliry are <b-|rrunue<l tn.l Cn hr un dersold. Aiming the goods- they keep on liuiul aiid nre ennet uiily rereiving| limy lie found, litvide* uiuuy utli- ere, the foilin' iug: F’HC I'HK I.ADIES—Rich »re*e Silk-, superfine printed Slrijiw, Kalt'tniM| Puri- pritii-al Satin m J L ire, tiu.slin-, tieli Krru- li nnd Eusliidi Prints, black ami Miip-Mo-k l:uiiiI.iiZlor,4-4 mill G-4 pliiiii unit striped T IVofice. HE C sty ^Council, at tltrir Hs-t int-riinc. having extend ed die lime for m.iking Tax Returns.'nj tlie 1-t iia> of May next, all pers uns inierrs'e I. v. ill do well to avail them selves o! tins privilege ; as ti e Boohs will b • finally dosed, and a | dri.iulte-s doulle taxr.i. sifter tliot slate. April a 27 it. FREEMAN. Assessor. Council tffifimlx r, i March Hi, mi. 5 nKG0t.tR ilKhTIXG. Prrsent—The May,.r. A/,1 Si Us. Freem/tn, OeiUoh. Ry/n litter, Ross. lit* nt—Aid. It ink, ('olliltS, Holme*. Tin* iiiiiillti's of the Inst regular iiiretm- were read and The R.idse-keeper reports toll* fur the week ending Pilli tin roll. $01 lor ffie week emline 82<l. f |.1d 37. tli. S.O. Aikiuoiu u|tp!i>il tie p-lit ion, tor relief from n dun lib-tux fitr tli-year 11543, tvbicli was reud, mid uu lonlioti, lit,i mi the ladle. On iimtum tld. Ro**, Resolved, That the Mayor he nnlhbrrzed focal! a nuMio tins ling nl the einz-n* of Mucuu, to sutuiiit such |dnn a* he may deem nilvi*aUe, tor the setih-m-ut ut the pnldie ih-lsi of I lie city. Patrick Phlriisiug’* itill f..r opening a ditch in East .Manna K\ rontrnri. tor $ III tilt, wo. ordered puiil. (In nioiioir Aid. Rylaiidcr, Resolved, Tout the Committee on Finance, rnniracl for fit idler, and instruct llmcoutrm-ror (o repair tiie pub lic newer. (ioiiocil niljourne-l. Attest. A. It. FREEMAN. C. C. C'otincii { Iiiiniber, r * [ H. J MACON. March Si, l*t REGULAR MKKT1.VG •• ji EVOLVED. That the Mayor t>e authorized to call sir puli!"- iiit-eling of the citizens of Macon to submit *ur!i plan us lie tiny depio advisable, for the seuieiueut ,he public debt of (be city.*' •Afnyor’e OlBcc of the (ify of .tlnreii, J Mar-b 29. t8<4 \ I N piirsuam-e of the above Resolution of tlie City Council of MS'-on. I he-etiyc.ill si Public Meetinifol theciuzeus. to be held in the Council Cunnihrr. op Tlmisday eveninc nexi, A|>r4l (tli at ( oVlm k. 1*. M ; sit tvhicb mi e a will I e sulmiiited to tlietr coiisuie alion. deeply atTecliug the imereb and pr.-siieritv of the (*?t v. ‘ .1 AMES A. NISBET. Mavor. €bititici! t hnnibcr, I . MACON. March 29. 19(4. j tlEGULAIl SCKTIKG. t’rpNcnt—77<ir Major, A hi. iJol/in*, Utfhtu dtr. Rohm, Ellin, Wian, D niton. Ahneiil—Aid. ililme*, Frrvman- *8 'HIK MiwUw ol ihtr lau regu-ar iiice’ing were redd and Jl ruiitirnttfd Tile If* idj.’e K*'ej>er rrporti u>Itifiir week, todave. S9^ Q7» The |«blUiii ol' Z '1‘ C'Uiurr. lor relief from m doubic tax wan rv.ul. nti I. on tu<Mioii. laid on tlie lab.e. t!oiii{>laiiit iinbeen made to Connri »tlmt s a^nant wa ter, in lar^e <|U>mtiiie9. i* 9tandii g *»n the Ware-House L«‘i» on l*o,*u!ar eirert. n*»w owned bt tbe Siolli-WViHrrii Ataii- Itmtl Cniiipau)', mi l the a<!joiuiu^ L* l, owned b\ Ginlry 15c •’lit Marabai wn* iin»tru**ted t*» notify the Ap^nt- of the owner* of said Lot* t> have them dra tied or filled uj», forthw ill. On in *tJi»n »*f Aid. Demon, J(r*tJprd, Xuat die Mayor be iin*tmeted to repre*ent the Cit.% St*»ek at tiie tneemip ol* t^iiN kbolderti in die Ceiunt. ,— t ic ItttiMtcad and iiiiukiop CoiMpauv, at^avaniiabsou MonJa\ no C'lriMiltitionjtl |w»wr 10 «!•-trilune* the pnwei ds nl the Ptihlic L*irn|j< mpmi” tit#* Stnie.s, 9ili. Resulted, Tlmt w t-oumiiilee of five l»e ni»- pomiet), to aeleet smtottie persons *i» fill tlie respec tive offices of Pfesiileni* Vice-Presidenis, &<•. U»i»fei tlie Ins? resolution, tin* Clmir npjioiiifeil h«N>ker D»hs, M. M. Maaott, Win. H. Cone. T. T. AV oltrd. That the Mayor he authorized to nepotiate wiiu E. Mol .uenx- jpua fnran hmovement #»f the debt t tSO. Uiin i In ele^l. wnieli be l.o.dn die eitv. u;« n Kiidi UH'us .or mat he tmmt judiemu*. In lb# fire.-ent raane i sta e • f « ur*—the Corn ell he e p.edginp ilieiuaeiveiaM ratify.aiid cotiiplv With. *ueb a&tUeu»etit a* he >a- ma> e. Oil <»f Aid Cfillina, Jis’Aolvrtl, Thai the lime C»r retorniog of Citv Ta e*, be c..ri.„. ; ,.,.i wvib. p. r . k«,... i ice—wiio retired, mid, in a lew :ninide.^, reiurned j tice **i thi* exvei*aioR v thr»>ugb die public print#, and rcpnrteil tlie following gsntlntirn ns ntficers nf ArTr*t ,hC " a ‘ 1 ^'“ jr ‘" : ' 1 Ihe Association! Allen (Jiiclirniu Pnttiileitt; Jnm s nnd Id-ii-k l.m-r CnisUn .Is, lii-ls >ilk rliswl, Idack M* .Sluml>,rollon and l.meu I.jnls-ne l.inpcr,S/ttlyds. Rtissb, ,|<>. nt 121 cr-ot* |M-r instl; -2.01111 ytls. Nrem »iri; « IIoim-*puu* at 121 via. a yitoi; M 0 t hit* (ifortia i\iiiik.'t‘is; lO.IMItt til*. Idem licit amt brown Slirriiips nnd Shining-; 2.11(10 yard* 1 ti-Ii I mens lions 374 Jl; 25pim-s E'lrlston Gingbaii’* at 25 rt* |irr »nnl; 2-'» do. nt 3i null 37J rent*; 50 tb>z. I.isle Cup* M §1 si ilozt-u; 1800 Imxi'* *ilvr'r ids It-d Hook* and Kiri* nt (it coins. F’tR 'I HE tiE.Vri.E.ME.V—siiiclr iiiill. il Cnsimets, ribbrd nnd print d Usnubroon.*, I.iiipn Drill*, Linen (!|in-k*. Check Gingham*, Geistlo.neu’s sfgarfs, Crn- vat*. Silk <:|t,vp*,&r. Ladies' Sijlt Umbrellas. Parasols ami Sunshades of the most choice pniirrn-, from ?h cents to $3. 50 piece* Gimp with every Xuriety of shade nnd color. New const* received firry we.-k; any mtirle i.ut found a* irpre.enled, n ay be reluiue<|, nod the price "ill lie refunded Store on Mnll>or,r street under Wnshincton Hull. April 2.1841, CHANE Si CLARK. 200 French worked GuSIars, 171 INK Musliij nnd heavy work A* we b.uglit them 1 nt Auction in New York, tve can sell them nt 50 cent* n piece. Cull soon tor liaigniii*, HI April2, 1841. CRANE &. CLARK’S. rjAHE undersigned have rrceiveJ a large and general 2 supply of Fancy dc St:ti»J(* Foreign & American m ^' ^f, i i;t h’ i which they oHV-r at (be very lotcetl prices. Theii Stuck cunsdsta is> part of the fulluwiisg G>».l*: Superfine, meslium. mid low .priced Cloths. Super Black and Blue-black Wool dyed Casimeres, New style Plaid and Striped do Guide Tj Farmett* and Summer Cloths. London, Cadet, and Fancy Drilling., Vestings,'&c. 2.000 pieces New style Trims. 200 do Georgia Nankeens. 50 do Mexican Mixture*. 50 do Midd'e*ex Siripes, 50 do Iiisli Linens, 100 d->zen New s:v b*„\Vi!lmv BONNETS, 50 do PALU LEAF HATS. lOU pieces New *t\ le Printed Lawns, 50 do Gingham*. 500 dozen^p.«d Thread, 200 ib> Hosiery. Black nnd colored Silts and Satin*. Rnlzsriiies. Foolard nnd Fancy Silk*. Swiss, dm-oner. Mull and X a 11 * >- ■ k Mus'ms, Cambrics Diuilty. Long an I Bishop Lawns, Umbrella*. Parasols, an t Shades. Shirlina*. S' eetinc*. and TieViegs. » Pongee. India, and SpiilletieM Udkfa. Silk. Filla. an 1 B liznrine Udkf*. and Shawls, Itea tv made Linen* Sucks. Cravat*. Collar*. Ac. A*. With almost every other itrtiele usually kept in 'be Dry- Goods line; all of'which wi'I be *<*I I at the lowest price* f*rcash. SA.M'L. J. BAY A CO. Brick Building uear Messrs. Graves* corner. Macon. A| ril 2. !*((. 27 A 11. FREEMAN. C.C. To lhc S'diilic. 1*oo!*' out lt,p Thieves o N Tuesilav night la-t. 2«th March, the wood* in the rear of my dwelling, was ret on tire, m d wbi.e I »■> D. Ledrr. Col. \\ill. C'. ReiMing, Dr. Jtitnes D. Heard. Dolpltiti Flovil. titld Wylie Bniruti, V.r-e- PrentJeni*; Bookipf Dos*. E*<|.; and Dr. Roln rt L.i Rmlilev. Reconling Secretaries ; Win. B. Uoiw, I trving to pm Jt'ooL two n.ea Talletl ami Wisltri! to May a'l r, T l ■ r- rt m i night, my w fr odd iliem that she did in-I know that she E*q.« Serielttry; nnd .-»*(j- J I’tOU* I ojtr, 1 re nearer. CI111 | ( | >r j., miimdute tliem.l.ui would call me; while *i.e wn* Our nur _ I _ Were ill nur villa n e, who wt-ro invited, nnd linrnirrd Ournl tlient —a* about 5 eet 8 inehe* high, well built . . . . . full face fair complexion, weannp a Idark hat. frnrk coat, tile ineeltlio Willi tlietr pri’seni f. Among the nuin- Ijpi, J.,,,;.. Tb, tuher a small man al«u 5 feet 5 ber, WM Col. James H. Stork, of 13HITS. who. hr- inches, thin vissge. dark complexion._al*o a black hat niul dr«*•« coal li/lit |»ani«. and from ilirir talk vicr^ «n^ calletl on, n ltlresswil the nieeliii" in lliat IiicmL Frenchmen, thr mhuii man had a very amall toot; the rifle * i ** -■ 1 1 *— pewua-i-•»» l«rk, Der- j r« on.icMiiv , ****** ^ • ”r* • * niiiM arc* mniodate iiiem.i-ui w#»iii#i rpn me; vrniir *:.e wns )ur Superior Cnurl lieilij ill neasicHl, «l H<l«l*li«*r «*f «i'in« »»•«? tlie> entered my h*»tue. oi*^t ed iny Hnreau a?d .... . f. . .1 Wardifr e Mt cpii a lady V work l.oX. vn-k Uuv rifle, Denoirnils frum other routine*, i WWT ,. h wn i,., aill | „«. e dle I-. .k. and decamped. TnOMAS Sj. ROUS. Ascsat. f J AS ju*t received from New Ymk, a fre»h aupply of 1 i 1) v G (id* comostiitg «»fCa ic««e*. Linens. Red Ticks, Apr..ii ( beckf>, Rlrached and Brown Sh.rtin^a ami Sheet- Drill-*. Stripes. S|»onl Thread. Silk a tut Cotion H*lks, \Vhite 4'otion Hose, Net Suspenders. Turkey Red Cotton, Cottou Ozuaburg* and Fnetory Yam. Hardware. A finva-sonmentof Hardware. inii*i*ting(if Brade’s Pai nt nnd Cnroliiui Wee,ling 1 h c*. Trnl-c Clmins, Collins' Axes, Wagon Boxes. Sad Irons. C**l' ii Csnls. billets. W nf. l*ons. Tea J(eil'e«. dnine P.m*. Frying Pans. IVffee Vli I*. Hand sawn. Files. Hasp*. Diamine Knives. Ciw llammeis. Knires nn I Forks. Fid X* *ck , (.'urty < otnha. Col Tacks. Fin*. Needle*. Blm-kii'g. n r| il lion lt< | e Dooly ,?1 ;?)■ Stalcx. \AriLL b.w|il,wi ihc lir*i Tuesday in MAY next. I e- v Y t ire the Court-Home dour in Vienna Dooly ecuntv, within the h-fal hours or sale. Uue Lot i.t Land; No. 179. in the 1st Di*lrici of Donly county; levied ,ni a* tlie property of Benjuniu Webb, to satisfy tine li fa lYoin itu? Superior Court ot Dooly county, iu favor of Sainorl B Tarver vt s iid Webb. Also Lots of Lull t Nos. ]52, 153. liis. (59. I3G. and'the Bast halfof Lot Np. >54, nlbiu the -3d Jhatrirt of Do-ly c Mlntv ; at- levied on s* the properly of Jacob ,W|isiC. t • satisfy site following fi Iks; one Isith Dooly ituperihr Court; in favor o. John Raw!* v-. said Watson; one from Pulaski fhrpenor Court, in f ivor of J,.fin Uawls vs. said .Watson ; •him from D wily inferior Court in favor of Robert B D-tvies vs. said Watson; one from Dooly Superior Court.; iu favor ••I Divi.t J. B .tbwrl vs. i ii,I Watson; one from Dooly Su perior Court, in lavor nf Jliha 2-to-;es vs. s lid Watson ; oua from Dmdy ttuperior Cou»t. in f-ivor of Nelson ClayloU and Flames D C>ayton, Adtiir* , Ac. vs. said Wat-on : cndnpe from Dooly Superior Ct urt, in favor if Wi.liant Adams vs. said Watson. Also, -t Xerroe*. to wiis Louisi Maria, Nols n and a negro child ; levied anas the property of Reuben E. Brown, to satisfy one fi fa from I) »oIy Superior Court, in fr’or of James W lite vs said Brown; one from Doolv Snperior C mr*. in favor of Joseph E. McCoy vs. said Brown; one from Houston Superior Cunt, in favor of I*aac Newell vs. said Brown, principal, amt David C. Campbell, security on the stay ol execution; one from Houston Superior Court in fivor of Haslatn. Price & Co. v. said Brown; one from Dooly Superior C urn, in favor of Tlmma* Mnbly vs. said Brown; nnd one front Dooly Superior Court, in favor of Isaac S. Meri no v*.said Brown. Ab-o. Lor ><f Land Nn. 72, in the 9tb District of Dooly county; levied qtt as the property of Oliver H. It wed, to sa is y one ti fa from DiVt’.v c-uperior Court, in favor of Tren- lm in A Tomlinson vs ssi.l UowelL tl e etaim or interest of Alexander Bustle, in and to L-.ts No*. 36 and 8, in the 6th District of Drxdy county; lev ied on as the property of said Bustle, to *atisfy one fi fa from a Justice's Court, in favor of Ab/ain Y. Feavy vs. sa'tl Busiie Levied on and reiurned to toe by a constable. Also. Lot ol Land No. 67, in the 7th District of Dooly county; levied on os the property of Edward Howell, to satisfy one fa fit from Dooly Superior Court, in favor of John J. Collins vs. said Rowell. Also. Lot of Land Nn. 39. in the 10th District of Dooly county; leviert on as the properly nf William J. Welbnrn. to satisfy one fi fa from Heard Superior Court, in favor of Richard Allen vs. said Weiborn. Aim, Lot of Lind. No. not known, but known as the place whereon John Cox now lives, in the 9ih District of Dooly county; levied on a* the property of John Cox, to satisfy the following f. fas : one from Dimly Inferior Court, tn favor of John Oliver v.«. said Cox ; one from Dooly In ferior Cuuit, in favor of McUilbry Wilson vs. said Cox. maker, and James t>pivy. endorser; one from Dooly Sut e- rinr Court, in favr-r of Treidto in A Tomlinson vs said Jox g one from IJooly Superior Court, in fsvnr of Henry Pettee, Admr; and Mary Savage, Adm’x.. An. vs. sail Cox; one from Dody Superior Court, in favor of James G. Oliver v*. said Cox; ami one Justice's Court ti fa itt favor of Matbew Smith vs. said Cox. principal, and Samuel Dawson A Broth er. endorsers; said fi la levied suil returned to ute by a constable. ■ "Also. Lot of Land No. 28. ill the 3d District of Dooly county; levied on as the prnpeiiy of John T. Bnoth.-to satis- ; fv one ti fa from Talbot Saperior Court, in favor of Charles 1 St. John v*. said Booth. i Also, Lot No. not known, bat known as the place where John A. Hart now lives; levied on as the property of said John A. Hsrt, to satisfy one fi fa from Dooly Superior Cot^rt. in favor nf Jonathan Wood vs. said John A. Hart and Wm. 51. Hart. Abo. Lot of Land, No. not known, hut known as the place where Hannon Hall now lives; levied on asthe prop erty of said Ilali. to satisfy one fi fa from Dooly Superior Court, m favor of Otis Johnson vs. said Hall. Also. Lot of Land No. 27. and Lot, No. not known, but known as the place where David Fation’a widow now lives; levied on as the property of David Fatton, to satisfy two fi fs* from a Justice's Court of; Houston county, in f ivor nf William Campbell vs. said Patton. Levy madr and re turned to me by a constable. Also. 4 Lots nt Land. No*, not known, but known as the p'nce where William P C'.iusseaux now live*; levied ai a* the pro|,erty of the sai i William F. Causseaux. t satisfy •me li fa from D'Vtly Inferior Court, iu favor of Guilford Kent vs. said Causseaux. Also, tine Negro Girl, mined Jane; levied on asthe prop erty of P..elution Bohannon, to -atisly one fi fa from Dooly .■’nperior Court, in favor of A. Wood A Co. vs. said Bohan non. Also, one Bay Horse, about-years old. and one f*nnel Mare,-abou’ 8 year* old; levielo'ias the property n f Ra leigh IIight-wer to satisfy one fi fa from Doolv Superior Court, in favor of Henry B. Hudson v*. said Hightower. Aiso. Lot of Land No. 1U6. in the 10th Distrirt of Dooly county: levied on ns the property of James C. Bradley, to satisfy one fi fa from Dooly Superior Court, iu lavorol'Jun- iithnn Wood vs. said .Bradley. Also. 4 Lots of. Land. Nils. 003 201. 229. nnd 230. in the 1 Sth Distrirt ol Dooly cutiuty; levied on as the property nf JV’ew Goods! [£T w* M. tOX : Ribfi muni iiilhoriid] lo announce* U* I'llT idale tor Receiver ot* Tax Heiuri.a f«r llUll i 1840 15 izril to ;»uit*»iiMce NOI*s a!e fi.r Hecenei »»♦ r ia\ itemr :: iu Jat.aarv !54o. 15 NEW GOODS!! ri^HE Subscribe!s are now receiving a general itBori- 01 Rit>b County, at tl. X meiUJf staple and fancy DRY-GOODS, ot .ne latest ^ an ^ styl^arifi patterns, which they oiler for saie at fair price*, is g u t, -*oe crior C ositij brick building one door from Washington Hall. Nuveniber Term lSi3. Seut 35 52 GEO. W. PRICE !t CO. IIenry 13. Hill. ^ LIREL FOR DIVORCE (foil-loo .71 ay Sole,. Att.x EHlLL ) v,'nn^r "'’ILL be sold on the fir.-t Tuesday in Miy next,before ]t appearing by ii;e reium «* T ▼ the ^’ourt Hou.-e door, in Pe*ry, Houston C«*omy, the defendant in the above ca witiiin the legal houi* ot* ?a!e. wnhin the hin-iiof this cuunty i Sr-rn> Man by the name of Wright, about 50 years old, said Ann P. Hi i resides with ai.d a NegroWoii.n by ike name ol- Clarism; both levied foresakl; it i» now,uu million on as the property of John Tomlinson, to satisfy auuriiy fi fas tiff’s counsel, I mm a Ju-^t ce*s Court, nu.tinstsaid T*»i r o Miilinson. Turner G. j Urdned, That servic rt, hein r.n, 1243. he chentT. ih of Ld t*i. v. nnd it being it ihe limits f E. Ciiiton Libel n bilb z lo So- i p. r 1 :. Pien-e. and James A. it->quem >re, iu favor ofJerewiah II. publishing this order in the Georgia Telegraph, printed o Dupree and other-*. Macor, ouce a month fur three inoi tj.'s before the r.rxi 'i erm Also, 1 Negro Woman by the name nf Agey. and her 3 ; of this Court; and by a service of a copy of the aoove sia- children; levied on a* die properly of Richard Wallace to i e d Libel upon the defendant at her resiueuce, three months satis y i fi .a from Houston Superior Coart. in fiver of A us- ' before the i e\t Term. tin C i: g>r«»n. Executor of Allen Congleion, deceased, vs } A truer p,' from the Minutes of Bibb Superior Court Richard Wallace. , Jan 9, 1314. * 16 m:<in H. O. E022,C!trL_ f oak and hickory land; levied on as ..Also, 2025 nr the-property of Hardy Duihnm, number not recollected, <nnjvn as the place whereon the negro quar e «f siid Dur ham stands in sa d rouuty; to satisly one fi fa ii favor of John Rawls ai*aiu*r Kaioh Attaway, pr uripal. and said Durham 6ecuritv; from the Superior Court of said rouat v. ‘ WM. HERRINGTON, Shff. March 30. 1S44. 27 Dooly Sop. fouit, K'or Adjourned Term* IS44. UlRRT Pettke, Admr. &. m LL of Tnierp^erder, &e. nnd to mar dial i iKSRY Pettee. Admr. & ) Maky Savage, Admr*. f BII vs, C nod War Smith, et. a!. / 5 T appearing t»ihe Court defend raw IVo4ice; T fIHE* uoders'^ned have nasoriated themselves in the X practice of the Law. and will ui v »* prompt attention to such business as inny be entrusted to their care. They will attend the ollowihg c*»urts; Bibb. Crawford, Monroe. Twiggs, Jones, Wilkinson. Houston.Pulaski, Hen ry and Pike, A. P- POWERS. L. N WHITTLE. Macon, March 2G, 1344. 26 m. SOHYJSTOiVX, ATTORNEY AT LAW'j MACOR, a A. to* OFFICE over olJ Darien Bank. Macon. March 26. 1844. 26 _____ JOSEPH E. CIAPP, Auavucy at hnrr, ilav 10 VlliSi, Dooly county. Georgia. Jan 25 J. S. :-0E2Mr-JAItD, ATTOBKEY AT i,AW, PERRY. GEO. KHasanilton* Hardemao & Co. FACTORS AND General Commission slier chants SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. August 29, 1843. THOMAS S3. HAKDEIV, Commission Merchant, S.(I-J.T.TJBr, CfiflKCM 5 S prepared to execute all orders for sellinn and purcliaf l ing Froilnce, and wi.l make liberal Advances on all Produce consigned to him Tor sale. Refer ib—W*. D.earIsc &So.vs. Charleston. W1LEV, L&kx & Co. “ F. A. Lawson. Albany, Ga. R. K. Bines, Esq. - Rka & Cotton. Macon, Chas. Dav & Co.. “ Johnson, Jones k Peck, Griffin, Beck, Dobdins 6c Co. KnimtoUGii A XUdgwat, Apalachicola, F LocKtiAttT St Young. August 1. 1843. 4( X ■ /"'ll » > 11 a'l a ae > S Y jl 'S Robert G. Ford, to satisfy two fi fas from Lee Soperioj lYl\^Ik£'j ll §Jj ?V ^J4 A/ Le r3 , Court, mie in favor of Allen B. Chastain vs. said Ford;tlie other ill favor ot Grifiin Siniib vs. Jacob Shivers. Also, Lot of Land Nn. 224. in the 18th Distrirt of Dooly c <ui-ty; levied on as tlie prope-ty-of Willinm W. Tiron. to satisfy one ti fa imm Dimly Superior Court, in favor of Tay lor Jc Lowther v*. said Tisnn. Alsu. Lilt of Land No 48. in the Dtb District of Donly county; Jtried on as the property ofL.trie B ftims. to sat isfy three Justice’s Court fi fas in fav, r of W. & D. Rems- hart v* .aid Sims. Levy made and illumed to me by a constable. 'YOUNG F. OUTLAW, Shff. March 22,1844. 27 .ttliuitiiKlrnfor’* Sale. k G REE ABLY t«» an order of the Iu'leriof Court of Bihb v cmiuiy. when sitting f'*r ••r.linary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday i» JUNE next I e ; «»re ihe Court-House l*M»r iu f Viei-iM. D*m»Iv ••.»unty. wiihio tlie legal hours of sale, two. L-’ts of tan»l in D* *» v «*o»mty known bv the No 204. in «lie I6tii Iiistrieumid N*» 55, iu the 10th, Distriet. Sold NOTICE. TAX RETITR1VS. 1IY Book is now open for the reception of Tax Returns: iff 3. and I earnestly request the citizens to come forward and make tUeir returns. My Book will he kept at the Mes senger Office, where I will be in waiting, unless absent from the citv bv sppptnrraent. Feb #7 ‘22 JOHtN H. OFFUTT. R T C. NEW BOOKS At J. Barnes’, Oil Cotton Avenue Prescott's Mexico. Dr. Olio's Travel* in the East, Life nf Wiltiurn Fisk, Kend ill's Santa Fe Expedition, Msgendee's Phy*iolngy, New Edition of Dun disoii’* Medical Dictionary, No I i!c 2 Harpers’ Pictorial Bible. Works of Mis* Brewer, in cheap form, Liebig's Agricultural Chemistry, Mysteries of Paris. Macon. March 26. 26 ~>5£7W A ... Duimm a Powder. So .i.lLca I, l..t|*r al and ' Hv. .n »" l>‘* I'mperiy «f Phi-ip Mincbew, de.-e.sed. late of Bibb - . .. .. • — * cniiotv—fn*the bci.efitot t-ie li(*us. le • f a-*** :iihI Mound Gi’ig^r. Mu>t»r-l. Nut » e.* P*-!*.*** , Spi e.S-1 Kritu # , Star*li lu ii-.w. gladder. Cdpfrrus. Atlum. Krittur** e K*t««'tii .-'ulm Oil. 0**oJeJd««:, Bateiiun’s Dn»j s P rrfnrir. Liut!inuu>, &r • &r. Aprit 2. 1844 ‘-7 StO REWARD. g ) AVAWAY fioni the «ub*criher. near 3 a llr.nrv Grove.,(.'rawlnrd county, uu Saturday night, the of March, a' Negro Fellow, by the name of TOM. about 22 year* old, rather light complexion, weighs about ]5j nr 160 )),.*.. well imidr. about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high and lias a fine voice. Hr «"•* raised in Nor:It iiaml-na. nnd was purrha.e*l nl Auction iu Charles- ton. {>. I', from T. N Gids-ton. about iweeks ago. Frr-m the desciipti. tl given of It m. 1 ttdnk be was «een. tlie dny alter lie tell, alu-ut 17 mile* above Macon, on the Columbus road, on his Wat toward* Macon. The ab vr reward wif) bt uiven to anyp«r«n i apprehend ing A id Negro, auti lodging him in * n.e wife jail, so ilia: I ca.ige- Idm" WM. J D. 8.MILEY. Aprils *7 SI iV.-h 29 (ifeo. A. SllKCHEW. Admr. hiMMmms, -«i.w, i» * •f ihe stork, a grove (s little back of the fore sight) rut to put a cross sight to the gu'-; the watch was a small silver sliele- ton levrr, with gold hinges. No 2*228, and made by I). Hr til ers, Liverjmol; the wallet of black morocco with steel r'a«p; the needle book also of black morocco, fastened with hook amt eye. 1 publish this witli the hope that the articles may detect March 28, 1844. Mount Pleasant. Jones county. 27 nentlyqiutlifi dto dual all tiuu *. He runclitilrd Ids remarks, by adverting tn. and reltertrsiti" suite an- ecdutes of the Standing Army. Ctinli Skin, atid Kell Pepper Campaign of 184G. Our excellent ntttl irmst worthy Ex (Invernfli -. - , , , • , u r, , , , . , , ,, ,, lr them and put them where tlie. sbouH be. McDonald, being present, w.-is Iritluly called lot— ' CHARLES 5. THOMAS, who reap an letl to flic call; and. on risiti”, was ap plauded by load nnd repented cheer*. Ho took tip and discussed the merits nf Hie restiltilitins sepa rately. with that profound, clear, rinil dignified man ner, that commanded ilia mimirnlioti of al! who Were prevent. Many of the opposition gave their attendance; ukIunm were beard to say. that bis temarks were irresistible and undeniably true. It l ; ml ,. r , isned , mvi . tn ken this *„„, Hotel, for- is only necessatv to see and bt nr him, to admire 1 inertv kept bv Benjos RobkoTA. E*q.. and are now him; and it is the earnest and great .lesiie t,f the : i e *' lv r " r ' he r " rr| ‘ tlo,, ° rTrav ' ,!er * and Fnlni,1> * visi ' in S Monme Democratic Association, that he will dc- Tlie aub«rriher» p'edge themselves to iise every exertion Vote ns much of his time as lie can, during the comfort of their patron R DANIEL. MARIETTA HOTEL, Cobb County, GEORGIA. Marietta. Jan. 1.134 t. JEREMIAH LEAK. For •Vile V FIRST rate saddle and harne.s hor.«e. Inquire of 6. ODOM. Apiil 2. 1844. 27 CENTRAL COURSE, present year, in nddrcssifig nnd correcting the linn- j *st and misguided people of the Stale. Jacon Martin, Esq., ril" Pike, was called Ibf—who answered lo the call, with (urcc .mil reason, nnd en- tattained the audience fir a shrift time, us the time ^ was Hot.ted. His remarks were in the purpose.— Every word drove the nail central tin the head;, and depend on it. ho drove il lit tough and r-lcii. lied -yi ^ (w|£0 h- It is to he regri tied that III .re of (he o,.|HZri imf ' ' H g a«»«ver the :hnvr Courwr. f.n Were not present, tn bear his liumlaonia aliusioai- li a. wil. couiineoev tlie 30th April next, am Mr. Clay and his followers ill Gemgin. (t was '' J thought conviction pierced many that were present ; Col. Clifton Blake, of Macon, was c.i c,( fur.— I'he time having expired, (hr which the Court fool; tree*., could not allow that young champion tn ml* ^ , *** 'he Deintx-rncy of Monroe. He rose and stn- l *d, tiiat it would liave nlTiirded him pleasure to do *°i but Court hour* forbid. But the little he dTcl ril. K l-l hv IW ■ ll.i 2d a\ I ee 3-i *i;i , in .e h* 4ih ihv. mile h. Toe Pur»e fur stand. An -il S’. 1844. ring. 1844. hiinue tour GREAT CHANCES! Tlir subsrribrr. nimeiiried by the jileasir.g task of paving numerous and lirilliani Prizes, offers to ilie public the fol lowing t hemes for this week : 12.000 DOLLARS, 6.000 DOLLARS, GEORGIA LITERATURE -VT ^BSH BrC Class I^o. 2. DRAWS THIS DAY. AT AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. O* Sale* cease This Evening, at 7 o'clock. TICKETS $0—Shares in proportion. M! Class .\o. 3, D. PAY.XK A CO. .Mnnasrts. (Sucre**ors to James Phaeen St Co ) TO BE DRAWN AT MY OFFICE. IN THIS CITY. 1 1 1 10 ,x g%i3miu3»lrjitor’ff Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the Ittferio*' Court r»f Bibb county, when siltitip for ordinary ptir|MMies. will be s »ld, or* the first Tuesday in JUNE next. iiefi»re the Gouri-House J* or in |>.ihls»negn. T.t.inj.k 1 r» enuiitv. within the Ies*l liters of sale. L**tof L*»»m1 N«». 27. 13th District. 1st Section *»f o»i finally Cherokee. n«*w Lninpkiu enanty. Sold ns the prop erty of Philip Mincliow, deceased, late of Bibb county—tor the benefit of the heirs. Msirli ‘J9 27 GEO. A. MINCHEW. Admr. KO^GIA, Crawford County.-—Whereas Gregory J. vX Turner yitolies fn me for ler#r* ot Administration on the Estate pfRivb^rd F. Davis. decM. late of said conn y: Ti»ese «re. therefore, in r te ami admonfAb nil nnd singu lar. the kindred and creditor* of sa*d dec eased, to b« and ap- l»eir at mv uflve. v iihin .he time prescribed by law. to shew canse. (if anv they have.) why siid fetter* should nut be granted Given under niv band, thi* 23th March. ’P44. b 27 V E. W. HENNH ro /"'I KORGlA. Crawford Cotmtv.—Whereas. William L- ” 14 .Tolinson applies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of Reuben ll. I’a vis. decVl.. late of said, comity; These are. therefore, to rite and ndm*niish all and singu lar. the kindred nnd creditors*»f stud deceased, to he and ap pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. to shew cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not be i era tiled. Given under mv hand, this 2 a ib March,. 1344. 27 E. W. DENNIS, cco BOOTS « D SHOES, J i;* r BBOBiyBP nt (lie sls» oftbc Bfs Koo* MULBERRY STREET. - C\ Trtinka of Gent's. Fine Philadelphia Calf Bonn. .ff, t dn fin . fin fio fio Bootee*. 1 do Ladies* do do Kid Huitkius, I do ' do do do do Slippers. X do do do col. ^lmle Gaiter*, 1 do do do black and c-1. half Gaiters. 1 do do do col. Slipper,, With various other kind* of Men's Boots on-l'Shne*; La dies’ Kid and Leather Shoe, ; Misse*'. Boy’., Youth s und Children’* Shoes &n.—which will he sold low. bv Man b 5 S3 STRONG St WOOD. H. C. FREEMAN IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN « R4 > C !•: K fi « 1> n x- ft o 3> s. & C -being desiroti* of eloabig out bis present Slock. Goods can be had nt very reduced prices— Liquors, Sugar, Coffee; Bagging. Rope. Castings, 2cc. Ate ON CONSIGNMENT, 3 qr. Casks Cognac Bran-ty, 2 b!a. Malaga Wine, 2 do Fort do , 5 Cheats Tea—lower titan can be bought in March 12 24 Juices Ptcwort. cue of the est.'.vs ootoftl.e S:..’.e: It ia on tn-lion. Ordered. That service of the same b ' pub. liration in one of the pub.ic gjrcitea r*t Mococ. once a month for four month*. True extract from tha Minute, thi* ”0ih January. 1??J l-v. 6 VJ THOMAS U. KEY. t'ierb. , I K i) K 'J I * . Cr.iv- h ." 1 C : T y —l.crcn*. E’.lcrt M, vf Davis. Administrator oo theKrUieof William Street. man, deceased, late of enid county, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Estate: These are therefore to cite nnd ndmouieb all nr.d singu lar the kindred and creditors of said dor rased, tube rod ap- peerntiny office, within she time prescribed by law, to shew cause ipatiy they have, why said lettersshou’d not be gran ted. Given under mv baud, llii* 3d day of Jan 1844. 15 E. W. DENNIS, cco EO UGIA, Crawford county—Whereas. Turner Cates Administrator, and Nancv Cates, Administratrix, on the Estate of Thomas Cater, deceased, late ot said couniy, apply to me for letters ot dismission from said Estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all nud the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lo be and ap pear at my office, within the lime prescribed by Jaw.toshew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be gran ted. Given under mv hand, litis 3d day of Jan. ISM. 15 ‘ E. W. a G EORGIA. Housimi County.—Whereas, Tboihns A. it. Sledge. Administrator, He bonis i.on. nn the Estate of Harris Allen deceased, late of said county, applies to me for ietier* of dismission from said Estate: These ore, therefore, to cite and od-nenlab ail and singu lar. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at inv office, within the time prescribed by law.-to shew cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not be granted. Given under niv band, this 22d Jan. 184-1. 13 BRYANT HATTON, cco G EORGIA. Crswfoid County.—Whereas. Gregory J. Turner, Administralorofshe Estate of William Bow. den. deceased, late of said county, applies for letters of dia mission from said Estate: These are therefore to cite and adrhohish a’! and singular, the kindred and efr* liters of said decea-ed, to be and ap pear at mv office, wtthin the tin e prescribed by lav.-, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters ah-uld not be grant ed. Given under mv bund, this 3d dav of Jan. ; - -41. rs ' E. W.'DENNIS, cco . E. W. Den- the place. l«? i SIS Ui B'rizc (lo do do $ 12.o«0 .1,0011 3,000 1,000 le In ■Jo I e.*t 3 G. B 27 key Club Fur.e, #200 urse. 3m) 100 n 5. 20b race, will he hung on at the ROBERTSON. A I'O. Proprietors. B- KT Pst-v. Order.* lr-' nl e.VOO and $100. ;e« warranted as u.nal. !, ihe roan try promptly INDIAN SPRING. rilBK subscriber ra»*st respeclfalW informs the public. X that lie has taken possession of the well known Hotel at the Indian Spring, lately occupied by Col 11. Dillon — There are so nnnv living witnesses, who ran bear testimo ny to the wonderful benefits derived from the use of these unequalled waters that it is useless to.speak of them here. He assure.* ol. who are disposed to visit ii tn. that nr efforts shall be wanting to provide nil such luxuries as will tenc to their comfort; nnd to afford them nil -mcli means of amuse inent ns wi 1 ennble them to drive “ dull care away/’ and pass their tipie in pleasure. KJ* GAMING ia otrirtlr forbidden. * BRYAN W. COLLIER. Indian Spring, Butts eo. March‘26, 1844. 26 tO GEOI.OGICAI, OBFABTOEXT,) MH.LEDGKVH.LE. Nov. 2. 1839. S Analysis of the Water of t’.e In iiau Spring, Butts County, Ucorgia. Qaantity. one pint, (wine measure.) or 2?,875 cubic inches. Prelim i n a rie* for a correct jfmalyri* of this Spring. Baromciet...................29,54 inches. Temperature of the Atmosphere,.......63 deg. Farenhcit. Teuipersture of the Water 46 do do Specific Gravity 1,142, tbvt of dUtiPed water being 1,000. Azotic Ga«, .0.156 cubic inches Carhonie Acid Gas 1.000 do Sulphuretted llvdrojen 3.5 do C’03fTEiVI N. C«rl»onrtte nf Mngite*ia 1.98!? prains. Palpha'e of Magnesia 71,528 do Strip nf Lime 7 152 do Sulphate of Potash..................3,415 do FOR SALE, V HO US K and LOT, together with out* buildings, garden. &c on Bridge street, being part o! L f »t No. 4, Square 5, in the City of Macon—33 feet front, and 210 feet deet>— adjoining the Lot formerly occupied by kite. Jjong. For further particulars, enquire of Feb 20 91 WM. HIGHTOWER. CA3-TIO.V. f HEREBY caution all persons against trading for a Promissory NOTE, given by.myself to John H«rdin or bearer, for S250, dated some time in the month of Decem ber. 1842, nnd due some time in the inontL of January there after. with a credit given on it for S5. in .1 anuary. 1843. The above Note I am determined not to pay, unless compelled hv law a? the c.onsiderutiou for which it was given hns en tirely failed, «J0HN CON. Doolv county, March 19, 1844. 2t* 3t Strayed or Stolen, HT* ROM Macon, cn tlie 17th infit, a small black horse, two 3 left feet believed to be white, a white snip on his nose, long tail and mine, 6 years » In—had on a saddle when he left. Any information thankfully teceived, and a reasona ble reward given for said Horse, or leaving him with John Edwards to BiM> county, on tli* Ftulcai Road, nr with the subscriber, near Bateman's *t*»rq. H*»nst-ih enmuv. LITTLETON D. FEAVY. March 26. 1844. 26 3t g 3 EURGIA. Crawford County.—Win \JT nis. Administrator on the of Lewis Tt,liner- deceased, late of said county, applies for letters of Distnis an; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singe lar.the kindre,'. nnd creditors of said deceased, to he and ap. pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, (if any they hare,) why 8uch letters should not be aran'ed. Givenunder my hapd a t my office, this 21 m day of October, 1813. 5 ‘ E. \V. DENNIS, c. c. o. G lRORGIA. Crawford County. Whereas. Hilliard f Crutchfield. Executor on the K-tate ot Ro! ,-rt M. VVright,deceased, late ot sai 1 couniy, applies to uic for lei* ters of Dismission from said Estate: These are therefore lo ciie am! admonirh all and singu- ar. the kindred nnd ctedhhr* of said dere/sed. lo be and -ppear at my office, witn'n the time pi etcrihed by law, to .how c.mse.'ifany they hare, why slid letters should not .e granted. Given under my band at office, this 6ih Nov. 1843. 7 E. W. DENNIS, cr n f 1 EOBGIA. Crawt"'rd County.—Whereas.'Jasmi West, AJT A'linioistrstiir on the Estate of Jason Meadows, lic ensed, late of said county, applies to me for letters of dis- uission from said Estate: Itese are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu- ar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ant ippear atmy offii e. wilbiu tlie time prescribed by law. to ♦hew cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should not ic granted. Given under mv hand, this 14th Dec. 1843. 12 * B. \V. DKNNI8, cco G EORGIA. Crawford County.—Whereas, Francis H. Murdock, Administrator on the Estate ,if Barali Tar.- isr. deceased, late of said county, applies to me'fur letters ■f Dismission from said Estate : Tiiese are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singtt- ar. the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be ar.d ippear at my office, wiihio the time prescribed by !.iw, to diew cause, (if mv they have.) why said leiters should not 19 granted. Given under uiy hand, this 14th Nov 1843. 8 1£. W. o U EORGIA. Crawford County.—Whereas, Daniel 0. Rowe 1, Administrator, with tlie Will annexed, on the .Ostate of William Rowell deceased late of said county, ■pphes to me for letter, of D'smission fi nin said Estate: The* i are. toerefore to cite nnd admonish al; and aingu- ir. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and’ ippeur at my office, within the time presrrired lij law, to •new cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not je granted. Given under ray hand, this I4ih Nov. lf)43. _ 8 E. W. DENNIS, cco f"TI5C) RG1 A. Crawford County.—Whereas. Joel Carter. OTjr. and Siuinel Uartei*. administrator*on the Estate of fuel Carter. *r , rleceiised. Intent'said couuiy, aj-ply to me for letter* of dismission from .aid Estate: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all’end singu ar, the kina-ed and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap. iear at iny office, within the time prescribed bylaw, to shew ause.if any they have, why said letters should rot It- grant 'd.' Giveu under mv bapd, this 5ili March. 1844. 24 ‘ E. AV. DENNIS, c C o_ f~(E0RGIA. Houston County.—Whereas. Joi n Kii'en, Ijr Adminisintor on the Estate <>l Jo.eph Cut! . deceas ed. late of said county, applies for letters of Dismission from said Estate: Tnese are. tlieiefore. incite and admonish all and singu- ar. the kindred anil creditors of said dc eased, to be and ppear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. to <hew cause, (if any they have.) why s rid letters should be granted. Giveu under mv hand', thi* 6th Nov. >43. 7 BRYANT BATTON, cco GICORGIA. k To the Han. the Inferior Ccart of Cratrjord County. > >aid county. - iff • /’: ff.ror.iht mry ) purposes. March trr<n, l.°-I4. 'S1HE petition of Cuanes W. Denson, rrsporifull^ - skew- 8 eth, th it nne Dimnah Hesier. deceased. Ial»* of said couniy. did. on the iwentv-secoiid day of August, eighteen hundred and flirty, make and deliver to your petitioner, her certain instrument in writing, called a Bond; in which Bond she, the said Diannah Hester, hound herself, her heirs, ex- ecutors, administrators, and assigns, in ihe sum of three hut - dred and eighty dollart, tb be paid to yr, jr psiitir.ner, or his heirs. upon failure of her, tlie said Dri.unah Hester, to make, or cause to be made, unto yocr petitioner, C ! '.ar!e» W. Denson, his heirs and assigns, a c; '->d and lawful title t-» a certain lot or parcel of Land, to wit; L»*t No. (! one hundred and eighty-eight, in the twenty-third t.:>trift. and third section of originally Cherokee, no^v Floyd county. Am 1 whereupon.your petiti er now ahotvs to tlie Co:nt. that the wild Dianm’.i Hester 1 >a»=, since unking the said Bond, departed this life intestate, anfi h is nor insde. or cau c ed to be made to year petitioner, or big n-signs, any ti tle to 6aid Land, ns conditioned hi |,'.id Bond; nnd that 'one John, of said county, has jee.i. nnd is the lawful Ad- uiinistrator on the Esitaie oi thefiaid Diunnah Hester—Y< i r petit-oner.therefore, prays that this Honorable Coundo cr- der the said John Jones. Adriiniriirur >r p* nfarcstid. ta make and execute unto your petAMt, title?- o said Lard, s> ex pressed in ihe said Rom!; a copy nf which 15 *r is hereun to annexed, after girieg notice acctirriin** to law in s-ucli ca ses, and your petitic..eras i:i du!\ !>ouoa ( w:li everpr.» v . Av. GttEKN ot CAUSKV. Ma The above-:* a 7th. 1S 44 Co DESS i GEORGIA, Cra icfj) d Cou h ty V: fTRlE Partnership 1 _I Powers A Johnston ire existing t { tudl consent. Ti tention of both or nflnUhttd bosim either of the paitne ' rii^s will i • the firn ed by eive the March 25 1814. A. P. POWERS. M. JOHNSTON. 26 ia 3.000 Casting*. LBS. Casiings. ju.l received and f-r »*Ie by Feb 20 THUilAS L. R0S5, Agent. tended to. qqqqqqqq 1XJ* The hnhler of Ticke* 1 1 13 C9. a Pr re nf SI (ttO.-eoppo.-e.l mb- l.rhl b\ ..•me iinli- dual above or near Griffin, i. tequested mcall for ti e c-oh. Frir.v. promptly ca.lied al my'-e. ‘ GEORGE ROBINSON, Agent April > 27 Total of Saline --nntant. 81.077 JOHN HUGOLES COTT1XG. Stole Gealotriit rf (l.mri, Dissolution ol‘ <'op.«rfncrsliij». HUE firm er \VI11 T E A McLAUQJILIN is shia day ed. The affairs t»f the ficia will be closed bv T J. A- White, who i 11. COOK'S A3TTI-BII-IOUS PILLS. F OR the Cure of Lirer Comp'.a’r.t, P' .pep# : a. Ac. For sale by J. H. A W. ELLIS. Ma Mirch C6. 1 P44. the busiie** .•!, his J. A." WHITE. a. u. McLaughlin. 26 2l For Sale. \ L IK FLY Negro girl. CO ’.ears old. a good cook, wash* er nnd ironer. Inquire of WM. D. GRIFFIN, Fiat Macon. Macon, March 26. 1844 26 e Hon. the Inferior Court of e 1 county, fchrn sitting as a Cwrt nfijrSinary. T HE petition Of John Jones, respecifully shewerh, that one Willinm Bowden, deceased, late oi said countv. did. on the eighth day oi June. 1841. mske and deliver to your petitioner, his certain instrument in writing, called a Bond fir titles, in-vhi-h he, tiie s.iiti Willinm' Bowden bound himself to m-ike tides ro a certain lor cf Land. No! one hundred and ni'-ery ore. in the fcirucemh district of lbot county, in said S'ate. to your petitioner, upon tne n c.nditicns. which have beer* com- pe: r.r.rer new shews to tne Court. : Bowden i'.-i?s. Mnre ihe Risking Said i‘e, and !'.«* n *t ma le, or caused to t-w er. any title to said Lend, as condi- and whereas, nt e Gregory J. Ton er esemntive on ihe Estate ofsrid Wil. pciitioiter. therefore, prny? tha’ this rder the said Gregory ,T. Turner to koar petitioner, title* to the said I.ot < f 1 ’legal notice to he msdo iu : performance of re plied with ; ard voi tha» the said Willi* Bond.depar ed «hi( made in your petitr tinned in said Bond is ll w the lawful re linm Rowde , ; you Honorable C »urt d- and e euure r L&ud. afier perfec;ingt such cu>c», nnd your petitioner wiliev JOHN JONES. The above is a true copy from, the minutes ot' said Court Mjtrch 7th. ;si4 24 F \v DENNIS, r ^