Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, April 02, 1844, Image 4

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i\: r 1 ! ? •I • * t ii b: iti a c o \ a i: o is « l)DUc Snrtcnf* ISooly April H.i VXTILL be told, ois ilie fir« Tuesd . Y T befire tlie Court House dour in Vienna, D ty. within the It gal hour* of »ale. " Tbs interest or Stephen W. Pearce in nnd to the follow in* binds; Half Lot N't 98; half. Lot No, 10*1; Lot No. * 1'il; aha, said Pearce's interest in an i to the Mills situate on ati 1 LinJ. The interest of asid Pearce in the shore property being one half. S lid Lands all lying in the 9th District of Dooly county ; levied on ns the property of Ste phen IV. Pearce, to satisfy three fi fas in favor of Henry Pence vs. said Pearce ; one in favor of Atiolphns Kendrick vs- said Pearce ; and oae in favor of James M. Kelly vs. aai 1 Pearce; said fi fis all issued from the Superior Court of Dooly county. Also, two Lots of Land, Nos. 56 and 57. in the 7th Dis trict of D mly county, including the 50 acres given for the village of Vio tna. cinsisting of the Court House square; Meriwether's Tavern and Lot, known as the Vienna Hotel and Stables Lots; Lot on which the Alligator Hotel stand*, and Brown Jc .Shockley'soffice ; Lot on wnich Dr. Russell's dwelling $:ands; Lot on which Haystip's Grocery stands; Luton which T. B. Doneily's Law office stands; John M. Hutto n's Lot, with appurtenances; and all the Lota, with appurtenances, in aaid town of Vienna, with the exception id Young ?. Outlaw's Lot and Dwelling; Pettee'a House an I Lot; Joseph I), Clapp's House and Lot; and Airs. Mi lor'a House and Lot; aaid property levied on as the property of Alexander Meriwether, to satisfy one fi fa from Dooly Superior Court, in favor of Solomon D. Belton vs said Meriwether. _ , Ala*. Lot of Land No. SO, in the 3d District or Dooly county; levied on at the propetly of John M. Warren, to satisfy one fi fa from Dooly Superior Coart, in favor of the Ceutral Hank of Georgia vs said Warren. Alan* Lota of Land Nos. 2, 3,30, and Lot No not known, hut known as the place whereon Owena Jrnktna now lives, all in the 16th District of Doly county; levied <m ns the property of Robert G. Ford, lo satisfy one fi fa from Dooly Superior Court, in fsvor of William W. Harrison and Da- ♦ id G. Roney vs. »iid Ford. Alia. Ten Negroes, to wit: Adam, a man; Matilda, a girl; Mary, a girf; Mai in and her two children, Atm and Ellen ; Levins and her child K turns ; Gentiet. a gill; and Ocirgc. a boy; levied on as the property of. Arthur A, jtorgs i. to satisfy one fi fa front Houston Superior Court, in farm of the Central Bank of Georgia vs. Arthur A. Morgan, maker, and Ephraim Kendrick, Moses Collins, Simon Hate- man, James E. Duncan, and Robert L Duncan, endorsers. Also, one Store House nnd Lot. in Traveller’s Rest, in said county, formerly occupied by J. Larapkin, as a store house, marc I y by R. R. Evans; levied on na the property of Jeremiah Lnmpkin, to aaiisfy one fi fa from, Dooly Suiterior Court, in favor of Jacobus Jc Gasihwaite va. said Lampkin. , _ , „ Also. Mary Rowell's interest in and to Lot ot band .vt. 66. in the 9th District of Dooly county ; levied on as the property of Mary Rowell, to satisfy one fi fa from a Justice's Court, in favor of Jouathm Wood vs. said Mary Howell.— Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also. Lot of Land No. <4. in the 7th District of Dooly county; levied on ns the property of John Stewart-, to satis fy two fi fas issued from a Justice’s Court, in favor of Si mon Bishop v». said Stewart. Feb 26 YOUNG P. OUTLAW, Shff Will If sold. nl the same lime and Mace. Lot of Land No. not known, in the 2d District of Dooly county, known as the place whereon Elisabeth Bu ’gesa now lives; levied on as the property of Elizabeth Burgess, to satisfy one fi fa in favor ol'Cbristopher Strong vs. Elisabeth Burgers. Also. Lots of Land Nos. 203, 204. 213,214. 915. 216. 182. and 75 acres of the West part of Lot No. 235, all in the 3d District of D toly county; levied on ns the property of Na thaniel Wade, to satisfy one fi fa from Dooly Superior Court, in favor of Levi Harrell va. said Wsde. Also, one Sorrel Horse; levied on as the property of Hezekiah Brown, to satisfy oue fi fa in favor of Tlieron L. Philo vs. aaid Brown. _ -. Also. Lot of LanJ No 63, in the 3d District of Dooly countv; levied on as the property of John T. Booth, to sat isfy one fi fa from T tlhot Superior Court in favor of Cites. St. John vs. said Booth. 1 Feb 27 23 \YM. FARNELL. D. Shg~. Admit: Twicra will be COUGH LOZENGES ukiiks, tiat. A IL> coimir. when sitting for ordinary purples, w sold, nil the first Tues lay in APRIL i, ext. before the Court- House d»or. iu the Cuy*of Macon. Bibb county, within the legal hours of sale. 73 a.-res of Pine Land, whereon Hiram M. Allen uowlives, in Bibb toumy. eight miles below .\Ia- coo.on the Marion road. Also. I <7 acres of Swamp Land, adjoining Newman Rogers and If. M. Allen on two sides, and the Ocnaulgee river on the West side, about eight miles from Macon. The first named Land baa about 15 acres cleared, on which is the necessary buildings for a small family. The last named Land has 33 or 40 acres cleared, without buildings. All to he sntd as the property of llobins Andrews, deeea ed. late of Twiggs county—for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the dav of sale. ISH A M G. ANDREWS. J Admn Jan JO 19 JOSEPH B. ANDREWS. \ Admrs D”y Administrator*’ hair. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next. before the Coct-House door, in Vicuna. Dooly county, within the legal hours of aale, all the Real Estate belonging to Hardy JLiyal, Jr. deceased, late of said coun ty. SiM under an order of the Inferior Court of said coun ty, while aitting for oidioary purposes Terms on the day. MOSES PIPKIN, ? . - Jan 30 18 JOHN C. ROYAL. \ A ' imr3 Adiniiiislrntor’a Stale. TTfriLL lm sold, on the first Tues-la.v in APRIL next, V V before the Court-House door ia Vienna. Dooly coun ty. within the legal hours of sale, one Lot or Land. No. 17, in the 1st District of Dooly county, containing 202} acres, more or less, belonging to t»e Estate of Thomas Knight, de ceased. late o''sa'd county. Sold agreeably to an order of the Inferior Court of Dooly county, when silling lor ordinary purposes. Terms made known on the day. Jan 30 19 WM. M. S. HOUGHTON. Admr. Administrators’ Stile. P URSUANT loan order of the Inferior Court of Twiggs county, when sitting for ordinary purooses. will be add, on the first Tuesday in MAY pext. be fire the Court- House doo- in Vienna. Doolv county, between the legal hours of sa'.e, half Lot of Land No. 99, in the 9th Distr«etof Dooly county—and half L"t No. 10.1, in the same District, e;ch containing 101} acres, more or less: together with Robins Andrews' interest in the Mills on said Lots. Also, Lot No. 102, in the 9th District of said county, containing 202} acres—on which Lot. there is a tolerable Dwelling Hou-e, and some 23 arres improved land. All sold as the property of Robins Andrews, deceased, late of Twiggs county, for the benefit of the heirs, Ac. Terms on the day. ISHAM G. ANDREWS, ) . Feb27.1844. JOSEPH B. ANDREWS. S aerial Notices. 1 710 U It months after dale, application will be made to the ' Inferior Court of Jones county, when aitting for ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell two Negroes, (Major and Betty.) belonging to tlie Estate of Reuben Roberta, deceas ed. line ol aaid county. Sold for the (Surprise of making distribution among the Legatees named in bis Will, as en titled to distributive share thereof. Dec 19 12 LUKE ROBERTS, Qualified Exr. If April Kales, "^’TTILL be sold, on the first Tuesdsy in APRIL next. X T before the Court-House door in Terry, Houston eovnty. within the legal hears of sale. 607} acres of 0*k and Hickory Land, well Impnved, ly ing in the |4th District of Houston county, consisting of 3 Lois, of 202} acres each; one Lot being No. 134. the Nos. of the others not known. The whule comparing the Planta tion of the Estate of Aaron Lose, deceased, late of said county, and now in the possession of Orran C. Horne. Admr. de bonis non. of said Aaron Lowe; the same being levied on to satisfy two fi fat from Dooly Sujterii'V Coart. one in favor ofJefferson Westborv, agsinit Uinirl B. Lowe. Executor of said Aaron Lowe.tWeased. the oilier in favor of Clau dius E. Baric vs. said Daniel B. Lowe. Exr. Ac. .» Also,* Negro Girl, named Betsy, about 19 years old; levied on as the property of John Chancy to satisfy one fi fa from Houston Inferior Court, in favor of John A. Daniel vs. John Chaney ; and and fi fa from Houston Superior Court, in favjf of Taylor A Lovrther vs. John Chancy, maker, and Thomas Htrris, endorser. F OUR inontlis after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Houston couuty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Wil- littni H. Rudd, deceased. late of aaid county. Jan 23 10 MORTEN N. BURCH. Admr. F OUR months aftet date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Houston county, when sit ting for be.onzing nors and orphans of William Barrow, deceased, late of Pu laski county. GEO. B. McCOLLUM, Guardian. Nov 29 9 for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Lands agingiothe Kstate of Caroline and J. J. Barrow, mi- F OUR months afterdate, application made to the Inferior Conrt of Upson county, when sitting lot ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell the Lend and Negroes be longing to the Estate of Wilev Dean, deceased, late of said county. Feb 6 19 WM. McKINNKY, Admr. ptaly superceding all other prepartlous for the re- lief of Cough, Colds, Asthma, Whooping Cough. Catarrh Tightness of the Chest, Bronchitis, and similar Pulmonary affections. Hundreds of persons could now be pointed ont. who have been troubled with nit old lingering Cough from five to twenty years, and who have been entirely cured by using two or three boxes ofihese Lozenges In fact.the proprie tors have never known an instance where they did not give perfect satisfsetion. Sadden Colds cud Coughs are cared by them in a few hours. Several thousand boxes have been slid within the last fe v months, res oring to health persons in almost every stage of Pulmonary affections art! those liboring under the most distressing Colds and Coughs. They do not check and dry A FRESH SUPPLY, just recelvedby J. II. A IV. K.KLI'IK Sulphate Quinine (French) Sulphate Morphine up the cough, but render it easy, promote expectoration, re- , '^^dhie lieve congestion, allay the tickling o- irritation, and remove , J . ■ .y c ; j the proximate or exciting cause.' They are made from a Oxalic do combination of the moat valuable expectorant, or Cough : ,,j t . Medicines, and are undoubtedly superior to every thing in use forthsse comploi"ts. Hundreds upon hundreds ol cer tificates have been offered of their wonderful virtues, from those who, it is justly thought, hove been saved from an un timely grave, and re-tnred to perfect health, by using them. Death itself has already deprived of life its hundreds and its thousands, whom this valuable medicine might have sa ved. if it had only been taken in time. How important it is. then, that every individual should attend to the curing of a Cough, which has such a powerful tendency i > undermine the constitution before the least danger is suspected. A de lay of a few days often proves fatal. No medicine will be found mor» efficacious than these Lozenges; they are as pleasant to the taste as sugar Candy. 03* Price 25 cents per box. with full directions. •dZiSO—Dr. HVLL’9 Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue. Macon, Ga. •Among which are tb* following MEDICINE-**, Ac.ri " Canthdrides Fly Stone Coiocyntli IS ORM LOZENGES A RE the surest and safest Worm-Destroying Mkdi ClXE ever discovered. It is estimated, that, in die U- nited States, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND CHILDREN DIE AN NUALLY. FROM THE EFFECT OF WORMS ALONE. This vast mortality can be almost entirely prevented, bv the use of IlHliIAS tlELBBBATED l,OZ K.YG B8. Grown peisons are very often afflicted with Worms, and arc doctored for various conplaints, without any benefit; wbeu one or two doses of the Lozenges would speedily cure them. They are an infallible remedy, and so pleasant to the taste, that children will take them as readily as they would a common peppermint lozenge. Thousands and tens of thousands pine away and die of Worms, without suspecting the real disease. The follow ing are a few of the symptoms—Headache, pale lips, flush ed cheeks, disturbed iireams, feverishness, durst, bad taste in die mouth, offensive breath, itching of the nostrils, pain in the stomach, nausea, unnatural appetite, awelled stomach or liinbs.aeose of something rising in the stomach, Ac. To parents we say, do not be without these Lozenges at any time—auend to these suggestions, as you value the lives of vour children. 03* Price 25 cents per box. with full directions. For sale in Macon, by J. II A W.8. ELLIS—In East Macon, bv COWLES A NICOLL—by DUNN k MAR TIN, Forsyth—by WINSH1P A HUTCHINGS. Clinton —by the principal Druggists ii Savannah and Augusta— and, on enquiry, may he found iu nearly all the towns and villages in the Middle, Southern, and Western States. Feb-27. 1844. 22 6m* do an do do do do do do do F OUR months after date, application will be made to die Inferior Court of Dooly county, when aitting for ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell ail the Lands belonging to tbe Estate of James Powell, deceased, late of said county. F.-b 6 19 AMBllOr-E POWELL. Adma I NOUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Houston county, when aiuing for or- ■i nary pu rposes, for leave to sel' ■ portion of the Land and Negroes belonging to the Estate of Thomas Woodard, de ceased. late of said count v. Feb 6 19 SYLVANUS 8. BRYAN. Admr. F OUR mouilis after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Crawford county, when tilting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot of Land No. 43. 14th District. 2d Section Che: okee connty—belonging to the Estate of Diantiah Hester, deceased, late of Crawford conn ty—for the benefit of ibe heirs and creditors March 5 23 JOHN JONES. Admr. P OUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferim (Mart ofD.ioiv counts, when silting for or- Co. vs. Senna II. Clark, principal, and Joel Walker, securi ty on appeal. Also. Lot No. 129. in the 10th District of Houston connty, containing 908} acres more nr less; levied on as the prop erty of John Gilbert, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Justice’s Court of Houston county, in favor of George Walker and Elijah Buns vs. John Gilbert and Thomas J. Gilbert. Le vy made and returned to me by a constable. . Also, the. Dwelling Honse and Lot, in the town of Perry, now oeenpied by Mrs. Jane Outlaw, No. not known; lev ied on as the property of John M Chastain, to satisfy one fi ft from Houston Superior Court, in favor of Eli Warren vs. •aid John M. Chastain. Feb 21 WM. HERRINGTON. Shff. Will he sold, at the same time and place. One Roan Mare. Saddle and Bridle; levied on as the property of Thouaa Reddick, to satisfy a fi fa from Houa too Superior Conrt in favor of Wm..'. Norman vs. Thomas Reddick. Feb 24 DAVID GILES. D, Sliff. Houston April Male. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court-House door in Perry. Houston connty, within the legal hnors of sale. One Negro Boy. by the name of Solomon; levied on as tlie property of William K. Hall, to satisfy one fi ft from the Superior Court of Houston county, in favor of John Keen vs. Wm. K. Hall and l). C. Campbell; and one other fi In from the same Court in favor of Tavlor A Lowther va. aaid Hill. Alan, the South half of Lot No. 16 in the 3th District of Houston county; levied on as the property of Daniel Clark, ■o satisfy a fi fa from a Jnstce'a Court of Houston eonntv, in f ivor of Wm. A. Rosa va. aaid Daniel Claik; and one oth er fi ft from the Inferior Conrt of said county, fin favor of Howell Cobb vs. Daniel Clerk and Stephen R Ham. March! 21 WM. HERRINGTON. Shff. P OUR months after date, application will be made to the lio-mrabl-Inferior Court of Crawford eonnly. when silting for ordinary purposes, for leavr to sell all the L*iid« belonging to the Estate of Sberod Whittington, deceased, la e of said county. LOVY P. WHITTINGTON. Admr'x. March 10, 1844. 25 I ^OUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Coarl of Crawford county, when sitting for nrdinar. purpose , for leave to sell the Lands arid Ne groes belonging to the Estate of Disnnah Hester, deceased, la'e of said county. JOHN JONES, Admr. March 5 ’ 24 W 1 ! (Iratvforil April Nnlc. r ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the C-mrt-Hnuse door in Knoxville, Craw ford county, within the legal hoars of sale, Negro Boy, by the name ofNirk.aboot 10years old; levied on as toe property of Nicholas Boon, to satisfy a fi fa issued out of Randolph Superior Court, in favor of Nathan Shnr'ev, assignee, vs. aaid Boon. Property pointed nut by Win. If. Brooks. JAMES BEKLAND, Shff. Feb 27 " 22 w TaiiMou .Uorl^RU'C .liny Mule*. [/ILL be sold, on (he first Tuesday in MAY next, be- !’":<• i :? Court Ho i do ir in P< ... Houston county, within the legal hours of talc. Eleven Negroes, to A'it: Rebecca, about 30 years old, and her children Seneca, a hov, about 10 years old; Aiti- eus, about 8; Mention*, about 6 ; Americu*. about 5; Han- nib, about 7; and Teinpa, about 1 year old ; lYuaka, a wo- i'm.i, n'nit: 23 year* old, and her children. Newton, about f years old; Phillis, a girl, about 5 years old; and Port, a hoy. about 2 years old; all levied on ns the property of the K st a to of John Tomlinson, deceased, to ratisfv a mortgage fi fa from Houston Inferior Court, in favor of William Had dock vs. Elijah Butts. Administrator of said Jolm Tomiin- s in. deceased. Eeb 24 1 79OUIt months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court ol Houston enunty, when aiuing for or dinary purpose*, for leave to .ell thel.snd belonging to the Es'ate of Daniel Clark, deceased, late of said count y. Jdareli 19 _ 25 S. IL HAM. Admr. t^'OUIl month* nfier date, application will be made to * the honorable Inferior Court of Houston county, when •ittine for ordinary purpose*, for leave to sell the Real Es tate of Need.nun Smith, deceased, late of said county. RICHARD JOHNSON.Jr. Mareb 19 23 WILLIAM SMITfJ, ' Admrs F OUR months after dine, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Houston County, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of Charles McCoy, late of tail eonntv, deceased. CHARLES M. McCOY, Adm'r. March 26 26 G l'-OTTfJlA, Dooly Couniy.—Whereas, David Graham and Henry Pettee apply to me for letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of Thomas W. Pettee, deceased, late of said county i These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors orsaid deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law, lo shew cansei'(if any (hey have,) why said letters should not be granted. Given unuer mv hand, this 15th March 1844. 26 JOSEPH B. CLAPP, cco G EORGIA. Hon.-tnn C’ty.—Whereas. Asa E. Thomp son applies tome for letters of Administration on the Estate of James Thompson, deceased, late of said county: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be and ap pear at_ my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters shout'd not be grant ed. Given under my band, this 19th March, 1844. 26 BRYANT o Property pointed out in the mortgage ' WM. HERRINGTON. Shff. Six rials. 1 c -' VI, on tbe f. ■ > Tuesday in MAY next, l.e- V Y fore the Court-House door in the city of Mseon, within the leg.ii hours of r.ilc. Half Lot* Nos. 5 and 6, in Sqnare|43. fronting on Third end Poplar streets, inssidciiy, containing h ilf an acre, mare or les— heing part of the Real Estate of William UanieL deceased, l.ate of Bibb county.— Terms; Cash. CHARLES HUTCHINGS, Exr. M ir-'l 1-14. 23 I'xccutorM* Sale. SI/AKT to sn order of the Inferior Court of Bibb ■it f, \k i—i» sitting for ordinary purposes, on the first . la M i Y next, boCasVtbo Coott-House door in Mn- aoMths usual hours of sale, wii! be sold, about 24 Land, situated inVioeville; which will be divided >. an i will ift'i-d pi. -j rsan opportunity to uli. - mt a -I lie.althv site- for residences. It the same time and place, v. J be -1 I a Likely egro !•>. AW. AH t’:e n ■..- v < f' tl e I ite Win. ere i*o.l ; nil sold fur distribution am iigbi* heirs. P Tue- C t EUKUlA, Butts Couniy.—Whereas. YVm. R. Bank- ff .-ton applies to me for letters of Administration on tbe Estate of James E. Bankston, deceased, late of said county; These are. therefore, to rite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my olflce. within the time prescribed by law, tu shew cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand. this7th March. 1344. 24 JOHN McCOUD, cco F! EOROlA. Houston Coonty.—Whereas. Charles II. vJT Rice applies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of f-iinon Batsman,deceased, late of said connty: These are.ihcrefore, tocile and admonish, all and singn Isr, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, witliin the time prescribed bylaw, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters .sltoold not be grauted. Given under my hand,’this 27ili Feb. 1844. 23 BRYANT BATTON. cco Sands’ Sarsaparilla, For the removal and permanent cure of all Diseases arisingfrom an Impure idate of the blood, or habit of the system, namely: CROFULA. or King's evil. Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneons Eruptions, Pimples, or Pustules on tbe face, Blotchest Biles. Chronic sore eyes. Ring worm. Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and pain of the bones and joints Stubborn Ulcers. Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica, or Lum bago, and Diseases arising from an Injudicious use ufMer cury. Ascites, of Dropsy, exposure or imprudence in life. Also, Chronic constitutional disorders, wilibe removed by this p-eparation. lrOADEBPllL KFFECTSOF HANDS’84R* •S.l l’.VUII,L,,V IN NORWICH, CONNEC TICUT. Bead die following from Mrs. Win. Phillips, who has long lesided at the Falls. The facts are well known to al the old residents of that part of tlie city. Messrs. A. B. Sagos k Co,—Sirs: Most gratefully do I embrace this opportunity for stating to you the great relief I obtained from the use of your Sarsaparilla. fsbCll also be happy, througii yo>, to publish to all who are afflicted as I lately was, tbe account of my unexpected, and even for a long time despaired of cure. Mine is a painful story, and trying and sickeuiug as is tbe narrative of it. for the sske ol many wbo may be susurely relieved. I will briefly yet sc •-•urstely slate it. Nineteen yearsago last April, a fit of sickness left me with an Erysipelas eruption. Dropsical collections immediately took place over tlie entire sui lace ol'uiy body, causing such an enlargement that it was necessary to add a yard to iny dresses around the waist. Next followed upon my limbs, ulcers painful beyond description. For year*, both in sum mer and winter, the only mitigation of my sufferings wa* found in pouring upon those parts cold water. From ,uy limbs thepain extended over my whole body—there was literally for me no rest, by day or by night. Upon lying down, these pains would slioot through mv system and com- pel me to arise, and for hours together, walk the house, so that I was almost entirely deprived of sleep. During this lime tbe Erysipelas continued active, and tlie ulcers enlar ged, and so deeply have iliese eaten, that for two and a half .•earsthey have been scbjecl to bleeding. During these al- nost twenty year* 1 have consulted many physicians. These have called my disease—at it wa* attended with an obst inate cough and a teadv and active pain in my side—a dropsical consumpsiun; and’though they have been skilful practition ers, they wei e only able to afford my case a partial and tem porary relief I liad many other difficulties too complica ted to describe. I have also used many of the me Heines tiiat have been rec 'tnmended as infallible cures for this dis ease. yet these all failed, and I was most emphatically growing worse. In this critical ven op by friends and expecting for myself reliefnnly in death. I was by the kind interposition of Providence.* furnished with your, to me. invaluable Sarsaparilla. A tingle bottle gave me an assurance of health, which for twenty years I had not once fell. Upon taking tbe second my enlargement diminished, and in twelve days from the 8th. of October, when I com menced taking your Sarsaparilla. I was able to enjoy sleep and rest bv night as refrrsuing as any I ever enjoyed when Hair Powder in iierfeetlieaUh. Besides, I was in this short lime, relie ved from all those excruciating and unalieviated pains that had afflicted my days, as well as robbed me of my night’s repose. The ulcers upon my limbs are healed, the Erysi pelas cured, k my size ^iduced nearly to my former meas ure. Thus much do I feel it a pririlege to testify to the efficacy ofyour health restoring Sarsrpirilla. A thousand thunks, sirs, from one wbo^e comfort and whose hope of future health are due under God, to your instrumentality. And may the same Providence that directed me tu vonr aid, make the hapo, and honored instrument* of blessing ithers, as diseased and despairinga* vonr much relieved and very grateful friend. ASENATH M. PHILLIPS. New Londov Co. ss. Norwich, Nor. 4.1842. Personally nppearthe above namtjil Asenath M. Phillips, and made oath of the facts contained «n the foregoing atate- mentbefore me. RUFUS W. MATHEW'SON. Justiceof the Peace. Being personally-acquainted with Mr.*., [ -er tify that the above a-serted facts are substantially true. WILLIAM II RICHARDS, Minister of the Gospel at Norwich, Conn, . For sale at New York price, by J. H. * \V. S. ELLIS. Agents. Prussic do', Tartaric do Ammonia do (Arom spts) Antimonials pulv Veratrine Strychinine Emetine Rheubarhine Croton Tiglium Seeole Curnutum Oil Sinapinc Oil Canlbaridin Proligeuous Acid Hydrmtale P ’tassa Pepperine Oil black Pepper Irish Moss Musk Chloride Soda Citrated Kali Chloride Lime Medical Mustard,in pots Opium denurcotized Cyanuret Potassium Comp. Tonic extract Currageen (prepared) Spigelia comp extract Blue Moss Precip.ext.bark Peruvian do Calisaya do Toxa do Red do Chamomile flowers Senna - U va Ufsi * Horehound Sage African Cayenne Bayberry bark, powdered Blood root do Colchicum do Golded Seal Slippery Elm, powdered Quassia Gentian, powdered Cort Aurant do Lobelia and seed Hemlock Skunk Cabbage Squills Gamboge Hops Mezerlum Alkanet root Cort Cassarilla do Sassafras Ladies' Slipper Golden thread Saffron Cinnamon bark Powdered Giuger Root do Curcuma Mustard seed Mace Cloves Nutmegs Caraway seed Anise do Coriander do Arrow root Aque Fords Anodyne (Hoffman's) Borax Black Lead Brimstone Bine stone Juniper berries Cubeb do Oxide Bismuth Bees-wax Burgundy Pitch Balsam Copsvi do Tofu do Peru Black drop PATENT MEDICINES &c. Lee's Pills Opodeldoc Chapman's anti-dyspectic Pills do- Court Plaster Castor Oil (fresh) Sweet Oil do Charcoal, pulv Corks, velvet Calomel Antimony Aloes IUieubarb - Jalap Digitalis Opium Prepored Chalk Acetate Lead do Cupri do Zinc Arseniale Potassa Ether Sulphuric do Nitric Nitrate Silver do Potassa Phosphate Soda do Iron Sulphate Iron do Potassa do Soda do Magnesi* Borate Soda” Phosphorus Manna flake Ointment hyd. Pota do Iodine do Veratrine do Itch Oxide Mercury Extract Jalap do Butternut HyoscUmns Gentian Belladonna Taraxici Rliqbdrb Nux Vomica Rhatania Cicuta Glycyrrhiza Gum Arabac do Camphor do Scammony do Myrrh do Asafcetida' do Guiac Pearl Barley / Syringes Ilonev Otto Roses Magnesia,*caic d do <J4fb Isinglass Quicksilver Sediitz Powders Soda do Santtoga do Sponge Tamarinds Wafers _ Sarsaparilla Red Precipitate White do Black do ' Pearl Ash Annatta Indigo, Spanisit float Logwood Fustic Copperas „ Spanish brown Venetian red Madder Fig blue Nu’tgalls Alum Cochineal Spts Turpentine Venice do Starch Salt Tartai Salt Ammechiac Glue Rosin Jujube Paste Comp, fluid ext. Pink Root, by G. W. Carpenter Peters’ do Hunter’s Pills Hooper’s do Anderson’s do British Oil Bateman’s drops Tompson's Eye-water Godfrey’s Cordial Salts Lemon Worm tea Effervescing Magnesia Botanical drops Swain’s Panacea Indihn’s do E s. Iceland Moss Cough Mixture Fuid ext Sarsaparilla Syr Liverwort Comp. Snrsap. Cubebs and Ext Boneset Dalby’s Carminative Bleaching Liquid Mead’s Pills Issue Plasters Elixer Life Ginger beer powder Medicated Oil Silk Digestive Elixer Pile remedy Chlorine Tooth-wash Bay Rum Baisam Honey Cough Lozenges Extract Coffee Cullen’s liquid Magnesia Potter’s Catholican Rowan's Tlinic Mixture Relfe’s V’egetable Specific Oil Wormseed Ext Buchu Copavi Tonic Extract Pearl do PERFUMERY AND BRUSHES kc Almond Paste Ground Paint Brushes A LL persons having demands z m. hot S. Mi idlchro' l-.s. decent To flrliloi 1 * and Urctlilorn, \ LL nnrsons indebted to the Estate of John McKenzie, jr.. deceased, late of Houston county, are tequested to pay the same forthwith ; nml those having demands upon snid Estate, ate required to pre-ent them in terms of the law,to EZEKIEL H. ADAMS. Admr. March 12 24 EOROlA, Crawford County—Whereas. W m. Lockett x H and llebeccs Lockett apply to tnc for letters of Ad- Tniniatraron on the Estate of James Lockett, deceased, late of said county: - These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred nndc editors of said deceased, to be and appear at my " h e. within ilie time prescribed by law, to shew can-c, (if any they have.) why said loners should not be grauieJ. Given ut ier mv band, this 5tb March. 18 14. • as- B. W. DBITNIS.ccc CrcrfllOT*. us against tlie Estate ofTal- I used, late of Monroe county, I arc 1 eqtic*tc I to rec ier r.ein in, to the Administrator; and j all those indebted lo sai l Estate, are requi To ilebtoi AT.I'll ED M1 Dili,EB11OOK.' MOUJIISOS S V*»sref(»?>Ic I ni verbal ^■o -'iciucs* k VOHssVl'V OEO .W. PRICE A CO» filar S » IFire In Mira nee. IcnifB'l. iEu iv of Hr.rifi»r(t Conn., are prep iidings. Mr-r. Citv of Macon at.d its \ Insurance red to take "d Cotton in nitv, agains F c RE \ k COTTON. Ag ti 23 ly ■ A OR the speedy nnd effectual extirpation of all species JL and symptoms ofllte svlptiitic disease. Professor VES- PRINTS PILLS stand unrivalled. They have long been hi general use ia the principal cities in France nnd the Uni ted States, by those parsons afflicted with this class of dis ease, and are daily receiving their unqualified approbation. The unparalleled celebrity and unexampled sucres* of this matchless and powerful preparation, has won for itself a name never to be forgotten ss long as there remains an af flu-ted sufferer upon the face of the globe. It is truly sur prising to observe how speedily and harmless it enters into every minute channel, effectually dislodging every germ, annihilating every leprous spirit of the most dreadful of ail diseases, and. nt the same lime, never failing to fortify the' svstem against disposition, or subsequent attack of this com plaint. Full and explicit directions accompany each box of these Pills, nnd a statement of some of tlt£ most prominent symp tom* is laid down as a guide to the patient in dhiinguiihing one form ol this disease from another; also, a statement/ showing the result of tlie treaiirrent of one hundred cases witlribc-e rills clone, in ona of the most distinguished hos pitals in France. 03* Price Si.SO per box. For Mle in Mucon. by J. H. Sc W. S. ELLIS, Druggists —and by tlie principal Druggists in Savannah nnd Augusta. Feb 27,18-14. 2*2 0m* C Brough! lo Jail, f .v Houston county, Ga. a Negro Fellow, nged about 35 years, who -n\ s hi- name ia JESSE, and that he belongs to Wiilintn Tail, of the State of Alabama. 15 miles frnm Greenville. Said Ne- boui 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, nml light built. He i master's plintalion is on the Alabama river. The is reque-ted to rotne forward, prove property', pay vnv. _ WM. HERRINGTON, Shff. For Nprinif Hi’Okxex, \ FEW pieces BALZARRINE. which ore very 1'an‘lsome, received this mom ini; nt Fob® 09 CRANE & CLARK’S Rouge do Sash do Milk of Roses Oval Varnish do Cold Cream Camel hair do Cream Almonds Badger’s hair do Florida Water, various sixes Graining do Cologne do do do Flffifh cfo a«*d Lavender da do do Horse do Rose do do do Hair do Bears’ Oil Nail do Ward’s Hair Oil Comb do Marrow Pomatiftn Tooth do Orange Flower Water do do silver wi Macassar Oil Cloth do Spirit of Rose Scrubbing do Camphor Soap Shoe do Musk do Patent feather B rooms Emollient do do do Dusters Windsor do do do Brushes- do do Brown Fitch Tools Wash Balls Counter Brushes Curling fluid Hat do Antique Oil Crumb do Lip Salve (Persian Otto Rose)Shaving do Tooth Powder (superior] Shaving Oil Erasive do Powder Puffs and bo*cs Extract Bergamot Preston Salts do Rose Smelling bottles do Musk Tapers Honey Water Dutch Cologne Shavingcakes Atkinson's Depilatory SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. &o f .USKBAUE REPOSITORY, On MuLnuKitv Street,NxakthxMsthodistChurch , | till' SUBSCRIBER, is receiving large addition.-to Uis coaciiknI cnABioms. baroi chks, BlIflbC H, WAfiOKS, Ac. from some of the be.-t N'ortliem Manufactories, which were made expre.-Mv for thi* market, of the best materials and are warranted equal if not superior to those ol any other es tablishment. Those in want of any description of Carricrcs, will find it for their interest to examine the quality and pri- ces of his assortment. . Repairing, in nil the different branches executed in the best manner, by experienced workmen at less than font er prices. _ r _ n . . Carriage makers, will find n good assortment ot Kllipiic Springs, Axeltrees.turned ami boxed Dashes, Lamps, Bands. Knobs, patent and Top Leather, Laces, Silk and worsted Fringe, Tassels, nnd almost every article required in their business, at Aupustn prices. March 1st. 1842. 22 tf J. W. BABCOCK. JU. s. HILL &. CO’S. safe OF ALL KINDS, DONE AT ftftORT NOTICE, IN A ItEAT STTL • ON THE itOST REASONABLE TERM* • AS|> AT THE OFFICE OF THE ’ JRacon <&cotflta artujjvam. —srcn .is— PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, LAW BIAUKS, hAUrpn., HORSE BIX.I1S, X.ARRIS S) jm. -JK. n\tiuE-noisE njEcjEipj> & &C. &C. &C. 1 A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF BLw se in this State, printed on fine paper, in l,,..,- f * □stantly kept on hand, aud for aale at very lowV : - ?J ' Of use consian Macon, J DAILY EXPRESS, AND GENERAL FORWARDING k COMMISSION HOt-Wi T HE Central Bail Road and Basking Company ofGeirgia having granted to the subscribers the pri vilege of tunning an EJZPIIESS over their Road during the present year, with the privilege of an aparitnetit Under their own Lock, they offer superior advantages for the prompt and sn'e conveyance of valuable Articles, Specie, <5cc. Acc and are in hopes o' being able to make no arrange ment with the Post Office Department, ly which they will be Unwed to carry n Mail Bag. They are prepared to receive and forward Goods oi all descriptions, to nnd from Savannah and Macon, and intertne diate places and between Savannah and Chaileston, with the greatest safety and despatch ; tnd will also pay particu lar attention to the purchase "f Goods, collection and pay ments of Drafts. Notes and Bills, and transacting all kinds of business in the above places. They have also extended their arrangement to run their Express bv the Southern Boats to Ptcolata, in Floridg, and intermediate places on that route. They intend to put on Teams, to run regularly through front Macon to Columbus, under their own charge, to carry all kinds of Merchandize, with all reasonable despatch ami safely, on the first of October next. MACON—Office at the Washington Hall. SAVANNAH—Office at No. 153 Bay street. DO. A>\ Phi/brirk. Agent.fur receiving and forwarding Goods and Mercha ndttr. CHARLESTON. S. C.—Amos Head, Agent, office No. 96, Fast Bay. July 4 40 tf ' M. S. BALL k CO. IsllPJl O FjE/i 80TANIC0-MEDICA! By NI. S. Thomson, M. D. Macon, Q-, JOS. & EDWIN SAULSBURY, H AVING purchased of Mr. R. W. MORRISj his en tire Stock of CLOTHING* CLOTH , eAS5IMERES, &c *rr prepares to offer the same at very reduced prices for cash The Stock is new, and the Clothing manufactured in the latest style, and in the best manner. They feel warranted in saying, that, as regards variety, quality, and price, their Stock cannot be surpassed by any in the city. They have on hand. Gentlemen’s super Beaver and Pilot Cloth «OBTs.^.ntc: zhfe. — sac?«n» xTK-’TBT' ss. Gentlemen’s super Beaver and Pilot Cloth FlSOfK COATS, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's super C Ii & T SI CLOAKS, Gentlemen s Blue. Black. Green, Cadet Mixed Frock and Dress Coals, Gentlemen’s auper French Cassimere FBOC K COATS Gentlemen's Cloth. Cassiinere* Sattiueit, and Jeans . ©AsnrAi&iMMsa*, S’O'STS'E’S ClOTHIlSG, OK EVERY DESCRIPTION ; BLUE, BLACK. MIXED, AND FANCY cjlo'uss v.istsi.inFni:s. Also, o sjderdid OF«ortn»ent of VESTS, «I0V4 S, Suspciutciff, Slilrls, C( LL IRS, DASDSLRflilEFS, H0S1ERF, IR-J- Ki, OAItPia® BAGS, UMBRELLA'S, &c. &c Macons Dec 5. Ie43 fO* The undersigned, having di»po.«ed ofhis entire ?tock ofCLOTHING to Messre.J. & K. s*AULSBUHY.would recommend them to the patronage of his former cus tomers and the public general v—believing that their er rangements are such as will enable them to ofter their Goods at such prices as to make it to the interest ofnorrhas ert to buv of iheus. K. VV. MORRIS. D^c 5.‘l843 10 *1rn Amputating cases Trepanning Instruments Dissecting do Pocket cases Spring Lancets Evans'thumb do Dentists’cases Teeth Kevs Cupping Glasses do do withairpumr- Gum Elastic Catheters Silver do Seton Needles Spring Lancet blades Tooth claws Gum Lancets do do tnoVeable buttons Medical Spoorrs Scales and V Teeth Files Spoo S.-'u if:. :ifor«t denies and Weights Ahcejs Lancets Tourniquets The subscribers intend keeping a full assortment of nni5[«, Medicine*. Pri in In, OilM.NIaon-F'n rnifrtre, Arc., consisting of articles to the line neoessnrv for the sop ply of Physicians. Plantations or Families. *Thev will be supplied with the best that ran be selected out of the New York and Philadelphia markets. Orders from Merchants and Phvsicians will receive prompt attention. Jan 128 31 J. II. <3c W. 8. ELLIS. r iiy Treasurer’s Office, i MACON, Feb. 20.1844. ) JVOTieE. rpHE Book* of the Assessor will be open from date, un A til tlie 1st dsv of April uext for rereiving Tax Returns. A double Tax will be imposed on all delinquent*, alter the above dale. Persons returning Real Estate, will be required to fur nish the Number and Square of each Lot or parts of Lota And *11 persons having hired Slaves, whose owners reside out of the eity—or Agents lor owners of Slaves living in the city, whose owners live out of the c ity, are required to re turn them. A. R. FREEMAN, Assessor. Feb 20 21 'l ake I%otire, T HAT the Ordinance below, will be rigidly enforced a- gaiust all persons hitching their horses to, or otherwise injuring Shade Trees in the streets of Macon. Feb 27, 1844. A. Mi GIlEljOR, Marshal. •‘Sec. 25. All trees set out or planted in the public squares or streets within the limits of this city, shall be 20 feel front the boundary line of tbe lot on the squares or 180 feet streets, arid 16 leeifrntn the boundary I neoflhe lot on the 120 feet streets, parallel with '.lie boundary line. And any person nr persons cutting down or girdling, or in any oilier marner in juring. or fasteni g a horse, or any other animal, to a tree i.t the public squares or streets, in the city of Macon, shall he fined, on ConVi -lion before the Mayor, or any member of Council, in a sum not exceeding ten dollars, nor lets than one dollar.” suusie stoke. jnMOJr, F star in the foreli him—his mane long tail. Wan token that jtrer countv. ou Thu STRAYED jlROM the subscriber, in HousfVm rnun- loeaday night ln*u a large <lnrk brown 1IORSE. 5years old. baa bod the swtnney in the rielit Rhoul.ier, some marks of which *re Mill tn 1 H e‘&n ; a small end, the only white reoo leered to he about md tail inclined to be curlv : shod behind; raised in Tennessee, and it i« probable has ion—whr seen nt Bailey*b Mills, in Bibb tion will be thankfully & m W M © V 3E M ® 2 SSf & 9 U A v £ con& antly on hand, and offer f< r sole at prices as low as c in be purchased in the southern country, a plendid assortment oi PIANO-FORTES, ftem the Celebratad and long established Manufactories • J. ClilCKFRING. Tbe west known reputation of these Manufactories pr? cludea the necessity of commenting upon tlie excellence ot their instruments, which have stood the test of every cli mate, for many years. A L A It G*E ASSORTMENT OF vioisiiN*. *ri’4:ieion u\, TKOJIKOlVIiWi TBUMPI.T8. MiKIHk, CLAIilO.> i:TS 3 PLACTKIILliTS, MFFS, Ac. •&.('• Ac. Violin. Guitar, ami oilier Strings; Clarionet Reeds Tuning Hammers and Forks; Violin Bows; Music Pa per, Ac. Acc.forming us complete an assortment of musica merchandise, as can be four.d in the southern country As they import direct from the Manufactures, they are enabled to pell their g( eds at the very lowest prices. B. & V. have in ad iition to their catalogue, an ass >rt merit of FOICFIGN Jll SiC. £7* Music *old at vcduccd prices d? 3 Terms Cash. Mai- 17. 1843. 33 R EAD ai.d J* DGE. •• Prove all ihingaand hold zJ to that which is good.” As even in our d«v,i arr : ' 1 ••the deaf may hear, tlie lame may walk, and the bhud EoJ' receive thfcir sight.” ^ ’■ The undersig. fed fhlly aware of the many respe ns ibn : i!tf resting Upon him as a practitioner of the healing ar( again tender his services to those who may need t,.j m v. ^ llie assurance in advance, that it assiduous cate, 1« : ei I rienre, and a thorough knowledge ol innoven; jet p. u c ..'' ly health’s restoring remedies, with their jadici.j, ,pp|: turn wi'l restore lost health, he feels warranted in-A that so lat as these go to the procurement ol such teV ,4! atum, the ailicted or their irieuds will in no case Le c pointed. z\s heretofoie persons afflicted with chronic disr;;ci n-J residing al a distance may have theircase* treated L\ '(-’j. ing their symptoms in wtiting as cor-eotly as p* s ’;| Je “’ when medicines to suit them will be compounded a^d it u Many who have pursued thin course, though wetave am- seen them, are now in the enjoyment of UDimemvr'< healih.* Persons having diseased servants who may ben them both burthensome and expensive, may either tn e their cases treated nr dispose of them to the subscriber in fair price.; •Hernia or Rupture, will be treated on improved priori, pies, with an instrument entirely new, which, so far as bu been used, gives entire satisfai tion—ilcan be worn dijor night with equal facility. Persons thus afflicted, will l ttt to apply in person, in order to be well Sued. Letters to ensure attention must invariably bepoatprid; tetms liberal nnd punctuality expected. M. S. THOMSON, M. D. March 5 23 That community may have some idea of the extreme; to which disease may go without being beyond the restb of medicine, it is deemed proper lo append the following m e- tnents of facts, taken from a numbei of similar inipoit/wltich may yet be submitted as room and circumstance may ar bit. Bum County, Jan. 2th,ie44. This may certify that my wife has been afliiited with Dyspepsia and Liver complaint for twelve years, and Las taken a variety of medicines without apparent ber.eht; etta tlie justly celebrated Dr Durham ol Clink county, tauedia benefit her. She sufiered much from > ervous irritability, palpitation of tbe heart and extreme weakness so as to te confined almost entirely to her bed. In this siuiatkm lap- plied to Dr. M. S. Thomson, oi Macon, under whus? dim- lions and applications, 1 am harpy to say, she soon wai m- lured to conifurtahle healih. atm is now able to attend mill tbe usual business ol her house and family. My daughter was also afflicted wim convulsive fits, fra which Dr. Durham Jaiied to i elieve liet. 1 applied in Ur. Thi msun also pi her case, and 1 am persuaded he bi fi nally cuied her; sbehas had no symptom of them in tii months. Rut these though certainly cf thtir kind very rzoiim cHiiimt be compjied fora moment with li e rate nl me tf my sous, who lias been afflicted with pai.-y to such a degtrt as* in have become perfectly helpless. Hefiisllositlec.-rel his limbs, then of his tody, and finally HLating and eyesight,so that he might be in a manner deed only It biestlied, and even that al one tin v, was so nearly par, that his clothes were prepared in anticipation ol hi.- final «• t. We had made use of the usual rdr.tiliea in -suck-ca ses, aud even had applied to Dr. StriUglellotr, a ren die- tor, but without benefit. In tins situation, life. 'Jhiiwcs was called in, wf o I am happy to say, lias restored ii;in id only lo the full and free use of al, his lunLs. lut ahoto tie use ot bis eyes and ears, without ‘which creation wets t blank and tile* itselt a bu-den. 1 be change is so steal him absolute helplessness, blindness and det'jiass t«* life etid activity. SIGHT and HEARING, that it can Hardly Iv realwd by any but tln'Se who have seen it. This h a cute wl.i<li, numerous as tltote effected by the Doctor are, will baldly give precedence to any. ' ISAAC WAITS. From the Federal Union. To -pnE. Editoi s : GENTLEMEN:—Occupyii g tlie important ainim in community that you do, and controlling such a p-wr lal ea spue for good as the public press. I have taken the Lieriut addressing y nil, bfelfig an o:d subscriber, upon a m I petit •great iiniwrtance. and it may be of infinite adyai trje t“ many of vour numerous readers. My intent on in iddrrn- ing you thus, is merely to communicate a tact that liltctSfe under my .wn Knowledge, in my own family.aid my own eyes, and which 1 deem it my duly asag -id ctt> zen, to common.Cate for the benefit ol my feJlr.w nm.- Soine tune during last year, my son William.ah* ut lilyrir* old. was taken with « paralettc aficclion, by which lie *»' entite y deprived ol the use of hi* lower extrenitie»zul burly, so lar as to be peiltcllv unable to change h a prsin’-jt either on his pallet or in bed,—his lin>hs became ci'i trojj" and sr niefime* appeared to be spasmodicallv aflirted:"* contrac tion appeal ed to ascend gradually lo hi: b ilj. till 1 reached his abdomen, tlie low er part of which waaso pw ei fully contracted, as to throw the upper pan ay" 1 ft' tings, which so cr mpressed them as alnu ;t to j trdirc f*' - fncatiuti; the parts prmrudit g I'rrm just under tie nls.fe’ iri unnatural size. To walk was impossible, and rveaiM power o| ri'c will hail n. influence over Ills l ix.l* Inltts situation. ] carried him lo Man n and placed Liai underlie • are of Dr. Thomson, nl thai city ; in two mi tills 1 cstHtJ him home, greatly relieved; the course was etill parrtri for two months more, and my son, once the I-.elplrttCaj®' ping, derrrpid and palsied invalid, is Dow the active.elf*a ful and bouyani boy of former ilayt, rumiip clruerfty where, from morning till night, so fund of field rpern. U*J he ha* 1 ecnme a perfect terror to rabbits, j-aittir’grs aru other game that may presume to lurk upon the plant:';.’’' and so pleased wiili his new Required liberty, that he I’®' self has berone the liveliest in his circle of cotiientp*f , J acquaintance. Yl e result,was so little anticipaied ly a'■ and by all wbo were acquainted with the case, that it **• been deemed of sufficiem importance to merit puhhciiy. ’■} giving it which, you will confer a favor on _ Yours, respectfully, ALEX. HtoT. Jones couniy. 19th Jan. 1844. — owner is n charges. im<l take him Jar. 23. 1844 13 received, and n liberal reward given for him. JAMES C. RAY. Near Wellboin'3 Mills March 19 II. Jk J. COWLFS, H AVE just leceived Flour. Frc»h Mnckorel. Roijnla Ac Principe Segar New Buckwheat, in half nnd quarter burieln, Together with Btiffuine;. Siiifar, Coffee, Ac. Ac. Macon. Nov 28 9 VI\I)I(ATI«l\' OF THE Old School (or Haiti Shell) BapliSO, FROM THE CHARGE OF 18 1C ® t) w : a ■S’ 5 BY JOEL -MATHEWS. UST PUBLISHED, and fin sale ot ,his Offire. and s lie several llnuk Stores in this city. Also, by most of this denomination D " “ 'copy, or $ l 75 per doran. 1 Det S 10 1I0.\EV KE1MEB! SICK HEAD-ACHE PILLS. Warranted lo Cure or Bcv.fjil a Patient, or Money & turned. . J 1HESE PILLS hnvebeen used extensively, cnc to be eminently successful in the treatment en .(rare c. that truly distressing malady. SICK HEAD -ACHE• 1 order to cure any disease, strike at its root and n. ,c J 5 c' cially those that disturb and derange the functions ri l C brain sympathetically, as occurs in this disease It ci ® 1 ^ out at intervals a few days or weeks, from an impa' r ” * enervated state of the digestive organa, and which •!< lC ,J the sear of disease. Sick Dead-ache is a disease con .-*• to he found in the country; few are more distress? ^ their effects, or s«» little understood generally in its rs - - and cure. Nothing will care Sick Head-ache, hut a rough and Complete change in the action of the sfow*i> * ( bowels, and ut the same time restore and invigorate >^ t:; ? well as to keep them well regulated. 8uch is ’ ,a ' u and eflVctofthe combination of Dr. E L* SP0HN Head-ache Pills. So certain is the proprietor that _ Pills will cure Sick Head ache, that he hereby g uar, | n j ^ to the public, that whoever tries them without cure or t- fit. shall hare tlieir money returned. r s Every thing like referefu e io colleges.certificate?.f** vita. Ac. to portray the success i>( the Pills with, is " a on thegrou..d of the guarantee; but sheer justice rffl® ^ that the following case, amongst the many that boTcheM cently reported, should be known at least to the anl’ctf 1 *’ The wife of Leary Stanley, of Houston Count}. ^ a , , been long othicteu with . ick Hend-ache, of the irtcft character—besides frequent attacks, it has often 8’^.^ .horn) endangered her life—to cure which, iraf\v ren have been preacril ed and U6ed, but without r ^ s ' vfC -f dor these cirrumatanrea, she oominerced the ( &h s 1 ^ I)r. Spolin's Sick Head ache Pills. Scarcely had a i them been taken, before *he felt and lrokedjihe a 11« 1^. son : not only free from any n-ore attacks of Sick I, a ^ e n but greatly in proved in health ami strength- N e , ® s ‘ oC . two boxea of tlie Pi'ls and is advised to continue n ^ ^ . casionnlly for some time, having so long labored ui.t ‘ disease, nnd n t findii g before a ren edy to rehej e > • , Tbe cure of S:rk Headache ia effected by the P e ‘ Ti action of the Pil’?. in restoring and invigorating ine p •igorating which the proper aympaiiietic relet >c*n be- There ^ JT the Preach** ofdigestion,l*j *,**. r - r - , tween the 5t« mach and brain is alone established. ^ not the leant danger in using the Pill* in any w?.v. quire o-dinarv rireand attention while taking diem- Enrh box contains 50 pills, with full directions tor PRICE. One Dollar per Box. r ir . [rr T" he had of Havila.d A Risl.ET, Aorn»l»: “ j TLE & Co.. Milledgfvillr ; HARVEY SHOTW EIL » . Dr. T.E. GORMAN, Macon; and S. A Pric e> -gj cents, eingls has. Thcv are also to be had at Albany, Hat* Mtdison, Talboiton, and Fort Gaines. March 8,1844. **