Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, April 09, 1844, Image 1

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mi rtiB attK.tT'nfrr good ot•' tug g mi.trus'v » VOL* XVIH. 11ACOY, (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY j|Oli\(\«, APJilL 9, 184 1. i\o. a«. Ti)t Sclc&niptL fUBLISHEJ EVERY TUESDAY MORNING, BY n. BIRTLETT. L„ lc t-Brick Buildintr. corner Cotton. Avenue and ■” First Street. TERMS O' SCBSCRimOJI : Three Dollar*, paid ra advance, will pay for the Tel I r vear. Fi*. ©oil*.-. I-’! —«!;; I it two years. Ten Dollar*, paid in advance, will Iinaixn»o«W awih jaarhsa© I wnenootp. A „ A!fD rirTT cull, par wyw I "ffhTUlIied If not paid until the end of the year, TOO R |r, ,M aR3 r^nnum wfr oe charged-with interest there- ^ p.per will he diarontinned until all arrearages are i I unless at the opt : on of the Proprietor. 4iaele Papers, to non-Sunecribera. 12J cents each. Extra .'ft to fluhacribera. 61 cents each. TERMS or ADVERTISING: anVERTlsKMENTS not exceeding IS lines, will be inserted nine for ONE DOLLAR; and FIFTY Cests for each -.yttifitfit inwriion. j )fT :<r« Tax Collectors* and Coroners* Sales, are char l, T the Levy. • A (easonahle.leduction will be made to those who adver se the year. On all acconnu foi Advertising, lee.. as well ns for Pith jJuim,Interest will be charged, when not settled within |irje» r - j Vo Credit for Job Printing, IllnnUa. Jkc._m • better* on business co ineeted wi'h the OlTice, must '£f»n secure attention. .roil A L. JOAES Sc (JO. J0L1CIT attention to a New and Extensive assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING Uinafsetured the pt*t summer, from recently imported l),ds. hytVm T. Jennings A Co., very favorably known „ua >ne the most fashionable Drapers aud Tailors in the of New York, CONSISTING OF Snrtouts, Frock Coats, pantaloons, V*?sis, pros* Coats, Coatees. anil Office Coats, Tt avell njg Coats, hadiet' astd GrttlUuttts't In all the New and various styles ; father witli a very choice selection of jlk and Satin Acarfa. Cravats, |A,ir and Cashmere do Hosiery, Kindkerchiers, Drawers, ■ I mler Vests, Gloves, jupenders, Linen and Muslin Shirts, io,Un, Stocks, tee. Including a general stock of Youth's Sc Children’* Clothing'. YEGRO CLOTBIAG, UMBRELLAS, &a Believing that the system of " Small Profits and Quick Hnnms." is best nuited to the times, they will offer their Onlsst prices that cannot fail to be an inducemeut to pur firters. Micon. October !0.1843. 4 II. Sc J. COWLKS, H AVE jiutteceiveJ, Fresh Mackerel, Csual Flour. Regala le Principe Segars, New Buckwheat, in half and quarter binds, Together with It is'din;'. Su^ar, Coffee. &c. A c. Sltcon. Nov 38 9 JOS. Sc EI)WI\ SAULSBCKY, U .WIXG purchased of Mr. R W MORRIS, hit en lira Stock of CLOTHING, CLOTH «. CASSIIYJSIl.ES, <5cc to-prepares to offer the same at very reduced price* for cash The Smck is new. and the Clothing manufactured in the iuett style, and in the best manner. They feel warranted inning, that, a* regard* varietv. quality, ana price, their Stark eaunnt be surpassed by any in the city. > They have on hand. Gentlemen's super Beaver and Pilot Cloth Gentlemen’s super Beaver and Pilot C)otb FROIit COATS, Ladies’ and Gentlemeu's super CLOTI1 CLOAKS, Gentlemen's Blue. Black, Green, Cadet Mixe-I • Crock and Dress Coats, Gentlemen'* super French Ca.simere FRO K COATS. Gentlemen'* Cloth. Camiuiere, Sattinett, and Jean* Yotria’d cioiHir-ja, OK KVKRT DESCRIPTION! ; BLUE. BLACK. MIXED. AND FANCY CLO'i US .tJl'O CdtSHKOEKES. Also, a splendid assortment of TESTS, Gloves, •inspoiidcis, Shirts. CULL\R>, HAXDIERfUIEPS, HOSIERY, TRUCKS, CARPET RAGS, UMBRKLLAS, &c *fce Mtcun, DecS. Is 13 XT The undersigned, having disposed of his entire stock dCLO THING m Messrs. J. A E. SAULtSHURY. would tf'«iiuen,1 luem to the patronage of his former cue- Kawnand the public general y—believing that their ar roigrinenta are such as will enable them to offer their ffvirls at such prices as to makeittotbe in'erest of pun-has- *titibuy ,if ,1,0,,. R. W. MORRIS. _P*c 5.1643 10 3m CARRIAGE RLPOSITO R Y, 0, Udlserrt Bthkct, Near the Methodist Church WARE-HOUJE Commission Business. W E take this tne’hod of informing our friends and the public generally, that we are still connected in the U’ivre*Hou«r mid Coniuiin.iou Rn»ine„, which will be conducted at the stand occupied by us the past season,, (on Cherry-street near • ottnn Avenue.) Fir the convenience of nur uu-cjutit y friends, we are building a SCALE HOUSE, nearly adjoining Col Parker’s More, on the Avenue, which will be completed by the first of Sep tember. We desire to retnm oitrilianka. for tbe lihcral patrmage bestowed on us heretofore; and trust onr exertions for the interest of our patrons, to merit itaxontinuanre. We will be prepared to make tbe customary Adranrra «*n Cotton, nil Orders, and attend to sue), business as may be confided to us by our friends, on as favorable terms as will be done by any other regular House in this place. HAMILTON * WINN Macon. Julv 1,1843. 41 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JrfS fl/GAV/HL E HAT AND CAP ESTABLi*-..WEI*T. WARE-HOUSE Commission Business. ■ 'HE subscribers beg leave to inform heir friends, and I tbe public in general, that they have connected them selves together in tbe above business, under the firm of GORMAN &. RICHARDSON, and are now creeling a large and convenient WARE HOUSE. near rlotton Aten tie, on Poplar street. Tbe location is dry and elevated, ard unencumbered with old buildingsand the usual liabilities of fi e, and will be com pleted.and ready for busbies., by the first of September. They confidently assure the nubile, that any business con signed to their rare, will be faithfully and prr mptlyexecu- n. Relying on the honesty of purpose and the long t stablisb- ed confidence of tb» se who know us, we feel nobesitancy tn loosing for a liberal share of public patronage. THOMAb B. GORMAN, JAMES RICHARDSON. Macon, July 4, 1843. 41 GEO. ,9. KI.ltRE RE I*, R E>I>ECTFULLY informs his old customers rind llie public Generally, that be is now receiving from the •e.Vbrared Hat Manufactory of Juil.N HURT Jc Co., a very extensive assortment of HATS AND CAPS, embracing every style and quality. Among his assortment may be found 10 dox. fashionable Beaver Hats. 20 dox. do Cassimere Hats, 10 dox. do Russia Hats, 20 dox. do Moleskin Hats 1 dox. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO. ONE HUNDRED DOZEN WARE-HOUSE Commission Business. •'flHE undersigned still continues tnnccupy the WARE- I HOUSE on the corner of Second and Poplar streets He offer* his serricesin the various branches of the Ware. House anil Commission Businras, and r( apectful ly solicits the patronage cf hi* frieuds and the public gener- •»lly ; trusting that, by his unremitting efforts, lie shall be able to meet the wishes of those who may honor him with tlteir confidei.ce—and expresses a feeling cf gratitude to his friends for their libera' patronage. JOHN M. FIELD. Macon, July 1. 1843. 41 ICefrrcncr—Col. Wm. II. Reynolds, ) Maj James H Hardaway, \ Messrs. Ilea Jc Cotton, Joshua G. Moore, J Bryant Bateman. ) u Stephen Cstelow. \ Houston William Moseley, Henry. W. C Cleaveland. Crawford. | Macon, WARE HOUSE \M> mnihssio.v business. TITHE undersigned feel- A ing grateful to their friends and patrons for \lte liberal support heretofore received.take great pleasure i announcing to them and the public generally, that they - ill continue ’ tbe above business in all its various branches. <uch as the storing amksellitigol cotton, receiving and for .vardingmerchandize and'heir wall known <t;.uH,.ituaie near the river, which lor convenience and se- hi itv from fire, is not surpasseit by any Ware-House in he city. Air. Thonta* Hardeman will as heretofore give is |>ersonal attention to the selling of Cotton anil the filling f orders for goods, and pledges himself in every ease to do tis best to promote the interest of all wlui*msy favor us itb their patronage and influence. HARDEMAN Jc HAMILTON. Macon, Aug. 3, 1842. 45 EXPECTING to get to Savannah early in the fall, wait view ofengagincin the Coniminiau Huaiuraa there, I have disposed of my interest in the concern of £. Hanoi ton Jc Hardeman, to my son, Mr. CHARLES F. HAM- LTON. whose sieadinesinf character, and correct ktmwl- lge of business, will qualify him for the employment in hicli he is about to encage. In thus retiring from tbe can- urn.I beg leave to tender my grateful acknowledgments to inv friends for past favors, snd would kindly solirtl for tbe •tew concern of HARDEMAN Jc HAMILTON, a con tinuation of their support, with the assurance tbni it will be is gratefully acknowledged by me, as though 1 were still a Member of Iteconcem. E. HAMILTON. Macon. Aug. 25. 1842 Beaver, J\'ntria and Russia HATS, warranted more WuraMe hau any Hats ever sold in Matron. Also, 50 dor. Youth's and Children's Hats. 20 doz. do. do. Caps. ALSO. 20 dor. black and drab'Spouing Hats, Together with a generaflbsortment of FUR CAPS, CONStSTiNO IN PART OF 3 dox. PREMIUM OTTER CAPS, 5 d< z. Sea Otter Caps, 5 dox. Super N utri.t Caps. 20 dox. 'do. Muskrat Caps, 50 doz. Men's and Roys' Seal Caps, 50 dux. do. do. Sealette Caps. ALSO. 200 doz. Hen’s and Boys’ Black ami Drab WOOL HATg. All of which will be sold for Cash, at prices which can not fail to give satisfaction. Purchasers are ii vited to call ami examine at the old .land, sign of the “BIG HAT," Mulberry Stret t. Braver, Otlrr, .llitik, »V Coon Skins, 11 '.MTi-.'/J, for which the cash will be paid. Macon. Oct 17.1813. 3 GF.O. I. K1IEP,4.R1>, Is receiving weekly additions to bis hitherto splendid stock of H ATS AND CAPS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. He is n iw prepared to offer RARE INDUCEMENTS to cjfy and country purchasers. Possessing advantages excelled by no Hat Establishment in the State, he willafTnrd his Goods at as fotr. or perhafs Inwrr prices. Every style of HATS AND CAPS may be found at bis Store. AMONG THEM— FASHION A BUS, MEDIUM, AN© CHRISTMAS IS COMING, AND SO AM I AND OLD SANDY-C1AWS CLOSE BY, LOADED WITH ALL THE LUXURIES OF LIFE, A ND this is to inform the good citizens of Macon, and the whole people of Georgia, that I have giv< Food for the Mind, and will now distribute Pood that will please the tssie and invigorate the !3ody. n up diatribu I have open FAMILY GROCERY STORE, AT MY OLD STAND, Important to Purchasers OF DRY-GOODS. Spring Trade Commenced AT THE PEOPLK’ - STORE. A LARGE supply uf GOODS, adapted to the season just received—atu‘>ng which are same very desirable We .hall receive NEW GOODS altnu'l every week, du ring the but'- season: and intenu that the People's titorr shall, as it ever has done, lead the bes' of cheap ami favorite tures. (ET Domestic Goods, of all kinds, ttt very low price t. CRANK Jc CLARK. Ma -ch 19 55 Under Washington Hall. WARI-HOUSE im ir'ommission Business. *X7"E shall continue the Ware Hou*e and Commission Vl Buainesa. tbe ensuing season, at our nld stand, on the rorner of Cherry and Second Streets. In offering nur serviee* again to the public, we have tm pledges to make—be ievinglhat nur past conduct will be a sufficient guarantee for the fiithful performance of tbe trust that may be hereafter confi led to us. We will at all times be prepsred to make liberal Ad vances on Cotton, in store, or on shipments made to our Agents in Savannah, Chariest- n or NesJ York. D. Jc W. GUNN Jc CO The subscriber* intend keeping on band, a fall supply of Drv-Goods. Cotton Bagging, and Family Groceries, of all kinds; which they will be gla 11» furnish to their custom- srs, upon as good terms as any house in Maecn. ‘ b D. Jc W. GUNN. Aug. 25 47 WAREHOUSE 'ItHF SUBSCRIBER, is receiving large addttioneto his I stock of coaches, ciiariotkts, bakotciies, BOflfllSM,©, Ac. [ ''aatautneofthe best atorthern Manufactories, which were nnleexpreKtdy for this market, of the best materials, and ,r » warranted equal if notsuperior to those of any other es- -•tliahtnent. Tho-e in want of any description of Csrrisgcs. •’ll find it for their interest to examine the qu aliiv atidpri tn«f hi. assort tnetit. &EFAtRi.NO, in all the different branches executed in the I “*>t manner, hy experienced workmen at leas than farmer Prire*. Corrtacr makers, will find a good assortment of Elliptic brings,AXeItrers.tarnudand boxed Dashes.Lamps,Bands. Ltb», Patent and Top Leather, Lares, Silk and worsted fringe. Tassela. ami almost every article required in their -stiness. at Augusta prices. March 1st, 18-12. 22 tf J. W.BABCOCK. Fire Insurance. THE Undersigned. Agents for the Aetna Insurance * Company of Hartford Conn., are prepared to take on Building*, Merchandize in Store and Cotton in MD-house*, intUe Citv of Macon anti it* vie niiv, agains nrt. Fek7 REA * COTTON. Ag'tt ' 23 ty COOK'S ANTri-BILIOUS FILLS. I^ORihe Cure of Liver Complaint. D\aper * Ror sale :.v J H. Jc W >«31 5 Commission Business. rfxHE undersigned, havittghecn disappointed in the ar- I rangements made by Ittmsclf and Mr W». P Row 1 AND slice coti.inenceiiicnt of the sea-on, takes this meth od of irforming his frien Is an I the public generally, that lie has leased, for the balance of the season, the large and ca-m- roodniu* Ware House. *»n the corner •»! J hifd ana n harf turrets, former ly occupied by JOHN JONES. He will sell when directed. Cotton from ware borne or wagons; and in all ca?es use bi« best exertions to obtain the highest market prices He will also attend to the Receiving and Forwarding Goods, as also the purchase of Goods on order. His Ware-House is situated immediately on the river, and within a small distanre of the Rnil-Road—thus possess- ing superior ad vantage* for s.iipping. Strirt and prompt attentt.n to business, to merit a share of public patronage 0ct31, 1843. 5 ’ WM. W. BALDWIN. T fee. S. KLLfS. q, n Take Nolire, y the Lrdraiore below, will he rigidly enforced a- | s! * per»ons hitching their horses to, or otherwise I V Trees in the />f *'*57,1844. A. McGEEGOR, Marshal. — “■••r. * ’• aatoutor planted in the public Squares I w W*in the limits of this ritv. shall be 20 feet from tvj i, '' ne ol , ' le lot on tlie sqnsrcs or 18U feet streets. " el >rpm the boundary line of the lot on the 120 feet ' VG *’’ arfl ltd with'lie boundary line. And iny pervin or .VLL .... J’®* 1 *"? down or girdling, or In any other manner in-1 TNDEBTED to the late firm ot CHA ... ^ - r fatten! g a bnrse, or anv other animal, to a tree i.t I J will please make immediate payment, or suits will he lc *A® ir es or streets, in tbe eitv of Macon, shall be ' brought indiscriminately. The papers aro a tun 'r 7 ' ®°®vtcti()o before the Mayor, or any member of to me for collection, and can be found at time at m. ete do)'' ’ n ** UI “ not exceeding ten dollars, nor lest than , Rosa’Store. WM. W. GHArMAIx. Utr ' I Macoa, Jail. 1,1844 1* DiN$oItition or Copartnership. IHE firm of CHAPMAN Jc ROSS is this dsy dii- solved. I»v mutual consent. WM. W. CHAPMAN. Maeoo, Jan. 1. 1844. 18 WM. A. ROSS. WILLIAjf A. KOSS ( 'inNTI Nl'ES thie h.t«ine*« on hi* own aeeount. having J purchased from Mr. Wm. W. Chapman his entire in- ( terest in tlie :?t«rk of Goods belonging to the late firm. He has now on hand a well selerte J atncX nfgttods. consisting of DRY-UODDS, Ready-Made Clothing, llat«, Shoes Hardware, CROCKERY, SADDLES, &c. Which will be sold vety low for cash. Jan. 1, 1844 18 xv A - R0= 8 - GRAVES, WOOD Sc (JO. I RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Merchants II and Planter* to tbeii Stork of GROCERIES. ll i.iim.t;:!:. ssi!>!•>. now in store, and to which constant additions of fresh goods w,l. be added during the season, rendering their assortment at all limes very complete, and which will be sold low lor cash. OI to i*o*!»l customers. The fitlhtwing goods utay he found in tbeir assortment: 5 Bsles Ticking. 10 “ OsnaDurgs. 30 “ tsueetiog. and .Shirting*, 4 4 Cases Bleached do do 1000 Pieees English snd American Prints. SO - Bcntrli sud Esrlston Ginghams, 5 Bales {'tripes aud Cheeks, 5 “ 3 4. 4-4 and 5-4 Power Loom Shirting, 130 Pieces Plaid Jaconet, and Swiss Muslins. Muslins amt Lawns, Ky. Jeans and sattiuetls. Nankeen. Kmwn Linens, Irish do. Head Hdkfs. Flagg do. 25 Pieces ^tlk do. Fancy Hdkfs. and Shawls, Hosiery (assorted) Gloves do. Suspenders, Spool Thread, Black and colored Linen Thread, Turkey Cotton, Col’d Cambric*. Vestings, Ribbons, Tapes, Cords, Sewing Silks Jcc . Jcc. Musqnitn Nettings—Cnrpelting 100 Cases Men’s. Women's and Children's Shoes, 13 ** Bonnets (all kind*) 200 Doz. Palm Leal Hats (all kind*) 200 Reams Lrttet. Foolscap, and Wrapping Paper, 2 Casks S*ad Iron*. 1 cask Curry Combs. 6 “ C. S and Carolina Hoes, 2 do Traces, Wagon Boxes. Fry Pan*. Sauce Pans, Tea Kettle.*, Knives and Fulks, Pocket and Card Knives. Pad Lock*. Plate Lorks, Butt Hinge* and Screws, 200 lb*. Pins, Buttons and Combs of every de«rtiption. Percussion Caps. Bponot, See tee., , 25 Hbds. P H~ S. C. and N. O. Sugars. Bbl*. Pu'verized and Crushed Sugar, Boxes White Havanas do. Bbls Loaf and Trinidad do. Brgs Rio and Java Coffee, Chest* Fresh Tea* Tons Iron. Flat. Hound, and Square (all sizes) : Cast. Ge-man and Blister Steel, Anvil*. Vices and Bellows, Cnrting*. Kegs Nail* and Brad*. Bagging, lti-pe and Twine, Bag* Shot, Bar Lead. Keg* Powder, Canister de. tap. Sperm Candles, Tallow do. Starch. King Jc Collins’ Axes, Coffer Mills, Shoe Tnrks. Cotton Cards, No. 8 and 10. 50 “ 50 " 300 “ 25 ■* 25 “ 150 Dox. 200 150 Doz. 50 - 50 - 600 " 100 lbs. 200 urn, am, cassdier, Russia, -Ylole-Skia, Angola, and Silk 1£98b ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF J&'WLJJER. CONSISTING OF Otter] Shcilaml sicnl, Nut tin, nn<l ItlUMkrat. ALSO. Men’s and Youths’ Cloth and Velvet CA?3, Do do Hair Seal do Do do Sealette do Do do Glazed do Gentlemen’s Aavy Caps; A LARGE LOT OF Men’s anti Boys' Black ami Drala SPOKTIVG HATS; Together with an extensive Stick of Men’s* ami Boys’ Black anil Drub WOOL HATS «feC. K5* The attention of those in want of any articles in thi* line, is respectfully invited. Store on Second Street, s f ew doors above the Wash- ingtoff-Hall. and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Whi ting tc Mix. Otlcr, tlink- and KarccGii bkins, for which the Cash will be paid. .Macon. Jan 30. 1844 18 GEO. I. SHEPARD. Hi & J. COWLES, M AVE now on band, at the Store formerly occupied by Messrs. J B. Ro«s Jc Co., a general assortment of Plantets’ Supplies, consisting ot GROCERIES, STAPLE DRY-GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, Ac. Ac. Macon. Oct 25, JS43 6 Where every thing, of the best quality in that line, may be found. I will receive every night by the Rail-Itoad, all kinds cL Fresh Fish, OYSTERS, Oranges, Ranannas, Apples, Lemoii:;, Pine Apples, Ac. Ac. And to mv country friends, I will siv. that 1 will in ike the most liberal exchanges with you. for all kinds of COU! TRY PRODUCK.* O*Do not forget to call at my Store, on Mulberry *treet, tw- tiall, where \ou can buy a good many Goods fora little money. Macon, Feb. 2?th. 1844. doors South of the Washington C. A. EJslss. RATES OF FREIGHT AND PASSAGE Fit 0.11 .11.1 f 0.1' TO 25 | G5 25 6J ;o 1 25 1 50 400 10 30 40.000 lbs. 250 200 2000 lbs. 50 Boxes THOMAS TAYLOR, ON COTTON AVENUE AND SECOND STREET, Mfti.lhiliC hi’ STAPLE GOODS, CHOICE GROCERIES\ See. ifcc. Ac. OFFERS FOR SALE. AT VERY LOW PRICES •It v, | BAGS old Java. Rio, Cuba, and Lag ira Coffee. Ollll 25 lilidt St. Croix an.) Porto Rico Sugars. 5 000 lbs. Standard Crushed and Double Loaf Sugar. J0 Idl'd* Cuba Mo!a**r*. 30 boxes Castile. Fancy, and Variegated .-maps, 40 do Sperm aud Hull's Patent Canale*. 30 do Colgate's ami Hull's Steam Soap, No. I, 800 Sacks Salt, large size, 20 boxes Tobacco. 25 dozen Long-handle Shovel* and Spades, 100 kegs Cut Nail* and Brads, 1.000 lbs. Bar Lead, 600 lbs'. Smoothing Irons, 200,000 Cut Tads, 50.000 lbs Swedt s Iron, a*-nrted, I) to 0 in. wide. •1.000 lbs. German Blistered and Oast Steel, 100 bag* Patent Shot, 10 doz. Wilson's Coffee Mills. 20 doz. Halter Chain*, 100 dox. superior Blacking, 20 do Shoe Brushes, 10 do Curry-Combs, 15 do Patent Razi r Straps. 10.000 lb*. Hollow Ware, (assorted sizes.) 50 ream* super Blue Jc White Ruled Letter Jc Cap Paper. 60 do Wrapping Paper. 500 boxc* 3 able ' alt. 600 p*. superior Gunny anil heavy Dundee Bagging, 1.000 lb* three ply Bagging Twine, 10 boxes Cotton and Wool Cards. 40 dozen Pails. M. is. Brooms, and Selves, 60 do Pen, pocket and Fancy Knives. 75 do Knife* and Forks, 100 do (ittilled Top. Side,and Dressing Combs, 12.000 SEGARS. 20 boxes Imperial. Hy.*on Pouclmng and Souchong Teas Spice*, of all kinds; London Mustard; Indigo; Madder; Copperas; Sal Aeratus: Salt Petre; Ep*ont Salts; Starch; Scon It and Macabm Snuff—together with an assortment of BOIWESTIC DRY-GOO OS, HATS, CAPS, SADDLERY, Boots and Shoes. Macon. Nov 14, 1843. 7 25 1 00 25 25 25 SO 1 00 75 1 50 2 00 II 25 40 l 5011 7512 00 “I •32 3012"S0;3 00 t ‘ 5 |q« 16 |*5 t 04 S 54 76 2 00 25 1 00 7 2 00’ 1 25 3 50 3 00 2 00 38 2 00 3 00 38 86 3 00 1 63 5 00 3 50 Passengers 5 c. pr. mile, (children under 12ys. Jc servts.Bllf price, Colton per bale, (round or square) not exceeding 400 lbs. weight,.. Cotton per bale, (round or square, over 400 lbs. per 100 lbs Boxes, bales, and all measurement goods per cubic foot, Sugar, Coffee, Rice. Iron, Hardware, and all other article* that go by weight, ........per 100 lbs. Hogshead, and Pipes or Liquor ...each. Hogsheads of Molasses and Oil,.... ..........each. Barrels of Liquor, Fish, Beef, Pork, Lime, Jcc... each. Barrels of Molasses and Oil j each, Bis. ol Flour, Potatoes. Fruit. Onions, and all other light bis. each, | bis.Pork.Fi.*b.Liquor.Jcc JcallKegsof lOgala. Jctipwards each, { bis. Flour, Fruit, Potatoes, Jcc each, Sail in sacks not exceeding four bushels............... each, Salt in sacks over Mur bushels,.. per bushel, Corn, Wheat, Meal, and all other grain in bags ....per bushel. Cotton Bagging .per piece. Boxes of Soap, Candles, Jcc. of common size................each. Brooms in bundles .per dozen, Burkeis. Collars, Scythes, Shovels Jc Spades, Sifters, Jcc. per dozen, Chairs per dozen. Boxes Fruit. Cigars, Jcc each, All small packages not weighing 10 J lbs. nor measuring 2 feet, each. B acksmilh's llelloars,.... each. Potatoes, Apples, Jc- ....per bushel, Demijohns, lugs. Jars Jcc. not over two gallons, ...each. Drtn'jnhns, Jugs, Jars, Jcc. over two gallons... •,, .........each, Balesof Hay and Fodder, not over 400 lbs..... each. Four Wheel C trriages..................... ......... ....each. Two Wheel Carriages................. .................ear'll. Post and Stage Coaches and Road Wagons,................each. Lumber, sawed and hewed, per 1,000 feet........ Wood,.... per cord, LIVE STOCK. Hogs ...............................per head. Oxen and Beef Cattle.....................per head, Horse*...................................per head. Sheep. Gnats. Calves.and Dogs.............per head. Turkeys and Geese in coops........... ....per head, Ducks nod Chickens in coon*...............per head. Special ron'.rnris may be made with the Superintcndant of Transportation, for Freight, oa the following articles, when in large quantities, viz: Horse*. Hogs, Cattle, Lumber. Wood. Br'ck. or Stone, Jcc. Jcc. Planters or Farmers are allowed to pass free of charge, for passage, when accompanying tbe produce of their own farm* to market Good*. Wares, or Merchandize, destined for the interior of this ^tate, Tenne. see, or Alabama, consigned to the Agent of this Company, at Macon, will be received and forw arded from any puint of this Road, by wagons, to iiieir place of des tination. free ofcliatgc for Storage or Forwarding. Cotton. .Merchandize, or Produce, of any description, will be received by the Company’s Agent-, at Griffin. Harncsville, or Forsyth, and forwarded direct to Savannah, free of any charge, other then the regular rates of Transportation. Ar rangements must be made in all instances, f ir the payment of Freight and expenses, w itjt the Company s Ager.t at Mu. cud.or at the Depot where the goods are rereivpd or delivered. The attention of Merchant* and Planters, is solicited to the advantage* offered them under tbe above arrangements, for shipping their Produce to Market, snd obtaining their supplies, through this chamtelofcomrtiumt itinn w itl. the seaboard. Tbe Central Rail-Road is now completed and in operation, from Savannah to within 2} miles of our Depot, and will ba completed tn Macon early this fall. This Rond is in daily operation to Griffin. 60 Biles above Macon : and. by the first of December, will be opened for Bo sines* to Leakville.2l miles'above G tiffin; and to the junction wi.h tlie Western a id Atlantic Rail Road, early next spring. That portion of tlie Road originally laid with tbe thin plate Rail, has been rebuilt this summer, and laid with heavy fljnge Rail, and the whole Road front Macon to Griffin, is now in good order for business. Merchants living in the upper part of the State, will find i(decidedly to their interpat, to ship their good* by way of Savannah, over tbe Central and this Rail-Road consigned tnour A gems, as goods can be hauled from liarresville or Griffin, to Columbus, for 45 a 50 cents per 100 pounds, or any other part of the country at proportionable rates. All goods will be sent forw atd immediately, unless otherwise ordered. S. ©. (CRAY, * 34 25 25 J 36 I 25 64 30 1 04 4 CO 2 25 7 00 4 64 St I 00 6 00 54 4 « August 22, 1843. Agent and Superintendant of Trar*portation, GRAVES 6l KIBEES C ONTINUE the W'ARE HOUSE and COMMIS- SION BUSINESS—nre prepared ai all time* to make Advances on Cotton in Store, or shipment to any market desired, and gnliriiacontinuanceof patronage. Macon. August 22, 1843. 49 50 20 Bbls. Copperas. 20 14 Tinner'* Oil. 10 44 Vinegar. 2 Cero-»ns Indies. Sal Era’i*. Epaom Salts. Madder. Ginger, Pepper. Spire. Nutmeg* Cl*»ves, Cassia. Camphor. Brimstone, Blue Stone. Salt Petre, P*int*.Oi'v Gla«s. Putty, Varnish. Turpentine, Sperm Oil, Ait., Ac. 2000 6aeks Salt, 50,000 lb*. Baron, 10 Tons Grindstone*. Micon, March SI, 1844* 26 j Trace Chains, Anvils, Bellows nnel Vices. A Lin pr. Trace Chains, 30 Anvils, ftvIUeO Vices. 20 pr. Blacksmith's Bellows. 150 Hnnd and Sledge Hammers, 40 double hand Screw Plates,a**ot ted, J to 1 inch. 40 Fifth Chains. 2,000 lbs. Hook Hinges. 100 set* Wagon Boxes, 300 lbs. Bagging Twine, 100 Tea Kettles. 100 Sauce Pan*. 1.000 lb* Bar Lead, 20 dozen Knob Locks. I Iron Chest. ALSO. A complete assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, ANI) TABhtt KNIVGri & FORKS, Ju*t received and for sole by Macon .Nov 14.18*3. 7 _ E B. WEED. Exchange on Yew-York, OR sale by THOS. TAYLOR. October'3 1 new bcok Store OS 00TT0S AVE.H'E, Two doors nliot r .Tie*** *. JT. II. -V IV. H. KLLI8’ Diet'd 8TOBK. ,T. B Alt YES, H AVTNG MOVED to the above fitand, offers to tie public, a large Stock of BOOKS, ST.fTIO.V.fJtr,j BLANK BOOKS, &o. Ac. | CHEAP FOR CASH. Family and Pocket Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, of every kind and size, in various binding. Southern and Missouri Harmony, Kingsley*a Social Choir. Juvenile Singing Book. Mason's Sacred Harp. Bai>c Primmer. Dictionary of Musical 'J'cims, 4*c. ISInnli BookN of every «le*c»ip!ioii, Couit Re cord, aud Rocket Book*, vnrioiiM hizcM. Ledgkhs. Journals and Day Books: Invoice. Re cord, Letter. Bill and Receipt Books; In dexes. for Ledger*. Pocket Memoran dums A Pocket Ledgers. Ac. Ac. J. B. would respectfully invite teachers and others who may want SCHOOL BOOKS, to call and examine his^tork hich will be sold ai the lowest possible prices. For Cash- J holasale and retail. ! He als** receives as soon as published all tlie r.ew works | from the Harper’s and other publishing houses ir. New j York. Boston and Philadelphia, enibrai ing all the cheap, and fashionable literature of the day, which hesellsat New j York prices. Constantly on hand'a stock of LAW BLA¥ primed on the best foolscap paoer. Macon, Oct 4, 18411. 2 GUN SMITH BUSINESS. f¥4HE subscriber continues to carry on tills business at J hit old stand opposite Shntwell’s Drug Store, where he keep, for sale Double r»nd Sing Ia Ran 4-1 Shot Itiilrs, Pistols, and all other kinds or Spmii"f Api’inatus. REPAIRING,of all kinds, and stocking Guns, done at short rotice—a'.-u, Guns and Rifles al.ered to percussion locks. Feb. 20 gl V. ROUX. MEW GOODS. G. XV. & E. WOODRUFF, H AVE just received, and are now opening, a fine as• sonrnent of SPRING AND SUMMER Consisting of Calicoes, Lawns and Muslins. Ba.’zorine Mus lins; French and Srorch Ginghams; Linen Lawns; Linen Cambric Hdkfs; Irish Linens; Jaconet, Book, and Midi Muslins,- Check Muslins; Gloves and Hosiery, of every kind and quality; 3,000 yards Georgia Ynnkcen*; Brown and Bleached Linen Drills for Pants; Brown and Bleached and Grass Linen; Brown and colored Cotton Goods, for summer wear; F Paint* and Oil*. KEGS No*. 1 and 3 White Lead, 300 gallon* Linseed Oil, 200 do Lamp Oil. With a variety ofColors foT Painters’ use. forsale by July 6 40 CHA9. CAMPBELL Jt CO 500 Baling and Rope. ADA PfECEf* heavy Gunny Bagging, 100 “ Kentucky do 50 4 ‘ Husia. do 200 “ Coils Monilla Rope, 500 lbs. Hugginp Twine. For sale on reasonable terms bv CHA*. CAMPBELL A Co. August 2 47 Palm Leaf and Leghorn Hats, of Men's, Youths' and Boys* sizee. ALSO—A LARGE LOT OF Sun Shade* and Parasols; All of which we will sell nt a small advance from Cost. Please cill ami ,-ee. ntour Store, one doer from Geo. W. Price on Second street. M.rcli 12 24 BUGGY FOR SALE. GOOD article, with leather top. Macon, Fab 20 21 GEO. W. PRICE. CALF-SKIYS. J UST RECEIVED, n lot of Calf Skins, a superior arti cle, finished after the French stvle. Also. Northern SOLE-LEATHER,SHOE-THREAD, *E0. W, PRI0B- SPA1NTLES, Jcc. Jan 9, 1844 15 O