Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, April 09, 1844, Image 3

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T 81 K frnlrnl Kail Rond. t h« following synop.i* of ihe condition and ^‘X ce-tr.lB.ilHo.d and Banking Company, from ^/..nnah Republican, of Tuesday list: *' S * h nftbc Road, l9 °l Dal bar. 100 mile*. T Wbalanee «>f the distance—*ix mile* of trestle work, oil**?!} nf whirl, will be filled np at a fotnre d**; ^'ndtv of excavaiion and embankment. a “* mV>ck excavation of any consequent* on the line. si cr“- •tssyssjacr a"*-. q&sshaF* &•«- Average neat per mile, of en- $ , 2 Th^cjinpany™*, now 14 engine, and about 100burthen •93,190 SI 86.716 25.000 7.944 ^Xwonew jasoage cars of superior finish, ordered, to be ^Z«&*^*'*'r** 134341 « during M.reb l^ about Tbe r^TjZla* % »a the engine* Number ot m»I«* ru * 181.954 during "''"'per mile, T$ cent*. 8 mill*. E lH. n welf» remark, that from actual atali.lic. it «.« ieTlhe average expense of tunning on all the Rail n i r \fastarhntettt ie 74 rents, 4 mihs. expense of keeping our Road in repair, i. *317 per •nil* per Umrm-whHe the same average <m eight of the ? rn X,| Rail Road* ^ Massachusetts is «477. " During tne Inst aeven month* ihe number of passenger* increased 90 per cent, and the total receipts of the road . ran t the »mne lime, over ih«se of the corresponding period i.«i \iar, are 69 per cent, while it it pleasing to observe that L month, ..f March. 1843 and 1844, the ratio for earn- jjj. his been at $7,944 to $25.000. State e<. Ker. E. Sinclair St Thoa. Unynrs, K»q the Milledgt'aflle Journal of last week, hat the follow. • -Our Superior Court wa* in aessiou the past week Ml'hn adjourned over to the fifth Monday in this month. Dorinc its se-aion two importanl eases, in which the State deeply intereste 1, were tried. One waa the ease of ibe s*ia,e. **. the securities of the Rev Elijah Sinelair, for merly Commissioner of the Deaf and Dumb. A verdict of iSoUt $2,300 was returned for the Stale by the Jury. An •ppesl, though hnabeen entered by the affiiMna. The while amount claimed by the Slate waa $5,900. that being At default of Sinclair. , , The other waa the eaae of the State, vs. the securities of (he late Treasurer, Thomas Haynes. The securities up'.n the tail bond given hv hnn were the parties defendant in dit*esse; and the verdict of the Jury wa* in their favor. The case both on liie State', and Defendant's part wa* ably eondacird. The counsel appearing for the State were An- (Situs H. Kenan and Robert V. Hardeman. Esqrs —for the defence, Seaborn Jonea Win. Y. Hansell, Ivcraon L Har- ns. and Win. S. Rock well. Esqra. fnt ie case vs. Sinclair’s seruntle*—for the State. Fro.I wrick H. Sanford, and Wm Y. Hansell. Esqrs.—and for the, Iverson L.Harrie, Wm. S. Rockwell.and A. B. longatreet, Esqra. £ 4.'oil gresr. In the Senate, on the 29t'i ult.. the bill to reduce the rates of postage, and limit the use and correct the abuse of the franking privilege, and for ihe prevention of frauds cn the Pos' Office Department was under discussion. No action sai liad iip >n it. The Senate also spent a abort lime in ex- ociitive sesaion. ... The House of Representative*, after receiving the re port* of several of the standing committees, and giving an iwirnpriate direction to the business presented by them. xte A into Committee of the Whole on the State of the l/n- inn (Mr Weller in the chair) and resumed the consideration of liie hill to regulate the pny of the army, and for other par vse* After a debate, the qoeation waa taken on the amen linen, submitted by Mr. J. W. Uavia. to aboiiah the office *f Major Generali and decided in the nepanve with- pm a fivi.ion. The disenssi-'n wa*continued till after four e e’ock. when the committee rose and reported progrea*. and the House adjourned. Public Credit. We believe that the only State which be* virtually repn dialed its debts is Maryland, and this was done by ihe ne elect of a Whig Legislature to supply the means of meeting the public engagements- Thu*, after setting the example of private repudiation by pawing * bankrupt Inw. which panned a spume over all individual debts, a Whig legislature has alio exhibited the fir* pattern of virtual public repudiation. Instea I of writing sorry novel* for hi* own gratification and ihe public infliction, or'introduring clap trap resolutions in C W r f u to interrupt the public bosinrss. or dnwmf up pc. litical mtnifestoe* which contain more fictions jhan h a own tra»hv romnacei. we think Mr Howc-ihoe Kennedy nnd better turn hie attention, ond eppiy bis profound talents (.} to the means s 1 * saving the credit and character of the J?tnt* which honors bin. much more lhau Uself by giving him a teal ia Congresa —Globe. IlleXtil VotinS. When the People’s Constitution wa* adopted by theciti- lens of Rhode Island, the Algerine papers in that S'ate and ,w echo in this, the Bo«ton Atlas, had a great deal to say about illrgal voting, and yet they could never produce an ins! tore where votes were knowingly received contrary to the pr-visions of that Constitution It appears bv some de. vel verne *t« in the town of Johnaton, that at the meeting the r e forth# p.irpoac o r volte* upon the preaentAl- g»*'ine To Hiiiution, Samuel Ward King, the Algerine tnir- t*r (ftffninr. presiding. thattwenty*one person*.were ilie- m|1« admired to vote, and am on 2 the rest the minor son of t} iv. King! These fact, are shown by the town erords. What will the public now ssv of the Algerine cry-of illegal voting against the Fr«e Suffrage men I— Boston Democrat. Revolution in flajli. Advices have been received by Brig Eagle, from Cfpe Havtien t« the 14th of March, that the disturbances in 'he Island hid assumed s serious aspect. The whole or Hie national srmv and a'l the national gnsrd (militia) Were un- jar orders to march srainsl the insurgent*. The P-e-idem wa« collecting all the effective force in that part nf the island, and it we« thought ihero would he aome figWlf'—but tbnt the revolution would probably be aup pressed without much difficulty—- Button Mer. Jour. Rhode Inlnnd. A special session of the Legi .letnro of Rhode Island rororaenred at Provi lem-e on the 2Plb o'* It was railed hv the Governor at the request of a large number of the mem bers of bub Houses. The object is to adept meaautes ade quate t’the em-r.’encv in the affairs of the f*tate. growing out of the interference of the House of Representative* of the Congress of the United States in relation to the Dorr rebellion R. W. Pooler, charged with robbing a room mate at the City Hotel, appeared in the Cttv Court on Saturday, and through hit counsel .made aoplicatinq fttr the removal of hia trial to another county. Hia counsels filed affidavits setting forth their belief that the prisoner o^nld not obtain^» fair and impartial trial in this city by reason of the prejudice ex cited again*!: him. The Court granted the application, and the prisoner waa then relaa ed under bail for hi* nppearnnee •t Hartford County Court on the third Monday in May mu.—M Am. Aletterfrom New York sava, “Mr. N. P. W.Jlia has lust ret nr, i erf from Boston, where lie has been to attend, the fu neral nf his mother She wa* a woman of strong mind and high moral qualities, 1 cloved by all who knew her, and war- ah'pped hy her son. Afflictions, it is said, never come sin gle. It ia but a few day* since be buried a beautiful sister. ’ A h»*w atorm set in yeaterday morning, and lasted with little intermission during the d*\. The cloud* were so heavy and dart, that for a considerable time we found it necessary to light the gas n the pnolishing office and also to light up the composing room. For a short time the rain was mixed with hail and come down in perfect cataracts, flooding the street*.—Mobile Register, HBtk ult. I.. 8. Hornsby. The trial of Mr. Hornsby, indicted for murder, fo” killing IV H Twogood. in Banks’ Arcade, which ha* occupied the Criminal Court the greater part „f the week, was last eve ning brought to a cnncluaivt. when the jury b oueht in a verdict of manslaughter. The law fixe* the punishment for Annexation of Trxns. Col. R M. Johnson, Ex-Vice President, says: ”1 am in favor of ihe annexation on ecuai grounds with the original States, when it shnli be in accordance with the sentiments and withe* of a majority of the people of t:.e United States; nnd the people of that Territory consenting. The constitu tional question was settled w'nra Louisiana was purchased, and in addition to this Texas wis a part of that purchase.’’ Reiith of Gov. tan oil. Gov. Carrol] died at ■ is residence in Xashville, (Teon.) an the 22d ult., in his 56th year. GEORGIA TELEGRAPH, | KIP IVe are authorized to nnnounee DIlCRY | M. COX as & candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns for Bibb county, at the Election in 1S45. Jan 9 16' The New York Aurora says, "That the epidemic now prevailing in that city, manifests itaelf in an ulcerated throat, ; and general derangement of the system.” Class IVo. 5. AUTHORIZED HY THE LEGISLATURE. For tbo .Benefit of fort Guinea ACADKJIY, -e &a .yinna^ers, (Succes. irs to James PiiaLE.v A Co.) Minister to France, There appesrs to be no doubt .hat Mr. Wickliffe will be appointed Minister to France at the close of the present ses sion of Congress.—JY. I'. Sun. ■ ' — I Hon J. C. Calhoun arrived in Washington on the 29th I ■It., and took room* at Fuller's Hotel. DRAWS THIS DAY. AT AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. 1 Prize of §5,000 1 do do 1,500 1 do do 1,200 DlEDj On the 13th ult.. M^RIA ANNETTE, daughter of Mr. and Mra.Charlea Cotton, of itiiaeuy—aged about 6 months. In Fort Gaines, on Sunday, 17th ult, Dr. JOHN W. BROWN, io the 40th yearoi'liM age. BESIDES MANY OF SMALLER AMOUNTS. TICKETS Si 50—Shares in proportion. ALSO, Class \o. 6, TO BE DRAWN AT MY OFFICE, IN THIS CITY, " e arc anthui ized to announce SOL. R : JOHN>ON. as a Candidjie tor Receiver of Tax Kflonu ! of Bibb County, at the Election in January 1945. Jan 9 15 NEW GOODS Notice. T HE City Council, at their last meeting, having extend ed the time for making Tax Returns, to ibe 1st day of May next, all persons interested will do well to avail them selves of this privilege ; as the Books will finally closed, and all defaulter double taxpd, after that dare. April 1! 27 A. R. FREEMAN, Assessor. BACON! BACON!! 30.000 LBS Georgia Cured BACON, April 2 ALSO. i. extra LEAF LARD, for sife by WM. A. CHERRY. 27 4m Couon Avenue, Macon, Ga. Council Chamber, MACON. April 5,1844 REGULAR MEETING. Present—The Mayor. Aid. Rylander. Rots. Freeman, Ellis, Dinton. Absent—Aid. Collins. Holmes, II inn. TJ1HE Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and J confirmed. The Bridge-Keeper reports toll for week ending thtk day. $95 12 Out of which was paid for oil to date, 11 60 James K. Butts’ application wa* referred to the Commit tee on Finance. The Treasurer’s first quarter's account,-was presented, and on motion referred to the Cotumittee on Finance. An application from the Butchers, waa presented by Aid. Ross, and on motion, wa* referred to the Committee on the Market. The Street Committee report in favor of the work done by the Street Contractor, for the quartet ending the 1st A- pril. M. E IlYLANDER. ) JAMES DENTON. $ ~ 0,n ’ The following gentlemen were appointed Commissioner* of Health. t« serve for one year, or until the election of their successor*, vix: Ward. No. I.—St. Lanier, John L. Jones. Wm. Shivers, jr.. Wm M Roberta. Ward, No 2—Thomas P. Stubbs. Robert Beasly, sen., John E. Jeffers. Jn*. Hollingsworth. Ward. No. 3,—Jas. William, F. F. Lewis. Z. T. Con ner. E. E. Brown. Ward. No. 4.—David Flanders, George Vigal, John E:mes. Fenner Brown. Council then adjourned. Attast. A. R. FREEMAN. C. Cl 7.000 DOLLARS, 2.000 DOLLARS, 1.600 DOLLARS, 1.500 DOLLARS. ffj* Packages warranted aa usual. TICKETS $2—Shares in proportion. 03” JAMES PHALEN A CO. will guarantee the pay- nientof all Prizes sold by D. Paine A Co. Orders promptly attended to. GEORGE ROBINSON.Agent April 9 28 . | flel•eI».•»Rfs , IJaiek offffacon, APRIL 5, 1844. T 1HE Bills of tbit Bank, and of the Bank of Hawkins- vide, payable at the Office in Savannah, wilt hereafter be redren ed by the Planters’ Bank in that city. Aprils 28 4t JOHN RUTHERFORD, Caslt’r. Lime ! Lillie ! Y ty BBLS. ofbest Northern Lime. For sale by April 9, 1844. WM. A. CHERRY. 28 NOTICE. iposed i X GOODS and GROCERIES, to Messrs. H.11.4J. W Elder, who will lie happy to wait upon his customer* at his old stand. Cotton Avenue. H. C. FREEMAN. Marcn. April 2, 1844. 28 NO TICE. MpHE undersigned haring purchased Mr. H. C. Free- JL man’s entire stock of DRY-GOODS AND GROCERIES j and are now prepared to watt upon their friends and the pcblir, and respectful'y'solicit a share of patronage. The 'brmer friends of Mr. F. are particularly requested to give them a call. Having made arrangements for the sale of G<*>ds at Bartiesville, they can be purchased at that place at Maroo prices. II. B. A J. W. ELDER. Macon, April 2, 1844. 28 N L W BOOTS & SHOES, Just deceived on Second Slrcet. T HE undersigned would inform their friends and the public generally, that they have received a large assortment of GENTS. FINE BOOTS and SHOES; with a full supply of low priced SEWED and PEG BOOTS, and SHOES. Also. Ladies’ SHOES of all kinds and qualities, with a full supply of MISSES'A CHILURe. N’S SHOES, which they would invite a.I those that ate in want of any of the above articles to come and ex amine our assortment, confident that both quality aad price will bu made aaliafactory. WHITING A MIX. Macon, April ^1844. 28 -1- NOTICE. f|AHE undersigned ltsving associated J. R. HOWELL .1 witlt him. their busineas will hereafter be. continued under the name of G. L. W ARKEN A Co. G. L. WARREN. April 9. 1844. 28 New, FntshiouabEc, uud Cheap Spring ami Sunnites* DRY GOODS. rrtHE undersigned, grateful for pas. favors, would re 1 apectfnlly inform their friends and the public, that they are now teceiving a general aupply of Fancy nnd Staple Dry Goods, among which, are low priced Medium, and Very Rich Bsl- zarinea and Balxarine Muslins; Lace and other French M8hlins; Printed Lawns; Bonnet Lawns and Silks; Dress Silks; Silk and Lace Cardinals; Silk, Tarltoo, nnd Braige Mantles; Silk Shawls and Neck Ties; Kid. Lace. Thread and Silk Gloves and Mitts; Silk and Cotton Hosiery; Linen Cambric, and Linen Cambric Hdkfa; Jaeonett, Mull, and Swiss Muslins; Colored and White Tarleton do. Muslin and Lace Trimmings; a large assortment of fashionable Prints: real Irish Lmena, fine and heavy. A large assort ment of fine and fashionable Ribbons; Bonnets, French Flowers. Ac. Ac. Also. Hroadrlntlti. Cssimeres. Caahmemts. Dra-rfe-Etc; Gro-de-Eir; Linen Co*tin;a. and Drillings; Marseilles and London Vestings; with a great variety of Lin-n and Cotton Goods for men’s wear; Brown and Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings; 12-4 Linen Sheetings 10 and 12-4 Pavilion Lare; together with moat articles usually kept in Dry Goods Stores. All of which will be sold verv low for cash, at the old atand. G. L. WARREN A CO. Macon. April 9, 1644. 28 int* crime i«> be, imprisonment in the Penitentiary for a f teeariiiei, vtfllhe required, and persons bidding will please term not la** than aeven nor more than twenty-one yeam, in • -' - * the discretion of the Court.—JV. f). Bulletin '. A Coart of Inquiry lias been ordered at Fort Leaven worth. m trv Capt. Cn»k. of the U. 8. Army, for hia con. duct towards Col. Snivrlv'a party Ins' soring. It will be remembered that Cap'. «. is sent out to protect the Santa Fe trader*, and that on falliag in with Col. S. and the party of Texians under his command, he captured and disarmed the entire force. The Court will consist of Col. Kearney, Col. Vo so and Maj. Wharton. (signs ns to Trxns. The Hnniton (Texas) Demoera' starts this idea : that if aoorxation should fail. Text.- should annex herself to Ar kansas or Louisiana, and present her claim for admission into the Union, under the Louisiana purchase. Hi part and parcel of the Union, wrongfully alienated. The Pntuily of Ntinith*. A writer in the Norfolk Bearon tells of a town in Texas which he visited, where out of a population of 400. the Smiths numbered ;i00. The postmaster, the eollertnr. the | hr-ker, the colonel of the militia the acting magistrate, the ( candidate fur Congress, the cashier nf the Bank, the prinei- I Pal merchant, all bore th- unonmnon name of Join Smith.' I He adda. rather dubiously, that “what were the of some of them in the States it would be hard to tell.” NOTICE T«> CONTRACTORS. 1YEW JAIL. rilHE Justices of the Inferior Court having had snbmit- B ted to them various plans fen a Jail, one ol which they have unanimously adopted, aa more suitable in every re spect to the wanu of the city and l oumy. they will receive sealed proposals until the first • f May r- \t. lor the erection ot the building on the site which lias been appropriated for that purpose. ~ Contractors can see the plans and apecifira- ti ms at Mr. Stu-rell’scnunting room. Bond* with approved to name their securities. A PORTER. J. I c. c. C. FRANCIS SORRELL, J, I. c. c. c. M. MYERS. J. i. c. c. c. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, J. I. c. c. c. ELIAS REED, J. 1. c. c. c. April 9. 1844-28 3t UlnniiltoD, ESni’denian & Co. FACTORS AND General Comm issiontilerchants SAVANNAH, GEOKGIA. August 29, 1843. 48 THOMAS H. HARDEN, Commission Merchant, S.l I’.Lr.V.lH, G HO KG t A | 3 prepared t« execute all orders for selling and pnrehaa- E. ing Produce, and will make liberal Advances on all Produce consigned to bim for sale. Itr;i i- to—VVjr. Hearing A Sons. 'Charleston. WiLtsr, Lane A Co. “ P. A. Lawson. Albany, Ga. R. K. Hi.ves, Esq. “ Rea A Cotton. Macon, Chas. Dat A Co.. “ Johnson, Jones A Peck, Grtjfin, Beck, Dobbins a Co. Kimbrough A Ridgwat, Apalachicola, F Lockhart A Young, “ August 1. 1843. -44 NOTICE. TAX RETURNS. illV Book is now open for the reception of Tax Returns; It A and I earnestly request the citizens to come forward and make ilieir returns. My Book will be kept at the Mes senger Office, where I will be in waiting, unless absent from the city by apppimment. Feb 27 22 JOH -i H. OFFUTT. R T. R. B. C. Dooly .Tiny Males. VT/TLL be sold before the Court House door, in the Y y town of Vienna, on the first Tuesday in MAY next, between the usual hourt ofsale, the following proper ty. to wit : One Negro Boy. named Joe about 13 years old; levied on as the property of Da»id'Graham,to satisfy one fi fa from Dooly Superior Court, in favor of Citar!e3 H. Rice, vs. said David Graham; and also other fi fa- vs. said Graham. Also, one Negro Man. nan.erf Isaac, about 45 years of age, and 1 Sorrel Mare about 8 or 9 years old ; levied on as the property of Stephen W. Pearce, to satisfy one fi fa from Dooly Superior Court, in favor of trabry Brown, vs. said Pearce; and also other fi fas vs. said Pearce. ,y 3 o, LotofLand No. not known, but known as the place where IN illiant Gilmore now lives, in the second district of Dooly county; levied on as the oropertv ol Jacob J. Swear- ingin, to satisfy one fi fa from Dooly Superior Court, in fa- vorof Nathan H. Garun, vs. said Sw-aringin. Also. Lul of Land, in the sixth district of Dooly county, No 31; levied on as the property of Stephen Adkinson, to satisfy one fi fa from Dooly feupitior Court, in favor of A dolphas D. Kendrick, va. said Adkinson and Matthew Floyd. Also, Lot of Land, in the seventh district of Dooly county, number not known, but known as the place where James Gamble now lives; levied on as the property of James Gam ble, to satisfy one fi fa from Dooly Superior Court, in favor of Jatnea G. Oliver, va. John J. Steven and James Gamble; and also, oilier fi fas vs. said Gamble. YOUNG P. OUTLAW, Shff. March 22, 1844. 27 HAS JUST RECEIVED AND IS NOW OPENING A LARGE AND EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF -GOODS. G EORGIA, Dooly County.—Whereas. Benjamin H. 3weartngin app’ies to me fur letters of Administration on the Estate of Elizabeth Swearingin, deceased, late of said county; Titeae are therefore to cite and adtn inish all and singular, the kindred and ct editors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be grant ed. Given under my liantl, this 4th day of April. 1844. 28 JOSEPH li CLAPP, c CO M'l BORGIA. Crawford County —Whereas. Alfred Cole mas applies to roe for letters of Administration on the Estate of Sinna Russell, dt ceased, late of said county: * These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors rf said deceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 6th April, 1844. 28 E. W. DENNIS, c co. flams. Q/Yfirk LB3. of Georgia Ilams. for aale byC. A. ELLS. •5UUU Oh! hou, tweet. Also. 3000 Iba. Lard, do* March 26. 1844. 26 200 French worked Collars. I T*INE Muslin nnd heavy work. As we bought them at Auction in New York, we’can sell them at’50 cents a piece. Call soon for bargains, at April 9. 1844. CRANE & CLARK’S. 28 elIVSIC ST Oil K, elfslCOdW 2D m 37 a s © <& V 2E m © 2 SSf ©, H A v fi cons antly on hand, and offer ft r sale at prices as low aa 1 tn be purchased in tke southern country, pleud id assortment ol PIANO-FORTES, from tbe Celabrated and long established Manufactories o 2iW2iST.W,3 <ft AND J. eiilCKHIllNG. The well known reputation of these Manufactories pre eludes the necessity of commenting upon the excellence m their instruments, which hare stood the test of every cli mate. for many year*. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF riOI.INM. SUP£RIO:t C.riT.lRS,«lfiM!S, TBOHBOWH, TBVBPt.TR. HOURS, CLAItlO.TCTR, FLAGEOLETS, FIVES, Ac. Ac. Ac. Violin, Guitar, and other Strings; Clarionet Reeds Tuning Hammers and Forks; Violin Bows; Music Pa per. Ac. Ac. forming as complete an asknrtmetit of musics merchandize, as czn be found in the soutliern country. As they import direct from the Manufactures, they are enabled in sell their gtods at the very lowest prices. B. A V. have in ad.lititm to their catalogue, an assrrt taent ol’FOKEIG.Y MUSIC. (IT*Music fio'i! at reduced prices. Q5* Tcrmft Cash, May 17. 1842. 3.1 JtTew NEW GOODS!! T HE Subscribers are now receiving a general tfsort- mentof staple and fancy DRY-GOODS, of me latest atyle and patterns, which they offer for aale at fair prices, in brick building one door from Washington Hall. Sem 25 52 GEO. W. PRICE A CO CENTRAL HOTEL, Macon, Geo. T IIF. subscriber having become the Proprietor of this welt known establishment, respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. The house has been entirely cleaused and renovated; the rooms replenished with clean beds and suitable furniture, and the whole interior ol the establishment adapted, to the comfort of hia guests. That the domestic economy nf the House will be such as to grati t'v the most fastidious, he has but toinf--rin the public, that he has engaged as general Superintendents, WM. SHI VERS. JUNR. AND LADY, whose career as Managers ofa Taveru in Sparta, for nine years, has commanded him to the favorable notice oi the travelling public. WM. G. THOMAS Sept. 19 The undersigned having disposed of his proprietorship tn the Central Hotel, to Mr. W. G. Thomas, from his knowl edge of him, and the well known capacity of Mr. and Mrs. Shivers, in the management of a Public House, can with confidence, recommend the Central Hotelto the patronage of his friends and the publi- , F. SIMS Sept. 19 51 MARIETTA HOTEL, !•§ • - ie Cobb County, GEORGIA. rviIIE undersigned have taken this spacious Hotel, for- JL merlykeptby Benson Roberts. Esq., and are now ready for ihe reception of Travellers and Families visiting the up-country. The subscribers pledge themselves to use every exertion for the comfort of their patrons. THOMAS B. DANIEL, JEREMIAH LEAK. .Marietta, Jan. 1.1844. . 27 CONSISTING OF THE LATEST STYLES OF LADIES’ DRESSES, VIZ: BELZ ARINES, MUSLINS, BONNETS, &C. ALSO, AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, VIZ: Cloths, Cassimeres, & Linens, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR THE SEASON; together with every article usually kept in a Dry-Good* Store. ALSO, A LARGE AND EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF Glass, Osina, & C^neen’s-Ware WlliliOW & WOOD-WARE, WHICH HE OFFERS AT AS LOW PRICES AS THEY ARE SOLD IN THE CITY. KP' Those wishing to purchase, wifi please call, and he will take pleasure in shewi Macon. April 9, 19 M. • his Stock. 26 WASHINGTON HALL M A COlf, GEORGIA. T HE subscriber has again taken this E*tab lithment, where he will always be hap p.- to attend to the calls nf his old customers, and the travelling public generally. Macon, June 20 38 S LANIER. s I HE undersigned have commended the a- 1 hove, in connection with their CLO TH ING BUSINESS, and are prepared to man ufacture Clothing, of every kind, in the latest style, and at the shortest notice. The exclu live attention of one oftlie firm, will be given to this branch of their Business, and whosa experience, they believe, will enable them tn give entire satisfaction. They will at all times have in their employ the best workmen ; and will be supplied from New York and Phila delphia, with whatever may be of interest to the fashions ble world. The patronage of the public is tespectfullv so licited J. & E. SAULSBURY. Macon, Dec 12. 1843 11 VIXmCATIOJV OF THE Old School (or Hard Shell) Baptist*, FR0J1 THE CHARGE OF ® s ® ® m s’; BY JOEL MATHEWS. J UST PUBLISHED, and foi sale at this Office, and a tbe several Book Stores in this city. Also, by most »» the Preachrrs of this denomination. Price, 25 cents, single copy, or $ l 75 Der dozen. Dec 5 10 For Sale. A LIKELY Negro girl, 20 tears old, a good cook, wash er and irotter. Inquire of WM. D. GRIFFIN, East Macon. Macon, March 26, 1844. 2G MOKE J\EYV GOODS. THOMAS It. ROSS, Ajrent. H AS just received from New York, a fresh supply of Dry Goods consisting of Calicoes. Linens, Bed Ticks, Apron Checks, Bleached and Brown Shirtings and Sheet ings, Drills, Stripes, Spool Thread. Silk and Cotton Hdks, White Cotton Hose, Net Suspenders, Turkey Red Couon, Cotton Oznaburgs. and Factory Yarn. Hardware. A fine asaortmentof Hardware, consistingof Brade's Pat ent and Carolina Weeding Hoes, Trace Chains, Collins’ Axes, Wagon Boxes, Sad Irons. Cotton Cards, Sifters, Waf- fic Irons. Tea Kettles, Sauce Pans, Frying Pans, Coffee Mills, Handsaws, Files, Rasps, Drawiug Knives, Claw Hammers, Knives and Forks, Pad Locke, Curry Combs, Cut Tacks, Pins. Needles. Blacking, and Cotton Rope. Also Dupont’s Powder, Shot, Lead, Imperial and Hyaon Tea, Race and Ground Ginger, Mustard. Nutmegs, Pepper, Spice, Sal Eratus, Starch. Indigu, Madder. Coperas, Allutn, Brimstone.Epsom Salts. Caster Oil, Opodeldoc, Bateman’s Drops, Paregoric, Laudanum, Ac., Ac. April 2. 1844.27 8ff©«HK OF CHEAP AAD DESIRABLE Law Notice. rriHE undersigned have associated themselves ip the X practice of the Law, and will give prompt attention to such business as may be entrusted m their care. They will attend the following Courra: Bibb, Crawford, Monroe. Twiggs, Jones, Wilkinson, Houston.Pulaski, Hen ry and Pike." 4 - a. r. POWERS- L. N WHITTLE. Macon, March 26, 1844. 26 Xft. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY AT LA1V, MAC OS, OA. \£J* OFFICE over old Darien Bank. Mm coo • March 26, 1644. 26 Popularity nt Ilouir. The Federal candidate for Governor of New Hampshire, lot receive one tingle vote in liie own town thin year. «» c ” ear • S°'*1 deal (says the N. H. Patriot) about home YvnJ l *V r ^’ * >m * ltl home protection. Ac. This is home popularity wuh a vengeance. JOSEPH 35. CLAPP, Attorney nl Law, 51 ay 10 Vienna, Dooly county. Georgia. J. S. DENNARD, attorney at law, PERRY. GEO. OPEMSG FOR TUB SPRING A\D SUMER TKADE, AT CRANE & CLARK’S. fTIHE subscriber* of the Penp’e’i Store, are now making X extensive arrangements for offering to their cuatnmers very extensive assortment of the beat aeteeiicn of Goods for tbe coming season, that can be found in this market; and their facilities for making purchases are not behind those of any of their cotemporaties. Quick returns and small prof its, will betbeit motto, and therefore they offer every arti cle in the Dry Goods line, at the lowest prices, or in other words, though in many things they andersell, they are de termined not to be undersold. Among tbe go vis they keep ■hi hand and are constantly receiving, may be founcf, besides many others, the following: FOR THE LADIES, Rich Dress Silk*, saperfine printed Stripes. Bslzsrines. Par is printed Batin and Lace. Mu«lins. tich French and Engliah Prints, black and blue black Bombaxine. 4 4 and 6-4 plain and striped Muslin., 4 4 and 6 4 plain Muslins and Cam brics. 4-4 and 6-4 Bishop Lawns; silk end cotton Ho>e. silk and cotton Gloves and Mins; Ladies Cravats. Bonnet Rib bons, Fieuch Flower*, best Paris Kid Gloves; white and black Lace Cardinal*, rich Bilk Bhawls. black net Shawls, cotton and Linen Birds eye Diaper, 2,1)00 yards Russia do. at 12J cenu per yard; 2.000 yds Negro stripe Homespuns at 12} cts a yard; 500 holts Georgia Nankeen; 10.000 yds bleached and hrow-n Sheetings and Shirtings 2.000 yards Irish Linens from 37} to 81,25; pieces Earlston Gingrmv.s at 25 rts peryard; 25 do. at 33 and 37} cents; 50 doz. Lisle Caps at SI a dozen; 1800 boxes silver plated Hooks and FOR TIIE GEIVTLEiTIEIV, Single milled Cassimeies. ribbed am! printed Gambroons. Linen Drills. Lim»n Checks, Check Ginghams. Gentlemen’s Scarfs, Cravats. >i!lt Gloves. Ac. Ladies' Si k Umbrellas. Parasols and Sunshades of the most choice patterns, from 75 cents to S3. 5<} pieces Gimp with every variety of shade and color. New Goods received every week; any article not found as represented, may be returned, and the price will be re funded. Store on Mulberry street under Washington Hall. CRANE & CLARK. April 2, 1644. 27 INDIAN SPRING. T HE subscriber most respectfully informs the public, that he has taken possession of the well known Hotel at the Indian Spring, lately occupied hy Col. H. Dillon — There are so many living witnesses, who can bear testimo ny to the wonderful benefits derived frqtn the use of these unequalled waters that it is useless to speak of them here. He assures all who are disposed to visit him. that nr efforts shall be wanting to provide all such luxuries a* will tend to their conffnrt; and to afford them all *uch means of amuse menl as will enable them to drive “dull care away,” and pass their time in pleasure. KU’ GAMING is strictly forbidden. BRYAN IV. COLLIER. Indiak Spring, Bulls co. March 26, 1844. 26 tO GEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT, ? Milledgeville, Nov. 2. 1839. 5 Analysis of the Water of. the Imliau Spring, Bolts County, Georgia. Q.aaothy.onp pint, (wine measure.) or 29,675 cubic inches. Preliminaries for a correct Analynit of this Spring. Barometer, 29,54 inches. Temperature of the Atmosphere^.......63 deg. Farenheit. Temperature of the Water,.... 46 do do Specific Gravity 1,142, that of distilled water being 1,000. GASSUS. Azotic G&p, 0,156 cubic inches. Carbonic Acid Gas 1,000 do Sulphuretted Hydrogen 3,5 ’ do SALINECOVTENTA Carbonnte of Magnesia...... 1.962 grains. Sulphate of Magnesia,..*. 71,523 do Sulphate of Lime .............7 152 do Sulphate of Potash......... ...3,415 do Total of Saline moments......... 84.077 JOHN RUGGLE8 CUTTING, Stale Geologist of Georgia. CENTRAL COURSE, li RACOV, GEO. T IIF. Races over the above Course, for Spring. 1944. will commence the 30th April next, and continue four days. 1st day. two mile heats, Jockey Club Purse, $200 2d day, three mile heats, purse, 300 3d da\, mile hems, purse. 100 4th day. mile heats- best 3 in 5, 200 The Purse for each day’s race, will be hung up at the stand. G. B. ROBERTSON. A CO. April 2, 1844. 27 Proprietors. NEW SPRING GOODS. rflHE undersigned have received a large aud general X aupply of Fancy & Staple Foreign & American which they offer at the very lowest prices. Theit Stock consists in part of the following Goods: Superfine, medium, and low-priced Cloths. Super Black ami Blue-black Wool dyed Caaimeres, New style Plaid and Striped do Gto de Ta Parmett' and Summer Cloths, London, Cadet, and Fancy Drilling,, Vestings, &c. 2,000 pieces New style Prints, ^ 200 do Georgia Nankeens, 50 do Mexican Mixtures. 50 do Middlesex Stripes, 50 do Irish Linens, 100 dozen New style Willow BONNETS, 50 do PALM'LEAF HAT-S. 100 pieces New style Printed Lawns, 50 do Ginghams. 500 dozen Spool Thread, 200 do Hosiery, Block and colored Silks and Satins. Balzsrines. Foulard and Fancy Silks, Swiss. Jaconet. Mull and Nansook Muslin*. Cambric. Dimity. Long an i Bishop Lawns, Umbrellas. Parasols, anrf Shade*. Shirtings, Sheering*, and Tickings. Pongee. India, and Spittlefield Hdkfa. Silk. Fill*, and Balzatine Hdkfa. nnd Shawls, Heady made Linens. Stocks, Cravats. Collars. &c. Sc. With almost every other article usually kept in the Dry- Goods line; all of which ■will be sold at the lowest prices for cash- SAM L- J- RAY Jc. CO. Brick Building near Messrs. Graves’ corner. Mscon. April 2. 1844.27 miLLMSRY Aftl> FANCY GOODS, AND If MISS sH. IKI.YG. M RS. IV. H. MOBRI9 would respectfully announce M tilt- Ladies of Macon and country gei.eraliy. that she is now opening, on Cotton Avenue, opposite Messrs. S- ott A: Carhart. and next door to the Messrs. Orrs, an E.vt/re new Stock of the most Fashionable and Latest Style of GOODS, adapted to the above Business; all of which has been selected by one of the best judges in New York City. Great inducement* will be held out to purchasers fm CASH; in consideration of which, site solicits a share of public patronage. N B.—Orders from Town or Country, thankfully receiv ed and promptly attended to. Her motto will ever be— “Promptness without delay, and punctuality with despatch.” Macon. Nov 7. 1843 8 NEW BOOKS At J. Harises’, on Cotton Avenue. Prescott’s Mexico, Dr. Olin’s Travels in the East, Life of Wilhurn Fisk, Kendall's Santa Fe Expedition, Maget-dee’s Physiology, New Edition of Danclison's Medical Dictionary, No. 1 It - Harpers' Pictorial Bible, Wotks of Miss Brewer, in cheap form, Liebitr's Agricultural Chemistry, Mysteries of Paris. Macon, March 26. 26 NEW BOOKS At Boardman’s Book Store, UST received, all the new publications, among which are the following: Prescott’s History of the Conquest of Mexico, Harpers’ No. 1 of the Pietoral Bible, “ No 7 of Hanrnk Hoote’s complete works, ” Alison’s History of Europe, complete and full bound, “ Brande's Encyclopedia full bound, “ Neal's History of the Protestants, Southey’s Pilgrim's Progress. Rural Life in Germany, by William Howitt, Kohl’s Russia and the Russians, Elliotson's Surgical Operations, The Psalmist. Condie on Children, Cooper (Sir Astle.v) on Dislocations. Ashwell on the Diseases of Females, Queens of England, sixth series. A new Patent Inkstand, Perforated Paper. Drawing Paper, Blank Books, 6cc. all cheap for CASH. Jan 16 16 el! known that Lan'dretii’s Garde.v Seeds are _ superior to all others. The credit which these Seed► sustains, and the yearly increasing demand, is satisfactory evidence of approval. A 'supply of the above Seeds, of the "J T is ■ evidence of approval. A'supply growth of 1843. just received and lor sale by GEORGE PAYNE,'wbo is Agent for the same. Jan 2 14 4m BOOTS AND SHOES, Jl'ST BECB1VBD nt the Sign of the Big MULBERRY STREET, i) Trunks of Gent’s. Fine Philadelphia Calf Boots. i do do do do do Bootee*. i do Ladies' do do Kid Buskin*, i do do do do do Slippers, i do do do col. w hole G initers, i do do do black and c* •I. half Gaiter*. i do do do col. Slippeis i, With various other kinds of Men’s Boots and Shoes; La dies’Kid and Leather Shoes ; Misses’, Boy's. Youth's and Children’s Shoes. See.—which will he sold low, bv March 5 23 STRONG * WOOD. SIS.IIiCBl Garden Seeds. A GENERAL assorltnentof GARDEN SEEDS, war ranted to germinate, received and for sa:e by J H. 5c W. S. ELLIS. Cotton Avenue. Jan. 26 15 BB“- ETSL.E-CffcaiJaJK: Garden Seeds. ARRANTED genuine, and the Growth of 1843 ▼ ▼ from the celebrated Seed Garden of Wethersfield . Conn. These {feeds are raised with the createst care and atten tion ; and nut up in the neatest manner, with printed direc- tioiis f *r cultivating soil, best adapted t*» each kind. Ac. For sale by HARVEY SHOTWELL. Jan 16 16 Garden Seeds, RAISED BY THE United Society of Shake? s« Enfield* Conn. T HE subscriber, having been appointed Agent for the sale of the above, is no«v opening an extensive assort ment. selected with much care, and adapted to this market. Thev will be warranted genuine, and entirely the growth of 1943. Also, the GARDENER’S MANUAL, a small Book, but containing much useful knowledge. Poisons de sirous of supplying themselves, will pleree call. A’so “ The Southern Farmer and Market Gardener,” by Francis A. Holmes, of Charleston, So. Ca. This is n Southern Book, for Southern soil and cl.mate, and should be read by all who wish to succeed in gardening. Macon, Jan 30 17 J. M. BOARDMAN. Jth§‘ S10-15 E WARD. AXAWAY from the subscriber, near Hickory Grove. Crawford county, on urday night, the 30th of March, a Negr«t low. by the name of TOM, about 22 d, rather light complexion, weigh# about 150 or 160 Ibii., well made, about 3 k eet 5 or 6 inches high, end has a fine voice. He was raised i North Carolina, and was purchased at Auction »n Charles* • m. 6. C.. from T. N. Gadsden, about 2 weeks ago. From he description given of him. I think he was seen, the day after li^ left, about 17 miles al ove Macon, on the Columbus rond. or, his w D \ towards Macon. The fib.ire reward will be giver, to any perron apprehend ing Negro, aud lodging him in some safe vail, ho that I • an ge; him. WM. J- D. SMILEY. April 2 ‘ • * 27 CAFTIOIV. T HEREBY rant: in ail persons azninut trading For a Promissory NOTE, given by myself to John Hardin or nearer, lor $250, dated some time in the month ol Decern* her, 1842, anil due some time in rhe montl.of Jnnhnrv there• after, w ith a credit given on it for $5. in January, 1843. The above Note I am determined nor to pay, unless compelled hy law. as the consideration for which i; was given h»s en* tirelv failed. JOHN COX. Dooly countv, March 19, 1344. 26 3t Strayed or Stolen, F ROM Macon, on the 17th inst, a small black horse, two lef^ feet believed to be white, a white snip mi his nose, ong tail and years old—bad on a saddle when he left. Any information thankfully received, and a reasona ble rewHrd given for said Horae, or leaving bim with John Edwards in Bibb county, on the Federal Road, or with the subscriber, near Bateman’s st'ire. Houston county. LITTLETON D. PBAVY. March 26. 1644. 26 3t Dissolution. rilHE Pann.rship heretofore existing under th# firm of I Powers A JoHSSTt'jj is thia day di«*ol*«d by mu tual consent. The unfinished business will racoira the » teution of both or either of the partner*. a. p. rawaas, M. JOKWSTGI? March 25, 1844. 55