Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, May 07, 1844, Image 1

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A 1 7 (1 rnyt Sfelcorapd, PUBLISH HO EVERY TUESDAY MORNING, BY IQ. BARTLETT. QttlCt—Brick Building, corner Cotton Accnue and Firgl Strict. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION! • ' Three Dolinin, paid m advance, will pay for the Tel (fraph one year, pay for it two years. ^^hennotpaidwh'"" *'* '“ on * lli ,fter lh * y ear «"»• Iw.e i. If not paid until theend oTihe year, FOUR Fire Dollar", paid in advance, will Ten Dollars, paid in advance, will MtiaM charged—withimereatthere- terobVr Commission EBusiness. take this method of informing oar friends and tiie v f pubKe generally, that we are still connected in the 4Vtt rc-Ilou.c nml l'uunni..ioii Bn.iiieu, which will be conducted at the stand occupied by us the past season, (on Cherry-street, near Cotton Aveiiue.) For the convenience ofnur up-county friends, we affe building a SCALE HOUSE,nearly adjoining Col. Parker's Store, on the Avenue, which will be completed by the first of Sep- * f No>aper will be discontinued until all, arrearages are nshl unless st the option of the Proprietor. 1 g iie l. Papers, to non Snoseribera,-12l ceuta each. Extra Pal>ars. to 8ubacriber$, 6j cenu each. TERMS nr ADVERTISING; A oVERTtsKMENTS not excelling 12 lines, will be inserted jas time for ONE DOLLAR, and virrr cents for each ,»b,equeM insertion. , _ . _ , Sheriff's, Tax Collectors and Coroner*’ Sales, are char- by the Levy. • A reasonable deduction will be made to those who adver- ilitby the y#M• (->.,3*1 aceounta foi Advertising, Ac., as well a* for Sub- irrlp'.ictt, Interest will he charged, when not aeuled within ih*yp» r - Creilit for Jab Printing, Blnnlts. Ac.-ffl • Letters on business connected wi'li the Office, must (a*po*t paid, to secure attentioi WjB&pa to retnrn our thanks, for the liberal patronage bestowed on"'bs heretofore; and trust that, by our exertions for the interest of our patrons, to merit its continuance. GEO. A. KEIIBEREW E^PECTFULLY informs hia old customers and the public generally, that he is now receiving from the \Ve will beVenarell to make the customary A«l eblebmt^i“|f« Maunfa^iry of John Hunt Jc“Co.. a very on « oitou, blrOrders, and attend to such bustnesn as may ! extensive assortment of beonnfided to us by our friends, on its favorable terms as V.IN J!) Cv J.ts tiio.v.rnjL e HAT AND CAP establishment. will be done by any other regular House in this plare. HAMILTON & WINN. Macon, July 1, 1843. 41 WARE-HOUSE WASHINGTON HALL, MACOX, GEORGIA. m IIE subscriber bus again taken this E*tab X lithmeut, where he will always be bap p.- to attend to the calls of his old customers, and the travelling public generally. Mscnn, June 20 38 S- LANfER. CENTRAL HOTEL. Tflncon, (aco. T UB subscriber having berome the Proprietor of this well known establishment, respectfully snliciu the ptironage of the public. The house has been entirely tlrmel and renovated; the rooms replenished with clean beds and suitable furniture, and the whole interior ot the rttibli.htnent adapted to the comfort of bis puesis. That the domestic economy of the House will be such a* to grali- fv the most fastidious, he has but to inf. rm the public, that he has engsEed as general Superintendent*, WM. SHI VERS. JUNR. AND LADY, whose career as Managers of» Tavern in Sparta, for niueyears, has commended hi.n to the favorable notice oi the travelling public. WM. G. THOMAS Sept. 19 • The undersigned having disposed of his proprietorship is the Central Hotel, to Mr. W. G. Thomas, from his knowl edge of him. and the well known capacity of Mr. aud Mrs. Anver*, in the management of a Public House, can with confidence, recommend the Central Hotel to the patronage of bis friends and the putL«- F. SIMS- Sept. 19 SI MARIETTA HOTEL, Cobb County, GEORGIA. mHE undersigned have taken this spacious Hotel, for- .1 merlykeptby Henson Roukrts. Esq., and are now resly fur the reception of Travellers and Families visiting the up cuunirv. The subscribers pledge themselves to use every exertion fur the coinfort of their patrons. THOMAS B. DANIEL, JEKEU1AU LEAK. Marietta. Jan. 1,1844. 27 Commission Business. TR7HE subscribers beg leave to inform heir friends, and i the public in general, that they have connected them selves together in the above business, under the firm of GORMAN & ItICIIAKDSO.V, and a-e now erecting a large and convenient WARE HOUSE. near Cotton Avenue, on Poplar gtreet. The location is dry and elevated, and unencumbered with old buildings and the usual liabilities offi e, and will be com pleted, and ready for bua’ness. by the first of September. They confidently nssure the public, that any business con signed to their care, will be faithfully and prr mpi ly execu- teo. Relying on the honesty of purpose and the long c jtabliah- ed confidence of these who know us, we feel no hesitancy in looking for a liberal share of public patronage. THOMAS B. GORMAN, JAMES RICHARDSON. Macon, July 4,1843. 41 embracing every style and quality. Among his assortment may be foond 10 doz. fashionable lleaver Hats. 20 doz. do Cassimere Hats, 10 doz. do Russia Hals, 20 doz. do Moleskin Hats 2 doz. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO. OIWG HUNDRED DOZEN WARE-HOU^E BACON! BACON!! Oft ntwi LBS Georgia Cured BACON, dlMJUU 80,000 lbs. do do HAMS. ALSO. 4,000 lbs. extra LEAF LARD, forsale by WM. A. CHERRY. April 9 87 4m Cotton Avenue, Macon. Ga. SiiiLM INDIAN SPRING. r H E subscriber most respectfully informs the public, that be has taken possession of the well known Hotel it the Indian Spring, lately occupied by Col H. Dillon — There are so many living witnesses, who can hear testiino- i» to the wonderful benefits derived from the use of these stiequalled waters, that it is useless to apeak of them here. He assures all who are disp osed to visit h'm. that nr effort* shall be wanting to provide all such luxuries as will tend to their comfort; soil to afford them all.-ucli means of amuse meni a* will enable them to drive •* dull care away," and pass their time in pleasure. • ILF GAMING is strictly forbidden. BRYAN W. COLLIER. Indian Spring, Butte go. Marck 26, 1844. 26 tO GEOLORICAI, DEPAUTIIEST MlLLEDGCVlLLS, Nov. 2, 1839 Analysis of the Water of the Indian Spring, Butts County, Georgia. (taintity. one pint, (wine measure.) or 29,873 cubic inches. Prtliminarie* for a correct Anal fait of tkie Spring. Bsromeiei, 29.54 inches. Temperature of the Atmosphere. 63 deg. Farenheit. Temperature of the Water. 46 do do "wilic Gravity 1,142, that of distilled water being 1,000. GA8SH8. humic Gas 0,156 cubic inches. Csrbonlc Acid Gas 1.000 do Sulphuretted Hydrogen 3.5 do MAI.INK COIVTCRTtl. Carbonate of Magnesia,............. 1,982 grains. Salpbate of Magnesia 71,528 do Sulphate of Lime, 7 152 do Sulphate of Potash 3,415 do Commission Business. T HE nndersigned still continues to occupy the WARE- HOUSE on thecorner of Second and Poplar streets. He offers hit, services in the various branches of the Ware- House nml Commission Busint-ss, and respectful* ly solicits the patronage cf his friends nnd the public gener ally ; frosting tbst. by hi* unremitting efforts, lie shall be able tn meet tbe wishes of those who may honor him with their confidence—and expresses a feelingcf gratitude to his friends for their libera 1 patronage. JOHN M. FIELD. Macon, July 1. 1843. 41 Reference—Col. Wu>. H. Reynold*, > Maj - James II. Hardaway, S Messrs. Rea k Cotton, { hfacon, Joshua G. Moore, $ Bryant Bateman. ) Stephen Oastelow, J Houeton. William Moseley, Henry. W. C. Cleveland. Cranford. WARE-HOUS^i Beaver, JYutria and Russia HATS, warranted more durable han any Hats ever sold in Macon. Also, 50 doz. Youth’s and Cbildren’a Hats, 20 doz. do. do. Caps. ALSO, 20 doz. black and drab Sporting Hats, Together with a general assortment of FUR CAPS, CONSIST ISO IMPART OF 3 doz. PREMIUM OTTER CAPS, 5 d< z. Sea Otter Caps, 5 doz. Super Nutria Capa. 20 doz. do. Muskrat Caps, 50 doz. Men’s and Boys’ Seal Caps, 50 doz. do. do. Sealctte Caps. ALSO. 200 doz. men’s and Boys’ Black and Drab WOOL HATS. All of which will be told lor Cash, at prices which can not fail to give satisfaction. Purchaser* are invited to call and examine at the old *tand. sign of tbe "BIG HAT,’* Mulberry Strec t. Beaver, Oiler, .lliiik, dfc Coon Sklus IIM.Tr/i’D, for which tbe cash will be paid. Macon. Oct 17. It 13. 3 GEO. I. SIIEPAR1), Is receiving weekly additions to his hitherto splendid stock of HATS AND CAPS, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. He is now prepared to offer HARE INDUCEMENTS to city and country purchasers. Possessing advantages excelled by no Hat Establishment in the State, he will afford his Goods at as low, or PERHAPS lower prices. Every style of HATS AND CAPS may he found at his Store. AMONG THEM— FASHIONABLE, MEDIUM, AND Commission Business. \7rrE shall continue the Ware House and Commission T Y Business, tbe ensuing season, at our old stand, on the corner of Cherry and Second Streets. Jn offering our services again to the public, we have no p’edges to make—be.ieving that oar past conduct will be a sufficient guarantee for the faithful performance of the crust that may be hereafter confided (o us. We will at all times be prepared to make liberal Ad vance* on Cotton, in store, or on shipments made to our Agents in Savannah, Ciiarleavn or New York. D. & W. GUNN & CO. Tbe subscribers intend keeping on band, a full supply of Dry-Goods. Cotton Bagging, and Family Groceries, of all kinds; which they will be glad to furnish tn tbeir custom- *sra, upon as good terms as any house in Macon. D. A. W. GUNN. Aug. 22 47 Dissolution oi* Copartnership. r|3HE firm of CHAPMAN & ROSS is this day dis- X solved, by mutual consent. Macon, Jan. 1. 1844. 18 WM. W. CHAPMAN. WM. A. ROSS. P 1 Total of Saline contents.. 84.077 JOHN RUGGLES COTTING. . State Geologist of Georgia. ( VKKI Vl.t: KCPOMTORY, 0* Mulberry Street, Near the -Methodist Church WILLIAM A. BOSS C ONTINUES tbi* basinet* on hi* own account, having purchased front Mr. Wm. W. Chapman Iris entire in- | to re, 1 in the Stock of Goods belonging to the late firm. He has now on hand a well selected stock of goods, consii ting of DRY-COODS,. Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Hardware, CROCKERY, SADDLES, &c. MlLLl.\l2itY Ai\D FANCIT GOODS, n Hess . fivim.vG. ]\| It Ft. W. II. MORRIS ■ITX would respectfully announce t-> the Ladies of Macon ami country generally, that she is how opening, on Cotton Avenue.opposite Messrs. S- ou & Carhart. and next door to tbe Messrs. Orra, an entire new Stock of the most Fashionable and Latest Style of GOODS, adapted to the above Business; all of wfairh has been selected by one of the best judges in New York City. Great inducements will be held out to purchasers foi CASH ; in consideration of which, she solicits a share of public patronage. N B.—Orders from Town or Country, thankfully receiv ed and promptly attended to. Her motto will ever be— --Promptness without delay, aud punctuality with despatch." Macon, Nov 7. 1843 . 0 W hicb will be sold • Jan. 1, 1844 18 eiy low for cash. W.M. A. RO£ /»/:/: vo.v.s TNDEBTED to the late firm of CHAPMAN A ROSS, I X will please make immediate payment, or saits will be I brought indiicriminately. The paper, are all turned over to me for cntlectiou, and can be found at time at Wm. A. j Rosa* Store. WM. V7. CHAPMAN* I Macon. Jan. 1. 1844 18 I OF CHEAP AND DESIRABLE 300 “ 25 * 25 •' 150 Doz. 200 150 Doz. 50 " 50 •• 600 ‘‘ 100 lbs. 200 Phi it.T-CRIBER, is receivingIsrge acMuionatohis c 0.icm;s, < HARIOTBr.«. iUMJI *. WAGONS, boa tome of-.he beat Northern Mai ufarto ft xi«e*pre«dy fi>r this inarke., of the he. »*rrante-fequ»l if notaoperior to tho- "«'*hment. Those in want of any descrip * “find it for their interest to examine tin *** of bis assortment. . "Rfairimo, in nil the difi OPENING roil TflE SrRISG AND SUI1EB TRADE, AT CRANE <fc CLARK’S. T HE subscribers of tbe Peop’e’s Store, are now making extensive arrangements for offering to their customers a very extensive assortment of the best selection of Goods for th*. coming season, tbst ctn be found in this market; and j their facilities for making purehnsc* are not behind those of any oftbeir cotemporaiies. Quick returns and small prof-I its. will be their motto, and therefore they offer every arti. I cle in the Dry Goods line, at the lowest prices, or in other words, though in many tilings they undersell, they are de- I termined not to be undersold. Among the go <ds they keep on hand and are constantly receiving, may be fonnd, besides j many others, the following: FOR TIIE LADIES, R'c’i Drea« Silks, superfine printed Stripes, Ralzarincs. Par- 1 I is primed Satin and Lace, Muslins, rich French amt English | IS A KOI I'll ICS Prints, black and blue black Bombazine, 4-4 and.6-4 plain I ’I nnd striped Muslin,. 4 4 and 6 4 plain Mnslins and Cant- ; ... I bries. 4-4 and 6-4 Bishop Lawns; siik and cotton Hoie. silk 1 winch were j „„(! cn uon Gloves nnd Mitts; Ladies Cravats, Bonnet Rib- | I Imns. Flench Flowers, best Paris Kid Gloves; while and | black Lsce Cardinals, rich Silk c-lmtvls. black net Shawls, Ac. Runner, by experienced note ere, wi) lAxeltrers. turned Patent and Top l *j8*.Taaaets. and aluu •^MA—USla pric ««reb Hi. iMt 92 terials. and f any other ea- ' 1*’^?' I CMi ”° ar> d Linen Birds eye Diaper, 9.UOO yards Rn-sia do. I unhiv arnlpn- j, cents per yard; 2.000 \ds Negro stripe Home,puns | at 12j eta s yard; 500 bolts Georgi 1 Nankeen; 10 euo yd* | ie, executed in the | la ,j brown Sheetings nod Shillings; 2.000 yards at less than faru er Irish Lineni from 37J to 81.25; pieces Emlston Gingtisins ... I nt 25 I ts per yard; 25 do. nt 33 and 37J cenu; 50 doz. Lisle n coo • assortment of Elliptic ; Caps nt $1 a dozen; IsOO boxes silver plated Hooks and o\edDashes.Lamps,Bands, j j.; Ne5 at centa. FOR TIIE fiEIYTLEYIEIY, I hrnn rkrm*< Laces. Silk an<f riicle requirec led i iheir i tf J.W.BAnCOClv. T B /; Feb Fire IiiNiiiraiicc. ersigned. Acenis for the .4:in ^ «if llnrtf’irti Conn., nr«* prepr : ’i Mnrlivi li/f in :i in tk.c Ciiv of Macon mul its vic : REA 4k COTT'»V. Ag'u - saiy COOJCS t3^ TI ‘ BILIOUS * '-•* Cure of Liver Complaint. D< spepsin. <Vc. Octa- ^*^ J.H. A W.6. ELLIS. 5 Single milled Ca^simeif««. ribbed *ind primed Gambroons. Linen Drilj*. Linen Checks.Check Ginghams. Gentlemen's Scarfs, Cravat*. Si!k G!ov»*s. &.c. Ln lies’ Si-k Umbrellas. Parasol* and Sunsbndes of the most choice patterns, from 75 cents lo S3. ces Gimp with every variety of ^hade and color. Goods received every week; any article not found ns represented, msy be returned, and the price will be tc- Tunded. Store on Mulberrv street under ^ ashington Hall. CRANE A CLARK. April 2. 1844. 27 i pie For V L1K FLY Negr^ ci" er And ironer. 2nq Male. , CO v^ars old, a good cook, wasl ro of \vk. D. GHIFFIN’, Eta: Macon. Macon, March 26, 1844. 26 GRAVES, WOOD & CO. R ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Merchants and Planters to tbeii Stork of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, SHOES, Ac. now in store and to which constant additions ol fresh goods will be added duriug the season, rendering tbeir assortment at all times very complete, and which will be sold low lor cash, oi to good costumer*. The following good* msy be found in tbeir assortment : 5 Bale* Ticking, 10 -‘ a Osnaburgs. 30 “ Sheeting, and Shirtings, 4 Cases Bleached do do 1000 Pieces English and American Prints, 50 <■ Scotch and Eariston Ginghams, 5 Bales Stripes and Checks, 5 -• 3-4. 4-1. and 5-4 Power Loom Shirting, 130 Pieces Plaid Jaoeneu and Swiss Muslins. 50 -* Muslins ana Lawns. 50 “ Ky. Jean* and Sattinetta. Nankeen, Brown Linens, Irish do. Head Hdkfs. Flang do. 25 Pieces Silt d". Fancy Ildkfk. and Shawlc, Hosiery (assorted) Gloves do. Suspender*, Spool Thread, Black and colored Linen Thread, Turkey Cotton, Col’d Cambric.**. Vestings, Ribbons, Tapes, Cprds, Sewing Silks. &c., «Scc. Mosquito Nettings—Carpetting 100 Cases Men's. Women’s and Children’s Shoes, IS " Bonnets (all kinds) 200 Doz. Palm Leaf Hats (all kinds) 200 Reams Letter. Foolscap, and Wrapping Paper, 2 Casks Sad Irons. 1 cask Curry Combs, 6 u C. 8 and Carolina Hoes, 2 do Traces, Wagon Boxes. Fry Pans. Sauce Pans, Tea Kettles, Knives and Forks, Pocket arid Can! Knives. Pad Locke, Plate Lorks, Butt Hinges and Screws, 200 lbs. Pins, Buttons nml Combsof every description. Percussion Caps. Spoons. See &c., 25 Hhds. P- H.s S. C.tmrf N. O. Sugars. Bbls. Pulverized and Crushed Sugar, Boxes White Havanna do~ Bbls Loaf and Trinidad do. Brgs Rio nml Java Coffee, Chests Fresh Teas. Tons Iron. Flat. Round, and Square (all sizes) Cast. Ge*man and Blister Steel, Anvils, Vices ond Bellows, Cartings. Kegs Nails and Brads. Bagging. Hope and Twine, Bn**-* Shot, Bar Lead. Ke^s Powder, Canister de. np. B per in Candles, Tallow do. Starch. Kinc A Collins* Axes, CnflVe Mills, Shoe Tneks. Cotton Cards, No. 8 and 10. Copperas. Tanner’s Oil, Vinegar. 2 Cero-»n« fndigo, Sal Era'is, Kpsom Snlt«. Madder. Gincer, Pepper. Spice. Nutmegs. Cloves, Ca'ttifi. Cair.plmr. Brimstone, Blue Stone. Snlt Fetre, Paint*. Oi 1 '- Gla*s. Putty, Varnish. Turpentine, Sperm Oil. dec., dec. 2000 Saf ks Salt, 50.000 lbs. Bacon. 10 Tons Grindstones. Macon. March 26. I$44. ^ _ tT WfVr* nnthoi iard I* azassave SOI.. 400 10 30 40.000 Iba. 250 200 2000 lbs. 50 Boxes 20 Hbls 20 “ CHRIST3IAS IS CG3I1AG, AND SO AM I * A2JJD OLD SANDY-CIAWS CLOSE BY, LOADED WITH ALL THE LUXURIES OF LIFE, BEAVER iiu i uni) Vtumjiou, RUSSIA, Mole-Skin, in^oln, and Silk ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CONSISTING OF Oder, Shetland Seal, Nutria, aud muskrat. ALSO. Men’s and Youths’ Cloth and Velvet CAPS, A ND this is to inform the good citizens of Macon, and the whole people of Georgia, that I have given up distributing Food for the Mind, and will now distribute Food that will please the taste and invigorate the Body. I have opened a FAMILY GROCERY STORE, AT MY OLD STA.\D, Wb»3re every thing, of the best quality in that line, may be found. I will receive every night by the Rail-Road, all kiti^s ®f Fresh Fish, OYSTERS, Oranges, Baitnnnas, Apples, Lemons, Pine Apples, Ac. Ac. And tn my country friends, I will say. that I will in ike the most liberal exchanges with you. for all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCE. Do not forget to call at ray Store, oo Mulberry street, two doors South of the TVashingtsa Hall, where you can buy a good many Goods fora little money. Macon, Feb. 27th. 1844. 2‘- C. A. ELLS. Do do Hair Seal do Do do Sealflte do Do ‘ do Glazed do Gentlemen’s fVavv Caps; A LARGE LOT OF Men’s nml Hoys’ Black and Drab SPORTLYG HATS; Together with an extensive Stock of Men’s ar*<l Boys’ Black ami Drab WOOL HATS, <fcC. JJ~ The attention of those in want of any articles in this lire, is respectfully invited. Store on Second Street, a few doors above the Wash ington Hall, and adjoining tbe Shoe Store of Messrs. Whi ting & Mix. Otter, .Mink, and Raccoon Skins, for which the Cash will he paid. Macon, Jan 30, 1844 18 GEO. I. SHEPARD. DISTANCES IN MILES FROM MACON. | 5 | 13 | 19 I 24 1 30 | 33 | 40 | 46 | 52 1 •• O C H lO JFRO.TI ,1/rlCO.T 5TO H| <»| <* s. | i i “ c '< O 0 J* 1 1 f | lai § f J H. & J. COWLES, N AVE now on hand, atthe Store formerly occupied by Messrs. J B. Ross & Co., a genetai assortment of Plantets' Supplies, consisting ol GROCERIES, STAPLE DRY-GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, Ac. Ac. Macon, Oct 23, 1843 6 RATES OF FREIGHT AND PASSAGE price, Colton per bale, (round or square) not exceeding 4U0 lbs. weight,.. Cotton per bale, (round or square, over 400 lbs. per 100 lbs......... Boxes, bales, and all measurement goods per cubic foot. Sugar, Coffee, Rice. Iron, Hardware,and all other articles that go | 05 Sugar,.. by weight....... ......................per 100 lbs. Hogshead* and Pipes of Liquor,; each Hogsheads of Mola**es aud Oil,............... t'i........each, Barrels of Liquor, Fish, Beef, Pork, Lime, Ac each, Barrels of Molasses and Oil............ Bis. of Flour, Potatoes. Fruit. Onions, and all other light bis. each, i his. Pork. Fish. Liquor.Ac. A aIIKeg3ofl0gals.Aupwards each, j bis. Flour, Fruit, Potatoes, Ac each, S>alt in sacks not exceeding four bushels....... each, Salt in sacks over tour bushels, .....perbushel, Corn, Wheat.Meal, and all other grain in bags perbushel,: Cotton Bogging, ..........per piece,| Boxes ofSoap, Candles, Ac. of common size each,- Brooms in bundles,................ .................per dozen/ Buckets. Collars, Scythes, Shovels A Spades, Sifters, Ac. per dozen, ; Chairs 1 ...per dozen. Boxes Fruit, Cigars. Ac... each/ All small packages not weighing 10 J lbs. nor measuring 2 feet, each/ Blacksmith's Bellows......... each/ Polaioei, Apples, Ac per bushel,- Demijohns, Jugs. Jars. Ac. uotover two gallons —each, Demijohns, jugs, Jars, Ac. over two gallons..* ..each, THOMAS TAYLOR, ON COTTON AVENUE AND SECOND STREET, VE.tlyltMC IJC STAPLE GOODS, CHOICE GROCERIES, . Ac. Ar. Ac. OFFERS FOR SALE. AT VERY LOW PRICES Q< 14 V BAGS old Java, Rio, Cuba, and Lag.ira Coffee; Ol/'* 25 iilid* St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars. 5 000 lbs. Standard Crushed and Double Loaf Sugar. 20 liliils Cuba Molasses, 30 boxes Castile. Fancy, and Variegated Soaps. 40 do Sperm and Hull’s Patent Candles, 30 do Colgate's and Hull’s Steam Soap, No. 1, 800 Sacks Salt, large size, 20 boxes Tobacco, 25 dozen Long-bundle Shovels and Spades, 100 kegs Cut Nails and Brads, 1,000 lbs. Bar Lead, GOO lbs. Smoothing Irons, 200,000 Cut Tacks, 50,000lbs. Swedts Inin.assorted, 1 j to 10 in. wide, 1,000 lbs. German Blistered and Cast Steel, 100 bags Patent Shot, 10 doz. Wilson's Coffee Mills, 20 doz. Halter Chains, 100 doz. superior Blacking, 20 do Shoe Brushes, 10 do Curry-Combs, 15 do Patent Razor Straps. 10.000 lbs. Hollow Ware, (assorted sizes.) 50 reams super Blue A White Ruled Leuer A CapPaper. 60 do Wrapping Paper, 500 boxes 1 able - alt, 600 ps. superior Gunny and heavy Dundee Bagging, 1.000 lbs three-ply Bagging Twine, 10 boxes Cotton and %Vool Cards. 40 dozen Pails, Mbts. Brooms, and Selves, do Pen. Pocket, and Fancy Knives, do Knives and Forks, 100 do Quilled Top. Side,and Dressing Combs, 2.000 SUGARS- 0 boxes Imperial. Hvson. roui-hong and Souchong Teas, pice*,of all kinds; London Mustard ; Indigo; Madder; Copperas; Sal Aerates; Saltpetre; Ep-mn Salts; Starch; Scoich and Macaboy Snuff—together with an assortment of DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, HATS; CAPS, SADDLERY, Boots and Shoes. Macon. Nov 14,1843. 7 200 French worked Collars. I T1INE Muslin nnd heary work. As we bought them at ’ Auction in New York, we can sell them at 50 cents a piece. Gull Soon for ba-'gains, April 0, 1844. CRANE A CLARK’S. 26 . Trace Chains, Anvils, llellows and Vices. A 4~kfk pr. Trace Chaina, 30 Anvils, 4v*Ogi) Vires. 20 pr. Blacksmith’s Bellows. 150 Hand nnd S.’edge Hammers. 40 dniible hand Screw Plates.assorted, j to 1 inch. 40 Fifth Chains, 2,000 lbs. Hook Hingea. 100 -eta Wagon Boxes, 300 lba Bagging Twine, 100 Tea Kettles. 100 Sauce Pans. 1,000 lbs Bar Lead, 20 dozen Knob Locks, 1 Iron Chest. ALSO, A complete assortment of Pen aud Pocket Knives, TABLE KNiVKS Sc FORKS, Just received and for sale by Macon. Nov 14. 18*3. 7 E. B. WEED. Ualesof Hay and Fodder, not over 400 lbs each, Four Wheel Ctrriages each. Two Wheel Carriages — - each. Post and Stage Coaches cud Road Wagons, each, Lumber, sawed and hewed, per 1,00-3 leet ’ Wood,....,. per cord, LIVE STOCK. Hogs per head. Oxen and Beef Cattle ....per head,I Horse* per head, 1 Sheep. Goats. Calves.and Dogs per head. Turkeys and Geese in coops per bead, Ducks and Chickens in coons per head/ Special contracts may be made wifh theSnperiritendantof Transports large quantities, viz: Horses. Hogs, Cattle. Lumber, Wood, Brick, or i Planters or Farmers arc allowed to pass free of charge, for passage, farms to market- ion, for Fr ■tone, Ac. ■ when acco 75 20 II 26 3 01 3 10 75 8f SS 40 30 30 3 ■ 31 31 ft 50 3 <0 25 35 1 26 • *5 *6 50 1 00 4 00 9 26 7 00 4 00 50 3 00 5 00 50 4 * ight, on the following articles, when in ipanying the produce of their own 4 C 8 ;o 15 ! 20 1 25 I 75 2 38 1 50 2 uO 2 75 30 50 €3 35 55 75 25 35 45 15 25 32 15 20 25 15 20 25 5 Cl 71 5 6 7 i 15 20 251 15 20 25 25 30 40l 25 30 40j 1 00 1 50 2 00 j 25 25 23 25 25 25 50 75 1 001 5 6 7 25 25 051 25 50 501 25 25 37 j 50 75 * SS 1 00 2 00 3 00 75 I 2.1 1 63 2 00 3 50 5 00 2 50 1 00 3 00 2 00 3 50 25 38 45 1 50 2 00 2 50 2 00 3 00 4 00 25 38 45 3 3 4 2 3 Goods. Wares, or Merchandize, destined fnr the interior of this Slate, Tenner-ee or Alabama, consigned to the Agent of this Company, at Mocnn, will be received and forwarded from any point of tbuRoad; by wagons, to their place of de». • r ’ - c o ... ...t;.., - Com]; n the rt spensei y’sAgc vith the its. nt Griffin, Bnrnesville i of Transportation. Ar- Company's Agent at Msg filiation, free ofchntge for Storage or Forwardin_ Cotton, Merchandize, nr Produce, of any description, will he received by th or Forsyth,and forwarded direct to Savannah, free of any charge, other tbai rangeraents must be made in all instances, fur the payment ot b reight and con.or atthe Depot where the goods me received or delivered. Tbe attention of Merchants and Planters, is s- licited to the advantages rffered them under the above arrangements, for shipping their Produce tn Market, tnd ol.mining their supplies, through this c haunelofcommumi ation with the eeabonrd. Tile Central Rail Road U now completed and in operation, from Savannah to within 2i miles of mir Depot, ond will b# comjleted to Moron eurly this fall. This Road is in daily operation to Griffin, 60 miles Move Macon; and. by the first of December, will he npe-ied for Business to Lcakville, 21 miles above Griffin; ond lothe junction wi.h the Western and Atlantic Rail Rond, early next spring. That portion of the Rood originally laid with the plate Bail, has been rebuilt this summer, and laid with heavy ilunge Kail, and the whole Road from Macon to Griffin, is now in good order for business. ; /**1*)P Merchants living in the upper part of the State, will fmd it decidedly to their interest, to ship their goods by way cf Savannah, over the Central and this ltail-ltoad consigned to our Agents, as goods can be hauled from Barnesville or Griffin, to Columbus, for 45 a 50 rents per 100 pounds, or ary other part of the country ot proportionable rales. All goods will he sent forward immediately, unless otherwise onlered. - ” GRAY, August 22. 1643. 47 NEW BOOK STORE O.Y COTTO.V AVE.VI B, Tiro doorft above J. II. A: IV- 8* EIaIs!®* DlitG ftTOIftE. J. BARIVES, H AVING MOVED to the above Stand, offers to tie public, a large Stock of books; sTniTio.'wm r,\ BLANK BOOKS, &c. &c. ; CHEAP FOR CASH. Family and Pocket Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, of every kind and size, in various binding. Southern and Missouri Harmony, Kingsley's Social Choir. Juvenile Singing Book. Mason's Sacred JIarp. Base Primmer. Dictionaiy of Musical Terms, eVr. Blank Books of every dekci iption, Coint Re cord, aud Rocket Booku, rariou* »ixc*. Ledgf.ks, Journals and Day Books: Invoice. Re cord, Letter. Bill and Receipt Books ; In dexes. for Ledger?. Pocket Memoran dums & Pocket Ledgers. Acc. J. B. would respect fully invite teachers nnd others wlu may want SCHOOL BOOKS, tocall nnd examine his stork which will be sold nt the lowest possible prices. For Cash- wliolesale and retail. He also receives as soon as p’lblished all the new works from the Harper’s and other publishing houf-es ir. New York, Bogt"n and Philadelphia, embracing a!: the cheap, and fashionable literature of the day, which he sells at New York prices. Constantly on hand a stock of LAW BLANKS, printed on the best foolscap paper. Macon. Oct. 4,1841J. 2 A no and Sun tendant of Transportation. I GUN SMITH BUSINESS. rWYIJK subscriber continue* to carry on this business at -I- his old stand opposite Sliotwell’s Drug Store, where | he keeps for sale Double :iltd Mnul<‘ Rand Shot Gund« Kifies, Pistols and all other hinds off Spoiiii’L* .4|>j»ai atus. REPAIRING, of all kinds, and stocking Guns, done at short notice—albo, Guns and Rifles altered to percussion Feb. 20 21 P. ROUX. NEW GOOlDST G. W. A E. WOODRUFF, H AVE just received, and are now opening, i fine as sortment of SPRING AND SUMMER of Calicoes, Lawn? and Muslins, Balzarine h an ! Scotch Ginghams; Linen Liiwns; Linen Hdkfs; Irish Linens; Jaconet, B«ok, *nd Mull Check Muslins; GUves and Hosiery, of every | kind and qualify ; 3,000 yards Georgia Nankeens $ I Brown and Bleeched Linen Drills for Pants; Brown end j Bleached and Grass Linen; Brown and colored Cctton Goods, for summer wear; JOHNSON as a CandMsie fnr Racairer of Tax Retnrn* patronize him, that his HARBAHM of County, at the Election in January 1845. I ««■><". JOH* T. HABRAUM. Jan 9 I* - Cherry Street Bakery. T HE subsrriber respectfully informs the citizens of Ma con and vicinitv. that he has opened n Baking Estab lishment. opposite Thomas Harrnld. on Cherry Street, he respectfullv solicits a share of public patronage. Having a professional Balter, he confidently assures those who may patronize him, that his manrfaciur* wil 1 ~ e : ~ quality. .JOHN T- Sept. 5. ** Bagging; and Rope. rw\r\ PIECES heavy Gunny Bagging, 100 “ Kentucky do i>0 “ Ruftia. do 200 4 * Coils Monilla Rope, 500 lbs. Bagerinp Twine. For tale on rea»ou»ble terms by CHAS. CAMPBELL &Co. Augusv3 ^7 Havns. OAAA LBS. of Georgia Hams, for sale by C. A. ELLS. OvFvWr Oh ! how greet. Also. 3000 lbs. Lard, dr March 26, 1844. *« Palm Leaf* and Leghorn Hats, of Men’s, Youths' and Bovs* sizes. ALSO—A LARGE LOT OF Sun Shades and Parasols | All of which we will sell at a small advance from Cost. Please call and see, at our Store, one door from Qco. W. Price, on Second street. March 12 24 CALF-SKINS. J UST RECEIVED.* lot of Calf-Skins. a superior arti cle, finisheffaftcr th* French style. . Also. Northern SOLE-LE ATHE R. SHOE-THREAD SPAIN TUBS, to. „ Jan 9, 1844 15 W6, V. ISNB,