Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, June 11, 1844, Image 1

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Ttu: aiti:.iTt:sT t;*ntn of titi: GIIk.fv usi' jtv.mbbb. VOIj. XVIII MiCO EJjc STdcfivapt), [1ED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING. BY M. B A HXLETT. rick Building, corner Cotton Avenue and First Street. TERM I O* 'SUBSCRIPTION t _ Milan, p«U In advance. will PV^the Te 1- venr. Five OolMr», paid tn advance, wi 0}^n« Ten Dollar., paid in advance, wUl naicBrithin six month* after the year has com- paiawufi ftftt cents, per annum IR, i If wi paid until ,he end of lhc yew ’ FODR annum will be charged—with interest there- Fo Fhi/siriatts einet Fla <lrn«- looted for 1, ed the CAi reduced pr c o in mission Basines s. Wf E tnke this method of informing oar friends and the T T public generally, that we are stdl con—tied in the II nrr-llaiiHO mid 4.'oiiiiiiis-.ioii Itn-,ini which will be conducted at tlie stand occupied by us the past season, (on Cherry-street, near Cotton Avenne.) For the convenience of nnr uo-count y friends, we are building a SCALE HOUSE,nearly adjoining'Coi. Parker’s Store, on the Avenue, which will be completed by the first of Sep tember. We desire to return otirthanj;,. for thp liberal patronage bestowed on us heretofore; and trust that,by our exertions for the interest of our patrons, to merit its cdiitinuance. We will be prepared to make tlie customary Ail mures on Cotton, fill Orders, and attend to such business as may be confided io us by our friends, on as favorable terms as will be done by any other regular (louse in this place. HAMILTON * WINN. 4 BEAUTIFUL article A by Mar Id Macon, July 1,1813. GEO. I. SHEPARB Is receiving weekly additions to his hitherto splci IRST quality, for sale low by May 14 33 HARVK id stock of HOT WE LI- CHRISTMAS IS C03IING, AND SO AM I akb c-ia g&mi7-cLa«s cioas bt, LOADED WITH ALL THE LUXURIES OF LIFE, 3S5'®»*3E. «t ® » _JJi K KVOREl “ HATS AND CAPS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY, lie is now prepared to offer rare inducements to city no Hat Establishment propri Comanission Business. r |VHE aubsrribers beg leave to infurn. heir friends, and ■ the public in general, that they have connected them selves together in the above business. under the firm of gobjuan a. mai iit»?<(». and are now erecting a large and convenient WARE HOUSE. near Cotton Arenne, on Poplar street. The location is dry and elevated, ar.d unencumbered with old buildingsand the usual liabilities of fi e, and will be coin- - pleted.and ready for bus : ness. by the first of September. They confidently assure the public,that any business con signed to their care, will be faithfully and prr nipt ly execu ted. Relying on the honesty of purpose and the long c stsblish- ed confidence of these who know tin, we feel no hesitancy Corner opposite the Central Hoti Possessing advantages excelled by in the State, he will'afford his Goods at as low, or perhaps lower prices. Every style of HATS AND CAPS may be found at his Store. AMONG THEM— FASHIONABLE, MEDIUM, AH9 Letters on business connected wi»h die 0£ice, must it secure attention. 2 5 H!* and Bitters': JIOR sale at the proprietor’s HARVEY SHOT WELL. iter opposite the LYnrtt! llotei. •:i28S SfjJ, IlOTWELL, site the Central Hotel. WASHINGTON HALL, , n RACOf, GEORGI A, Linuced Oil and Tr F OR sale low by HARVEY S May H. Corner o SaTjEi , O F snpetior quality, just received and for sale by May 14 ‘ HARVEY SHOTWELL. ND this is to inform the good citizens of Macon, and the whole people of Georgia, that I have given up distributing .Food for the Mind, aud will now distribute Food that will please the taste and invigorate the Body. X have opened a r 11IIE subscriber has agair. taken this Estab L l lishmenl, where he will always be hap ■ 111. t'Jf pv to attend to the calls of his old customers, c- Y - • ■ -J, , n j ,|, e travelling public generally. Macon. June 20 38 ' S LANIER. FAMILY GROCERY STORE * AT BY OE3> STAND, iftnn LBS. of Georgia Hsias, for sale bvC. A. ELLS; ?UUU Ok ! how Sire, t. Also. 30UO lbs. Lard, do* March 2G. 1844. ofl Where everything ofthe best quality in that line, may be found. I will receive every night by Bail’s Express, all kinds of Fresh Fish, OYSTERS, Oranges, Banamias, Apples, Lemons, Pine Apples, Ac. Ac. And tn mv country friends. I will say, that 1 will make the most liberal exchanges with yon. for all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCE. ST Do not forget to call at my Siore, on Mulberry street, two dours South of the Washington Hall, where you can buy a good many Goods fora little money. Macon, Feb.27th. 1844. 22 C. A. EI.I.S. CENTRAL HOTEL BBLS. of beat Northern Lime. For sale by AND 1 well known establishment, respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. Tlie house has been entirely cleansed ai d renovated; the rooms replenished with clean beds and Mutable furniture, anil the whole interior of the establishment adapted to the eomfortof his guests. That the domestic economy of the House will be such a* to grati fy the mostfastldlona. helms but toinf-rm the public, that he has eni-stred as general Superintendents, WM. SHI VERS. JUNR. AND LADY, whose career as Managers ofa Tavern in Sparta, for nine years, has commended him to the favorable notice ol the travelling public. WM. G. THOMAS Sept. 19 The undersigned having disposed of his proprietorship In the Central Hotel, to Mr. W. G. Thomas, from his knowl edge of him and the well known capacity of Mr. and Mrs. Shivers, in the management of a Public liaise, can with confidence, recommend the Central Hotel to the patronage of his friends and the puhl-a- Paints and fifils. KEGS Nos.l and 2 White Lead, 300 gallons Linseed Oil, 200 do Lamp Oil, \\ ith a variety ofCnlors fo r Painters’ use 1 , forsale bv July 6 do CHAS. CAMPBELL A CO NEW BOOTS & SHOES; Just Received o:; Second Street. fi/l rjjlfJE undersigned would inform their j “- friend* aud the public generally, that V'/they have received a lirge assortment.of ■“’k* ” GENTS. FINE BOOTS and SIIOESj Pw. ’-'ith a full supply of low priced SEWED and PEG BOOTS, and SHOES. Also. Ladies’ SHOES of all kinds ami qualities, with a full supply of MISSES’ & CHILDREN’S SHOES, which they would invite all those that ate in want of any Of the above articles to come anil ex amine our assortment, confident that both quality and price will be made satisfactory. WHITING ct MIX. Macon, April 9. 1844. 28 liftw Notice. . rjUIE undersigned have associated themselves in the J. practice of the Law, and will give prompt attention to such business as may be entrusted to their care. They will attend the following Courts: Bibb. Crawford, Monroe. Twiggs, Jones, Wilkinson, Houston, Pulaski, Ilen- ryend Pike. KJ* OFFICE over E. B. Weed’s Store, two doors be low VV. it. Johnston, on Mulberry street. A. P. POWERS. L. N. WHITTLE. Macon, March 26, 1844. 26 t!(l,Ll.\EBY AKU I'.VACV GOODS, AND 12 it JESS .?/.IA7.VCf. C o m in ission It ns in css. 783HE undersigned still continueslooccopy the WARE- J HOUSE on the corner of Second and Poplar streets. He offers his services in the various branches oftlie lVnro House anil ('oiiiiuisiiiou Uuniui-Mi, and respectful- ly solicits the patronage rf his friends and the public gener ally ; trusting that, by his unremitting efforts, be shall be able to meet the wishes of those who may honor liiir. with their confidence—and expresses a feelingcf gratitude to bis friends for their libera' patronage. JOHN M. FIELD. Marnn, July 1. 1843. ^ _ 41 Hide-Skin, Angola, and Silk ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CONSISTING OF Otter, Shetland Seal, Nutria, and Muskrat. ALSO. Men’s and Youths’ Cloih and Velvet CAPS, Do do Hair Seal do Do do Sealette do Do do Glazed do Gentlemen’s JVavv Caps; A LARGE LOT OF Men’s and Boys’ Bisiek and Drub SPORTING HATS; Together with an extensive Stock of Moil’s anil Boys* Black and Drab |IJ « S. IV. II. M O II It I 8 IIS would respectfully announce V? ja •" the Ladies of Macon and country generally, that she is now opening. on Cotton A veiny;, opposite Messrs. Scott A Carhart. and next door to ^ ’"'f/V the Messrs. Orrs. an ENTIRE SEW But Stock ofthe most Fashionable and Latest Style ofGOODS. adapted to the above Businesa; all of which has been selected by one oftbebest judges in New York City. Great inducements will be held out to purchasers foi CASH; in consideration of whicb, she solicits a share of public patronage. N B.—Orders from Town or Country, thankfully receiv ed and promptly attended to. Her motto will ever be— M. JOHBJSTOW, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, MACON, GA. ILr OFFICE over old Darien Bank. Macon, March 26. 1844. 26 Stcfcrencr—Col. Wm. H. Reynolds, Maj James II. Hardaway, Alai James it.itatwaway, \ Messrs. Rea & Cotton, ) ‘- ac0 *‘ Joshua G. M"orc, J Brvant Bateman, * ) Stephen Castelow. \ Houston. William Moseley, Henry, W. C. Uleavelnnd. Crawford. Attorney nt Laic, Vienna, Dooly county, ! Georgia. WOOL HATS, <fe.C THOMAS TAYLOR O" The attention of those in want of any articles in this line, is respectfully invited. Store on Second Street, a few doors above the Wash ington Hall, and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. WUi ting & Mix. nr’JKE: 3n»W Oiler, ill ink. and Baccoou hkius, for which the Cash will be paid. Macon. Jan 30, 1844 18 GEO. I. SHEPARD. WHOLESALE A.3D RETAIL. a. S. iDENTCAKID, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PERRY. GEO. Cobb County, TflilE undersigned have taken this spacious Hotel, fnr- A merlvkept by Benson Ilor-EBTS. E<q.. and are now ready for the reception of Traveller and Families visiting tbe up country. The subscribers pledge themselves to nse every exertion for the comfort of lltcir patrons. TTTTTWA^ B. D.VMICL, JEREMIAH LEAK. ON COTTON AVENUE AND SECOND STREET, i/Kiiiiii i.' i.r STAPLE GOODS, CHOICE GROCERIES, Sec. *Vc. Ac. OFFERS FOR SALE. AT VERY COW PRICES •)H| | BAGS old Java, Rio, Tuba, awTLag.ira Ubflee^' •>llfr 25 hhdi St. Croix and Porio Rico Sugars. 5 000 lbs. Standard Crushed and Double Loaf Sugar. 20 libds Cuba Molassea, 30 boxes Castile. Fancy, aud Var’ega'ed Soaps, 40 do Sperm aud Hull's Patent Candles. 30 do Colgate's and Hull’s Steam Soap, No. I, 800 Sacks Sait, large size, 20 boxes Tobacco, 23 dozen Lnu Commission Business. W E shall continue the Ware House and Commission Business, the ensuing season, at our old stand, on the corner of Cherry and Second Streets. In ofl'ering our services again to the public, we have no pledges to make—believing that our past conduct will be a sufficient guarantee for the faithful performance of tbe trust ihnt inav be hereafter conTMed IO us. We will at all times he prepared to make liberal Ad vances on Cotton, in store, or on shipments made to-our Agents iu Savannah, Cbarlestrn or New York. D. &. W. GUNN & CO. The subscribers intend keeping on hand, a full supply of Dry-Goods. Cotton Bagging, and Family Groceries, of all kinds; which they will be glad to furnish to their custom ers, upon as good terms as any house in Mac»-n. 1 ° n e xxr nrvs IYOTICK T HE undersigned having associated J. R. HOWELL with him. their business will hereafter be continued under thi name ofG. L. WaKKEN A Co. G. L. WARREN. April 9. 1844. 28 Rugging and Rope. PIECES heavy Gunny Bagging, -H/Lr 100 “ Kentucky do 50 “ Kusia. do 200 “ Coils Monilln Rope, 500 lbs. Bagginp Twine. For sale on reasonable terms by CHAS. CAMPBELL &Co. August 2 47 Marietta, Jan. 1.1841. "V t VI hi k LBS Georgia Cured BACON, J.UUU 20,000 lbs. do do HAMS. ALSO. 4.000 lbs. extra LEAF LARD, forsale by WM. A. CHERRY. pril 2 27 4m Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga, -handle Shovels and Spades, 100 kega Cut Nails and Brads. 1.000 lbs. Bar Lead, 600 ihs. Smoothing Irons, 200,000 Cut Tacts, 50,000 lbs. Swedis Iron, assorted, 11 to 0 in. wide, 0.009 lbs German Blistered and Cast Steel, 100 bags Patent Shot. 10 <loz. Wilson’s Coffee Mills, 20 <liiz. Halter Chains, 100 doz. superior Blacking, 20 do Shoe Bruihes, 10 do Curry-Combs, 15 do Patent Kazr r Straps. 10.000 lbs. Hollow Ware, (assorted sizes.) 50 reams super Blue A While Ruled Letter A Cap Paper- 60 do Wrapping Paper, 500 boxes J able * ah, 600 ps. superior Gunny and heavy Dundeo Bagging, 1.00U lbs three-ply Bagging Twine, 10 boxes Colton and Wool Cards, 40 dozen Pails. Mus. Brooms, and Seives, 60 do Pen. Pocket, and Fancy Knives. 75 do Knives and Forks, 100 do Quilled Top. Side,and Dressing Combs, 12.000 SEGAliS. 20 boxes Im|>eriai. Hyson. Pourliong and Souchong Teas, Spices, of all kinds ;* London Mustard ; Indigo ; Madder; Copperas; Sal Aeratus; Salt Petre; Epsom Salts; Starch; II. & J..COWLES &&TO51 3il’<e©3£ OF CHEAP AY» DESIRABLE H AVE now on hand, atthe Store formerly occupied by Messrs. J B. Ross & Co., a genet al assortment of Planters’ Supplies, consisting ol &B20. .3. MtF.lIJBEMtEY* R ESPECTFULLY informs bis old customers and the public generally, that he is now receiving from the celebrated Mat Manufactory of John'HUNT & Co.,a very extensive assortment of GROCERIES STAPLE DRY-GOODS, INDIAN SPRING rilllE subscriber roost respectfully informs the public. I ,hat he has taken possession of the well known Hotel atthe Indian Spring, lately occupied by Cpl. H. Dillon.— There are so many living witne«es. who can bear testimo- l,y to the wonderful benefits derived from tbe use of these unequalled waters, that it is useless to speak of them here. He assures all who are disposed to visit h<m. that nr efforts shall be wanting to provide all surh luxuries as will tend to their comfort; and to affurd them all -<uch means of amuse enemas will enable them to drive "dull care away,” and pass their time in pleasure. BJT GAMING is strictly forbidden. BRYAN W. COLLIER. Indian Spring, Bulls co. MarchZO, 1844. 26 tO 6BOLORICAL DEPARTMENT,) Mtr.LZDGEtir.LE, Nov. 2. 1839. ) Analysis of the Water of the Indian Spring, Butts Comity, Georgia- Quantity, one pint, (winffmeasure.) or 28,875 cubic incites. Preliminaries for a correct Analysis of this Spring. Barometer 29,54 inches. Temperature of the Atmosphere 6.1 deg. Ferenbeil. Temperature of the Water - 46 do. do Specific Gravity 1,142, ib»t of distilled water being 1,000. C3AM3KN. .0.156 cubic inches. HARDWARE, SHOES, Ac. Ac Macon, Oct 25, 1843 v fi 5 Bales Stripes and Checks, 5 “ 3-4, 4-4. and 5-4 Power Loom Shining, 130 Pieces Plaid Jaconets and Swiss Muslins. 50 “ Muslins and Lawns, . 50 “ Ky. Jeans and Sattinetts, 300 “ Nankeen, 25 “ Brown Linens, 25 “ Irish do. 150 Doz. Head Hdkfs. 200 Flagg do. 25 Pieces Silk do. Fancy Hdkfs. and Shawls, 150 Doz. Hosiery (assorted) 50 " Gldves do. 50 “ Suspenders, COO ’ Spool Thread, 100 lbs. Black and colored Linen Thread, 200 * Turkey Cotton, Col’d Cambrics. Vestings,Ribbons, Tapes, Cords, Sewing Silks, &c., Ac. Musqnito Nettings—Carpetting 100 Cases Men’s, Women's and Children's Shoes, 15 “ Bonnets (all kinds) 200 Doz. Palm Leaf Hats (all kinds) embracing every style and quality. Among bis assortment may be found 200 French worked Collars. F INE Muslin and heavy work. As we bought them at Auttion in New York, we can sell them at 50 cents a piece, Call soon for bargsios, at CRANE & CLARK’S. April 9. 1844. as Trace Chains Anvils, IScllows and Yiccs. ,4 4YrV pr. Trace Chains, 30 Anvils, ftvH/60 Vices, 20 pr. Blacksmith's Bellows. 150 Hand and Sledge Hammers, 10 doz. fashionable Heaver Hats. 20 doz. do Cassimerc Hats, 10 doz. do Russia Hats, 20 doz. do Moleskin Hats 1 doz. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO. ONE mnVDKED DOZEN Lopperas; cai acnius, fau *ctrc, Lij'-'uiu Scotch and Macabov Snuff—together with an assortment of JHMI ES’riC DRY-GOODS, HATS, CAPS, SADDLERYi Boots and Shoes. Macon. Not 14, 1843. 7 C/ferry Street Bakery. 40 double hsnd Screw Pistes,assorted, 1 to 1 inch. 40 Fifth Chains, 2,000 lbs. Hook Hinges. 100 sets Wagon Boxes, 300 lbs. Bagging Twine, 100 Tea Kettles, 100 Sauce Pans, 1,000 lbs Bar Lead, 20 dozen Knob Locks, 1 Iron Chest. ALSO, A complete assortment of Pen ami Pocket Knives, AND TABLE KNiVES & FORKS, Just received and for sale by Macon, Nov 14.18«3. 7 T IIE subscriber respectfully informs tbe citizens of Ma con and vicinity, that be lias opened a Baking Estab lishment. opposite Thomas IturrulJ, on Cherry Street, he respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. Having a professional Baker, he confidently assures those who may patronize him, that his maniZaciure will'be of superior quality. JOHN T. HARBAUM. Sept. 5. «8 ly* 200 Reams Letter, Foolscap, and Wrapping Taper 2 Casks Sad Irons, 1 cask Curry ConiI-.=, 6 “ C. 8. and Carolina Hoes, 2 do Traces, Wagon Boxes, Fry Pan.;, Sauce Pans, Ten Kettles, Knives and Folks, Pocket and Card Kuives. Pad Locks, Plate Locks, Butt Hinges and Screws, COO lbs. Pins, Buttons and Combs of every descrip tion. Percussion Caps, Spoons. Ac. Ac., 2-VHhds. 1*. R„ S. C. and N. O. Sugars. Beaver, Jk'atria and Russia HATS, warranted more durable ban any Hats ever sold in Macon. Also, 50 doz. Youth’s and Children’s Hats. 20 doz. do. do. Capa. ALSO, 20 doz. black and drab Sporting Hats, Together with a general assortment ‘if nt 10J ct» a yard; 500 holla Georgia Nankeen; 10.000 yds bleached and brown Sheetinea and Shirtings: 2.000 yards Irish Linen, from 37} to $1,25; pieces Earlston Giugnains at 25 cts per yard; 25 do. at 13 and 37} cents; 50 doz. Lisle Caps at 81 a* dozen; 1800 boxes silver plated Hooka end Eves nt cent*. ' FOR TIIE GEYTLEJIEY, Single milled Cnssimerrs. ribhed and printed Gambroons, Linen Drills. Linen Checks, Check Ginghams. Gentlemen's Scarfs, Cravats. Silk Gloves, Ac. Ladies’ Silk Umbrellas. Parasols and Sunshades of the most choice patterns, from 75 cents to 83. 50 pieces Gimp witheverv variety of shade and color. New Goods received every week; any article not found Azotic Gas Carbonic Acid Gas.... -Sulphuretted Hydrogen. N.tEtlNE CONTENTS*. Carbonate of Magnesia,.. 1.982 grains. Sulphite of Magnesia, 71,328 do Su'phate of Lime ...7 152 do Sulphate of Fotash, 3,415 do Total of Saline contents 84.077 JOHN RUGGLES COTTING, E. B. WEED. rilHE subscriber continues to carry on this business al fl his old stand opposite Sbotwell's Drug Store, where he keeps for sale Double :>n«I Single Bartel Shot CUuis. ISifles, Pistols, and all other kinds ol' Sl»orti»u Apparatus. UEPAlRING.of all kinds, and stocking Gons, done at short t-otice—also, Guns and Rifies altered to percussion locks. Feb. 90 31 P. llOUX. Bbls. Pulverized and Crushed Boxes White Havanna Bbls Loaf and Trinidad 400 Bags Rio and Java Coffee, 10 Chests Fresh Teas. 30 Tons Iron, Flat, Round, and Squ Cast. Goman and Blister Steel. Anvils, Vices end Bellows, 40.000 lbs. Castings, 250 Kegs Nails and Brads, Bagging, Hope and Twine. 200 Bags Shot, 2000 lbs. Bar Lead. .Kegs Powder, Canister do. 50 Boxes Soap, 30 " Sperm Candles, 30 " Tallow do. 20 *‘ Starch. 10 “ King k Collins' Axes, 20 “ Coffee Mills, 10 o Shoe Tacks. 50 '‘ Colton Cards, No. 8 snd 10. 20 Bbls. Copperas. State Geologist of Georgia. CAPS € A R R B A« E R E POSIT® RY, On Mulberry Street, Near the Mrthodist Church CONSISTING IN PART OF 3 doz. PBEMIUM OTTER CAPS, 5 d< z. Sea Otter Caps, 5 doz. St-per Nutria Caps, 20 doz. do. Muskrat Caps,* 50 doz. Men's and Boys' Seal Caps, 50 doz. do. ' do. Sealette Caps. ALSO. 200 do*. Men’s and ^oys’IJlncfc Drab esse, and are daily receiving their unqualified approbation. The unparalleled celebrity and unexampled saccess of this matchless and powerful preparation, has won for itself a name never'to be forgotten as long as there remains an af flicted suflerer upon the face of tbe globe. It is truly sur prising to observe how. speedily and harmless it enters into every minute channel, effectually dislodging every germ, annihilating every leprous spirit of ihe most dreadful of all diseases, and. st the same time, never failing to fortify the svstem against disposition, or subsequent attack of this com plaint. Foil and explicit directions accompany each box of these Pills, and a statement of some of the most prominent symp toms is laid dqwn as a guide to the patient in distinguishing one form ol this disease from another; also, a statement, showing the result of the treatment of one hundred cases with these Pills alone, in one of the most distinguished hos pitals in France. EJ* Price $1.50 per box. For sale in Macon, by J. H. 5c W. S. ELLIS. Druggists —and bv the principal Druggists iu Savannah and Augusta. Feb 27,1844. 22 Cni* NEW GOODS A LIKELY Negro girl.20 years old, a good cook, wash- \ er and ironer. Inquire of WM. D. GRIFFIN, East Macon. Macon. March 26. 1844. "6 rrmr' receiving large additionsto his JL stock of COACIU’N, cn.%BIOTEr», BAHOVOOEI, KI7«4«IE», WAGONS, 5c. from some ofthe heat Northern Manufactories, which were made expressly f»r this market, of tlie beat materials, and are warranted equal ifnotsuperior to those of any other es- tablishmcnt. Those in want of any description of Carriages, will find ilfor their interest to examine the quality aud pri ces of his assortment. ■ ... Repairing, in nil the different branches executed in tbe best manner, by experienced workmen at less than farmer ^Carriage maker*, will find a good assortmentofElliptic Sprines.Axeltrees.tnmedniid boxed Dashes.Lamps,Bnods. Knobs, Patent and Top Leather, Laces. Silk and worsted Fringe. Tassels, and almost every article required in their business, at Augusta prices. ....... March 1st. 1842. 22 tf J. W.BABCOCK. Fire Ill’illl’.'IBCC. rrtllE Undersigned. Agents for the -Etna Insurance I Company of Hartford Conn., are prepared to take risks on Buildings, Merchandize in Store aid Cotton in WOOL HATS G. W. & E. WOODRUFF, ' AVE just received, and are now opening, a fine as- L sortment of SPRING AND SUMMER Negro Fellow, aged •j, y VN Houston county. Ga. a JL about 35 years, who says bis nstne is JESSE, and that he belongs to Wiilism Tail, of the State V\N of Alabama. In miles from Greenville. Said Ne gro i* about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, and light built. He buys kit master's plantation is on the Alibioii river. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him aws.v. _~. T 0 . Jar.23, 1844 18 WM. HERRINGTON. Shff. Consisting of Calicoes, Lawns and Muslins. Balzsrine Mus lins; French and Scotch Ginghams; Linen Lawns; Linen Cambric Ildkfs; Irish Linens; Jaconet, Book, and Mull Muslins; Check Muslins; GUvea and Hosiery, of every kind and quality; 3,000 vardsGeorgia Yanlxcens; Brown and Bleached Linea Drills for Pants; Brown and Bleached and Grass Linen; Brown and colored Cotton Goods, for summer wear; GROCERIES. I IIHDS. S:. Croix Sugar, * 15 do l’orlo Rico do 5 bis. Crushed do ‘ 5 do Powdered do 6 boxer Refine J Loaf Sugar, 150 bags Rio Coffee. 25 do prime Old Java, 75 keg* Powder, 20 boxes Soap. 10 do Starch. 25 do Sperm Csndlee, 5 do Hyson Tea; ich wilt be sold at tbs lowest ca 3)is*oJiitio!!i. f|YHE Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of l Powers & Johnston is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. The unfinished business will receive the at tention of Both or either of the partner*., ‘ A. P. POWERS, JOHNSTON. March25 1814. . 26 JfFacon Iron 4* Brass l-oandry AYR iWACHIWE 8I20i\ ■l f ILL nr:,I GinGeerimg, Steam Engine Work, Iron ,* J and Bras* Castings of every description, mad* to order.and Machine Work iuJGeneral, corner o r Fourth and Walnut -Streets. ;* The highestpric*nwiHb*p*ia for Old Coppol, I.i-nd, and 4'nntltoii. , V, ,7 ROBT. FINDLAY. Brims tom NEW BOOKS ,5. Karnes’, on Cotton Avenits Prescott’s Mexico, Dr. Olin’s Travel* In the East, Life of Wil.’ium Fisk, Kend til's r-anta Fe Expedition, Msgsndce's physiology. New K 1 • n , f Dc 1 'i'on’s Medical Dictionary, No. I 5c 2 Hirpera’ Pictorial Bible. Works of Miss Brewer. In cheap form,, Liebig’s Agricultural Chemistry, FaSin ILcat' ami f,cghoria Mu«s, of Men’s, Youths' and Bovs’ sizes. ALSO—A LARGE LOT OF • $1111 Shades and I'arasols; All of which we will sell at a small advance from Cost. Please call and see, at our Store, one door from Geo. W Price, on Second street. March 12 24 .Summer (,'iotliiiig. r jXHE subset.; ers have received their stock of Summei JL Chnhing. comprising one of the most extensive end vs> , ried they have ever had on hand, and which will be sold at coo/cs AIVTX-SITzJOtrS VITsTsS, ^TlOIt the Cureof Liver C impair f. Dy>r .*• A. •. Fornleby J. II. 6: \V. S. ELLIS. Octal s i, Coffee* &o. Aft BACON! BACON!! .1 *- LBS. svperu-r Georgia Cured BACOb H f{.r Hams. Shoulders, snd Sides, for s*!? b\ XT W<* "" nillli. JOHNSON asa Cao i of BiDb Countv, at the Jan 9 the services of au attorney. May 20. 1314. 34 B. S. NEWCOMB k CO GEO. W. PRICE