Harris County enterprise. (Hamilton, Harris County, Ga.) 1860-1865, September 27, 1860, Image 3

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Hell Meeting lit Talbot. Col. Doyal’s appointments in Upson, Crawford, Taylor and Talbot counties, the past week, have keen well attended, and much enthusiasm manifested. In Tnlbot ton, on Friday last, a large crowd packed the Court room, to listen to speeches from Col. Doyal and Hon. Thomas Hardeman.— As tho Court svas in session, and the time vory limited, (only two hours) thero was not much chance for the speakers to take a tho rough view of the whole questions at issue but .two better and moro effective speeches, of one hour each, wo have seldom heard.— lloth these gentlemen wero clear in argu ment, and eloquent in thought and patriotic sentiment, and tho impression made was highly favorable to the cause of Bell and Everett. Hon. James Johnson, of Columbus, ad 'drossed tho peoplo a day or two previously, in behalf of Douglas, and waked up many of tho old lino Democrats who had boen sleeping on tho verge of Yancey’s precipice, to get hack as far aspossiblofrom the yawn ing gulf. Wo are assured that Bell’s plu rality in Talbot county will bo over 100.— Douglas will probably got 200 votes in tho connty. — Georgia Citizen. Bell Against Lincoln—The “Union” Aoainst Sectionalism.—A well known gen tlemen of this city, an influential merchant, at prosent traveling tlirqpgh the Northern writes from Pitioburg to n fine ml hero, and we have bean permitted to take tho fol lowing extract from his letter: “1 find politics running high in Indiana, Ohio and hero in West Pensylvania, and so far as I could judge in traveling through, the race now is between Lincoln and Bell in the North. Indeed 801 l and Kverott are gaining ground in the North, and will with out a change before tho election, he the “Un ion Ticket,” for all conservative men.” The writer above has hitherto voted the Democratic ticket, hut being satisfied that that party by its action at Charleston and Baltimore, has lost its power, has signified his determination to voto for John 8011, as the only candidate who has any chance to defeat Lincoln.— Huntsville Independent. From tho Charleston Morcury. The Hetillli ol'( liarleston. Our readers, we are sure, will read with a great deal of satisfaction, the report we publish below, from tile City Registrar to the board of Health.— Tho health of our city, according tothis report, was never bettor than if is ; and, without entering on the question whether n ease or cases of Yellow Fe ver have occurred in our city, it is clear that they are sporadic. We trust, therefore, that our friends in the country will not hesitate to visit us, whether called hero by business or pleasure. Our country merchants especially, are invited to examine the full supply of all sorts of merchandize which our importers have laid in, before they pass on North. Charleston \?hs never better prepared to meet tile demands of the interior. Let our people draw near er together in all the relations of society and com merce. We arc one in destiny. Let lis he one in interest and intercourse. Office of the Hoard ok Health, 1 Charleston, Sept. 10, 1860. ) \ At a meeting of the Hoard of Health, held this day, the following resolution was adopted, on motion of Aid. Riggs: fie.iiibed. That tho report of tile City Registrar, presented to this Board this day. and the accompa ny communications from the City Dispensary “li, uciada, be published n Information in all the oity papers. CHARE ES MACBETH, Mayor, And Chairman ex. <>B'. of the Hoard of Health. GeoßueS. PiCL/.Kii, M. D., Clerk. Office of the Citt Rkoistrar, I Charleston, Sept. 10, 1800, / To the. Chairman amt Members of the Itoanl of Health of Charleston: Gentlemen : The public health, now a subject for the most exaggerated mid pernicious rumors, at home as well as abroad, should always claim the at tention and excite file interest of the'City Registrar. Constant and careful observation and inquiry, have furnished ample reasons for thoopinion herein expressed; and in the corroboration of which, the suhioned com murrtcations from the four Dispensa ry Physicians of the city arc herewith presented for the information of the Hoard. It is tho deliberate opinion of the Registrar, that with the exception of the prevailing “Break-Bone Fever,” and a few eases of inuhirial'and other fevers, not uncommon to our climate at tile present season of the year, the general health of Charleston was never better during any previous summer than at the present time; and with devout thanksgiving to Him who has so graciously preserved us through the months now past, we imiv confidently hope for a continuance of like signal blessings during the re mainder of the year. Respectfully submitted. GEORGE S. PKLZKR. M. D„ City Registrar. Office City Dispensary, E. I)., Upper Wards, Charleston, Sept. 10, 1800. ( Dear Sir: In reply to your inquiry, it gives mo pleasure to state that the hygiene and health of my Dispensary Division have never been better during my entire adntfnistration of its medical duties, than they are at present. The great majority of eases, now under treatment, are those of simple Catarrhal, or of the so-called “Break-Bone” Fever. No other varieties of fever have, so far, fallen under my care, during this sum mer, with the exception of a single ease of Typhoid Fever. Very respectfully, J. DIKSON BRUNS, M. D. To G. S. Pklzkb, City Registrar. Office City Dispensary, W. D., Upper wards, 1 Charleston, Sept. 10, 18i!0. j Dear Sin: In reply to your inquiry respecting the health of my Dispensary, I am happy to inform you that I have had no ease of Yellow Fevo; and, excepting the “Break-Bone,” which now prevails, the wards have had an unprecedented freedom from disease. Very respectfully yours, „ „ L. LOCIvWOOD, M. D., To Dr. G. S. Pklzkr, City Registrar. Charleston, September 9,1800. Df.ab Sir: I u compliance with your request to give a statement of the health of my division of the city, I am happy to say that there is not a single case of serious cohicquence of anv kind. Broken- Bone Fevo appears still to he the prevalent affec tion, but is not nearly so general as it. was two weeks ago; my list to-day being a little more than half of what it was at that date. I am, with respect, your obedient servant, J. L. ANCKUM, M. D„ Physician Shirros’ Dispensary, E. D. To Dr. G. S. Pklzkr. Church Street, Monday, Sept. 10, 1860. , Dear HiR: 1h us ton to reply to your inqui rios, and to state that I have not seen a ease of fever in tho city this season of a severe grade. Those that have fallen unde? my observation, in private as well as public practice (and they have been very numerous.) havo been of the form usually denomi nated “Broken-Bone,” and they, without exception, have been of so relenting a character as in a large proportion hardly to require the interference of a physician. I may truly say, if the practice of the profession never brought it more care and anxiety than it has done for some months past, l should play on velvet. Yours respectfully, PETER PORCHER, Physician Shirras’ Dispensary, W, I). Geo. S. Peezer, M. D., City Registrar. Confidence in Bueckinbidu put tothktest. —The West Tennessee AYliig, in giving an account of the discussion in Jackson between Messrs Poyton, Polk and Haynes, relates tho follwingjiutoresting episode, which at oneo puts to flight all the fancied prospects of tho Yanccy-Brcckinridgo ticket, as far as its election is concerned. Maj. Polk, Doug las Elector, was speaking, and the Whig says: Ho exposed, in a masterly manner, the duplicity of the Breckinridge men, who persist in rutting a man who lias “no chanctr’on earth for election; and as an evidence that he did not believe that Breck inridge could be elected, he proposed, and repeated the proposit ion Jthat if Col. Haynes as an honorable man, would come upon the stand, and tell the peoplo that he believed that Breckinridge stood any chance to he elected, either by the people or the House of lteprosotatives, that ho, Col. Polk, would surrender the canvass and go homo. Wlion this proposition was made, Col. Haynes was standing in tho crowd with a distinguished Domocrat of this county, who urged him to accept tho peoposition ; but Haynes dared not do it. Ho docs not believe that Breck inridge has any possible chance, and as an honorable man ho would not say so. Col. Polk's speech gavegonoral satisfaction to tho friends of Judge Douglas, and was admitted to be a much abler effort than any ever be fore made in this place. Having no chance of an election, what is Brockinrodge kept,in tho field for? Is it to secure tho election of Lincoln, and give tho “jrrond rebels,” like Crozier, a chance to help Yancey “precipitate tho Cottqn States into a revolution ?”—Nashville Manner. Position of Hon. James Guthrie. —Tho Sunday Daily Advocate says. “Wo havo been informed by a gentlemen of high position, and whoso statement no one. can doubt, that in a recent interview with Mr.Guthrie, ho (Mr. Guthrie) stated that soon after tho nomination of Mr. Breckinridge, tho editors of tho Courier called on him and urged hint to declare his approbation of Mr. Breckin ridge's nomination and pledged himself to hissupport. Tothis ho replied emphaticaly, “that he could not support Mr. Breckinridge, because by so doing ho would be giving aid to tho election of Lincoln.” Skir We are authorized lo announce the name of ROItII IST BRYANT, as a candidate for Tax Collector of Harris County, at the ensuing January election. to i'laiitatioii for Kale! 9 THE mibscribortillers for sale his valua ablo plantation, in Harris county eight niilos North-oast <u’ Hamilton, anti one an<l a half miles below Kings (Jap, on tin* rnlbutton rnnd, containing 400 acres', about 120 <>f which is in tho woods and well timbered. There | s about (SO acres <>f bottom land on the place which is well watered and improved. For further infor mation, address me at Hamilton, Georgia, or cull and examine tho premises. JOHN T. COPELAND. 2L B.—l will also sell at private sale tho land be longing to tin* Estate of I*. A. Copeland, consisting of one square, about two miles below the above named lands. Call and examine before purchasing. Sept. 27-Gt J. T. C.“ UIaOHGIA, Harris County: A\ 1 11 CH K AS, Joel C. Henry, a citizen of the United States, residing in the State of Georgia, and o! lawful age, makes application tome in writing as -next ul kill iuv letter, et miniinistration tfe bonis non on the estate of Keaiah Henry, lute of said edttnty I deceased, Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby noti fied to lie ami appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to showduiso (if anv they have) why the administration oi said estate should not be given to said applicant. Given nndcr my hand and official signature, this 26th <lv of September, 1860. sopt27-30d GEO. \V. MULLINS, Ord’y. GKHIK.IA. Harris County: ‘WHEREAS, Wilkinson Sparks, a citizen of the U nited States, residing in the Stato of Georgia, and of lawful age, makes application tome in writing as next of kin for the admuiistrasion of the Rotate of W illiam A. Sparks late of said county deceased. Therefore all persons concerned are hereby noti fied to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if anv they have, why the administration of said Estate should not he granted to said applicant. Given under mv bund and official signature this Sept. 26. 1860. GKO. W. MULLINS Or'v. Sept, 27, 1860. ilpd GIKHUHA, Hum-In County, W HERRAB, I. 11. Fitts, a citizen of the United States residing in the State of Georgia, and of law ful age, makes application to me in writing, ns next of kin fur the administration of the estate of John T. Whitchend, late of said county, deceased. Therefore all persons concerned m e hereby notifi ed to be and appear at my office within tile time prescribed by law, to show cause, if un v thev have, why the administration of said estate should’ not be given to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this Sept. 15. 1860. GEO. W. MULLINS, Or’y. Sept 20—1 m GEORGIA 1 Court of Ordinary June HARRIS COUNTY, J Term, 1860-—Rui.e Nisi. GKO. \\. MULLINS, Ordinnry Presiding: . VUHKRE.VS, Flynn Hargett, administrator ofG. 11 W . Cline, late of said county, deceased, ap plies for letters of dismission from the administra tion of said estate: It is therefore ordered by tho Court, that all per sons concerned show cause, if any they have, on or before the next December Term of the Court of Or dinary, to he held in and for said county on the first Monday in December next, why said Flynn Hargett Administrator as aforesaid, should not then he dis missed. A true extract from the minutes of tile Court of Ordinary of said county. June 4. 1860, GEO. W. MULLINS, Ordinary. juncl4-(im 1* L A7SJ TEE’S HOT K L Alafoama St., ATLANTA, ; : ; : ; GEORGIA. (Opposite the Passenger Depot,) riIIIOROUGHLY renovated and furni*hcd; and JL in tho vory centre of tho business portion of tho WM. o*ll ALLOKAN, Proprietor. june2l-tf J. H- SIKES’ IFURNDTUBi WAREROIIM Col ii ill Inis, CiU'Ot’Klu. - HE subscriber would keep it before the public, that lie hit* Mill on hand, and will sell at a rea onnble profit, a pretty good assortment of Flalu, Neat and Durable Fiiruilure, ( (insisting in part, of Wardrobes, Bureaus Safes, Bedsteads, &c. Cane seat and Cottage Chuirs, a large stock, and very good assortment of the latter at one dollar each. Mnttre*eg, Pillow* and IlolNterN, which 1 make of good material and sell low. KJfiBAIIUNG FURNITURE, of all kinds, will he done promptly, as I shall always have competent workmen lor that branch, as well us to make work to order. My Wareroom is 48, Broad Street. mayl7-ly j. H. SIKES. LAG HATS’ <; K IFEIfiLE GOLLSE •*—j* rpilF. exercises of this Institution will he resumed mi 1 Monday. Skctkmokr, 24th, under the dir < tion of a full Board of Instruction. - The old Female Academy has been fitted ample arrangements made for carrying on the roujHj lur exercises of the College until the the new building. Tuition in Literary Department, and Music each, ------ Expenses for board and tuition in Literary Department, for term often months, SIBO 00J For Catalogues, address, 11EN KY T. HEARD, Sec y of FacuH>V LaGrange, Sept. 13, 18(10, 2tS GFOltGlA—Harris County : jl YITH ERE AS, Absalom “Weldon. a citizen of tin! t United States, residing in the Stab* of Georgia J and of lawful age, makes application to file in writ-1 ing, as next of kin, for the administration of tlie es tate of James Weldon, late of Arkansas deceased,; having an estates in said county of Harris. There fore, all persons concerned nro hereby notified to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause (if any they have) why the administration of said estate should not be given to said applicant. Given under mv hand and official signature, this. Sept. 80th, 1800. ‘ GEO. W. MULLINS, Or’y. 1 Sept. 18-lm REMOVAL. (>\ Til ■: FIRST OF OCTIHIHR, ISGO, “Wrn. H. 11. lr*lielps Will remove to that I .urge anti Commir <1 ions Store now being finished under COOK HOTEL, where he will open one of the largest aim most complete stocks of goods in his line, ever ofibr ed in tho city, a catalogue of which will be furnish-J ed in duo time. In the meantime he will be glniH to see his friends at 88, Broad St., Columbus, (Ja. Sept. 13, 1800. x DESIRABLE LANDS AT Administratrix's Sale! 117 ILL be sold before the Court-house door in the }} town of Hamilton, Harris county, Georgia. >n ! the first Tuesday in November next, within flic !-• gal hours of sale, agreeably to an order of the Com of Ordinary of said county, tin* following desirubl lands, to-wit: One lot of land, number twelve, containing tw hundred two and a half acres, more or less. Iviiu and being in the third District ol originally Troup, now Harris county. ALSO —Lots of 1 md number* two hundred anH thirty two. two hundred and fortv-eigty. tv.o liiiuj dred and sixty-four, imd twoluin4rodrnjdsbay each lot containing two hundred tJßii acres, more or less, King and being > first district originally Muscogee, county. The above described lands sold as perty of James Simpson, deceased, for the the heirs and creditors of said deceased. B&” T erms Hindi’ kitmvn i'll the (lav of sulo. MARY A. StMI’SON. A.lm'ufl Sept- 18, 1860. DM ■ } \ (IRKAABLY to an order of the honorable (’ourt of Ordinary of Harris county. Geo., wi® be sold before tbe Court-house door, in the town (B Hamilton, in said county, on tho first Tuesday in November next, between the legal hours of sale, the following lands belonging to the estate of Mooes J. | Harden, lute of snhl county, deceased : to-wit: ‘•% Lot No. 408—containing two hundred two and *, half acres, more or less. Fraction number 414—containing forty-eight acres more or low. ‘ •• One Island number, No. 7—containing twenty two acres more or less. All of said lands lying and being in the twentieth district of originally Muscogee now Harris county, Geo. Sold for the benefit of the creditors and lega tees of said deceased, Terms cash. KING BRADY, Executor. Sept. 0, 1800—40d A dmi i listen tor’s H; t li >. j 117 ILL bo sold before the Court-house door in the M town of Hamilton, Harris county, Georgia* on the first Tuesday in November next, within the le gal hours of sale, agreeably to an order of tho Court of Ordinary of said county, the following lands, to wit : One lot of land number two hundred and fifty three, containing one . hundred and eighty acres, more or less. One lot of land, number two hundred and fifty one, containing two hundred and seventy-eight acres, more or less. Said lands lying and being in tho twenty-second district of originally Muscogee, now Harris county. One lot of land, number fifty-one, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less. Said land lying and being in the second District of orig-’ inallv Troup, now Harris county. Also—The following negroes, to-wit; Amanda, a woman about 32 years of age; Lkwis, a boy about (J years ot age; Harrison, a boy about 4 years of age;. I J kkf, u boy lb months old. Sold us the property of James L. Johnsey, do* reused, lateof said county, for thebonefit of hisiicyfl and creditors. BM},„ Terms made known on the dav of JAMKS T. September G~4od. JjflV Administrator's Halo. WILL be sold, before the Court-house door, in the town of Greenville, Merriwethcr county, Geor gia, on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Harris county, Geo., the fol lowing lands, to-wit; One lot, number one hundred and ten, containing two hundred two and a hulfucrcs, more or less. One lot, number ninety-five, containing two hun dred two and a half acres, more or less. Said lands lving and being in the third district of originally Troup now Merri wether county. Sold ns the property of Aaron Goodman, of Har ris county for the flenelit of the legatees of said de ceased, Terms made known on the day of sale, JOHN S. GOODMAN, 1. . . HIRAM A. GOODMAN,/ Aa,nrs - Sept. G, 1800.—40d (HOIUHA, Harr In County s WHEREAS, W'ilkinson Sparks, a citizen of the United States residing in the State of Georgia, and of lawful age, makes application to me in writing, as next of kin, for letters* of administration with the will annexed of John Sparks, deceased, and let ters of administration of the estate of Elizabeth Sparks, deceased, both late of said county. Therefore all persons concerned are hereby noti fied to be and appear at my office within tho time proscrib'd by law, to show cause, (if any they have) why the said administrations should not be given said applicant. Given under mv hand and official signature this Sept. 3, 1880. GKO. W. M ULLINS, Ordinary. Sept. 0. 1860—30d II SHI? It IFF SALES. Ilf ILL be sold, before the Court House door, in M the town of Hamilton, Harris county, on the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Two mules, one a lmv mare mule, and the other a mouse-colored mule, levied on as tho property of \\ illinm T. King, tosatisfy an execution issued from Harris Superior Court, in ‘favor of George C. Gor ham, for the use of James A. Gorham against W’il liam T. King, principal, and D. I*. Hill, security on appeal. Property pointed out by D. P. Hill. Also, nt the same time and place, fifty acres of land, being the northwest corner of lot number one hundrßpnd twelve (112) in the twenty-second dis trict or originally Muscogee, now Harris county, levied on as the property of Martha K. Jordan, to satisfy one fi fa issued from Harris Superior Cctirt, in favor of 11. F. and R. Campbell vs. Martha E. Jordan. Executrix of John M. Jordan, deceased. Property pointed out by Martha K. Jordan. C. IT.‘ PRICHARD* Den. Sh’iT. August 30th, 1800. TO THE MERCHANTS OF TUB SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. _ -T eti . WE. Til F. UNDERSIGN ED. MERCHANTS jtol'THK CITY OF CHARLESTON. S. l . m l-uiinigoilliv tlie incuviutod |>utrv.i:i;;o received last K'jiriii", ami by llic assurances that Imve readied us p’riuii all sections of the S'Olth and SouthaeD. that lour Goods havo comparediidvantaopoii-h, nmlcoin ri ■ tod successfully, with those bouedit in Sew York, j nd other Northern cities, and belicvim; that I 6 and faithful to the pledges, made in our former Ft ird, wo will reoolve tIU grouter patronage, have I j epared ounntvce fora largely increased Fall leis l ii ess. . ft Our Importers and Jobbers of Fore ion McrehaM rdixe, hu\ewll in Uu* markets of ['Ey rope, thi* Summer, either by im’tn | her* of their I competent to | They have bought for,eaiili. or its equivalent, and thoir saleetions will form full and attractive stocks for the inspection of the interior merchants. Our facilities for obtaining ‘Domestic Goods direct from tho manufactories, ore unsurpassed by mcrchuiita of any city in the Union.’ . Wo. therefore, contdcntly invite you to inspect “ly Fall Stm'ks of Foreign and Domestic Goods, feeling assured that all who may do so. without /ire indict', wit! make their purchases in this market.— Our Storks will he eonspleted early in August, when we will he pleased to receive the visits of pur old and new mercantile friends. Dry G oods. GILLILAND, lIOWELL A; CO.: JOHNSTON, r CREWS* CO.; CHAMBERLAIN. MILLER* CO.: JOHN G. MILNOIt * CO.: NAYLF.R, SMITH* CO.- HYATT. MeIH’RNEY. * CO.; , (’RANK. K(vy I,ST( >.N * CO.; .1 S* I. 11(1 WIE I&CO; CADOW. MeKKN/.IE *CO; KERRI SON & LEIDING. Hnrd.waro. WILLIAMS* I*KICK; COURTNEY, TEN NANT* CO. r Boots and Slioos. D K FLKMINti * CO; R A I'IIINGLE* CO; FORCE * M ITCH ELL: E IISTODDA 111) * CO; DUMIIAM, TAFT*CO; 11 ASKLTI N K * W AL TON 1 . Clotlling. PIERSON, SMITH & CO: COHEN. WILLIS ! -CO: WALDRON. EGGLKSTON & CO: ED AIN RATKSACO; M ATTIII ESON. Dll A111! A e CO Groceries. GKO W WILLIAMS* CO. (’l'ot-lit'i’.Y tin (I Glassware. AVKHB * SAGE ; BROWN & PALM A. Bruffs anil MrillrliK'N. It.l 17L.1A7), STKVKXSOX .V CO: KKI.SOX C.t It VKIt.: JOH.X AUMI’RST * CO; HI J- F ,(■ L/folU/C. Silks anil Faucy Goods. finU J X. FOSTER ,J- CO: .1 J IF KXOX: DE- H lXtt. THAI’EIi .)■ CO: M.IUfUTI.EXUXICK; MARSHALL, HVItOFt J GO. Hats, t aps and Straw Goods. HORSE}’, A UTEN .V CO; /•’ /> EA XXJXO ,j CO; n It n tI.r.IAMS ,\ C V. saddle and Saddlery Hardware. 77/o or.txsnX ,y CO; jexxixus, hastix. cAuiorx * co. t'arpet, Oil Cloths and Window Cur tains. LAMHERT f; HOWELL; JAMES Ct It AI LIE. 1 in porters and Dealers in Wines, Li quors and Seftars. CHAEI'EE. CROFT AX J) CHAFFEE; REX XEIiEJ! .V <1 LOVEII. Dealer in Paper and Envelopes. JOSE Fit WALKER. aug'J-lm HUGHES 1 I ()1)(!E8 (SUCCESSORS TO tiroIIES ,V DANIEL,) FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, LOWELL WAKE HOUSE, Columfous, Gooi'gia Will givo strict attention to the salt* of COTTON a ml other pnxluoe, and the UKCKI \’ ING and FOR WARDING of Goods. Hjrjy” Liberal advances made on Cotton and oilier Produce, either in store or for shipment. AY. H. HUGHKS, W. C. HODGES. July 28-ly rnWO MONTHS lifter date, application will bo 1 made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Harris countv, Georgia, for leave to sell the laud and negroes belonging to the estate of William R. West, late of said county deceased. MARY C. WKST, Administratrix. July 23, 18(o. 2m HAMILTON FEMALE COLLEGE Hamilton- Gn. BnHK Fall Session of this 1 nst Ration will commence [I. on Tuesday, the 21st day of August. L The College is furnished with a well selected Kln*miea) and Philosophical Apparatus, and with BJoT'd Musical Instruments, r Hie Course of Instruction is thorough and com ph*te, embracing all the branches usually taught in tho best Colleges. For Catalogue, address J. 11. LOYKLACK, President. July 18-ts W It. JOHNSTON, II AIIII.TOY, II Alt It IS COUNTY, U.A., Keeps a large and icelt selected stock of STAPLE A NO FANCY DRY GOODS, Nlc'iin* and Iloyw’ Kraily Made C L O THI N G, Mens’ Boys', Ladies', Misses'and Childrens* Hoots and Hlioes, MESS’ AND HOYS’ lIATS AND CAPS, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Druprs, Medicines & Dyo Stulfis, PAINTS, OILS AND WINDOW C.LASS, GLASS AND CROCKERY WARE, TIN AND HOLLOW WARE, Boolls tfc Stationery A LAID J K LOT OP FAMILY GROCERIES. IN his stock Fnmiiies will find the most of tho I articles they may want, and ho would invite his friends and the people buying their goods in Ham ilton, to examine his goods, as lie is satisfied that he will pleage them in prices dec. junel4-2in n&iErsjsr GROCERY, PROVISION, ANI) milK subscribers, having engaged in business in I the nnmo and style of C. M. HICJCiKHS & CO., NO. H 2, MASONIC BUILDING, C O I. ir HI Ills. EE Olt <4 I A, Take this method of informing their friends and the public generally, that they will at all times keep u good assortment of FA MILY GHOCKUIKS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , where we will nt any time be happy to serve them at the lowest price*. F. Si. BIGGERS, Juno 14-1 y AY. 11. WEBB. V A GITA HI.K HATS’ 1 >S AT ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE! U’ 1 1,1. he sold, before the Court lloie,l„„r, in (lie *t*wn of Hamilton. Harris county. Georgia, agreeably to an order i>f the Court of Oixlinary of said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following val uable land-, to-wit: One let ofland, number two hundred and fifty three, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less. Fast part of lot number two hundred . and fifty four, containing ninety acres, more or less. Kast half of lot number two hundred ami twenty seven, containing one hundred one and one-fourth acres, more or lev -j. One lot, number two hundred and twenty-eight, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less. Three lots of hind, numbers two hundred and fifty two, two hundred and sixty two, and two hundred and twenty-nine, containing each two hundred two and a half acres, more or less. Quit Claim to lot number two hundred and fifty one. containing two hundred two and u half acres, more or less. The above lands lying and being in the twenty-first District et* originally Muscogee, now Harris county, Georgia. Also —Lots number forty-one and sixty two, containing each two hundred two and a half acres, more or less. W 1 ffto —The Fast half or part of lot number seventy-two, containing eighty-seven and n half acres, more or less. Said lust mentioned lands lv ing and being in the third District of originally Troup now Harris county. A.ISO —One lot in the town of Wbitosville, in said county, hounded north and south bv I*. L. Weeks, and west by the LaGrange roiul, I*B bv 2A feet: and one lot in said town of Whitesville known ns the lot whereon the widow of Joseph Floyd, de ceased, now lives containing 4 acres more or less, with the'improvements thereon. The number of suid two last mentioned lots not known, but lying and being in the town of Whitesville in the twen tieth district of originally Muscogee now Harris county. The above and foregoing lands sold n< tho property of Aaron Goodman, deceased, late of said countv, lor the benefit of the Legatees of said de ceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale. JOHN 8. GOODMAN. ‘) . . . 11l RAM A. GOODMAN, ( Adm rs * Sept. G, 1800—Kkl. NOTICE TO COTTON PLANTERS Dl'.lNG now lolly convinced ol’ the suii'-rioril v of ll It. G. Williams’ SOI TIIEKN COTTON I* ACIi Ell, over all other in vent ions of the kind, 1 am now Willinii tosoll individual rialits in this ami Mu sendee connty. Any person wishing to sec the ]>crl'ormnee of tho above mentioned Screw, can do so hv comina; to my house. Mv add nos is Mulberry Grove., Harris county, Georgia. ‘ J. J. W. BIGGERS.’ july2o-tf METALLIC BURIAL CASES, FOR SAI.E lIY AV. H. ,J O I I XSTON. jnueJß-2m Stop the Thief! AFiiNY weeks ago A man giving his name as NY. Htcphcns, and a>hostated, lived at Mobile. Ala.. hir(*d h llqrse and Buggy from tlm*undersigned to f gv> to Hiunfffeon, Ga., and ho has not boen heard of slneo. ♦ Ho isu h)\V. chuncky man, dark complexion hpu\ jj?benrtl. We will give o\i: IIiIVDKEO DOLLARS. ft*r tlie apprehension of tho thief so that wo can got him. We will nlsogive s3ofor the delivery of The Horse and Buggy to ns. Tbe horse is • small sorrul, nml his right hind an kle white, his left ear bus been bitten oil* some inch and a lutlf. he is about 7 years old. The Buggy is of A Jight dovo color, Woodruff & Go., makers, MARABLE & BRO. West Point, Ga., July sth 1800 lm (HIOIUHA, Harris County : WHEREAS, Thomas J. Tnylor, n citizen of the United States, residing in the State of Georgia, ami of lawful age, makes application tome in writing, as an heir at law, for tho administration of tho es tate ot Klizazetli Holcomb, lute of suid county, de ceased ; Therefore, all persons concerned nro hereby noti fied to he mid appear nt my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, (if any they have) why the administration of said estate should not he given to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this July 2d, 1800. GEO. W. MULLINS, jnlyft-Ot Ordinary. Administrator's Sale. WILL bo sold, on the first Tuesday in October next, before the Court House door, in the town of Hamilton, Harris county, the “Widow’s Dower,” of the estate of Win. G. Walker, lateof said county, deceased. Said dower contains five hundred acres, more or less, lying on Mulberry Creek. Terms of sale—one half cash—balance, note and t wo good securities, in twelve months. DAY 11) A. WALKKit, junel l-tds Administrator de bonis non. ADMI !\ ISTIt ATO It'S SA Lll WILL he sold, before tho Court House door, in the town of Hamilton, Harris county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of sale, agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, tho following lands to-wit* North half of lot No. 101, and north half of lot No. 10f>, each half containing one hundred one and one fourth acres, more or less, anil all of lots Nos. 103 and 108, lying on the north side of Mountain Creek, 125 acres, more or less, all of said lands lying and being in Hie Twentieth District of originally Mus cogee, now Harris county. Sold ns belonging to the estate ot Elijah Blackman, Into of said county, deceased, for division. Terms made known on the dav of sale JOHN W. LANKY. ) F. P. lIKADSPKTII, \ Adm’rs. F. F. BLACKMAN, j August 9, 1800-40d GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary, May HARRIS COUNTY, / Term, 1800 —Hulk Nisi. GKO. W. MULLINS, Ordinary, Presiding: WHEREAS, James G. Cotton, Executor of Smith Cotton, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from the administration of said estate: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that all per sons concerned show cause (if any they have,)ro on before the next November Term of the Court of Or dinary, to he held in and for said county on the first Mommy in November next, why said James (1. Cotton, Executor as aforesaid should not then bo dismissed. A true extract from the minutes of the Court, of Ordinary of said county, May 8, 1830. GEO. W. MULLINS, Ordinary. inayl7-Gm R A RSTO VTS 1M PROVED ~ CASKET ~B OR LALC A SES . fill IK Burial Case represented hv tho nhoV . en- L graving isf an Entirely New i)csign, composed of tine mctnl, beautifully finished in imitation of polished Rosewood. Being perfectly AIRTIGHT, it prevents Contagion, the escape of any offensive gasses, and great ly retards tho process of decompo sition. When it is desirable to preserve the body of a de ceased friend for a considerable time, or transport the same to a distant plaeo for burial, this case is invaluable. The top is provided with thick plate glnFs pro tected by motnlic caps, which, when removed per mit a view of the entire body, after it is enclosed. Besides being of most symmetrical proportions, its peculiar form is och us to render it much lighter than any inetalic burial case heretofore used. fUtijT All sizes constantly on hand. DILLINGHAM & DENSON Columbus, Ga., June 2®. 1800, ts ,v. i\ m i ’ i * 11 av, 46, IIUOAD STKKET, Oolumfous, Georgia, MAKER AND DEALER IN GUNS. 8y K I.EFSconstnutlyou bund, nil kinds of Shot , Kilb>, Pi-tols, Dram Flask-. Knives, Powder Flasks, Shot \ Poncho-. Shot Belts, Game Bags, Gnu Wads, Powder, Shot. Caps, Gun Matcriul, and av rythiug in the sjkirting line. Restocking and Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. Key: fitted and locks repaired. May 31, IStib. ty fIIWO MONTHS afterdate, apjdieatioii will I made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary, *f Harris county. Georgia, for lenvo to .sell the land and negroe* \ndonging t* the r>tate of James L. Johnsev, late of said countv. dccoascd. J A M KS T. JOIINSKY, j ul y f- 5f Administrator. CHAFFIN & JOHNSON, BOOIt-SELLEnS, l'ohimbus, (,'rorgia. KEEP constantly on hand a complete atk*lc of B<a>ks and Stationery, Writing Desks, Port- Folios. Work Boxes, Banker's Cusi*. Travelling Bags, Port Monies, Gold Pens, Pencils, Engravings lbr Grecian Painting. Artists’ Materials, together with everything usually kept in a Book-Store, all of which we will .sell at t lowest prices. Liberal discount to Teachers ami Merchants. May 18, IStlO. 1y SIGN OF THE BIG INDIAN? WM. H. H. PHELPS, CANDY MANUFACTURER, \M> denier in Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Pre serxes. Pickles, Jellies, and Hermetically Seal ed Goods. Fine (’igjirs and Tobacco, a splendid a*- sortment of Meerschaum Pipes and Cigar Holders, always on hand. In fact, anything usually to bo found in a Confectionery, at wholesale and retail, for CA 11 ONLY! Cohn.. May 17, 18(10 ly M. C. jSCOTT, HAMILTON, GEORGIA, M.INVFACTVBER AND RFI'AUtUR OF GAEEXA6ES MB BUGGIES gv so HAYING permanently located my self for the purpose of doing a legiti mute business, 1 hope to share a liberal part of patronage by using every exertion upon my part to please those who may honor mo with their aid. Tin* beauty and style of mv work will com pare favorably in point *of durability and neatness, with any manufactory in flu* State, and will stand in honorable competition with northern work. In prices I defy the Keenest competition. mayl7-ly E H, BEALLy At tlxo IBriclt Storo, 1 >EAL,ER IN STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS CLOTHS, CAS/MERES. LINENS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, Bools, Shoes, llals, Clothing, Crockery, HARDWARE Ac., &c., TjIMBRACJNG a full line of every grade of BpHng VJ nm\ Bummer trade. Thank Ail't* the citizens of Harris eounty for their liberal and extonsivq Mb ronage, hegs*a continuaneo of the same, hoping, from long experience in business, to give satisfac faction to all who may favor him with a call. No charge for showing goods. Call and seo how cheap they may ho bought. ~ * Fine ('rape Bonnets at the B’k Store at cost for cash “ Trimmed, “ “ *• • “ Crape Delaines “ “ • * “ Beregc Rohes, “ “ 41 ** 14 “ “ Anglais 41 44 44 English, French and Organdie Muslins 44 44 “ 4 ‘ “ Rohes, 3, f, 8 Volants. Paris, Striped and Chono Dress Silks, 44 ** Hoop Skirts lbr Cost. may 17-1 y A Large .Stock of NEW SPRING ANI) SUMMER GOODS ! COMPRISING ALL TUB Latest Stylos of mmi i§s @§ool, QUCII ns Silk Rohes, Fancy and Black Silks; O Organdie Robes, 5 to 11 Voluntas; Lawn and Jaconet Robes, 6 to 11 Voluntos{ Small and large figured French Ongnndio; Small and large figured Jaconet ana Lawns; Barege and Crape Barege (Lupin’s manufacture) Solid colored and Chintz printed Brilliantes ; French and Domestic small and largo prints t WHITE GOODS Os nil kinds, and Embroideries. A large assortment of plain and embroideredCrtpo Shawls; Lace Mantillas, Laeo Points and Laco Shawls, of the latest importations; Barege and Silk Shawls, &e. My stock of the latest styles of Bonnets is com plete, uml is sure to please all in search of a FASHIONABLE BONNET 1 Lftdic, Misses uml Servants’ Iluts of all kimls Ribbons and Trimmings, In variety, all of which will be sold at tho LOW F,ST POSSIBLE PRICES. J have ul “on liand an excellent assortment of new LINEN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Hosiery, Gloves, Umbrellas, Parasols, Boots and Slices, and a complete assortment of REABY MADE CLOTHIHG, And lifutlrinru's Furnising Goods. I invite my enstomers and the public in pcnoral to an inspection of iny goods and prices. Grrat liiiliimurnts given to Cash Buyers. ISAAC FKEIDENBKRG, Hamilton, Goorerla, ISAAC FREIDKNBERG, 26, Broad lit. Columbus, Gn. mayl7-ly THE REPUBLICAN, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. F. XV. SIMS, Proprietor j J. K. SNEED, Editor. TERMS—IN ADVANCE Daily P*rztt, per year, in advance, $8 00 Thi-Wkkkly, “ “ 4 00 Wr.KKLY, “ “ single copy, 2 00 Do. To ono address, (live copies 8 00 Do. “ “ copies 10 00 I>. “ “ Ten eopios 12 On Do. “ >■ Twenty copies 20 00 When not paid wiihin oire month from the time of subscribing, the elmroe for tho Daily will be $7, and for the Tri- Werklysli. “"J everp description, neatly ex r ise” office.