Harris County enterprise. (Hamilton, Harris County, Ga.) 1860-1865, September 27, 1860, Image 4

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MoH. Linton Stephen*. The Augusta Constitutionalist contains a full report of the able speech of this gentle man in that city. It pours hot shot into the Breckinridge camp, and lots off a few damaging timbers upon Cobb and Toombs. It is a capital campaign document. The de mocratic exposures of dcmocratio corrup tions, mal-admiaistration of tho tiovernmen t and thefl selsh plots and counter-plots of as j plring'demagogues, will open tho eyes of j the honest people to tho fearful condition ! of tho country, and tho importance of rising in their majesty and making one great of fort to save the government by placing its administration in tho hands of experienced, wise and honest statesmen. We give a few extracts from tho speech of Mr. Stephens, and hope his democratic brethren will prof fit by them. He says: ‘•Mr Cobb said, in Ins speech at Atlanta,that Judge Douglas had charged all Leconipton Democats with fraud. I was pained to hear it—pained on Mr. Cobb's own account.— Judge (jouglns never made such a charge. I know what I um about, if I ant not Secre tary of the Treasury. Mr. Cobh made this statement in Atlanta. Ho said: “Mr. Doug las meant you and me, aud nil this crowd.” —Now, 1 know what Mr. Douglas said.— Ho did say somebody was guilty of fraud: but he said who it was—ho didn’t leave that in any doubt, lfo didn’t leave Mr. Bucliau;- an, Mr. Cobb, or Mr Walker in.doubt ns to who he meant. But Mr. Cobb said be ap plied it to all of you; and said he: “When you go to deposito your vote for Stephen A. Douglas, pull your lints down over your eyes, so that the lirand of fraud may not be seen.” No; the brand was put upon the Administration and the Cabinet—and you know, freemen of Richmond county, how well they deserved it. When Mr. Cobb made that remark, ho was talking to bis audience on the prinoiplcsof“liow we apples d<-wim.” [Laughter] Before Mr. Walker went to Kansas, Mr. Douglas made a speech at Springfield, on this subject. I was engaged in a canvass in Georgia at that time, and when 1 read that speech 1 felt cheered by it—l felt en couraged to go on in tho work lie fora mo, but Mr. Buchanan was hostile to Mr. Doug las then as ho is now; -Mr Cobb was hostile to him, then ns he is now; one reason for which may bo the pro-ominnonce, the supe rior statesmanship ot Mr. Douglas. Mr. Toombs said hero thnt the Devil was the first squatter sovereign. Mr Sumner said that too —said it before Toombs did. That the Devil aspired to drag the Godhead from His throne, and was defeated and pun ished. It may bo that someone now aspires to drag Mr. Douglas down. * * * * rtf. * Mr. Douglas, it is said, voted for the Wil mot proviso. Well what if he did ? ‘I hat’s true. I don't deny that. 1 intend to be fair and candid. I don’t intend to misrepre sent tho truth for friend nor foe, and I say Douglas did vote for the Wilmot proviso; but he votod for it tinder instructions. 1 would rnther, myself, that ho hadn’t votedfor it oven with* the instructions; but there is a large class of people who believe in instruc tions; and it certainly dosn’t lie in the mouth of a Democrat to almso him for carrying out his instructions. You remember that lie was in tho Senate and not in tho House of Representatives,at that time. I say I would rathor that ho bad not done it; but I want to see bow some other people stand on this point. How did the Secretary of the Treas ury stand ? He was a southern man, and we bad a right, to expect better tilings of him.—Douglas was a northern man, and votod under instructions: Mr Cobb was a southern man, and voted without instruc tions ! And he was not content with voting for it one time, but two years afterwards lie goes back to Congryss, and votes for it over again. [Laughter and applnse.] I make these statements—knowing what I say—! speak by the record, and 1 only say what I know. Deny them if yon can. Mr. Cobb gave his reasons, it is true, for his votes. I will be as fair as Toombs; he five Mr. Douglas’ reasons; I'll give Mr. obb’s. Mr. Cobb said lie voted for tho Wilmot proviso because it was North of the Missouri compromise line, and slavery couldn’t go above that line. Well, the hill containing the proviso failed in I*ls—hut 1 assure you it did’nt fail by Mr. Cobb's vote. [Laughter.] In 1*47 the bill came up again —they put in the Wilmot proviso again.— Ono of our neighbors across the river, Judge Burt, of South Corolina, wanted lo insert n clause explaining that the reason why southern men voted for tlie bill, was because of its application to territory ,N oi'tli of 86-30 —but Mr. Cobb’a allies refused to put in tlie clause, and it was rejected. But Mr. Cobb still voted for it. By the way, 1 have heard a report —I don't know whether il is correct or not—that Cobb advised Toombs to quit this canvass. Tho reason may be—l don’t say that it is, or that tho report is true —the reason may bo that while Toombs is fight ing Douglas, his foe, lie tails to take care of Cobb, his friend and ally. I don't know that tliis is so; but 1 think if I was in I ‘ebb's place, I would advise Toombs to withdraw. But there's somebody else in tlie same Box. I liketori.se—l like to go upward— I have mentioned Cobb—now I'll take up the great arch prencipitator liimsiif. W. L. Ynucev is in the same box. lie voted tor tlie Wilmot proviso too. But I will hojiist. I will say here that lie didn't vote for it quite as bad as Cobb did ; lie only voted for it once. The reason may be that lie wasn’t there tho second time. 1 don’t know what lie would have done if be had been there. I heard Mr. Cobb, in his speech at Atlanta, make a great point against 1 lotiglua. I long las, hu'said, bad intervened against the South when tho North wanted it. lie said, Doug ins had voted for the North; but ho never intervened against the North. He said, too that Douglas voted for the Toombs bill, which contained intervention legislation. Those, fellow-citizens, are some oft lie cau ses for which you are asked to withhold your votes from Douglas, and aid in disrupt ing the I'nion; and tbeso causes, and these charges, I stamp under my feet as ground less and useless. [Applause.] Mr. Cobb ought to have bud a little char ity. He ought to have told you that Doug las never voted for the Wilmot Proviso without instructions. Mr. Cobb did ! There is a difference last ween Douglas nnd Toombs —and this is the difference between Doug las and Cobb—one votod for tho Wilmot Proviso under iie tractions—the other voted for it without instructions. Isn.t tin* Wilmot Proviso, intervention! Isn’t it a luwofComgrcssinterveningngainst us in tho Territories? If that isn't interven- tion with a vengeance, I don’t icoow what intervention is. But really, I think they ought to reaoe abusing Douglas on this point. People just out from among the pots sliuldn’t say black to the kittlo [Laughter ami ap plause.] It is a very excellent thing for a drunken man to join a temperance society and become sober, but wouldn’t look well in him, after haring lain intoxicated in ditch es, to turn around and übuso everybody who bad lain there with him. [Laughter.] If Mr Cobb'is ashamed of having voted for the Wilmot Proviso, it is right for him to say j so, and he should wash his hands of the of i fence; but I can’t applaud him for blaming everybody who voted for it with him, and who didn’t vote for it half as bad as ho did.” [Applause.] R. K. KXX SOX. eThTbCLLOCH, ’ KENNON & BULLOCH, Attorneys at Law, HAMILTON, GA., 1171 LL practice in nil the counties of the Chatta -11 hooclioe Circuit, Troup and Morriwether, and in tho adjoining counties in Ahtbamn. Stair Prompt attention given to collection*. All business entrusted to their euro will receive prompt attention. Ono of the firm will be found at tho office at all time*. Office on the Knot side of the public *quaro in the brick building. Sittixo* or tiikCoubts in Harris.—Superior Court, Ud Monday in April and October. Inferior Court, 2d Monday in January and July. Ordinary’* Court, Ist Monday in each month. june7-ly A. A. BKAI.L. It. A. Ml/OPHKY. BEALL k Ml RI’HEY, Plant Side of the Public Square, (Store formerly occupied by John Murphey.) oi:im:ks in STAPL33, JPAITOY AN I) DOM KST IO DRY GOODS! EMBRACING ALL TUB VARIETIES <k KOV.ELTI.ES Os tb.o Season, A S WE L L A S TII E PO P U L A R STAPLE STY r,i :s. IN placing our card before the people of Harris county, we feel it due them to express our full appreciation of the liberal patronage they have bo stowed upon us. The encouragement wo have re ceived in our effort*, make* our business relations pleasant nnd agreeable, and we would say to our former patrous and friend.*, and the public* general ly* that they will always find um ready to benefit nnd Lo beneflttod. Wo d*em it unnecessary to enumer ate the various classes of goods we have in store.— Tho quality nnd extent of our stork is well known to tin* people of the eountv. We do not invite com parison, but would be pleased to have our goods compared with, as we an* confident the public will justify us in saying that we keep a more extensive nnd better class of goods than is usually kept, in a ‘•birr. niay.rl -1 y lililU), JOHNSON & (’ll., MS, lino tl> NTH LET, COLUMBUS, GA.j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CAll P K T s, Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, Saddloß cb Bridles; NA V K just opened n new lot of Plain and Kmicv Silks and Silk Rohes; I lain and Flounced ilareges, r l issue and (ircnudiiics, ALSO, IN OKKAT VARIETY, j REGIN I SILKS, ENTIRELY N EH, Foulard Silks, English Ilareges. Plain and Flounced, Pine Apples, in Illaeknnd colors, plain and flounced The Novelty of the Season, Ladies’ Suits, comprising Dress and Dusters, re dy made: Al-o, a line lino of same material, for those who prefer to make them. The heaviest and best lot of Domestics and Linen 2 n °ds to be had in tin* ritv, comprising Pleached and Brown Sheeting nnd Shirting; 4 * Table Linens and Towdings, White ami colored Marseille* Quilt* ; “ 4 * Dimity.) Thomson’s Hoop Skirt**, nil styles. Call and see them nt It KUO, JOII!\SO\ & CO'S, may!ll-Bin HI), Broad street, Columbus, (in. HEAT ATTBAfiTON. WHO STRUCK HARNEYP COME IK AND SEE ! 11 *T received by lIA It DY <OR N ETT. West •J Side of ISroad Street, Hamilton, Gn. a fre sh sup ply of Foreign and Domestic Winoß and Liciuora WHISK KY. Kentucky innocent Rye .Juice, Tennessee innocent Corn Juice, San Jacinto anil Keystone proof, Old Dexter, first proof, Nectar. Ac. Sc. BRANDIES. French Brandy, Cognac Brandy, American’ Brandy. Jamaica Rum, Tragiek Holland Gin. WIN ES. Spanish Elevator, T.ong Cork Claret, Custom House Port, Custom House Madeira, Imperial Sherry. Hoidsick Chanuiaignc, Creme dc Boozy Cham- Insignia do Loquacious paigne, Champaigne. Ginger. Schnapps, Porter, Ale and Lager Beer. CIGA US of the follnwinp brands; llahana Kubrirn de Tohnerus, St. Anna La Real, Arramo Venus, Gen. Washingson. Cinderrllla I.a Bravo, Koval dc la Megar, Lucifick la ltegalia, HELD & kV EKKTT do Royal. ALSO—A Fine Aosortment of Candies, Raisins, Almonds, Pecan*. Brazil Nuts, Soda. Butter and dulcet Crackers, Sardine*, Pickled lobsters, Smoked Beef, Beef Tongues, Yenson Hams. Ac., Ac., Ac. may 3 1 -/*’ IlOltltlS A WII.I.IN’ HOME JOURNAL, IS I'IIII.ISIIKO KVICHY SATURDAY AT No. 107. Fulton Stoet. N. York. TKKMS—Two dollar* a*year, in advance. Three copies are forward*d to any one address for one year for five dollar*, in advance. Single copies may !• obtained of ull newspaper agent*, thitmgbout the United States ami British Province*. Tilk Homk JorrnAL is sent by mail to all part* of the United States and Brit ; *h Province*, done up in strong wrappers, with the utmost punctuality and dispatch. Any postmaster, or other |er*on, who will send us ten dollars for six new subscriber*, shall receive a copy gratis. Subscriptions, orders, remittances, and all other communication*, to bo nddn>scd (|oKtpaid) to the editor*. mayl7-]y (JEORtJE W. MULLINS. Attorney at Law, II UIII.TOI, GA. YI7ILL practice in llnrri. and the adjoining coun- II tie-. Particular attention given to the collec tion of debt*. Drawing Will., Deed*, Bond*, Ac., May 17, 18*10. ]>• HARDWARE HARDWARE!! BRADY & SOLOMON W ialtola.ex.il Street, ATLANTA, : GEORGIA, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN VJ English, and A-inevicnilj IRONdfcSTlilxi C onsisting In part of NAILS, Locks. Butt-, Screws, and every de#crip-l tlon of Builders’ Hardware, Plane*,’ Atagurm Hand nnd Tenant Saws, Braces and Bitts, Chiaaeliijl and everything in the wav of mechanics; tools 5 of the best nnd latent make, AlTll pnd Handsaw FfletX half oval, round andouanA* Flip's, wood and horscj *hoe Hasps, Horse Staten Horse Shoe Knives anil Hammers. Anvil*, Bellows. Vice*. Screw Plates! Blacksmith’* Hammers anti Tongs, Chain* of every *ir.e and description. Axes, .Shovel*. Spndc*. Scoop*, Hay-forks, Scovill’* Hoc*. Garden Him** and Hake*. Corn Hhellert, Straw Cutters, Corn and Bark Mills. Mill nnd Cross-cut Saws, Mil! Iron* for Grist and upright saw mills. Tan nnd Gin Gearing*. Gun* •- tola nnd Cutlery. in short, everything belonging to a complete and first class Hard wart* K-tablishuicnt We are also Agents for Hoe’s and Disstor s Circular Saws, Doles* celebrated Saw Guminers, a superior article of Leather Belting, all of w hich we will sell with a warranty. Keen also on hand a large stock of Rub ber Belting*, Belt Hooks and Rivets. Lace Leather, Rubber ami Hemp Packing Metal* of all de scriptions, Lin bn-Ingot Copper. Sheet Copper. Zinck, and Lead. Block Tin and Zinck. Bar SoldeUj, Babbctt Metal ami Bar Lctd. We invito particu lar attention of i'AKKIAGE AND HARNESS MAKERS i to our splendid .took of “ Carriage unit Harness Trimming*, Reiidy Made Harness, Siiddles, Briiiles, Buggy Whips, dig Trees, Smut Puds, Itridle Fronts, and a s most complete Stock of T E A T H r: R. AN e pay particular attention to this department of our business, and will duplicate any bill bought* in Charleston, Augusta. Savannah or Macon. We are the Agents of Cooper* Ktowa Iron, and imiH>rt our Swedes Iron direct from Sweden, and wifi duplicate any bill of Iron, no matter where bought. To merchants we offer inch inducements a* are bound to give us the preference over any homemang ket, and all we ask is an examination of our stn -E and prices. Orders filled promptly ami with care, and respect fully solicited by BRADY A SOLOMON# j 9ST W e are n!.*> agent* for a superior article oM Hollow Warn, of Georgia manufacture, which, ig finiah and quality is equal to thehot Not them mail casting*, which wc sell much below Northern nrfaxul junitll-tf _ I “HOWARD ASSOCIATION. I riHLIDELPKII!. A Benevolent Institution c*tahli*hcd hi/ special Em* dowment, for the Belief ,f the Sick umt l)istre<*ed.i afflicted with Virulent ami Epidemic. Diseases, am/r especially for the (hire of Disease* of the *Se\ruaflj Organ*. ME Die A L advice given gratis, by the Acting Hur geon, to all who apply by letter, with a tion of their condition, (age,* occupation, habit* life, aNtc.,) and in eases of extreme poverty, Modi* cine* furnished fr*e of charge. Vai.uaiu.k Rkports on Hpermatorrluva. and oth er Disease* of the Sexual Organs, and on the Nkw Rkmkdie* employed in the Dispen*ary, sent to the afllicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge.— Two or three Stamps for pontage will l*e acceptable. Address, Du. ,1. Skillin Houghton, Acting Surgeon. Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Bv order of the Director*. F/.UA 1). HARTWELL, President. Geo. Faihciiu.d, Secretary, julylß-ly. Anotlior Woddlng ! A NOTH Kit I>IO N 1C! AKOTHIR PARTY ! ANOTHER HA LL! Allot Ik- i rituMire Excursion ! Well, and W'lint IN’ext P WHY, BILLIE PHELPS IS and will be from tlii* dut.* [(rc;*ar*Hi to *upplv . per*otis with everything desired onachucca*in*. I mu now priqmrcd to furnish cpw iiillv nnv qiuiii tity of Oriiaiiicntnl Cukes anl lyra lllillN gotten up in tho lutest style of art known to tin* trade. ICE CREAM, ALWAYS ON HAND. l*riee Iliet- per plat". Moss Hose Candies, Sold nt Retail ’Jo et* cent* ]n*r pound. For forth ■- information, address bv mail or call on \\ M. H. PH KLIN, JuneSl-tf Candy BALTIMORE WEEKLY CLIPPEM .1 Xnrtpaprr for the Time * ire tree in. .Jg THE I'HE.tI'EST TAPER IX THE l XIT ED Giving in the course of tho year over sixteen bun dled columns of I tending matter—embracing the Current News of tho Day. t’ommerieal and mo netary Intelligence, Tales. Miscellany, etc., etc. —M published and inailedTo subscribers at the very low price of \i: 1101.1. All IT.R YEAR! Tlie Clipper is most sedulously revised, and eve ry variety of General, Conim, rival and Folitieal Information is conveyed through its columns, care fully examined amt sifted of all extraneous matter. It is the design of the publisher to announce it the most valuable paper in the country. In theas-ertions ofopiuions. the Clipper relies up on till) right to he bold nnd faithful according to ho courtesy of others, which it exacts for itself. Asa true expounder of the principles of the Amer ican party, it will he always found with a shield to protect a friend and lance to transfix a foe. Inde pendent of cliques and fashions, and devoted to the wellfare ofthc Republic, it is guidedbytho (icliticnl legacies of Washington, Thomas Jetfcraon and James Madison. A Family News paper is the best friend of the fireside, and ufiordes the most instructive reading to tiie rising generation. In every essential, the Clipper will admit of no rivalry much lea* superi ority nnd in the department of Miscellany, compri sing original and selected Tales, sketches. Anec dotes, Poetry: and full in a family, it wiilt aim to take proeccdence of all things it will endevor to pre sent a healthy touo, and inculcate the purest mor als. The felicity that should reign at the domstie health, shall he promoted, as far as it can he accom plished. The most interrvstiug features of the Mag azine*. will la* found in it. The Farmer, Merchant and Artizan will find that tho Clipper embraces every subject that addresses itself to each particular vocation and the Foreign and Domestic Markets, with constant attention to Monetary Affairs. will,furni*h a fair view ofthe do ings and expectation of the Commercial world Terms of the Clitcer. The publishers, determined to offer every induce ment to thi public to patronize the weekly Clipper, have resolved to furnish it at the following very low rates to clubs; One copy, $ 1 Twenty copies, slf> Two copies, 2 Twenty-seven copies, tit) Three copies, :t Thirty-four copies, 2o Four copies, 4 Forty-two copies, fit) Six copies, f> Fifty copies, 85 Thirteen copies, 10 ►if To Recur® the advantage* here ofieretl jo ‘ Club*, the full amount of payment by each Club, mint be remitted at the name time, in advance, with po*tnge |>re-paid. Address BULL A TUTTLE, No. UW, Baltimore street. •T%il al<, 18f0. THE lllgtirit |*i|(f paid for Drv Hub's and 1 Bei -xvax, by \V. B. JUIINSTO>’. J. S. HENRY, ECaxnllton Goorgla, WHOLESALE ANt> RETAIL OULU HR Joßuas, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, t'w’lne Tollot Boapa, FINE DAIR AND TOOT! BKISRFS. PE R r U M E B Y, Trusses, Supportex*s .4-Vi) SHOULDER BRACES, FAHCY AHTICLS, GIaASSj PYTTI, PA IXT S . r OlliS, VARNISHES, DYESTUFFS, RASORS AND RASOR STRAPS, Burning Fluid, and Lamps for the same. SNUFF & CIGARS, Books & Statiooory, PENS, INK, LETTER AND CAP PAPER, ENVELOPES, VISITING CARDS, ionorios, Ax*., Ax’. - ‘ 1 1 and Physicians from the country uill I Wy <>ur lock of Medicine* ouupkte ami price* t*> J ijiit. I‘hysioianV Prescriptions carvAillv compoun- j aod all Dialers correctly msveml. p arrant**,l nuiue and of the best quality. *• muylT-ly PLANTER'S HOTEL, lIIMILTOW .i:0!H.I t. _ F. M. T. BKANNAN may Mill be found at the aK>ve named Hotel, and would restHctfuUy anniaince to the Kfj-i citizen* tf Harris and the mtblic gen- I erally. that he intend* to furni-h hi* table with the lh* foil ill r> allurds, served in a I manner that eann<*t fail most fastidious. ! Hi* rH)rns are large, furnished aiul pleasant, i Hi* stahb** are attended hv a reliable at>*l rienee.l hostler, and his CHARGES WILL BK MODERATE. * He will continue to give thU business hi* undivi ded attention, andVxpeots t* k*vp *iu*h a house as will merit the jjatronaije of a liln ral public, may 17-ly HARNESS MANUFACTORY. HI TiIiOADS TKF.KT, (OLIMRIS GEORGIA. SIIKBttAX & (0. HAVE recently in the manufacture of Ham?** “t*everx and ‘Orinthm. Persons who wish t** buy a su|M‘rior SOUTIIKRN made article, can now have the opportunity ofd**ingso. We em ploy skillful workmen, use the b**>t materials, and will warrant every article purchased at *ur Manu factory. In addition to our Ilarn****. we k**ep on hand ev ery article known in our line of business— S.u*dli> of every different pattern, at prices to suit tin* quality. Leather of all kind*; SiiOE-riNDtxu 4f every description ; Truxß* of various six,** and styles; V vi.isE* nnd Uari*et-Ba*.> ; M achine Belting — leather and^rubber, of all width*; Carriage. Saddle and Harness Ttriuuning*; Sole Leather, Whip-, Blauket*, Children'* ‘Carriage*. Ac.. Ac.. Ac. I it* Vir stock is new and complete. We invite the kov ‘ l *.*n of buyers, believing we can suit them in price. BhialKING done with dispatch and in the best manner. May 11, 1860. ly A CARD, TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. THE attention of travelers visiting Columbus, Ga., L is directed to f OOK'S HOTEL., corner of Crawfonl and Broad Streets. The place is pleasantly located, in the very heart of the business portion of the city. It ha* been re cently erected, with a special view to the comfort and convenience of guests, nnd is handsomely and newly furnished throughout. For the accommodation of guests, an Omnibus will be run to and from all boats and trains running to and from the city, ami a charge of 25 cents only made for the transportation of each passenger and his baggage. Visitor* will be greeted at the Depots ami Land ing*. with the cry of “Free Omnibus. ’ and “Cheap Board.” ( liberality of recent date in Columbn* ) but U Cook's Oumibu* could be “run olf,” the “old fare” of fifty cents would be “run on and as for cheap board nnd accommodation, nil who try COOK’S HOTKL and are not satisfied, will have no charge* made against them. • may 17-ly HATCII COOK. a T. WIILIAMSS AMRROTVPE and IMIOTOCR APIIIC PIBTUaS fiJ\LL£3Yj No. 67, West Sidr Broad SI., Columbus, (.a. 4 MBUOTYPES taken on Iron. Glass, Leather, t\ Mica, and Paper, finished in the very best style, and Satisfaction guaranteed. My prices are from FIFTY UK NTS TO ANY PRICK DESIKKD. PHOTOGHAPHB, on Paper, Canvas, nnd Visiting Cards, at tawprieef than an v in the city. No person i* hound to take n picture from th< Gallery, if it does not please them. The public are respectfully invited to call at my Gallerv and examine specimen*, nnd satisfy them selves.* G. T. WILLIAMS, may 17-ly Photographic Artist. AMBROTYPE STOCK HOUSE! Gt. T. WILLIAMS, NO. 67, WEST SIDE BROAD STREET, C'olumbiiii, <;<M>rglu, MANUFAUTURKR and dealer in every dwicrip tion of Ambrotvpe and Photographic MaU'rial* nt the very lowest bow York prices. Catalogue of price- sent free on application. Addr.>* G. T. WILLIAMS, may 17 ly Columbu*, Go. PEMBERTON & CARTER, WHOLESALE OIUTOOISTS, IXYIT* THE ATTENTION OF niSITIMS, MEiriJLNTS IN PLANTERS wmnutttmatw PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMI CALS. PAINTS, OILS, Jtc. BUYING for CASH. U qauititm. M tW right lum m 4 m Uk- rigtil (Mkvs wr rr folK frrjmnJ V so the U-ie *xm Mk-k- mailt IwJ ■ a Um dr* Drug Stwrr. WfT {wtardn- attratfon to THBqi iUTT OrOTR GOODS, AXD GCAKAJCTKD EVOtT AKTtnJC if* SKU.TO BK OTTEK SMttU MMim Aa* fort mUm tin they can <fo Mbr with Ur> than with XXT onto not It TUB CtTT Than who doubt and hut try ux, and find thr truth •fatraMMlHU. tcvcxtu THE srox or the. BLUE MORTAR! Sin IKTt Suuis A Roomjs Fmitirr Store, Columhur Ga. May IT, Di. 6. J. H. BR.4WHALL, PRACTICAL AND NaaalhrtHrrr of Fiar Watrhn, O, Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, ff I WOULD inform my frirndathat I hv EjX Wft A. H. IVwitt, uul'ttivnnl a nrw Stora. at &E. Bawl Strwt, a h-'ra I shall hr plrasod to * thna. ami any of tuy ftirnd. wishing their watches properly iquind. or desiring to purchase anew one. of which I shall keep gooj assortment, IVru-ns having watches injure! tv being worked at by incompetent workmen, can have the injured parts replaced with perfect ones, and the wateh made a good time piece again, bv sending or leav ing them at 56, Broad Staeet. J. H. BRAMHALL 56. Brsvad Street. Columfois, Ga P- S.—All styles of fashionable Hair Braiding and Jewelry, made tX or*r. Abo. old Gobi and Silver made over into artiele of use or ornament, by -K?"• tg ■ CwCL!DajIjOJA., Manufacturer Jeweler and Silver-smith. ntaylT-ly TO MER.CELA.NTS. ¥ AM i-nabUM to offer you the following article* for 1 cash, at price* unusually low for thi* market; Potash in ra*k *OO to o*so lb*, in boxes 100 to JWO Conccnl’lfd Lyi\ jut do* Matches. woHi dozen. Vienna, per dot. Vfroiifnge, Mol*ano's. pr doz. 81. Fuhnfstock’*. prdos. I* A Fahnestock** •• Brraa't Ta*U*l‘s*. ** Mu-taiu; Liuim't, “ Pain Kulur “ Daily's Pain Ext'r “ Spalding'* Prup and (lu<\ jfa'r doz. Matvobov Snuff. jnr lb., |*‘r K. Uinnami'n, p'r doz. Ks*. IV|>|R riuiut, ** Paregoric. “ NumbirSix, ** Bateman'* Drop* ** (•oklfrcy** Cordial “ Laudanum, wur'nt'd full strength, per doz. Kcrosun*’ Oil. jmt gallon, Bitter*. Mel.un'* Cordial. Wolfe’s Schnapps. AXI) GAKDKN SKKDR. All who dosin'to purcho*e iir’ nviitaated to ascer tain niv prices before sonding North or Ko*t aftr such article* a* 1 may have for sale, a* I am con ducting niv bu*ines* on the cash system, and then fore can afford to s*ll at small profits. Very re^pectftilly, J*. A. WHIT’fcSIDR, Whole*al Druggist, No. 1:15, Broad Street. Uolumbu*. Cla., S pt. IH, IHfit). DRY GOODS. Spring Fashions. NEW, COMPLETE ANI> ILKGAXT aTm*K OF SPRING GOODS, AT \VI K)LEBALE & IIKTAIL. JANES NePHILLIPS, NO. 146. BROAD STREET, .lltsonl- llulldluii.C'oliiiiiltunUeorßla IS now pn-pared to offer a large and most attractive H.-.orttneiit of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, comprising all the novelties of the season. Tli is stock has been purchased almost exclusively fr CASH, at less than regular trade price*, and a* he sells only for cash, he will be enabled to offer go*als at price* which must convince all of the ad• vantages and saving of th 4 cash principle . Having a buyer |erTuunentlv located In the mar ket to attend to the arrival of New Hood* and pur chase anv bargains that may he offered, he will re ceive weekly all NOVELTIES IN STYLE, MA TKRIAL AND FASHION. Particular attention is invited t< the elegant stock of FANCY DRESS GOODS, Black and Fancy Silks: Organdies, Grenadines, Bareges, Poplin*, Ac.; Traveling dress Goods, in every variety. REN VINE I RISU LINENS, A large Invoice, imported direct from the manu factories, and warranted pure. Bleached Homespuns, Shirting* and Sheetings, at extremely low prices. Kmbroldery, Hosiery and trimmings, in great variety. t rtuntry llrrrHants and Planter*, Will find it to their advantage to exnminn the stock. The prices are os low as charged by North ern Jobber*. Buyers are invited to call and examine the stock, and compare prices before purchasing. toT* JamK* McPnilliph’ system of business 1* SMALL PROFITS AS DOSE PRICE, WITH OVT VARIA Tins. Baer fill** nddre**, JAMBS McPULUPR, 140, Broiul Strwt. Mawmic Building, Columbus, Gn., May 17, 1860. ly 71! WO Mt)NTHHafU'r(latoap|ili,-ation will bo mu,lo I to thi’ Honornbl. Court ’ot Orilinarv of Harris county, tla., for leave to sell the land iWlonglng to the minors of Wily Wvnn. JAMES PASSMORE Guardian. Sept. 18,1860, l 1 * Uhristadora’s Ilair Dye. Bi f'arb Soda* pr'lb. Sal SimU, K|tsom Salts, “ (tmpera-s “ Sulphur, M Camphor, •* Ginger, * Alum. *• Nutmegs, •• Mace, * Clows, •• Cinnamon. * Ayer'* Pill*. pr doz. Me Lane* l*ills, •* Wright * Pill*. Motfatt'* Pills, ** Brandreth's Pill*, ** Strong'* Pills, * 4 Wilson's Pills, Caster Oil, per gallon A in Ih>ulos. Calomel, ljuininc, SiiU. Turpentine, Uod Liver Oil, Katliarion, Magnesiu. Brown** E>s. Ginger. GEORGIA, \ Court of Ordinary, Mnv HARRIS COUNTY. I Term. 18tKk-Hc Nut GKO. W. MULLINS, Ordinary, Presiding! Henry C. Kimbrough, Executor of Tv Jeaae S. Kimbrough, late of said eountv, do omed, applies for letter, of dismission from rile ad ministration of said estate: It fa therefore ordered by the Court, that all per mu concerned, show cause (if any they have) on or before the next November Term of the Court of Or dtfterr, to be held in and for said county, on the Jfoxcmber next, why sfd Henrv C. Ktmmvwigh, Executor as aforesaid, shall n<Jt then be ai*miN>f*l. A true extract from the minutes of the Court of Ordinary of said county, Mav Bth, 1860. GKG. W. MULLINS, Ordinary, may I-Cm • STATE OF GEORGIA, \ Superior Court, April HARRIS COUNTY. ) Term, 1860, Presewt, His Honor, Edward H. Worriii. Judge, LrctxDA Masox 1 Lidkl for Divorcr Bula’ *•; [to perfect Service. WtLLtAM E. M ASOX, j reappearing b> the Court by the return of tho Sheriff, that the defendant does not reside in thi* county ; and it forther appearing that ho does not ppMdo in this State: It it on motion of counsel or dowl, that said Defendant appear and answer at tho next Term of this Court, else that the case be con sidered m default and the plaintiff allowed to pro- And it fa forther ordered that thi* Rule be nub sashed in the -Harris County Entraprise” once month for sou rmonths. A true extract from the minutes of Harris Sune-- rior Court, this 14th dav of Mav. 1860. mayl7-4m N H. BARDEN, Clerk. GKORGT ,\ x Court of Ordinary, Juno HARRIS COVNTV I Term, 1860—Rn.t Nial. ORA tt. MULLINk Oeliharv. Pnaiiliss lI’IIKREAS, Nathan Kormby, iCxeeutor ofChaa II lJoyd. late of said conntv, dnawesd, applies for letters of dismission from the aduiiiiist'ration ot said ostato; It is therefore onloro<l hy tho Court thht all por sons eonc-rned show eause (if anv thev have ) on or before the next December Term of the Court of Ordinary to bo hold in and for imid I'ountv on tho #rst Monday in December next, why said'Nathan Formby, Executor as aforesaid, should not then b dismissed. A true extrset from the minutes of the Court, of Ordinary of said eountv, June 4, 1860. GKO. \\ . MULLINS, Ordinary. junel4-6m. GEORGIA, llarrla County. lirHKRKAS illism J. David applies for lcl- II tors of Guardianship of thejierson and prop erty of Mary K. Slayton. James If. Slayton, Sarah V. Slayton, George W. Sla-ton, Napoleon Slayton and Mattie Slayton, orphans of George R. Slavton, deceased. Said Minor- residing in said eountv. These are therefore to rite and admonisd ail con cerned, to showeaus.-, (if any they have, w ithin tho time preserihed by Statute) why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand in offlee. this 20th Juno GEO. W. MULLINS, Or v. June 28, 1860. 30d Notice lo Debtors and rredilors. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Winnev L. Smith, late of Harris eountv, Georgia, deeeased, are requested to make immediate payment, nnd all those having demands against said estate, will pre sent them to me within the time presrribed by law, duly nuthentieat.'d for payment, may 17-tit JolfN \V. SMITH, Adm’r. Notice lo Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the estste of Pinkney A. Copeland, late of Harris county, Georgia, de ceased. are requested to moke immediate payment, and all those having demands against said estate, will present them to me within the time prescribed by law, duly authenticated, for payment. J may IT-fit’ JOHN T. COPELAND, Ex’r •• . [Court of Ordinary, May HARRIS COUNTY. , Term, 1800-Kllr Nisi GKO. w. MULLINS, Ordinaly. I’rosidtngi lI’HURRAS, Stephen L. Hanks, (iuardian for II Caroline K. Hanks, applies for letters of dli mission from said Guardianship: It is therel'or.- ordered by the Court, that all per sons concerned show cause (if any they have) on o before the next July Term of the Court of Ordinary to la* held ill and for said county, on the first Mon day in July next, why said Stephen L. Hanks, Guardian as aforesaid, should not V dismissed. A true extract from th” minutes ofthe Court of Ordinary of said eountv, Mav Bth. 1860. GKO. \\ . M (’ I. LI NS, Ordinary. mayiT-lf] GEORGIA CI.XRK NOyrtcK, IwrKKion HARRIS COUNTY, I Cot'RT, June 18th, 1864), WHKRKAS, Rose Moss and Lucy M.ws, claim ing to be free personsof color, applies to mefor reg istry, as such, all persons interested are hereby no tified nnd required to file their objections (if anv they linvc) in my office, within the tiniesiie. ified by law. otherwise a certificate of registry will bo isaued to the applicant*. Said Rose M.ws is flflv years of age, five feet high, weighs 1■ St lbs. Lucy Nlss isnin.-teenyearaof age, five feet high, weighs 125 lbs, hothdark complected. Rose was born in Jones county; Georgia, and Lucy was born in Harris county, Georgia, both reside in Harris county, and are by occupation field hands.— James M. Mobley is their Guardian. Given tinder niv baud and official signature. juneJl-St WM. T. KING, Clerk. Notice lo Debtor* and Creditors. ALL [icrsons indebted to the estate of William G. Slaughter, late of Harris county, Georgia, de ceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all those haying demands against said estate will present them to me, within the time prescribed by law, duly authenticated, for payment. mnylT-Ot WILLIAM TARVIN, Adm’r. TWI) MONTHS after date, application will fc* made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Harris county, Georgia, for leave to sell the land and negroes In-longing to the estate of I.ittleberry Slaton, late of said county, deceased. June7-2m. RICHARD SLATON, Ex’r. IT Wo MONTHS after date, application will b* made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of llarrit county, Georgia, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Muses J. Harden, late of said eountv. .I*'. esse.l. junc7-2m KI.NO lIRADY, F.x'r. IPWO MONTHS nftcr .lute, application will bo I made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Harris county. Georgia, for leave to sell tho land belonging to the estate of Pinckney A. Copeland, late of said county, deceased. junc7-2m JNO. T. COPELAND, Ex’r. TWO MONTHS AFTER DATE application will tie made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Harris county, On., for leave t*> tell the land and Negroes belonging to the Estate of James Simpson, MARY A. SIMPSON, Adra'x- May 82, 1860. TWO MONTHS after dale, application w ill be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Harris county, Georgia, for leave to sell the land and negroes tiolonging to the estate of Ellas D. Hines, late of said county, deceased. jun2l-2m JAMES O. SMITH, Adm’r. TW4) MONTHS after date application will b* mail, to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Harris county, Georgia, for (pave to sell all tha lands Imlonging to the estate of Aaron Goodman, late of said eountv. deceased. JOHN S. GOODMAN, 1 ... HIRAM A. GOODMAN, / Adm r *’ Juno 21 2m TWO monthu aftrr data application will b% mad* to the Honorable Cottrt of Ordinary of Harris connty. Go., for lea** to ttcll tha land and ntgroe* belonging to the catat* of William G. HlatignUr, lat** of *hl county deceanad. WILLIAM TARVIS, Adm r. Aiigu*t 2, 1040.