Harris County enterprise. (Hamilton, Harris County, Ga.) 1860-1865, January 09, 1862, Image 2

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1 - A Brlllant Confederate \u;l A chlvfmrnl. W have tho sntmfuction of spreading bo toro oor readers to-day, *oino of the partic ulars of a spin tod and dashing achievement o the part of Coramodoio Lracli of tho Confederate Navy, on board of his flag ship the Soa Bird —which gallant Kttki steamer mounts a 3d pounder forward and a I'd poun dor aft • Com. Lynch wont down to Sevvcl'a Point oa Saturday night and look a position nn ; dor tho guns of our battery at that place', where she remained all night until Sunday morning, when shu espied tho Federal steamer Express making oat Irom New port's Nows, with a transport schooner in tow. She got round tho point of Newport* News with her charge when our gallant Commodore put chase after them, and run towards Old Point. The Soa Bird opened firo on tho Express, and after one or two discharges tho latter! ■cut loos-j Inoni Jit tow, and left her. Tho : position of the schooner where tho Express ‘ left her was all over in tho enemy,s lines, bill evu that consideration did not deter Jjhaeictor IhUU-sswrfng’ BBT Mm ua"iSß<fTftfwfler ah. ‘neirted on, —n*f in fna-j king his way back, eight gunhnai* and nn armed transport put outlfor hint lrm Ufd I Point and Nowport Now*, with* the pur- j peso of oulting him otT. But it appears ‘ they were just five o tpix, minutes too lute, and in chasing her she kopt up a continual fire upon thorn, turping around every timo to givo them tho best sTto had, tlto forward rifled 32 poundivr. t Tho sport hocamo so in tensely interesting to tho ‘Yankees that they wadod in a little l> oyoml their depth, and woko up tho boys on Sotvdi's Point, who oponod lire on them. They finding further pursuit of tho Commodoro vain, | turned their ’ attention on the batteries, that were peppering I hem so unmoreifhily. ! And now tho matter began t cr some- j what tho appearance o! .*■;*., iwstness* a{ though oor hoys were going to work even ! allowing it were Sunday morning, and go- I done tludr bust toward* 1 tho job was somewhat too extensive tip them, and withal so warm that they speed- j ily determined to give .Sowell's Point a very wide birth. They got well out of ran -o ot our shot as soon as they could, but not iin- ! til three of them had got a dose which took j the stareli out of them. The gun boats fairly rain and the shot and shell at tli o Sewell's Point batterv, while I they did not hftvo tho oourato continue the engagement; which oltngot her, including , the chase after the Sea Bird, lasted two and a half or three hours. Several hundred shot and shell were tired at our battery and not u single person received even n- catch. An old rooster, however, which happ'Oied to get in the way was made into a roaster for Ids pains, as we are inform •Iby a e i> muiiicniiou from a friend who was on i t ground. W c annex his communication : Hkwv.i.t.'h Point, 1 •••. |s.;]• Mr Khtor : —Ei"M ;unboats and unarm od trnn-pori un'!,.-i t- little Confederate I gno boat th morning, un i engaged this | iclttory nlui two hours WfT aait we rod j ,ith Mine, of the guns from our battery. ! N dimly hi i, but one flu* rooster is killed Tin men were very cool. roo-ler was and i* prepared, rousted and on ten by some of tile boys. A rare tropt It r j Christmas times. What glorification the Ynnkordom— one 1 rooster killed ; none uottmlvd or missing. This brilliant affair will be In raided in capitals in the New York llerald and other j truthful prints. ‘A’hu Sfu Bird proceed cl on licr wav n| > to tlic city with her prize in tow. iimi li n it is the schooner Nhefwu .!, w hi-.-h former ly belonged to (ieor o Booker, lv-,| . on Buck River, it mi unit stolen from hint .mmo liras since by the JiHlerali, irml hits b. n since useil us it water tr.in.iji n-t Inti ween Newport Nows ami Uhl Point. She then earning a supply of water to the lies sians at Old Point, it was thus a water haul; but tliat detracts nothing from the honor ot the achievement, which may just iy be classed as one ol’ lira most brilliant, that lias taken place in tho two armies since the war began. Daring tho engagement between tho gnn buatu and iho Howell’s Point battery, tho Sawyer gun at the Rip Raps openodiUo ml threw shell at the buttery Ht-ivnTs w WStTI. o gunboats threw sover si shell or shot at the battery on t.’ruuey Island and rcocived a prompt reply from that direction. W aro pleas.” 1 to roe .\l the fy.-t., tliat tho boys au our batteries took deiibem'.o aim with each gun they lire I, an I hand! • ! ihoir irons with a masterly skill, la in.; their time in each e.i- ■ It has boon reported, though with what truth wo aro enable t , , that the S a Binl struck tho Bxpri is and , t hevon lire, and that slio wu-f put out witlfout inju ry.—Norfolk l> 11/ Bo h )fl< olt. Confederate Comijis ionusal llall • ■ nri: * *- * so.mo few weeks ago it was tuyionnied in a telegram tu-this plane, \b tjn%iiiii;e- Iy otutho reeeli't of tUe f ’ .iigcnee of the capture ol SrosMM. H - nd Ajn ..m iatbo Sou>hertrHtfttc h Mr’ilfCTfiuntcr and Breck inridge had been appointed in their place; and that the latter would make ids way on ; no Halifax, and proceed in tho Canard steamer to Europe Tho telegram turn I out to be correct. Mr. Breckinridge, it ap pears, arrived here about a week ago, ac companied by another gentleman, and took passage this morning in tho Canada I >r Kng-! land. It appears that tho authorities ini Boston were aware of tho taut, of Mr. Brck-! |nridge being bore, and the .Attorney Conor- ] al of Boston sent n notice to the captain of i tho Canada, previous to his sailing from j .Boston, forbidding him takiug Breckinridge onboard. Wo learn that Captain Muir ve ry quitoly replied that lie was not supposed to know who liis passengers wore and li would like tersee any passenger taken-out of his ship while under tho protection of tho British llag. It is also slated that a aim- j Bar notice was served on the captain of the Canada bore, but wo arc informed that no notice was taken of it, and Mr.* Breckin ridge is now on board tho steamer on route to Europe. jtbovo we giro on tho authority of tho Express .of last evening, but wo do’ not vouch Ibr its entire authenticity. We may mention in connection with this statement that for a past two gentlemen, whose names, destination seemed to W shrouded in ftx, and it is possible tlrat they may have been tho (Southern Commissioners. If so, they managed to preservo thoir incog pretty cflbetonlly until the hour of their depart ufo.—Hilifaq Chronicle, Dec. 14 The WaroiillipSeacoiut. Tho long agony of snspertso is over, and wo have now every reason to believe that tho enemy has began tho active operations of tho invasion. Lute in tho forenoon of Wednesday, tho Ist instant, the Yankoes appro tehed tho mainland in their boats at Chisholm’s and Pago’s Point. These places aro opposite sides of Port Royal Ferry, and about four miles apart.. Ono of theso at totnpta to land appears to liavo boon a feint, as wo hoar of sharp fighting only at ono of tho points named. Here tho enemy, ! 3500 strong, waif met by Col. Jones’ South I Carolina I&giruent, and a* sharp skirmish ; ensued, during which Col. Jones was rein- j i (brood by a Tennessee regiment. Onr troops I * though still inferior in’uumhers, detorminod j with tlioTWj’&n" rr~ The>nfrrnr 1 nffiWTTtrrriwJ foil . ‘ A portion of Col.'.Tones’ regiment, in tho 1 lipat of pnrsaft, ventured within range of the boat hosvftr.efsoFtho Yankees, which poured a sudden fire ifito effnr rankff, ‘killing six and ‘wonndipg twelve of out men. Tho enemy raljiqfl under coyer of their gitns, and again prosssd forward. , • But this time they were mot hy a still more iinjietons cbifore, our brave hoys. So .precipitate was the flight of the Yankoesjlmt they incontinently threwilown and :t!*,in doned their guns and whatever olse cncmp boro<| their valuable persons. It is said that in the second charge of our troops not a nnis kct was fired. But tho Conneetieutitos did not. fancy Iho portentous tramp of our com panies an l tho silent glitter our bayonets ; so they broke and ran in the tnio Bull Run style; Our loss, beyond those killed and wound- ! ed by tho shells of the boat howitzers, was l '"t.trifling. Os the enemy’s loss we liavo no., ffnit PT—--- Utlum they Jfinnltv de parted in their boats tb ti>tf r. but ..; ■ and many wounded on tho field ; but it is ] known that, besides these, thev carried off! with them numbers of both killed and wotin- i del. T. iriv yesterday morninglliocnemvagain approach -1 the mahi in much heavier force than on the p-cevding day. (Jen. Gregg's brigade, which was statjone l in tho neigh-I horhood, fell luedc a short distance to secure ! an advantageous battle ground, and at last ! a ‘counts the ) ankeo forces were inarching | up the Combahee road, and tho skirmishing j bet ween (he niekets being heavy and con tinuous. Os the re .u!fs of the action yes ter lay we have no nows whatever; but fir ing wa- steadily maintained until quite Into in the afternoon. Wo have given tho above ftoconn! as brought l. v passengers from tho scene of ac tion. I'p to a late hour last night no official dispatches had been received in relation to the events kl.icdi wo have mentioned. At five o'clock yestenlav afternoon nffi- j w to p •■•:ivid announcing i'll’ ■Ta sharp fire of ‘i ■ -11; upon White Point hut for what |.uvpo<e was not known. W e have nd’ *■■■■ i that on Ttie lav last a 5 ankeo gunboat entered Bull's Bar, and cha e 1 a schooner that was coming” from “'auto’ by the inland pas mgs. The steam er was crowded with armed men on deck. She ran the schooner up a creek, but, find ing the water too shallow, eca-ed tho P’mmit. f V ! r/. ■/> p tni. Vuf. > JUICJE! 4LL ; *)i. ut lo liini t<* tli- iiii-1 rvi-jicd, aro rc i i\ qc t • call in at our t|or aiul s £ T £, ns w<* are anxlotD to*clo.so uur ojatn ai ‘ ounts. AVi* hop- 4 our fti i.iL \v!u> aro iujolitcU taut wi 1 ln'lp u.+ tf* ptirdiii’ ■ u foiv mtr) L(oods Lv calling in id nn*l • * what th ‘V <>W” tit*. Our nit'nns nro all out in your haiui.'i. Come up und help us. Now is the time. Wo uood your RNsistunco. We will hereafter ell pood* for CASH OXLY 55ACIIHY & vvAi-KTnn. \‘ t , KifffmT*HARRIS Cut’XTY.—Wiikkkas j ‘ J llbiliam 11. <’ p land applies to mo l*>r I..tiers t C isr lirtiiihip of the per- *u an*l property efM'il lim*i C. (trltUn. minor **f Elijah (irililn. Jecasrd : •aid minor re eling in sold county, and being under fourti-en years of ago: Tli.,.’ are therefore to cite nml admonish Jill per son. concern .1. to n’ pour at iny office within the the ; ■ t;B* lby law, to show cause, if anv they i'in.e .vhy - ID".’ hotlhl n.*t lie grant* *!.’ I. v* ii und t my ieiml and official signature, this ! Bth day of January. I- *-'. GEO. W. MI’LLINS, O.d'v. | January ‘■ l , 1 Nos lev to Debtors ami Creditors. t EL indebted to the *■-tat.l of Elisha Mnl ,-V Bn httoqf Harris e**uaty, Ga.,'<l* en.,.*,1, are *'**•* wnr-t nml ?* s . all tho?** ■ A : a* ■ !'■ tui.., will Jw n; th i tome, Unix authemi.'.it.d, .ini -iliotvl\ tprpnvoent . ELIJAH Aid I.LI.NM, A.ini'r. .Januhry 9.15 -. . ~ ut ( < ff.* ’ *"l A. H ’ ... v . u •!’<"’ ■.? <i. Big nn-( Hannah Giant m*J. ?to . iu-ti son of Wo -lei Iff.', for ba.t iv ot. :.<lutlnsl I'a,- Bm* i. 1 ‘i’ I I W&sd co'uniy, Tlon fora, alt per . in. eiine-raed are Krrejiy notl (!.*d to ba and appf nr at my ufflee within tla lime pi* *cribe*l by _l:nv, to sic,w can?.*, if any tncy have, why i 1 adiuitijstrailoiii should not bo gi anted to said oppilcnnjs. Given under my hand nnd official.signature, this 21th dav ot Deecuiber, IBUI. GKO. W. MULLINS, Ordy. December k’oth, 1861, Nutlco to Debtors am! Creditors. I LL_ persons in I ‘hied t*. the estato „f William l Y Nichols, dec *l, hit* of Uai'ris county, Georgia, are :e*itie*>t"d to make immediate payment, mid all t!i so having dcmaAJs ngniutt said estate, aro im *pi at*-, t * p,g?eni them to me wMtinihn time pre scrHied by law, duly authenticated, for payment, ALBERT DAVIDSON, Adm'r. December 2tth, 1801. Notiro to Debtors and Creditors. \ P : in.leble Ito tile estato of William IJ. it. Sunli, lute *f ILirr's eounty, Ga,, dee’d tire rc ijtletted to make Immediae* p*syniont, and all those having demand * e . tin t said estate will present th in t*> nre within in*: liuiu p*'C-( I'ibed by law, duly authenticated, for payment. J. 1, ‘l:''*.’. W. I). COOK, Adm’r. fpWU MONTHS AFTER I)AtlTsppßomloii will .1. be ma le to the Ilenoruhlo Court **l Grdioory of Itarris.counly. Ga., for leave to sell the land be longing to tin: I. into of William 1). Bmitli, lat*: of said county, dc. .a* •*!. • ‘ WILLIAM D. C'fHHi, A bur July 2'*, 1860 fIKpBGTA, HARRIS COUNTY.—'WnniM,, u AIcGoc applies to me in ternii of the ■tatute, for letter* of adm ini* trathrti on the estate of Mark 8. NcG&q, late of Mid county, deceased: Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby noti fied to be and appear at my offleo within tto time prescribed by law, to show caiuo, if any they have, why iho B(!ininh*iratMrt of .“aid estate should not be granted to uid applicant. GlveQ aador *ty hand and official signature, this B£)tli day of 4AocOMl>of, GKO. W. MULLINS, Ordinary. Jjiauarv 2, !BD*3. Georgia,’ haiuus coi;n rv.~Wiikrea^ Janice Q. Smith applied to me, in terms of the ‘italnl*, f*r letters of administration on the estate of Charles Henry Davis, late of snid county, doeeMod : . Therefore, all persona concerned art? Hereby noti fiedto h and tipper at mv office, within the time toAj the administration oY said estate should not bo granted to said applicant. Given undar iny hand and official signature, this *24tlr day of December, 1801. GKO. W. MULLINS, Ord’y. December 25th, 1801. (1 IIA KRIS COUNT V.—\ViiKaKA^ Jf Fleming Parker applies to me for letters of i Guardiansnvp for tho persons and property of Mury | I*. Parker and Harnett Parker, minors of James I Parker, dec’d, and K. S. Satterwhite and John M. LSaUorwhUe, minor* of John M. Suttcr,white, dec'd ; ►said minors residing in said county. Tli * are th efore to cite and admoui.di all con wernod, to show eau*e. If any they have, within the t|me prwribod by ‘aw, why said letters should not be emotiul. ulVen uTtrier mv hand and official signature, Ist dftv of Jniniar/. (S SO. W. MULLINS, Ord’y. January 2d, 1802. A TT I-* N T lOI?! f\ )TTt>N will bo taken at the highest market \J pric.* for outstanding debts. All customers and riends who havo not srttletl their accounts or paid thoir no: 1 -, will do well to call on the undersigned and pay off their in l ?htodne.s with Cotton, at the highest market price, and oblige, I. FKKIDKNHKIIG A* HRO.. No. 2X, Proud Street, Columbus, Ga. Octyl, 1801 • NOTICE. T DO hereby forxvarn all persons against trading 1. for any claim >r claims against the. estate of Wil liam Copeland, Sen., deceased, held by any legatee or 1 of said estate, as 1 am determined not to M’ttlhsaid claims with anv hut the letrute(s them selves. WM. COPELAND, Kx r. December 10,1801 — 4t Notlea to Debtors anl Creditors* ipdehltiil to tho estate of Milton Il ‘j kins Gtnjrgia, deed, I ar.r.'riu stvil to nittt” immodiniv imvm'-m, uml nil tint • having d-miuiiß ngitin.t sai.| cstuto will *nt thorn toms within tho tinw |u'i:scribhy law, duly nntli.-nti iit’ l. for pavn nit. I'OVV 11 ATI'AH L. itorivlNS, Ailin'r. * ‘ f••h->i i< i .V. linitln < *otinf y : WHKKKAS, Kolcrt AVeldou applies t< me in | terms of tho Statute for h*tiers of adminittrntion \ >n the e.-tate ot David J. Ail.iiuh, dee cased, late of | of raid County. Therefore all persons concerned are hereby noti- ! ! fled t< b * and appear at my office within tlie time prescribed by la\v,t' sh<*w cause, (if any they havo) why the Mth! administration . liquid not bo given i-a id applicant. Giv •’ uu.l rmv hand and official aigii.-tturo this Nov. *JH. IKT.I. c:: ). w. MULLINS, Ordinary, nov -M, lrtiil—fJUd (IIIOUUI l. Harris t'ounly. \' ; S.nnn ‘1 Gimdinan applies to mein 1 IV l *i.:■*<>! tin* statate. for llt**rs **f adniinistrA *c*n on ti* * .: *ol Albert (*. Goodman, into of ... I eonnty. ‘i*'* cased ; T* ■:**. nil perron. conrern"d are hrrcbv Until !!•'■! 1 * l>*-an,l appear at my office, within the time prc>eril*d l*v law, toslioweana*., (if any they liavcl why the said administration should not be grunted said applicant. Given mel r mv lmnd in offie**. Iho ‘_’ irii Xo vcmbri 11. ‘ GKO. W. M ULLI NS, Dr y. Nov. !8, 18UI il'ifi Atlininistrator's !~>:ilo! ( GJ’KKA BLY to nn order of the Coirt of Or Jinn ;\ ry ol Harris e.e.intv. Georgia, will be sold, bo !*.re tin* Court lin.; 1 i.*r, in ts town of Hamilton, in sit:■ i County. <:j th -I'r t T.ie.-.iny in January next, within th mi -ml hours of sale, at pul,lie. niterv. TU ENT V-Tll I! I’E ACRES OF LAND, lying on th ed -id ’! t mimh* “ in the 20th'district Oforiginnlly .Mm***. new Harris county, belong ii.g to tic elate of .lam*'. W* 1 ion,-deceased. Sold for thi! benefit of tl e heirs and legateos of said de ceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale. ABSOLEM WELDON, Adin'r. Nov. 21-Ot. CiEonei 4. Harrin County: 11/dIEUKAS, J din \V. Jack on applies tc f i me in terms of tlie Statute, for letters or adinin istrstlon on tint •<*• of W* sh y 11. Glazi*, late of ....:.i otiniv, ueeeasetl: Tlieref.ire, all |>orsonsconcerned are hereby nnti tified to lit* and appear at iny office within tlie timo prescribed by law, to show cause (if any they have) why tho said administration should not bo granted ui ‘^applicant. G*e,*a umler my hand and official signature, this 4th day of December, lto'l. GEO. W. MULLINS, Orly. docs-80d HAMILTON FEMALE COLLEGE Hamilton, G-n*. r |VIK Si’lt IN F SESSION-of this 1 n-litufi.m, will L ej in in cnee on Tuesday, the 21st day of Junuai v. I ML’. The College is furnished with a well selected ('lu niieal and l’liil ■ .phieal Apparatus, and with good Musical In drum aits, The Coil*- >• of 10-tmetion is thorough and com plot*’, enihra.-uig all tlio brunches usually taught iu the best C'dh’gos. For Catalogue, address J. 11. LOVELACE, President, ful V lß-tf CASH DRUGGIST. o\\ ING to the hardness of tho time-*, ami scarcity >f ami-the ditllcultyof getting atiy more, l will bo compelled to S33L.L FOIL CASH, from thi* date. Persons ending orders, will please lot tho cash n<*comj)any them. Person * indcLi • 1 to me, either by note or account, Will please Como forward and settle, ns I nm very much in need of money. Ts not settled within a few lays, J will be compelled to place them in the hands of an ofilciT for collection, nnd 1 can show no par tiality. .T. m. IIKNHY. June 27th, IRfil. (.hisli l>i*n. NOTICE. pERSOXfi indebted to llardy Cornett, on ac 1* count, arc rooueated to call and settle the game immedlaUdy, ns Mr. Cornett has gono to tho war and left his papers iwlHy hands. juncl3‘tf * G. W. MULLINS. N. W. MILLER, Attoi’noy at Law, HAMILTON, OA. AMBROTYPE STOCKHOUSE! Gr. T. WILLIAMS, NO. (57, AVEST SII>B BROAD STBEI3T, (‘oliinibuM, Georgia, Yf ANUFACTURER nnd dealer in every dexcrip ill lion of Ambrotype and PhotographicMatorin the very lowest Now York prices, atalogue of prices sent free on application. Addle s G. T. WILLIAMS, myl7-Iy Columbus, Ga. IST K \V STOKIhI KT.Y3W 0003OSS HAYING recently moved _<> my new Store#, cor ner Oglethorpj and 8L Clair stroe’a. I am pre pared to oner to iny customers and the public gener ally, a large nud well selected stock of a it o c k it i r: s • A> T D Dry Odocls. Together with Clothing. Boots, Shoo*, Hat*, Crock ery, Glass and Willow VVare. Also, a large lot of lsknkec Notions too numerous to mention. *AU those who may favor mo with a call will he wilted on with pleasure, and all g<xxhj bought will thjkleliverodtoany part of tho city fret* of charge. following are a few of the leading articles in 1,000 bushels Corn, 6()0 bushels Black Seed Oats, 200 “ Wheat, 200 * Rye, 4iOo barrels Flour, (Double Extra,) ✓ • 60 “ Irish Potatoes, 10 44 Ouioiis, 10 44 Pickled Beef, 20 14 Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, m 60 hogsheads Bacon Sides, *-2<M) boxes Tobacco, various brands, • t 20 **’ Choose, 10 kegs Fresh Goshen Butter, 100 *>aek< Kioand Java CotTco, 50,000 Cigars of various brands, ALSO, „ Meal, Hominy, Fodder, Cow Peas, Sweet Potatoes, Tallow, & c.. log -ther with a large lot of arti elet usually kept in a Family Grocery Store. vThe public arc respectfully invited to call and ex amine my stock before purclmsinc edsewhere. jan24-6m JOHN LIGON. tam: aoj'uh:. riWIK tiudersfcned having disposed of the Hotel in I Hamilton, begs leave, to return his sincere thanks ti the public for the liberal patronage extended to Those Indebted to him will find their accounts in tie hands of Messrs. Mobley <fc Stanford, where be libpes they will call and settle, as he is anxious to his business settled up ns soon ns possible, nprillfi F. M. T. ISKANNAN. WM. H. H. PHELPS, HAS REMOVEU TO IITS N F, W STD R E f UNDER COOK'S HOTEL, fl licrc he is Opt nin? a Superb Slork of Confootioncrioa, fc'lre-woiUs, Clears, IlaisliiN, I>a(es, Prunes, Flrs, Ac. I AM still manufucturing Candies in great variety. Hie attention of the public is especially called to inv candies, as they aro manufactured of PUKE *?l fJA It, without the u-e of foreign substances.— C akes :\.'d in great variety and ornamented in the tin. : Hyle *f art. We ldings, Pic Ni sand Social Parti • upplit'd at short notice, with everything requiaiU for such occasions. T fill MS CASH (ONLY!) ITnder C\toll’s I T otol, •k'l'l- COUiMnilH, <IA. DRY DDODS ATC'OST l-'OIK ASI r ! \\ IS]! I Vi; to elo?.; n limHwl nnetncrsliip by tho tir-t ot .1 umnry n ?(, we offer, wit! ut reserve, our jxteiisive sioek . f miY Q-OODS, ($50,00P) ST 83ST ?J)8 satH, I'mlirwing every variety of the br,-t artieb ueualh’ kept by our trade, uni] we trust that .mr itinn >\> I >t)e before the public will justify tlieir ).■!:..f tu.it v,’)’ menu At Cost Accompanied v !(li th?task! t.iir cr-'iiumWiil <!iii)in f>ur .lock fr.entbe lluest •T!ut) ol’ SILKS''!” I"’ -tßriui .of I )OM KS'L’IC C3v ’t > I >S, Carpets, K< rsis, Blankets. Boots, shoes, llntf3 and. Caps. Chill’ arly n. t make >d solectlous of well as make money. OUII lIKOIHaAK TRADK! Wo Will HI v to our regular trade that it shall be serv ‘d ns heretofore, (roods when charged must have a littl- 1 profit, and vet wishing to reduce our stock within a given time vve shall fitter induetunents to all. KKI)D, JOHNSON A CO. Columbus, Nov. 22, 1800. 4t op NOW IS YOUR TIME np Y|l TO BIT FALL ANI) WINTER ill OU Cioods Oh.oap! OU tXjTiIXJS & BROTHER 88, Lroad Slrorl, Columbus, Ga. n.\ \ K now in st <rean l arc receiving by every steamer their Full and Winter Goods. AY EYTIUE YEW STOC K. Onr stock is ontirdlv new, the goods on hand on tho dfc.-olution of the firm of lllius & Rose, we dis pts-d of, so come and look at tho new cheap goods. 1 11. r.I US Sc IIHOTI I Eli, Have on hand n very handsome stock of TiADIES’ DRESS GOODS. of all tho latest, now. ?t nml most fasliiouablo stvlca. 11/r.IUS & BROTHER, Havo n lan;o stock of plain imj fti'iirod X3 3L.ua.015L SIXiIXS; Bilk ltobcs of u!l shades, all cheap for cash. Our stock of S MBROIBE.HY, HOSIERY, ” Millinery Ooods, &a. t cannot bo mtrpasflod either hi quality or in pricos. Bradley's Celebrated Hoop Skirts, All the different si/. ?, always on band, lie-.-nr ■ to examine our stock of BOOTS AM) SHOES, BATS AND CAPS, which are marked low down to insure qn'rdv salo. BLANKETS! BLANKETS! I'rom the conrest to the finest—from the cheapest to tl|C highest. NEW READY MADE CLOTHING, NVc have a very laree stock of ready made cloth ing and Gents’ I'u ■nishing goods N T OW IN STOKE, Youth s nnd Boy.” Clothing, ail the sizes, always on hind. AVo recommend this line of good, particu larly, n we offer them at price; to defy competition. ] Carpots, Trunlcs, Valises and Carpet It ties. .Thankful for tho liberal patronage so kindly be * towed upon us, we hope t” merit a continuance of the Mine. ILLIUB & lIKOTIIKIt, 86, Broad Street, CVhunbus, Ga, oetll-ffm GEORGIA—Harris County s WIHKBEAS. pharles 1). Truett applies to me in terms oft.ic -iatuto f r letters*,f administration “B tile estate of Charles L. Thetford, Into es suid <ounty, deceased: -Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby noti fied to be and appear at iny office within tlio time prescribed by law, to show cause (if any they have) why the administration of said estate should not be given to said applicant. Given under my fond an I oftb-ial signature th : . Sov. Oth. 1801. GEO. W. MULLINS, Or’v. uov. 7-lm . * SOI TIIKUA iO.M EBiril U'Y t • STEAM REFINED CAM)I MANUFACTORY. THE undersigned, formerly Gandy Maker and C'on fectior.er for AV. H. 11. Mn, beg? h ave to in form the public in general that he is manufacturing Gundy at No. 88, the old stand. Wholesale and Re tail, on his own account, beware, therefore, of coun terfeits. os I nin a Confectioner of 18 years experi ence. So, if you wish to have the Candy hitherto mlc the last year, you must call at HH Broad Street, Colutnbusi, Ba., By J. J. Blaneliart. successor to W. 11. 11. Thelris. Also, Cakes, of all descriptions, not to bo excelled ,by any one in tho South. Tills establishment cannot be rivalled by any ono which proves to know the workmanship in mv line. Also, Wedding nml I’ic Nle parties supplied at short notice nnd in the most approved style. Encourage home Manufactory. No goods will bo imported by mn. AH will ba manufactured in mv establishment, ns I nm myself n person of tho pro fession. and will not allow anything to pass this es tablishment without my approval of superior merit. Bo assured of this. Also, Crackers at wholesale snd retail. J. J. BLANCH ART, feb2B No. 88, Broad st.. Columbus, Ga. I*. IS. WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Hamilton, llarrla Cos., Ga. AViil practice in Harris, Troup. Meriwether; and all the counties of the Chattahoochee Circuit, febfil-ly E. H. BEALL, At tlio Briclik. Store, DEALER IN STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS CLOTHS, CASIMERES. LINENS, WHITS GOODS, HOSIERY, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Crockery, HARDWARE &0., &c., IJM IMAGING a full lino of every grade of Spring J and Summer trade. Thankful to the citizens of Harris county for their liberal and extensive vmt ronage, beg a continuance of tho same, hoping,, from long experience in business, to give satnsfue fnction to till who may favor him with u call. No charge for showing goods. Call and see how cheap they may be bought. Fine Crape Bonnets at the B'k Store at cost for cash 44 Trimmed, 44 * ** ** * 44 Crape Delaines 44 41 * 44 Bcrego Robes 44 44 “ 44 44 44 Anglais 44 44 “ English, French and Organdie Muslins 44 44 “ . “ 44 Robes, n, 5, 8 Volants. Paris, Striped and Chene Dress Silks, 44 4 * Hoop Sliii'trf lor Cost. mnvl7-ly A Large Mock of NEW SPRING AND SUMMER aooos! COMPRISING ALL THE Latest Stylos of imm sues isiiij, Ut I'll s Silk Itobcs, Fniiev nnd lllnck Silks; 1J Orgnndie R,.b f> f> 11 Volimt* ?; t-nwn nnd Jneonet Rubes, 5 to 11 Volnnteg ; Smell nml lnrge figured French Oiigundio ; Small nml lnrge figured Jacunct nml Lawns; ltarege imd (Vnpe BnVego (Thipln's mnnuf.U iWfli Solid colored nml Chintz printed BrilHantes ; 1 reneli and Domestic sninll nnd large prints: WHITE GOODS Os all kinds, nnd 33 333. iDX’o.iacrios. A large assortment of plsdn and embroidered (’rape Shawls; Laco Mai.'illas, Laco Points and Laee Shawls, of the latest imiioriations; Barege and .‘ : i!k .Shawls, &c. M v st .’k of the latest styles ~f Bonnets is coin jdet ‘, and is sure to please all in search of a FASHIONABLE BONNET! Ladies, Mi. ses nnd Servants’ lints of all kinds Ribbons and Trimmings, In greut variety, all of which will be sold ut tlio LO\VEST VOSSIIILE PRICKS. I huve ulso on hand an excellent ussortment of new LINEN AND DOMESTIC 000DS, Hosiery , Gloves, Umbrellas, Parasols, Boots and. Shoes, und u complete assortment of KSABY MADS CLOTHING, Aurt Gentlemen's Fiirnisin? Goods. I invite iny customers und tln> public in general to un inspocthm of iny goods and prices. Great Inducements given to Cash Buyers. ISAAC Fit KIDENBEKG, ISAAC FRET DEN BE HO, 26, Broad St. Columbus, Ga. maylV-ly I I IJGHES & HODGES (SUCCESSORS TO 11l OHCS j- DANIEL,) FACTORS AM) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, LOWELL W IRE HOUSE, Columtous, Goorgia Will give strict attention to tlio sale of COTTON sud other produee, and the RECEIVING uud FOR WARDING of Goods. fcßf* Liberal advances made r :i Cotton und other Produce, cither in -tore or for >l*ii ineut. W. It. HUGHES, W.C. HODGES, julyfift-ly -A.dxniniatrator’s Sftlo ! \I7ILIj bo sold, before tlm Court house door, in \ f the town of Hamilton, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the legal hours of tale, agreeably to an order of the. Court of Ordinary of linrriscounty, Ga., the following land, belonging to the estate of William B. Hmith, to-wit: Lot of land number 27, lying and being in the 20th district of orignally Muscogee now Harris county, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less. Bohl for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day ot salo. WILLIAM D. COOK. Adm’r. Odt 10-40d. Notice to Debtors anil Creditors. \LL persons indebted to the estate of Jeremiah Hutton, Into of Harris county, Georgia, deceased, aro requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against the same will present them to mo within the time prescribed by law, duly authenticated, for payment. JEritiE F SUTTON, AJm’r Sept 1801. lost oi; Mis^Aro. ONE noto of hand, im**! ■ to Rouben Bry- Sa,!V, J !r j vnn ‘-’ find signed by 0. F. Robin son, for - M) t>7. ‘.,no golli Doeumber next, am’ given sonic time ir. tlio last of February or March last. August22, lßol. TrfoS. BRYANT. Til O MONTHS alter date, application will bp “V 1 ’* 0 1° Ibo Honorable Court Os Ordinary of Harris county. Georgia, for leave to tho P*;rt>; belonging to the Osttitq of Mary’Copelan’fi, late of said c*>univ, di-ccax ’ ~ov 7 --"‘ ‘ Y DUNN, Ad.n'r. NIEJ i|( ‘ \y J rvR. THOS..B. MUTCHKLL. thankful sos past fa. •1/ vors, rcspoetfuily tondgra his Medical service for bis friend*, in tin* practice of Medici tie and collater al branches* Gfiirw one do>r above Bi'.ll ft Mur phey’a Corner. . I will bo found at all times off the day ut the office, and at my residence at night, un less professionally engaged.’ Jan. Ist, ISf.i: The Csli Drug Store! BY J. A. WHITESIDE, DHUGGIS TANARUS, 185 BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. THE following named articles and quantitiescon atitutr a part of my large stock which I am offering to Merchants at truly low prices. Those desiring to know my price* will be informed on application, in person or hy letter; and at retail lam still deduc ting from 12] to 25 percent, for Cash from Dm Cred it Prices. 800 Gallons “Keiwno” or foal OIL 400 “ 95 per ct. ALCOHOL, 200 <• BURNING FLUID, COOO lbs. best WHITE POTASH, 176 “ PRIME NUTMEGS, Cfi Dos. MUSTANG LINIMENT. 70 “ Vials Assorted VERMIFUGE, 70 “ boxes “ I*ll .TA 1500 lbs. EPSOM SALTS, 1000 “ COPPERAS, 100 Bottles SULPHATE QUININE. An investigation of my goods and prices is res pectfully solicited. niarcf.2l J. a. WHITESIDE. improved CASKET BURIAL CASES. THE Burial Case represented by tho above en graving isof an Entirely New Design, compotod of lino metal, beautifully finished in imitation of polished Rosewood. Bring perfectly AIR TIGHT, it prevents Contagion, the cscupo of any offensive gasses, and greatly retards the process of decompo sition. r M lieu it is desirable to preserve tho body of a do ceased friend for a considerable time, or transport tho same to a distant place for burial, this case is invaluable. Iho top is provided with thick plate glass prOr teeted by iiietuliccups, which, when removed per mit a view of the entire body, after it is enclosed. . Besides being of most symmetrical proportions, its peculiar form is such as to render it much lighter than any nictnlic buriul case heretofore used. .111 sizes constantly on hand. _ , , „ IHLLINGHAM & DENSON. Columbus, Ga., June 28, 1800. ts ~CHAFFIN & JOHNSON, EOOK-SBLLEm, Columbus, Georgia. KEEP constantly on hand a compileto stock of Book? and Stationery, Writing Desks, Port- Fi.lms, Work Boxes. Banker’s Cases, Travelling B*,gs. Port Monies. Gold Pena, Pencils, Engravings for Grecian Painting, Artists’ Materials, together with everything usually kept ill a Book-Store, all of which wo will sell at tho lowest prices. Liberal discount to Touch era and Merchant*. May 18, 1800. 1 y SIGN OF THE BIG INDIAnT LVM. H. H. PHELPS, CANDY MANUFACTURER, NI) ilculer 111 Foreigiuind Domestic Fruits, Pro- Ti serves. Pickles, Jellies, and Hermetically tienl ed Goods, Fine Cigars and Tobneco, u snleridid as sortment of Mcorseliaum Pipes nnd Cigar Holders always on hand. In fact, anything usually to be found in a Confectionery, at wholesale and retail, for CASH ON LY ! Coiumbu6, May 17, 1860. ly W. I). JOHXSTOV, HAMILTON, Hi Kit IS COIkVTT, Keeps a large and well selected stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRYGOODS, Mens’ and Hoys’ Ready Made CLOTHING, Meus’ Boys’, Ladies', Misses’ aud Uiildrcus’ l ?oot.s and Slioes, MENS’ AND BOYS’ HATS AND CAPS, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Drus, Medicines & Dye Stuffs, PAINTS, OILS AND WINDOW GLASS, GLASS AND CROCKERY WARE, TIN AND HOLLOW WAKE, 33001 ts cfc Stationery A I.ARfiE LOT OP ■FAMILY GROCERIES. IN his stock Families will find the most of tho articles they may want, and he would invite his friends and tlio peoule buying tlieir goods in Ham ilton, to examin a as bo issstisiod that be will please them in prices Ac. Jnncl4-2m EXECUTOit’S iHAIfLL AAEILL bo sold in Hamilton, Harris county, Geor- I I Kin. on the first Tuesday in next, within the legal hours of sale, agreeably to ail order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, the follow ing land belonging to the estato of William Cunc- deceased, to-wltl Part of lot number 112, ami part of lot number 81, lying nnd being in the second district of originally Troup now Harris county, nnd part of fraction num ber2Uß, lying and being’ in the twenty-second dis trict of formerly Muscogee now Harris county. Tlie whole of said part? of lots and fraction adjoin a farm ono'scttlemcnt of ono hundred and seventy acres more or loss, well improved, it being the place whereon said William Copeland St*., diseased wo* residing at the time of his death. Sold for division. Terms made known on the day of sale. WILLIAM COPELAND, Adm’r. Oct. 10-I'd TWO MONTHSnfterdiitoapplication will bemads to tlio Honorable Court ‘of Ordinary of Harris county, Ga., for leave to sell tho undivided negro property and land belonging to the estate of Wil liam Copeland, {Jon., deceased, late of said countv WILLIAM COPELAND, Jun., Adm’r, September 5, 18U1. V ‘ GEORGIA, Harris County! WHEREAS, Albert Davidson applies to mo in terms of the Statute for letters of administration *on the estate of AVilliam Nichols, Into of said county deceased, ... .■ 1 Therefore, all persons concerned are lieroby noti-* fled to bo nnd appear at my office within tho timo proscribed bv law, toshow cause (if any'they have J why IJie administration of said estate should not be srivcu to said applicant Given nndor my hand nnd official signature, this 10th day ofOctobor, 1801. octlo-30d GEO. AV. MULLINS, Ord’y. Notice to Debtors and Creditors.. 1 LL ner'sons indebted to the EstateofMary Cfope- A lund late of Harris County,. Georgia, lire requested to make immi diute. pnymdutr aoAail those having denuids again: t said estate win gtffljmli them to me within tho time prescribed by law,, duly authenticated, for buy men t. . : AVATKKS M. DUNN. AdV. Oct. 10, 13C1. . ’ •• • ’