The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 22, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMKRC IAL. savannah market. i in irK OK THE MORNING NEWS, I. sTvaxnah. *.. April *i, *e ( ej-rww-The mark**. w** <lul! and easier, lire was a more or ires nominal feelingP* caiiing The sales for the day were only Bbales. T'Chang- at the opening call, at 10 a. m.. the mat hot was reported easy and unchanged " -w at the second caU. at Ip.m .it easv but with no sales. At the third and clos ,, at 4 and m.. it was still easy and un- S*S“tSh of 8 The fob I twins ate the official closing spot quota- Sons of the Cotton Exchange: ft good middling I Low middling Jg I Nominal. ■ Za Island- The market was dull, but steady I snd unchanged. There was little or no inquiry I„d UO sales were reported during the day. We I Georgias and Florida* 14*1** I Medium fine * *'' ‘ '' ] c*u>(??.2o I gSi'fl*::::::;:".'-''-" I Choice ■: Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand April 21, 1887, and for thk Same Time Last Year. 1888 87. 1885-86. Island. U ’“ a >‘ d \ SU*rk on hand Sept. 1 | 1,14!) 4.3041 551 3.298; Received to-day.. ! ... 204 it ... WW. Kewived previously.. | 27,227 j 23,12fi 742,324 1 Total 28.37(1 706,851 | 2>.<87 TdAWH Exported to-daj .... .... Exported previously 26,744 1 762,148' 19,410 717,404 ; Total I; 26,7 1 1 768,146 19,416 717,404 5 Stock on hand and on ship 1 i l 1 l>oard this day II 1,632'; 4,70311 4,261; 29,187 ■ Rirm—The market was active and tinner. BThe sales for the day were (HO barrels, at an Advance of W- all around. AYe quote: A Fair ■ Good ■Rough— Country lots SMi ■ Tidewater 90@1 10 ■ Naval Storks-The market for spirits tur- Aieutine was quiet but Arm at the decline. The for the day were only 120 casks, at 374 j HL%c for regulars. At the Board of Trade Bn the opening call, at 10 a, m„ the market was ■epoi-tefi firm at 35V4c for regulars. At the ■losing call it was firm at 35J4c for regulars. The market was firm and unchanged, was a fair demand and about 1.700 bar ■vl.- changed hands during the day. At the of Trade on the first call the market Hras reported firm, with sales of 942 barrels, ■t the following quotations: A. K C and 1) <J7Ho., E $1 os% I' ■l r. jl 10, H $1 20, I Si 40, K Si 50, M ■l 80' X $2 20, window glass S2 50. water S- 73. At the closing call it was un changed, ■ NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. ■ Spirits. Rosin. on hand April 2,543 77.408 to day 557 1.329 previously 6,890 24,297 ■ Total 9.990 103.034 to-day previously 4.999 38.152 ■ Total 4.999 38.152 on hand and on shipboard ■ to-day 4.991 64.882 same day last year 632 1.166 ■ Financial Money Is less stringent and l<or- can get enough to satisfy moderate ijfß Domestic Exchange-Steady. Banks and are buying sight drafts at par and sell ing at % per cent, premium. Kg Foreign Exchange—The market is steady. demand, S4 86Atj: sixty days. ■Havre, commercial, sixty days. $5 82.15; Swiss. Securities -Only a retail demand exists for are less firm, but are not offered at any- Bthing under quotations, though bids are in ■rited. Stocks and Bonds—City Bonds —Quiet. At ■l Utah percent., 104 bid, 110 asked; Atlanta 7 bid, 112 asked; Augusta 6s, long. 108 bid, 110 Columbus 5 per cent.. 98 bid, 99 asked; new Snvanuah 5 per cent, coupons. May. ■l)s hid, 1051$ asked. State Bonds— Market steady, with light sup ■>>?• Georgia new 6s, 1889, 103 bid, 104 asked; ■ iß tgm new 4MjS, 105 b, hid, 1061s, asked; (Je, .rgia 7 ■*f cent - gold, coupons quarterly, 1081$ bid, asked; Georgia 7 per cent., coupons Jan ■>‘“7 and July, maturity 1896, 122 bid, 123 ■asked. I jj”' l ™ Stocks— Central common, 123te bid. ■ 1 ' 4 74 asked: Augusta and Savannah 7 iier cent, ■guaranteed, ex-uiv., 136 bid, 137 asked; Georgia ■common, 3uo bid. 202 asked, ex-div.; Southwest 7JW cent, guaranteed, ex-div.. 132 bid, ■?. naked: Central 6 iier cent, certificates ex ■mt. 103 bid 11131$ asked: Atlanta and AA’est ■Point railroad stock, ex-div.. 112 bid, 113 asked; ■J“hnta and \\ est Point 6 per cent, certificates, ■lO5 bid. 106 asked. n- >nd * - Market quiet. Savannah, ■Florida and A\ Railway Company general ■?’“',J 1 lier cent, interest, coupons October, ■‘ 10 blli - 112 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mort ■! ! .°? nsoUdatod 7 I*‘ r cent., coupons January ■and July, maturity 1897. 119 bid. l'il asked; On ■ al consolidated mortgage 7 per cent., coupons ■January and July, maturity 1898, USli hid, 114 ■““fj: b '®9r* rla r ailroart “ s - 'HO 7 . 16S bid, 110 ■a™ J Mobile mid Girard second mortgage in ■aomed 8 percent., coup.,lls January and July. BiJa'p I 'V !* 11)5 bl ' b 10,5 asked: Montgomery ■uf, .1 H , rst mortgage 6 per cent., indorse,'l rudn'od. 10b bcl. 110 asked; Marietta ■tm wu rt ~!f eor P la J flrst mortgage 6 per cent., kM' 101 asked; Cliarlotte. Columbia and Wjptsta first mortgage. ll2bid, masked; Char ■ usi!i ,nu aa "' l Augusta-e-cond mortgage, bid, 1120$ asked: Western Alabama second gage indorsed 8 per cent., lusbid. iu9ask,sl- Georgia and Florida indorsed. 118 bid 119 II , " and Honda second inort *wre. 112 bid, 115 asked; Augusta and Knoxville ■w mortgage , |ier cent.. 1(HV 4 I,id. 10914 asked; n ’‘ ln *"Mlle. Jeffersun and Southern first mort Ptaranteed. 118 I,id. 11!) asked; Gainesville, luTilcs a “ l1 s " | i tll,, rn not guaranteed. 115 bid. Iriil^J i? 1111 oa 1 n ’*>‘!> 6 l>er cent, bonds ■guaranteed bv Central railroad. 106 hid. 1064, IrC l TetTHrson and Southern sec B„,™? n K a k" l guaranteed. 115 bid. 116 asked; ■‘isiel hTo I I|J fl,Nl mnrt gag” bonds in Iwnb C n! railroad, 168 bid, 109 asked; Shi hi 1 Western 8 percent., guaranteed, f7;,,™, u t s a K>;. i*r cent.. 109 bid. 110 asked. Sotrics Nominal. Southern Bank of 1,,'^‘ 10) bill. 300 asked; Mer- u ‘f”‘ al Bank - IV > hid. 160 asked; Sa ruuh Rank and Trust Company. 9o bid. 93 f*"d. National Bank of Savannah, 117 hid. f"U.Sf.jria-Savatinah (ias IJght sto.-k, ex tk*i\d%Jier I,ed; Mutu “ u “ u** long Clear. <•; shutiiders, ■’ Oinu and Ties-Alarket quiet. We quote -2)4 lbs, 914 c; 3 lt,s. *l 4, -: 13. k-s/rt!;. W-bngto I,rand and quantity Iron ties S- ■ ‘"’al 05 per ißindle, 'according to ■ 111,1 quantity Bagging and ties in re i*- a fraction higher Market st ady.ob omargarine.llapi,. .S *'*hen, Isc; gilt edge, 21c'; creamery, ■tOE-norida. s.looal3o|*r trrel up- Hat; demand gissl. * market is strong and advancing *nudl lota: Ordinary. Istsc. fair iic, choice, K ty 1 peaberry, .s,'■ Market higher ami advancing: g I Wbs-k light We quote llnisc . ■)!' IT Apples, pirated, |:lc iieele,!. *e Tlie market is 6mi. business “1* ’•■ ,ur u '*' ,iuumi b *' u ** /i*,r fllll ,**■*,*■* L i y. j Frcit liemons—Stock full and demand light.. 5Ve quote: $4 2.jao 06. Oranges -Market brisk for g.xyl fruit , rioriilas. *2 50aS 25 AptJee— Scanr and poor: good .shipping stock. £4 Ida 5 00 ter barrel. Grain—Com—Market steady; demand light We quote: White corn, iob lots. 620. carload lots, 60c; mixed corn, job lots 60c: ( -ai-l,>ad lots. 58c. Oats steady: good demand. AYc quote: Mixod oats. 46c: carload lota. 44c. Rre.n. 3, Meal. 62‘sc: Georgia grist, jijr sack. i 50: grist, per bushel. 87*c. Hay— Market steady, with fair demand, stock ample. We quote job leu; Western. 95c; carload lots, 90c; East, u, none; Northern none. Hides. Wool. Etc.—Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light: dry flint, 13Lr; sailed, llljc. ,lry bnteber, 9W- i\ ool—Market nominal. prime in bales. S7c: burry, 10al5c. Wax. ISO Tallow *8 4c. Deer skins, til tit, 30c; salted. 16c. Otter skins. 25ca$l. Iron— Market firm; Swede, 44,00 c: refined. 2-sxo. Lard—Market is steady; in tierces, 7sc: 50-lb tins. 7isc. Lime. Calcined T'lastf.r .and Cement—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand and is selling at £1 HO per liarre:; Georgia. Si 30: calcined plaster. Si 85 per barrel: liair. sc: Rosendale cement, $1 50: Portland cement. SB. Liqbons—Full stock; steady demand. Bour bon. JIAOaSJO; rye. $1 50a0 00: rectified. ?l 00a 1 35. Ales uncliaugoii and in good demand. Nails Market firm Fair de mand. We quote 3d, ?4 ,X>; 4d and sd. $3 35; Gd. Sll 10; 8d $2 *: lOd to 60d, |2 00 per keg. Nits—Almonds. Tarragona. 18a29c; Ivicas. 17al8c; walnuts. French. 13e; Naples, 16c; pe cans. 10c; Brazil, 10c; filberts, 13c; cocoanuts, B&racoa. S5 25 per 100. OiLS-Xlarket tlrm: demand good. Signal. 45c: West Virginia black. 9aloe; lard. 58c: headlight, 15c: kerosene. 10c; water while, 13W-; neatsfoot, 65a9tV; machinery. 25a30c: linseed, raw, 47c; boiled 50c; mineral" seal, 16c; fireproof, 18c: homeUght, 18c Onions —Domestic almost nominal, Northern stock sprouty and unreliable, $1 25 per crate; barrels. $3 50: Bermuda crates. ?2 75. Potatoes—Northern, $2 5002 75 per barrel. Peas—Demand light: cow peas, mixed, 75a 80c; day. $1 OOal 15; speckled. Si ikiai 10; black eye, $1 25al 50: wltite crowder. $1 50al 75. Prunes—Turkish 55 4 c: French. Bc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady: loose new Xluscatel. $•; 00; layers, $2 00 per box; Lou don layers. $2 50 per box. Shot—Drop, Si 40: buck. $1 65. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket quiet; carload lots, 65c. fob; job lots, 85ea$l Src.Aßs—The market is steady , out loaf. 65*0; standard A. 6Uc; extra C. 55*e'; C yellow, sj*c: granulated, 6^c: powdered. 65b c - Syrup —Florida and Georgia syrups. 30a35c; the market is quiet for sugarhouse at ,35a4Gc; Cuba straight gtxxls, 28c in hogsheads; sugar bouse molasses, 20c. Tobacco - Market dull, demand moderate. 5Ve quote: Smoking, 25ca$l 25: chewing, com mon, sound. 2.5a3 c; lair, 30a85c; medium, 38a 50c; bright, 56a75c; fine fhnoy, 86a90e; extra fine. 90oa$l 10; bright navies, 45a75c; dark navies, 40a50c. Lumber— The demand from the West contin ues good: coastw ise and foreign inquirv is also very active. Prices for average schedules are firm at quotations, with some advance, while difficult schedules can only be placed at con siderably advanced prices. We quote: Ordinary sizes sl3 30®!? 00 Difficult sizes 16 00@21 50 Flooring boards 16 50 Shipstiiff 18 50®21 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00@11 00 800 “ “ 10 00®11 00 900 “ “ 11 00® 1* 00 1,000 “ “ 12 00® 14 00 Shipping timber in the raft -700 feet average $ 6 00@ 7 00 800 “ " 7 00® 8 00 900 “ “ 8 00® 9 00 1,000 “ “ 9 00@10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail—There are no arrivals of toimage for coastwise chatter and vessels are in demand to load ready cargoes for Baltimore especially. The rates are firm at quotations. Freight limits arc from $5 to #6 35 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesa peake ports, Philadelphia, New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c(&$l higher titan lumber rates. To the West indies and windward, nominal; to South America, sl3Sil4: to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, sll® 12; to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27®285; lumber, £3 15s. Steam—To New York, $7; to Philadelphia, $7; to Boston, $9. Naval Stores—Dull. Foreijtn-Cork, etc., for orders, 4s 3d, and. or 3s; Adriatic, rosin, 3s: Genoa, rosin, 2s l(Hsd. Coast wise—Steam —To Boston, 50c on rosin, $1 on spirits: to New York, rosin, 50c, spirits, 80c; to Philadelphia, rosin, 30c, spirits, Sic; to Baltimore, rosin, 80c, spirits, 70c. Cotton—By Steam—The market is steady; offering tonnage in gbod supply. Liverpool via New York S ft) 5-16d Liverpool via Baltimore p lb Vid Antwerp via New York p lb j|d Havre via New York |Mn Me Bremen via New York tti 11-1 So Reval via New York i ft 11-33d Bremen via Baltimore |>!h *Vsc Amsterdam via New York 65c Genoa via New York $1 lb 3*d Boston W bale 1 35 Sea Island $ bale 1 75 New York $ tiale 1 35 Sea Island *> bale 1 35 Philadelphia bale 185 Sea Island f hole 1 35 Baltimore ¥ hale 1 25 Providence $ bale 1 50 By Sail— Liverpool l?-64d Havre ' 9-32d Genoa 5-lfld Amsterdam 9 32d Rice—By Steam- New York barrel 66 Philadelphia barrel 60 Baltimore | barrel 60 Boston barrel 60 Vegetables—By Steam—(By special contract) —To New York. Philadelphia, Boston and Haiti more, standard crates, 20c; barrels, 40c. With out the contract, crates, 3V: barrels, 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls 1* pair $ 65 (jh 80 Chickens. Uto 44 grown 40 ® 60 Ducks W pair 60 @ 75 Geese ip pair 75 <&1 00 Turkeys 1? pair 1 25 @2 00 Eggs, country, ft dozen 125$® 13 Peanuts—Fancy h. p. Va. 1?1h... ® 6js Peanuts—Hand picked pth (g, 5J$ Peanuts—Ga jP bushel nominal . 75 (ft. !*0 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds j? bush. 50 (it, 6*9 Sweet potatoes, yel. yams V bush 65 @ 75 Sweet pot's, white yams P bush. 40 & SO Poultry Market steady; receipts heavy; demand light for grown; half to three-quarters grown in good request. -Market, irrogu lar. with a fair demand; supply good. Peanuts Ample stock: demand fair: market linn and advancing. Scoar Georgia and Florida nomi nal: none in market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes —Scarce; receipts very light: demand good. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. London, April 21. noon. -Consols 102 11-16. New York, April 21. -Storks quiet but steady. Money easy at 5Uj [sir cent. Exchange—long $4864. siioris4 871, , tsru. state bonds dull but steady. Governinenl bonds doll but steady. sp. m -Exchange quiet but firm Money easy at I it 1 , p*r cent , closing offered at 4 per cent. Sub-Treasurv tialancen -Gold. $13j,278.iki. currency. $15,617. *). Government bonds dull but firm; four |*r centi. l.’t's: three r>er eent*. 100. State bonds dull but steady to firm To day s stock market pn-wnted marked eon trust to that of yesterilay, Isung spec-ially weak and the improvement of hist evening was en tlrely wiped out. an lln mauv eases additional heises reeOrfled. The wits bullish at the openitig. and not only foreigners, but. room traders were free buyer, of the stock. When the early demand was satisfied the entire list liegan to yield. The market received no sup pu t whatever, and the lie irs niaile most of the opjsirttuilty to raid the market Most of the list were nnsleraiely active and generally heavy to weak, but presented no special feature Reading was atta< red toward t he cl, eie and sali-s in the last hour, when the large.,l decline was made, were nearly oue-half the total business In the stock for the ilay. The opening was firm to strong, prices generally showing advaoees over last evening s filial figures of from 4 ".4 |r cent. Under pisessore of stocks for sale the market is*gun toyleiil inuoeui itely and slowly sagged off and toward nism tb, general market liee.une quiet and e,,icpj.riiflie!) sternly. After 1 p m however, tlw downward ruovemen gathered force and Re elil.g Jersey Central and Cutoo Pacific Iss'Atne prominent In the decline, lu the last halt hour the and line woe checked and the close waa firm at fractions leu ter Uion tie- lowest figures Thv day a I<us ness f,s4s up ,i,ai ■ Everything on the adlve list Cs lower bsuight ezretit three or four st< s:ks,which show advances of Insignificant fractlooa. Tint follow mg are toe eioahtg q u.lotions Ala. elans A.l to '1 ineds Sew urlesas Pa AU. , laas It Sa ll>H cUW', Ist mort, 78 Georgia 7a. tnoet. IBS V V f'antral 1134 S throllua tat 13k Surf. Jt W, prof. Btl S. Carotin* 4s !M Nor Ps-9ft* 39 Sj ho Cam. (Brownl “ Itref |# 4 •'onwda . !<U IV*Or Moll Tff" leaser 0* . U IVsdtoz H Vir/uht63 te Idi Rmoirl & Al*.. 4y V* Ci.oV.llft*|sit ‘d I'drblfeSid A fSKOv 110 111 1A <*-* " Uu I,la d* W fy (I*. # Nmtii a Iri'A, levin nal ffi . |vferr*d Mm R<' |d*t t>* if' U-kiW Ikjt M. * . gi mj r i i'r i THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, AERIE 22, 1887. East Tennoss<x, Texas Pari fir . 38*4 nf*w tx*ck .. 1314 Twin. Coal A Iron. 4ft Lake Sbo:** .. Union PacitKv LVille ct Nash .. (iSSI N. .T. Central Char FsuMfle Mobile & Ohio Western l iiiors 76V Nash. 5. Chau a. 84 CottonOilTmst ce,r 52^ DCTTON. LmsK* :. April 21. noon. —Cotton dull, with out quotable change, middling uplands Vuel. middling Orleans 5 11 -16d: sales B.<X) hales, for speculation and expori l.dki liales, recetpu 15,- OOt) liales—Amerioan 14.100. Future*-Uplands, low middling clause. April and May delivery .5 36-64d. May and June 5 36-64 (gi.s 37-64d. June and July 5 39-64(0,5 SB-t>4d, July and August 5 4fL64(&5 41-04d, August and S,q-- tember 5 42-64®.' 43-64,1. September and October 5 3s-64ii5 37-64.1. Octolver and No.ember 5 29-64d, Sept ember 5 44-64d. Market quiet 2 p. in.—The sales of American to-day were 5,000 hales Futures—Uplands, low middling clause. April delivery 5 30-64d. buyers: April and May 5 36-s+l. buyers; May and June 5 87-64d, value: June and July 5 S9-04d. buyers; July and August 5 41-64,1 buyers: August and Septemlier 5 td'Md, rellers; Sieptemlier and October 5 87-4d. buy ers; Oct<B r and November 5 29-841. sellers; September 5 44->i4d. huyers. Market steady trisid middling utilands 7>4 4 ,1. middling up laiids sAj|d. low middling uplands sVtd. good or dirtary uplands 5Ud, ordinary uplands 4 15 l6d: gixsl middling Texas 55,<(. middling Texas sAqd. low middling Texas good ordinarv Texas 5 5-16,1. ordinary Texas 5 1 16,1; go>>l mid dling Orleans 5 13-16d. middling Orleans 5 11 -16d, low middling Orleans 5 9-16d. g,vod cpiinary Or leans s*sd, ordinary Orleans 5 ] nkl. 4:00 p. m Futures Uplands, low middling clause, April delivery 5 S7-64d, value: April and May 5 S7-64d, value; May and June 5 :lsßtd. sellers; June and July 5 4<>64.7 buyei's: July and August 5 -12 64,1, value: August and Septemlvr 5 44-64d. sellers; September and October 5 38 64d. buyers: Octolier and November 5 80-64d, sellers; September 5 45-64d, value. Futures closed steady. Nrw York, April 21. noon.—Cotton opened steady: middling uplands lOpi,'. middling Or leans 10 18-16 c; sales 413 hales Future- -Market steady, with sales as follows: April delivery 10 57c, s(ay 10 48c, June 10 SV, July 1062 c, August 16 68c. Septemlter Id 3V s:iXlp. m.—Market closed steady ; middling up lands 105rc, middling Orleans 10 13 16c: sales 302 bales; net nsxupts none, gross 8.197 bales Futures—Market closed dull, with sales of 41.800 bales, as follows: April delivery 10 57@ 10 58c, May 16 47,.h16 4s’. June 10 55ft 10 S6e. July 10 624;-10 63e. August l 0 68ft,10 69e. Septenu lier 10 354? 10 39e, Ov't-dier 9 95ft9 ;*6e, Jannarv 9 87ft9 88c. Green A Co.’s rerK'rt on cotton futures says: “It has been a noi .iual sort of market, with prices, after shading a trifle, recovering to uearly last night's figures and the market elos ing dull. A few buying orders eont inue to reme in and there was little more selling to-day. the latter apparently on Liverpool account. Large operators appear to be taking matters quietly and affording no guide, while the general trader stands off perplexed Ivetween the dailv growing strength of the statistical situation at home and the indifference and apparent slightly easy feel ing abroad. Positive opinions over the situation ,re very difficult to obtain." Galveston. Apnl 21.—Cotton firm; middling 10j$e; net receipts 44 liales, gross 14: sales none; stock 2:4,386 bales; exports, coastwise 3247 bales. Norfolk, April 21.—Cotton quiet ; middling 1 ; not receipts 38 hales, gross 38: sales 190 liales; stock 10,160 bales; exports coastwise 303 bales. Baltimore. April 21.—Cotton firm; middling net receipts 4 bales, gross 155; sales to spinners liales; stock 5,705 bales. Boston, April 21. Cotton steady: middling 10,14 c; net receipts 93 liales, gross 147; sales none: stock 1,468 bales. Wilmington. April 21.—Cotton firm- mid dling 10%e; net receipts 47 bales, gross 4t; sales none; stock 2,320ba1e5. Philadki juiia. April 21.—Cotton quiet ; mid dling 10-Vjc; net receipts 51 bales gross 51; stock 35,267 bales. New Orleans, April 81.—Cotton firm; mid dling lOtee; net re,'Sipis 1.451 bales, gross 1,454; sales 1,500 liales; st,H'k 154,008 bales: exports, to Great Brihun 2,727 bales, to the channel 4,681). coastwise 1,760. Mobile, April 21.—Cotton firm; middling lObjc; net receipts 46 bales, gross 46; sales 50 hales; stock 2,967 bales; exports, coastwise 18 bales. Mempiiis, April 21 —Cotton steady; middling lOtec; receipts 181 bales; shipments none; sales WO bales; stock 33,775 bales. Auousta. April 21. —Cotton quiet; middling receipts 11 bales: sales 135 liales. Charleston. April 21 -Cotton firm; middling lOkje; net receipts 27 liales, gross 27; sales 20 bales; stock 1,830 bales; exports,. coastwise 445 bales. Atlanta, April 21. Cotton — middling 10c; re ceipts 7 bales. New York. April 21.— Consolidated net re ceipts for all cotton ports to-day 2,0i1s bales; ex ports, to Great Britain 6,157 liales, to the conti nent 150, to the channel 4,080; stock at all Amer ican ports 408,402 bales. PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, ETC. Liverpool, April 21, noon.—When! steady; demand poor; holders offer moderately. Corn quiet Uut steady; demand poor; new mixed wesetern 3s 11 dpi. J„ird. prime western 3tls. New York, April 21, noon. —Floor quiet but steady. Wheat higher. Corn better. Pork steady; mess 818 Wvji 17 00. laud dull at $7 50. Freights steady. 5:00 p. m.—Southern flour quiet and about steady; common to fair extra s>3 4()(f<i4 00, good to choice ditto $4 10h/.520, Wheat a trifle bet ter but less active; options opened Arm, closed heavy; sjieculation very moderate; No. 2 red April delivei yJl2)j(y,l)A)se. closing at 02)40; May '•l2i4(d.h3c, closing at 92)qc; July U2c. closing at 91 Coni a shade lower and mode rately active; options without quotable change; No. 2, May delivery 48J4h, closing same; June l*Mc, closing same; July 424jtc, closing same. Oats a shade easier and dull; No. 2, 31 1 4gT,3474c. No. 2, April delivery 3IMj / &34%c, closing at 31>sc; May closing ut 3494 c; July aomlual lit 33c. Hops quiet and generally steady. Uoffee, fair Rio Arm at lhtfcc; options active at the ailvance; No. I Kio, April delivery II 10(g,14 80c; May 14 4<)> 10c, Juno 14 5.5 .q. 15 20c. Sugar quiet anil unchanged; refined quiet. Molasses quiet hut steady. Cotton seed oil -.'llfftJltbc for crude. 37)4 (fl>aße for refined. Hides steady; trade light; wet, Halted New Or leans selected 934".. hkr- Wool quiet. ami tin changed; domestic fleece 90(nj37c, pulled I h./,34r Pork quiet but steady. Tierce href quiet and unchanged. Cut meats steady; pickled Imms 11 V6< ; ; smoked bellies 8)£o. Middles dull ami nominal laird a couple ixduts higher and moderately active; Western steam,on sis it $7 50. May delivery *7 4.55? 82, July ?7 Bf*7 07; city steam $7 30; refined $i 00 to the continent. Freights steady. Chicaoo, April 21.—Tlie wheat market was one of murltod activity during the early houre to-day, prices ranging higher, but trading tv cams dull toward iue close, values reacted and the market closer! at Identically the same figures us on yesterday. The Imli leaders were in the pit at the opening, and then ojh-d bidding for property caused a quick advance for Msy delivery from 84149t8t fge, Tine market ro*ote<i to 84c, and ruled steady at a fraction over that llgtire for the remainder of tire day. One ot the marked features of the day’s trading was freer buying fof June delivery, that option ud vaneiug to 8-lo nnd closed for thr day at H'Arp or wtl lon ujo of the price of May July option was also largely ,1 rati'il In. hut advanced only ft fraction. WWW market was not <lisposod to allow much uf a iv commit. .(B>y' •icing the popular price fnr'May Tim features of this market continue to, be withdrawls from store niftiuly for the pitrppse of making rmnn for wheat. The sessi iu cloned easy. Jtiha con tinued relatively stronger than lard did, and June were' traded in more freely than May. While lard picked up luc, nos advanced and were in ordinarily good demand, and the latter closed at nearly outside figures. The following were the cash quotations; Flour quiet and unchanged Wheat, No. 2 spring sg.'fc r/.hjt*),,-. No 2re 1 *!>£•. < orn. No. 2. O i lats. No. 2, 27-'V Moss pork *20,71 Lard $/ la Short rlh sides, loose %■; *•,.*7 sio. Dry salted shoulders. leucl, $•! oirad 10; short clear sides, boxed, $d lo<&8 BJ. Whisky $1 18. Leading futures range 1 as follows: Opening. Highest. Cloning. No. 2 Wheat— April delivery.. H3>4 34 m% May delivery 84ti twaj 84 July delivery.... ts hi 828 k w 39k Corn April delivery.. %'■% 3748 May delivery • 9rm *7% July delivery. .. 418* 41)* 41$* • IATH April delivery .. WK 27)4 *7 May delivery '2Byi & •* July delivery ®!4 29J4 *!* vfsss Pork April dellwry s2h ts.3 ... .... May delivery 2D 78 .... .... Juue delivery .. JU 75 ■ .... .... Lamp April delivery |7 1844 |7 JO *7 15 May delivery ~ 718 7 45 7 17)4 July delivery. 7 32V4 7a) 733 short Kir*— April delivery | 7 A4U |7 30 7 *7>* May delivery. . 7 87t% 795 7 July dnitvory 8 0.14 815 111 BalvTii'jAS. April w'l -n mr iirm Uit *t*vly; j flnnul NCr*Mi w 1 Wimtmru mt urrftn* It). *wtrn £9 *. 7.’*. family ft i 4 **>, city mltU 00. ntr* V 1,4 7!t, Kio iriy4|4 '**o,4 4tl WM HmtlVni atnkmr Mjillto; , No I Harrisnd ■MhMMg. Weal sen sternly Imil duU; No J W H*'sr|i cier rad. on epre vltjt , •H ijtwm IfuUvjii lower qul<*< . • 1.44 # rlMc ysibjsv im; Western oofuißsky t*sdy awl <*ehVwT at J she ts. April 11 IT sir uwAaawd Hiisa t)V wjvWeM iH in value. Mav selling He and June MiftLje higher; later the market became weak and eased ~ff (,JV closing with sellers iqe ad vance on Mav; No. 2 red, cash and May de liverv SOGitti St'a-sc, closed 80Vao. Jtil* sOv*', closed 75V.,, 785t,e naked Corn firmer holier trading in May: cash and May deliver) XV ,8;ly ,87‘ 4 c. Oats dull and unchanged rroN istens quiet lard $7 Dry salt moat* boxed shoulders $6. long clear $7 871v5.8 (*’. short ribs $8 ;9t. short clear $8 96. Bacon shoulders $6 35ft6 50. long clear $8 SOft-8 75 short rib* $8 691*, short clear $8 75®S 00. Hams sll 50 ft!4 00 Cincinnati. April 21.—Flour in good demand Wheat Ann: No. 2, BSO- Com quiet: No 2 mixed 41 tec. Oats dull; No 2 mixed. AH,®, Altec Pork dull at sl6 25. Lard quiei at $7 0"Y Bulk meats dull Racon easier, short lihs 9 istje. short clear 8 87V$e. Whisky firm at $1 13. Hog* quiet. Louisville, April 20.—Grain firm Wheat, No. 2 red 88c. Com. No. 8. mired 41V Oats. No. 2, Sic. Previsions closed lower Da,-on clear rib sides $s 50ftS 60, clear sides $8 90. loose Bulk meats, clear rib sides $R dear sides $8 25: shoulders $6 Mesa pork uominal. Hams, sugar-cured sll 75ft12 50. Larvi. choice leaf $8 25(3.8 50. New Orucans, April 21.—Coffee higher; Rio cargoes and common to prime 148$(|j,163 ! jc t\rt ton seed oil nominal; 27c offered for prime crude. Sugars quiet but firm; l.ouisisna oys'a kettle good fair to prime 4teft,V ; Dvmsiana centrifugals, choice yellow ebu Ified 5 9 16.8 sk*c, prime yellow clarified .'Aye Molasse.-. steady: Louisiana centrifugal*, strictly prime to fancy 38fb33c, fair to good prime 22&2.V, common to good commou 18(gi2lc. NAVAL STORES. Ix'ivooN. April 21. Spirits turpentine 28s 9d. 1.1 ckrpooi., April 21. noon. -Spirits turpentine 86s 3d Rosin, common 3s fid. New York, April 21, noon. -Spirit- turpentine dull at 4le. Rosin steady at $1 l?H®t 30 5:00 p. in. Spirits turpentine dull at 40® 401*0. Chari.kston, April 2T Spirits turpentine firm at 87te, Rostn steady; good strained 85c. IViLMINOTiiN, April 21. Spirits turpentine quiet at :16c. Rosin dull; strained SV, govl strained 90c. Tar firm at $1 10. Crude tur pentine firm; hard $1 80, yellow dip and virgin $2 30. RICE. New York, April 21.—Rico steady. Fruit and Vegetable Market. The following specials to the Morntno New* are published for the lienefit of otu* Fl,in,in and Georgia readers and those interested in fruits and vegetables and can be relied upon a* accu rate and reliable: Pc .ladklphia, April 21.—Florida lieana. $1 SO®.2 75 per crate; cabbagy Florida, per barrel, $3 00((2 4 SO; cucumlters. Horfda, per orate. $8OOftoOO; tomatoes, Florida, par orate. $3 OOftS 60; squash, Florida, per crate, $1 DM 1 50; orar.g's, Messina, jier box. $2 3f.®2 75; strawberries. Charleston, per quart, 3VJ,,’nV; strawberries, Florida, per quart, R. Roast!ts A Bro. rniLAPKi.rutA, April 21. Florida (■nges. $3 A'M'Ji 00. per crate or box, as to quality; orange*. Messina and IMlenno, $3 (V ? 4 (kl tw-r box; lemon:-. Palermo and Messina, S2.TOftS 50 |K-r box. tomatoes, Florida, $4 OVoSUI ;*>]■ crate; cucumhors, Florida, $4 <kM f bA 56 percrate; strawberries, Florida and Georgia, 4&ftGoe tier quart; cabliage. Florida. SS.V)ft3,W ikm lew rel; Irisli ixvtatoes, Florida, s>>ooftn(k' per barrel. A. B. Pktwilrh A Ban, SHIPPING INTF.LI.IGFM K. Miniature almanac—this day Sun Rises 5 25 Sun Sets 0:82 lliob Water at Savannah 7:86 am 7:58 r u FntriAV, April 22, 1833. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Chattahoochee. Dagg'tt, New York —C G Anderson, Agent. Sciir I.iszie Wilson, Chadwick, Boston, In bal last - Master. ARRtVED AT TYTIKE YESTERDAY. Bark lacaruna tltaly, Simonctti, Baltimore, in ballast A R Salas S’ Cos. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Johns Hopkins, Foster, Baltimore Jns B West A Cos. Steamship Gate City, Hedge, Boston C G An derson. Agent. Bark Alfen (Nor), Egness, Wilmington, N C, in lml last- - Holst & Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ethel, Carroll, Cohen'* Bluff and way lar.dlngs—W T Gibson, Manager. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Johns Hnpl;iu. Baltimore. Steamship Gate City, Boston. Bark Alfen (Nor). Wilmington, N 0. Bark Vidette, Philadelphia. MEMORANDA. New York, April 80 Cleared, sohr Welcome R Beebe, Lozier. Savannah. Lisbon. April 13- Arrived, bark Honka (Rusl, Fliukenberg. Pensacola. Queenstown, April 18 Passed, baric Golden Sunset, (Hr). Shillaiieer, Savannah for Glasgow, Swansea, April 18 Arrived, bark Holly Boligh (llr). James, Coosaw, M V. Baltimore, April 19 Sailed, *<;ljr City of Jack sonville for Jacksonville. Brunswick, Ga. April 12 -Sailed, schr Mollle Rhodtxs, Watts, Jacksonville. Cleared tilth. lirig WiHsllaud (Norj. Lorange. Santauder; 9th. hark Ida (Nor), Jorgensen, Rl<, Janeiro. Darien, April 19 -Arrived, sohr Helen L Mar tin, Fountain, Philndelphi*. Crtisi Henry. April 17 Passed out. Mteaiushlp Iladwy (Br), Baltimore, for Port Royal. Georgetown. SC. April 19 Sailed, schr Nellie Floyd. Johnson, New York, Jacksonville, April 17 Below, Bchr John ft Davis, Green, from New York. Sailed from Fort George 17th, steam nchr lands Bueki, for New York Key West, April 19 Arrived, *tmr Hute.hin son. Baiter, New Orleans (and pnsteeded to Ha vanaj, Sailed, schr Oertrilde (Br), Johnmrn, Nansau. Pensai'ola, April 19 Arrived, schr Susan N Pickering, Haskell. Deer Isle Cleared, schr* F C Pendleton, Fletcher, New York. Postboy, Sindh. Newark Philadelphia, April 19 Arrived, *chr 7. 8 Wal Ungford, Willetts, Jeksonville. Perth Amboy. Ajiril 19 Sailed, ochr M 8 He ment, Townsend. Brunswick Rockland, Vie, April 17 Sailed, schr Ring Dove, St Augustine Fernandlna. April 21 - Arrived and cloared to return, steamship f 'aroivlelet. Evans, New York Arrived, schrs tiny L Peters. Williams, Bov ton: Tamos. Motile, Charleston; Carrie E Woodbury. Bryant-. New York; Bright Isaac Dodge, Gaul, Boston. Arrived mi Isfh from Jacksonville and cleared for Philadelphia 21st, schr Nettle l/mgdon, Bag ley. Cleared, s-'hr .Inn II May. Biggs, Philadelphia New York. April 21 Arriv'd, strni-s State of Nevada. Glasgow; City of Rome, Liverpool Arrived out. stmrs Wyoming, New York for Liverpool; Baltic New York fordo; Em*, New York for Bremen. SPOKEN. Bark Nellie T fittest (Rri. Messenger, from Sa vaimah for Rcvnl; 110 date; lot. 40 54, lon 25 38 MARITIME MISCELLANY Baltimore, April 19 Brig Jno Wesley, in tew. yesterday carried away dying jlbboorn while moving from Hamilton s coal pier. Carte Mny. N .1 Aiiril 19 8< hr Emily K Nor tharn, from Norfolk rnr New 3’ork, with lumber stranded on Hereford at 12:8bam; crew rescued by Hereford Inlet Life Saving crew. Schooner will probably te: saved NOTICE TO MARINERS. Washington. April 21 The Lighthouse Board gives notice that, on or about May 1.7. 1807 rile light and tog bell ai Horn Island Ufbt station, Mississippi, will be transferred to the structure recently erected. The new structure is a two story frame dwelling. painl"4 white, with lead c olor triiiiioings and green blliiils Horioounled liy a black lantern, and Is situated on a sand bill 5,<375 fe. t WHW As W (magnetic) from the old structure The led*til of ttie light ae*ve mean low w*lci will !• It feet, and should oe seen in clear weal lier from tlie deck of a vessel 16 feet, aleive the sen 13 mile- The approximate posi tion of the lighthouse as taken from III* charts of the Unlte-l rdafes Coast and Geodetic Purvey Is sfollows IgUtlHie 36 18 02) N Longitude 88 31 (41 W Tbe characteristics of the light amt fog hell will remain unchanged. RKCJSIPTH. Pe? i ‘harisHton and savannah Railway, Apr! I 41 t Old . sou It* t lirpenl 111. S los.n ! lowsei, W 4 bids rio*. 4 rears sterw. 4 l.bßi whisky, I 150 . add vs tobacco. 8 ' Sees whisky, I le/R Rheils, ' 31 IkilH slHireia. 2 lgs i-viut, and iadae Per wavannan. Honda air I Wnatnru Ksiiway | April 21 kt . .si.iii M ears iumtsir | car : brick. I car collie. *45 tibia *ph lla tiir|s>nttA*, 4* syrup, 1.2t>7 >.**• roain. w* MJn vnpetal.Vss, 4,'JVII .IV) ynwetobies. 2,341 Inws '.rHAWR 8 14.1s oraegm 3im Jr. he Via. 2 care oel. and mdar Per Ikabtrai fUilr w.l, Ayril *1 l> .!•> oqt um, to osies yarn 84 low .VnaewUni, Is hair* plaids |8 halos hkias, 13 pkgs paper 77 pkga V ; tan s l W.V rplrm turprrulna kW td.l f-sipt, uspaor 4 |W#* h h w.fc I* heed tmtto *l *B*4 4 ISt 14 \ load, l i'Ar poultry ICB pkjr? ft pkgs emp ties, *0 pkpi fcardwam, 40 '.*<** eggs. EXTORTS. ]Nr zNvimshlp John* HopidDM. for Baltimore— -006 hales I'oMcm, 22 bbl* rf.>\ SIS >bls nvsin. JWR bbls spirits turpentine, Bft hales i wiper stook, 10, 000 feel lumbar, 00 hales doinegtJt’K and yarns, S8 rolls leather. 27 halos hbkv. 10 hl>ls Grange*. 240 crab*.s oranges 4V bbls vagptahtaii, OSO orates vegetables. 2718 pkgs mdse 8 refrigerators her ties IVr steamship Gat* City, for Poston *OO bales upland cotton, 27 bait** sea Island cotton, 0s hale* domestics and vama, 12‘ bbls Hoe, ftO bbls main, 202 bbls spirits uirpent-ino. 11 W>b oranges. 278 SiV feet lumber. 7ft bdli* hides, 1 ,09ft bores orange* 12ft crates vegetables, 21 bbls veg etables, M urns pig iron, 4&) pkgs mdse, 48 re frigerators. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Chattahoochee, from York - K Pall. Roht Morgan, Pl.yons. .1 H Drevlan and wife, V C Util. ,1 Maokinley, H Marshall, SK PhiUipa, L Houghton, Wm Bergen, Dr D P Van Wegenen Per steamship Johns Hopkins, for Baltimore P B Oottwals ami wife. Jos Lynch, R H ilold smith, W F Johnson. S\ H Ahem, W F Stark and wife. F A Kidont, G 0 NVolfert, <1 Hannon, H Buchman. Jaa Thurston M F Dolan Pet lit*>amKhii> Gate Gitv. for Poston Miss M T Roche, r Rocbc, G M Parrel, J Berry, Mias A Dwyer. H K Burns. Mr Hughor wife and child, J A Dover. Miss J Dwyer, CG Phillips Miss liar ria, Mias Smith Miss M Meldrim. Miss Bell Me Mmer, I.H Oill> . Miss Davis. Mrs N Edward*, C A Welch and wife, M;ss Jenkins, Miss Bnioo, D W Orentt, Mis Jones. Miss Mitchell, J W Bret ton. A IN Preston, W H Fetter. Mr Foster and wife Mr Martin wife and daughter, C 0 Fmory. C M Newman, F V, Jones, Miss M Monahan, Miss Mary Monahan Mr Sheridan, 0 M Smith, Dr D F Lincoln. Mr Stebbins And wife, E JarOan, W Justin. Wm Gray, W Sinclair. B Brooks. Rev G O .tones, W A TTafter. F W Barber, H Sioah, H O NVvitherbs*. Gen A F Stevens and wife. H J Dixon, J Bartlett, D H Sevan wife and child. \\ H Foster and wife. MtasG Draper, H N 11awood, Mrs R Dr*)*n\ Mr Draper, TN B Sylvester. W L Oivhutt wife and child,\\ P Flynn, J F Flynn, C H Graves. L H Bigelow Jno Burton and wife,W Burton, M-iss A Nolan. Miss? Murphy. Mr John*v>n wife and child, Miss ,t Flavin. F Wells. Miss F. Miss MoOhiakey. Miss Barry. Miss Courtuev Mias M BartleD, Mias Keating. Miss Colby. Miss Fitzpatrick. Miss Ham. MiGnlligor. Mr itoopin. J Norman, A < Hoeh. Mrs A M For ter, Mr Brachett and wife Miss M McDowell, Miss O Roche, Miss F. Flynn, Miss A Hea*l, Miss White. MissM MeOarthey. Mi**B (Minch. Miss A l>eoni\i\i, Miss M M MelVnahl. Miss M MoLnugh lin, Mrs 1. L Sawver. NVm Warmel. 1) O Belden. A Noble, B Sibley. F A Parian. A Trafter, II P Langley, S Lcbrer, and 1 colored. CONSIGNEES. l>r Chariaaton and Savannah Railway, April 21 Fordg Office, J F Williams Go. Weed A C A B Hull, Smith Bros A Go, M Ferst A Go, F T Roberta. J F Jonee, M Pooling, 8 Kendrick. Jno Stafford. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Rallwav. April 21 Transfer Office, Jno Flannery A Go. W l) Sunk ills X Cos, M Ferst A Go, G K SDilta. J V Denton. H Myers A Bros. Standard Oil (N>, 1> R Kennedy, Eps-toln A \V, 1 -ee lhn Myers A Cos, lVin* A L. M* A I' Mo Intyre, I*' Lovell A Son. T H (lignliliat, Pearson A S. G V Hecker A 00, J H Hemiessy, McDonough A , Bacon, .1 A t.x>, J K ClWrkaA Go. Reppard A Go. M Holey A Bon, Frierson A <Y. lindaay A M, F J Myers Mfg Go S Cohen, Teeple A Go. I> B Lester. D V Dancy, J R Atoll, Smith Bros A Cos CbMUUtt A O'N ET lh)l>ert.s, ,1 Hosenheitn A (\). Wurren A A. E K G 1 loath am. Elba, A A 00, J r Williams A (V, W (’ JacVrson, CL Jones Per (Vntral l tail road, April 21 Fonlg Agt. Jno Flannery A Go. Garnett, K A (N>, Lloyd A A, Wsiran A A, A llanlev, MoOillk* A- M, Flood A T. A B Hull. G S MeAlpln, Jtw A Rolauis A Go, V IJThompson, Weed A G, Fsikmmi A V. l>f D Go.\. A Loftier, G K Stults, 11 Myers A Bros, F E Kustov, Bend helm Bros A O', l'rank A (\>. L fhitzel. Fano Fop**. MelnhaH Bros A ('o. Times, Teenle A Go. G V He*.*ker A tb, Ohlander Brsi. A FJirlich A Bn>, Southern Ex 00, 1* B Ixwter. D Hogan M V Ueudenwm. M Mendel A Pro. A! Ro* WMithal, G W Tiisleman. Einstein A L, H Porter, i*. A Sell wars, A J Miller A t'*>. J McGrath A 00, Grady. IVLA Go. G M Gilbert A G. J (1 Butler. D Weisls'in. I> D Arden, l/'e Roy Myers A Go, S Olilrnau, D G BaiN*!! A 00. )Vju**H'k. H A Go, K Haloa, Kiln. ' 1 Cos, .i PWlUiamaA 00, Httli well, FA Gv McDonough A ('o, B J ( , uhl*edge, W (’ Jackson. Decker A F, S Cohen, G Kohler. H GGanahl. Per steamship Chnttnhnoehee. from New York A R Altmuyer A Co.E H Alwalmm. J G Butler, A A Aveilhe.O Butler. Mendheirn Bros A Go, J L F Barhyur. M P*lev A Son, niodgrtt, MA* Cos, S W Branch. W G (’ooper, G 11 H A Bkg (?o. F, M Gontjor, Cornell A C. Gniban X D, Cohen A 13. S ('oh(‘n, J 8 (’olliiiß A Cos, S ( herry A (’o. R G Connell. G>llat Bros. A H Champion. W H Clianlin. A F Gbun'hill, 1 Dasher A Go, J Dorst. M J Dovle, J A Douginas A Go.G Eckstein & Go. A Ehrlich A Flro. 1 FpMein A Bro. .1 H Ettfll, W Eat ill. I'pstein A NV. U Elliott. M F*r*t A (Jo, 1 Fret well A" N. Flelschman A Cos, Fire be part men!, A Falk A Son, J B Fernandez, .1 II Furber. G M r.ilhert A Go. L J Garsn. S Gazan, G A Gemunden, Gray A O'B. F J (iolden, Jos Gorham, Graham A |T. F M Hull, A Hanley. A Ilallenl>a4'k, A B Hull, J ft Haltlwanger. Harms A J, Hii*sch Rios. Hymes Broa A Go, D Hogan. MG Ilelmken, W A .landon. Knvarinugh A B, A Krauss. S KrouskofT, Mias L King. Lindsay A M, N Ling, Jno Lyons A (Jo, K Lovell A Hon. D J Lyons. D B !<eHter, B H l*evv A Bro, J.l Lippnmn Br*os, A Lfller, Ludden A B. J F La Ear, l> F M verson. McDonough A Go. Mell A H, J McGrath A 00, W H Mell t (Jo. G Murphy, A >1 Meyar, H My**rs A Bros, It I) McDonald A Jse* Hoy Myers A I. B Miller, D J Morrison, Mutual Co-Op A*s n, Marshall Ibsise, J G Nelson A '(Jo, A (’(.kdachig, (rder notify Grrrle |‘o (N>. ( n-der notify J 1 utz. Order notify IT Miller agt. Palmer Bros. N Fftiil**n A (’o. .i H Pence, ET Paine Jr. I* PoHt<ell. G W Faritli. L Futl, Gl> Rogers, T Raderiek. Rlesor A K, .1 U K4ibimsn.W E Iteid, Mrs J B Read. Win Rogers, G M Web tnotid, Bouthern Ex Go, H, F A W Ry, H< rovmi House, Jno Sullivan, Htrauss Bros, L C Htrong, E A Schwarz. Hmltb Bros A Go, II Ij Hi hridner, A F Koloiiion. GEHtnlts, Holomons A Go, PH Hpringer. G W TkMjernan, J 1' Thornton. Thmis Bros, J W Tynan, J CThompson. I> \Veislelfi, 8 Willi/rnky. A MAG W West, Ga A 11a 1 8 B Go. A 0. W U Tel Vo. imoK r.ns. NOW -THK TIME TO SPECULATE. \CTTVE fluctuatlona in the Murin'! ofTjr op portunities to speculator* to make money In (irain, Block*. Bonds an>l Petroleum. Prompt personal attention given to orders received fir win> or mail. Cnrmapondonca miUcIM. Full information about the market* In our book, which will if forwardad free on application II D KYLE, Banker and Broker, 38 Broad and 84 New Hta., New York City. A. Xj. HARTRIDGGE, SECURITY BROKER. Buys ANI> HFililiH on ornninMop all rlaaaw ftt Stock** ai><l Bond* NftgoflAt'w loan* on markatahlf* rtpuHHof Nf** York ouotatlona f?imUh**'l bjr private t4ck*r v*ry fifteen ml nut#*. VM T. WILMA**. W. CTIIK I*o. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., Boroiczers- OP.DERH EXECUTEDon the New York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchange*. It \ N K S. 1)A8 181. MAB 8180, Ft. Co.VlUl! N. JONDAB, V.P't. THE WESTERN NATIONAL BANK or THE (TTY OK NEW YOliK. Nnw York. April 14, (*B7 {JRKPAR \TORY I" opening this hat k for biwinev*' at Its rooms tn the linultahlc Build |ng. In the City of Ne York, on Tuesday. May 10, 1887. It* Board of Irtreotor* ha* this day called in the talanoe due on the eapit stock, 9h tier cent., payable on Monday May 9, I*B7 >■ HI.AXKFAHORN. Cashier KISSIMMEE CITY BANK, Kissimmee city, Orange County, Kla CAPITAL - - - WOW '■pHANKACT a regular banking business Olre I iwrtleiilar attention tn Florida nolle* tions Corresporleiice aliened Isaie Exchange on New Cork New Orlcan*. Mnvaensii and .lank souvlllc, Fla Resident Agent* for C.mtta A Jo. and Melville Evan* * in , af I-orslon. England. X Y yfk cjffrrfmpundimt. Tm SwitMianl Xntt 'hAl fl*' * l. a. McCarthy, Mnww to (ha* K WaJudleld, PUMM(t,SiS and STEAM FITTER, <8 Rarnani ateaat, HAVANIMII, 04. Tslepaon* 979 i .It I I' tf and WItWHY HABITS mired (| 1 I' M .7 S Vi. .AMyyt*, Of Ojßa* **■' NIII.T.TNKKY. NO" W It 1: A 1 )"Y AT KROUSKOFF’S mil'll MILIIKERY HOUSE, SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY, COMPRISING ALL THE NOVELTIES. Ton Thousand Straw and Fanoy Braid Hats, from the cheapest to the very finest quality, in every color and in every shape for 1887. Five Thousand School Hats in the most desirable shapes. Fifteen Thousand pieces of Ribbon, comprising all the latest importations and shades in ("hartereuse, Nile Green, Salmon Pink, Lilac and Heliotrope. One Thousand cartons of Flowers. The choicest designs from Paris importations, and comprising almost every flower that blooms in the spring, and positively the finest goods ever seen in this city. Our work rooms, in charge of five artistic designers, turn out the most correct trimmed hats in the city, at prices much below others. Our shol\ os and counters on the three large floors are loaded with every variety of new milli nery goods. Our retailing on the first floor at w holesalo prices enables us to sell our goods far below any competition, and ladies can now purchase their millinery :it same price as com petitors have to pay. We continue the sab of Ribbons at same prices as heretofore. Every steamer adds new novelties. S. KROUSKOFFS MAMMOTH MILLINERY HOOSE. LATHS ANI> SHINULKS. LATHS AND SHINGLES CHEAP, No. 1 Cypress Laths, - $l5O per 1,000 No. 2 Cypress Shingles, - $2 00 per 1,000 Vale Royal Store House, BROUGHTON AND WEST BROAD STS. - ■ ■■■a LA Nil FOK SALK. Sanford, Orange County, Florida No Hoalthier or Bettor Laid Out Town In Florida. (■'IOMI’ARATIVE TKMJ’KRATCRKH South *nrt North FlorMa Ixm. M nt Stioforrl (U. H Sltfiinl Olfloo rnporto In Into frooiow January Sri ftirl 4t.h, IHNT, 3f> defrroe*. At .faokwinrtllA, Mine ilnto. mid ‘Ji! dogrooH, The dimrlimtlnir jmlnt for South (lorld# Uo*d of .tonmor nrlefttlon on tho si John’*. Tr minus of six milpnwN nod more oomlne Portr tiftltw dully flood Water (MoUjr sysCmi) rJalifwl by K as f s. Hlenol rifd.-s, ChurWimi. Sohools, Hotels. Ranks, JjfMlires, Opera House. loe Psotrjry, life Hood niienhißs for new huftlnem enterprise* Some of the most protltftlile OranK* <troves of tbe Stste In immediate neighborhood for sal# on east terms I,ota In Sanford and suburb*. 10.000 aore* on Hanford grant for Winter borne* Orange Hroves and Vegetable Farm* Near suburb "Trrtn sis minute* by rnll from Hstiford. with tOO Villa sites Also, im.ntin sores selected lands in southern counties, (an.oih) a.'res In I’olk county) Apply to ttie otfloe of Florida Land and Colonization Company., Sanford, Soia/blx Florida. Aoiucui/rritAi* imp cements. Agricultural Implement House, Nott 19!! A 198 Ht. Julian and 900 A 994 Congress Btrmta, Manufacturer of and Dealer in il.nv mill Him Oiilmil Hi ill^kniil. SULKY PLOWS: Melkle'a Celebrated Blue (Iras* HARROWS: Thomas' Smoothing, Hootch, Revolving, Diamond and Adjustable Harrow* MOW Kits AND RF.AI’KRS; Jolinaon and John P Many'* make* HAY RAKES: Edmlston A Waddell * line make*. RICK BRILLS: Hooaier lirlll Company's latent make* CULTIV A TORS AND HORSE HOES: Planet. Jr and Fariah make* CORN Mil.l>t (Ireene's and Nortlyke A Mar monk paierrte Knglnea Hay and Cettpn Pre**, Com Sheller*. (Jotterl Planter*, Min Stone*, ate Oeo. W. l^arinh, SAVANNAH, • . • QA. Cultivators ! CHEAPEST AND BEST. wm rami nv Weed & Cornwell. n A V AM! CHAIN. Keystone Mixed Feed! A fresh lot just arrived. Alao, Huy, Hrain, Bran, tow Peas, Etc. G. S. McALPIN, 1 72 BAY KYKKCr 18. ECTJIjXj, WAREHOUSEMAN . —and Commisflion Merchant. DEALER IN FLOUR, HAV, CORN, OATB, BRAN,ETC. WHOLESALE UKIH)T for drain wi<l .!**• vUiurv* cbok*’ lot Hn*! Rf* Hit** hi*f Hhml (Mm. I r*oh ME U. aft 1110,7 t,t wltHe sack* always on hand Hfwsoal antoat large lot*. Wanth<e<• no 4 Wadk-y atnwt, on Una 0. R R (XT! *. 8.1 Bay *nt t* !*•* o+r*4 Ife*4 m **l*M*ll*t wm\ •• * / ** 1 **** ***> t* fsL lAMJJf; lUdlt* **£# *<#mw4 ft* <*-r ft If# *• *v***ad pk f 4. if! r*wr r , m y HOTELS. Indian Harbor Hotel, (IRBBIirWICIH, COJNJST. m Will Open Saturday, June INti ADtmcas WM H I,EE, 1 Orand Hotel, Bl*t afreet and Broadway, N'| York. NEW HOTEL TOGNj (Formerly St Mar k's I <m Newtinn Street, near Bay, Jaoktonrllle, Kl^H fpilE MONT central House In the city Ncfl I Po e ' < idler, Street, (Ai k and all Ferries. J New and Elegant, Funilture EleotHt’ BelH Baths, Etc, $9 80 to |8 per day JOHN if TOIINI, Proprietor 8. A, UPSON, Manager, LEON HOT Ell TAIJ.AHASKFCB, • • FLA. M L OGLESBY, . - Manag M W'intoj* Tlosort. Open December to May Daily Rates. HOTEL SAN BALVADO M ST OEO ROE STREET, RT. AITOUBTINK, FLifl I/Ifwrr CLASS to All It* appointment* Tifl New and Elegant Concrete Hotel is somely furnished throughout, and ha* all tH mod<!rti improvement* Electric B‘Us. Bathsaml jvrfect Sanitary system Hates: £?■ to |3 per day. Special term* hy the week H month O N PAPY. Proprietor* HOTEL VENDOMEM BROADWAY FORTY FIRST HTREIfI NEW YORK. 1 AMERICAN pr,AN Centrally hs-ated M I the latest Irn,/rovemenls. ((ulsloe and aeg vice unevcelled Special rates tci pennanent guest* 1 STEIN EELD, Manager. MARSHALL HOUSE HAVANNAH, - - A. / t Rti It HOItOFS. Proprietor Formerly and “ I the Met•■•moldfln Hotel, New York, and tn Orand Union. Saratoga Springs Lorat 81 net! trip All part* of the eRy and place* of in*e( et acceaau,ie hy street cars eonstantly posatr. the dorrrs Hpe< ial Irirjiicemen** to those viMi Ing the city for lewineos or plea*ure .DUB’S SCREVEN HOUSE rpHIS POPULAR Hotel la now provided wid Ia Pass. ligcr Elevator (the only ene in city) and has lieen rem'Kteled end newly Inf nlshed The proprietor, who by recent pure hog I* also the owner of the cstatdkhment, sparg jialrt* nor eg|ienee In the ere 'sifooeti of bis gtests The |tronage of Eltmlda visit m Is earneetly Invited The table of th Screven House is supplied with every Itigttit that the markete at noma or idiroad oan afTorl THE MORRISON HOUSE. One of the Largest Hoarding Houses In tb South. AFFORIW pleaaant South room*, good Ice* i with pure Arteolau Water, at price* to ink thoee wishing table, regular or transient scoot* modatloae Northeast C. irnci Broughton an It ray ton rt rent*, Ippoelte Marshall House MKUKAL BROU’S INJECTION, HYGIENIC. INFALLIBLE L PRESERVATIVE i P(uy#m wltfagH & ' 04i ur IP wfwtff t* “Fifwi), I* i.tmmi&kMltm. 4 * ■*i % *** ' Lfj'c i ti** UMRWipV| 7