The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 25, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 THREE SCORE OF YEARS, i THE BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL’S j SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY. Flowers, Songs and Speeches Mark the Event—Superintendent West’s Report—What the School Accom plished Last Year—Dr. Lathrop’s Ad dress- The First Sunday School in Savannah. The Sunday school of tho Savannah Bap tist church celebrated last night the comple tion of three score years of life. Paradoxi cal as it sounds, the Sunday school seems to grow younger as it grows older. In other wonts it is year by year increasing its roll and becoming more vigorous. Last, night the church was thronged. The floral decorations were exquisite and filled the auditorium with a sweet odor. The principal design was a bank of moss on the platform. A beautiful cross of white roses, anchors, wreaths and stars studded the bank, which was surmounted by a crown. At the base of tho bank were the numerals “60.” in red roses. Beautiful ealia lilies, baskets of fragrant roses and pretty grasses adorned the front of the pulpit, anil other baskets of moss and flowers were sus pended from the chandeliers. After two hymns by the school, tho in fant class sang and then followed reading of the Scriptures. Mr. C. W. West, the super intendent, in his repoi't said: “Children, flowers, music, each one so fully represented here to-night, and all to gether, forming a text from which to draw thoughts and suggestions appropriate to this pleasant occasion. As we complete an other decade vre very naturally take views ill prospective and retrospective, as a iter has ingeniously expressed it: “We sit in the swing of thought, And gently to and fro. Swing first to the future, Down to the now: then Back to the long ago.” • “Contrasting the present flourishing con dition of the Sunday school throughout tue world with its feeble beginning, what pros perity may vve not expect in the future; While the Sunday school is not intended to take the pine * of home religious instruction, yet many children receive their only roii pious training by it. This but increases its responsibility. “Some of the mast thoughtful students and authors of the day have recently called attention to dangers' which threaten our Country; those to which the generation now passing away may not be exposed, but to which those who are now children in our Schools may be subjected. Emigration from Europe to this country has regularly and largely increased, and now flows through this Eastern section like a mighty river to the great West, where it empties itself. In fidelity in its many forms is brought here by those who come to make this their future Home—by actions and teachings also they foster a disregard for the Sabbath, a tenden cy to make it a day focj'ecreation, giving to Worldly pleasure time which should bo sot apart for worship. “How can we best guard against this spread ing of error? As members of Sunday schools, I think our duty is plain. AVe should teach those who are entrusted to us that the only safe course is to stand by the old Bible land marks, to lie clothed with Christian armor, protected by the shield of faith and armed with the sword of the Spirit. “Our minutes show the present number of Dur school to be: Officers and teachers, :Mi; scholars, 140: Bible classes, >; primary department, 109—total, 805. '“Our collections amount to, in school and Bible classes, $152 66; in pi imary department, $126 BJ. Making a total of £272 Sis, “Thedisbursements were: Sell'hi! expenses. Bitile and Publicat ion Society, sl2: ’home missions, sl2; foreign missions, S2O; poor scholars, clothing, etc., SOO. Total, $204. “The primary department, in charge of Mrs. Baker and Min. Wray,regularly carries on a missionary and benevolent work, rais ing funds both for home and foreign use, and contributing largely to the wants of thuir own needy members. “With pleasure do we regard that twenty Scholars have within tho year past united with the church. Our sessions have been hold without interruption; the punctuality of tho teachers has caused like promptness on the part of the classes, and to the regularity of both it is my pleasant duty to also say that, the harmony still exists which I have nlways observed during the ten years that I have served as your superintendent. “It is pleasant to observe the kind regard and loving attachment of even the smallest, Scholars to our pastor, who is always at home in any part of the school. May tho love of the Ir. autiful in nature, as with each returning spring the flowers come to point us to their Creator and ours, cause our -hearts to beat in sympathy with those who Bing to-night, and our voices to join in songs of adoration and love to Him who sends those blessings and accepts the tributes <>f praise in winch voices give expression to the feelings of our hearts.” The song, “He will Hear and Answer Prayer,” was followed by an interesting ad dress by Rov. Dr. Lathrop, who is filling Dr. Holmes’ pulpit while ho is away. Dr. Lathrop in Ins address sketched the origin and growth of Sunday schools in Savannah. The first one. he said, that was organized in this city was known as tile Union Sunday School and it met in the old Solomon’s Lodge building. Tlrnt was in Is 15. It was storied by members of the different evangelical churches in Savannah, and was conducted at first, by Rev. George White, a member of the Methodist church at that time, but later on Episcopalian. In those days Sunday schools were iinpor taut factors in the education of the boys and girls. The speaker mentioned the names of several of the active members of the old Sunday school, ’ among them iioing Jo.mli Pentiefd, Joseph Cummins, and Charles Mc- Intyre. From that Sunday school sprang the Yamacmw Sunday school, led mainly by members of the Baptist church. The Savannah Baptist Sunday school was or ganized in 1627, on tho site of the present First African Baptist church. Rev. Robert Brown, pastor of the church, was at its head. In tlitise days there were no libraries of consequence, and the. children were required to committ passages from Scripture, u practice which the speaker commended to tlx 1 teachers present. * The pleasant exercises concluded with the hymn, “The Golden Land" and the benedic tion. THE CALHOUN FAMILY. Those Who Will Witness the Unveiling of tho Charleston Memorial. Mr. Joined E. Calhoun, Adams Calhoun And Miss Julia Calhoun, of New York, passed through Savannah yesterday oil their way to attend the unveiling of tho Calhoun monument in Cliui'h'Ktoii to-mor row. The following memliers of the Cal houn lnnuly are ejqiectcd to be present at the unveiling: * From South Carolina Hon. James K 1 ward Calhoun, (.‘ol. <) V. Calhoun, IV H, Calhoun. Sirs. J. A. Calhoun, Mi*. A. t.’a, houn lvuchcl', M:-> Kate < ulliouil, lion, W. A. Aneruin, Mi W. A. Aiktuiii, Miss Anna Aucruni, Miss Haidec Aneruin, M,* Kddre Culliouii. Miss < f 'allioun, Me 4 l/i hi * 'aln mn. Mix Lintn/i PuPiv. Calhoun DulVc, Mix I'.. J). Ca11,,,ii 1,, M, ■ Wll’le Callssi, .iln.s Florida Culliouii, tlmsCotlnaii (daughter of Judge Ciitluaii From Yoi I JolinC. Caili wri, Jiule. , I Jml llr. Ktti |, Mrs. Mv. II >j, . Calhoun in a I num>, Janes I idnou.i, Adam, tall >iin. From otlmr Stole In, Aiutiew (. mJlwhiu. ■* HUi, Dr, A W • iJliuun, Mi* A VV. 1.1411,' ,uii, IJ. 1, l sliesn . tinhaim*. B. 1 ( tfi.onti An , , K CaidV.,! * ' il4 “OLD SPOT” LAID TO REST. Tho Biography of Gon. Kilpatrick’s Famous War Horse. “Old Spot,” Gen. Kilpatrick’s famous war 1 horse, died last week at Deckertown, N. J., of old age, and was buried with military honors on tho Kilpatrick homestead near there. “Old Spot’s" history has been oft written. He is credited with having passed un scathed through all the battles fought by the army of the Potomac, and to have marched with Sherman to the sen. His latest biographer says that his exact ago and pedigree are unknown, but that, lie is be lieved to have been of Arabian extraction an>l about 30 years old. At the time of his deatli lie was the oldest horse known to have been used by any General in the war. In his will Gen. Kil patrick ordered that “Old Spot” should be kept on the homestead and cared for until his death. The General’s executors refused many tempting offers for the old horse from parties desiring him for exhibi tion purposes. Bo much of fiction ha* been woven into the history of “Old Spot's” life that his true origin has almost been kmt sight of. Tin fact is “Spot" was in none of the battles of tho Potomac, and he was never on Northern soil until the close of the war. Instead of “marching with Sherman to the sea,” he 0111 v marched with Sherman from the sea. The widow of the late Dr. .T, R. Johnson, who was a well-known physician in Bryan county twenty years ago, is now a resident of this city. W hen Sherman arrived at tho sea Mrs. Johnson and her husband resided upon their plantation at Bryan Neck, be tween Medway and Bear rivers. This is the identical spot from which Sherman sig naled the Federal fleet with bonfires and the firing of cannon. Upon his arrival there Gen. Kilpatrick occupied the Johnson resi d< nee 11s his headquarters. The doctor was a wealthy gentleman and a successful farmer as well as physician, and the plantation was well stocked with cattle, hogs and horses. It was here that Gen. Kilpatrick first beheld his “fam ous war horse,” then without a name. I)r. Johnson had bought tho horse from a mem ber of McAllister's battalion, then stationed at flic.“Neck.” and his remarkable color, combined with bis admirable qualities, gave him notoriety and high value in the estima tion of his new master. It was not strange, therefore, that Gen. Kilpatrick should have chosen this gallant stood to bear him on his inarch. Mrs. Johnson describes the horse as a light cream colored stallion, thickly dotted over with small, brown spots, prominent eyes and scant, short mane. “Spot,” for that wa* the name given him by Gen. Kilpatrick, did not long remain in the possession of the gallant Federal General, lie was captured by But ler’s cavalry near Fayetteville, N. C., in the little surprise liygi whioh Kilpatrick escaped in his drawey*ana night shirt.twn weeks be fore the surt'endor at Greensboro. A lptrfnlier of Cobb’s Legion, who took the horse from one of Gen, Kilpatrick’s staff, was riding the animal at. Greensboro, when his former owner recognized him and offered two other fine horses for him. The “swap” was made, and alter the surrender Kilpat rick took “Spot” North with him. His last, public was at Port Jervis, N. V., where he was n leading figure in a Fourth of July celebration a year ago. STILL UNDER LOCK AND KEY. How the Jurors in the Fogarty Case Pass the Time- No Verdict Yot. Tiie bulletin issued at midnight by the Deputy Sheriffs in charge of the Fogarty jurors set forth that they were sleeping soundly with pulse, respiration and temper ature normal. Their appetite has improved since their incarceration, but as yet they are allowed only two meals a day. That is about all they are allowed, except, to sit in the windows and watch people go by. They amused themselves yesterday by guying passers. Judge Adams gave orders not to allow any one to st op under tha court house win dows. The juror: got on to it through the deputies, and they called to everybody who went by: “Move on! Pass by! Don’t look up here.” People going home'from church were guyed along with the rest. Not even ladies who looked up escaped. Nothing was permitted to lie sent up to the jurors excopt their meals and tobacco. The most of them got. pillows and blankets from home on Saturday,-and when night came on were prepared to pa.-w the night a little more comfortably thiui Friday night w;us passed. If they calculated oh being discharged yesterday they were disappointed. They probably counted on last night being the last of their iniprisonment. They did not sit up late, but soon after the church bolls rang pulled down UlO blinds, turned off thd gas, tolded themselves ir. their blankets ami stretched out oil tho tabk-s. How they stand was as much e mystery at midnight as on Saturday morning, fait ton to two was still to be the division. Nearly every one seemed to tlinik that Juror Har per was one of the two, and a good many thought that Juror Lingg was the other, it. is expected that they will lie discharged this morning some time, but it is not at all cer tain, as the Judge may think it. worth while to keep them locked up a few days longer. Up to 1 o’clock this morning they had been locked up 55 hours. THROUGH THE CITY. Items Gathered Here and There by the Nows Reporters. Calanthe Lodge, Knights of Pythias, will meet to-night. The arrangements for laying the corner stone of the Episcopal Orphans'Homo build ing. at Liberty and Jefferson streets, are complete and the ceremony will take place ut "> o’clock this afternoon. There were I'd failures in the United States reported to Bimlstroct’s last, week, n;: uiis* ltx> in the preceding woes, and 175, Is Hi. 155 ami ItiO in tlio corrospouding weeks of IsNd, IHS.>, lssi and 18S;;. Miss Jennie Smith, National Superinten ds nt of the Kail way Dcfiartmcut of the Woman’s < 'lnistiun Twii|>craiiee Union, w ill hold a special service for railroad mini ut Trinity church at R o'clock to-night. To-morrow will lx> a day of celebrations in Savannah, liesiiles being Msanorial day, ii is ths 1 I:l7th anniversary of the Union society and the nnnuil celebration of the Odd Follows. It Ims been suggested Uuit it 's' made u half holi.lay, so that overy will have na opportunity in taking part in the observances of the day. The public schools might bo dosed ut 1J o'clock. The Georgia Sunday K.liool Uonvcntion will in net ct Am'ileus next MVdnoadiiy and will continue ill session two or three days. A must excellent programme has Iwn iir rungml by the committee on arrangements, and the gathering promises to tie one of the largest and is si ever held in the South. The p .pie of Aim i ieiis have made ample propu i at ions for • iitcrwitmng all the deb gates and other vlsltoin. The railroads havo un nouneed u ivdn't if in in rates to '•. js-r mile for the round trip. Delegates will ho iv ijuired to |ay full fare going and Jo, |>er mile returning, and inu-t show tie railway agents their < ■ 'UPe*. which they can ob tain by aplliving pi t.hesecret try of the con vention. i'u it ..ini county and Savannah will I*' represented, but not by u very huge delegation Over In Cliarloaton. (Vintsof invitation pi tin lMiii|int of thn Son'll ( nroli.i.i Division ot ll.i* T p, A have ls'‘n iiiciii and. 'J'lta “ulfuii'" will lake place at the < "(mi lesion Motel Miy The I*)| Hill 1" ' Kiel hull'll 14 I 111 l<' llot vH aim miiliei i ni"| a Mai,.lst ||. ''tie Ih'i* klayma' Union elann fhii tls*MPt 11■ es of ev i'i \ lll*** Wort- I'S . lili [I ni 'flu lonl nopiii. and build is no '. non. pi Llyn ill- an hour Pi Ip-t , i, ' IHM itt ** ‘f J fuMlhp *l*4* hU J • # m/ i* m Hi* <I*U | ‘‘ HIE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1887. FROM JAFFA TO JERUSALEM. An Interesting Journey Graphically j Described. Tiie following is an extract from a letter written by a distinguished clergyman to a gentleman in this city: Jerusalem, March 28.—Dear St. J.: Wo arrived here yesterday from .Tafl'a (Joppa), having broken the journey by stop ping at Lntrun the first night. It is only thirty-six miles from here to the coast,, and, just think. Jerusalem is higher above the sea than the Cumberland plateau. Tiie road comes out of Jaffa through the most luxuriant orange groves, still tilled with most lieautiful oranges, and the lemons are as line as I ever saw. Beyond Jaffa you emerge u(ion a broad plain, one living sea of green, “verily, in verdure clod.” It is tho plain of Sharon, and fourteen miles distant, across the wheat and barley fields rise the mountains of Judea—over the rocky passes Samson and David and the armies of Israel used to come and raid the Philistines, who fought hard for the beautiful plains. AVe soon came to a slight rise, where tho acclivity begins, and the dragoman said it was the place where Samson let go the 800 foxes in the corn of the Philistines. The land now ever rises, and fields and olive groves and stone watch towers and little mud-built villages succeed each other, until we reached Ramleh, where our coachman fed his three horses. In half an hour we set off again and came to Latruu, a small village named, as is supposed, from tiie Latin for robber, “Latro,” of course because it used to be infested with them; but medkovulism with its ill-timed tradi tions insists that it takes its name from be ing the birth place of tiie, penitent thief. We stopixxl at Latruu all night, in How ard's stone inn, and went on in the morning, ever rising up into tiie mountains, which become more precipitous and barren. Soon wo passed Kirjatn-joarim, where the ark of God rested so long before it went to Jeru salem, ami then came to the valley of Elah. where tiie Israelites and Philistines stood over against each ot her, and where with a stone front the brook David slew the giant; and soon passed Etonians, where our dear Lord came on tiie first Easter afternoon with the two disciples, whom He taught as they walked and whose hearts burned with in them, and how He was known of them “in breaking of bread.” This was about seven miles from Jerusalem, and still we continued rising over a very good graded uiul macadamized road (inplaces). Atiastat 1:20 wo saw the lire domes of the Russian mission outside the walls, and then the chapels on the Mount of Olives. Jerusalem within th'- walls you do not see until you are immediately upon it. We stopped at the hotel without the walls and as to-day is very rainy, I have not gone out so cannot yet tell you what the Iloly City presents in its interior. W. T. LUDDEN & BATES SOUTHERN MU SIC HOUSE. Annual Election of Officers. The annual election for officers and direc tors of the 1 .widen & Bates Southern Music House was hold on the first Tuesday in April, and resulted os follows: President, W. Hidden: Treasurer, J. A. Rates; Secretary, John 1). Murphy. Direc tors: U . Hidden, J. A. Bates, John D. Mur phy, F. E. McArthur. Mr. J. A. Bates, who has been acting as General Manager of the business, finding liis duties too arduous in the present state of his health, naked to lie i+liovod of a portion of his responsibilities, raid accordingly Mr. F. E. McArthur was appointed Superintendent of the Music, Musical Merelujndise and Art Departments, and given supervision of the store, office and working force, exclusive of those si>ccia!!y employed in the Fin no and Ortjan and Tuning and Uepairimj Depart ments, which will remain under control of Mr. John 1). .Murphy, who has been their efficient manager since the organization of the company in ISS4. Mr. Bates being thus relieved of a vast amount of detail work and responsibility which has taxed his powers so severely for many years past will, through the co-oj(ora tion of these two experienced and eminently capable gentlemen, be enabled to secure im peratively liv'dcd rest and recuperation, while at the same time giving the business the benefit of his oversight and advice. His health has already been very much improved, and it is expected that a lew months moro of relaxation will restore him to his old-time vigor. Owing to his disability since Sept. Ist, the current business has been under charge of Messrs. Murphy and McArthur, and it is a gratifying tact that under their skillful management the house has not only held its own. but has steadily gained in prosperity. New lines of goods have been added, new business methods adopted, the discipline and efficiency of the working force greatly in creased, and, best of all, the amount of stock on hand and the outstanding accounts have ls'ii actually decreased over SdS,(KK> since April Ist, fusil, thus giving the company that much additional cash working capital. One of the most marked mid satisfactory changes made was the adoption of the strict cash system in the sale of all goods, except ing Pianos and Organs. This was a bold move in a credit-cursed city like Savannah, but it was carried through without loss of paying trade, and the results have satisfied the house that ‘‘there's millions iu it.” All goods arc now sold cash on delivery in the city or cash with order if outside of Savannah, with the result of protecting the house from all losses through bad debt.;, and also insuring to purchasers the very lowest cash pi ices. The is now building up a snot cash with order retail trade in Music, Ismail Instruments and Art Goods, of large proportions, which extends throughout the entire South. Pianos and Organs they are still placing by thousands on their popular easy installment plans, and there seems lit erally no limit to what can be done iu this line of trade The whole South is th< ir field, and most thoroughly do they work it. Of their magnificent. Temple of Music we have so often spoken that we will at this time only allude to the changes recently made on the first Moor, nr general salesroom, which add so much Pits space and attractiveness. A charming Piano and Art Parlor and re ception room lias I win located near the very front, and the Art Department placed prom inently in the centre and front All obstructions to vision have been re moved, and the immense salesroom, filled Willi its Art Treasures, Rich Cases, Decora tions, Pictures, Pianos. Organs. Banners and busy employee, presents a liewildorillg sight, which prominent gentlemen of the music trade from New York, Boston, Chicago and other large cities have declared is unequaled in the entire United Stab's. This is high praise indeed, and our riti/ens have good reasons to feel an interest and pride iu the sui'oetw of this most popular Kuvuiinuh emiKirium. Visitors are always welcome, whether de siring lo purclmsc or not. and will lie most courteously shown through. Strangers in our city an' herewith re minded that n visit to Ludden A Rates Southern Music Homy* will amply repuy them. CAR ACCOUNTANTS COMING. The Florida Excui-dionlato to Roach Ka\ annuli Tills Morning. The United States mid ('anidlun Car Ac countants’ A -ocaitiou, which met in At lanta la-t week, Ims liceti making a trip tluougli l’londu. and left Jacksonville 1 isi nlgat by a s|>eoiid train for Hnvitiitinli, There are upwards of l.d in i lie pa, ' The t rip was lli'st arranged o that the e\eun*loiiizH woulil reach here ; i morrow inermi,/, and nlb i vinlthigTyls e and H|s<iidhig I lie day In the cit y tlev would leave nt night by the < ei.tral lor \lluiitn where (In y would ecpnralc mut go to llteir homes. (iiie,i |ofHi i lie i ill s|'iid lo dav ill Sit 'eoluhn I e ill poll, ll here to I Ttul'lcHiUll t 'i.glh tal: Ini' tu I it** < 'iillcmn iiiMine'iii o'(o 10. ■ !■ iieurow The part* will m to. Iroin IrM ha * itij lias iieiiumg. hr* i. o n Isos' whit * and fancy Hliww logs at ■< el .lie,, regular pruo* Mk' and .Att,, nt \ f i t*l‘ m BASE BALL OX SUNDAY. THE HOME CLUB BEATEN AGAIN BY THE UMPIRE. Ten Inning’s and a Score of 15 to 12 at Nashville -Umpire Burbridge Re leased After Having Lost Savannah Two Games New Orleans Defeats Mobile How Sunday Games are Looked At. The first Sunday league games were played yesterday at Nashville and Mobile. New Orleans and Nashville wore tho win ning teams. The scores were: Nashville. 15; Savannah, 12. New Orleans, 5; Mobile, 4. The propriety of Sunday games was dis cussed at the New Orleans meeting in February. There was some doubt as to whether pulilic. sentiment would sustain them, and the matterjwas left to local man agers to determine. In Tennessee, Georgia and South Carolina the State law's forbid Sunday exhibitions. Nashville, however, seems to have got around the State and county officials, and Memphis is about to try the experiment. There will hardly be any effort to introduce Sunday games here or in Charleston, as public sentiment is opposed to any move in that direction. The result of yesterday’s game at Nash ville drops tho home club a peg lower. Tiie game, however, seems to have Been manipu lated by tho umpire, who decided in Nash ville's favor, making the second game that Savannah has lost through one-sideil umpir ing. There seeins to tie no doubt that Bur bridge was unfit for the position, sinco ho has been release.! by President Morrow-. The only regret is that he was not given his release before he got in his work on the homo team. Savannah and Nashville seem to be pretty evenly matched, both in the field and at tho bat. Somers, though inclined to be wild, pitched a fine game yesterday. He gave live men bases,but beyond that bis box work was very effective. As soon as Manager Morton is able to strengthen the weak points of the team, which he will be able to do probably by next, week. Savannah will be in a position to go ahead and take her place ii]i at the top. To-duy’s games w ill close the second se ries. To-morrow tiie clubs will swing around, and 011 Wednesday will play as fol lows: Savannah at Mobile. Charleston at New Orleans. Nashville at Memphis. Burbridge Wins Another Game. Nashville, April 24.—The first Sunday game of base bail for two years was played between Nashville and Savannah to-day be fore the largest and most orderly crowd ever seen in the Nashville base ball park. There were nearly 4,000 people present, including the largest delegation of ladies seen there this season. The game was hotly contested, and while errors were not rare they were so well divided as to make things about even. The playing was about even, but Nashville again had the umpire on her side. At the end of the ninth inning the game stood 10 to 10. in the tenth inning Nashville made five and Savannah two runs and the crowd was wild with delight. There was sduv.t apprehension that the State law against. Sunday base ball would be enforced, but both the city and county offi cials had been interviewed and nothing was done by way of interruption. It is be lieved that public sentiment will now sus tain Sunday games ns affording harmless recreation to many hundreds who must work all the week and could not otherwise see the game. The official score to-day is: NASHVILLE. A.n. r. A. e. Clinton, l.f 7 1 4 2 0 0 Hayes, c. add 3b 0 2 1 4 1 1 Maul.p (513122 Reeder, e.f 6 2 4 5 0 0 Mathias. 2b 0 0 1 5 2 0 Mauuion. 3b aud c 5 2 2 2 0 1 Firle. li> 6 1 3 It 0 0 Corcoran, r.f 6 1 0 1 0 1 Burlces, as 0 2 0 0 6 1 Totals 54 lo 19 30 11 (5 SAVANNAH. A.B. R. D.H P.O. A. E. Peltz, C. f 6 1 1 1 0 0 Campau. 1. f 6 2 3 2 0 1 Brower, lb 6 2 2 9 0 1 ilutchinsou, 3b 6 112 13 Reilly, s. s 5 t 2 1 3 1 Einslie. r. f 5 t 1 4 0 0 McAdams, 2b 5 1 1 4 2 2 Somers, p 5 1 1 I 6 3 Barker, c 5 2 3 6 1 0 Totals... r 19 12 15 30 18 9 nv iNxisas. Savannah 0 3 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 2—12 Nashville 2 0 0 33 0 0 2 0 s—lo SUMMARY. Runs enmed—Nashville 5, Savannah 4. Two-base hits -Clinton, Hayes, Mannion, Brower ami Barker. Struck out—By .Maul 3, Somers 2. Bases given for hitting man with ball—By Somers 5. Passed balls Mannion 2, Hayes 3, Barker 1. Wild pitches— Somers 2, .Maul 1. Umpire Burbrulye. Time of game Two hour and thirty minutes. President Morrow released Umpire Bur bridge after the game for refusing to enforce the rules preserving order, particularly the rule against the use of profane language on the ball field. It is not t bought that this is the only objection, as Burbridgo’s decisions have been fur from satisfactory to either side. Joe Diestsol, who was released by the Nashville Club, has been appointed to the vacant position. New Orleans Wins Attain. Moß, April -M. —Two thousand jieople saw the Mobile-New Orleans game to-day. The home ti<aiu gave tho Crescent Citys n tight fight all the way through the game. The llcldiug on both sjil-•. was sharp and the pitching whs exceptionally line. Kelley is no doubt the miming pitcher in the league. McVnv cnuglil w.d. Aydelotte and Ilicu lian, the Mew Orleans Littery, wont splen didly together. Tin* score Was Mobile ■; 0 ‘i o a 1 0 0 t -i New Orleans 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 x—a Games Elsewhere. At Louisville— Louisville 10 10 0 10 2 I—l.l Cleveland 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1— 2 Hast* hll bottiavUl.’ -'i. i Irveluml 10. Errors- OniMViUu 0, Cleveland 7. At Brooklyn— llrooldy n 2 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 -r, Bulthnor*' 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 7 x—l 2 llase hits llrooklya lit, Baltimore 18. Errors lli'n.klyu .1, b.dt iniore 7. At St. Louis— St. Liuls .1 01100000-5 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0— 1 Jlir-e lilt . Sf. ho i; i 1 l. Ciiiciiuiati S. Emu*-St. Louis 2. Cincinnati 2. Around the Banos. The St. l/itti i jitipcrs Imve it Hint Churles tun has sign* l Catcher George Mnppos. Tony llelluuiii has lavn blacklisted by tin* Memphis club. He ii“vived 4.V1 111 lalvance money from Mimu".er Snood and went Pi IfwtavUla with in-.-'id. last woek. U'hil.. then* lie got on n spas*, relum'd to go Kick Pi Memphis and fur Cincinnati. The AVmw mill Cunrii r says; ‘'lt wouhl Is' liui'il to imagine a more ills; lisp'd or in dignant crow I Mem Inal will 'll listened to till' reimrt of lie Memphis <'hui lesPui game Hu • • iih.i 1 ;,iil tiuturdaj aftetn*am Nearly iUo]a<ople w**ri* preamit, uud they ware <iiiu*li!'m* In saving that lin v hail In ver oil i*'.: or be'lld of II more d.sgus' ill ; cv lllhltlo.i 0, the lintioiud gi.l||.'. 11l •at, it it i'..l l **ua*iy .1. übtful If any pro f saioiud. lublui’.'V. giaieim raeord for such *roM**i' •. p a eta la* torlnad tin* plaiiia of till I 'lull h .(*. I P .in. I'liLlapretty iuuii oil the "ill." 1. 1.51 t*.|ni.” tira'll bargain In Lu*ltin>‘ Collars. .xm d> / si ki p * , ply |„ii"u < Villa/ - at V. uluio I! I v , *, GENERAL RAILWAY NEWS. Matters of Money and Management About Various Lines. The track-laying force of the Covington anil Macon have about reached Montieello. The grading force of the Jacksonville, Mayport and Pablo Railway and Navigation Company has reached Arlington. Several loads of iron have been delivered at May port, but it has been decided to wait until enough has been delivered to complete the road before the line will be laid. The board of directors of the Mobile and Girard railroad met last week and accepted the resignation of President llaoul. Dr. N. P. Hanks, of Columbus, was elected President, and IV. H. McClintoch was elected to the directory to fill the vacancy caused by Dr. Banks’ promotion. The Alabama Midland surveying corps has reached Montgomery. Mr. Arthur Pou, who was chief engineer of the Savannah, Dublin and Western railway, is chief of the corps. The work of making the survey aud fixing the route is being pushed right along, and the company is composed of men who mean business. The people at different points along the road have subscribed liber ally. showing that they want the road and are determined to have it. The Savannah and Western engineering corps was in Eastman last week. The corps is headed by Maj. Winn, who says in re gard to the route from Savannah to Mc- Vfile, that it is a splendid route, aud runs through some of as fine timber as he ever saw. Another thing, the road, lie says, could be built from Savannah to McVillc at a cost below the average cost of railroads. In regard to Eastman as the ter minus of the road, he said that of course everything depends on the survey, but if the country between Eastman and Savannah is a good one, and the survey comes out ail right, Eastman will have the advantage. The Dublin Gazette is authority for the statement that Gen. Alexander has ordered the Dublin ard Tennilte road pushed through to Hawkinsville, and the Gazette states that the work will lie done at an early day. This statement leads the Hawkinsville Notes to remark that Gen. Alexander can see as far into a railroad grindstone as any rail roa, l man in the United States. Th i extension of the Dublin and Te mills line to Perry via Hawkinsville, th; News claims, would give the Central another very important and, perhaps, the most direct and shortest line to Birmingham via Columbus and Good water extension. It would also enable it to hold its share of the traffic of that section of country, and which is now threatened by other railroad corpora tions. In Favor of a Commission. At a moating of Pensacola's business men held a day or two ago to discuss railroad matters the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That a committee of five lie ap pointed to ilraw up resolutions memorializing the Interstate Commerce Commissioners in favor of suspending the operation of'the long and short haul clause. Resolved. That this Board respectfully re quest the Legislature of the State of Florida now in session to pass the Railroad Commission bill, now before the said Legislature, with such provisions as will secure uniformity and equali ty in freight and passenger rales, prevent dis crimination, and also to secure a reduction of rates, especially m the cases of the land grant railroads and that the Secretary of the Board transmit a cony of this resolution to the Gov ernor of the State, to lie transmitted by him to tlio Senate and Assembly. The Vestibule Train. The much talked of “vestibuled train,” George Pullman's latest conception, is at tracting much favorable attention. The platform of each car is smaller than that, of the ordinary car, and it is covered with a structure that looks like a big open sentinel's box. When two cars are brought together these two boxes meet, and a vestibule is formed, so that instead of walking, or rather diving, across a bounding, swaying plat form, one crosses from one car to another as easily as from one room to another through a passageway. The boxes consist of broad thick frames of steel, like huge inverted ox bows, which are supported by strong, elastic pressure, derived from springs. These springs bear against the top and sides of the steel frame, as well as against the solid timbers composing the platforms of the cars and the upper part of the superstructure. When two ears are brought together the springs cause the frames of the vestibule to stick together firmly, and so no dirt or wind gels in. In going around curves vulcanized rubber placed in the frames admits of the necessary bending. The vestibule also, to a great extent, prevents oscillation. Local Personal. Mrs. Mary B. Nickerson, wife of the late Thomas B. Nickerson, before, during and after the war widely known as the proprie tor of the Mills House in Charleston, the Screven House in this city, the Planters' Hotel in Augusta and Nickerson’s Hotel in Columbia, died suddenly at the Carrollton Hotel, Baltimore, last week. Among the arrivals at the Screven House yesterday were Paul Yeakei, A. Huthmorl hy, Morris A. Tyng, A. M. Fiske, J. 11. lladilon, C. C. Colby. Jr., H. Ottenlwrg, Thomas IV. Hood, New Y<irk: John A. Stroms. Chicago; John Y. Henderson, Lon don; William E. Hayne, Charleston; W. L. Slaughter, Danville Va.; IV. H. Dent. Bos ton; J. C. Moore, Baltimore; 11. Y. lkut tell, Halifax. At the Marshall House were C. W. Han son, Brunswick; John IC. Cook, New York; R. N. Aclamsou, Reids ville; J. W. (fray. New Jersey: C. K. Mann, W. H. Swift, Brighton, S. C.; R. M. Coleman, Mobile; J. K. By no w, Pitt- 1 iurg, I’a,; M. 1,. Howe. At lanta; William E. Sealironk, Uernurd Abel, Cliurlestou; L. B. Alslioff. Baltimore; Jams* B. Lowell, lielltou, S. C.; Victor Kreig liabur. Macon: Samuel C. Foster, Bain bridge: ii. ii. Carswell, Boston. At the Harnett House were J. Beers, James McNamee, Westbrook, Conn. •]). G. Laphatn and wife, Brooklyn; B. F. Parker, New York; G. W. Snow, Princeton, N. J.; I). Khting, John Wilson, J. Dunn, H. C. i ’iill’ord, Baltimore; J. H. Kyarson and wife, Jm ksouvillc. Flo.; W. J. Angler, Atlanta; 11. C. Drew. Stokes Blulf, S. C. ;C. W. Wul lace, Boston; A. M. Goodoll, Lansing, Mich. Grand Continuation Sale of Shirts. A. R. Altmayer & Cos. will coutinao their ;rt"'at bargain sale of those Gents’ Laundried a I ('tdaundried Shirts, which were tie l talk of thi town last week. As to lit and linish they cuunot lie surpassed, and our nriee,, iHt not near cover U east of muuu faeturing. Get supplied this week and save money. Not So Wonderful After All. Tlie question often asked u.,: You claim to sell i hoaper and to give better Clothing for the money than other dealers; how do you do it; Wo answer: The Famous inanufue tui'i s nil the Clothing they sell, soiling direct to the consumer at a saving of twenty-Jtrr per ri'vt. The Famous lms no expensive establishment, but u plain.presentable house to do business in, ut, a saving of feu nrrceiif,. more. The Famous is very choice in whom they ensiit their Clotiiing to, consequently save the expense of a bookkeeper mid col Is tor, n! u saving of ten per rent. The Flint' ins New York Clotiiing House, I 111 (loiq.n-v : t reel , Inis this spring the prettiest line of Waitings ill nil shades ami colors. Tlie low pri vs will astonish any one. A Tremendous Bargain in Parasols. A. H. Altmayer St Cos. will oiler to-nior row one lot Coaching Purusils, newest - lal'-, in plain satin fancy strqs's, bromide- nisi j*o;igis' at cl *•’< em-li, never previ'Mi <ly olf rr l km than t ! Also u llesh stock "I s<>\eitlen at lowest prim*. liurpiia In Kuching. A. It, Ahum) ef -V Cos,, will oiler to inor low 1,,'01i >lird„Bu t * rlor llt ). Us Klleh log 111 white, illw It ami fmicy *s>fors, in dudlltf! i tell Ntositioa at ‘Jtn-, per ) ujd.oeigl* mill ~>|.t from to I.V THE MERCHANT MARINE. The South Atlantic Shipping LeagUe to Meet This Week. The South Atlantic Coast Department of the American Shipping and Industrial League will hold its annual convention in Charleston to-day, to-morrow and Wednes day. This department of the league is pre sided over bv Mayor Courtenay, of Charles ton, with Col. w: T. Forbes, of Florida, as Secretary. The object of the league, as set forth in the call for the convention, "is to promote the development and distribution of the products of American labor by an extension of the merchant marine of the United States, and to establish thereby more intimate commercial intercourse with other countries by frequent and direct mail service. The resuscitation of our national merchant marine is a matter of great im portance to the industrial and commercial interests of the iieople of the South Atlantic coast, whose interest in American shipping is equal to that of any section of the coun try. The object of the convention is one of national interest and importance, and it is expected that 'representatives will be pres ent from every section of the department to co-operate in the restoration to our waters of American ships built and owned in the United-States.” THE TUG "CAMBRIA.” The Savannah Tow Boat Company’s New Vessel. The steam tug Cambria, of the White Cross Towing and Transportation Compa ny of Charleston, was purchased on Satur day by the Savannah Propeller Tow Boat Company of this city. The price paid was $20,000. The Cambria arrived here yester day afternoon in charge of Capt. William H. Payne, after a run of nine "hours. She would have made the trip in a much shorter time but for the fact that she encountered a very heavy sea outside. Mr. H. W. Snssord, her engineer, stated to a Morning News reporter that the hull of the vessel was built by Pregnall Brothers at Charleston in 1888. Her engines tuid ma chinery were built by the well-known firm Neofie & Levy, of Philadelphia. Her capacity and dimensions are as follows: KM tons gross and 54 tons net register, 00 feet in length over all, 11) feet breadth of beam and 0 feet depth of hold. She is fit ted with compound condensing Engines, inches in diameter and 22 inches stroke, ail of her machinery being of the latest and most improved pattern. Her pumps are complete. Bhe can throw 8 streams at one time, having a capacity of 2,200 gallons jier minute, and is thoroughly fitted out for wrecking purposes. She has a speed ot thii-teen miles per hour. She is a larger vessel than any of the kind here, and is considered by her owners to he tlio largest and most powerful tugboat in Southern wa ters. She will hereafter he ctupmanded by Capt. V. B. Avery, who enjoys the repute tion of being a careful and thoroughly com petent master. X. M. N. The Summer Goods at the Crockery House of James S. Silva & Son, 140 Broughton. There is no reason why every good citizen shoull not keep cool this summer. The alio 'e named firm have a cool store, where they offer for sale the best makes of Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Ice Picks, etc. If the flvs bother you try the latest f'.v fan. Picnic Baskets, the nicest in the city and hammocks, the best and cheapest, are for sale there. And one will find a world of trouble saved by use of one of those little Kerosene Stoves.” All the little summer com forts can be found at this complete establish ment of James 8. Silva & Son. Two Special Drives in Boys’ Clothing. A. R. Altmayer & Cos., will sell this week 1 lot Boys’ Sailor Suits, good quality anil well made at St 50 each, regular price $2 50, and 1 lot Boy’s Ca-wimero Suits, knee pants, sizes 4 to 12 years, at $8 25 each,never before offered less than $.5 00. Free of Charge. A. R. Altmayer & Cos. will give 2,000 spools’of Merrick’s cotton, 200 yanls’oach, to ladies visiting their store on Wednesday next between the hours of 4 and 0 o’clock p. m. Can Fat Men Get Suited ? They can, for a fact, and probably our es tablishment is the only one in the city making a feature of perfect fits for stout gentlemen. No matter how •‘aldermanic’Vyour proportions may be we can fit you as completely in a suit or single garment us any tailor can. Day after day gentlemen come in, get fitted and remark that "this is the first time i have .ever been able to buy a suit that would fit me in Savannah.” We can lit not only stout men but those who arc extraordinarily developed otherwise, an-1 guar antee that no one can come to us and fail to get a satisfactory lit. We bog to again remind all that our variety of Spring and Summer Suits for gents youths aud boys is not only the larges: but the most select ever shown in Savannah, and our prices are. ns usual, low down. Kx amlne our line of Hats, stiff and straw, the most, fashionable and stylish shapes. Look at our Neckwear,Underwear and Hosiery displays. Dress Suits in endless variety. The best Shirts for ordinary wear on the market are our Silver and Gold. Look over our stock and get our prices before Inlying. 101 (,'ongress street. B. H. LEVY & BHO. Another Great Offorihg in Towels, etc A. 11. Altmayer & Cos., have just received and will offer to-morrow another lot of those 24 by 48 Damask Towels, knot-fringe fancy border, at 25c., each worth 50c. Also 100 dozen white Damask Doylies, 22 inches square at 00c. a dozen, cost $1 40 to import. Harnett House. Concerning a popular hotel in Hnvanr.oh, Gn., the Florida Times-Union says: “Wc note from the hotel arrivals as published in the Savannah papers, that the Harnett House still leads all the other hotels in ihc city. In fact they have as ninny ns the others combined. Tiierc is a goo ! install ment of Floridians always registered there.” Startling Bargain in Dreas C-oods. A. R. Altmuyci & Co's, most attractive bargain this wwk will be olio Grand Com bination lot of Spring atrl Hammer Dress G.vxis displayed on our centre counters at 13 1-de., par yard, regular price dUc. Thirteen Two-Ccnt Postage Stamps for One Cent and a Quarter. A report was in circulation through the street the past few days tlmt Appel re Heuaul, tlie One Price Clothiers, were :;i*lliu;; for an udvortisomont thirteen tw >-eeir. iNMtuge stamps for one coin and a iiuurtor. file report being quite freely circulated a great numb*-! - ol p-eplc called tit their store, inquiring for tlr* tliirteon stumps for the above mentioned price, ill the sum" time laying down do. mi the counter and usked how they were going to make the diange, whereupon they were informed licit they could not of hoard ir.u tly right us i lie < hie Price Clothiers do not object ueemeuio bit ing any one by selling them tliirteen do. si um| m for Ic. and u quarter, not I',*'. but Ic. mid a quarter of a dollar, but wlnit they do object to is lor you to go elsewhere mid (my moia* money for mivtei’ig in t ie Cloth ing, Hats, or 0 nt> FurnMilnß U line than they charge, oHpocinlly 'ill 'll you get tho beta (it of getting its gee-1 a ill. .•■< any giirmeiil inu-h- teenier, an they Imvc a firm clous taller in tin* house lor tiiut pur|>Hc. To tin-• who hat i lie! go -- si at the eollar buttons contained In a glue jar on cxhlbi ti-m at th. ir store for n SIT -ud und a gel I mminv I silk uiubr, da, you ■nn invited to do ...i, a- saute will beUotilltcd bv . i'sj*mlb!o imrUi -on Mat r>. .'l'l'i.tA Hi kai o, Uao nil t lothi*. >. I l ' - 1 nun* I, llljr |-n|n< lo>u hi Kiiibi'iilih-r.-1 l--es |telss, ’A lilts* mill ivde. is), lit AltUllI) e| IS, do | *ii- is I'lii-kh-i M sir.ia at he. a yard. woiiii 10-.. at Alt'iiavet A BAKING powder. ||isTJ|l pfgi ,1^ Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varies. A marvel of Puritv Strength and Wholesomeness. More economi' cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test short weight alum or phosphate powders St only ill cans. Royal Baking Powder Co''lot W all street, New York. ’ m LUDDEN ABATES 8. M. H INTKKKSTIM,;' While our business extends to all sections of th* South, we believe that the following depart ments are especially interesting and at tractive to the ladies of Savannah: STATIONERY.—Our stock embraces every. O thing used in home or school use, and com. prises ail grades, prices and styles of Papers! Envelopes, Cards, Menu .Cards, Dinner Cards! Programmes, Olliers of Dance, Box Paoers Wedding Cabinets, Lead Pencils of all kinds* Steel Pens, Penholders, Inks, Mucilage, MeinS l-andutn Books, Pads, Tissue Papers, PaperXa> kins. Paper Mats, Sealing Wax, etc. IANGRAVINO.-We furnish the best grade of J work, use only perfect stock, and do alt kind of society work, which embraces Wedding Invitations. Calling Cards, At Home Cards Stamping from Die, both bronze and illuminat ed work a specialty. All work guaranteed equal to the best, and our prices are much lowertliaa those charged by respectable Eastern firms for same class of work. 4 BUST MATERIAL.- We keep everything that can possibly be desired or sought fo? fcy either amateurs or professionals. Our trad# in this line is constantly increasing, and the quality of goods we offer is the test. Besidesai necessities for painting, our stock embraces every needed article for Repousse work, Was and Paper Flowers, and many novelties in China Class aud Brass Goods suitable for deco ration. C HEET MUSIC. —New pieces received daily, O and our stock simply immense, and we can supply any piece or book published. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS are offered inend less variety, and our stock of Guitars, Ban jos. Violins, Autoharps, etc., seems to attract more attention from the ladies than formerly, and we really believe the craze has at last struck the Savannah ladies. The ladies throughouttho North have long been enjoying the pleasure found in being able to play on these small in- ' struments. We offer a large stock to select from, and are retailing this class of goods at wholesale prices. One price to all. Cash buys the cheapest, aud we only sell above goods for cash. L. & B. a M. H. MEDICAL. r J'HE universal demand for a Pleasant and a Effective Laxative, Gentle in its Action, and. Truly Beneficial in Effect, led to the pro duction of the now Famous Liquid Fruit Bear edy, SYRUP OF FIGS, Which has given such general satisfaction that it has become the most popular family remedy of the age. It is the most easily taken andth# most pleasantly effective remedy known to cure Habitual Constipation, Indigestion, etc., aud t* cleanse the system when Bilious or Costive. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE California Fig Syrup Cos, San Francisco, i -al. For sale by all the leading druggists of U United States, in 50c. and $1 bottles. Lippman I3ros. Wholesale Agents at Savannah. Ga SHOES. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE MP—^ HtvliHh, Durable, Easy Fit- I o I tin.: The bust ip3 Shoo iu tho COl S* 1 World. JfCJ > j AY. 1.. Hfil PHS L>y *C \ $8.50 SHOE JSPy/$ \ i equals tli<' $3 Sidhh advTtlFed M by other:; M BITOE EOH BOVS give* All the a!... nr- made ill Button, Lit e, all jjtvl‘h of toe. Sold by vr' no keep tlironplior t (hoU. S. If your dealer (loci not k v D£WAR£ OF FRAUD , niy knowjed?ethat moo miM-nipulonfl dealers nro offerinj ■ • poods . , mine, and when asked why OJf ’Jfuu. L not ml the fliinea, otate that I bave and. n , ti-rtita nw. THIS IS FALSE. r v -Med to bo tho ‘‘W. L. Dougin"- unit. name, warrantee and I?'**, 0 BtaHM> ii oil iinltnlll of o'llaju. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton. FOR WALE BY BYCK BROS., IV Wlutak. r wovnminh, <■ ~ CO YL AND Coal&Wood at—- Reasonable Prices. DIXOIM& MURPHY Office No. ii Drayton stre-t. Telcplmui N Wlmrve- Price and II„iw-D lfl ' rl turniH heltb* Klcctric JJclt ! , l, ar - in .... t, county 111 Ou- I in , - \ : D- bll'D f lihli *•*•'>* 1(11 ' fari rrWiff I KliUMli lm|M f*U! ). > 1..-- \ tf . m i . H**U *•* l “JS