The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 27, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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chsap advertising. ONE ( KM A WORD. A D VER TTSEM EX TS, 15 Word* or _, mv in this column inserted for OXE CE\'T A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed,any wish t 0 should advertise in th is column. “ ~IUXI* yv anted. ... . vryn'a wet nurse for Intent five month* \\ ,'e ae -’ only responsible person noeil ap [y Apply t 093 Jones street, between Abemora and Drayton. vi t \nTED. a first-class cook, for service at \\ ‘ Beaulieu: reference required. Apply to A. L. HARTRIDGE, 105 Cay street. ii t \\'TED a good, reliable barkeeper: must VV be a sober man with good references. EAR. this office. WIT ANTED SALESMEN, to sell a patent ledger YV and other specialties to merchants; big proflts W B PE&BHINQ, South Bend, lncb_ ..., vn'D men. women, boys and girls to VV * earn Mo per month at their own homes; a nice light, easy and profitable business; costly /.liter ot' samples, a package of goods and full blstnictions Jent'foAoc. Address H. C. ROW- Ebl. A CO.. Rutland. V t. iMPLOYMENT wAM i:i>. ■TTTANTED by a respectable white woman, a \\ ‘situation as infants’ or grown children’s nurse.' Address 84 Tattnall *treet s C COMPETENT Accountant, whose evenings are ) unemployed, wants copying. P;.sting, or other work; terms low. ACCOUNTANT, -15 South Broad street. ' * VKTED to purchase a horse suitable for VV wagon or'buggy. Address “WAGON,” News office. 11 vested, a well broken and gentle buggy VV horse. Address P. O. Box 203, city. i T ANTED, thirty men to go to Blackfish VV Banks Thursday. April 38th, on tug Forest City or Republic. Apply at P. B. SPRINGER'S or N. PAULSEN’S for tickets. \C \NTED, the following Loan Association VV "stocks: Savannah Mutual, Railroad Loan, Chatham. Series B. Highest market price paid. SALOMON COHEN. ROOMS TO RENT. F^' OR RENT, CHEAP, a floor of three rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with private bath room and closet on same fioor; suitable for light housekeeping. Inquire No. 158 State street .near Barnard. HOUSES AND STORES FOR RENT. FOiMieMM rom >1 a,V 1 . house No. 145 Taylor street, corner Whitaker, three stories above basement; either furnished or unfurnished. Low rent until Oct. 1. Address or call at prem ises. J. A. BATES. I NOR RENT, at 34 Lincoln street, a large and a 1 small house; also a store and dwelling on Broughton street. Reduced rents. JNOR BENT, the Buckingham House at the Isle of Hope, with bath house: artesian water on place. Apply to TLIOS. HENDERSON, 183 York street. I NOR RENT, house on Tattnall, between Harris and liberty streets, with all modern im provements. geo. w. Parish, No. ios st. Julian street. T7OR RENT, store No. Congress street, J formerly occupied by C. F. Graham; pos session given May Ist. For terms, etc., apply to MEINHARD BROS. & CO. FOR SALE. FOR SALE, two large pigeon boxes and a 'stove, almost new. at No. 30 Houston street. I NOR SALE, two shares German-American Loan Association stock, seven installments paid in. Address 11. J. M., News office. C CROONER “MINNEHAHA,” 41 14-100 tons UN oapacity, 2,660 bushels nee, in complete order, as she now lies in Charleston, S. C. Price 81,400. SALE, at A. F. KUHLMAN'S. a lot of a. Trunks. Bags and Traveling Satchels, No. 178 Congress street, Savannah, Oa. YV r E ARE SELLING slightly soiled Buggy ' ' Harness, Tranks and Bags very cheap. Imported English Saddles at half price.' NEID UNGER & Rabun. ‘ _ FOR SALE. laths Shingles, Mooring. Ceiling, WeatherboanLng and Framiug Lumber. Office and yarn Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 31b RKPPARD & CO. (M ARDEN HOSE at 10c. per foot. Four and VJ eight arm Lawn Sprinklers, Hose Reels, Mystic, Magic, Lowell. Neptune, Boss, Plain and S'lpcock Nozzles, for sale cheap. NEIDLIX gkk £ Rabun, BOARDING. VICELY FURNISHED ROOMS withTmard; 2’ also, table boarders wanted. Mrs, ELKINS, Barnard and Y ork streets. PHOTOGRAPHY. CPECIAL NOTICE -PHOTOGRAPHY Prices Petite* Si 50, Cards $2, Cabinet irUon ZeU ’ Bnt * * ar £ er " r ork in the same pro- J. N WILSON, ____^^^^^^^Slßullstreet. MISCEI.LANEOU 8. VJOTICE. That excellent Red Snapper Chow- Enll street? tC ' *°‘ day ’ aL DAN QIAN’S, 3 S r '!? KE -PRDF. SIIERWOOITwiII closMhis or on Thursday at "’(U' a soiree, commencing Tickets, admitting gentleman and Vi..-’..* ’NC b Y members of the class. The e- r *5, AnsteiV Class will close on Tuesday VfSi, with a Grand May Ball. Tickets class 118 *' 01160c ” for sale by raemberH of Cmt T\ON T fail to call and see our Children's Car (rnm F°° ,|s are bought direct love,-,i!P nes a,K * il enables us to sell them ,i s - e L , 5 an you can bay at any public sale. We Roe of house furnishing ! 11 - at N A THAN BROS., 186 Congress rtreet, U Tl i'. A . K ’ undeveloped parts of the body en neiit i-i'.V? strengthened. Full particular* E NY 1 fr “' EH * E MEDICAL 00., BulTa FLOUR. USE THE BEST. HECKER’S SUPERLATIVE FLOUR. Dki; xo other. GRAIN AND HAY. and. Hay, Mm Mixed Feed, —-MV G S. McALPIN, iys UAV tftuuku. RIDDEN <fc. BATES S. >l. H. 1 & B. S. M. H. Eighteen Years in Your Midst, DURING which time we have had the pleas ure of making thousands of homes happy, arid yet we are not satisfied. Therefore, wo have determined to let the good work go on and to remain Always With You watching over and protecting the interests of the public, maintaining as in the past our sys tem of square dealing, to which our grand suc cess is due. XDISTE PRICE TO ALL insures to each and every purchaser fnil value l’or every dollar invested, and is the grand old rock upon which our immense business was established. 100 beautiful Pianos and Organs now in stock. Makes that have held their own against the crucial tests of time and which stand prime favorites, and in greater demand than ever before. CHICKERING, MASON & HAMLIN, MATHU SHEK, BENT & CO., and ARJON PIANOS. mason & hamlin; Packard orches tral and BAY STATE ORGANS. All on exhibition in our magnificent warerooms. Call, sec and hear these choice instruments. We extend a general invitation. It matters not whether you wish to purchase, we shall be glad to see you all the same. If you do wish to pur chase we will furnish a better instrument from $35 TO SIOO lower in price 1 ban you can get anywhere in America. This is no idle boast, but means real business. Then again our long experience, both in manufacturing and selling, enables us to render you invaluable service with a view to judicious selections. We are at your service. CALL EARLY' AND OFTEN. Ludden & Bates Southern Music House, Savanniili, (in. PIANOS MOVED. SHIPPING, Packing or Unpacking by expe rienced New York Piano Movers. Work done safely, quickly and without damage to premises or instruments and at low prices. PIANOS TUNED. F)Y the year or single tunings, and when we > take charge of instruments by the year we make no additional charge for strings or slight regulation of actions. There is economy in em ploying good tuners. Mr. H. N. MOORE still looks after this branch of our business. JL..&C 18. S. 3VE_ IEY STOVES. ONE MILIP IN USE. Manufactured for Fifty Years. More ACORN STOVES are to-day in use throughout this country than any two other makes combined. LOVELL & LATTIMORE Control the Sale of these famous Goods in Savannah. WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE THE DANGLER VAPOR STOVE IN OPERATION. Freeman & Oliver, 193 BROUGHTON STREET. ISEfTure Gasoline for Sale. Oil & Gasoline STOVES. A FULL LINE OF THE BEST MAKES. Cornwell & Chipman ODD FELLOWS BUILDING. BUG HUSON. CHURCH’S BUG FINISH! Ready for I’se Dry, No Mixing Required STICKS to the vinos awl finishes the whole crop of POTATO BUGS with one applica tion: also, hills any Curculio and the Cotton and Tobacco Worm. This is the only safe way to use n Stream Poi son : none of the Poison is in a clear state, but thoroughly combined by. patent process and machinery, with niateri® to help the very line powder to siick to the vines and entice the bugs to eat it, and is also a fertilizer. One Pound will go as far a Ten Pounds of Plaster nrid Paris Green as mixed by the farm ers, is therefore cheaper and saves trouble and danger of mixing and using the green, which, it is needless t< i say, is dangerous to handle. Cheaper than any other mixture used for the purpose. Guaranteed more effective than any other mixture sold for the purpose. FOR SAUK BY ANDREW HANLEY, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WATCHES AND JKWKI.RV. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY WEDDING PRESENTS Such an DIAMONDS. FINE STERLING SIL VERWAP.E, ELEGANT JEWELRY, FRENCH CLOCKS, etc., is to lie found at A. L. Desbouillons, 81 BULL STREET, the sole agent for the celebrated ROCKFORD RAILROAD WATCHES, and who ulso makes a specialty of 18-Karat Wedding Rings AND THE FINEST WATCHES. Anything you buy from him being warranted as represented. Opora ( iliissus at Cost, MKDH At* ! CURE FITS! "in*. I l i ZTwmm •••'* * •’** *•• •! SrisfaSfJi sxSy? g THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, APRIT, 27, 1887. DRY GOODS. 11111 SUCCESSORS TO B. F. McKenna & Cos., 137 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, DEALERS IN FIRST-CLASS Reliable Dry Goods. The latest Novcities in Foreign and Domestic DRESS GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. Black and Colored Silks, Black Cashmeres —AND— Silk Warp Henriettas BLACK NUNS’ VEILING, SUITABLE FOR MOURNING VEILS. Mourning Goods a Specialty. ENGLISH CRAPES AND CRAPE VEILS. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. Ilousekeepeps’ Goods. IRISH TABLE DAMASKS, Napkins and Tow els of the best manufacture, and selected especially with view to durability. Counter panes and Table Spreads, Cotton Sheetings, Shirtings and Pillow Casings in all the best brands. HOSIERY, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS Regularly made French and English Hosiery for Ladies and Children. Balbriggan Hosiery; Gen tlemen’s and Boys' Half Hose; Ladies' Black Silk Hosiery. Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Linen Handkerchiefs in a great variety of fancy prints, and full lines of hemstitched and plain hemmed White Hand kerchiefs. Gentlemen's Laundried and Unlaundried Shirts, Boys' Shirts, Gentlemen’s Collars and Cuffs, I/Odfes' Collars and Cuffs. CORSETS.—lmported and Domestic, in great variety, and in the most graceful and health approved shapes. VESTS.—Ladies’, Gentlemen's and Children's Vests, in Spring and Summer weights. PARASOLS.—The latest novelties in Plain and Trimmed Parasols. ORDERS.—AII orders carefully and promptly executed, and,the same care and attention given to the smallest as to the largest commission. Samples sent free of charge, and goods guaran teed to be fully up to the quality shown in samples. Sole Agents for McCall's Celebrated BAZAR GLOVE-FITTING PATTERNS. Any Patterns sent post free on receipt of price and measurq. Telephone No. 401. MILLINERY. PLATSHEK’S, 1388 Broughton Street. Grand Combined Parasol and Fan Sale! T r XOWING it to be an established fact that l\ we are the original and only house in this city nic king a specialty, upon a large basis, of the above two linos, wo proceed to quote tear lessly this week the prices of these grand colos sal stocks, so that anyone contemplating pur chasing can see now is the time, and at our establishment, to procure them. READ CAREFULLY THE PRICES. Call and examine. Our prices will be found correct, 1 lot 20 inch, 8 ribs. Fast Black Gingham Para sol:-. neat, natural handies, only 10c. each. 1 lot 22-ircb. 8 ribs. Fast Black Gingham Para sols. neat, natural handle*, only 50c. each. 1 lot 21-inch, 8 ribs. Fast Black Gingham para sols, neat, natural handles, only GOe. each. 1 lot Ladies' 10-rib Fast Black Wool Zenilla Parasols, natural handles. 20-inch 90c., 22-inch sl. 31-inch 81 25. blot Ladies’ 10-rib Fast Black Wool Zenilla Parasols, white bone handles, 20-inch 81, 22-ineh $1 35, 34-inch 81 50. t lot Ladies 8-rib Brilliant Black Alpaca Para sols. Satin Stripe Border, natural wood liaudles, 30-inch 81, 23-ineh 8l 25, 21-inch $1 50, 36-iuch 81 75. 1 lot Ladies' 8-rib “Gloria” Black Parasols, nut oral wood handles, 20 inch 81, 22-ineh $1 25, 24-inch 81 50. 1 lot Lubes' 8-rib Black Twilled Sill; Parasols, neat handles, 20-inch 81, 22-inch $1 23, 24-iucli 81 50; worth 35 per cent. more.. 1 lot Ladies’ 8-rib Jet Black Twilled Silk Para sols, black mourning handles, 20-inch $1 50, 22- ineb ?1 75, 24-inch 82. 1 lot Ladies' 10-rib Black Twilled Silk 20-ineh Umbrellas, best steel Paragon frame, only $3 each: worth elsewhere sj 1 lot Children's 14 inch. 8-rib French Satine Parasols, in fancy Navy, Light Blue, Cream and Redd signs, at 85c., 50c., 75c.; worth much more. t lot Children's 14-inch, 8-rib Fine Satin Para sols, assorted colors, only 75c.; worth Si 25. 1 lot Misses' l(i inch, 8-i-ib French Saline Para sols. nobby patterns, only 75c. 1 lot Ladies’ 20-ineh, 8-rib French Satin Para sols, in shades and patterns to match uny stylo of dress, at the marvelous prices of 50c.. 76c., SI. 1 lot Ladies' 20-inch, 10-rib Colored Satin Coachings, only sl. Mot Ladies’3o-inch. 10-rib Colored Satin Coachings, only SI 50; equivalent to any S3 Parasol elsewhere. 1 lot, Ladles 20- ineb Black Satin Parasols, Lined, in the latest shades, only $1 50; a great article oven for S3- 1 lot Ladles’ 20-iuch Black Satin Parasols, Silk Lace Trimmed, Lined, in all colors, only $2; worth fully $3. 50 pieces White Race Covered Sat ine Parasols, pretty bandies, only S3 each. 25 pieces Tan Lace Covered Sal ine Parasols, very rich handles, only f 2 50; worth S3 50. Full 250 other styles for 1 ,;utirs. Misses and Children. In Pongee Coachings, and Lace Trimmed. Pekin, Bayadere in vertical and ran around stripes, combination plaids and checks to suit the richest costunjeg, and a host of other grades and pat terns to suit the most fastidious tastes. FANS. GRAND LINE. FANS. 50,000 large size, clear quality Palm Leaf Fans lc. each. 12,000 Children's Folding Japanese Fans lc. each. 3,800 Ladies’ Folding Japanese Fans 2bjr. each; worth sc. I,IXIO Ladies' Red, Black uud Blue Decorated Folding Fans, sc. each: worth 10c. 250 Lidics’ B inch Long. Fold ing Cbrorno Fans, j sir, bed handles, only 10c. each; worth 25c. 1 lot Lubes' lai^-inch Long, Painted Sntleen Folding Faus.Venel iun handles, only 25c.: worth fully 50c. 80 dozen Lubes 13H-incli Ling. 1 land-Painted Satine Fans, in the newest tints, at fifle.; very cheap even at 51. Immense variety Lathes' anti > Ttildren's Fans in Black. White and Colored Matin. Plain anil Hand-Painted. Venetian Gauze and Russian Luither Novelties. Feather Tipped and All- Feathered Fans in the latest sensations, with the lowest prices the prevailing feature. P. S. Country orders promptly and carefully attended to. BUTTER. Sc® Sfi* Bitter AT A. M. &C. W. West's. MKRCHANT' TAILORING. Fashionable Goods! AT A TRIFLE ABOVE COST '|V> REDI'CK 01) Stock of Imported Goods I mini (urn It Into t ask, I will make to order nKKI CLAM* GOOD* m lataw styles, at • rnfl* abort cc*. MBNA Hp llltAt >V^ WHISKY. | LAWRENCE, OSTKOM FoT'S Famous “Belle of Bourbon” Is death to Malaria, Chills and Fever. Typhoid Fever, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Surgical Fevers, Blood Poisohtng, Consumption, Sleeplessness or Insomnia, and Dissimulation of Food. IO YEARS OI,D. ABSOLUTELY PURE~ NO FUSEL OIL. IN F r ' ”' 5 VI USE ONLY THE FLINTY OR HOMINY BXRT OF THE DRAIN THUS FREEING IT OF FUSEL OjL BEFORE IT IS DISTILLED %fwlnice; Cbt'wm /i fof&uiMn/fci THE GREAT APrETIZKK Lorisvn.i.ii, Kv., Slay 22, 1880. This will certify that I have examined the Sample of Hki.i.k or Bovubon Whisky received from Lawrence, Ostrom A Cos., and found the same to be perfectly free from Fusel Oil and all other deleterious substances and strictly pure. I cheerfully recommend the same for Family and Medicinal purposes. J. P. Hakncm, M. I).. Analytical Chemist, Louisville. Ky. For sale by Druggists, Wine Merchants and Grocers every where. Price, 81 25 per Itottie. If not found at the above, half dozen bottles iu plain boxes will be sent to any address in the United States on receipt of 80. Express paid to all points east of Missouri river. LAWRENCE, OSTROM & GO., Louisville, Ky. At Wholesale by K. GUCKENI IF.I4IER £ SON, Wholesale Grocers; LIPPMAN BROS., Wholo saie Druggists, Savannah, Ga. FRUIT ANI) GROCERIES. jU ST RECEIVED AT- The lliiliial Co-Operative Store, UNDER ODD FELLOWS' HALL, CHOICE NEW CREAMERY BETTER AND A FULL LINE OF Staple and Fancy Groceries. JOHN R. WITHINGTON, AGENT. _ m m m n lea, lea, lea, lea. For one week every one buying One Pound of 50c. Tea will receive a Tea Can nister. One lb. can Standard Cove Oysters 2 for loe One lb. can Standard Lobsters 15c One lb. can Standard Sainton Pic One lb. Good Raisins 15c One lb. Good Ground Rio 15c One lb. Best Roasted Rio 200 SOAP, SOAP. 11 CAKES SOAP 35c. STARCH,STARCH. 11 PACKAGES 23c. K. POWER, 138 < •< >\< FKHSS ST. Bananas! ONE CARLOAD CHOICE RED AND YEL LOW RANANAS for sale in quantities to suit purchasers Give us a call and you will be certain to buy. A. H. CHAMPION, 154 Congress and 158 R!. Julian Streets. SAUCE. Ml SAUCE 1 ; > i •! (Tds r,'cr.cKTEr.3rrr.z)\ i Imparts tho roost delicious taste and rest to EXTRACT F® SOUX9, of a IXTTKB from H* .~, ... a MEDICAL OKU- £ C.IIAVIi.9, TLT.MAX at Mad- I ntn.tnh'j brother I ~n ■ ISII, it WOicCEnTi.IL, A iU. Mar, 1651. ff\ IKITACOLD ••Tell f SABCIW LEA k FESRIKH’ rSUtt iS IHEATB, that tVtL- Mitee iiRB hlfi'Jjr estci'nied ia Ci.l lIL, India, oud ia In my kv ''U' oplnl n. tho Juot tills PLwfj WUX,fIII* pvl'jublo, aa well i*a.- .~r - Lri oa tho mart whole k, ”>3H AH EDITS, •ome eauoo that ia |i ”T®|l Xuode.” Ah- Signature )■ on every bottle of the genuine. JOHN DUNCAN’S SONS, N. Y„ AGBN'lb POlt TUB rKITED riTATLH, AGRICI"LTI IIAL IMPI.EMlfvrs. Cultivators ! CHEAPEST AND BEST. roi MMS Wt - Weed & Cornwell. JIOSK. RUBBER HOSE roit Garden and Street Sprinkling, WITH PATENT NOZZLES. All Sizes and Prices. HOSE REELS AND Sprinklers. —FOR SALE BY John Nicholson, Jr., 30 AND 33 DRAYTON STREET, SAVAX XAI I, c-r KORGI A. RUBBER HOSE. 1,000 FEET RUBBER HOSE Garden Hose Reels. Magic Spray Nozzles. —FOR SALE LOW BY Palmer Bros PAINTS AND OILS. LLOYD & ADAMS, SUCCESSORS TO A. B. COLLINS A CO., The Old Oliver Paint and Oil Hone, A A T ILL keep a full line of Doors, Hash, Blinds V f and Imildors’ Hardware, Paints, Oils, Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, ete. Window Class n specialty. All si/.es and kinds of Packing. A large lot of odd size Bash, Doors and Blinds will be sold at a dis count. AT THE OLD STAND, No. 5, Whitaker St., Savannah, Ga. JOHN G. BUTLER, AIT HITE LEADS, COLORS, OILS, CLASS, At VARNISH. ETC.: READY MIXED PAINTS; RAILROAD, STEAMER ANI) MILL SUPPLIES. SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS ANI) BUILDERS’ HARDWARE. Sole Agent for GEORGIA LIME, CALCINED PLASTER, CE MENT, lIAIR and LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia. 1865. CHRIS. MURPHY, 1865. House, Sign and Ornamental Painting 1 EXECUTED NEATLY and with dispatch! j Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, window Oham, etc., etc. Estimates furnished on ap plication. CORNER CONGRESS AND DRAYTON STS., (tear of Christ Church. .MvnnxKiiY. Machinery! Maclinery! Cheap and Good and Easy Terms. i EIGHT-HORSE POWER HORIZONTAL 1 FIRE BOX BOILERS (new). 1 Fifteen Horse Power (second-hand) Return Tubular Boiler. 1 Fifty-Horse Power (new) Return Tubular Boiler. 3 Thirty-Horse Power (new) Return Tubular Boilers. 1 Twenty-flve-llorse Power (now) Return Tubular Boiler. 3 Twelve-Horse Power Horizontal Centre Crank Engines, on sills (new). 3 Eight-Horse Power Horizontal Side Crank Engines, on sills (new). I Eight-Horse Power (second-hand) Horizontal Side Crank Engine, on wheels. 1 Six-Horse Power Horizontal Hide Crank En gines, on wheels (new). 3 Six-Horse Power Horizontal Side Crank En gines, on sills (new). Also, Circular Saw Mills, Saws, Belting, Pip*' and Fittings, Brass Goods, Inspirators, etc. Ad dress Schofield’s Iron Works, MACON, GEORGIA. FERTILIZERS. Wiluah Ravenel, President. CTONO PHOSPHATE COMPANY, k 5 CHARLESTON, S. C. Established 1870. HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS. SOLUBLE GUANO (highly ammouiated). DISSOLVED BONE. ACID PHOSPHATE. ASH ELEMENT. FLOATS. GERMAN KAINIT. HIGH GRADE RICE FERTILIZER COTTON SEED MEAL. COTTON SEED HULL ASHES. Office, No. 13 Broad Street. All orders promptly filled. It. M. MEANS, Treasurer. IRON WORKS. McDonooili & BalMyie, IRON FOUNDERS, Miekinute, Boiler Makers auil Bla-bmitb, MAXCrACTVRJUtS or- STATIONARY aud PORTARLS ENGINES, VERTICAL UNDER RUNNER aud TOY RUNNER CORN MILLS S' I OAH UILIM end TANK un Rend and f,n nek, ail of Un* be rnelerial end hrarna pi*vs Kim- A**ut* for the Ctmano ’fir* aud hi-ni.g Wurea. end the Unproved IJAirt in an AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS, RECEIVER’S SALE " Steamers Bridgeton and Florida I AT AUCTION. BY .1. MrLALUIIM.Y A HOY,*, On THURSDAY, the 28th April, 1887. at the Custom House, in the City of Savannah, at 12 o'clock, l will sell THE STEAMER CITY OF BRIDGETON h* she now la's nt Georgia and Florida Inland j Steam lx Lit. Company's Wharf, Savannah, t 41K) 15-100 tons burden, condensing beam engine, j 10 inches cylinder aiul 10-foot, stroke; cylindri cal boiler 14 5-12 lee' in length and 12 feet di- | aractcr, of lawful iron; length of hall 171 7* 10 j feet; depth H 2-10 feet; breadth, 20 3-10 feet; 47 state rooms, with all the fitting* and appurte nances belonging to a steamer of her size as per inventory. —AJ.SO— After above sale, THE STEAMER FLORIDA, of the Ohio river style of passenger and freight boats; built at Pittsburg, by Roes, in 18H*>: 487 08-100 tons burden; 50 feet wide over guards; 3tf feet width of hull; 188 feet length; l> feet depth; Uy feet draft of water. She luis two high !>res snre engines: cylinders 21 inches diameter. 8 feet stroke; 1 steam tire pump: 2 hand tin* pumps: 1 doctor pump for feeding boiler: 1 donkey boiler; staterooms, together with till the furniture and equipments for a steamer of her capacity, hh per inventory. Iler engine is one of the finest ever turned out at Pittsburg or elsewhere, and no expense was spared in the construction of the boat. The Florida lies at her wharf In Jacksonville, Fla., where she may he inspected. Further par ticulars can be had by application to in** in Jacksonville. Fla., 0. Williams, Agent at Savan nah for Florida Railway and Navigation Com pany,or at the office of J. McLaughlin A; Son, Savannah, fi., where inventories can be seen. Terms at sale. IT. R. DUVAL, Receiver Florida Railway and Navigation Cos. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE IN ADMIRALTY. f T NITEI) STATES OF AMERICA, Eastern l Division of the Southern District of Geor gia In Admbnltv. Whereas, a libel In rein has been filed on the 22d day of April instant, in the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, by the United States of America against the .steamboat “Pope Gatlin,” br engines, boilers, machinery, t&CKIo, apparel and furniture, now lying at Savannah, in the said district, and against nil persons lawfully in tervening for their interests therein, in a. cause of seizure, civil and maritime, for reasons and causes in the said libel mentioned, and praying tbe usual process and monition in that behalf to bo made; and that all peraons claiming any in terest therein may be cited to upbear and answer the premises; and that the wild steam boat "Pope C’atlin," her engines, boilers, ma chinery. tackle, apparel and furniture may be condemned and sold to pay the demands of the libelant. And, whereas, a warrant of arrest has been issued on the said 23d day of April, under the seal of the said court, commanding me to at tach the said steamboat, her engines, boilers, machinery, tackle, apparel and furniture, ana to give due notice to all persons claiming the same,'to appeal* and answer and make claim thereto. Now, therefore, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming the said steamboat “Pope Catlin," her engines, boilers, machinery, tackle, apparel and furniture, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear at the Glerk's office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Geor gia, In the city of Savannah, on SATURDAY, tin* 7th day **r May next, A. D. 1887, at 0 o’clock in the forenoon or that day, then and there to interpose their claims and to make t heir allega tions in that behalf. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this 22d day of April, A. D. 1887. LUCIUS M. LAMAR, United States Marshal. District of Georgia. DrroNT GIT.RKY, United States Attorney, Proctor for Libelant. HOTELS. Indian Harbor Hotel, GRICENWICH. CONTIS'. Will Open Saturday, June I8!li, Arum ess WM. H. LEE, Grand Hotel, 31st street and Broadway, New York, NEW HOTEL TOGNI, (Formerly St. Mark's.) Newnan Street, near Bay, Jackson ille, Fla. r pilE MOST central House in the city. Near i Dost Ofllco, Street Cars and nil Ferries. New nnd Elegant Furniture. Electric Bells, Baths, Etc. $3 50 to $3 per day. JOHN B. TOGNI, Proprietor. S. A. UPSON, Manager. LEON HOTEL; TALLAHASSEE, - - FLA. M. L. OGLESBY, - - Manager. Winter Resort. Ojx-n December to May. Daily Rates— sl. HOTEL SAN SALVADOR, ST. GEORGE STREET, ST. AUGUSTINE, - - - FLA. ITHRSTCLASS in all Us appointments. This- I New and Elegant (Concrete Hotel Is hand somely furnished throughout, and has all the modem improvements Electric Bells, Gas, Baths and perfect Sanitary system Rates: 8353 to?# |*r day. Special terms by the week or month. o. N. PAPY, Proprietor. HOTEL VENDOME, BROADWAY & FORTY-FIRST STREET NEW YORK. \MKRIOAN PLAN. Centrally located. All the latest improvements. Cuisine and ser vice unexcelled. Special rates to permanent guests. I. STEINFELD, Manager. DUB’S SCREVEN HOUSE. r |MIIS POPULAR Hotel is now provided with 1 a Passenger Elevator (the only 011 cin the city) and li/ia t>aen remodeled and newly fur ninxi. The proprietor, who by recent purchase is also the owner of the entawishment, spares neither pains nor expense in the entertainment of his guests. The patronage of Florida visit orx is earnestly invited. The table of the Screven House is supplied with every luxury that the markets at home or abroad can afford. MARSHALL It (U SE, SAVANNAH. - G V / ’ F.i i I> MOIMIES, Proprietor. Formerly of l * the Mclmimlltut Hotel. New York, and tie* Grand Union, :viraloga Springs. Location cen tral. All parts of the city and places of Inter osi £.<vessil.le by street cars constantly passing the doors. Special Inducements to thos*t visit ing t he city for business or pleasure. THE MORRISON HOUSE. One of the Largest Boarding Houses In the South. V WORDS pleasant South rooms, good board with pure Artesian Water, at prices tosuit those wishing table, regular or transient aecotn modatiffii*. Northeast corner Broughton and Drayton streets, opposite Murshall House. t ELK< Tllll BELTS. Kleotric i 1 1 Fi r pO INTRODUCE It and obtain Agents we will I for the next sixty days give away, free of charge, in each county In the United suites a limited number of our German Electro Galvanic SutsMsory Belts-price, US A positive and tin failing cure for Nervous Deliillty, Varicocele, Kmleslons, Jtnpotenrjr, Etc. fl/n reward pukl If every Belt we manufacture does not generate a genuine electric current. Addreea at om KLWTKIC BELT AGENCY, I*. O. Bo* ID*, Brooklyn, N. Y. i i WOOD. WOOD. Bacon, Johnson & Cos. Have a Him Mock tA ok, Ptn, UgFitwo-xl nd Kindling, : ) U|aet; and Kaet Bread tUmu. C. It. DORSETT’S COLUMN. VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES —in the - Eastern Portion of the City, C. 11. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Will offer at the Court House, during the usual hours of sale, on TUESDAY, May slh, 1887, if not sold previously at private sale, Two residences, either separately or together, situated on the southwestern corner of York anil Habersham streets, fronting on Columbia square. Each house contains nine rooms, bath room, numerous closets and usual conveniences. Terms can be made easy If purchaser desires to obtain time on a portion of the purchase money. Further particulars if needed cun ba obtained from the auctioneer. The Real Estate Market Continues Good. My sales for March and thus far in April hove been exceedingly good. The number of transactions compares favor ably with any month of the one hundred auil‘ twenty-live that I have been in the business. I expect to sell more during April, May and Juno ti>. V. i than I have ever done before. The people of Savannah continue to show at* abiding faith in her future. Try anil make your selections from the list be* low.. If you are very particular and cannot, let mb know u hat you want and I will lind it for you. C. H. DORSETT, Real Estate Dealer. Dwellings, Etc. Two story residence on basement, beautifully located, on Gordon street, near Drayton street. The location of this property, the size of thef house, its surroundings nnd conveniences all unite to make it u desirable purchase. Brick residence on Jones street, east of Whit aker, suitable for a small family. The location is admirable, and the terms of payment as easy as can he desired. Three fine residences, prices iff"- |p. $13,00<) to $35,030. Location go* 1 Ml P J ■ ■ I•- to In.ii I to: ■II fuircMSP " Brick residence on Taylor street. Fln*i*h>MN* for a home. Three bedrooms, batlißwo ptdMk back piazza, dining-room, room, and brick outbuilding. I k itting far MM dollars |>er month. The hs'alkm, fetween twtjx car lines, near lhe churches, sclu 4s end pmb| convenience of arrangement and price mend this to those who desire to buy a well as to investors. Avery convenient residence in the Eastern part of the city, fronting on a square, immedi ately upon a car line. Every convenience, housa lprge anil convenient, neighborhood good. Another snug residence, price $l,lOO, on Duffy just west of West Broad; norty leaving the city's Avery neat and convetdent cottage, with) quite a large yard, on Second avenue, near Bull street. This is a “nice'’ place, in a locality that Is Increasing in popularity every day and will ia a short time increase largely in value. Four new two-story cottages, with bath room# In each, in the eastern part of the city. Just the place for those employed In that section of the city. Snug and comfortable. A good invest ment. where the choice of tenants should b possible. A capital three-story residence near the Mar* ket. All tbe conveniences, large rooms, wide halls, bath room on each floor. Property ia good order. A commodious and well arranged warehouse* one story on U Bay level and one story on River street level. Well adapted to cotton, heavy groceries or other merchandise. The e* tension of the River Street railroad (C. R. R. ex tension) will bring cars up to this property. The very valuable property adjoining the Pulaski House known as the Pidaski Stablest This property rents readily at a rate which will pay a good interest on the investment. Such eligibly located property, in the centre of the business circle, is seldom offered, aud the care* ful attention of investors is directed to it. Building Sites* The finest building lot In the Wooden District on the market to-day and the cheapest is that! on the corner of Hall and Barnard streets. Another very desirable site for a dwelling, be* ing several foot higher than the land on the earf side of the park, is on the south side of Hall street, near the residence recently purchased by Mr. Randolph Axson. This lot is 11x130 feet. On Jones street, facing south, near Lincoln, i have u lot 00x100, with two smuU bouses ou th* rear. This is a’splendid location for one or twa brick residences. Gwinnett street, in view of the possibility ol having an asphalt lavement at an early dajrj has grown wonderfully in popularity. I liav# Just sold the last improved property that I had on this street, hut have one lot on this .-tree* which is wonderfully low, southern front, 33x180* A limited number of lots ou tbe hill on Gwiiw nett nnd West* Broad have been placed in my hands for sale. These lots are 40x100 and will only lr“ sold to approved purchasers, but will In sold at low prices to sect ere a good neighbor hood. , An examination of the plat at my office will demonstrate the low prices wo have put upon this property. Avery cheap lot (secured by a payment of one hundred dollars) is that on New Houston street, ueur Burroughs. The rate at which this section is being da* veloped is truly wonderful. The people seem just to have realized the! this IS one of the highest points in the city. A tine class of residences, neat, comfortable and sightly, but mil pretentious, are being erected all over this section until it is scarcely recognizable. A fine corner lot near the line of Burroiight street, just beyond Anderson this 1* an in read nient that is bound to puy u profit to the buyer. A Charming Residence at Marlow, Ga. On account of the removal from tbe State by tbe owner 1 am allowed to offer <>ue of the naß^ bouics Uu** of the Georgia 1 etilrul. li i- 1., ..I • u M.i, ve. t' six miles Savannah, lb- bouse contains four HIM l.aru^^H stiii l>- li, gtoiirid*. .i situs tn extent^^^^ 11- • . wit.i fruit of different kind, in-it gsnleu aud water. SBSbBI -AlMu - Deta* be*l front the riulitenoe and groundflPP two ecnw of garden lead, fenced, sun partially planted. Th* village of Mertow U one of the pi* iMffiMf ia n.) reach of this efijr- Them * non* I ueelUil* r, end Ks It baLMm* rntmt tffff ■ . JRS - <• H W YpUjpJKlll 3