The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 27, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL. ~ ’"’'SAVANNAH MARKET." OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, I, ‘Savannah, Ga., April 27, 4r. M. ) Vote— Yesterday being a holiday, there were do local market*. ~ ...... yoney is in good demand, with Jw tupply. Borrowers can get enough to Steady. Banks and J, keU are buying sight drafts at par and sell • ot i ner cent premium, in,, at : L-rchxiMie— The market is steady, rnmmm iaf demand, S-4 SGVfi; sixn- days ninety days. $4 84ri; francs Fans and Havre "commercial, sixty days, jo 29tf; Swiss, l-.wiy. marks sixty da vs, ft). Thfc market is very quiet for all ,irn ins and only a nominal business doing. r sT , ’KS AND Bonos -Of// lion .is -Quiet. At lanta U percent. 104 bid. 110 asked; Atlanta < to ‘i ta J 115 bid, 120 asked; Augusta . per cent, f/hid il 'asked; Augusta s, long, 10S bid, lio asked'* Columbus 5 per cent. 98 bid m tl Vacoii 0 per cent, 111 bid. 112 asked; £w Savannah 5 per cent, July coupons, 101}$ fd 105 asked: new Savannah o per cent, May coupons, 105 bid, 1086 asked. . .. , W vfcfe flonds-Markct steady, with light sup „iv (leorgia new 6s, 1889, 103 bid, 104 asked; Georgia new 4tos, 106'/, bid, 106}$ asked: Geor wreeut gold, coupons quarterly. 10.3}$h„l, Sou asked; Georgia 7 per cent coui.ons Jam nary and July, maturity lb9o, 122 bid, 128 SS Raiiro<id Stocks—Central common, 123 bid, i>j ,'sked' Augusta and Savannah . per cent iniaraiiteed, ex-div., 136 bid, 137 asked: Georgia Mimmoii ex-div . 2tXl bid, 202 asked; South, western 7 per cent guaranteed, ex-div. 131 H. hid iaau asked: Central 6 per cent certificates, px int m3 bid, 103 U asked; Atlanta and West Point railroad ex-div., 112 bid, 113. asked; Atlanta and West Point 0 per cent certificates, 10ft bid. 106 asked. . , Railroad Bond*—Market quiet. Savannah. Florida and Western Railway Company general in.,r! sage 6 per cent interest, coupons October, 110 bid 112 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mort gage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons January n,,3 July, maturity 189,. 119 bid. tel asked, t en tral consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1893. 113'4 bid, 114 aske/P Georgia railroad 6s, 1897, 108 bid. 110 asked : Mobile and Girard second mortgage in dorsed 8 tier cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1S81). iO5 bid, 100 asked; Montgomery anil Eufaula first mortgage 6 per cent, indorsed bv Centi'al railroad. 109 bid, 1 10 asked: Marietta and North Georgia first mortgage 6 per cent. 100 bid 101 asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta first mortgage. 112 bid, 113 asked; Charlotte Columbia and Augusta second mort eage illb, hid, 112*4asked; Western Alabama secoiid mortgage indorsed 8 per cent, . 108 bid. 109 asked: South Georgia and Flonda indorsed. 118 bid. 119 asked; South Georgia and Florida second mortgage, 112 bid, f!5 asked; Augusta and Knoxville first mortgage 7 per cent, lOsfii hid 109' i asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern first mortgage guaranteed, 118 bid, 119 asked; Gainesville. Jefferson and Southern not guaranteed, 115 bid, 110 asked. Ocean Steam -1 ship 6 per cent bonds guaranteed by Central I railroad, 100 bid, 106J4 asked; Gainesville, Jet ferson and Southern second mortgage guar-vn teed, 115 bid, 116 asked; Columbus and Rome first’mortgage bonds indorsed by Central rail road, 108 bid. 109 asked: Columbus and Western 5 per cent guaranteed, 10S}4 bid, 109 asked; City and Suburban railway first mortgage 7 percent, 109 bid. 110 asked. Bank Storks— Nominal. Southern Bank of the State of Georgia, 195 bid, 200 asked; Mer chants'National Bank, 155 bid, 160 asked; Sa vannah Bank and Trust Company, 90 bid, 93 asked; National Bank of Savannah, 117 hid. Gat Stocks— Savannah Gas I fight stock, ex div.. 2Hi bid. 22 asked; Mutual Gas Light stock. 20 bid, 23 asked. Bacon—Market steady; demand good; smoked clear rib sides, 9}sc; shoulders, 7}sc; dry salted clear rib sides, s-lgc; long l clear, shoulders. {■Vc: bams. 12L>c. Baooino and Ties.—Market quiet. We quote: Bagging—2l4 tbs, 9),4c; 2 lbs, HAfc; 1W lbs, 7Lse, according to brand and quantity. Iron ties— Arrow, ?1 OOal 05 per bundle, according to brand and quantity. Bagging and ties in re tail lots a fraction higher. Butter—Market steady; oleomargarine, Ida 16c: choice Goshen, 18c; gilt edge23c; creamery, 25c Cabbage—Florida. $3 00a3 50 per barrel: sup ply light; demand good. Cofeee—The market is strong and advancing. We quote for small lots: Ordinary, 10c; fa' -, 17c; good, 17}4c choice, 18c; peaberry, 18Jlc. Cheese—. Market higher and advancing; good demand; stock light. We quote: liaise. _ Dried Fruit—Apples, evaporated, 13c; peeled. 7c; peaches, peel ’d, 19c; unpeeled sa7c; cur rants, 7c; citron, 25c. Dry Goods—The market is firm; business fair. We quote: Brims. 4a6; Georgia browu shirtin”. 3-4, 4*sc; 7-8 do, sJqc: 4-4 brown sheet ing, _ white osnaburgs, Ba9c; checks, %a7c; yarns, 85c for best makes; brown drill ings. fr>4 l7}sC. Fish -We quote full weights: Mackerel— No. 1. .vialutW; No. 3. half barrels. 84 00a7 00; No. 2. 87 .toadso. Herring—No. 1. 20o; scaled, 25c: cod, 3aBu. Flour—Market steady; demand moderate, quote: Superfine, $150; extra. $3 85a 1 O'); fancy. 51 '.Mao 00; choice pateut, $5 25a5 75; family, SI 50.i4 65. Fruit—Lein011s-Stock full and demand light. We quote: $125a5 00. Oranges—Market brisk for good fruit; Fieri.las, $2 5UaB 25. Apples— scarce and poor, good shipping stock, 50a 6 Oti per barrel. Grain—Com— Jlarket steady; demand light 1 - 'l'.'obv " bite corn, job lots. 6314 c; carioud tot*. 1 o mm-d corn, job lots, 02c;carload lots. Sr ! !m * steady; good demand. We quote: Mixed oats, 46c; carload lots, 44c. Bran, §! 05. Jiiui, 2Vjc; Georgia grist,per sack, $1 50; grist, per bushel, 67J.fic. ’ • ’ H.,y— Market steady, with a fair demand; stock ample. We quote job lots: Western. $!; carload lots, 90c; Eastern, none; Northern, tioue. Hides, Wool, Etc.—Hides--Market dull; rc- C'.pts light: dry Hint, !3.Sc; salted. llUc; dry i! 1 r ‘ i l -*'; "wl—Market nominal; prime in bales h.c- hurry, iOal.ic. Wax, 18c. Tallow, Deer Hint, 20c; salted, 16c. Otter Iron—Jiarket firm; Swede, refined. tii 1 f ' S ’* u tierces, 7 : )<jc; 50!b Plaster and Cement—Ala ,. V In J eIK in fa* l ' demand and is selling J J* r . barrel; Georgia, Si 30; calcined wmtou lift ?, er I bariei: "ah', -V.-; Rosendulo ,i’ **■■ $1 50; Portland cement, S3. ..qi ors—Full stock; steady demand. Bour .i- > 00a..50; rye, *1 50a 00; rectified, Si 00a ■ v ~, cs "J 11 banged and in good demuud. Market firm. Fair de :ld ' **"*: 4d and Od. *3 35; Srr i'ii to 60d. $2 00 per keg. ITatsJ ,' ll |“°? <ls ' ’ r arragoim, 1 Smile; lvicas, ca j ls f c ' in 'V u 1 <1 tench, 12c; Naples. 16c: pe ,'i 17 -* 1 ' 10u : fUberto, 12c; cocoanuts, wi acoa, So 2> per 109. 45c IL w2,. demand good. Signal, WduST tl lrgl , aia Wack. Oalk; lard. 580 iftic- nn V ’ Mo: water white, lin?.f',l ■al’ S r 0 b 'i\ ai "‘acbiia'ry, 25a30c; tivnr.if I:.?'! ’ ’'" 'Si, 50.-; mineral seal. 16c; Ov,™ l, n ; llon * p fight, 18c. Ek, 1 ouiiKtic, almost nominal; Northern bm-vu -}? o ,ul unreliable. $1 25 pi>r crate; • ,u i: Bennud* crates. *2 76. 75 P'O- barrel. tv ibii’^^Kv. 1 ,;Bht; cow peas, mixed 75a eiv V] I-'r-if al > f,: speckled. $1 0,-lftl 10; black ‘’■‘ , Wiit!i f S Il ] l!llt: niark-t steady: loose bfiin Dn/p $i jo; | )lR . k- j, ny Itei dnnnuat is moderate and the innr. 8 ,:v l> tjaiload lota, U.V, f o b; Job lots. ii 7 out loaf, 6i*e; Syr* •.. I, T ; P'lVdl'ml ll'i,!. !• in ii i , rTi aa i“!"L ,!e " r >’ i '' Byru|*, IMIOS.V: . a nii-ii.J' ‘1" V 1 f 2 r *4P}riuHiiw Ilf UfcHOc, 5(80 11 lK 'K* l ’ ouJ ' l : KUfc'ar <m. 7’ * ,uU ' demand moderate. *v; ; !?"■• ? 1,a * V; '•'.•diuin, :K, i-, i.Si 7 i ■ ' KH : oxui. lavii-s, ■!• ►.iJ’m,.* ’ ' ,n *kt navies, 4r#ar.V; dark 1 'twin,ml from the West contiii '■•■i-y ‘“.vV* 0 ‘V W f "***l“ luil'Ury Is also I! , ‘ .V , ' nu '‘ ;i r ‘"; A*m*e schedules are tiin.-Mlt i i," u '' "' IU ‘ smile udvunuo. whllo , ~ Y' , , c; "' ""'y p1.v.1 lit on few tMs.vwairoo ►i • i . I ' j , 11l OOtfStJI .’MI s i|i, (If 1,1 11l 0,1 ib'ill AO 1 1 II ( a -i t 'HSO-itat M t|n..t. larMt dud and nominal. We run *m ****?** $ no ■■ ~ in mi .< 11 iti 1. s> il dwaisiki lSou„(,uuu .. • tt *''';ag t a („in, r ao ,) •• „ 7 im ,ij iki 1.,l „ HlHllfj '.lllll '"till 1,1,11*,., , , UIJU&RJUI i *l below them ilgures. Umii nuytlMT* l 7 ,v 7 M '’""•'•U are coming In "tum ~ a,, ,!'' *'***tw| li‘il'iohr, Imii ii.* j ■' ~(,. ' ,v * 0,1. 01J b. nines offering '■'/ill i'll it * l4! rtflll Ml ijliuUtll'Hit ■J*,.u i lio' iT, f I- u, J', r< fi'<im f , Wy- a * 1 Y LY 1 pilot* Pi I Im* * ‘l* 'MI ‘ >■ -■ , ' lY**i B#w tin'll tto lull i.iuli'. thau lumber rates. To the West Indies and ' imlwar 1. nominal: to South America, $18<&14; to Spanish and MeditciTanean ports, $n t * Kingdom for orders, timber, £7<?&2Bs; Ir.mhor, .iJo 12s. Stoain To New York, S7; to Phila h'ipbia. $7: to Xavai. Storks—Dull. Foreign - Cork, etc., fo ordo!*s, is Gen . rosiu, '2 lOVtj i. Oi\stvriso -Sream To i P sion. Mki on losin. oil snirits; to New York, ! rosin. 50c, spirits, SOc; t< rbiladelpbia, rosin, bOc, spirits, to Baltimore, rosin. 80c. spirits, 70c. ! Cotton—-By Steam The market is steady; i offering tonnajw in good supply. Liverpool via Ne w York F 5-16d I Liverpool via Bultimon* tb t^d Antwerp via New York lb Havre via New York H;c Bremen via New York V ?t H-lGc Keval via New York m 11-&M Bremen via Baltimore v* !b s<,c Amsterdam via New York It> foe (lenoa via New York lb Otid Boston p bale l ,H 5 Sea island V bale l 75 New York Dale Ifo Sea Island bale 135 Philadelphia 1° bale 1 35 Son Island y b ile 1 85 Baltimore bale 1 Providence Lale. 150 By Sail Liverpool 17-f>4d Havre 9-;tM Genoa 5-l6d Amsterdam. 9-3 AI Kick- By Steam - New York barrel 60 Philadelphia barrel HO Baltimore *t* barrel 00 Boston F barrel ho \ eoetarlhs Bv Steam—(By spe*ialcontract) —To New York, Pljiladelnhia. Boston an l B illi moiv, sUindard crates. 20c; Imrrels. 40*. With out the contract, crates, 35c; ban-els, 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. • Grown fowls $ pair $ 65 % 80 Chickens, VA to 84 grown 40 Qh 60 Ducks per pair 50 (and% 75 Geese pair 75 ocA 00 Turkeys pair 1 -J5 00 EStfs, country, dozen 12 (f/> - Peanuts—Fancy h. f. Va.. (fr 6V4 Peanuts—Hani ]>icked tb tix\ 5^ Peanuts—Ga. bushel, nominal. 75 (<4 00 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds \ } hush. 50 (A 60 Sweet potatoes, yel. yams bush 65 uK 75 Sweet pot’s, wiiite vans hush 40 (<j& 50 Poultry—-Market steady; receipts heavy; demand light for ; half to t Uree-quarters growu in pod request. Egos - Market irregu lar. wit h a fair demand; supply good.'uts— Ample stock: demand fair; market tirm and advancing. Sugar -Georpriaand Florida nomi nal: none in market. Honey—No demand, nomin.* 1. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; denot 'd good. MARKKTS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York. April 26.—Stocks active and firm. Money easy at 4@5 per cent. Exchange—long $1 86 .q;y 4 s7, short $4 Si'S 4 l Bs. state lionets dull and heavy. Government bonds dull and heavy. 5 p. m.— Exchange dull but steady. Money easy at 2; per cent., closing offered at 4(ik 4; per cent. Sub-Treasury balances Gold, 8131,80.1.0,40; cunvucy. 816,650,000. Government bonds dull but steady; four per cents, terilj,; three i>er cents. 100. State bonds dull aiid heavy. The stoek m.arket to-day was again weak and further material declines were established in al most everything on the active list. The news ot the day was meagre, but generally of a char acter to depress values. The chief disturbing influence was New England. London was seller, especially- of Louisville and Nashville, and oon sideraoie long stock from weak holders came upon the market. .After the meeting of the New England directors, which proved to be har monious, there was a rally all around upon ex tensive covering of shorts. The improvement encouraged buying by the bulls and the highest prices of the day were reached some time t/efore the close. Richmond and West Point was prominent, but heavy to weak throughout, fiiiere was good buying in Western Union, but the stock closed weak. Louisville and Nash ville was sold liberally for foreign account, and at no time in the day did it display any firmness. Coal stocks, witu the exception of Jersey Cen tral. displayed considerable firmness, while the remainder of the list were generally heavy most of the day. The market was heavy at the open ing and continued weak until nearly noon, New Englan i being most conspicuous for the decline established. A general rally then occurred, and in some eases eariy losses were regained, but in the afternoon the general market was dull and stagnant and little progress was made in either direction until after 2 p. in., when selling was again renewed, and the market closed active a id weak and in most eases close to the lowest of the day. Louisville and Nashville is off I‘4. Richmond and West Point 154, Union Pacific and Western Union Ifs- Reading 114, Jersey Central 114 and the remainder of the active list fractional amounts. Following are the closing quotations: Ala. class A,2 to New Orleans Pa- Ala, class B, 55...112>a cific. Ist mort.. 78 Georgia 7s, mort.. ltW N. Y Central . N. Carolina 6s . 123J4 Norf. &W. pref. . 51J4 N. Carolina ts ... 98 Nor. Pacific* 29 fi So. Caro. (Brawnl “ pref. .. 61 fi, consols 109 Pacific Mail 5.4*'- , Tennessee 6s 77J$ Reading 448 Virginia9s 49 Richmond & Ale.. Va. consolidated. 52 Richiu >nd LanvluO Ch peake & Ohio. 8 Rich) 11 'd A IV. Pt. Chic. & Northw n.11934 Terminal 38 % “ preferred ..117*4} Rock Island 196 Dela., Lack i W.. 130>q St. Paul 91 Erie 3344 “ preferred. 119 Va East Tennessee, Texas Pacific 80}$ new stock 13*4 Tenn, Coal & Iron. 44 Lake Shore '>te u Union Pacific 61*4 L'vilie A Nash ... 00}| N. J. Central. ?9>a Memphis Char 69 Missouri Pacific.. 107/4 Mobile & Ohio— 1.V6 Western Union. 7G*<7 Nash. & Chatt'a.. S2'4 CottonOilTrustcer SlfiJ COTTON. Liverpool, April 26, noon.—Cotton firm, with less offering; middling uplands 5 9-16d. middling Orleans 55sd; sales 7,tX*o bales, for speculation and expor t 1,000 bales; receipts 32,0ut) bales — American 13.100. Fiitures-Uplands, low- middling clause, April and May delivery 5 37-04(1, May and June .4 37-64*1, June and July 589-64i1, July and August 5 41-Old. August and September 5 jj-otd, September and October 5 37-64dd. Market steady at tho ad vance. 2 p. m.—The sales of American to-day were 5,500 halos. Futures- Uplands, low middling eiavse. April delivery 5 37-(tld. sellers; April and May 5 37-Md, sellers; May and June 5 57 6111, sellei>; dune and July- ft 3fl-64d, Selim's: July- and August 5 41-6 M, sellers; August ami September 5 13-64d, nellers; September and October 3 3; ittd. sell ers; October and November 5 28-64d; Septem ber 6 44-64/1, sellers. Market closed dull. 4:00 p. 111. —Fulures: Uplands, low middling ciuuse. April delivery 6 37-t")4d, sellers: April.and May 5 37-64 J, sellei’s; M'iv and dune 5 37-64d. sellers; June and July 5 39-64d, sellers; July and August 5 41-04d, Hellers: August ami September 5 43-64'1, sellers: September and Octnlv-r 537 64d. sellers: Octolierand November 5 28-04.1, sellers; September 5 41-04d, sellers. Futures closed quiet but steady. New York. April 26. 110011.— Cotton opened steady; middling uplands middling Or leans’!!) 13-1 1 A", sales 141 bales. Futures —Market firm, with sales as follows: April delivery 10 57c, May 10 46c. June 10 55c, July 10 62c, August 10 69c. September 10 38c. 6:00 p. m. -Market clos 'd .stmdv; middling up lands fOUje, middling Orleans 10 13 19c; sales to day 289 halos: net receipts 4!) bales, gross 1,889 bait's. Futures—Market closed steady, with sales of 98,000 Isiles, ;is follows: April delivery 10 Wit. 1058 c, May lO+KjftKMfc. June 10 56c, July 10 01 ®lotWe. August 10 1!738c, September 10 3." !Hc. October 9 111-.MIHJc. Green 4 Co.'s iv|irt on cotton futures says: "Tlio general line of trading still shows com paratively uncertain stimulants, ami it is ditll oult to deline tlie market beyond results actually att lined. An opening start sctit rules up live points, with apparently .mW good buying. and as suddenly tliuro was n reaction that Wip'dout tho until e gain mid left the close al nlmut last evening s rules. The weakening woe In part due to slight war rumors from abroad, but there appeared to he no general fueling of a 'bearish' character." Oai.vKttroN, Apnl2>l -Cotton steady;middling 101), , net receipts i hales, gross 5; sales lull -s; stock l.i,set'.’ bales,, April 9th Cotton firm: middling lOojo; Itet receipts 99 bales, gross 9-: sales sd lsties; stork H.T.VJ hales; cX|snH, to Omit Bri tain -Vi’i bales, cn tsiiv ■ ’IT) H.k.tihukk, April Jo. Cotton firm; middling lOAsc; net receipts ttl bales, gross 143; sales uotiu; stock 3,K7u Utles, Hosros, April -U Colton i.tendy; middling net receipts .Ml bales, gross 791; .ales none; stuck none.'.irros, April kii. --Colton firm; mid dim., iny; a •' ivteipls 11 bales, gross 11; sales llefte; doe.l .',95 1 bulls. I’Hib.toKiauiit, \pill 9tl. Cotton quiet; mid dling idi-r’; iet reeolpt-s 9 liolus, grots 9; slock 93,t1*al biles. S,w 'blun ts, April 9ii. Cotton firm: mid dling HI :i -l receipts I.'ll, b ile, gloss 1,147; Milieu a.tkw bales: stock I M1,.404 bales M urn x. April un. Cotton uotiilnal: middling |IH„e: icu iv ipU tniles, gro.i , suitta bales; sum i, il.ngU l)al<*s. es[<i t. cvaatwlae 49 tl lems, April *H Cotton ipdot but steady: maliiir g i ,M e; receipt* 'fl oalea; afilmnenU |3) lisle*, sales ?VI h.liev MtOCk gi.Slf ll'li' S Aeoesrs, Alien Jh ikShii quiet; muMling luia. , epcMlpm imnic; aaUi it baleii. I cssMissroK. April 91, IlnlnUl Krt nielati , -f -it it tain gr—‘“i Halos leapt *Usoa Fauci, o de* - * THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1887. Atlanta. April 20.—Cotton--middling 10c; re ceipts 9 bales. New York, April 20.—Consolidated net re ceipts for ail cot urn ports to-day 2.533 bales; ex ports. to Great Britain 533 bales, to the conti nent 1,250; stock at all American ports 438,498 bales. PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, ETC. Liverpool., April 26, noon.—Wheat llrin: de mand fair holders offer sparingly; red western spring, 6s lid ...;s Id; red western winter, 7s(& 7s 3d. Corn firm; demand fair. New York, April 26, noon.—Flour quiet but firm. Wheat higher. Corn lower. Pork firm; mess SIC tK3. l aird steady at $7 45. Freights steady. 5:00 p. m.—Southern flour quiet but steady. Wheat ’.1(1/;Lie higher aud active for export: optima^losed firm: No. 2 i\hl, April delivery May 9394\ June closing at 94c. Corn held stronger but quiet; options lower but more active, dosing weak; No. 2. May and June delivery 49(&49 L ic, closing at. 49c. Outs a trifle better lmt rattier quiet; No. 2, April delivery 3484 c: May closing at 347ijc. Hops quiet and unchanged.' Coffee, fair Rio dull at ibVGo; options active but lower; and higher; No. 7 Rio, May delivery 14 80c, June 15 00 5 *- 2-v. July 15 15 ' 40c. Sugar dull aud nominal: refined dosed quiet but Bti‘ady. Moia-:ae.s study: r>o lost 19’/.>e Cotton seed oil doo for crude, for refilled. Hides steady; wet salted New Orleans selected, 45 to 60 pounds, OUiutdOo; Texas, selected, 50 to GO pounds, 100. wool quiet hut steadily held. Pork stoady; mess sls iK' -o 15 25 for old, sl6 s:(j 17 (X) for new. Beef dull. Middles dull and nominal. Lard 3<j&s points lower and moderate ly active; Western stoaui, on spot 45, May delivery $7 @7 57. Freights closed dull; cotton, per steam 1-I6d; wheat, per steam lV£d. Chicago, April 26. Moderately free selling by bull leaders prevented any further advance in wheat to-day, though the prevailing temper was quite st rong at times. The market opened firm, with May at 85c and June at 85Vje. The former advanced to SVqc aud June rosiitoftPrtC. The demand from “shorts" and on outside ac count was quite brisk, and left to itself the market would undoubtedly have made a sharp advance. The members of the supposed bull clique were quite tree sellers, however, and the pressure of tneir offerings caused May to drop to 64IfcC anti June to \3W.e. The market ruled .steady at these figures, and closed for the day a shade higher. June at the close Ix-ing only V lower than May. Clearings from seaboard were 168,000 bushels. Receipts of corn were lijjht, and with large oimvaru and fair demand, prices ruled stronger early in the day. May advanced to 39c. Tin* tout* U‘t\ame flat toward the close, ami si>eeulat ive offerings causing a break of the market closing •\c under yesterday. Oats were dull and featureless. Mess pork was in active. There was little interest manifested m lard and short ribs. Prices, however, were a shade easier. The following were the cash quotations: Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat, No. 2 spring vSrpq -i.sTv*. No. 2 red 83iie. Corn. No. 2, bS'b.tfMfcc. Oats. No. 2, 2i ( l de. Mess pork S2O 50. Lard $7 06. Short rib sides, loose, J 7 75. Dry salted shoulders, boxed, $6 007bt 10; short clear sides, boxeand. Leading futures ranged as follow's: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat— April delivery . 84*4 84f6 83^4 May delivery... 85 * .4 June delivery’... 84*4 Corn-- April delivery.. May delivery 88?.fi 39 8 June delivery... 4t% Oats — April delivery... 27% 27% 27^ May delivery’ 28*,4 28*i 28* >s June delivery... 29*J 29)4 29(^29^ Mess Pork— April delivery.. S2O 50 ... .... May delivery... 21 00 s2l 00 S2O 75 J une delivery... 20 75 .... Lard— April delivery. .$ 7 12V4 $7 12V$ $7 05 May delivery 7 12V£ 7 12-.3 7 05 June delivery... 7 22*4 7 22*4 7 12*4 Short Ribs— April delivery..s7 85 $7 85 $7 75 May delivery.... 7 85 7 85 7 75 June delivery... 7 97)4 7 Baltimore, April 26. —Flour steady and firm: Howard street and Western superfine S2SO;U 8 10, extra $3 25, >,3 75, family $3 Mr>-r; 50, city mills superfine $2.V)®3 Of*, extra $. brands $4 aud firm; red amber Western firmer and active; No. 2 Western winter red, on spot 92*4c bid. Corn—-Southern firm but quiet; w'liite steady*. Cincinnati. April 26.—Flour firm. Wheat easier: No. 2 red. &3@B2V£c. Com steady; No. 2 nuxed 4JL*c. Oats easier; No. 2 mi\>*!, 30 ,4 30)4e. Lard quiet. Bulk meats firm; short ribs <5. Bacon steady; short ribs $8 75, sta rt clear $9. Whisky steady* at $1 IS. Hogs steady and firm: common and light $4 25@5 30, tack ing an<l butchers $5 CM 5 65. Louisville. April 26.—Grain quiet: Wheat. No. 2 ml 82c. Corn, No. 2, mixed 42c. Oats, No. 2,31 c. Provisions closed steady: Bacon, clear rib sides $S shoulders $6 62' v . Bulk meats, clear rib sides SB, clear side $8 25: shoulders $5 75. Moss pork nominal Hams, sugar-cured sll 75&12 50. Lard, choice leaf $8 25f$8 50. St. Louis. April 28.—Flour dull but steady. Wheat closed Irregular: No. 2 red, snot 814 Mav delivery j 'Sl%e, July’ 79 : qtP* Corn linn: cash 35VlQv May del ive ry July 3rp4v£b/ p-. Oats dull ant. easy; cash 28c. ?lay delivery 27v4? A 27\*4e Whisky steady at $1 13. Provisions quie f an i weak. Pork irregular sl6 75. Lard $7. Dry salt meats boxed lon* clear and short ribs SS, short clear 12*k. Bacn —siioul den $6 rs >, long clear soso@B 65, dear ribs $3 Hams quiet at sll 50 (a 14 New Orleans, April 20. --Coffee strong and higher; Kio cargoes, common to prime, 15 7 Cotton setMl products dull and nominal; prime crude *il 27c, summer yellow oil offered at 35*<j (g,36c. Sugar quiet but steady; Louisiaua opi*u kettle, good common to fair Louis iana centrifugals, prime yellow clarified 5 7-i6c. Molassos nuict but steady; Louisiana centrifu gals, strictly prime to fancy 28<&335, fair to good prime .2225 c. NAVAL STORES. London, April 26. Spirits turpentine 297^29 New York, April 26. noon. Spirits turpentine asked. Rosin uull at $1 6:00 p. m. - Spirits turpentine" dull at 38e. Resin Ann at $i 22t5(5 1 27. \ViuMiVi*roN. \pril 26. -Spirits turpentine dull at 81c. Rosin quiet; ti’ained g>o<i strained 86c. Tar firm at ?I 15. Crude turpen tine firm; hard $1 .‘lO, yellow dip and virgin $2 20. RICK. New York. April 26.—Rico firm and in good demand. New Orleans, April 20.- -Rice steady; Louis iana, ordinary to prime 3%<s4}4c. • Fruit and Vegetable Market. The following special to the Morning News is published for the benefit of our Florida and Georgia renders and those interested in fruits and vegetables, and can bo relied iq>on asaccu rate and reliable: PiiiLADKLRiiiA, April 26. Pea. Florida and Georgia. $1 00;ia3 00 ptu* crate, as to condl tion; beans. Fi>rida and Georgias. $2 tlO perorate, oh to quality; Tomato?*. Florida. j>er crate, $8 006J5 (X); euc*irnl>ers, Florida, perorate. $8 00(JM 00; cablageH, Florida, |r barrel, $.3 00 (A 3 50: Irish paN>es. Florida, larg**. per bar rel. $6 00; medium, $4 o>.' s<)o ;kt barrel; cu!!h, $2 X> jer barrel; rauaati, Florida. crate, 50c.: egg plant, Florida, per barrel, strawberries. Florida, per quart, choice anl Bound, 40tfc45c, dew n to 10c for poor and soft. General good demand for sound vegetables, and the iioor condition of stock is the only draw back to higher prices. Pan- 'oast & Griffiths. A Good Excuse. From Ih e Youth's Companion, George and Sam thought it great fun to run an av 7<i the mil! ana waten tho buzzing saws toar their way through the dry Imlta, und though tin y wore ready to obey gener ally, they would steal awav from nminiiia and run to tlie mill every chance they could get. "Roys/’ said papa one morning, “if you don't slay away from that mill something’ll g. t you, sure.” But as soon as papa went to work und mamma went up-stairs they ran after him as fust at: they could. Sure enough, ,jifi<t. as they came to the shingle mill at the foot of the hill something ran out at thoiu. They didn’t know it was pa jut with the gray wolf skin rob,* over his bead. “Thom 'tin, Sam! Pa|si said 'twould conn*!’' yelkst George as ho turned to ruu -- oli, how he did run! “I'm to ihnl out what it is,” said brave riant, >Uimling quite still till it was within ten feet. But. the awful object, was too inui'h even for sturdy Ham, and bs houmitsl up tii M hill after George, shouting ut the top of his voice— " Bun, Georg ie, run! I M’s go and tako earn of inamni i She'll iesiensl. Women ul wm sure. Bull, Gisirgio, run!" They never visiUsi the mill again without pamussioil. Imti Out GKsrt.ssss Mary, What was that J II <1 I id ll)A ItlU'lK'At Hsry Fanil I Sn' imlr ul know. “Vli*rl j hoard Mike s cseiiii#aah<' dhrop -‘r n i >lu*m I 0..1 .1 .1 M 111 U> -V 11, SllrfpWo lN I’KI.I.HiF.Nt K. t / " MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Sun Rises 5"20 Sun Sets 0:38 Hioh Water at Savannah 11:30 am 12:00 m Wednesday, April 27, 1838. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Juniata, Askius, Dhiladelphia— C G Anderson, Agent. Steamship Naeoocliee, Kempt-) 11. Now 4 ork-- C U Anderson, Agent. Schr Bessie Morris, Brown, New York, with coal to G I Taggart; vessel to Jos A Roberts Jt Whr Maggie E Gray, l’edrick, Baltimore, with j coal to G I Taggart; vessel to Jos A Roberts A ARRIVED UP FROM QUARANTINE YF.S TERDAY. Bark Sestri (Nor). Rostrup, to load for Buenos Ayres—A It Salas A Cos. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Augusta. Catharine, New York—C G Anderson, Agent Bark Mercator (Nor), Oftedahl, \\ ilmuigton, NC, in ballast—A R Salas & C->. Schr II P Simmons, Grace, Doboy, in ballast - Master. Schr Kate V Aitken, Brewer, Darien, in bal last, to load for Philadelphia—Jos A Roberts & Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer St Nicholas. Usiun, D irien, Doboy, Brunswick and Fernandina- C W ill.ams, Agt. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Augusta. New York. Steamship Bin Crane. Baltimore. MEMORANDA. New York, April 24 Arrived, brig Lewis I, Squires, Overton, Port Royal sehrs Kfflo .1 Sim ■ noils, lJolger, Fernandina; Herman B Ogden, Church, Dobov. Ga. Sailed, balk Tamora (Hr), Prnnswiok Ga; brig John Shav, Fernandina. Antwerp. April 21 -Arrived, bark Hanna Ma ria (Run). Ekqvist, BruuswieK. Rotterdam, April 23— Arrived, bark Bjovicken (Nor), Sorensen, Savannah. Bermuda. April 19—Arrived, bark Valp-.s (Rus), lvarsleu, Pensacola for Ghent. (Sec Mis eollauy.) Cardenas. April 19-Sailed. sclir Frederick, Patterson, Pensacola. Rio Janeiro, March 29—Arrived, bark Nor (Nor), Buokboldt, Pensacola. Beaufort, S C, April 23—Arrived, schr Carrie Strong, from Boston for Coosaw. Darien, April 22 -Arrived, bark Iledwig Seibe (Oer). Drauldas, Savannah. Philadelphia, April 24-Arrived, schr Jessie VV Starr, Warren, King's Ferry. St Augustine, April 2S— Arrived, schr Pearl of Orr's Island, Sanchez, Nassau. Jack* uviile. April 21—Arrived at Fort George, schr Maud Snare, Dow, from New York. sailed from Fort George 21st, schr Abbie H Gheen, for New York. Arrived 22d at Fort George, schr Lois V Oha ples. Ross. Philadelphia: Annie L McKeon, Ma honey, Belfast: Penobscot, Carter, do. Key West, April 24—Sailed, stmr Maacotte, Hanlon, Havana. New York, April 36—Arrived, steamships Elbe from Bremen, Circassian from Liverpool. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Bark Valpas (Rusi, Karsten. from Pensacola for Ghent, ‘was towed into Bermuda 19t.1i hist leaking. Surveyors recommend that the cargo of pine be discharged, NOTICE TO MARINERS. Providence, April 23—Red buoy No 8, Long Bed, Providence River, is gone from its moor ings. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway, April 20—2 bales cotton, 48 boxes tongues, l ear brick, t bales domestics, 12 boxes varnish. 1 bale car pet, 3 pkgs I.V-g caddies tobacco, 3 pkgs and 12 caddies tobacco, and mdse. Per savannnu, Florida and Western Railway, April 26 -10 ears lumber. 2 ears wood, 6 cars coal. 1,54)1, hbls rosin, GH3 bbis spirits lurjieutirie. ,i;i4 bl)ls vegetables, 16 bbl* oruagr*. 6 sacks po tatoes, 8,583 boxes vegetables, Shales moss, 1,017 boxes oranges, 2 bales wool, 1 bale hides, and indse. Per Central Railroad, April 27- bales cot ton, 25 bales yarn, 7)4 hales domestics. 1 bales aides. 4 rolls leather, 1 pkg paper, 53pkgs tobac co, 7,550 lbs bacon, 79 hbls saints turpentine. 22s ■fids rosin, 350 sucks bran, gPO bales hay, 5 bf bills liquor, 5 bbls beer, —‘l Ilf bbln lieet , 5 pkgs i'uraiture and h h Roods, 027: bushels corn, 150 bills flour. 15 head cattle. 13 head horse t nnd null's, 15 cars lumber, 1 ears wood, 1 car doors md sashes, 127 pkgs wood ia shajie, 1 pkg wax. 10 p' ;s carriage material, 17!) pkgs n-.d-ie, 11! pkgs paint, 15 bales paper stock, 341 pkg; hard ware. EXPORTS. Per steamship Win Crane, for Baltimore—439 bales cotton. 100 bbis 1 ice, 1,365 hbls rosin, 175 bbls spirits turpentine, 24 casks clay, 50 bales domestics and yarns, 7b bells hides, 18 bids and 190 boxes oranges, 18 rolls leather. 360 hbls and rJB boxes vegetables, 381 pngs mdse. per stenmstili) City of Augusta, for New York—lB4 bales upland cotton. 64 bales sea is land cotton, Uk bales domestics and yarns, 27 ■. trigerators, 404 bbis spirits turpentine, 1.12! bills rosin. 20.668 feet luuiixir, 11 bales hides. 12 ;sb, 8 bids oranges. *BO crates or 1 nges, 1,782 bbis and 2,70 ei ates vegetables, 000 tons pig iron, 218 pkgs md . ' PASSENGERS. For steamship Wm Crane, for Baltimore— Miss lilu Crai:'. Master Fried. Mixes I-'ri<" 1 ami Lung. .1 S Lewis, wile und infant, Miss Bessie, .1 E McDonnell. Miss Jennie Dugnu, Miss Hattie Dugan, (1 E Wallis, Miss Wallis. W T Rice, .1 Hogeni, Jos Johmi iou, .1 Jacobs, A Bot tle. A Johnson, A Lad. M Battle. I Clayton, Wm Mahoney, N Chambers, F Louis, J 11 Collins. Per steamship City of Augusta, for New York- Mr and iln I) F Fowler, Mr and Mrs R C Osgood, Mrs J G La'-torn Miss Kate Farrell, Mrs Questor, Miss A Mixarthy, Mrs AM Goddard, Mias B F O'Brien, Miss Mary Rouse, Mrs Phillip Carpeut . Rev und Mrs T li Itouße. J E O'Brien, Rev L il liulloek, Mr and Mrs E T Sibley, Miss A Bateman, :'lr and Mrs Ctulwell, Mr and Mrs ,1 It Taylor, Mr- J M Hedges and child. Mis., Emily Kuhne, Mr and Mrs G L Geroiy, J I, Gerety. 3 children and maid, .1 II Harlow, F Krimi, lutein Garrett, Miss M Hedges, T Slpe, C T Atkin, Miss ICahi Young, G W Ives, Mr and Mrs T Ives and 2children. Miss Lockwood, MLss Fairbanks, CC Southard, lliss C H Southard, Mr und Mrs M .1 Meyer, Mr and sirs J Popper, Master J I'opiier, J Klopfer. Mr usd Mrs w \v Cheeney, Mr md Mrs G W Cherny, K J Canohuj, P F Cortraudt, K E Uixiuetiart. C U French. .1 Hartnett. J A Griffith. Mr Brcvoord, V/ It Pell, MissM A Drew, Mias Belle Campbell, J II Mcintosh, Rev G K Allen, Miss Alexander. Miss Mattie Parker, Mrs .1 B Cummings Mr and Mrs J U LaMoutague, Mr anil Mrs S 1> Rogers und I children, G fleuru, E Westhrook, G G Maw, W (' Robinson,./ M .Shannon. J Lallose, A /eimin, J Cox, M Poigley, T Parker. H T Evans, Geo Farrar, c K McEwen, C A McEwen. Per steamship Naeoochee, from New York- W Davis, Dr J K Young. W Young, J II Wood, Dr J 11 Shorter, A Krouskoff, A w Stuart, E D Fowler, Mrs L D Fowler, H E Volck, ,1 K Volck, A Sydney. Mrs A Sydney, Il E Jones, E Dennis, J E Cox, J Brown, kv Johnson, Mrs EAGruves und infant, E and 1U steerage. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston :i nl Savannah Railway, April lit Fordg Offi" ■ 1 G Aaas, 8 Cohen, A Preston, Eckni.m ,y V, 11 Sul iinoa A Bon. Frank A Cos, P Cohen, U IS Custom House. J F Stubbs. Per Savannah, Floridn and Western Railway. April 20 — l Transfer Oltloe. Jno I- Uuurvv A Co s Hanley, M Y Hendri-aon. B H Jjevy a Bio, Perse A- L, A J Miller A Cos, Dale, L) A Cos. J Per husky, IkH'ker A K. Holomons A (.'o. f M Hull, S 1 J Rogers. Einstein ,V L. K<iy A Q, II II Istwls, K H Tafein. C 1.8: lilts, J K Clarke A Cos, 1* Mv Oise ben, M I r.;t A Cos, W B Moll X Cos, 8 M Bryant, Tee pie A tin, Lindsay A M, J Gardner, A Ehrlich A Bro, I I ovHI A Son B W Tedder, Cluaciult A; O'N. II Myers A Bros.Frierson A Cos, IJpnman Urns, McDonough A Cos. EHis, Y A Cu J P WiUuuns A Cos. C L Jones, Baldwin & Cos, E T Rols*rt.s. Peacock, 11 it Cos. Per steamship Juniat i. from Philadelphia— Altmk Sous, Arkwrlghl Mills, D C Bacon A (Jo, S W Branch, Brusn E I, (V Uenkampm A Cos, Antiu Hlutz, L E Byck A Won. llyck A S, E L By ok. C II Carson, Cornwell A' C, W G Cooper, W S Cherry A Cos, Croban A I', Clark A It. (loust IJne It It, Citv A Bub Hv, J E Camps. Mrs lie Re me, Davis Bros, u Eckstein A Cos, M J Doyle, J A Douglass A Cos, J T Shuptnne A Bro, J It Eason, Jll Estlll, Evening Call, M For ' dCo, Frank A Cos. S Guckeuhelnier A tkiii.J H Furbcr, C M Gi'Jwrt A Cos. lit: Gemuuden, Grnli u A 11, ( A Gemutideii, A Hanley, J il iiumlctvm, r il Hsus (> M lieiilt A Cos. Hyums Bros A Cos, ltd Jones, C Kobdiom A Bro, n Krouakott, J Kelly. E IjOieli A Son, Bros. D B Isvior, N 1 stag, J no Lyon t A Cos, II II Livingston, Lloyd A A. Hidden A B. Lnnhsiy A M. A Minis A .Sons, l<ee Roy Mvcrs y (jo J McGrath A Cos. Mutual (J L Cos, A J Miller A Cos. Melnliard Bros A Cos, C 11 Monais , S MUoticll, D l‘Myersou Mrs R Minis. Neidlmgi-r A It. G N NlebniM. ' Dowsd, J <1 Nelson A Cos, Palmer Bros, Pear-ion A rt, < W Parish. I'.-a is-s fl. Cos, P II Kol, h il Ho* U, Jos A itol'i-l !.- A Cos. J It Ren keu, 8, E A W Ky. il boli.i'Sier, tvs vat until l k op I*ae. Ju*' Kullivan. ‘vihiii ons A Cos, hayanuaii Muiei W alt,, oitou-s* JFus, II ho'.otnoii f Foil *1 bchruUmJ Si lor iisi k*. utiru Koni nmef T-'r Toms-ad, J W J'iuun, P Tubordy. I'mpoitwr Don boAt Cos, C i'll Nmigu'h, Wood A ( ,t H Walsli. cun. K, Is W Ry, floutbora tin Go, (isi HnURCa Par CsnU'al IhMlr'Si l. April -J0- FurJa krt A B Hull, Darnell AR. RL Meivor. A Hanley, T Stethius, Ge> Mever. Weed <£ G A Gt'munneu Ptwrsou \ S. J P Williams ,t Cos, Lindsav & M, 8 Uuckenheimer *£■ Son, 0 W Tiedenmn. M Iju’s ki, S W Brauvli, Liimmuu Bros M Ftn*st & Cos, JW Tynan, D A Altiok's Sopf Ohlander Bn 8, Fay AE, Byck AS, Mohr Bros, Einstein £ 1., Kiosor AS. Lee Roy M> ers & Cos, C H OarHOn, Bendhelm Bros A Cos. W W Gordon A Cos, H B Marsh. Meinhartl Bros A Cos, II Myers £ Bros. DI) Arden, 1 Epstein A Bro, Stillwell. V& M, McDonough A C>. D C Bacon A Cos, Ellis, Y & Cos. Peacivck, II & Cos. Pei- steamship Nacoochtn*. from New York— Agent Adams Express Cos, A K Alt mayor A Cos. J M Asenciorf. Baldwin A Cos, it Bolsiuger, J P Bryan, M Bidey A Son, O Butler. M Bono A Bro, A Bunnud, Blodgett, M A Cos. T P Bond A Cos, 8 W Branch, l> Brown, Bemlheim Bros & Cos. Byck A S. Camplsdl Bros P E C’oilier, Cornwell Ac, II M Comer A Cos, K M Connor.Crohan A D, C< Mat Bros, Clark A D, .1 Cohen, \V G Cooper. Cohen A B, W S Cherry V S: Cos, CR R A Bk Cos, B) Cubbedge, Davis Bros. Mad L Desbouiilons, S O l>elaney care Mrs R CVpe, G Eokstein A Cos, and A Douglass A Cos, M.l Doyle. Einstein A v L, Ecktuan A V, A I)ovl<*. Li stem A W. Win Kwtill, V Ehrlich A Bro, 1 V'pstem A Bro, A Falk A Son, \ Einstein's Sons, A Ferst care K A Weil, J H P'urber, M h>i*st A Cos. Frank A Cos, B M Garfun kel Kretwcll A N, FleiM. bman A Cos. F Gutman, Garnett. S A Cos. 1, ,T Gazan, t 1 M Gilbert A Cos, J Gorham, Gray A O B, S (ic. kenheinicr A Son, A Hat) lay. llirseh Bros, .1 R iln It ivv anger, J Hal lenboeh, Ilarmes A J. Hannon A Cos. C lleidhl. Hymes Bron A Cos, 1" M Hull. \V A Jaudon, .1 II Johnson, S KrouskotT. A Kmuskolf, M Lavln, .1 K LaKur, Ijiunv A G. N iJing. leister's A C Works care B .1 Oubßedge, 11 ingston, lalienthal A Son. Linds iy AM, Lloyd A A, D l> lister, E Lovell A Son, Llppman Bros. B Tl Levy A Bl*o, I) J Lyons, Jno Lyons A Cos, Ludden A B, C Mathews, Marshall House, Mrs E K McCarthy, A .1 Miller A Cos, McMillan Bros. A McAllister. J McGrath A Cos, A Minis A Son, W B Moll A Cos cure Ii Miller ngt. Mohr Bros, U Moyer, Mutual Co-op Ask'd, .1 G Nelson A Cos, L l' Seitfville, Noniiiiiger AH, ‘glethorpe Club. I re Roy M\el’s a Cos, Wm Orr, J O'Byrnw, P V P Mfg Go. Palmer Bros, N Pmilsen A Co,P Pontell, K Rlatshek, I, 1 ‘urvis, T Rjulerick. C D Rogers, Rinser A S. .J Rosenheim A C-o, .1 B Held M 1), .J J Keiily ngt. R Salas, Savannah Steam Bakery, Savannah Dredging Cos. Standard Oil Cos, Soro ven 11oiis<*. S. EA W Rv. Smith Bros A Cos, R Seal's. H L Schreiner. .1 tl Schroder, P B Spring er, Solomons A Cos, II Solomon A Son, A P Solo mon. E A Sob wars, W D Simkins A Cos, J G Sul livan A Cos. CHStults .Ino Sullivan, H Suiter, Strauss Bros, L V Thompson A' Cos care A 1> Thompson, (i W Tiedenmn. PTubenlv. P 11 Ward, J\V Tynan, Weed a t\ AMA 0 W West, Thus West, 1) Wolsbeln, Wylly A < , W V Tel Cos, str Katie, Southern Ex Cos, Cm A Fla I S B Cos. HANK'S. Ivlil NATIONAL BANK, BOSTON, MASS CAPITAL SIOO,OOO SURPLUS 400,(XX) Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Corporations solicited. Our facilities for Collections are excellent and wo rediscount for Banks when Iwtlances war rant it. Boston is a Reserve City, and balances with us from Banks (not located in other Reserve Cities) count, os u reserve. We draw our own Exchange on lotidon and the Continent, and make Cable transfers and place money hv telegraph throughout the United States and Canada. Government. Bonds bought and sold, and Ex changes in Washington made for Banks without extra charge. We have a market for prime first-class Invest ment Securities, and invite proposals from States. Counties and Cities when issuing bonds. We do a general Banking business, and invite coiTespomlence. ASA T. POTTER, President. JOS. W. WORK, Cashier. KISSIMMEE CITY BANK, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - $60,000 r (TRANSACT a regular hanking business. (live 1 particular attention to Florida collections. Correspondence solicited. Issue Exchange on New York, New Orleans, 8a van nub and Jack sonville. Ha. Resident Agents for Coutts A Cos. and Melville. Evans A Cos., of London, England. Now York correspondent: The Seaboard National Bank. BKOK EHS. Ydw-the time to speculate. \CTIYE fluctuations in the Market offer op portunities to speculators to make money in Grain, Stocks, Bonus m l Petroleum. Prompt personal at to at km given to orders received by wire or mail. Correspondence solicited. ill! information about the markets in our book, which will be forwarded tree on application. 11. D. KYLE, Banker and Broker, 38 Broad end HI New Sts., New York City. A. L HARTEfbGE, SECURITY BROKER. I>UYS AND SELIMS on commission all classes > of Stocks and Bonds. > egoti oa ioar.s on marketable securities. New York uuotations furnished by private ticker every fifteen minutes. V I. ’I muik v*‘. < i MMING. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., I3x*ollszex,S -ORDERS EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchanges. lit COMMEHCLVJ. BUILDING. omriAL DILLON TRACT FOR SALE. NOTICE. Citt of Savannah, Office C'ixrk of Council, I April 2*. IM7. f The following resolutions were adopted by the City Council of Savannah at meeting of April aotb, 1637. FRANK E. REBARER, Clerk of Council. RISOUTIONS. By Alderman R. D. F.t>giu-t: Resolved, Thai, ail that portion of the tract of land lying south of Seventh street anil west of Rarnan let reel, recently purchased by the city of Savannah from I'. X. Seusseau et !., known as part, of Dillon's tract, be sold in front of the Court House of Chatham county at public out cry to the highest bidder, on the FIRST TUES DAY, being tne THIRD DAY OF MAY next, be t wren tbr usual hours of Sheriff's sale, liegln ning at II o'clock a. m. That the several blocks of lots in said tract be valu'd at such a valuation a., to aggregate the Bum of seventy thousand ($70,000! dollars; that each of the lid blocks be put up for sale at such valuation as may be fixed, uud no block shall be sold at a leas valuation than that fixed thereon as the minimum price therefor. That the Committee on City Lota lie charged with the duty of fixing the valuation on the said blocks to bo sold, and the same shall be sold by the City Marshal under the super! ntendnneo of said Committee on City Lolaa* above directed. Terms, either all cash or one-fourth cash, one fourth first of Aoptemlier, IAS7, balance first of Kcptcnilier. IS3L iatereNt nt 7 per cent, on defer red payments. Mortgage to secure unpaid piu - chase money, purchasers paying for title. Be it further Resolved, That, the Clerk of Council publish the foregoing resolution.! dally until day of suio. Adopted. Office City Marshal I Savannah. (Sa.. April ‘li, IKB7. f Under and by virtue of the above resolution of Council, I will s,*ll the above described land in front of the Court Ibmse In the city of Savan nah, Chatham county, <!a. to the bight .t and best bidder lictvveeu the hours of 1! a. in., and - m. o'clock on the THIRD D\Y OF MAY, 18K. KOULRT J. WADE, City Marshal. This April ld, 13*7. _ ELECTION'NOTH L. City of Savannah, ) Office elerk of cm noil, . Ai'Kli. !iL ISH7. ) T TMDER ai'd by virtue of a resolution utlopled l by 1 oun -11 at liie-tlug of April UUth IHH7, Council will elect suit* next regular uue-tlog. Unit is to sav tin IVKDNKHDAY, MAY 4th, I w s,. a P,.ri Wsrd ui to fill vacancy occasioned by th i ivslgiiaUon of Thomas fi laitrd Bond *.Vi; .iUry, fees Appli"mts <until luuid in their ut pissuioiis with niiiilOH of bondsinuu (two re iplired * stall'd therein to the Clark if Council it or Indore V o'clock e. u , Wctlnttmluy, May 4th, ish; Hy onler of Council. FRANK K. KKUAKKR, < ,'fj‘rk .of_Coij*"-l!.. \ I FRf 'HANTH. inai "ilaetnr< t me, imuie* ,l .->l l* nation, ano all ofln-iw la need of prmfU'F sad Miuik Is sit. a can have Ihelr oiler. jiiomis ly filled at iresleralo price* at the WillN’lSb SEVSH I'ltlN'll.MJ Ufwiß. U •A'hUaJiar sneai FURNITURE AM* CARPETS. f MY WAY f MORGAN'S, iroughton Street. !E THOSE w Mattings, arriages, CHESTS TERATORS. Everything Marked Dow® l to LOW PRICES. DRY GOODS. DAN I Eld HOGAK SPRING AND SUMMER NOVELTIES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! I)AHAHOLS Coaching and Run 1 'mbrollas in the newest and largest variety. DHKBS FABRICS in Silk, Wool and Cotton. The finest assortment wo have ever shown. We will alo offer the following Kpeclal bargains: 75 nieoes Striped and Gliecr. si Siimgggjt „ SillxH at sJUi., 87c.. JWW* . 4ftc., Mk\. 55c. 00i. and OJJc. TTiew flg-ures do n<>t cover coat of tg* jx>rt4ition. 500 yarns Br‘K*ad*tl Satins ut 40c. to 5.V. A full line of G<*lm*d (iff)* Silk* at 85c. to fil 50. Colored Surah Silks, In all the new Spring shades, at 55c. per 3'arp. Guin ea 'u (Vlcbratcu Black HLlku ai nil prices from 75c. to $2 50 per yard. IiAB/KH' MVSLLN UNDERWEAR.- At !ifx\. Lurlles' High Neck Corset ('overs, nice Cambric and Embroidered: at tTs*.. )Julies' Cbeniim*. extra heavy Cotton Bands and Hleoves, chain stitched; 1 ad*es'Gbemiwc, ixiinted Yoke of three rows of Inserting betweon four clusters of tucka, Embroidered Bands and Sleeves; utoOr.. I Julies'Gowns, Mother Hubbard Yoke of four clusters of wide tucks uud trimmed with Cambric ruffle; at fi. r K*.. I Julies'Gowns, Mother Hubbard style, solid Yoke of Hamburg Embroidery httween tucks, edged Sleeves uud Neck; at 98c„ Ijifflea' Skirts, with extra deep ruffle Hamburg Embroidery an<l ten tucks ulove. This Skirt would lie cheap at £l *25. BOYS' CLOTHING.—Complete lines of School and Dress Suits ranging in prices from $1 75 to $lO a suit. CANTON MATTING! CANT*>N MATTING!—-100 pieces new Canton Matting, just opened, at the following prices, viz: 20c.. 25c., 30c., 85c., 40c . 45c and 50c. per yard. Colored F*nbroideries on White Grounds with Embroidered cold’s. Hamburg Edgings and Flouncmgs at 3c. to $8 per yard. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. One lot 4A inch all wool Plaid Alhatrosw at 50c., actual value 60c. Otic, let Btrijied Albatross at 50c., actual value 60c. 20 piec es plain. Striped ami Plaid Pemlan ( arapee In the lending Spring colora (32 and -W lnche wide*, and in every sense of the word a novelty. These goods are actually worth oOc. a yard, j will offer them during this week at 30c. a yard. DANIEL HOGAN; VVATt HES AND JEWELRY. B 1 LYE 1 1 WARE? Having just returned from New York, where I selected the latest designs and styles, I can now exhibit tile Largest and Handsomest Stock or Solid Silverware, Diamonds and Fine Jewelry Klver Opened TJp irt this Oity. In addition, our stock bas Iteon replenished in ever detiartinont, with artic!''s suitable for Wed ding Presents, house Furnishing and other purposes. Also, a dazzling display of Diamonds, Watches, Chains, Charms. Clocks, Jewelry, and, in fact, everything I hat you would expect to find iu the L-ading Jewelry House of the city. The High Standard of our goods is well known, and a moderate and reasonable profit Is all tha’t we expect or ask -therefore, no Fancy Prices. Any arti cle in our IXcnaive arm Varied Stock will compare with any similar articles to lie found in any resjiectable Jewelry House anywhere—not excepting the largest cities of the country. We inviti a call uud inspection. 1-fT Send for our Illustrated Catalogue. 157 ZEz?OTXglxl:ox2- SLnreeL AL STERNBERG. DIAMOKTDS. LATHS AND SHINGLES. LATHS AND SHINGLES “VIE CHEAP. % . No. 1 Cypress Laths, - $1 50 per 1,000 No. 2 Cypress Shingles, - $2 00 per 1,000 Vale Royal Store House, BROUGHTON AND WEST BROAD STS. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. White Don, Mixed Con, OATS, HAY, PEAS FOR PLANTING AND FATING, ALL VARIETIES. Katins Potatoes, Florida Oranses, Messina Oranses, Turdipo and Onlojjs. Grain and Hay in Car Load Lots AT LOW TRICES. T. P. BOND & CO., LOS Bay (Street. aTb. hull WAREHOUSEMAN AND CommiHHion Miorclmnt, WHOLESALE GROCER. FLOUR, HAV, GRAIN it PROVISION DEALER. I 'ItKWII MEAL and GRITH In wlnte ssekM, and ’ mill stuff* <>f ail kinds *L v* on band. 'Wr*iu raw.l SI'ANIt*!! ITIAkT IV uiau i’KAH, uiv variety il pnooa on lui*>• iota ofT|>e. a! |lm> xtrooi Wius ia ijw, No. 4 Wad- I*/ *t/et, on Luo C R. it Savannah, iia /[)! I’ U aud WIIIhK> llAtino ruiwd Jjijl ’ '.rn . ” #t, Atlanta. La Otto- SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BTC. Halifax River Lumber MiDs.i JOHN MANLEY, Proprietor, DAYTONA, FLORIDA EVERY VARIETY OF Rough & Dressed Lumber, SASHES, SHINGLES, MOLDINGS AND SCROLL WORK FURNISHED. In oonnectinn with the Mill is also a MA CHINK ANp REPAIR SHOP. A,hire- : JOHN MANLEY DAYTONA, FIAIROA ■■■■■ - J'.M I Mil in \ K Kit. VV? D. DIXON, UNDERTAKER ueaMUi in ail Kimw or COFFINS AND CASKET* U UuiiaLsai. Kusid*.a W Liberty at nafc SAVANNAH- UKOROIA 7