The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 27, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 ODD FELLOWS’ DAY. Continued from Fifth Foie, temple walls' V.'hat is it that makes Old Fellowship dear to her voteriesf What has her mission been and what has she done, and what is she dointr to merit the homage we this day have paid her.' The birthdays of statesmen and nations an' remem bered and honored. Why should not we as members of the most noble institution t'ounde 1 for benevolent purposes celebrate its birth, and cherish the deeds it has done, and take courage from the past, to make its future more useful, more felt in the com munity in which we live.'" The speaker went on to answer the ques tions winch he had propounded. The order’s mission, said he, is a high and holy one, teaching in the most impressive man ner the brotherhood of man. the fatherhood of God. He did not claim that Old Fellow ship was the perfection of human nature, but he did claim that its superior cannot be found among the institutions having for their object the amelioration of the human race. THE BUILDING COMMITTEE. Chairman David Porter was called upon to respond’ to the sentiment: “The builders and the building commit tee—have been indefatigable in their efforts, exhibiting an earnestness worthy of the greatest commendation.” Mr. Porter having already spoken in re sponse to the sentiment, The Patriarchs Militant, said: During the dedication ceremony this after noon it became my duty to say to the Grand Master: "It is not the business of the commit tee to allude to their own labors, nor the man ner in which those labors have been performed; nor would good taste permit us to descant on the fitness of the edifice for the sacred purpose to which it. is designed." This restriction bears upon the committee to night as fully as it aid this afternoon. I therefore, by direction of the Building Committee, request that Past Grand Master George H. Stone respond for ns. Past Grand Master Stone in responding to the sentiment, said: It is with great pleasure that I respond to this toast, for much honor is due both the builders and the Building Committee for the efficient manner in which they have prosecuted their lalsirs to a sueessful termination. And I take this occasion to thank the builders in the name of the order, for the energy,fidelity and prompt ness which they hare displayed in their work. In the name of the order, I thank the Building Committee for their energy and fidelity, and for the aide maimer in which they have followed Up the builders, lipon an examination of the committee. I find that it is composed of three members, viz: Brothers Porter, Fret,well and Nichols, aud 1 mu constrained to think that there was a deep significance in the number; that it was intended to represent the three gieat principles of the order, Friendship, Love and Truth. I pou an exainina tion of the characters of the gentle men composing the committee I feel assured that they possessed for each other, as well as for the order ut large a true and lasting ■I, which as the work progressed doep a permanent love, and as a lasting t and a true love cannot exist unless with that cardinal virtue truth, 1 am believe that they possess a large share commodity. I am assured, it it was a’s'o intended to rei resent by this committee three other great and fundamental principles of the Older, viz: Fait h. Hope and Charity. It will not take the hrothers long to tetl who was selected lo represent Faith: for tf there ever was an illus tration of sublime faith it Is to tie found in the person of David Porter, Chairman. I remem ber that soon after the commencement of the building I said: “Brother Porter, have you is sued any bonds yet?” “Bonds," said he, “No. Don’t trouble a bout bonds: as soon as we have the building above ground the bonds will float off themselves, - ’ aud if any one bad approached him when the earth was shaking the very foundation of our habitation, as well as our courage, and aske i him if the building was in danger, he would have replied: “What! that substantial structure disturbed by a simple earthquake? No, sir: that temple is founded upon principles as enduring as time itself.” In the selection of such a committee it was liessary to support Faith with an ardent pe. and for this was Brother Fretwell Feted. The third member of the committee, Dther Mendel, was (selected to represent krity, and no better selection could he made. THAT GOAT. °ast Grand ,T. R. Sr ussy responded bn irously to: That Goat—successfully ridden thousands, yet never seen by the outside rid. The subject for which he had to speak was very much curtailed in its origin, said the speaker, and he proposed to make his narrative short. Symbols have ever char acterized the human race. The nations of the world all have had their symbols. Russia has her thick-furred bear, indicative of the icy clime over which her ruler holds sway. England has her lion indicating the crul power and the grasp ing desire of the nation on whose realms the sun never sets. The eagle of the Roman empire of France and of the United States is the bird of freedom. The lamb of Mason ry is the emblem of innocence. The speaker, proceeding, said that he would not have the foat regarded as an Odd Fellow. n the popular imagination he is the beast of burden, which the neophyte in Odd Fellowship carefully and tenderly rides along the rugged road to light ami liberty. It may seem strange that the goat of all other animals should bo adopted by ihe order. But when the glint’s origin is considered it is found to lie a very ancient animal, lie welcomed Adam in the Gordon of Eden. Tiie goat was first found after the flood among the mountains of Asia, liis being there was due to the fact that he would not be driven or coaxed into the Ark by Noah, and when the flood came the animal of course hud to seek high ground and get up on the bluffs. It was w hile on one of the piealcs of the Himalayas that the goat first acquired a taste for literature, his first meal being made of a sjieeial edition of some daily laper issued about that time, and which edition the waves tossed nbout and finally lodged near where the goat was standing. The goat is ancient, and so are tile princi ples of Odd Fellowship. The goat is the jxxu- man’s row. Odd Fellowship is the poor man’s friend. Its charities are as broad as its tenets. ! I j | The ninth toast, “The Press—Which has aided so much in disseminating the princi ples aud teachings of the order,” was re sponded to by Past Grand J. H. Estill. The tenth toast, “Our invited guests —Whose presence has added so much to the pleasures of the evening.” was to have been responded to by Grand Warden D. B. Wood ruff, of Macon. In Mr. Woodruff’s absence the response was omitted. The last toast was “Woman—As un Odd Fellow, and otherwise,” and was responded to by P. G. R. J. S. Tyson. The tables were then removed from the hall and nt midnight dancing was begun and continued until the woe sina hours of morning. The day was un event ful one in Odd Fellowship in Savan nah and in the State. The celebration was tmnimrred by any ill-for tune aud was a groat succees. * The commit tees having it in charge, and to whom the credit for its success js due, were as follows: General Committee—P. G. W. H. G. Ward, P. G. A. N. Manucy, A. S. Nichols, Hall association: P. G. George (J. Wilson, No. 1; V. G. H. W. Rail, No. t>; V. G. T. A. Ward, No. ;!; P. G. It. ,J. 8. Tyson, No. 12; P. G. Jonas Mendel, No. fifl. Reception Committee—P. 0. R. J H. Ty son, P. G. .hums Mendel, P. G. A. N. Mu uncy, V. G, T. A. Ward, Floor Committee—V. G. H. W. Rail, R. A. Howlinafei, V. G. Fred Eiiurfeld. “Buofcu-Palba.” Quick, complete cure, ail annoying kid gey, bladder and urinary discm**. sl. At llrug fiats. “Rough on Bllo” Pill*. Entail granules, small dona, big results, pl'-iaant in operation, don’t disturb Uw Mo i.'ich. 10c. olid lifio. “Rough on Dirt.” Ask for “Rough on Dirt." A jairlwt washing powtW found at lust! A harmless < v'm file- At article, pure and clean, awaat * Its, freshen lilaa'hai mid whitens with'Sit ' 'iglitest uijuiy to Hie** Inl-ne I'mqiwjni t'H 1110' linens ami la/es, gem -I a I h<u*"hokl, t lichen and laundry to**- Kolb-ti* water, mia Uisir mrA mmy A'UU’I to slouch pis M* . HM > il JfJ# •t* **T ■*, GARLANDS FOR THE DEAD. Bright Flowers Strewn Above the Sleeping Brave. _ HERE was less observ ance of Memorial day in tjky y ft Savannah this year than Jjy. |J r ftK’ there has been in years vikl* > Mir l ,ast - There were no <v *Syt t public exercises, and aside from a suspension of busi ness in the afternoon the day passed like any other. The banks and exchanges were closed during the entire day, and at 2 o’clock most of the retail business houses closed. The courts adjourned on Monday until to-day. At tho post office Sunday hours were observed. The action of the "Post Office Department authorizing the observance of the day as a legal holiday is the first time that it has been recognized as such by the Federal government. AT THE CEMETERIES. The weather in the afternoon was beauti ful and crowds went out to the cemeteries. The street cars on all the lines were taxed to carry the people. They began going early after dinner, though the majority did not go until late. Between 5 and li o'clock the crowd at Laurel Grove was the greatest, Anderson and West Broad streets and the other streets leading to the cemetery held a continuous line of carriages filled with flow ers for the graves of loved ones who sleep underneath the oaks. THE SOLDIERS’ GRAVES. The decorations of the soldiers’ monument and graves were not so elaborate as they were last year. The principal decoration of the inonunfent was a lieautiful wreath of roses, in the centre of which was a G. A. R. mourning badge and the inscription, "Win field Scott Hancock Post No. 48, Grand Army of tho Republic.” The wreath was presented to tho ladies of the Memorial As sociation by Messrs. S. B. F. Gillespie, Wil liam R. Zaaimert and William H. Devlin, a committee representing the Post. Upon each marble headstone in the lot was a wreath or bouquet. The decorations of private lofft were not as fine as they have been in former years when there was an abundauee of flowers. AT THE OATES. The ladies of the Memorial Association had boxes placed at the gates of tho ceme tery to receive the contributions of visitors, and there were few who did not make some offering in memory of those who fought and died for tile Southland. It was dusk before the crowds left the cemetery and tho gates were closed for the night. At the Cathedral cemetery and at Bonaventure there were many very fine decorations. The Const Line railway carried out crowds of people to both i ciuolerits. The soldiers’ graves at Isle of Hope w ere also decorated. I Mgk | ffiM | g. I ,‘‘‘ A THE CONFEDERATE MONUMENT. The ladies who had charge of the decorat ing of the Confederate monument in the Park extension were unable, owing to the scarcity of 'flowers, t<* arrange a very elaborate decoration. The steps leading up the embankment on the north side of the monument were strewn with evergreens and wreaths and bouquets of roses. ()n the face of the monument was the inscription, Ix Memorial. in green upon a white scroll. Underneath it was a bank of roses. Festoons of moss and evergreens hung from the corners of the pedestal, and wreaths and bouquets were tastefully arranged in 1 h<* niches, and on the south lace of the mon ument was a shield of immortelles, and upon the east face, above the inscription Come from the four winds O, Breath, And breathe upon these slain That they may live, was a beautiful wreath of evergreens. All around the base of the monument were strewn flowers and moss. The deco ration, although not elaborate, was striking in its simplicity. Crowds of people on their way through the Park from the cemeteries stopped to admire the arrange ment. AN ACTOR’S GRAVE DECORATED. The members of the Ford Dramatic Asso ciation decorated t he grave of the late Cyril Searle at Laurel Grove yesterday. Nearly every member visited the grave and placed upon it some token of remembrance of the actor’s friend. THROUGH THE CITY. Items Gathered Here and There by the News Reporters. The Mutual Co-operative Association of the Savannah, Florida and Western rail way will hold its quarterly meeting at the company's oitiees to-night. Three young men in u sail boat, had an involuntary hath in the river yesterday afternoon opposite Kinsey’s mill by t he cap sizing of their boat. Several of the market •lock ferry boats went to their assistance uud took them out and righted t he boat. The next meeting of the Georgia Pharma ceutical Association will beheld in Atlanta May 17. to examine candidates and grant licenses to qualilie i applicants. All physi cians who are druggists must have a license front the present or previous boards. The revival meetings at Trinity church this week are largely attended, and n deep religious interest is felt. At last night’s set vhv there were several conversions. The meeting', will ls continued through tiie week daily at !> a. in. ands p. m. On Fri day there will Is- an all-day meeting, >ui mencing at 10 o’clock. • A special meeting of the Board of Trivlo will he held thl morning. The object of the meeting is to take action in regard to the interstate commerce hill, ami to have an expreMsloit of opinion ax to what the citv should do in regard to sending a delegation to represent its interests la-forc tlte conuuis eion now in session in Atlanta. VYillimn 1). Doming, of ’l. 11. Harden's insurance oltlce, ho* purchased t la-lot on the f oiiliet if liner nl Hail and llnriiuid . I reet* for >.'1,000, mill W ill ms t (1 liaildsoiln awlili'isui tW*. Tile tot has a froiilaui of I'l't I t fact mi Hal) street ami ** t ct oiijtiu- Hard. It was won hv Mr M Mpm n, the pi i//‘dimhmg ot Uie Havaiiiiuii YoimiGw-i < maids battalion M yeui l w i s/ii. Th Long4ina iV-liqUct, At kill Kill's Tilts so peril distillation sweetl re ilk Gansui , wits rtfwe# s llii/iti j*-i hr 1 I Mfclmg of THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1887. UNDER BETHESDA’S OAKS TEE UNION SOCIETY’S 137TH ANNIVERSARY. A Gala Day for the Orphans—lnterest ing Exercises at Whitfield's House of Mercy - The Society’s Anniversary Meeting Dr. Bacon’s Letter Presi dent Estill’s Report Officers and Managers Elected. Under the rules of the Union Society it is required that when its anniversary, which is St. George’s day, April 23, occurs on Sat urday or Sunday it must be observed on the following Tuesday. The society’s one hundred and thirty-seventh anniversary, therefore, was celebrated yesterday. The attendance was larger than it has been for the past ten years, especially of young peo ple. The day was all that could be desired. At an early hour the spacious grounds at Be thesda were dotted with groups of those who had come out to spend the holiday, and every train added to the number. Tho energetic stewards of the society, Messrs. Osceola Butler, John B. Fernandez, Frank W. Dasher and W. Iv. Wilkinson, hail not only made ample provision for the Bethesda boys, but also for visitors. Barrels of lemon ade and ice water were in their usual places beneath the oaks, and a brass and string band furnished music. THE ANNUAL MEETING. At 1 o'clock ttie members assembled in the public room in the Orphan House for the transaction of business. The, reports of the officers were read and received. A letter from Rev. Thomas Boone was read express ing his regret that ho could not be present at the anniversary of an institution in which he has always taken so much interest. The President stated that he had received a letter from Rev. Dr. Leonard W. Bacon, who was to have delivered the anniversary address, stating that owing to illness he was unable to do so. The President said he had given the letter to Col. George A. Mercer, who would read it in lieu of the address. Cnpt. P. M. Hull offered a resolution, which was adopted, requesting the Presi dent to appoint at his leisure a committee of five to consider the question of establishing a school of technology at Bethesda. The President stated that tho members of the Bethesda Union, a society composed of young men who have been wards of tho society, laid presented the Bethesda boys with a swing and gymnastic bars, and also a fine sail boat. Col. C. H. Olmstead moved a vote of thanks to the members of the “Bethesda Union” for their presents. Tho following gentlemen were unani mously elected members of the society: 8. Mciuhard, E. A. Weil, A. B. Solomon, E. \V. Cubbedge, Wm. F. Chaplin. THE OFFICERS ELECTED. On motion of Hon. Waring Russell, J. H. Estiil, A. L. Ilurtriilge and John Sulli van wore unanimously re-elected to the offices of President, Vice President and Treasurer, respectively. Tho following are the officers for the ensuing year: MANAOZIiS. D. K. Thomas, H. G. Fleming, T. M. Cunningham, lt.ifus E. Lester, I tins. Pallautyne, Wm. Rogers, F. 31. Hull, K. B. Reppard, H. T. Butts. HONORARY MANAGERS. Andrew Low, A. R. Lawton, Geo. 8- Owens, R. t>. Walker, Abram Slims, tl. M. Sorrel, Chas. 11. Olmstead. STEWARDS. Osceola Bntler, John B. Fernandez, Geo. J. Baldwin, T. P. Ravenel, P. W. Dasher, W. W. Rogers. On motion of Col. C. H. Olmstead, W. K Wilkinson, Esq., was unanimously elected Secretary, vice William \V. Rogers, Esq., w ho declined a re-election. At the conclusion of the business meeting the members adjourned to the oak grove. Among those who occupied seats on the stand were Col. George A. Mercer, 8. P. Hamilton, Esq., Maj. A. L. Hurtridge, Dr. W. H. Elliott. Col. C. H. Olmstead, Maj. H. T. Burts, C'apt, F. M. Hull, Thomas Ballantyno, Esq., Rev. R. Webb, Cant. J. K. CUtrk, D. R. Thomas, Esq., Hon. Waring RusseU, G. Bourquine, Esq., Osceola Butler, Esq., F. W. Dasher, Esq., John Sullivan, Esq., John B. Fernan dez. Esq., W. K. Wilkinson, and others. The boys to the number of over 70, with Supt. Chaplin, Mr. Lee, the teacher, occu pied seats In front of the stand. UNDER THE OAKS. Rev. R. Webb offered a prayer, after which the President stated that owing to severe illness the gentleman who was to have delivered the annual address was un able to attend, and that Col. Mercer would l ead a letter from him. Col. Mercer read the letter nnd afterwards made a short speech in which lie congratulated the mem bers of the society and its wards upon the prosperity which had attended the institu t ion. To Col. J. H. Bit ill, President of the Villon Society: i ikak Mr. President I have cherished to the lost moment the hope that I might he well enough to fulfill to-day the appointment with which the Union Society lias honored me. But I tind that 1 huve not the strength for It. Th<* disappointment will be less to the society and its friends than it is to me. What to me is so full of fresh interest might naturally, in iny telling of it, be -ome to you like a much more than twice-told tale. But l have hoped that being led thus, by your invitation, over gn mud so long familiar tri you all, I might, at least.occasion you the sort of pleasure with which an old traveler, from whom the zest of first im pressions has long been worn away, escorts some novice into scenes of beauty and historic interest, and renews the delight of his own former enthusiasm in witnessing, half with amusement and half with sympathy, the fresh raptures of his companion. In looking intimately into the wholly origi nal and characteristic colonial history of Geor gia, it is to lie confessed that one mixes some elements of interest that abound in the history of t he older colonies. The daring heroism of the Virginia adventurers is nol there; nor the pu thetic weakness mi l poverty of the Plymouth pilgrims, ami not. in the same degree the inspi ration of a high religious faith and the anticipa tion of vast future results in the midst of the feeblest lieglnuings. which nobly characterized all the New England colonies. But if there was less of faith and of hop' conspicuous in the founding of Georgia, there w as more of charity, and that is "the greatest of thrse lhree." UKOIKUA'a EAIU.V HISTORY. Then I find an immense charm in the com parative recency of the primeval age of Geor gia. It tills receded far enough inlo the past to Ih-coihc picturesque and venerable without growing 111 the leust indistinct. That singularly fine old military type of Oglethorpe, "With his old three-cornered hat Ahd his breeches anil all that," is authentically reported to us by the one wit ness who wiu present, as whispering soft notli ings lie!ween Ills nut-cracker Jaws, at the sprightly age of 00, to the blooming young Hannah More. To the aged and illustrious Hannah More, little Tom Macaulay, still in lift donate, tendered the hospitality of lilt father's house sf Claphum. and promised the vcnerabls smut tf she would come in. that lie would give tier some very nice old Jamaica rum And Macaulay was our own Illustrious con temporary. bo that between us and the heroic If-under of Georgia there Intervene* only t he |wi .ml of u single hiimun life. It Is Just the distance at which to get him exmdly in focus for a go*si picture And what n group that Is of which he Is Die e-ntinl ligure- A Is alt l tils grand old soldier of fort one, tbe type of t Imse nat oral virtue* which August hie ws* want to characterize us >i>lendnl,i nil rata, bringing Ills iilmuiidlii/ pbiUnGiropy towards t’ii. imfordinati- Into striking contrast with iil hard swearing against the shiftica- and dishonest, and eiuls-llisiiing his doctrine as die hct priictical prolilb.itifilial by his relish for good * me and Isvr A Is nit Inin stand, on tin- one site die Direr ni<ait commanding and inspiring figure* Hull reiii-i-seni In us tin great ndigloii* a % ikenlng ol the lusl century the t Wo W entry* and Genfgi It hi! Meld and on I he otjp-l hand Gmi prim -l.v I>J* of wmiiaiily fuiGi ami char Ii y t tn (iiuUmm Minn A imut i mum ! wanted 141 tell you irtct again wliul you 1 av la'll I dontii lea- from man) an ora tor In rig- I** 1 Ga- Bon*** sf-ay of Ihul which |m,A-s and lUiMtie. >.,||| tille to 14*. uanc of Union s* rt- if hut | in list list-go m ail lay In**, not Itui whai | wutisid, nn*> (bam all ih—* rtra of time, when the society, simuWaiteousiy with the city and the commonwealth, is emerging magnificently from u period of depression and looking forth upon a prosp -ct of unequaled op portunity for great sen ices to humanity—to speak rather of what ought to be done than of what has been done. It would lie a shame on the management if it should not feel the responsibility and the in spiration of such a moment, and rise to the oc casion with great plans and large endeavors. I trust tiiat my enforced silence may provoke more eloquent lips to tho utterance which the horn-requires. Yours very truly, L. W. Bacon. After the benediction by Rev. Mr. Webb the meeting adjourned. The remainder of t lie day passed away very quietly and pleasantly, and it was not until trie last team left Bethesda station that the 137th anniversary came to a close. THE PRESIDENT’S REPORT. Tho President submitted his report as fol lows: To the Members of the Un ion Society: You will perceive from the several reports herewith submitted that, the society has had a prosperous veur. A larger number of boys have been cared for at Bethesda during tiiat period than ever before, and the financial affairs of the society are in a better condition than they have been since the building of the present Orphan House. THE BOYS. Eighty-four boys have I icon on the roll during the year, forty of whom were admitted during that time. Fourteen have left for various causes, and seventy are now in the institution. The average cost of caring for each boy, including the expense of the farm and salaries of em ployes, has been about $70,000. This amount does not include schooling, which is now pro vided by the Board of Education. The health of th<* orphans has been, with few exceptions, ex cellent, and their behavior good. I have not had a single case of misbehavior reported to me during the year. Tiie committee which ex amined the school report that the boys show a marked improvement in tlieir studies, as com pared with previous years. TUE FARM AND DUILDINOS. The farming operations have not been very satisfactory. The freeze in January reduced the oat, crop one-half, and that in Jlarch de stroyed ail the vegetables, except the green peas. The farm has been replanted, however, and, with favorable weather, it is expected that there will be an abundauee of vegetables. The inside and outside wood work of the main building has needed repain ting for several years, but owing to our financial condition the money could not be spared for that purpose until re cently. when, having an opportunity to have this work done at a very reasonable outlay, I availed myself of it. I also have had four rooms in the building ceiled and plastered. As soon as our means will permit- 1 lioiie the Orphan House will be completed and finished throughout ac cording to the original plan. The school house tins been enlarged and re shingled, and the laborers' quarters reboarded. The old dining-room and kitchen have been put in good order aiul are now used as a laundry and wash-room. The total outlay lor the improve ments above referred to whs The old wooden building, formerly used as a dormitory, and which threatened to tumble down, has liccn removed A portion of the fencing is in bad order, and will have to be re placed during the coming year. THE SOCIETY'S PROPERTY. The Whitaker stive', property, excepting the old Masoulo Hall and 1: .gore recently occupied by Mr. Meyer, is still under rental, thougii no now leases ha *e been entered into, as it is ex pected that the western portion of the lot wifi soon lr’ improved. The Soutti Broad strept property is still under rent to n good tenant. The Telfair property is also rented to good tenants. A part of the building was damaged by fire recently, but tiiat has entailed no loss on the society, as the tenant skiff occupies it and it was fully insured, it is now lieing repaired. The Springfield lots, with the exception of those rented to the late Gen. Finnegan and Mr. Hanlon, are bringing in a regular income. By order of the Board of Managers the matter of Gen. Finnegan's indebtedness, which now amounts to Si,"is lli. was placed in 1 he hands of our attorneys, out nothing further has yet been done looking to recovering possession of the property. Tn Tipperary place and the lowa lands are still on our hands, and are an annual charge against the treasury, with small prospects of the society's ever getting back the amount paid in taxes on them. I was authorized to dispose of both these trusts, but have not been able to find purchasers. SALE OF TEE PAVILION HOTEL. At a meeting of the Board of .Managers, on July 2. Mr. J. A. Wood, of New York, who was present by in vita, ton, made a proposition to plans fora hotel to occupy the Pavilion Hotel lots, not to cost over $1 lUX'd. and lease the same for a term of years for §IO,OOO. The offer was accepted, ami on Oct. 5 Mr. Wood pre sented his plans. puds were called for and a number ot well known contractors submitted estimates for erecting the building, but these estimates were so muen in excess of the amount called tor by Mr. Wood's plans, and so far be youd the financial resources of the society, that they werffall rejected. The failure of tins plan to improve the society's property, and at the same lime provide Savannah with a rauch-to-be desired hotel, was deeply regretted by the board, more especially so because the architect who had given so much time and thought to the matter had done so without charge to the socie ty, liis fees being contingent upon the success of bis efforts to have the building erected within e u-turn figures. The bids lor building ti-.a hotel were as follows. Wm. Russell, New York 518H.900 J. B. Allen, & Cos.. Chicago 139,635 W. A. Bo we and others. Savannah IST.OOo P. J. Fallon, Savannah 143,000 To the above figures should lie added $35,000 to $.30,000 for work not specified in the archi tect's specifications. The failure of the scheme for building a hotel canoed the society to reopen the question of disposing of the property, and in December it was offered to the trustees of the Chatham Academy for s.‘>o,ooo. The misters accented the offer, agreeing to pay Hie price in cash, or iu securities held by them a* market prices. On Feb. 9 the following resolution relating to the mutt-r was passed: pe il resole and, by the President, Vice President nnd Managers of the Union Society of Savan nah, iioinga majority of the Board of Managers of said society. Thai- it will be greatly to the ad vantage of said society and promotive of the purposes thereof to soil and dispose of all of their right, title and interest in and to the lots and properly of said society known in the plan of the city of Savannah as lots Nos. li, 7. 30 and 21 Hgowu ward, and the portion of the lane adjacent thereto, with tho buildings aud improvements thereon commonly desig nated ns the Pavilion Hotel property, and to apply aud invest the proceeds of such sale as a part of the permanent fund of said Union So cicty for the purposes of education for which it was founded and incorporated, and that the same be sold to the trustees of the Chatham Academy, in the city of Savannah, for educa tional purposes, at and for the sum of $50,000, and that the President, Vice President and Sec retary of said Union Society Is:, und they are hereby fully authorized and empowered to exe cute In the name of said s *oiety and deliver to the purchasers a dec l to said premises, and affix thereto the corporate seal of the society." run It ELI.Y LUNACY. Th#* government having ml vert Ited for pro jvt.Hails for Hites for a public nodding, the Board of Managers, on Aug. 24 authorized the Com mittee on Town Property to offer the property on Whitaker street for the sum of $40,000. The offer was afterward reduced to ?M7.0 )o. It was the desire of a very large number of citizens that this site Nhoiild b • selected, us ii was nearer the centre of business than any other proposed, but the government officials thought otherwise, and though we have no official Information on th** subject, it is understood the offer was rejected. It is probably as well that the property was not Hold, as the society is now in a position to im prove it, and in that way make it produce a much larger income thau at present, nnd per* iiapH larger than would have been secured nod the pr>i*erty been sold and iii<■ pnx.*ee(is in vested in stocks and bonds. With luur purpose In view the m ma/eiv, in January lost, author- Ued the t'oiumittee on Town Property, in con junction with tlic President, to employ unarchi tect to prepar * suitable plans for n handsome building ou tlie NVhitnker street portion of the property. The committee Is now giving their attention to tills mutter, and h is expected that a piiin will h * agreco noon in time to secure the erection of th** new building U forc the end of the current year. Tllli HOLLA*!) LKOACY. •Judge fi. A. Kuierv, executor of the estate of the late W. F, Holland, nm. leen very sneer,,. ftil in disposing of the real estate at liar liar* bor, lie In August last lie Mold a iMirt of it for and the remainder lie nispoied of in M.iixii for fctJMMU. Tlie net amount realized from tie* tlrt sale hu* lieen turned in to the my clMy, It'it tin* proceeds of thu last transaction have not yi*f reached its I t*e Kill ire ine i isirt of Maine in the matter of tie* 4riet’. h . lain* for certain |s i>onal pro|s*r tv. limes gh*ii in payment for real estate m tMivanuoll. lis decided In lav r of tsociety lie s.iin involve | in aboiii fdo.iMi.w hirh amount with that lien lot on* lenfUed w 111 make the ntid si|m M4Mf cd o# |i< Is* received, from tin* Hoi land ivilo u mmi 'Vy ot the itamrtar I aelosd m w . ,ky *4l •mill *> i# Ity tin |* n hy file late Mr M*dhiii'i to in** 1 uyfarfhe of earing for ins I'a in Uurd liro.e ivmetry. they daiho# 1 la do . Tit* #-MEhet> 1 ndng then# , •hjnerl i'MTA •# </# (4** diar/i- of tit* I mow *•- ih. ... , a * TkhaiN'w.MM, I cepted by the executor, and the amount was paid over to the Treasurer. oun dead. Since our last meeting the society has lost one of its oldest members, Andrew Low, Esq. Mr. Low was a member of the Board of Managers for thirty years, and was an honorary manager at the time of his death. He bequeathed SS,OOO in city of Savannah bonds to the society, which will lie in due time turned over by the executors. Mrs. Chaplin, the Matron'of the society, lias also passed away since we last met. She was a most estimable lady, and her husband, our worthy Superintendent, has the heartfelt sym pathies of the management in his great loss. THE BETHESDA FAMILY. The officers and employes of the Orphan House have discharged their duties to Hie entire satisfaction of the board. Supe®tendent Chaplin is careful and vigilant in the discharge of his duties, giving his close attention to the in terests of the society and the welfare of its boys. Mr. O. \V. Lee, the teacher, and Miss Hodges, who was appointed Matron in the place of the lamented Mrs. Chaplin, have been faithful in the discharge of the duties of their important positions Mrs. Ferguson and her daughters, who are never weary of their good work, still give care ful attention to the Sunday school. It is for tunate for Bethesda that it has such neighbors. Several young gentlemen living in the neighbor hood, and also Mr. Lee, the school teacher, have assisted in conducting the Sunday school. Messrs. Lawton & Cunningham have given their professional services, as usual, free of charge, and I)rs. Duncan, McFarland, Dupon and folding hove also given theirs. Mr. W. W. Rogers, the Secretary of the so ciety, has performed his duties with promptness and accuracy. He has tendered his resignation, but I hope, he will reconsider his decision, as efficient secretaries are not easily obtainable. With many thanks to the Board of Managers, the stewards and other officers, and to mem bers who have given me their assistance during the past twelve months, I am, yours respect fully, J. H. Estill, President. The “Bethesda Union.” The anniversary of the Bethesda Union, a society composed of young gentlemen who have been wards of the Union Society and their friends, was held yesterday at Bethesda. The report of the treasurer showed that the society is in quite a prosperous condition. The following gentlemen were re-elected officers; President—S. H. Morgan. Vice President—A. P. Kulhmnn. Secretary and Treasurer—R. C. Blattner. Finance Committee—G. C. Jackson, C. D. McCall, tV. W. Pringle. Memphis Has a Walk-Over. Memphis, Tens., April 26.—At 11 o’clock this morning the Memphis and Charleston nines again crossed bats before about 1,000 people. Smith and Hines were the visiting battery. Gorman and Crottv occupied the points for the home team. The game was a walk-over until the fourth inning, when Davy Force was injured by a pitched ball and had to retire. Baker replacing him and going t<> right field, while Sneed went to short. This cost Memphis two runs, as Sneed fumbled the first ball that came his way. The features of the game, were the magnificent catches by McAleer and Crotty and Sneed’s home run in the third inning, bringing in Doyie before him. The follow ing is tlie score: Memphis 0 2 8 0 0 0 2 3 o—ls Charleston 001 2 1 1 040—9 Railroad Men at Bat. The Savannah. Florida and Western rail way team defeated the Central railroad lioys at the Abercoru street grounds yesterday afternoon by a score of 10 to 7. The teams were as follows: S., F. AND W. CENTRAL. Lovett c Ham Gorman p Walker Murphy ,1b Gaudry leonard 2 b Proctor Rice 8b Manning Burns s.s Hohenstein Hunter 1. f W. Nungezer Hutcheas c. f Proctor Curry r. f C. N ungezer The score by innings was: 1 2 3466789 C. R. It 0 33 0 0 0 1 0 o—7 5., F. and W 0 2 0 2 0 0 3 2 I—lo Base hits-S.. F. and W. 14: C. R. R. 10. Errors -S., F. and W. 8; C R. R. 9. The fly caught by William Procter, whereby a double play was made, is said to have been the finest catch made on the grounds this season, and the game in itself fas one of the best exhibition games. The playing of Murphy. Lovet and Hunter, of the Savannah, Florida and Western team, was equal to that professionals. Murphy played an exceptionally fine game. The attendance was about 500. Games Elsewhere. At Philadelphia— Athletic 5 4 0 4 0 0 3 0 2—lB Metropolitan 060 3 4022 o—l 7 At Brooklyn— Brooklyn 0 11 1 2 0 0 0 0 o—l 4 Baltimore 3000003 0 I—7 At Louisville— Louisville 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0— 4 Cleveland 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 o—6 At St. Louis— Cincinnati 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 0— 6 St. Louis 4 0 0 2 4 5 0 4—19 Around the Bases. The Barbers (colored) defeated the De troits yesterday by a store of 11 to 10. Yesterday’s game at Guyton resulted in a victory for t he Amateurs by a score of 6 to M. Local Personal. Past Grand Master and Present Grand Secretary John G. Deitz, of Macon, is in the city attending the Odd Fellows' celebration. He is always welcome in Savannah. R. B. Marsh, business manager of the Cora Van Tassel Dramatic Company, is in the city arranging for the company’s ap pearance here. Rev. J. O. Branch, formerly pastor of Trinity Methodist church, is in tlie city, a guest of S. B. Adams, Esq., ami will preach at Trinity to-inorrow night. Mr. Branch is an able preacher and has a wide circle of friends in Savannah, where he was pastor for six years—three years at Trinity and three at Wesley Monumental church. Among the arrivals at the Pulaski House yesterday were Frank Purcifo, John (voice, Jr.. W. A. Stuart, Dr. Jennie B. Cum mings, Miss Agnes Smalley, Miss Ivate Far rell, L. M. Allernmn, New York: Theodore Ovi k, W. O. Oves, Jennie M. Oves, Asbnry Park, N. Y.; Miss Hodgers, infant and nurse, Haveratraw, N. Y.: William Young, Trenton, N. J.; John Browers, Tampa, Fla. A t the Marshall House were J. C. Pender grass, Waycross; C. S. King, Chicago; T. O. Lawton. John Gunton, South Carolina; J. F. Stone, Jesup; W. T. Bailey, Bartow; W. S. Hancock, Florida; W. R. Job s m, Jack.-onv'lh*: J. 11. Horlaw, Boston: J. W. Hind and wife, Dover, N. J.; B. F. Jack son. B. O. Simpson, P. J. Smith, St. Louis. At the Harnett House were C\ Y. Mur do"k, Meriden, Conn.; J. H. Blair, wife and child, E. J. Hendricks, Troy, N. Y.: Mrs. E. A. Jones, Mrs. E. Y. Way, Miss John uon, Portland, Mo.; J. E. McDonald, C. B. Icni t, .1. Al. Shannon, Brooklyn; J. A. Phelps, M. L. Jordon, Macon; F. P. Con-“, H. (5. McMillan, Paint,let, Fla.; 8. D. Summerlin, Jesup; John R. Sharpe and wife, Perkins’ Junction. At the' Screven House were A. Sydney and wife. El’.vin Dennis, Dr. .1. H. Shorter, 1.. D. Fowler and wife, W. C. Davis, H. S. Jones, E. E. A< In ms, J. E. (X>x. H. E. Volck, R. Johnson. John E. Volck, J. A. Dan forth, H Van Wvck, New York; Mim. A. H. Andrews, Miss K. Andrews, Miss E. An drew;., liajtlmore; J. li. P. Kemp, Philadel phia- How Some Maine Fishermen Wore Punished. Tli" lioltliiif' <>l ono-tent.h of tii'ket 7)t.?w7 in The l/.uiaiAtut Htate liottrry, Murstou, | Jordan Mini others of tliis i-ity, the nenoild time titul III" eu|>!titl pilxe ifl.Vi.Kiili tuts Oolite to I'ortlitii I within lh<' ye n. The K""l In). <>f the flint ay nil irate who i drew Ilft.lKW jn iu .m i lit* frien.l* 1 to form u omnbiiuitiiHi uiwi pur<‘h*i ten oiiedohai, rmu lentil Uelmt*. Oun of UiNM< tlebele drew hi'l.o Hi Hit or He veil of tie' Me I atoll ay iwlieau. Me ftalu'l lie'll or not- ly i'ireuiiM>lao>i. and the vi ry opportunely to tham. if. I r 'fl It Weather Indications. Special indications for Georgia: Fair weather, warmer in northern portion, stationary temperature in southern portion, variable winds, generally southerh’. The height of the river at Augusta at 1 ;83 o’clock p. m. yesterday (Augusta time) was 8.5 feet —a fall of O.'J foot during the past 24 hours. Comparative statement of temperature at Savannah April 26, 18S6, and 1837: 1886. 6:36 A.M 70 2:36 p.M 82 9:30 p.M 71 Maximum 82 Minimum 66 Mean temperature of day 741 Rainfall o.ooj Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations. Savannah, April 26, 9:36 p. m., city time. Temperature. I Direction. — : j | Aelocity. - | Rainfall. Name OF Stations. Norfolk 54 NW .. .01 j Clear. Charlotte 67SAV 6; I Clear. AVilmington 59, S 8| |Ciear. Charleston 61 i S AA' .. j— ] Clear. Augusta 58] —; Clear. Savannah 61 j S .. Clear. Jacksonville 65 S E ..! iCiear. Key AVest 76; E 6 j Cloudy. Atlanta 62 SAV 10 Clear. Pensacola I 67 AV | 7! Clear. Mobile 65.8 W 7:.... Clear. Montgomery 61|S AVI.. j Clear. New Orleans 65] Si 7! 'Clear. Galveston 70 S E'l4; ICiear. Corpus Christ! 71 S E 18 Clear. Palestine 69 S j!3 Clear. Brovvnesville 70! S j ICiear. Rio Grande 75|S E|l2| jelear. G. N. Salisbury, Signal Corps, U. S. Army. An Actor Patvns Himself. Virginia City Letter to the Philadelphia Press. Courtaine off the stage was as much a wit as on it. Once he, was on one of his “periodi cals” while playing a very important en gagement at Maguire's and could not be found. The house was half full. No Cour taine was to be found. Maguire was about giving up in despair, with the intention of notifying the audience, when a boy handed him an envelope in Harry’s well-known handwriting. Hastily tearing it open, a pawn ticket dropped out. It, read: “Pawn office of , No. Kearney street. Lent to Harry Courtaine, upon his living body, the sum of twenty (S2O) dollars.” Hastily rushing up Washington street to the pawnbroker’s office, which was near the Bella Union Theatre, Tom ran into the pawnbroker’s office, and there labeled with a tag —a counterpart of the one Tom had re ceived —M as the Comedian Courtaine sitting at the tabic with the pawnbroker enjoying a punch and salmon. He had pawned him self for S2O early in the afternoon, and with a few congenial friends been down to the Cliff House, and returned in time to be re deemed by Maguire. Suffice it to say that the money was paid and Harry appeared that evening. In General Debility, Emaciation, Consumption and AVasting in Children, Scott’s Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites is a most valuable food anti medicine. It creates an appetite for ft oil, strengthens the nervous system and builds up the body. Please read": “I tried Scott’s Emulsion on a young man whom physicians at times gavq up hope. Since he began using the Emulsion his cough has ceased, gained flesh and strength, and from all appear ances his life Mail be prolonged many years.” —John Sullivan, Hospital Steward, Mor gans, Pa. Thirteen Ttvo-Cent Postage Stamps for One Cent and a Quarter. A report was in circulation through the street the past few days that Appel & Seliaul, the One Price Clothiers, were selling for an advertisement thirteen two-eent mistake stamps for one cent and a quarter. The report quite freely circulated a great number of people called at their store, inquiring for the thirteen stamps for the above mentioned price, at the same time laying down 3c. on the counter and asked how they were going to make the change, whereupon they were informed that thej could not of heard exactly right as the One Price Clothiers do not object accommodat ing any one by selling them thirteen 2c. stamps for lc. and a quarter, not but Ic. and a quarter of a dollar, but what the} do object to is for you to go elsewhere ana pay more money for anything in the Cloth ing, Hate, or Gente’-Furaishing Goods line than tbev charge, especially when you get the benefit of getting as good a fit as any garment made to order, as they have a first class tailor in the house for that purpose. To those who have not guessed at the collar buttons contained in a glass jar on exhibi tion at, their store for a sls suit and a gold mounted silk umbrella, you are invited to do so, as same will be counted by r res]x>nsible parties on May 8. Appel & Schaul, One Price Clothiers, 1 O'! Congress street. X. M. N. The Summer Good3 at the Crockery House of Jam©3 S. fSilva & Son, 140 Broughton. There is no reason why every good citizen should not keep cool this summer. The above named firm have a cool store, where they offer for sale the best makes of Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, lee Picks, etc. If the flys bother you try the latest fly fan. Picnic Baskets, the nicest in the city, and hammocks, the Inst and cheapest, are for sale there. And one will find a world of trouble saved by use of one of those little Kerosene Stoves. All th little summer com forts can be found at this complete establish ment of James S. Silva & Son. Can Fat Mon Get Suited ? They can, fora fact, and probably our es tablishment is tlie ouly one in the city making a feature of perfect fits for stout gcntL'men. No matter how ”al,lemianie" your proportions may be tie can fit you us completely in a suit or single garment as any tailor can. Day after day gentlemen come in, get fitted and remark ihat “this is tbe tii-sr time I have ever Is-en able to buy a suit that would fit me in Savannah.” AVe ran fit not only stout men Imt those wnoare extraordinarily developed otherwise, and guar antee that no one can come to us and fail to get a sat Ist a- ■lory (It. AVe beg to again remind all that our variety of Spring and Summer Suita for gents youths and hoys is not only the large;a but the most select ever shown in Savannah, and our prices are, as usual, low down. Ex amine our line of Hats, stilt and straw, the most "fashionable and stylish shapes. Look at our Neckwear,Underwear and Hosiery displays. Dross Suits in endless variety. The best shirts for ordinary wear on the market are our Silver and Gold. Look over our stock and get our prices before buying. 161 Congress street. B li LEV v & 880. Harnett House. Conorrnhig a popular hotel in Savannah, Ga., the Florida Timas-t’nion says: “Wo note from the hotel arrivals as published in the (Savannah papers, that the Harnett House still leads all the oilier hotels In the city. In fact they have as many us tlie others combined. There is a good install ment of Floridians always registered there.” Not So Wonderful After All. Tlie question often us kid us: You eluiin to sell cheaper and to give I letter Clothing for the money than other denier.*; how do you <lo itf AV e answer: Tie* Fatuous niauiltiic ture- all t he • Nothing they m il, soiling du vet to tin ''on wilier nl u saving lit tweiill/Jtrr per cent. The Famous liu, no e*|H-u-,|ve .•■Unbll-Illinmt, hut ll plain, pre-outethh’ liulli pi do Isisiue.-iN in, ut a saving of ten uercept, in on. rie ■ Fiimout is very eliotis* pi whom they credit tin ir t 'ioliimg in, 10,1 •equontjy savcUi" i i|ine of it l*siklM*|* r uod co| lector, lit H Ntvlllg Of ti ll |jcr cent Th* Fain-tie New Vork <'loliimg Moo* 140 I oiijti o* Ntnvd, lot# this s) img Hie pt<-ilr si lUte of Hailing* in all shades tilel iotas. The hut MU-1* Will adouiuft me ~!! 1887. 6:36 A.M 62 2:36 p.M 67 1 9:36 P.M 61 Maximum 71 Minimum 48 Mean tempera! ure of day 60 [Rainfall 0.00 State OF AA’eatheil *? AKrN 'G POAVDpp lip Absolutely Pu^ This Powder never varies. A marvel of p,,*. Strength and AYholosomeness. More ecoS’ cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot hrYu in competition with the multitude of low short weight alum or phosphate powders \ i mill, in cans. Royal Bakinu Powder Coil AA all street, New York. ' 101 JJVnHEX A BATES S. M . H IMKKKSTIMi,' AATnle our business extends to all sections of th. South, we believe that the following depart ments are especially interesting and at tractive to the ladies of Savannah: STATIONERY.—Our stock embraces ewZ thing used in home or school use, and com prises all grades, prices and styles of Parm Envelopes, Cards, Menu Cards, Dinner Canix Programmes, Orders of Dance, Box p aM ? AVedding Cabinets, Lead Pencils of all kW Steei fens, Penholders, Inks, Mucilage AW randurn Books, Pads, Tissue Papers, Paper.W kins, Paper Mats, Sealing AVax, etc. f IjANGRAA’ING.— We furnish the best grade oi J work, use only perfect stock, and do til kind of society work, which embraces AVrtd™ Invitations, Calling Cards. At Home Cart? Stamping from Die, both bronze and ilhuniaat ed work a specialty. Ail work guaranteed emu] to the best, and our prices are much lower than those charged by respectable Eastern firms foi same class of work. A RTIST MATERIAL.—AVe keep evervthina - V that can possibly be desired or sought foj by either amateurs or professionals. Our trade in this line is constantly increasing, and the quality of goods we offer is the best. Besidesai necessities for painting, our stock einbraes every needed art icle for Repousse work. Was and Paper Flowers, and many novelties la China Class and Brass Goods suitable for deco ration. O HJSET MUSIC.—New pieces received daily, O and our stock simply immense, and we can supply any piece or book published. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS are offered inend less variety, and our stock of Guitars. Ban jos, Violin.!. Autoharps, etc., seems to attract ■nore attention from the ladies than formerly, ;:ud we really believe the craze has at last struct the Savannah ladies. The ladies throughouttln North have long been enjoying the pleasua found in being able to play on these small in struments AA r e offer a large stock to select from, and are retailing this class of goods ai wholesale prices. One price to all. Cash buys the cheapest, ami we only sell above goods for cash. L. ■ & B, S. M. H. STOVES. Ladies, Be Careful OF YOUR HUSBANDS’ LIVES TI7E say this to you, ladies, because It is ia t \ your power to ao that which will , then irroat comfort and contentment: and it is generally admitted that a contented mind, in uldition to being: a continual feast (os the old copy 1 (onks used to inform us), is tb* surest pro io’i^r life and preserver of health. To do t his successfully you must persuade them to procure you an moisr king OR A Cotton Plant Stove, The use of these Stoves insures AVELf COOKED FOOD, and FOOD AVELL-COOKE will always be easily DIGESTED. EASA Di (JESTION renders a‘ man at peace with himsen ami all mankind, and when a man U at r™-' with himself and all mankind, he is usually kind and generous to his family; henc f, ' : would say to the ladies that there is no sur prelude to a successful request for a '' ' new dress, new boots, new horse, new carriag , bouse, or anything than a good dinner v\ llu COOKED and cheerfully partaken of .and tnera is no surer method of COOKING A J - ... a NEit than by tlie use of an IRON KING or® COTTON PLANT STOVE. For sale by .Jo!m A. Douglass & Cos., o 161 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH. - - frA# MEDICAL. r |''HE universal demand for a an 1 Effective Laxative, Gentle In it® A J and Truly Beneficial in Effect, led to the pra duct ion of the now Famous Liquid (run SYRUP OF FIGS, Which lias given such general it has; become the most popular fomm of the uge. II is the most easily kenM“ most pleaainth effective reml\ Kw> n, #ndt 4 Habitual Constlimtion, l iidig l J£jVe. cleanse the system when Bilious or tost MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE California Fig Syrup % San Francisco. Cal. For sale by all the lending dmggl*“ of ,W United BUtlcs. In 60c. and $ 1 bottles. Ldppirinn A\ h iles le \gentsnt_gavnnnaK^,,^ Coal & Wood at— Reasonable Pricea dixon&murphv ■"miff*