The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 28, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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TIIH3ATSNED MEN Comparison of New ancl Old Styles of Murder. In tin article on tltn recent attempts to murder the Czar, the London World says: [t is ill until, an exceedingly rare thing for a sovereign to pass through a reign of v considerable duration in entire immu ritv from attempted assassination. But, although sovereigns often liave very narrow ... s ft is marvelous how seldom their n -sailaiits actually succeed in killing them. During the "'hole of the current century, ‘•h the exception of the Emperor Paul and the Sultan A trial-Aziz, who were both of hem murdered by conspirators within the palace itself, the Emperor Alexan der II is the only European mon h who has been assassinated. Rut the list of unsuccessful attempts of which Emperors, Kings and Queens liave heon the object in that period is so long that it is extremely difficult even to remember them'all. Of reigning sovereigns our au- L st Queen herself has been shot at twice the German Emperor twice, and mice wounded, the Emperor of Austria -mcc and the King of Italy once. The life the late King of Spain was attempted twice and that of his mother, Queen Isa bella ’twice—once by stabbing and once by shooting. But. ns might be anticipated, it is in France that these crimes have been of m„st common occurrence. The life of Ka rol eon 111. was attempted at least half a ilozeu times, w hile no fewer than nineteen attempt-—on an average one for every year 0 f his reign—was made on the life of Louis Philippe/ the Citizen King. If we waive our claim to priority in the “gunpowder treason and plot,” it is to the French, or rather to the Italians in France, that the w orld is indebted for the introduc tion of improved methods for the purpose of political murder as compared with the old fashioned dagger or pistol. The change was initiated by the use of a couple of chests of gunpowder placed on opposite sides of the toad and connected by a wire, by the ten sion of w hich they might be simultaneously ignited by Arera and Gerachi as a trap for the first Consul as he drove from St. Cloud to Paris one evening at the end of the year IKOO. But the explosion which occurred in due course did no harm to Gen. Bonaparte himself, although it .killed or wound ed the postilions who were riding immediately in front of him. Later on the first Napoleon was equally fortunate., as Emperor in escaping injury from the hand-grenades which Georges Cadoudal and ins confederates threw into his carriage as he was driving out of the Tuileries in 1804. Not less innocuous, so far as the person whose destruction it was intended to ac complish was concerned, was the infernal machine, now in the chamber of horrors at Mme. Tnsaaiul s. which the ( orsican Fieschi employed against Louis Philippe, as he was riding from the Champ de Mars to the Tuil eries with his staff at a review in 1835. It killed Marshal Mortier, who was close to the King, and scattered death pretty liberally among the crowd of sightseers. But neither Louis Philippe nor his horse was wounded by the discharge. It was. however, a very near shave, in com parison with which the eighteen other at tempts.on his life count almost as nothing. Louis Philippe’s escape from Fieschi’s in fernal machine in 1835, indeed, was only paralleled by Napoleon lll.'s escape from Orsini's bombs in 1858. Nothing but the cowardice of Orsini’s accomplices, Pietri, Rudio and Gomez, saved the Emperor. Each of the assassins was provided with two bombs, and, if the whole eight of them had been exploded, the Emperor would cer tainly have been killed. Orsini threw both bis bombs and Pietri one of his under the Emperor’s carriage, but Radio and Gomez ran away with theirs as soon as they heard the explosion. As it was, five persons were killed and nine wounded. All the imperial escort were bruisA and cut. Hundreds of windows in the streets around the opera house were broken, and the gas was extinguished. But, although their carriage was smashed, the Emperor and Empress were both altogether uninjured. Nor can it be doubted that, if the Emperor Alexander 11. had driven off, n.s lie was advised to do, after the explosion of the first dynamite shell which was aimed at him on the day of his death in 1881, he, too, would have escaped. It was in alight ing from his carriage ar.d attempting to confront his original assailant that he gave the second conspirator in the crowd the op portunity which he hastened to seize with such fatal results. All things considered, it is questionable, perhaps, whether the new-fangled instru ments of assassination ore much more trustworthy in their practical operation than those which they have been gradully Buoerseding, Of course it is open to any both w ho is armed with a dynamite shell to involve himself and all who happen to bo close to him in common destruction. If some malefactor were to rush into the Jloase of Commons, for example, and ex- I'i'T a bomb charged with a pound or two. or niti-o glycerine or lithofracteur on the l, 1 '; ,le > the Speaker, and the occupants of [ne two front benches at. least would lie [own into pieces. But for out-of-door use [t may be doubted whether the old fashioned Kute and pistol in the hands of a /nil o’ m Z n \ 0,1 the whole, are the most fetive of all lethal weapons. What can av.nui.M.ed with them was amply lllus ,ii, 111 the cases of I gird Frederick <la von ap'i n"”'. M''- Burke, of President Lincoln trident (iartiold. Against them, liow ’* vigilance of the Russian liolice sr.i ~11 1,1 protect, the Czar, and it n ", * vnl some consolation toretlect. at Hie other “devilish enginery” of theaf- K, i. hy "!? mea " s infallible in its action, bin trl ut a , ( ' vent * to Ik- satisfactory for akin!? * fno " r that of the six memorable oc- Dlav iM?!’ if ' has dieen brought into Woni'm " I!k1 " n five, and that on the faul ,i l ' l< ’ 1 11 KUC< ' <,, * | l | xl it would also have Vithni, * ia '* governed himself unary prudence and discretion. PHOTOGRAPHING A PAPOOSE. Perhaps it Has Been Done, But This Particular Artist Didn’t Do It. 1 had often longed for a good picture of a. ' a .K any in its native plains, and Imre Hl ‘ opportunity not to be lost, says a out of h Mh,re - B°, stepping a few fort tile way, i n an instant. 1 had my in- Potion, focused on the path, WztlvHv l [ lsl;ui, a , ieoi , s snap ready, I stood dial imi'it"g tel puss. On he tod- G,;,r ~U I b . n ,! nic within about thirty f'i'| U ‘ M llc nuddonlj stopped, and, 1,1 I s '*’ jy-'iwwi to fully take in the 8a; At ,h '* , s tege I felt quite sure llul, T 1,111 , csjiecially of this moiy. ii,..,, ’,'V, " nave liegun to erv, and lull tr, ... “hely retraced his steps to tlio issued. Nut "s infant Navajo; and mark the Slav,.., ; lb'steadily watched my every V, r,/ "ns evidently determined k i ' 1 " l, :' vw Very .■autimislv ►. lie 0,1 tl "‘ side iarlb. Kl from * the It;. ,l !" ~, x 1 Instant, Behind one f, Vev „r, t "hich WHS something Wt*„ * the baby. From tills ifP through the lea ties . twigs hu,,.| 1 "'mid do about it. A bn- f f „l bis lurn in iilTiui'n, I threw thr n,,,.. •' ' "'er my head and turned ihis ti 1,,. 0,1 u,,l ‘ foxing alvnnUitf* hf 11 ~ fH, no*'lim*nt *f *iv hf*wt, **' x t j,’ H ! ,u KMiy lmliy lawhioi., "ti> the vih i, j ■ 1,1 ‘iwj, u ditan<*' of ten feet, lii.l !lH 11<• cmia-loi down twi• > *ift young lynx through to' w„n, -i , ,mw tni thewoii 1 kii\ v ln ' l ' ,An ouh Ut Utiy, with nil the runt *!'' illicit *#on I h*‘rtl<*rt, ,i t' l!y nil the Ktrgtagy Ilia lmliy i din HiUhUr * " i. I.* .* j . b ' Mll 'iy Imi .1 HitensUng picture I'oiis’ ~ ■ tearing iluu 1 w-oubl ),<• a Rtnuuii** , ' '' te* , ’k'd the t. it. <nugl t>4 UMlMgwl tuU |MI Uea.f ment any better. As it ran to the still next lower brush I was astonished beyond meas ure (for. I take it, I am a good stalker my self) how it took advantage of everything that, lay in the short intervening distance, and how, after it arrived at the brush, ititn modintely took a position on the opposite side of it from where it could make another quick start and yet. not lose sig-ht of mv movements. And, mind you, all this from a baby only 10 months old at the most As it was rapidly gaining its point and ap proaching the lower hut, in sheer despera tion, I ran upon its last place of conceal ment. holding my camera in such a way that 1 could immediately place the tripod in position, which I succeeded in doing, with the lens leveled directly at its head, and not three feat from it. It now stood up to the iuil extent of its baby height, and, giving vent to a genuine infantile bawl, it made a break for the final point of its des tination, tor there was nothing else left for it to do. It is almost needless to add that, before I could focus and insert a plate, my Navajo baby was out of range. And, fear ing that its angered mother might appear at any i>oint at file cry of alarm of her child, I immediately left. CITY GOVERNMENT. Official Proceedings of Council. Savannah. Ga.. Wednesday. April 80, 1887. Council met this evening at 8 o’clock. Pres ent: His Honor Rufus E. Lester, Mayor; Al derman John Schwarz, Chairman of Council; Alderman John J. McDonough, Vice Chairman of Council: Aldermen Bogart, Haines, Myers, Mills, Mell, Nichols, Reid, Thomas and Wells. The minutes of the last regular meeting and adjourned meetings of April 8 were read and confirmed. ACCOUNTS. The Committee on Accounts report that they have examined and found correct bills against the city amounting to twenty-nine thousand and forty-two dollars and sixteen cents as per accompanying schedule, and recommend that the same be passed for payment. Gkorge J. Mills, Chairman Committee on Accounts. The report of the committee was adopted and the accounts as per schedule annexed were passed for payment: Board of Health— W. D. Simkins &Cos $ 41 08 T. P. Bond & Cos 58 78 Osceola Butler 193 30 F. B. Lee 3O 00 J. T. McFarland 135 0(1 E. K. McCoy 75 (XI Lewis Cass , 83 33 Thos. Corr 37 50 W. W. Owens S3 33 M. L. Boyd 83 33 St. Joseph's Infirmary 800 00 Savannah Hospital 300 00 W. J. Cleary 83 33 11. L. Fahrenbach 85 00 McDonough & Ballantyne... 3 75 Michael Walsh 12 00 John McGrath 12 on Time of hands O. E. M 228 (X) Robert Butler 9 00—81,813 73 City Extension — Robert IJ. Walker 5 00 City Lots— F. X. Mousseau, ) Sarah M. A. Mousseau, V 15,000 00 Benjamin Dillon, I Dry Culture — Time of hands $ 244 13 T. P. Bond & Cos 4 21 W. D. Simkins 2 94 Vale Royal Mfg. Cos 3 13 Isaiah wateree 20 00 John Nichols. Jr 75 • Edward Lovell & Sons 33 40 Savannah Brick Mfg. C 0,.... 78 36 Richard Fogarty 22 50 John G. Butler 52 80 Time of hands, extra 158 00 53 25 666 47 Fees— R. 0. Kennedy $ 125 00 R. C. Kennedy 20 00— 145 00 Fire Department— W. F. Reid $ 19 05 R. D. Walker 7 20 N. Paulsen & Cos 2 40 T. P. Bond & Cos 64 30 Estate D. O’Connor 7 06 T. P. Bond & Cos 12 66 T. A. Moore 15 50 Ocean Steamship Cos 1 66 Dale. Dixon & Cos 59 69 Dale Dixon & Cos 67 20 William D. Dixon & C 0... 23 50 J. H. Hooper— ~ 54 30 LaFrance Fire Engine C 0.... 36 00— 406 52 Incidentals — C. S. Hardee. C. T 8 5 00 R. D. Walker 15 00 N Marin 37 00— 57 00 Interest Account — Eugene Kelly & Cos 60 79 Laurel Grove Cemetery— Dale, Dixon &Go S 401 Andrew Hanley 7 (X) liovell & Lattimore 1185 J. M. Futeh. ..' 3 50 A. F. Torlay . 83 33 Time of Hands 175 50 - 285 19 Market— P. F. Kiernan $ 26 GO T. A. Meddox 66 66 Time of hands 50 00— 143 26 Parks and Squares— Dale. Dixon &Cos $ 83 52 Vale Royal Mfg. Cos 12 50 Time of hands 188 25 Theodore Moves 75 (X) Edw . Lovell & Sons 26 20 C. 11. Cole 18 (X)- 353 47 Printing and Stationery— J. H. EsttU 8 45 83 Wm. KstiU 1 65- 47 48 Police W. 11. Simkins $ 55 75 T. P. Bond & Cos 79 77 John J. Nipeon 10 00 John J. Nippon 5 00 W. B. K Cos 0 40 Est. I). O'Connor jt 00 Street anil Lane Dept 175 00 Bacon, Johnson & Cos 6 00 T. A. Moore 15 00 M. J Doyle 9 50 T. A. Moore 12 50- 378 92 Police Uniforms— Henry V. Allen A Cos 180 00 Public Ki'ildinos — 8. Williams $ 25 00 John McAleer 38 70 Charles A. Cox , 48 98 C. L. Lodge 65 00— 177 68 Quarantine J. A. Wegefarth $ 85 00 Time of hands 08 00— 153 00 Salaries City officers April, 1887 $ 983 33 A. M. Bell 126 00 J. W. Howard *>oo James L. Rankin 116 67 C. V. Hernandez 60 00 L. J. Myers 100 00— 1,415 00 Scavenger Department— William Swot! 1,345 83 Streets and Lanes— Patrick Houlihan 75 00 Time of hands <9l 62 Ocean Steamship Cos 8 12 T. P. Bond * On 78 36 W. I>. Simkins A Cos 54 77 Thomas Canty 53 50 Edward Lovell & Suns.. .. 82) John Rourkc 46 00 George W. Parish *< 1; Savannah Brick Mfg. Cos. . 33 ()0 John 6. Butier 13 20 Time of teamsters 210 (X) Dale, Dixon A Cos 5 65 J. J- Foley 50 10 J. Burke 500 Smith cV l\‘il*y 731 25 2,195 80 Taxkm IH*J~ J. .Mirant 4 00 Watkii Works— Pay roll April S 852 ; J4 i*. J). Wood &Cos . 575 It. f>. Wood & (‘<> 1,414 17 It. I> Wood A To 35 48 Oroun Sf,*H!Hhjp (.'o HUMS Oooan NUwitftiiipCo 27 W 1 >lXoll <V (> n Q\ Ocotiu iStmiiifchm Cos 4 03 T. P. Bon,| X Cos. 40 u. K. Mottw ilUor 151 8 t Monro* Ufftul 5 05 J. H. Hooker > Ift A. N. Mill r *s It. Ko|frty 10 ot> W. ButliT J iW Janmn Collluh <5 JJO Moimw UraiU 5 75 John Mnurkt* 1H oo ThoitiHff 2 oo Moiuhm* (Pant 10 W John Kotirki* 14 *1 Henry R Wortfiliiff 25 I homiiM K. Luturr Palturr Hro 2“ Tun#* of httiidft ftH#*aian w#*ll 4m Tiiitp of huiuU ailuMmtt well. 147 75 4,*W7 93 TotAl • 13 nr mm ov ooHunrmtm. Tlw* t 'omioMtee on Harbor mid WhirvM, to whom referred the jwUlloti of flu* Boned t#f j*oif %% if ii rt-J m* number of P**rt rj:;;, i,, - ♦ £#,<p*4 | 1 (Id* dH4 ordllig U \|4 1 Inn (i t 4** and MpOZW*- *■ 'jfasjl Til. ai*d | A**** ' * bMM M 1 fc* * , t f m I'utitu *** ,:it ? author* Lh* by *b .., 4# ‘"-I f, ' '•*’ Oi THE 'MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. APRIL 28, 1887. front of said church, recommended that a lamp be loaned said trustees for the purpose stated. I>. U. Thomas, Chairman Committee on Streets and Lanes. Report adopted. The Committee on Market, to whom was re ferred the petition of J. 0. Sullivan & Cos., and others, in regard to produce and fruit dealers selling through the streets of the city during market hours, beg leave to report as follows: First. We recommend that the existing or dinance as to hucksters be enforced. Second. That an ordinance lie passed requir ing all persons selling through the streets to hare badges. That badges V furnished all per sons renting stalls in the market by the year; to all green grocers: to all fishermen and parties raising produce who sell their own productions That said ]>ersons above numerated shall l>e alone permitted to sell in the streets, and that no person other than those who rent stalls in the market, and green grocers, lie permitted to sell on the streets of the city, except fishermen who are selling lish of their own catching, or parties selling produce of their own raising, and that a penalty be prescribed for any violation of this ordinance. W. F. Reid, Chairman Committee on Market. Report received and Committee on Market in structed to prepare ordinance and present the same to Council. The Committee on Streets and Lanes, to whom was referred the petition of Daniel Walt-hour to erect n stoop on lot 2, Screven ward, report favorably to the same. 1). R. Thomas, Chairman Committee on Streets and Lanes. Report adopted. The Committee on City Lots, to whom was re ferred the petition of Mary L. Harris for sep arate titles to lot No. 10 Jasper ward, report that the contemplated division being within the terms of the ordinance, they recommend that the petition be granted and the division made on presentation of the title to said lot. George S. Haines, Chairman Committee on City Lots. Report adopted. REPORT OF CITY MAH?HAL. City Marshai/b Office, \ Savannah, April 20, 1887. j To the Honorable the Mayor and Aide) men of the. City of Savannah : Gentlemen—l respectfully report that under the ordinance of June 22, 1881, and ordinance amendatory thereto, 1 have served upon the fol lowing j arsons, to wit: North half lots 17 and Is Carpenter row Mrs. J. K. Reilly; south half 17 and 18 Carpenter tow, estate John F. O'Byrne; lot 10 Wilmington ty thing, Derby ward, John L. Hardee; lot 4 Warren want, Henry Blun; lot 5 Wilmington tything, Derby ward, Bendheim & Bros.; lot 13 east half, War ren ward, J. J. Thompson: lot 13 west half, Warren ward, J. W. Thompson; lot 16 Warren ward, Mrs. Margaret Low; lot 24 Franklin ward. R. L. Mercer; lot 15 east half Liberty ward, estate John Cooper; lot 8 Elbert will'd, estate Margaret Telfair; lot 31 Chatham ward. J. 11. Keitman; lot 13 Charlton ward, Randolph Vxson; lot. 50 west half Brown ward, Carl Schultz; lot 50 east half Brown ward, Rev. C. C. Pendergrast; lot 40 Brown ward. Stephen Luibumnv; lot 8 Middle Oglethorpe, east half. Alfred Kent; lot 1 Middle >glet,hoi*pe, Alfred Kent; lot 3 west half Middle Oglethorpe ward, C. C. Ehlers; lot No. 4 New rranklm ward. Jas. O'Byrne; lot K Decker ward, J. J. Waring: lot 25 Franklin ward, estate Jas. Melntire; lot 4 Calhoun ward, Mrs. ,T. M. Garmany: lot 1 Decker ward, Tower tything, estate Mrs. E. J. Law; lot 23 Elbert ward, J. W. McAlpin, trustee; lot 40 east half Brown ward, D. and. Kennedy; lot 23 Pulaski ward, estate A. L. Hartridge: lot 28 middle third Liberty ward, Herman Hesse: lot 4 Anson ward. Fourth tything, C. P. Laudershine; lot 8 east half Vernon tything. Ileatheote ward, T. L. Wyiiy; lot l Tower tything, Decker ward, L. Lippman Bros. The notice to repair sidewalks (original with return thereon being on file in my office) and that the time for such repairs ex pires on the 20th day of April, 1887, without said repairs having been made. Robt. J. Wade. City Marshal. Report received and Marshal directed to re pair sidewalks in accordance with ordinance. PETITIONS AND APPLICATIONS. Petition of Mrs. B. Dub for permission to lmv an 18-inch pipe to make sewer connection with the Screven House. Permission granted to lay 18-inch pipe under direction of the Committee on Streets and Lanes, in such manner, with such pitch and upon such terms as the said commit tee may require. Petition of Joseph Roos for jjermission to re pair house on lot letter F, Middle Oglethorpe ward. Referred to < ommittee on Fire. Petition of J. J. McGowan for permission to repair house on lot No. 4 Reynolds ward, Fourth tything. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition S. Elslnzer, agent, for permission to reshingle bouse on lot 22 Green ward. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition A. F. Churchill for permission to re pair house on lot 36 Lloyd ward. Referred to Committee 011 Fire. Petition E. M. Barton & Cos. relative to build ing engine southwest corner Charlton and West Broad streets. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition Robert Melntire for permission tore pair house No. 9 Curry town ward. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition of R Fogarty asking for lease of lots 96, 97 and I*B Springfield plantation, for live years. Referred to Committee on City Lots. Petition of M. Foret A Cos. for relief of double tax on property of Acosta A Einstein. Referred to Committee on Assessments. Application of L. Kayton for permission to make sewer connection with llali street sewer from premises corner Hull and Drayton streets. Referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes, with power to act. Application of st. T. R. Young for permission to make sewer connection with Whitaker street sew or from premises corner Duffy and Whitaker streets. Referred to Committee on Street* and Lanes, with power to act. Application T. C. Bryan for permission to make sewer connection with H.ibi-rsham street sower from premises. Gwinnett near Habersham street. Referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes wit h pow or to act. Application of A. Ehrlich for taTtnlssion to make sewer connections wit h Half street sewer from premises on (kmton street, noa Hunting don street. Referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes, with power to act. ORDINAXCBfI. Ordinance on its vecuud reading and laid on the table. An ordinance to extend Barnard street south wardly from Anderson street to the north ern line of the Dillon,purchase. ELECTIONS. Robert J. Wade was elected City Marshal to till the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of L. li. Goodwin. RESOLUTIONS. By Alderman R. D. Bogart Rpsoh'ed , That all t lmt portion of the tract of land lying south of Seventh street and west of Barnard street recently purchased by the city of Savannah from V. X Moussea. of al., known as part of tlio Dillon tract, ik? sold in front of the court house of Chatham county at public outciy, to the highest bidder, on the first Tues day. being the third dav of May next, between the usual hours of Sheriffs sale, sale beginning at eleven o'clock a. in. That the several blocks of lots in said tract be valued at suchaValua* tiou as to aggregate the sum of seventy tbouts* sand ($7<),000,) dollars; that ea<d of trie said blocks be put up for sale at such valuation an may l>e fixed and no block sball lie.sold at a less valuation than that fixed thereon as the mini mum price therefor. That the Committee on City Lot# be charged with the duty of fixing the valuation on the said blocks to be Isold, and th< m me shall be sold by the City Marshal under the superintendence of said Committee on City Lots as above directed. Terms either all civs!, or one-fourth canh. one fourth flint of September, IHM7. balance first of SepteuilK'r, IHBB, iuleresl ai 7 per cent. on de ferred payments. Mortgage to secure unpaid purchase money. purchasers paying for title, lie it further lltmh'wl, Tliat flu* CDrk of Council publish the foregoing resolutions daily until day of sale Adopted. By Committee on Streets and Cities: WiiKrtr vh. The bid of Martin Cooley for laying sidewalk.;, offered to use Savannah gray or < 'hfittaliooclsec red bricks ui mhh price, and con tract wu- - . awarded for Chattahoochee redbrick only, and it is desirable to line Htnuunah gray brick except where propert v owner ; express a wish for t in* Chattahoochee ivsl bride. Whkk::as. Council, on Oth day of April, passed an odrinunce .'blowing use of wooden curbs for sidewalks In Divisions A., Ik (’.and I*. Am. tt hkiuea*. .Martin Cooley agrees to fur nish and lay. according to either or botn the Savannah grt> and the Chattalmn ehee red brick at six euda h ill cents per square foot and woodui curb of iiiejvhuiitubL hmdter Bx 6 inches, strapped nt corner* with Iron bards of 1U lucheM in width, at six *snts fer lineal frKii for ltiuiis*r and Ilfu***u ••cuts for each band. /Vtfo/eed, That his honor, the Mayor, Is* and he la hereby authorized to execute a contract with Martin Obfllcy in ne<'ordain.** with original bid and mtlMr<|uent ordinance us recited in the forepiing preamble. Adopted By Alderman McDonough fiiMthr'l, That the Clerk of f'.-wmrtl I** and he in h**r* by Instructed to advert is* an elect inn to take place At the next regular meeting of ( ,utei for a Don Warden, to til vacancy it* the Hoard if port Wimii•* . ■ ned M ) the nsniguat h>n of Thus II laird Adopts! Council adjourned subtect to call of the Mayor FRANK Y Hi DAltFIt dark #f < xmacil. "M'ltlssf, have I got any children ? asked lit th hdinny ft. deh>p "Whv, chad; what put that into your |p*adr “fall prod in the Hilda about rkikirm'i i ltal dre Vlmi * wiiai pui it iMm uiy hood/'-** CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENT A WORD. A D VKIt TISEMES TS y 15 Words or more, in this column inserted for ONE CENT A WOIW, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply , anything to buy ov sell, any business or accommodations to secure: indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. UFl.l* WANTED. xx-ANTF.D, two (food coat niak.'rs; also, ona \ \ pantaloons maker; steady work anrl Now York prices paid to competent men. Z. L. MKDBAUSKI, 32>fj West Bay street, Jackson \iiie, Fla. WT ANTED, a reliable man to take charge of a >1 horse and moke himself useful In a gro cery store. Address 8., eara Morun\j< News. \\T ANTED, a white man. who understands It nillkinK cows. YV. 8.. News efilee. WANTED, a first-class cook, for service at t t Beaulieu; reference required. Apply to A. L.~HARTRIDGE, 105 Bay street. \\7”ANTED, a pood, reliable barkeeper; must I I he a sober man with good references. BAR, this office. AIT ANTED, men. women, hoys and jfirls to v t earn 870 per month at their own homos; a nice, liyht. easy and profltalile business; costlv outfit of samples, a package of (mods and full instructions sent for 10c. Address 11.0. KmU ELL & CO., Rutland. Vt. EMI'LOVMKN T WANTED. f) ELIABLE MAN. with Rood reference, do V sires to enuaffe his time in eolleetini? ac counts. Those in need address N„ Nows office. I’rompt attention and returns guaranteed. \AT ANTED, a situation, can komi books: would X * not object to make myself genei'ully use ful. Address SIGMA, this office. MISCELLANEOUS M AM’S. \\TANTF.D. I" purchase a horse suitable for \ v wagon or buggy. Address ‘AVAGON,’’ News office. t i " ANTED, the following i,onn Association > v stocks; Savanna'j Mutual. Railroad Loan, Chatham. Series B. highest market price paid. SALOMON COHEN. ROOMS TO RENT. {.-'OR RENT, pari n' floor, containing throe large rooms; water on same floor; also, use of bath. Corner Montgomery and Broughton st roots. I TOR RENT, a flat of two rooms or separate; hydrant on floor: use of bath and closet; terms moderate. 89 t longress *tra < ITOR RENT, nicely furnished south rooms, with every eonvvnienee; rent very reasona ble. 41 Broughton street. •EC i\D FLOOR, large rooms; hath and all o ounvenienees for housekeeping; rent low, 86 Anderson street. !TOR RENT, a fiat, or furnished rooms for gentlemen; very reasonable, lit) Liberty street. HOUSES ANl>" STORKS' FOR KENT. lAOR RENT, all or part of very desirable house, corner Taylor and Whitaker streets; eleven rooms above basement; low reijt for summer months; possession givon June Ist, or sooner if desired; call at. J. A. BATES. ITOR RENT CHEAP, three-story, ten room brick residence. 70 Gordon street; nice lo cation. I7VIR RENT, medium size house, modern im provements. Apply 181 State street. iR RENT, nt 24 Lincoln street, a large and a small house; also a store and dwelling on Broughton street. Reduced rents, Ij'Oß RENT, the Buckingham House nt the 1 Isle of Hope, with bath house; artesian water on place. Apply to TliOS. HENDERSON, JB3 York street. XTOR RENT, house on Tattnall, between Harris tftni Liberty Streets with all modern ini pro Yemenis. GEO. W. PARISH, No. 193 St. Julian street. iXOR RENT, store No. 1 4DV<C Congress street, formerly occupied by C. F. Graham; pos- Ression given May Ist. For terms, etc., apply to MEIN HARD BROS. A CO. FOR RENT- MINI ELLANEOIrs. iXOR RENT, good storage room. FREEMAN & OLIVER, i92 Broughton street. FOR HAI.E. )Il SALE, eight-room brick house, hot water boiler and all modern conveKuences, in At lanta; on jiaved street, ten minutes walk from post office; or would exchange for Savannah property. Inquire 140 Congress Rtreet. IT'OR SALE, one goat, thoroughly broken, with harness, wagon and lap robe. Apply to W. 1). SIMKINS & CO.. 160 Bay street,. SJPRIN(4 LAMB at BAKER'S Stall, 66 Mar * ’ ket, every day at reasonalde figures. J?OR SALE, two large jiigeon boxes and a stove, almost new. at No. 20 Houston st reet. SALE, two shares Herman-American a lioan Association stock, seven installments juiid in. Address 11. J. M., News otflee. VJ CHOONER “MINNEHAHA," 41 14100 tons * capac'ity, 2,6">0 bushels rice, in complete order, as she now lies in Charleston, S. C. Price $1,400. \\fE ARE SELLTNU slightly soiled Buggy m Harness, Trunk sand Bags very cheap. Imported English Saddles at half pdee. NEID- SALE. Shingles. Flooring. Ceiling, I Weatherboarding and Framing Lumber Office and yard Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 211.' REPRARD A C'O. / / ARDEN HOSE at 10c. per foot Four and * I eight arm Sprinklers, Hose Reels, Mystic, Majjie, Lowell, Neptune. Boss. Plain and Stopcock Nozzles, for sale cheap. NEJDLIN GERA RABUN. LOST. iOST, on Perry street. Iw.*tween Jefferson and j West Broad, tlic outside and inner caws of a lam's gold watch; outside cases black main eleu and initials W. D. S. on upper cat*- Reward will le paid for return to W. I>. SIMKINS A CO., 161 Bay afreet. BOARDIVG. VICF.LY FURNISHED ROOMS with hoard: j. * also, t-tble l>ortnierH wanted. Mrs ELKINS, Baniard and York streets. FliOY OC.K APIi Y. CPECIAL NOTICE PH< >TOGRAPHY Prtccs i ’ reduced. PetitcK $i r*d. Cardu $2, Cabinet $3 per dozen, and larger work in the same pro portion. J. N. WILSON, MIHCKLLANICOLS. JUST oPENINfI Kiu* (iro<i*ri'-,. wtnw cor net* of ,n Uuvoru and Jones tre**t lane. Cua tomTs ■w ill find a complete a-<s<itmerit, of line goo<is as there is in the. city A. BONAUD. V r < TIL'E. The public will take noti<v that the a A bridge at IJonavent tin < 'entetery will be itn for next two days owing to repairs. C. HANSEN, Toll Qute Keeper. r FO BETTER Intrtaltice it nft4fn cents a can I for L ghtning Erulljator fordeuniiig clothes at lIEIDT n, N OTICE.' Boston to the front. Ilem* Soup, Boston Woodcock, Btc., to-day at JtAN QUfNAN'H, 8 Bull street. r PiiL Health < iivbig Beverage Iron l'ln*sphor I atod Head the didnk or ’D7, at HLI/iT'H, Try It. nOVT fail to call anl s** our Cldldreij's Car riages <mr go*-Is are Usigbi ilrect ft orn ffetorles mu! it ciiaM, s u% u sell them lw*r than you car Imy at uv puhlh* sale, W* ako carry * compi* te Ui* iu*uii futnit*UOiM yiNsts at N ATHAN BROS , 108 (kaigresa str.M V.JHfr IIA NT TAIIA>HI Mj, Fashionable Goods! AT A TRIFLE ABOVE COST, npo Uy,lH'<% toy .*•) of Itn i.iowt* I •od torn it into I wiii mnkm u. •* '*?> IjUDDen a bates s. m. ir. L. & B. S. M. H. Eighteen Years in Your Midst, INURING which time wo have lmd the pleas ' lire of making thousands of homes happy, and yet wo are not sati-riod. Therefore, we huve determined to let the xood work £o on and to remain Always With You watching over and protecting the interests of the pub Tie, maintaining as in the past our sys tem of square dealing, to which our grand sue cess is due. ONE PRICK TO ALL insures to each and every purchaser full value for every dollar invested, and is the grand old rock utx>n which our immense business was established. TOO beautiful Pianos and Organs now in stock. Makes that have held their own against the crucial tests of time and which stand prime favorites, and in greater demand than ever before. CHICKERTNCI. MASON A HAMLIN, MATITU SHEK, BENT & CO., and ARION PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN, PACKARD ORCHES TRAL and RAY STATE ORGANS. All on exhibition in our magnificent warerooms. Call, see and hoar these choice instruments. Wo extend a general invitation. It mutters not whether you wish to purchase, we shall be glad to see you all tin* same. If you do wish to pur chase we will furnish a better instrument from TO #I.OO lower in price than von can get anywhere in America. This is no idle boost, but means real business Then again our long experience, both in manufacturing and selling, enables us to render you invaluable service with a view to judicious selections. AVc are at your service. CALL EARLY AND OFTEN. hidden & Bates Southern Music House, Savannah, Ga. PIANOS MOVED. SHIPPING, Packing or Unpacking by expe rienced New York Piano Movers. Work done safely, quickly and without damage to premises or instruments and at low prices. PIANOS TITTSTei >. 13 Y the year or single tunings and when we * take charge of instruments by the year we make no additional charge for strings or slight regulation of actions. There is economy in cm ploying good tuners. Mr. 11. N. MOORE still looks after this branch of our business. UL_ Sc B_ S. IMI. EL OFFICIAL. DILLON TRACT FOR SALE. IVOTICK. City of Savannah, Office Clerk of Council, i April 23. 1887. i The following resolutions were adopter! by the City Council of Savannah at meeting of April 30th, 1867. FRANK E. REBARER, Clerk of Council. RESOLUTIONS. By Alderman R. I). Bogart: Resolved, That all that portion of the traet of land lying south of Seventh street and west of Barnard i.trout,recently purchased by the city of Savannah from K. X. Mousseau et ah. known as part, of Dillon's tract, lie sold in front of tie 1 Court House of Chatham county at public out cry to the highest bidder, on the FIRST TUES DAY, I rein* the THIRD DAY OF MAY next, be tween the usual hours of Sheriff’s sale liegln ning at 11 o'clock n. m. That the several blocks of lots in said tract be valued at such a valuation as to aggregate the £on of seventy thousand ($70,0001 dollars: that each of the suid blocks bo put up for sale at such valuation as may lie Hied, ami no block shall he sold at a leas valuation than that lived thereon as the minimum price therefor. That the Committee on City Lots tie charg'd with the duty of fixing the valuation on the said blocks to be sold, aud the same shall be sold by the City Marshal tinder the superintendence of said Committee on City Lots as above directed. Terms, either all cash or one fourth cash, ouo fourth first of September, 1887, balance first of September, 1888. interest at 7 per cent, on defer red payments. Mortgage to secure unpaid pur chase money, purchasers paying for title. Be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of Council publish the foregoing resolutions daily until day of .sale. Adopted. Office City Marshal. I Savannah, Oa, April 23, 1887. f Under and by virtue of the above resolution of Council. I will sell the above described land in front of the Court (loose in tiie city of Savan nah. Chatham county, <fa., to the highest and best bidder between the hours of 11 a. in., and 2 p. m. o'clock ou the THIRD DAY OK MAY, 1887. ROBERT .1. WADE, City .Marshal. This April 2Sd. 1887. 41 lIitVIIVH HEGILATIOYS. Office Health Officer, I Savannah. Ua, March It, 1887. ) From and after this date, and unlit further inMnr-tlons. the following regulations regard ing vessels arriving at l his port will lie enforced: Ist. All steamships and vessels from South America, Central America. Mexico, West Indies, Kieily. Sardinia, [inits of Italy south of 40 dogs. North latitude, Algeria and coast of Africa oe tween 10 (legs. North and 14 (legs. South lati tude. will in- subjected to close quarantine and he required to ivjKirt at the Quarantine Station. 2d. All steamers and vessels from foreign ports not included in section first direct or via American ports, wbet her seeking, chartered or otherw i -e and vessels and s(eamshi|is from the peri of New York (other t ban those of the Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah) will lie re quired to remain in quarantine until hoot led and oassed by the Quarantine Officer. Neither the Contains nor nun one on board at tvrh nr* net* trill be. allotrrd to come to the city until the vessels ore inspected and passed by the. Quaran tine Officer, The quarantine regulation requiring the ffyinff of the ijuarantine Joig on vessels subjected to detention or in.vtcclinn null be rigidly enforced. .1 T. .Mi - PAULA Nil, Health officer. at’AHAVriNK NOTICE Office Health Officer, i. Savannah, March 25th, IHs7. f Pilots of the Pert of Savannah an informed that the Sorieio Quarantine Station will be open ed on APRIL Ist, 1881 Sjiccial attention of the Pilots Is directed to sections Nos. 8d and 14th, Quarantine Regain tions. Most rigid enforcement of quarantine regula tions wilAie maintained liv the Health author! tics. J. t. McFarland, m and., 1 h (tfficer. (HAIUMIVK NOTICE. Office Health Okficek. Savannah, April sth, 1887. i Notice is hereby given that the Quarantine Offic.'l is instructed not I I deliver letters to ves sels which air not subjected to quarantine de tent lon, unless the name of consigner and s*ate ment that the v*isscl Is (irdcri-.l to some oilier port appears upon the face of the eiiveli>e. This order Is mudr necessary in consequence Of the enormous bulk of drumming letters sent to the station for veneris which are to arrive. J. T M< FARLAN' I M !>.. Health officer. ELECTION NOTICE. City of Savannah. ) Office < lerk of Council,* A nut. 33, 1887. i I TNDKR and by virtue of a resolution adopted * by Council at meeting of April doth, 18*7. Council will elect, at tts next regular meeting, that m to any ou WKftNKHDAY. MAY 4th. Ittsf, a Port Warden to till vacancy (ICCutkmsd by the resignation of Thoinaa H laird iioud *500; salary, fees. A) pheants must hand In their an plication* with namea of bondsmen itwo re quired) stated therein to tile Clerk of Council at or lief ore 2 o'clock r. H., Wednesday. May 4th, By order of Council. FRANK E. REBARER, Clerk of Connell City Marshal a Office. * Bavass AH, April 2M, 1887. f r |’IIK Citv Treasure* llae jsa-eO in my kaailA I Real Estate Execution* tor |<MI. Privy Vault f.xei' ilun for ISgO. Hl'sdk In Trade and other p. i v iml lie. .petty esecuUow* fur 188*., lend bpe rift* or Lunin— 'lav L**s.*uiSsia fur it*. , vnui instiling me In make the money ou sold wells by I* .y mail sale of ties detm.iUoU jaopvrty or by isiurr lawful UwsMts 1 i ■oy u-.Sify all pci AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. RECEIVER'S SALE* Steamers Bridgeton and Florida AT AUCTION. BY J. MoLAIGIILIX A SOY/ On THURSDAY, the 2SMi April, 1887, at the Custom House, in the City of Savannah, at 12 o'clock, I will sell THE STEAMER CITY OF BRIDGETON or she now lies at Georgia and Florida Inland Steamboat Company's Wharf, Savannah, if>-Ith) tons burden, condensing beam engine, 40 indices cylinder and 10-foot stroke: ryliiulri cal boiler 14 5-12 feet, in length and 12 feet di ameter, of lawful iron; length of hull 171 7-10 feet; depth N2 10 feet; breadth, 20 8-10 feet; 17 state rooms, with all the fittings and appurte nances belonging to a steamer of her size* as per inventory. —also— After above sale, THE STEAMER FLORIDA, of the Ohio river style of passenger and freight boats; built at I’itt-burK, by K‘*ik. in 1880.; 487 (VS pm tons burden; 50 feet wide over guards; *’MJ feet width of hull; INrt feet length; 0 feet depth; •ILj feet draft of water. She has two high pies sure engines; cylinders 24 inches diameter, H feet stroke; 1 steam lire pump; 2 hand tire pumps; I doctor pump for feeding boiler; 1 donke> boiler; ■I I staterooms, with all t.h<> furniture and equipments for n steamer of her capacity, as |>er inventory. Ht engine is one of the finest at Pittsburg or elsewhere, and no ex|tense was spmvd in the construction of the boat. The Florida lies at her wharf in .Jacksonville, Fla . where she may Is* Inspected. Further par ticulars can be had hv application to mein Jacksonville, Fla., C. Williams. Agent at Savan nah for Florida Railway anil Navigation Com pany,or at the office of J. McLaughlin A Hon, Savannah, (Ja., where inventories can be goon. Terms at sale. II R. DUVAL, Receiver Florida Railway and Navigation uo. I. 11. UHOCHF/H HOYS, \iicfloncers. THIS DAY, in front of our* store. No. 168 Bay st roet, we will sell 1 elegant Piano, 1 Iron Combination Safe, set Black Walnut Furniture, act tine Parlor Furni ture, Bedroom Sets, Chairs, Sofas, Safes, Ctir IM*ts, Wicker Table and Chains, lot Playing Cards, 5 bids. Syrup. Terms Cash. AUCTION SALKS FUTURE DAY S. Household Furniture. Bv .1. McLAI GIILINt A- HOY. TO morrow, 2W.h April. 1887. at 11 o'clock, at the house northeast, corner Jefferson ami Henry streets, Bedroom Ket, Walnut Bureaus, Bedstead**, Mattress. Chairs, Tables, Pictures, Dining Table, Refrigerator, Sideboard, Fancy Chairs, Carpet, Marble-top Table, Books, Crockery, Glassware, Etc., Etc. Sale positive. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE IN ADMIRALTY. TTNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Eastern l Division of the Southern District of Geor gia. In Admiralty. Whereas, a lllicl in rent lias liecn filed on the 22d day of April instant, In the District Court of the United btides for the Southern District of Georgia, by the United States of America against toe steamboat. "Pope Catlln,” her engines, boilers, machinery, tackle, apparel and furniture, nmv lying at Savannah, In the said district, and against all persons lawfully in t. * veiling for their interests therein, ir, a cause of seizure, civil and maritime, for reasons and causes in the said lilad mentioned, and praying the usual process and monition in that behalf to be made: and that nil persons claiming any in terest therein may Is. cited to appear and answer the premises; and that the said steam boat'Tope Cstlin.” her engines, boilers, ma chinery, tackle, apparel and furniture may lie condemned ami sola to pay the demands of tho libelant. And, whereas, a warrant of arrest has been issued on the said 22d day of April, under the seal of the said court, commanding tnc to at tach the said steamboat, tier engines, hollars, machinery, tackle, apparel and furniture, and to give din* notice to all persons claiming the same, to appear and answer and make claim thereto. Now. therefore, I do hereby give public notice to oil persons claiming the said steamboat “Pope Gatlin," her engines, boilers, machinery, tackle, apparel and furniture, or in any manner interested therein, that they he and appear at, the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United Stoles for the Southern District, of Geor gia, in the city of Savannah, on SATURDAY, th** 7th day of May next, A. D. 1887, at it o’clock in the forenoon of that (lay, then and thereto interpose their claims and to make their allega tions in that behalf. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this 23d day of April, A. I). 1887. LG (..TUB M. LAMAR, United States Marshal, District Of Georgia. DcPONT GUKRKY, United States Attorney, Proctor for Libelant. BUTTER. to Spring iter AT— A. M.&C.W. West’s. IKON WORKS. iDoiB k Ballantyne, IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers and Blacksmiths, MANUFACTURERS OF STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL UNDER RUNNER and TOY RUNNER CORN MILLS. SUGAR MILLS and PANS on hand and for sal*', all of the !•*> material and lowest prices Als * Agents for the Chicago Tire and Spring Works, and the Improved Ebberuuin Boiler Feeder. All order** promptly attended to. GRAIN AND HAY. Grain and Hay, —also Keystone liM Feefl, G. S. McALPIN, (ON TK ACTOR*. P. J. FALLON, liIMR AND CONTRACTOR, !M DRAYTON STREET, SAVANNAH I /gTI M ates promptly furnMted for iMiUiilug Ir of any class HI RHITt G4MIIM. RUBBEMfcODS. ( . 11. nORSETT S COLUMN. Stoves, Potware, Furniture, Etc. Positively Last Sale. C. If. DDIISETT. Auctioneer. Will .sell at. 170 Iln .iu;l it on Ktrvet, on FRIDAYC April 20th, 1887, at 11 o'clock, 100 Stoves Konkin*, office and other float op Pots. Boilers, Kettles, Waffle Iro.*iS, Tea Aiul Coffee Canisters, Fluting Irons, Furnaces- Etc. —AUIO-- Odds awl Ends of Furniture overlooked at previous sales. VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES —IN THE— Eastern Portion of the City, <’. 11. DORKKTT, Auctioneer. Will offer at tho Court House, during the usual hour:) of sale, on TUFSDAY, May stli, 1887, if not sold previously nt private sale, Two resiliences, either separately or together* situated on the south western corner of York and Habersham sire is. Iront my nn Columbia square. Kuch houst> contains nine rooms, bath room, numerous closets and usual conveniences. Terms can be made easy if purchaser desire* to obtain time ou a portion of the purchase money. Further jinrtietilars if needed can be obtained from the auctioneer. Tiie Ren! Estate Market Continues Good. My sales for March and thus far in April have been exceedingly good The number of transaction* compares favor ably with any month of the one hundred and twenty-tive that l have been in tho business. I expect to sell more during April, May aud Juno (D. V.) than 1 have over done before. Tho jH'ople of Savannah eontiime to show an abiding faith in her future. Try and make your selections from the list be low. If you are very particular and cannot, let me know what you want and l will find it for youw C. H. DORSETT, Rel bstate Dealer. Dwellings, Etc. Two story resilience on liasemem, beautifully located, on Gordon street, near Drayton street. The location of this property, the size of the house, its surroundings and conveniences all unite to make it a desirable purchase. Brick residence on .Times street, east, of Whit aker, suitable for a small family. The location iH admirable, and the terms of pay meat as easy as cat* be desired. Three fine residences, prices ranging front $12,000 to $25,000. Location aud particular* given privately to bona fide Inquirers. Brick residence on Taylor street. Fine ohaoeff for a home. v Three bedrooms, Imth, two parlors, buck piazza, dining-room, kitchen, servants’ room, and brick outbuilding. Ken ring for ten dollars per month. The location, between two car lines, near tho churches, schools aud park, convenience of arrangement and price recom mend this to those who desire to buy a house, as well as to investors. Avery (convenient residence In the Eastern part of the city, fronting on a square, immedi ately upon a car line. Every convenience, house large and convenient, neighborhood good. Another snug residence, price $l,lOO, on Duffy just west of West Broad; narty leaving the city. Avery neat and convenient cottage, with quite a large yard, on Second avenue, near Bull street. This is a ‘'nice'' place. In a locality that is increasing in popularity every day and will in a short time Increase* largely in vuluo. Four new two story cottages, with hath rooms In each, ill the eastern part of the city. Just the place for those employed in that section of the city. Snug and comfortable. A good Invest ment, where tiie choice of tenants should u J possible. A capital three-story residence near the Mar ket. All the conveniences, large rooms, wide halls, hath room on each floor. Proj*erty its good order. A commodious ami well arranged warehouse, one story on tho Bay level and one story on River street level. Well adapted to cotton, heavy groceries or other marehandtae. The exy tension of tie* Hiver Street railroad fC. R. R. eXe tension) will bring ears up to this property. The very valuable property adjoining the Pulaski House known as the Pnlaslri Stables. This property rents readily at a rate which wIU pay a good Interest on the investment. Such eligibly located property, in the centre of the business circle, Is seldom offered, and the care ful attention of investors is directed to it. Building Sitea Another very desirable site for a dwelling, be ing several feet higher than the land on the east side of the park, is on the south side of Hall sli'iß*t, hear the residence recently purchased by .Mr. Randolph Alsou. This lot is 41x130 feet. On Joins: street, faring (south, near Lincoln, I have a lot 60x100, with two small houses on the rest This Is H'splendid location for one or two brick residences. Gwinnett street. In view of tho poSßibilltyY*f having an asphalt pavement at an earlydly, lias grown wonderfully in po|mlarity. f hs Just sold the lasi improved prn|K*rty that I lmd on this street, hilt have one lot on this strast which is wonderfully low, southern front. 32x130, A limited number of lots on the hill on Gwin nett and (Vest Broad have bien placed in my hands for sale. These lots are 40x100 and will only Is" sold to approved purchasers, but will be sold at low prices to secure a good neighbor hi** s!. An examination of the plat at my office sill demonstrate the low prices we have put upon this pro|*erty. Avery cheap lot (secured by a payment of ont hundred dolbi si is that on New Houston street, near Burroughs. Tic rnte at which tills seotion Is being ds veioped is truly wonderful. The people seem just to have realized that this is out* of tiie highest points ill the city. A hue (i.c.i of residences, neat, comfortaldn and sightly, but not pretentious, see being 'erected 'ill over this section until it is scarcely recognizable. A fine corner lot tear the line of Burroughs street. just lieyoud \ndereoii this is ait Invent, ment that is bound u* pay a profit to fits buyer. A Charming llesideuce at Marlow, Ga. On account of the removal from the Htate by t-he us net 1 run allotted to offer one of the neat ext, most ootitplen- and (UUmTivs UmtM ou lbs line of the Georgia Orntral, It is loptml st Marlon, twenty-six miles front SrwSiKiySSsSaS K ~ i, 3