The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 29, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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VIEWS IN FLORIDA. RAPID growth of the city OF GAINESVILLE. Advice to Truck Farmers—Plant Cot ton and Potatoes A Flourishing Group of Small Towns—Rochelle and Its Statistics Lake Pithlachocco— Fine Orchards and Orange Groves— A Fertile Section—The Sampson Orange Grove—Heavy Shipments of Fruits and Vegetables—Origin and History of Micanopy—The Oldest In habitant-Thriving Hawthorne—Veg etable Shipments—A New Colony, Etc. Your correspondent in his last communi cation failed to mention a brief visit to the flourishing young city of Gainesville, which is not inappropriately styled the “metropo lis of interior Florida.” The omission was due to the fact that twice within little more than a twelve month has the town with its institutions, resources and outlook been fully portrayed in the columns of the News. We remark, however, in passing, that des pite the dull times and partial failure of the fruit and field crops, Alachua’s capital con tinues to improve steadily, and numbers of new buildings, in cluding several stately brick stores, are in process of orectiou. True, the cold has damaged very seriously the tender vegetables, such as melons, beans, squashes, cucumbers, etc., on the rich farms iu the vicinity, but there is ample time here, as in nverv other portion of the State where the earlv gardens have been killed outright, to retrieve the situation in a great measure by putting in crops of sea island cotton, corn and sweet potatoes. With the high fertili zation usually applied to vegetable products, the same area planted with long cotton will yield with favorable seasons at least ONE BALE PEIt ACRE. This would be *. valent to about $75, or if laid down in corn and potatoes, thirty bushels of th: iomier might lie reasonably counted on. or from 250 to 500 bushels of potatoes; to the acre. We advise our agri cultural friends, therefore, to shake off their despondency and go to work in the manner above indicated, and hope for the best. Surely a recurrence of such abnormal sea sons as have afflicted tjre country for the past two years can hardly lie anticipated during the present generation. Again we write from the heart of Florida and invite the reader's attention to a GROUP OF LITTLE TOWNS, in dose proximity to each other, which are rapidly becoming important fruit and vege table centres. These are Rochelle, Eviu stnn. Boardman. and Hawthorne, all situated on the “Florida Southern,” and old Micano py, which is also connected with the same road by a branch eight miles in length. Rochelle contains two general stores owned respectively by John McAllister and J. W. Phifer. The latter is postmaster tinker Mr. Cleveland’s appointment. Mr. C. C. Powell, the obliging express agent, also sells fancy groceries and confectionery. There are two churches and one school in the place and about 150 inhabitants. A healthier and dryer location cannot be found in the Htate. Within one and a half miles is the pretty lake Pithlachocco, which in the Indian dialect means .“Choked with Fish.” That the name is appropriate may lie judged from the fact that last week 109 barrels of trout and bream were shipped from Rochelle. evinston " , is the next station, and is surrounded by flourishing orange groves. Within one mile of the depot large areas of fertile hum mock land can !*■ purchased at from S3Q to 150 per acre. Here Judge Means is exten sively engaged in poach culture. His orchard embraces forty-five acres and there is every prospect of a good yield of this de licious fruit. Hon. J. L. Woolfenden is Mayor of the town, which claims 150 inhabitants, two schools, an equal number of churches, and one large mercantile establishment, con ducted by Mr. C. is. Smith. From this point 10,000 boxes of oranges and ,10,000 crates of vegetables, mostly beans, cucumbers and tomatoes, were shipped last season. On the truck farm of Mr. H. C. Brown, in the vicinity, we saw a magnificent prospect ot oats, fruit and vegetables. Mr. A. G. Hertes, who lives near l)y, has-au orange grove covering eleven acres which averaged ten boxes of fruit to the tree. W. P. Shet tleworth is one of the largest vegetable growers in this region. The writer saw him ‘IIIOO crates of new' onions, and he has 300 bushels of that odorous esculent ready to be marketed. A- tester is the efficient railroad agent at Evinston. Moving south only about two miles we come to BOARDMAN, tvliich, though in its infancy, is destined to < teconie a great fruit and vegetable mart, liere, m lull view, is located the famous nampson orange grove and jialatial private lesidenee of the opulent proprietor. Close hv. also is the magnificent, fruit farm of -lessrs. Duprez & Keith and other flourish ing plantation*? The last mentioned three gentlemen bundle about 50,000 crates of oranges we were informed, and the ship- [ lf vegetables from this depot exceed '50.000 bushels. !jjnitli, a stanch friend of the t Boardma WS ’ lUnS a ' ur K e general store V our scribe is under many obligations to • H. B. East, tlieagent at this place 0 B *tengivesawmills in the country, r.i, °"'> | or of u ten-acne orange grove, for a t h 88 !'. 11 ' 1 ' 1 " iro ’ J oh the farms and fniit m‘„ , 111 l . he vicinity. Two or three such ‘‘'Vf. hy their pusli and enterprise, i old build up uuy community. micanopy, ? f , ' lO o, dest English settlements, next -ha engm our attention. It is situates I I m .in elevated and salubrious ridge eight A .ns„' VOSt of tho “Florida Southern,” in ! l . '.' OUllt y. with which, as stated built*.’. • ! S oobbectesi by a branch roa.l i, i '“J 111 1}’„by the contributions of the in „ ’“r I'ortuiiutely we were jxirmitted .i ■ oldrtt citizen, Mr. James Edwards, oil i*. A<Nii*K of iijri*, and still of s mental fneultiuß. He is a native of Doronshire in „,,, ut EuKlnl|d) al)(1 wl'„ M l "' f >" l >l>y in January, 1K22, mi l " hole country was on unbroken only by tli<- savage HI . , ’ he ill's), building, the frafiie of L- v ,i ‘l 1 ej-erted by Mr. film' tl . f , ttl '7'. of Senator Yu lee. At that I: i wah an EngiUh h, Vi ',‘ pursued liis ealiing with the fi, i ' ; f]* 1 °f Mr. Li wards was t,h<) -i.iisi.l *' I' 111 *'* o'er Isirii in the village •w, "'’ll ml-, an* and in years. Th t1,..' if " f,< ‘ r n futnous Indian chief of i. ii ,' vah un im|xu tunt militarv ixcit , R . j"; Many incidents midmter -0,7 . ““‘tlons are still preserved anil re w' i'F<l ut the°* U * jlcK>i F ‘“ty*- The writer o) ~ | "/J" th' euphonious luma of thn wife Aiu t W: Like thn Kiiiibull, of g, ["'hotel is a little in (elvain'e of ttn, °t the town, it is a neat • , 1 | * u 'K ,, e'i , ugh tei ae'smunudate 100 J |, kejit by tile JSoprleteU', Mr, has four I'bunin-s, two puLlie • Im, '* aivl oils isjluradl.aiai two s , 'h<<U. Tip. is tu> nt, u ,I M L W l,r t,M ' OtefßUUle Iwtattiisil. us,. j|j " ‘'<‘dil te tin* city of Ja*'k M. H jj,.. 111 K 4 ‘***aaJ ne,*<9ian,i*w> we thri •m, ' lioymq/*, tilth nolhixty hi U,j. * "■ h-uwsiks*, ii W. if* si tail** , Lius J,' '"'‘‘vy.asei Falfiott Tim two low,, •* aa th*-y mm* otd pi *■* " , *'WaU i vbla Ugewt ul i *. ' * *• 1 jlati** *•, him • ioa*( *<*Ul* "t*** Ills I >su>vl *a..,„ L * *■ ha *b. i'l ilw. u, <*., t>H laaotyajM* >*.#, w ishes of his fellow citizens aro consulted. He is a gentleman of fine presence and pleasant maimers. A. J. Rhuford is the owner of a well stocked livery and sale stable and duly ap preciates the Morning News. MORE PERSONALS. The worthy Mayor of the town, Hon. G. S. Griegs, is a sterling mechanic and inventor. He has recently applied for a (latent for his “orange sizer,’’ an ingenious machine by which the fruit as it descends at an angle of about 30 degs. in a trough with open bot tom, so graduated as to deposit in trays be neath all specimens of uniform size, may be accurately numbered, classified and packed in crates according to their several dimensions. The contrivance is simple and cheap, and w’ill doubtless come into general use. S. H. Benjamin lias no less than eight de partments in his capacious store, all separate and devoted to different lines of goods. His sales foot up over $50,000 annually. OPULENT ORANGE GROWERS. Mr. J. J. Barr, who has erected an ele gant residence in Micanopy, has 135 acres set out in orange trees, of which 35 aro in full bearing. His shipments aggregate about 10,000 boxes. This enterprising gen tleman ulso cultivates 250 acres in sea island cotton, and 25 acres aro devoted to vege tables. Another merchant and citizen, Mr. J. A. Simonton, owns an orange grove of thirty acres, 1,000 trees of which yield fruit. The News has a bright representative here in the person of a sweet little girl, Estill Mathers, named in honor of its pro prietor. Micanopy boasts a weekly paper, the Gazette , run by Mr. L. C. Martin. Be fore reaching Ocala, the writer, also spent several hours at HAWTHORNE, a healthy and growing town in the heart of the fruit and vegetable region. Here, de spite the rigorous winter, Mr. G. W. Haw thorne and others are making largo daily shipments of early garden produce. The former lin’d just sent off 350 crates of beans and squashes. The squashes bring $3 50 per crate and beans from $4 to SO. At the trivial cost of only 47c. per package to Phila delphia there is a big margin for profit, if the producer lie fairly dealt with. Cucum ber shipments will begin this week. To show the appreciation abroad of the lands in this vicinity Mr. R. B. Smith has recently sold farms to six mission families, who are all erecting dwellings, setting out front trees and about to engage in truck raising. As an evidence of the health of the place Mr. C. Waits, an old reader of the News and extensive fruit-grower, has re sided here for thirty-five years without a day’s sickness. Among the industrial establishments is the carriage and wagon shop of W T. Bras well. Since our last visit J. L. Patton & Cos. have opened anew general store, and sell the Bay State shoes as a specialty. The veteran Mr. Zinn is still here and holding his own well, and so is Dr. IF. W. Johnson, one of the oldest and most promi nent physicians in the county. We missed seeing our Triend Moore, of the Commercial Hotel. Hawthorne’s prospects seem encour agiftg. • The group of towns above enumer ated and described are all situated in a desirable and growing section of Florida, and offer peculiar inducements to settlers. T he climate is mild and healthful, and largo areas of fertile soil, particularly adapted to the growth of vegt t ibles, may be purchased at reasonable figures. H. H. J. A HOGGISH TRICK. How an Old Sow Climbed a High Fence. From the Nashville Union. There is a moonshirier now in this city' at tending the Federal Court who tells a most marvelous tale alxmt an old sow he sold last Saturday to a butcher on Broad street. Ho came to this city for trial from away up in the Cumberland mountains, being a dealer in “mountain dew” without a license. His fine was larger than he expected, so he was compelled to sell his hog at a sacrifice, so as to raise money enough to keep him out of the jug. The “wildcatter tells the following ridiculous tale: “Yes, sir, the aforesaid hog was a remarkable animat. She never failed to come uj) at feeding time, and knowed her name as well as you knows your’n. The smartest thing she ever did was to climb a ten-rail fence. I’ll tell yer how that wus. Yor see that old sow wus so gentle that she wus of a kinder privileged character, and run anywhere aliout the place she wanted to. So finally she made her way into the woods lot, and in the middle’of this lot my oldest son, Sam, had a thriving turnip patch. Well, that old hog wasn’t next door to something to eat long before stie disciv ered it. On the second day after she got into the woods lot she wus in the middlo of that pate'll enjoying herself on them nice half-grown turnips. Sam and I both went all around the fence of the patch, but couldn’t find a hole big enough for a 300- pound hog to crawl through. We laid down the fence and driv her out. The next day she wus back agin, but ther was no hole dis eiverable, so Sam and mo concluded that we never put up the fence good. But the mxt day it was the same old tale, and by this time that old sow had teetotally ruined half the patch. She always climbed the fence as if she was afeared of being cot, for nobody over saw her trying to get in the patch. “Just for curiosity I thought I would stay up, if it were all night, and see how that hog got into them turnips. One night after Iliad fed the stock I crawled into the corn crib unbekuowns to anybody. The crib was at one end of the woods lot, so I had a good view of the patch and the sow too. As luck would have it. the moon was shining bright and I could six', almost ns plain as day. I stayed and stayed until I begun to think that the old hog was agoin to fool me and knowed that I was a watching her. But after she hud eaten up all the grains of com that had leaked through the floor of the crib she started toward the turnip patch. When she reached the fence she stopped and looked around, as if to see if anybody was looking. When satisfied that she was not being watched she w alked to the right hand side of the patch. On this side of the patch there is a steep hill, and on this hill right close to the patch fence there growed a good sized dogwood tree with a stout limb that reached nearly to the patch fence. On this limb was a one-inch grass rope, part of a swing tho children had there once upon a time. Well, when I saw that hog take that rope in her mouth and begin to draw the limb down to her, I like to hollered with ex citement. She kept drawing the limb down and her laxly off the ground until her hind feet barely touched the earth. After steady ing herself a moment, then with tho help of the limb and the tips of her toe* she started up tile steep hillside. After getting on a level with the fence she reared back so far that the limb jerked her clean over tho fence as if she hod been a sucking pig, set ting her over the fence as nicely as if it had Is-cn placed there by u derrick. That was enough. 1 was satisfied how the sow got into the turnip pate'li. no next morning 1 told Kutu not to disturb her, and I would buy him a single-barrel shotgun the fust time 1 went to town. But the old sow got <> Imd tliat I had to bring her to town mid *<•11 her, mnl you jest Is-tslic came In mighty Imndy, for the money 1 got for her kept mo out of that little sweat-box at Franklin. 1 do believe in * year or two 1 would have had to cut down all tin* tr<* almnt my place to keep tin* old hog outer my loft.” To DUlodgo tho Enemy, When It takes Ihe form of disease of the kid neys or bladder, fat a ta*k pelLuitfli Impossible of ao< :om pi tab me h l tteiml ami visk'sl maladies are mora ol#*i mst* I hen any **ther Coupler act, iicKxfwn**. tbs artiest Uidsiaitoas <<f inac- It*|| y of Ibe HUH)/ organs with Hostel tar s fetomaeh Bluer. which |*xsnw. muons other / .etii-ot q'table's Ik'ss of oh HWnteni diuretic The degree of stkuuuMtoi) appa/**,' from lls use res. 'las, , led aesr gus beyond the Isjuuds of safety l< tbStgomles aissjs never Irritates tn IFal’s q<■*... dmteder estarrb of lbs bisd dr are diwaav* w*ssfoU> cum* a led >a Hear Me itasrreflr edt- U*w tammu laedeSMsi s**muia,. arei tutu* ikevie* remfotahm and wnriaMmt tw t,“,u ‘f^-imi‘rri‘V l 7TT i THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, APRTL 29, 1887. CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENTa WORD. AD t 'ERTISEMENTS, 15 Words or more, in this column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to seeure; indeed,an y wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. ' PERSONAL. IA I) Y in black sat in dress who went to post j office at (5 o’clock Wednesday evening please send address to gentleman she met on Drayton street. HELP WANTED. ~\\T ANTED, immediately, good basque hand. YY Apply 100 South Broad street. Y\r ANTED, two good coat makers; also, one V Y pantaloons maker: steady work mid New York prices paid to competent men. L. NIKIHIAI.SIU, 3246 West Bay street, Jackson ville, Fin. TV r ANTED, a reliable man to take charge of a VY horse and make himself useful in h gro cery store. Address 8., care Morning News. YV ANTF.I), a white man, who understands YV milking cows. W. 8., News office. \\T ANTKI), SALESMEN, to sell a patent ledger YY and other specialties to merchants; big profits, w. B. PERSHING. South Bend, lnd. \\ ' ANTHP, men. women, boys and girls to VY earn S7O per month at their own homes; a nice, light, easy and profitable business; costly outfit of samples, a package of goods and full instructions sent for 10c. Address H. 0. ROW ELL it CO., Rutland. Vt. ROOMS TO RENT, I Y)R RENT, a desirable furnished room; I southern trout; all conveniences. 72 Lib erty street. I NOR RENT, large hull room furnished; double ’ bed:'s6. 153 South Broad. I NOR RENT, parlor floor, containing three large rooms; water on game floor; also, use of bath. Corner Montgomery and Broughton streets. IPOB RENT, a flat, or furnished rooms for gentlemen; very reasonable. 170 Liberty street. < HOUSES AND STORES FOR RENT. I NOR RENT, either Furnished or Unfurnished, 1 all, or part of very desirable house, corner Taylor and Whitaker streets; eleven rooms above basement; low rent for summer months, and reasonable rent thereafter; possession given June Ist, or sooner if desired; call at bouse. J. A. BATES. RENT, a cottage house on East Broad street, opposite Congress street; rents low to a good tenant. A. DOYLE, Near the Market. INOR RENT, the Buckingham House at the Isle of Hope, with hath house; artesian water on place. Apply to THOS. HENDERSON, ISS York street. I NOR RENT, house on Tatt nall, between Harris and Liberty streets, with all modern im provements. GEO. W. PARISH, No. 193 St. Julian street. F['OR RENT, store No. 149 t Congress street, formerly occupied by C. F. Graham; pos session gi\ en May Ist. For terms, etc., apply to MEINHARD BROS. & CO. FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. TT'OR RENT, good storage room. FREEMAN I 1 & OLIVER, 192 Broughton street. FOR SALE. TX)R HALE. -ROSEDEW Lots, CO feet on 1 Front street along the river and 500 feet deep, at $125, payable $25 cash and sl2 s*t every six months.with interest. FIVE-ACRE Lots iu the TOWN OF ROSEDEW, with river privileges, at $lO9, payable S2O cash and $5 every three mouths, with interest. Apply to Da. FALLIGANT, 151 South Broad street, 9 to 10 A. m. dally. I NOR SALE, one goat, thoroughly broken, with ’ harness, wagon and lap robe. Apply to W. D. SIMKINS & CO., 109 Bay street. te BRING LAMB at BAKER'S Stall. 66 Mar ko ket, every day at reasonable figures. IAOR SALE, two shares Gennan-American Loan Association stock, seven installments paid in. Aildress H. J. M., News office. YITF. ARE SELLING slightly soiled Buggy 11 Harness, Trunks ana Bags very cheap. Imported English Saddles at half price. NEID LINGER & RABUN. JT'oR SALE Ijitlis, Shingles, Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherhoarding and Framing Lumber. Office and yard Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 231. REI’PARD & CO. /‘'ARDEN HOSE at 10c. per foot. Four and VT eight arm Lawn Sprinklers, Hose Reels, Mystic, Magic, Lowell. Neptune, Boss. Plain ana Stopcock Nozzles, for sale cheap. NEIDLIN QER it RABUN. LOST. npAN TERRIER PUP LOST,—Strayed from 1 my premises, on Wednesday morning a tan terrier pup, about six mouths old. A reward of Five Dollars will be paid upon his return to SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, corner Abercorn and Charlton streets. IOST. a pocketbook, containing among other J things seven <7 l coupons of City of Augusta Bonds, Nos. 228 to 235. All persons are warned against receiving same as payment lias been stopped. A reward will be paid if returned to 187 Bay street. IOST, a pug dog, having red collar with M iss j .Mary Lawton's name inscribed upon it. Liberal reward upon delivery at office UAH NETT, STUBBS & CO. IOST, on Perry street, between Jefferson and j West Broad, the outside and inner coses of a lady's gold watch; outside cases black enam eled and initials IV. D. S. ou uppercase. Reward will be paid for return to TV. D. SIMKINS & CO., 169 Bay street. BOARDING. OOARD and unfurnished room for gentleman, IT wife and child: home comforts preferred; state terms and locality. BOARD, this office. RIIOTOGHA PHY. StECIAL NOTICE PHOTOGRAPHY Prices > ' reduced. Petites $t 50. Cards $2, Cabinet $3 per dozen, and larger work in the same pro portion. J. X. WILSON, MISCELLANEOUS. / 'TENTS’ LISLE THREAD and SUkGlovM at V I your ow n prices. GAZAN’S, coiner Bull aud Broughton. N OTH‘K. - That excellent Clam Chowder, Codfish Balls, etc., at DAN QUINA.VK, 5 Bull Street. T UST OPENING—Fine Groceries, store Cor el uer of Aliereorn und Jones street lane. Cue* turners will flinl a complete) assm tmenl of tine gocils as there is in the city. A. H< iN'AUD. ITAUt VetL P, DOUBLE ENGINES cheap i GEO. K. I/OMBARD <k Cos.. Augusta. Ou. im ItvnURN TUBULAR BOILERS and En. M* glia's cliiaip and good. GEO. R. LO.M BARD A (HI., Augusta, lln. YI7EAK, un<levelu|'<l pails of the Isidy eg. V Y large l 4 end strengthened. Full iiartiuulars s**i*t (settled) tree. LltlE MEDICAL CO,, ltulta lu. N. V <7 Dll P. RETURN TUBULAR li< •11 .Flit for <w sate I heap. GE<T. U. I/TMUAKiI A CO., Augusta, tie I\ON‘T fail toi'ull and s.-** our ('bddren'i* Car * from f.u tunes amt ii euaUes uiosril tuein lower Uiuii you can buy at any )>i*l.D< rate t\ also oort y a eornplat# hue ■ j house fiirnlsliing gissis at N AT* I t N it It * *B, IHi Cougii s. sired '|'<*CoFNTV OKI K 'Kith Hook* arel ilia*As I raquiicd b) county offi* cm tin tic use of the eiim 14. or for office use. supplied to nnlerhy lie MORNING JfEWH PRINTING I|OUE, * Wi.itak' i sired, ha aim*li HORHB POWEK Mowing Machines. Weed & Cornwell, LUDDEN A BATES 8. M. 11. L. & H. Eighteen Years in Your Midst, nURING which time we have had the pleas ure of making thousands of homes happy, and yet we are not satisfied. Therefor*', wo have determined to let the good work go on and to remain Always With You watching over and protecting the interests of the public, maintaining as in the past our sys tem of square dealing, to which our grand suc cess is due. ONE PRICK TO ALL Insures to each and every purchaser full value for every dollar invested, oiul ts the grand old rock upon which our immense business was established. 100 beautiful Pianos ami Organs now in stock. Makes that have held their own against the crucial tests of time and which stand prime favorites, and in greater demand than ever before. CHICKERING, MASON & lIAMLIN, MATHU SHKK, BENT £ CO., and ARJON PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN. PACKARD ORCHES TRAL and RAY STATE ORGANS. All on exhibition in our magnificent warerooms. Call, see and hear these choice instruments. We extend a general Invitation. It matters not whether you wish to purchase, wo shall lie glad to see you all the same., if you do wish to pur chase we will furnish a letter instrument from $225 TO #IOO lower in price tliaii you can get anywhere in America. This is no Idle boast, hut means •ad business. Then again our long experience, both in manufacturing and selling, enables us to render you invaluable service with a view to judicious selections. We are at your service. CALL EARLY AND OFTEN. Ludden & Bates Southern Music House, Savannah, Ga. PIANOS MOVED. SHIPPING, Packing or Unpacking by expe rience I New York Piano Movers. Work doin' safely, quickly and without damage to premises or Instruments and at low prices. PIANOS TtINFA). BY the year or single tunings, and when we take charge of instruments by the year wo make no additional charge for strings or slight regulation of actions. There is economy in em ploying good tuners Ma. H. N. MOORE still looks after this branch of our business. 31i_ 18. S- ls/L. TT -IHTTELS. Indian Harbor Hotel, GREENWICH, CONN. Will Open Saturday, .Juno 18th, Address tVM. H. LEE, Grand Hotel, 31st street and Broadway, Now York. NEW HOTEL TOG-NI, (Formerly St. Mark's.) Newnan Street, near Bay, Jacksonville, Fla. 'T'IIE MOST central House in the city. Near 1 Post Office, Street Cars and all Ferries. New and Elegant Furniture. Electric Bells, Baths, Etc. $2 50 to $3 per day. JOHN It. TOGNI, Proprietor. S. A. UPSON, Manage*, > LEON HOTEL, TALLAHASSEE, - - FLA. M. L. OGLESBY, - - Manager. Winter Itesort. Open December to May. Daily Rates—sl. HOTEL SAN SALVADOR, ST. GEORGE STREET, ST. AUGUSTINE, - - - FLA. IJ'IRST-CLASS in oil its appointments This New nmi Elegiuit Concrete Hotel is hand somely furnished throughout, and Ims all the modem improvements. Electric ifells. Oak. Baths and perfect Sanitary system. Rates: JSoO to $3 per day. Special terms by the week or month. G. N. PAPY. Proprietor. HOTEL VENDOME, BROADWAY & FORTY-FIRST STREET NEW YORK, A MERICAN PLAN. Centrally Ideated. All 1 \ the latest improvements. Onlaine and ser vice unexcelled. Special rates to permanent, guests. I. STEINFKLO, Manager. DUB’S SCREVEN HOUSE. r I ''HIS POPULAR Hotel is now provide* 1 with Ia Passenger Elevator (the only one in the city) and has neeu remodeled and newly fur nished The proprietor, who bv recent purchase is also the owner of the establishment. sfiaivrt neither pains nor expense in the entertainment of his guests. The patronage of Florida visit ors is earnestly invited. The table of the Screven House is supplied with every luxury that the markets at home or abroad car afford. MARSHALL 110 1 SE, BAVANNAH, - - OA. f ' EO. D. HODGES, Proprietor. Formerly of * I the Metropolitan Hotel, New York, ana the Grand Union, Saratoga Spring*. Location cen tral. All parts of the city and places of inter ♦*st accessible by street cars constantly passing the doors. Special inducement* to those visit ing the city for business or pleasure. THE MORRISON HOUSE. One of the Largest Boarding House* In the South. \FFORDS pleasant South rooms. good board with pure Artesian Water, at prices to suit those wishing table, regular or transient accom modations. Northeast corner Broughton and Drayton streets, opposite Marshal! House. LEGAL NOTICE*. NOTICE IN AD! ’ • * I T NTTED STATES OF AMERICA, Eastern 1 Division of the Southern District of Geor gia. In Admiralty. Whereas, a libel in rem has been filed on the day of April instant, in the District Court of the United States fur the Southern District of Oeurgiu. the United States of America against the steamboat “l*ope Catlin," her engines. boilers, machinery, tackle. apparel ami lurnwure, now lying at Savannah, in the said district, and Against all persons lawfully in tervenlng for their interests therein, in a cause of seizure, civil ami maritime, for reasons and causes iu the said libel mentioned, and praying the usual process and monition in that behalf to Is- made; ami that nil ijersons dunning any In terest therein may Ik* cited to appear and urutwer the premise*; and that the said steam boat “Pope Catlin,' 1 her engines, boilers, mu chinery, tackle, api sir el and furniture may he condemned and sold to puy the demand* oi the lilsdant. And, whereas. a warrant of arrest has been issued on the said M day of Anrii, under the k**ul of the said court, commanding me to at tach the xuid steamboat. her diguies, Ishler*. machinery, tackle, apparel and furniture, ami 1 1 .'i <- du.- notice to a i claiming the same, to np|iear ami answer and make cUitm thereto. Now, therefore, I do h?r*4iy give public notice to all nerson* claiming the said steumlsuf Pop* dal In her ifngt ties b filers, machinery, tackle, apparel aud furniture, of In any mmnm r Interested therein, that they and appear at the Clerk a oftloe <*f the Dial tic* (jmirtof the United State* fur tin r*Mithern I Mat rut of Geor gtu, in the city of Kavanuah, on KaTI’dlMV, *>*- ilh tly May h.m IHWT, at U o'clock In Uh* 1 1 /f<*ttoo, ttl (hut tiny, then ..lilt to InlcrpoM* I h"|y .inbii i (.ml to iiiMku UHr Udf>x in tiutt lickAtf. Itetwl ut Kitauiuh, <<<*>.irU, tin, All dy of April. A (. I>*C MXliv m lamar, l ullMit Mtn> frt*rl of 10-tgim Ihl'OMT OL'KKKY, UaMM MaM Attorn. t Onvtnr fur IJI4fmL Swuy-ssg MEDICAL,. Wonderful Popularity of the Renowned Medicine. The Greatest Curative Success of the Age — A Voice from the People. No morticim* Introduced to the public has over mot with the uueoeas accorded to Hop Bitten*. It stands to-day the host known curative article in the world. Its marvelous renown is not due to the advertising it Iras ivoeivod. It is famous by ivaaon of its inherent virtues. It docs all that is claimed for It. It is the most oodcrful, speedy and effective agent known for the build ing up of debilitated systems. The following witnesses are offered to prove this: What it Did for an Old Lady. , Coshocton Station , V. Y., IVe 9H, 1884. Gents A number of people had l>eeu using your Bitters here, and with marked effect. In fact, one case, a lady of over seventy years, had been sick for years, and for the past ten years l have known her alio has not wen able to be around half the time. About six months ago she got so feeble she v.a.s helnltss. Her old remedies, or physicians, being or no avail, 1 sent to Deposit, forty five miles, anil got a bottle of Hop Bitters. It had such a very beneficial effect on her tlui. oti* bottle improved her so she was able to dress herself and walk about the house. When she had taken the second bottle she was able, intake care of her own room and walk out to her neighbor's and has improved all the time since. My wife and children also have derived great benefit from their use. NY B HATHAWAY, Agt. U. 8. Ex. Cos. An Enthusiastic Endorsement. Uorhum. X. /L,July 15, lflRO. Okwts Whoever you are, 1 don't know, hut I thank the Lord and feel grateful to you to know that In this world of adulterated medicines there is one compound that proves and does all it ad Vertise.s to do, ami more. Four years ago I had a slight shock ot palsy, which unnerved me to such an extent that the least, excitement would make uie shake like the ague, last May I won induced to try Hop Bitters I used one bottle, hut did not see any change; another did so change my uervaa that they are now as steady As they ever were. It used to take both hands to write, hut now my good right, hand writes tins. Now, if von continue to manufacture as honest and good an article as you do, you will accumu late an honest fortune, and confer the greatest blessing on your fellow-men that was ever con feued oipAuauldnd. TIM BUJICII. . i J -• , A Husband’s Testimony. My wife was trouhlod for years wit h blotches, moth patches and pimples on her face, which newly annoyed the life out of her. She sjient many dollars on the thousand infallible (f) cures, with nothing but injurious effect**. A lady friend, of Syracuse, N. A’., who had had similar experience and had been cured with Hop Bitters, induced her to try it. One bottle has made her face as smooth, fair and soft as a child's and given her such health that it seems almost a miracle. A MuMß ok Canadian Parliament. A Rich Lady’s Experience. I traveled all over Europe and other foreign countries at n cost of thousands of dollars m search of health and found it not. I returned discouraged and disheartened, and was restored 1.1 real youthful health and spirit* with less than two bottles of Hop Bitters. 1 hope others may profit by my experience ami stay at home. A LADY, AUGUSTA, ME. ornciAE. - QUARANTINE NOTICE. Office Health Officer, I Savannah, (I*., April 28, 1887. t From and after MAY Ist, 1887, the city ordi nance which specifies the Quarantine require ments to ho observed at the port of Savannah, Georgia, for period of time (annually) from May Ist to November Ist, will he most rigidly en forced. Merchants and all other parties Interested will ho supplied with printed copies of the Quar antine Ordinance upon application to ofllco of Health Officer. All steamships and vessels from South America, Central America, Mexico, West Indies, Sicily, ports of Italy south of 40 degs. North latitude, and coast of Africa heween lOdegs. North and 14 dogs. South latitude, will U subjected to close Quarantine and be reuuired to report at the Quarantine Station and he treated as living from infected or suspected ports or localities. Captains of three vessels will have to remain at Quarantine Station until their vessels are relieved. AU steamers and vessels from foreign ports not included above, direct or via American ports, whether seeking, chartered or otherwise, will Ile required to remain in <piarantine until hoarded and passed by tho Quarantine Officer, Neither the Captain* nor any one on board of tuch vcAtcl* will be allowed to come to the city until the vesuri* are impeded and pasted by the Quarantine Officer. As ports or localities not herein enumerated are reported unhealthy to the Sanitary Authori ties, Quarantine restriction* against same will he enforced without further publication. Tim quarantine regulation requiring the flying of the quarantine .flog on vessel* nt bjected to detention or Inspection will be rigidly enforced. 3. T. McfARLAND, M. D., Health Officer. Notice to Occupants of Houses and Stores City op Savanwa h, 1 OPPK'K Ct.KKK OP COUNCIL, V April 28, IHH7. ) OCCUPANTS of houses are requested to nay strict attention to the eonihtioii of tneir yards, and especially during the summer to keep the same, ns well as their cellars, dean and in a sanitary condition. Storekeepers are also en joined to look to the condition of the cellars be neath their store*, that the same may lie regu larly vent Hated, and are requested to I s* especial ly careful that nothing is plain'd therein calcu lated to become offensive or anywise likely to affect the public health. It is the determination of the. health authorities that everything shall Is- done to keep tig' city in a clean and sanitary condition, and the inspecting officers have been instructed to is* vigilant and careful in their in spections, and to place on tho loforniAtion Docket all parties failing lo keep their premises clean, or in any way violating the ordinances governing the public health. By order of the Mayor. Frank k rebarkk, Clerk of Council. UAH WTIAK \OTK K. Office Health Officer, I Savannah, March i!6th, IW. f Pilots of the Port of Suvaunah are informed that the Sniielo Quarantine .Station will be open ed on APRIL Ist. IMH7. Siicclal attention of ttie Pilots Is directed to sections No*. 8d and 14th, Quarantine tiegulu tions. Most rigid enforcement of quarantine regula tions will no maintained liv the Health authori ties. J. T. McKAULAND, M. It, Health (Iffleer. (H ARl.Vtmi NOTICE. OrrtcK Health < imrsH. I Savannah. AprilMh. IW. ( Notice Is hereby given that the Quarantine Off!ccr is instructed not to deliver letters to ves sel* which mvnot subjected to quarantine dc tent lon. unless the name of consignee and slate incut that tho vessel is ordered to sonic other port appears upon tho face of the envelop*. Till* order is made nccesaary in connequenoe of the enormous hulk of ilruimnfng letters sent to the station for vessels which an* to arrive. J. T. MIKABI.ANH M. I).. Health t HI leer. RLKCT ION Ml I II K. City op Havapkaii. 1 Omcr. i lkiix Fir cm noil, )- April 28. 1*47. t ITNIM’R and by virtue of a jcviioUoo adopted J by Council itt meeting of April linth, IKW, Cbtinctf will elect, at Its next regular meeliiig. that ii* Uisav on WEDNESDAY. MAY 4tii. issf, a Port Warden to (111 vacancy occ.ulone t by the ivsiguatlon of Thomas II laird lion I ***•; salary, fees. Applicant* uiiisi hand in theiruu pteuiious wllh names of homhMnea (two re qnirisii staled liivreln In the I 'lerk of Council al or I adore 2 o'clock P a., Wedoenday, May 4tu, IW7 llv order of Council. HUNK V. KKHAKKII, Clerf of i 'allied City Slsrshal s Optic*. < El’llK City 'freestnei has piac-d hands t mSo-wj /pwaMUk a* ih*4* 4 o*| <4b*v wHAaaS 4H*f USm bout* ft vow II * a *• |v, i tPdtn |Abti UQ> AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. Household Furniture. By J. McLaughlin & Son. THIS DAY, 22th April, 1887, at 11 o'clock, at llie house northeast corner Jefferson and Henry streets. Bedroom Set, Walnut Bureaus, Bedsteads, Mattress, Chairs, Tables, Pictures. Dining Table, Refrigerator, Sideboard, Fancy Chairs, Carpet, Marble top Table, Books, Crockery, Glassware, Cooking Stove, Etc., Etc. Sate positive. AUCTION SALES ITTUHF DAYS. UNDERWRITER’S SALE. BR. BARK POHONA By J. McLaughlin & Son. On MONDAY, 9Mi May. 1887, at Kelly's Wharf, foot of Bull .street, at 12 o'clock. The Hr. Bark Pohona. Jamison Master, 796 tons register, classed A1 EuglU*h Lloyd, two .veal’s t>> run; copper fastened ami newly cop pered last September, with all her tackle, stand ing rigging. chains, cablet*, anchors, sails, boats, water tanks, ropes, etc., and other appurtenances* usual on a vessel of her tonnage. Smd hark damaged by a collision with the O. S. S Co.'s steamer Chattahoochee; condemned by a board of survey, and ordered to be sold at. auction for account of whom it may concern. Complete inventory can he seen at office of Holht A Cos., on board, with ('apt. Jamison, and at office of J. Mel*auglilln & Son. This vessel is well worthy the attention of speculators, as she can be repaired for a very small sum. HOLST & CO., Agents. Household and kitchen Furniture XT ATT( ’TK m. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer. MONDAY. May 3d. at 11 o'clock, at 158 Liberty street, between Whitaker and Barnard streets. Piano. Parlor Set, Six Bedroom Sets, Side board. Extension Table. Chairs. Hatrack, Mat ting, Carpet. Desk. Wardrobes, Pictures, Tables, Fasy Folding C'hair,Window Shades, Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters, Bed Springs, I Toilet and Tin Sets, P- frigorator, Safes, Lamps. Lambrequins, Bugs, Classware, Spinning Wheel, Fine Mirror. Orna ments. Cooking stove aucl Utensils, Kitchen Furniture, i'reserve Jars, etc., etc. Elegant and Costly Furniture AT AUCTION. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer. In a few (lays I will advertise for sale one of the handsomest furnished dwellings in the city. Reserve your purchases. I.EGAI. SALES. DILLON TRACT FOR SALE. NOTICE. City of Savannah, office Clerk of Council, I April 24. 1887. ( The following resolutions were adopted by the City Council of Savannah at meeting of April mh, 1887. FRANK E. REBARER, Clerk of Council. RESOLUTIONS. By Alderman R. D. Bogart: lleivl.osl. That all that portion of the tract of land lyug south of Seventh street and west of Barnard street,recently purchased by the city of Havanuah from E. X. Moussesu ot al., kuown as part of Dillon's tract, tie sold in front of the Court House of Chatham county at public out cry to the highest bidder, on the FIRST TUBS DAY, being the THIRD DAY OK MAY next, lie tween the usual hours of Sheriff's sale, liegin ning at 11 o'clock a. m. That the several blocks of bits in said tract lie valued at such a valuation as to aggregate the sum of seventy thousand ($70,000) dollars; that each of the said blocks be put up for sale at sueh valuation as may beilxed, and uo block shall be sold at a less valuation than that fixed thereon os the minimum price therefor. That the Committee on City Lots be charged with the duty of fixing the valuation on the said blocks to lie sold, and the same shall be sold by the City Marshal under the superintendence of said Committee on City lot* as above directed Terms, either all cash or one-fourth cash, one fourth tirst of Septeni tier. 1887, Istlance first of September, 188*. interest at 7 per cent, on defer red pay merits. .Mortgage to secure unpaid pur chase money, purchaser s paying for title. Be It further Resolved, That the Clerk of Council publish the foregoing resolutions dally until day of sale. Adopted. Office City Marshal. I Savannah, Ga., April 23. 1887. ( Under and by virtue of the aliove resolution of Council, i will sell the above described land in front of the Court House in the city of Savan nail, Chatham county. Ua., to the highest and best bidder between the hours of 11 a. m., and 2 p. m. o'clock on the THIRD DAY OF MAY, 1887. ROBERT J. WADE, City Marshal. This April 23d, 1887. NOTICE. City of Savannah, | Office Clerk of Council, > April SHth, 1887. i r pilF following resolution was adopted by the 1 City Council of Savannah at meeting held this day. FRANK E. REBARER, Clerk of Council. Bv Ald‘*rmnn Haines Resolved, In the matter of the sale of the Dillon tract, under resolution adopted by Coun cil at meeting of April 20, 1887, that the blocks be numbered by letters from north to south, commencing from Barnard and Seventh streets, the first block Ireing lettered "A,” the letter “J’’ being omitted. The fir SI tier of blocks from north to south ire lug A, B, C, D and E. Tire second tier from north to south being F. G. H, I and K Tire third tier from north to south being L, M. N and O. Tim fourth tier from north to south being P, Q, 11, Sand T. The fifth tier from north to south Ireing U, V, W, X and Y. The upset, price shall Is* as fixed by tire Com mtttce on City Lota, aa follows: Block A $ 5,800 Block B B.OilO Block C 4,W0 Block D 3.300 Block E 2,000 Block F 4,400 Block G 4,200 Block H 8,800 Block I 2,400 Block K 1.310 Block 1 4,400 Block M 8,000 Block N 2,400 Block 0 1,3 k) Block P 8.000 Block 0 2,000 Block It 2,000 Block 8 1,000 Block T hi*) Blocs r a.iyxi I dock V 2.N10 Block W 2.0) Block X 2,( Book y. MM Hffl.lXKl Noth. Matts lettered as above.and with valu ation* place*! tiler is in can Is* seen at the office of the Clerk of Council frcii it a. u. until h p. a., and Imm I tod p. a. daily. — . AI M IIINKHY. J. W. TYNAN, Engineer nnd \Wiinist, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Corner Wat llrood and Indian tKraet* AIX KIND* Of MACHINERY, BOILERS, Etc., •HAM PUMPI, ttl/VtltnOßS. HNJtCICRS HtVlUfi WHIcI* KltllUßN - Aids. C. 11. DORsETT'S COLUMN. Stoves, Potware, Furniture, Etc. Positively Last Sale. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Will sell at 170 Broughton street, on FRIDAY, April 22th, 1887, at 11 o'clock, 100 Stoves—Cooking, Office and other Heat ers- Pots, Boilers, Kettles, Waffle Irons, Teg and Coffee Canisters, Fluting Irons, Furnaces, Etc. —ALSO— Odds and Ends of Furniture overlooked at previous sales. VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES —IN THE— Eastern Portion of the City. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Will offer at the Court House, during the usual houi*s of sale, on TUESDAY, May sth, 1887* if not sold previously At private sale, Two residencea, either separately or together* situated on the southwestern corner of Yortt and Habersham streets, fronting on Columbia square. Each house contains nine rooms, batU room, numerous closets and usual conveniences. Terms can lie made easy if purchaser desired to obtain time on a portion of the* purchase money. Further particulars if needed can be obtained from the auctioneer. The M Mate Market Continues Good. My sales for March and thus far in April have lx‘('n exceedingly good. Thonumlie,' of transactions compares favor ably with any month of the one hundred and twenty-tlvo that 1 have been in the business. I ex|>ect to sell more during April, May and June (D. V.) titan l have ever done before. The people of Savannah continue to show an abiding failii in her future. Try and make your selections from the list be low. If you are very particular and cannot, let me know what you want and 1 will find it for you. C. H. DORSETT, Real Estate Dealer. Dwellings, Etc. Two-story residence on basement, beautifully located, on Gordon street, near Drayton street. The location of this property, the size of the house, its surroundings and convenience! all unite to make it a desirable purchase. Brick residence on Jones street, east of White aker, suitable for a small family. The location is admirable, and the terms of payment as easy us can be desired. Three fine residences, prices rAnging from $12,000 to $23,000. Location and particular* given privately to bona fide inquirers. Brick residence on Taylor street. Fine chance for a home. Three bedrooms, bath, two parlors* back piazza, dining-room, kitchen, servants* room, and brick outbuilding, tlennng for ten dollars per month. The location, between two car lines, near the churches, schoolß and park, convenience of arrangement and price recom mend this to those who desire to buy a house, ad well as to investors. Avery convenient residence in the Eastern part of tho city, fronting on a square, immedi ately upon a car line. Every convenience, houM large and convenient, neighborhood good. Another snug residence, price $l,lOO, on Duffy just west of West Broad; party leaving the city. Avery neat and convenient cottage, with quite a large yard, on Second avenue, near Bull street. This is a “nice” place, in a locality that is increasing in popularity every day and will in a short time increase largely in value. Four now two-story cottages, with bath rooms in each, in the eastern part of the city. Just the place for those employed in that seethe nt tlie city. Snug and comfortable. A good invest ment, where the choice of tenants shout* h* possible. A capital three-story residence near th* Hat* kef. All the conveniences, large rooms,avMta halls, bath room on each floor Property *#? good order. A commodious and well arranged warehouse, one story on the Buy level and one story on* River street level. Well adapted to cotton, heavy groceries or other merchandise. The ox* tension of the River Street railroad (C. R. R. exe tension) will bring cam up to this proparty. Tho very valuable property adjoining Ilia Pulaski House known as the Pulaski Mtablea, This projterty rent* readily at a rate which will pay a good interest on the Investment. Such eligibly located property, in the centre of the business circle, is seldom offered, and the cure* ful attention of investors is directed to it. Building Sites. Another very desirable site for a dwelling, be* Ing several feet higher than the land on the eas* side of the park. Is on the south side of Hall street, near the residence recently purchased by Mr. Randolph Axson. This lot i* 41x180 feet. On Jones street, facing south, near Lincoln, r have u lot 00x100, with two small houses on thw rear. This is ii'splendid location for one or twiP brick residences. (Iwinnett street, in view of the possibility of having an asphalt pavement at an early day, lias grow n wonderfully la popularity. I have just sold the last improved property that I had on this stivet, hut have one lot on this street, which is wonderfully low, southern front, %ixlBQ, A limited number of lots on the hill on Gwin nett and West Broad liave been placed in my hands fur sale. These lots are kbtlOO and will only Is* sold to approved purchasers, but will he sold at low price* to secure a good neighbor* hood. An examination of the plat at my office will demonstrate the low prices we have put upon this property. Avery cheap lot (secured by a payment of on* hundred dollars) is that on New Houston street, near Hurroughs. The run* at wlik'h this section is being do* veloped Is truly wonderful. The people seem Just to have realised that this In one ol the highest points in the city. A Hue clsas of residences, neat, comfortable and sightly, hut not pretentious, are b erected all over this section until It is scarcely recognisable. A fine corner lot near tlie line of Burrougha stns'i, Just lieyoiui Anderson -this is an invest, tiieni that is bound to pay a profit to tba buyer A Charming Residence at Marlow, Ha* On account of the removal from the State by t lie owner 1 sin allowed to offer one of the neat* •wt, most complete and attractive home* on the line of the Georgia Central. JMHk D Is located at Marlow, tm-nty-si* imlaa Ksvainiah The I.o'is*, contains four doling toom and klteheii. mill dally i*am stable* ‘lts* sr'.-md*. tso sense in is-ao l jf nil v si Sited end planted with fruit of different knot Meat gar'tea awl apk^^H 1 L**l ir> hr rr*Ui***u! aim (wo ti at gtkMm u f wrmi, maA *4 <* turn lid rmy fvm'ii *4 I/* m Mi .liki VAd Hi- (tjlMftA *i*t# ftl* M.uAmmA fF Umi iwu 4 mjvktktdil) V. M, l^siMlfST, L - ——— 3