The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 01, 1887, Page 10, Image 10

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10 TEMPERANCE WORKERS. ; BA VANNAH TO HAVETHE WOMEN’S CONVENTION. Prominent Temperance People Who ■will fce in the City Next Week- Ar ranging to Receive the Delegates— ! Some of the Speakers-What Savan nah Ladies are Doing. The State Convention of the Womens’ Christian Temperance Union of Georgia, which will be held in Savannah May 10, 11, Td and 13, promises to be one of the largest that the organization has ever held. The ladies of the Savannah branch of the Union are actively at work arranging for tee reception and entertainment of the dele gates ami for the public meetings mid exer cises. The business meetings will be held in Masonic Hall. On the night of the Kith, the closing day of the Convention, Col. Goaige W. Bain, the silver-tongued Ken tucky orator, will deliver an address at the Theatre. The Unions which have reported their delegates to the local committee are us fol lows: Augusta—Mrs. W. C. Sibley, Mi-s. Mar saret Chandler, Miss Minnie Smith, Mrs. aok Fearey, Mrs. Julia Scales, Mrs. Jeffer son Thomas, Mrs. I). H. Fullerton, Mrs. J. B. Preston. Mrs. E. B Bridges, Mrs. George Murphy, Mrs. Claiborne Snead, Mrs. E. Kimbrough, Mrs. John Tarver, Mrs. Jack Smith, Mias M. E. Kinchley, Miss Kate Rood, Miss. Mamie Bleckley, Miss Maly Jive, Mis* Cora L. Thomas. Greshamville— Mrs. M. A. Crawford, Miss Lulu May. Rome—Mrs. ,T. L. Camp, Mrs. J. L. Rey nolds. Cave Spring—Miss Emmie Stuart. Bainbridge—Mi's. F. 11. Crumpler and Mis. Emory Johnson. Macon—Mis. Walter Hill, Mr*. Emma J. Lester, Mis. I. N. Birch, Miss Harriet Free man, Miss Carrie Butts. Brunswick—Mrs. M. C. Rowe. ThonmsviHe—Mrs. Dr. Blanchard, Mrs. pr. Banks, Mrs. H. Barfield, Miss Carrie Douglas. Geneva—Mi's. J. E. Fuller. Sandersviile —Col. C. R. Pringle, Mrs, B. J. Tarhutton, Mis. G. S. Johnson, Mrs. F. A. Brown. Rutledge—Mrs. V. V. Hanson. Waynesboro—Mrs. W. A. Wilkins. Greensboro- Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Cald well. Longview—Mrs. Inez Gibson. The delegates will lie entertained at the homes of citizens. The President of the Sa vannah Union will be glad to receive offers of entertainment from those who desire to Open their homes to the ladies. In addition to the above list, there are a number of Unions yet to report, which will make the number of delegates attending considerably larger. Among the prominent members of the organization outside of Georgia who are expected to lie present are Mrs. Sallie F. Chapin, of Charleston, super intendent of the Union's Southern work, and three other prominent ladies of South Carolina, Mrs. F, A. Walter, Mrs. Viola Neblett and Mrs. M. L. Grid ley. Mrs. Dr. Bryce, Mrs. Judge Brooks, Mrs. Col. G. Thomas.of Alabama: Mrs. M J Wells, Mrs. J. S. Bryant, North Caro' - ha; Miss Ida Vail, of Tenessee; Mrs. Grod ale, of Louisiana: Col. George W. Bair J, of Kentucky, and Mr. and Mrs. Beards’ j®, of Florida. v THROUGH THE CITY. Items Gathered Here and There by the News Reporters. . The Indies of Sacred Heart (colored) obuivb will hold a l'estivxl on Tuesday at the pfeyish hall. petition for the incorporation of the Ogle. S,rpe C'iub was filed in tbo Clerk's office of ■■Gupc-ior Coi'.-t yesterday. City Court grand jury returned throe ~ ■*> bills yesterday but they were withheld, the * ,iesai e IK> * ; under arrest, under thfb lis ' vas sentenced by the Mayor bridge, oaimfi rteen days’ imprisonment or On Tuesday for cutting Laura Corse, which affirmed 'Yates in the city last week, (below. This will’ and 10 of colored. The straint, and the CofiO for the week was 16.5 proliability, procee or colored, the proposed bridg-ilbach, deputy clerk of Recently the si nary, issued 06 marriage nulls of Augustpril. Of these, 25 were tor Hirers’ Assorinti ’ colored couples. -The president- .rk. a sail maker, while haul advauee at pr, Tv bee beach yesterday was w-ill vohintan below the. left ankle by some pay of tlieir , and the sinews of the leg were t hey fire severed. gu j, 0 ( j) \y jjayer vs. hands, y j£ over wafi ,irp-ued yesterday .hjing on the low point- and submitted to udge Adams, the facts having been elimi nated and the jury dispensed with. Decision was reserved. Pat Grogan was brought up to the city yesterdav on the steam yacht Edith. He was employed on the Tybee ralli-oad bridge over St. Augustine creek. A heavy timl>er fell on him breaking three of his ribs and injuring him severely in the back. He was taken to his home on East Broad street. The Mother Superioress of the Sisters of Mercy Convent, at Liberty and Al'crcom streets, has recently received aII,INK) city of Savannah bond, with interest from May 1. 1666, from the estate of Andrew Low. The tiond was turned over to the Female Orphan Benevolent Society by the Su perioress. At to-morrow night’s meeting of tne Georgia Historical Society Gen. McLfcws will deliver an address on the battle of Fredericksburg. The address will deal more especially with the death of Gen. Tom Cobb, of Georgia, who was killed in that battle. Asa large attendance is exiwoted the meeting will be held in the library hull instead of the society meeting down stairs. The children of the Episcopal Orphans’ Homo were given u picnic at Mr. GrimbaH’s place, Isleof Hope on Thursday. During the afternoon three young ladies went out row ing. One of them, Miss Lula Waite, eamo very near beiug drowned. She whs sitting in the bow of the boat. All at once she said: ‘‘l feel so queer, take me hack to the shore,’’and then fainted and fell over the side of the boat. Miss Bateson, who was sitting next, caught her .-is she fell and saved her life. Aside from this accident tiie day’ was passed pleasantly. Countable Jones Hoard From. Constable George I*. 11. Jones, who was reported to have eloped with another man’s wife some t ime ago, has written from New Orleans to a friend here, who is a member of the sain." lodge of Odd Follows as Jones, that the story is untrue. The letter was duted last Wednesday, and in it Jones said that he is aliout to leave for Mexico or South America. Gone to V/oaf Point. Prof. 11. F. Train, President of the Geor gia State Teachers’ Association; Mr. W. R. Thigpen, Secretary; Mr. W. H. Baker. Superintendent of Savannah’s public ■ol oori, and Jlossrs. O’Hara, O'Brien and Ashmore have gone to Weal Point to attend the annual meeting of the association, which will lie held there May S, 4 and 5. Buck lon’s Arnica Galve. Tlw beat Halve in tbo world for cute, bruise*, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores. tetter, chapped hand*, chilblains, corns, anrfL •iQ skin i ruptloiw, and ponitivcly ru 10*40 rim, or no pay required. It is guaranUjML) give I satisfaction, or niomur refunded. I *ki :■ -/its per liox. Ijgju* by lAw lo’iji 1 >1 • >druggists, '(MNmI fir ' paper. Drue our procMries beforw^Brciias^^a^ 'lmre Strain*, Bros. FIREMEN KEPT ON THE RUN. A Dwelling House Burned and Three ; Tenements Damaged. The firemen had a lively day of it yes ter- ' day. Between l and 2 o'clock in the morn- j ing fire bir>ke out in a small one-story frame ' tenement on the south side of Goodwin’s lane, east of the Anderson street crossing of the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. The light was seen by the firemen on duty : at No. 4 engine house. By the time they ; reached the Anderson street crossing the i building was about consumed. It was out of reach of water and no assistance could tie rendered by the department. The house i was owned and occupied by “Captain” Coffee (colored), and was totally destroyed. The loss is about $4OO. There was no inj surance. The fire is supposed to have been of incendiary origin. At 8:80 o'clock a local alarm was sent to No. 1 engine bouse and was telephoned to headquarters. Fire was discovered in the second story of a frame dwelling on the west side of Reynolds streets, north of President. The fire was caused by dump ing hot ashes in a box. The flames were extinguished before gaining much headway and the loss was light. The house is owned by Mrs. Ellen Monahan ami was occupied by Fred Dixon. A few minutes after 12 o'clock an alarm was turned in from box No. 33, at Wayne and West Broad streets. The box was out of order, and the irregular striking of the gongs confused the firemen, so that it was sometime before the fire was located. En fine Company No. 4 was the first to arrive. he fire was in a frame house on the north side of Berrien street, west of Jefferson. Sparks from a burning chimney set tire to a bundle of rags stuffed into a stove-pipe hole near the roof, and the flames communicated to the ceiling and then to the shingles. The damage is slight anil is fully covered by in surance. The house is owned by W. Con ners and is occupied by J. Wilkins (colored). Between 5 and (> o’clock last night the roof of a frame house on Farm street, between Pine and Orange, caught fire from (lying sparks and burned through. The flames were extinguished before gaining headway and the damage is slight. Fire Department Notes. The new engine being built at the Fa France works, Elmira, N. Y., to take the place of engine No. 1, is expected to lie ready for service by July 1. The new wide tire w heels and heavy axles for No. 4 engine have arrived from the Le France works. The company furnished them to the deportment without as,, the old wheels and axles being too ligbu for the high crossings and rough streets here. The hook and ladder truck, which has been undergoing reiHUin for some time, was replaced in service last, eight with its new equipment of ladders hooks, etc.., furnished by the La France Company. The old lad ders, which were Colly burned and broken up, will be repaved and placed on a wagon and will be ke at No. 4 engine house as a reserve unt 1 ' anew truck is built. Anew . apply and patrol wagon, built at O’Conner's shops for the lire department, was tested yesterday by Chief Fernandez. It is built after the pattern of insurance and pi ice patrol wagons used in large cities, r.iul will be used to carry supplies and men to fires, and will also lie used us an ambit lanee wagon in cases of accident. The wagon was thoroughly tested before being painted to see that everything about it is complete. Miss Jennie Smith, superintendent of the railroad department of the Womans’ Chris t ian Temperance Union, and a party of about t hirty ladies and gentlemen visileit firemens’ headquarters yesterday. The visitors were courteously received by Chief Fernandez, and were shown the workings of the depart ment. Tbe horses were brought out and the engines and truck delivered a short run. Miss (Smith made a short address to the fire men, in which .she pointed out the hardships they have to endure and the risks they rim in protecting the property and often the lives of citizens. She paid a high compli ment to the Savannah firemen, and said that the depart incut is one of the best she has visited. WALTER McNEILL DEAD. Savannah Lose 6 One of Its Most Prom ising Young Business Men. Mr. Walter McNeill, one of tbe members -of the firm of Peacock. Hunt & Cos., died at 1 ;S0 o'clock yesterday afternoon of typhoid fever. He had been sick but little more than a week, and his friends were greatly shocked at his death, a- thev did not con sider him dangerously ill. He was born in Robeson county, N.~ C., in 1849. When quite a young man he went to South Caro lina, where he conducted a large milling and turpentine business for ton or twelve years. In 1832 he removed to Worth county, Ga,, and engaged in the manufacture ot' naval stores. With his brother, Mr. Lawrence .McNeill, he invested largely in land. His business was very successful, and in 1883 he came to Savannah and started a commission house, under the firm name of W. A L. McNeill. A year later he was admitted into the firm of Peacock, Hunt & Cos., the largest nasal stores factors In the city. He remained an active member of that firm until his death. He was the firm’s salesman, and assumed a large share of the mqionsibiiity of the busi ness. Although comparatively a young man, being in his 38th year, he had by careful business management acquired a comfort able fortune. He was Vice President of the Board of Trade, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. No man was of more strict integrity. Physically lie was quite a large man, and his nature was genial and kind. He had many warm friends in this city, although he had resided here but a few years. About two weeks ago be made a trip to North Carolina, and was laden sick very shortly after his return. On Thuraday hie was removed from the hotel at which he was stopping to Mr. T. H. McMillan's resi dence. on New Houston street. His friends thought that he was improving until shortly before his death, when no was seised with a convulsion and died in a few moments. Mr. McNeill was a member of the First Presbyterian church aud unmarried. Mr. J, \Y. Hunt will leavo for North Carolina with the remains this morning. The deceased's aged father and mother are still living. SA VWi> ntOU THE BEN HOPE. The Mate and Pour Seamen Taken from Otiaabaw Inland. The mate and four seamen of the burned steamship Ben Hope arrived in port yester day on tho tug Levi C. Davis. 'They left the burning vessel with the others aud landed on St. Catherine’s Island Thursday night. From there they went to Ossabaw, where they spent Friday and the night fol lowing without food or shelter. They dug for water, but found it very brarkisn. A pig which they took from the burning ves sel they let loose on the island. The tug Levi C. Davis saw their signals of distress as she was passing the ialaud and went, to their assistance, and brought them to the cit y. They resorted at once to the British Vice Consul. The most of th crew will probably lie sent to New York by the steamship Tullal.n^^^whii ‘h sails today Too aalto of Gilead Could not WtuLmorc than Plr.t s'uck'rt qijnw in another <*>hyii n. Head them c.n tbc Drwtcmnr. Tile mart swwwnir .url Miemtlilc *|HViallst for of the Head and Throat, awUWßt'* ii leases, will lie at the ivlorrisou MWPWTiy ;id, Ut remain ten days. First Inter jnpiFv free. __ “ Whole Hlcc ®c. jier pec!;, at Cooper's, 28 VV hitaker street. Big drive- in Teas mid Coffees, fctmtirs Bros.. id and sMVjj, Barnaul. “* sidling io wiiii c fjkudkM fc t THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1887-TWELVE PAGES. THE FLOWER SHOW. The Exhibition to Open at the Guards* Armory on Wednesday. The Savannah Floral and Art Associa tion’s spring exhibition will open Wedne - day afternoon at the Chatham Artillery’s armory. Friday’s wind storm injured the outdoor plants no little, and the floral ex hibit will consequently uot be quite so good as was hoped for. The art and fancy work display, however, promises to be exoeptionl ally good and will make up iua large degree for any shortcoming in the other depart ment. Had it not been for the cold snaps in March, and in the early part of April, the show would have been held a fortnight ear lier, when there was an abundance of roses and any floral display with plenty of good roses will be a success. A good display of potted prints is promised. There seems to be a great deal of interest taken in the coming show. Some of the officers of the association attendod the exhibition in Charleston last week. One of the gentlemen said yesterday that the hall in which the Charleston society held its show was so thronged with visitors that it was a hard matter to get around, and the hall was a large one too. “There is no reason why Savannah should not have just ns good a display and attract just as many visitors,” ho added. “The .railroads give special excursion rates and people go long distances to attend Charleston’s show. I have uo doubt it in worth $5,000 or more to the city every year. Strangers stay a day or two at the hotels and spend money liberally shopping. Savannah’s society ought to lie equally as successful when it gets a little older. All we want is to get the lovers of flowers thoroughly interested. Wo must try to give shows that visitors will willingly pay the price of admission to see. There are enough gardens and green houses in the city to always insure a display that would (111 the largest haft "we could get. The growers, amature and professional alike, should try to make the exhibitions a success, not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also be cause they can be made a . ucuniary benefit to the city." The work of covering the armory yard, in which the flowers will be displayed, 411 lie eomineno' a to-morrow, the electric light copi i-ny will illuminate the exhibi tion grounds and hall with the Westinghouse incandescent light, which the compauy is •’ntroducing in Savannah. RIVER AND HARBOR NEWS. Gleanings Among the Shipping and Along the Wharves. Messrs. A. R. Kalas & Cos. cleared yester day the Norwegian liark fleetri for Riga with 3,160 barrels of rosin, weighing 1,425,- 845 pounds, valued at #5,800. Cargo by Messrs. 8. 1. Shotter & Cos. Chief Engineer John C. Dally, of the revenue cutter McCulloch, has been relieved from duty an the Charleston station and has been assigned to the revenue cutter Johnson, at, Milwaukee. First Assistant, Engineer Edward G. Schwartz bos arrived at Charles ton from Baltimore and will relieve Engi neer Dally. The steam yacht Climax, which has been in port for several days, left yesterday for Charleston, where she will be put aboard of the schooner W. W. Converse, the vessel which brought her out to Charleston, and will be taken back to New York. Her owner advertised her for sale here, but Sa vannah is apparently a poor market for such property. FOUNDERED AT SEA. Loss, of the Norwegean Berk Ragna The Crew Saved. A Loudon cable dispatch by Associated Press says that the British brig Energy, which arrived at Oporto, Friday, from St. Johns, N. F., had on board the crew of the Norwegean bark Regna. Capt. ICaledegar, which foundered while on a voyage from Savannah to St. Petersburg. The ttagna was cleared from Savpnnah March 23 for the new commercialyt of St. Petersburg, and sailed on the 84tVfU ith 3,316 barrels of rosin, weighing IH*W>OO pounds, and valued at $6.1,2. TUeR rigo and vessel were cleared by Meesrs. Fiber - son, Downing & Cos. TO BE HELD TWENTY DAYS. Simon Mann, Jr., Detained in Custody Under an Executive Warrant, An Atlanta special to the Mobkjng News says that au executive warrant was issued yesterday for the detention for twenty days of Simon Mann, Jr., who is in the custody of Sheriff Renan, of Chatham county. Mann is to lie held until a requisition from the Governor of South Carolina can be ob tained. Mann is charged with perjury, committed in Laurenskounty, and the war rant w as issued there (nr his arrest. One Chance in a Lifetime. The latest tiling out in insurance invest ments is tlie 10-20 insurance investment bonds of that staunch old company, the Manhattan Life. These bonds, which are payable in ten years, insure a man for twenty, at the end of which time he re ceives tne full amount of the bond, with ac cumulated profits aggregating 5 1-2 per cent, on the money invested. The company guarantee that tne bonds shall uot be sub ject to forfeiture after three payments have been made. They coutaiu neither suicide nor intemperance clauses, and after three years' payments the bonds are absolutely incontestible. In short, they are as free from technicalities as it is possible to make them. The Manhattan Life aims to furnish the very cheapest and most profitable form of insurance compatible w ith safety. An interesting example, printed in another column, of a bond issued at the age of 25, shows that the holder would mule a net profit of #4,041 on the in vestment of $7,532, besides getting his life insured for the whole twenty years. Tliis looks good enough for a reckless company to offer, whereas as a matter of fact the Manhattan Life is one of .the solidcst institutions in the city, and books up its bonds with as sets aggregating over $11,000,000. The company is too well known in Savannah to make comment necessary. During its quar ter of a century of business in this city it lias issued hundreds of jxilicies, which re main in force, thereby testifying the satis faction of the insurers. Mr. Henry Hoifen steiii, their agent, will be pleased to explain anything concerning the different plans written ny the company. The Pulaski’s Now Lessees. Mr. R. W. Powers, chief clerk of the Charleston Hotel, spent yesterday in Savan nah negotiating for the of the Pulaski House. Both lie and Mr. Case, the present proprietor, stated that the papers will probably be signed to-morrow. Mr. Ben George and Mr. Frank Masher, clerks id. the Pulaski House, have accepted similar positions at the Hereven House, Mr. Bevitl of tiial hotel having resigned. Messrs. John. Bois and Loo Piatsnek have been appointed day and uight clerks respectively at the Pulaski. Most Excellent. J. J. Atkins, Chief of Police, Knoxville, Twin., writes: “My family and 1 are bene ficiaries of your most excellent medicine, Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption; having found it to ho all you claim for it, desire to te-dtiy to it virtue. My friends to whom I have recommended it praise it at every opportunity.” Dr. King's New Dis covery tor Consumption is guaranteed to cure coughs colds, bronchit is, asthma, croup and every affection of throat, chest and lungs. Trial Littles free at Lippman Bros.’ dm;; store. Larfe size 81. Lost. The opportunity of your life. If you (lo not get a Ana taUnr-fittliy; (taring Suit at B. H. Levy A tkiv’s. hi ’ fcrVpricex. FUN WITH THE HOMECLUB FOUR STRAIGHT GAMES LOST AT MOBILE. Savannah the Tail End of the League- New Orleans, Mobile and Nashville the Winners of Yesterday’s Games— Changes in the Home Nine—Pike, McAdams and McArthur Released and Murray Re-signed. The home ciub received its fourth defeat at Mobile yesterday, and is now the tßil ei.d of the league. The ' -suits of the day’s games were: [savannah 8, Mobile 13. New Orleans 10, Charleston L Nashville 12, Memphis 5. The mako-up of the home team will l.e considerably changed before the New Or leans series is played this week. McAdams and Pike have been released, and McArthur will be sent adrift in a day or two. Tommy Murray has been signed to play thiid base, and loft last night to join the club in New Orleans. Manager Morton was anxious that Nichols should join the dub on its return here, but the borne management eo.isirier it unwise to go much further with the present team unless it plays better ball than it has been playing for the past week, and Nichols will probably pitch in to-morrow or Tuesday's game if he reaches New Orleans in time. The club w ill play there to-morrow and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, returning home in time to open the season here on May 7 with Charles ton. game at Mobile was lost sim ply because the Gulf City team played ball and Savannah did not. The result was not at all sun vising to those of the club's track el's, who have been losing money ever since the season opened and who are about as anxious as anybody for a change. The directors say that if the present team cannot win they will put one in the field that can, and that is what the Savannah base ball public wants to see done. Mobile’s Fourth Victory. Mobile, April 30.—A dull and uninter esting game was played to a small audience to-day. Kelly’s arm being sore, Neepoff was put in the box. After the fourth in ning, the game being thirteen to three in favor of Mobile, the locals let up and al low'd Savannah to make five runs. Duffee and Omnpau did some good batting. Duf fee got hurt and Hayes tong his place. The score was as follows; SAVANNAH. A.fl. R. B.H P.O. A. E. PeltZ, C. f 5 8 2 3 1 2 Catnpau. r. f .... 6 1 2 1 0 0 Hutchinson, 3i> 5 0 113 1 Brower, lb 5 1 a 11 3 1 Reilly, s. s 5 1 2 3 2 1 Stonier, p 4 1 0 0 7 1 Euuslie, r.f 4 0 110 0 Parker, Sb 4 1 13 3 0 Pike, c.., 4 0 0 5 2 0 Totals 41 8 11 27 20 6 , MOBILE. A.B. R. B.H P.O. A. E. Klusman, 2b r. 2 2 3 5 1 McVey, c 5 2 2 3 1 0 Behan. 1b 5 3 2 14 0 1 Flynn, 3b 5 1 1 1 2 0 Bright, s. s 5 2 2 2 1 2 Haves, c. f 2 0 0 2 0 0 Duffee. c.f 3 2 2 0 0 0 Masran, r.f 5 1 3 2 0 2 Neepolf, p 5 0 1 0 4 0 Lewis, hr. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 44 18 15 27 18 6 SCORE BY INNINGS. Mobile 4 3 0 6 0 0 0 0 0-13 Savannah 2 1 0 0 2 2 1 0 0— 8 Earned runs- Mobile 2. Savannah 3. Two haw hits—McVey 1. Three base hits liuffee !. Catnpau 2. Flint base on ort lls Somers 5. Struck out -Neepoff 2. Somers 3. Passed balls—McVey 2, Pike 4. Umpire -Atkinson.’ Time —l Hour and 55 minutes. Charleston Almost Shut Out. New Orleans, April 30.—The press jumped on to the team and the boys went in and played a great game to-day. They got on to Dronby w ith a vengeance, knock ing him completely out, and making 6 earned inns i:i the first inning. They made 13 hits in four innings. Mc- Laughlin finished the game. Hines covering second base nicely. Only six hits and one run were made off “Barney.” The locals did some great base running and fielded fine. Short Stop Fuller and Brennan carried off the honors. Hoffman, who was picked up here by Des Moines and who was knocked out by New Orleans, pitched for the locals, and did very well, only four clean hits being made off his delivery. Wells gave him fine support behind the but. New Orleuns to-dnv signed Ed Clark, of Cincinnati, who pitched in the Southern League last year, and several other players whose names were not made public. 'Mc- Clelland, Rittenhouse and Richards were re leased. i'ue following is the summary of to-day’s game: Base hits--New Orleans 10. Charleston 6. Stolen haw's-New Orleans 12, Charlestons. Errors - New Orleans 4. Charleston 3. The score by innings was: New Orleans . . 6 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 o—lo Charleston 1 0000000 0— 1 Huns earue.l New Orleans 7, Charleston 0. Two-base hi)s -\V. Ft lifer 1. Base on hit by pitcher- -By Dronby 1, by Mc- Laughlin 1. Total bases on hits—New Orleans 20. Charles ton 6. First base on errors—New Orleans 2, Charles ton 8. First base on called balls—New Orleans 3, Charleston 3. Left on bases—New Orleans 10. Charleston 4 Struck out—By Hoffman 3, by Dronby 2, by McLaughlin 3. Piss** l noils—Grady 2. Wells 1. \\ il<t pitches by McLaughlin l: Balls called—On Hoffman 35, on Dromly 34. on McLaughlin 35. Strikes called -Off, Huffman 33, Dronby 34, McLautrhllu 37. Double plays- IV. Fuller.' letas and Cartwright, Williams. McLaughlin and Powell. Umpire-Tony Suck. , Time of game, 2 hours and 10 minutes. Nashvillo Knockn Out Memphis. Nashville, Tenn., April 30. —Nashville ensily defeated Memphis to-day in a game that, was too one-sided to bo interesting. Nashville led from the start and won as she played. The score by innings was: N.ushville 2 13 l i> 0 0 0 o—l 2 Memphis. 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1-5 Batteries Nashville: Bradley and Nicholas. Memphis: Smith and Croltv. Base Hits Nashville 18. Memphis 13. Errors—Nashville 5, Memphis 11. Nashville pin vs the next series in Mem plus, beginning Monthly. Games Elaowhere. At Pittsburg- Chicago 00000010 1— 2 Pittsburg 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0— (1 At Baltimore — Baltimore 2 3 5 0 8 1 l 3 8-21 Metropolitan . .. 1001 2 810 0— 8 At Washington— Washington 10000011 I—4 Boston 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 x— 6 At Indianapolis— Indianapolis 00004 0 1 1 6 12 Detroit. 84 0 00007 x—l 4 At Louisville the Cincinnati club was de tained by wrack, and the game was given to Louisville by a scons of oto 0, under the rules. At St Louis— St. Louts 04 2 5 9 800 X—3B Cleveland 1010 3 034 x—ll At Philadelphia— Athletic 3 0 0 4 0 0 1 3 o—lo Brooklyn 0100010 5 2—o At Philadelphia— Philadelphia (106000 o—ls New York 4 0 0 1 l l 3.-9 Seven innings only were played on ac count of danuum Around the Bases. RuhwriptioM IvmH *o the stock of the Birmingham Base Ball Association have been opened in the Magic City. The New Orleans Picaj/nn? says that Southern League players are as superstitious as any other Dalltoseers. During a game at Mobile a day or two ago the Mobiliaus cor ralled a goat in right field and held or. to him as a maacotte. They bod three runs and looked like .sure winner*. Welriand Vaughn wore on the '3 ■:vers’ bench and auxiouslv looked around for a maacotte to counterbal ance Cue moons capture, filially a yonow dog came near the bench, and the two catch ers lured him into captivity. Tiiov held on to the dog until the New Orleans nine pot into the lead, and then gave him his liberty. SOME PORT STATISTICS. Vessels Arrived in Savannah During the Month of April. The News gives to-day the number of vessels arriving at this port for the month of April, with their rigs, nationality and tonnage. The number doer, not include the arrivals at Tybee, but only the vessels which have actually arrived at the wharves, and have discharged and loaded, or are loading: Stctim ships. Harks. Schooners. Total. American 26 2l 47 Norwegian 9 .. German 2 .. 2 British 2 .. 3 Italian 1 ~ Austrian 1 . Swedish 1 .. 1 Russian 1 .. 1 Total 26 17 21 61 The tonnage was as follows: Steam. Salt. Total. Ameaican. .2 46,108 8,830 54,438 Norwegian 4,598 4,628 Ctenwm. 884 884 B rids 11 856 866 Jtalian 786 786 'Austrian 793 763 Swedish 593 598 Russian 421 42! Total 46,108 17,186 A3,294 A comparison with the month of March shows quite a falling off, both in the num ber of vessels and in tonnage. There were seven vessels less last month, three of which were steamers and Tour sailing vessels. There were altogether 10,348 tons less, of which 8.860 tons Were of steam and 1,980 tons sail. The falling off in steam tonnage was due to the fact that two of the largest coastwise steamers, the City of Savannah, of the New York line, and the City of Macon, of the Boston line, are at present laid up repairing. There was also one French man-of-war in port during the month and one steam yacht. AT THE COURTS. The Trustees’ Report In the Schuetzen Gesellschaft Case Filed. There was filed in the Superior Court yesterday the report of the trustees and re ceiver in the ease of Simon Guckenhbimer, Jacob Paulsen, et al. complainants, and the Savannah Schuetzen Gesellschaft, et al., de fendants. An order was granted requiring certain bondholders to present their bonds to the trustees before June 6. The case of George B. Nash, plaintiff in certiorari, vs. John F. Carpenter, defendant, in certiorari, was argued and the decision of the court was reserved. Motions for new trials were filed by the attorneys of Isaac Wesley, convicted of rape, and A. E. Morgan, convicted of as sault and battery. Orders were passed that briefs of evidence in the two cases be filed and that argument be heard on May 7. The court adjourned until Thursday. At Law About a Horse. The sealed verdict rendered Friday by the Superior Court jury in the case of \V. T. Birch vs. W. J. O'Brien, was opened yester day morning in court. The suit was over a trotting stallion, Susong, which was valued at id,ooo, poth parties to the suit claimed an interest in the horse. The plaintiff put in a claim for services and expenses for training the horse, and the defendant put iu a counter claim for feeding anil taking care of it. The jury decided that the de fendant should keep" the animal and pay the plaintiff $55 50. City Court Caeca. Motions for new trials were filed in the City Court yesterday in the following eases: A. A." Smith vs. the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia: Darnell & Susong vs. J. Ben Wilson; J. D. Fiske vs. Wylfv & Clark; John H. Fox vs. Thomas Henderson. AT~THE THEATRE^ The Van Tassel Dramatic Company’s Week’s Engagement. Miss Cora Van Tassel and company will begin a week’s engagement at the Theatre to-morrow night, opening with “Function, the Cricket,” and changing the bill nightly. Miss Van Tassel has been playing very suc cessfully in the South, and has everywhere received the most favorable notices. * In her appearance as the “Cricket” in "Fanclion” she is spoken of as having an exceptionally tine conception of the charat-ter. The play is a popular one. and iu it Miss Van Tassel has succeeded. The company is pronounced a good one throughout, and will appear during the week in a variety of popular plays, among others, “Esmeralda,” "Hazel Kirke,” “Leah,” and the “Hidden Hand.” Popular prices, 15c., 35c., 85c., and 50c., will prevail. Brace Up. You are feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, you are bothered with headache.' you are thigety. nervous and generally out of sorts, aud want to brace tip. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines or bitters, which have for their basis very eheap. bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of liver and kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Kurb a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle, at Lipprnau & Bros.’ Drug Store. Straw Hats! The best Straw flat for 35c. in tho city; also the best Silk Searf for 35c. at the P.i'inn : Y"w York Clothing House, HO Con gress street. Are You Going To purchase Groceries this week? Tf so, don’t fail to drop in and see us. You will find plenty good things, a large stock to select from, of the best quality and very lowest prices. We know a visit will repay you. and wc shall lie glad to see every one of you, large buyers and small buyers. Strauss Bros’, -d and it'.’!,, Barnard street. Fiend Gutman’s advertisement in this paper. _ Blankets I Blankets 1 Now is the time to put away blankets. Send to Savannah Steam Laundry, 1.31 Con gros< stn>et, and have them properly cloanod. Satisfaction guaranteed. A Verdict of Guilty Of criminally bad taste will lr cheerfully admit ted if w cannot show the most stylish and per toot titling Suits for Gents in Savannah. B. H. Levy & Bro.. 11l Congress. A Hole in Your Sock, Replenish from B. 11. Levy* Bro.’s seasonable exhibit of Dents' Fine Hosiery, also Underwear, Dress Shirt*, etc. Choice Creamery 35c. per pound, at Cooper’s. Imported Swiss Cheese, French and Turkish Prunes. Strauss Bros. Speaking of Variety, B. H. Levy & Bro.'s display of Gents', Youths' and Boys' Suits about exhaust* the variety of fashionable fabric* now In vomie BUILDING IN APRIL. Thirty-Seven Permits Issued by the Clerk of Council. Thirty-seven building permits, principally for dwelling houses, were issued from the Clerk of Council’s office during April, as follows: Elizabeth Thompson, two-story house, Hall street. William Falconer, toil dwelling houses, West Boundary street. A. F. Churchill, dwelling, Bolton street lore. Salomon Cohen, six bouses, Lincoln street. Jane Albert, frame dwelling house, East Broad street. Daniel \\ allbour, frame dwelling, Gwin nett street. G. M. D. Riley e o dwelling, Henry street. Mrs. Rosanna . tmith, two frame tene ments, Bay street. M. C. Metzger, two frame tenements, Bay street. Patrick Burns, frame dwelling, Stewart street. John A. Lutz, frame dwelling, Henry street. 11. S. Oppenheimer, two frame dwellings, Gwinnett street. Mrs. J. V. Hicks, two frame dwellings. St. Thomas street. Mrs. M. J. Strickland, frame tenement, Wilson street lane. Mrs. Sarah Pruilhomme, four frame dwell ing houses, Duffy street lane. D. B. Lester, irarne house, Boltou street lane. The Ruddy River Of life is the blood. From it the system re ceives all its material of growth and repair. It bathes every tissue of the body. How necessary, then, that the blood should be kept pure and rich. Dr. Pierce's “Golden Medical Discovery” is the great blood food and blood purifier. It is a sovereign remedy for all diseases due to impoverished blood, consumption, bronchitis, weak lungs, scrof ula, influenza and kindred diseases. From Hon. Joel A. Billups. Madison, Ga., April 20,1887. Mr. 11. A. Peteet: Dear Sir—Until about three months ago I could not procure glasses that would enable me to read, at night without serious discomfort. I had tried pebbles and various styles of glasses, but by reading for any considerable length of time, particularly at night, my eyes were fatigued aud gave me pain. In January last, induced by testimo nials froni friends in Macon, I procured a pair of “Hawkes' Crystalized Lenses,” as sold by you. aud have found them so clear, soft and brilliant that I read for hours at a time, by day or night, without experien cing any discomfort or sense of fatigue. To that extent, at least, my eyes have been benefited, and at times I read both written and printed matter without the aid of glasses. They are certainly the most per lect glasses I have ever used, and as such I take pleasure iu recommending them. Re spectfully yours, J. A. Billups. All eyes fitted with these famous glasses at the drug store Of Osceola Butler, Savannah, Ga. Every pair warranted. Artesian Water for All. The artesian wells at the water works are nearly completed, and before many days pure water will flow' to all parts of the city. Mr. R. T. Barbour, at his store, coiner Hall and Price streets, has an elegant assortment of pure Groceries, and invites especial atten tion to his large supply of fresh Fancy Crackers, consisting of Oswego, Alberts, Chocolate Drops, Milk, Cream, Graham Wafers, Wine. Fruit Biscuits. Butter Wa fers, Butter Biscuits, Sea, Foam Wafers, “Wine, Beatrice, etc. That’s a Pretty Tie. You can find a beautiful display of Neckwear at. B. H. Levy & Bro.’s, 161 Congress street, at low prices. Fresh assortment Fancy Biscuits. Strauss Bros. __ Choice Pig Hams 14c. tier pound, at Cooper's. A Great Success. Attention is directed to the card of the Savannah Steam Laundry, which ap pears in another column. The success of this enterprise has been beyond all expecta tion, and the quality of the work turned out is not excelled by any laundry in the coun try. The most improved machinery is used in every department, anil the clothes are not injured in any way, but come from the va rious machines perfectly washed and finished in such a manner as to be hardly distinguished from new work. Orders are promptly attended to and satisfaction guar anteed. ’ I’ll Bet You a Hat That the prettiest line of Gents’, Youths' and Bovs’ Stiff and Straw Hats iu town can be seen at B. H. Levy <St Bro.’s, 161 Congress. Very Choice Teas 50c. per pound, at Cooper’* Rock bottom prices on Sugars, Rice, Soap. Starch. Strauss Bros. Useful Knowledge. Iu buying a Stove, rommiber this: Ist, Get one that is generally used, or there may be difficulty iu obtaining the repairs. 2d, Don’t have a lightly--casted one at any price; it won’t last, and you can generally detect this by the thinness of the movable pieces on top and a comparison with acknowl edged strong ones. 3d, S that the oven is broad and deep, with movable plate to clean at the bottom, and openings into back flues on top. 4th, Use one of Lovell & Lat- TlMore’s Acorns or Farmer Girls. Personal. If the very stout and portly gentleman who remarked that he always had bis clothing made, to order because he couldn't get a “ready-made’’ fit. will call nt 11 H. Levy & Bro.’s, 161 Congress street, lie will find elegant Spring and Summer Suits that will til him toaT. tVe make a spe cialty of extra, and special sizes in Gents' Suits, Choire Claret Wine $1 per gallon, at Cooper's. My Coffees are the finest and the cheapest. Coojier, 88 Whitaker street. Buy on- brands of flour, SOU Will Is- satisfied. Strauss Bro*. Few Words, but Solid Facts Is the heading of anew “ad” which ap pears in our columns, aud wo invite our readers to give it their attention. For gen uine bargains there is no place like the Popular Dry Goods House of David Weis bein. One special feature wo desire to comment upon, and that is his reliability. You don’t get, fooled; you will always find his bargains just as ho represents them, and that is the reason why hi:: store is always crowded with customers. Those who desire dress goods at half value are advised to call at once and secure the choicest pick. X. M. NT ’ The Summer Goods at the Crockery House of James S. Silva & Bon, 140 Broughton. There is no reason why every good citizen should not keep cool this summer. The above named firm have a cool store where they offer for sale the best makes of Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Ire Picks, etc. If the flys bother you try the latest fly fan. Picnic Baskets, the nicest in the city, and hammocks, the liest and cheapest, are for sale there. And one w ill find u world of trouble saved by use of one of those little Kerosene Stoves. All the little summer com forts can lie found at Hus complete establish ment of James 8. Silva & Son. Whose Boy Can go untidy or iU-dWaed while 11. 11. Levy 4 Bro lead in variety of Boys’ Rulthand low price** HIDDEN A BATES S. M h STARTLING! T.HGURES do not lie, in fact are to be T upon when the quality of pen< N thoroughly guaranteed that should;,, ar ” o ever > purchased that is not exaetlv , n ’ cI sented that we hold ourselves re*jV. lePre aud willing to refund money. ' V ’ aQ *‘oui COAYKUS. CHEET MUSIC at from 2c. a eopv m, 77,"' V the latest pieces received as published. 0 ! the largest stock carried by any house nm l' 1 of New York city. J ollse °Gtside ML’SICA L MERCHANDISE.-We ' thing for sale that comes under this including Fine Violins, Guitars, Banjos Are™!,’ ons. Autoharps. Harmonicas, Flutes r Music Boxes, Strings. Odd Pieces of & ments, and in fact everything that can nTtS 1 ’ be wanted in this class of goods. S 4 RTIST MATERlALS. —Everything frnm 7 7*. brush up to the largest size stretSS™ Tube Paint*, Pallet:re, Easels, Tourists’ (2 Materials for wax and I‘aper Flowers etc ” . Our stock complete and new goods received d a ;i v . PICTUERES AND ' } handsome Oil Pauilmg in nice gilt frsL. t>r only $2 50. A large assortment and liaio tints at 50c. each. Frames m a d; order from over 300 styles of Moulding at wf? than New York prices, und orders are execmM promptly and work guaranteed. ea STATIONERY for the people, and at O that not only please but increase our salw Assortment embraces all the newest and law styles of flue, correspondence papers, shopnine calling and address memorandum books for ladies. Pens, Inks, Mucilage, Steel Pens Lm* perx'U*. etc. An examination will interest an,! profit you. a A BOVE are a few of the goods offered, all f op I V cash ami at cash prices. We have besides above staple goods an immense assortment of Novelties, Japanese Goods, Stereoscopes, Vje s Albums. Pocket Books. Music Racks, Musk Rolls, Easels, Cabinets, etc., etc. Come and see us. L. & B. S. M. E. STOVES. Ladies, Be Careful OF YOUR HUSBANDS’ LIVES, YT7E say this to you. ladies, because it is t V your power to do that wliieh will give them great comfort and contentment ; and it is generally admitted that, a contented mind, in addition to being a continual feast (as the old copy books used to inform us), is the surest pro longer of life and preserver of health. To do this successfully you must persuade them to procure you an IROK KING OR A Cotton Plant Stove, The use of these Stoves insures WELL COOKED FOOD, and FOOD WELL COOKED will always be easily DIGESTED. EASY DI GESTION renders a man nt peace with himself and all mankind, and when a man is at peace with himself and all mankind, be is usually kind and generous to his family; hence we would say to the ladies that there is no surer prelude to a successful request for a uew hat, new, new boots, new horse, new carriage, house, or anything than a good dinner WELL COOKED and cheerfully partaken of. and thera is no surer method of COOKING A GOOD DIN NER than by the use of an IRON KING or a COTTON PLANT STOVE. For sale by John A. Douglass & Cos., 161 BROUGHTON STREET, BAVANNA H, - - G-A. MAC IIINERT. iiiry! feiiry! Cheap and Good anil Easy Terms, i EIGHT-HORSE POWER HORIZONTAL T FIRE BOX BOILERS (new). 1 Fifteen-Horse Power (second-hand) Return Tubular Boiler. 1 Fifty-Horse Power (uew) Return Tubulaf Boiler. 2 Thirty-Horse Power (new) Return Tubular Boilers. 1 Twenty five-Horse Power (niwl Return Tubular Bo'iler. 2 Twelve-Horse Power Horizontal Centr* Crank Engines, on sills (new). 2 Eight-Horse Power Horizontal Side Crank Engines, on sill* (new). 1 Eight-Horse Power (second-hand) Horizontal Side Crank Engine, on wheels. 1 Six-Horse Power llonzontal Side Crank En gines, on wheels (new). 2 Six-Horse Power Horizontal Side Crank En gines, on pills (new i. Also, Circular Saw Mills, Saws, Belting, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Gods, Inspirators, etc. Ad dress Schofield's Iron Works, MACON, GEORGIA. COAL AND WOOD. _ Coal &.Wood AT—■ Reasonable Prices. DIXON & MU RPHY Office No. 6 Draytoa street. Telephone No. 6S. Wharves Price ami Habersham STEAM LAI!3U>RY. SAVANNAH STEAM LAINDHY, 131 Congress Street. Blankets r d Lace Mini Cleaned as Good as New. SEE OUR NEW REDUCED PRICE LIST WorltCnlled For.und Delivered. EDU< ATIONAL. „„ The Park Collegiate School (Family and day) for a limited number of Bo* 68 EAST strim STREET. NEAV YORK CITY. (Near Central Park.) Tin* School prepares for College, Beirut 1 School* un.i Huslih’-m; is i .regressive and I lb on gli. employing only experienced teaem’r*. “ the mi iioiutment - are excellent. In addition chamc il Instruction and lunct•" are g . Dnu. rag. Free Hand and MrcUank'ajaßalh trlull {mill w ork < ’lrcuhir* or other jig l ’’”' ", uuiv bo received by addressing the j l ”"'JP 4 K|,Mlllt K. PHILLIPS. TOSSMEMSS^g loaohtKxl. tc. Iw'f M*ml a vjlMblaWWlUjjC o! chr." A trt. F U C.rO w Lons