The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 04, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 THE curs LAND SALE. TWELVE BLOCKS OF THE DILLON TRACT SOLD FOR $27,890. An Advance of $1,190 Upon the Min imum Valuation The Highest Priced Lots Yot Unsold- -Who the Purchasers Are and What They Paid for the Property. A crowd of a hundred or mom people gathered around City Marshal R. J. Wade when he mounted a rickety table in front of the county court house, yesterday forenoon to sell twenty-five blocks of the Dillon tract. Among those present w ere the members of the Council Committee on City Lots. The land lies between Seventh and Twelfth and Barnard and Fiorance streets. The portion put up for sale comprised per haps a little more thjpi one-halt of the whole tract purchased by the city less than a year ago for $60,000. All of the streets, eleven in number, passing through the original tract were reserved by the city, and also a row of five blocks north of Seventh street and two blocks south of Tenth, between Whitaker and Barnard. The terms were one-fourth cash, one-fourth payable Sept. 1, and the balance in one and two years at 7 pet cent, interest. Under a resolution adopted by the City Council, the Committee on City Lots hud placed a mini mum r. ice on earn block. These minimum values ranged from $BOO to $5,500. according to the locality of the property, and they aggregated $70,000. Some of the blocks contained eight lots, others ten, and still others sixteen. Block A, lying between Barnard and Jef ferson aud Seventh and Eighth, was the first offered. It was supposed to be the most de sirable, and hence the most valuable block for sale. The mininum price was $5,500. The City Marshal called it a number of times, but did not get a bid and it was withdrawn. Block E, bounded by Eleventh and West Twelfth and Hama ixl and Jefferson, was the second put up. It contains ten lots and the mini mum price was $3,000. Mr. C. H. Dorsott started it at $2,000. Someone bid $5O more, and then it raised $lO and $5 at a time until it reached $2,250, when it was knocked down to Mr. Dorsett. After that four blocks were withdrawn before a bid could be obtained. Except in one or two cases there was very little spirit in the bidding. Altogether twelve blocks of the twenty-five were sold, the other thirteen being with drawn because no one would offer the mini- mum price. The result of the sale in detail was as fol lows : First tier, extending north and south be tween Barnard and Jefferson, block A— minimum price ss,soo.withdrawn. B—Minimum, $5,000, withdrawn, i C—Minimum, $4,500 withdrawn. E—Minimum, $2,000, bought by C. K. Dorsett. Second tier between Jefferson and Mont gomery: F—Minimum $4,400, withdrawn, but afterwards sold to Yellowstone Kit for $4,400. G—Minimum $4,200, withdrawn. H—Minimum $3,000, withdrawn. I—Minimum $2,400. withdrawn. K—Minimum $1,200, bought by Patrick Burns for $1,530. Third tier, between Montgomery and West Broad: L— Minimum $4,400, withdrawn. M—Minimum $3,600, withdrawn. N—Minimum $2,400, bought by Thomas Nugent for $2,400. O—Minimum $1,200, bought by M. J. Solomons for $1,200. Fourth tier, between West Broad and Burroughs: P—Minimum $3,000, withdrawn. Q—Sold to F. M. Hull at the minimum, $2,500. R—Minimum $2,000, withdrawn. S —Minimum $l,OOO, withdrawn. T—Minimum $BOO, bought by E. J. Ken nedy for $1,060. Fourth tier, between Burroughs and Flor ence. sixteen lots in each block: M— Minimum $3,500, sold to M. J. Solo mons for $3,600. V—Sold to D. B. Lester at the minimum, $2,800. W—Sold to M. J. Solomons for the mini mum, $2,500. X—Minimum $2,000, sold to D. B. Lester for $2,070. Y—Minimum $1,400, sold to Isaac Rons for $1,610, The twelve blocks sold brought $37,890, or considerably less than one-half the minimum placed on the whole property. The blocks sold were most!v the ones on the outskirts of the tract. The high priced ones were let clone. What will he done with the unsold portion is undetermined. The city may offer the blocks at private sale or readjust, the minimum prices and put the projierty up again. Thai, however, all depends upon the City Council’s action. REALTY’S LIVELY SALES. The Hartrldge Property at Beaulieu Sold for $20,000. Tho court house sales yesterday outside of the sale of tho Dillon property footed up about $50,000, Messrs. I. D. Laßoche’s Sons sold tho southeast part of lot No. 21 and south paid, of lot No. 22 Jackson ward aud improvements for $4,900; the west part of lot No. 21 Jackson ward and improvements for $3,100; middle half of lot No. 28 Curry town ward and improvements for $2,850; fifteen acres of land at White Bluff for $5)7 50; lot No. S White ward, a subdivision of lot No. 2on Gwinnett street, for $2,050; lots Nos 41 and 42 Tanvard tract for $110; six small houses and half lot on President and Ran dolph streets for $’ 600, and lot on Barnard street, lvetween H : .tingdon and Hall streets, for $1,525. A lot on Bolton street, west of Lincoln, was withdrawn at $3 000. Daniel R. Kennedy sold the land and im provements at Beaulieu lielongitig to the es tate of Julia S. Hartridgo for $20,000. [sit and two frame houses, 149 and 151 York Street, west of Whitaker street, for $4,000. J. McLaughlin & Hon offered considerable property, but most of it was withdrawn. City Sheriff (Joodwin sold a Tybee Island lot for $475. The bidding was quite active and showed that there will be a boom in Tybee as soon as the railroad is oiieued. The sale of the Dillon property by the city was the chief sale that was mode. MISS VAN TASSEL’S PLAYS. Tho Company Makes a Hit in “Gyp”— "Esmeralda.” To-Night. The Cora Van Tassel Company appeared fn “Gyp” at popular prices at the Theatre last, night. “Gyp” has a strong flavor of “M’liss” and “’49.” In fact the situations are strikingly similar and so is tho dialogue. Miss Vau Tassel was the waif of rough ex terior, but kind-hearted and affectionate. Her “Gyp” is not so buxsome and hurelly so rollicking a creation as Annie Pixley’s “M’liss,” but it was clever and improved as the play proceeded. Edwin Young’s “Judge” was amusing and Mr. WooJ worth’s “Fake” w as well done. Cl&rke Earle’s Spunish dialect for “Tor rez,” tlie Mexican, was one of the liest things in the piece. Misses Healey and Lindley, as “Clara” and “Clytio” respectively, were good. To-night thp company will produce “Es meralda,” a delightful drama, based on North Carolina life, the plot lieing deeply Interesting and the story prettily told. Books for the Historical Society. The list of books ordered by the Georgia Hi: torical Society at. its mooting on Monday was too large for publication. It embraced a collection of meritorious works recently printed, and contains t wenty volumes on history, eighteen cf biography, six of 3 ravels, twelve on science, twenty-five novels, and some twenty miscellaneous. \ h ” lection*. WO of the most interesting character. " THROUGH THE CITY. Items Gathered Here and There by the News Reporters. Georgia Chapter R. A. M., will hold a regular convocation to-night. The work of grayling Bay street west of Wadley street eas been commenced. Hannah Townsend (colored) was exam ined yesterday by a commission at the jail and was pronounced insane. The Equitable Ixian and Building Associ ation will hold its eighth monthly meeting at the Secretary's office. No. 118 Bryan street, to-night. The Savannah Volunteer Guards will have their target practice at Hohcutzen Park this afternoon. Cars will leave Broughton aud Bull streets at 3 o’clock. Capt. P. Doyle and the crew of the burned steamship Beu Hope W’ere passengers on the steamship Chattahoochee which sailed for New York yesterday. Sheriff B. F. Ballew, of Laurens county, S. C., came to Savannah yesternay for Simon Mann, Jr., who is wanted in South Carolina for perjury. Mann was delivered over to Sheriff Ballew and was taken off to his old home last night. The Seamen’s Bothol, advertised to be sold at auction yesterday, was withdrawn. The minimum price fixed upon the property is understood to have been a trifle less than $5,000. A number of i>arties are after the bethel, and it is understood that it will bo disposed of at private sale. Andrew Patterson (colored) was sentenced by Mayor Lester yesterday to pay $2O fine or serve thirty days for disorderly conduct and gambling in a house on Olive street. Robert Waldburg (colored) was sentenced to $5 or ten days for drawing a knife on William Ponder (colored). Three negroes were fined $5 each for gambling in a house on West Boundary. The cutting and repairing of the asphalt paving at the intersection of Bull and Broughton streets has demonstrated the fact that the pavement is not only a sub stantial piece of work and almost as hard as stone, hut that it can lie taken up and relaid without injury, and a better job made than is usually done in similar work on other kinds of pavements. At the Republican Blues’prize drill held at Concordia Park on Monday, Corpl. George Gregor won the company medal. Corpl. Hanlon also won a prize. Sergt. Spann, who lias held the medal for several years, dropped out just before Corpl. Han lon. Private-Carter was the fourth left standing. Corpls. Gregor and Hanlon are recent appointees of Capt. Dixon. Mr. William Hunter, Chairman of the Trustees of the Chatham Academy, deserves the thanks of his fellow citizens for the im provements which have been made in the old Pavilion Hotel, which is now a part of the school building. As soon as the lease on the property at the corner of Bull and Hull streets expires it is the purpose of the trustees, to remove the brick walls there awl replace them with an iron fence. The block will then be an ornament to the city. The horses attached to two drays and a wagon belonging to Mr. Theodore Sletfinx, ran off on West Broad street yesterday morning. They were standing at the corner of Perry street when first frightened, and they ran toward the Bay. After going a few blocks the wagon collided with a wagon in which Mr. Henry Bleyert was riding. His wagon was wrecked and ho was thrown out, sustaining painful injuries. The runa ways were sfl ipped about Congress street. Both drays anil the wagon were badly dam aged. CROWNED QUEEN OF MAY. The Children’s Party and Ball at the Guards Arsenal. Two hundred bright-faced, happy little masters and misses danced and romped at their own sweet will through the big drill room of the Guards Arsenal yesterday after noon. It was a children’s May party, and further than seeing that no harm came to the little folks the big ones did not interfere with their amusement. Every May festival must have its queen, and a prettier, statelier little queen than sat upon the flower-canopied throne in the cen tre of the big hall at, the crowning last night could hardly lie found outside of fairyland. At the entrance to the hall were three boxes and into one of them everyone who entered the hall dropped a vote for the queen. There were three candidates in the field for queenly honors, Belle Brandt; daughter of Mr. Carl L. Brandt, Dora Cohen, daughter of Mr. Octants Cohen, and Nina Heyward, daughter of Mr. J. G. Heyward. Nearly 500 votes were cast. Miss Brandt received a majority and was declared queen-elect. The crowning took place at 6 o’clock. The throne was built in tlm centre of the hall underneath a canopy of evergreens and roses. The queen-elect was led up the hall and seated upon the throne by the lily managers, Mrs. W. G. Charlton,’Mrs. L. M. Warfield, Mrs. IV. 11. Daniel and Mrs. J. D. Weed. She chose for her king Mas ter Willie Wade, and with a wave j of her wand signaled him to advance to her side. Her attendants were Dora Cohen and Hearing Harden and Nina Heyward and Jack D’Antlgnae. After the crowning the dance went on until 8 o'clock. By this time the little folks were tired out. At 9 o’clock the ball was to open. It was nearly 10 though before dancing was begun. The queen’s throne was moved to the west end of the hall, and the queen and her attendants remained during the early part, of the evening. The ball was not largely attended, but socially it was a most delightful affair. It was given in aid of the Episcopal Orphan’s Home, and the lady managers are to be congratulated upon its success. FLOWERS AND ART. The Floral Society’s Exhibition to Open at tho Artillery Armory To-Night. The spring exhibition of the Savannah Floral and Art Association will open at the Chatham Artillery armory at 7 o’clock to night. The Secretary will be at the armory from 10 o’clock this morning to receive ex hibits. The arrangement of the drill room jand main hall for the art and fancy goods exhibition and the temporary building erected in the gun yard for the floral ex hibit was about completed last night. Already a part, of the art exhibit has lieen received and placed in position. The fancy goods display promises to lie very fine. Show eases have been placed in the main hall, and fancy articles will thus lie protected#from injury. The hanging of the pictures will lie sujierintended by the com mittee in charge of the art department to day. the arrangement of the floral department in tho armory yard will give ample room for the display of flowers, plants and fruits. A spacious temporary building has been erected and covered with canvas. Around three sides of the building are benches aud tables for the display of tl< mm In the centre Is the fountain and on (lie south side are* the refreshment tables. Both the main exhibition hall and floral building will lie lighted by electricity. A display of electrical apparatus, including the new incandescent system of lighting, by the electric light company, will be one of the features of the exhibition. The com mittees were busy all of yesterday looking after the final arrangements, which were about completed last night. The formal opening to-night will bent 7 o’clock and the exhibition hall will remain open until 11. To-monwv and Friday vis itors’ hours will be from 8 to (1 o’clock in the afternoon and from 7 until 11 at night. The C!d and the Now. The eld st yle pills I Who does not know AVhat agony they caused what woe* You walked the floor, you groaned, you sighed, Aud fell such a pain inside, And the next day you felt so weak. You didn’t want to move or speak. Now Pierce's "Pellets" are* so mild They are not dread *1 by a child They do their work In painless way, And leave no weakness for next day, Thus proving what is oil con rest, That gentle means are always best. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1887. ANOTHER HOTEL EFFORT. A Movement Looking to the Purchase of the Barracks Property. To-morrow night tliff Oglethorpe Real Es tate Company will hold a meeting to dis cuss proposals for the barracks property at Bull and Liberty streets. A number of prominent citizens who are interested in building anew hotel In Savan nah have their eyes on the property, and if they can get it at what they think is a rea sonable price they will put up a hotel on the site, The gentlemen who are interested in the matter will meet to-day and decide what they will do. If the syndicate cannot get it at its price, remarked a gentleman yesterday, the pro ject will fall through. lie went on to say that a few weeks ago there appeared to bo very strong grounds for believing that the long talked of new hotel was at last about to be built. The President and the directors of the Central railroad were anxious to help the movement along. Several of the di rectors were in favor of the company in dorsing the bonds for the hotel. It turned out, however, that such action would lie be yond the power of the railroad company. Mr. H. B. Hollins, of New York, the Cen tral's First Vice President, has said tliat he will subscribe SIO,OOO individually towards the hotel. He believes that anew one will pay- There arc half a dozen Savannah capi talis-ts who arc also willing to put up SIO,OOO a piece for a 200-room hotel that would cost with the site between $350,000 and $300,000. The Central would advance SIOO,OOO for the purpose, one-half to be returned and 6 per cent, bonds to be given for the remainder. The national banks cannot loan money on real estate, and some of the other banks have such a demand on them for money that they are actually borrowing to accomodate the demand. Where to get the" money is therefore a question. The syndicate now moving in the matter believes that anew hotel would pay, but the members are discouraged by the lack of in terest which the public takes. Everybody wants to see anew hotel built, hut very few are willing to subscribe, and locations are held high. The barracks property is said to be held at about SIO,OOO more than the par ties who have the refusal of it want to pay. The Two Calhouns. The New York Tribune has this to say of two prominent directors of the Centra!, who were in the city a day or two ago: “The re cent unveiling of the statue of John C. Cal houn at Charleston recalls the fact that two descendants of that statesman havo lieen for some time in New York business circles. They are John C. Calhoun, of Arkansas, and his brother, Patrick Calhoun. The Ar kansas man is a six-footer of round and heavy figure, with a large round face, swarthy complexion, black moustache and dark eyes, a handsome but (lull-looking man of apparently sluggish temperament. He is a planter in Arkansas, a man of influence in polities, although he has persistently refused to take office, and lias acquired wealth. Patrick Calhouu is a lawyer, slender in proportions, nervous in temperament, with something of the spirit and ways of the young blood of the South in the days before the war. It is said that he has been making a dead set in W all street, and has been both fortunate and unfortunate, after the manner of new comers to that treacherous thoroughfare. He was in the Richmond Terminal" ‘deal,’ and is reported to have made some money. The C.'alhoims live at the New York Hotel, which has a fascination for the Bourbon from the South on account of its record during the war.” Over in Charleston. The Charleston Schuetzenfest will begin to-day. Work on the new artesian well has been suspended for several weeks until new tools and impliments can be brought front the North. The present depth of the well is 1,510 feet. Capt. M. F. Harris, the well-known com mander of the schooner Victor Puig, was tendered a complimentary supper by some of his Charleston friends Monday night in honor of the completion of his thirteenth year of service at that port. The Xewx and Courier of yesterday re ported upon what it deems trustworthy authority, that a strike of the bricklayers in Charleston has been ordered by, the Brick layers’ Union. The object of the movement, it is understood, is to insist upon nine hours’ work instead of the daily ten hours’ service now of force. Railroad Clatter. The following clianges have been made in the railway mail service: On the Wil mington and Jacksonville route, W. J. Car ter, of Marion, has been appointed postal clerk, vice R. R. Cantwell, resigned; J. S. Lewis, of Jacksonville, vice O. B. Burrows, who did not qualify, aud J. M. Dye, of Jesup, vice J. J. tldl, resigned. T. W. Jones, of Augusta, has been appointed clerk on the Charleston and Augusta route, vice J. M. Hliefthan, who has been transferred to the Augusta and Atlanta route. Local Personal. Among the arrivals at the Pulaski House yesterday were Mrs. E. T. Roer, M. F. ' Judge. New York; I) Manley, Hagerstown; VV. E. Broderick, Baltimore- C. Wain wright, Philadelphia; J. D. Williamson, Rome; B. F. Ballew, Laurens, IS. C.; Mrs. it. (4. Gray and family, C. F. Gray, F. B. Roberts, Georgia; H. Thompson, W. Thompson, Miss Thompson, Thomas Brown, Ohio. At the Marshall House were William Por ter and wife, Mrs. M. F. Moore, Miss L. D. Porter, Miss F. R. Porter, Miss A. B. Porter, Boston; IV. J. Smith, Way cross; R. E. Flint, E. G. Hpeneer, Brunswick; Harry Leim, Macon; L. J. Brooks and wife, Bos ton ;C. A. Williams, South Carolina; S. H. Griswold, Macon; William Howells, Cincin nati; Miss Greene,New York; H. J. Ravvson, Atlanta; H. J. Smith, Philadelphia. At the Harnett House were* Mrs. J. P. Bronson, W. A. Barnes, New Haven; K. Moran, Cincinnati; Frank White, South Carolina; Rev*. G. W. Smith, Harrison; J. C. Flvnn, U. H. Gaffney and wife, Boston; I, E. Hartman, Battle Creek, Mich.; W. C. Jones, Atlanta; Judge G. S. Rountree, Hwaineslioro; J. li. Bankright, Leesburg, Fla.; R. C. Chitwood,,W. J. Costal, Cedar town; XV. R, Strong, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.; G. T. Blackman, Dayton; T. P. Rey nolds, St. Louis; B. R. Leggett, Jesup. At the. Screven House were W. B. Smith, Syracuse; Miss Anuie Keigier, W. Pearson, Boston; H. Yunker, Thomas Garrett, Cin cinnati; G. W. Perkins, Augusta; H. It. Waidner, Baltimore; M. Lowonthal. Mil wnukee, Wis.; J. L. Adams, Jacksonville; William Hughes, Chicago; M. Blumeuthal, J. 11. Stntts, F. M. Jaltray, New York; S. A. Reading, Philadelphia. From an Atlanta Drummer, Mr, A. K. Jlawhna, Atlanta, (la.: Dear Sir —You doubtless remember me getting a glass of you nearly three weeks ago. I had then given up ull hopes of ever Ding able to read again. The lust three weeks, however, with the use of vour glasses my eyes have l*en wonderfully benefited, and 1 have Iv-on enabled to do a great deal of reading, tho first I hod done in two years, and moreover I have groat hopes of their entire recovery in a few years, t cannot too highly lveomined your glass to my friends. Yours, respectfully. E. C. Callaway, With Moore, Marsh & Cos. All eyes fitted with these famous glasses nt the drug store of Osceola Butler. A Pleasant Excursion. The steamer Pope Catlin makes a very plea sat it excursion this afternoon to the sea, passing Thunderbolt and Bonarenturc, and returning by Warsaw and Wilmington riv er. Excursionist-; w ill have adelfghttui sail and a flue view of the Tylx-e railroad. $2 48 will buy for your btyyfc a Jersey Suit in Brown and Blue, sizes Ito 13 years. Re duced from M A. 15. .lit. -flavor A Cos. THE PELICAN’S WIN AGAIN THE HOME CLUB LOSES ITS TWELFTH GAME. New Orleans and Mobile Yesterday’s Winners —Memphis Refuses to Play With Diostel as Urrsqire and Forfeits a Game to Na3hville-Savannah to Return Home this Week. The home club has played fourteen league games this year and out of that number has won two. The way things aro going now it looks very much as though that number will be the limit. Yesterday’s game at Now Orleans resulted 5 to 3 in favor of tho Policans. The umpire was blamed for part of the defeat, but from the score it looks very much as if Savannah was outplayed. Murray did not make a very brilliant showing, hut that is accounted for by his lack of practice. The club will play in New Orleans to-day and to-morrotv and then return home. The opening games will be on Saturday, Mon day, Tuesday and Wodesday, with Charles ton. What the result will be is not very difficult to guess. The present outlook for the Southern League is not at all bright. Memphis has become involved in a quarrel with Nash ville and threatens to withdraw. Mobile has been shaky from tho start, and is not to bo counted on to finish the season, and very little interest is taken in the game here. New Orleans, Charleston and Nashville are the only clubs that seem to lie at all certain of the future. What the outcome of the Memphis row will be remains to be seen. If Memphis drops out the league will have hard work to pull through, and will be very likely to go to pieces. Their Twelfth Defeat. New Orleans, May 3. —Cloudy weather was not conducive to good ball playing, and neither Savannah nor tho locals played bril liantly to-day. Murry played third for Savannah and was away off. Durmeyer, a local player signed by Savannah, played a fine second base and ran bases well. Both Somers and Aydelotte pitched a fine game. Peltz was the only man to* hit Aydelotte safely, and in one inning tiie latter struck the side out. Somers was very effective, and hold the locals down to three singles and a base op balls. Both sides did nice base running. Errors by Sa vannah in the fli-st inning gave New Or lans a big lead. Savannah played an up-hill game after that, but could not quite get there. The visitors blamed the umpire, but Suck treated them much better than lie did New Orleans. Tho following is tile score: SAVANNAH. a.e. n. Ib. p.o. a. e. Peltz, c. f 4 1 2 3 0 0 Campau. I. f 4 0 0 .0 0 0 Brower, lb 4 0 0 ID 0 2 Reilly, r. f .. 4 1 l l o 1 Hutchinson, s. s 4 0 0 1 3 0 Murray, Sb 4 0 0 o o 2 Somers, p 4 0 0 0 11 0 Durmeyer, 2b s 1 o 7 o 1 Dallas, c 3 0 0 6 2 1 Totals 34 33 27 10 7 NEW ORLEANS. A.n. R. Ib. P.o. A. E. Cartwright, lb 4 0 1 11 o 0 Gress, 2b 4 1 1 0 5 2 Brennan, c.f 4 0 0 3 0 1 Pujol. 3b 4 1 0 2 0 1 Powell, r.f 3 1 0 2 1 0 P. Fuller, l.f 4 o 1 0 0 1 W. Fuller, s.s 4 2 1110 Wells, c .. 4 0 0 8 1 3 Aydelotte, p 4 0 0 0 9 0 Totals 85 5 4 27 17 8 INNINGS. New Orleans 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 I—s Savannah 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 o—3 Hit by pitched balls—Somers J. First base on called balls-New Orleans 1, Sa vannah 1. Total bases on hits—New Orleans 4, Savan nah 3. First base on errors—New Orleans 6, Savan nah 5. Left on liases—New Orleans 4, Savannah 4. Struck out—By Aydelotte 7, Somers 6. Passed balls—Wells 1, Dallas 4. Wild pitches—Adyelotte 1, Somers 1. Umpire—Tony Suck. Time of game—Two hours. Close Work at Mobile. The Mobile game to-day between Mobile and Cnarleston would have been an enjoy able one but for the constant yelling on the part of the audience, which took special de light in objecting to Umpire Atkinson’s decisions. The game was close throughout, Rtid the excitement was intense. Charleston played well in the field and also at the hat, nut Mobile’s infield was very lively and held their opponents well down. It was a fly catching game from the start. Mobile taking in twelve flies and Charleston fourteen. Kelly was hit pretty freely, and Smith al most as bad. Errors were few, but runs were made on every one. Charleston devel oped considerable skill in stealing bases. All in ail, tli<* contest, was the prettiest of the series. The score was: MOBILE. A.B. R. B.H P.O. A. E. Kinsman. 2b 1 2 3 2 2 0 McYey, r.f 5 0 1 0 0 1 Behan, lb 4 0 2 9 0 0 Flynn, 3b ' 4 l o 2 2 0 Bright, s. s 4 0 1 0 2 2 Lang, c 4 0 0 5 3 1 DutTee. c.f 4 0 l 4 o 0 Hayea, l.f 4 0 0 3 0 0 Kelly, p. 4 1 1 1 5 O’ Totals 38 4 9 27 14 4 CHARLESTON. A.B. R. B.H P.O. A. E. Glcnnn, l.f 4 0 110 0 McLaughlin, 2b 4 1 1 2 0 1 Hines, r.f 4 0 2 4 0 0 Powell, lb 4 0 0 9 0 0 Williams, s.s 4 1 10 5 2 Carl, c.f 4 1 33 0 0 Smith, p. 4 0 0 0 (I 0 Corcoran, 3b 4 0 2 0 1 0 Childs, c 3 0 1 8 1 0 Totals 35 3 11 27 13 3 SCORE BY INNINOS. Mobile 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 o—4 Charleston 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 o—B Two-base hits—Behan 1. Base on balls- By Kelly 2, by Smith 3. Struck out By Kelly 4, by smith 0. Passed balls—By Lame 1. Wild pitches - fly Kelly 1. Smith 2. Time 3 hour aud 5 minutes. Umpire—Atkinson. Memphis Refuses to Play. Memphis, May 6.—There were about 800 disappointed people this afternoon who went out to the ball jiark in anticipation of wit nessing a game between Nashville and Mem phis. President Ram T. Carnes, of the Mem phis club, had telegraphed President Morrow iiis objections to Diestol acting us umpire. President Morrow telegraphed til reply that if Capt. Carnes and James Clinton, field captain of the Nashvilles, could agree upon an umpire the game n light be played. (Tiu ton, however, declined to act, giving ns a reason that Bradley was the manager of the Nashville club. Memphis offered to play anil let any member of the Nnshvillo team umpire the game. This proposition was duclmod. Nashville wanted Diestol and would not name nny other person. Memphis then refused to play and Diestol gave the galhe to Nashville by a score of 9 to 0. Capt. Carnes this afternoon again telegraphed President Morrow that if he insisted on Diestol umpiring the games here lie might consider Memphis ns having withdrawn from the league. And thus tho matter stands. The sentiment here is strongly in favor of the i<osit,inn uAMiimxl by Cant. Carnes, and it all rest/, with Presi dent Morrow whether or not Memphis re mains a member of the league. Games illso where. At Baltimore— Baltimore 0 t! 0 0 li 0 0 3 0-15 Athletic 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0— ,3 At Philadelphia— Phnudelplila 20000] 00 ft-8 B *tnn c 1 ■’ 0 rt o l l x— 0 At Pittsburg— Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 5 Detroit 5 1 2 0 2 1 3 0 X—l 4 At New York— Metropolitan 00000 3 10 4 8 Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1— 2 At Washington— Washington 2000342 3 o—l 4 New York 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1— 4 At Indianapolis— Indianapolis . 01 SOOOOO 0 — 4 Chicago 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 x— 5 FREAKS OF THE WEATHER. The Signal Service Observations Dur ing the Second Month of Spring. The Signal Service reports sent out by the War Department give sonio very interest ing information in regard to the weather during April. The temperature for the month was slightly above the normal in the Mississippi valley, and Westward, over the Rooky mountain regions, to the Pacific coast. Tho greatest departures from the normal were reported in the central Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys. The temperature was also slightly above the normal in Tennessee and Kentucky and the Northern portion of the Gulf States. In the districts on the At lantic coast, and in the upper Ohio valley and lower lake region it was slightly below the normal. The rainfall for the month was generally below the normal in the districts east of the one hundredth meridian, except in Central Missouri and thence eastward to West Vir ginia, and from Southern Minnesota east ward to Northern Michigan, and at isolated stations on the immediate Atlantic coast, where the rainfall has been slightly in ex cess. The drought continues in Southern Texas, and the region of the greatest deficiency in rainfall extends from Eastern Texas to the South Atlantic coast, where the departures range from two to six inches below the normal. There has also been a deficiency, ranging from one to three inches, from the Central Missouri valley eastward over lowa, Northern Illinois, Southern Missouri, South ern Michigan and Northern Indiana. Slight deficiencies are also reported in Northern Minnesota and Northern Dakota and in the central portions of California, the defleienej' at stations in the Sacramento valley amounting to about one inch, where the average rainfall for the month is about three inches. At Rocky mountain stations, in extreme Northern Texas, and thence northward to Dakota the rainfall has been slsghtly in excess. On the Pacific coast and in Southern California the rainfall has been slightly in excess of the normal, and in Oregon tlie excess ranges from 0.8 inch at Roseburg to 1.8 inches at Portland. The only stations reporting snow remaining on the ground at the end of the month were Salt Lake City one inch and Mount Wash ington two inches. The month opened with a storm on the Atlantic coast central near Eastern Florida, with snow extending as far south as North Carolina on the Ist and 2d. This storm moved rapidly northward and developed great energy on the New England coast during tho 2d, causing severe gales from Norfolk northward to Nova Scotia. On the 12th a disturbance developed in Western Texas and moved northward to Southern Dakota, attended by general rains over Northern Texes and the eastern slope of the Rocky mountains. On the lfith a storm w as observed in West ern Texas, which moved northeastward over the Ohio valley and thence eastward over the Middle Atlantic States during the 18th ami l'.ttn, attended by heavy rains in the Ohio Valley and dangerous easterly gales on the Middle Atlantic coast on the 18th. One of the most severe storms observed dur ing the month was central in the Rocky mountain regions on the 21st. It moved slowly eastward, causing destructive local storms in Missouri and adjoining States during the night of the 21st, and passed over the Lake regions on the 22d and 23d, at tended by severe gales. The fifth severe storm of the month was central in the Gulf south of New Orleans on the 24th. It moved rapidly norteastward, following the coast line, increasing in energy during the 25th, caus ing severe gales from Norfolk northward to Nova Scotia on the 28th. The sixth severe storm of the month was observed north of Montana on the 28th and moved southeast ward to the low'er lake region, and thence eastward over New England, where the direction of movement changed to the north ward, and at the end of the month it was central near Eastport, but was apparently decreasing in energy, with increasing pres sure at tbe centre of tho disturbance. The most severe cold wave of the month was observed in Northern Montana on the 2d, and extended eastwasd over the Ohio valiey during the 4th, causing the tempera ture to fall from 20° to 40° from the Gulf States northward to tho lake regions. This cold wave reached the Atlantic coast on the sth, attended bv a fall of temperature of from 20° to off 5 in the Middle Atlantic States. Mason & Hamlin Pianos. The new’ mode of piano construction, in vented anil introduced by Mason & Hamlin in 1882, is an assured success, tested and proved, many of the l>est judges having pro nounced it "the greatest improvement in pianos of the century.” By ft musical tones of remarkable brightness and purity are oli tained, and tuning is required less than one quarter as often as in the old system. An illustrated catalogue, fully explaining the improvements, will be sent fl ee to any ad dress A Nice Custom. In pursuance w ith their usual plan, Lovell & Lattimoro are now closing every after noon at 8, which will be continued during the entire dull season. They find this prac tiee very satisfactory to all concerned, for it does not pay to be open later, and after a long day’s work—say from sin the morn ing—among Stoves, Fots, Kettles, Hard ware, Tinware, etc., it is a pleasant relief to get away. Tins firm heads tho Savannah stove trade, and urge particular attention to their leaders—the Acorn and Farmer Girl cooks. $4 will buy for your hoys Dress Suits, All Wool, in Cheviots, Melton, Corkscrew, Cassi ninros, sizes 4to 13 years. A. R. Altinuyer to Cos. J. G. Nelson to Co.’s Gifts. This is to certify to tho public that we the undereigned did superintend tbe Gift En tertainment of J. G. Nelson & Cos. Xbo fol lowing are the lucky numbers: No. 1,858, 1 barrel Flour. No. 3,308, 1 case Peaches. No. 1,417, 1 case Pineapples. No. 1,047> 1 case Corn. No. 3,210, 1 Colgate’s Soap. No. 2,121, 1 case Tomatoes, J. McGrath, C. L. Stbgai,, C. S. Byck. The holders of the above numbers can get the articles by calling and presenting tick ets. J. G. Nelson to Cos. X. M. N. Tho Summer Goods at the Crockery- House of James S. Silva to Son, 140 Broughton. There is no reason why every good citizen should not keep cool this summer. The above named firm have a cool store, where they older for sale tho beet mulct's of. Ice 4 ’room Freezers, Water Coolers, lee Picks, etc. If the flys bother you try tho latest fly fan. Picnic Baskets, the nicest in the city, ami hammocks, tho best and cheapest, are for Mid > t here. And one will find n world if trouble sa vo 1 by use of one of those little Kerosene Stoves. All the little summer com forts can lie found at this complete establish ment of James S. Hilva to Son. Very lino Virginia Creamery Butter at J. G. Nelson A Co.’s. PSP Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varies. A marvel of Purity. Strength and Wbolesomenees. More economi cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in rails. Royai. Baking Powder Cos., 106 Wall street, New York. COAL AND WOOD. Coal&Wood AT Reasonable Prices. DIXON& MURPHY Office No. 6 Drayton street. Telephone No. 68. Wharves Price and Habersham streets. Thirteen Two-Cent Postage Stamps for One Cent and a Quarter. A report was in circulation through the street the past few days that Appel & Scliaul, the One Price Clothiers, were selling for an advertisement thirteen two-cent postage stamps for one cent and a quarter. The report being quite freely circulated a great number of people called at their store, inquiring for the thirteen stamps for the above mentioned price, at the same time laying down 2c. on the counter and asked how they were going to make the change, whereupon the} were informed that they could not of heard exactly right as the One Price Clothiers do not object accommodat ing any one by selling them thirteen 2c. stamps for lc. and a quarter, not ljic, but lc. and a quarter of a dollar, but what they do object to is for you to go elsewhere and pay more money for anything in the Cloth ing, Hats, or Gents’ Furnishing Goods line than they charge, especially when you get the benefit of getting as good a fit as any garment made to order, as they have a first class tailor in the house for that purpose. To those who have not guessed at tne collai'- buttons contained in a glass jar on exhibi tion at their store for a #ls suit and a gold mounted silk umbrella, you are invited to do so, as same will be counted by responsible parties on May 8. Appel & Bciiaul, One Price Clothiers, 183 Congress street. Whose Boy Can go untidy or ill-dressed while B. H. Levy & ro. lead in variety of Boys’ Suits and low prices ? Straw Hats Given Away To every purchaser of a suit of our clothing. To our #2 50 Knee Suit a nice straw hat is given freo which sells for 50c. To our finer grade of Boys’ Suits a white Mackinaw is given free which sells for 75c. and sl. To our #5 00 Men’s Suits, a white or mixed Hat is given free; to our finer grades Men’s Suits every purchaser will receive a straw hat freo of cost, corresponding to grade of suit purchased. With our finest Suit a fine $3 Mackinaw Hat or light color Derby is given. Tbe low prices on our own manufactured clothing remain unchanged. The above offer we make lc induce a more rapid sale of our Spring and Summer Cloth ing. The “Famous” is always on the look out to give their cuati >mers ri benefit. These lint s arc not a cheap lot bought for the pur nose, but our regular assortment, purchased before any thought of their being given away. Come and got a Straw Hat free of cost of the Famous New York Clothing House, 140 Congress street. A fine assortment of Gentlemen's Under wear, Hosiery, Neckwear and Dress Shirts always on hand at reasonable prices. Artesian Water for All. The artesian wells at the water works are nearly completed, and before many days pure water will flow to nil parts of the city. Mr. R. T. Barbour, at his store, corner Hall and Price streets, has an elegant assortment of pure Groceries, and invites especial atten tion to his large supply of fresh Fancy Crackers, consisting of Oswego, Alberti, Chocolate Drops, Milk, Cream, Graham Wafers, Wine, Fruit Biscuits, Butter Wa fere, Butter Biscuits, Sea Foam Wafers, Wine, Beatrice, etc. New Spring Butter. Strauss Bros. Price our groceries before purchasing else where. Strauss Bros. A Hole in Your Sock, Replenish from B. 11. Levy A Bro.’s seasonable exhibit of Gents' Fine Hosiery, also Underwear, Dress Sturts, etc. Did you try our Coffee f J. G. Nelson & Cos. Big drives in Teas and Coffees. Strauss Bros., 22 and 22Hj Barnard. Are You Going To purchase Groceries this week? If so, don't fail to drop In and see us. You will find plenty good things, a large stock to select, from, of the best quality and very lowest prices. Wo know n visit will repay you. ami wo mail be glad to see every one of you. large buyers and small buyers. Strauss Bros., 22 and 32pj Barnard street. Imported Swiss Cheese, French and Turkish Piaines. Strauss Bros. Personal. If the very stout and portly gentleman who remarked that he always had his clothing made to order Ikvauho he couldn't get, a “roadv rns-le” lit, will call at 11. If. Levy A Tiro.';:, 101 l •r.neivss street, he. will find elegant Spring and Summer Stilts that it ill fit him to aT. Wo make a son. cialty of extra and special sizes in Gents’ Suits. Rock bottom prices on Sugars, Rice, Soap, Starch. Strauss Bros. That's a Pretty Tie. Yon can find a beautiful display of Neckwear at B. H. Levy A Bro.’s, 161 Congress street, at low prices. Try our 50c. Tea. J. G. Nelson & Cos. A Verdict of Guilty Of criminally bad taste will be cheerfully admit ted If we cannot show the most stylish anil per fect fitting i-uiU for Gents lu Savannah. B. H. Levy A Bro., 101 Congress. Buy our brands of flour. Yon will he satisfied. Strauss Bn Fll Bet You a Hat That the prettiest lino of Gents', Youths’ and Bovs’Stiff and Straw Hat . in town can be seen atß. H Levy A Bro.'s. 101 Congresii. L LUDDEN & RATES S. i;..\ j OIL PAINTINGS, File Steel Eifflii Pastels, Etchings, Our display now complete and our entire „ mg opened and Pictures hung and ' . ui!l whereon first floor. Gallery and Jw ' room on second floor. ao Wai No Auction Goods Our stock bought to sell, and for the i*. we know and live among. Every Picti, * offer is sold fully guaranteed, is delivered f*. ™ charge at residence of purchasers in citv*' securely boxed and shipped free of charre’Jl* parties reside outside of city. aei la case goods are not entirely satisfy when hung on walls at home, you can ret,, 311 and money will be cheerfully refunded. Exhibition of (lie Floral and Art to NOW IN PROGRESS AT CHATHAM ARTILLERY ARMORY, A SPECIAL OFFER. We will, during the continuance of our clso ance sale of Pictures, offer a large assort ment of Indotints and Artotypes At 40 Cents Each. These Pictures when framed in acheapohrm or oak frame are sometimes worked off onti# uninitiated os fine Steel Engravings, and oftet bring quite an extraordinary price when sold by a quick-witted and talented auctioneer. We offer over 800 styles of Molding; which to select frames for these Pictures, furnish wire, screw-eyes and nail for hanging WE DISCOUNT AUCTION PRICES OX STEQ, ENGRAVINGS. OIL PAINTINGS, While not a first-rate year for Oil Paintings, a aro sellings a great many of those 25x38 gold frames, which contain a very fair painting. We cannot do better than $2 50 each on these, and as they are going fast, we suggest an early selection. KEEP POSTED! IT PATS l. & b!s. m. h, STOVES. Ladies, Be Careful OF YOUR HUSBANDS’ LIVES TVTE say this to you, Indies, because it is ia VV your power to <lo that which will ita them great comfort and contentment; andttil generally admitted that a contented mind, in addition to being a continual feast (as the old copy books usedto inform us), is the surest pro longer of life and preserver of health. To do this successfully you must persuade tliecK procure you an lIION KING OR A Cotton Plant Stove, Thm use of these Stoves insures WBI COOKED FOOD, and FOOD WEILL COOKD will always be easily DIGESTED. F.AK\ ir GESTION renders a mao at peace with ami all mankind, and when a man is at pew with himself and all mankind, he is usuaii kind and generous to his family; hence *• would sav to ttje ladies that t here is no sum prelude to a successful request for anew hat, new dress, new boots, new horse, new carriage, bouse, or anything than a good dinner o LLL COOKED and cheerfully partaken of. and then is no surer method of COOKING A GOOP W*' NEfvthanbv the use of an IRON KING on COTTON PLANT STOVE. For sale by John i Douglass <t Cos, U 161 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH. - - QA. .m i: DIC HMIK miiversal demand tor a PtoMM* “J I Effective Laxative, Of title mH Aition, and Truly Beneficial in Effect, led to the p duction of tlie now Famous Liquid print edy, SYRUP OF FIGS, Which hqs given such tfCi, 'ral it has becorao tin- most pop,lor f < u | ' l '> j ,h. ill’ the age. 11 in the most ra®; wkpn ," and most pleasantly effective remedy b>cur Hebitual Constipation, Indigestion, etc * cleanse the system w hen Bilious or Loan MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE California Fig Syrup Cos., San Francisco, Cal. For Bale by all the leading druggist* of United St '.tea, iti 50c. and $1 bottles. Lippman Bros. Wholesale Agents at Savannah. O*- _ PLUMHEH. —jlT L A McCABTHV , Sneoewor to Cbas. E. V- Akelield. PL6MRER, (iAS and STEAM FIT® Barnard street, SAV’ANN AH. HA TcJcnhout) h. H.