The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 07, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 1101111),VS LONG BATTIJ;. KIVU: MOUJB M A f.I.OTM IN CAUCUS VUOVK FRUITLESS. fth.xlmm Loads Merry on Four Out of the Five with I'nr-oo 11rIi■ 1 n #< Up thfi It,ear Tim Mou’■" * to Abolleli th* OfTlr o of State I'rlnter. Tal.mii anm**, Fi.a , Meyfi. Tlie Hennb* mnt the (waning conelrterlng* bill pii* renting th<> killing of bird* bflwc. ii Will' ll anil Novi'Hilkt, llruifly passing II to Mb third reading. Then after a short exc. u’ivo *< ,skill tin' Neiulte adjoin iiinl till to iiioi iow pti fliji miuftiltbs'* coiilil p/i ii| ion the hills In IliHr linwb. A not hotdeficiency appropriation hill win pi "sculed by Mr Mi I In' Thr I'Bilrmtil < oiiinillton will repnrl ml vorsnlv on tin* Is "v of Mm Gulf rnllronil rhaitei’ hill. Thn lloiisn passed hills preventing the granting of firs* passe* to d.'lllglllo* to Imininatlng conventions, iiliolHiliig t in* of fli i. ol Hhii* l’i Itltor mill p.lvliik th" {irllitlng to tl"' lowtut ii'lliihh* hll<|-r, tiuthot Ling ooulit y jii'lj:" = Ini'-on iiiuirlagn )|i'Pii.”< unit it Joint ii*solntion asking I'on growi to settle Florida's Iml tun win I'hiiin HiMintof Walker lntri*liiis , il n memorial to ttoiinrows for tho i*r**i , tlon of n pnlilio htiilillni: nt Tallahassee TMM .HUNT HltNNION’lt IIAI.t.OT, Tin* Joint session to ilny volisl for Henator Us follows'. , IlliiSlmni. .... ■■ 'tt jvrfjr ** i , i'. hniiw ‘i Mallory ...... ... V fp.I.M .. SI imii.'l I .h.lms i ( rich (H"pi l* II A 1.1.0 T INO IN OAttl’P* Thr* joint ltriuoi’i’hiiitir to nlgliMtnl Jolo.l ho I lull" I Hhitiw Mnnntor. Tin* (list hltllol. resultoil lllosIlKIII .. it? t... mi '■ *ennd Iml lot spiist i .......... IM '■' til Mist Iml lot. stooil t HO f mrth lull lot . i m £• ::: " I't.ti lull lot stood i ' r. uncus adjourned to Tuesday night. upkciai. i.teuiMt.ATtDN. hearing argument* on thn |mwi>r of cut 1 <*ttlsltiluiv to | mims speetal or I*, tin* Jiidielary Committee tins nil ih'esMed itself hiditslijnmtlv to tin* cnnsi.lorn (101 lof Ihr limit.'!', II ii. I w 111 I" th>*v till ilill'i i widely on thn subject tin* hniioatlnti* mi* thin n nntnlH'r *>f such nn’itsuisvi mil Is* Isisnsl. fiiohnliiiu t.hi>ni tin* now charter hill enlarging tin* city limit.. of •Lckmuivlllc In taking In the iiitfiiccnt suit iiiisiu tow ns Hlmilnr i'lmrt<*i will iimlm lily he ttisintisl to Paintka,Tnni|si no.I othci oiti**, including in thorn Hi" adjoining towns of each, Tin* Ini‘oris, rn (101 lof rnllronil nml ot'hnvcoils,rutions nisi. .sum* liutlnl'this rlnss of IngtslntUm nm( will L* enacted ns usual. Titr. n*;\v roi'NTtttN. Or fin* now ismutlns pmjsiNisl, two will prohthlv Is* i-stntilishisl Is*" isiutdv will 1... fo'.u".l from n pm t ol Monroe. and IV* Until W ill ho nmili* from h |*ut ol Manatee Th"* two isnuil l.*s of Mnmss* mi.l Mnnnt-s* ins* tn.mrns" in their terrltor* nml mm wi ll tlfisnl to l> iliv tiloil. I’lio division will Imn great advantage to tho ctUdeti* distant fisim ni* court honsns ns now sttuntisl. To tin* tornmllon of otlior ismnttws fismi Ih’tinge, I'lltqam, Ihsylfoisl, folk nml Altuimn, f liois* Is ismsiilorntili’ opiswiUoii, nml tlloy will pisilmhly tint Is* osUhltshiHl. m'AIMIINU Till* TIIRAm’KV. Thin iMtlnlntMiN* Is nhnwins; umismil run* tn tlw* rnnttw of n|ipis*|ii ini lons, nml ism liiloiw |on|t nml tlmiouKlnv nil tli'uimuts In* foit* any is> (tvntitoii, twin in msn li nvon Inslwius* tin* mnomit Ki nnt<st Is mnoh l**ss Umn nskisl for. Mots* anil itiois* opposiiiou to ttn* (sill tns pis'isspiisito hill isnmmfostssl thnt nnsisms’nilvniniw on thn i*lomlin ■■* wf the two liousos, Imt it is still thought tho KlwwiMv will Is* |s.*.nsl whon liismuht up tut’ Ihrnl notion Tine luli.iinui roMwmsiiiN Noinnof tin* pmvtstoni of tin* lUtlissi.l fN'inmh ion lilll ms* .tiomiou .ls op (toms!, hut It ill Is'oomo n Inw with js*t tap m fow imstltlonUoiis In it*, most lijii.t provWon* It will bo sitnilnr to Uio thsic^ I’m Inw IVrsons fisnn iliirmvnt soot Jolts of tho Hint** ms* ahsvniy hois* |sniug tin* way for thi'tr apts'liltilirnt ns fommisstonors Nlmtilil tho tiill Is* apprtwisl It is Jv-iht Hi.* tlovornor will is*ap|s>mt .1 mt;o' Wnlhor nml M. i ioltnml. of tho Ktiwt nml Sissm.l oir ouits, nml ts'tnln tho pis sont StntoV att<> noiss .ifting tmooMK, Hon, John l' Hrtv'mo, xvhn litis lieen np Is'intisl hv itox IVt rx Jmtge of the t'iivitlt 'omt in the Seieuth Judicial eiivuit, ie Ismi in llnttvlntru, H (' . ami w hen a child wns lux night loins father, thm James It, Ihxsnne, of Elorlda nml the latter was Inter on ehs tixl iJovemor of the State I'he new Jinlg'' was allliVitol nt Met i''i tVill.Ngx', ths'igia, and Is'gan she pixi' ltis' of law at i'ernandina. Eln , R.ssi artel tassanlng ol agi> Hmiug the war he on (lie statf of lien Jew J Finley, and after tlte ik we of iHMtilitica he ivatoiwl to New Yolk i'llx. wlteie lie piweinssl hi' p,otv-'lim until 1N.4, when he reimin'd t,> I'lorida and ixminnsllhe |irueti<x< of law at Ik'land, Volusia isstnty, which has aims' IMN his home He was a delegate to the late tN'i'v'.ilutuenal kVnx elltton of Eiorida. mid foi aax-erwl yeara waa Hiirx-evas' or Vo luaia is'llilt ' lie 1' (1 ."ill pl.x-Vsiot gentleman, and w 'll, doubtless, pixxc a xvtx I o|mhir Judicial oflhvv hi one ol the most tnns'i-tant eirx'iilt' in the State The other nt'pln'unt* for the iila.-e weix' Isuh tixmi t htmgv ix'imty amt unite yx'ung, tlnsigh fully ijahihst for the high tnot BT.\Hnr.t> IN A CHURCH. .t.xsopti ftp ->ler IVn.'iiii'’iwn Crte-it nan Humbuf amt Womi'ls a Treat ee. Mum rtf Nor l .'i* M'.xeM. While nm x t.xw were in piMßtiwx in the Chmvh .xf St. t/svimi\t tH.xmau Oathnlix'', isxnHrt" Ji'ffVwwm stioot an.i HauiUug axo tiia\ ixii V mi.lsx night, a xxwin* mail him past up an>t ov.-itxltx to Fat !v< r ram. tiw tvi't.n "You Ye a humbug amt your ihvtriiww aio a humt'ug K'la x tssfx row' at tln startling Intereaip that amt all oyxw wvix> dnxvtod toward* tlio young man, who was nxainfostlx laKxnng under givat exoiteinent amt hot* niutusniii wxw'thiii£ in wtn. ti "humbug" au.t ''txn,-*4.s' ax'iv Iho .xnlx inteHtgll4e wonts Mi Amtis'w S.'twx'ii. .xno .xf the tinl.sw ixf tlio ohms-h, amwMa. him amt tsxk him by tho arm wuti tho nitnutt,xn .xf leading him .wit- SmUanlx amt with.ait warning tho xa'W'ff fw’k'w .tiv* an .wximary ( ss k.a knife aw: 4ni.'k x i.'i.amtv at Mr ' S.'-Rsai, MaOhuxs htm in tho hand At thn stags' wo oral .xha geotleixieo .sano fix \l, K-HivahaasiSamns amt tbexoMiyj man was wsuvwt amt hmat o<o* to I'ifthoa K-tw aiso. af tho AmrOaMxtih jxroxHm't. At tho tiio I'm*uxor amt ttiat his name tmtr amt ttxat at No hM Hamlatrie axv wna. Vatwxtuj m.ttitii| ho > Mimtnixt txohxrw Jiimiwo tsowna. * \th > fault in tho assvmt ftosiw. it was wi.t that li Wi toe *< |w"t*s )*\ wxiim, imt tv Clf ARt.FJBTON’B COTTON MILL. An Advanraln thn Prion of Stock Wtir on tho OtMl Monopoly. (it A III.i tun Mny ti. Thn OOtton mill I war. of wlii' li umnti'ifi Imslsmti tn/nh'in this i .1 is-.jsiii.l'itit i ‘ mui' t/i iw nml tm Thurmlay wiii'ii t.liu ni"tliiK"f the stts Uhohlers wiis lulil. Thn “Isilhnii," ns tlMy wnro onllo'l, won* I'iiiiiplnhiy snowisl iniil.r hy ti V'lh. 'f fJ.O/KI to I .(MM slim i*i nml tli"'.lit linnnl of iltrmisirs n ii"''ll. Thn rnjsirt nf thn li'.whli'/it ‘ tn.WK that, tho tulll. Ini' tlm first, tlmn hliiiw it < oi.ti Inn tin ii, mini, n profit Inst, your of Altili <i-!, which, lultlnl lo tho hasms by thn I'Hi't.lmnttKn, llin li'i * iilotil, says, wnulil show n |.i'oflt of ovor #‘JI,(KiO on thn loy' i''millsof th** yenr .lost previous to thn rn'oliiiK tli'T'i* wan/i <liy,lit flurry In Ihnatnok mm l<i'|,, nml tho stock of thn mill, which hail I" "ti n 'li ii/' on the lnfirltnt lit went up f I or *r. Title llAllttMfflP, Tho Krnot hntslslilp alsint tlilsisit tou mill hiiKiiii'As, however, is Unit n coiisl'lcriihln |.' >rt loti of Hie t.'ick Is lull I hy iKKir inu'miiis, who ivcic lin I ii. -ill to invest, thnir want ninniis In tin* stock iiiiilcr tho liiipmasion Mini M tviiiil'l tmy. Itcforn the mill wns loir ly stm toil It wn . ilc. I'l sl to Isni'l it for Je.'.'.ii (Uio, Mi per i'nut. of its cnpihil stivk Thn wnnlthy stockholil.i s, of couisc, isi-i --s' s'ssl tin* inotitis of pi'ohs'tliiK t.hi*msnlvi*i hy tnliiii',' up Hu* Is.mis (tl per coiit,.), tint, tin* In iin 1 1 . *t Its of poor Ktoekholilors i li' I not 1 1 nv i* t tin hi.mis of (ivuilitiK t Iti’ltnwlvnN of Mils pi'otisfi.ill, iiinl of noiu so ivenl, lo thn wnll. Homo of them htnl tin* ifissl foi'tliuo to sell out hoforo t.lio stock (tot. Imltiw AO, nml thus esenpoil with III" Ims of i11...ul half t.liolr liivnutimTit, (itliorii, howi'vor, Imlil out in tin* vain hope of stiiiH'thiuK "tniTilnu up," ami Unlay t linro in o mmiy wii. ovs ami "i plums in tho eil v tn nlisolutniy il.'stlttitn lireiiinstnniNNt who mo Hlinitliolilors in n (.f.O.OiHI mill. Kor tlm silkol tlicfio It. is to he h"|ssl flint, the lift'. I It's "I tin* mill hnvo n neh'sl tho ehh nml f lint. Iho t,iiln of pi'.mperil v lun now sol. in. TIIK. OAK MONOI’OI.V. ( Jilll lost.ill hits heoil opit/lte.l oil' nml on for l.lio Inst iloki'U ytmis hy nit nlnetro gns wilt The (ins mi)iio|Hily in this city is it eryliifi mil. Tim people nis* subject, to (In* nrhltrnry raU*n of Ihe one j;n.s eimipnny, nml lot in no menus of risl ri'Hsiua I llolllsnlvis.. 11 Is ti ll" Illllt lll*' prion of nils Ini’s linou y;rinl unlly r.slmi'il Irum .fl lo within Iho lu.l twmily \ I*llll4, hut. I'onsiiuiors of tlm w. n |.| iii or, i's| mi Jall.V 111 *‘l tins vi hnn* I lini'l* is 111. opposition I'.IIS •'• 11111 *llll \ , llissl not, lie tolil lltal tlm rnihiet,ton In tin* price of |{i|.i ntemis mi inn'iNtoo in tholr 111* Hitlilv |ns hills Two of tlirno nlVoiin Imvo hoon tnnilo lo oiy.iml/o n now jl'io romputii, Imt (In* 01. I nmnorn sih'iiim lo li.tvi* ii linn Imlil on flu* nlty fntlinrs. An. olisiiii* lirlil i-iiiii)nmy iviis . I'irP'il snvi' years iikh, nt, thn lu so I of w lilrli wno tho iiinlrmnu of Iho Wnva nml Mishin <'ommllhs* of thn City I'omietl. Fur one Visit I lie nompnnj seeurisl tho isilitrni’t foi Ilf* lit nip; tti" up|M>r w/ml Aof Iho elt v, hut Ihls tt ssius wan u tr.ip Intil hy t(io (jus iiioiiu|s. lists. It,iTvnhsl hoort tntn’ilnnamul Jonli.ilsln* nml nt the ntiil of tlm the ('ltv Commil, hnoltoil up hy tho ffiin ennr pull,i, Kino Ih" eoi'ii ilr I'll'ii I' to Iho now ontiiTpiiso nml tlieelootito I'ompunv explrwl, siuklne alsnit (BIO.iKHt of (iiarloston oupltal. A NKIV hirV'. (‘llltieso nulls, hovvnvi’r, Isuimit, lilNt alwnys whon they on* Imlil In Iho ninn tss'iitii oonturv, nml even whi’U they mo Imekisl up hy n un* tnotmivily. The isirth Utinlii’'moins to have slmunu sonio of the 01. l toy \ notions out of (itaiii'stin nml t*< have ilnvi'lojasl n now sfitril of etitorpi’lio, which will in limn, it I* hopisl, hulltl tiplho * 'lt. v It shook info oxisti'nis* a now oloetrii*' lil’lit oouifinuy, ivhl<*h lil not nsk niii from the olty nml which has now ls*n In smsssis fill o|s*i ill ion for nonrly ii your. The (ins o l..pus l.silusl on while tlm now is.mpnuy wns putlliiM nfi It* is*lls nml stiinctni; its will's nml mmlo no st){;n. Mut w linn tln< liyht.N won* turnisl on nml tin* now iNiiii|tany sis'tmsl tsi Is* nmklni* laiiKivm, tli.* is’topus nt length Is'giiu t** move Its til’s! movement wns an attwkon the roar In the slims’ of ii |s'tition to i'omietl to Is* ii lie wist to eiis’t oliN't lit* light mill's In the stroels. This whs grimtisl. Then (hi* new Khs trie light ('iim|sinv, vvhit'll seems (** he shivwillv nmiingevi, put in n fsTition to Is* ullnnisl to plmv I'.ns iimtlis in the street This |s*titiou is still Is-fore isiutnil mnl w ill Is* wotisl uism ul the next mis'ting. It Is ihitleult tn ivli.ivv it enn Is* eonsisteiit Iv ivCiisihl, Imt it protmhlv w iII Is*. Tin* viellnis of the iS'tofi'is in tho tmsmtime |m tiently inv.iit the iismlf of the tight. I'iffiVßl.'VND AND A BRCOND TERM llin AJh>;;i'il Dosti’o to Deimnutmto That Ho Cam Mo Ro-Kloetovl tlil.V..iil/.m Irltn to (hr Veie W'lk ITurM laist Ft hhiy nfti'i iUHin a |siok:ig>* ivns iv eeivist nt tho iVhtto Hoitsv* mlin' to tltNivei' I'lovi'l.Tiul, Priwlitent. I'ol. lainont, ii|M*ii opening It, fouml a haiiitsviuu* hiekory emu', tile gift of Haiuuol l';um>nter. of l.vm/tii, O. A silver plate on flu* Immllo lihix* tilts insorlptiv'ti, evntently engr.’ivnt t*v Mr f '.'ir|S'iit.'rS ow n linn.l '’llixiverrievo limit, tivatvlont ftom |ns,\ ti lsfy’, " The tlouoi lltivl taken for grnntixl that Mr tievi'lnnd would Is* tvtiominalist and iv elivtovl. Col I sum ml snukst when he txst.l the tnsv'iiption on the plate, nml earned the 'wnetothe liiwhlent That evxmtn>r Isimont leit tor New York to meet i*ox Hill, as it n utulei'stvHsl, hv .'ii*jsitntim*nt. Ho returiiovl t*iday, amt iuavio list* ol the spaisnv jnsl ptuaso that his vsniferetm* vvitli the i)oi eruor of tin* Fmpiiv Sta-s* "had m* fsihlieal signittisinov* nhatever." IVniivnitie |s*liti i tans lion* lire unw tiling tv* mvopt f'ol Isi nioiitV statement. “Mr Cleveland,'' said a New York pel it f elan today, “is not only a candidate for tv eltvtiou, twit i*ex.NHvtingly anxious hi head the 1 leuuvratie ticket again next year He was slnivre as any man oiuld ls> in I'olitii's in dis laving Ix totv In* election m favor of the one term idea, hut since then mattcis Imve nn lergone a eh i ige It ha> Iss-n constantly iv)witl hy Mr. i'le\elandVoj|s nents that he ix'idd not ls> ixmotninatixl or j tx> ehvhsi. I'his lia. nettkxi lum to sneh an extent that he has .letermine. 1 to make the 'attempt, at hast Ol iSHirae Mr lleielaml know -enough al'em js'litio, to know that without theliaeking of his own State he will n't stand the vh.'M of a shew. He : iNxiluvs that ti>\ Hill is his onh serious ; ivmjietitor at I'lwit, ami Col lamont's i mission xx as im.pi.-iionahly that of a isxi.x' | makev, 'liox Hill's loyally t'his partx ," he i>'ti iimied, “is m strivng that he wonM suw|<ort Mr l' e\ els , 'd rwtliet than s.s< tl>e |Vme , iaey deti.itixl ('tie ls-*t wax tonnttcumva mm'it Is'tw'xai t'lexeWmd and lid) xixaiM Is- In a ti lewdly \ i- t fixwn the th'x-emor t-> the lN.snlent, and Hiat >■ what >h 'lev-eland , ha. ha.l in mind ter v.'ttie time. Vile- tee a.ilonnnneut if the t/gisUitlitX' thiv. Hill ’ max ix'toe oti and v|vnd a few days at the \\ lute ll<max" An Indian Burled In Fottere Field. fkWnNM V. w l.* KYenia^NUa, Eagle Wins, a ITwno- Iwuxw, who went to tFw> lia|M'x limiting gtxHinds from Detlexue H>v.|v,tal oil hvnndax. was hut ted to.tav l\sw Eagle M ing was a paxamsiug hmxe, fix>' amt untrnuimelnt. tie hunt.xt tin' lat if ale ami rat avis with eixwgx' Mtni'li.'ity and eagerness. I sit man evil li.sir tiielxa.l >snt x< axaeiiv wlusjs'.xxl m his eat amt he iwr ie to ls- mssx , ueiw nvetrvxn ,\lis to make hi' f.vrlune a. a sliew maw. lie slnsiiisi vxsint.s-tV\t war sli.v| amt ilmmtsvt the Kxai'ts m Itetitmus wxr<Uni\s He lo isl in tttmniie.l ajwimenits mi jexxxl mxiliavt tavurx amt tov *lo’. i-sax SuhHetmt sure ixiHaumMua oxxsl.x'k him. iiM a> it hvwa weak jxa)efw>\a<t mss' EagV V'. i- was exxs-lavi,-. ,x .',.i'|xi Se IvAxo m Ida. k plitll h.wx text .. ixspman alvsit his in" Ham's ami x's.piaw' waxsannsv amt txxre tlw'o wv x xi .i, . Isig IV nvg Ne lAx)xWsnenta ig war stxv tntvnxw with him. He was nyovi |tlavMl in a <>'inmun:tv gvwxT, ami in' leal ivwa"iet' Imtew,.) | |X-*I him the x-cdsvs' nxsguDisis txwussa atwt |4Mit)i.W that aie nnvetel the .Uni that ittrd'ihael l nattaswkst by hi. ew n tnle mni knv.ntai hx his akxaei . ans 1 IP"*' '*l ’’e W mg was W to nest I,'siax m i w f TIIK MORN INI 1 NEWS: SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1887. TROPICAL BIiOOD. Thn Saiwitton U'nfardtnif Mile. Bazalne at tho Moxican Capitol. If got liny the f.i ', s.etivo duel on ac count of an iifTrurit olhnsl to Mile. M'lznine, nli' idy nieiitione't in n devp;ip'h to tho Mons'iNu N KivK, njsi'ial to the Missouri Itrpuhlii iiu from tho City of Mexico, hue tli*' following: There nre no professional beauties in Mexi rn, hut there are women here for whom men wierlflee their lives, their souls and their sacred honor, and for whom they would nneriflee inoro if (hsl or nature had more richly endowed them. Among the lovehe-t of all the lovely daughters of the tropics Is Fitgenie l'.n/jiiiie, daughter of the I'reneli exile, Marshal Ma/alne. who Kurren ilerivl Mel/, to the (let'lllUlw la IH7O, with Ills army of 200,000 men. Mut, you will ask how did Marshal Maxine’*(laughter find a home In the Mexican capital. It, is A fIOMANTKJ MTOJtY, Mnrnhnl Mn/aiie* wit" the repreentative of Najsileon 111., the mini of ilestfnv, whon the latter espoused the muse of Maximilian, ft spirant to Hi" throne of Mexico, and he came to Mexico and marshaled the French troops n - ii representative of the French Em |S'i'or. in the interest of the Austrian Duke, until the still of til" lalt-'l Is.gllll to wane, and then he lieeatnc a t raitor. Mut, while Maximilian was li'liuiiplmid, Maxaitie was a hy|ss'iite, and ditiing the period of his hvpoi ilsy lh" Mexican Emperor, in return for his services mid fidelity, lavlxhod upon him his royal favors. Marshal Mn/aiuc being the representative of Napol.sin, who espoused Maxiniiliati's cntlse WIIS llllt 111 .'illy tin* favorite of III" Ini. ter. and the Mexican Emperor Invlslusl upon him Ills choicest gifts in 111 tpital. Miizhliio Iss'iime owner of palatial real denees, mid he levlcsl trihuto oif the riehest, hiuiemliis; hut. Mn/aiue vvii.s u time rerver. and when Ills Imperial master rennuiieed Ids policy to avoid a conflict with tho United HtiiteH he Isvntne a traitor to Maxi miliau and tils cause, and returned to Frnnca, and Ids history as a French Marshal I* Iniovvn to the world. lint while In Mexico ItlC (IKOAMIC EVA vtolltctl of a Miss lie l,n Pena, n lovely Mexican girl, mid ere reluming to Fi'tine'* left a hoy and girl, hnhlex, fruit of rt lawful limrrliigi*. As a Fl'etteh exile lie Is now in (Hpailt, where his Mexican son is a Leo an ofllcer In the army, lad his Mexican wife nml daughter lire lh lug here In n ipdet way on the north side of lh,* Alciiimht. 11 Is im issi'ssions were nntur ally oonflseiih>il hy Jimre/ mid the Liberal part v, so tlml the income of tho wife and daughter d.s*s imt nlforil them ojiportutd Ill's for extriivugiint display. The Mexi can government, however, Im.s gen erously iilliivvctl them lo retiiiu a home, Imt though n line substantial rosi deuce, a stranger would ask in passing an explanation of tho gloom that seems to stir round and overshadow tt. It is thisdaugh t"f hidden n wav here In the Mexican capital and unknown lo the world, which has heard so much of Marshal Mazalne, that Ims Iss’tt the inniNsuit cause of wind may vet prove to Is* a very serious diflietilty. Vesti'i'dnv the till'wns tlllisl with rumors of a double duel. In one of which the Spanish Minister, Honor At in -tow , was said to have figured hy proxy. Today tin* duel Is still in nl.i'viiiuv, hut there is no telling when the ciassle duelling grounds known as (fliapu!- tejs'c grove, may wit in ns a bloody etusmn ter, as it is said to ho impossible to avoid a meeting, and nrvvs is not circultltisl itt MexicN) as io tho United Statin, hut the soojetv of tin* capital is vvaltiii", with Iwitisl breath tin* result of an impliisl insult to Miss Mn/alne, who, it Is said, was est*ortisl hv the Hixuilsh Minister to ti hall given at the M|*imsh ctisiuo Inst Haturduy night. Kt’HTACK lIARROW is it well known young man around town, a inemlier of the Jockey Club and one of the voting iirisioorntK ho gave a .1 inner party to Special Envoy Hixlgiviek. He belongs to one of the wenlthioat families of Mexico, and his home is |>orlmps tJn handsomt'st within the city Imiit.s. He sold n residence hi Taeiibayn within the last An if Is'ttis Hutler, lhi> noted Mexican OnkMttsl, for SNi.OtH! each, and is said to have lost SH 1,000 at the gaming table in the same length of time, lie Ims no family ties, is fancy fiis' and is of necessity an ardent ad mitvr of Miss Ha/aiue, for Miss Unglline Is one of the liellos of the eapitaL 4nd has n host of admirers at her fivt. \t-the t'.isino hall Mr. llanon'sinvitation to dams' was invepted lv Miss lliinaine, lutt the former, under the intlueiui' of her smiles and rhntni>agne, Isvame ti> demonstrative, w ldeh made it tMsxssary for the il<v>r man agvr, Eloix'mx' Noriega, one of the lies! known meivhant.s and liattkers of the te puhlie. to enter a pn'test and threaten to ejis't him ftxmi the dance liall. Noriega in some wav mentioned Hnmine's name msinn ttoigthat slh>, too, had joined with Harrell in a ('AN I' AN kxhihition amt angry w ools xxoix. ox.-hangist, xrhloti, it is uai.l, w ill protsiMx to a mooting Iv twivn Hurrou an.t tho Hoor nmnaßx'r, tmt tliisxrii.'. not all. Hamm an.l a jus'inlnont .t.H'tor Host Noiichi tho B\\iuls!i Mmistor, who hint Usui Miss |,i lino'-, os.sirt, mnt tlio Mmistor is'tuoiistrjit'st with Nonoga. who in turn his iiit.-rfon'inv, Yngrx xx.uxts )SlSs<sl U' tlio two, HliJ ituring tlio .tisputo Maimol Ciuos, nts.. a piviiilnout tlgntv in tlio Snhrwiok sx', ruslust to tho mu'iio of tho Mimsioi amt itonoun.sst Noriogr* in tho most vohomnnt m.unnor, tolling liim nt tho sumo tuiio tliat inasimioh as tho Ministor .suil.t ni't not (or himw'lf ho xxoul.t not tor him, ami milling by xvtiy >'f onmiiasis that Ni'tlog" was a tilnVkgu.ust. tiioro "as a largo mtniU'r of isuss'iis in tho oluh nsurs, nioiiiU'is. iif tho rix'snt.uK's fatnilv. t'al.mot Hint th>' outiix' arlsUvrat |sxpulat 1011 of Moxi.S', as it is oxpis'W'ix olx Wuug I'isvw'iit Thorx' xx -is no u.'isx 'toifionsfr-ation, tiowox or, amt it xx-, s .iotoriunusl to sot-tlo tho ilitHotilty in a nr\Tt KXt ANt.V V XNNKn, .•i.ssusliu ito tho ''l.t stylo. No .loftnito sot tlom.uii lias xot Ivon issn lust, luit it i< xs'ii K'Uuitly tliat t'.io S|suiish Mmisti'V xx ill itofomt his hon.u' liy |xrxi\y, an.l tliat his n.lvoiva x. Mr. Norto a, will nlwx tiaxo to ansxxxu' to Mr tlarrxxn. Miss tta.-.nno, tho iinusvnt oauw' .xf tho viai sonsation, is ono ot iho ntvtn.'st girls in Moxnsv Shorn nUwit l.i> oi.t, amt. tho .laiiglitor of a Moxi'Mii tnothor amt V'tsmoli fatlior. |sv s.-sus 5 ho oh amis of Is'tli ra.sxs li w is tiio unjxlusi iusiilt txi this young ta.ty that Mr I'uirivn an.t Si'nior Vninvo . txvwnhst, au.t wtnoh, ts'rha|xs. >-ro ainghor sun hi' v't, xx ill tv w :|svl out wit a M > st. I'll.' unxst inioiiM' oxoitoiuont lias |i:> va .\l mss ioix onx' sims' Sauuxlay ingl.t, UlO nn iiiU'is .rf (ho J.s'kox Cluli f.uki'.g si.ios with tho Sisin: h M notor. an.t ysxmig Rar ixxu, who is sant to ts'of Kaglish 'xr Irish ox traoti'xn. xxlnlo Nui nv'.i Iw ills' a tvxst of f.xll.'xxxu's amt is ix' as a nnxst gor.tlo tnanly oittMi. By -sum' it is sn.t that Rats run atn v Nonog,-. wtxm b*> m nti -o. Rs 7lllllo s oamo. txnt this is nnuv talk amt has no t.aimiataai in fm i, as Uamxn is what "xxukl ts' .'alhst "a slim >tn.h'" in tho t'nitist Stal.'s whlto N' is a stalwart alhioto, ox or rvmty to .tot uivl his lionor ir ax oinr.' an mwiit. A Dnolitwt' I'so of Moryhinw. Mxmh (if isshfiw IYsmw. Many masons haxv tvs-n monti'xnist for th.' laniouialuo in, it.-*.! sfato >xf tlio sisnv .xf tho lYmo, s' ,u \Vai,ss twit Iha xx' not xot ss'u any aliuso.ui to a .sum w hioh must Ivav>- Iva.t nmoh to ihx w ith tlio final ,-atos trx'o 'O. fho Vhiolwws xt I'.imlvrlan.t h." Usui to- xim> ti*o Isaak, it is statist, a i 'i.otsi >' tho nso <xf imvy>h;iio in tavgv .Juautii ~-s S!;,. ti-st lxa.t lxssxurw' to ttio wstu ijx-, amt insinuating ,'ixig to wxxtfco ho* ."xs+aht .xf Us nvy.vtj.xn grs'wax ujsxn hor- hxr it w;* hx nmans xt hxysstixriws'm y.s't.on that tho ni'xrjxhum wa takon—Abat .no' U'f.xrv Imr run*.! gaxw way 4m ww*.' .sisisvmsi to its- timuny synugx' with xx hi.-h tho mjo, i ammaV' as many as &\ tins s a <tax This ' aio .xf thing's, .si .sx*rwx, makvs tho * ask ,xf tho .tiXivis w tvo *lv h'whng w ,t I ikx-iV.s .' al. UlO naxiw .saixj l.oaJ'vt a it.! tixtuisw A SEXTON V/ENT HEAVENWARD. How a Timid Bed-Ringer Got a Dread ful Fright in a Lonely Church. The Mcthodtof, church at. Vernon is sit uat'd a mil" from the stution ami quite a dlsto(i's) from any dwelling, say - the Hart ford (Conn.) I’oKt. It has kmg lin'it a great teinjitution to a certain young fellow in the place, who seems to have a mania for cut ting up pranks with church property, and in the prayer-mooting is Thursday eveniiijg and class misitlng Haturdav evening, this good nutured, imiocent-l'! young fel low derided upon Inst Friday uigfit for his latest exploit. With a trust y nee'.tnplieo ho piekisl the lis'k witli u Lmt hutt/m-hook, mui the two young imjis etitensl tho ' hutch. Once In the entry they light/d tin* lantern they brought with them ami proci'iciJ lo get up into the belfry. There were no stairs and no ladder with *.vhi'Ji to climb t/> tin* scuttle hole in the centre of the ceiling, Imt with a determination to cuceoed that might have L*n L*t,ter employisl they took a settee, shmil it on end,and puttingauotie r ono likewise oil the up"' /' end ol the first one, ehmls'd up this impi ov i ' and ladder, and tremhliug with cxcitciuent t'aelied the bel fry. It wns hut the work "!' a few seconds hi wrnpono of their coat around the tongue of tin' 1.11, and then, after exerting every ounce of strength they had. they finally turned the heavy bell bottom up. The tongue was held in phu e hy a licit la.-tolled with nuts. Asa wrench, liable to slip off and strike a blow on the Iril would not L; a safe implement, hi use, they used their fingers to unscrew the mils. One of the fellovVs iii Ids earnestness tore the fled) on Ins lingers, Imt, what did I"’ care for his bleeding lltigers( The longue once out, t<> save time one sold, “Let,’s leave it Just os it is;’’ and down they went and out of the church, leaving the lu ll wrong side up. Now for the sequel. The sexton is a man not bloused with a great amount, of physical courage, ami on entering t he church at night lie looks through it pretty thoroughly Is-fore ringing I In* hell. Last Saturday night, he walked up one aisle and down the other ns soon as In* went in, and held Ids lantern up and peeped into cv ei v nisik mid corner. Everything looked nlsmt, as usual, hut his lantern did not t lirow out as much light os usual In* thought. Then he commenced to Imildjjthe fire, hut Hie cluttering of Hu* shovel and poker slined to reverberate mmsunlly in the o.npty church. Once nr t w ice In* was sure It * saw someone Ldiind him, hut alter all it ivns only his shadow, and when the (ire was well going and he had lighted the I imps lie looked nt his w.itcli and t.*k hold of the Itell-ropt*. lie did imt notice it, was a little longer than usual, imt, reaching up and taking a (Inn hold In* always dtsvs, for ho likes to hear a good loud ]ieal the first, stroke —lie pulled, i'll" rope gave a little mnl then up went the sexton half way to the ceiling. Many times the pastor told liini he should always Ist ready, but some how he wasn’t just then, and he let go and, came down vvitli a thundering hump and t lien rolled over on his back. Ill* looked up und saw tlie mjs* running up and coming down ns it lias for years when (lie hell is sending forth its loudest peals, but not a sound did he hear. That was too strange, and, terror stricken, lu* jumped up, grubbed t lit* lantern and went, out of that church door as if tin* old L*> himself wns after him, und when lie teuehwl tin* item'eat house In* was too sourisl and out of breath to tell what was the matter. In their estimation the Liys surely budded belter than they knew. The bell being bottom up, when it turned over the rope and the sexton were irresistibly pulled up several feet from the floor. Langtry’s Soulful Stage Kiaa. FVom n An" York Lifer. Nothing in either society or theatricals this week is more curious than the kissing of Mm. Langtry. It is done every night before un audience, and it is t in* most, re markable osculation yet jN'rformcd in pub lic. The illy of beauty is enact ing "Lidy ("luncarty." lu tin* scene where iter lm* Lind, whom sin* Ims never identilled as an insurrectionist, climbs into her chamber through her window, in his (tight from pur suers, she swoons away in his a. ms and lie lowers her gently to tin* floor. The husband, if real, would naturally kiss his fainting spouse tenderly; hut. L'ing only a mimic, you may suppose that li* would merely pre tend to do it. Tin l actor is Charles Cogiilati. lie ls*nds low over the Isingtry, vvitli his arms wound around tier. Hhe lies near tin* fisitliglds, witli her famous ftwv turn'd dearly toward the s|ss*tntors. Cogiilan puts ids mouth against hem fairly and squarely; lie holds it then* while one might count five slowly; lie emits /i rapturous s-di-vsMS'-vvivp, and tlic kissed ivature sighs, it is a daring net and it thrills the audience every time. Weather Indications. 1 Special indications for Georgia: RAIN 1 t ims, acconipanying thun- derstorms, variable winds, general ly southerly, stationary tcnqioni tutv. IWiiqsirison of mean tem|s*i-ature nt Savan nah, Mnv it, iss;. and the mean of same day for fifteen yissrs Mrvn Trsvrti'ttrr Pv)>arture ™IOO for 15 ywu>> Mhv iV Iflsr. * Jan. I, lSB*. ras (\mp<rrttlvv ruinfall stmom.'.!!: Me in iNulv Am.smt ' De^ftm V'vi * Moan Since MB 01 ,0M | 0i v. Maximum toinporatiiro M S. minimum tom iwmluts' TO S Tho hoiglit of tho rixor at Augusta at t :."s"i o'ohvk p. in. yvstorxiay .Augusta timol in*, tk 1 f'X't si risw of 0.3 foot duritgg tho \xast txx i'uty-four 'loin's. t'otton Uogion for 31 hours on.l ing 1! |\ m . May tt, ISST, Toth Mondiau time. Dl ~l'-IS AVKR.X.IK. \.sr "s' Max Mia Rain remp r mp uv.i 1 xx tmtactoa n M M .14 ■i Chariest on . s M fiT at A*ignstt ti> M A'- M 4. Sa'.snnah IS NT 6S *iV •V AU.inta Si ai 14 th Mo.itgoiiiorx T S' AI 00 T MohiU l s' (V IS S N "> I'rloans It Si IT 0 0. Raltssstofl*.. ~ 10 SS •V' 0 HI \k > ssl "g 1 Si 47 * ft' It. Ulth K s'k 4 t M 61 .A lg Memphis 19 74 T.S OS Axx'rwcx's St 6 Xl.f AI 'll Mppervi!) I'lC . vMiservation* taken at the seme moment of time at all stations. S\ i"ah. Mu' fv ;> *• r * . c.t\ tone. TVirri^-rmtun* frtmlUtn. j ! a VMtu'itj. j 9 Km <xr s- , ' . N s • iv. - llaii.'ttr i Won iacton tv S XV Pair CtMrtisaim 72 S H F air Augusta :vs K n skiy. Jna'.vx.o 2 S 9 . (.Tear, Jackawn tile 72 S > Oexr Kev West s I iloar A.kint.v ikSW O’. Clear. 1' I'v.ivia 72 tv ' v Wr. 'I --. , n a S'. Clear. Vtasjlgiwnery tv Casar. Vrs iViean* 72 SW a Cvir i'ahwtiw Ti g 12 iTear iVcjsj' I' 72 < K ;l IT i.vs tne 7> > S' t Viar. ITwimilk rs s }' Vstr Kk'ilrtikV 7>S i'll Clear G N S. nw *v Signs! i \ U A Army m Rat You a Hat Thai the r*rie- ini' . Toetta'and swi > .-aw Hat* -a i.wti can he area M R It iie\; g fs* V ' MEETINGS. HAVAW.VH YACHT < LI B There will be a meeting of the Club for elec tiou of members at tLe office of the Secretary'. 93 Bay street, at 12 K. THIS DAY. By order of WM. HONE, Commodore. W. D. Johnstox, SeeiTtary. Orrice op I The Brush Ei.ECTiito Lioxit AMD Power Cos., r Savannah. ()a„ May Ith. ISW. I The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Brush Electric Light and Power Company will be held at \rmory Hall flipper room; mi WED NESDAY EVENING. 11th Hist., at H o'clock. KAMI EL P. HAMILTON, President. 8. S. Gi ckenheimer, Secretary. 1.M0.Y ROAD CO. A meeting of Stockholders of Union Roid Cos. will be held at the office of Wm. Neyle Haber sham on SATURDAY NEXT, the 7th May, at 12 o'clock. THOB. P. SCREVEN, President. SPECIAL NOTICES. CHATHAM M PKKIOH COLHT, MARCH TERM, IHH7. By direction of Ills Honor Judge Adams, petit juror t who appeared in court on Thursday, sth Instant, will report again as follows: On MONDAY, JUNKlltb, Jurors Tilton, Cole, Jackson, Klnehloo e, Iloniker, Sutcliffe, Bridges, Lainnn, Itaines, Hamilton. Heller, liragdon, Cuyler c, Wilson, Daley, Pollard c, Huohell, Kncktik, Morrell. Spencer c, Erwin. O’Leary, Vanderpool c, William Estill, Travis, Lodge, Davidson Jr,, and Dreese. On MONDAY, JUNE tilth, Jurors Davant, Butler, Perkins, Inman, Thompson, While, An derson, Mercer. Civile e, Darnell, Phillips, Appel, Berrien. Porter, Houston c, Carson, O'Ooriuan, Wat. Gearon, Doyle, Orr, Hanley, Brown. Col lins, Einstein. Corls lt, Canty and Cornwell, and on MONDAY', JUNE 20th, Jurors .McDonald, Downing and Malloney. JAMES K. P. CARR, Deputy Clerk S. C. C. C. May IS, 1887. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Snvnnnnli Eire ami Ylarlne Insuranre Company. A call is hereby made upon stockholders, in accordance with the charter. for an installment of TWENTY FIVE do DOLLARS jxtr share of the capital stock of this Company, being the lialance due on said stock, payahlo at the office of the Company, No. 93 ltay street, Savannah, Georgia, to the’ Secretary, on or before the 15th JUNE, 1887. lly direction of the Board of Directors. w. n. DANIEL, Secretary* ALL OF (H R PLANTS Displayed at the Floral anil Art Association's Exhibition at the Chnthams’ Arsenal, will he offered for salo at auction on MONDAY, com mencing at 11 A. M. A. C. OELSCHIO, _GF.ORG E WAGNER. NOTICE TO YV ATEtt CONSUMERS. Watch Works Office, Owing to an Inadequate supply of water from the wells connected up. the change of water will not take place until other wells now near com pletion are ready for service. A. N. MILLER. Superintendent Savannah Water YY’orks. May 7 th, 1887. NOTICE. Neither the Captain nor Consignee of the German bark “G. F. Packing," H. Miehaelsen, Master, will be responsible for any debts con tracted by the crew. S. FATMAN, Consignee. May fith, 1887. S V\ \\\All YACHT CLUB. Members will please call and pay annual dues and receive their badges at Ski Bay street. M. A. CidlF.N, Treasurer. POPE CATLIYBSCHEDULE. Grain) Excursion. On SUNDAY, MAY" Bth, 1887, steamer POPE CATI,IN will leave Kelly's wharf, foot of Bull street, at 2 o'clock p. M., for a trip to Tybee, re luming via Warsaw. Thunderliolt, Bonaventure, etc., affording an opportunity to enjoy a sou breeze and view the several points of interest on the route. Tickets for the trip 50c. Music and refreshments on board. FOR THE YACHT RACE. On TUESDAY, MAY lrtth, 1887, steamer rOPE t'ATI.IN will leave Kelly's wharf, foot of Bull street, at 8:80 am., following the yachts over the course, giving a tine view of the race. Fare round trip 50c. Music and refreshments on board. FAMILY EXCURSION. WEDNESDAY, MAY 11th. 18S7. from Kellv’s wharf, at 2:30 p. m. Fare 50c. Children half price. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals in duplicate will be received for the erection of an office building for the CENTRAL RAILROAD will be received by the undersigned until TUESDAY. MAY 10th, at noon. Drawings and Specifications may lie seen at the offices of Pay X Elchberg. No. 3 Bull street. Savannah, and lilt* South Broad street, Atlanta, Qa Bond and Security will lie required for the performance of the contract. Work to be com pleted on or before SUIT. Ist. 1887, tinder for feiture. Bids will be received either in whole, or for j separate parts of the work. FAY * EICHBERO. Architect*. DR. lIEMIV S IULUIVi, SURGEON DENTIST. OSkv corner Jones and Drayton streets. I Graduate Baltimore CV*'N'ge of Dental Sursery. ILVIKRs LIVER imiHKI TOII. Tl'.is WjHAhlf prrtnraitoi is invaluable for i the restoration of tone an! strength to the sys tem. For Dyspepsia. Constipation and other ! ills, cauned hr a diwrdeml liver. it c*r.r.ot he i excelled. Highest ]Mi res awarded. ac.l in dorsed hy eminent medical men. Ask for Ul | liter's Liver Corrector and take no other. $1 00 a bottle. Freight paid to any a hires*. H. F. ELMER. M D.. Thst-maoist. Saranaah. Oa. ——— " ■ I" ■ M t H.Alb, PARK & Til K< )RI > Imported Cigars. ITRO n.\B YXO, HENRY CLAY, KF'-UJk HABaXEKA. nm: r.; rßrsi’ALACit'L's, L.X YEXI'S. !>x UD> HxKAXO. 1 XCUkX, GARBAUev LA LEUTC RA OFKItAS. GOLDEN i.U UX. EL ESCYPOr A, M.&C.W. West's. PRO POSALS \RJ‘ tflriJi'si v.'ntJ Mat ini for tirkitf ar iitNAn Wft it? Ntfiord, Fk. akom RA4 tTtfiv A \V. S. SXEDKX. Cki.*f KagfaNr J, T. atU K Kj. l\a. Stats op Wuthua AMUSEMENTS. SAVANNAH THEATRE. Farewell Performance Of the Bright and Charming little Soubrette, COBI VAN , TASSEL, and her excellent Dramatic Company, in a repertoire of popular successes. WILL BE PRESENTED THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, MAY 7, The four-act domestic drama. Haze 1 THIS AFTERNOON, at the Ladies' and Chil dren's Matinee, LEAH, THE FORSAKEN. Admission to Matinee: Adults 25c.. Children 15c. pe iple's popular prices: 15c. 85c. and, 60c., during this engag-ment. Reserved seats now on sole at Davis Bros. BASE BALL TO-DAY. CHARLESTON vs. SAVAN NAH. Tickets at FERNANDEZ’S CIGAR STORE and at the Park. Ladies admitted free to all privileges TO DAY OTST.Y. Gram© at 4 p. m. HOTELS. ''popular prices. Congress Hall. SzYT?A/I’OOrzY SPRINGS, Accommodates 1.0(10 persons. Rates. $3 per day for rooms, except those on parlor and first floors. Open from June ik to Oct. l. CLEMENT A COX, Proprietors. IT. a CLEMENT, Manager. THE KENSINGTON. Union Avenue, opposite Congress Springs Park, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. OPENS SATURDAY, JUNE 18th. For particulars address 229 Broadway, Room 18, N. V., or 420 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. PAUL C. GRENING, Proprietor. THE COLUMBIAN, SARATOGA SPRINGS, TIIE FAVORITE HOTEL OF BAVANNAHIANS Opens June ~stli. JAMES M. CASE, Proprietor. Indian Harbor Hotel, GREENYVICH, COdVNT. Will Open Saturday, June 18th, Address WM. H. LEE, Grand Hotel, 31st street and Broadway, New York. NEW HOT EL TOGNI, (Formerly St. Mark's.) Newnan Street, near Bay, Jacksonville, Fla. r U'HE MOST central House in the city. Near I i’ost Office, Street Cars and all Ferries. New and Elegant Furniture. Electric Bells, Baths, Etc. J 2 in) to $3 per day. JOHN B. TOGNI, Proprietor, s \ UPSON. Manager. LE ON HOT EL, TALLAHASSEE, • - FLA. M. L. OGLESBY, - - Manager. Winter Tiesort. Open December to May. Daily Rates—Bl. HOTEL SAN SALVADOR, ST. GEORGE STREET, ST. AUGUSTINE, - - - FLA. {DIRsT-CLASS in all ire appointments. This New and Elegant Concrete Hotel is hand somely furnished throughout, and bus all the modi in improvements -Electric Bells. Gas. Baths and perfect Sanitary system. Rates: 5251 to £3 )>er day. Special terms hv the week or month. N. PAPY, Proprietor. HOTEL VENDOME, BROADWAY & FORTY-FIRST STREET NEW YORK. \ MF.RICAN PLAN. Centrally located. All ,'V the latest improvements. Cuisine and ser vice unexcelled. Special rates to permanent guests. I STKINUELD. Manager. DUB'S SCREVEN HOUSE. r I* , HIS POPULAR Hotel hi now,, provided with Ia Pas- M' vr Klevator 'the o: .v one in the city'and Ivon n*rnr !*•!-•! &ni’newly lur nl&hed. The propriet *t. wh> hv recentpurchase is also the owner of the tstablishn.ent. spares neither pains nor expense in the entertainment of his guests The patronage of Florid* visit ors is earnestly iuvit*M. Th ‘ t-iMe of the St rvven House is supplied with every luxury that the markets a: home or abroad ear. afford. MARSHALL iToTSR SAVANNAH. - - GA. S' D I* Alv Proprietor of " * the Metropolian I! tv!. Nt-w York, and th? Grind Vni* n, Ntrat*>jn Springs. Location cen tral. All parts o( tin* cit and places of inter v- ;v>vv>d!e by cars constantly p& the doors. Spechtf inuu to thuae visa ing the city f r business or pleasure. THE MORRISON HOUSE. One of the Larg s; Hoarding Houses in the South. VFPORPS peasant South room*. pood boa-1 with pure Art isjaa Water. : prices to suit t-• • wUlu.ig tal t v regular or transient uecoin modat; s.s. N witi-ex-t corner n and Dray I s'tyets. opposite Marshall House. 4 (Dill IT-FT AB- WE TIIE SEA-WATAUGA -until r:.i BJoicniie R-*-k. N. t\. onlhe summit < f tb, Ridge. rYtresi water; every thug . , <nif-rtl.le and el-gaat. Lowest rstfx Wnre for fuitbc lcfomittioiL XOTLCK. IVITTV yosj fled it ne essarr to Lave a Stove * * r Kange, or anything in Hardware. the vervhes'. thing you can <: • is to give LOVELL A LATTiSORK your order You then ran feci p vtty certain ts.ti vos are getting it at the low e * mats. for "OI tr hutinaa .s n>J Urr* and tbojv'Uhiy systematised to make a praotior of char, in t Ton. I net and Harry each a Jiff rretd prioi . onri Vs they seC only the lending ma tes and will hare tsi: Id tie to \k> w<ih iaferkr as it ts very uns iila.-Mry to srd them at any pci." F t *ld> things (to elsewhere, thev siwt them .m dl r.n ’. won't kivv th- ut i.Y> aid IST Cosr v .Tese street, havaiuwh, Ua.. near the ’darker Oil & Gasoline STOVES. A FELL UXT or THE REST MAKES. Corn-well & Chipman ODD FELLOWS Btrn.MX3. EXCU It's IONS. Tenth HH Es£l May 9th, 1887. SAVANNAH, FLORIDA t WESTERS —AND—- Charleston & Savannah Railways Employes’ Mutual Relief Association — r St John's River by Moonlight on Steamers Palatka and Sanford by Rail or Steamer Sanford to Kissimmee and Tamua hv’n, Beautiful Likes and Rivers on the route sonville to Fernandma, Palatka to Gainesville by The Ancient City of St. Augustine by Rail. GO AND SEE THE INDIANS. Pablo Beach, uninterrupted drive for 30 miles Handsomest Beach on the Atlantic Coast, oriy li miles from Jacksonville. u ” Arrangement made for board at hotels ass on steamers at reduced rates. Fine Band at Music accompanies the excursion. 1 Tickets will not lie sold to colored person. Nurses in charge of children only will be at mitted. u * Price of Round Trip to Places Mentioned: Savannah to Jacksonville a* m “ St. Augustine ' a J “ “ Palatka • “ “ Sanford L" " ?t* “ “ Kissimmee ; “ “ Tampa 2 “ Gainesville 4 50 “ St. Augustine via Palatka!. 4 “ “ Pablo Beach | Coupons for places beyond Jacksonville will be furnished by Committee on train after leav. ing Savannah. Children under 12 years of age half price. Honorary Committee.- !!. S. Haines, Chair man: H. B. Plant, Robert G. Fleming W s Chisholm. Charles D. Owens, J. YV. Craig, \V p Hardee, William Duncan, R. LePage, William Bren. General Committee.—C. YV. Keogh, Chair man : James Bennett, J. E. Smith, Jr., B. P. Lockwood, Joseph H. Bandy, H. Z. Harris. Junior Committee.—Charles A. Gradot, Chair, man; John F.Glatignv, C. O. Haines, Johnj. Rogero, John F. Walsh. Tickets for sale by the Committee, at William Bren’s Tkket Office; John F. Walsh, Savannah, Florida and Western Ry. Freight Depot. Trains leave Savannah at 7 a. m., standard time. All Excursionists must leave on this train, and be on the return train not later than the p' it. train on SUNDAY, Ylay 15. F. EUGENE DURBEC, President. MILLINERY'. PLATSHEK’S, 138 Broughton Street. GREAT CONSOLIDATION SALE. ACH and every article mentioned below w J are convinced are the rarest bargains ever offered in this or any other market. YVe do not offer them as baits, nor limit each customer's purchase to lure you in. Our intention is only to show an economizing public that these ex emplify the many inducements our establish ment is crowded with. GRAND BARGAIN 1. 150 yards Cream YVhite Egyptian Lace Flounc ing. worked, 45 inches deep, at the remarkabl* price 75c. ]>er yard. GRAND BARGAIN 2. 25 dozen Ladies' White 100-l>one Corset, ele pant model, 5-liook reinforced clasps and extra long, the best 7oc. corset in the world. GRAND. BARGAIN 3. 50 dozen Children's Extra Brilliant Lisle Riblied Hose, black and colored, ail sizes, 35c. per pair; regular value for 75c. GRAND BARGAIN 4. 125 dozen Ladies' Fine White Linen Handker chiefs. size inches, genuirie 14-inch hemstitch, only 10c. each; worth fully 25c. each. GRAND BARGAIN 5. 75 dozen Gents' \ regular made Balhrizgau Undervests, sizes 34 to 44. only $2 a box l Vn worth at gents' furnishers $3. GRAND BARGAIN 0. 1,000 yards elegant 27-inch wide Check Nain sooks and Novelty Lace Stripe White Goods, 10c. per yard; dry goods houses ask 10c. for same GRAND BARGAIN 7. 200 YY'hite Swiss Embroidered Dress Rohes, eaeli containing 10 yards material and 9 yard* trimming, at $2, $2 50, S3, SC cheap at one-third more. GRAND BARGAIN 8. 40 dozen I-adies' Muslin Chemise, handsomely trimmed with Torchon lace and Cambric edge; the best 50c. article in the States. GRAND BARGAIN 9. 120 dozen Ladies' Jersey fitting Gauze Under vests. the I'cst'finished goods in America,at 35c. and 50c. Give them a trial. GRAND BARGAIN 10. 800 While Li:i*'n Collars and Cuff* at 15c.: conceded a bargain for £V\ GRAND BARGAIN 11. I*3 pieces 7-inch wide, all ilk. White Block P;*-itern Siuih Ribbons, only yard: regular j># value. GRAND BARGAIN 12. •' dozen Infant's Corded and Embroidered Mull Caps, in scull and Normandy styles, at 25c., S.V., ode. The richest novelties and grandest values in this city. ST. JMAH AND BULL STBM SAXONY YY'OOL. 2 Hanks r<a MIDNIGHT WOOL 20c. Hack. -SHETLAND FLOSS 10c. Hank. INFANTS' CAPS from 15c. to j- 1 50 SUN BONNETS from !oc. to $1 73. CROCHEP SACKS from 50c. to S2 AU new goods, latest stJches and best shapsj SACKS. Nothing to compare with them in the city. Foil line of ARRASENE, CHENILLE. PJi* BEESINE. FILLOSELLE ar.d CREWEL. STAMPING at short notice. Mrs. K. POWER, 137 St. Julian Street. nOI'SEKXKPIXB OOOPg j. x rsm -.s *- H- ouvxi Freeman & Oliver, FURNITURE, Matting. Refrigerators, Stoves, Cr*xkcrv aai Huasf FaniL>hiEf Owdi • w lie BROUGHTN4N STREET. Furr Jure Stored During Summer Months P. J. FALLON. BOLDER AND CONTRACTOR. 23 DR.VYTYYX STREET. SAVANNAH. 17ST.YATT8 promptly furn>ed ff j of icy REX MAGNUS. rot sj nx rr—- C. M. GILBERT & CO, irreu for Gewrwa Ha*