The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 08, 1887, Image 1

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ESTABLISHED 1850. 1 • J H. EBTILL, Editor and Proprietor, f A. R. ALTMAYER & CO. Largest Dry Goods House South. ml feet GREAT Clearing Sale OF HUS AT IIS PBS. I Our store was crowded with listomers every day last week I consequence of the great Bargains offered by us and the let of our selling entire stock l such great reductions. Our Inject is to clear out the bai lee of Spring and Summer Iress Goods. This week’s in ducements will make a clean ■veep. ■Closing out NUN'S VEILING in all shades at Kc. a yard. AT sc. A YARD losing out BUNTING, LACE GRENADINE ■d CANVAS CLOTH; worth from 10c. to yard. ■This is without a doubt the greatest value icr offered in cheap DRESS GOODS and should ■ eagerly sought for B-lDch Imported Dress Goods at 25c. a Yard. ■One lot 40-inch IMPORTED DRESS GOODS, I ten different styles, at 25c. a yard; reduced ■om 85c, and 40c. IRLATEST DRIVE OF THE SEASON. pieces 40-inch ALL WOOL FRENCH ALBA ■ROSS CLOTHS and HAIR-LINE CHECK ■“SHMEREB, j n a |j jjjp neweg t shades, at 39c | vard; sold early in the season for 65c. ■ C'me early, this is a rare chance to buy rich * n DRESS GOODS at extremely low ■“lets. | Bona Fide Reduction OF po PER CENT. ON OUIt ENTIRE STOCK OF 1 MESS GOODS. PARASOLS. I Alt mayor’s Parisol Stock is ftoplcte in every detail, and r vcr Before have they been F ' e ,0 show such a bewilder* p variety of Novelties in Httisols, and never again will P °fler such bargains as P lose tßat will be presented M week. BeF COLLARS. , '* l dot"" Lading' j.piy Linen Collars with Fvuit Be. each; advertised as bargains elae at 10c. fElje JHofnittg SPECIAL NOTICE! Miliati Sits AT H ALF ACTUAL VALUE 18 Fine Combination and Embroidered Suits is all that remains of our large stock this season. Those we will dispose of this week no matter at what loss. ALTMAYER’S Black Dress Goods Department has the largest and most complete stock ever shown in this State of strictly reliable first-class goods. Every article in this department is purchased from the most celebrated French, English and American manu facturers. The styles are all the latest and the textures are specially suited for this climate. This week special inducements will be offered in one lot Priestley’s Celebrated Silk Warp Mourning Goods, also one lot Black and White Hair Line Stripes and Checks in light weight all wool materials suitable for second mourning. Ladies purchasing these goods can depend on getting reliable goods at a saving of 35 per cent, from prices elsewhere. SILKS! Must Be Sold! LADIES SHOULD NOT NEGLECT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE ON OF THIS GENUINE SILK MARK DOWN Olio lot FANCY SURAH and STRIPED and CHECKED SUMMER SILKS for 52>*c. a yard, which has boon sold this season at 75e., Ssc. und sl. One lot HEAVY ALL SILK SURAH at 69c.; absolutely worth sl. GREAT MARK SOWN Black Silks 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c, sl, $1 25,' J 1 50 and op (o (he finest grades. 590 dozen Ladies" Chemise at 85c.; worth 4<V. 500 ( Ladled Night Gowns at 450.; worth 75c. 800 donen Indies' Skirts, Cambric ruffle, rtt 25c.: worth 40e. SAVANNAH, 0 A., SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1887-TWELVE PAGES. VERY LOW. ALTMAYER’S stock of Silk comprise the largest as sortment of stvles and color •/ ings ever shown on a single counter in this town, and the immense values offered this week will certainly create a commotion. LADIES’ and MISSES’ Un Iklmear AND CORSETS! The sale of the balance of the stock of Ladies’ Muslin Underwear and Corsets, recently pur chased by us at auction at a sacrifice, will be continued this week at a reduction of from 40 to 50 per cent from Actual Value. The immense sale which we have had last week on Cotton Underwear and Corsets is ex tremely gratifying to us, as it proves beyond a doubt that our efforts to place before the public a choice line of Ladies’ and Misses’ Fine Underwear at about the actual cost of the material for making them has been fully appreciated. Ladies are surprised at the really low prices those goods are sold at. din's tests. 100 dozen Children's Calico and Lawn Dresses at 25c. cud 35c. 200 dozen Children's Seersucker Dresses, trim med with embroidery, at 75c. each; worth $1 50. Jerseys —at— PositiraflOipaclal Bargains. 75 dozen Oldies' Black All Wool Jerseys, box plait back, fine goods, at 81 85; reduced from 83. Millinery In a business experience of over ten years we have never presented for the considera tion of our lady patrons as large a variety of first-class fashionable Millinery as this season, and we guarantee our prices to be lower than ever before, which is saying a great deal, and whicn means a sav ing of 40 per cent, from prices charged elsewhere. Grand attractions in every kind of millinery this -week. A. R. ALTMAYER & CO., / BROUGHTON A-INTD lyiil, L STREETS. ALTIAYER’S liiiestie Department Has been and continues to be the talk of the town. The astonishing bargains continual ly offered can only be appreciat ed by an examination. PRINTED LAWN. 5 cases yard-wide Printed Linen Finish Lawn, in lengths varying from 9 to 15 yards each, at sc. a yard; never offered before less than BJ*e. These goods are new, in good condition, and the very latest patterns. Bargains in Crinkle Seersucker at sc. and 10c.; worth 10c. and 15c, SCRIM. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY We will continue the sale of our yard wide Madras Scrim at D4c. ; worth 12hjc. Crazy Cloth, In Stripes; with solid colors to match, at 15c. a yard. A CARD. ALTMAYER & €O. will on Monday, May 9th, present to every customer purchasing Shoes to the amount of $1 and over a bottle of Wolfe & Randolph’s celebrated “Le vantine” Shoe Polish, value 25c. LADIES, We have only 48 pairs of those beautiful, Hand-Sewed, Patent Leather Oxford Ties, at $1 75; reduced from $3. Recollect, first come has first choice. Hosiery SPECIAL DRIVES. 100 dozen Misses' Hose at 10c. and 15c.; regu lar price 15c. and 20c. 275 dozen Ladies' Lisle Thread Hose, black and solid colors, at 19c.. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. Gloves. 500 dozen Ladies’ 6-button Lisle Thread Gloves, in blacks and tans, at 10c., worth 25c. 300 dozen Ladies' 8-button Lisle Thread Gloves, in blacks and tans, at 15o.; worth 85c. Clow Out at a Sacrifice u OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Kid Gloves AT Half Actual Cost. Silk IVXitts 150 dozen Ladies' Silk Mitts, In black, white, tan and opera shades, at 88c. a pair, worth 35c. ALTMAYER’S GENTS’ Furnishing DEPARTMENT. CONTINUATION SALE CROWDS Have thronged our Gents' Furnishing Depart ment for the past week, and have availed themselves of the opportunity we offered in purchasing the greatest bargains in Gents’ Laundried and Unlaundried Shirts, Collars, Culls, Scarfs, Half Hose and Gauze Underwear EVER SHOWN IN SAVANNAH. We shall continue this great sale this coming week with 400 dozen Gents’ Scarfs added, in Ticks, Puffs, Flat* and Four-lu-Uands, all to be sold at 25c. EACH. Actually Worth Double the Price 500 dozen Gents’ laundried and Unlaundried Shirts, reinforced linen bosom and bands, at 49c. and 72e. each; worth 75c. and sl. JUST THE THING forOLD GENTLEMEN One lot Gents' Dress Shirts, open front, plaited bosom, with Collars and Cuffs attached. HANDKERCHIEFS Special Bargains. 500 dozen white and colored border Hemmed Handkerchiefs at 3c. each. 1 grand combination lot Ladies' Linen Hem stitched Handkerchiefs in plain white embroi dered and fancy borders, your choice at lie.; worth from 25c. to 35c. Pcrfiimerv and Snaps. V I Colgate's Toilet Water, large size bottles, at 75c.; regular price sl. 5,000 boxes Toilet Soap, three cakes in a box, at 10c. each; drug store price 25c. 75 dozen Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Toilet Soap at 21c.; drug store price Site. Fas for Evcrjlilj. 30,000 TO SELECT FROM. RANGING IN PRICE FROM lc. Up TO $25. Altmayer & Cos. have just received au importation of French Dress Buttons, which for beauty of design, fine fin ish, etc., far surpass anything in this line ever shown by them before at such low prices. Nothing but an examination will give an idea of the fine assortment or the low figures we are selling them for. 500 dozen Fancy Ivory But tons, suitable for wash dresses, at 7c. per dozen; sold else where for 15c. I SHOES. Wonderful! Extraordinary! Aren’t They Pretty! I Really Don’t See How They Can Afford to Sell Them So Cheap! Etc., Etc. The above are a few of the many complimentary remarks made by the multitudes who visited ALTAI AYER & CO.’S Shoe Department the past week. A few of the Special Bar gains this week will be Chil ‘dren’s Fine Kid, Spring Heel, Button Shoes, worked button holes, sizes 5 to 8, former price $1 25, this week’s price 85c. Children’s Kid Shoe, ditto, sizes 8J to 10a, former price $1 50, this week’s price sl. In button, lace or elastic. • (>OO pairs Gentlemen’s Fin est American Calfskin Shoes, seamless foxings, warranted the genuine Ward well hand stitched Shoe, price this week $2 75; regular price sl. The prices <jnoted above, recollect, are - for this week only. SHOES. ALTMAYER & CO. have decided to continue their Great Mark Down Sale of Fine Shoes for one week longer. This is to give to the many who could not get waited on last week an oppor tunity to purchase a pair oi fine Shoes for half the regular price. i lave you seen ALTMAYER & CO.’S 20-button French Kid Button Boot at $2, worth $5? The most stupendous bargain ever otfered in this or any city in the universe. Big talk? Well, we have the goods and can prove just what we state. We will continue for this week only the sale of our reg ular $1 French Kid Button Boot for $2. Recollect, for this week only the price will be $2. Ladies’ Fine Hand-Turned Oxford Ties and Newport But ton, price $1 25 ; worth $2. Monday will be Souvenir Day in the Shoe Department. A bottle of Wolfe & Ran dolph’s celebrated “Levan tine” Shoe Polish, value 25c., will be given to every cus tomer purchasing Shoes to the amount of $1 and over. Altmayer & Cos. will on to morrow morniug inaugurate the greatest sale of Hamburg Embroideries, Laces and Flouncings that Inns ever taken place in Savannah. They will offer their entire stock of up wards of $15,000 worth of those goods at prices that will startle purchasers. The goods are all new, being this season's importation, and must certain ly command the attention of all frugal purchasers. I PRICK glO A YEAR. 1 1 5 CENT* A COPY, f joys’ Clothing DEPARTMENT. A Wonderful Sale! The largest. most complete, most varied, most fashionable, in fact altogether the grandest sala of Hoys' Clothing in the State in going at Fifty Cents on the Dollar. The designs are all new, the styles the latent, the fabrics of the most approved quality and the workmanship of the very highest onW. The lisi of prices is only gtven aa an indication of the extraordinary bargains to lie found in the vast stock, which is being sold at figures so startling low as to excite the astonishment of all buyers. 200 Boys’ School Suits, sizes 4to 13 years, $i no. (100 Boys' Suits, ail wool Worsteds, Chevoits, Silk Mixtures, Cassiineres, Flat neb, size* 4 to IS years, $8 88. 100 Boys’ Jersey Suits, Brown and Blue, size* 4 to 12 years, >1 35. 200 Boys' Sailor Suits, Blue. Brown, Gray Flannels, sizes 8 to 12 years, $1 80. 200 Boys’ one or two piece Kilt Suits, Blue amfl Brown Flannels, sizes 2 to 8 years, $2 50. 1,000 pairs Boys’ Old Pants, sizes 4 to 18 years, 1 00c., 75c., gl 00, 81 00. i ALTMAYER'S Linen Departmeit —IS GAINING— Increased Patronage Every Day. THISWEEK —WILL OFFER- Phenomenal Bargains! ASK TO SEE 1 lot 68-inoh Heavy Bleached Barnsley Double faced Satin Damask at 70c. {>er yard, positively worth $1 20. This is the cheapest lot of Damask* that has ever been offered Ir. this market, and we simply advise an early call to secure a bargain, ns staple good* of this quality cannot long re main nrsoltl. 100 dozen Colored Border and Turkey Red Doylies at 82c. a dozen, regular price Jl 25. 100 dozen Linen Towels at 014 c., actual value 10c. At 25c. Each We (shall offer another 100 dozen 21x18 Damask Towels, Fancy Border, Knot. Fringe, worth at least and sold nowhere less than 40c. Our stock of Linens in every respect is the largest and <:hea])st to be seen anywhere. White Goods. Lett week our White Goods Department waa crowded with eager purchasers of our great bar gains in White Lawns anil I’laid Nainsooks. To supply the ini-rousing demand for those goods at a iKjpular price we shall offer this week Four Decisive Berpiis. BARGAIN 1. 2 cases each White Chock Nainsook and India Linen Lawn at advortised elsewhere as a bargain for B<4c. BARGAIN 2. 8 cases fine Sheer India linen Lawn at IDs. • yard, never offered less than 15c. BARGAIN 3. 2 cases White Satin Check Canvas Cloth, a very "handsome fabric at a yard, whiefc has been sold lost season for 25c. BARGAIN 4. 3 cases very fine India Linen, hi inches wide, at 15c. a yard, cannot be duplicated in this town less than 85c. H|jecial i-eduotiona in all kinds of White Goods. Embroidered Robes. Marvelous Offerings. We shall offer during this week the balance of this season's importations that have not been sold below $2 20 and $2 50 each at $1 50. Remember there is only a small quantity left. Also. 1 lot better grade at $2 20 and S3 00, re duced fr< >m $8 50 and *5 00. These Uohes are in white. Ecru and Colored, and contain sufficient material to make a drees with nine yards of Embroidery to match. Marseilles Quilts. The Greatest Value Ever Of fered. 160 large size White Honeycomb Quilts at 40c Special Drive—2 cases 12 4 White Maroeiliee Quills at 80c., absolutely worth $1 50. I case 18-4 Heavy Marseilles Quilts, handsome patterns, at $2 25 and $3 50, worth $3 50 and &> 00. _ SATINES. We still continue the sale of our finest quality French Batines at 20c., New York retail price 35c. Also one lot cost quality American Ratine, new patterns, at 15c., sold elsewhere for 25c. Just Received. 1 lot Ladies’ pure Silk ITn dervests in White, Cream, Pink, Bine, Black, Red, Helio trope, Old Gold and Red with Fancy Fronts, at $2 50 and $5 00 each.