The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 08, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. NEWS OF THE TWO STATES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. A Carbuncle's Suddenly Fatal Attack on a Citizen of Walker County—A Parental Oddity^in Randolph County —A Raw Mill Burned at Tallapoosa- Fired on by Moonshiners. GEORGIA. Bainbridge liquor licenses will pan out 81,875 this year against 81,000 last. Mrs. E. A. Wootten, lately of Bairds to'vu, has moved to Athens to engage in mantuamaking. Watermelon vines are blooming in some of the fields of Mitchell county. The stand is rather better than usual. Several white men in the lower edge of Glascock county who go barefooted in sum mer have snug bank accounts. In Mitchell county the dry weather has Silt the farmers so weil up with their crops iat day laborers find it diificult to get work. •T. B. Debord, of Ellijay, relates his ex jiericnce in raising tobacco. He planted an acre and raised WO pounds, which netted him $73. t There is a unanimity of sentiment in Athens in favor of sewerage in the business portion of the citv. It can be put in at a cost of $12,000. There is considerable suffering among the negroes in the Athens section, and they arc resorting to all manner of schemes to got provisions. There has been no farm work for them, owing to tho drought. A petition, asking the Governor not to in terfere with the sentence of the court in tho Smith murder cose, is receiving numerous signatures throughout Heard county. Not loss than sixty names were added Tuesday. Excitement prevails around Villa Rica over minerals. A company from Birming ham and from Anniston, Ala., have been buying, or trying to buy, iron ore. The county is said to be full of iron and cop per. On Wednesday afternoon the residence of James R. Neal, six miles southwest of Cam ming, was destroyed by fire. The house and contents were almost a total loss, only five sacks of flour and a feather bed being saved. O. A. McLaughlin has been Postmaster at Union Point for thirteen years, and during that time has sent and received an average of 600 registered letters a year. Yet noth ing has ever gone wrong with a single letter of this kind that passed through his office. Lizzie McKeon, a young lady living three miles east of Camesville, mysteriously dis appeared Sunday evening last, and has not been heard of since. It is thought she has gone to South Carolina and married. Her disappearance has caused considerable ex citement. Mrs. L. W. Branch, who lives in Wntkins ville, is now 87 years old and is quite lively and industrious yet. She came to town to live with Mrs. O. F. Johnson on Dec. 38 last, and up to this date she lias knit seven pairs of gloves, ten pairs of socks and eleven pairs of stockings. A lady living in Cut.hbert is the mother of eight living children, the oldest 14 years and the youngest 0 mouths of age. AH her chil dren have been blessed with perfect eye sight, and yet neither the oldest nor the youngest ever saw its father, while all the others have seen their father. Friday a big blaze at Grady, a station on the East and iVest railroad, a few miles east of Cedartown, burned several ear loads of lumber. The'supposed origin of the fire was a spark from a passing engine on the railroad. The loss falls heavily upon Messrs. Morns & Tracy and Robert Brewer, mill men. No damage was done to the railroad. Some weeks ago, while on a raid into Goosepond district, Sheriff Winn, of Ogle thorpe county, was shot by some unknown party who was lying in ambush for him, the ball taking effect in his right breast, in flicting auite a painful wound. He has kept the matter quiet so far, hoping that he might gain some clue to the identity of his assailant, but has failed. Mr. Carnegie,, of Pennsylvania, a largo manufacturer of iron and steel, has been prospecting among the iron and manganese regions of Polk county during the past few days. As very few sections of even North west Georgia can boast of such rich ores and in such inexhaustible supplies as Polk county, it follows, as a matter of course, Mr. Carnegie was well pleased. At Sandersville Friday morning Noah Johnson (colored), finding his infant child guite sick, administered a powder which he found about the house. The child immedi ately fell into a slumber, from which it never aroused, and, examining the remain der of the powder, he found that he had given an overdose of morphine, from the effects of which it died. The powder hail been prepared for his wife. College Temple at Newnan bad tho pleas nre of forwarding SSO to Mrs. Mary B. Dodd, Kaufman county, Texas, who is one of the sufferers from the distressing drought which has prevailed in that State for sev eral months past. Receiving a personal ap plication for aid, the sympathetic President infused his spirit into the pupils, and with only a week’s notice they gave a May festi val, including over one hundred performers and netting the sum above named. It is possible that young Robertson, of Watkinsvilie, is now nursing a couple of severe pistol shot wounds. Marion T. Davis says that as he whs leaving town, just be yond the creek, at dark, last week, a negro man stepped from the bushes, grabbed nis horse’s reins and ordered him t > give his money up; but he kept composed until he could draw his pistol. The negro then ran, and as he was running away Mr. Davis fired two balls at him. Mr. Davis says he struck a match and saw blood on the negro's trail. A Tliomasville correspondent writes that G. W. McCormick, one of the enterprising and liberal hearted citizens of Thomasville, agreeably surprised, a few days ago, the several piptors of tho churches in tluit city, by inclosing to each one a warrantee deed to ft house and lot in the city. The considera tion of the deed* was the good and righteous influence of the different pastors of the city. Mr. McCormick is not a member of any church. Other towns would be proud to own such citizens as Mi'. McCormick ap peal's to be. At Forsyth, the trustees of the Monroe Fomoie College have devised a plan and will soon erect a commodious and well arranged boarding department connected with the college, which supplies a long felt want to that institution, mid will place it in compe tition with tho beit in the State. The pres ent senior class—the largest for many years past—have t/<?en notified by the piresident of the faculty that in the award of honora Miss Rosa E. Smith received the first honor and Miss Bailie L. Burnes the second, both from Forsyth Homy Stone, who lived In the Cove west of the rocket, in Walker county, was suffer ing from a large carbuncle on his ankle. Sunday, April 33, he went out to feed his horse. Not returning, he was looked for and was found lying in the yard, insensible. A physician was called in, but his leg liegan to swell, and the swelling gradually extended to the body. With tho swelling the pain ad vanced up. Thursday his symptoms seemed better, but while the doctor was at the gate preparing to leave he was told that his patient was dying. He died almut 8 o’clock t night. He leaves a wife and seven chil dren. Cyrus Ramsey, of Montezuma, tells of a peculiar sort of a snake that waa killed on his place not long since. The snake had its den in a gulley Bear his house and lias been seen often during the past year, but no one I has been successful in getting near enough ■ to disiKiteh it until a few davs ago. Charlie r Law slipped up on the reptile and had a des perate tight. The snake looked very much like a rattler in shaiie and color, arid when attacked made a loud blowing noise like an infuriated gandev in gosling time. When killed Mr. Law discovered that it had a long horn on the end of its toil like a rooster’s spur. • Brooks Superior Court convened Monday morning, with Judge Hansell presiding. Ah unusual number of cases, civil and crfmnal, were continued for the time. The most ixn portent civil case was that of G. W. Knight vs. the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Company, being a suit for personal injuries. The plaintiff sued for $5,000, and the jury after remaining out about twenty hours returned a verdict for the plaintiff for SSOO. The case of the. State vs. William Parmer, charged with the offense of “false swearing,” attracted considerable attention, lie was ably defended by Congressman Turner, under appointment by tne court, and was acquitted. The court adjourned Friday afternoon until to-morrow morning. Albany News and Advertiser: A Negro is a Negro just as much as an Irishman is an Irishman or a Frenchman is a French man, and is just as much entitled to have the name of liis race written with a big N. All recognized authorities agree as to the correctness of this view of the matter, we believe, but it is the custom of the news papers of tho day to print the name of this race with a little n. This results, we think, from the common use of the term to de nominate inferiority, or in a spirit of re proach. Nothing of this sort should ever override propriety in the established rales of grammar, orthography or anything else. Hereafter the News and Advertiser intends to write Negro with a big N. At Tallapoosa on Friday last, while the hands at Rev. J. C. Jackson’s saw mill were stopped for dinner, the mill shed took fire in some unaccountable way, and when it was reached by the hands, who were all near by, the flames had so rapidly spread that there was no chance to save it. Besides the sta tionary engine, planer and saws, Mr. Jack son’s traction engine was under part of the shod. The engines and machinery nre not entirely ruined but can lie placed in work ing condition again, although it will take much time and heavy expense to do it. Monday Mr. Jackson had the misfortune to lose some 10,000 or 15,000 feet of lumber by fire. This was being ldlndried, and acci dentally caught from the fire under it. The Clerk of the Superior Court of Early county, J. W. Alexander, Jr., is engaged in a work which will prove of inestimable value to the county m the future and will bring him a snug little sum also. He is preparing an abstract of all the deeds re corded in his office, which will is' arranged in numerical indexes in suitable books pre pared for the purpose. All the deeds, etc., from tho year 1831 up to tho present time which concern the county as it now stands will be recorded in one book, and those which were in original Early county, but now in other counties, will be placed in a separate book. The records in the office show that the first deed was recorded on May 11, 1861, nearly sixty-six years ago, by Nevin Mcßryde, Clerk of Superior Court. Mrs. N. B. Glover, of Newnan, met with a serious mishap one day last week. She sent a negro man out in the fields to gather a few stalks of elder, with which she de signed making a mouth wash for one of the children. The negro returned in a short while with a good sized bunch of what was supposed to lie elder, but for some reason Mrs. Glover suspected that the negro had made a mistake and brought thunaerwood instead of the elder, the resemblance being so close as to render such a mistake not only possible but very probable. Not satisfied with her own inspection, however, she called on one of her neighbors to assist in the examination. They finally agreed that the shrub was elder, and believing it to lie harmless, Mrs. Glover liegan washing the roots preparatory to making the desired tea In a few minutes her face, hands and arms oommemxvl to swell, and she then realized that she hail committed the very mistake which she had been so careful to avoid. The shrub pioved to be thunderwood. Deputy Marshal J. J. Rowe, in company with H. L. Cornell, was engaged all last Wednesday in hunting blockade stills in Haralson county, and succeeded in locating two. About sundown they went to the home of Mr. Cornell, about “six miles north west of Tallapoosa, to spend tho night. About midnight they heard persons ap proaching the nouse, and soon discovered a party of six or eight armed men, who sur rounded the building, and at a given signal tired a volley into it. In all about twenty shots were tired, when the party retired. There were in the houso besides the two men Mrs. Cornell and six children. The house is built of planks, which wore easily pene trated by the bullets, and the wonder is that someone was not killed, but fortunately ail escaped injury. The next fioruing a hand ful of bullets were picked up in the house. It is not long since a similar attack was made on Cornell’s house, but he was absent at the time. In December last the house of Deputy Marshal Rowe's father was burned by incendiaries. Dublin Gazette: On last Saturday night when the up passenger train passed Harri son, on the Wrightsvtlle and Tennille rail road, some miscreant standing beside the track threw a large iron spike, which struck the engine cal) near the seat of the engineer. The missile was thrown with such force that an indentation the size of the spike was made in the wood. Engineer Lanier stopped his engine, and he and his fireman sprang to the ground, each armed with a pistol. They saw a negro man run down the track, and gave pursuit. The negro soon came up with two others, and wheeling around he fired at tho engineer and fireman, who forthwith returned the fire. Some six or seven shots were exchanged and the negroes fled. Engineer Lanier says that he does not know whether or not either of the liegres were hit. He says, however, that he knows the negro who threw the spike, and that he will lie arrested and receive the full penalty of tho law. Several attempts have been made to wreck trains on this road, and great vigilance shonlil bo exercised in endeavoring to arrest the guiity ones and bring them to justice. Sam Thomas, the negro caught under the curbing of the well near MilledgeviUe Thursday, died a most horrible death. The wooden curbing, in falling, caught Thomas in such close quarters that he was obliged to stoop over and had no use of himself at all. His crying and piteous prayers for help touched the most callous heart. Inch at a time he felt the water rising, and frequent ly yelled to those above him telling them how much the water had risen. Finally’ almost overcome from suffocation, cold and anxiety, he cried out: “If you don’t reach me quick Jam gone. The water is now up to my chin.” This exclamation was fol lowed by a gurgling noise, and the pioor negro w- left in a watery grave. It was impossible to reach him, and he will be left there until his final sum mons. King Champion went in the same well Friday and had a miraculous escape from the same fate. Ho went down in a bucket, end on reaching the jioiiit where the curbing caved he kicked np a rock from the side of the well, loosing the rock curb ing above, which began falling. Mr. Champion, through almost sui>orhuman power, pulled himself to the top of the well by the rope. The bucket was caught in the well by the falling rock, and was covered from view while Sir. Champion was climb ing tho rop*. Mr. Champion received pain ful injuries from the failing rock. etc., but nothing serious. The well is 60 feet deep, uud Mr. Champion climbed the rope 40 feet. FLORIDA. Millholland’s new steamer has been placed upon Lake Apopka. The Orange Springs Democrats name Gen. Bullock aa a Senatorial candidate. Rich iron ore has been found near Dun nellen, on the Withlaeooehee river. Lakeland hasn’t had a single death within her limits for the past year and two months. The fatigue uniforms for the Orlando Guards will he blue blouse, gray pants and cap. Rowell's mill, located near the Florida Southern depot at Fort Meade, was burned Thursday. C. F. Heyor is taking up the question of organizing’a Young’s Men’s Christian Asso ciation in Lakeland. The Eufaula and Chipley road is now all but a certainty, the land being acquired and the survey completed. The Reusucoia port of the Grand Ar my of , THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1887-TWELVE PAGES. the Republic is making preparations for a proper observance of Memorial day, May 13. O. W. McLaurine, of Quincy, has a peach tree about oue year old, the body of which is now two inches in diameter and the tree is some ten feet in height. At DeFuniak Spring arrangements are now all completed tor the building of the new court house and the building will be a great ornament to the town. Owing to the extreme cold spring and dry weather bean shipments from Lake City are at least two weeks late. Shipments, how ever, are now going forward. Reuben B. Brooks, one of the intelligent colored men of Ocala, will start a paper in Ocala shortly in the interest of his race. It will be known as the Ocala Ledger. The young oranges on the trees arounp Palatka are looking splendidly, and are growing very nicely. Some of the trees are fairly loadod with the young fruit. J. T. McMurray lias disposed of his stock in the First Natioaal Bank of Orlando to Dwight IX Porter, and the latter gentleman has been elected one of the directors. At Vernon the Recorder of Deeds has re corded over 80,000 deeds of land of the St. Andrews Bay syndicate alone. The posi tion is now very profitable and will doubt less be sought after by some. The Episcopal Council at Gainesville fin ished its work Friday afternoon and ad journed sine die. The next session will be held in Jacksonville, but a special session will bo held in Tallahassee in February next. The drawback to the town of Dade City, caused by claims to several valuable tracts of land lying in town, has been removed. Property owners have secured quit claim deeds, which places the lands in good con dition. During the past -Season there were nearly 5,000 arrivals at the Peninsular Hotel in Tavares. Altogether, including the Lake Dora Hotel ana Butler House, there must have been nearly 7,000 arrivals in Tavares alone. The Port Royal has been routed out of its lied in the mud of the St. John’s, and is now balanced on chains. The old steamer seems loath to depart from its resting place, and it is yet uncertain what the ultimate result will be. At Chiplev wool is now comin" rapidly in and merchants are paying overriJSc. per pound. The fioece is reported heavy and of good quality. There is ns much wool han dled here as there is at any point in West Florida. Mr. Blake, the Maine banker who bought Ocala city bonds of Mr. Dunn some weeks ago, died recently in Boston of pneumonia, contracted on liis journey home. He was verv wealthy and left a nephew over 83,000,000. The railroad meeting in the court house at Brooksville, Saturday, was pretty well attended and additional subscriptions amounting to over SSOO were raised. The prospect of raising tho total amount required is not encouraging. G. N. Shepard, of St. Augustine, has a round skin of what he called the black shouldered kite, a rare bird, and never seen but once in a life time. He has sent it on to the Smithsonian Institute for identifica tion. The bird was killed down near Marco. Last Saturday evening the surveyor's of the Caloosahatchie got down as far as Beautiful Island. They will survey the river to the mouth mid out as far as the outer buoy at Sanibel Island. One of the men avers that they found 900 more bends in the Caloosahatchie than are down on the maps Capt. George A. Libby, of the steamer Dis patch, is on a visit to the granite hills of New Hampshire. He says anew steamer is to be built by a stock company, 80 feet long anil 30 fret wide, which will" ply on Lake Dora. He will have charge of the new boat, which will be complete* in tinge for next season’s business. ? Lj; The work at the Haulover <xtnal has been completed, and now all boats ([rawing five feet or less can go through from Daytona to Melbourne on the Indian river. The steam dredge Chester is now ajt wuyk; between the Narrows and Lake Wpiffh, ptr. Fox, the contractor, says that it cannot be completed under three years. Bartow will have a barbecue next Thurs day, the occasion being the laving of the corner-stone of the Summerlin Institute by the Grand Lodge of Masons of Florida. Everybody is invited to come and oat and drink. There wifi be plenty of good barbe cued edibles, music, entertainments, and a jollification in general. Mrs. E. B. Duffey. of Bonnie Lake, near Bartow, was uwakoned the other night by a noise in her hen house. She went out to see what the row was about and found an opos sum getting away with a full-grown hen. She grabbed it by the nock and put it in a box for tho night. It was a female, with seven or eight young ones in its pouch. A number of the finest shad have been taken in lamoilia Lake recently. Shad in this lake is something of a curiosity, and their presence is explained by the fact that Ooklockonee river overflows into the lake. The government stocked Ooklockonee with shad some time ago, and it is from this work that the Waltons, of Jamonia, are reaping their harvest. It was rumored upon tho streets of Or lando, Tuesday, that Capt. C. E. Pierce had purchased the remaining lots between the Kedney building and the iail lot on Orange avenue, which were owned by Messrs. Cur tis & Webber, and that this 'ground would be covered by an addition to the new build ing, which would give this new brick hotel about 135 rooms. The hook and ladder track purchased by the City Council of Tallahassee is expected to arrive in a few days. Besides other neces sary appliances two six-gallon chemical ex tinguishers are attached to tho truck. The managers of the Florida Railway and Navigation Company have agreed to trans port the truck from Jacksonville to Talla hassee free of charge. Senator Costa oxhibited in Tallahassee some of his well-preserved relics of the Con federate States navv, of which he was a gallant member. He has his canvass “ham mock and bag” remarkably well kept and the inevitable clothe* brush with “C. S. N.” branded on its back. Mr. Costa served bravely throughout the late misunderstand ing ancl saw much and glorious service. The friends of Henry Wiggins, who was convicted at the late term of court in Palat ka, of murder in the first degree and sen fenced to be hanged, have giver, notice that they will apply to the Governor of the State to have the sentence “remitted to confine ment for life.” Wiggins has had two fair, impartial and exhaustive trials in the courts, and in each trial the verdict was the same. At the annual meeting of tho Tropical Construction Company, hold at Tavares on Monday, the- following officers were elected: Alex St. Clair-Abrams, President; E. S. Bur leigh, Treasurer; George A. Butler, Secre tary. At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the P. L., T. and M. Company, held at the same time and place, the direc tors were reduced to three, anil the follow ing officers elected: Alex. St. Clair Abrams, President; George A. Butler, Secretary. The new telegraph line along the St. John’s and Halifax railroad was completed Thursday afternoon. The cable used is the same one that was laid from Palatka to Hart's Point about ten years ago, which proved to lie in perfect condition when taken up. It was relaid from Rolleston to a point just opposite, and the wire was then brought down the west bank of the river to Palatka. Besides the Palatka office, offices will be opened at Rolleston, Ormond and Daytona. The South Florida railroad has decided to relocate its depot at I)ode City, and build in the business portion of town. They will build a handsome brick building. One hundred guns were fired in honor of tho wisdom or the company in rebuilding con-! venient to the public. The Florida Railway and Navigation Company's depot is nearly complete. Coleman, Ferguson A Cos. have received their new building from the con tractors. Several new bunding* are* con tracted for and will be built right away. Thursday night Mr. Powers, who keep* a grocery store in East Jacksonville, went . home as usual, carrying with him in one or his pockets the sum of about $3OO. On re- , tiring for the night ho deposited his cloth ing in the usual place, but ou getting up yesterday morning he found that during the night some thief had entered his room and taken all of his money except 90c., which was found scattered over the floor, ''hue he entertains suspicions as to who the thiet is, he has no means of ascertaining whether or not his suspicions are correct. The regular meeting of the Volusia coun ty Press Association was held at Daytona last Monday. Several important business matters were discussed, and all who attend ed felt that they were amply repaid for their time and trouble required to make the trip. The officers elected for the ensuing year are: President, F. A. Mann, of Daytona; \ ice President, J. W. Count, Enterprise; Secre tary, Charles H. Webb, DeLond; Treasurer, J. M. Osborne, Daytona. The association adjourned to meet at Lake Helen in Novem ber next, at which time a unanimous repre sentation of the county press is desired. Charles Wairender, aged about 55 years, and his daughter, Sarah Warrender, aged about 35, arrived at New York last Satur day from Hartford, Conn., for a few day’s visit, but missed the return boat and went to Demorest Hotel, where they occupied ad joining rooms. Sunday morning an odor of gas in the halls led to Mr. Warrender's door being broken open. Ho was found unconscious, and in the next room, the door having been left ajar, was found the daughter, also un conscious. The gas jet was turned on and the rooms wore poorly ventilated. Mr. Warrender has been a citizen of Plant City for two years, and went, North some two months since for the purpose of bringing his daughter to Florida. Mr. Warrender and daughter have arrived at Plant City. Mr. Warrender says ho was robbed of $9O while under the influence of the gas, and thinks his room was entered and the gas turned on by the burglar. Fashion Notes. Pale drab is the popular color for dress ing tailor suits. Black surah is the proper silk for half mourning frocks. The fashionable handkerchief is of the color of the costume. Spangles enrich most of the fancy work done with the needle. Cream laces trim poppy red India or Cbiua silks very tastefully. Green velvet dog collars are fashionably worn with black lace gowns. Full soft drapery over shoulders and bust is seen in all the light lace, lawn and gauze fabrics. Lawn dresses are made with much-fes tooned overskirts bordered with Valen ciennes. Drab and mauve are found to lie a good combination in a dress street toilet or for carriage wear. Embroidered and beaded tulles are used for tIJB full vests that are so becoming to slender figures. Satins are going out of favor, and, there fore, are very cheap, but they make lovely underdresses for lace frocks. The coat sleeve is modified. It is made looser above the elbow, and at the inner, not the outer, seam at the wrist. Bustles of steel hoops are covered with white or scarlet English morocco, cut out in scallops and stitched in rows. ii i e 1.11.- I*l .1. 1 - LI- —1 - Broad bands of white stitching on black kid gloves are de rigeur with white and block toilets of high ceremony. The burnouse shawl drapery and the jabot folds are the favorite arrangement for the back of the skirts of spring dresses. Heliotrope cashmere gowns are draped over brown velvet, and the leg o’ mutton sleeves have the deep cuffs of the same vel vet. The popular long apron draperies are those pleated into the belt or waist line and falling in long folds in front of the side panels, thereby increasing the slenderness of the figure. White or cream pearl picot or feather edged ribbon is the inside pleating preferred for the sleeves and collars of dressy frocks this spring. Silk embroidered handkerchiefs are being made into bonnets, with the four corners standing np like ears, two on either side, one put a little lower than the other. The Langtry bustle, which folds up when the wearer leans back against nnything and returns to its shape w hen relieved of the pressure, is the correct dress improver. Heliotrope is undoubtedly the color of the season. There are ten different shades. Four of them are called “anemone,” two reddish shades “plum” and the darkest “dahlia.” Plain linen collars and cuffs are in much demand now. They arc quite taking the place of the perishable “frills” women have worn so much, and they are certainly much neater looking. “Bengaline," in small reps, is a novelty in summer siiks. and is of very light weight. It will be made up with the same materials in stripes or chocks, or with cashmere of the prevailing color. A hat for a little girl is of black Miian straw with two bands of narrow Picot rib bon about the crown of a dark blue and heliotrope shade, with high bunched loops of the same in front. A pretty gown lately seen was of fawn colored cashmere, the waist of tho polonaise laid entirely’ in very fine tucks. The sleeves were tucked to the elbow and below that to the wrist, leaving at the elbow a puff The polonaise effect was somewhat concealed by soft sashes about the hips, knotted on the tournure. Sailor straw hats will be popular again this summer, but with a different trimming. The brims are wider and streighter. and those of fine straw are best liked. have a broad band alxiut the crown, long stiff loop* of ribbon a little to the loft ana pointing forward, with two long narrow wings set on in the same manner. At a ball given bv the Jockey Club to the prettiest women in Laris at the Hotel Cen tennial, Mile. Jane Grantor wore a most deliciously devised evening wrap composed of embroil lor lew in pale blue with crystal beads and bugles on a silver net ground work. finished with ruffles of silver lace and lined throughout with pale blue silk. it is well to remember that with plain hanging, tue ■ ed or plicated skirts, especially on summer dresses of a naturally clinging limp nature, should tie worn unkerskirts of silk, organdie, or fine linen lawn which has a rather stiff dressing, upxni which the airy fabric composing the ground should be mounted. The hem of the skirt proper should fall over a narrow “depauant. very finely pleated, and set at the edge of the un derskirt. This throws out the loot of the dress skirt and keeps it away for the feet, and also gives it a more graceful appear ance. A Medical Phenomenon. From the Texas Siftings. “Hellos. Wiggles worth!' exclaimed an Austin man, meeting an aequaintanm on the avenue; “your are as gray aa a rat. What's the matter with you?" “it's terrible, isn't it? List night I ex perienced a severe fright, and my Imir turned to Its present silvery hue immediately." A few days after this tho Austin man again encountered Wigglcsivorth wearing beautiful, resplendent, coal black locks. ' Why, Wlgglesworth, what's the meaning of this? The lost time we met your hair was snow white; now it is dark ns the raven's wing." "Yes; you so" my hair turned gray from sud den fright. Yesterday a man paid me sl* he had Limi owing me for a long time, and tho pleasurable emotions were so violent that they turned it iißck again to Its original color.” Phillips' Digestible Cocoa Is more delicious in taut* and aroma, and, by the process it i pirjxired, is rendered more nourishing and more easily digested than any other preparation of cocoa or chocolate. It fs an exceedingly nutritive drink. Ail druggists and grocers have It. Look out for the grand sale of Children’s j anil Bow' Clothing shortly to bo announced at Appel k rich ato , Ouo Price Clothiers, j KliY GOODS. IN DEAD EARNEST A Positive Clearing Sale of DRESS GOODS We will offer this week our entii-o Dress Goods Stock, comprising mors than 200 Styles, ranging in value from 20c. to 35c., At the Uniform Price of 10 Cents. Another lot of fine Dress Goods, comprising qualities usually sold at from 50c. to 75c. we will clear out At the Uniform Price of 25 Cents. WE HAVE MADE UNHEARD OF REDUCTIONS in all kinds of WHITE GOODS, such as India, Egyptian, Victoria Lawns, Swisses, Nainsooks, Mulls, Organdies, Piques and Marseilles. These are Unprecedented Bargains. We will close out 100 pieces Check Nainsooks at 4%c. We have a large lot of fine French Sateen Remnants, running from five to nine yards. Usual price of this quality is 29c. We offer the lot at 10 cents. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES In these lines we have made SWEEPING REDUCTIONS. IParasols and Sun Umbrellas. We still continue to sell them at the very low prices at which we have oponed them this season. You can’t afford to buy them elsewhei’e. Fine French and English Hosiery. We have marked thtse goods down far below their value. We respectfully call at tention to our Lisle Thread Hosiery for Ladies, Gents and Misses; Hose which cannot be bought for less than $1 a pair, we have marked down to 50c. We kindly ask the Ladies to examine the following Bargains: GO dozen Misses’ Solid Colored French Ribbed Bril liant Lisle Hose, in all sizes from 5 to 8 1-2, and which cannot be bought for less than 75 cents a pair. We will sell them At the Uniform Price of 25 Cents. r SPECIAL SALES FOR THE WEEK: 10,000 Bordered Cambric Handkei-chiefs, six for 10 cents. 5,000 Handsome Fans, worth from 15c. to 50c., at 9 cents, 6,000 yards Figured Muslins at 3?4 cents. 2,500 yards best Black Calico, at 3% cents. 5,000 yards Check Nainsook at 4% cents. 10,000 Palmetto Fans, perfect goods, per dozen, 10 cents. 500 Ladies’ Chemise, worth 25 cents, at 15 cents. 500 Ladies’ Chemise, worth 50 cents, at 25 cents. 250 Ladies’ White and Colored Skirts, worth 50c. and 75c., at 25 cents. 10,(XX) yards All-silk Ribbons, from one to three inches wide, at the unifoi’m pi'ice of 5c 200 Children’s Embroidered Dresses at 25 cents and upward. 1,000 Goblets, in white and coloi-ed, at three for 10 cents. 10,000 papers English Pins at 3 cents a paper. 10,000 papers American Pins at 1 cent a paper. 10,000 papers English Needles at 1 cent a paper. 1,000 Nice Jerseys at 25 cents, worth 75 cents. 2,500 Fine Jerseys at 49c., 73c. and 98c.; the like was never seen for the money anywhere. 1,000 yards Scrim for Window Curtains, at 7c.; positively worth 12 l-2c, to 15c. 500 Corsets, odds and ends, former price fi'om *1 to $2, to dose them out we name 50c. as the price. We beg you to believe that these are real live bargains. There is no humbug about it, and if you don’t delay too long you will find everything as adveidised, and many other extraordinary bargains. DAVID WEISBEJN, 153 BROUGHTON STREET, TOBACCO. moLUK MeWl~'trueblu£ S. W. VENABLE & CO. S. W. VENABLE & CO. S. W. VENABLE & CO. IN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT THERE ARE SO MANY IMITATIONS OF THE CELEBRATED 11 MI lISG TOBACCO! On the market, we, therefore, take this method of informing the public that the very best chew the Greimine True Blue! Each plug of which is labeled with an oval blue tag with the name of Manufacturers : S. W. VENABLE & CO., Petersburg, Va. Can be had from the following well-known and Responsible Dealers: HENRY SEMKEN, SE cor. of Bay and East Broad; John Sioms, Screven Ferrv dock; John H. Entehnan, SE cor. Brouguton and East Broad; Henry Fehrenkamp, HE co'r President and Reynolds; M. Entdman, Arnold sml South Broad; M. Entehnan, Cleburne and Randolph; John Oefken, Reynolds and Jackson; N. McCarty, Perry and Randolph; John Grimm. NE Wheaton anil Randolph; Claus Gerken, Wheaton, opp. Dale, Dixon & Cos.; Harms & Meyer, Liberty and Ran dolph; Em. Eiehholz, Liberty and Wheaton; Cord. Asendorf, XW Liberty and East Broad: Mrs. C. Werner. Hull and Price; J. Id Scbwiebort, SE Price and York lane; J. 11. Lance, XW Price and York lane; J. D. Helmken, XW Charlton and East Broad: J. M. Asendorf. SW Charlton and East Broad; A. H. Entelnian, Price ami Charlton lane: Henry Preeht, Habersham and Charlton; M W. Suiter, Price anil Taylor; John Kuck & Cos.. Taylor and East Broad; M. Egan, Mercer and Hun tingdon: Martin Helmken, NE South Broad and East Broad; Win. F. Reid, Druggist, SW South Broad and East Broad; Fred Weasels, Huntingdon and Price; Robert Barbour, Price and Hall- J D. Harms, Bolton and C. L. R. R. Junction; D. H. Schueneman. Bolton and East Broad; J H. Wilder, New Houston and Lincoln; Geo. Renken, Bull and Anderson: Mrs. A. Kaiser White Bluff road and First avenue; A. Quint A Bro., Lovers lane: John Meyer, Lovers lane; Geo. Dieter Jr Waters road, near Lovers lane: John Murken, Thunderbolt road, lievond Toll Gate; P Patterson White Bluff road; p. J. Higgins, Middle Ground road; Stephen "Mailer, Middle Ground road; Henry Bleyert, White Bluff road; Geo, Witte, Montgomery and Anderson: A Games Duffy and West Broad; H. F. Kramer. New Houston arid West Broad; F. H. Haar, Bolton and West Broad; T. F. Malloy, Gwinnett and West Broad; C. H. Monsees. SE Huntingdon anil West Broad- A. Quint. Drayton and Perry: Win. R. 1). Brisling, Jefferson and York lane; J. R. Finn A Bro XW Huntingdon and West Broad: Wm. Diem. Minis and West Broad; Fred Asendorf, Minis and Tatt nall; C. J. H. Woeitjen & Bro. Wayne and Jefferson: J. K. Entelman, East Broad and Liberty Wilson Kieler Broughtonstn-et opposite Marshall Housi-; By F. tlroot, East Broad and Charlton- Joe Barbour, Barnard mid New Houston; I) J. Nagle, Duffy and Jefferson : J. A. Fridas Barnard and York lane; J. H. Helmken, Whitaker ami South Broad lane: Ben (utils, Whitaker and Liberty lane; Ham A Haar, Drayton and State; I*. B Reid, Dniggist Abercom and Jones; R. Palmer, Bull anil Broughton lane; li. Palmer, Jeffersou and Duffy: John Kuck, Drayton and Jones lane; E J Kicffer Drug gist. West Broad and Htewart: J. I>. Monsees, Roberta, near West Broad; J. F Lube Pima and l*uj-se; Geo. Schroder, Little Jones and IhirM-: J. C. Zelgler, tattle Jones and (Jiicrard: Frank Palmer, Sims auil Lumber; Gerken Bros., Wilson and Guerard; Rocker Bros., Little Jones and West Broad; Geo. Kuck, West Broad and Perry lane; J. E Tietjeri, West Broad anil New Street: Geo. Wei brock. Walnut and Harrison: (has. Ohsiek, Pine and Ann; Win. Vollers, Pine and Farm -11. Renken, Ann and Bryan; D. Entelman. NW Bay and West Broad; F. H. Jaohens. NE Bnv ami West Broad: J. P. Dally, SW Mill and Farm; Geo. Ehlers, NW Mill and Farm; 11. Renken, Indian and I arm: J. M. Blschoff, River and Farm; Win. Brown. Bryan near Jefferson; Mrs Duffy St Julian°nd Houston; J. H. Van Newton, comer Anderson and Lincoln; Philip Sanders, White Bluff rood; Mm. I. Knete, White Bluff road. M. MENDEL & BRO., Sole Ag’ts, BULL AND BAY STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. WATCHES AM) .JEWELRY. S ILYE li W ARE ! Having jusCretumed from New York, whore I selected the latest designs and styles, 1 can now exhibit the largest and Handsomest Stock of Solid Silverware, Diamonds and Fine Jewelry Kvar OpontPil Up in this City. In addition, our steal' has I icon replenished In every department with articles suitable for Wed ding Present'., House Furi Mng and other purposes. Also, a dazzling display of Diamonds W atcheii. Chains. Charms, clocks, Jewelry, and, In fact, everything that you would expect to find in too Leading Jewelry House of the city. Tiie High Standard of our goods is well known and a moderate and reasonable profit is till that wc expect or ask-therefore, no Fancy Prices. Any arti cle in our Extensive anil Varied Stock will compare with any similar articles to be found in any respeetahir Jewelry House anywhere not excepting the largest cities of the country. We invite a call and inspection. i4f~ fiend for our Illustrator! Catalogue. 157 IBx , o’ULg±xljoxL Street. M_. STERNBERG. XJXjAJtAOJSTJ^S. FRUIT AND GROCERIES COFFEE! COFFEE 7 Pounds Green Rio 7 Pounds Good Ground Rio!.'.'. - .."' " •■••■li Assorted Pickles! Assorted ui Pint Bottles, two for Suxux Bottles i air Gallon Bottles „j Soda, Soda, Sod' 10 Pounds Washing Soda 1 Pound Boss Soap, 8 for,.. * 8 7 Dozen Clothes Pina 50-foot Clothes Line 1 12 Packages Starch Dried Peaches, a pound Nuts. Nuts, Nuts Mixed Nuts, pier pound Pecan Nuts, per pound ■•!( 2 Pounds Raisins Coleman’s Mustard Half Pound Can ' Quarter Pound Can !..!!!!! Blacking, Blacking 2 Large Boxes Blacking ® Blacking Brushes Scrub Brushes U Scrub Brushes I Gallon Apples, a can Capers, per bottle ■ . -* K. POWER ’ 138 Congress, cor. Bull and St. Julian sts JUST, RECEIVED AT- Tlic Mutual Co-Operative Sin, UNDER ODD FELLOWS’ HALL, CHOICE NEW CREAMERY BCTIH AND A FULL LINE OF Staple and Fancy Groceries, JOHN R. WITHINGTOJ, AGENT. | ONIONS BERMUDA ONIONS IN CRATES, Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Peanuts. B^ E PEAS s r HAY AND GRAIN. Special Prices on Car Lots. Eastern Hij, Feed Meal, Bran, Corn, Oats, Grits and Meal 169 BAY STREET. W.D. SIMKINS&CO, —— —■ -r ■■■■ m HARDWARE. EDWARD LOVELL Til 155 Broughton, and 138-140 State Streets, DEALERS IN General Hardware, Cotton Hose, Kedzie Filters, Hose Reels, ice Cream Chums Plain and Spray Nozzles, Fluting Machines PAINTS AND OILS. LLOYD & ADAMS, SUCCESSORS TO A. B. COLLINS A CO., The Old Oliver Paint aad Oil Hi YI7ILL keep a full line of Doors, Sash. BW VV and Builders’ Hardware, Paints, 0 Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Lime, Pta* Cement, etc. Window Glass a si>ecialty. S sizes and kinds of Packing. A large lot or w size Sash, Doors and Blinds will be sold at a* count AT THE OLD STAND, No. 5, Whitaker St., Savannah, Gi RAILROADS. 9 South Florida Railroaiß Central Standard Time, ft ON and after SUNDAY, March 20, 1887, traifl w ill arrive and leave as follows; ♦Daily, i DaUy except Sundays, fDady V oept Mondays. Leave Sanford for Tampa and way 9 stations *1110:30 a m and *1 : Pfl Arrive at Tampa ....*! 3:40 p m and 8:50 Pfl Returning leave Tam- . „ _ 9 pa at ♦! 0:30 a m and *1 8.00 P W Arrive at Sanford... *i 2:30 P m and n I.ooa Leave Sanford for Kissimmee and ■ way stations at I Sim £9 Arrive at Kissimmee at ; ’ 9 lteturning leave Kissimmee J ;**9 Arrive at Sanford * ♦iSteamboat Express. ♦HWest India Fast Mail Train. BARTOW BRANCH. daily. I Lv Bartow Junction 11:28 a m. 2:10 and ..1 P “■ Ar Bartow 18:28,8:10and 8 Returning Lv Bar- , _ml tow.. 0:80 am, 12:50 and ;g £1 Ar Bartow J unction 10:50 am, 1:40 ana o. P PEMBERTON FERRY BRANCH- Operated by the South Florida RailuA ♦Leave Bartow for Pemberton lerry and way tatlons at ilissiuß Arrive at Pemberton Ferry at- ■ ♦Returning leave Pemberton Ferry at. • ■ t ■ Arrive it Bartow at 7-00m| tLeave Pemberton Ferry n’:B p ml Arrive Bartow 1-10 P n*! 1 Leave Bartow n’is D all Arrive Pemberton Ferry ' ' SANFORD ANI) INDIAN RIVER R- Leave Sanford for I>aLo Charm and way sta- , ..lonrnl tions +10:13 am and Arrive Lake Charm... 11:45 am and 6. P ■ Returning- „at2-30P®l Leave Lake Ohnrm 8:00 a m and 1 ■ . ♦ m I Arrives at Sanford 7:40 am and • SPECIAL CONNECTIONS. and I Connects at Sanford with the Sanm™ gt I Indian River Railroad fer Oviedo sj l .PLjgy. I Lake Jesup, with the People s Line an I Baya Merchants' Line of steamet-s. ana. ■ 1 K. V. Ry. for JacksonviUe mid " J“£*Se I points on the fit. John’s river, and "l I ')’ ’■ for Indian river and the Upper St. Jon j, ver I At Kissimmee with steamers for tu i and Btuwinger snd points on Klssimm t(lfn , I At, Pemberton itfrry with I Railway for nil points North and ’i- j i wa y for Bartow with tho Florida Southern Ka Fort Meade and points South. STEAMSHIP CONNECTIONS- . Connects at Tampa with *t®m*r,*i t o X* 0 *” for I’nlma Sotn, Braldentown, Palme tee arid all points on Hillsborough a T Xi, with the elegant mall cotte” ami "Whitney.” of the Plant Cos., for Key West and Havana. ()on , W Through ticket.-, sold at all regular sta points North, East and West. Baggage checked through- sanfer' nn Passengers for Havana can leave ~4opm Limtteil west India Hut Mattrai (stopping only at. Orlando. Kissima Junction. LaSeland and T-la-ut Crt J b jor Thursday and Saturday, connecting Ing with steamer at, Tampa. jicOJV'. General Freight and TickV^