The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 09, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 RAIN NEEDED FOR RICE. UNFAVORABLE PROSPECT FOR THE CROP AT PRESENT. # The Acreage Between 15 and 20 Per Cent. Less Than Last Year and the Grain Two Weeks Later Many Stands Ruined by Blackbirds and Bobolinks. The rice planters are growing wear} over the long drought. Weeks have elapsed siuoe there was a good soaking rain, and there has not even been a respectable shower lor a month. One of the largest and most suc cess! ul planters in the State remarked yes terday that the reports which he has of the crop are meagre. He added that “the acreage planted appears to be a great deal less than last, year, however. The decrease amounts to as much as 15 or 20 per cent. My plant ing is 20 per cent. less. “The cold weather of March and early April destroyed a great deal of the first planting, and the red winged blackbird has caused a great loss to the stand. I never saw the little pests so numerous and so ravenous. A great many planters had to replant for want of a stand. Those who did not replant have as a general thing a thin stand, and the fields are hare of rice on the hills. I hear of some stands of rice having been destroyed lately by the lx>b olink or May bird. These birds winter in Mexico, Central America, Cuba, and all down the Antilles. RUIN' By THE BIRDS. “Last February was unusually warm and the bobolinks started North earlier than usual. They were kept back a little by the cold snaps of a month ago, and got here just in time to catch the young rice. “The rivers are very low from want of rain, and I understand that the water is getting brackisti in a great many of them. Unless we have heavy rains before we put on the harvest water"in June our crop will suffer very materially, especially m the short rivers where the spring tides go away up the streams. We must have fresh water for the flows. The back waters on inland places are dried up and I see very little prospect, if any, for a crop on those places unless we have heavy rains this month. It will take a rain every day for three or four weeks to fill up the ditches so as to give the flow wanted. “Labor is plentiful,” said the gentleman, “but very little is being employed, for we are trying to make cheap crop and so pinch everywhere to make ends meet. I think prices will rale higher next season. Even now the market is looking up. LITTLE RICE OX HAND. “There is but little rice on hand and there is a good demand for all grades. Last year's crop was very fair ; a full acreage being planted and the yield being good. Prices, however, have ruled very low, some rice having sold below the cost of produc tion. The bulk of the crop has been mark eted, more rice having been used because it was cheap. The stock on hand in the mills in Savannah is quite small—about 145,000 bushels of rough. I understand that. the. stock in Charleston is almost exhausted. This year’s crop will beabout two weeks late.” From all that can be. learned the South Carolina crap threatens to lie short, because f the drought, cold spring and birds. It is fair to assume that the water in the rivers over there is even more brackish than the water in the Georgia rivers, because Caro lina's rivers are shortep and have not as great a volume of fresh water running down them as the longer rivers of Georgia have. The reports from Louisiana do not seem to be any more favorable. The planter quoted above says that the American planters are satisfied at growing enough for home con sumption, and do not care to exprt to try to compete with East India rice, which can not he put on the market here for less than 45-40. per pound. THE NEW COTTON CROP. Improvement in ita Prospects—The Drought Broken. The cotton crop this season, owing to a backward spring and dry weather generally th rang hou t the bolt, is from live days to two weeks late. Compared with recent seasons, however, the disparity as to planting time is not so great, and in several sections the planting has been finished fully as early,and, in some cases, earlier than last year. The greatest delay in planting has been in those sections usually showing early pro gress. BrtulstreeVs some very interesting data in regard to the condition of the weather and the outlook for the crop. In Texas, especially, the dry weather assumed the proportions of a drought, which de layed planting, and where seed was put in it delayed germination. But the past few days have shown a marked change for the better in cotton crop prospects. Rain has beci general in many States, and the Texas drought has been effectually broken. The present spring show* a sharp contrast with that of IKSiij when t here was t<x> much rain. Crop conditions are good, and it is probable that 75 per cent, of the crop nas heen planted. The general condition of stands is good, and chopping-out has liegun in sev eral States. The most cheerful reports come from the Caroliuas. In Georgia and Alabama dry weather has delayed planting and retarded growth where the seed was already in. The weather lias been too cool for rapid growth, but a change in this resjiect is noted. The general crop pros pects are reported equal to those of last, year at this time, though it is too early to decide definitely. The Methodist Orphans' Home. It is known to most Savannahians that this institution was destroyed by fire on tiie night of Jan. 1. House, furniture, clothing and all were consumed. The executive com mittee determined to rebuild, and is now at work. A spacious brick building is rapidly going up and must be completed Dy Sept. 1. Every city and town in the State is being (repealed to and are responding liberally. The Home’s agent. Rev. L. B. Payne, is in the city, and will apiieul personally to the friends of this noble charity for help. Over 100 children have found a" home in the Or phanage from Savannah. Those who may not lie call'd upon can send donations to Rev. T. T. (Him am. Funeral of Mrs. Joseph M. Farr. The funeral of Mrs. Joseph M. Farr, whose sudden death, while sit ting ir. a chair read ing, occurred on Friday, took place at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon from her late residi-nce at Bolton and Barnard streets. The services were conducted by Rev. Dr. Bacon, of the Independent Presbyterian church. A quartette from the Indcpendeiu church choir sang with much feeling the lieautiful hymns, "Asleep in Jesus,” and “Abide with Me.” The interment was in Ixuirel Grove Cemetery. The flora) deco rations of the grave were very eiatiorate. Charleston Happenings. The New Brighton Hotel Company will bo organized in Charleston to-day. The young jieople of Charleston, having been driven from the trail room, have re sorted to the straw ride, which is now the prevailing society craze. By arrangements recently perfected by the Atlantic Coast Line, truck produce leaving Charleston Saturday night will go through *0 Portsmouth, Va., without delay. The commemorative services of the Van derbilt. Benevolent Association, which have lieen in the course of preparation for several week*, took jilace at Hi. Matthew’s German Lutheran church lust night. The soda water business is increasing in Charleston. Over a dozen new fountains have been Tooted there this season. This laeds the public to lielieve that, the average Clun k-lonian is a very temperate sort of Timm. THE NEW WATER SUPPLY Pushing t he Work on the Wells- -Analy ses of the Artesian and River Water. The water works, since the sinking of the artesian wells, has become a popular place for Sunday visitors. There were more people who drove out yesterday than there j were a week ago. A deep interest is taken in the wells and in the progress of the work Supt. Miller is asked all sorts of questions about the wells, when they will lie finished and when they will be in operation, whether the system is going to be as much of a suc cess as it was expected to be, and a dozen other similar queries. The five wells which were connected with the pumping works last week yielded an inadequate supply, and the Water Works Committee decided to wait until the other two wells which are now in progress, and near completion, are finished and ready for service, before making the change, so as to give an ample supply' of artesian water whenever it is turned into the city mains. The sixth and seventh wells are very nearly' finished, and it is liojied to have the system in successful operation early' this 'week. The work of connecting the mains to the large pumps will begin to-night, and while it is in progress the water supply in the city will he shut off. The starting of the new system has re vived the discussion as to the relative merits of Savannah river water and artesian water. When the matter was under con sideration in the City Council a y'ear ago Alderman S. P. Hamilton, then Chairman of the Water Works Committee, sent to the Smithsonian Institute two samples of Sa vannah l iver water taken from the river opposite the water works the same day, one at high tide and the other at low' tide, and also a sample of artesian water from the well nearest to the works. The analyses which were re ported in the Morning News at the time were made by Chief Chemist Clark of the United States Geological Survey. The analysis of the water taken at high tide showed the following ports in 1,000,000. Chlorine Trace Free, ammonia None Albumenoid ammonia 2.0 Inorganic solids 45 0 Org&nie solids 22.0 The analysis of the water taken at low tide showed the following parts in 1.000,- 000. Chlorine Trace Free ammonia None Albumeuoid ammonia 1.0 Inorganic solids 40.0 Organic Solids 15.0 The analysis of the water taken from the artesian well was as follows: Chlorine 7.3 Free ammonia None Albumenoid ammonia None Solids (inorganic! mostly carbonates 174.0 A samplo of the artesian water was also sent to Dr. C. F. Chandler, of New York, one of the leading chemists in the country, who made an analysis of the Savannah river water a number of years ago. The result of his analysis is as follows, the num ber of grains in ii United States gallon of 231 cubic inches being: Chlorine in chlorides 0.0192 Equivalent to sodium chloride 1.0218 Phosphates Traces Nitrites None Nitrogen in nitrates 0.0288 Free ammonia None Albumenoid ammonia 0.0017 Hardness oqniv. to 1 Before boiling 4.0403 carb. of lime. ) After boiling 1.7804 Soda 0.79*7 Potassa 0.1252 Lime 2.034) Magnesia 0.7003 Oxide of iron and alumina 0.0233 Silica 8.1020 Sulphuric acid 0.5100 Equivalent to sulphate of lime 0.8772 Organic and volatile matter 0.5832 Mineral matter 12.8207 Total solids at 110 degs. centigrade 13.4181 Biological analysis: 227 colonies in 1 cubic centimetre. The biological analysis, Dr. Chandler stated, is a matter of no real significance, but it is made simply because some people think it means something. In this case the number of eolonies is small. In a letter ac companying his report. Dr. Chandler stated that the analysis was most satisfactory, the most important items being the nitrates, the nitrogen in nitrates, the free ammonia, and the albumenoid ammonia. BADGES FOR HUCKSTERS. Green Grocers and Market Men Claim Protection Against Street Dealers. At the next meeting of the City Council Alderman Reid’s ordinance requiring street hucksters to wear badges will come up for consideration. The green grocers and market dealers have urged the Market Committee to afford them some sort of protection against the hucksters, whom they claim are an unlicensed opposition to t heir business. Alderman Reid is chairman of the com mittee, and has given the matter his attention. The ordinance which lie introduced at the last meet ing of Council providesfor the furnishing of free badges to all the market dealers; that is, those who rent stalls, and to all licensed green grocers, to l>e worn whenever they desire to sell on the streets after market hours. It also provides for the furnishing of free badges to all fishermen who sell on the streets, and to gardeners who sell pro duce of their own raising, ujion satisfactory evidence that the applicant for the badge is a fisherman or a guraener. Hucksters who sell upon the streets will be required to wear a huckster's badge, which must be obtained from the Clerk of Council by the payment of the regular license fee. The ordinance provides that all persons selling on the streets, from wagons or other wise, must have * heir badges in a conspicu ous place, so that they can be plainly seen. The penalty for a violation of the ordinance is u fine not to exceed $25 or imprisonment for not more than ten days, or both Local Personal. Mr. D. G. Hughes, of Twiggs county, is at the Screven. Mr. T. J. Reid, a brother of Alderman \V. F. Reid, left last night for Birmingham, Ala. He will become a member of the firm of Acosta. Reid Douglass of that city. The firm is composed entirely of Havan lmhians, and is going to start the manufac ture of artificial stone under the patent owned by Mr. Peirce, who is interested in a factory in this city. Capt. Mitchell, of the revenue cutter Hugh McCullough, spent yesterday in Sa vannah. The McCullough put iii here on Saturday night and will leave this morning. Capt. Mitchell has been twenty-three years in the revenue marine service, and nearly half of that time he has spent, on Southern stations. He has tieen in command of the McCullough for the past year and a half, having been ordered to Charleston from the cutter Gallatin at Boston. He is one of the most experienced and efficient officers in the service, as he is one of the most popular. Among the arrivals at the Screven House yesterday were B. I l ', Hallet, New York; .1. S. Thomas, D. F. Jack, Brunswick; tJeorge J. Grime*, Columbus; C. C. Stulb, iliiladelphin; Mrs. Schwartz, New York; Thomas J. B. Watts, Baltimore; A. Worms, New York; M. J. Pass, New Orleans; E. <!. Anderson, Birmingham, Ala.; K. E. Pate, New York. At the Marshall House wore John Taylor, D. C. Himpson, J. M. Buford, M. J. Jack son, New York; Charles F. Miller, J. 11. Butler, Philadelphia; Will C. Klntts, E, L. Gillonl. Charleston, S. C.; Sam P. White, Pennsylvania; T. H. Johnson, Jr., Allen dale, H. U; M. M. Millikin,Race Pond;C. B. Tausend, Louisville, Ky.; Fred Linscott, Brunswick; Charles Durmeyor, Georgia; S. M. Mattox, St. Louis. At the Harnett House wore Samuel P. White, Pennsylvania; P. J. Fallon. John Manning, Macon; J. W Hosiner, E. 1). Campbell, Boston; R. A. Good worth and wife, Cincinnati; W, G. Richardson, Pen nyworth; A. G. Baker,Pennsylvania; O. G. Sercombat, Waukashaw, Wis.; J. E. Pres eott, Waynesboro; A. E. Christensen, J. M. Nutting, St. Louis; F. G. Warner, New York; M. Hanford, if. A. Murruy, Bing THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, MAY 9, 1887. THROUGH THE CITY. Items Gathered Here and There by the News Reporter*. Calantlie Todge, Knights of Pythias, will meet to-night. The Board of Education will hold its May meeting to-night. The Wesley Monumental Church Sunday school will celebrate its anniversary on May 18. The Southern Mutual Loan Association will bold its tenth regular monthly meeting of series B at Metropolitan Hall to-night. Yesterday was a quiet day in police circles. Only three arrests were made. Up to midnight there were thirteen oases for court this morning. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Tyler Cotton Press Company will lie held at the Savannah Cotton Press Associa tion offices to-day. Rev. Dr. Bacon, pastor of the Independent Prrebyterinn church, preached an anniver sary sermon yesterday morning commemo rative of the founding of the church sixty eight years ago. There were 181 failures in the United Stab's reported to Brndatreet's last week, against 158 in the preceding week, and 172, 1(57, 151 and 132 in the corresponding weeks of 1886, 1885, 1884 and 1883 respectively. A negro named Moore was arrested at 2 o'clock yesterday morning by Policeman H. M. Morgan for stealing a door. The officer saw Moore come out of a partly burned house at Zuhly and Walnut streets carrying the door on his back, as Samson did the gab-s of Gaza. Moore said tiiat he was asked to get the door by a woman in the neighhornood, blit she denied it. Moore will bo before the Mayor this morning. THE BALL AND BAT. The Fourth Week of the Southern League—The Games Scheduled. Charleston at Savannah. Mobile at Nashville. New Orleans at Memphis. This is the way the fourth week of the Southern League will open. Three games of the fifth series remain to lie played. Charleston won Saturday’s game from Sa vannah without half trying. The result of to-day’s game remains to be seep. The batteries will be Nichols and Dallas for Savannah and Drouby and Grady for the visitors. Durmeyer, the home team’s second baseman who did not arrive from New Orleans until after Saturday’s game, will play to-dny. Nichols, although he has been suffering from a lame arm, is in good condition now and will prove a strong ac cession to the team. The field has lieen re arranged, and with the addition of Nichols and Durmeyer the club will play to win. The game will be called at 4 o’clock. Games Yesterday. At Cincinnati— Cincinnati 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0— 6 Cleveland 800211000—7 At St. Louis— St. Louis 00010004 I—6 Louisville 00 1 2000 1 0— 4 Around the Bases. “Tricky” Nichols, the old reliable, will pitch to-day against Charleston. Pete Wockbecher has been released by New York and will join the Mobiles. Memphis is reported to have purchased the release of Ed KnoufT. The club paid 1200 for Veach’s release. The Warrens will leave this morning for Jacksonville where they wifi play the Dixies for the championship of Georgia and Florida. They will take the following nine: Barney Doyle, manager; Horrigan e., and Captain: Butler p., Murphy lb., Brennan 2b., McCauley 3b., Sullivan s.s., Mahoney 1.f., Forlong c.f., Lovett r.f. Including Saturday’s games, the Detroits lead in the race for the League pennant, with 7 games won and 1 lost. Boston has won 4 and last 2; New York has won 5 and lost 2: Pittsburg has won 3 and lost 2; Phil adelphia has won 3 and lost 4; Indianapolis has won 2 and lost fi: Chicago has wop I and lost ft, and Washington has won I apd lost •">. The American Association record shows that Baltimore has wop 11 games and last 2; St. Louis 10 and lost 3; Brooklyn 7 and lost 4; Louisville 7 and lost 6; Athletics 5 and lost 7; “Mets” t and lost 11; Cincinnati 8 and lost 5, and Cleveland 1 and lost 7. OIL TRUST’S OPPOSITION. What is Said in Wall Street of the Southern Oil Company. The location of a site iu Savannah by the Southern Cotton Oil Company for one of its chain of oil mills adds interest to the ru mors afloat that the company’s affairs are not in a very roseate that some of the gentlemen whose subscriii tions were obtained have drawn out. The Wall Street News has taken pains to look into the matter, and it says that it is scarcely to be wondend at that such is the case, for there seems to Vie but little hope for the stockholders in such a concern, when the American Cotton Oil Trnst, comprising 90 per cent, of the practical mill owners of the South, controls the raw material as well as the manufactured product. An opposition to such a corporation, the News aids can only prove futile, afid it then goes on to sav that this is not tho only reason why capital ists are disinclined to put up funds freely for the now venture. The gentlemen who organ ized the Southern Cotton Oil Company have not gone about it in a way calculated to in spire the confidence of investors.'- The sales of stock at 50c. on the dollar are not in them selves reprehensible. It is usually the cus tom to let first comers into anew enterprise at concessions. They have to be given a soft thing to induce them to go in at all. It does, however, seem kind of odd for the officials to be provided with a lot of patents to ab sorb the first income from the subscriptions, (for instance, at one of the first meeting* of the original directors of the Southern Cot ton Oil Company it was resolved that the company should then purchase twelve pat ents for different devices connected with the manufacture of cotton oil, and of the twelve six appeal' to lx* controlled by the directors whose names appear at the hoard meeting where the purchase was authorized. \lt was a pretty idea also to ar range that the Treasurer’s bond should be for only SIO,OOO, and that his two brothers, also iu the concern, should stand as sureties. It was not a bad idea, either, for these, sofne gentlemen, after buying enough of their own patents as a company, which they had previously held as individuals, to go ahead and provide for the expenditure of future income from the subscriptions of outsiders by awarding themselves $41,000 per annum in salaries divided as follows: I’er Annum. President $15,1100 General Manager 12.000 Assistant Manager and Engineer 10.000 Secretary and Treasurer 4,060 Nor shortly afterward to make another office at $9,000 per annum; hut the neatest stroke of diplomacy was In the execution of the agreement which the stockholder is re quired to sign, and which leaves the shares which ho i* to got as com pletely the property of the trustees as the money which he pays in for them, for the term of one year. He cannot tell, except at price which they name, and through them. The trustees, however, can market the sub scriber's stock at their own option. 111 other words, the stockholder's money and liis shares* are alike at the disposal ot the trus tees. The trustees of such a conqmny ought to prosper, whether the stoekholilors do or not,! provided they con get < nough lambs to pay in their money, and sign snoh agreements. The president of the Bouthorn Oil Company is Henry C. Butcher, of whom Phil Armour is reported to have said recently, when offered 5,000 shares of the stock by him on the ground floor: "I will build a fence so high that he can not climb over, mid so low that *'e cannot crawl under it.” All the latest styles 111 Chitureu's, Boys’ .. ’fv „t A f ' ■ 1* A TALK WITH A SCULPTOR. How the Modem Btone Cutter is Util ized by Great Artists. “Just because old Michael Angelo used to pick up a chisel and maul, and cut his figures out of a block of marble, most peo pie think that the same thing is done by sculptors of the present day,” remarked a well-known sculptor the other morning. “Now I don’t believe we would ever have any statues or busts if we waited for our sculptors to cut them out of stone. There is a great deal of mechanical work in the creation of a statue or any other piece of art work. All the stone cutting is done by an artisan hired at about £4 a day. You see, therefore, that the public never get a glimpse of the artist’s handwork. All statues are made by common stone cutters from models which, of course, are wholly created by the artist. This cutting of mar ble for artists is not even so difficult as the decorations—the leaves, borders and crosses —cut upon tombstones. In making the statue of to-day, the sculp tor first makes a rude wooden skeleton for his figure, or he buys one at an art dealer’s establishment. He has to use this skeleton to support the figure, because the clay in which it is first modelled is not capable of sustaining its own weight. Upon this skele ton the figure is built by the sculptor. When completed the elav figure is first thoroughly dampened and oiled. Then the sculptor, who this early in the work calls in mechan ical aid, proceeds to take a mold of the figure in plaster of pans. If the statue is not in tended for duplication, the mold is taken in two parts; but if the artist wants to put copies on the market he makes the mold in small sections, which can be removed without injuring the model. If a two-part mold is taken it is thoroughly colored with ochre inside, and then the in terior is carefully soaped. The two parts are set up on end and filled with liquid plaster of parts. When this hardens, the workman attacks the molds with chisel and hammer and cuts them away until he reaches the statue inside. The ochre color ing on the inside of the mold tells when the chisel is nearing the concealed statue, and care is taken to avoid injuring the cast. The soap prevents the liquid plaster of paris from assimilating with tlio mold, and finally the latter is all chipped off as neatly as one takes the shell from an egg. This completes the plaster of paris statue. If the artist now wishes to have it per petuated in marble he dismisses the work men who made the cast and calls in the marble cutter. This last mechanic has a talisman which makes him master of the hardest marble and the most delicate eurv ings of the artist’s model. It is called a “pointer,” and is a delicate and accurate in strument for measuring concave and convex surfaces, lines, curve* and distances. With this |as a guide the mechanic places his marble on a bench beside the plaster of paris model and proceeds to put the artist’s ideas into an endurable and marketable form. The mode) is reproduced with an exact ness of detail that even its creator could not hope to equal without the aid of the “point er.” Some sculptors, after the artisan has finished, take the chisel and put' on a few strokes to bring out the details of the skin texture. “So you see,” concluded the sculptor after narrating the above details, “thesculptor of the present day seldom uses the chisel. I know one sculptor who used to be a marble cutter, and he told me that his mechanical knowledge was valueless from an artistic standpoint.” Mrs. Shoddy’s Pictures. Boston Letter to the Providence Journal. A Mrs. Shoddy, of Boston, for even in Boston specimens of this class exist, was discoursing the other evening upon the saJo of the Stewart pictures in New York. “I thought of going on,” she said, “to buy some of the paintings, but I really have more pictures than I know what t< > do with. Of course there were fine things in the Stew art sale, but my own painting), I may say, are really metrioious —at least I thought them as such—and so I concluded not to compete with New York collectors.” Thudear old dovvager would bo astonished if she knew how true her remark was, little as she understood the true significance of her epithet. A good story is told of the way in which she bought some of her “nietn cious” pictures. Several years ago she wont abroad, and took with her a specimen of the paper of her drawing room, in order that she might buy pictures to harmonize—or as she said to match. An American artist in Paris wrote home an account of her visit to the studio of a French artist of distinction. The lady arrived one morning by appoint ment, "armed with her specimen of wall paper, and stated that the architect of her house hail told her to purchase a picture of a given size for a certain s[>aoe in her draw ing room. Th* artist had no picture of these dimensions, but he was clever enough to understand the sort of woman he was dealing with and unscrupulous enough to take advantage of her. “This canvas,” he said, showing her a painting he wished to sell, “isn’t the same measure you want, because we have the metric system in France, and of course that is different; but it is tiiat measure trans lated into our system. It is the nearest tiling you can get in this country.” The picture was half us large again as she had asked for, but she received this explana tion in perfect good faith, and proceeded to investigate the harmony of pajier and pic ture. The obliging painter arranged the wall paper behind the canvas, walked away from the easel and clapped his hands in ad miration. “Ah, niadmue,”he said, with a dramatic sigh, “you Americans are such a nation! I have searched Paris for a proper liack ground for this picture and have not been able to find it: and here you bring me pre cisely the color of which I have dreamed. If I had that paper I would not sell you the picture at all, but now you must have it if I give it to you.” And he did give it to her—in exchange for $7,000. At another studio she was less successful. She had been told whose pictures she ought to buy, and applied boldly to the leading painters of Paris. The second artist whom she saw, however, treated Her with what she feelingly describes ns outrageous brutal ity. When she produced her s[K'eimen* of wall pa|>or the old man brusquely inter rapted her setting forth of her wishes. “It is of no use, madanie,” lie suid with a great affectation of regret and earnestness. “I never sell a picture on so slight grounds as mere lianiiony with the paper-hanging. Ho much de|iends upon the light that I never risk my reputation without examining the room in which the painting is to hang. Did you bring your house with youf If you didn't I fear it is impossible for us to come to an arrangement.’’ Ho Wouldn’t Spoil tho Dinner. Frvnvthr Detroit Free Press. An old war veteran, who lmd lxen through half n dozen campaigns and was not very particular about what he ate, was invited out to u swell dinner party. He sat almost directly opposstc the hostess, and was pain fully conscious that every move he trade could Ik* observed by her." Suddenly, at the height of the festivities, the veteran came across a caterpillar in his salad. A furtive glance at the hostess disclosed the fact that she too had discovered the embarrassing cir cumstance. It was a critical moment, but the old soldier was equal to the occasion. Without changing a muscle he gathered up the caterpillar with n forkful of the salad anA swallowed both. The look of gratitude which he received from his hostess a few minutes later warmed the very cockles of his heart. In due time the story leaked out, and when somebody asked the old cam paigner how he likod caterpillar salad, the reply came like a hot shot: “Do you -take me tor a man who would spoil a dinner party for a little thing like a caterpillar I" KORBFORD’S ACID PHOSPHATE Improves Nutrition. Dr. A. Thau, Philadelphia, says: “It pro motes digestion and Improves general nutri- JACK, THE NONDESCRIPT. Something About a Remarkably Intel* llgent Bird. From the Few York Times. Jack, the nondescript, one that has sorely puzzled the greatest ornithologists of Amer ica, and for which the sum of #I,OOO has frequently been offered and refused, died on Thursday at the residence of its owner, Capt. Frederic Perkins, General Agent of the Knickerbocker Steamboat Company, 350 Seventh street, Brooklyn. Ha was a re markable linguist, ana, although of Ori ental nativity, spoke English with great fluency. A Christian Chinaman, one of thousands of people that visited the bird, said that he was of a genus rare in the Celestial Empire, but that specimens had been infrequently seen within ten miles of Canton, and he at tributed to it many of the char acteristics of the American starling. Ilis breast and back was of a beautiful drab or dove color, the wings and tail of rich vel vety black tipped with white, the head sur mounted with a tuft of black liair-like feathers; legs and bill yellow; long, sharp talons, like those of a hawk, and a small, vicious gray eve of peculiar shape. He was the size of a kingfisher. Many fancied that he was a Pagoda mynah (Temenuchus pagoda rum ) but the best authorities repudi ated the suggestion. Capt. Perkins received the following from Prof. J. E. Holden, of the Central Park zoological collection, after forwarding a minute description of the bird and asking for its tribe: "Dear Sir —I have looked over several works that we have and find nothing con cerning the creature. Wood’s Natural His tory of Birds I thought would contain the most particular account, but find that it only repeats what we all know about mynahs. It says that the mynah is thought to be equally intelligent with the gray par rot, that is equally able to talk with any other bird. I don't know of a work to rec ommend to you. General works on birds are not common. I wish that I could direct you further, but I doubt any one’s ability to find a book with a reference to the sub ject matter of your inquiry.” Chinamen believe that because of the startling intelligence and apparent conver sational (not merely verbal) powers of the bird that it was possessed of evil spirits. His knowledge of Chinese was unbounded. Among his mimetic powers were accurate imitations of coughing, sneezing, crying, laughing, sharpening of knife, drawing nails, grating nutmegs, sawing wood, tiling a saw, barking of a dog, and other sounds, given with wonderful precision. It actually conversed with Capt. Perkins, and ap parently was made aware of the apv proach of his master by instinct. So soon as the Capitain came near his home the bird would screech a welcome of “Hello, cap, dinner is all readyor, "This way for Roekaway, CapHe whistled an air like a human being, and the house dog would re spond to his call. He understood everything that was said to him. The Captain, in pleasant weather, would take Jack into the street perched upion his shoulder, but his affection for his master was so strong and so wonderfully manifested that the latter had no fear of his elopement. “Ah!” said the Captain to the writer, “I almost feel as if I had lost a child. Talk about his value —no one could name his price to me.” SHE PRAYED TO THE MOON. At the Same Time a Fortune Teller Preyed on Simple Mrs. Daly. From the Few York titar. A [ strange, good-looking woman walked into the candy store of Mrs. Mary Daly at Union Hill, and told Mrs. Daly that she had a “spell over her” and that she must have it removed. The stranger said she was a for tune teller. “Go up-stairs,” she said, “and take from your bureau drawer two lace shawls, a pocket book, a watch and a gold ring, bring them down and I will pray over them. You have a brother in California who has be come very rich and is looking for you.” Mrs. Daly was frightened and went up stairs to procure the articles mentioned. The stranger accompanied her. When the things were brought down she put the shawls on her shoulder and the other articles in her pocket and walked toward the door, saying she was going to pray to the moon. When she got outside she took to her heels and ran away. She has not yet been captured. Railroad Chatter. Five hundred hands will begin work to day on the Georgia Southern and Florida road near Togni, Houston county. At the r<-cent annual meeting of the Nor folk and Western railroad, the stockholdei-s endorsed the extension policy and re-elected the old directors. “Buchu-Pniba.” Quick, complete cure, all annoying kid ney, bladder and urinary diseases. sl. At druggists. “Rough on Bile" Pills. Small granules, small dose, big results, pleasant in operation, don’t disturb the stomach. 10c. and 86c. “Rough on Dirt.” Ask for “Rough on Dirt.” A perfect washing powder found at last! A harmless extra fine A1 article, pure and clean, sweet ens, freshens, bleaches and whitens without slightest injury to finest fabric. Unequaled for fine linens and laces, general household, kitchen and laundry use. Softens water, saves labor and soap. Added to starch (ire vents yellowing. 5c., 10c., 85c. at grocers. Mason & Hamlin Pianos. Mason & Hamlin bid fair to become as famous for their pianos as they have long been for their world world-renowned organs. The distinguish ing feature about the Mason & Hamlin Piano is on important improvement in the method of holding the strings. They are secured by metallic fastenings, instead of by the frictidri of pins set in wood, as has been the case, and the advantages resulting are highly important. Wonderful beauty and musical quality of tone; far less liability of getting out of tune; greater reliability in trying climates; and greater solidity of con struction and durability are secured. At Estill’s News Depot. Savannah Daily Mo uni no News, Reach’s Rase Ball Guide for 1887, Sporting Life, American Field, Harper’s Bazar, Sporting News, Sporting Times, Peck’s Sun, Family Story Paper, Fireside Companion, Saturday Night, New York Ledger, New York Weekly, Banner-Weekly, Arkansaw Traveler, Merchant Traveler, Philadel phia Call, Boston Herald, Boston Globe, Philadelphia Times. Evening Star, Phil delphia Press, Baltimore Sun, Bal timore American, New York Herald, World, Times, Star, Sun, Tribune, Graphic, Florida Tlmes-Union, Nashville Union, Jacksonville Morning News, New Orleans Tlmes-Democrat, New Orleans Picayune, Macon Telegraph, Augusta Chronicle, Cin cinnati Commercial Gazette, Charleston News and Courier, Atlanta Constitution. The nobbiest line of Gents' Trousers in the city at Appel & Sclmul’s, One Price Clothiers. Don’t fail to witness the counting of the jar of collar buttons at Appel & Schaul’s, the One Price Clothiors. Appel & Sehaul have a White Pleated Shirt at ? 1 15 as good as bought elsewhere for #1 50. 50e. will buy you a fancy colored shirt with extra collars and cuds, at Appel & Schaul’s, One Price Clothiers. IxMik out for tlm grand salo of Children’s and Boys’ Clothing shortly to be announced ’ ’ ii ’.On ‘. .!■ Cl t:,' Weather Indications. ' Special indications for Georgia: Fair weather; light variable winds; nearly stationary temperature. Comparison of mean temperature at Savan nah, Slay 8,1887, and the inean of same day for fifteen years. Mean Temperature De l^' ,ra — M biiice for 15 years, May 8,18 ST. ‘ Jan. 1,1887. 73.0 ! 73.4 -I- 0 4 211 0 Comparative rainfall statement: _ Mean Daily Amount j D ™£ ire 16 Years. .May 8.1881. j xm . _ j Jau , IS B7. d)9B I JO j .002 I— 5.541 Maximum temperature 80.7, minimum tem perature 66.8. The height of the river at Augusta at 1 :SS o’clock p. m. yesterday (Augusta time) was 7.2 feet—a rise of o.,>toot during the past twenty-foui" hours. Cotton Region Bulletin for 24 hours end ing tip. m., May 8, 1887, 7oth Meridian time. Districts. ] Average. V . M _ ' st Max.l Min. Rain- Name. j SMi- Temp Temp fall. 1.- Wilmington 8 82 63 I .26 2. Charleston 8 88 02 [ .07 8. Augusta 11 87 61 I .06 4. Savannah 12 98 63 04 5. Atlanta 9 85 60 01 6. Montgomery 7 90 62 7. Mobile 7 91 60 8. New Orleans 7 90 00 9. Galveston 86 06 .62 10. Vicksburg 4 89 55 11. Little Rock 4 86 60 12. Memphis 18 88 59 .02 Averages 87.9 60.9 .04 Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations. Savannah, May 8, 9:86 p. m., city time. Temperature. | Direction. a Velocity. ? i Rainfall. Name OF Stations. Norfolk 66 8 . JMiFair. Charlotte 68 NW 6] .. . Fair. Wilmington 72SAV 7 ,03;Tbreatening Charleston 72|SW 9j—Fair. Augusta . 74NW .. j Cloudy. Savannah 72! S 7!— Fair. Jacksonville 741 S 14].... Clear. Key West 76] E 6 1.25 Cloudy. Atlanta 74! N 7| Clear. Pensacola 76] W 6, Clear. Mobile 74 SW .. Fair. Montgomery 80| ! Clear. New Orleans 74i S 6] Clear. Galveston 76 8 E 12 ... Cloudy. Corpus Christi 76:8 ElB ... Clear. Palestine 74jS El 9j.... Cloudy. Brownesville 76iS E| 7l Cloudy. RioGrande 70|S E|lo] Clear. G. N. Salisbury, Signal Corps, U. 8. Army. Delicate Children, Nursing Mothers, Overworked Men, and for all dis eases where the tissues are wasting away from the inability to digest ordinary food, or from overwork of the brain or body, nil such should take Scott’s Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites. “I used the Emulsion on a lady who was deli cate and threatened with Bronchitis. It put her in such good health and flesh that I must say it is the best Emulsion I ever used.”— L. P. Waddell, M. D., Hughs’ Mills, S. C. ‘‘ODDS AND ENDS” SALE. Rare Bargains Which the Early Shop per Will Find at Crockery House of James S. Silva & Son. Preparatory to taking stock we intend to make a clean sweep of odd patterns, rem nants and all otherwise irregular goods in our line. To this end we offer from this day these goods at prices below cost. The lots consists of: Dinner Sets. Tea Sets. Chamber Sets. Crockery. Glassware. Lamps, etc. As we cannot duplicate the prices, this offers a rare opportunity for housekeepens to pick up just what they need at a nominal cost. It will pay to come and see what we have to offer. James 8. Silva & Son, 140 Broughton street. Extraordinary Premiums. From aud after this date you can get the fol lowing articles wlith annexed purchases on terms stipulated further on: 1. Wittaeueh fash finable Gent's Suit, one block of lots in the new extension. 2. With each stylish Boys’ Suit, any corner lot and improvements on the market. 3. With each Mackinaw Straw Hat, the capi tal prize in the Louisiana State Lottery. 4. With each purchase of fine Summer Under wear. in suits or separate garments, the entire stock of the Georgia Central Railroad. 5. With every purchase of Neckwear from our unrivaled display of Summer Styles, a round trip ticket to Canada. 6. Every stout gentleman v ho wants a perfect fit in a Business or Dress Suit can get, it of us, and with it the Richmond and West Point Ter minal system. 7. With each half -dozen pairs of Gents' fine Hose or Half Hose, the suspension of any four clauses of the Interstate Commerce Bill. 8. All purchases made of ns, and we guaran tee our prices the lowest, will derive proportion ate advantages. To get the prizes, add the individual coat to our prices on whatever you buy. and there you are. 161 Congress street, B. H. Levy & Bro. Messrs. M. F. Molina and Simon Gazan. The two above well-known citizens have kindly promised to manage the counting of the jar of collar buttons on exhibition in one of our windows, which will take place in our store on Monday, the 9th, at 7:30 o’clock p. m. The register will be closed on Saturday, the 7th. All those desiring to register can do so before that time, but no one will be allowed to guess on Monday. ,All interested are cordially invited to call and witness the counting. Appel & Schaul, One Price Clothiers. Straw Hats Given Away To every purchaser of a suit of our clothing. To our #2 50 Knee Suit a nice straw hat is given free which sells for 50c. To our finer grade of Boys’ Suits a white Mackinaw is given free which sells for 75c. and #l. To our #5 00 Men’s Suits, a white or mixed Hut is given free; to our finer grades Men’s Suits every purchaser will receive a straw hat free of cost, corresponding to grade of suit purchased. With our finest Suit a fine #3 Mackinaw Hat or light color Derby is given. The low prices on our own manufactured clothing remain unchanged. The above offer we make to induce a more rapid sale of our Spring and Summer Cloth ing. The “Famous" is always on the look out to give their customers a benefit. These hats are not a cheap lot bought for the pur pose, but our regular assortment, purchased before any thought of their being given away. Come and get a Straw Hat free of cost of the Famous New York Clothing House, 140 Congress etroct. A fine assortment of Gentlemen’s Under wear, Hosiery, Neckwear and Dress Shirts always on hand at reasonable prices. Call and examine those #7 50, #9 80, $9 90 and #lO 00 Suits at Appel & Schaul’s—per fect fit guaranteed. Harnett House. Concerning a popular hotel in Savannah, Ga., the Florida Times-Unlon says: “We note from the hotel arrivals as published in the Savannah papers, that the Harnett House still leads all the other hotels in the city. In fact they have as many ns the others combined. There is a good install ment of Floridians alwuys registered there.” Ditl you see those $1 IK), #2 25 and #2 50 Spring Stiff Hats in light colors at Appel & Schaul Vi! Ipll I I POWDER Absolutely Pure, This Powder never varies. A marvel of p,,*, I Strength and Wholesomeness. More ecnSl cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be 21 in competition with the multitude of low short weight alum or phosphate powders Sll only ih cans. Royal Bakins Powder a,' TSI Wall street, New York. o ' 10 *| LUDDEN Tfc KATES 8. M piwii Are often confounded in the minds of those who for various reasons fail to the true and the beautiful, with the cheap wood cuts and chromos which are offers] through the country by traveling aiJ tioneers ns Paintings or Indotints. To those who for various reasons cans* appreciate the true and beautiful, we sav seize the golden opportunity and cover yoar I walls with auction goods. But to tio who desire or can use Works of Art, we g present offer unusual bargains and great at tractions, as our Annual Clearance Salt —OF— PICTURES Is now taking place, and present stock will be sold without reserve. Conte and see us, Our store is large, cool and comfortable, and we shall take pleasure in showing you our stock, whether you desire to purclias, or not. State * OP Weather. L.&B.S.M.H. HATS. HATS! HATS! HAT! LaFar’s lew Store, 29 BULL STREET. Men’s Hats, Youths’ Hats, Boys’ Hat Mackinaw Hats at 50c. DUNLAP’S FINE HATS, black and peail color. Naseimento’s Flexible, Comforts ble Hats. Conductors’ Caps, Military Caps. Fine Dress Shirts, plain or pleated bosoms. Men's Summer Undershirts and Drawers at 60c each. Fine Half Hose, 25c. Fine Linen Handker chiefs, #3 per dozen. Scarfs, beautiful patterns, 50c to $1 per dozen. Lawn Ties, in white land fancy patterns, 200 per dozen. Suspenders, Valises, Collars and Cuffs in variety. Elegant Yachting Shirts. Yachting and Ten nis Shoes. Silk and Gloria Cloth Umbrellas. Fine. Men’s Garters, Patent Buttons, Studs and Sleeve Holders. Anything, from a nice Nigns Shirt to a full Suit or Clothes to order, at LaFar’s New Store, 29 BULL STREET, ,’_j t-- FOOD PRODUCT*. FORES! CM BUI 9 Prepared Stock Food foi Horses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pur o grain. Guaranteed Sweet and Nutritious. Bond,Haynes&Elton COAL AND WOOD- - - Coal&Wood AT Reasonable Prices. DIXON&MURPHY Office No. 6 Drayton street. Telephone No. Wharves Price and Habersham streets^,. Pit INTER AND BOOKBIN®L, GEO. N. NICHOLS, the old and reliable PRINTER and BINDER, The reputation acquired more tlian lintf a century * the bunluemi, and thlrty-a*'* years In coniluctlttS **■ matiitained.