The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 07, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENT A. WORD. 4PVERTISE3TKSTS, 15 IKorifs or more, in this column inserted for ONE VEST A WOlil), Cuah in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. HELP av anted. Al ’ANTED, Agents to handle the New Chemi \\ cal Ink Erasing Pencil; greatest novelty over produced; erases ink in two seconds: no abrasion of paper: sample to any address 85c. For terms to agents and full particulars address W. H. BRADLEY, General Agent, 46 Jefferson street, Savannah, Ga. Jiff ANTED, a white nurse; one who is willing YY 'to make herself useful: must coine well recommended; to go to Guyton, Ga. Apply to Uil Bay street. AXIANTED, a few hands to work at dress \Y making, at Mrs. CISSELL'S,; 14“ State street. \A ’ANTED, good hands to work at dressmak \Y ing. Apply 130 State street. Alf ANTED, a smart colored boy as waiter. VV 'Apply 92 Bull street. A A'ANTED, shoemaker; first-class workman \ > "on cobbling especially: sober man: none ether need apply. R. C. SANDERSON, Palatka, Fkn . ft’ANTED, 10.000 lady agents at once; en- VI tirely new undergarment.; outfit free, con ditionally: agents average $lO to S2O daily-so cm you! All about it free! Mas. H. F. LITTLE, 36 Lakeside Building, Chicago, 111. WANTED, men. women, boys and girls to V V pam S7O per month at their own homes; a nice, light, easv and profitable business; costly outfit of samples, a package of goods and full instructions sent for 10c. Address H, C. ROW ELL & CO- Rutland, Vt. EAI PI.OYMEN'T AVAXTED. i T 7 ANTED, by a draughtsman, a situation as i t assistant draughtsman; seven years in the shops us machinist; good mathematical and theoretical knowledge. References. Address A. D., Savannah News, Savannah. lAT ANTED.—An elderly lady would care for a IV house during absence of tenant from city; references furnished. D. E. S., News office. MIS( ELLANEOI'S AVANTB. t V,'ANTED. a small dwelling for family of iV three, within the boundaries of Liberty, Bay. Abercoru and Barnard streets. Address VV. G. C., News office. A J ANTED, a good second-hand Buggy: will V t either liny or hire. Apply at 183 Liberty. ROOMS TO RENT. OFFICE FOR RENT southeast corner Dray ton and President streets. Apply to WIL LIAM B. ADAMS, Port Warden's office. HOUSES AND STORES FOR RENT. TOR RENT, cottage house, six rooms, Dray ton and Second avenue, with stable and fine garden bath room and good water trough, the house will rent cheap to responsible tenant. Apply 16 Market Basement. TXiR RENT, store northwest corner South and 1 East Broad streets; possession given imme diately. Apply on premises. TTOR RENT, the Buckingham House at the . Isle of Hope, with bath house; artesian water on place. Apply to THOS. HENDERSON, 133 York street. FOR RENT from June 1, fine residence corner Taylor and Whitaker; very low rent until Oct. 1; after that time reasonable. House will nvn at any time. J. A. BATES. TOR RENT, two brick dwellings, recently U repaired, with water and bath room; situated on Gaston street, south side, directly west of Barnard street. Apply to DANIEL R. KEN NEDY, 174 Buy street. IVOR RENT, 146 Hull, on northwest corner of Whitaker. Apply to Dr. PURSE, 140 Liberty street. FOR SALE. ]TOR SALE, barroom, in good business loca tion, doing a fair business for the times; proprietor wishing to change business. Address tIAB. News office. _ UOR SALE, anew upright piano, 7U, octaves; I ebony case; in perfect order. Address W. 0. E., care News office. DROKE TEXAS HORSES, large to medium U Biaed, tor sale at Dlt. COX'S STABLES. U'OR SALE, Laths, Shingles. Flooring, Ceiling, i Weatherboarding and Framing Lumber. Office and yard Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone'No. 211. REPPARD A CO. _ POR SALE.—ROSEDEW Lots, 60 feet on I Front street along tho river anil 500 feet deep, at $125, payable $23 cash and sl2 .30 every sir months, with interest. FIVE-ACRE Lots in the TOWN OB’ ROSEDEW, with river privileges, at SIOO, payable S2O cash and ssevery three mouths, with interest. Apply to Dn. BAI.LIGANT, 131 South Broad street, (I to 10 a. m daily. LOST. I OST, a Canary Bird, with black ring around is neck. The finder will berewarded by leav ing same at Sirs, Sawyers;' Boarding House, 168 South Broad street. W. J, MARSHALL. T OST, on Bull street, Setweeu Broughton ie and South Bread, a cHld's bracelet. Under will he rewarded by returning same to I. G. lIAAS. 141 Bay street. T OST. Silk Umbrella, bather covered handle. It with silver top engraved “J. A. S.” Finder DU K' rewarded by returning to SOLOMONS A t'O., Druggists. STRAYED. tTR VYED OR STOLEN, on Sunday afternoon, a Dark Bay Mrfe (Texas), with the tip end of 'ne ear off. A reward will tie paid for her re rim to 23 Farm ffreet. A. L. BRADWELL. HOARDINGS \ FEW GENTLEMEN can secure southern iV rooms aid hoard at 172 South Broad on reasonable terns. VfrOTOGTt API l Y. XJTICK-- ITIOTOfIRAI’i IY-" Prices ' ' reduced Petites $1 50, Cards $2, Cabinet *) per .dozen and larger work in the same pro portion. J. X. WILSON, 31 Bull slreet. M'MMKK KINOUTs. U-mmiOUSi:. Fwartlx. V*. Elevation. .7? ~(XH) feet; pure air; cool water: malaria •r.kiM n ; naind scenery. Write for circular of Mineral Swings, etc. W. K. lIAVTIt, Proprie- TJARTIB visiting New York during Ibc sum timr en find nicely furnished rooms at very jum.i-rnl-p-lces. Address 31ns. 31. HALL, ISO Went 15thitreet, New York. 1.1 | M.OISON AVENUE. NEW YORK.-Hii -1 feibr bpurd. Eligible rooms. Moderate j*~— — out bi'i'ii references. MIM T.LLANUOI's. F in 'K CARET WINE, St. Julien pints nn'l i„„ f iuartj Port, Sherry. Baker, Gibson, Bmir -“Ujrwdod Whisky, for sale by A. BO ' b. Aeroorn and Jones street lane. jALLIfjGUS, refreshing, exhilerating. in ■ i '] ,'‘>*t mg. the celebrated Egg Phosphate. Blir,l)'r’l ,>0 l" llar drink - To I'd bad only at ■ j )AH iIK desiring to leave the city for the ■ nn,i, si:i " >!l i. <;an have their estates managed Ifk •Heeled by R<)BEUT H. TATE3I, Real ■ ™ al,, Apnt. ■ T'ivvwPSST "bake, Milk Julep, only at LIV- H SI ,1 s 'i ( '’bGN s, leader and Introducer, Bull |Ppov,S! ,t Rood Cigar for sc. call on A. Hunt- Abereorn street and Joimm strict ■ I J-A'Gardens for whitewashing at 52 Bar ■ h I.'sm vj W ' t: onl '‘ r * promptly attended to. 'bland increases, its superiority ae ■Lri,irnW’ C r,r the toilet and nursery, ■ : u Tllet Powder. Try it. 11 f . ,n'a' F??* 1 WhUky, Brandy or Wine ea 11 ■ v Abercorn and Jones htrotst MISCELLANEOUS. Mules. Wagons, Buggies, Fine . , \ an '. v all, etc., at auction this day at 11 . ? rimiVv .\£ tore t! * e Court House, by J. ilc- LAUGHLIN & SOX, Auctioneers. TPltt Coca Cola for the brain and Phosphorite PHARMI^y ° nly at LIVIXGBTON ' S IF you want good groceries at a low figure. sSugar at sc. per ix>und. Coffee at 35c., rail at A. BUN At’P'S. Abercoru and Jones street lane. ( ' U.M CAMPHOR, Insect Powder, Chloride of tti-ttn i'? u '' Acid, of the best grades, at HEIPT'S. ( \N.E THOUSAND large Sponges, big as uhat, y only 1.3 c. LIVINGSTON'S PHARMACY. 1>( dl’l . ([. TATr.M. Auctioneer, No. 180 Bay 11 Street. Telephone 388. DON’T fail to call and see our Children's Car riages. Our goods are bought direct from factories and it enables us to sell them lower than you can buy at any public sale. We also carry a complete line of bouse furnishing goods a: NATHAN BROS., 186 Congress street. t A RETURN - TUBULAR BOILERS and En” lof gates cheap and good. GEO. R. LO3I BARD & CO., Augusta, Ga. 7H H P. RETURN TUBULAR BOILER for I v sale cheap. GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., Augusta. Ga. I>AIR rc.-HTr DOUBLE ENOINES' cheap I GEO. R, LO3IBARD & CO., Augusta, Ga, LTIDDEN .V- BATES s. 3t. IT. L.&B.S.M.H. PIANOS *t SSO Each. PIANOS At $75 Each. PIANOS At $l5O Each. PIANOS At $2lO Each. ORGANS At $24 Each. ORGANS At $35 Each. ORGANS At $55 Each. ORGANS At $75 Each, The instruments above specified are beyond all question Grennine Bargains,' and must be seen to be appreciated. Our Ware rooms are filled to repletion, and, although busy as bees in filling orders from all parts of the South, and our own Forest City as well, we have enough to go round, and therefore want your order to complete our happiness. CALL EAR L Y. [udders & Bates Southern Music House, SAVANNAH, GA. PIANOS MOVED. SHIPPING, Packing or Unpacking by expe rienced New York Piano Movers. Work done safely, quickly and without damage to premises or instruments and at low prices. PIANOS TUNED. BY the year or single tunings, and when we take cnare:e of instruments by the year we make no additional chaise for strings or slight regulation of actions. 'There is economy in em iiloying good tuners. Mr. H. !*C. MOORE still looks after "this branch of our business. JL.Sc 33. S- UVE. ZHI. RAILROAD BONDS’ Tho undersigned offers for sale at par ex-July Coupon $500,000 of the 31ARIETTA AND NORTH GEORGIA RAILWAY COMPANY'S FIRST MORTGAGE 0 PER CENT. FIFTY YEAR BONDS, in multiples of SI,OOO to suit buyers. HpHESE bonds can be safely taken by inves- JL tors as a reliable 6 per cent, security, which will, in ail probability, advance to 15 points above par within the next three or four .years, as this road will traverse a country unsurpassed for mineral wealth, for climate, lor scenery, for agricultural purposes, and for attractiveness to the settler. The company has mortgaged its franchise and entire line of railroad, built and to he built, and ail its other property, to tho Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company to secure its issue of 50-year 6 per cent , bonus. These bonds will be issued at the rate of about $17,000 per mile, ou a line ex tending from Atlanta, Ga., to Knoxville, Tenn. A sinking fund is provided for their redemption. It will be one of the best paying roads in the South. It will be of standard gauge and will develop a region of country extending from Middle Georgia, through North Carolina to Kuoxville. Tenn., where it will connect with lines leading to Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis and Pittsburg. The road is now completed to Murphy, N. C., and is to be pushed on to Knoxville as fast as the nature or the country will permit. The high financial standing and energy of the men prin cipally interested in it sufficiently guarantees its early completion. Further information will be furnished upon application to A. L. IIARTRIDGE. Savannah. Ga . or to BOODY, 3IcLKLLAN & CO., 57 Broadway, New York. REAL ‘.ESTATE. OWE SOLID BLOCK. 41 Lots—Of File—4l Lots BUILDING LOTS Directly South of the City. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer and Real Estate Dealer. AT PRIVATE SALE. Sixsculators' and Investors’ attention to particu larly called to this property. FORTY ONE LOTS, all In one body; real estate in the neighborhood of these lots has wonderfully increased In valuation, and as time rolls on the value continue* t>> Increase. This is an excellent opportunity for an investment. For other information and plan of lots call ut my office. _______________ LEGAL NOTH I Notice. ITTE.'Mhs. H. Y. COHEN and H. B. PLANT. hereby give notice that, under the term* of the tenth section of that certain mortgage dated the first duv of .lu\y,A.\> 18C7 and exn mad* and delivered by THK AILANTiC VNI > GULF RAILROAD COMP ANY to JOHN R. i I VKDNER. of New York city, as Bole Trustee, to secure the payment of five hundred thousand dollars of its third wet lon first mortgage bonds we will on or about the TWENTY-FIRHT DAY OF il'N'F V. D. 1887. in open court, nt Savan nah Georgia apply to the Judge of rhe Hunerior t onrt of Chatham county to appoint \\ ILIdA M u HARDER. Esq , of Savannah, Georgia, rrus fi-’e tirder said mortgage in thej,lace and stead or an Id JOHN R. GARDNER, Sole Ikaistee. de- g^t^yacs. MOL A SSES. 500 BARRELS MOLASSES FOR miß BY C. M. GILBERT & CO THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1887. __ JJEG \L SALES. CITY MARSH AL'S S "" City M.vrbuai.'r Orricx. I Savaxnah, June 7th, 1887. ) T''NDER AND BY VIRTUE of real estate tax f executions placed mmy bands by C. S. HARDEE. City Treasurer, I have levied on and will sell, in accordance with law, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY, 1887, between the lawful hours of sale, before the Court House door. In the City of Savannah, Chatham county, Georgia, the following property, to wit: each piece of property levied on as the Droperty of the person or i>eisons whose name immediately follows Its description. Purchasers paying for titles. A. Adams. Isaac-Improvements on part lot 31, Middle Oglethorpe ward. Albert, Jane—Lots 11 and 12, Weed Ward. Anderson. Ellen—Lot 10, Schley Waril. Anderson. Kate—lmprovements ou west one half lot 28, Jlluis Ward. B. Boston, Thos. -Improvements and lot 7, Schley Ward. Baker. George—lmprovements and lot B,Weed 3Vard. Best, A. H.—lmprovements and lot 49. White Ward. Black, Sarah A.- Improvements and lots 4 and 5, Berrien Ward. Brown. Henrietta E.—lmprovements and lot 26, White Ward. Brown, H.—lmprovements on lot 18, Schley Ward. Brown, children of Nanev—lmprovements and middle one-third lot 38, Uiimervule Ward. Brown, AVelburn, Improvements on lot 53, South Oglethorpe Ward. Brown, W. 31. G —lmprovements on lot 18, Middle Oglethorpe Ward. Buntey, Mrs. A. M. and children—lmprove ments anil lot 13, Brown Ward. Burke, Sarah E. and children—lmprovements and southeast oue-fourth lot 9, Middle (iglethorpe Ward. Butier, Abraham—lmprovements and west one-half lot 10 Magazine Ward. Butler, Samuel Improvements on northwest one-quarter lot 31 Elliot t Ward. ii. Chess Carley & Co.—lmprovements and part lot 28. Atlantic Ward. Christian, John V„ trustee—lmprovements on lots 4 and 5, Stephens Ward. Clark, Jas. F. Improvements on northeast one-quarter lot 10, Middle Oglethorpe Ward. Clark, Mrs Bridget—lmprovements and west one-half lot 40, Stephens Ward. Coakley, Sirs. Virginia—lmprovements on lot 1, North Oglethorpe Ward. Cobb, Josephine—lmprovements on east one hall lot 28 Minis Ward. Cohen. Isaac G.—lmprovements on southeast one-fourth lot 24, Liberty Ward. Cooper, 31. ll.—lmpn .vements and part lot 1, Berrien Ward. * Courtney, Mrs. L. M. E.—lmprovements and two-fiftbs lot 32, Jlonterey Ward. Cox, Mrs. Hannah, trustee—lmprovements and east one-half lot 11, Gue Ward. D. Davidson, Wm. 31.—Improvements on lot 6, Calhoun Ward. Dawson. Wm. E.—Lot 92, Gaston 3Vard. De.acy, Bridget—lmprovement and lot north one quarter 21 Davis Ward. Deveaux, J. H.—lmprovements and west one half lot 3, Dav is Ward. Doolan. Jamet —Lot 5. sub-division of lot 7, near lot wharf lots, Yamacraw Ward. Duggan, James, trustee—lmprovements and middle one-fourth lot 0. near lot wharf lots, Yamacraw Ward. Dunning, Ralph —lmprovements and east one half lot 09, Franklin Ward. E. Elmore. Hetty—Lot C., sub division of lot 5, Marshal Ward. Endres, L. 8., trustee—lmprovements and east one-fourth of south one half lot 81, Elliott Ward. Eureka Lodge No. 1, and Mount Murat Lodge —Lot 8 Elliott Ward. F. Furguson, Sirs. 31. G.—lmprovements and east one-half lot 20, Columbia Ward. Fitzgerald, J. (minor)—lmprovements on northwest one-fourth lot 19. Washington Ward. Fisher, Josephine—lmprovements on lots 106 and 108. Schley Ward. Ford, estate Margaret—lmprovements and lot 1, Sliddle Oglethorpe Ward. Foreman, estate Thos. M Lot 32, Atlantic Ward. Freid, estate Lewis—lmprovements and west one-half lot 7, Heathcote Ward, Laßoche tyth ing. * Furlong & Cos., J. F-—lmprovements on lot 81, Jones Ward. Fleming. Jas. W.—lmprovements and east one-half lot 59, Waring Ward. G. Gammell, W. E. and 31rs. B. H.—Lots A. to G. inclusive, Lee Ward. Ganahl.Mrs.M.E. and children Improvements and west one-half lot 39. Franklin Ward. Garrett, Benjamin—lmprovements and south east part lot 10, Screven Ward. George, Mrs. S. E.—lmprovements on south one-halt lot 4, Charlton Ward. Giebelhouse, Mrs. 3iargaret—lmprovements and iot 9, Ounrtown Ward. Goiden, V. /.—lmprovements and west one. half lot 20, Columbia Ward. Gordon, 3lrs. James and 3lrs. E. 31. JVilliams Improvements and lot 7, Forsyth Ward. Gordon, A. S.—lmprovements on i>art lot 8 Elliott ward. H. Habersham, John S.--Improvements and southwest one-half lot 41, Elliott ward. Hallorin, John—lmprovements and west one half lot 8, Carpenter Row. Hanley, 3lrs. Bridget- Improvements and east one-half lot 23, North Oglettiorpe ward. Harden, Thos. C. --East two-til tUs lot 60 and west one-fifth lot 59, Screven w ard. Harmon & Wrlght-Tniprovenients on lot 1, Railroad ward. Harmon, A. W.—lmprovements and lot 81, Brown ward. Harris, Mrs. John—lmprovements on ttvo thirds of lot 18, Screven ward. Harrison, George Paul Improvements and west two-thirds lot 4, Perdval ward, Holland tything. 111. wains. W. S.—lmprovements and machinery on lot 2.5. Garden Lots oast. Herrick, estate John-Improvements and north one-half lot 4, Berrien ward. Hillsman, C. A. —Improvements and east one half lots, Wesley ward. Houston, 31r>. Margaret ('.. trustee—lmprove ment sand lot 22, Davis ward. Howard. John B.—lmprovements and lot 26, Lloyd ward. Jackson, A. E., trustee—lmprovements and lot 6, Crawford ward. Jackson, Thomas—lmprovements on lot 16, Schley. Ja-obs, R. I\—lmprovements and lot 18, White ward. Jenks, Delaney—lmprovements and southwest part lot 19, South Oglethorpe. Jones, Cbas.—lmprovements on lot 1, Weed ward. K. Kelly, Michael—lmprovements and lot 80, Stephen's ward. Kemps, Mrs. L. J.—lmprovements and south one half lot 47, Gue ward. Kennedy. D. K. —lmprovements and lot 40, Brown ward. Kine, estate Wm.— Improvements on lot 17, Chatham ward. L. Lachlison, estate James—North one-third of north one-third lot F. North Oglethorpe ward. Lamar. 31rs. Parnella -Improvement* and lot 19, Stephens ward. Langler, C. J. C. Lot 1, Wesley ward. Izivm, Michael Improvements and west one half 10t27, Greensward. l-awlcr, G.mj. H. Improvements on north part lot 58. Lloyd ward. Lawrence, John—lmprovements on part lot 7, Screven ward. , Lemon, O. T.—lmprovements on lot 80, Gue ward. Lemon, O. TANARUS., anil Isaac Rocket—Lot 83, Gue ward. Leon. John-Improvements and northeast part lot 15. Screven ward. Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, trustees of lots 1 nml 4 of No. 24, Garden Lots west, Lufburrow, estate M.—lmprovements and lot 46, Jackson ward. Lufburrow, W. 31.—Improvements on lot 9, Pulaski ward. Leech, Frederick—lmprovements and lot 28, Davis ward. M. Martin, John S. -Lot No. 1 Canal lots, west. Martin, Wm.—lmprovements on southeast part lot 17, Screven ward. Mendel, Mrs. f runcis—lmprovements and lot 83. Charlton ward. * Meyler, Walter—lmprovements and lot 6, Schley ward. Miller, Alfred—lmprovement* and lot 8, Selfiov ward. Mauralt, F. A.—lmprovements and lot 26, Davis ward. .Mauralt Improvements on west one- half lot 32, Waring ward. Mourw, Ida L.—East one-haiC lot 47, Wyily ward. Moore, .7. \Y.—lmprovements on centre one third lot 11, Calhoun ward. Morgan, Mrs. alary—lmprovements and lot 37, < I'Neil ward. Muller estate, J. N.~- Improvements on lot 36, Charlton ward. Murphy estate, Patrick—lmprovements on lot 82, Railroad ward. Murray estate, 3Vm.— lmprovements on north onc-half lot 60, Jones ward. Murtagh, J. T.—lmprovement* and lot 10, Waite ward. Murtagh estate, Thomas—lmprovements and lot 54. Whits word. LEG AL SALES. Mt . McArthur. W. T.—lmprovements and paid lot 6, Jliddle Oglethoriie ward. McCabe, Edward—lmprovements and west one-half lot 24, Currytowti ward. McCarthy, 3lre. Bridget -Improvements and pert lots 89 and 40, Columbia ward. McFarland, J. T.—lmprovements and lot 8, 3liddle Oglethorpe ward. McGrath, John—Lot 12 of No. 24 Garden lot, west. McGrath, Mrs. Julia— lmprovements and north one-half lot 7. Choctaw ward. Mclntire estate, James- Improvements and part lot I, Decker ward. McAuliff, Dennis—Dit 23, Mercer ward. McKenna, R. F.—lmprovements and west one holt lot 20, Davis ward. N. Neill. George J.—lmprovements and lots A and B subdivision of south one-half lots 44 and 45, Middle Oglethorpe ward Norwood. Thomas M.—lmprovements on lots 23 and 24, Calhoun ward. P. Pelot, 3lrs. F. R. and children—lmprovements ami west one half lot 11, Jackson ward. Prendergast, Mrs. B. C.— Improvements and lot 1, O'Neil ward. R. Rahn, Henry R.~lmprovements on middle part lot 8, Screven ward. Robert, Mrs. E. T.— Improvements on lot 61, Walton ward. Roberts, 3lrs. Mary Ellen—lmprovements on north part lot 93, Jones ward. Ryan, 31rs. M. K.—lmprovements on part lot 27, GilmerviUe ward. S. Second Baptist Church—lo>t southwest one' quarter lot 24, GilmerviUe ward. Sutcliffe estate. 31. J.—lmprovements on cast one-tuilf lot 5, Calhoun ward Stiles, Moses --improvements on part lot 55, Schley ward. Sanders, Titus—lmprovements and lots 8 and 9 Schley ward. Schley estate, John—lmprovement* on lot 36. Jackson ward. Schley estate, J. M.—lmprovements and lots 1,2, 8 and 4, Schlpy ward. Sherlock & Cos., John Lot 4. Middle Ogle thorpe ward, east of Canal. Simpson. Lizzie—lmprovements on lot 34, 31iilille Oglethorpe ward. Small, C. P. Improvements and west four fifths of lot 13, Wyily ward. Smith, George—lmprovements on lot 20, Screven ward. Smith, James—lmprovements and lot 20, Weed ward. Staley. John A., Trustee Improvements on northwest three-quarters lot 24, Elbe) t ward. Steele, Gertrude E.—. Middle one-fourth lot 14, North Oglethorpe ward. Steele. Joseph—lmprovements and lot 16, North Oglethorpe ward. Stiles, Henry— Improvements ou lot 43, Schley ward. T. Talbird, Airs. G. E.—lmprovements on north half lot 16, Greene ward. Telfair estate. Mrs. Margaret—lmprovements on lots 6. 7 and 8, Elbert ward. Thompson, Harriet—lmprovements and one half lot 13. Gue ward. Thompson. Mr*. E. 31., children of—lmprove ments and lot 4, 3lontetey ward. w. Waring, James J.—lmprovements and lots 1. 2, Sand 4. Lee ward, south side of Gwinnett street and west of Price street. tVaiters. Union—lmprovements on west part lot 55, Screven ward. Walsh, Jlichael—Lots 14 and 15, Choctaw ward. Ward James R.—lmprovement* and west half lot 3, Crawford ward. Waring, Edward—lmprovements on east half lot 29, 3llnls wal'd. AValsh estate. Richard—lmprovements and lot 4, Stephens ward. Werner. Mrs. Catharine and children—lm provement* and lot 29, Crawford ward. Whaley. Hetty—lmprovements and east two thlrds lot 12, Trustees' Garden. Wicks, Edward—lmprovement* on southwest part lot 9, Screven ward. Wicks, Henry—lmprovements and lot 54, Choctaw ward. Williams, Eliza E.—lmprovements and west part lot 10, Mercer ward. Williams, John—lmprovements and lot 50, Jones ward. Williams, John—lmprovements and middle third lot 20, Elliott ward. Williams, Lewis—lmprovements and lot 53, South Oglethorpe ward. Wilson, W. 31.—Improvements on lot 21, Swell vide ward. AVilson. Mrs, Anaise—lmprovements on lot 2, Berrien ward. AA’ittkamp, Mrs. L. C. —Improvements and southeast eighth lot 31, Nortli Oglethorpe ward. Wright. Rosa—lmprovements on part lot 5-1, South Oglethorpe ward. Y. Yeomans, David L.—lmprovements and lot 33, AA’tiite ward. A’oung, 3!rs. Rosa—lmprovements on east half lot 7, Elliott ward. ROBERT J. AVADE, City Marshal. CITY COURT SHERIFF'S SALES. T JNDER and by virtue of an execution issue t ing out of the City Court of Savannah, in favor of H. MYERS & BROS. vs. H. c. D. BUL TER. the property herein after mentioned was levied upon by William P. Bailey as sheriff of said City Court, as the property of the defend ant, viz.: All the southern portion of lot No. (23) tweenty three. Cumytown ward, situate lying and Gang in the City of .Savannah and county of Chatham, the said portion of said lot twenty-three (23) having it front on AA'est Broad street "of I wenty (30) feet two and one half Inches, by a depth of seventy-one (71) feet and one (li inch on chafi’l ton street, together with ail the improvements. And 1 will offer the said above, described prop erty of the defendant for sale at public outcry before the Court House door of Chatham county in the City ot Savannah, on the FIRST TUES DAY IN JUNE, 1887, during the legal hours of sale, to satisfy said ft. fa. Terms cash; purchasers paving for titles. t. L. GOODWIN, Sheriff City Court. CITY MARSHAL’S SALE. City Marshal's Orra, > Savannah. June 7. 1887. )' tTXDER AND BY VIRTUE of a special tax J execution placed in my hands by C'. S. HARDEE. City Treasurer, I have levied on. and will sell in accordance with law. on the FIRST TUESDAY" IN JULY, 1887, between the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door, in the city of Savannah. Chatham county, Geor gin, the following property, to-wit: One Pool Table. Cues and Balls, levied on as the property of J. L. MURPHY, paying for titles. ROBERT J. AVADE, City Marshal. GUARDIAN'S SALE. STATE OF GEORGIA, Chatham County. - By virtue of an order from the Court of Or dinary of Jefferson county, Georgia, there will be sold lief ore the Court House dorr, in the countyof ( hatham, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY next, .itbiuthe legal hours of sale, the following described property, to wtt: One-fifteenth undivided Interest, in nine hundred and ninety <990) acres of land situated in said county of Chat liaui. and being a part of Wbitemarsh Island u,nd adjoining lands of L. T. Turner and oth ts. ami known as a part of Turner's Ris ks. Hold as the property of LUCIUS and MARY BROWN, and m pursuance of the terms of the order afore said. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for titles. May 19. 1887. JAMES F. BROWN, Guardian* of Mnrv and Lucius Brown. STATE OF GLORIA, Chatham (mint, —Under and by virtue of an execution is sued from the City Court of Savannah, in favor of H. M. CHAPMAN, Jk., against THOMABB. INNEBB. I have levied on. as the property of tin* said TH< >MAH B INNF.SS/ one certain steam launch or lioat named Edith, and her tackle and upparel. of nliout 13-100 tons bur den, and also one open skiff belonging to said steam launch, and I will sell the same be fore the Court House in said county, at public outcry, ou the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY, 1887. L. L GOODWIN. Sheriff City Court of Savannah, LEGAL. NOTICES. / 3 EORGIA, Chatham County.—Notice is vL hereby given that I have made application to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county for order to sell all of the real estat belonging to oatate of RICHARD (I. KToTKSBUKY, de ceased. for Die iM.yii 'iit "t debt* ami dnffrl butiou: ami tbnt said m-der will lie granteil on KH-THOK .TULA' (being July Term), IW7, of said Court, unless objections are filed. Jl-Ly 6, 1887. JEFFERSON D. MILLER. Administrator Estate Richard (1. Htoteshury. ("1 EORGIA. Chatham Coi NTT. Notlce ishere -7t liy given Dial I have made application to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county for and order to sell one share of the stock of the Southern Bank of the State of Georgia, belong ing to MARY W. ROBERTS, minor, for the pur pose of education and maintenance, and that said order will be granted on the FIFTH DAY OF JULY, uulcsa Objections are filed thereto. Jine6, 1887. DWIGHT D ROBERTS, Guwdia# lor Marv W. Robert*. Minor. kIV’TIOV SALES TO-DAV. Commissioners’ Sale. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE Of a decree in the case of HENRY TALMADGK sml OHARIiKS C. SOUTHARD, substituted trus tops, complaiuants, and THE RF.PPARD LAND. LUMBER AND SAW MILL COMPANY OF GEORGIA. defendant, in Chatham Superior Court, made by the Honorable A. P. Adams, Judge of said court, April 25th, IWT, we will pro ceed to sell to the highest and best bidder, on THE FIHHT TUESDAY IN JUNE, 1887, It being June 7th, in front of tbo Court House in iho city of Savannah, Chatham county, Georgia, during the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: All those lots of land in the Seventh district of Worth county, Georgia, each containing 490 acres, to-wit,: 11)3, ISMS, 197, 244, 171,852, 354,850, 381, 899, 400, 401 408, 403, 448. 470, 858. And all those lota in Pierce county, each con taining 490 acres, to-wit: 300, 188, in the Fourth district, and 88, 81 and 09, and the eastern half of 85 in the Eighth district, and 850 acres of lot No. 50, heiug all of raid lot with the exception of 85 acres sold to John Baxter, and 25 acres sold to Freeman Johnson, and 40 acres sold to Joint E. Davis, and 50 acres sold to Wilson Brewton, in the Ninth district. And also lot No. 8 in said Ninth district, And all those lots in Wayne county, to-wit : 880, 837. in the Third district, containing each 490 acres, and all that tract containing! 20 acres, near Station No. 3, on the Macon and Brunswick R. R.. and being a part of the Martin portion of the Williams Survey. And all those lots of land in the Seventh dis trict of Clinch county, containing 490 acres each, to-wit: 163, 178, 190, 808, 810. 207, 217, 383,887, 840, 2(12, 209, 270, 872, 888, 887, one-half of 885, 880, 898, 291, 808, 807, 800, 318. 311. 836, 344 , 317. 385, 303 . 307. 870, 871, 374. 878, 400. 104. 408. 881, 409 413, 340 acres of 420, 421, 487 , 488, 450, 435,477, 511, 518; and 415, 101, 138. 505, 500. 507. 508, in the Eighth district: and 854. ‘203, (308 W ing the in correct number). 351, in the Tenth district: 451, 152, hi the Eleventh district; 15, 80, 21, 48, 49, 50, 81, 58. 53, 57, 00, 02, 85, 101, 101, 133, 118, 170, 187, 900, 200, 814, 217, 388, 830, 843. 800, 878, 880, 888, 283. 887, 892, 307, 310. 832. 313, 383. 415, 188. 483, all in the Twelfth district; and lots 14, 17, 18. 23, 80,50,51,55,58,60, 94, 08. 01, 175,400,119, 413, 414, 415, 475, 514, 543, 555, 550, 860, 000, 002, 003, 008, 009. Old, all iii the Thirteenth district. And all those lots ill Echols county, each eon tainiug 190 acres, to-wit; 00 and 142 in the Twelfth district, and 149, 230, 4-14 and 535 in the Thirteenth district. And nil those lots in Ware county, containing each -MOacres, to-wit: 40, 883. 284, *97, 298. 299, 300,801,308, 189. 498, 515 in the Eighth district; and 100, 533, 684, 025, 087 in the Twelfth district; and 333, 400, 407, 408 and 409, in the Thirteenth district. All that tot of land in Charlton county, con taining 490 acres, to wit; 348 In the First district of originally Wayne, now Charlton. And also the timber, leases, rights, privileges in and to the following lots, earn containing 190 acres, to wit; In Clinch county; 260, 871,88), 315, 310, 837, 888, 321), 318, 883, Hlfe, 352. 860, 853, 354, 855, 850, 357, 350, 359, 308, 868, 301, 307, 873, 876, 870, 379, 380, 381, 882, 383, 384. 865, 387. 388, 894, 895, 397, 398. 399, 401, 403, 405. 407, 410, 411. 41*. 414, ns, 119, 428, 424, 423. 480, 480, 431, 438, 488, 484, 430, 441, 448, 118, 441, 440, 117, 448, 449, 451, 458, 458, 454 , 450, 457, 458, 403, 404,.405, 471, 478, 475, 476, 478, 493.501. 508,508,504,513,518,617, 518, in the Seventh district: and fit, 80, si, 134, 185,130,190, 191, 303.344, 346. 348, 349. 871,878, 874, 378, 375, 418. 419, 420. 423. 444, 445, 447, 449, 451, 488, 489, 490, 401, 498, 494, 514, 516, 616, 517, 519,533,521,582.527,558,554, .558. 589, 500, 591, 592. 598, 594. 595. .597, 599, 001, in the Twelfth dis trict: and the following part lots in the Seventh district, each containing the number of a*: res set opposite its number, to wit: 863,890 acres; 881, 125 acres; 438, 245 acres; 883, 295 acres; 388, 885 acres; +lB, 280 acres; .382, 245 acres; 888, 815 acres: 451, 800 acres; 47)1, 245 acres; 476, 245 acres; 017, 200 acres; and the following part lots In the Twelfth district, to wit: 420,!) acres; 552, 3.*) acres; 583, 327 acros;s)7, 225acre*;.587,170acres; 599, 100 acres; 619, 185 acres; 554,945acre*. And on lot 64 in the Thirteenth district of Clinch count} - . In Echols county; 61,05,69.09,70,71,72.73, 74, 75, 75, 77. 78, 79, 80, 81. 148, 144 in the Twelfth district; and 1.2. 8,4, 0, 61, 60. 09, 71, 72. 74 in the Thirteenth district; and 524 und 525 in the Eleventh district. rfi Ware county: 282, 32*. 829, 862,360,26!. 840, 801, 376. 311,' 377 . 878, 885, 886. 405, 406, 423. 484, 425, 420, 450, 419, 451, 452, 153, +54, -406. 467, 170, 497 and the east half of 407 containing 245 acres: and 104 acres of east side of 422 in the Eighth district, and 07 in the Twelfth district. In Clinch county; 559. 581, 562, 503. 504, 565, 509, 588. 687 and 58S in the Twelfth district. In Worth county: 382, 202, 383, 385, 812, 355, 351, 339 and 340 in the Seventh district. In Wayne county: 179, 180, 201, 205. 307. 968, 209, 210, 211, 33.’. 2+l, 334 and 21+5; and the follow ing fractional lots: 1 Mi, 100 acres; 259, 307 acres; 200. 249 rcresj 301. 193 acres, and 262, 134 acres in the Third district And all the right, title and interest of the Reppani igmd. Lumber and Saw Mill Company of Georgia in and to the property, lands, tene ments, hereditaments, privileges and easements conveyed by the several deads and leases of the said Reppard Land. Lumber and Daw Mill Com pany of Georgia, subject to the limitations and restrictions in said deeds mentioned. And all that certain steam saw mill known as the Hackton Mill, in Wayne county. Gorgin. he ingat or near station No. 3, on the East Tennes see. Virginia Georgia railroad, Macon and Brunswick Division, together with all tho boll ere, engines, pumps, machines, tools and all other appurtenances of whatsoever kind unto said steam saw mill in any wise appertaining. Aud also all that certain steam saw mill known ns Reppardia, located In Pierce county, Georgia, together with all the boilers, engines, pumps,ma chinery, tools and all oilier appurtenances of whatsoever kind onto said steam saw mill In any wise appertaining. Terras of sale, cash; purchasers paving for all papers; subject to continuation by the Court. HENRY TALMADGE, CHARLES C. SOUTHARD, Commissioner*. Garrard A Mni.nimt, Solicitors for Complain ants. Sanannar, G>., May 8, 1887. Tire Old Southern Bunk Biiilfa 0 At Auction. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer and Real Estate Dealer. I will sell at. the Court House on the KTIIKT TUESDAY IN' JUNK NEXT, at 11 o'clock, If not sold previously, the Three-story brick building oil cellar recently occupied by the above bank, and situated on the northwest corner of Bryun and Drayton streets. Tins location of this property is unsurpassed for any line of business, nnd as an investment it offers very suis-rior inducements. Terms: One third citsh, balance in one and two years, with legal rate of interest. iu.ock or lots AT AUCTION. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer and Real Estate Dealer. TUESDAY, JUNE 7th, at J! o'clock, at the Court, Houh#\ I will /sell the following lot* which ar' In a direct line, of Improvement and nil enhancing in value very rupitUy. KIVK I/JTH altuated on the northeoHt corner of Montgomery ami HtreeU, aizc 40 ly 00 *< • l each. Theca lota •* high and beautifully located awl formally a part of the Kln>MVilJa traert. Thon* eekin?r an Investment should give tiiis piece of realty their attention. CORNER LOT AT AU C X ION. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer and Rea! Estate Dealer. TUESDAY, JUNE 7th, at 11 o'clock, at Court House, l will sell I/IT on the southeast corner of Waldburg street nnd Cemetery street lane, size SOxlO feet. This lot is nicely located and Is at the head of the new road that runs north of the cemetery; level and high land. * BAY STREET LOT AT A l fCTION. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer. 1 will sell at Court House, on the FTRKT TUEB DAY IN JUNK, \Ve*t half of lot number 7 Washington ward. This lot is situated between Houston and East Broad street* and faring north on Bay street, with a floe view. This would make a good bust uawaUUMh AUCTION SALEM TO-DAY. Valuitbic fmproved Property AT AUCTION. I. D. Laßoches Sons, Auctioneers On TUESDAY, the 7th of June, in frout of the ‘ Court House, we will offer That elegant 8-story Brick Residence on Gor don street. second cast of Barnard street, facing Chatham square, with ail modern improve ments. —A+B0 — That I Ait on the corner of Henry and Ceme tery streets, containing two flue 2-story Dwell lugs on tlnajfmnt and two 1-story Dwellings on Hie lane. This is good |>ayiug property, and is good chance for speculation. Terms cash, purchaser paying for papers. Guard mil’s Bale By I. D. Laßoche s Sons. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Ordinary of Efflnghani county, Georgia, I will si'll at public outcry, before the door of the Court House in Savannah, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on TUESDAY, the 7th day of June. 1887, the following property be longing to LULA SHEAROUSB aud JOHN SIIEAUOUSK. namely: All that undivided one-sixth (1-0) interest in that certain lot of land situate and being in the said city of Savannah and county of Chatham, known as lot number seven (7) Davis ward, fronting tlfty-slx feet on Taylor street and run ning fifty-six feet to Jones street lane. Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles. [Signed | J. E. SHE AROUSE, Guardian of Date and John Sbaarouss, 12 Acres Fertile Land and Residence. I. D. Laßoche s Sons,Auctioneers On TUESDAY, in front of the Court House, during the legal hours of sale, we will offer 12 acres highly cultivated land and neat resi dence, recently built, together with barn, out houses, stable and fine well water. This property is about one mile from tbe ex tended limits of the city, and is very desirable for truck farm or pasture. Valuable Lot k Improvements. I. D. Laßoche s Sons,Auctioneers On TUESDAY, the 7th day of June, In front of the Court House, we will offer That most desirable lot and improvements (two dwellings) on the north side of Bolton street, second lot west of Lincoln street. Mr This is one of the finest lot* now on the market. BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED COTTAGE. I. D. Laßoche s Sons, Auctioneers On TUESDAY, the 7th day of June, wo wiil offer before the Court House That beautiful Cottage on Bull street extended and Third street. Terms at sale. Broughton Street Property at Auction. S. D.Laßoche’s Sons, Auctioneers On TUESDAY, the 7th day of June, In front of the- Court House, during the legal hours of sale, we will sell for division That half lot and frame building situated on the north side of Broughton street, between Barnard mid Jefferson streets, opposite Weed & Cornwell’s hardware establishment. Terms cash, purchaser paying for papers. HOUSE AND LOT AT AUCTION. I.D.Laßoche’s Sons, Auctioneers On TUESDAY, the 7th day of June, in front of tho Court House, wo will sell That two-story Frame dwelling on West Boun dary street, between Sims and Walker streets; Lot 25 feet by 150 feet, more or less. Terms cash, purchaser paying for papers. FINE CORNER LOT AT AUCTION. I. D.Laßoche’s Sons, Auctioneers On TUESDAY, the 7th day of June, before the Court House, we will sell That eligibly located Building Lot on corner of Taylor. Price and Wayne streets. Titles guaranteed. Terms cash, purchaser paying for papers. Good Investment in Real Estate. I. D.Laßoche’s Sons, Auctioneers On TUESDAY, the 7th day of June, 1887, we will offer led ore the Court House (if not sold previously). One Store northwest corner of Lumber and Minis streets; four Dwellings on Kims street ad joining above. This Is a good grocery stand. Properly i* in good repair. Titles perfect. AUCTION KALES FUTURE DAYS, - ."Vw'V VA.C V s/‘V V Guardian’s Sale. By j. McLaughlin & son. ON TUESDAY, sth JULY, 1887. At 11 o'clock, before tbe Court House. Under and by virtue of an order granted by tbe Honorable Hamptox L. Fciiri+u Judge of the Court, of Ordinary for Chatham county, I will proceed to sell at tho above mentioned time and place. The undivided one-twelfth interest of the northern half of lot 11 Middle Oglethorpe ward und improvements, having n front of 80 feet on Pine street, and running back a depth of 56(4 feet. Hold an the property of ROSSELLA BASK, minor, to pay debt*. Terms cash. ROHBELLA GIONTLLIAT, Guardian. TnMit's Sail 1 of Real Estate. By ROB’T H. TATEM, Auctioneer. I TNDER the power vested In me as Trustee of l i ANNA J. MILLER and children, l will offer for sale si the Court House, to the highest bidder, on TUESDAY, sth OF JULY, the fob lowing property, situated in Kuvannah and known us lots 34, 35, and the west one-fourth of lot No. 38, t4creven ward, fronting qu. Gw “tM u street, “f ward, on MMt stflfcjß&jfr Ron life? awfi. .SBKiUA'I C. If. ■POKHETT’B COLUMN, jy A Valuable Pit! OF Country Property? C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell on TUESDAY, June 7th, at the Court House, during the usual hours of sale, Sixty-four acres of Jand near No. 1(4 Central Railroad, about one half of which is cleared and fenced, and the balance Is In wood. The improvements consist of one and a half story residence with store attachod, at which a good business has been done, as it is the regular camping ground for persons coming to tho cltjr. This is a good chance for an industrious pee* son to do a good farming and merchandising business. ■ VALUABLE Yaniamw Property At Auction. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell at tho Court House on TUESDAY, June 7th, during the usual hours of sale, The middle portion of Lot No. 19, North Ogto thprpe ward, situated on the north side of Bryan street, near the corner of Farm. The said laud has a frontage of about twenty, live (25) feet on Bryan stra't, by a depth ot about forty-four feet. The Improvements consist of one two-story house, which rents for eight dollars per month. Terms cash. A CHEAP Suburban Home. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. * Will si-ll on TUESDA Y, Juno 7th, at the Court House, during the usual hours of sale, One acre of land, three miles from the city* on the Ogeechee road, with Improvements, com sistlpg of a dwelling, fruit trees, etc. This will make a good home fora person o 9 small means. Term* cash. Securities* AT AUCTION. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Jj Will sell at the Oourt\llouse, on June 7tb, during tinmisual hours of sale, 5 Share's Citizens M uti Co. Stock. * * 6 Shares Savannah Fire a>JJ hr rrr*'7s. , (~n-'^>.< Cos. Stock. the amounts now 2 Shares Savannah and TyU Treasurer on cr , ~,, , ■'will on the morning of ferred Stock. re-enter according to 4 Shares Savannah Time J. WADE, „■ II ii City Marshal. Mirrors, HukLoiiip icial. room and Kitcliir E H,^TH > H. Os., May 1, 1887. I At AllCt!f>aran,me requlre- The port of Savanna®, le (annually) from May - -J be most rigidly eh- C. H. Dorset!, AuctS^WSg iplication to office of Will sell on WEDNESDAY,. ing at eleven o'clock, at tin and until further nre street, between streets, of 40 degs. North) _ ....... . Africa beween Two Urge Mantel Mirrors, L. Houth tatituite. Bed I/iunge, Hat Rack, Window ,t, will be. sub- Nots, (.'hairs, Rockers, Sideboard, IJ ** ) Safe, Crockery, Glassware, TinwarA r °^. l *~ Stove and Utensils, Refrigerator, hese vessels Bureaus, Mattresses, Pillows, Wasbst+atfon until bles, Mattlug, Oilcloth, Toilet Set*, Ha. . Clock, Vases. *SeSES —aijwvc. lerwise. One fine Plano, very hmylsome case. nicer. __ _ *d of IT 1 f** valuable m For Sale. ! Under and by virtue of an order passed by th*> Honorable Commissioners of Chatham coua>. ty, I am authorized to offer for sals That Portion of llic Jail Lots bounded on the North by Hail street, on the east by tbe wes.feru line of Howard street, on the south by lot number 87 Forsyth ward; on the west by Barnard street. The said land has a frontage on Barnard and 133 How ard streets ot about two hundred and twen ty-three (223) feet by a rectangular depth of about one hundred and thirty (181)) feet. Propositions for tbe purchase of the above de scribed land will lie received by the undersigned . + until I) *. M. oil the Bth June, 1887, the minimum i price Iming fourteen thousand dollars ($14,000) • net. C. H. DORSETT, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Coinniiisiouers’ Sale for Partition. C. 11. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of an order granted by tho Honorable Superior Court of Chatham county, t in the case or MAR Vll A. WALTON versus HETTY K. WH ALEY and the MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS’ LOAN ASSOCIATION, IwUtition for partition, we wQI si'll, before the - Court. House door In Savannah, during the legal hoursof sale, on TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1887. All of dial, certain portion ot land and the ten'-meutu thereon, know n as sub-divisions Nos. 1 and 2of lot Number 12 Trustees Garden, liar, ing front on Reynolds street of seventy-seven feel aud six Inches, with a depth of eighty-two feet for sub-division No, 1, and of sixty five fee# for No. 2 Terms cash. C. H. DORSETT, J. L. WH ATLEY, U. H MoLAWB. 3