The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 11, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 MERCFRY_CREEPING UP. SIGNAL OBSERVERS TAKING HOURLY OBSERVATIONS. The Signal Bureau and the New York “World’s" Balloon Expedition—Yes terday the Hottest Day Savannah Has Experienced in Many Years— Mercury Up to Ninety-Six Degrees. The oliservers at the signal station hail a busy day of it yesterday. Observations were taken hourly from 7 o’clock in the morning until 11 o’clock last night, and will lie ('ontinued to-dav and to-morrow for the purpose of comparison with observations taken by Prof. Haven, who will accompany the New York World balloon expedition, which is expected to start from St. Louis to day. WATCHING THE WEATHER. Chief Signal Officer Greelv issued orders several days ago to observers at the princi pal stations in the service to report hourly during the flight of the expedition the gen eral character of the weather, the same as reported at all regular observa tions. The observers at the Savan nah station were kept almost constantly at the instruments yesterday and the seven teen observations that were taken necessi tated a large amount of clerical w ork. The comparisons to he made with the obser vations taken by Prof. llazrii are expected to afford a great deal of valuable informa tion to the Signal Bureau. MERCURY AT HIGH TIDE. Savannah was, with two exceptions, Au gusta and Charleston, the hottest place in the United States yesterday. The mean temperature of the day, according to the Signal Bureau reports, was K 4”, the highest recorded here in many years. The maximum temperature was 96". This is one degree be low the maximum on Thursday, but the mean temperature for Thursday was only 81°. four degrees below that of yesterday. The heat during the middle of the day was intense, and from noon until 3 o’clock everybody who was compelled to be on the streets sought the shady side. A SODA WATER BOOM, There was a regular boom at the soda water stands, and everybody who had a thermometer kept a close watch on it to see if the mercury crowded the top off. When the 7 o’clock observation was taken at the signal station mercury was at the 78* mark. An hour later it had gone up to 81 At 9 o’clock it was 85, at 10 it was 89, and at 11 it had just passed 90. At noon it was close to 93, and before 1 o'clock it was up to 96. This was the high est it went during the day. The 1 o’clock abservation read 94. At 3 o’clock it had dropped to 93, but fit 3 It went up again to nearly 94’. At that point it began falling, and when the last observation was taken last night it hail got down to 80”. The only station in the signal service that reported any higher temperature was Au gusta, which reported 99’. Charleston re ported 97°, Jacksonville, Fla., 93", Mont gomery, Ala., 93* and Atlanta 90”. The Sot section seemed to be in Georgia and South Carolina. NO SIGNS OF A LET UP. Avery low barometer area extends over both States indicating a bontinuance of the hot spell. The weather north, east, west and even south of here is cooler. The pres ent month will go on record as the hottest m several years. Yester day’s temperature was nearly 4° higher than was recorded any time last year or the year before. The Observer on duty last night said that there is no prospect of a let up. The early part of the night was intensely warm, but before midnight a thunder stortn passed over the city, cooling the atmosphere several degrees. FULL REPORTS RESUMED. The signal bureau until now has been send ing out only partial reports, and the Savan nah station has not had the information which it had lief ore the full reports were cut off in March by reason of Congress' failure to pass the deficiency bill. Yesterday, how ever, the full reports were resumed. They would have been sent out anyway on July 1, when the regular appropriation for the maintainance or the signal service becomes available, but the department has begun sending them two weeks earlier than was expected. This will render the service much more valuable by reason of the wide area from which the reports are received. DANIEL H. BALDWIN DEAD. Fatally Stricken With Paralysis at His Home in New York. A special dispatch to the Morning News from New York announced the death of Captain Daniel H. Baldwin, at his residence in that city, last night, from paralysis. Capt. Baldwin was at one time a promi nent merchant of this city, but for the last twenty years has been a resident of New York. He was a Northern man by •birth, but came to Savannah when quite young. Be was for several years a clerk in the house of Brigham & Kelly, and after ward became a member of the firm, when its style was changed to Brigham, Kelly & Cos. and afterward to Brigham, Baldwin & Cos. The firm did a large shipping and com mission business, and its members all acquired handsome fortunes. At the breaking out of the war Capt. Baldwin entered the army as a member of the Chatham Artillery, and was soon after promoted to the commissary department with the rank of captain. Shortly after the close of the war he changed his residence to New York, where he has since resided. He was largely interested in the fertilizer business in this city and at Port Royal, tfcough recently those interests have been managed by his son, Mr. George J. Baldwin, a prominent merchant here. The deceased was about 64 years of age, and up to a year or so ago, when he had his first paralytic stroke, was very young in appearance, and looked as though he hail still a long life before him. Mr. George J. Baldwin was with bis father when he died. CUBA’S SUGAR CANE SAFE. No Clue to the Rumored Filibustering Expedition. The foray which the K|ianish authorities Bay that they have reason to Ixslieve is being organized in the vicinity of Savannah against Cuba is as much of a mystery as it ■*** when the first report of its organization was received here. The customs authorities have failed to discover any suspicious ves sels in port, and the general impression is that the whole thiug is a hoax. Collector Wheaton received instructions yesterday from the deiiartment at Washing ton to keep a cloee lookout here and along the coast, and if any vessel suspected of l>e ing fitted out for a hostile expedition is dis covered to arrest every one con nected with it. The revenue cutter Boutwell is cruising to the southward among the hays and inlets which intersect the coast, and a strict watch is also kept in the harbor. The customs officials arc satisfied tliat the rumor is without any foundation, as not the first clue to any meeting which might lie lor the purpose of carrying out the plan of she expedition can be obtained. The W. C. T. Union. The Vi mnan's Christian Temperance Union held its regular weekly mooting at No. XAti South Broad street yesterday after * noon. After an interesting Bible reading the usual business was taken up. A eom irntu-c wa appointed to visit the colored Hospital. Home new members were le erivwl.uul Mrs War,Paw was appoint,.,! X™ u"*!;ir nt 1 f " r U "* N>W Houston t tv. i <u i y ™ “teoting was changed Fn<lav ' avoid conflict- f f V n ! oon of the Inde ptiukrat 1 re*by tv rian church. THROUGH THE CITY. Items Gathered Here and There by the News Reporters. Contract advertisers must have their changes for the Sunday Morning News handed in not later than 5 o’clock Saturday afternoon. Cheap Column Advertisements for the Sunday Morning News will not be received after 11 o'clock Saturday night. There were three arrests bv the police for larceny and two for disorderly conduct, yesterday. The Trinity Methodist Sunday school will hold its annual picnic at Warsaw next Tues day. The steamer David Clark has bdfen chartered for the trip. The Board of Directors of the Citizens’ Mutual Loan Conqiany organizelyesterday by electing Cupt. Fred M. Hull, President, Mr. C. 11. Dorsett, Vice President, and Mr. George C. Freeman, Treasurer. John Rethregato, the Spaniard who was arrested for striking Henry Ennis with a loaded cane, has been committed to jail under a warrant issued by Magistrate Naughtin. Ennis is still at the hospital in a serious condition. Thomas Cassidy was on the police infor mation docket yesterday for selling liquor on Sunday. Cassidy denied the charge, but the evidence was sufficient to justify the Mayor in making a further investigation, and the case was continued. Several persons report that at ten minutes to two o’clock yesterday afternoon there vvas quite a perceptible fall of snow in this city. It was a pretty hot day for snow. An old colored woman, when she saw the snow on her dress, was somewhat alarmed, end expressed the opinion that the judg ment day was at liana. A well known merchant a day or two ago said to the sub-sexton of the Independent Presbyterian Church, who was boasting that it was not much of a feat to climb to the top of the steeple of the church, that he would give him $5 if he would climb to the basket just beneath the gilded glolw and stand lip in it. He did not, expect his offer •would be accepted, but before tho offer could be recalled the colored man was on his upward journey. He not only stood up in the basket, hut he mounted the gilded globe. He got his $5, and thought the money easily won. He is waiting for some body else to offer him $5 to repeat the per formance. It might be well for people to be a little careful about using artesian water heated in copper kettles or other copper vessels. There is a little sulphur in the artesian water, and there is a possibility of it uniting with the copper and forming a poisonous compound. Several persons on a plantation near tho city where there is an artesian well, were made sick from drinking coffee that was made from artesian water boiled in a cop per kettle. The water, however, was much more strongly impregnated with sulphur than water from the artesian wells in this city. The sulphur in the Savailnnh arte sian water is not noticeable. Still it might lie well to avoid heating it in copper kettles for cooking purposes. The taint of sulphur is no objection to the artesian water. The thing to do is to avoid the old-time copper kettle. A TALENTED EDITOR. A Delightful Evening Spent With Mr. A. A. Ellenwood. A number of ladies and gentlemen gath ered at the hospitable home of Capt. George W. Haslam last night to enjoy the reading of a few selected pieces by Mr. A. A. Ellen wood, editor and proprietor of the Black shear Georgian. Mr. Ellenwood is spend ing a few days in the city with friends, and he yielded to the earnest solicitation of Mr. William Clifton, and prepared for an evening’s private entertain ment. When the guests were assembled Mr. Ellenwood began his reading with “Old Si and His’Possum Hunt.” He kept his hearei-s laughing heartily at his striking imitation of the famous old Georgia darkey. His next piece was “Hezekiah Stubbius’ Oration.” That was, indeed, one of the most humorous efforts to which an audi ence has ever listened. Mr. Ellenwood's long residence in the country has fitted him admirably for the impersonation of the part of a Georgia Cracker, and his ability in this line might well lie envied by one of less modest pretensions. His most effective piece, however, was "The Bells," by Edgar Allen Poe. In this he had the needed opportunity of displaying the touch ing effects that he throws into his well modulated voice. Mr. Ellenwood was equally effective in “The Raven,” when he blended together in simple but beautiful harmony the deep shadow and brilliant light of that affecting poem. Nor were his efforts in “Curfew shall Not Ring To-night" less meriting of ap probation, but he burst forth in his flood of good humor when he read "The Frenchman and the Flea Powder," "That Hired Girl,” “The Smack in School,” “Mrs. Caudle’s Umbrella Lecture,” “Popping the Ques tion,” “Courting in the Country,” and “The Charcoal Man." and his ever willing hearers would have detained him long at his books ha/1 he not stopped to give them an exhibi tion of his {lowers as a phrenologist. He ex amined the head of a young lady present, and so accurately did he read her character, discover her abilities and tell her disposition that those present were loath to believe Mr. Clifton had not informed him concerning them until he assured them that they were learned through the medium of that science of which he is a master. Death of an Old Savannahian. Martin Jennings was an old carpenter well known here and in Macon, Ga., where he worked at his trade and accumulated a small competence, and with it loft for Ire land several years ago. News was received here yesterday of his death, which occurred at Balliuslow, county Galway. Ireland, in March. In his will he bequeathed £no to the Sisters of Mercy of this city, and £IOO to Michael Mead, his nephew, who was formerly employed in the Morning News press room. Hibernians Elect Officers. At the annual meeting of Divis ion No. 1, Ancient Order of Hiliemians, held last evening, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: President—P. J. O’Connor. First Vico President—W. T. Farrell. Secretary—T. J. O'Brien. Treasurer—J. P. Daly. Sergeant-at-arms—John Shea. The Fords’ Second Night. The Ford Dramatic Association re pm tod its performance of “The Marble Heart" last night. The audience was not as large as it was on Thursday night, but it was equally as appreciative, The Fords have made a brilliant hit In the inauguration of their summer season. Tliey w ill begin rehearsing at once for the next performance. News About Tybee. It is expected tliat the iron bridge of the Tybee railroad across Laza retto creek will lie turned on Monday, and in a few days the construction train will lie running from the city to the island. Every energy is 1 icing bent to have the Ocean Ileus,- ready for the accommodation of the public T)y June 25, Charleston Happenings. The petition from the citizens to the rail road companies for n union depot will tie ready in a few days. The committee have secured the signatures of nearly all the busi ness men of Charleston. A Swiss named Emanuel Onuthier has lieen missing for the last five weeks. The Ifmttrhc Hril nnii says that about April Pi Gauthier left Charleston for Sullivan’s Island, leaving some of his property at, his residence, and that nothing further was known of his movements. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1887. THE CIVIL COURTS. Divorces and Other Matters Disposed of Yesterday. In the Superior Court yesterday a divorce was granted Hennie Gilliard from Stepney Gilliord, colored. Stepney brought the suit and asked for a divorce on the ground of desertion. Hennie filed a cross bill admit ting the desertion, hut stating that the cause of it was the plaintiff’s relations with another woman. Witnesses in the case testified that both were living other lives than they should, but the jury rendered a verdict in favor of the defendant. A first verdict for the plaintiff was ren dered in the case of Louise. Shaw vs. George Shaw. Bill for divorce on the ground of de sertion. Kinnia Carter was granted a divorce from Henry O. Carter, and the plaintiff was given the custody of the four children that have resulted from the union, and permitted to marry again. The defendant, was for bidden to marry and ordered to pay the plaintiff S3O per month alimony, and her counsel fee, and also to pay the court costs. A first verdict was rendered for tho plain tiff in tho case of P. B. Bracewell vs. Lula Braeewell, the cause alleged in the bill be ing adultery. Orders were granted to perfect service on the defendants by publication in the Morn ing News, in the cases of Mary Paine vs. Clayborn Paine and Mary I. Jones vs. William A. Jones. In the case of George 8. Owen, trastee, petition for leave to borrow money to eairy on rice planting, a decree was granted as prayed for. An onle-r of foreclosure was granted in the case of Solomon Sheftall vs. Abraham Sheftall, a suit on promissory notes. The court ordered the sale of land which the de fendant owned in Chatham county. James S. Cooper was appointed guardian for the minor plaintiffs in the ease of John Cooper, Jr., and Robert E. Minis vs. George A. Keller and Susan E. Cooper. Petit jurors in the Superior Court will find an official advertisement, of interest to them in Sunday’s Morning News. J. B. Patterson was committed to jail for contempt of court. Patterson filed a bill for divorce against his wife on the ground of adultery, and the court, ordered him to pay her a certain sum per week while the case vvas pending. This he failed to do, and he was declared to be in contempt and sent to jail. In the City Court the case of J. P. Fallon vs. Salomon Cohen was given to the jury’, but they failed to agree. AT THE CHURCHES SUNDAY. Christ Church, Johnson Square, Rev. Thomas Boone rector.-—First Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion at 7:30 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at. 11 o’clock. Sunday school at sp. m. Evening service at 6 o’clock. On evening service at 5:30 o'clock. No service on Fri day, Evangelical Lutheran Church of the As cension. The pastor being absent there will be no service to-morrow. Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, Rar nard street, between York and President.— Rev. T. T. Christian, pastor. Preaching at, 11 a in., andß p. m, by Rev. O. G. Mili gledorf. Prayer meeting at 10 a.m. Sun day school at 4p. m. Seats free. All cor dially invited. First Presbyterian Church, Monterey Square, corner Bull and Taylor streets, Rev. J. W. Kogan, pastor.—Preaching at 11 a. m. hv the pastor. Lecture at Bp. m. by Mr. Gabrielian, a native of Armenia, who is taking a theological course in America. On account of this address the pastor will postpone the fourth of his series of talks to young men till the next Sabbath evening. Anderson Street Presbyterian Church, Rev. R. Q. Way, paster.—breaching by the pastor on Sunday at ll'a. m. and atß:ls p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Prayer meet ing Wednesday at 8:15 p. m. Ail are in vited. Baptist Church, Chippewa square, Rev. J. E. L. Holmes. D. D., pastor.—Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. No preaching at night. Young men’s prayer meeting at 10 a m. Sunday school at 4:30 p. m. Pmyer meeting and lecture Wednesday at 8:15 p. m. Strangens and visitors cordially welcomed. colored. First African Baptist Church, E. K. Love, pastor—Player meeting at 5 a. in. Discipline Board meeting at 9 a. m. Preach ing by the pastor at, lla. m., “Sixth Step to Honor,” “Piety.” Sunday school at 3p. m. Preaching by the pastor at 8 p. m., "The Great Choice.” Visitors always welcome. Seats free. Local Personal. Among the arrivals at the Screven House yesterday were H. G. Scudder, W. J. Gard ner, Now York; G. B. Macumber, Boston; FI. A. Isaacs, Macon, Ga.; W. R. Hunter, Jacksonville; C. W. Anderson and wife, F. M. Anderson, G. W. Perkins. C. B. GaiTett and wife, Augusta; D. J. Bailey, Jr , Grif fin: J. 11. White, Jasper, Fla.; .L A. McDuf fie, Brunswick; G. J. Akers, Chicago; E. J. Meyer, Baltimore. At the Pulaski House were M. B. Mayer, John Diamond, Philadelphia; J. C. Carpen ter, Virginia; F. W. Gallond, Henry Eddy and wife, New York; John 11. Harris. Montreal; A. B. Hubers. Macon; J; R. Motte. P. A. Butler, Charleston; V G. Sanders, P. J. Dane, Bt. Louis, Mo.; L. J. I#mc, Williamsport, Pa.; O. P. Lewis, Marblehead, Mass. At the Marshall House were James W. Buller, Camilla; James A. Crisp, Lawrence, B. C.: D. I>. Middleton and wife. Lakeland. F’la,; B. It. Harris, Jesup, C. L. Livingston, Darien; J. E. Halmeana son, Graysville; J. J. Morse, Cincinnati; F. A. Vaughan Geor gia; V. Mil nor, Charleston, S. C. • W. A. Berry, Georgia; 8. D. Zulier, St. Louis; J. Doly and son, Florida; J. M. Jackson, New York. At the Harnett House were R. R. Ham mond, New borne, N. C.; J. J. McCostnev, Baltimore; J. A. McGill, Brooklyn; E. T. Smith, New London, Conn.; Mrs. Westgate, Worcester, Mass.; Miss Tuttle, Boston: H. C. Drew, Coosavvhatchie, S. C.: W F. -Tay lor, Guyton; W. W. Dancy. New York* J. B. Wright, Darien; Mrs. M. Bassefcf and 2 children, Mrs. Scofield. V. A. Middauxh, Longwood, Fla.; J. F. Crane, Reading, Pa. GENERAL RAILWAY NEWS. Matters of Money and Management About Various Linos. Beginning to-morrow the Georgia Pacific railroad, in connection with the Piedmont Air Line, will run a fast mail front New York to Birmingham, making the run in thirty-six hours, twelve hours quicker than the present schedule. Chipley held an enthusiastic railroad meeting this week. The Birmingham and Brunswick road, running by LaOrange, Talbotton and Montezuma, is offered the graded right <>f way between Chipley and LaGrange. This will be accepted, the chief engineer having reported a practicable route across Pine Mountain at King's Gap. A committee is actively canvassing forsub scripi ions, taking notos payable when the road is graded and the iron laid to Chipley. Railroad Building in Georgia. Mr. James L. Simmons, Vico President of the Savannah, Dublin and Western Short line railroad, has constructed 200 miles of railroad in Kansas within the post year,and expects to build 300 miles more within the next year. He says that Georgia presents better inducements for building railroads than the far West, for the reason that in that part of the coun try not only has the railroad to be built, but the towns and cities have also to be laid out and the population brought to them. In Georgia these pre requisites to a paying railroad are always at band, and all that is necessary is to con struct the railroad. Mr. Simmons, in ad dition to his Georgia enterprise and Mutt in Kansas, is engaged in the Cape Cod canal find the Lake Bourgne canal, ncur New Orleans. The huge, drastic, griping, sickening pills are Inst being superseded by Dr. Pierce’s ‘‘Piu'l'iit 1 • Pellets.’* Hold by druggists. CONGRESS IN THE FALL MR. NORWOOD THINKB AN EXTRA SESSION IMPROBABLE. Ho Hopes for Harmony Upon the Tariff Question—Cleveland's Chances for a Second Term His Popularity in the West -What the President Said to Mayor Lester. Hon. T. M. Norwood has recently re turned from Washington. While there he met a number of the members of the House, and between them the matter of the extra session of Congress and Cleveland’s chances for a second term were discussed in an in formal way. Mr. Norwood was asked yes terday if he thought there would be an extra session, and he replied that he did not think it would he called. The members are not much in favor of it, and he does not think it will be urged upon the President. “One good result of it would be,” he con tinued, “that we would not have to stay in Washington during the summer if the busi ness of Congress was not disposed of during the regular session. It is extremely hot there, and when Congress held over until August the members suffered a great deal.” “Do you think that the Democratic party will be harmonized on the tariff question in caucus.” “That is hard to say. The whole thing lies with Mr. Randall. Unless he gives up his internal revenue plan, there is little chance for it. The Democratic side of the House is not now in the condition it was in the last Congress. The majority lias been reduced to twelve, and if Randali keeps his followers out the Democrats will not be able to carry the reduction in the tariff. In the Forty-ninth Congress they could let Randall and his friends go and still have a majority, but it will not be so in the Fiftieth, for it will not take many disaffected Democrats to give the Republicans control of the House. I cannot foretell what will happen in caucus, but I certainly hope that some policy upon which the party will be united will be adopted.” “What do you think of Mr. Cleveland’s chances for a second term?” “They are better now than ever. While I was in Washington I met a prominent Western member who said that the Presi dent has made many friends in the IVest by his course in the Guilford Miller land grant case. The dependent pension veto was not well received "in the West but the Miller case has won for him at least as many friends as he lost by the veto. ” “Does Mr. Cleveland want the nomina tion i” “No: I do not think he does. I believe that he would prefer to retire after his term has expired, but if ihe party wants him to accept he will certainly no so. He will con sent to his renoi i lination, if the leaders think it will more firmly establish the party in power, hut that will be his only reason.” “Have you ever heard any expression from him that leads you to believe he would like to retire.” “Yes. When Mayor Lester called upon the President some time ago we talked over public matters for awhile, and he then turned to Mr. Lester and said: ‘So you are Mayor of Savannah ‘Yes,’ replied Mayor Lester. ‘Ah, I wish 1 was back there!’ said the President, referring to his term as Mayor of Buffalo. Yes, he will undoubted ly accept the nomination if it is tendered, but I do not think he wants it.” RIVER AND HARBORf NEWS. Gleanings Among the Shipping 1 and Along the Wharves. The tug W. Dart arrived here yesterday with the tug Leon from Doboy in tow. The latter has her shaft broken and it will be repaired here. The tug Monarch arrived here yesterday from Charleston with a lighter loaded with acid phosphate in tow. The tug departed in the afternoon for Mosquito lulet, Fla., for the purpose of taking in tow a dredge for Washington, D. C. The steamer Sadie, Capt. Haverty, arrived in port yesterday from Philadelphia. She put in for coal, and is now lying at Tag gart’s wharf. She will be joined by her owner to-day. She is bound to Lake Kis simmee, Fla”, where she will be employed as a freight boat on the lake. She is fitted with doul4o compound engines, and is tweuty-eight tons burthen. She has been six weeks on the voyage thus far. Ease Eall. At Philadelphia Athletic 1 i 2 1 2 1 00 I—l 2 St. Louis 0 8 3 4 0 0 2 2 x-14 Base hits—Athletic 17, St. Louis 18. Errors— Athletic 6. St. Louis 8. At Baltimore— Baltimore 1 2 0 1 1 0 2 0 I—B Cleveland 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0— 2 Base hits- Baltimore 12, Cleveland 0. Errors —Baltimore 1. Cleveland G. At Brooklyn— Brooklyn r 5 0 1 0 0 0 8 3 o—l 7 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0— 5 Base hits- Brooklyn 20, Cincinnati 8. Errors —Brooklyn 4, Cincinnati 8. At Staten Island— Metrovwjlitan 0 2 001000 I—4 Louisville 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 x— 6 Base hits .Metropolitans 8, Louisville 13. Er rors—Metropolitans 2, Louisville 3. At New York— New York 1 101 2 1030-9 Washington 0 0020000 o—2 Base hits—New York 1, Washington 7. Er rors—New York 2, Washington 3. Batteries - Keefe and O'Rourke, Whitney and Mack. At Boston— Boston 0 2 0 0 3 0 2 0 0— 7 Philadelphia .. ! 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 l— 1 Base hits-Boston 9. Philadelphia 12. Errors Boston 4. Philacvlphia 8. Batteries—Conway and O'Rourke. Buffington and Gunning. At Chicago— Chicago 2 0 0 0 1 2 5 0 x—lo Pittsburg 0 0 1 '0 0 0 1 1 o—B Base bits--Chicago 10, Pittsburg 11. Errors— Chicago 4. Pittsburg 5. Batteries—Baldwin and Daly. Galvin and Miller. At WJtroit — Detroit 3 0 1 6 2 0 2 3 I—2l Indianapolis l 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 o—2 Base hits Detroit 29. Indianapolis 10. Errors— Detroit i. Indianapolis 9. Batteries—Weidman and liriody, ilealv and Racket. At Birmingham— Nashville 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 o—3 Birmingham ... 1 1 1 5 0020 o—lo Base hits Birmingham 22. Nashville 12. Er rors— Birmingham 7, Nashville 3. Batteries— Ware and Keifer, Bradley and Nicholas. “Buchu-Paiba." Quick, complete cure, all annoyihg kid ney, bladder uad urinary diseases. #l. At druggists. “Rough on Bile” Pills. Small granules, small dose, big results, pleasant in operation, don't disturb the stomach. l(le. and 25c. “Rough on Dirt." Ask for “Rough on Dirt.” A perfect washing powder found at last! A harmless extra fine AI article, pure and clean, sweet ens. freshens, bleaches and whitens without slightest injury to linest fabric. UuequaltxL for tine linens anil luces, general household* kitchen and laundry use. Softens watfH saves labor mid soap. Added to vents yellowing. 5c., 10c., 25e. atu^Hft. By reference to our advertising (Wumn, it will be seen that the much talked of sale of damaged millinery at KrouskofTs cotn metiees this morning, and it is certainly the most important to the ladies that has ever taken place in the city. We tmst tiio rush will not bo too large to exclude any one from securing a bargain. Our great, success in thin ( 'outs and Vests so far this season, compelled us to telegraph our New York huver to purchase anew stock of them, wlifcii he has done, and now we can show the prettiest styles in the city. Appel & Bchaul. Novelties in thin Coats ami Vests just re ceived ut Appel & Helmut's, Oue Price Clothier*. SAVED FROM DEATH. A Strange Case of Suspended Anima tion. From the Cincinnati Enquirer. A rather remarkable case of suspended animation occurred yesterday. Crus Schnielzer, a young man about 3d years of age, lives with his parents, at No. 5 Taft street. His father is at the head of an ice chest manufactory on Walnut street, near the canal. Gus, with his brothers, is em ployed at the establishment. Recently he has been too convivially* inclined, and this dissipation, in connection with a weak sys tem, placed him on the sick list, although he refused to go to bed, and persisted in continuing his usual daily labor. Yester terday morning he was TAKEN SERIOUSLY ILL with a hemorrhage of the lungs. He bled freely and the family became alarmed. A doctor was summoned and Schmelzer given the usual remedies. He became better, and notwithstanding the objections and entreat ies of his relatives, refused to stay at home. He went to tin* shop and began to work as if nothing was the matter. About 3:80 o’clock he was seized with a fearful hemor rhage and dropped to the floor in an ex hausted and fainting condition. Blood spurted from his nose and mouth, and it was evident that unless he soon received medical attention he would die. Patrol No. 1 was called and started with the man for his home. While passing the Ann street entrance of the City Hospital the officers in the wagon became alarmed at THE INVALID’S CONDITION. He had fainted and seemed almost inani mate. Fearful that he would die in the wagon the officers drew up to the hospital receiving station and Schmelzer was taken in. He was place#on one of the movable black couches prepared for such cases. Dr. Hussey was at once called and by the time he arrived —only two or three minutes had expired—the man’s life seemed to have passed away. The body was subjected to the usual simple tests, but no signs of life could be detected. The heart and pulse had ceased to beat, and Dr. Hussey pronounced the man dead. In the meantime members of the family had been summoned, and the grief of the father and sisters, who had Hurried to the hospital, IVAS HEART-BREAKING. Dr. Hussey, in order to avoid any possible mistake, suggested that the body be allowed to stay at the hospital for a few hours, so that, if there were any signs of returning life, there was medical assistance immedi ately at hand. The father, however, had given up all hope, and insisted that tbe re mains should be removed to the young man’s recent home. The body was tenderly carried to the house, No. 5 Taft street. Among those who had been summoned to the death-bed was an older brother. He had graduated at one of the local medical colleges himself, and was experienced in such matters. There was a forlorn hope that life was not extinct. The brother went to work, and after some time was overjoy'd to find faint SIGNS OF RETURNING VITALITY. He hurriedly ran for Dr. Meade, whom he fortunately found at home, and then called Dr. Fishburn. The two experienced physi cians labored with the almost inanimate body. After awhile, through artificial means, respiration was resumed. Ether was administered, and soon the intensely inter ested group around the bedside were satisfied to see the eyes slowly open. They remained fixed, however, and gave no sign of recog nizing those about the. couch. The pulse beats came very faint, but could be readily distinguished and then grow faster and more perceptible. The doctors continued in attendance until it was safe to leave the patient in the hands of his relatives, who were instructed how to continue the treatment. Last evening young Schmelzer was gradually improving, but the physicians were still very doubtful about his ultimate recovery. He had suf fered the loss of a great deal of blood, and was consequently very weak. IT WAS A QUESTION as to whether he had sufficient strength to sustain the vital spark, or whether another sudden hemorrhage would shatter all hopes of saving his life. Young Schmelzer is a very popular young, unmarried man. The timely efforts of his brother no doubt saved him from death yesterday. late last eveh ing he was still living, but had not shown that he recognized any of his surroundings. \Y 7 hile the doctors were doing their best with the feeble patient the undertaker, with his ice-box ready for the corpse, drove up to the door. He was told that his services were not then needed, but to hold himself in readiness for further orders. THE CORONER’S CALL. Dr. Rendigs had been notified in the after noon of Sclimelzer’s supposed death, and called at the family residence about 9 o’clock last evening. He was informed that the young man was still alive. There was con siderable ' disinclination shown relative to giving the Coroner information, and bis sus picions were mildly aroused. From other sources he learned sufficient to lead him to the determination to make a formal official visit to the house this morning, when he will satisfy himself conclusively whether young Schmelzer is ALIVE OR DEAD. The case became more mysterious than ever last evening. Drs. Schwagmeyer and Helfferich were called into consultation, ami, with Dm Fishburn and Meade, made a critical examination of the body. Dr. Fishburn expressed the opiniqn that deth had ensued at (5:25 p. m. There was still considerable animal warmth, and Dr. Fish burn admitted that possibly he felt a slight pulsation. The other physicians inclined to the belief that life still remained in the body. In order to settle the difficult problem as to whether Schmelzer is alive or dead it was decided to have another consultation at 9 o’clock this morning, when the most critical tests will be applied. There was no doubt that Schmelzer revived yesterday afternoon after ho had been pronounced dead at the hospital. Whatever the result of this morn ing s consultation of the physicians in the case Coroner Rendigs will make an investi gation on his own account, and determine whether the matter comes within his juris diction. As the attending physicians are divided on the question as to whether Schmelzer still lives or expired last evening, the Coroner proposes to satisfy himself. Tile Engadme Bouquet, Atkinson’s new perfume. This superb distillation sweetly recalls fragrant Swiss (lowers. Bright jewels in a setting of jterpetual snow. Call tjMklook at the elegant Pongee Coats and VeßHit Appel & Schaul’s. Boys’ Sailor Suits for 76c. The Famous, 140 Congress street, has just received a lot of blue flannel sailor suits, which are filing for 75c - . . A few more of those White Flannel Suit* Mix at Appel & K<'haul's. r A complete line of Seersucker Coats and Vests at Ap|*l & Schaul’s. Straw Hats Given Away. For ten clays longer we will give a straw hat free of cost, in grade corresponding to price suits purchased. Our competitors may sneer .it tho offer, but we challenge them to show the quality of goods we give for tho low prices. Best clothing for the least money can only be hod of the Famous, 140 Congress street. Do not fail to see our Fancy Striped Suit of Underwear selling at $1 50 per suit. Ap jx'l & Schaul, 188 Congress strict. Boya’ Knee Pants for 25c. We have just received a lot of Boys’ Pants, ages 4to l!i, which we will sell for 3fie. per pair. Every pair of them are worth three times the money. Heal bargains con only be had of the “Famous," 140 Congress street,. Weather Indications. Special Indications for Georgia: RAIN Fab- weather, except local rains on [the coast, slight clianges in tempera ture, winds becoming southerly. Comparison of moan temperature at Savan nah, June 10, 1887, and the mean of same day for fifteen years. I Departure I Total Mean Temperature ! from the | Departure 1 Mean | Since for 15 years June 10,’87. j -|-or — |jan. 1,1887'. 79.3 1 8-3.7 1 -|- 4.5 | 236.0 Comparative rainfall statement: II ~., I . . Departure I Total Mean Daily; Amount f ron , the j Departure Amount for for | Mcan since 16 Years. JunelO, 81. or _ j an . 1,1887. T-Jl .100 | .184 I— 0.525 ~Maximura temperature 95.6, minimum tem perature 7.-10. The height of the rivpr at Augusta at 1:33 o’clock p. m. vesterday (Augusta time) was 7.3 feet —a fall of 0.4 feet during the past twenty-four hours. Cotton Region Bulletin for 24 hours end ing (ip. in., June 10, 1887, 75th Meridian time. Districts. Average. w .„_ Max.| Min. Rain * tions Temp Temp l fall. 1. Wilmington 9 92 70 .16 2. Charleston 7 99 72 .04 3. Augusta 12 97 73 4. Savannah 13 97 74 .12 5. Atlanta 13 93 68 .13 6. Montgomery 9 94 72 .02 7. Mobile 9 94 70 8. New Orleans 14 94 72 9. Galveston 21 91 72 .05 10. Vicksburg 5 96 74 11. Little Rock 14 91 68 .16 12. Memphis 19 92 65 .04 Averages ■■ 94.2 j 70.8 .60 Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations. Savannah, June 10, 9:36 p. m., city time. Temperature, j Direction. J! a | Velocity. ° : Rainfall. Name OF Stations. Portland 52 S Clear. Boston 54 E 10 Clear. Block Island s*l N E 18 Clear. New York city ... 58 E 8 Clear. Philadelphia 58 E 17 Clear Washington city.. 62 N E 9 Cloudy. Norfolk 62 N E 16 .... Cloudy. Charlotte 81 E 7 Cloudy. Hatteras I ; Wilmington 74 N E 6: .29 Light rain. Charleston 82 SSV 9 j Threatening Augusta 86;N E 7j Fair. Savannah 80 Si 7j .lOiFair. Jacksonville 84|S W,10 ! .. Clear. Key iVest 80 S E 10 .... Cloudy. Atlanta i 70 ,NW • Clear. Pensacola ! 82 S W 8 Clear. Mobile | 78| S! 6 ( Clear. Montgomery j 82:...... Clear. Vicksburg Hi XW jClear. New Orleans 78 S E j I Clear. Shreveport 1 76 E ..I .07 Clear. Fort Smith 68 E ~| .05jFair. Galveston 80 S 7i Clear. Corpus Christi 80 S E 3| I Clear. Palestine 78! S 1..| jClear. Brownesville 76'S E . j Clear. RioGrande 84; S 7 j Clear. Knoxville 74! N 6 ... Clear. Memphis | 82! S ..!.... Clear. Nashville j 76; N . 7 .02 Clear. Louisville ! 70 N 0 .. . Clear. Indianapolis 68 N E j | Clear. Cincinnati 68 N E 10 Clear. Pittsburg 66 N E 6; Clear. Buffalo v 62 N E 6 1 Clear. Cleveland 64; Ei 7| Clear. Marquette S3! | Clear. Chicago 54 N E,l*i jClear. Dulutb 50 N Ei Clear Bt. Paul 70 E j 7 Cloudy. Davenport 68 E 12 .. Fair. Cairo 78; E I 8! Clear. St. Louis 76’ E !..!.... Clear. Leavenworth... . 88 S E 6! 18 Light rain. Omaha 70 8 E 6! .35 Light rain. Yankton 68 S 12 .06 Cloudy. Bismarck 70S E 8; Clear. Deadwood 04 8 W 12 .01 Cloudy. Cheyenne 61S ElO .. Fair. North Platte 68 E 14 .. .. Clear. G. N. Salisbury, Signal Corps, U.S. Army. Beauty io a Precious Gift, And faultless teeth in a lovely mouth is one of its greatest charms. Be careful of your teeth, and preserve them by using SOZO DONT. that charming dentifrice, which is perfectly harmless and absolutely indispen sable for the toilet. The most complete line of thin Coats and Vests now to be had at Appel & Schaul’s. A complete line of Percale Shirts at Appel & Schaul’s. Weisbein’s Fire Sale. Everyone knows of the great Broughton street lire. Mr. Weisbein was the main suf ferer. He has removed the stock which was on the ground floor, and which was only damaged by water, to the store 165 Congress street, adjoining Solomons' drug store, and will sell out at bargain prices, it is unnecessary to say that it will be to the advantage of everybody to go there and lay in a good supply. One person’s loss is the other's gain. You have now the chance. For further particulars read his “ad.” Appel & Schaul are selling their Straw Hats at remarkably low figures. The nobbiest line of Straw Hats in the city to be seen at Appel & Schaul’s. The Only Earthquake Booked for this summer is the one that is shak ing down prices on our stock and shaking out satisfaction to every patron. Suits for Dress. Suits for Business. Suits for Stout Men. Suits for Thin Men. Suits for Tall Men. Suits for Short Men. Boys' Suits. Boys' Shirt Waists. Gents' Thin Suits. Gents' Thin Coats and Vesta Straw and Stiff Hats. Fancy Summer Hose. Summer Neckwear. Summer Underwear. Try our Gold and Silver Shirts. Prices lower than elsewhere. Perfect fits. Stylish goods. 1(11 Congress street. 13. H. Law & Bro. The best 45 cent Undershirt in the city at Appel & Schaul’s. Balbriggan Underwear in all grades at Appel & Schaul’s, One Price Clothiers. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children aiv cutting teeth. It relieves the little suffer at once: it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain and thu little cherub awakes as “bright as a button." It is very pleasant to taste, ft, soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, re lieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or otiier causes. 115 cents a bottle. An inspection of our thin Coats and Vests is earnestly requested before purchasing. Appel & Schaul, One Price Clothiers. Just received, an entire new lineof Pongee Coat* and Vests at Appel & Schaul’s. Harnett House. Concerning a popular hotel in Savannah, Ga., tho Florida Timed-Union says; “We note from the hotel arrivals as published in the Savannah papers, that the Harnett House still leads all the other hotels in the city. In fact they have as many as the others combined. There is a good install meat of Floridians always registered there. ” Seersucker Coats for $1 At the Famous New York Clothing House, 140 Congress street. Call and see tho newest shades in Pongeo Coat* and Vest* at Appel & (Schaul’s. HIDDEN* BATESS. M. fl. MIDSUMMER mum sm Musical Instruments, Sheet Music Art Gor>ds. Artist Materials, Statu ary, Pictures. Frames, Stationerv etc., are offered at prices lietter than same class of goods can be pur chased for in New York. Selling for cash enables us to do it, and our clear ance sale enables us to keep up with the times, and lurutsh our patrons new and fresh novelties in all the lines we handle. 4Ve have many pretty goods now on hand that must be sold, and the price will make them go. A NEW FEATDBE. On and from June Ist we deliver all goods sold at purchaser's nearest express or post office. This enables those living at a distance to take ad vantage of present low prices. L & I!. S. I, I. N. B.—Japanese Goods are selling well, especially Fans and Screens These goods included in clearance sale. HOSE. Gas Fixtures, GLOBES & SHADES. Garden and Street Sprinklers. Eytaiit, Steam aai Suction HOSE. 1 asl Fora Pumps. Wells Driven and Guaranteed. John Nicolson, Jr., 30 AND 32 DRAYTON STREET. ICE. IC E ! Now is the time when every body wants ICE, and we want to sell it. PRICES REASONABLE! 20 Tickets, good for 100 Pounds, 75c. 140 Tickets, good for 700 Pounds, $5 • 200 Tickets, good for 1.000 Pounds, $7. 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c. Lower prices to large buyers. I O K Packed for shipment at reduced rates. Careful and polite service. Full and liiiera! weight. ffIOBBOCIER ICE CO. 144 BAY ST. COAL AND WOOD. Coal&Wood AT Reasonable Prices. DIXON& MURPHY Office No. 6 Drayton street. Telephone No. 64 Wharves Price and Habersham streets. • State OF Weather. LOVELL i LATTIMORE, 155 and 157 Congress St., Savannah, Ga., JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF - Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, AGRI CULTURAL implements, F.DGE TOOLS, POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, HOLLOWARE, WOODEN WARE. JAPANNED AND PLANISHED WARE GRINDSTONES, WHEELBARROWS, . COTTON. SISAL AND MA NILLA HOPE, CAST PUMPS, GUNS, SHELLS, ETC. WYEs'. LADIES! On vour own Dyeing, at home, with PESAA LESS DYES. They will dye everythin They are sold everywhere. Price 10c. a package 40 colors. They have no equal for strength, brightness, nmount In packages, or for fastness of color, or non fading qualities. They do no* crock or smut. For sale by B. F. Uuiik. M. y., Pharmacist, corner Broughton ami Houston streets; P. B. limn. Druggist and Apotum cury, corner Jones and Abercorn stiss'in, Edward J. Kiefvkr, Druggist, corner Broad and Stewart street*. Tho VV -SHBURN AMERICAN CUITAR9 AND N.ANDOUNES. ;^-^.^^^>\ durnfel.j, nrvl poMMMt tho •!/ correct seal*. Warrantod to r.tand in any c limn to. Aak your denier for tnwn- Catalogue mailed free bf tuo Manufacture!*- LTON Bi HEALY, IJ2 State St., ChIoagO UNIVEKSITIf Of VIRGINIA. CUMMER LAW LECTURES (Dine weekly l be-- O gin 14th July, IHB7, and cud 14th Septemjf- For circular apply (P. O. University of ' *•> w JOHN R. MINOR. Prof. Com. unJ 9UU