The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 14, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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( OMMLEC’iAL. 3AVANMA.-I m ; v n>-i37. offut. oiAvia morning vews, * Savannah, Ua.. June 13, -l p. M. i" CcyiTON -T .e market was [lull, and a more or leys nominal i'.-eLjg prevails. Prices, however, were very Cftu. Ou ''luuig* ,;t tha midday cr.ll, at 1 p. m., the market vUN reported tltv.i and unchanged, with salon of 2 bales. The followriag are tho official spot quotations of ihe Cotton Exchange: Middling fair 1144 flood middling ll® Middling 1<& X *>\v middling l(s Good ordinary 104& Sin Island —Tile market was vary dull and anti rely nominal. We quote: Common Georgias and Floritlas 14 ©1547. Medium 1646017 Good medium 17144418 Medium flue 18®®, Fine 1946090 Extra fine 5045©21 Choice 22 © Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand June 13, 1883, and for the Same Time Last Year. ISS6-87. |j 1885-86. Island. i 'r> la " d ! St nek on hand Sept. 1 I 1,149 4,301 661 3,208 Received to-dfty 4 .... 8 1,022 [Received previously 27.316 ?71,020j 23.335 772,414 i Total 28,409! 77,5,384: 23,894 77G.734! Exported to-day —l( 6j 443| Exported previously. 27,442 7T3,030i 21,814 707,680 | Total 27,442 773,1351 21,814 788,129 Stock on hand and on ship | board this day I 1,0271 2,2491 l 2,0801 3,005, Rice—The market was very quiet, but steady and unchanged, with light offerings. There were no sales. JVe quote: Fair 444040' Hood 44q(Tc4£' 8 Prime . 54405% Rough- Country lots 60®. 90 Tide water 9001 15 Naval Stores— The market for spirits tur pentiqr was very firm, with a fair demand. The sales for the day were about 470 casks, at 32c for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported firm at 32c for regulars. At the closing call it was firm at 32c for regulars. Rosin—The market was quiet, steady and unchanged. The sales for the day were about 700 barrels. At the Board of Trade on the first call the market was reported dull for N and above, and firm for M and below, at the following quotations: A. B, C and D $1 00. ESI 05, F $1 10, (j $1 15, H*l 20, I $1 85, K $1 50, M $1 72U. N Si 95, window glass S2 40, water white $2 70. At the closing call it was unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,543 77,408 Received to-day 1.466 3,082 Received previously 47,770 107,912 Total 517779 188,402 Exported to-day 2.692 2,084 Exported previously 39,539 141,068 Total 42,231 143.152 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day 9,548 45,250 Receipts same day last year 1,900 3,571 Financial—Money is in some demand, but in ample supply for present requirements. Domestic Exchange— Steady. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at 44 per cent discount and selling at par@-46 per cent pre mium. Foreign Exchange—The market is weak. Commercial demand, $4 85; sixty days, $4 83; ninety days, $4 82*4: francs, Paris and Havre, commercial, sixty days. $5 23; Swiss, $5 2:1*4; marks, sixty days, 9-I*4. SEcrarriES—The market is quiet and dull. Stocks and Bonds— City Bonds— Quiet. At lanta 6 per cent long date, 108 bid. 110 asked; Atlanta 7 percent, 118 bid, 121 asked: Augusta 7 per cent long date, 11.7 bid. llSasked; Augusta 6s long date. 108 bid, 110 asked; Columbus 5 per cent, 100 bid, 105 asked; Macon 6 p-er cent. 111 bid, 112 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, July coupons. 1034-4 bid, 1044 asked; new Savannah 6 per cent, August coupons, 10344 bid, 101*4 asked. State Bonds— Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgia new 6s, 1889, 103 bid, 104 asked; Georgia new 446, 106*4 bid, 10644 asked: Geor gia 7 [>er cent gold, quarterly coupons, 19746 bid, 109 asked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1890, 123 bid, 124 asked. Railroad Stocks —Central common, ex-divi dend, 121*4 hid, 122 asked; Augusta ami Savannah 7 per cent guaranteed, 1:12 bid, 183J4 asked; Georgia common, ex-dividend. 190 bid, SIKT asked: Southwestern 7 per cent guaranteed, ex-dividend, 128 old, 129 asked; Central 0 per eent certificates, ex interest, 101 bid, iOl si asked: Atlanta and West Point railroad stock, 115 bid, 117 asked; Atlanta and West Point 0 per cent certificates, 105 bid, 106 asked. Railroad Bonds —Market quiet, Savannah. Florida and Western Railway Company general mortgage 6 per eenr. interest, coupons October, 115 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage consolidated 7 pel cent coupons. January and July, maturity 1897, 119 bid, 121 asked; Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent , coupons January and July, maturity 169.3, 11244 bid, 11344 asked; Georgia railroad 6s, 1897, 108 bid, 110 asked: Mobile and Girard second rnort sage5 age indorsed 8 per cent, coupons January and uly, maturity 1889, 105 bid, 106 asked; Mont gomery and Eufauia lire: mortgage Q per cent, indorsed by Central railroad, 109 hid. Ill) asked; Marietta and North Georgia first mort gage 6 per cent, 102*4 bid. 108 asked; Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta first mortgage, 113 bid, 11446 asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta •second mortgage. 112 bid, U3 asked: Western Alabama second mortgage indorsed 8 per cent, 108 bid, 109 asked; South Georgia ana Florida indorsed, 118 bid, 120 asked: South Georgia and Florida second mortgage, 112 hid, 115 asked; Augusta anil Knoxville first mortgage 7 percent, mix, hid, 11247. asked; Gainesville, Jef ferson atul Southern first mortgage guaranteed. 120 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern .not guaranteed, 116 asked; Ocean Steamship 6 per cent bonds, guaranteed by Central railroad, IHSUj bid, 100 asked: Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern second mortgage guaranteed, 115 bid. 116 asked; Columbus and Romo first mcvigiigo bonds in dorsed by Central railroad, 108 hid, 109 asked; Columbus and Western 6)>s-rcenl guaranteed, 19S?i bid, 11)944 asked; City and Suburban rail way first Mortgage 7 per i-ent. 110 asked: Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Company, 106 bid. 107 usked. Bon A. Stocks —Nominal. .Southern Bank of roe State of Georgia, 200 bid, 200 asked; Mer chants’ National Bank, 160 bid, 165 asked; Sa vannah Bank and Trust Company, OR hid, lb* asked; National Bank of Savannah. 122 bid, 125 naked. 'das Stocks— Savannah Gar. Light stock, #x divldend, yiUbjd, 22 oak**!; Mutual Gas Light stock, 29 bid, 23ashed. Bacon—Market very firm and advancing; de mand good: smoked clear rib sines, 9>ac; shoulders, 7c; dry salted clear rib sides, Btfic; long clear, 844 c; shoulders, none; hams. 1244 - Baooino and Tien—Market quiet. We quote: Bagging—2)4 tts, 9l 4 c; 2 lbs, B*4e; 1 D>s, 744 c; according to brand and quantity. Iron ties— Arrow, sloo© 105 per bundle, according to brand and quantity. Bagging and ties in n tail lots a fraction higher. Butter -Market, steady: oleomargarine. 14© 16e: choiceGoauun, :8e; gilt edge. 22c; cream ery. 24 ©ldo. CorrFK—The market Is firm. We cuoto for small lots: Ordinary, 2144 c: lair. 22^0 ; goon, tde; choice. 2314 c; ivelberry, 214 ac. Cnea.sE Murine higher nnd advancing; good demand; st.Kk light. We quote, 1 1 0/ 1 50. Lkied FattiT--Apples, cvupo:st.<d,b'kri peeled, ■c: peaches, peeled, IJe; impeded, 507 c; our rnnta, 7c; citron, 2'o 1 a.v Goons—The market 1* firm: business lair. Wc quote: Prints, 1:7.6c; Georgia brown •hirtiHg. 3-4, •(,*-/■: 7-8 du, 7)*4c: 4 4 sheet ing. 0440: white osnoburgs, fitfoDc; check*. 644 V.7c; varus, 85c for boat makes; brown drill lugs, >4<p.7J.£c. ITsn—(Ve <|Uote full weights: Mackerel-■ No. 1. $7 5001000; No. 3, halt b.irrelf*. nominal, $6 0007 00; No. 2, S7 50® 9 50, Herring-No. 1, 80c; scaled. 25c; cocl, s®,Bc. Fiau'r-JXarket firm: demand moderate. We quote: Extra. $4.350150; fancy. 85 150 5 33; choice patent, $.5 404c5 oj; • family, $1 *8)0 4 90. Fruit--Lemons - Stuck full ar.d demand fair. We qtto'e: $3 750.3 50. . „ . . Grain Corn—Market steady; demand light. We quote: White corn, Job lots, 61c; carload hits, 1 02c; mixed corn, Job lots. 02c; carload lots, oic. Oats steady; demand good, vvo quo to: Mixed oats. 46c; carload lots, 41c. Bran, *1 15. Meal, B7Bjc:G<sor;jia grim, p rack, 91 55; grist, j>er bushel, .244 c. , Hay-JI i.kct tedv. with a fair demand' V oek a up It*. Wc quot* job lots: Western. 5t O'. carlixij lots. iiGe. Eastern, bi 10: carload 1' 'is 95c . Noi-ju 'ii. 1103 c. : " ' Wool. "."a—ililies—Market, dull: rs oelpte light ;Jiy fi:n‘„ 12s({!;2)£o;s.ilted. lGWtejiiry butcher, .Si, W.k.l —Market weak ar.d declining; prime in bates, .“SU® ; burry, 10® lie. Wax,lBc. Tallin.. 4c. ls,r slUus. lilnt, -tie; salted. 10c. Otter skins, 50c®$4 00. Iron— Marketfirm; awedo, 4>.j®sc; refiued. Lard—Market is steady; In tierces. 71ic; SO-lb tins. la^c. Lnir.. Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala bnuia lump lime is in fair demand, and is selling a f $1 30 per barrel: Georgia. Si 30; calcined plas ter, ft So per barrel: hair,Sc;Rosendalecement, ?1 .V); Portland cement, S3 00. Liquous—Full stock; steady demand. Bour bon, Si 50®5 50; lye, $150®6 00; rectified, SI 00®1 35. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Mails—Market firm: fair demand. We quote: 3d, S3l*o; 4d and sd. $3 35; (id. $3 00; Bd, S3 75; lOd to OOd, S3 50 per keg, _Nvts—Almonds, Tarragona, 18®20c; Ivicas, 17®18c; walnuts, French. 13c: Naples, 16c; pe cans, 10c: Brazil. 10c; filberts, !2c; cocoanuts, Baracoa, §5 35 per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 4.x:; West Virginia black, 9@loe; lard, 60c; headlight. 15c; kerosene, 10c; water white, neatsfoot, 65® 90c; machinery, 25@30c; linseed, raw, 48c; boiled. Sic; mineral seal, 16c; fireproof, 18c; homeligbt, 18c. Onions—Bermuda, crates, §1 75®2 00. Potatoes—Very scarce. Scotch, S3 00®3 30 per sack; new, $3 00@5 00. Peas—Demand light; cow peas, mixed, 75® Soc; clay, $1 00®1 15; speckled,* $1 00@1 15; black eye, $1 25®1 50; white crowder, $1 50® Prunes—Turkish. >3:ic; French, Bc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel, §3 00; layers, S3 00 per box; Lon don layers, S3 35 per box. Shot—Drop. Si 40; buck. $1 65. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots, (ise fob: job lots, 80® 90c Sugar—The market Is steady; cut loaf, 6Wc; standard A, 6c; extra C, s®c; C yellow, 5J4c; granulated, Ctye; powdered. 6*0)0. Syrup—Florida and Georgia syrups, 40@45c; the market is quiet for sugarhouSe at 35®40c; Cuba straight goods, 3Se in hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20e. Tobacco—Market dull; demand moderate. " e quote: Smoking, 35c® $1 35; chewing, com mon. sound, 25®30e; fair. 80@85e; medium. 88® 50c; bright. 50®75c; fine fancy, 85®90o; extra fine, 90e®$l 10; bright navies, 45®70c; dark navies, 40®50c. Lumber The demand from the West con inues good; coastwise and foreign inquiry is rly fairly active. 1 Vicos for average schedules are firm at quotations, with some advance, while difficult schedules can only be placed at considerably advanced prices. We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes $l3 50@17 00 Difficult sizes 16 00(43150 Flooring boards 16 00@80 50 Slupstuft 18 50®21 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $9 00®, 11 00 800 “ “ 1000®1100 900 “ “ 11 00®. 12 00 1,000 “ “ 12 00®14 00 Shipping timber in the raft -700 feet average $ 6 00® 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00® 800 900 “ “ 8 00® 900 1,000 “ “ 9 00®10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail—There is a fair sup ply of tonnage for present requirements, and rates are steady at quotations Freight limits are from $5 00 to $6 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia. New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c@$! 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and wind ward, nominal; to South America. $l3OOOll 09: to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, sll 00® 12 00: to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 270285*; lumber, £3 15s. Steam—To New York, $7 00; to Philadelphia, $7 00; to Boston, $9 00. Naval Stores—Dull. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders. 2s 10J4d, and, or, 4s Adriatic, rosin, 3s: Genoa, rosin, 2s Coastwise—St cam— To Boston, 50c on rosin, $1 A ion spirits; to New York, rosin 50c, spirits ‘*o,-; to Philadelphia, rosin 30c, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin 30c, spirits 70c. Cotton—By Steam—The market is steady; offering tonnage in good supply. Liverpool via New York ft'- 3-1 fid Liverpool via Baltimore |) !b 3-lfid Antwerp via New York i? lb *4d Havre via New York $ ft SMfie Havre via Baltimore 66c Bremen via New York 1* V 11-16 c Reval via New York pft 11 :i<M Bremen via Baltimore ft lb ®e Amsterdam via New York 65c Amsterdam via Baltimore 61c Genoa via New York ft lb 9^d Boston fp bale 1 35 Sea island bale 1 75 New York oale 1 85 Sea island IP bale 1 35 Philadelphia ft bale 1 35 Sea island p bale 1 35 Baltimore ft bale 125 Providence ft bale 1 50 Rice—By Steam- New York ft barrel 60 Philadelphia IP ban-el 60 Baltimore ft bwrel 60 Boston ft barrel 60 s'k<—By Steam-(By special contract) —To New s’ork, Philadelphia, Boston aud Balti more. standard crates, 20c; barrels, 40c. 55 ith out the contract, crates. 35c; barrels, 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls f! pair $ 65 © 80 Chickens, to grown 40 ® 60 Springers. ' 25 0 40 Ducks ft pair 50 © 75 Geese % pair 7.5 01 00 Turkeys V pair 1 25 ©2 00 Eggs, country, ft dozen 15 ® 17 Eggs Tennessee 6... 15 @ Peanuts—Fancy h. p. Va. 14 1b... 0 6 Peanuts—Hand picked ft tb © 5 Peanuts—-Ga. ft bushel, nominal, 75 0 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds ft bush. 50 © 60 Sweet potatoes,yel.yams *{4 bush. 65 © 75 Sweet pot’s, white yams V bush. 40 ® 50 Poultry—Market steady: receipts heavy; demand light for grown; half to three-quarters growns in good request. Eggs—Market firmer, with a fair demand and scarce. Peanuts— Ample stock; demand fair; market steady. Sugar—Georgia and Florida, nominal: none in market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York. June 13. noon.—Stocks dull but steady. Money easy at 506 per cent. Exchange —long $4 84)404 85, short $4 8604 8945. State bonds dull but steady. Government bonds dull but steady. , 5 p. m.—Exchange dull but steady at $4 8544 04 87. Money harder at 4010 percent., closing offered at 444 per eent. Sub-Treasury balances —Gold. $134,94.,000; currency, $15,347,000. Gov ernment bonds dull but steady; four per cents. 12944; four and a half per cents. 109->s. Statu bonds dull but steady. The stock market was unusually dull to-day, and l)eai isli room traders had trading pretty much to themselves. Leading operators were all out of the city, and bears hail practically no opposition in their attacks upon the weak spots. The latter seemed to be Northwest. Wheeling anil laike Erie, New England and Lake Erie and Western* Chicago sold grangers, and there were tumors that insiders aud Lake Erie and Western were selling out under cover of the dividend. At the same time a failure in the coffee trade had some little effect against the market. Western Union, St. Paul and Reading were active but featureless. The opening was generally weak, with prices >4044 per cent, be low those of Saturday evening. Moderate busi ness was transacted during the first few minutes only, w hen the market became dull. Canada Southern became conspicuous on the early de clin.’ followed by Wheeling and Lake Erie. An other raid occurred after 12 o’clock, in which the last mentioned stock and Oregon Transcon tinental were the principal sufferers. The last hour was again heavy, and the close wits very dull at about the lowest figures of the day. Total sales IW.OOO shares. The following were the closing quotation.*: Ain class A,2 to 5.108*4 New Orleans Pa al: class B, 5.s .112* ciffc, Ist mort... 78 (*di*kia mort..loßMi N. V Central •. • NU CarollnAdj.. 142 Norf. £W. prof... tog N. Carolina 4s —IOO Aoi. Pac.f1e....... 3146 So Caro. (Brown) * pref... 5956 consols Pacific Mall .3*U Tennessee 6.l Readmg........... Virginia 6s . ...48 Richmond * Ale .. 3*q Va. consollib.ted. *56 Richmond & Danv 150 Ch’peake & Ohio 6*M Richm.4eW.Pt. Chic. & Northw'n.lJlM „ l'erinmal 3.4a “ oreferred... 147 Rock Island 131 Data.,Lack &W. 13764 St. Paul. ..... 90M Erie SS i>refnjd..l*4L East Tennessee, Texas Pacific..... niMv HtfM’k ... 131.1 Tt*nn. Coal &. Iron. lotke Shore 07 Union Pacific 599 k i/villoA NarH-.k CM. N. J. Central Memphis & Char. 58 JUssouri Pacific.. .10844 Mobile & Ohio— 1444 Western Inlon 7.4, Nash. & Chatt’a.. 814* CottouOilTrust cer 504a ’Aiked. COTTON. Liverpool, June 13,12:30 p. m.-Cotton firm with fair demand; middling uplands isl. mid dling Orleans Od; sal".* 1 MG) boles, for specuU tlon ond export 2,000 bales; roccljils 2,500 bales— Futures— Uplands, low middling clause, June delivery 5 IlfisHd; June anil Julys 5)-61d: July nuJ August 6d. also 0 1-64d: August and be|e teniborc 2-64d. also 6 l-ld; Octolwr and No vember 5 39-04.1, algo 5 88-64d; November and n * 5 V.-Ift'.. also 5 *4-64,1; Docem's-r u.i* THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1887. January 5 35-64d, September 6 S-64d, also 6 2-54d. .Markei steady. The tenders Of deliver:**, at to-dav’s clearings amounted to 800 bales new docket aud 1,400 old. 2 p. m.—The sales to-day were 7,100 bales of American. Futures-Uplands, low middling clause. June delivery 5 03-64d, buyers; June and July 568-040, buyers; July and August Od. buyers; August and September 5 C2-old, sellers: Sex>tember and October 5 49-64d, buyers; October and No vemlier 5 38-64d. buyers; November and Decern ber 5 35-64d, sellers; December and January 5 34-0-id, buyers; September 6 3-64d, sellers. Market steady. 4:00 p. m.—Futures: Uplands, low middling clause, June delivery 5 63-tDd, sellers: June and July 5 68-04d, sellers : July and August 6d, sell ers; August and September 6 l-64d. value; Sejitember and October 54. -64.1. sellers: Octo ber and November 5 38-04d, value; November and December 5 84-64d, buyers; December and January 5 34-64:1, buyers; September 6 2-64:1. sellers. Market close:! quiet but steady. New York, June 13, noon.—Cotton oxiened quiet; middling uplands 11 5-16 e, middling Or leans sales 1,122 bales.* Futm-es—Market opened steady, with sales as follows: June delivery 11 22c, July 1128 c. Au gust 1133 c. September 10 92c, October 10 80c. November 10 08c. 5:00 p. m.—Market closed quiet but steady; middling uplands 11 5-16 c, middling Orleans llVijc; sales to-day 204 bales; net receipts none, gross 613 bales. Futures—Market closed easy, with sales of 61,600 bales, as follows; June delivery 11 13© 11 14c, July 11 19011 21c, August 11 25011 26c, September 10 82010 83e. October 10 86010 27c. November 10 06@10 07c, December 10 03® 10 04c, January 10 07010 08c. Green & Cm s report on ootton futures savs: “It has only been ft moderately active market all day, one of two temporary hardening tend encies' failing to find support. European ad vices have no special infiuence against the de sire to sell among the line of longs, and at the close rates wvere 8010 points lower, with the tone rather tame. Increased stringency in money contributed to the weakness, aud the panic in the coffee market was a factor of no mean importance, not only as creating a ner vous feeling,’ but as occupying the attention of the larger cotton bulls, who are also Interested on the short side of coffee.’’ Galveston, June 13.—Cotton firm; middling 10 1116 c; net receipts 2i pales, gross 21; sales 1,478 bales; stock 5,:4jS bales; exports, coastwise 25 ba;es. Norfolk, June 13.—Cotton quiet: middling 11 3-16 c; net receipts 12 bales, gross 12; sales 3(1 bales; stock 3,126 bales; exports, coastwise .35 bales. Baltimore, June 13.—Cotton quiet; middling 11 V6c; net receipts 48 bales, gross 48; sales none; stock 3.999 ball's: exports, to Great Bri tain 288 bales, coastwise 177. Boston, June 18. -Cotton steady; middling net receipts 86 bales, gross 465; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, June 13.— Cotton firm; middling little; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 1,604 bales. Philadelphia, June 13.—Cotton quiet; mid dling lltoc; net receipts 119 bales, gross 119; stock 19.994 bales. New Orleans, June 13.—Cotton quiet but steady; middling 1037 c; net receipts 206 bales, gross 310; sales 500 bales; stock 93,776 bales ex ports, to the continent 120 bales, coastwise 2,657. 3lonn.E. June 18.—Cotton firm; middling; net receipts 1 bale, gross 1; sales none; stock 489 bales; exports coastwise 189 bales. Memphis, June IS.—Cotton firm; middling 11c; reeelijts 36 bales; shipments 80 bales; sales none; stock 9,172 bales. Augusta, June 13.— Cotton quiet but firm ; mid dling lie;receipts bales; sales 6 bales. Charleston, June 13. Cotton quiet but firm; middling lOajc; net receipts 1 bale, gross 1; sales none; stoek 780 1 sdes. Atlanta, June 13.— Cotton- middling 10%c; no receipts. New York, June 13.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 501 bales; exports, to Great Britain 288 bales, to the continent 3,575; stock at all American ports 314,454 bales. PROVISIONS. GROCERIES, ETC. Liverpool. June 13,12:30 n. in.—Wheat quiet but steady: demand poor; holders offer mode rately. Corn quiet; demand poor. Beef, extra India mess 61s 6d. Lard v prime Western 34s 6<l. New Yorfk.’, June 13, noon.—rlour dull and heavy. 55’heat lower. Corn lower. Pork dull mess, sl6. Lard weak at $6 '.'2(6. Freights steady. Old mess pork dull at sls. 5:00 p. m. - Flour. Southern closed steady; common to fair extra $3 50(5 4 00, good to choice $4 1005 25. Wheat, cash 10.1 Wc and options 2 ®2We lower, closing heavy at bottom rates; No. 2 red, June delivery 95*4®97c; July 92%©94e. Corn generally steady hut less active; No. 2. June delivery- 47©47fgci July 47}4@47©c. Oats a shade lower and less active; No. 2,34035 c; mixed Western 34036 c; No. 2, June delivery 3314033*17', July 334603314 c. Hops quiet and unchanged. Coffee, fair Rio dull and nominal; options unsettled, active anil decidedly lower, closing firm; No. 7 Rio, June delivery 14 55© 16 75c, July 15 20017 15c, August 15 001800 c. Sugar dull and nominal; refinedquiet but steady. Molasses dull: 50° test 20c. Cotton seed 0i1—34 ©350 for crude, 42©48c for refiued. Wool quiet but steady. Hides firm; wet salted New Orleans selected, 46@60 pounds, 9>4@loc; Texas selected, 50060 pounds, 10c. Pork steady: mess, sls for old, sl6 for new. Beef dull. Middles dull and nominal. Lard moderately active and a shade lower; Western steam, on spot $6 90© 6 63 *6. July delivery s** 9606 79. Freights dull; cotton, l-10d; wheat, IHjd. Chicago, June 13.—Tlte dullness which pre vailed in the wheat pit to-day was in marked contrast with the excitement of the closing hours of Saturday, when wheat dropped nearly 4c under enormous unloading. It is said tnat manipulators of the tumble took in 2,000.000 bushels at 2c under the average trading figure of the day on Saturday. It was also reported that the same combination, in order to steady the market, again took 2,000,000 bushels more to day. June wheat has lost its interest largely, and July is the centre of interest. June sold to day within a J4 C range, at 92*40924(80. July opened at 83*4c, and because the clique offered to take a million bushels the scalpers pitched in, and July sold up to 83%c, then fell back to 8844 c, and later up to 834a0. The scalp ers did most of it, and toward noon succeeded in getting July up to 8344 c. Estimates on the visible supply by this time began to show a de crease instead of an increase. The market w as, however, very dull up to noon, but lalcr in the afternoon it was bulged to 84c by local buying and the visible statement showing a decrease of 340,000 bushels. The’ last half hour was not broken by any special event. Trade was mod erate. July dosing the morning session at 83*B® 83J6C and the afternoon at Four hundred and forty-eight cars were reported received to day. Corn was easier aud prices ranged lower, but changes were small and unimportant, and taking the day as a whole It was a decidedly un satisfactory one to all classes of trailers. Re ceipts were lilwrol and withdrawals from store large. Longs sold moderately at inside figures, and there was said to be fair buying orders. July opened at 8846 c. sold at 3844 c to 38c, up to 8844 c and closed at 38c. Provisions were quiet but steady- and with few interesting features. Scalper: were the principal traders and fluctua tions small. Short ribs were the favorites, and July sold early at 10c decline, at $7 60, but firm. Lard was slow at $6 6506 70. The following were the cash quotations: Flour dull. Wheat, No. 2 spring 9209244 c; No. 3 spring 73c; No. 2 red 92c. Corn, No. 2, 37® 3744 c. Oats, No. 2,2502544 c. Moss pork s2l. Lard $0 624406 63. Short rib sides, loose $7 70. Dry salted shoulders, boxed $.5 6005 7(1: short clear sides, boxed $7 90®7 (f). Whisky $1 10. Leading futures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat — June delivery.. . 9244 92*4 9244 July delivery.... 834a H‘4 83->4 August delivery. 804a Bu!a 79 Corn — • June delivery 3746 3746 37 July delivery... 3846 3844 38 August delivery'' 3944 394* 39)4 Oats— June delivery... 25 25 2444 July delivery— 25J6 2046 2&T6 August delivery. 24® 25® 2446 Mess Pork - June delivery.. .$22 00 .... .. . 1 .AMl> June delivery... $6 6246 $3 *'244 s** 69 Jill/ delivery.... 6 67® 6 6744 660 August delivery.. 675 6 7749 675 Short P.his— June delivery- $7 60 §7 72® $7 70 July delivery 7 60 7 79* A 7 70 August delivery. 7 70 7 80 w 7 Ml Baltimore, .Juno 13.--Flour firm and Howard street and Western superfine $2 3 10, extra $3 27,"/ 3 (S', family $4 L'®.) U), cl!iH mills superfine $2 5003 (X). extra s■’> #>. l!h brands $4 7505 00. Wheat- KouUierti steady but dull; red 94097 c, amber 96098 c; Western lower and active: No. 9 winter red. on spot 93® ®9S4rc. Corn Southern firmer aud quiet: 5305444 c, yellow 49>6c; Western lower and dull. St. Louis. June 13.— Flour dull. Wheat lower; No. 2 red. cash 80®c, June delivery B*)©S!c, July 77008046 c. Corn lower and Weak; cash 35c, June tleUvery 31*4© V*c. Oats quiet and easy; cash 27c, June delivery 27c, July nominal 21 toe. Whisky steadv at $1 05. I*rovlHions steady: jiork irregular; new sls. Lard. $6-40. Dry salt meats, boxed shoulders $5 75, long clear (7 70, clear ribs $7 75. short clear $7 90. Bacon, boxed shoulders $6 250(150. long clear $8 3744© 8 (SO. clear ribs $8 45(0.8 50, short clear $8 0508 75. Hams steady ut sll 25014 00. Cincinnati, June 14.—Flour easier: family $3 75 c 3 HO; fancy 54 000.4 13. Wheat easier; No. 2 red, 85c. Corn dull: No. 2 mixed 41c. Oats quiet; No. 3 mixed, 29*4®2m.c. I'revisions - Pork dull ut sls 96. Lard in ligat demand at $6 40 Bulk meats firm; short ribs $7 7.3. Bacon quiet but Urn 1 : short ribs $8 2w., short clear $8 90. yVhiskv stoodv at $1 05. Hogs active and firm: oommen ami light $4 0005 15, packing aud lito<irs $< ;s'. v /,3 30. Louisville. Juno 13. —Grain steady: Wheat- No. 2 red, 82e. Corn-No. 2 mixed 414{c; white 41c. Oats—No 2,30 c. Previsions very firm: Bscon—clear rib sides $7 clear side* $9, shoulders $6 50. Bulk meals -clear rib sides SB. clear sides $7 2ft, shoulders $6. Mess pork nominal. Hams, sugar-cured, sli 00018 50. Isu-d, choioe leaf SB. New Orleans, June IS.— Coffee excited and so unsettled that accurate quotations oan hardly be given; market demoralized by panic and failures in Now York; Rio cargoes, common to prime, holders offering at 20@22t4e with no buy ers. Other markets unchanged. naval storks. Liverpool, June 18, 12:30 p. m.—Spirits tur pentine 28s (M. London, June 13.—Spirits turpentine 2Ss 14yd. New York, June 18, noon. Spirits turpentine steady at 35c. Kosin steady ut $1 35® 1 30. 5:00 p. m.—Rosin dull at $1 25®1 30. Tur pentine quiet at 36c. • Charleston, June 13. Spirits turpentiue firm at 32c. Rosin firm; good strained $1 10. Wilmington, June 18.— Spirits turpentine Arm at 3146 c. Rosin firm; strained 85c, good strained 90c. Tar firm at $1 15. Crude turpentine firm; hard $1 10; yellow dip $195; virgin $2 20. rice. New York, June 13.—Rice firm New Orleans. June 13.—Rice unchanged. Fruit and Vegetable Market. The following sjiecial to the Morning News is published for the benefit of our Florida and Georgia readers and those interested in fruits anil vegetables, and can be relied upon as aceu rate and reliable. Rostn. June 13.—Tomatoes, Florida, 50c@ 1 50 per crate; tomatoes, Georgia, $1 5002 50 per crate; cucumbers, Georgia, $1000175 per ciate: Irish potatoes. Florida, $3 0004 00 per barrel: Irish potatoes. Georgia, $4 0005 00 per barrel; marrow squash. $3 000 350 per’barrel; summer squash, 7oe©sl 00 per crate. O. G. I’KAKSON, Agent Florida Dispatch Line. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC THIS DAY. Sun Rises 4:57 Sun Sets 7:03 High Water at Savannah 2:20 a m, 3:07 r m Tuesday. June 14, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tallahassee. Fisher. New York—C G Anderson, Agent. Steamship Gate City, Hedge, Boston—C G An derson. Agent. Steamer David Clark. Usina. Fernandina—C Williams, Agent. Steamer Seminole, Strobhar. Reaufort. Bluff ton and Port Royal—H A Strobhar, Manager. ARRIVED BELOW YESTERDAY. Schr Welcome R Beebe, Lozier, Ndw York, with stone to order; vessel to Master. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Johns Hopkins, Foster. Baltimore— Jas B West.’A Cos. Bark Bonito (Nor), Danielsen, London—A R Salas & Cos. Bark Progress (Nor), Olsen, Corunna— •Strachan & Cos. .. . DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ethel, Gibson, Augusta and way land ings—W T Gibson, Manager. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Johns Hopkins, Baltimore. Bark Nordenskjold (Nor), Brunswick. Bark Bonita (Nor), London. Schr Francis C Yarnall, Providence. MEMORANDA. Bull River, SC, June 10—Arrived, steamship Hercules, Chambers, Fernandina. New York, June 11—Cleared, schrs Lewis K Cottingham, Whitaker, Key West and Mobile; Florence A Lillian. Smith. Jacksonville; Geo R Congdon, Terrell, Georgetown. Newcastle. E, June 11—Arrived, bark Atlas (Nor). Petfersen, Brunswick. Rotterdam, June 10—Arrived, bark Gyller (Nor), HalVorsen, Savannah. Tarifa. June 4 Passed, hark Oreola (Ital), Gibelli, Pensacola for Genoa. Demerara, May 26- Sailed, bark Bombay (Ital), Gam bn, Pensacola. Baltimore, June ll—Cleared and sailed, schr Bessie Morris. Whoaton, Savannah. Off Poplar Island June 9, schr "Sarah D Fell, for Brunswick. Bath. June 11—Sailed, schr B W Morse, Griffin. Darien. Key West, June 11—Arrived, steamer Olivette, McKay, Havana; bark Brothers & Sisters (Br), Grafton, Aspinwall. Sailed, schrs Pioneer and Mary.Janelßri, Nassau. Pensacola. Jime 11—Arrived, barks I.ennfUin (Rus), Berglof, Montevideo; Salomone (Ital), Grasso. Carthagena. Cleared, bark Le Grazie (Ital), Zuleo, Rosario; schr Cephas Starrett, Thompson, New York. 7th—ln quarantine, barks President*; (Ital), Fiiiipo, from Capetown; Nlord (Nor), from Sta vanger: Prinee Patrick (Nor), Newman, Liver pool; Dora (Dan). Hansen, Rio Janeiro; Auronta (Dam. Sorensen. Demerara. Philadelphia. June 11—Cleared, schr Ella M Watts, Stevens. Darien. Fernandina, June 13 -Arrived, schrs Annie P Chase, Poole, New York; Annie E Blackmond, do; brig G T Guery, Conklin, New York Cleared, schrs Edward C), Philadelphia; Avery (?), Hawley, New York; bark Velltom nten (Nor). Pedersen, Port Natal via New York. New York. June 13—Arrived, steamship Ser via. Liverpool. Arrived out, steamships Wcrra. from New York for Bremen; City of Chicago, from New York for Liverpool. RECEIPTS. Per Central Railroad. June 13—7 bales cotton, 13 bales yarn, 97 bales domestics. 97> bales hides, 18 rolls leather, Dpkgspaper, 91 pkgs tobacco, 1.142 lbs bacon. 125 bbls spirits turpentine, 843 hhl.s rosin. 150 bbls lime. 100 sacks meal, 10 bbls meal. 9 pkgs empties. 40 pkgs hardware. 1 ear machinery. 15 bales plaids, 5 boxes soap. 2 pkgs twine, 50cases eggs, dears coal, 7hf bhis whisky. 50 hf bbls beer, 120 qr bbls beer, 2 bbls syrup, 33 pkgs hli goods, 18 tars lumber, 12 casks clay, 5 pkgs wood in shape. 54 tons pig iron, 2 pkgs twine, 30 pkgs vegetables. 4 bales paper stock. 11 pkgs carriage material, 53 pkgs mdse, 5 pkgs junk. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway, June '8 28 cars lumber. Seal's wood, 2 cars coal, 1 car oil. 1 car lime. 21 cars corn, 9 c;irs iron. 6 ears melons, 2 ears cattle. 1.528 bbls rosin, 732 bbls spirits turpentine. 581 bbls vegetables, 7,685 boxes vegetables, 9 bales wool, 4 bales hides, and mdse. * EXPORTS. Per steamship Johns Hopkins, for Baltimore— -2,102 bbls rosin, 177 bbls spirits turpentine, 95 hales domestics and yarns, 87 rolls leather, 02 bdls hides. 1,000 feet lumber, 59 bbis vegetables, 1,891 crates vegetables, 16 bales paper stock, 029 pkgs mdse. Per bark Progress (Nor), for Corunna—3l2,o62 feet p p lumber—Chas Green's Son & Cos. Per bark Bonita (Nor), for London 722 bbls rosm. weighing 4Q1.365 pounds; 2,250 bbls ;mirits turpentine, measuring 115,02044 gallons—Pater son, Downing & Cos. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Tallahassee, from New York N Kaiser, Miss F Vail, J A Hutehenson, L Col lat, G A Meams, I) M Boyle. Mrs Whitham and inft, T I) Winn. M Brown, I M Frank, T Collat. E3l Frank, J P Dunne,W II Eddy, J W Lee, and 2 steerage. Per steamship Gate City, from Boston—L Mercer, O C Harvey, W Bendy. W D Rogers, J Rogers, Ella T Denham, Martha Denham, Mrs M A Stuart. J W Gilbert (col), A J Ridel, Janies Nugent, J Baybttt. and 3 steerage. Per steamship Johns Hopkins, for Baltimore— Mrs F Rohr. Mrs C Shellingor and child. Mrs M L I/wnard, Mrs C Dewlilrst, Mrs E D Curtis, 0 H Moore. A Kenncrlv, II J Itoord, J M Meyer, C E Hunter, P.l McKee, A I) Allen, A Malcolm, A G Hanson, Albert Cox. Lynn Cox, 0 W Haider man, C Churchman. Mi's C W Austin and daugh ter, Mrs E A Jackson. Miss Lizzie Jackson. F, A Jackson. E A McQueston, J T Hood. Lewis K Keillv, 0 A Snowball, Miss E Leach, Miss 0 Loach. Mrs M W Leach. Per steamer David (lark, from Fernandina and landings—Geo W Gardner, and 2 deck. CONSIGNEES, i Per xebr Cnarmer, front New York —C RR, (Blodgett, M A Cos. J 0 Butler, J McGrath A Cos, *W I D>d|>h. M J Doyle, 8 Guckenheimer A Sou, Epstein A W. Lloyd A A, A Minis A Sous, (has Ratz, l’liaeock, II A Cos, Jos A Roberts A Cos, str Katie S, F A V.' Ry, Stillwell, PAM, Weed A C, J P Williams & Cos. Per steamer David Clark, from Fernandina mid landings- Ellis. Y A Cos, J K (larke A Cos. W c Jackson Davis Bros. J P Williams A (to. H Guckenbeimer A Son. I/*a Roy Myers A Cos. K Brush A Ron, .1 H Wood A Bro, M A Henderson, M Maclean, Butler AS. Bendheim Broa A Cos, ('has Ellis, Uppman Bros. Per Savin I nail, Klniida and Western Railway, June HI -T P Bond A Cos, I-ec Roy Myers A Cos. M Y Henderson, M Boley A Son, Dale, D A Cos, H Mvers A Bros. McDonough A Cos, Perse AL. Bacon, J A Cos, A Ehrlich A Bro. K A Schwarz, R*y A U. Stillwell. PAM, W W Gordon A Cos, F M Hull, J C Thompson. W D Htmklns A Cos, Pearson AB, A J Mill *r A Cos, I Epstein A Bro, B S Harris, J P Williams A (jo,Peacock, H A Cos, 0 L Jones, K T Roberts, W C Jackson, Ellis, Y Jt 00. Per Central Railroad. June 18—Forilg Agt. M Maclean, Then Stefflns. .1 P William* A Cos. A Hanley, C H Carson. IJltentbal A Hon, S L Bcndhebn Bros A Cos, G W Tteduman, UiatjOS. K.A hwr.rz. Standnrd Gil Cos. L Putzel, Pearson A S, Lindsay A M. W D Dixon, Lee Roy Myers & Cos. Smith Bros A Co.MeU A H, II Solomon A Son. S Guckenheimer & Son, S A Einstein, Vale Royal Mfg Cos, J P Williams A Cos, Peacock, H A Cos, Stillwell, P A M, Teeple A Cos, McDonough A Cos, Pearson A S, M Holey A Son, Slater, M A Cos, H Porter, Ohlander Bros, ,1 Mc- Grath A Cos, M Mendel A Bro, G Eckstein A Cos, F-eknuui &V, E Lovell & Son, Frank'& Cos, Mohr Bros. Per steamship Gate City, from Boston —G J Baldwin, A R Altmuyer A Cos, M Boley A Son, S W Branch, Bvek Bros, .1 G Butler, Collat Bros, w 8 Cherry A Cos, 0 H Colo, I ’ R R.W G Cooper. N Denali! A Cos, A Ehrlich A Bro. M Ferst A Cos, G Eckstein A Cos, A Einstein's Sons, Frank A Cos, Flood A G, C M Gilbert A Cos, Herman A K, P J Morrison, S Guckenbeimer A Son, Hexter A K, Knapp A Cos, .1 Lut/., Jno Lyons A Cos, N, Lippman Bros. Ludden & B. Paterson, I) A Cos, latulsay A M, D P Mverson, Meinhard Bros A Cos, HfeGillis A M. A .1 Miller A Cos, It [) Molkmell, E McNally, A S Nichols, E Paine, River I.t A W Cos, J Rosenheim A t'<, H Solomon A Son. str Ethel, str Katie, S. F A \V Rv, G W Tiedeman, Ga A Fla IS R Cos. P Tuberdy,.! A Wilson. Per steamship Tallahassee, from New York — A R Altmaver A Cos. .1 A Asendorf.G W Allen. .1 H Baker, O Butler, S W Hraneh.T P Bond A Cos, Bendheim Bros A Cos, Bvek A S. M S Belknap. Byok Bros, M Boley A Son. Bond. H AE. Bvek A Son. L Blustein. M Brown, Miss V Baldwin, C II Carson, W S Cherry A Cos, .1 K Clarke A Cos, VV (} Cooper. Cohen A ft, W H Chaplin, Cotton Exchange, A H Champion. J S Collins A Cos, R C Connell, Crohau A D, E M Conner, C A Cox, Decker A F. Davis Bros, M.l Doyle, .1 II Kstill, J A Douglass A Cos, 1 Dasher A Co.Eeknuui A V, A Doyle, (i Eckstein A Cos, 1 Epstein A Bro, Geo F.bberwein. Einstein A P. A Ehrlich A Bro. .1 B Fernandez. Frans A Cos, A Falk A Son, M Ferst A Cos, Fretwell A N,C Frenkel, Fleisehman A Cos. J H Furber, Miss L Falk. S Guckenheimer A Son, J Gorham, Gray A O’B, C M Gilbert A Cos, L J Gazan, J Gardner,W Goldstein, Hexter AK, D Hogan, A Hanley, E C Hazard A Cos, 11 Hesse, G M Hedit A Cos, F M Hull. Ilirseh Bros, Thos Haiiiguu, .1 I, A C Hartfelder, Wm Hone A Cos, R Judge, V Keeler, E J KeilTer. S KrouskolT, A Krauss. ,1 Ijiwton. Jno Lyons A Cos, Lovell A I„ I.inpman Bros, N Lang, l.udden A B, A Lolflor, It H Levy A Bro, E Lovell A Son, Uudsay A M, H Logan, Lawton A C, Lloyd A A. Lnuney A G, D B tester, .1 W Tynan, Mrs S M Lewis, Mar shall House. R D Me Donell, Meinhard Bros A Cos, Mohr Bros, J McGrath A Cos, M Mendel A Bro, J J McMahon. Mutual Co-op Ass’ll, 1> P Mverson, S Mitchell, Mell A 11. R Molina, A S Nichols, F Namias. Col C H Olmstead, Oglethorpe Club, Order, Palmer Bros, M Prager, J J Reilly, H W Readlck, T Roderick, G A Reams, C D Rogers, M Rovelsky. J Roseuheiin A Cos, RieserAS, Ray A Q, Smith Bros A Co.H Solomon A Son.W Seheihlng, Solomons A Cos. I, C Strong, Strauss Bros, P B Springer, Jno Sullivan, Savannah Bk A T Cos, C K Stulls, Smith A it. Screven House. C E Sanherg, H Suiter, () M Sorrel, P Schafer, Standard Oil Cos, G W Tiedeman.P Tuberdv, T P Townsend, C C Strauss, J W Tytiau. J C Tbomp son, Vale Royal Mfg Cos, A Tannenbaum, C A H Umbaeh, B F Ulmer, J H Von Newton, Watson A TANARUS, A M A C W West , Weed A C.Wylly A C, W U Tel Cos, Southern Ex Cos. Ga A Fla IS B Cos, S. F A W Ry, C R R, stm*'Katie, stinr Seminole, strnr Ethel. BRq^KRS. X l. hartridgX, SECURITY BROKER. IMTYS AND SELLS on commission all classes > of Stock a ind Bonds. Negotiates 1 ans on marketahle securities. New York quotations furnished by private ticker every fifteen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. GUMMING. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., IE3x > olkzoz?S -ORDKRS EXECUTED on tlie Now York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchanges. , RANKS. KISSIMMEE CITY BANK, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - *50,000 fT’RANSACT a regular banking business, Give 1 particular attention to Florida collections. Correspondence solicited. Issue Exchange on New York, New Orleans, Savannah and Jack sonville, Fla. Resident Agents for Coutts A Cos. and Melville, Evans & Cos., of London, England. New York correspondent: The Seaboard National Bank. COTTON til Ns. The Mason Cylinder (.’(itloii Gil. j* . 3 i•• A'*)J i’jk'N.v >v_ 'V s .L±__ E The new process of ginning cotton without saws. r* FOR FULL PARTICULARS ADDRESS iIAiITHE CYLINDER GIN I I COMPANY, Ifflf9 Ibiallial Charleston," S. C. IKON WORKS. McDlOlll k Ballim IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers and Blacksmiths, STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL UNDER-RUNNER and TOY-RUNNER CORN MILLS. SUGAR MILLS and PANS on hand and for __ sale, all of the heat, material anil lowest prices. Alsa Agents for the Chicago Tire arid Sprint; Works, and the Improved Hibernian Roller Feeder. All orders prompt!} - al tended to. COMMISSION Ml IM HANTS. 2 L. b.'hull^ WAREHOUSEMAN AND Commission Merchant, WHOLESALE GROCER, FLOUR, HAV, GRAIN & PROVISION DEALER. ISRESIf MEAL and GRITS In white sacks, and r mill stuffs of all kinds always on hand. Georgia raised SPANISH PEANUTS, also PEAS, any variety. Special prices on large lots. ' Office, ! Bay street. Warehouse, No. 4 Wad ley street, on line C. R. R.. Savannah, Ua DY i;s. LADIBS l' DO your own Dyeing, at home, with PEER LESS DYES. They will dye everything. They are sold everywhere. Price 10c. r package -40 colors. They have no equal for strength, brightness, amount In packages, or for fastness of color, or non failing qualities. They do not crock or smut. For sale by B. F. Uuißß, M. D , Pharmacist, corner Broughton and Houston streets; P. U. Ram, Druggist anil Apothe cary, corner Jones and Atiercom streets; Edward .1. Kiiokkh, Druggist, corner West Broad and Stew art streets. *! OKDEKB FOR RULING, PRINTING, BINDING, OR BLANK BOOKS, Will always have careful attention. GEO. N. NICHOLS, PRINTER AND BINDER, Bay Street., MILLINERY. THE SALE AT KROUSKOFFS HUES B MI if 81.1. A jVT) THE Damaged Hats, Ribbons, Flowers,'Sis, Feathers, ETC., ETC., ARE' NOW OFFERED AT ANY PRICE. Avoid the Rush and Come Early. First Come, First Served. S. KRO USK OFF. " """ "" " -JJ W ATER (OOLKIIS, RANGKS AND STOVKS. JTJST RECEIVES ANOTHER LOT OH 1 WATER COOLERS, Artistically Decorated, Plated Lever Faucets, at the Following Low Prices: lt£ (iallons. 2 Gallons. 3 Gallons. 4 Gallons. 6 Gallons. 90c. $l6O. $lB6. $2 20. $2 80. Also Watering rots, with Detachable Rose. 2 Quarts. 4 Quarts. 6 Quarts, 8 Quarts. 10 Quarts. 12 Quarts. 10 Quarts. 30c. 36c. 45c. 65c. 06c. 76c. $1 16. And Refrigerators, Kerosene Stoves. Ice Cream Freezers, Fly Fans, Hair Dusters, Feather Dusters and the Celebrated Charter Oak Ranges anil Stoves, With Wire Gauze Oven Doors. The Construction of Which Equalizes the Heat In all Parts ot the Oven. For Sale by CIJAIMiII & DANIEI,S, Guards Armory, Corner 'Whitaker and York Streets. TELEPHONE 284. LADIES’ UNDERWEAR, BOYS’ CLOTHING, <'ANTON MATTING. DANIEL HOCxAN WILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING! GOODS AT POSITIVE BARGAINS DURING THE ENSUING WEEK: BLACK SILK GRENADINES. One lot Black Silk Grenadines at 900 ; reduced from *1 Hi, One lot Black Silk Grenadines at *1; reduced front *1 35. One lot Black Silk Grenadines at $1 15; reduced from |1 51 One lot Black Hilk Grenadine* at *1 25; reduced fromyl 75. SUMMER SILKS. One lot Summer Silks at 25c. a yard; worth 60c. One lot Summer Silks at 35c. a yard; worth 800. One lot Hummer Silks nt 40c a yard; worth 85c. < ine lot Summer Silks at 50c. a yard; worth 75a One lot Summer Silks at 55c. and 00c. a yard; worth from 90c. to $1 LADIES’ MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. ladies’ Embroidered Corset Covers at 25c. Emiles’ Extra Heavy Chemise at 2V\ ladies' Chemise, Pointed Yoke, Embroidered Band., and Sleeves, at 45c.; worth 85c. Indies’ Gowns, Mother Hubbard Yoke, Trimmed with Cambric Ruffle, at 50c.; actual vain* 75c. each Ladies’ G*ns, Mother Hubbard Style, Solid Yoke of Hamburg Embroidery between Tuck*, EdgUßleeves and Neck, at *1 BOYS’ CLOTHING-. One lot Boys’ Casslmere Suits at $1 75: worth *2 50. One lot BoyH’ Casslmere Suits at *2; worth *2 25. One lot Boys’ Camlmere Suits at $2 50: reduced from $3. One lot Boys’ Camlmere Suits at $3; reduced from *3 75. One lot Boys’ Caaaimere Suita at $4; reduced from *4 75. . One lot Boys’ Casslmere Suits at *5; reduced from *5 85. One lot Boys’ Casslmere Suite at $8; reduced from $7 50. CANTON MATTING. 25 Rolls Fancy Matting nt 20c.; act itally worth 25c. 25 Rolls Fancy Matting at 25c.; worth 300. 20 Rolls Fancy Matting at 30c.; worth 35c. 20 Rolls Fancy Matting at 35c.; worth 40c. DANIEL IIOGtAJN n ' ' " . '-jj MOSQUITO CTW. ©H O O F LY! DON’T BE TORMENTED WITH MOSQUITOS, BUT CALL AT LINDSAY & MORGAN’S STORES 169 and 171 Broughton Street, AND SECURE AT ONCE A MOSQUITO NET OF HOME KIND. On hand LACE and GAUZE NETS, FOUR '’OST, HALF CANOPIES, TURN OVER and UMBRELLA MOSQUITO NET FRAMES. REFRIGERATORS of several kinds. Prominent among them is the ALLEORETO, also th EMPRESS, TOM THUMB, SNOWFLAKE, ICE PALACE and ARCTIC KING. BABY CARRIAGES. About twenty-five different stylos to select from. Prices very low. Our stock of CHAMBER and PARLOR SUITES is full. STRAW MATTING. Big stock, low prices. , tW~ Orrlens ITilletl With Dispatch. -iM LINDSAY & MORGAN, * ■■■■■.■ l SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, ETC. Vale Royal Manufacturing Cos. SAVANNAH, ' GA.., —Manufacturers of and dealers in— Mi, D#rs, life, liltls, Pei Ends, Ami Interior Finish of all kinds, Mouldings, Balusters, Newel Poets. Estimates, Price Lists, Mould ing Books, and any Information In mir line furnished on application Cypress, Yellow Pine, Oak, Ash and Walnut LUMBER on hand and in any quantity, furnished promptly. VALE ROYAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Savannah, Ga \V. D. DIXON, UNDERTAKER DKALia m ai.i. kinds or COFFINS AND CASKETS, 48 Bull street. Residence 50 Libarty street. SAVANN4H. GROROIA. RUSTLESS IRON PM. EQUAL TO GALVANIZED PIPE, AT MUCH LESS PRICE. Weed & Corn-well, 7