The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 20, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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stuppinm ;vj'!:t,!.:::k\(T.. P~mxxiax almanac-thd; day? jgrxßisFA 4:57 88X Sot 7:04 HIOH VWrra ai 1 Savanx.ui a.s7ax, 7:40p m Monday. June 30, Jos7. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Augusta, Catharine, New York—C 1 • Anderson. Agent. Bark Catlieriua (kiwi. Burstrom, Brunswick, in ballast — .V 11 bolus A Cos. Stc.unor (I race Pitt. Willetts, Beaufort, Port Royal ami Blufffou—Jlaster. ARRIVED UP FROM QUARANTINE YESTER. DAY. Bark Itliuriel (Ur). Clement, to load for Eu rope— Slraehan & Cos. Bark Anita. Berwiud, Mcßride, to load for Kew York—Jos A Roberts A Cos. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Savannah, New York. Sclir A Denike. Baltimore. MEMORANDA. New York. June 17—Arrived, solirs Benjamin C Terry. Moore, Feruandina; Alice Borda, Du kes, Bat ilia. Ga. Cleared, sours Mattie Newman, Loveland, Jacksonville; Andrew Nebiuger, Smith, do. Sailed, steamship Castle Gate (Br), Beaufort BC. Cardiff, June 17—Arrived, bark Iside (Ital), Bchraitine, Pensacola. Cronstadt, June 11—Arrived, bark Actaeon (Nor), Nordstrom, Savannah. Falmouth, June 17—Arrived, bark Mabel (Br), Johns, Bull River. Waterford, June 14—Arrived, bark Iris (Ger), Hansen. Darien. Port Limon. June 4—Sailed, schr Mary B Judge, Magee. Fernandina. Baltimore, June 16—Sailed, schrWmß Drury, Brunswick, Ga, Brunswick, June 17—Arrived, bark Clara Ma ria (Sw), Grauberg, Aspinwall. Cleared, bark Agder (Nor), Flagstad, Buenos Ayres. Bull River, S C. June 17—Sailed, str Hercules (Br), Chambers, United Kingdom. Bath, Me, June 17—Sailed, schr Satilla, Skol field. Savannah. Charleston, June 17—Cleared, schr Tamos, Houle. Fernandina, to load for New London. Coosaw, June 17—Arrived, steamship Hen rietta H (Br), Vtss, Baltimore. Pensacola, June 17—Arrived, ship Lina (Ger), Hamer, New Orleans; bark Presidente (Ital), Fillipo, Cape Town. Cleared, barks St Mary, Mears, New York; Luigia Rocca (Ital). Rebulfo, Cardiff. In quarantine 14th, barks Choice (Br), McMur ty, from Demerara; Vulkan (Sw), Lenander, San Sebastian; Natale Gallino (Ital), Zanino, Buenos Ayres; Amadeo(ltal), Capurro,do; Abel (Nor), Olsen. Campana; Ariquita (Ital), Chiess. Bueuos Ayres. Port Royal, S C. June 17—Sailed, strs Benison (Br), Fulton. United Kingdom; City of San An tonio, Wilder, New York. Philadelphia, June 17—Cleared, brig Leonora, Monroe, Brunswick. Delaware Breakwater, June 16—Sailed, bark Commerce, from Darien for New York; stmr Mercia (Br.) from Philadelphia for Coosaw: barks Alex Keith (Br), do for Satilla River; Nipote Accame (Ital), from Philadelphia for Pensacola. St Augustine, Fla, June 15—Arrived, schr Pearl of Orris Island, Sanchez, Nassau, N P. A EXPORTS. Per steamship City of Savannah, for New York—l 6 bales sea island cotton, 76 bales domes tics and yarns, 33,569 melons, 951 bbls rosin, .':2i bbls spirits turpentine. 67,617 feet lumber, :#j turtles, 4,310 crates vegetables, 91 bbls vegeta bles. 2.1 tons pig iron, 442 pkgs mdse. PASSENGERS. 1 Per steamship City of Augusta.from New York •-Mrs L Y Jenness, J L Hodges. J M Nelson, J Frinkel, Sarah A Smith, J W Steinhard, J P Long, C T Schuyler, W Falk, Miss L Falk. J H Gilbert, D Campbell, M H Bird. J R Einstein. Steerage—J F Scheele, J Howorth. I Per steamship City of Savannah, for New York—Hon W A Little and wife. Mrs A M Col fcord, S H Melton, F C Squier, Miss Maggie Kel ly, Mrs F Conway, L Schmidt, EP Hamlin, H C Curtis. E O Perrin, 1) W Bremilan, Mrs J B Na thans, Mrs WJ S Cook, H C Cook. G F Halt, Mr and Mrs W J Moore, Mr and Mrs Tiros Mur phy, Mr Urquhart. A A Thomas, Mrs Armour, Mr and Mi's E Roberts, A W Tappan, Mrs Minna Packscher, C Emblem, J W Emblem, Mrs E Lillienthai, J H Underwood, 2 colored, and 8 xteerage. CONSIGNEES. Per steamship City of Augusta.from New York —G W Allen. Bendheim Bros & Cos, S W Branch, Beinkampen A' Cos, L B Blustein, J G Butler, D Brown, Brush ELiP Cos, F Buchanan, Brad street Cos, Byck & S. R T Barbour, W S Belknap, Blodgett, M & Cos, S Belsinger. CRK Bkg Cos, W G Cooper. Clark & D, Crohan & D, W H Coz grove, Collat Bros, E M Connor, Davis Bros, G Derst, J Cohen. J A Douglass A Cos, Jno Durst, Eckman & V, G Eckstein A Cos, I Epstein & Bro, A Ehrlich & Bro. Einstein A L. Epstein A W. J H Enteiman, J II Estill, W Etstill, M Ferst A Cos, A Einstein’s Sons, Frank & Cos, A Falk A Son, J B Fernandez, Fretwell A' N. Fleischman A Cos. Finn Bros, Floyd A G, Fowler Mfg Cos, J Gor ham, S Guckeuheimer A Son, J Gardner. J Gib son A Cos, O 111 Gilbert A Cos, Gray A O’B, A B Girardeau. B Gail, Hexter AK, JE A C Hari felder, A Hanley. Hirsch Bros, Hyraes Bros A Cos, Heitnan AS, A L Hartridge, W Hardee. T Halhgan, W C Jackson, S Krouskoff, P C Kess ler. J Kelly, N Lang, Jno Lyons A Cos. J Lynch, D B Lester, Lippman Bros, B H Isivy A Bro, A R Lawton jr, Mrs Lewis. Lloyd A A. A LefHer, Lindsay A M, Lilie.ntbal A Son. E Lovell A Son, M Lavtu, J F LaFur, Mohr Bros, J F C Meyers, McDonough A Cos, Mutual Gas Cos, J Moskowitz, J McGrath A Cos. J J McMahon. Mell A H. Mar fcUall House. N E Moyneila. D P Myerion, Simon Mitchell. A McAllister, A N Miller, L A McCar thy, M Mendel A Bro, T Nugent, E R Middleton, J G Nelson A Cos. Jno Nicolson Jr, A B Hull, Fl Miller ugt. J P Bryan, Palmer Bros, K Power, Peacock, HA Cos Ohlander Bros, G W Parish, Wm Hone A Cos, P arson AS, Pulaski House, A Quint, CI) Rogers, J Rourke, S, F A W Ry, Rieser AS, H Solomon A Son, Savannah Steam Bkg Cos, P B Springer, W D Simkins A Cos, Mrs G Stubbs. Screven House, Smith Bros A Cos, J II Schroder A Cos. E A Schwarz, Savannah Water Works, E A Smith, Solomons A Cos, J W Tynan, M achwartzbaum. G W Tiodeman, PTuberdy, J T Shuptrine A Bro, Strauss Bros, T P Town send, Theus Bros, Weed A C, W H Werm. Rev R Webb. J Wo I innka, A MAC W West, W V Tel Cos, Dr J It Yo/ige, A G Yhanez. stmr Ethel, Ga A Fla I S B Cos, Southern Ex Cos, Ray A Q, C R R. S, F A W Ry. LIST OP VESSELS Up, Cleared and Sailed for this Port. SHIPS. Herman (Ger), Tableman, Hamburg, sld May 18. BAKES. Carolina Falanga (Halt, Scotto, Liverpool, sld May 18; returned in distress 21st, Ole Bull (Nor), Kiis, Grangemouth, sld March 23 via Demeram. Brabant (Belg), Vries, Antwerp, sld May 0. Telemach (Nor), Andersen, Liverpool, sld May 25. Libertas (Rus), Ecklund, Buenos Ayres, sld May )3. SCHOONERS. Belle O'Neill. Butler. Philadelphia. up June 8. Batilla, Skolfleld. Bath, sid June 17. Annie C Grace, Grace, Philadelphia, up June 7. BOOK NOTICES. The Seybert Commission on Spiritualism: The Preliminary Report of the Commission Ap pointed by the University of Pennsylvania to investigate Modern Spiritualism. Philadel phia. J. B. Lippincott Company. Cloth. Price Si. During his lifetime, Mr. Henry Seybert, Of Philadelphia, was an enthusiastic believer In Modern Spiritualism. Shortly before bis death he gave the University of Pennsyl vania a sum of money to found a chair of philosophy, and to the gift added a condi tion that tiie University should appoint a commission to investigate “all systems of tnorals, religion or philosophy which assume to represent the truth, and particularly of modem Spiritualism." The commission ap pointed was composed of Dr. William Pep per, Dr. Joseph Leidv, Dr. George A. Koenig, Prof. Robert Ellis Thompson, Prof. George 8. Fullerton and Dr. Horace How ard Furness. Afterward the following were added; Mr. Coleman Sellers, Dr. James \V. White, Dr. Calvin B. Knerr and Dr. 8. Weir Mitchell. This preliminary report effectually exposes the fraud of Spiritual ism, and although the commission intends to continue its investigations, there is no need to do so, the facts as set forth being suillciently convincing. The commissioners themselves say: “Asa rule mediums assert that they invite investigation. Our expe rience has been that as soon as an investiga tion worthy of the name begins all mani festations oUSpiritimlist power cease.” The report is very interesting, and will both miuse and instruct. Vhen I War a Boy in China. By Yan Phan Lee. Boston. D. Lothrop Company. Cloth. Price <JOc. So many unreliable and imaginative accounts of domes; ic life in China have been published that it is a relief to ls> s’-V to turn to something that is authoritative, nivl that gives information at. first hand. Yan z nan Lee, the author of this instruct : lit* ■ look, is a young Chinaman who came to tms country several real’s ago for the purpose of educating himself in the vvitys and methods of American civilization. Alter a preliminary course of study or the English language, under private teachers, he entered Yale College, and made rapid progress with his studios, gain ing, during his attendance there-, a perfect mastery of the language and taking high rank for scholarship. He describes in an entertaining maimer the peculiarities of c-ua.-hie in China, the methods of educa tion, the relations existing between parents ana children, juvenile amusements and a variety of things concerning which the reader will be curious. The book is one tnat will interest old heads as well as young. Blood is Thicker Than Water: A Few Days AmongOm' Southern Brethren. By Henry M. Piper York. George Muuro. lliis little volume comprises the letters written by Dr. Field to his paper while he was making a tour of the South. Many of them have been reprinted by Southern jour nals. The letters give a pleasant, gossipy account of the South, as Dr. Field found it, and that he found it fail* to look upon and to live in gives the volume additional inter ffL The life, industries and ambitions of the South are faithfully described. The volume will serve to promote a better feel ing between the people of the South and those of the North. Bellona s Husband. A romance. By Hudor Uenone. Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincott Com pany. Paper. Price 25c. “Bellona’s Husband” is a curious and in t : resting story. The editor, who is also the author, calls the volume a “Book of Travels.” What traveling is done is m a strange country, and the reader will find himself deeply interested in the rfescriptions of what is seen and heard. The story is on the oi de • of Haggard’s popular novels, and is little, if any, less worth reading. The Autobiography or a Barret, of Bourbon. By "Old Sleuth.” New York. George Munro. Paper. Price 25c. This book is a strong argument in favor of temperance. Purporting to be the con fession of an imp, or the story of a barrel of bourbon, it tells, in narrative form.the ruin worked by liquor. It is filled with realistic ami thrilling incidents. The moderate dniNcr will find food for thought in it. Munro’s Star Recitations, for Parlor, School and Exhibition. Compiled and edited by Mrs. Mary E. Bryan. New York: George M-inro. Paper. Price 25c, This little book will be found to be a valuable aid to teachers and students. The selections are all good, and many of them are new. F MAGAZINES. St. Nicholas for July has a strongly patriotic flavor, appropriate to the Fourth of July. Even the Brownies become im bued with the prevalent enthusiasm, and celebrate the day at night. Miss Jessie C. Glasier, anew writer, contributes an amusing sketch of negro child-life, called “A Gunpowder Plot.” which is capitally illustrated l>3' E. W. Kemble. Miss Lilian Dyuevor Rice presents “A Fourth of July Record” in bright and clever verse. “Bet tv’s Sunday,” charmingly illustrated bv R. 6. Birch, carries us back to the war of "1812, and tells of a brave little American girl’s adventure with the enemy. The install ment of “Winning a Commission,” too, with its pictures of cadet life at West Point, falls i.i line with these timely attractions of the number. Frank R. Stockton follows his lust mouth s paper on “King London” with a- equally entertaining description of life "in English Country, characteristic scenes of which Alfred Parsons and Harry Fenn s low in several delightful drawings. H. H. Boyesen commences anew “Tale of Two Continents,” entitled “Fiddle-John’s Fam il the frontispiece by George Wharton Ed wards l orn in ' the principal illustration. “Juan and Juanita” are conducted by Miss Baylor turough another series of adven tures- and James Otis tells how the boarders in “Jenny’s Boarding House” recovered from the effects of the fire and made a startling discovery. The Century Com pany, Union (square. New York. The Overland Monthly for Juno is a marked number in several ways. The first article is an able and interesting description of Santa Clara valley by Judge Belden, of San Jose, and isaccoinpauied by a number of illustrations. These illustrations are the first practical and successful attempt to put into a Wastern publication work that will stand beside anything of its kind in the country. Gen. Howard continues to give his able and authoritative account of the Piute and Bannock war, and tells in the E resent installment of the beginning of open ostilities. Every person that shall hereafter have occasion to study our Indian wars is under obligation to Gen. Howard and the Overland for these articles. “The Psy chology of a Saint” is an interesting study of the character of Saint Theresa, the founder of the Reformed Carmelite Order It shows that a saint can be a most delight ful person to know. George E. Freeman tells in a practical way what irrigation is doing for the Fresno region and makes some daring prophecies. The short stories by S. N. Sheridan, Jr., and Anna C. Murphy are good, and the poetry, reviews maintain the Overland's reputation in these departments. The Overland Monthly Com pany, San Francisco, 410 Montgomery street. Political Science Monthly for June is an exceptionally fine number. Prof. Woodrow Wilson has an article on “The Study of the Administration.” Edwin R. A. Seligman talks about “The Intei-state Commerce Law.” Edward J. SUriver discusses “Home Customs Duties Work.” Edward W. Bimis presents some interesting thoughts ‘ou “Trades Union Benefit Features. Hon. William M. Ivius writes in an interesting way about “Municipal Government,” and Prof John W. Burgess gives a great deal of valuable information alxmt “The Cultur Conflict in Prussia.” Ginn & Company, 743 Broadway, New York. The Church Review for June is kept up to the high standard which this magazine has attained. Avery timely article Is “The Moral in the McGlyDn Case,” by Rev. E. F. O. Hinginn, M. A. Another interesting article is that of Hon. Hugh W. Bheffey on “The Name of the Church." Rev. Freder ick W. Harriman, M. A., presents some ex cellent points on “Beneficiary Education for the Ministry.” Houghton, Mifflin & Com pany, The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass. The Connoisseur for June contains some very fine sketches. The article on “Lace Work,” by George Duplesais, with illustra tions, is worth more than the price of the number. Anyone who takes the least inter est in art should secure this magazine, the price of it being only 50c, a year. Baily, Banks & Biddle. Twelfth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. Rough on Piles.” Why suffer piles? Immediate relief and complete cure guaranteed. Ask for “Rough on Piles.” Bure cure for itching, protrud ing, bleeding or any form of Piles. 00c. At druggists or mailed. Skinny Mon. Wells’ “Health Renewer” restores health and vigor, cures dyspepsia, impotence, ner vous debility. For weak men, delicate worn en. sl. Wells’ Hair Balsam. If gray, restores to original color. An elegant dressing, softens and beautifies. No oil or grease. A tonic Restorative. Stops hair coming out; strengthens, cleanses, Lo-d- wdn. 50c. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1887. A WOMAN'S HEAD FOR BUSINESS. How She Makes a Good Living by Ex ecuting- Commissions For Others. New York, June, 18.—Not a littie has been written, now and again, about the possibility of some woman making a busi ness of buying housefurnishing "goods for people out of town and achieving financial success as a pioneer in anew field of women’s work. But the fact is, the field is already pioneered, the success is already achieved and a business of that kind is already well established. And it was a woman’s foresight and business acumen that saw the opening for such an enterprise, and it has been the same woman’s energy, good taste and busi ness ability that have carried it to its present successful state and large proportions. A lady who is the editor of two periodicals devoted to art and decorative matters said to herself some months ago.and then to the proprietor of those papers: “There are hundreds and hundreds of people who would like to have their wall papers, their carpets and their curtains bought for them from New York stores, where they can have the advantage of selecting, by proxy, from large assortments. ” She was sure this was (rue because her papers received so many letters asking for advice about such things. The proprietors agreed with her, and at her suggestion a supply department was organ ized in connection with the papers, the entire charge of which was put into her hands. No special pains have been taken to advertise it, but it has steadily prospered and grown until now this enterprising woman finds herself almost buried its increasing claims. I asked her the other day where her orders mostly came from. “From all over the country,” she replied. “I have a good many from New York City itself, from people whotare readers of our papers, or who know of them, and who feel more confidence in the judgment of someone connected with them than in their own. But the majority of the orders, of course, come from people who live in other cities and in small towns. And our customers live in all parts of the country—North, East South ana West.” "‘What do you buy for them, and do vou furnish whole houses or just buy detached tilings?” “I buy everything—wall paper, furniture, carpets, curtains, rugs, everything that goes toward the artistic furnishing of a house, and in whatever quantity is desired, whether it is the entire furnishing of a whole house or a curtain for a single window. Not infrequently I get a letter tiiat will read like this: ‘1 have just finished anew house and want to have it tastefully furnished, and so I will put it entirely into your hands. Use your own taste and judgment about the whole matter.’ Such responsibility as that put upon the shoulders of one’s taste is not calculated to make life an easy matter, but so far there lias been no coinplaint about the results, an. I tiie business has steadily grown. Then I have orders for single articles of all kinds, in which. I am sometimes given carte blanche and am sometimes required to match shades of hangings or upholstery that have taken a day’s search all over the city before they could be found.” “Do you do the buying yoqrself ?” “No, except to direct it from my desk. I have a purchaser who was in the employ of one of the largest dry goods houses in ihe city, who brings me samples of ail such goods as i shall need, so that I keep constantly al ham l a complete epitome, as it were, ot what is on the counters and shelves of all the large shops in the city. From these I make selections, match shades, make com binations and give orders for purchases.” She has just extended her department to include the mounting of fans, and though this has been in operation but two or three weeks she has alread3" found a large demand for this kind of work ready and eager to take advantage of her offer. Catherine Hawkins. Little Midget's Clinging Fingers. From the Illustrated Christian Weekly. Mrs. Blanchard was entertaining some friends in the parlor one evening when she heard a small voice she knew so well say ing: “Please ’scuse me, mamma.” Then she saw a little figure standing in the doorway in white gown, with- tangled curls and bright eyes, too bright for Id o’clock at night thought Mrs. Blanchard. Midget ran across the room to the refuge that had never failed her—mother’s arms. “Mamma, dear,” pleaded the little night owl, “I have just learned to-day how to tell you I love you in such a beautiful new wav. Please may I show you? Pm so ’fraid I’ll forget by morning.” Midget held up her dimpled fingers. “Now, everybody do just as I do,” she said, gleefully. “Hold your thumbs to gether so, now the,next fingers the same way, but the next to that you must double in tight.” She ho!d her chubby lingers in this position, the palms together, the thumbs lightly touching, also the forefingers, but the second fingers folded in so that her rosy nails and the dimples that stood for knuckles touched, then the third ami fourth fingers met at the tips as the thumbs and forefingers did. “Now,” cried Midget in great delight, “how far can v<*i go from nurse?” and she darted the thumbs as far as they would go. “Now how far frqm cook?” and the forefingers went apart. Then in suppressed glee she carefully explained, “You mast skip tne folded fingers and go to the next. Now, how far can you go from your dear, sweet mamma!” she cried in great triumph. And odd it was that those queer little third fingers would not separate, and the more you tried the closer they were, not only Midget’s tiny fingers, but papa’sstrong ones and Judge Mill’s wrinkled ones. And as long as tho second fingers are held In bondage the third ones will not separate. Try it. BROKERS, NOW--TIIE TIME TO SPKCLLATE. \CTr\TS fluctuations in the Market offer op portunities to speculators to make money in Grain, Ktooks, Bonus and Petroleum. Prompt personal attention given to orders received F>v wire or mail. Correspondence solicited. Full information about the markets in our book, which will be forwarded free on application. 11. D. KYLE, Banker and Broker, 38 Broad and 34 New Sts., New York City. A. L. 11AHTJ J I IKi K, SECURITY BROKER. T>UYK AND SELLS on commission all classes Jx of Stocks arid Bonds. Negotiates loans on marketable securities. Ntw York quotations furnished by private ticker every fifteen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. CfKMIKO. W. T. CO., Brols:eA. ORDERS EXECUTED on the Newfcprk, Chi cago and Liverpool ExehaugesA^k BANKS. ” KISSIMMEE CITY BANK, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - $50,000 r |''RANSACT a regular banking business. Give i particular attention U> Florida collections. Corresiiondenne solicited. Issue Exchange on New York, Now Orleans, Savannah and Jack sonville. Fla. Resident Agents for C'outts & Cos. and Melville. Evans A 00., of Lotidon, England. New York correspondent: The Seaboard National Bank. COM MISSION M KRC’HANTS. 16 YUAHS KSTABMSBBD. a, S. PALMER, Wholesale Commission Merchant. SOUTHERN PRODUCE A SPECIALTY. 10f5 Keade Street, New York. Cousignmenta solicited and returns made promptly. S’encilsand Market report* furnished on application. RsmssCEs: -Chatham National Bank, Thnr ber, Why land & Cos., New York. Also. Banks and established Produce Merchants of New York. Pldlr, W.'biH. Kelt (more and Boston LOTTERY. OFFICIAL DRAWING I —OF THK— LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY, SINGLE NUMBER, CLASS “H," Drawn at New Orleans, La., on Tuesday, June 14, I*4*7. FULL PRIZES: No. Prize.' No. Prize. No. Prize 169.. 900; 29209....$ 206 54410....$ 300 388.. 300:2927a.... 800 54429... 300 439.. .. 900 29434.... 300 54571. ... 300 516.. 200129469.... 900 54741... 500 528.. 200 j 29499.... 200 54894... 300 542.. . 200129658.... 200 55011... 200 583.. 500 80019 900 55035.... 300 674.. 200 80161 300 55159... 200 691.. 200 30177.... 2(H) 55199.... 200 1040 300; 30178.. A 300 55860.... 800 1069.. 200,80197.... 900(55445.... 200 113!.... 200130324.... 200,55499... 200 1552 30i! 30389.... <0.55642.... 300 1653 " 300 3949(1.... 200 65916... 900 1707.. 500180450.... 900,56928.... 800 1845.. 300!80451.... 300 55960... 900 1862.. 200'80197... 1000 56283... 900 1991.. 200 30588.... 200166349.... 300 2288.. 200j30768.... 200;66855.... 900 2278.. 500 30851.... 200 56427. . 900 2494 26c 31041 ... 200 68645. .. 300 2692.. 300 81105.... 300 66794. .. 300 8118.. 21X631370.... 200 56807. .. 800 3172- " 800'81388.... 300 56834.... 900 3247 ■""" 300 31493.... 21X1 568Ki>.... 300 3264.. 900 32055.... 1000.50993... 800 331(1 300 33327.... 300:57133... 200 3130.. 800 33335.... 900157185.... 300 3412.. 500 33401.... 900 57178. 200 3533.. 200 32555.... 200! 57251.... 200 8819.. 800 32648.... 200 57292.... 200 3887.. 900 33718... 200 57810.... 200 8935.. 200 33818.... 300j57652.... 200 8996 200 32825.... 1000! 57631.... 300 4394.. 200 32870.... 300157700.... 300 4407.. 300 32956.... 200 1 37719.... 1000 4544 800;38066.... 200157784.... 900 4649.. 900,33118... 200 58108 . 200 4688.. 900:83945.... 200 58106.... 900 4805.. 50n183390.... 909(38987.... 500 5338.. 200jaa:l5. 5000 58437.... 3IX) 5-131 500:33648.... 200 58484... 900 5495.. 200,33713.... 800 58519.... 800 5536.. 500138782.... 900 58588... 900 5?98.... 500133784... 600 68557.... 200 5612 900133868.... 300 58895,... 900 5632 500|3*0|5.85000 59101.... 900 5644.. 200 34067.... 500 69138,,,. 300 6161 990)34083 ... 300159276.... 300 0275... 900; 34908.... 900 59295... limn 6328.. 80O| 84210 200(59481.... Sou 0336.... 200(34302.... 200 39478.... 200 6481.. 200,84430 300,59604.... 300 6684.. 200 34942.... 200,59857.... 900 572.. 5000 34986 200 60081. .. 200 6843 200136067 1000 60039 300 6950.. 200 85080.,.. 900 60146... 300 6954 200185217..,. 900 60259.... 200 7045.. 200,35294.... 200 60278.... 200 7212.. 300 35288.... 800 1X1263.... 200 7352.. 200 35342.... 500 60574 ... 200 7691.. 21X1 35535.... 200 60582 .. 300 7773.. 200 35622.... 200 69723 ... 200 8011.. 200 35628... 200 60729... 200 8:260.... 200 36042.... 200 60818.... 200 8344 ... 200 30203 ... 209 60821.... 509 8462.. 500 30154.... ■ 200 60*H0.... 54X1 8583 200 36466 200 00878... 1000 9079.. 200 36498.... 500 61207.... 200 9084.. 900 36541.... 200 81292.... 24X1 9091.. 800 36582.... 51X1 61344.... 2(X) 9100 ... 900 36580.,.. 200 01395.... 200 9203.. 900i36668.... 200 61772. .. 21X1 9295.. 200j36740.... 200161941.... 600 9127 24X1 37051 200 61968 200 9503.. 200 37418.... 200 111988... 300 9603.. .. 500-87414.... 200 61989.... 300 9645.. 300137421.... 800 62240.... 200 9725.. 800187423 200 62315.... 500 9957.. 800187897.... 200 82597.... 200 10058 200 87916... 200 62676.... 2(X> 10307 200133109.... 200 62761 200 i 10386.... 14(0.38128....’ 300 tizf.i. . . :9X> 10648 Guo 138815.... 200 63141.... 34X1 10694.. 24X188350.... SWu (13568.... 200 10849.. 200 38371.... 200’03562.... 24/0 10882 ... 200 88824.... 500-68569.... 200 11286.. 201 :*S27. 10001 l H3.W3 . SOM 11315.. 200 38952.... 300 {63765.... 21KI 11337.. 800 39047.... 800 689*6.... 200 11404.. 800 89086.... 890)63839.... 1000 11429.. 104X139358.... 600163819... 800 11487.. 300 89392.... 800163886.... 54X1 11596.. 300 39553 300 63920 ... 200 11614.. 200 39646.... 300 63945.... 200 11762.. 300 39747.... 300168997.... 200 11951.. 500 41X147..., 200164031.... 104 X) 18185.. . 600 40086.... 800!64035.... 200 12377.. 200(40131 .. 206'64068.... 3MO 12441.. 500 40188.... 200 64081. . 20(1 12877.. 1000 40881.... 600 64307.... 890 12694.. 200 40893.... 300 64676... 300 12707.. 300 441623.... 300 64423 .. 300 12711.. 800 40887.... 500 64691... 300 12788.. 200 4089;.... 200 64898... 200 13192.. . 300 10927.... 800 65030 ... 21X1 13304.. 300 40998.... 200 65260.... 34X1 13380.. 600 41088.... 800 65298. .. 200 13644 ... 200 44135 5000 65506.... 21X1 13647.. 500 41157.... 300 65610.... 200 13884).... 200 41730.... 900 65527.... 54X1 11091.. 800 41741.... 200 65686 ... 200 14123.. 300 41.800... lOlA) 65786.... 24X) 14140 " 500 41829.... 200 65789.... 200 14230.. 200 41935... 200 65790... 1000 14345.. 390 42113.... 800,66088.... 300 14374 ... 2iX) 42162.... 800 66116 . . 300 14522.. 200 42177.... 21X1 66302.... 8(10 14754.. 300 12:712.... 800 66312.... 200 14761.. 200,42523..,. 200 60910.... 200 15416.. 200,12761.... 200 69941.... 800 15500.. 200 12781.... 500 67263... 200 15683.. 200(42810... 2(X) 07271.... 200 15714.. 200 43100.... 200 67522... SUI 15927 200 43501... 800 67:324.... 200 15998.. 300 43610.... 200 67751 ... 200 11. 1 H 9001)0 43767.... 500 67775 21X1 16258.. .. 200 48789.... 800 67812.... 3(X> 16337.. 300 43807.... 200 07978.... 200 16372. .. 500 43868.... 200 68117.... 1(XX) 16709.. 200 48921 ... 300 08251.... 500 1(175!.... 200 44173.... 200 63255.... OCX) 17102 ... 800 44837 800 08819.... 800 17163.. 300 44879.... 900 63334.... 200 17405.. 300 44608.... 200 68651.... 800 17510.. 1000 44710... 800,68741.... 200 17520.. 300 44711.... 300 68967.... 200 18051.. 21X145310.... 200'(',0061.... 900 18178.. 800 46115.... 200;69058.... 200 18917 800 46691.... 800169212.... 2(0 18440.. 200 4.5469... 800 89334... 800 18554.. SIX) 45608.... 900)69618... 200 18589.. 800 45655.... 800;09683.... 800 18640.. 200 46783... 500 70083.... 3UO 1888*.... 800 46805... 800 701*/... 300 19282:... 200 45923.... 500 70208 ... 800 19380.. 800 45942.... 800 70272 ... 200 19517.. 200 46007... 300 70289.... 300 19673.. 200 46367... 800 70311... 800 19889.. 800,46300 ... 800 70350.... 800 19663.. 300 46411 600 70430... 2(x> 19838.. 800|46524... 800 70617.... 800 116)12.... 800 46615.... 500 70671.... 200 19970 ... 800(46629.... 600 71186....' 800 20091.. 801) 46728... 200 71209... 300 20378.. 200 16781.... 200 71288.... 500 20406.. 1000 46878... 300 71871.... 2110 20549.. 800 46898.... *071433... B**o 21X177.... 20nj47007.... 200 71461.,.. SA>O 20854 ... 300j4/157 500j71719 ... 200 21207.. 800 47196.... 800! 71722.... 800 21283.. 200147198.... 800 71786... 21X1 21323.. 300'47109 800 71808.... HOO 21463.. MOO 17807.... 200 71865.... 800 21657.. .. 800 47394.... 800 72018... 200 2 IGAS10004H) 17407.... 509 (72058 ... fiuO 21712.. 800! 47647.... 800 72104.... 200 21745.. 200 47707.... 200 7a889.... 200 21833.. 800 47776.... 200 72612 ... 200 21872.. 800 47791.... 800 78805.... 300 21973.. 800147830.... 200 72914.... 200 2204').... 500 47920.... 800 7*021.... 300 22270.. 200 48040.... 500 78115... 800 22314 ... 800148090.... 200 78160.... 800 22411.. 800 48239 309 73200 .. 200 22810.. 200:48265.... 200 73614... 200 2*656 800 48475.... 800 78467.... 800 22755. . 800,48528.... 200 78178 ... 500 22761.. 200)48771.... 800 78517.... 200 28050.. 500 48808.... 800 78766.... 500 88084.. 200 48975... 800 73880... 200 28105.. 800 49268.... 200 74071.... 200 23223.. 800 49571.... NX) 74072 .. 300 23507.. 200 49570.... 300 74281.... 500 28711.. 200 49714.... 800 74440 ... 800 23713 ... 800 49706.... 200 74513 ... 801) *3994 200 49879 200 74648... 200 24043.. 3XI 49864 ... 200 74879.... 300 84063.. 800 50002.... 200 74890..,. 800 24087 ... 200 .50121.... 800 74032.... 200 21721.. 200 50157.... 800 75024. .. MOO 24735.. 200'50294 500 75142... 200 24700 ... 200150406.... 200 75*408 ... 200 24976.. 200 50521.... 200,75331.... 200 24983 ... 900150660.... 1000175801 ... 800 25186.. 31X1 j 50738..., 200 75459 ... 300 25540.. 200150777 300 j 75572.... 200 25837.. 300,50620.... 2W170714.... 200 *'0402 ... 200 ! 50938.... 300 75603 .. 1000 25942.. 200 51091... 800 7615!*... 200 23078.. 200 5147.7.... 200 76508 ... 3XI 25097.. 300 51507.... 300 76758... 200 26029.. 200 51669... 200 76642... 800 86080.. 200,51716... 300 76966... 1000 26207 ... 81X1 6177X4 10000 77187.... 1000 26805.. 600 52020 ... 200 77401... 1000 27108 ... 200:52163.... 200,77582 .. 200 27838.. 200:52378.... 600,77728... MOO 27489 ... afti 52508.... 2*X),77072. ... MOO 27741 ... 800(5*8*6.... 800 76048. .. 800 27860.. 800(52600 300(78173... DUO 28063.. aXrivmi 500,78387.... 300 28257.. 900 52 7 1 0:100 00 0 7H495 .. MOO 35.300 50(10 .*Bl7l. iXXI 7HM3O .. 200 98475.. 200(58193 200)79107.... *XI 28701.. 600153224.... 200(70154 .. BUO 28800.. 200(58870 ... 800 79822 ... *OO ■Jf+JU ... MOO j 53375 ... 500,79515.... 800 20041.. 300 58920.... 200 79501... *Xi M.h30.... *8)51078.... 900/0099.... ttt) 89214 900151106 . *l)| 74631.... 830 LOTTERY. .Vo. Prize. Xo. Prize. ' .Vo. Prize. 79714 . $ smt ...$ 90094906...$ ,vi 797V3 ... 300 87107 ... 200 94930 . . 200 71)71!) ... 300 87186.... 000 WDOJ • MX) 70777.. 300 87174.... 300 0-1900.... 800 79995.. 800 87539.... 800 95005.... 500 90119.. *OO 87705.... 800 95089.... 800 80151.. 800 87813.... 800 05006.... 800 80178.. 800 88081.... 500 95*88.... 500 80810.. 200 88145.... 800 95*88.... 800 80878.. SIX) 88849.... 800 95838.... BIX 80*44.... 500 58344.... 800 95811 ''' • 800 #*'.82.... 800 88488.... 800 95873... 500 80770.. 800 88457.... 800 95894.... 800 80825.. 300 88585 . 500 059)8 800 80888.. 800 88550.... 200 05457 " " SIX) 81177.. 800 88711... 800,95517-" MX) 81867.. . 800 88798.... .'XXI 95752• 800 81450.. 800 88807.... 500 95832.... 200 SIIH6 3000 88809 , 1000 95888.. . 200 81499.. . 500 89115 . .. MX) 95956 " " 800 81555.. 800 89559.... 800 96130.... 500 81715.. 200 80600.... 500 96178.... *OO 81765.. .. 200 89947.... 600 06808 " • SIX) 81781.. MX) 90117 ... 200 96482' •• • MX) 82128.. 600 90139... 800,96568... 1000 82276 ... 200 90147.... 800 96908.... 500 82815.. 600 90518... 800196918.... 200 82457.. 300 90789'' • • 800196987.... 200 82624.. 56VX18M)... 900197008. MX) 88650.. 900 908411.... 900197906"" SIX) 88717 . 300 01051... 800,97808.... 800 82737.. 200 01279... 800'97875.... MX) 88868.. 800 91402... MX) 197461 500 82985.. 900 01504... 500 1 97500 ' SIX) .82977.... 200 91001.... 900197600" •• 800 88834.. 200 91708... 500;7970.... 500 88437 800 91718 890! 98075 MX) 84074 ... 800 92023.... 800|98126.... 200 81161.. 200 92881 ... 81X1 96364' 800 84534.. 800 92445.... 604)198418,... 21X1 84841.. 600 98468... 900! 08526 MX) 85170.. ,300 92752... 200*98500 MX) 85164.. 800 98786... 800 98568 .. 200 85468 .... MX) 98811.... SIX) 08940.... 1000 85495 ... 800 92988.... MX) 98950 . 800 85585.. 500 93802.... 800 98960.... 500 85904.. 600 98306 ... 500 09088 360 85907 ... 600 93434 300 09284 900 86079.. 800 98-177.... MX) 99258.... 1 (XX) 86149.. 800 03767,... 200 99264... 800 86250 .. 900.93841.... 200 99860 ... MX) 80255.. 800;08858 ... 200 99891. ... 300 86459.. 200 93000.... 800 99405 ... 200 86555.. 300 98940 " 800 994 1t... 800 86580 ~. SIX) 94*91... 500 99478 .. 200 86816.. .. 300 94379.... 500 99498. .. 800 86838.. 860 94779-' " 800 99687.... 200 86973.. 500 94891.... 200 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 number* from 52699 to 68799 inclusive, being 50 numbers on each side of the num ber drawing the capital prize of S3OO,(XX) .8500 100 numbers from 21008 to 21708 inclusive, being 50 numbers on each side of the num ber drawing the Capital Prize of SI(X),(XXI 300 100 numbers from 16186 to 16836 inclusive, being 50 numbers on each side of the num ber drawing the Capital Prize of SSO,(XX).. 200 1C- • numbers ending with 49, being the two last figures of the number drawing the Capital Prize of $300,009 100 1030 numbers ending with 58, being the two last figures of the number drawing the Capital Prise of $169,000 ... 100 The subscribers having supervised the Single Number Drawing, Class F, Louisiana State LoTTEity, hereby cert ify that the above are the numliers which were this day drawn from tho 100,01*1 placed in the wheel, with tho prizes cor responding to them. Witness our hands at New Orleans, La., this Tuesday, June 14, 1887. G. T. BEAUREGARD, J. A. EARLY, Commissioners. Prizes cashed in full without deduction. No. 58749 draws Capital Prize $300,000, sold in fractions in New Orleans, New York, Omaha, Neli , Austin and Dallas, Tex., and Ciiftouville, Miss. No. 21658 draws Second Capital Prize, SIOO,OOO, sold in Boston, San Francisco, San Diego and Will wv, Ctl., Ch: "ago, 111 , 1 : t- r. worth. Kans., Memphis and Gates, Tenn., ltuf falo, N. Y.. and Afton, lowa. No. I! 86 draws Third Capital Prize, *50.000. No 84013 draws #25,009, sold in New Orleans, New Vuni, Boston, San Francisco and Sun Jose, Cal., Washington, D. C., Louisville, Kj., Portland. Me , Rtchmoud, Va., Chester, Neb., Manor and Texarkana, Tex. No. 35887 draws SIO,OOO, sold in New Orleans. No. 51778 draws SIO,OOO, sold in New Orleans, New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Port Huron, M*ch.. Ogden, Utah, West Point, Ga., Tucson, Ariz.. and McKinley, Ala. Nos. 6792,28800,341315, 414.35, 81486 draw each SSOOO, sold in New York, New Orleans, Boston, Chicago and Cairo, Ilk, Cincinnati and Toledo, 0., San Francisco, Los Angeles and Oakland, Cal., Washington, D. Memphis, Tenn., Kansas City, Mo., Detroit, Mich . Port Wayne, Ind., Pueblo, Col., Canon City, Kev., and other points. [ CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000. “We do certify that we eupcruiee the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi- Annual Drawings of the Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and m person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves t and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in aood faith toward all parties, and we authorize the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached , in its adver tisements." Commissioner*. We the underettpied Ranke and Ranker* will pay all Prize * drawn in the lemitiana State lot teries which may tie presented at our counter*. J, H. OGLESBY, Pres Louisiana Nat'l Bank. PIERRE LANAUX, Pres State Nat'l Bank. A. BALDWIN, Pres. Now Orleans Nat’l Bank. CARL KOHW, Pres. Union National Bank. ttnprecedentecTattraction I C Over Half a Million Distributed. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. Incorporated in ififri for 28 years by the legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes —with u capital of SC,Mi, OOO to which a reserve fund of over *850,01 0 lias since beer, added. By an Overwhelming popular vote its fran chise was made a [art of ihe present State con stitution, adopt and December SfeJ, A. U. 1870. The only holt cry ever voted on and indorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Mingle .Number Drawings take place monthly, and (lie Krinl-Annual Draw ings regularly every alx months (June and December). A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. SEVENTH GRAND DRAWING, GLASS (I, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY, July 12, 17 20tith Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $150,000. ISf Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5; Fifths, $2; Tenths, sl. list or PRIZBS. I CAPITAL PRIZE OF $150,000... *150,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 80,000.... 50,090 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20,000 ... 20.000 2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000. .. 20.000 4 LARGE PRIZES OF K.0U0... 20,000 20 PRIZES OF 1,000.... 20,000 80 PRIZES Ob' 600 ... 25.01 W 100 PHIZES OF 800 .. 90,000 200 PHIZES OF 200 ... 40,000 000 PRIZES OF 100.... 60,1X10 1,000 PRIZES OF 80.... 60,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZE* 100 Approximation Prizes of $800... $30,000 100 “ “ 200 ... 20.000 100 “ “. 100... 10,000 2,179 Prize*, amounting to $536,000 Application for ratea to club* should be made only to the office of the Company in New Or lean*. For further information write dearly, giving full addret*. POSTAL NOTES, Expresn Money Order*, or New York Exchange in ordi nary letter. Currency by E.vpre**(at our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPIIIN, New Orleans, La or M. A. DAUPIIIN, WasMugton, It. C. Address Registered Letters ir NEW Oil LEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orlesns, La. REMEMBER erulH Beauregard and Early, who are In charge of the drawing*. I* a guarantee of absolute fairness ami integrity, that the chances art; all equal, and that no one can possibly divine what number will draw a Prize. RKMKMHKK that the payment of all Prize* I* GUARANTEED BY 101 11 NATIONAL IINNKH of New Orleans, and the Ticket* are signed by the President of an Institution, whose chart vivid right* are recognized in the highest Court*; therefore, beware of any Imitation* or au muTTiout, set uwa. T.ADIKS’ TTHDERWEAR, HOYS’ CLOTHING, CANTOV MATTING. 33ANIKLH OGAN WILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING GOODS AT POSITIVE ESA.KG A1 \3 DURING THE ENSUING WEEK: BLACK SILK GrKKNADINES One lot Black Silk Grenadines at MX-.; reduced from $1 85. *' One lot Black Silk Grenadines at $1; reduced from $1 .35, One lot Black Silk Grenadines at $1 15; reduced from $1 50. One lot Black Silk Grenadines at $1 25; reduced from $1 75. SUMMER SILKS. f!” f ' Summer Silks at 25c. a yard; worth .VX\ One lot Summer Silks at 35c a yard- worth fide. One lot Summer Silks at 40c. a yard; worth 63c. One lot Summer Silks at Me! a wCrih TiS, One lot Summer Silks at 65e. and 60c. a yard; worth from 90c. to sl. LADIES’ MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. J-Jhlirpldered Comet. Covers at 95c. ladles' Ertre Heavy Chemise at 25c. lsidies Chemise, Pointed Yoke. Embroidered Bands and Sleeves, at 45c.; worth 65c Ladies Gowns, Jlother Hubbard Yoke, Trimmed with Cambric Ruffle, at 50c.: actual value StoeTMUid* Nrok a a , t , $ S l tyle ’ SOli<l Yol “ ° f llamburK Ktn'J'-oidory between Tuck*, BOYS’ CLOTHING. One lot Boys' Casslmere Suits at $1 75; worth $8 50. One lot Bovs' Casslniere Suits at sz; worth $8 85. One lot Boys' Casslmere Suits at $2 50; reduced from $3. One lot Boys' Casslmere Suits at $3; reduced from.s3 75. * One lot Boys' Casslmere Suits ut $4: reduced from $4 75. One lot Boys' Casslmere Suits at $5; reduced ftom $5 85 One lot Boys' Casslmere Suits ut $0; reduced from $7 50. CANTON MATT I NO. £ s°!! R f. Rrf ' y “ n “! n * **■ ■ octually worth 26c. 85 Rolls Fancy Matting at 25c.: worth 30c. 8U Rolls Fancy Matting at 30e.; worth Av 20 Rolls Fancy Matting at 85c worth 40c DANIEL HOGAN FURNISHING GOODS. Look! Look! JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Genllemea’s Fine Night Shirts For $1 Fine Jeans Drawers at 50c. per pair. Gauze Undershirts, long or short sleeves, 50c. White Lawn Bows, $1 per dozen. White Ties at 15c. per dozen; $1 50 per gross. Fancy Percale Scarfs, 50c. per dozen. 4 in -hand Ties, wash goods, $1 per dozen. White Duck Vests, from $1 to $2 50. British Half Hose, seamless, 25c. White Duck Helmets, Hammocks, White Flannel Shirts and Hats for Yachting- FINE BUMMER CLOTHING AND DRESS SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. We guarantee a fit In every case. Sole agents for Dunlap's Fine Hats and Nnscl mento's Comfortable Self Conforming Hats, so comfortable to the head In hot weather. Beau tiful Pearl Hats, and the new STIFF-BIUSI MACKINAW HAT. Sue Umbrella?, Gloria Cloth Umbrellas, never cut like the silk will. Buck Horn Handle Walking Canos, Fancy Un der /car, arid anything needed by men for Sum mer wear at LaFar’s New Store, 29 Btdl street, Hamilton’s Old Stand. GRAIN AND HAY. Cargo Eastern Hay! WESTERN HAY. 20,000 bushels CHOICE MILLING WHITE CORN. 6,000 bushels MIXED CORN. 80.000 bushels HEAVY MIXED OATS. 100,000 pounds WHEAT BRAN. 100,000 FRESH CORN EYES. 1,000 bushels COW PEAS. CLAY, speckled, white and mixed. Grits, Meal, Lemons, Oranges and Vegetables. STOCK FEED, ETC, ETC. Call for prices on carloads. T. P. BOND & CO., 15S Bay Street. Cow Peas. ALL KIND OF REED ANL ’’RED PEAS VERY CHEAP. —ALSO-- Hay and Grain. —BY— G.S.McALPIN 172 BAY STREET. FLOUR. HECKER’S SELF-RAISING FLOUR Yield* more Bread than flour raised with yeast, is finer, more digestible and nutritious. Always Ready! Perfectly Healthful! ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Geo. Y. Hecker & Cos., 176 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. IRON WORKS. McDoiii & BaMtyne,' IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers and Blacksmiths, MANUFACTURER* OF STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL and TOP RUNNING CORN •MILLS, SUGAR MILLS and PANS. \ GENTS for Alert and Union Iniecton, the simplest and mo*t effective on tiie market; Gulletl Light Draft Magnolia Cotton Gin, the best in the market. All orders promptly attended to. Send for Price List. FAINTS AND OILS. JOHN 9. BUTLER, \lf HITE UCADS, COLORS, OIIH, GLASS, W VARNISH. ETC.: READY MIXED PAINTS; RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES. SASHES, DOORS, BUNDS AND BUILDERS 1 HARDWARE, Sole Agent for GEORGIA I.l.Wkk CALCINED PLASTER, CE MENT, HAIR and LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Savannah, Georgia. 1865. CHRIS. MIKPHY, 18657 House, Sign and Ornamental Painting I EXECUTED NEATLY and with dispatch. J Paint*, Oil*, Vammhe*. Brushes, W indow OUuvvn*, etc., etc. Eatlmate* furnished ou ap plication. CORNER CONGRESS AND DRAYTON STS., Roar of Cbrixt Church. Lawrence! ostrom s co.’s Famous "Belle of Bourbon" Is jleflth to Malaria, Chills and Fever. Typhoid Fever, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Surgical Fsvars. Blood Poisoning, Consumption, Sleeplessness or Insomnia, and Dissimulation of Food. lO YEARS OLD. ABSOLUTELY PURE. NO FUSEL OIL. IN PRODUCING our’ 1 ®' 1 Belle orBOURBOIf kt USE ONLY THE FLINTY 66 HOMINY PMTOFTHE CHAIR THUS FREEING IT OF FUSEL OIL BEFORE IE IS DISTILLER Zfewletiee; Ciittom THE GREAT API’IS'I'IZKR Ixu'tsvitut, Kt., May 22, 1886. This will certify that I have examined the Sample of Belli of Bourbon Whisky received from Lawrence, Ostrom A. 00, and found tho same to be perfectly free from Fusel Oil and all Xithrr deleterious sunslances and strictly pure. I cheerfully recommend the same for Family and Medicinal purposes. J. p. Railnum. M. D, Analytical Chemist, Louisville, Ky. For sale by Druggist*. Wine Merchants and Grocers everywhere Price, $1 25 per bottle. If not found at the Aliove, half dozen bottles iu plain boxes will be sent to any address in the United States on receipt of $6. Express paid tA all points east of Missouri river. LAWRENCE, OSTROM & CO., Louisville, Ky. At Wholesale by 8. GCCKENHEftf EH k BON, Wholesale Grocers; LIPPMAN BROS., Whole sale Druggists, Savannah, Ua. AGRICULTURAL IM I’I.KMKNTS. 11 ini Lawn Mowers, Three Sizes, Ladies’ Garden hoes, Hand Plows, Hedge Shears, PruninngScissofo and Knives, Garden Trowels and Weeders, Fountain, Rubber Hose and Reels, —FOR SALS BY Palmer Bros . 148 and 160 Congres* Street. HARDWARE. A General Assortment HARDWARE, STOVES. RANGES AND FUR, NACES, TINWARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, WOODEN WARE. BAS KETS, SILVER PLATED WAHE. POT AND AGATE IRON WARES, ETC., FOB BALK BY LOVELL & LATTiffIORE, 155 and 157 Congress St., Savannah, Ga. EDWARD LOVELL k SONS, HARDWARE, Iron and Turpentine Took Office: Cor. State and Whitaker street*. Warehouse: 138 and 140 State street. ELECTRIC BERTS. Electric Helt. Free. TWO INTRODUCE It and obtain Agent* we will for the next sixty day* give away, free of ( barge, in each county in the United States a limited number of our German Electro Galvanic hupermory Belt*—(price, $5. A ixwitive and un failing tuire for Nervous Debility, Varicocele, KmiiMOiui, Impotoncy, Etc. S6OO reward paid if every Belt we manufacture doe* not generate a genuine electric current, Addren* at oik'* ELECTRIC BELT AGENCY, P. O. Box 17b, COUGH REMEDIES \ YF.RS 1 CHERRY PECTORAL Jayne 1 * Ex 1V pectorant, Hale's Honey and Tar, Bosuhee'* German Syrup, Bull s Cough Syrup, Piso 1 * Cure* AT BUTLER’S PHARMACY, BULL AND CO.NUN.Laa STREET.*. 7