The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 21, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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A LADY’S QUEER ESCAPADE. Miss Mary Irene Hoyt Lodged in Jail. From the Xev- York Tunes. Miss Mary Irene Hoyt, who gained no iitile fame through her contest of the will of her millionaire father, Jesse Hoyt, rented a finely furnished house iu one of the pret tiest parts of Englewood, N. J., and went put there about a month ago to pass the summer season. She took with nor Ann Tierney, about 50 yeare old, who had been one of her servants at her house in this city, at 454 Lexington avenue. Miss Hoyt had a few callers who went from ISew York to see her, but with the people of Englewood she had little to do. About all they saw of her was on the trains of the Northern railroad, of New Jersey, between the pretty Jersey town and this city. Miss Hoyt made frequent journeys to town, and on these trips she played, with great success, the part of a queer woman. She would loudly find fault with the car service, abuse the trainmen, scold her ac companying maid, and have a high old time generally. 'The servant, Ann Tierney, had a hard life with Miss Hoyt, but she humored her in her whims and looked after the interests of her mistress with fidelity. Tuesday night she and her servant took the 9:08 train for New York. Before leaving Englewood Miss Tierney bought for Miss Hoyt a bottle of brandy that cost 81 25. They went to the house on Lexington avenue, and there Miss Tierney opened two bottles of lager beer for Miss Hoyt. Wednesday morning the mistress sent her servant out for another bottle of brandy that cost $1 80. That night she sent Miss Tierney down town with advertise jnentsto be inserted in the papers for a ser vant girl, Thursday morning troops of ap plicants came to the house, and Miss Hoyt received them in her night gown. Half of them she frightened out of their wits, and all went away indignant but one, whom she engaged as a laundress. Thursday evening Miss Hoyt, Miss Tier ney, and the new servant rode up to Engle wood ou the 0:15 train. Miss Hoyt dropped her pocketbook on the ferryboat and a young lady picked it up and gave it to her. Miss Hoyt made a row about the matter. When Miss Hoyt got on the train she had Miss Tierney take one seat and she took another and the now girl a third, and when other passengers came into the crowded coach and wanted seats she would not let any one sit in the unoccupied seat where Miss Tierney was, nor would she let any one have the unused half of her seat. She called the conductor names, scolded the railroad company for not running sufficient cars, grumbled because there were no parlor coaches, launched out at the passengers, and made all the people about her miserable. The row lasted until Englewood was reached, and when the conductor was about to help Miss Hoyt off the car step she glared at him and said, “If you touch me at all I will smash your nose.” The conductor did not touch her. Then she and her two servants walked up the village street to her house. Miss Hoyt had some books under her arm, and as she trudged along she dropped them upon the street, A straggling lot of boys followed her and picked the volumes up. They hoot ed and called out at the woman, and with Miss Hoyt marching at the head, and the servants' and the youngsters dragging after her, there was such a procession as Engle wood had never seen before. In the house the excitement was increased. Miss* Hoyt became violent. Miss Tiernev went'Tip to her and said: “Miss Hoyt, I shall never go to New York again with you to be dis graced and scandalized.” “I scandalise you?” exclaimed Miss Hoyt. “Well, if that is so—but it isn’t—you can clear out at once. Now go, and go at once.” This occurred soon after 8 o’clock in the .front centre hall of the cottage. MiSs Tier ney said it was too late for her to leave then. “I have nowhere to go, but I will go in deed to-morrow morning,” she said. * “No, you shall never enter my kitchen again,” was the answer, and the next that Miss Tierney knew Miss Hoyt was at her with open hand and closed fist. She snatched the servant’s bonnet and tore it into bits and pitched them into the garden. She tore and ripped the servant’s gown and again ordered her to leave the house. Miss Tierney ran up stairs to her room. Miss Hoyt ran after her, and then they both ran down stairs. Miss Tierney rushed out of doors and got Officer Townsend- They went back to the house. Miss Hoyt bad' been up stairs and had torn up some of Miss Tierney’s gar ments and thrown the rest out of a trunk all about the room. When the policeman and the servant came back to the house Miss Hoyt met them in the hallway and threatened to pummel Miss Siernev. The policeman interfered, and oyt snook her fist at him, cried out, “I will, and I will thresh you. too,” and drew off and knocked Townsend in the mouth and nose. A tussel followed and Miss Tierney escaped. Miss Hoyt calmed down a little, but when she discovered that the new laun dry girl whom she had just engaged had fieri from the house and takrn a train back to New York she grew excited again. The officer was still keeping guard over her. She told him she wouldn’t stay in the house in Englewood over night. Col. William Jami son, the head man of the Englewood Pro tective Society, was sent for, and with him jshe came down to New York on the 11:07 pain, getting to the Grand Union Hotel a little after midnight. She staid there until [yesterday afternoon, when she returned to Englewood. 1 Miss Tierney yesterday morning swore out a warrant before Justice Dutton charging Miss Hoyt with assault and battery, \vnen ln offioer went to the house to make the (arrest Mias Hoyt refused to be arrested. She flew out at the policeman, but he caught her by the wrists and walked her down the hill to Justice Dutton’s office. She screamed and swore on the way. In the little court room was Miss Tierney. Miss Hoyt scowled at her and cursed her and then knocked over a chair. The Justice started in to tell her why she was there, but she broke out at him in a string of abuse and knocked over an other chair. The informal hearing went on Very infermily and Miss Hoyt tried to act all the pkrts* When she had ended a series of sentences of vituperation she knocked over another chair and then strode up to tho desk and, seizing the commitment papers, she tore them into shreds. Justice Dutton told her “I will hold you in SI,OOO bail or commit you to jail.” Who said: “Gon. Butler Will go my bail.” But Gen. Butler wasn’t there, and Miss Hoyt was carried to tho county jail at Hackensack. When she saw the cell bars khe sobbed and moaned, and telegraphed for Dr. Barton to oome up and release her. Tho [jail physician gave the prisoner some medi cine, ami by 7 o’clock Miss Hoyt was quiet. Rhe refused’to sec any callers. A little lie fare 11 o clock Dr. Barton airived, and an arrangement was quickly made for the re duction of the bail to $25, and she was re leased for the action of the grand jury. Bhe left the jail in company with Dr. Barton kimo time alter 11 o’clock last night, i Miss Tierney, the servant who has been with Miss Hoyt for several mouths past, lays that she has frequently liad trouble with her. Nothing Unusual. From. Sunday'* Jacksonville Timra-Union. A bright young Havamiah belle," who is Visiting in this city, is now spending n few Weeks as the guest of her friends at the bar. fche is proving herself a fascinator. VV ith Vouth, beauty and n rare gift of manner, which enchants all who come within its tn- Bueuce, she queens it, even with such sur roundings as Moyport. Typhoid, Scarlet and Yellow Fevers, ileasles, Diphtheria Small pox, Cholera, tc. Darby s Prophylactic Fluid will de troy tlie infection of all fevers and all con- Hgiotis and infectious disease*. Will keep the atmosphere of any sick-room pure and wholesome, absorbing and destroying un healthy effluvia and contagion i-esultine therefrom. Will neutralize any i>ftd smell Ivhatever, not by disguising it, but by de fraying itv -- - Use Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid in every tvk : rooui. ' CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENTA WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS, 15 (lords or more, in this column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed,any tvish to gratify, should advertise in this column. ■ ; HELP~tV ANTED. A GOOD COOK; no other need apply: white or colored: at 94 New Houston street. VV"ANTED, ten good bricklayers; good wages * ’ to good men; none others need apply. P. J. FALLON, 22 Drayton street. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. C COMPETENT bookkeeper wants a position J with good cotton or wholesale house; liest city references. Address BOOKKEEPER, care of Morning News. /“'OLLECTING is solicited by an active and v J experienced collector, at a' small salary or commission. Address F., this office. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. "IX7ANTED, two or three grade Jersey Cows; ' must be good milkers. Address, stating price, V. N.. Morning News. \\7ANTED, orders for Fine Dress Shirts by > ' BANGLEY BROS., IT4 King street, Charles ton, S. C. ROOMS TO RENT. IPOR RENT, in one of the most desirable, lo cations in the city (southern exposure), a parlor floor of three beautiful connecting rooms, with butler's pantry attached, containing every convenience. Also, a sunny front basement room or two; newly painted and kalsomined; immediate possession; no children. Address Box 154. I ['OR RENT, rooms on second-floor, furnished or unfurnished; bath convenient; terms moderate. Apply 27 Broughton. HOUSES AND STORES FOR RENT. FOR RENT, that desirable residence south east corner of Liberty and Barnard streets, from July Ist to October Ist, at S2O per month; recently renovated throughout; bath rooms on two floors. F. D. BLOODWORTH. I”OR RENT, a desirable two-story brick house . northeast cornet' Price and McDonough streets. Apply next door. I”OR RENT, the neat, comfortable dwelling 58 Reynolds street, within five minutes' walk of Florida and Western depot: will rent low to responsible party ; also for sale a fine bedroom set with wardrobe to match; all in perfect order; the furniture if not disposed of privately will be sold at auction. Apply on premises. I ['OR RENT, the Buckingham House at the ' Isle of Hope, with bath house; artesian water on place. Apply to THOS. HENDERSON, 133 York street. FOR RENT, two brick dwellings, recently repaired, with water and bath room; situated on Gaston street, south side, directly west of Barnard street. Apply to DANIEL R. KEN NEDY, 174 Bay street. RENT, 146 Hull, on northwest corner of Whitaker. Apply to Dr. PURSE, 140 Liberty street. FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. \STANTED, everybody to know that we rent t v Pianos by the month, year or for single nights for entertainments, balls, parlies, etc.; terms liberal aud the best instruments. DAVIS BROS., 42 and 44 Bull street. OFFICES FOR RENT.—Some very desirable offices in old Southern Bank building, cor ner Bryan and Drayton streets, and in Kelly building, Bay street. Apply to JOHN FLAN NERY & CO., Agents. _ FOR RENT, two (2) elegant upright piano fortes. See us at once. DAVIS BROS., 42 apd 44 Bull street, FOR SALE. S TONO PHOSPHATE WORKS at Charleston, S. C.. for sale. The Stono Phosphate Works and material, as heretofore advertised, will be sold at public auction on Thursday. 30th June, instant. Refer to R. M. MARSHALL & BRO., Charleston, S. C. ATEIDLIN’GER & RABUN are still selling Sant is toga Trunks. Satchels and Buggy Harness very cheap. Garden Hose at Bc. per foot. I ['LAGS of all kinds aud nations made on short ' notice at No. 50 Bryan street. Savannah.jGa. IRONIES FOR CHILDREN; safe for small children to ride, at COX’S STABLE. ITiOR SALE OR LEASE, the Phenix Hotel, 1 Palatka, Florida. Has 56 sleeping rooms, elegant parlors, dining room. etc. Completely furnished; lighted with gas. Sanitation perfect. Terms easy. Apply to 8. J. KENNERLY, Pa latka, FOR SALE, Laths. Shingles, Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherhoarding and Framing Lumber. Office and yard Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 311. RBPPARD & CO. IJROKE TEXAS HORSES.—Gentle Horses for 3 sale at Dn. COX’S STABLES. IX)R SALE.—ROSEDEW Lots, 60 feet on ’ Front street along the river and 500 feet deep, at $125. payable $25 cash and sl2 50 every slxmouths. with interest. FIVE-ACRE Lots In the TOWN OF ROSEDEW, with river privileges, at SIOO, payable S3O cash and $5 every three months, with interest. Apply to Dr. FALLI(SANT, 151 South Broad street, 9to 10 a. m daily. __ I ['OR SALE, anew Upright Piano, 7y g octave; 1 ebony case; in perfect order; terms reason able. Address W, O. E , care News. FOR SALE, Old Newspapers, just the thing for wrappers, only 15 cents a hundred, 200 for 25 cents, at the business office. LOST. LOST, Sunday, hunch of Bangle*.-, Finder will receive suitable reward at 80 Lincoln street. FOUND. VvOUND, Black Marc Mule. Owner can have JT same by paving expenses and for this ad vertisement. Apply at D. OTJEN’S, three miles on Augusta road. SUMMER RESORTS. TY’ANTED. B< lARDEUS. at Lynnsidc Private VV Boarding House, most beautifully situated, within five minutes' walk of the celebrated old Sweet Springs, one mile from Sweet Chalybeate Springs, and but three hours drive from the White Sulphur. Dear Hunting, Trout Fishing, Bathing, Riding and Driving. Scenery magnifi cent. An übundant, table and homelike com forts. Can accommodate sixty persons. Ad dress ow ner, W. L. LEWIS, Sweet Springs, W. Va. Elevation 3.000 feet. Terms SSS per month. AJEW YORK BOARD First class hoard and ;\ accommodations. Reasonable rates. 33, 35 87 East 23d street, off Madison Square. Mrs. P.PRITCHARI). (10LORADO, Ocean lieaeb. V .1. Now- open. J Has one thousand feet piazza; within fifty yards of ocean. Boating, bathing and fishing excellent. M C STEW AH 1 ISON. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y., nicely furnished rooms with b,rd; central location; one block oil’Broadway. M. A. BEVAN, 108 East Twenty-third street. HEALING SPRINGS. Bath count Ava. Mux. H. CARTER EUBANK. Send for descrip tive pamphlet. lIMRST-CLASS Board and Lodging at ELM ’ WOOD HALL. Saratoga Springs; $, to sl2 per week; location excellent. C TRJCTLY find class rooms and board: finest n location In New York city; terms, $2 per day $ lit per week. Address Mrs. WHITE. 15 West Thirty-first street, between Fifth avenue slid Broadway. <ii MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK.-Bu i44 perior board. Eligible rooms. Moderate prices. Many Southern references. HOARDING. "\irANTED, a few boarders, at No. 118 State VV street, four doors east of Bull. Also, a few table boarders .. ii .. "" - 1 - 11 - 1 PHOTOGRAPHY. OPFCIAL NOTICE—PHOTOGRAPHY—Prices H reduced IV-Utes $1 50, Cards $2, Cabinet $3 per dozen, and larger w ork in the same pro- P ortloQ ‘ J. N. WILSON, 21 Bull street. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1887. RAFFLE. TT'OR RAFFLE, Embroidered Table Scarf, at P Fernandez's Cigar Store, TUESDAY’ EVEN ING. 21st. at 8 o'clock. Mlm ELLAN EOUS. "YITANTKD, everybody to try one of SIM* W KINS’ ICE CREAM BLOCKS, jierfectly pure; all flavors. "VTO drink has equaled the celebrated Egg it Phosphate at HEIDT’S. It is delicious, re freshing, exhilarating, invigorat'ng. PARTIES leaving the city can have their estates managed and rents collected by ROBERT 11. TATKM. Real Estate Agent. BECOMING very popular: the Phosphorated Mead. Improved Root Beer aud Egg Phos phate, at IIEIDT’S. _____ PIANOS moved with care and safety on our new truck: terms liberal. DAVIS BROS.. 42 and 44 Bull street. 7A H. P. RETURN TUBULAR BOILER for l U sale cheap. GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., Augusta. Ga. PRICKLY HEAT and Chafing Powder, BORA CINE, a sure cure. 25c. a package, at any ding store. PAIR 55-H. P DOUBLE ENGINES cheap GEO. JR. LOMBARD A CO.. Augusta, Ga. DON’T fail to call and see our Children's Car riages. Our goods are bought direct from factories and it enables us to sell them lower than you cun buy at any public sale. We also carry a complete line of house furnishing goods at NATHAN BROS.. 180 Congress street. 1 A RETURN TUBULAR BOILERS and En llt gines cheap and good. GEO. R. LOM BARD & CO., Augusta, Ga. DON'T FAIL to go to NEIDLINGER & RA BUN’S for bargains in Trunks, Satchels, Harness ami Garden Hose. LUDDKN <fc DATES 8. M. 11. L.&B.S.M.H. • 1 - y F* *,V" THE HOUSE THAT Big House, Ain’t It? YItISS ! AND within its walls you will find an army of clerks, who, notwithstanding the hot weather, are pushed to their utmost to keep up with the orders flowing in upon us from Maine to Mexico. Yea I It seems that the hotter the weather the greater the stream of orders. Hence we are BIZZY AZ BEZBI Still we, like the much abused conductor, can make room for one more, and if you want a PIANO or ORGAN we’ll crowd your order in rather than disappoint. Now is your time to make a purchase and have BIG MUZICK all summer long. Give us a call and we’ll astonish you. Bargains heretofore unheard of, almost endless time and minute installments to help yoti out in making a purchase, while our line embraces the CHICKERING, MASON & HAMLIN. MATHUSHEK, BENT and ARION PIANOS, MASON & HAMLIN, PACKARD OR CHESTRAL and BAY STATE ORGANS. DROP AROUND AND SEE US. Ludden k Bates Music House, Savannah, Ga. DRY GOODS. NOTICK. Preparatory to Taking Stock I will offer Special Inducements in MY ENTIRE STOCK, With exception of my Empire State Shirt. r |''llE following goods will be sold cheaper than A ever offered in Savannah; Summer and India Silks. Cream. White and Light Shades of Albatross. Colored and Black all Wool Dress Goods. Black Camel’s Hpir Grenadines at 86c.; 40-inch wide. Printed Linen Lawns at less than cost. Real Scotch Ginghams at less than cost. Black Henriettas at $1 40 and $1 75; sold at $2 and $2 25. * Ladies’ and Children’s Silk and Lisle Thread Hose in black and colored. Ladies' and Children's Unflervests; best goods in the market. Linen Sheeting and Pillow-Case Linen. Cream and White Table Damask. 9-4 "White Damask at $1; former price.?l 50. Napkins and Doylies in cream and white. Linen Damask Towels In white and colored bordered. Linen Huck in white and colored bordered. Pantry Crash Doylies at great reduction. The above goods wjll be offered at prices to insure quick sale. J. P. GERMAINE, Next to Furber's, 132 Broughton street. CEMENT. DIRECT IMPORTATION 1 JUST ARRIVED A CARGO OF German Portland Cement. FOR SALE tOW BY ANDREW HANLEY, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ELECTRIC BELTS. a This Belt or Regenera tor is made expressly for t be cure of derange ment* of the generative organa. A continuous stream of Electricity p< rmeuting thro’ the iiarts must restore them to healthy action. Do not confound this with Electric Belt# ad vertised to cure all llfaq I It is for the osE specific purpose. For full in- I formation address CHEKYKR ELECTRIC I BELT CO,. 103 Washington 111 LEGAL SALES. CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. City Marshal's Office. ) Savannah. June 7th. 1887. i XTNPER AND BY VIRTUE of real estate tax J executions placet! in my hands by C. S. HARDEE, City Treasurer'. I have levied on and will sell, in accordance with law. on the FIRST TUESDAY IX JT7LY. 18S7. between the lawful hours of sale, before the Court House door, in the City of Savannah, Chatham county, Georgia, the following property, to wit: each piece of property levied on as the properly of the person or jiersons whose name Immediately follows its description. Purchasers paying for titles. A. Adams, Isaac—lmprovements on part lot 31, Middle Oglethorpe Ward. Albert. Jane—Lots 11 and 12, Weed Ward. B. Baker, George—lmprovements and lot 8, Weed Ward Black, Sarah A.—lmprovements and lots 4 and 5, Ben-ten Want. Brown, Henrietta E.—lmprovements and lot 23, White Ward. Brown, children of Xancv—lmprovements and middle one-lhird lot 38, Gilmerville Ward. Brown, W. M. G.—lmprovements on lot 13, Middle Oglethorpe Ward. Buntey, Mrs. A. M. and children—lmprove ments and lot 13, Brown Ward. Burke, Sarah E. and children—lmprovements andsoutheastone-fourtb loti), Middle Oglethorpe Ward. Butler, Abraham—lmprovements and west one-half lot 10 Magazine Ward. Butler, Samuel—lmprovements on northwest one-quarter lot 31 Elliott Ward. C. Chess Carley & Co.—lmprovements and part lot 28. Atlantic Ward. Christian, John A., truster- Improvements on lots 4 and 5, Stephens Ward. Clark, Jas. F,—lmprovements on northeast one-quarter lot 10, Middle Oglethorpe Ward. Clark, Mrs. Bridget-Improvements and west one-half lot 46, Stephens Ward. Coakley, Mrs. Virginia-Improvements on lot 1, North Oglethorpe Ward. Cohen, Isaac G.—lmprovements on southeast one-fourth lot 24, Liberty Ward. Courtney, Mrs. L. M. E. Improvements and two-fifths Tot 32, Monterey' Ward. Cox, Mrs. Hannah, trustee*- Improvements aud east one-half lot 11, Guo Ward. D. Davidson, Wm. M.—lmprovements on lot 6, Calhoun Ward. Dawson, Wm. E.—Lot 92, Gaston Ward. Deacy, Bridget—lmprovement and lot north one-quarter 21 Davis Ward. Deveaux. J. H.—lmprovements and west one half lot 8, Davis Ward- Doolan. James—Lorth, sub-division of lot 7, near lot wharf lots, Yamaeraw Ward. Duggan, Janies, tnistee—lmprovements and middle one-fourth lot 6, near lot wharf lots, Yamaeraw Ward. Dunning, Ralph—lmprovements and east one half lot 2(1, Franklin Ward. E. Elmore. Hetty—LotC., subdivision of lots, Marshal Ward. Endrue, L. 8., tnistee—lmprovements and east one-fourth of south one half lot 31, Elliott Ward. F. Fitzgerald, .1 (minor)—lmprovements on northwest one-fourth lot 19, Washington Ward Fisher, Josephine—lmprovements on lots 106 and 108, Schley Ward. Foreman, estate Thos. M—Lot 32, Atlantic Ward. Freid, estate Lewis—lmprovements and west one-half lot 7, Heathcote Ward, Laßoche tyth furlong & Cos., J. F.—lmprovements on lot 21, Jones Ward. Fleming, Jas. W.—lmprovements and east one-half lot 59, Waring Ward. G. Ganahl.Mrs.M.E. and children—lmprovements and w-est one-half lot 39. Franklin Ward. George. Mrs. 8. E.—lmprovements on south one bait iot 4, Charlton Ward. Gieb-lhouse, Mrs. Margaret—lmprovements and lpt 9, Currytown Ward. Golden. P. J.—lmprovements and west one. half lot 20, Columbia Ward. Gordon. Mrs. James and Mrs. E M. Williams Improvements and lot 7, Forsyth Ward. Gordon, A. S.—lmprovements on part lot 8 Elliott ward. Habersham, John S.—lmprovements and southwest one-half lot 41, Elliott ward. Ilallorin, John—lmprovements and west one half lot 8, Carpenter Row. Hanley, Mrs. Bridgetlmproweraent and east one-halt lot 23, North Oglethorpe ward. Harmon & Wright—lmprovements on lot 1, Railroad ward. Harmon, A. W.—lmprovements and lot 31, Brown ward. Harris. Mrs. John- Improvements on two thirds of lot 13. Screven ward. Harrison. George Paul—lmprovements and west two-thirds lot 4. Perclval ward, Holland tytbing. Hlllsinan, C. A —lmprovements and east one half lot 3, Wesley ward. Houston, Mrs. Margaret C., trustee—lmprove ments aud lot 22. Davis ward. Howard, John B.—lmprovements and lot 26, Lloyd ward. J. Jacobs, R. F.—lmprovements and lot 18, White ward. Jenks, Delaney—lmprovements and southwest part lot 19, South Oglethorpe. Jones, Cbas.—lmprovements on lot 1, Weed ward. K. Kemps, Mrs, L.J.—lmprovements and south one-lialf lot 47, Gue ward. Kennedy, D. R.—lmprovements and lot 40, Brown ward. Kine, estate Wm.—lmprovements on lot 17, Cnatham ward. L. Lachlisou, estate James -North one-third of north one third lot F, North Oglethorpe word. Lamar, Mrs. Parnella—lmprovements and lot 19. Stephens ward. Langler, C. J. C.—Lot 1, Wesley ward. Geo. H. -Improvements on north part lot 58, Lloyd ward. Lawrence, John—lmprovements on part lot 7, Screven ward. Lemon, O. T.—lmprovements on lot 80, Gue ward. Lemon, 0. TANARUS., and Isaac Bccfcet—Lot 83, Gue ward. Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, t rustees of lots 1 and 4 of No. 24, Garden Lots west. Lufhurrow. estate M—lmprovements and lot 46, Jackson ward. Loech, Frederick—lmprovements and lot 28, Davis ward. M. L.&B.S.M.H. BUILT. Martin, John S.—Lot No. 1 Canal lots, w-est. Martin, WYn.— Improvements on southeast part lot 17, Screven ward. Mauralt. F. A.—lmprovements and lot 26, Davis ward. Mauralt—lmprovements on west one-half lot 32, Waring ward. Monroe, Ida L—East one-half lot 47, Wylly ward. Moore, J. W.—lmprovements on centre one third lot 11, Calhrmn ward. Morgan, Mrs. Mary—lmprovements and lot 37. O’Neil ward. Murray estate, Wm Improvements on north one-half lot 80, Jones ward. Murtagh, J. T.-Improvements and lot 10, White ward. Miu-tagli estate. Thomas—lmprovements and lot 54, White ward. Me. McCabe. Edward -Improvements and west one-half lot 24, Currytown ward. McCarthy, Mrs. Bridget Improvements and part lots 39 and 40, Columbia w ard. McFarland, J. T—lmprovements and lot 8, Middle Oglethorpe ward. McGrath, John—Lot 12 of No. 24 Garden lot, west. , McGrath. Mrs. Julia Improvements and north one-half lot 7. Choctaw ward. Mclnlire estate, Janies-Improvements and part lot I. Decker ward. McAullff, Dennis- I/Ot 23. Mercer ward. McKenna. R. F.—lmprovements and west one half lot 20, Davis word. N. • Neill, George J.- Improvements and lots A and B subdivision of south one-half lota 44 and 45, Middle Oglethorpe ward. Norwood. Thomas M.—lmprovements on lot# 23 and 24, Calhoun ward. P. Pelot, Mrs. F. R. and children Improvements and west, one-half lot 11, Jackson ward. Prendergast, .Mrs. B. C. -Improvements and lot 1, O'Neil ward. • R. Rabn, Henry R.—lmprovements on fniddlc part lot 8, Screven ward. ’ Robert, Mrs. E. T.-Improvement* on lot 61, Walton ward. Roberts, lire. Mary Ellen Improvements on north part, lot 93, Jone* ward. , Ryan. Mrs. M. E. -Improvements. on part lot 87, Gilmerville ward. 8. Second Baptist Church- Lot southwest one quarter lot 84. Gilmerville ward. Sutcliffe estate. M. J —lmprovements on east one half lot 5. Calhoun warn. StUoH, Mosoe- Improvement* on part lot 66, Schley ward. Schley estate, John- -UnprovemenU on lot 38, J&cltMou wanl. Sherlock A Cos., John- Lot 4, Middle Ogle thorpe ward, east of Canal. Simpson, Lizzie -Improvements on lot 34, Middle Oglethorpe warn. Small, C P —lmprovements and west four fifths of lot 18, Wylly ward. _ Smith, James—improvements and lot 30, Weed ward. LKGAI. SALES. Staley. John A. Trustee-Improvements on northwest three-quarters iot 24, Unbolt ward. Stc.-ie. '<< rtrui.- I'. Middle ime-fourth lot 14, North Oglethorpe ward. Steele, Joseph—lmprovements and lot 11), North Oglethorpe ward. T. Talbird. Mrs. O. E.—lmprovements on north half lot 16, Greene ward. Telfair estate. Mrs. Margaret—lmprovements on lots 6, 7 ands, Elbert ward. Thompson, Harriet—lmprovements and one half lot 18, One ward. Thompson, Mrs E. M., children of—lmprove ments and lot 4, Monterey ward. \V. Waring, James J. —lmprovements and lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. In* ward, south side of Gwinnett street and west of Price street, Walsh, Michael—Lots 14 and 15, Choctaw ward. Ward James R. Improvements and west half lot 3, Crawford ward. Waring, Edward -Improvements on east half lot 29, Minis ward. Walsh estate. Richard -Improvements and lot 4, Stephens w ard Whaley, Hetty—lmprovements and east two thirds lot 12, Trustees’ Garden. Wicks, Edward - Improvements on southwest part lot 9, Screven ward. Wicks, Henry—lmprovements and lot 54, Choetuw waivl. Williams, John-Improvements and middle third lot 30, Elliott ward. Williams, Eliza E.—lmprovements and west part lot 10, Mercer ward. Williams. Lewis—lmprovements and lot 53, South Oglethorpe ward. Wilson, W. M. - Improvements on lot 21, Swollville ward. Wilson, Mi-s, Anaise—lmprovements on lot 2, Berrien ward. Wright, Rosa—lmprovements on part lot 54, South Oglethorpe ward. Y. Yeomans, David L —lmprovements and lot 38, White ward. Young, Mrs. Rosa—lmprovements on east half lot 7, Elliott w ard. ROBERT J. WADE, City Marshal. CITY MARSHAL’S SALE. City Marshal's Office, 1 Savannah, June 7, 1887. 1 TTNDERANDBY VIRTUE of a s|>ecial tax t execution placed in my hands by C. S. HARDEE, City Treasurer, 1 have levied on, and will si*U in accordance with law, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY. 1887, between the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door, in the city of Savannah, Chatham county, Geor gia. the fallowing property, to-wit: One Pool Table, Cues and Balls, levied on as the property of J, L. MURPHY, Purchasers paying for titles. ROBERT J. WADE. City Marshal. GUARDIAN’S SALE™ OTATE OF GEORGIA, Chatham County O By virtue of au order from the Court of Or dinary of Jefferson county. Georgia, there will be sold before the Court House door, in the county of Chatham, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY next, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to wit; One-fifteenth undivided interest in nine hundred and ninety i99o> acres of land situated iu said county of Chat ham. and being a part of Whitemarsh Island and adjoining lands of L. T. Turner and others, and know'll as a part of Turner’s Rocks. Sold as the progprty of LUCIUS and MARY BROWN, and in pursuance of tho terms of the order afore said. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for t itles. May 19,1887. JAMES F. BROWN, Guardians of Mary and Lucius Brown. PETITIONS FOB INCORPORATION. CTATE OFM4EORGI A- ChathaTc3?jnty.~ kJ To the Superior Court of said countv: The petition of D. D. ARDEN, J. S. COLLINS, M. W. DIXON. C. H. DORSETT. J. II- EBTILL, E. M. FLOYD. W. H. FERGUSON, J. A. GROSS, F. GOOLSBY, IV. W. METZGER,. E. L. NEIO LINGER, tv. E. StVANSTON. J ft. SAUSBY, G. H. STONE. J. C. THOMPSON, W O. Van- VORST.B. WRIGHT and R. D. WALKER and DiKALB LODGE, No. 9. I. O. O. F., respect fully shows; That they, with such other persons as are or may be associated with them, desire to be incor porated under the name of METROPOLITAN TRUST ASSOCIATION. That the object of said incorporation and the principal business which they propose to carry on is to own a hail with stores thereunder In the city of Savannah, the property to be used for the benefit and profit of t lie ’ stockholders and members of the corporation by being rented and let to societies and Individuals for private business or public entertainment; and to hold and own such real and personal property as may be necessary to carry out such object and purpose. Y onr petitioners further show that the amount of capital stock to be eniployed by them, actually paid in. is tho sum of Ten Thous and Dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same from time to time to any sum not exceed ing Fifty Thousand Dollars; that the par value of each share of said capital stock is to be One Hundred Dollars. Your petitioners further show that the prin cipal office and place of doing business of said corporation is to be In the city of Savannah, in said State and county: that, they desire to be incorporated as aforesaid for’ the term of twenty years with the privilege of renewal, and with Tull power in said corporate name to bold real and personal property, the same to control. Improve, sell, lease or mortgage; to frame anil adopt such by-laws, rules anil regulations with pow’er to alter and amend the same at pleasure; to appoint such officers for the management and direction of the affairs of said corporation and w ith such powers as they may deem neces sary, not contrary to the constitution of the State of Georgia or the United States; and to have anil use a common seal and enjoy and exercise all other rights and privileges usually possessed and exercised by such corporations. Wherefore, your petitioners file this tlielr petition and pray an order granting this their application and making them a body politic and corporate under the name and style aforesaid for the object anil purpose shove stated with the corporate powers, rights and privileges aforesaid, and all other powers, rights and privi leges incident to a corporation, or conferred upon them by the laws of this State J. R. BAUSBY, Attorney for petitioners Petition for incorporation filed in office and recorded this 13th day of June, A. D., 1887. JAMES K. P. CARR, Deputy Clerk 8. C.. C. C. I,EG A I, NO l ICES. (1 EORGIA. Chatham County.—Notice Is J hereby given that I have made application to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county for order to sell all of the real estate belonging to estate of RICHARD G. HTOTESBURV, de ceased, for the payment of debts and distri bution; and that, said order will be granted on FIITHOF JULY Hieing July Term), 1887, of said Court, unless objections are filed. June 6, 1887. JEFFERSON D. MILLER, Administrator Estate Richard G. 8 totes bury. (< EORGIA, Chatham Cotrjrrr. Notice la he re J by given that I have made application to the Court of Oritiuaiy for (’hatbain county for and order to sell one share of the stock of the Southern Bank of the Stole of Georgia, belong ing to MARY W. ROBERTS, minor, ror the pur pose of education and maintenance, and that saiii onl'T will be granted on the FIFTH DAY OF JULY, unless objections are filed thereto. Jt'NK , 1887. DWIGHT 1,. ROBERTS, Guardian for Mary W. Roberts, Minor. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ™ _A.. 33 HULL WAREHOUSEMAN AND Commission Merchant, WHOLESALE GROCER, FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN & PROVISION DEALER. L3REBH MEAL and GRITS In white sacks, and F mill stuffs of all kinds always on hand, Georgia rawed SPANISH PEANUTS, also PEAS, any variet v. Special prices on large lot*. Office, 83 Bay st reet. Warehouse, No. 4 Wad ley street, oh line C. K. R.. Savannah. G*. I R U IT. PEACHES! Received in large quanti ties daily. In packages to suit all buyers. For Sale Very Cheap A. I. CHAMPION. AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. I. D. Laßoche’s Sons, Auctioneers THIS DAY, in front of store. IBS Bay street, will a<*Uat ll o'clock, \ Bicvcle. Piano, Wardrobe, Chairs, Sofas. Tables. Refrigerator, Show Case, 1 Iron Safe (Combination Look), Hewing Machine, (ook Stove. Double Hnrneen, lot Windows aud Blinds, 10 bales Choice Hay. Terms cash. Al < l U>\ BALKn i 1 11 1E l> \\ Guardian’s Sale. By j. McLaughlin & son. ON TUESDAY, sth JULY, 1887. At 11 o'clock, before the Court House. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Honoruhle Hampton L. Fkrrill, Judge of the Court of Ordinary for Chntliam county. I will proceed to sell at the above mentioned time and place. The undivided one-twelfth interest of the northern half of lot 11 Middle Oglethorpe ward and Improvements, having a front of 50 feet on Fine street, and running back a depth of 58'4 feet. Sold as the property of ROS6ELLA BASS, minor, to pay debts. Termscash. ROSSELLA GIONfLLIAT, Trustee’s Sale of Heal Estate. By ROB’T 11. TATUM, Auctioneer. XTNPER the power vested in me as Trustee of J ANNA J. MILLER and children, 1 will offer for sale at the Court House, to the highest bidder, on TUESDAY, sth OF JULY, the fob lowing property, situated in Savannah and known as lot a 34 , 35, and the west one-fourth of lot No. 33, Screven ward, fronting on Gwinnett street, with improvements, consisting of eight bouses;and also lots E. F.andD. of Middle Oglo thorjie ward, on cost side West Boundary street, improvements, consisting of six houses. Titles guaranteed. Terms cash, purchaser paving for titles G. H MILLER 'ground RENTS. ARREARS FOR GROIND HEM City Treasurer's Office, i Savannah, (3a.. June Ist, 1887. ( THE follow ing lots are in arrears to the city L for ground rents, of which lessees are hereby notified. CHAS S HARDEE. City Treasurer. BROWN WARD. Lot No-18, 2 qrs.: east one-half lot No. 34, 2 qrs ; lot No. 56, 2 qrs. CALHOUN WARO. Lot No. 6, 8 qrs.; lot No. 34, 2 qrs.; lot No. 23, 2 qrs. . CHARITON WARD. Lot No. 1, 2 qrs.; lot No, 18, 2 qrs.; northwest one-eighth lot 28, 2 qrs.: northwest one quarter lot 24, 2 qrs.; north one-half lot. No. 35, 2 qrs.; lot No. 2,2 qrs.; south one-half lot No. 14, 24 qrs.: lot No. 19, 2 qrs,; south one half lot No. 21, 24 qrs.; lot No. 82, 2 qrs.; lot No. 36, 4 qrs. CHATHAM WARD. East, one-third lot No, 12, 2qr§.; lot No. 17, 6 qrs.; east one third lot No. 25, 2 qrs ; lot Na 82, 2 qrs.; one third lot No. 87, 2 qrs,; west one-half lot No. 15, 2 qrs.; lot No. 21, 2 qrs.; west one-half I lot No. 29, 2 qrs.; two-sixths lot No. 88, 2 qrs. COLUMBIA WARD. lx* No. 10. I qrs.; south one half lot Np 22. 2 qrs ; lot No. 86, 2 qrs.; east part lot No; 80, 2 qrs. CRAWFORD WARD. West one-half lot 8, 2 qrs.; north one-half lot No. 21, 2qrs.; lot No. 83,2 qrs.; lot No, 35, 2 qrs : lot No. 6,14 qrs.; lot No. 29, 3 qrs.; lot No. 31, 2 qrs.; east one-bait lot No. 71, 2 qrs. CRAWFORD WARD, EAST. C me-hnlf southwest part lot No. 1, 2 qrs.; por tion lot No. 15, 10 qrs. CLRKRT WARD. I/it No. 8, 2 qrs.; lot No. 27, 2 qrs.; lot No. 7, 20 qrs.; lot No. 10, 2 qrs.; east two-thirds lot No. 34, 2 qrs. FORSYTH WARD Lot No. 1. 2 qrs.: lot No. 18, 2 qrs,; south one half lot No. 17, 2 qrs; lot No. 21, <1 qrs.; lot No. 2, 2 qrs.; north one-half lot 17, 2 qrs.; lot No. 20, 3 qrs.; lot No. 58, 2 qrs. FRANKLIN WARD Lot No. 25, 2 qrs.; west one-half lot No. 39, 4 qrs. NEW FRANKLIN WARD. East one half lot No. 1,2 qrs.; lot No. 8, 2 qrs.; lot No. 17, 2 qrs.; north part lot No. 7,2 qrs.; lot west one-half No. 14, 3 qrs. GREENE WARD. Lot No. 4, 2 qrs ; lot No. 20. 3 qrs.; lot No. 80, 2 qrs.; three-fourths lot No. 13, 2qrs ; west One half lot No. 18, 2 qrs.; norUi one-half lot No.. 22, 2 qrs,; south one-half lot Wo. 40, 2 qrs. jackson ward. West one-half lot No, 7, 2 qrs.; north one half lot No. 24, 2 qrs,; lot No 80, 6 qrs.; east one-half lot No. 41,2 qrs.; west one-half lot No. 40, 2 qrs.; lot No. 40, 8 qrs. JASPER WARD. Lot No. 40, 2 qrs.; lot No. 47, 3 qrs. LLOYD WARD. West one-third lot No. 44, 2 qrs.; east one half lot No. 62, 31 qrs.; lot No. 52,2 qrs.; north part lot No. 58, 4 qrs. LAFAYETTE WARD. East one-half lot No. 1, 2 qrs ; west one half lot No. 48, 2 qrs.; east two-thirds lot No. 40, 2 qrs.; lot No. 44, 6 qrs. LIBERTY WARD. Lot No. 1, 2 qrs.; lot No. 8, 2 qrs ; lot No. 10, 3 qrs.; lot No. 12. 2 qrs.: east one-half lot No. 26, 2 nrs ; lot No. 4. 2 qrs.; lot No. 9, 2 qrs.; lot No. 11, 2 qrs.; southeast, part lot No. 24, 2 qrs. MONTEREY WARD. East one half lot No. 2, 2 qrs.; lot No. 4. 2 qrs ; west one-fifth lot 11 and east one-fifth lot 12, 2 qrs. PULASKI WARD Lot No. 5, 2 qrs.; lot No. 9, 2 qrs.; lot No. , 2 qrs. TROUP WARD. Northeast part lot No. 5, 2qrs.; west part lot, 25, 4 qrs ; southeast part lot No. 5, 2 qrs.; lot No. 17, 2 qrs.; west one-balf lot No. 14, lo qrs. WARREN WARD. Lot No. 2, 2 qrs.; east one halt lot No. 15, 3 qrs.; lot No. 8, 2 qrs. WASHINGTON WARD. South one-half lot No. 4, 2 qrs.; west one half lot No. 7, 2 qrs.; lot No. 8, 2 qrs.; northwest one fourth lot No. 19, 6 qrs.; west one-half lot No. 85, 2 nrs ; lot No. 5, 2 firs.; south two-thirds lot No. 9. 2 qrs.; east part lot No. 18, 2 qrs.; west one half lot No. 80, 2 qrs.; east one-half lot No. 85, 2 qrs. WESLEY WARD. Middle one third lot No 8, 2qrs.; lot No. 15, 8 qrs.; west one half lot No. 5, 2 qrs. SPRINGFIELD WARD. Lot No. 1. 2 qrs.; lot No. 3. 2 qrs.; lot No. 5, 2 qrs.; lot No. 82, 2 qrs,; lot No, 84, 2 nrs.; lot No. 44, 2 qrs.; lot No. 55, 4 qrs.; lot No. 2, 2 qrs.; lot No. 4, 2 qrs., lot No. 6, 2 qrs.; lot No. 33, 2 qrs,: lot No. 42. 2 qrs. j lot No. 49, 2 qrs.; lot No. 56, 4 qrs. All persons having interest in the above lot* are hereby uotitii-d that If the amounts now due are not paid to the City Treasurer on or tadore the 21st initant, I will on the morning of tho 23d Inst, proceed to re enter according to law. BO BERT J WADE City Morshaj._ RAILROAD BONDS. The undersigned offers for sale at par ex-July Coupon JSCG.OOO of the MARIETTA AND NORTH GEORGIA RAILWAY COMPANY'S FIRST MORTGAGE 6 PER CENT FIFTY YEAR BONDS, In multiples of *I,OOO to suit buyers. I'HESE imods can be safely taken by intes tors as a reliable 6 per cent, security, which will, In all probability, advance to 15 |>oints above par wil bin the next three or four years, us this road will traverse a country unsurpassed for mineral wealth, for cllmute, for scenery, (or agricultural purposes, qpu for attractiveness to the settler. The company has mortgaged ita franchise and entire line of railroad, built and to he built, and nil Its other property, to the Boston Hafe Deposit and Trust Company to secure iu issue of 50-year 6 per cent. bonds. These bonds will be issued at the rate of about #17,(X10 per mile, on a lit)# ex lending from Atlanta, Ga , to Knoxville, Tenn. A sluklug fund la provided for their redemption. It will be one of the l>est paying roads in tho South It will be of standard gauge and will develop a region of country extending rroin Middle Georgia, through North Carolina to Knoxville. Tenn., where It will connect with line* leading to Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis and Pittsburg. „ _ The road Is now completed to Murphy, N. C., and is to be pushed on to Knoxville as fast aa the nature of the country will permit. The high tinma ial standing and energy of the men prin cipally Interested In It sufficiently guarantees ita early completion. ' qNfttiflr Information will be furnished upon application to A. L. HARTRIDGE, Savannah, Ga . or to BOODY, McLELLAN & CO., 67 Broadway. New York. C. H. nORSETT’S COLUMN. TWO NEW RESIDENCES FOR SALE! ' *ii pr "* ; I have for "sale the two new two-story residences just being completed, situated, near the White Bluff Toll Gate. These houses con tain four bedrooms, parlor, dining-room, and kitchen and have a large yard. They are well built and finished, and are being offered very low. The location is very desirable and is im proving rapidly. GOOD LOTS I have some very good lota left in the sub-division of that high and well located land, on the corner of West Broad and Gwin nett streets. Terms: One third cash, one-third in one year and one-third in two years, with interest at seven percent, fierapnunu C. H, Dorsett, BEIL ESTATE DEALER, A Large House and Splendid Locality. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. I have for sale a most desirably located resi dence on Taylor street (No. 110), between Dray ton and Bull street. The bouse contains seven tieilrooms, parlors, dining-room, closets, pantry, bat h room and water closet, water on each floor, and a two-story outbuilding, with stable and wrvant*’ rooms. The neighborhood and sure roundings are good enough for the most critical. —AUK) - A half lot, with two-story outbuilding In the rear. This is a good location, and a fine build ing site. > —ALSO — Two well-built one-story houses In Yamacraw, now rented to good tenants who pay *ll 50 pel* month In advance. —ALSO— A few Arst-closs residences on popular streets.' —ALSO— A good stand for business. Lot No. 1 Crawford ward, east corner of East Broad and Wheaton streets The Improvements consists of two. story and a half house, containing store and three rooms down stairs, and four rooms be sides garret up stairs. This is on s good thor oughfare, and has proven an excellent stand fog business. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY. A fine piece of property. 160x230, with larga storage capacity, on the line of the River streegl railroad and east of the canal ConmiLsioners’ Sale lor Partition. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. % Under and by virtue of an order- granted by the Honorable Superior Court of t Tiatham county, In the case of KARAH A. WALTON versus HETTY E WHALEY and the MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS’ LOAN ASSOCIATION! IM-titition for partition, we will sell, before the Court House door in Savannah, aunnglM legal hours of sale, on TUESDAY, JLLY 5, 1887, All of that certain portion of land and the tenements thereon, known a* sub-divisions Nos. 1 and <of lot Number l* Trustees Garden, hav ing (rout on Reynolds street of seventy-seven (eel and six Inches, with a depth o( eighty-two feet for subdivision No, 1, and of sixty-five fen* for No. 2. Terms cash. C. H. DORSETT, J. L. WHATLEY, 3