The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 22, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 two speakers harangued the crowd in Dock square. Someone suggested that the hall be burned, but this sentiment did not meet with much favor. Aside from shouting and the confusion incident to every large crowd, there was no disturbance. As the late arrivals at the banquet forced their way in their carriages through the dense throng, escorted by the police, they were loudly hissed, but no violence was at tempted. The banquet is still in progress. It is f eared that some trouble may arise when the guests are departing, hut it is be lieved that the police can check any such demonstration. ALL SERENE. The banquet lasted until 12 o’clock, and when it was concluded guests quietly left for their homes with no signs of molesta don from any one. CHICAGO’S TRIBUTE. Chicago, June 21.—The Queen’s jubilee day was celebrated here by a procession com posed of the various British and Orange socie ties of the city. Notable in the procession was Maj. Francois Labointe, organizer and founder of the Sixty-fifth Montreal Guards, who came to Chicago expressly to take part in the procession. Dr. B. "F. Reynolds, Grand Master of the Orange Lodge of the United States Association, rode in the pro cession. After the procession had marched through the principal thoroughfares of the city, and it was reviewed by the Mayor and other notable people it then proceeded to Cheltenham beach, where the day was spent in witnessing athletic sports. There will be a grand display of fireworks this evening in honor of Her Majesty. CHARLESTON’S REMEMBRANCE. Charleston, S. C., June 21.—The mu nicipal flags were displayed here to-day on account of Queen Victoria's jubilee., arid a congratulatory dispatch was sent by the Mayor, expressing Charleston’s grateful re membrance to the Queen's quick and touch in g sympathy in the earthquake calamity last fall. MINISTER WEST GIVES A DINNER. Washington, June 21. —Minister West gave a dinner to-night to gentlemen in honor of the Queen’s jubilee. Among his guests were Secretaries Bayard. Whitney and Fairchild, and about all the members of the diplomatic corps now in IV ashington. FIDELITY BANK CLOSED, Affected by the Wheat Deal and a Receiver is Appointed. Cincinnati, 0., June 21. —The Fidelity National Bank was closed this morning by an order of the government through its repre sentative, Eugene Powell. A meeting of the board of directors was called at 7 o'clock this morning, and is now in session. No means of ascertaining their action exists. The doors of the bank are closed and the policemen within and without guard the pntranoe against everybody except persons having business with the safe deposit de partment of Qie bank. The sidewalks in the vicinity are lined with people who are quietly discussing the situation without even knowing that the government bank examiner has lieen here, or that the doors are closed by government authority. No notice has been pasted and the only in formation given at the door is that the doors are absolutely closed to everybody except to persons having property in the safe deposit vaults. HIS BOOK AT LEAST. One irate depositor created a scene by forcing himself halfway into the door where he received a heavy blow in the face fn >m scone one inside, and was finally taken away. He said he had left some money and his bank book in there yesterday, and be wanted at least his book. CLOSED DOORS TO ALU Nothing at all is known yet of the action of the reorganization as suggested, by leav ing out three officers, the vice president and general manager, the cashier and assis tant cashier. It will be the duty of the di rectors to make this change, if it is made at all One of the officials of the tank this morning assured a friend, who had entrance to the safe deposit vaults, that the bank would pay every dollar it owed. The gen eral feeling has'been that the bank is strong enough, but a feeling of mistrust has become engendered, from various causes, against a tew of the officers. SUGGESTION OF A RECEIVER Later— lt is now stated that the direc tors have determined upon the appointment of a receiver to take charge of the business, and an effort is lieing made to obtain one. Mr. Griffiths, of the Citizens' National, has been suggested, but it is thought he will not accept. At the meeting of the directors this morn ing Bank Examiner Powell announced that Owing to the impainnent of the bank's resources the government would take charge of it. and would appoint a receiver to wind up the business. It is said unofficially that the alternative was given of continuing in business by u reorganization which would leave out Vice President Harper, Cashier Baldwin and the Assistant Cashier, Ben. E. Hopkins, hut that the directors were unable to agree upon such plan, or were unwilling to take the risk of a run follow ing the interference of the government. The outcome, however, was tlie appoint ment of John R. Decamp, Vice President of ‘.he Metropolitan National Bank, as Re jeivcr, aim he was placed in charge of the aanks affairs. It is now' stated ;hat the clearing house settlements for the past few days liave shown an unusual drain on their "resources. Besides many of the banks hove kept their checks out of the clearing house as a favor. There are numerous rumors afloat eoncem seming the cause of the action of the bank examiner. Vice President Harper, who as borne the heavy strain for the past week is much distressed this morning. He tails himself a ruined man and is in a high tate of excitement. A conservative direc tor says it is his opinion that the depositors will get their money in full. HARPER & CO.’S CONDITION. E. L. Hai-per, Vice President of the Fi lelity National Bank, who is also senior Member of the firm of E. L. Harper & Cos., as made an individual assignment. The Srm of E. L. Harper & Cos. also assigned. Those failures are the result of the dosing f the Fidelity Bank. Ten days ago Ilur|r laid of the condition of bis firm that it was worth over $2,000,000, most of it being his wn property. He had then $500,000 ttock in the Fidelity National Bank and twned 8 per cent, of the stock of Fidelity Safe and Deposit Company, besides owning l controlling interest in Swift’s Iron and iteel works and the Riverside rolling mill. Later in the day E. L. Harper made an as lignment of his rolling mill in Newport, ivy. An estimate of the liabilities in all •he interests of E. L. Harper is approach ng $2,000,000, the assets, counting his lank took at par, are about $2,000,000. THE BANKS LIABILITIES. Washington, June 27.—1 tis stated hero hat the liabilities of the Fidelity National Bank of Cincinnati,"exclusive of the capital lock, are alsiut $5,500,000. The individual lejKisits amount to $2,500,000. Daniel Pratt’s Jonrney Ended. Boston, June 21.—Duniel Pratt, known 111 over the United States as “The Great American Traveler,” died yesterday at tlie 2ity Hospital, from paralysis. The body vas plared in the morgue, and up to last light remained unclaimed. Unless frieiujp orne forward it will be buried at the ex ense of the city. Capt. Jack Hussey Dead. New York, June 21.—Cant, Jack Hussey, rho was shot about two weeks ago by Police Ifflcer Hahn, died this afternoon from the ffei-ts of his wounds at the Govemeur Hospital. Hussey was attached to Castle Sarden and was known as "Life-saver” tom the mimlier of persons he had rescued trom drowning. Death of Ma). C. B. Duffield. Asheville, N. 0., June 21.—Mai. Aiarlosß. Ruffield, formerly of Norfolk, 7a., and lata a resident of Asheville, was jiund dead hi bed this morning, of heart, iiseaaa The deceased was about 68 years of GLASS FACTORY BURNED. ATLANTA’S NEW INDUSTRY STOP PED AT THE OUTSET. Waiting Workmen Thrown Out of Employment- The Convict System to be Investigated Startling Rumors Regarding the Methods Practiced- Commissions Issued. Atlanta, Ga., June 21.—The Atlanta Glass Factory was destroyed by fire this morning. The main building and the en tire plant were consumed. The loss is about $40,000 and the insurance about $20,000. The fire is thought to have originated in a defective flue, though the manager, Jesse Hawkin, has a vague idea that it was the work of an incendiary. The glass works had just been gotten in shape and were to have been put in operation to day for the first time. One hundred skilled flass blow ers stood ready to go to work. 'hose men are thus thrown out of work at the outset. Manager Hawkin says the plant will be rebuilt at once, and that the Atlanta glass factory will be in operation by Sept. 1 next. The investigating committee on the peni tentiary held two sessions to-day, and ex amined Capt. Towers and Messrs. ‘.Shubrick and Westmoreland, penitentiary officials, and W. B. Low e, one of the two remaining original lessees. The points developed in this examination, though not new, are of great imjiortanee as regards tlie treatment of the convicts. Women are worked and housed separately, but in some of the camps a number of children were born, and in one instance a superintendent was discharged suspected of criminal connection with the affair. That the majority of the women in the penitentiary are. there for aggravated crimes and are said to be most desperate characters. Mr. Low'e is decidedly against the opinion that a reformatory prison is the best for women and the young criminals. He says the latter nearly always are hard cases, when sent up. often before the courts which are indulgent to them, and that the women criminals are beyond recaimation. Only Messrs. Lowe and Brown are left of the first lessees. Those now interested in the lease are Messrs. Brown, Lowe, English, Smith and T. L. James. Mr. Lowe has con tracted out the convicts at Gresstown and Cedartown at $240 each per annuni, but the control and maintenance is still with him. The members of the Committee looked into these contracts, and seemed of the opinion that the convicts were hired in violation of law. But Mr. Iwe stated that the con tracts were made after consulting his law yer, ex-Gov. Smith. and submitting them to Gov. Colquitt. The Committee then went into the question of the value of the lease interests and of the convicts tp the lessees. Capt. Grant, who had three fourths of No. :! camp, sold his interest several years ago for $45,000, making for the whole company $60,000. No. 2 was the same, and No. 1 $20,000. Mr. Lowe is said to be netting $50,000 yearly out of his, and the whole lessee interest is $200,000. The Governor gave the ronunittee this afternoon his views as to ills duty in the event of the forfeiture of any lessee. Mr. Smith being referred to, he said he would like to keep and work for thq State all the convicts taken back under the forfeiture, but he says he has been advised to release them if necessary. If the occasion occurs ho would submit the question to the At torney General ,and be governed by his opinion. The Governor alluded to the re jiorta almut Mr. Smith’s camp, which had been brought to him a week ago by Capt. Towers, and said that an immediate inves tigation was ordered. Capt.' "rowers and Messrs. Shubrick and Schofield go to Ogle thorpe on the early morning tram to inves tigate. The committee adjourned to Thursday, when Mr. Schofield is expected to return with the facts. COMMISSION ISSUED. * Military commissions were issued to-day to James W. Dupree, Junior Second Lieu tenant Ijewis Light Infantry, of Montezuma; W. A. Taylor, Junior Second Lieutenant; M. D. Lanier. Second Lieutenant; R. L. Singleton, First Lieutenant, of the Sylvania Rifles; W. B. Spencer, First Lieutenant; C. R. Winship, Second Lieutenant, Atlanta Rifles. RAILROAD COMMISSIONS BUSY. The railroad commission met to-day and began work on the semi-annual report, on which they will be engaged for several days. They made the following changes in the classifications: Calico, heretofore fourth class, is reduced to class six; pear line, raised from class R to class four, and mustard seed, reduced from third to sixth class. BEFORE THE GOVERNOR. An application was made for the pardon of Isabella Rooney, now in the penitentiary on a life sontence for murder, from (day county. She is the only white woman in the penitentiary, and her brother was hung for the same murder and her mother died in jail.* The Governor has ordered a suspension of the collection of the special xof $25 on nursery agents till the legislature can act, as the tax is claimed to be unconstitutional under the United States Supreme Court drummers’ decision. SHOT BY AN OFFICER. M. J. Wiles shot and killed William Callo way, in Union county, to-day, while the latter was resisting arrest. EXERCISES AT EMORY. J. E. McCree, R. H. Bakes and W. G. Griffin are Awarded Medals. Oxford, Ga., June 21. —The junior day exercises opened with prayer by Dr. IV. C. Bass, President of the Wesleyan Female Col lege, Macon, Ga. The junior speeches were pronounced by the trustees and a large au dience the best for many years. The medal for the best delivery of any member of tlie junior class was unanimously awarded by the committee to J. E. McCree. The Stew art prize medals, to the liest K] leeches deliv ered by the sophomore contestants, were awarded R. A. Hakes and W. G. Griffin. The annual address and delivery of the medals to the members of the sophomore and junior classes was made by Senator Colquitt, of Atlnnta. In his address the Senator paid a glowing tribute to our honored doceamsl ex-President and counselor. Bishop George F. Pierce. The Senator’s address was heartily applauded and praised in the highest terms by the many interested hearers. Mr. T. M. Norwood will deliver the an nual address before the literary societies to morrow. The students of technology have on exhi bition, in running older, a beautiful Corlis engine of twenty-horse power, made for the job office of the Atlanta Conxtitution. Dr. Haygood raised, immediately on the presen tation of the want of Emory, SBOO for re pairing the college campus and chapel. Wo are proud to sav that tlje alumni paid over two-thirds of this amount. The "Enquirer-Sun’s’’ New Board. Columbus, Ga., June 21.—At the ad journed annual meeting of the stockholders of the J£nquirer-Sun Publishing Company, the following board of directors were elect ed: T. J. Pearce, R. A. Carson, J. F. Flour noy, J. M. McNeil, L. A. Chappell and T. M. Foley, all new men except Messrs. Pearce ami Carson. Hon. John Pealxniy declined a re-election, and Mr. John King severed his connection with the paper. The new board will probably organize to-mor row. A Crank's Confession. Chicago. June 21.—A special from Salem, 111., says that John Keevcm, a detective from New Jersey, came here yesterday to investigate the arrest of tlie supposed mur derer of the unknown girl near Rahway, N. J. After a thorough investigation of the matter Mr. Kecvon returned to his home, leaving the jirisotier behind, pronouncing him a crank. The man stands to his story that he committed the crime, and says he has no desire to live and frequently says ho will commit suicide. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1887. MIDDLE GEORGIA’S COLLEGE. Commencement at Milledgreville Present to Capt. Matheson. Milledoeville, Ga., June 21. —Monday was a notable day in the commencement exercises of the Middle Georgia Military and Agricultural College. Beside the exercises I of the regular programme being finely car j ried out, Gov. (Jordon and Mrs. Gordon ! were present. The Governor delivered an | eloquent address at the close of the exer : rises, in which he paid the highest tribute to I the work lieing done by the college, and ; pledged himself, as the chief execu -1 live, to forward its interests to j the best of his ability. Gov. ! Gordon further complimented Glen. Hill, the j President of the college, and commended . him to the people most earnestly. Monday night Hon. Charles Z. McCord, of Augusta. I delivered an eloquent address on "Books’’ lief ore the three literary societies. At the '■lose of the address the citizens of Milledgeville, through Solicitor General Whitfield, presented Capt. K. G. Matheson, the commandant of the cadets, with a mag nificent silver tea set, beautifully inlaid with gold. This testimonial was occasioned by the recent success of Capt. Matheson’s company in Macon. Chancellor Mell arrived yesterday and will remain until Thursday. YESTERDAY’S PROGRAMME. To-day the foliowing programme* by the graduating class was rendered in a man ner to call down the heartiest praise from the immense audience present: Salutatory essay, Miss Berta Waddell; “Sensationalism,” Mias Nora Treanor; "The Good Old Days, " Miss Fannie Harper; “I Told You So,” Miss Cephie Carrington; “The Legacies of Chivalry,” Miss Rose White; “Fool’s Oration,” Cadet R. H. Hutchings; “Portia,” Miss Bessie Lamar; “Earthquakes” Miss Mary Barksdale; “Keep Your Eyes Open,” Miss Sadie Hall; “Optimism and Pessimism,” Miss Arie Brantley; the Valedictory, oration, Cadet C. S. Minor. They all acquitted themselves admirably, Cadet Minor's address being one of the finest we have ever heard. To-night a concert will be given by the music class. An immense crowd of visitors is in attend ance and festivities of ail kinds prevail. To morrow will be the grand day of all and will be fully described. TROUBLE AT WAYCROSS. Saw Mill Litigation Causes Trouble and Shots Are Exchanged. Waycross, Ga., June 21.— At the 26-mile post of the Brunswick and Western rail road (Waynesvi lie) is located a saw mill known as Prentice's mill. This mill was leased to the Spencer Brothers, who operated it until a short time ago, when it became in volved in the courts financially and was closed up. Yesterday the owner, W. A. Prentice, nppeaced on the ground and put a gang of men to cleaning up, preparatory to starting up. Mr. B. Spencer was at home and appeared on the scene and objected, claiming that his lease had not expired, and ordered the Prentice party away as trespassers. He had a pistol in his hand. H. W. Came, one of Mr. Prentice’s men, stepped up and took the pistol from Spencer and oidered him away. Spencer then left, leaving Pren tice in possession. The night express train brought the other Spencer to the mMI, and a conference was being held last night by the Spencer party, when a volley of buck shot was fired into them, four persons being hit. One, John Steele, received two bullets in his right hand and another in his left arm; Elijah Jacobs four bullets in his back, and the two Spen cers were slightly wounded. William Wig gins, one of tlie Spencer crowd, was shot at sixteen times, but saved himself by hiding behind a post, from w'henoe he returned the fusilade. He was not hurt. The Prentice crowd had the Spencer brothers, Jean Steele and William Wiggins arrested and carried to Jesup, the county site of Wayne county. , Everything is quiet now, hut it is feared that further trouble may arise when the parties now under arrest shall have been released. WHY IT INCREASES. Yellow Fever Only Attacking Unac climated Persons. Washington, June 21.—Acting Surgeon General Stoner has received from Passed Assistant Surgeon Glennan, of the Marine Hospital Service, stationed at Key West, Fla., a report in regard to the yellow fever epidemic at that place, in which he says: Oases are developing on all parts of the island, and affecting the children ojLunaeclimated resi dents, the indications being®iat the disease will run its course until all susceptible material is exhausted. He adds that steps are being made to con fine the disease to the island,' and to prevent its spread to the mainland. Ad of every description is lieing extended to the local board of health at Key West by the Marine Hospital service, under instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury, and assist ance will also lie rendered toward the isola tion of all uiiacclimated residents. NO NEW CASES AND NO DEATHS. Key West, Fla., June 21. —There is no change in the situation so far as the yellow fever is concerned. No new cases have ap- S eared, and there have been no more eaths. EIGHT LIVES LOST. A Steam Barge Caught in a Squall and Wreckod—The Lost. Cleveland, June 21.—The steam barge P. 11. A Valters was sunk in a storm off Black river, 0., last evening and eight lives were lost. The vessel left Marble Head yesterday afternoon at 3 o’clock, and when off Black river the Captain’s wife, who was on board, begged the master to put in at Lorain, as the threatening weather alarmed her. The vessel was headed toward tlie harbor, but had scarcely turned about when she was struck by a terrible squall, the wind sweeping the "barge around and around. The hold filled with water, and in half a minute she sank. The Captain, mate and two of the Captain's sons saved themselves by clinging to the floating fenders. This morn ing about 3 o’clock the cries of the ship wpeoked quartette attracted the attention of the lookout on the steamer Pearl, bound to Cleveland from Detroit. A lifeboat was lowered, and the shipwrecked mariners were brought to Cleveland. LIST OF THE LOST. The lost are Mr*. I. G. Gillespie, the wife of the master; Alphos and Jerry Gillespie, the master's children; Engineer Peter Grilles, of Cleveland; the fireman, John Petersen; the wheelman, Gust Shaffer, ot Sandusky, O.; the deck hand, Peter Powlev, of a lighthouse station in Ohio, and the stewardess, Kate Powley, wife of Peter. Virginia Crop Reports. Lynchburo, Va.. June 21.—The Ad vance sent out a large number of inquiries recently in regard to the crops and the total answers summed up shows that wheat is very promising anil is now being harvested. Corn is an average, and tobacco not more than half a crop was planted, but it is doing well. A Nothing New in Sharp’s Trial. New York, June 21.—1n the (Sharp trinl to-day most of the witnesses were those who have testified in the trials of the boodle aldermen, und who repeated the testimony then given. Among them whs ex-Alderman Waite, who first turned informer, and Cap’. Twomley, the Clerk of the Board of Alder men. Jacksonville’s New Charter. Jacksonville. Fla., June 21.—T0-day the City Commissioners, under the new city charter, met for the first time to redistriet. Jacksonville. Nothing was done beyond the organisation. Dexter Hunter was elected Chairman ana F. P. Pleating, Sec retary. The board (• ennnl Politically • UNCLE SAM'S BALANCES. ESTIMATED DECREASE IN THE TREASURY SURPLUS. A Handsome Cash Balance Shown— The Interstate Commission Defines Publicity—Arguments on Behalf of the Burton Car Company—Civil Ser vice Rules to be Further Extended. Washington, June 21. —The following statement in regard to the national finances is authorized by the Treasury Department: The estimated receipts and expenditures of the government in the months of July and Au gust show that there will lie decrease rather than increase of the treasury surplus during that time. After providing for $19,71ti,0000f the 3 percent, bonds due July 1 the surplus will be about $37,000,000. The pension appropriation of $78,075,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1887, is already exhausted, consequently the pension bureau reports that when the new ap propriation become* available on July 1 it will draw $12,000,000 for the payment of pensions. This will leave in the Treasury a surplus of $25.- 000,000. The government assets in national bank depositories July 1 will about equal that sum. so that the whole govern ment balance will thus lie available for the current business of the country on July 1, and will probably continue thus available for some months, for the amount of the govern ment deposits ir. the national banks constantly increases, and in August another $12,000,000 will be drawn for pensions. Accruing interest and ordinary expenses will requires27,o3o,oooinJuly and August, and the receipts for those months will be about $05,000,000, leaving ou Sept. 1 a surplus less than on July 1 of 830,000.000. Other considerations should be noted as affecting toe influence of the Treasury upon the finances of the country. One is, that of the above estimated receipts more than $1,000,000 will come not from taxation, but from the profit on the coinage of the silver dollar. Another is. that during July and August the government will expend at least $4,000,000 in the purchase of silver bullion, which sum is not included in the above estimated expenditures. Another is, that $7,000,000 of the surplus is got by calling cash that amount of trade dollars redeemed and melted into bars. Last year the Treasury surplus in July and August ranged from $75,000,000 to $85,000.01)0, as against from $18,000,000 to $29,000,000 this year, when the comparison is made on the same basis. While the deposits in the national bunk depositories are much larger during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1887, the circulating medium of the country will have been increased through the Treasury operations and otherwise, about $70,000,000, of which $55,000,000 is not less than coins of S2O and under. BAD NEWS FOR THE “BHOYS.” It is understood that the Civil Service Commission is so well pleased with the results of tlie recent examination in the War Department, under the new rules foverning promotions, that it will ask the ’resident to extend the rules to the other departments. • NEW MEXICAN POSTAL TREATY. The postal convention between this coun try and Mexico, recently ratified by the Mexican government, was to-day approved by President Cleveland, and its text is made public. It makes a complete “new depart ure” in our postal relations with Mexico, changing, improving and vastly extending the facilities and scope of the existing ser vice. It is a document of considerable length. The classification of and rates of postage and the registration fee to be levied, and collected upon the mail matter originating in either country, and addressed to the other, shall be in accord ance with the domestic laws and regulations of the country of origin, provided that the rates of postage and the registration fee so levied shall not exceed in either country the inininum rates of postage and tlie registra tion fee prescribed for articles of like nature by the Universal Postal Union Convention. WEATHER TOO WARM FOR BUSINESS. The Executive Committee of the Southern Railway and Steamship Association held a meeting at the Arlington Hotel to-day for the consideration of routine business. No thing was done with regard to the recent ruling of the Intel's tate Commerce Commis sion on the long and short haul question. The committee adjourned on account of the warm weather to meet at Old Point Com fort in a day or two. WHAT CONSTITUTES PUBLICITY. What the Interstate Commerce Com mission Says on the Subject. W ASHINGTON, June 21.—At the meeting of the Interstate Commerce Commission this morning the subject of the publication of the joint tariff being under considera tion, the following preamble and order were unanimously adopted and directed to be sent to all railroad companies, subject to the “Act to regulate commerce:” “Whereas, Section 6 of the Act to regu late commerce, authorizes the commission to direct when joint tariffs shall be made pub lic, and to prescribe the measure of pub licity to be given to the same, it is ordered as follows: Joint tariffs of rates, fares or charges, established by two or nmre com mon carriers for transportation of passen gersor, freight passing over the continuous lines or routes, copies of which are required by the sixth section of the act to regulate commerce to be filed with the commission, shall be made public so far as the same relate to business between points which are connected by the lines of any sin gle common carrier "required by the" first paragraph of said section, to make public the schedules of its rates. ■The fares and charges of such joint tariffs shall be so-pub lished by PLAINLY PRINTING the same in large type, of at least the size of ordinary pica, copies of which shall be kept for the use of the public in such places and in such form that they ran be conveniently inspected at every depot or station upon the line of the carriers uniting in such joint tariff, and where the business is transacted in competition with the business of a carrier whose schedules are required by law to be made public as aforesaid.” A CAR COMPANY’S COMPLAINT. Twenty-five or thirty attorneys were as sembled this morning in the small room in which the Interstate Commerce Commis sion holds its public sittings, when the chair man announced that the Commission was ready to hear the arguments in the case of the Burton Stock Car Company against several railroad companies. The respond ents are the Chicago, Burlington and Quin cy, the Chicago, Rockland and Pacific, and the Chicago and Alton, the Union Pacific and the Missouri Pacific, the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern,the Cleveland. Columbus Cincinnati and Indianapolis, and Chicago, Burlington and Northern, and the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul. The complain ants were represented by Gen. Benjamin F. Butler and Charles H. Barbour. The attor neys for the complainants first addressed the Commissioner. Mr. Barbour read the com plaint in full., Its burden is that _the com panies charge the shipjiers an excess of 188 per cent, for the privilege of shipping cattle in the Burton cars. Their prayer is that the companies be restrained from such dis crimination and over-charge. The Burton Company claimed the right to present to the roads their cars for transportation at the same rates as were charged to ship pers in the ordinary care and so much thev believed would lie their right at common law. They come before the commission with no claim for damages, but simply ask ing that tlie rule lie made, requiring all roads to receive and haul the Burton car, when they w ere in a suitable condition as to strength of movement, at the ordinary rates. Mrs. Cleveland at Wells’ College. Auburn, N. Y , June 21 —The class day exercises at Wells’ College occurred this morning. Mrs. Cleveland was present. This afternoon she is attending the graduating exercises of the Cayuga Lake Military Academy, also at Aurora. In company wath her classmates to-morrow she will at tend an excursion on the lake after com mencement exercises, aid will probably start for Washington Friday. $6,000 Blaze at Walnalia. Charleston, June 21.—1n Walhalla to day a fire destroyed the building and plant of the Kcowtc Courier, and a number of law offices. The loss is fn.OOO. The fire is thought to have been i ier‘i ,i cr v \- DEFECTIVE AIR BRAKES Cause the Death of one Person and the Wounding of a Dozen Others. Havre de Grace, June 21.—About 6 o’clock this evening the south-bound ex press train from Philadelphia collided with the north-bound Congressional express, on the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore road. The accident was due to the fact that the Congressional express was behind time and passed the signal tower at a high rate of speed. The signals were all right, but the engineer says his brakes refused to work. He reversed the engine, but too late to prevent a collision. The accident occurred about 100 yards from the bridge, where the single track crossing the bridge switches off info the bridge forming a “Y.” The fast express struck the baggage car of the southbound train just &- it crossed the switch below the depot and crashed into the parlor car behind, over turning and completely demaihing two of them. No one on the northbound train was hurt, but the southbound train of six cars was very full of passengers and nearly all of them were more or less injured. Alex ander Gantrom, of Washington, D. C., was instantly killed. He was in the rear car and was crushed between two seats, the escaping steam from the engine scalding him to death. Among the wounded were T. A. Bland, of Washington, head scalded: A. Brice of New York, head, and arm cut; B. N. Baker, Baltiinore, left leg broken; Rev. J. P. Pendr har.i, Minneapolis, Minn., shoulder blade broken and arm fractured: J. M. Wharton, Baltimore, skull fractured: J. H. McCor mick, Brooklyn, N. Y., badly scalded; A. L. Wood, Camden, N. J., seriously hurt about the head; Rev. Hobart Smith, Balti more, leg and hand badly cut. There are many others whose names could not lie as certained who left as soon as possible. WERE THE VETERANS INJURED? A number of the Confederate veterans from Richmond were on the South-bound train w hich collided with the Congressional express at Havre de Grace, and some of them are said to have been injured, but nothing could to learned about them, as they were hurried off to the South. JOCKEY CLUB EVENTS. Interesting Races at Sheepshead Bay Yesterday. New York, June 21. —The Coney Lsland Jockey Club races at Sheepshead Bay were continued to-day: First Race— Three-quarters of a mile. Saxony won, with Harry Russell second, and Bramble ton third. Time 1:14%, Second Race —Five f urlongs. Magnetizer won, with Guarantee second, and Balston third. Time 1:02. Jhe mutuals paid $92.50. Third Race— Mile and one-eighth: two started. Thebard won easily, with Troubador second. Time 1:55. Focrth Race— One mile. Hanover won, with Kingston second, and Oneko was beaten off. Time 1:41J4. Fifth Race—The supplementary suburban, one mile and a quarter. Eurus made a running start of two lengths in front of Royal Arch til) near the three-quarter post, where Ben Ali and Richmond, who had been trailing, moved up. They closed on Eurus and a good finish ensued, Ben Ali winning by a scant length, with Richmond second, same distance in front of Eurus. The others were beaten off. Time 2:08. Sixth Race— (One and one eighth miles. Choctaw won. with Pilot second and Florence M. third. Time 1:56. The mutuals paid $34. Seventh Race— Two miles and a quarter; hurdle race. Buekra won, with Blue Day sec ond and Maj. Pickett third. Time 4:26. From casual remarks which we have noted it seems that there were more men killed and wounded at Gettysburg than enlisted during the whole war. —Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. EXCURSIONS. Heston ani Savannah RAILWAY. Summer Excursions Commencing SUNDAY. MAY 15th, this Com pany will sell round trip tickets to CHARLESTON, BEAUFORT AND PORT ROYAL, By following Trains and at following Rates: By train leaving Sundays only, at 6:45 a. M.; re turning, leave Chartestonat 3:35 p. m., Port Royal 3:30 and Beaufort 3:45 p. m. same day $1 00 By train leaving Sunday only at 6:45 A. m, ; re turning, leave Charleston Monday morn ing $2 00 By train leaving Saturday at 8:23 p. m. ; return ing, leave Charleston Monday morning... $2 50 By train leaving Saturday at 12:26 p. m.; return ing, leave Charleston Monday morning $3 00 • Tickets for sale at WM. BREN'S. Bull street and at Depot. E. P. McSWINEY, Gen. Pass, Agent. Charleston & Savannah liy. Through Pullman Service. COMMENCING June 12t.h a through Pullman Buffet service will be rendered daily be tween Savannah and Hot Springs, N. C., via Spartanburg and Ashville. Leave Savannah 12:20 pm Leave Charleston 4:45pm Leave Columbia 10:20 p m Arrive Spartanburg 2:20 a m Arrive Asheville 7:00 a ui Arrive Hot Springs 9:00 am EXCURSION RATES. To SPARTANBURG #l3 30 To ASHEVILLE IT 15 To JIOT SPRINGS IT ir> Steeping ear reservations and tickets good until TICKET MTICE, Bull street, and at depot. E. P. McSWINEY, Gen. Pass Agt. IHUnatY. yw. TYNAN, Engineer anil Machinist, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Corner West Broad and Indian Streets. ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY, BOILERS, Etc., MADE AND REPAIRED. STEAM PUMPS, GOVERNORS. INJECTORS AMD- Steam Water Fittings OK ALL KINDS FOR SALE. KISSIMMEE CITY BANK, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - *50,000 1 TRANSACT a regular banking business. Give particular attention to Florida collections. Correspondence solicited. Issue Exchange on New York, New Orleans. Savannah an.l Jack sonville, Fla. Resident Agents for Ooutts 4 Cos. and Melville, Evans & Cos., of London, England. New York correspondent: The 'ieaboard Ns'toual Bunk FUNERAL INVITATIONS. JONES.- The friends and acquaintance of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Jones, and of the late James D. Reynolds and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. N. J. Jones kom her late residence, corner South Broad and Jefferson streets, at 8:30 o'clock THIS MORN ING Funeral services at Cathedral at 0 o'clock DEATHS. WALLS.—Died, in Chatham county. June 15th, at the residence of his sister, Mrs. J. C. Dotson, John E. B alls, aged 62 years. meet! ngg GOLDEN RI LE LODGE NO? l~2?7d?0?F. A regular meeting of this Lodge will be held THIS EVENING at 8 o'clock at new hall. Members of other Lodges and visiting brothers are invited to attend. By order of C. S. WOOD, N. G. 11. G. Ganahl, Secretary. SPEC lAL NOTH ES. IMPORTANT NOTICE. f The notice of assignment of the PATAPSCO CHEMICAL COMPANY, appearing in the papers a few days ago, has been by some, we presume, from similarity of name, mistaken for the PATAPSCO GUANO COMPANY, of Balti more; hence, while regretting the failure of any of our competitors, it is not improper for us, under the circumstances, to state that we have never in any way had any connection with the Patapsco Chemical Company, and that our own affairs are in a solvent, healthy and prosperous condition. With increased demand for our goods which will, during the coming season, again be offered to the trade at figures competi tive with other high grade Fertilizers. Very re spectfully, etc., PATAPSCO GUANO COMPANY, ■ per J. Rice Smith, Manager. BRUSH ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY. Office of 1 Brush Electric Light and Power Cos., V Savannah, Ga., June 21,1887. j A dividend of THREE (3) DOLLARS per share upon the capital stock of this Company, has been declared payable on and after July 1, 1887. SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, President and Treasurer. SPECIAL NOTICE. The well-known SEASIDE PAVILION at T.vbeewill be open on SATURDAY and regu larly thereafter. The Eating Department will be strictly first-class, served well and at low prices. Bathing suits furnished. ♦ JOHN WRIGHT. NOTICE. Savannah, June 30, 1887. To the Commercial Travelers of Savannah, Ga.: Gentlemen— l have received charter for “POST D“ of the “T. P. A.” SID A. PUGHSLEY, JR., Sec'y and Treas. “Post D,“ T. P. A. SPECIAL NOTICE. Ocean Steamship Company, June 21, 1887. The steamship CITY OF MACON, announced to sail for Boston on THURSDAY, the 24th, at 7 A. M., will sail at 7 p. m. C. G. ANDERSON, Agent. A CARD. We beg to announce to our numerous friends and customers, and the general public, that in consequence of making repairs to our building our Retail Department will not be open for busi ness on Tuesday and Wednestay next, the 21st and 22d inst., and would therefore request all in want of BOOTB, •HOES OR TRUNKS to call on us prior to that time or wait Until Thursday, the 23d inst., when we hope we will again be in good shape to serve all who will kindly favor us with their patronage. Very respectfully, JOS. ROSENHEIM & CO., NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Southwestern Railroad Company, i Office Macon, June 14th, 1887. f Dividend No. 67 of THREE DOLLARS AND FIFTY' CENTS per share will be paid the Stock holders of this Company on and after the 22d inst. Stockholders receiving their dividends in Macon will be paid at the Central Georgia Bank of this city—those at Savannah at the Central Railroad Bank of that city. W, S. BRANTLY, Sec, and Treas. SPECIAL NOTICE. From this date and until further notice the STEAMER KATIE will be withdrawn from the Savannah river, for the purpose of general over • ' hauling. Due notice will be given of the re sumption of her route. JOHN LAWTON, Manager. ULMER'S LIVER l OIKIKI TOK. This vegetable preparation is invaluable for the restoration of tone and strength to the sys tem. For Dyspepsia, Constipation and other ills, caused by a disordered liver, it cannot be excelled. Highest prizes awarded, and in dorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer’s Liver Corrector and take no other. *1 00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B. F. ULMER, M. D., Pharmacist, Savannah, Ga. ELECTION NOTICE. CITY OF SAVANNA H, ) Owing Clerk OF Council, V Savannah, Ga., June 10th, 1887. ) tinder and by virtue of a resolution adopted by Council at meeting of June 15th, 1887, Coun cil will elect at its next regular meeting, that is to say on \V EI)N EBDAY, June 20th, 1887, a Cor poration AttorneyTo till vacancy occasioned by tlu. restgmuion of H. C. Cunningham. Salary L 1?;r a “ n,,m - Applicant* must hand lb thut applications to tue Clerk of Council at or WEDNESDAY, June 20th, 188. . By older of Council FRANK e. REBARER, ____ Clerk of Council. V MUKNIi in DMd is a friend Indeed. ' If _ have a friend Rend him or her tho SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEW’S; It oulycost* 21 85 lor a var* J AMUSEMENTS. SAVANNAH THEATRE. EXTEA IT mi! Fun! At Special Request of Everyone The Fords WILL SUBSTITUTE PINK DOMINOS! Their last season's Greatest Success, for MISS CHESTER. See Larry Doyle In his great characterization JT oslkiiin. Tax "bibs The performance to take place WEDNESDAY" THURSDAY, and THURSDAY MATINEE’ Prices as usual. BASE IBXXILL. Grocery Clerks vs. Amateurs, AT BASE BALL PARK, Thursday Afternoon, June 23, at 4 O’Clock. Admission 25c., including Grand Stand. Ladies cordially invited free. BUMMKR KXBOBTS, ** Blount County, - Tennessee. THIS Health Resort will be open Mav Ist 1887 The most celebrated Dyspeptic Water known. Elegant Hotel and Grounds Excellent Table. Telephone connection with Knoxville. Rates: $1 per day ; $25 per month for May and June; $2 per day, $lO and sl2 per week, $35 and S4O per month for July and August, Half rates for children. J. C. ENGEL, Prop. MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Cornwall Heights, New York, ON slope of Storm King Mountain; elevation 1,200 feet. Now open for reception of guests. Climate positive cure for malaria Healthiest summer resort in United States: 1U hours from New York by West Shore railroad, 2t£ by Mary Powell. Dancing in grand pavilion every night. Electric bells, new bowling alley, billiard parlor, tennis court, horseback riding Refers to Austin R. Myres, of editorial staff Savannah Morning News. Address J W MEAGHER. The “Mentone” Villa, Sea Cliff, Long Island, N. Y., IS now open for the reception of guests. Terms $lO to sls a week, AU appointments strictly first-class. This is an exceptional place for Southern families to spend a pleasant summer at. A. SPEED. BAGGERS WHITE SULPHUR- SPRINGS, BOTETOURT COUNTY, VA., YS7ILL open JUNE 20. Circulars to be had TV at this office. BEAN & TAYLOR, Mauagers. YTJ7HERE are you going this summer with Tv your family* For comfort, pleasure, grand and picturesque scenery, delightful, cool climate ana powerfully tonic waters, try the SWEET SPRINGS, WEST VIRGINIA, accommodating comfortably 800 visitors. Hot and Cold Baths; YVater; Gents’ and Ladies' Swimming Pools, a fine Brass and String Band. Board per day, $2 50; per week. sls; per month, SSO For pamphlet address J. WATKINS LEE, Manager. / 'APON SPRINGS AND BATHS, Alkaline V * Litliia and Superior Iron Waters, Hamp. shire county, W. Va.—This celebrated mountain resort for health and pleasure; Baths of any temperature; a summer climate unsurpassed: a charming summer home with its many improve ments, accommodating 800 guests, opens June Ist. Send for circular and rate sheet (for medi cal and other testimony}. WM. H. SALE, Pro prietor. r PHE WATAUGA HOTEL Blowing Rock. W. A C. In the mountains of North Carolina. 4,000 feet above the sea. Easily accessible. Medi cal graduate on the premises. Terms the low est in North Carolina. Opened June Ist for the season. For information address WATAUGA HOTEL CO., Blowing Rock, N. C. BUTCHER HOUSE! PAWLING, N. Y"..on the Harlem railroad: a large brick structure, first class in every particular. Now open. Terms reasonable. Sena for circulars. WM. H. BURROUGHS, Proprietor Mountain lake, Giles county, vi Elevation 4,000 feet. Pure, cool air and water. No hay fever or mosquitoes. Grand scenery. Unequaled attractions. Rates per month S4O to SSO. Write for pamphlet. Ad dress MANAGER. r PHOUBAND ISLANDS.—Westminster Hotel, 1 Westminster Park, Alexandria Bay, N. Y".— “Unquestionably the finest location in the Thousand Island s."—Harper's Magazine, Sept., 1881. Send for descriptive pamphlet. H. F. INGLEHART, Proprietor. HOTELS. WASHINGTON HOTEL 7th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. JOHN TRACY, PROPRIETOR. RATES, #2 50 PER DAY. Centrally located, only a short walk from Fenn’a and Reading Depots. New Passenger Elevator, Electric Bells, Now Dining Room and all modern improvements. Polite attendance and unsurpassed table. Fifth Avenue Hotel, MADISON SQI ARE, N. I 'J'HE largest, best appointed, and most 111®' ally managed hotel in the city, with the most central aud delightful location. HITCHCOCK, DARLING £ 00. A. B. DARLING, formerly of the Battle House Mobile. HIRAM HITCHCOCK, formerly of the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans. ______ NEW HOTEL TOGNt (Formerly St. Mark’s.) Newnan Street, near Bay, Jacksonville, Fla IMIF. MOST central House in the city. Nest Post Ofilce, Street Cars and all Ferries. New and Elegant Furniture. Electric Bella Baths, Etc. J250t0 $3 per day. JOHN B. TOGNI, Proprietor. 8. A. UPSON, Manager DUB’S SCREVEN HOUSE. r PHIS POPULAR Hotel Is now provided wM 1 a Passenger Elevator (the only one in tje eitvland has been remodeled and newly ™’’ nished. The proprietor, who by recent purchase is also the owner of the establishment, spu™ neither pains nor expense in the entertainment of his guests. The patronage of Florida visit ors is earnestly Invited. The table of t Rcmven House is supplied with every that the markets at home or abroad can aftoro. MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAH, - - OA ft EO. D. HODGES, Proprietor. Formerly f I T the Metropolitan Hotel. New York, Grand Union. Saratoga Springs. Location < tral. All parts of the city and places of J* 1 ' est accessible by street cars constantly pa~( * the doors. Special Inducements to those'" 1 lng the city for business or pleasure. MEROHANTsLnanufacturors. ">echainiak I corporations, and all othent In nee l ' a printing, lithographing, and blank books ' I nave their orders promptly filled, at inod . I Price*. at the MORNING NEWS PIO.NTLNW ■ MOUSE. 2 Whitaker street I