The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 22, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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6 GEORGIA A\D FLORIDA. news of the two states told IN PARAGRAPHS. Killing Near Griffin - A Long Bicycle Ride-Bloodthirsty Boys Who De serve a Shingle Application The Huesara on a Fro'.ic-Anxious Green ville Young Men. GEOBGIA Macon wants to extend her corporate limit*. Milledgeville claims the tallest young man in the State. Augusta's policemen are thinking now of their annual barbecue. Several persons were prostrated by the beat at Atlanta Sunday. Commissioner Henderson will address the Bluffton Agricultural Club July 7. Several marriages of Greenville folks are expected at not a very distant day. The sportsmen of Americas have already commenced to shoot young doves. It is too early. There is a man ai the lunatic asylum who is over 40 years old aud is less than three feet high. Mrs. Warren, widow of the late Gen. Eli Warren, of Perry, died a few days ago at Hawkinsville. The ninth annual commencement of Ra ci-ed Heart Seminary will be held at Sharon, Ga, Friday, July L There are 137 Smiths in Macon, not count ing the blacksmiths, gunsmiths, tinsmiths and all the other smiths. Bradstreet's reports Augusta real estate sales for the first five months of ISB7 at $128,300 against $104,500 for the same pe riod last year. A rattlesnake was killed near Sawyer's Mill, Stewart county, a few days ago whose caudal appendage was adorned witn sixteen, rattles and a collar button. There seems to boa universal disposition among the tax-payers of Marshalville to build a bridge across Flint river at the up per ferry by the town authorities. There are eleven men, and perhaps more. In Marion county who are over SO years of *ge. Out of this number there are three over 80, seven over 85, and one 91 years okl. The Enqvirer claims that Columbus has brighter future than any other city in Georgia. The editor of the Encpiirer probably has not been reading up on Savan nah statistics recently. Marshall vide Timex: When the down freight on Wednesday came to a halt at this place the engineer discovered he was minus Bis cab, and went back to look after it. It was found a few miles this side of Fort Valley. Mark Silvers is having plans drawn for an elegant and commodious edifice to be constructed in Augusta on the corner of Washington and Broad streets. It will surpass all others in the city for beauty and elegance. Washington Chronicle: Judge Seay bound over a negro Thursday evening for cruelty to animals. The negro was hauling a load of wood to town with some oxen, and seems to have beat one badly. The ox lied on the street. On the Fourth of July the Augusta Land lieague will continue their excellent custom of giving a grand picnic at the platz. Everything necessary to the pleasure and comfort of those present will be secured and a glorious time is anticipated. Macon is making extensive preparations to entertain the people of Jasper and Jones counties, who are expected to go down the Covington and Macon railroad on a big ex cursion in a few days. Macon will do her best to make then- visit a pleasant one. The New Era says that “the girls of Tal bot ton are growing flnel v,” while it has only this for the boys: ‘‘What to do with the small boy is the great problem.” The boys should retaliate by catching the editor’s office cat and tying a tin can to its tail. The need of a route agent is badly felt along the line of the Americus, Preston and Lumpkin. Letters and other mail matter sent from Lumpkin to Richland and Pres ton has to be carried by those stations on to Americus, and then distributed and sent back on the return train. Capt. Jack Cartledge, with the city chain gang, has just completed the big task of thoroughly cleaning out Crawfish ditch, one of the biggest institutions of the kind in Augusta. The sewer extends through the entire southern portion of the city, and is dow in excellent condition. It seems that the mission of the little brown jug is never entirely completed. ‘‘Saturday several wagon loads of them were driven into the city from Crawford county,” says the Americus Recorder, “and were quickly disposed of to those of our merchants who handle the ardent.” Gibson Enterprise: Col. James Staple ton, of Stapleton, has several bales of cot ton, it is said, that he has kept ever since the war. He says he can keep cotton easier than he can money, and as the staple ceased long ago to lose in weight he may be said to be saving as much money as the cotton is worth. Hands were at work Sunday building a < -offer dam at the Augusta factory in order to work upon the gates. Others were also seen cleaning out the race leading to the cotton seed null These are cases where the ox was in the mire. In both instance*! the work had to be done while the water was ■but off, which could not be done during the week. Work has been suspended in what is known as the “bid mill,” of the Augusta Factory, and some 135 looms are idle, the cause of suspension being the putting in of new water wheels, the wear and tear of years preventing the old ones from being able to move the machinery with sufficient force. It is thought the work will occupy a considerable time. Charlie Walsh made things lively in Au gusta for a while Sunday evening. Being under the influence of liquor, he proceeded to demolish the furniture and smash up the bouse utensils. His wife endeavored for some time to stay the demonstration, when he turned upon her and struck her. This lieing too much, she ran for a policeman, End officer Kent arrested and locked him up. The Daily Gaz&lte, of Augusta, miule its appearance on (Sunday and is a well-edited and newsy sheet. It takes the United Press dispatches and doubtless will be a power for Augusta's good. Its advertising is fair indeed to commence w ith and the enterprise starts off under favorable auspices. The Mousing News extends the kindliest greet ing to the Gazette, and wishes it a long life. Marshall ville Times: On Tuesday, near Oglethorpe, a horrible death occurred by the burning of a little 3-year-old negro child of Ike and Amie Higgins. The child "as left with an older brother, who built a fire to oook dinner, and left for a little while to gather some berries, and on bis return found the child burning, gave the alarm, but no relief could be rendered. The child died in half on hour. During the past few weeks Griffin has been blessed with a religious revival, such as she has not experienced in years. The ser vants of God have laliorod harrl and earnest ly while Christians huve never done such faithful tribute before. First came the Bap tist revival, lasting four or live weeks, dur ing which time some sixty souls were brought to Christ. During the past three weeks tho gospel tent lias been the scene of splendid meetings, and at which much good has been accomplished. W\ C. Boggan, of Rome, who took fifteen grains of morphine Friday, is improving. Only by the faithfulness of tho attending physicians was his life saved. All effects of the morphine have paused off. He is sittiijg up, though still weak. His domestic rela tions were of the pleasantest character. Rome say that since the Ham Jones meet ings and tho opening of tho prohibition Issue* there lias seemedtohen greattrouble on hi* mind, but nothing can lie definitely affirmed a> tbe cause of the act. The meeting of the Richmond Uusatn, Augusta, to hear the final report of tbe bar lieoue committee was held Tuesday. The Hussars ai-e making grand arrangements for one of their old time frolics on Thursday. “There is one thing certain,” says tbe Chronicle, “the Hussars never forget their lady friends, and we were shown at Dav, Tunnahili & Co.'s a beautiful prize for tie ladies to contend for. Capt. Clark informs us that every man will be out for inspection Thursday morning, and the Hussars will re vive once more the good okl days.” Harrison English, a negro cripple, was locked up Sunday afternoon at Atlanta charged with assault with intent to murder. A negro named Howard Taylor was quietly sleepmg on a Decatur street sidewalk that afternoon, when English crept up to him with a razor in his baud and attacked him with it, cutting a terrible gash in his right leg. English says that he cut the man be cause he is always abusing and fighting him. English is a paralytic and said to be idiotic. The wound which he inflicted upon Taylor is very painful, but hardly dangerous. Alapaha Star: During the revival in the Methodist church at this place an old and very practical member was called onjto prav. That morning he saw several of his neigh bors. armed with fishing poles, pass his place on their way to the river. This furnished him a theme and he prayed about as fol lows: “Oh, Lord, I saw several of my friends this morning going down into theLaphaw swamp fishing instead of coming to church. Good Lord, send hornets and wasps and yellow-jackets and horse flies and yellow flies and redbugs, and make them sting them and bite them till they are forced to flee from the swamp and seek shelter in the church.” An altercation between two boys, Outland and Cross, at the Sandersville and Augusta depot Sunday afternoon, came near culmi nating seriously. Cross cursed a smaller bov than himself, who was on the grounds, ap- E lying an objectionable epithet. Outland earing of it came up ftnd asked Cross if it was true, which he acknowledges! with em phasis. Outland struck him with his fist, when Crose drew a knife, which was con cealed up his sleeve and began cutting Out land, who drew his pistol and fired once at Cross. Friends intervened anil prevented further trouble. Outland is cut badly in three places, but the wounds are not consid ered dangerous. About 7 o’clock Monday evening quite a little excitement was created on Broad street, Augusta. The gale of wind that was so weleomely received Monday afternoon, blew down the electric light wire that ran across from the Augusta Hotel. The wire fell tow ard a dray belonging to John Dosch er. The drayman. Green Cook, to keep it. from striking his mule, caught the wire, and was keeled from his mule to tbe ground senseless. He touched it with one hand* only, hence his escape from more serious injury. The wire ‘touched the mule, which ran away, but was soon corailed. Immediately after a horse being driven up the street touched the wire with his foot, re ceiving a shock and running away. Then a dog came in contact with tne wire, receiv ing a severe shock which drove him mail. It bite heat on the ground marked where the wire was stretched. The excitement was as intense as the shocks, but things were soon gotten in shape again, and the wire placed out of reach of man and beast. . Two well-known young men of Atlanta were leisurely walking along South Pryor street, within five blocks of the station house, on Friday night, about 9 o’clock, when two men suddenly stepped from behind a tree and hurled tw o big rocks at them, striking <<ne on the fleshy part of his left leg. The assailants then fled down South Pryor street. It is thought that the object of the would-be assassins was robbery, but they were prevented from robbing the young men because they ran under a street lamp. The matter was reported to the police, who, if possible, will apprehend the scoundrels. This bold attack, almost in the heart of the city, shows that South Pryor street should be more thoroughly policed. People were seated on their porches when the attack was made, and there are lights all along the street. South Pryor street is getting to be a dangerous locality, and it is folly to talk of extending the city limits when the present police force seems inadequate to protect the persons of pedestrians almost within call or the station house. Sunday two young men and their bicycles arrived in Atlanta. They left Niagara Falls on May 31, and. with tho exception of about sixty-five miles, the entire distance between Niagara and Atlanta has been ord ered by tho wheelmen on their machines. The names of the bicyclists are George C. Bowen, of Medina, N. Y., and C. T. Gum sey, of Macon, Ga. Mr. Gunisey spent the winter at the North, and when he started home Mr. Bowen concluded to accompany him, both deciding to make the trip on their machines. Leaving Niagara on tho last of May they have traveled almost constantly since, averaging fifty-five miles per The first five days were made through heavy rains, but since then fair weather has en abled them to get along more rapidly. The bicyclists left for Macon Monday. Mr. Bowen, the New York wheelman, will spend some time in Georgia, principally in Macon. Tho bicycle tournament in Athens early in July will draw the presence of both gentlemen, who will attend as specta tors, and may possibly enter some of the contests. Wesley Freeman (colored) was shot and instantly killed about 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Squire Searcy, a colored boy about 19 years old, did the shooting. The difficulty occurred about three miles below Griffin near the Central railroad. Freeman and Searcy met on the railroad track. Rearcy dunned Freeman for 50c., which Freeman refused to pay because Searcy had broke two banjo strings of his. Searcy agreed to pay for the strings if Freeman would pay what he owed him. Freeman refused to do this, and liegon to curse Searcy, and dared him to fight. Freeman walked from the railroad track into the road, pulled off his’coat and took a half-empty whisky flask from his pocket, threw it on the ground and told Searcy that he would kill him, or Searcy must kill him right there. Freeman picked up two rocks, threw one at Searcy, who dodged it. Searcy then drew his pistol and fired. The first shot hit Freeman near the left nipple, Freeman throw a second rock, when Searcy shot a second time, and Freeman fell arid died in a few minutes. Searcy has escaped. The shooting attracted a large crowd, and a great ileal of excite ment was created. Three or four hundred people congregated around the body. Brunswick Appeal: Sunday at noon, when the sun was shining its hottest, Mr. Jeter’s little girl camo over to Mr. Hopkins, lust across Broadway, to let him know that his sidewalk was afire. Upon going out Mr. H. found a blaze coining up between the cracks of the planks—no sooner hail he put it out than he noticed other places smoking. He then commenced experimenting, and whenever hu drew his foot across the plank it would take fire: a dog’s track on the walk would immediately become a blaze. No place on the sidewalk would ignite from this friction except that where the sun had full power—the least shade would prevent it. The blaze as describ'd to us was similar to that of brandy afire—a sort, of bluish, cast. As soon as Mr. Hopkins had satisfied himself that there were no matches or sulphur on the walk, he sprinkled the wnlk with water, and thus put an end to the phe nomenon. At noon to-day we visited the scene and tried several exjieriments, but could gain no results like that of yesterday. We •saw, however, the charred places on the sidewalk caused by the phenomenon of the day before. One peculiarity about the matter is that only tho dry plank free from pitch would take fire. Those out of whieh the pitch had been drawn would not ignite. What scientist will explain this strago phe nomenon! rixmiDA. Maitland has a brand-new depot. The Htate tax has been raised 1 mill. Turtle and turtle eggs are plenty at Fort Mvers. St. Augustine’s post office has been en larged. John, a negro living in Arredonda, is 103 y oai a old. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, .TUNE 22, 1887. There were only fifteen deaths in Jack sonville during May. Mr. Robert Jones, of PLeon Springs, lulled a large wild cat last week. Lake Helen has a quarantine officer at the station and one down at Deep creek. Two negroes indulged in a shooting scrape at Daytona last week. Nobody hurt. Dr. J. B. Pailgett. of South Carolina, will soon start a drug store at Spring Garden. James Scott, a Seville negro, was recently arrested and was fined $1 for using profane language. Anew railroad company, to be called the Tampa and C.earwatr Railroad Company has been incorporated. Forest fires came near destroying the res idence of W. G. Wright and 'Mr. Heady, at Mount Dora. Friday last. Orlando has five large brick buildings in process of erection that will cost, when com pleted, about JiiO.OOO. The Orlando Cornet Band gave a concert and festival Friday night, and cleared SBS. They will use it to buy uniforms. Lightning struck the National Bank building at Ocala about 5:30 Monday even ing, but did uot damage it very much. The Orlando Record has the watermelon craze. Editor Wimer takes a day for his • stint,” and is getting fat on the exercise. The large wind-mill at J. B. Stetson’s place, in West DeLand. lias been put in op eration, and is now pumping water 00 feet high. James B. Whitfield, of Tallahassee, has leen admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the State. Mr. Whitfield ha.-, a bright future before him. Emanuel Masters, of St. Augustine, went hunting on the North beach Wednesday night for turtle eggs. He discovered four nests containing over 500 eggs. A man at Ybor City the other day stuck a nail iu his foot, making an ugly wound. In an hour it was reported in Tampa that he was down with the yellow fever. A Trabue gentleman who was offered sixty dozen turtle’s eggs for 35c., beat the man down to 15c and took the eggs, and has been living upon them for a week. I. B. Wetherington, of Tampa, boasts of a muskmelon grown on his place, near Six Mile creek, which measures 3 feet 7 inches in circumference and weighs 21>£ pounds. The Starke Telegraph was presented with a large Peen-to peach this week by W. E. Duncan. This peach weighed four ounces and measured nine inches in circumference. The boys of St. Augustine, so as not to be behind in case of an emergency, have or ganized a bucket brigade, and have already twenty members, who meet at the Carleton House. There will be a grand barbecue at Enter prise on the Fourth of July. Arrangements are now in progress for a rattling good time. A meeting of the Stockmen’s Asso ciation will be held the same day. The invitation which has reeentlv been issued by the Knights of Honor of "Pensa cola, is a beautiful piece of work. A grand supjer is the leading idea of the celebration, which Is to occur on Thursday evening, June .30. Cedar Key Is making preparation to cele brate the glorious Fourth in grand style. A regatta will lie held, in which all the fast sailing craft of the Gulf coast will partici pate, some twenty odd entries having already been made. The editor of the Liverpool Orange Grove ate eleven mullet for nis breakfast one day last week, and discharged one of his hands because he would not get him seventy clams and another peck of potatoes. Lake City Citizen: Tobacco is remark ably freo from worms this season. In going over twenty acres of the weed last week we failed to find a single one, and the leaves show but few depredations from them. This is a good sign for wrappers. The steamer Port Royal again sunk within a few hours after having been taken off the ways at Jacksonville. The bow of the boat was then hauled up further in shore and the steamer left where she will probably remain for several months to come. “Ten Nights in a Barroom” was played in Titusville, at Wager's Hall, Tuesday even ing, to a large and appreciative audience, by the Titusville Dramatics. The proceeds, which amounted to some S7O, will be used to purchase a bell for the new Presbyterian church. Alachua Advocate: The regimental band from St. Augustine is superior to any that has ever visited our city. The musicians are twenty-three in number, all of them fine looking gentlemen. Our people are delight ed with this band and we hope this may not be its last visit to our city. “Alachua county will go 1,000 majority in favor of no whiskey if it comes to a vote this fall,” said a prominent official. “You see it is this way with us: we are an educa tional centre, and striving every way to be come more so, and to be a temperance town would do much to promote the cause.” M. J. McClendon, of Bakersburg, went out bunting squirrels a few days ago with a breech-loading shotgun. He fired at a squirrel and missed it. In his haste to get another shot, he tried to force another shell into the gun and the shell exploded, nearly, if not quite, ruining his eyesight forever. A singular spectacle was observed on the St. Augustine streets Thursday morning, that of a deputy sheriff leading a little col ored kid to the county jail handcuffed. The enormity of his offence, however, may have justified this. The K>y liad helped himself to a few sour plums from a rich man’s yard. There were two marriages in Orlando Thursday. Mr. John A. Ford to Miss Rachel Mooney and Mr. Braxton Bene ham, of tbe real estate firm of Lewter & Beacham, to Miss Bertie Holland. Other negotiations are In progress which may be expected to materialize "when the leaves begin to turn,” if not sooner. A case was tried at Pine Level tho other day, wherein Messrs. Kimiuons & Carlton were plaintiffs, and tho Florida Southern railroad defendant. The railroad hail de tained in the depot goods shipped to Sim mons & Carlton, who sued tne road for 877 40 damages, and obtained a verdict for the full amount. Umatilla’s vegetable shipments have run from 300 to 400 crates per day, one day numbering 901 packages. From one and one-third acres of tomatoes, $.330 has been realized, with the returns of 135 boxes yet to hear from, and from one-third of an acre of strawberries, 3,000 quarts have been picked and sold at a good profit. J. R. Brown, of Key West, is in Wash ington trying to get $.>,000 from the epidemic fund to assist unncclimated me chanics to get away from Key West. These men went there after the burning of Key West, and Mr. Brown says if they could be gotten out of tlie way the danger of the epidemic would be greatly lessened. The United Rtates corps of engineers will survey Peace river as far as Liverpool and will then suspend operations for tho summer in South Florida. The corps of engineers consist of Messrs. Gibbs, Harper, Brownlee and Woodward. Tho work is expected to lie finished by Wednesday night and on Thursday they take the train for Jacksonville. It must be hot in Emporia, judging from th-• following from the Gazette: “A plump citizen of our town says this weather makes him feel like getting out of his skin and roaming around in his bones, while a oitizeness was heard to express the wish that etiquette required nothing in the line of summer raiment but a sun-bonnet and a l>almetto-ieaf fan.” Fort Myers Press: The other night while Uncle Bird Fraser and another man were en camped with a bunch of cattle at Indian pond pens Uncle Bird was interviewed by a full grown panther. The man with Uncle Bird had gone for water and the “old man” harl to argue the case alone with the fearful beast. As Uncle Bird hail no fire arim we are inclined to think he used his most per suasive and powerful eloquence. Messrs. Hunt & Myers are planting atvsiit 300 bushels of seed oysters daily in Jolly river, aud arc well pleased with" the result of their venture up to the present. They have purchased the old palmetto works at Chester and are making that their headquarters during the planting teason. It’ is thought this is but the first step in a big industry that wiii be developed in tbe oyster canning business in these waters. SumterviUe is to have a barbecue, on Sat urday. July 2, for the purpose of taking counsel for future guidance and cementing more closely the relations let ween the vari ous communities in Sumter county. Two trains, with excursion rates, will be run on the Florida Railway and Navigation road each way, and a delightful occasion is an ticipated. The address of welcome will be made by H. H. Herndon, Esq., of Suniter - ville. Starke Telegraph: ”Ae watermelon and peach crop of Bradford county this season will compare favorably with all past crops. Fine peaches will soon crowd the market and can be had In any desired quantity at very reasonable prices. Fine watermelons are very high at present, but will soon be down within easy reach of all. The water melon never gets too high for the colored people. They will have them at any price and are are as happy as lords during the entire watermelon season. Watermelon times beat Christmas times all hollow. I,ast Saturday morning Miss Minnie San chez, of St. Augustine, went into the yard, as is her usual custom, to feed some young ducks, which were kept in a small coop. Be fore opening the door of the coop she stooped to look in, and what washer amaze ment and horror to see an immense mocca sin snake coiled, with head erect, ready to strike. She immediately called an em ploye of the ice house, who dispatched the monster. The snake was six feet long, and probably escaped from Dr. Vedder s mu seum, In the adjoining yard. It was a nar row escape. The Gainesville Guards met for roorgani zation in the Armory Monday night with forty members present. Anew organiza tion" was made, after which a dead for all the property belonging to the late company was made. The following officers were ap pointed by Capt. I. E. Webster: First Ser geant, L. "J. Burk him; Second Sergeant, J. E. Waugh; Quartermaster Sergeant, J. A. Meador; Color Sergeant, R. D. Coy; Fifth Sergeant, J. H. Hodges. No other business of importance was transacted, the appoint ment of the other non-commissioned offi cers having been portioned to a future meet ing. The St. Augustine Regatta Committee announce the following prizes at the regatta to he sailed there July 13, 14 and 15. Fif teen mile race each day; best corrected time made in the forty-five miles to win. One class, twenty feet and upwards, first prize S2OO, second prize $l5O, third prize SIOO, fourth prize $75. Time allowance at the rate of- one minute to foot each ten miles. Entrance fee. $lO. Entries must be made to Secretary St. Augustine Regatta Asso ciation, on or before 12 o'clock Tuesday, July 13, and yachts measured same day. A cordial invitation is extended to Savannah yacbtmen to compete. By meeting;together from all points at this regatta yachtmen become acquainted; and can arsange for a series of races at which all can participate. Gov. Perry has issued the death warrant for the execution of Henry Wiggins, con victed of the murder of Mr. Porter, at the spring term of the Circuit Court for Put nam county. The hanging will take place at Palatka on July 23. He murdered Wil liam B. Porter July 38, 1885, by shooting him down while plowing his grove near Welaka. It was one of the most brutal af fairs recorded in the annals of Florida crime. The warrant was read to the mur derer in the Palatka jail by tbe Sheriff. He showed no signs of fear and was unmoved, though it is said he did turn a little ashy. Lately Wiggins has professed religion, arid is a constant reader of his Bible. He is vis ited by the Sisters of the Academy of the Sacred Heart, who read tho prayers of the Catholic church, iu which he has declared his faith. The death warrant bears the seal of the State of Florida, whieh is fastened by two long black ribbons, resembling that of "a funeral notice. Last Thursday David F. Morrison, of the firm of Barber "& Morrison, of Barberville, was severely cut with a knife in the hands of Sebron Brown, who keeps a store just across the street from the first named firm. It seems that, a colored man who had made a settlement with Mr. Brown went over to Mr. Morrison to have him figure up the ac count and see if it was correct.- While this was going on Blown walked into the store and accused Morrison of interfering with his (Brown’s) busi ness. Brown then left. A few minutes afterward he called Morrison out into the street and stabbed him. The cut was a severe one. but is not considered dangerous, although Morrison lost a large quantity of blood before the flow was stopped. Mr. Morrison, who is a Justice of the Peace, is a quiet, peaceable gentleman and highly respected in the community in which he lives. He claims to have had no previous difficulty with Mr. Brown and that when he stepped into the street ho did not expect any difficulty. The Hilliard Institute. The following is the programme for com mencement exercises at the Hilliard Insti tute, Forsyth. Ga., Thursday, June 30, a. m. Address before the society by George T. Banks, Esq.; 4p. m., prize declamation; 7:30 p. m., the Hermean Society debate, Question: Resolved, That a common school education should be a qualification for suffrage. Affirmative—W. T. Glover, R. L. Mer ritt, R. L. Maynard. Negative—B. F. Hill, H. Johnson. M. W. Gross. Friday, July 1, 10 a. in., the annual ad dress by Rev. T. M. Harris: 4p. m., prize declamation; 7:30 p. m., variety, entertain ment by the students; delivery of the prizes by Col. A. D. Hammond. Georgia Methodist Female College Comm encem ent. The following is the order of exercises at the approaching commencement of the Georgia Methodist Female College, in Cov ington: June 26—Commencement sermon by Rev. Jesse Boring, I). 1)., 11 a. in. June 27—Exhibition of primary and in termediate department, 8 p. m. June 28—Meeting of Board of Trustees, at 10 a. m. Reading and recitations, at 8 p. m. June 20—Meeting of visiting committee, 0 a. in. Original comiwsitions by junior classf 8 p. m. Annual literary address by Rev. J. IV. Lee, D. D. Visiting Committee—Rev. J. F. Mixon and Rev. J. B. Johnson, North Georgia Con ference. • MEDICAL. The Church: “Simmons Liver Regulator is certainly a spe cific for that class of complaints which it claims to cure. If any of our fellow beings are suffer ing from hepatic disorders and have doubts in regard to the efficacy of this preparation, we can only offer them the simple and candid argu mentof Philip to Nathaniel, 'Come and see.’ Try the proposed remedy and than you can judge for yourselves.”— Rkv. David Wilis, Pastor of Presbyterian Church,Washington, D.C. The Judiciary: ' “I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for Constipation caused by a derangement of the Liver, and always, when used according to directions, with decided benefit.’’—Hiram War n*r, late Chief Justice of Ga. The Medical Profession: “No other remedy within my knowledge can fill its place. I have been practicing medicine for twenty years and have never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, like Sim inona Liver Regulator, promptly anil effectively move the Liver to action anil at the same time aid. instead of weakening, the digestive powers of the system.’’—L. M. Hinton, M. p., Washing ton, Ark. All Endorse Simmons Liver Regulator. t?r*ONLY GENUINE,**! has our Z Stamp in red on front df Wrapper. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., PmUDELTniA, Pa., Kota Proprietors. Price SI 00. SHIPPING. (M EAN STEAMSHIP (OMPANY FOR New York, Boston and Philadelphia, — -w PASSAGE TO NEW YORK. CABIN $ EXCURSION 32 00 STEERAGE.'....: WOO PASSAGE TO BOSTON. CABIN *3O no EXCURSION : 32 00 STEERAGE , 10 00 PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA. (via New York). CABIN *33 50 EXCURSION 36 00 STEERAGE 13 50 THE magnificent steamships of these lines are appointed to sail as follows —standard time- TO NEW YORK. CITY OF AUGUSTA. C'apt. J. W. Catharine, TUESDAY', June 21, at 6 p. u. * CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. H. C. Daggett, FRIDAY, June 24. at 7:30 p. it. Tallahassee, rapt. w. H. fi3heb, sun DAY, June 26, at 9:30 A. M. CITY" OF SAVANNAH, Capt . F. Smith, TUES DAY, June 28, at 11:30 A. M. TO BOSTON. CITY" OF MACON, Capt. W. Kelley, THURS DAY, June 33, at 7 p. M. GATE CITY', Capt. D. Hedge. THURSDAY, June 30, at 2 p. m TO PHILADELPHIA. [pob freight only.’ JUNIATA. Capt. S. L- Aski.vs. SATURDAY", June 2S, at 8:91 A. M. DESSOUG. Capt. N. F. Howes, SATURDAY", July 2. at 3:30 p. m. Through hills of lading given to Eastern and Northwestern points and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. For freight or passage apply to C. G. ANDERSON. Agent, City Exchange Building. Merchants’ and Miners’ Transportation Coaty. For Baltimore. CABIN 812 50 SECOND CABIN. 10 00 rpHE STEAMSHIPS of this Company are ap -1 pointed to sail from Savannah for Balti more as follows—city time: JOHNS HOPKINS, Capt. Foster, THURSDAY, June 23, at 7:00 p. m. GEORGE APPOLD, Capt. Billups, TUESDAY, June 28, at 2:00 p. m. JOHNS HOPKINS, Capt. Foster, MONDAY, July 4, at 5:00 p. m. GEORGE APPOLD. Capt. Billups, SATUR DAY, July 9, at 10 a. m. And from Baltimore on the days above named at 3 p. m. Through bills lading given to all points West, all the manufacturing towns in New England, and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. JAS. B. WEST & CO., Agents, s Jtc Steamer St. Nicholas. Capt. M. P. USINA, XYTILL LEAVE Savannah from wharf foot of i v Lincoln street for DOBOY, DARIEN. BRUNSWICK and FERNANDINA. every TUES DAY and FRIDAY at 6 p. m., city time, con necting at Savannah with New York, Philadel phia. Boston and Baltimore steamers, at Fer tisndina with rail for Jacksonville and all points in Floritla, and at Brunswick with steamer for Satilla river. Freight received to within half hour of boat's departure. Freight not signed for 24 hours after arrival will be at risk or consignee. Tickets on wharf ana boat. C. WILLIAMS. Agent. For Augusta and Way Landings. From JUNE 6th until further notice the STEAMER ETHEL, Capt. W. T. GIBSON, Will leave for AUGUSTA and I\"AY" LANDINGS Every Monday at 6 P. M. Returning, arrive at Savannah SATURDAY at Bp. m. W. T. GIBSON. Manager, PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. Tampa. Key West, Havana. SEMI-WEEELY. Lv Tampa Mf -Iday and Thursday 9:30 p. m. Ar Key and Friday 4 p. m. Ar HuvanAvednesday and Saturday 6 a. m. JP, NORTH BOUND. Lv HavgKftVedu.-sday and Saturday noon. Lv Ke\Jp r St Wednesday and Saturday 10 p.m. Ar TujJitta btirsday and Sunday 6 p. m. ak Tampa with West India Fast Train *v.' ' fn® Northern and Eastern cities. For Bale room accommodations apply to City Ticket Office 8., F. ,i W. R'y, Jacksonville, or Agent Plant Steamship Line. Tampa. C. D. OWENS, Traffic Manager. H. S. HAINES, General Manager. May 1, 1887. Compagnie Generate I ransatlantique —French Line to Havre. BETWEEN New York and Havre, from pier No. 42, N. R.. foot of Morton street. Trav elers by this line avoid both transit by English railway and the discomfort of crossing the Channel in a small boat. Special train leaving the Comimny's dock at Havre direct for Paris on arrival of steamers. Baggage checked at New Y'ork through to Paris. LA BOURGOGNE, Frahoeul, SATURDAY. June 25, 8 a m I.A GASCOGNE, Saktslli, SATURDAY, July 2, a r. 4. LA NORMANDIE, De Kersabiec SATUR DAY’, July 9. 8 A. M. I.A BKfcTAGNE, D JnrssKUK. SATURDAY. July-16. - ... PRICE OF PASSAGE (including wine.: TO HAVRE-Kirst Cabin, 819". *IOO and *80; Second Cabin S6O: Steerage from New York to Havre. 82".: Steerage from New Y’ork to Parl6, S2B; including wine, bedding and utensils. LOUIS DE HEBIAN, Agent, 8 Bowling Green, foot of Broadway, New Y ork. Or wilder & 00.. Agents (or havamukh. RAILROADS. S O H E DUL E CENTRAL RAILROAD. Savannah, Ga.. June 19,1887. ON and after this date Passenger Trains will run daily tinless marked t, which are daily, except Sunday. The standard time, by which these trains run, is 36 minutes slower than Savannah city tlmei No. 1. No. 3. No. 5. No. 7. Lv Savannah. .7:00 am 8:30 pm 5:15 pm 5:40 pm ArGuvton 8:40 pm Ar MiDen 9:40 am 11:08 pm 7:30 pm 8:45 pm Ar Augusta .tl :4S pm 7:15 am 9:35 pm Ar Macon 1:30 pm 8:20 am Ar Atlanta ..5:30 pm 7:3oam Ar Columbus .9:80 pm 2:45 pm Ar Montg'ry. .7:26 am 7:09 pm Ar Eufaula 4:33 am 8:50 pm Ar Albany .10:09 pm 2:45 pm ""Train"No. 9+ leaves Savannah 2:00 p .m,; ar rives Guyton 3:00 p. m. Passengers for Sylvania. Wrightsvflle, Mtl ledgeville and Ea teuton should take 7:00 a. m. train. Passengers for Thomaston. Carrollton. Poirv, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena Y’ista, Blakely and Clayton should take the 8:20 p. m. train. No. 2. No. 4. No. 6. No. 8. Lv Augtista 10:00 pm 0:00 am Lv Macon .10:35 am 10:30 pm Lv Atlanta 6:50 am 6:50 pm LvColumbus 11:00 pm 12:43 pm Lv Montg'ry. 7:25 pm 7:40 am Lv Eufaula 10:18 pm 10:49 am . Lv Albany 5:05 am 11:55 ant Lv Miilen 2:28 pm 3:10 am 8:00 am 5:9" am Lv Guyton 4:03 pm s:olam 9:27 am 0:55 am Ar Savannah 5:00 pm 6:15 am 10:30 am 8:05 am Train No. 10+ leaves Guyton 3:10 p. m.; arrives Savannah 4:25 p. m. Sleeping cars on all night trains between Sa vannah, Augusta, Macon and Atlanta, also Ma con and Columbus. Train No. 3. leaving Savannah at 8:20 p. m'„ will stop regularly at Guyton, hut at no other point to put oft passengers between Savannah and Miilen. Train No. 4 will stop on signal at stations be tween Miilen and Savannah to take on passen *Ws for Savannah. Train No. 5 will stop on signal at stations be tween Savannah and Miilen to take on passen gers for Augusta or points on Augusta branch. Train No. 6 will stop between Miilen and Sa vannah to put off passengers from Augusta and points on Augusta branch. Connections at Savannah with Savannah, Florida and Western Railway for all points in FiorMa. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths on sale at Citv oflice, No. 20 Bull street, and Depot Office 30 minutes before departure of each train. J. C. SHAW. G. A WHITEHEAD. Ticket Agent. Gen Pass. Agent. East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia R. R. GEORGIA DIVISION. The Quickest and Shortest Line BETWEEN Savannah & Atlanta. COMMENCING June 12, 1887, the following Schedule will be in effect: EASTERN LINE. Fast Night Express. Express. Lv Charleston 3:45 a m 3:80 p m ArSavannah 6:4lam 7:oopm Lv Savannah 7:06 am 1:30 pm 8:45 pm Ar Jeeup 8:42 am 3:20 pm 1:05 am Lv Jesup 3:35 pm 3:30 am Ar Brunswick 5:35 p m 6:00 a m Lv Jesup 10:30 am 10:51pm ArEastmau 2:oopm v. I:soam Ar Cochran 2:40 pm 2:30 am Ar Hawkinsville. 3:30 pm 12:00 noon Lv HawkinsvWe. .10:15 a m 1:33 p m Ar Macon 4:05 pm 3:50 am Lv Macon 4:20 pm 3:56 am Ar Atlanta 7:45 pm 7:20 am Lv Atlanta ! ......... 12:20 p m 7:35 am Ar Rome 3:28 p m 10:40 a m Ar Dalton 4:68 p m 12:03 n n Ar Chattanooga 6:25 pm 1:35 p m Lv Chattanooga... 9:30 a m 9:20 pm Ar Knoxville 1:50 pm 1:10 am Ar Bristol 7:35 p m 5:45 am Ar Roanoke 2:15a m 12:45 p m Ar Natural Bridge. 8:54 am 2:29 pm Ar Waynesboro ... 6:20 a m 4:9) pm At Luray 7:60 am 6:43 pm Ar Shenando’ Jn. ,10:53 a m 9:35 pm ArHagerstown 11:55 p m 10:30 p m Ar Harrisburg 3:30 pm 1:20 am Ar Philadelphia ... 6:50 pm 4:45 am Ar New York 9:35 pm 7:00 am Lv Hagerstown 12:50noon Ar Baltimore’ 3:45 pm Ar Philadelphia .. 7:40 pm Ar New Y’ork 10:33 pm Lv Roanoke 2:20 am 12:80 noon Ar Lynchburg 4:3oam 2:3opm Ar Washington 12:00noon 9:40 pm Ar Baltimore 1:27 pm 11:35 pm Ar Philadelphia... 3:47 p m 8:00 am ArNewYora ,6:20 pm 6:20 am Lv Lynchburg 6:15 a m 3:05 pm Ar Burkville 9:20 am 5:27 pm Ar Petersburg 11:10 am 7:15 pm Ar Norfolk 2:25 p m 10:00 pm Y"ia Memphis and Charleeton R. R. Lv Chattanooga... 9:25am 7:lopm Ar Memphis 9:lspm 6:loam Ar Little Rock 7:10 am 12:55 pm Via K. C., F. S. and G. r7£ Lv Memphis 10:45 am Ar Kansas City 8:20 a m Y’ia Cm. So. R'y. Lv Chattanooga... 8:40 am ,:10pm Ar. Louisville 6:45 pm 6:3l)am Ar Cincinnati 7:00 pm 6:50 am Ar Chicago 6:50 a m 6:50 pm Ar St. Louis 7:45 am 6:40 pui Pullman sieepers leave as follows: Jesup at 10:51 p m for Chattanooga. Atlanta at 4:30 i> m. for Knoxville. Rome at 4:05 p nt, for Washing ton via Lynchburg; Chattanooga at 9:20 p m, and at 9:30 a m for Washington via Lynchburg; Chattanooga at 7:10 p m for Little Rock; Bruns vflek at 8:30 p m for Atlanta. B. W. WRENN, G. P. & T. A., Knoxville, Tenn. L. J. ELLIS, A. G. P. A., Atlanta. Charleston & Savannah Railway Cos. C CONNECTIONS made at Savannah with Sa ) vannah, Florida and Western Railway. Trains leave and arrive at Savannah by stand ard time (90th meridian), which is 36 minutes glower than city time. NORTHWARD. No. 14* 38+ 66* 78* Lv Sav'h .12:26 p m 4:00 p m 6:45 a m 8:23 p m Ar Augusta 12:30 pm Ar Beaufort 6:08 pm 10:15 am Ar P. Royal 6:20 pm 10:80 a m ArAl'dale. 7:40 pm 8:15 pm 10:20 am Ar Cha ston 5:00 p nt 9:20 p m 11:40 a m 1:25 a in SOUTHWARD. 33* 35* 27* Lv Cha'ston 7:10 a m 3:3.) p m 4:00 a m Lv Augusta 12:35pm LvAl'dale.. 5:10 am 3:0? p m Lv p. Royal. 7:00 am 2:00 pm Lv Beaufort 7:12a m 2:lspm . Ar Sav'h... 10:15 am 6:53 p m 6:41 a m •Daily between Savannah and Charleston. tSundays only. Train No. 78 makes no connection with Port Royal and Augusta Railway, and stops only at Ridgeland, Green Pond and Ravenel. Train 14 stops only at Yemassee and Green Pond and connects for Beaufort and Port Royal daily and for Allendale daily, except Sunday. Trains &5 and 68 connect from and for Beaufort and Port Royal dally. For tickets, sleeping car reservations imd all other information apply to WJI. BREN Special Ticket Agent, 22 Bull street, and at Charleston and Savannah railway ticket office at Savannah, Florida und Western Railway de P° t ' o ,*, C. S. GADSDEN, Hupt. JitneQ, 1887. K FOOD PRODUCTS. FOREST CITT MILLS. Prepared Stock Food for Horses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pure grain. Guaranteed Sweet and Nutritious. BondjHaynes&Elton, RAILROADS. Savannah, Florida & Western Railway. [All trains on this road are run by Central Standard Time.] Time card in effect June 19, pw; Passenger trains on this road will run daily as follows: WEST INDIA FAST MAIL. HEAD DOW?:. READ TV 7:06 am Lv Savannah Ar 12:06 pni 12:30 pm Lv Jacksonville I,v 7:00 a m 4:4opm Lv Sanford Lv I:lsam 9:oopm Ar Tampa Lv 8:00pm PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. nr-i*.*.-* i2r*s at. SE-. " •—...*is*-* Pullman buffet cars to and from New York and Tampa. NEYV ORLEANS EXPRESS. 7:o6am Lv Savannah Ar 7:sßpm 8:42 ara Lv Jesup Ar 6:16 pm 9:50 ara Ar Waycross Lv 5:05 p m 11:20 a m Ar Callahan Lv 2.47 pm 12:00 noon.Vr Jacksonville Lv 2:05 p m 7:ooam Lv ..Jacksonville Ar 7:45pm 10:15am I.v Waycross Ar 4 40pm 12:04 pm Lv Valdosta Lv 2:56 pm 12:34 pm Lv Quitman Lv 2:2Bpm 1:22 p 111 Ar Thomasville I.v 1:45 p m 3:35pm Ar . Bainbridge Lv 11:26mm 4:04 ptnAr Chattahoochee Lv 11:3u ara Pullman buffet cars to and from Jacksonville and New Y’ork, to and from Waycross and New Orleans via Pensacola. EAST EXTRESS. 1:30 pm Lv Savannah Ar 12:06 pit, 3:2opm Lv Jesup... Lv 10:32am 4:40 p m Ar Waycross Lv 9:23 ara 7:45 pm Ar Jacksonville Lv 7:00 am 4:15 pm Lv . Jacksonville Ar 9:45 ara 7:20 pm Lv ~Waycross ~Ar — 6:35 a m 8:31 pm Ar Dupont Lv 5:30a m 3:25pm Lv.... .lake City. TTa r 10:45am 8:45 pm I.v Gainesville Ar 10:30 am 6:56 p m Lv.„ . . Live Oak Ar 7:10 a m 8:40 pm Lv Dupont Ar 5725 am 10:55 pm Ar Thomasville Lv 3:25 a m I:22am Ar Albany Lv I:3sam Pullman buffet cars to and from Jacksonville and St. Louis via Thomasville, Albany, Mont gomery and Nashville. ALBANY EXPRESS. 7:85 p m Lv Savannah Ar 6:10 ara 10:05pm Lv Jesup Lv 3:lsam 12:40 am Ar . Waycross Lv 12:10 am 5:30 am Ar Jacksonville ....Lv~9:oopm 9:00 pin Lv Jacksonville Ar 5:30 a m 1:06 am Lv Waycross . Ar 11:30 pm 2:30 am Ar Dupont,. ..... Lv 10:05 p m 7:loam Ar Live~Oak Lv 6:sspni 10:30 am Ar. .. Gainesville Lv 3:45 p m 10:45 a m Ar .Lake City Lv 3:25 pm 2:55 a m Lv Dupont Ar 9:36 pm 6:3oam Ar . Thomasville. .. Lv 7:oopm 11:40am Ar Albany Lv 4:oopm Stops at all regular stations. Pullman sleeping cars to and from Jacksonville and 8* vannah. THOMASVILLE EXPRESS. 6:05 a m Lv Waycross Ar 7:00 p* 10:26 a mAr —Thomasville Lv 2:15 pm Stops at all regular and flag stations. JESUP EXPRESS. 3:45 p m Lv Savannah Ar 8:30 am 6:10 p mAr Jesup Lv 5:25 am Stops at aii regular and flag stations. CONNECTIONS. At Savannah for Charleston at 6:45 a m. (ar rive Augusta via Yemassee at 12:30 p m), 12:28 p m and 8:23 p in: for Augusta and Atlanta at < :00 a m. 5:15 p m and 8:20 p m; with steamship* for New Y’ork Sunday. Tuesday and Friday; for Boston Thursday: for Baltimore every fifth day. At JESUP for Brunswick at 8:30 a m and 3:85 p m; for Maoon 10:80 a m and 11:07 p in. At. WAY’CROSSfor Brunswick at 10:00a mand s:ospm. At CALLAHAN for Fernandina at 2:47 p m; for Waldo, Cedar Key. Ocala, etc , at 11:27 am. At LIVE OAK for Madison, Tallahassee, etc., at 10:58a m and 7:30 p m. At GAINESVILLE tor Ocala, Tavares, Brooks ville and Tampa at 10:55 a m. At ALBANY for Atlanta. Macon, Montgota. erv. Mobile. New Orleans, Nashville, etc. At CHATTAHOOCHEE for Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans at 4:14 p m. Tickets sold and sleeping car berths secured at BREN'S Ticket Office, and at the Passenger Station. WM. P. HARDEE, Gen. Pass. Agent. K. G. FLEMING Superintendent South Florida RailroacL Central Standard "Time. ON and after MONDAY, June 13, 1887, traint will arrive and leave as follows: •Daily. tDaiiy except Sundays, (Daily e* cept Mondays. LIMITED WEST INDIA FAST MAIL. Leave Jacksonville (J., T and K. W.) *12:30 p m. 4:40 p m; arrive Tampa 9:00 p m. Returning leave Tampa 8:00 p in, Sanford 1:00 am; arrive Jacksonville (J., T. and K W.) 6:30 a m. WAY trains. Leave Sanford for Tampa and way stations t! 8:40 am Arrive at Tampa +* J:Bspm Returning leave Tampa at .' +! 9:00 am Arrive at Sanford . .t| 1:45 p m Leave Sanford for Kissim mee and way stations at.tlo:2oamands:oopm Arrive at Kissimmee at....+ 1:20 pm and 7:05 pm Ret urning leave Kissimmee +6:ooa m and 2:15 p m Arrive at Sanford +B:2oamands:3spn +:Steamboat Express. BARTOW BRANCH. I.v Bartow Junction.. .+11:45 a m and * 7:40 ptn Ar Bartow 12:55 p m and 8:40 pra Returning Lv Bartow. + 9:30 a m and * 6:00 p m Ar Bartow Junction... 10:40amand 7:lopm PEMBERTON FERRY BRANCH. Operated tijrthe South Florida Railroad. •Leave Bartow for Pemberton Ferry and way stations at 7:15 a ra Arrive at'Pemberton Ferry at 9:60 am ♦Returning leave Pemberton Ferry at. 5:00 pm Arrive at Bartow at 8:00 p m (Leave Pemberton Ferry 7:00 a ra Arrive Bartow 11:20am + Leave Bartow 12:40 p m Arrive Pemberton Ferry 4:50 p m SANFORD AND INDIAN RIVER B. *4 Leave Sanford for Lake Charm and way stations 5:50 pm Arrive Lake Charm 7:15 pm Returning— Leave Lake Charm 6:30 a ra Arrives at Sanford 8:00 a m SPECIAL CONNECTIONS. Connects at Sanford with the Sanford and Indian River Railroad for Oviedo and points on Lake Jesup, with the People's Line ana Deßtiry Line of steamers, and J. T. and K. W. Ry. for Jacksonville and all intermediate points on th St. John's river, and with steamers for Indian river and the Upper St. John'a At Kissimmee with steamers for Forts Myers and Bassingcr and points on Kissimmee river. At Pemberton Ferry with Florida Southern Railway for all points North and West, and at Bartow w ifb the Florida Southern Railway for Fort Meade and points South. STEAMSHIP CONNECTIONS. Connects at Tampa with steamer "Margaret for Palma Sola, Braidentown, Pal:netto,Maoa tee and all points on Hillsborough and Tampa Bays. Also, with the elegant mail steamships "Mas cotte" and "Olivette," of the Plant Steamship Cos., for Key West and Havana. Through tickets sold at all regular stations t points North. East anil West. Baggage checked through. Pusseugers for Havana can leave Sanford on Limited West India East Mail train at 4:40 p ra Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, connecting same evening with steamer at Tampa. WILBUR McCOY. SUBURBAN RAILWAY. _ _ City and Suburban Railway. Savannah. Ga., May 31. 1887. ON and after WEDNESDAY, June Ist, th* following schedule will he run on the Out side Line: LKAVE AKRIVK t.RAVR ISLE LEAVE CITY. ( ITT. OF HOPE. IIOHTOOHEM *7:00 0:50 6:25 ••••• 10:25 8:40 6:15 7:50 **3:25 2:90 1:80 1:00 +7:15 6:40 6.15 5 45 There will be no early train from lale of Hop* on Sunday morning. , . •For Montgomery only. Passenger* for * S J" of Hope r.o via Montgomery without ertf charge. This train affords uarentt a cheap'*' curoion before breukfaat for young onlmrea with nurses. ** ! his B:>a p. M. train last out of city Sunday . afternoon. . .. '"“a Saturdays this train leaves city at'.:*’ i • J. H. JOHNSTON - _ '•r>i".r.vrv omim Book* and mark; 1 required by county officer* for the courts, or for office ime. tmpplied to onler oy the MORNING NKAVS pi*LNTINO BOUSE. J WitiWiw street. Savauiuih.