The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 02, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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6 GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. NEWS OF THE TWO STATES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. Organization of Thom os vi!i os New National Bank- A Baptist Church to be Built at Wrightsville— A Negro Probably Fatally Injured by a Bull at Sparta -An Atlanta Watermelon Dealer Arrested. GF.OR.GLV-. Hillman City, Taliaferro comity, is to lie incorporate i. The Wrightsville Baptiste will probably build a church soon. There has not been a game of base ball in Cuthbert this season. The peach crop of Terrell county will not be a heavy one this year. At Rome $75,000 of the funds to build the new hotel have been raise l. The adjourned term of Johnson Superior Court convenes next M aiday. Over ftfl.OOO has been subscribed to the ex tension of tlie street car lint.- int-- Last Rome. Wrightsviile's defunct hand again has been revived, with <4. U. Brinson as leader. There are 2,502 voters registered for the coming prohibition election at Rome next Wednesday. W C. Aycock, who owns a door, sash and blind manufactory at Wlutcsburg, will es tablish one at Griffin. In a few weeks thr> fine iron bridges will •pan the Etowah and Oostauaula rivers within the limits of Rome, ( Prof. W. V. Lanier, of DavDboro, Wash ingt- in county, has been elected principal of I the Perry Academy for tho ensuing year. A. L. Wheeler, a lat - student of the Wrightsville high school, has charge of a school at Gum Log, numbering over fifty pupils. Gov. Gordon, Senator Colquitt. ex-Con gressman W. H. Felton and Rev. Sam Jones will address the people of Fioyd on July 4, on prohibition. Assistant Chief of the Augusta Fire De partment Prunk Roulette ha* provided him self with a handsome charger, and will hereafter attend all conflagrations on horse back. The citizens of Guyton and Effingham county are notified that a Dili will lie intro duood in the Legislature at its July session of this year for the purpose of incorporating the town of Guyton. Last Saturday about 300 people from vurious sections of Houston county ussem bled ut Idyl W vide Park to participate in the fifth annual picnic given by the Union. Agricultural ana Social Club. Gillon A Burnett, of Macon, have pur chased a site near the Brunswick and IV es tern railroad, just below C. C. Buchanan’s variety works, at Wavcross, where they propose to erect a foundry at an early day. Mrs. Martha Smith, one of the operatives at the Sibley Mills, at Augusta, met with a painful accident Thursday afternoon. In at tempting to clean the machinery while in motion her little finger was amputated close up to the hand. John D. Twiggs retires from the firm of Wilson, Twiggs A Cos., of Augusta, having Bold out his interest to John L. Wilson & Cos., who assume all the assets und liabilities and will carry on the carriage, saddlery and harness business. Last Saturday T. C. Byars, of Cuthbert, was 50 years old. He celebrated the occa sion wiih a birthday dinner, to which he in vited several friends. Mr. Byars has lived at Cuthbert fifty years, making him the oldest living inhabitant of the city. At Rome Wedin>sday, R. H. West, while on the second storv of his new building slipped and fell to the ground, hurting himself very badly. He was taken to his residence on South 'street, where all possible attention is being given him. Stewart Phinizy has been elected Presi dent of the Augusta Factory. The question of a dividend was brought before the meet ing, but it was found that the factory could not well pay a dividend at pri-seut, but that it was hoped that by January they would lie able to pay regular dividends. George Barrier, a negro deck hand on the steamer John J. Seay, was killed by Adol phus Coates, another deck liand, a fow weeks ag' i. A few days ago Coat- -s came in and sur rendered himself to the Sheriff of Cherokee county. Coat** has now stood his commit tal trial and has lieen acquitted. The people in the Salem neighborhood of Ogletliorjx county are alamn-d about the appearance of aI * -at in the vicinity. One or more negroes hove run th -inselves wild almost on catehiug a glimpse of it: Promi nent men claim ttia trucks are those of a bear, and all are on the lookout for it. Rroeutly there seems to have been a re vival of malicious mischief at Lawrence ville. A week or two ago the bridges of the town were torn up and last week Kerosene oil was thrown into the wells of Col. Julian and Albert Brown, by which those families have been deprived of the use of the wells for a week. Information has been received by the Sheriff of Ware county that Joe Arnold, who killed Pat Ward, at m Ware county, in had been arrested and w*ax in juit in Texas. Requisition iiapers have been made and forwarded to the Governor for signing, when, on reception, officers from Wuycroxs will go after the prisoner. Cnpt. J. O. Robertson has effected an arrangement by which lie lias secured the Micou gold mine, located about four miles soutii of Canton, and has Ix-gun work on it with u full determination to make it show up its nail worth. This mine has been in law for awhile, but (’apt. Robertson has secured an unobstructed temporary control of the property. Capt. J. M. McAfee last Saturday closed a trade with W. C. Sergeant by which he purchased for the Georgia Mica Company the mineral interest in 30ft acres of land lying in Bells district of Cherokee county for $1,200. There is a good showing of mica on this property und tile company that have IxiugUf it will most likely begin work on it in a short while. In Houston county during the past four year* and six months there have been 2m 1 prisoners in jail: 2:15 colored males, 35 col ored female* and 15 while mule*. The oldest primmer was 72 years of age, youngest 11 • average age 27 years. There are now two prisoners in iail—lsith negroes—one awaiting trial, the other awaiting tho result of an ap plication for anew trial. Sometime ago a notorious uegro by the name of Aaron Reese stole a hat from H A. Bennett, u merchant in Wuycrons, for which he was subsequently tried, convicted and sentenced to a term in tho chain-gane This gang is controlled by Mr. McCrea, m Lowndes county, and it is now said that Aaron Reese find killed the guard nnd oscapod. Nothing ha* been seen of him •five. In going to W. 11. Talton’s last Friday, and coining liotno from Idyl Wyldo Satur day, the editor of tlm Perry Journal pass-si about twenty five miles of crops fronting the load. With two exceptions the crops of corn and cotton are in first-class con dition, showing unmistakable evidence of thorough and judicious cultivation. The two exceiitiou* are small crops of negro ten ant*. Though not extra large in every iu •tancc, the prospoct for good crops of "corn and cotton u I letter than it has boon at this •eason for several years. Dr. Willis Westmoreland, principal physi cian to the jiCniU'ntiary, returned to Atlanta Thursday from a two days’ trip to the con vict camps on the Atlanta and Hawkin*ville railroad. Dr. Westmoreland report* tin' convicts to lie in good condition, and while improvement* could be made in various matters, 1* satisfied a* a whole with the con dition of things. It is likely that the prin cnxil physician will muko tho entire round of all the convict camps this month, in order that he may report upon their condi tion to tho Governor wbilo tho Legislature U in session. \t Sparta, Wednesday, a negro nnmol Austin Volition was rcricuslv injured by j “Harry,’* the Jersey bull of Hon. John R. | Lewis. This animal has always been very 1 ferocious, making it exceedingly dangerous i for any one to go into the pasture whore ho , vou. At the time just mentioned he butted ! this negro down, and was trampling on him ! when H i- negrofor a time kept the ls-ust off ;bv holding him by tho ring in his nose. Ti is ring, however, soon t >re out, and then the maddened bull gored the fallen man "fearfully in the lower jart of the body. From this injurv it is not expected Austin will recover. Tin l bull was immediately con-igm djto the butcher. The Thomasville Nan rial Bank was or ganized Thursday with a capital ot $lOO,OOO, of which f'.q.tGi was represented in the j meeting. The Board of Directors elected e >n>isTx of Samuel L. Hayes, Simon Stover man. Thomas J. Ball, A. T. Mclntyre, Jr., David J. Sheffield. James W. Reid and George Foam, of Thomasville; E. A. Weil, of Savannah, and John W. Masury, of New York. A meeting of the Board of Directors was held immediately after the meeting of tho stockholders adjourned. S. L. Hayes was elected President, and one half of the stock called in. Mr. Hayes has been doing a (tanking businisw for some time. The bank will lie regularly opened for business about July 15. At Brunswick, Thursday night, when Mr. Deben, the confectioner, returned from an excursion, he went to Ins store with a gen tleman, took out a couple of cigars, struck a match, lighted them, threw tha match on the floor, and did not put his foot on it as he always does, put out his lamp and left for home. On his way home lie remembered he had left his alarm clock, which he always took home with him every night, si went back to the store and found the room full of smoke and could sts-the finim* la-hind the counter. A few buckets of water put out the flames, and after he hail jgtten all the sun ike out he discovered that lie had thrown his match among some wrapping twine that had caught, and but for his timely return would have done much damage. A. A. Rowe, a broker in w atermelons, at Atlanta, was taken to Lowndes county by (Jhe sheriff Thursday. The broker went as a prisoner and will "remain away- from the city unftl the charge ujKm which he was arrested has lieen satisfied. Prom the statement of the Lowndivi county sheriff it appears that the broker ordered $2OO worth of watermelons from a grower in that county and full'd to remit the money, Hovoral melon-growers in the same county have lost money in the sain*- way, and a few days ago they made up a purse and tele graphed to Atlanta asking for Rowe’s arriist. The arrest was made, and later in the day when the sheriff arrived the pris one: - mils surrendered to him. Rowe was unable to liquidate the claim and was taken away. FLORIDA. The Governor will order an encampment in a few days. There were seventeen deaths in Jackson ville last month. The quarantine guards put out Duval county nave been called in. It has rajiied at Ocala from two to three time* a week ever since June 20. U. P. Havens, of DeLand, formerly of Sa vannah. is spending the summer at Eliza lietb, N J. The activity in real "state at Tallahassee was very noticeable last week, and l* still encouraging. As yet nothing Ims been heard from the application made By the DeLand military company for arm*, etc. There was a rumor Wednesday of the establishment of a steamer line between Palatka and Jacksonville. Wilson's Battery, of Jacksonville, will soon order fatigue uniforms. They have about SSOO in the treasury. Mr. Lartigue's brick block at Orlando is nearing completion. The upper story will be fitted up for offices and lodging rooms. The Orange Belt railway ha* changed the name of it* station at West Long wood to Langrove and Long wood junction to Grove junction. The St. Cloud Farming Company have in course of erection fifteen cottages for the use of the employes on their sugar farm near Kissimmee. Sergt. O'Brien, United Stab’s army (re tired,, died suddenly at the Unit**! State* barracks at Key West, Monday, of rheuma tism of the heart. W. H. Hiuson, who was shot at Haw thorn on Tuesday by T. C. Holden, was alive and resting easy at last accounts. No arrests have a* yet lieen made. Sheriff William* arrested a negro mur derer at Whites ville Wednesday and lodged him in the county jail. He killed another negro about fifteen months ago. A wreck was reported at Key West Tues day from the Western Dry RuoSs. Within a tew hours the harbor wa* alive with the white winged vessels speeding to her. At Palatka the firm of Joseph A Husson, architects and civil eagin-s-rs, ha* been ills solved by mutual consent. Mr. Husson re tiring. The business will be continued by Mr. Joseph. The Board of Trustees of the First Congre gntiianil church of Lake Helen ha* decided to go on with the erection of the building at onco, and has awarded the contract to Mr.J. P. Mace for $2,7110. At Dvall, Charlie Harrison, the fi-year old son of E. Harri'on, was seriously bitten by a rattlesnake Wednesday while at play near the house. Proper precautions were taken to prevent blood poisoning, and the child is improving. Arrangement* have been made to cele brate the Fourth of July on the Harbor, by a yacht race at Trabue, to bo followed by a grand ball at night. Preparation* are being made on a grand scale, and all antici pate a pleasant time. Major Healy, the newly appointed Sheriff of Volusia county, presented nis bond to the County OomniUMi iner* at their last na-eting. and it wa* approved and forwarded to th Govdruor. lie will no doubt receive Ins commission in a few days Mrs. A. B. Coulter, of Fuirtmnks, ha* made a tx-d quilt containing 1*5,000 jiiee.-s l'*s than the size of a man's thumb nail. It i* after u pattern called tin- “Bachelor's Fancy.” Poe*ibly so named because male of the scraps of buchelor'* button*. Tho newly appointed Board of County Commissioners of Volusia, met at Enter prise Monday of last week, and organized by electing Hardee Bryan Cliairmaii. A few committees were apixiinted, some bills lmid, #s* in appropriated Inr the use of the Board of Health, and the Ixard adjourned until the first Tuesday in August. A few days ago w hile at Shell Point, Mas ter Ashland Beckett, of Apalachicola, shot a sand snijs' that w ils hopping übout on oil" leg. The leathers were picked from the bird and there was no sign of where tin i other leg was. Th" bird was liatolied with but one leg, and Ashland is now making application for a pension. The Orange Belt railway having taken no notice of tin 1 Aldermen’s order to remove it* abandoned track from the streets of Long wood, the track ha* boen taken up bv the Marshal and the materials dutii|ssl jiistover the line. The company never hail any l ight of way through the street, and wa> then only on sufferance from tho first. and the old umuiud track was an obstruction to the streets and a nuisance. At Starke, the residence of Frank Hol lingsworth and all the household effect* were destroyed by fire at 3 o'clock Thurs day morning. Tho family locked up the house V\ ed t lev lay and went up the countrv to visit friends. A number of citizen* on delivered to save some of the pro)iertv, but fuilcl. The lire is supposed to havn been of incendiary origin. The furniture Is a total loss, but the house was insured. | A stranger in Jacksonville from South | Florida made complaint ut police headquar i ter* Thursday night that lie had U.*n rallied I of valuable papers and monev to the amount of $1,200 In a hon-o of ill-fame in J.uVill* Thursday afternoon He offer- 1 ssofor the radvrutiun of tuu auivuut, jiis police in THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. JULY 2, !87. formed him that they had no m-'isdiction over LaVilla, and consociuenuy cotild not act. He wan referred to tno authorities of that town or tho count}' officials. Contractor H J. Fox is building a draw bridge across the new Hnulover canal, the coui|iany having been ordered to do so by Brevard authorities. It is not once in six months that this bridge will lie needed, anil as it entails expense upon the Canal Com pany vhi h must bo met, it will result in tho immediate collection of toll on vessels passing through, wborea* it was not in tended Pi do tlus until Jan. 1, and possibly not then. At the Ocala city election the following officers were elected by an overwhelming majority: Mayor, Abram Martin; Clerk, H. is. Burlingame; Marshal, J. H. Whit field; Treasurer, R. R. Snowden; Assessor, T. 11. Colcock; Collector, W. T. King; Aldermen, K. IV. Agnew, J, A. Rowell, N. Emanuel, Israel Brown, W, G. Marshall, which was the entire Democratic ticket. Though much interest was manifested by both parties, the election passed off quietly. Quite a strange phenomenon was seen in Mr. Butts’ poultry yard at Orlando a day or two ago. A small chicken was seen waddling around, swelled out to the shape of a huge puff-ball, and terrihly distorted, apparently, by some watery humor. The anxious owner thought it had the dropsy, and at once proceeded to tap it with a razor, when it was found to lie inflated with air. How tile chick happened to get in that fix nobody knows. It did not seem to suffer any inconvenience from its inflation. A short time ago a heavy thunder storm passed over Broward's Neck, near Jackson ville. and during its continuance lightning struck a tree about fifty yanls from tho house occupied bv a colored man named Jack Thonm*. Thomas’ daughter, who was in an advanced stage of pregnancy, was in the house and was greatly stunned by the shock. A few hours afterward she gave birth to a child, which wa* dead, and an ex amination rev-aled the fact that almost every bone in it* body wa* broken. The mother recovered rapidly, and is now as strong and hearty a* ever. At St Augustine the work of the restora tion of the old cathedral will be started im mediately. the contract having been let to William' MeCotter. The plans for the building were designed bvJaine6 Rennick.the famous architect of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, and the cost of the work will reach at least $40,000. The quaint Moorish belfry will remain a* it is. but the bells will not be used. Anew steeple and belfry will lie erected costing about s*\ooo. The cathedral will fie considerably enlarged and a large number of handsome paintings and beautifully designed windows will be added. While Miss Sadie, daughter of Senator and Mrs. W. T. Orman, of Apalachicola, was on the steamer a few eights since, en route home, accompanied by her father, she suffered a singular and painful acci dent. While in her state-room a wash bowl fell from her hands, striking the floor and breaking to pieces. Unfortunately, one "f the pieces bounded from the floor and struck the instep of her bare foot, cutting a di--p and painful gash. The blood flowed profusely, and from loss of blood she fainted. It wax with difficulty the flow of blood was stopped. The wound will cause the young lady much inconvenience. Ralatka Herald: In the grocery store of Mr. John T. Dunn, under the Herald office, is a very knowing parrot imported from New Orleans. Roily looks very wise as be gazes through the liars forming his rage. Lust Thursday two darkies entered the store to take a squint at the bird, when one of them said to the other; “Is dat dare a talker!" “Kose he is. Jim."’ “Doubts it moutly, Jim.” “Well," saith Polly, who had listened long enough, “just one of vou coons steal something and I'll squeal." One of the ilarkie* changed his color and the other did not wait to steal anything. You can't get get them back in that §tore now for pay. A Delaware grape vine on Mrs. O. Ken nedy* place, near Sorrento, seems to demon strate the practicability of grape growing in Florida. The vine was grafted on a wild stock in February, ISSG. It is trained upon a flat trellis or arbor. It now has three main canes, each some 35 feet in length, be sides numerous lateral canes. On June 25 it held upward* of 1,000 bunches of fruit. Tin- bunches were perfect even to the tips of the laterals. It was estimated that the crop upon this single vine would exceed 150 pounds in weight. It ha* heen believed that grapes would not dtf well in Florida, but experience is fast proving to the con trary. The little cohl oil steamer Shipman passed Cleveland Tuesday morning, en route for Fort Meade. She is direct from Kissimmee City. She is one of two bouts built by Mr. Shipman, the inventor of the Shipman en gine. on the Mississippi river in 1885. The two boats in company, and in command of Mr. Shipman, made the voyage down the Mississippi, and then cruised around the Gulf coast to the Caloosahatehee river, aud thence across Lake Okeechobee and up Kis simmee river to Kissimmee City. The voy age was made without accident or mishaps. The boat Is not more than 25 feet in length, draws 10 or 12 inches, and average Speed about four miles an hour. A well-to-do negro, firing on Orange Lake, near Citra. is the owner of a fine herd of hogs. Wednesday afternoon, while watching them feeding around the edge of the water, lie saw a very large alligator make his appearance among them, seizing one oj the finest in the herd aud attempt to make off to deep water with it. Tho other hog* immediately took in the situation, and attacked the alligator on all sides—some by the leg*, other* by anv convenient part. After safely landing him and satisfying themselves that life wa* extinct, and taking a rise they fell to work, making a hearty meal of him, which they seemed to relish very much, greatly to the delight and amusement of tho negro. There is a society in Jacksonville known as the Hebrew Benevolent Association, " Inch has relieved much suffering among the people of that faith, but like all other similar associations it is at times imposed upon. Thursdat an old scissors grinder, v. h > hid t*sn upon the streets here fora longtime, npphed for relief. lie was fur nished ti aus|'rtation to New York. After ticket he walked up to the ti ket olti • and purchased another for a relative, exhibiting u gtsslly sum of money. Ybout u month ago the association pur chased a ticket for a young man, then re siding in that city, who was sick. He took the ticket tor New York, and when he got to Kernaudina sold it and pocketed the money. Pulatka Herald: For ’several days past laborers liave lieen digging tip the ground at the foot of Laurel street to put in anew culvert. Thi' ground is all made land of slalo, sawdust, etc. Yesterday, while one of the negroes sUri on mi old lox in his hare feet, it gave wav, one foot slipping on the inside. Thi l male a bole largo enough for ut I' a t one dozen copper-headed mocca sins to crawl out, tho f.stt coming out also wifh the snakes. The copper-colored >nan turned a silvery color as lie discovered one bite on the left foot. All the laborers gath ered around with their hoes, shovels and pick-axes and killed about half a dozen of the reptiles. Tue wouiuied man was banded a pint flask of Hoblnson county whisky, which ho took freely as a snake medicine. • )ne of the other men claimed also to |*> bit ten, but a.s the liquor was all gone ho went Imck to work without a word since. It is n certain fact that the wounded man was cured by tie liquor, and now suffers no in oonvenietiea front the bite, Monday • issue of the Key Went Equal nr say- Until to ollleial bulletin of yesterday announcing four new cases of fever during the twenty-four hour, ending nt Win. that, day, wn had fully lielirved the disease had not taken dti best on our island and would l> of short duration. Furthermore, the disease is different in many respects from the yellow fever of which old citizen* and nurses at this place have been familiar. It < n tvnbo-malarial type and con ,n some csssts, several weeks. It has prettv generally believed* that in genuine yellow fever the patient would lie beyond recovery in seventy-two bourn or cvuvrtiusccnt. With the prcscut tyjie of fever, liaticiits linger several weeks and then ‘fie. although supposed to be convalescent. Toe city is full of strangers and unaoclimnted people, and unless they are iudueed or oom j jiellivd by the local authorities to leave lien 1 we will have an epidemic in fact. No time 1 to throw mud or investigate the professional standing of M. P.’s, or the nature of the disease this, that or the other one died of. No matter what the disease is, it kills, and as it invariably, up to this date, hasattacked strangers, they should be removed without • further ado, or our native population will pay the penalty. The following dispatch appeared in the Jacksonville News-Herald: “Key West, June 24. —The Cuban, Dr. Moreno, this morning was arrested by order of tho Board of Health, charged with declining to report as yellow fever the case of a negro patient of his dying yesterday after twenty two days’ illness, without throwing black vomit. The physicians of the Board, however, declare it yellow fever, and want Moreno jailed because he denies it. Hon. E. O. Locke, Moreno’s attorney, waived examination, however, thus frustrating the purposes of the Board, and Moreno was bound over to the Circuit Court. Memlxrs of the Board of Health were last night hung and burned in eliigy by Cubans here. Commenting on it the Key West Equator says: “We do not know who is the corres pondent of the Sews- Herald in this city, out this much we can say of him that he certainly is very unreliable as the above telegram shows. The Sewe-Herald cer tainly does not wish to give circulation and publication to an article that is absurdly false and that does a grave injustice to phy sicians of our city who are members of the Board of Health. They were not burned in effigy and it would not surprise us if the Sews- Herald had a suit for libel on its hands." Wednesday's Tallahassee Tallahassran 1 ' says: The wedding bells that were to have rang out their dulcet notes upon the balmy breezes of the Capital City at 10 o’clock this morning did not ring. The bright smiles of the happy bride that were expected to beam upon the assembled guests are turned into bitter scorn. The gay throng of in vited guests that were exjx-cted to tie pres ent did not gather, the bridal trousseau re mains unworn, the solemn ceremony remains unsaid, and the bright anticipations of future happiness is turned into disap pointment, sore and humiliating, because tile bridegroom turned up this morning in the Thomasville jail with one of Kempers best teams on his hands and a warrant for obtaining goods under false pre tenses staring him in the face. Mr. Henry E. Guile, the guileful guiler who thus be guiled a guilele*i girl into this most unpleas ant predicameut, claims to have a home in Philadelphia, for which place he was to have started to-day with his bride immediately after the marriage. He has been employed for some time past on the Florida Railway and Navigation railroad, and noone doubted the sincerity of his attentions to the girl whom he has deceived, until last night it was learned that he had hired a team from Kemper's stables early yesterday morn ing, claiming that he wanted to drive around town for an hour or so, and had not returned it. At a late hour last night Deputy Sheriff Hopkins was notified of the disappearance of Gqjle with the horse and buggy, and immediately Hashed a de scription of him over the wire to neighbor ing sheriffs. This morning a dispatch was received from Thomasville saying: “Horse and buggy all right; man in jail.” Mr. Hopkins left a few hours ago armed with the necessary papers to bring him back, and the probabilities are that Mr. Guile will be come a guile-sick guiler before he gets his guilty head out of this gullish noose. FORTUNE FINDERS. The Luck of Some New Orleans Men in the June Drawing of the Lou isiana State Lottery. About noon on Wednesday three men stepped into the private office of The Lou isiana State Lottery Company, and their smiling faces betrayed their errand. They were John W. Tenny, an engineer, and Charles Dennis and John Moran, watchmen, all three at present in Government employ, the latter on board the United States Gov ernment boat General Newton, and Tenny is engineer of the Ruby, the boats now lying near tho Exposition grounds, preparing for a trip to the Atchafauaya. Dennis had a twentieth of the ticket which won the $300,000 prize, rolled up carelessly between his fingers. He straightened it out on the table ana said: “There it is boys; we’ve got it.” “You see,” said Dennis, "this is a ‘com bine.’ Wo each buy a ticket every month, form a pool, and divide the profits. Wo have been Inlying tickets for several years, and at last we struck it.” f3SS “It was his ticket that did the business,” said Tenny. “Moran and I bought ours, hut Dennis did not liuvea chance to go down town. He finally asked a friend of his to bring him up a dollar ticket. Dennis got his dollar ticket and put it in the pool. I thought no more of it until the morning after the drawing. I had the blues, but when I saw the Picayune —you can guess the rest. There on top of the column were the figures 52,74'A and opposite them t'uo $300,000 prize. That is our number, and so Dennis Moran and I told the boss that we had important business down town and hero w e ore. ” “What are you going to do with the mon ey ?” asked the reporter. “This is in confidence. We intend to de plete our finances considerably by having a good time, and after that we may go back to work just the same as ever. In fact, we may not quit work at all.” Just then a check for the money they had won was brought to them, and the trio de parted rejoicing. Dennis is from county Clare. Ireland, 38 years of age, 4:as been in America since childhood, and in New Or leans for five years. One of the first habits he acquired was to buv a lottery ticket monthly, and now he is glad he did it. Mo ran is an Orleanian, bred and bom. Tenny is from North Carolina, and says it iR the first time he has had his name in the papers. All three are unmarried, and jolly good fel lows, The little office had not been long vacated when in came another caller. It was Let ter Carrier P. .1. Mooney without his uni form. Moonev had found bis luck at last, and ho found it with a dollar ticket in the June drawing of the Louisiana htate Ix>t ! tery Company. H is * native -f New Or I leans, 27 years of age, is unmarried and lives with his family at 420 Urstilines street. In 1 v s-l Postmaster Merchant appointed him to carry mail and he was retained under tha Democratic administration. Mooney <li<l not l.eliovo much in lottery. He bought one ticket for n Jollur uml won nothing. This confirmed his belief or rather lack of it. A few days before the June drawing he determined to try it aguin; among the five tickets he bought; was one bearing the magic figures, 52.74 J They were magic to him t r they opened the gates of a fortune in a day and made hint com paratively a rich nmn~ Mooney bought his tickets two days before the drawing, and when he saw the Picayune on Wednesday morniug his joy can well lie imagined—Mo. 52,740 had won the $300,000 prize. Mooney says he will invest bis money and carry his mail bag with a lighter heart. There w iv no other capital prize holders who called that day, the other fractions tie ing hold in distant parts of the country, hut the reception of smaller holders continued until the doors were doeed, tickets were presented and cashed, and the Juno draw ing has been a lucky one for many. No matter in what unorl the callers came, they all departed smiling VVic Urban* (La.) Picayune, June 18th, !sa7. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup should always be used when children ure cutting teeth. It relieves the little aulTur at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from [>am and the little cherub awakes ns "brigiu as a button If is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, re : lieves wind, regulates ;he bowels, and is tho Uwt known remedy for diarrhma. whether : ‘arising from teething or other causes. 25 ' cent* a bottle. SHIPPING. ,nrm' skamship company I for JKew York, Boston anil Philadelphia. PASSAGE TC NEW YORK. CABIN $29 OO EXCURSION 32 00 STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO BOSTON. CABIN. S3O 00 EXCURSION S3 00 STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA. I via New York). CABIN $22 BO EXCURSION 30 00 STEERAGE 12 30 THE magnificent steamships of these lines are appointed to sail as follows—standard time’ TO NEW YORK. CHATTAHOOCHEE. Capt. H. C. Daooett, SUNDAY, .July 3, at 4 p. m. TALLAHASSEE. Capt. W. H. Fishkr, TUES DAY, July 5, at 6 p. M. 1 .CITY OF SAVANNAH, Capt. F. Smith, FRI DAY, July 8. at 8 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. J. W., SUNDAY, July 10. at 9:30 p. a. TO BOSTON. .CITY OF MACON, Capt. W. Kelley, THURS DAY, July 7, at 7:30 p. m. TO PHILADELPHIA. [for freight ONLY. | DESSOUG, Capt, N. F. Howes, SATURDAY, July 2, at 3:30 p. m. JUNIATA, Capt. S. L. Axkins, SATURDAY, July 9, at 9 a. m. Through hills of lading given to Eastern and Northwestern points and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. For freight or passage apply to C'. G. ANDERSON, Agent, City Exchange Building. Merchants’ and Miners’ Transportation Corn’y. For Baltimore. CABIN sl3 30 SECOND CABIN 10 00 I+HE STEAMSHIPS of this Company are ap pointed to sail from Savannah for Balti more as follows—city time: WM. LAWRENCE, Capt. Snow, MONDAY, July 4, at 5:00 p. m. GEORGE APPOLD, Capt. Billups, SATUR DAY, July 9, at 10 a. m. WM. LAWRENCE, Capt. Snow, THURSDAY, July 14, at 3 p. m. GEORGE APPOLD, Capt. Billups, TUESDAY, July 19, at 0 p. m. And from Baltimore on the days above named at 3 p. m. Through bills lading given to all points West, all the manufacturing towns in New England, and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. JAS. B. WEST & CO.. Agents, 114 Bay street. SETE. STEAMER DAVID CLARK, Capt. M. P. USINA, X'ITILL LEAVE Savannah from wharf foot of 11 Lincoln street for DOBOY, DARIEN, BRUNSWICK and FERNANDINA, every TUES DAY and FRIDAY at 6 p. M., city time, con necting at Savannah with New York, Philadel phia, Boston and Baltimore steamers, at Fer nandina with rail for Jacksonville and all points in Florida, and at Brunswick with steamer for Satiila river. No freight received after 5 p. m, on days of sailing. Freight not signed for 24 hours after arrival will be at risk of consignee. Tickets on wharf and boat. C. WILLIAMS, Agent. For Augusta and Way Landings. From JUNE Oth until further notice the ST EAM E R ETII EL, Caft. W. T. GIBSON, Will leave for AUGUSTA anrl WAY LANDINGS Kvery Monday fit G P. INI. Returning, arrive at Savannah SATURDAY at H p. m. W. T. GIBSON. Manager. For Augusta and Way Landings. STEAMER KATIE. Capt. J. S. BEVILL, AI7ILL leave EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10 1 ‘ o'clock a. m. (.city time) for Augusta and way landings. All freights payable by shippers. JOHN LAWTON, Manager. PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. Tampa, Key West, Havana, SKMI-WKUBty. SOUTH BOUND. I.v Tampa Monthly and Thursday 9.30 p. m. Ar Key West Tuesday anti Friday 4 p. m. Ar Havana Wednesday and Saturday 0 a. m. NORTH-BOUND. Lv Havana Wednesday and Saturday noon. Lv Key West Wednesday and Saturday 10 p.m. Ar Tampa Thursday and Sunday 6 p. m Connecting hi Tum|>a with West India Fast Train t. > ana from Northern mid Eastern cities. For statarooui accommodations apply to City Ticket Office f' . F. A W. R'y, Jacksonville, or Agent Riant Steamship Line. Tampa. C. D OWENS. Traffic Manager. It’S. HAINES, General Mur tiger May 1, iss; r A || f* ■ ■•nfforinafrom thaaf utHU I* t k Mtecta of youthful er manhood, eUv 1 will send a valuable treat taa I .sated) i toliUluiln- fall wimoulara for hnma ears, fr.e of ' eharg*. Addrvaa Frf. V. Q, B OIV LEh, Hoodoo, voua. RAILROADS. ‘ s r n E T> TJ L E CENTRAL RAILROAD. .. m Savannah, Ga., June 19, 1887. ON and after this date Passenger Trains will run daily unless marked t, which are daily, except Sunday. The standard time, by which these trains run, is 83 minutes slower than Savannah city time: No. 1. No. 3. No. 5. No. 7. Lv Savannah. .7:00 ani 8:20 pm 5:15 pm 5:40 pm ArOuyton 6 40 pm ArMitten 9:40 am 11:08 pm 7:30 pm 8:45 pm Ar Augusta t1:45 pm 7:15 am 9:35 pm Ar Macon I:3opra 3:2oam ... Ar Atlanta . .5:30 pm 7:30 am Ar Columbus .9:80 pm 2:43 pm Ar Montg'ry..' :26 am 7:09 pm ... Ar Eutaula. 4:3Bam 3:sopm Ar Albany . 10:00 pm 2:45 pm Train No. 9t leaves Savannah 2:00 p, in,; ar rives Guyton 3:00 p. in. Passengers for Sylvania, Wrightsville, Mil ledgeviUo and Eatouton should take 7 :(W a. m. train. Passengers for Thomnston, Carrollton, Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena Vista, Blakely and Olaytoh should take the 8:20 p. m. train. No, 2. No. 4. No. 6. No. 8. Lv Augusta 10:00 pm 0:00 am Lv Macon.. .10:35 am 10:50 pm Lv Atlanta.. o:soam o:sopm LvCohimbus 11:00 pm 12:45 pm Lv Montg'ry. 7:25 pm 7:4oaui LvEufaula 10:18 pm 10:49am Lv Albany.. 5:05 am 11:55am Lv Miilen 2:28 pm 3:10 mil 8:00 am 5:20 am Lv Guyton . 4:0.1 pm s:olam 0:27 am 6:55 am Ar Savannah 5:00 pm 6:13 am 10:30 am 8:05 ain Train No. 10+leaves Guyton 3:10 p. in.; arrives Savannah 4:25 p. in. Sleeping ears on all night trains between Sa vannah. Augusta, Macon and Atlanta, also Ma con and Columbus. Train No. 3, leaving Savannah at 8:20 p. m., will stop regularly at Guyton, but at no other point to put off passengers between Savannah and Miilen. Train No. 4 will stop on signal at stations be tween Miilen and Savannah to take on passen gers for Savannah. Train No. 5 will stop on signal at stations be tween Savannah and Miilen to take on passen gers for Augusta or points on Augusta branch. Train No. 6 will stop between Miilen and Sa vannah to put off passengers from Augusta and points on Augusta branch. Connections at Savannah with Savannah, Florida and Western Railway for all points in Florida. Tickets ftir all points and sleeping car berths on sale at City Office, No. 20 Bull street, and Depot Office 30 minutes before departure of each train. J. C. SHAW. G. A. WHITEHEAD, Ticket Agent. Gen. Pass. Agent. East Tennessee, Virginia k Georgia lIR. GEORGIA DIVISION. The Quickest and Shortest Line BETWEEN Savannah & Atlanta. COMMENCING June 12. 1887, the following Schedule will be in effect: EASTERN LINE. Fast Night Express. Ex-press. Lv Charleston 8:45 am 8:30 pm Ar Savannah 6:41 a m * 7:00 p m Lv Savannah 7:06 am 1:80 pm 8:45 pm Ar Jesup B:42am 3:2opm I:osam Lvjesup .. 3:35 pm 3:80 am Ar Brunswick 5:35 p m 6:00 a m Lvjesup 10:30 am 10:51pm Ar Eastman 2:00 pm 1:50 am Ar Cochran 2:40 p m 2:30 a m Ar Hawkinsville. 3:30 pra 12:00 noon Lv Hawkinsville 10:16 a m 1:35 pm Ar Macon 4:(& p ra 8:50 a m Lv Macon 4:20 pm 8:55 am Ar Atlanta 7:45 pm 7:20 am Lv Atlanta 12:20 pm 7:35 am Arßome 3:28 p m 10:40 a m Ar Dalton 4:58 pm 12:03 n n Ar Chattanooga 6:25pm 1:35 p m Lv Chattanooga... 9:Boam 9:2opm Ar Knoxville 1:50 pm 1:10 am Ar Bristol 7:85 pm 5:45 am Ar Roanoke 2:15 am 12:45 pm Ar Natural Bridge. 3:54 ani 2:29 pm Ar Waynesboro ... 6:20 am 4:20 pm At Luray 7:50 am 6:48 pm Ar Shenando' J'n. 10:58 ara 9:35 pm Ar Hagerstown 11:55pm 10:30pm Ar Harrisburg 3:Bopin I:2oam Ar Philadelphia.... 6:50 pm 4:45 am Ar New York 9:35pm 7:00 am Lv Hagerstown 12:50noon Ar Baltimore 3:45 p m Ar Philadelphia... 7:49pm Ar New Y ork 10:35pm Lv Roanoke 2:20 am 12:30 noon Ar Lynchburg 4:30 am 2:30 pm Ar Washington 12:00noon 9:40 pnx Ar Baltimore 1:27 p m 11:33 p m Ar Philadelphia. .. 3:47 pm 8:00 am Ar New York. ... 6:20 pm 6:20 am Lv Lynchburg 6:15 am 3:05 pin Ar Burkville 9:20 am 5:27 pm Ar Petersburg 11:10am 7:lspm Ar Norfolk 2:25 p m 10:00 pm Via Memphis and Charleston R. R. Lv Chattanooga. ~ 9:25 am 7:10 pm Ar Memphis. 9:15 pm 6:10 am Ar Little Rook 7:loam 12:55 pm "Via K. C., T. 8. sndOß. K. Lv Memphis 10:45 am Ar Kansas City 8:20 am Via Cin. So. R'y. Lv Chattanooga... 8:40 am < :10 pm Ar. Louisville 6:45pm 6:Boam Ar Cincinnati 7:00 p m 6:50 am Ar Chicago 6:50 a m 6:50 pm Ar St. Louis 7:45am 6:4opm Pullman sleepers leave as follows: Jesup at 10;51 p m for Chattanooga. Atlanta at 4:,80 pm, for Knoxville. Rome at 4:(#p m, for Washing ton via Lynchburg; Chattanooga at 9:20 p m, and at 9:30 a m for Washington via Lynchburg; Chattan<>oga at 7:10 p 111 for Little Rock; Bruns wick at 8:30 p m for Atlanta. B. W. WRENN, G. P. * T. A., Knoxville, Tenn. L. J. F.LHS, A. G. F. A., Atlanta. Charleston k Savannah Railway Cos. C CONNECTIONS made at Savannah with Sa-| ) vannab, Florida and Western Railway. Trains leave and arrive at Savannah by stand ard time t9oth meridian), which Is 36 minutes slower than city time. NORTHWARD. No. 14* 3St 60* 78* LvSav'h .12:26 p m 4:ou p m 6:45 am 8:23 pm Ar Augusta 12:30 pm Ar Beaufort 6:08 p m 10:15 am Ar p. Royal 6:20 pm 10:80 am Ar Al'dale. 7:-!0p m 8:15 pm 10:20 a m Ar Chasten 4:43 p m 9:20 p m 11:40 a m 1:25 a m SOUTHWARD. 33* 35* 27* Lv Cha'gton 7:10 a m 8:35 p m 4:00 a ra Lv Augusta 12 85 p iu Lv Al'dale. 5:10 am 3:07 pm Lv P. Royal. 7:00 a in 2:00 p m Lv Beaufort 7:12a m 2:15 pin . Ar bav'h., 10:15 um 6:53 p m 6:41 a m ♦Daily between Savannah and Charleston. tSundr.ys only. • Train No. 78 makes no connection with Port Royal and Augusta Railway, and stops onlvut HldgelauJ, Green Pond and Kuvnnel. Train H stops only at Yemassee and Green Tond, and connects tor Beaufort and Port Royal daily, und for Allendale daily, except Sunday. Trains 85 and 00 connect from and for Beaufort au'd i’ort Royal daily. lor tickets, sleeping car reservations and all | other Information apply to WM. BREN, Special Ticket Agent, 22 Bull street, ami at Charleston and Savannah railway ticket office, at Savannah, Florida and Western Railway depot C. S. GADSDEN, Sunt. JiMt 9, 1837, FOOD PRODU4 18. FOREST CITY MILLS. Prepared Stock Food for Horses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pure grain. Guaranteed Sweet and Nutritious. BondjHaynes&Elton RAILROADS. Savannah, Florida 4 Western Railway. [All trains on this road are run by Central Standard Time.] Time card in effect june 19, iss7. Passenger trains oa this road will run daily as follows: WEST INDIA EAST MAIL. READ DOWN. BEAD UP. 7:06 a m Lv Savannah Ar,12:06 p m 12:30pm Lv Jacksonville Lv 7:ooam 4:10 pm Lv Sanford Lv 1:15 am 9:00 pu Ar Tampa. Lv 9:00p m PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. Monday and I , T _ m .., IThursand Thurs. .pmf Lv... lampa. Ar pm Tuesday and l g™ *+ fv t Wed - and Friday .p mf Ar . Key West..Lv pnj Wednes. and I , Hava _„ T > Wed. and bat amt Ar.. Havana.. .Lv f nooa Pullman buffet cars to and from New York and Tampa. NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. 7:06 ara Lv Savannah Ar 7:58 pra 8:42a mLv Jesup Ar 6:10 Din 9:50 ara Ar Wny'eross Lv 5:05 p m 11:96 am Ar Callahan Lv 2:47 p m 12:00 noonAr Jacksonville Lv 2:05 p m 7:ooam Lv Jacksonville .. Ar 7:45pm 10:16 am Lv Wayeross Ar 4:40 p noi 12:04 p 111 Lv Valdosta Lv 2:56 pru 12:31 pni Lv Quitman Lv 2:28 pin l:2JpmAr Thomasville. .Lv l:4spru 3:85 p m Ar Bainbridge Lv 11:25 a m 4:04 p m Ar. Chattahoochee Lv 11:30 ani Pullman buffet cars to and from Jacksonville and Now York, to and from Wayeross and New Orleans via Pensacola. EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. 1:80 pm Lv Savannah Ar 12:06 pm 3:20 pm Lv Jesup Lv 10:32 a m _4:40 p m Ar .Wayeross Lv 9:23 a m 7:45pm Ar Jacksonville Lv 7:ooara 4:15 pm Lv Jacksonville Ar 9:45 am 7:9opm Lv Wayeross Ar 6:Bsam 8:81 p m Ar Dupont Lv 5:80 a m 3:25 pm Lv ..Lake City.. .Ar 10:45a in 8:45 pm Lv Gainesville Ar 10:80 a ni _6:55 p m Lv. Live Oak Ar 7:loam 8:40 pm Lv Dupont Ar 5:25 arn 10:55 p m Ar Thomasville Lv 3:25 a m 1:22 am Ar Albany Lv 1:25 a m Pullman buffet ears to and from Jacksonville and St. Louis via Thomasville, Albany, Mont gomery and Nashville. ALBANY EXPRESS. 7:35 p mLv Savannah Ar 6:loam 10:05 p mLv Jesup Lv B:lsam 12:40a m Ar. .. Wayeross Lv 12:10am 5:30 am Ar Jacksonville Lv 9:00 pm 9:00 pm Lv ..Jacksonville.. Ar s;3oam I:osam Lv Wayeross Ar 11:30pin 2:80 am Ar Dupont Lv 10:05 pm 7:loam Ar Live Oak Lv 6:sfipm 10:80 a m Ar Gainesville Lv 3:45 p m 10:45 a m Ar Lake City Lv 8:25 pra 2:55 a mLv Dupont .Ar 9:85 pm 0:30 a m Ar Thomasville Lv 7:00 p m 11:40am Ar Albany Lv 4:oopm Stops at all regular stations. Pullman sleeping cars to ana from Jacksonville and Sa vannah. THOMASVILLE EXPRESS. 6:05 am Lv Wayeross Ar 7:00 pnx 10:25 am Ar Thomasville... Lv 2:15 pm Stops at all regular and flag stations. JESUP EXPRESS. 3:4spmLv Savannah Ar B:3oam 6:10 p m Ar Jesup Lv 5:25 am Stops at all regular and flag stations. CONNECTIONS. At. Savannah for Charleston at 6:45 am, (ar rive Augusta via Yemassee at 12:80 p rn), 12:26 p m and 8:23 pm; for Augusta and Atlanta at i :00 am, 5:15 p m and 8:20 pm; with steamships for New York Sunday, Tuesday and Friday: for Boston Thursday: for Baltimore every flftuday. At JESUP for Brunswick at 3:80 a m and 3:85 pm: for Macon 10:30 a m and 11:07 p m. At WAYCROSS for Brunswick at 10:00 a m and 5:05 p m. At CALLAHAN for Femandicaat 2:47 pm; for Waldo, Cedar Key. Ocala, etc , at 11:27 a m. At LIVE OAK for Madison, Tallahassee, eto., at 10:58 a m and 7:80 p m. At GAINESVILLE for Ocala, Tavares, Brooks ville and Tampa at 10:55 a m. At ALBANY for Atlanta, Macon, Montgom ery. Mobile. New Orleans, Nashville, etc. At CHATTAHOOCHEE for Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans at 4:14 p m. Tickets sold and sleeping car berths secured at BREN’S Ticket Office, and at the Passenger Station. WM. P. HARDEE, Gen. Pass. Agent. R. G. FLEMING Superintendent South Florida Railroad. Central Standard Time. ON and after MONDAY, June 13, 1887, train* will arrive and leave as follows: ♦Daily. 1 Daily except Sundays, [Daily ex cept Mondays. LIMITED WEST INDIA FAST MAIL. Leave Jacksonville (J., T and K. W.) *12:30 p m, Sanford 4:40 p m; arrive Tampa 9:00 p m. Returning leave Tampa 8:00 p m, Sanford 1:00 am; arrive Jacksonville +J., T. and K W.) 6:30 a m. WAY TRAINS. Leave Sanford for Tampa and way stations tl 8:40 am Arrive at Tampa tj 1:83 pm Returning leave Tatnpa at +J 9:00 a m Arrive at Sanford . .tl 1:45 pm Leave Sanford for Kissim mee and wnv stations at.+lo:2o am and 5:00 pm Arrive at Kissimmee at + 1:20 p m and 7:05 p m Returning leave Kissimmee +6:00 ain und 2:15 pm Arrive at Sanford 18:20amand5:85pm +sSteamboat Express. BARTOW BRANCH. Lv Bartow Junction.. .+11:45 a in and ♦ 7:4opm Ar Bartow 12:55 p m and 8:40 pm Returning Lv Bartow, t 9:30 a ra and * 6:00 p m Ar Bartow Junction. . 10:40 am and 7:10 pm PEMBERTON FERRY BRANCH. Operated by the South Florida Railroad. •Leave Bartow for Pemberton Ferry and way stations at 7:15 am Arrive at Pemberton Ferry at 9:50 am •Returning leave Pemberton Ferry at. 5:00 p m Arrive at Bartow at 8:00 p m [Leave Pemberton Ferry 7:00 a m Arrive Bartow 11:20a ra f Leave Bartow 12:40 p m Arrive Pemberton Ferry 4:50 pm SANFORD AND INDIAN RIVER R. R. Leave Sanford for Lake Charm and way stations 5:50 p nx Arrive Lake Charm 7:15 p ra Returning— Leave Lake Charm 6:30 a ra Arrives at Sanford 8:00 a m SPECIAL CONNECTIONS. Connects at Sanford with the Sanford and Indian River Railroad for Oviedo and points on Lake Jesup, with the Peonies Line and Deßarr Line of steamers, und J. T. and K W Ry. tm Jacksonville and all intermediate points on the St. John'.; river, and with steamers for Indian river and the Upper St. John's. At Kissimmee with steamers for Forts Myers and Bassiuger and points on Kissimmee river. At Pemberton Ferry with Florida Southern Railway for nil points North and West, and at Bnrtow with the Florida Southern Railway for Fort Meade and points South. STEAMSHIP CONNECTIONS. Connects ut Tampa with steamer "Margaret” for Palma Sola, Braidentown, Palmetto. Mana tee and all points on Hillsborough and Tampa Bays. Also, with the elegant mail steamships "Mas cotto" and “Olivette." of the Plant Steamship Cos., for Key West and Havana. Through tickets sold at all regular stations to points North, East and West. Baggage checked through. Passengers for Havana inn leave Sanford on Limited West India Fast Mail truiu at 4:81 pra Tuesday, Thursday und Saturday, connecting same evening with steamer at Tampa. WILBUR McCOY, General Freight and Ticket Agent. SUIHRIIAV H.YIUVAY. City and Suburban Railway. Savannah, Ga., May 31. 1887. ON and after WEDNESDAY, June Ist, the following schedule will be run on the Out side Line: LIATI ] ARRIVE jLr.AVK ISL|| LEAVE CITY. CITY. nr KOl’t. ! MONItJOHKEE •7:00 6:M> 6:45 10:43 8:40 8:15 7:30 ••3:45 4:00 1:30 J:00 There will he no early train from Isle of Hop* on Sunday morning. •Tor Montgomery only. Passengers for Isle of Hope (to via Montgomery without extra charge. Tide train affords jvirent.s a cheap ex cursion before breakfast tor young children with nurses. ••This 3:45 p. m. train last out of city Sunday afternoon. '••S;ii'ie.lnvs this train leaves city at 7:45 J. U JOHNSTON. ' ♦' ■■!—————————i—■— —a—— r po COUNTY OFFICERS.-' Books and Blank* JL required by county officers for the use of the courts, or for office use, supplied to order by the MORNING NEWS PRINTING HOUSE. 3 Whitaker sweet SavaMiah.