The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 06, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL. SAVANNAH MARKET. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, I Savannah, Ga., July 5,4 p. m. f Cotton— The market continues very dull and entirely nominal. There was little or nothing doing, the inquiry being very light. The sales for the day were only 5 bales. On ’Change at the midday call, at 1 p. tn., the market was re ported nominal at a decline of %c for all grades. The following are the official spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: Middling fair 11% Good middling 10<4 Middling 10% Low middling 10% Good ordinary —9% Sea Island—The market was very dull and unchanged. There were no sales. We quote: Common Georgias and Floridas 14 @15% Medium 16)4® 17 Good medium 17%@ 18 Medium fine IS%@ Fine 19%@20 Extra fine 20%@21 Choice 22 @ Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand July 5, 1887, and for the Same Time Last Year, 1886-87. ij 1885-86. l^nd\ T P land \ iSZk U “ Uind Stock on hand Sept. 1 1,140 j 4,304! 551 3,298 Received to-day .. ..j .... | 40 413 1 Received previously 27.230 ,<1,202 23.34- 177,371; Total 28,379 775,1)06 23,933 781,082! Exported to-day —40 1,6801 Exported previously 27,766 775,010 22,398 774,754 Total 97.70 775,0101 22,438 776,4311 Stock on hand and on ship hoard this day CIS 496| 1,490! 4,648; Rice—The market was quiet, but firm and unchanged. The sales for the day were fully 175 barrels, at about quotations, as follows: Fair 4%@4% Good 4%@ — Prime 5 @5)4 Rough- Country lots 600 90 Tide water 90@1 15 Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur pentine was quiet, but steady at the decline. The sales for the day were 240 casks, at 39 4 ’ for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported steady at 3 11 {,(' for regulars. At the closing call it was steady at 30%c for regulars, lb win—The market was very quiet and unchanged. At the Board ot Trade on the first call the market wus report ed dull for N and above and steady for M and below, with sales of 550 barrels at the following quotations: A, B, C and Dsl 00, E §1 05, F SI 10, G SI 15, H 81 20, Isl 30, K 81 50, 51 $1 70, N 81 85, window glass $2 20. water white $2 50, At the closing call it was unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,543 77,408 Rixteived to-day 2,148 5.461 Received previously 63,461 140,984 Total 68,452 223,853 Exported to-day 810 2,897 Exported previously 57,926 175.572 Total 58,736 178.469 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day 9,716 45.38* Receipts same day last year 1,584 3,969 Financial—Money is active. Domestic Exchange Steady. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at % per cent, premium and selling at % per cent premium. Foreign Exchange —Tile market is easy. Commercial demand, 84 83)4; sixty days, 84 82; ninety days, 8181)4; francs, Paris and Havre, commercial, sixty days, 35 24%: Swiss, 85 21%; marks, sixty days, 94)4. Securities—The market is very dull Stocks and Bonds —City Bonds—Quiet. At lanta 6 per cent long date, 108 bid, 110 asked; Atlanta 7 per cent 118 bid, 121 asked: Augusta 7 per cent long date, 115 bid, 118 asked: Augusta 6s long date. 108 bid, 110 asked; Columbus 5 per cent, 100 bid, 105 asked; Macon 6 per cent. 11l bid, 112 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, July coupons, 102% asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, August coupons, 192*6 bid, 103 asked. State Bonds—Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgia new 6s. 1889, 103 bid, 104 asked; Georgia new 4%5. 106% bid, 107 asked; Geor gia 7 per cent gold, quarterly coupons, 107)4 bid, 108% asked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1890, 123 bid, 124 asked Railroad Stocks—Central common, ex-divi dend, 1*9)4 bid, 120% asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent guaranteed, 133 bid, 131 asked; Georgia common, ex-dividend, 198 bid, 200 asked: Southwestern 7 per cent guaranteed, ex-dividend, 128 bid, 129 >4 asked; Central 0 per cent certificates, ex iuterest, 100)4 bid, 101)4 asked; Atlanta and West Point railroad stock, li4 bid, 117 asked; Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent certificates, 102)4 bid. 103 asked. Railroad Bonds —Market quiet. Savannah, Florida ami Western Railway Company general mortgage 6 per cent interest, coupons October, 115 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage consolidated 7 per cent coupons, January and July, maturity 1897, 119 bid, 121 asked; Central consolidated mortgage 7 percent, coupons January and July, maturity 1893 111 asked; Georgia railroad 6s, 1897, 108 bid 110 asked; slobile and Girard second mort gage indorsed K per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1889, 105 bid, 100 asked; Mont gomery and lSufuula first mortgage 6 per cent, indorsed by Central railroad. 109 bid, 110 asked: Marietta and North Georgia first mort gage 6 per cent, 101 asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta first mortgage, 113 asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta second mortgage, 110 asked; Western Ala bi-na secern! mortgage Indorsed H per cent, 108 bid. *O9 asked; South Georgia and Florida Indorsed, 118 bid, 120 asked, South Georgia and Florida second mortgage, 114 bid, 116 asked; Augusta and Knoxville first mort gage 7 per cent, 110 asked; Gainesville, Jef ferson and Southern first mortgage guaranteed, lio asked; Gainesville. Jefferson and Southern not guaranteed, 116 asked; Ocean Steamship 6 per cent txinds, guaran teed by Central railroad. 102)4 bid, 103 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern second mortgage guaranteed, 116 asked, Columbus and Rome first mortgage bonds in dorsed by Central railroad, 108 bid, 109 asked; Columbus and Western 0 per cent guaranteed, 109 bid, 110 asked; City and Suburban rail way first mortgage 7 per ceut, 110 asked; Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Company, 107 bid, 110 asked. Bank Stocks— Nominal. Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. 200 bid. 205 asked; Mer chants'National Bank, 160 bid, 105 asked; Sa vannah Bank and Trust Company, 98 bill, 100 asked; National Bank of Savannah, 120 bid, 121 asked. Gas Stocks— Savannah Gas Ligh t stock, ex dividend, 21)4 bid, 22 asked; slutual Gas Light ■took. 20 bid, 23 asked. Bacon Market steady; demand good; smoked clear rib sides, 9%e; shoulders, 7%c; dry salted clear rib sides, stye; long clear, B%e; shoulders, none; hams, 12%c. Baobiko and Ties—Market quiet. We quote: Bagging— 2)4 lbs, 8%®.8%c; 2 s, 7%@.7%c; 1% lbs, 7@7%c, according to brand and quantity. Iron ties—Arrow and other brands, 81000105 per bundle, according to brand and quantity. Bugging and ties In retail lots a fraction higher. Bitter—Market steady; oleomargarine, 110 ICe; choice Goshen, 13c; gilt edge, 22c; cream ery, 24 (3,25 c. Coffee—The market is dull. We quote for small lots: Ordinary, 19c; fair, 20c; good. ao)4o; choice, 21c; peaberry, 22%c. (iiEESE— Market nominal ;small demand ;stock light. We quote, 11015 c. Dried Fruit -Apples, evaporated, IScj peeled 7c; peaches, peeled, 19c; unpealed, s@7c; cur-’ rants, 7c; citron, 25c. liny Goods—The market is firm; business fair. We quote: Prints, 4@Bc; Georgia brown shirting, 8-4. 4)4c; 7 8 do, 5%c; 4-4 brown sheet ing, 6)41' ; while osnaburgs, 8%@10c; checks, 6%@7c; yarns, 85c for best makes; brown drill ings, 7@7%e. I’isii We quote full weights: Mackerel— -80. 1, 37 50010 00; No. 8. half barrels, nominal, 0007 00; No. 2, 87 5008 50. Herring—No. 1, 80c; scaled, 25.); cod, s@Bc. Flour—. Market weak, demand moderate. We quote: Extra, 81150,4 35; fancy, $5 000 6 25; choice patent, 85 2505 66; family, $4 600 4 75. Fruit—Lemons—Stock full and demand fair. We quote, 86 *© 3 75. Grain—Corn Market easy: demand light. We quote: White Oorn, job lots, eie; oarjoad lots. 6lc; mixed corn, Job lots. 61c; earload lots. 60c. Oats steady: demand good. We quote: Mixed oata. 45e; carload lots. 40c. Bran, *1 10. Meal, 65c; Georgia grist, per sack, 81 55; grist, per bushel, 700. Hay—Market steady, with a fair demand; stock ample. Y,’e quote. lob lots: Western. on: on-load lots, 90c. Eastern, none. North ern. none. 111 E>. IVOOL, Ere.—Hides—Market dull; re ccipts light; dry flint, 12c; salted, 10c; dry butcher. Bc. Wool—Market weak and declin ing; prime in bales, 25@,28)4c; burry, 10®15c. Wax, 18c. Tallow, 3®4c. Deer skins, flint, 20c; salted, lfic. Otter skins, 50c@$4 00. Iron—Market firm; Swede, 4)4@5c; refined, 354 c. lard—Market is steady; in tierces, 7)4c; 50-lb tins, 754®7)4c. Lime, Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand, and is selling at $1 30 per barrel: Georgia, $1 30; calcined plas ter, $1 50 per barrel; hair, 4e. Rosendalecement, $1 50: Portland cement, $2 50. Liqvons— Full stock; steady demand. Bour bon, $150®5 50; rye. $150®6 00; rectified, $1 00® 1 35. Ales unchanged and iu fair de mand. Nails—Market firm: fair demand. Wequote: 3d, $3 90; Id ami sd, $3 25 ; 3d, $3 00; 84, $2 75; 161 to 60d, $2 50 per keg Nets—Almonds, Tarragona, 18@20c; Ivicas. 17@18c; walnuts, French, 12e; Naples, 16c; pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c; filberts, 12c; cocoanuts, Barncoa, $5 35 per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 45c; West Virginia black, 9@loc; lard, 60c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 10c; water white, 13F40; neatsfoot, 62®, 80c; machinery, 35®30e; linseed, raw, 52c; boded, ,55c; mineral seal, 16c; fireproof, 18c; homelight, 18c. Onions—Bermuda, $1 60 per crate; native, $1 00®1 25 per crate. Potatoes—Scotch, $3 00@3 20 per sack; new, $3 00® 5 6). Peas—Demand light; cow peas, mixed, 75® 80c; clayq $1 00@1 15; speckled, $1 00@1 15; black eye, $1 25®1 50; white crowder, $1 50® 1 75. Prckbs— I Turkish, 534,0; French, Bc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel, $2 00; layers, $2 00 per box; Lon don layers, $2 25 per box. Shot —Drop. $1 40: buck, $1 85. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots, 60c fob; job lots, 75®90c. Sugar—'The maket is Ann; cut loaf, 654 c; standard A, Oc: extra C, s*>4c; 0 yellow, 554 c; granulated, 654 c; powdered, 654 - Syrup—Florida and Georgia syrup, 40@45c; the market is quiet for sugar-house at 35®40c; Cuba straight goods, 28c in hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 2t)c. Tobacco—Market dull; demand moderate. We quote; Smoking, 25c®$l 25: chewing, com mon, sound, 25®39c; fair, 30@85c; medium, 38@60c; bright, 50®75c; fine fancy, 85@90c; extra fine, 90c®$l 10; bright navies, 45@75c; dark navies, 40®50c. Lumber—The demand from the West is quiet, owing to fear of effect of interstate com merce bill; coastwise and foreign inquiry is only fairly active. Prices for average schedules are firm at quotations: We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes $l3 50@17 00 Difficult sizes 16 00@21 50 Flooring boards 16 00® 20 50 Shipstuff 18 60@S1 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal. Wequote: 700 feet average $ 9 00@11 61 800 “ “ 10 00®11 00 900 “ “ 11 61@12 00 1,000 " “ 12 00®14 00 Shipping timber in the raft— -700 feet average $ 6 00® 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00® 800 900 “ “ 8 00® 9 00 1,000 “ “ 9 00@10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail—There is a quiet market, with few transactions and rates Arm. Freight limits are from $5 00 to $6 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia, New- York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c@$l 6) higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and wind ward, nominal; to South America. $l3 6)@14 00; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, $ll 00® 12 6); to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27®285; lumber, i'3 15s. Steam—To New York, $7 00; to Philadelphia, $7 00; to Boston, $9 00. Naval Stores—Dull. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 2s 10)Ld. and, or. 4s 1)4<1; Adriatic, rosin, 3s; Genoa, rosin, 2s 10)4d. Coastwise—Steam— To Boston, 50c ou rosin, $1 00 on spirits; to New York, rosin 50c, spirits 80c; to Philadelphia, rosin, 30c, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin 30c, spirits 70c Cotton—By Steam—The market is nominal. Liverpool via New’ York P 18 3-16d Liverpool via Baltimore $ lb 3-10d Antwerp via New York lb Ud Havre via New York $) n> 9-16 c Havre via Baltimore. 66c Bremen via New York $ lb 11-16 c Keval via New York 11-32d Bremen via Baltimore V #> 94c Amsterdam via New York 65c Amsterdam via Baltimore 61c Genoa via New Y’ork%) tb %and Boston V bale 1 85 Rea island V bale 1 75 New York V bale 1 35 Sea island Id bale 1 35 Philadelphia 1< bale 135 Seu island ?) bale 1 35 Baltimore $ bale ... 1 25 Providence 19 bale 1 50 Rice—By steam— New York $) barrel 60 Philadelphia ij) barrel 60 Baltimore barrel 60 Boston barrel 60 Vegetables—By Steam—(By special contract) —To New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Balti more, standard crates. 20c: barrels, 40c. With out the contract, crates, 35c; barrels, 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls $ pair $ 65 @ *0 Chickens, )4 to $4 grown 40 ® 60 Springers 85 @ 40 Ducks? 9 pair 50 ® 75 Geese $ pair 75 @1 00 Turkeys pair 125 ®2 00 Eggs, country, $ dozen 14 ® 15 Peanuts —Fancy h. p. Va. ip tb. .. ® 6 Peanuts—Hand picked $ tb... ® 5 Peanuts—Ga. f) bushel, nominal. 75 ®9O Sweet potatoes, yel. reds bush. 50 ® 60 Sweet potatoes, yel.yamsw bush. 65 ® 75 Sweet pot’s, white yams %) bush. 40 ® 50 Poultry—Market steady; receipts heavy; demand light for grown; half to three-quarters grown in good request. Eoos—Market steady, with a good demand and scarce Peanuts— Ample stock; demand fair; market steady. Sugar—Georgia and Florida, nominal; none in market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York, July 5, noon.—Stocks dull but steady. Money quiet at B®7 per cent. Exchange —long $4 83)4@4 8244, short $4 88)4®4 83)4. State bonds neglected. Government bonds dull but steady. 5 p. m.—Exchange dull but steady at $4 84® 4 85. Money tight at 3® 10 per cent., closing offered at 4. Sub-Treasury balances—Gold. $134,396,000; currency, $15,194,000. Government boDds dull but heavy; four per cents 128)4; four and a half per cents 109)4. State bonds neg lected. The stock market was dull and quite weak to day. though transactions were principally in a half dozen stocks, the remainder being entirely uninteresting. There was a slim attendance at the board this morning, and though there was some purchasing orders executed chiefly for foreign account, the demand was soon supplied, when traders einhraciKt the opportunity to again raid the market, and as they met with no opposi tion, values at the close of the day were ma terially lower than this morning. Reading was remarkably well held and furnished a very large proportion of the day’s business. A special im pression. however, was made in Louisville and Nashville and Pacific Mail, though all active stocks were sharers in tho prevailing decline. Higher rates for money In the forenoon WON favorable to the tactics of the bears, and when they eased off late in the day, some slight im provement was made. An attack upon values did not dislodge long stock to any extent,though Pacific Mail was sold ujion the belief that the Pacific roads would he able, under the rulings of the Interstate Commission, to make rates which would seriously interfere with the busi ness 'ff the company The opening was mode rately firm, which was followed hy fractional advances in the general list, while Reading showed remarkable strength, gaining U per cent within the first half hour. The remainder of the market was almost stagnant until buying was I'xhaus' +• when a heavy tone overspread the market, r.ud Reading became comparatively quiet, while more animation was shown In other stocks. In the afternoon a decided weakness was developed, New' England. Louisville and Nashville and Pacific Mail being most promt nent. There was a slight rally In the last hour, but the close was dull und heavy generally at a shade Hbove the lowest figures, and with the en tire active list, with but one or two exceptions, lower. Tho business of the day was 198,000 shari's. The following were the closing quota tions: Ala. class A.2 to 5.107)4 New Orleans Pa- Ala. claes B, 5s 110 cfflc, Ist mort. 78 Georgia 7s, mort.. 106* N. Y Central .109)4 N. Carolina 6 121)4 Norf. &W. pref... 46)4 N. Carolina 4s .*90)4 Nor. Pacific 33) 9 So. Caro. (Brown) “ pref.. 56L consols 105 Pacific Mail 41k Tennessee 6s *74 Heading. 56^4 VirginiaCs *4B Richmond & Ale . 8 Va. consolidated. 455 Richmond k I)anvlso Ch'peakeA Ohio. 684 Ricbm'd&W. Pt Chic. & Northwn.llB)4 Terminal....... 3144 “ preferred ,14S Rock Island. .129 Debt., Lack &W. 133)4 St, Paul 87)4 Erie “ preferred 123 East Tennessee, Texas Pacific 3i) new stock !2-ht Tenn. Coal * Iron. 84 Lake Shore 97)4 Union Pacific 5784 L’ville & Nosh 61*, N. J. Central. . 78)4 Memphis A Char 16) Missouri Pacific 103V4 Mobile & Ohio * 13>4 Western Union. 7044 Nosh, .t Chatt'a.. 81)4 CottonOilTrust cer 40 ♦Bid. tAsked. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, JULY 0. 1887. COTTON. Liverpool, July 5. 12:30 p. m —Cotton quiet and rather easier; middling uplands 8 18-1 tVi, middling Orleans 5 IS-16d; sales S.OOO bales, for speculation and export 1,000 bales; receipts 3.061 bales—American 96) levies. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, July and August delivery 5 S6-C4d, August and Sep tember 5 57-64d. also 5 56-04d: September and October 5 Bti-64d,October and November 5 36-64d, November and December 5 23-titd, December and January 5 did, January and February 5 AM-Id, September 5 87-t>4u, also 5 66-61a. Market steady at the decline 2 p. m.—The sales to-day included 6,300 bales of American. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause. July delivery 8 5-64d, buyers; July and August 5 86-64 J, buyers; August and Septembers 56 tHd, buyers; Septendier and October 8 36-64d, sellers; October and November 526-64d, buyers; Novem ber and December 5 23-64d, buyers; December and January 5 33-64d, value; January and Feb ruary 5 28-0-ld. value; September 5 56-64d, buy ers. Market sternly. 4 p. m.—Futures: Uplands, low middling clause, Julj- delivery 6 SS-64d, sellers; July and August 5 55-64d, sellers; August and September 5 5,V64d, sellers; September and Oct obor :> BS-64d, sellers; October and November 6 BS-64d. buyers; November and December 5 22-64d, buyers; De cember and January 5 21-64d, buyers; January and February 521 -6ld, buyers; September 5 oS-64d, sellers. Market closed easy. New York, July 5, noon.—Cotton opened quiet; middling uplands 11c, middling Orleans 11 3-16 c; sales 1,129 bales. Futures—slarket quiet but steady, with sales as follows: July delivery 10 77c, August 10 86c. September 10 81c. October 9 81c. November 9 71 e, December 9 69c. 5:00 p, m.—Market closed easy; middling up lands 11c, middling Orleans 11 3-16 c; sales to day 2,410 bales ; net receipts none, gross 1,557 bales. Futures—slarket closed weak, with sales of 105,900 bales, as follows: July delivery 10 71® 10 72c, August 10 76® 10 77c. September 10 12c, October 9 74®9 75c, November W6o®9tjfle, De cember 9 04®.!) Ooc, January 9 67c. February 9 78 @9 74c, March 9 80®9 81c, April 9 86®9 88c. Green Co.’s report on cotton futures savs: "It has been a very weak market to-day, with a sharp decline on old crop, August going off some 25 points from Friday night's close. There was unquestionably considerable disappoint ment at the condition of Liverpool, which sent some very tame dispatches, and comparatively free offering here found no one to take it, the clique showing much apathy even with a large export movement to help them. The close was unsettled, advices from the crop continue bright, but offerings seem to lx 1 a little careful, and rates are off only about 10 to 12 points.” Galveston, July s.—Cotton quiet; middling lOJiic; net receipts 3 bales, gross 3; sales 260 bales; stock 4,073 bales. Norfolk, July s.—Cotton quiet; middling 10)6c; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 3,040 bales. Baltimore, Ju'y s.—Cotton quiet; middling 1154 c; net receipts 66 bales, gross 56; sales none; stock 3,250 bales. Boston, July s.—Cotton quiet; middling ll'/hc; net receipts 954 bales, gross 054; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, July s.—Cotton firm; middling 10)4c; net receipts none; sales none; stock 1,089 bales. Philadelphia, July s.—Cotton firm; middling ll!4c; net receipts none, gross none; stock 11,704 bales. New Orleans, July s.—Cotton easy; mid dling lOHsc; net receipts 140 bales, gross 219; sales 1,100 bales; stock 73,805 bales; exports coastwise 2,360 bales. Mobile, July s.—Cotton nominal; middling 1044 c; net receipts 6 bales, gross 0; sales none; stock 462 bales. Memphis, July s.—Cotton quiet; middling 1054 c; receipts 17 bales: shipments none; sales bales; stock 7,539 bales. Ai'oubta, July s.—Cotton quiet but steady; middling 1054 c; receipts for two days 7 bales; sales none. Charleston, July s.—Cotton quiet but firm; middling 1654 c; net receipts 5 bales, gross 5; sales none; stock 567 bales. Atlanta, July s.—Cotton—middling 10>4c; receipts 1 bale. New York, July s.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 163 bales; stock at all American ports 258,945 bales. provisions, groceries, etc. Liverpool, July 5, 12:30 p. m — Wheat dull; poor demand; holders offer freely; California No 1, 7s Bd@.7s9d; receipts of wheat for the past three days 221,000 centals, including 123,06) American. Corn dull and in poor demand; new mixed Western 3s lid; receipts of American corn for the past three days 72,400 centals. New York. July' 5, noon.—rlour quiet but unchanged. Wheat higher. Corn lower Pork Arm; mess, $l5 00® 15 50. Lard easier at $6 96. Freights steady. Okl mess pork firm at $l4 50 ®l4 75. 5 p. m.—Flour, Southern steadv. Wheat closed firm, with spalliation moderately active; No. 2 red, July delivery 85®85 11-16 c. August 85 5-16®8554c, September 855k®85 11-lGc. Corn 54®54e lower, closing heavy and dull; No. 2, July delivery 43J4®4554c, August 40)4<;4fiKx: Oats 4c higher: July He better: others 1.4 BjC lower: mixed Western 84®36c: No. 2, July delivery 33)4®3854c, August 3154®81{4<', Sep tember 3154 c. Hops unchanged and quiet. Coffee, fnir Rio firm at 18!qc; No. 7 Rio, July delivery 16 650716 700, August 16 90®17 10c, Sep tember 17 066)17 45c. Sugar quiet but st eady: refined quiet. Molasses dull and nominal. Cotton seed oil—34c for crude, 42)4@44c for refined. Hides steady. Wool quiet but steady and unchanged. Pork steady. Beef dull. Mid dies dull ana nominal. Lard opened a trifle bet ter, closing weak and 8W,4 points lower; West ern steam, on spot $7, August delivery $6 98® 6 99, September $7 08®7 IS. Freights lirm; cot ton, 3435d: wheat, per steam, 3d. Chicago, July s.— An easy feeling prevailed In tho wheat pit during the earlier part of the ses sion, aue chiefly to the tone of the cables. Au gust started at 72c. but free selling quickly put it down to 71V4c. S pel'll hit ion, however, wasnot sufficient to keep the crowd busy, and was con ducted chiefly by scalpers, outside orders being greatly restricted. Tne visible supply state ment was a surprise. Evei-ybody expected a decrease, but they were not prepared for the falling off of 4,297,000 bushels. The effect ou prices was the firming up of almost We The visible supply found August at 715407154 c, and caused that option to advance at once to 7154 c. The trade, however, dragged very much, and but little business was done, anil August closed for tiie day at 7154 c. Corn wus active, weak and unsettled and trading was of a larger volume thuu for gome days. General rains in the corn belt created weakness nud caused considerable corn to be sold for country account. Offerings were liberal by longs and the demand was mainly for July and August, with very little in quiry for more deferred futures. The visible supply showed a decrease of 673,000 bushels. August opened 54®Wo lower at 37®37Wc and declined to 3654®3654c, the closing figure. Oats were weaker, late rams having caused less ap prehension and anxiety about the growing crop caused increased selling, or probably closing out by longs. New crop deliveries sold down 54® )4c. August opened at 2554472554 c, and closed at 2&54c. Provisions were moderately active, but the market, although exhibiting considera ble steadiness, was not quite so strong ns during the closing days of the week. The firmness of the hog market anil the strengthening influence but unsettled feeling in the grain market made operators somewhat timid, and they were not inclined to trade in large lines The stock re ported ou hand was quite liberal larger than operators had anticipated—and this also had some effect. Offerings were fair early ami prices ruled lower, I radiog being chiefly 111 Au gust and September deliveries Later Ihe mar ket was steady , with fair purchases, and prices rallied again. August lard opened at $6 67)4, declined to $6 62)4, the closing figure. August short ribs started at $7 70, sold down to $7 62)4 and closed at the opening figure. Gash quotations to-day ruled as follows: Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat, No. 2 spring 6954®70c. No. 3 spring 63c; No. 2 red 73c. Corn. No. 2,3554 c. Oats, No. 2, 25)40. laird $6 52)4®6 65. Short rib sides, loose. $7 (10® 7 62)4. Dry salted shoulders. Ixixed, $5 4<>4Ls 50; short clear sldos, boxed, $7 !)6®B 00. Whisky $1 10. Leading futures ranged as follows; Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 3 Wheat— July delivery.... 6954 6954 6954 August delivery. 72 73 7lr Sept, delivery... 74 74 7354 Oct. delivery.... 754 7554 7554 Cobb— July delivery .. 3554 3554 3554 August delivery. 37'4 37)2 SO® Sept, delivery... 3*54 B*s* 87)4 Oct. delivery.... 39 89 8754 Gats July delivery.. 25 25)4 25% August delivery. 25% 25% 85% Sent, delivery... 26% 26% 26% Mess PoitK— June delivery nominal. Labd— July delivery . . $6 55 $6 66 $6 55 August delivery. 6 67% 667 % 6 52% Sept, delivery.... 075 675 6 72% Oct. delivery 0 80 6 82% C 80 Short Uiiis— July delivery $7 60 $ . $ August delivery. 770 7 72% 770 Sept, delivery... 780 785 780 Baltimore, July s.—Flour steady but dull; Howard street and Western superfine $2 hoag 340, extra $3 2503 9", family $4 (Jo@ l 60, city mills superfine #3 5003 00, extra $3 250 3 75; Rio brands $ I iclc.t 4 76. Wheat—Southern steady and active; re 1 *'2@W&c, amber 84@86o; Western lower and dull; No. 2 w inter red, on spot 83)40 83%. Corn—Southern steady but quiet; white 50058 c. yellow 47049 c, Western easier hut dull. bt. Louis. July s.—Flour steady and un> changed Wheat opined %<• higher but weak ened on Chicago's decline; later, on decrease In the visible supply, reacted and closed si rung at tjc nliove Saturday; No. 2 red, cash 72%@ 73c, July delivery 72%@73%c, August 72%0,74c. Corn %@l)4c lower; cash 82%® 330. July deliv ery 33i.<j340. Oats very dull; cash 25%@26%c; no option deals. Whisky steady at $1 05. Pro visions firm and better: Pork irregular; new sls 85015 50. Lard, $0 55 asked. Dry salt meats, loose, shoulders $5 75; long clear $7 65, clear ribs $7 75, short clear $7 95. Bacon, boxed shoulders $6 12%@6 2ft, long clear and clear ribs 8800® 8 62%, short clear $8 87%@9 00. Hums steady at $llOOOl4 00. Cincinnati, July s.—Flour heavy; family $3:10 @3 50, fancy $8 700 390. Wheat in fair demand hut lower; No. 2 red 73@74)4c. Corn stronger: No. 2 mixed 39%0. Oats firmer; No. 2 mixed 29%c. Provisions—Pork dull at sls. Lard firm at #6 200*6 25. Bulk meats strong: short ribs al $7 75. Bacon in fair demand and stronger; short ribs $8 62%, short clear $9. Whisky firm at $1 05. Hogs firm; common and light $4 00@ 5 10, packing and butchers $4 7506 25. Louisville. July s.—Grain quiet: Wheat— No. 2 red, 75c. Corn NO. 2 mixed 49c. Oats— No. 2,29@29%c. Provisions firm: Bacon clear ril' sides $8 50, dear sides $8 90: shoulders $0 50. Bulk meats—clear lib sides $7 80. clear sides $8 12%: shoulders $5 75. Mess pork nominal. Hams, sugar-cured, sll 25012 00 Lard, choice leaf SB. New Orleans, July 6.—Coffee quiet and steady; Rio cargoes, common to prime 17*4@20c. Cotton seed oil—prime crude 29(<t800, summer yellow 87088. Sugars strong; Louisiana open kettle, good fair 5%e: Louisiana centrifugals, off white Be, prime yellow clarified 6c, seconds 5@5%e. Molasses strong; Louisiana centrifu gals, strictly prime to fancy 2S@33c, fair to good prime 22@25c, common to good common 18021 c. naval stores. Liverpool, July 5, 12:30 p. m.—Spirits tur pentine 275. New York. July 5, noon.—Spirits turpentine dull at 38%@3fe. Rosin dull at sllsOl 20. 5:00 p. m.—Rosin dull at $1 1001 17%. Tur pentine dull at 33%e. Charleston, July s.—Spirits turpentine dull at 30%e. Rosin steady; good strained $1 00. Wilmington, July s.— Spirits turpentine firm at 30%c. ltosin firm; strained 86c, goixl strained 90c. T’ar firm at $1 25. Crude turpentine firm; hard $1 10; yellow dip $1 95; virgin $2 00. RICE. New York, July s.—Rice steady New Orleans, July 6.—Rice market quiet but firm; Louisiana ordinary to prime 4(iFsc. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALSIANAC—THIS UAY. Sunßises 5:03 Sun Sets ' 7:00 High Water at Savannah 8:56 am, 9:26 p m Wednesday, July 6, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Savannah, Smith, New York —C G Anderson, Agent. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Talluhassee, Fisher, New York—C G Anderson. Agent. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer David Clark. Usina, Fernandina—C Williams, Agent. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tallahassee. New York. Bark Anita Berwind. New York. MEMORANDA. New York, July 4—Arrived, sclir Annie L Hen derson, Henderson, Fernandina. Bristol, July B—Arrived, bark Medusa (Nor), Oxholin. Pensacola Bermuda. June 80—In port, hark Volpas (Rus), Karsten, from Pensacola for Ghent awaiting orders; brig Alfred (Br), White, from Fernan dina. North Sydney, C B, June 30—Arrived, steam ship Yoxfonl (jin, Crosby, Bull River for United Kingdom. Boston, July 3- Arrived, schrs Jennio S Sin clair, Savannah; Messenger. Falker, Port Royal. Belfast, Me. July I—Sailed, schr Florida, War ren. Jacksonville, Charleston, July 3—Sailed, schr Sam’l B Hub bard, Doboy. Coosaw, S C, July 3—Sailed, stmr Henrietta H (Br), Voss, United Kingdom. Fernandina, July 3—Arrived, stmr Yemassee, Platt, New York, etc (and cleared to return); bark Arbutus (Brj, Bligh, Cape Verde Islands; schrs G L Drake.Goldthwaite, Brunswick; Sarah Godfrey. Piukham, New YoKk. Cleared 2*l, schrs Samos, Moule, New London; Fannie Brown, Sherett, New York. Jacksonville, June 30 Arrived, schr Andrew Nebinger, Smith, New York. Cleared, schr EttieH Lister. Mason, Baltimore. Key West, July 3—Sailed, schr Lewis K Cot tingham, Whitaker, Mobile. New York, July s—Arrived, steamship Nevada, Liverpool. Arrived out, steamships Elbe, New York for Bremen: The Queen, New York for Liverpool. Fernandina, July ;> - Arrmsl, schr U D Spear, Farr, Charleston. Cleared, schrs Norman, Kroger, Washington, D C; Ridgewood, Waver, New York. NOTICE TO MARINERS. A Sound pilot writes that a schooner which sunk April if, between Peufleld and Norwalk, and reported to have l>eeii removed, is still there. Penileld lieors NE by N and the wreck SSE from Cocheney buoy about 2% miles, and lies iu the track of New Haven and Bridgeport boats. The masts have been broken off and are just even with the water at full tide. RECEII'TS. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. July 5 —1 cal' melons, 2 cars oil, 1 car wood, 1 car staves and heads. 12 bhls spirits turpentine, 09 bbls rosin. 567 caddies tobacco. 04 boxes tobacco, lHcases hitters, 2 lots tel supplies, 4 boxes bacon, 16 sacks peas, 3 cases cigars, 6 bales domestics, 6 kegs spikes, 85 pices doors, 10 bhls potatoes, 9 pkgs hulls. 1 bbl whisky, and mdse Per Central Railroad. July s—l bale cotton, 29 bales yarn. 89 bales domestics, 2 bales wool, 9 bales plaids. 4 bales bides. 20 rolls leather, 110 pkgs tobacco, 101,608 lbs bacon, 564 bbls rosin, 232 bbla spirits turpentine, 150 bhls lime, 1,803 lbs fruit, 2 bbls whisky, 10 plcgs furniture, 1,866 bushels corn, 20 cars lumber, 1 balepuixT stock, 1 car wood, 1 bbls rice, 1 pig wo,d ir: shape, 33 pkgs mdse, 200 sacks peouute, 5 cars brick, 212 pkgs hardware, 1 car sand, 50 cases eggs Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. July 5- 64 cars melons. 65 cars lumber. 8.940 bbls rosin, 1,742 bbls spirits turpentine, 3,835 boxes vegetables, 75 bbls vegetables. 4 cars wo**d. 12 bales wool, 1 car blocks, 3 cars coal, 1 cor brick, 175 bags bran, 15 bids boer, 50 % bbls beer, 140)4 bbls tieer, 60 % bbls beer, 130 % bbls beer, 250 sacks meal, 1 horse. 32 pkgs hh goods, 15 tie bars, 3 bbls grits, 10 boxes tobacco, 1 car staves. Stop buggies. 15 pkgs shafts, 15 setts wheels, 7 open bungles, 85 pkgs mdse, 6 poles, and mdse. EXPORTS. Per steamship Tallahassee, for New York -546 bbls spirits turpentine. 284 bbls rosin, 56.281 feet lumber, 193 cedar logs, 52 turtle, 788 sacks vegetables. 486 crates fruit, 264 tons pig iron, 1,476 crates vegetables, 67 pkgs mdse, 62,025 melons. Per tiark Anita Berwind, for New York -151,456 feet p p lumber—Btillwell, Pike & Milieu, PASSENGERS. Per steamship City of Savannah, from New York—Mrs Cameron. Miss G Cameron, W O Godbee, J A Davidson, G J Smith, II W Flagg, J T Britton. A Grltzi- k, M A Cohen, E J Lyons, A E Kinne. Mrs A D Purts and child, L C Lucie, E Lucas. Miss B Small. Miss Paris, Mrs Purls inft and child, B S Paris. II II Paris, S Paris, Jim U Small, H M Selig, mid 4 steerage. Per steamship Tallahassee, for New York— Dr L KNicoli. Miss Carrie Tomlinson, Capt D B Green wife and srvt. Miss Edith Warfield, C M Holst, W E Simpson, E L Gutman, B M Welch, A F lli'isell. Thomas J ltelley, Mias Annie Kelley, Miss Mattie Kelley. Miss Kbea Atherton, Mrs J M Endel and 2 children, Mrs W P Plgrnan, Miss L B Cherry, Mrs S J Bell, II K Agar, R J Ander son, Frank Dodd, Benj Phillips, Miss R I) Libby, R Libby, Rev Thus Thompson. L Llppman. Miss K L .lolls. Rev N J Morrill, Kobt. Wliite and wife, H McCallum wife anil 8 children, Miss M J Davis, Mrs W’ Porter, Mrs J H Vail Do war, F E McAr thur. Wm Champlin, J T Wade, J L Joyce, O B Smith, Rev F Guicheteau, TP Pottle. S Stern, R A Gregory, J Joseph, F Cahun, D McKinley, F P Atha, 1 colored, and 3 steerage. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway, July 5 —Transfer Office. Iluldwin & Cos, J II Henne-ey. J G Sullivan A Cos. Heudheim Bros & Cos, 11 F Lubs. C Kolsliorn & Bro, M G Ilelnikeu, C Gen ken, 0 H Mons* 1 h. G W Tiedeman, Rocker Bros, G Eckstein ,fc Cos, C P Hewesse, T H Schroder, P Schwartz, S L New ton, M Ferst & Cos, L Kaugle, Kieser AK, 11 Solomon & Son. Standard Gil Cos, (iidde A B. S Uuckenhelmer A Son, A Lefiler. C Keller, C M Gilbert A Cos, J SUtimas, Geo Witt, C Asendorf, J F Torrent. Per buvamiau Florida wnd Western Kail* uy, July s—Transfer Office. 8 Guekenhelmi r A Sou, A A Avellhe, .1 A Street, Is* Roy Myers A Cos, II II Liwis, Melnhard Bros A Cos, M Y Henderson, Pearson A 8, Graham A H, H Myers A Bros, L M Warfield, A L*fil**r, Perse A L, W( ' Jackson, WI Miller, M Ferst A Co,Epstein AW, Kay AQ, C K Stulls, M Ferst A Cos. llendhelin Bros A Cos, F M Hull, McDonough A Cos, Stillwell, P A M. C Myrick, I G Haas, A Falk A Son, Itepiiard A Cos, Lnlenthal A Son, Dale, I) A Cos, A 11 Chumpion, J G Sullivan A Cos. Hislenhouse A 11. Oao Meyer, Mohr Bros. Standard Oil Cos, C Kolshorn A Bro, Lippman Bros. Peacock, II A Cos, Decker A F, R II Jones, S KrouskofT, Smith Bros A Cos, Uniier Rice Mill, E Hamilton. B H Levy A Bro. AKA Bro, Kcknian A V, 8 Brack A Son. M Maclean. W W Chisholm, C L Jones, J P Williams A Cos, T Adams, Ellis, Y A Cos. W W Oordon A Cos, O D Hodges, Chesnutt A O'N, Baldwin A Co,L A Be rone. I Per Centraj Railroad. July s—Fordg Agt. I Herman A K. C H Carson. w D Simkins & Cos, T P Bond A’ Cos, Decker ,Y F. Kavanaugh A B, A W Stokes. Lloyd Ar A, G W Tiedeman, s Cherry, A J Miller St Cos, W S’Cherry & Cos. A F Kuhl man, Cincinnati Fumittire Cos, Wm Hone & Cos, A M iS C W West. Llppman Bros, Ecknmti A V, I) 11 Is‘U!r. J S Collins C 0.,) C Thompson, CD Meiulel, Lee Roy Myers A Cos. I F.pstein A Bro, Frank & Cos, Bendheim Bros .ft Co,M Kerst & Cos, Peacock, H & Cos, Lilienthal & Son, Lauuey & G, M Y Henderson. G Kekrtein A Cos, \ B Girar deau, H Myers A Bros. H Solomon & Son. I. Put - zel. AII Champion, K Lovell A Son, Southern Cotton Oil Cos, Elbs, Y & Cos, .1 P Williams & Cos, Stillwell, 1' A. M. W C Jackson, Baldwin A t o, n J Ivey, Cbesnutt A O N, Warren A A,Weed A C, M Jordan, (ill Miller, Geo lteese, S L Newton. Per steamship City of Savannah, from New York—A R Altnmyer A Cos. Bradstreet Cos, JH Baker, O Butler, Bendheim Bros A Cos, R Bel singer. Mine Blanc, Bvek a S, Brunswick. Balk C Cos, Blodgett, M A Cos, T P Bond & Cos, Cohen A B, S W Branch, T M Cunningham, Chief Fire Dept, E M Connor, Cotton Ex, W () Cooper, Geo Derst, C H Carson. 1 Dasher A Cos, Davis Bros, Dale, D & Cos. M J Doyle, A Doyle, N DeWald A Cos, J A Douglass A Cos, G Eckstein A Cos, Wm Estill, 1 Epstein A Bro, Kckmun A V, J H Kstill, Einstein AL, Evening Call, J Fried, L Fried, E|Gciu AW, G Ebberwein, A Ehrlich & Bro, Frank A Cos, Fleiscliman A Cos, A Falk A Son, J B Fernandez. Fretwell A N. J II Furher, T Fish er, Kishei Bros, M Ferst A Cos, Gray A O'B, F Gutman, Graham A 11, SGuckenhelmer A Son, J Gorham, Grady, De I, A Cos, C M Gilbert A Cos, Hexter A K, Hymes Bros A Cos, Win Ilone A Cos, D Hogan, Harms A J, Mi's I, Haskell. A Hanley, Ilirseh Bros. A B Hull, S Krouskoff, l)r J M Johnston, P II Keirnan. Kavanaugh AB, strnr Katie, A F Kublman, I.ippman Bros, Cant J M Lawton. I, Lippman. Ludden A B, Lloyd A A, H H Livingston, E lJibieln'.M E Legall.Lovell A I, E Lovell A Sou, D B Lester, A 1/cftler, N l->ng, Jno Lyons A Cos. Mohr Bros, H Myers A Bros, Meinhurd Bros & Cos, Lee Roy Myers A Cos, Mi's Miles. S Myers, H Myers, E R Middleton A Cos, McMillan Bros, 81 Mendel A Bro. R D McDonell, J McGrath A Cos, Jno Nieolson Jr, J O Nelson A Cos. Marshall House, Wm Orr, Order notify H Miller, T J O’Brien, G W Parish, I. Putzel. Mrs R Palmas, N Paulsen A Cos, Paterson. I) A Cos. M Rovelsky, rainier Bros, Ray A Q, C D Rogers, A J Solomons, Solomons A Cos, Southern Ex Cos, A H Stoddard. L C Strong. J TSliuptrine A Bro, J S Silva A Son, tV D Simkins A Cos, Savannah Steam Bakery, Jno Sullivan, H Solomon A Son, H Suiter,Strauss Bros, P Tulierdy, S. F A W Ry. J C Thompson. J T Thornton, G W Tiedeman, Vale Royal Ml g Cos, 51 Willinsky, Wylly A C, J Wobanka, ,1 P Williams A Cos, Tims West, R D Walker, A M A C W West, Weed A C, Watson A P, Ua A Fla I S B Cos, W U Tel Cos. The Sportsman’s Music. W. J. Henderson contributes to the July Century an article on the calls of the vari ous game birds with their musical notation, He says; “Unfortunately for the goose, it can be imitated to perfection, and the un happy, birds frequently meet their end by paying too much heed to its deceptive note's. One instance of peculiar interest has come to tho writer’s knowledge. The destroyers in this case were Capt. Walter S. Green, of Life Saving .Station No. 5, Long Branch, and Mr, Bright. These two shooters live on opposite sides of a large pond, and are on the constant watch for birds of any kind that may come hi from the sea to rest. Eearly one morning Mr. Bright heard a distant but vigorous bonking. Ho soon saw a flock of seven geese flying in to ward the pond. Quickly getting his gun mid some heavy cartridges, he hastened down to the edge of the pond, keeping himself hidden belli ad a heavy hedge. As soon as lie had selected his posi tion, he uttered a vigorous honk, to which the lender of the incoming flock riaqsindod. Flying low, they sailed majestically in over the opposite shore, 160 yards away from Mr. Bright. They wore evidently weary, and anxious to settle down in the smooth waters of the pond. Huddenly out of the tall marsh grass on the shore opposite Mr. Bright, two puffs of blue smoke and two booming reports rolled out. The leader of the flock folded his wings and fell to the ground dead. Mr. Bright then knpw for the first time that Capt. Green was at hand. The birds swerved from their course and flew toward Mr. Bright, who easily killed the second bird. Both lie and Capt. Green did not cease honking, and the birds, after going away to a considerable distance, sailed back again, passing over Mr. Bright’s head at some height. With his heavy gun he killed two of them, when they circled and swept across the pond, where Capt. Green killed two more. The remaining bird, which had been wounded by scattering shot, made a hard struggle to rise to a sate height. Capt. Green hastily slipped in a cartridge and took a long shot. A few leathers fell from the bird, and ho flew across the pond. Mr. Bright then got a long shot at lum, breaking his wing and bringing him down.” BROKERS. NOW- THE TIME TO SI'LCULATeT ACTIVK fluctuations in the Market offer op portunities to Bix‘cui:itorH to make money in Grain, Storks. Bonus and Petroleum. Prompt personal attention Ki v n to orders received nv wire or mail. Correspondence solicited. Full information about the market* in our book, 'which will be forwarded free on application. H. D. KYLE, Banker and Broker, 88 Broad and 84 New Sts New N<rk < %tj, "aT Ij. 11A RTI v I ixi SECURITY BROKER. BUYF AND SELLS on commission all classes of Stocks and Bonds. Negotiate* loans on marketable securities. New York (imitations furnished by private ticker every fifteen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. CUMMINQ. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., ZBjT’OIfcOX'S ORDERS EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchange*. l9 CQ.SIMEUGIAL BUILDING. BARKS. KISSIMMEE CIT > TbXnK ( Kinsiinmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - $60,000 r T'RANSA(T a regular bankingbuslnesm Give 1 iiarticuliir attention to Florida collection*. Correepondenco scllelted. hwue Exchange on New York. New Orleans, Ravannab and Jack sonville. Fla. Jhisident Agents for Coutts & Cos. and Melville, Evans A Go,, of Lundon, England. New York correspondent: The Beaboard National Hank. STOVES — fOB SALE BY— CORNWELL Ac CHIPMAN PAIN IS ANii OILS. JOHN Gr. BUTLER, WHITE LEADS, COLORS, OILS, GLASS, W VARNISH. ETC.; READY MIXED PAINTS; RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES. SASHES. DOORS, BUNDS AND BUILDERS’ HARDWARE. Sole Agent for GEORGIA LIME, CALCINED PLASTER, CE MENT, HAIR and LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia. ISIS. HJ IlLi Mtim, ISGS House, Sign and Ornamental Painting I EXECUTED NEATLY and with dlzpaPh. J Paint*. Oils, Vurnmtua, Jlnir.hea, Window Glasses, etc., etc. Estimates furnished on ap plication. CORNER CONGRESS AND DRAYTON 8T8„ Rear of Christ Church. Yf KKGHANTK, manufacturers, mechanics, ixl corporations, and all others In need of L riming, lithographing, and blank books can ave their order* promptly tilled, at moderate prices, at the MORNING NEWS PRINTING HOUSE, 3 Whitaker street. WHISKY. LAWRENCE, OSTROM k CO.’S Famous "Belle of Bourbon” Is death to Malaria, Chills and Fever, Typhoid Fever, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Surgical Fevers, Blood Poisoning, Consumption, Sleeplessness or Insomnia, and Non assimilation of Food. 1 O YEARS OLD. ABSOLUTELY PURE~ NO FUSEL OIL. IN FMDUCING OUR orBOURBON’ ( KE USE ONLY THE fIINTY OR HOMINY mRTOFTHE GRAIN THUS FREEING IT OE EUSa OIL BEFORE IT IS DISTILLED Citicm ty,. THE GREAT A.r > I>KXISSKXZ LonsviUak. Kv., May 22, 188 rt. This will cortify that I have examined the Sample of Bislle of Bourhon Whwky received from Lawrence, Ostrom & Cos., and found the same to tie perfectly free from Fusel Oil and all other deleterious substances aim strictly pure. I cheerfully recommend the same for Family and Medicinal purposes. J. ]\ Hakni'M, M. D.. Analytical Chemist, Louisville. Ky. For sale by Druggists, Wine Merchants and Grocers everywhere. Price, $1 2b jer Uxtthv If not found at tho above, hlakf dozen bottles iu plain Imxes will l>e sent to any address in the United States on laosiptof $B. Express paid to all |K>iuts east of Missouri river, LAWRENCE, OSTROM & CO., Louisville, Ky. At Wholesale by S. GUOKENHEIMKR&SON, Wholesale Grocers; LIPPMAN BROS., Whole sale Druggists, Savannah, (la. BUTTER. “rest” Table Butter ONLY 25c. per lb. SIMS' MS, 22 and 22 1-2 Barnard St. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 11 GARDEN. Lawn Mowers, Three Sizes, Ladies’ Garden Hoes, Hand Plows, Hedge Shears, Pruninng Scissors and Knives, Garden Trowels and Weeders, Fountain Pumps, Rubber Hose and Reels, —FOR SALE BY Palmer Bros l4B and 150 Congress Street. SAUCE. 11 ' 1 1 W*—l I 1 , SAUCE* I Y 4 j (TO* WORCERTEIIBHIB*) Imparts the mo-st delicious taste and test to EXTRACT £& SOUPS, of a LETTER from fll i a MEDICAL GEN. OKAVIES*. TLEMAN at Md- kMI ruM, to hi bi *Jnar (Lwfej * *SlI* at WOKCEaTL*. J M May, 185 L JTpR, HOTACOLD I.F.A k PER I! 18 ' .75 EATS,' that their miiioo In (STT-, hlzlily esteemed In. n'C.'.ye.] 61!OE, * India, anil la In my rp. iZjKVI opinion, tha most MflrrL’ljjPn YVJCB.MI- , palatable, an well Tryr.—Xw.', an tho mo*t whole* W] mw r:rt'r 1 gome sauce that la ¥ Blade.'* __ v- jgttW Ac. Signature Is on every bottle of tho senulne. JOHN DUNCAN S SONS, N.Y., AGENTS FOR TnE UNITED STATES. novß. HECKER’S SELF-RAISING FLOUR Ylelda more Bread than flour raised with yeast, is finer, more digestible and nutritious. Always Ready ! Perfectly Healthful! ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Geo. Y. Hecker & Cos., 1711 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH- LOTTERY. L.S.L. CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000. "We do hereby certify that vie supervise the arrangement* for all the Monthly and Semi- Annual Drawings of the Louisiana State Lot tery Conujany, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty , fairness , and in good faith toward all parties , and we authorize the Company to use this certificate , with fao similes of our signatures attached, in its adver tisements." Commissioners. We the underpinned Hanks and Hankers will pay all Prizes drums its the Lou/isiana State Istt, ' ter lee ti'h ich may be presented at our counters. J. H. OGLESBY Pres Louisiana Nat'l Bank. PIERRE LANAUX, Pres. State Nat’l Bank. A. BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans Nat’l Bank. CARL KOHN, Pres. Urkon National Bank. UNPRECEDENTED~ATTRACTION! Over Half a Million Distributed. Louisiana state Tottery company. Incorporated in I'D* for 2By*ars by the Legis* lature for Educational ami Charitable purpose* —with a capital of 91,000,000 —to which a reserve fund of over $BOO,OOO has since been addijd. By an overwhelming popular vote Its fran chise was mode a part of the present State coo. stltutlon, adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever Doted on and indorsed ’try the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. ■is Grand Single .\umher Drawings take place monthly, and the ecini- Viinuuf Draw, fugs regularly every tlx mouths (June and December). A *I*LKXI>II) OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A VUKTL’NB. SEVENTH GRAND DRAWINO. CLASS G, JN TIIE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY, July 12, aotilli Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $150,000. Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5; Fifths, $2; Tenths, $l. list or prizes. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF $150.06)... .$150,06* 1 GRAND WUZL OF 80,000 50,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20,009.... *>,ooo. 2 LARUE PRIZES OF 10,000.... 30.000; 4 LARGE PRIZES OF 6,000. .. 30,000' 30 PRIZES OF 1,0u0.... 30,000] 80 PRISES OF 600. .. 26.0 U0 1 100 PRIZES OF 800 .. 80,0001 200 PHIZES OF 806 .. 40;ootf 800 PHIZES OF 100. .. 80,000 1,000 PRIZES OF 60.... 50,00di APPttOXIMATION PRIZEs. 100 Approximation Prizes of $BOO $80,00(1 100 “ “ .... 20,0011 100 “ “ 100.... 10,004 3,179 Prizes, amounting to ,J(S!oo3 Application for rates to clubs should W> made only to the office of the Company in New Or leans. For further Information write clearly, giving full address. POSTAL NOTES, ExprSS Money Ordeiu, or New York Exchange In ordi nary letter. Currency by Exprers (at uvtr ex oenaer addressed SI. A. DAC.PIII*. New Orleans, U. orM. A. DAUPHIN, Washington. D. V. Address Registered Letters io \EV\ OHLtWB -VAIIUVAL D^K, NifAi Ja. “TaSSS* Early, who uro in charge of the drawings, is a guarantee) of absolute falrucae ami Integrity, that the chanoe* are all equal, and that no una' ran ]>ssibly divine what number will draw a Prize. II KM KM HE II that the payment of all Prizes L t.l \lt WI PED lIY Pol'lt NATIONAL BANKS of. New Orleans, and the Tickets are signed by the lYesideiitof an Institution, whose chartered rightsurc recognized in the highest Courts; therefore, beware of any Imitations or anonymous schemes. ■ - JJ—U GAS FIXTURES, HOSE, ETC. JOHN NICOLSON.Jr. DEALER IN Gas Fixtures, GLOBES & SHADES. PLUMBERS’, MACHINISTS’ AND Mill Supplies. ENGINE TRIMMINGS, Steam Packing, SHEET GUM, Hydrant Steam and Suction HOSE. IRON. PIPES AND FITTINGS, Lift and Force Pumps. 30 and 33 Dravton St. C KM ENT. DIRECT IMPORTATION! JUST ARRIVED A CARGO OF A.IaSEIV’S German Portlaad Cement, FOR SALE LOW BY ANDREW HANLEY, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. ORDERS EOR RULING, PRINTING, BINDING, OR BLANK BOOKS, Will always have careful attcnttoit. GEO. N. NICHOLS, PRINTER AND BINDER, 02)4 Bay bireel. 7