The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 07, 1887, Image 1

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( ESTABLISHED 1850. | IJ. 11. ESTILL Editor and Proprietor. f WAR ON THE RAILROADS. OPELIKA CHARGES RUINOUS DIS CRIMINATION. An Assertion That Freight Rates Are so Fixed That Columbus and Mont gomery Can Undersell Local Mer chants—Sayall Heard Makes Affidavit Against Jim Crow Cars. Washington', June 6.—W. O. Harwell, H. B. T. Montgomery, and J. IV. Ponder, the Transportation Committee of the Ope lika (Ala.) Board of Trade, complain to the Interstate Commerce Commission that the Columbus and Western railroad practice bui h discriminations in freight rates against o[ielikaand in favor of Montgomery and Columbus, that the merchants of the two last named tow ns can retail goods in Ope lika's suburban villages at lower rates than Opelika merchants can give, and that the interests of Opelika are being mined. The schedules upon the various classes of freights are given in proof by the complainants. THE JIM CROW CAR. Sayall Heard, a colored man of Charles ton, S. C., who complained to the Interstate Commerce Commission of discrimination against him on account of color by the Georgia railway, has reduced his complaint to the form of an affidavit, which document bus been received by the commission. It sets forth that the complainant, having pur chased a first-class ticket from Cincinnati to Charleston, was, when in company with Pr. Wheeler J. Gaines and Mre. Joseph Gunsagger, compelled by employes of be Georgia railway at Atlanta to enter “what is known on said Georgia railway as the jim crow car." This car, he avers, was inferior to the' first-class cars, was dirty, and one half of it was used as a smoking car. He asks that said Georgia railroad be compelled to furnish accommo dations to persons holding first class tickets, “irrespective of race or color, according to the act of Congress in such cases made and provided.” PACIFIC RAILROAD RATES. The Companies to Maintain Their Present Rates. San Francisco, July 6.— The Southern Pacific Railroad Company to-day gave no tice that until further orders freight rates will be maintained as they are at present. The Union Pacific Railroad Company says that all its freight rates are printed to ex pire July 17, but the Southern Pacific Company’s action has re sulted in au order being issued that the present rates shall be maintained after July 7 until otherwise ordered. The Atlantic and Pacific, and Atchison, Tojcka and Saida Fe Railroad Companies say the transconti nental lines are comi>elled by their necessi ties to take the same action. All rates on their lines will be maintained as they are until such time as the legal authorities on a case regularly made rule that such rates are unlawful. "The companies all,” said one of the agents, “rely on the good sense ami equitable con sideration of the comnfissioners. If the fourth section were enforced against us, with the completion of the Canadian Pa cific we would not carry any freight. We are willing to run the risk of our action in maintaining rates being approved.” • , PACKING A JURY. The State’s Attorney Stops the Game of Chicago’s Boodler3. Chicago, July 6. —Rumors to-day that the jury in the County Commissioners boodle cases had been till'd in the in to rest of the defendants brought the trial to a stand still. The court was adjourned for several hours to give the State’s attorney time to get at the bottom of the matter. The result was a formal charge filed by him that four men had been slipped into the jury box who should never have been admitted. George S. Tate, O. W. Ostrander, William Parks and Daniel Cudohee compose the quartette. Tate is a personal friend of oneof defendants, Warden Varnell, the two being long time members of the same Masonic lodge. Tho objection to Ostrander and Parks is that they, with Tate, were sum moned by Bailiff” McGill solely at tho in stance of persons interested in an acquittal. Cudebee is an alien, it is claimed, and the States Attor ney asks that he, with another juror and Tate, Ostrander aud Parks, the last batch of jurors sworn, lie arranged in order that some of thorn at least may Ikj challenged. Judge Jamieson postponed aetion until to-morrow. The State’s At torney has decided that the cases against the indicted county contractors, of which there aj o about a dozen, shall not be culled this week. CALLED OUT AND SLAIN. A Worthless Young Limb of the Law a Candidate for tho Gibbet. Litchfield, Ky., July tl.—At 1 o'clock this morning W. B. May, a distiller and whisky seller of this place, was called from his hed by someone who pretended to want a quart of whisky. May obtained the key to his grocery and went in with the man. An assassin was stationed in front of the building, and as soon as the light fell upon May's luce lie discharged a load of buckshot into his head, killing him instantly. A sub sequent investigation established that tho murderer was Jniin-s M. Lynch, formerly a young lawyer at this place, but who has been a fugitive for several months. May cowhided him last Christmas. HIDDEN BY HIS WIFE. Missing Money Found After Many Years of Deprivation. Paducaii, Ky., July 0. —In 1ST:!, while J. Hnmp Swift was Sheriff of Calloway coun ty, Ky., hi* accounts were $3,0 0 short. He thought his deputy had robbed him, and making good the deficiency bankrupt*? I him. He has aince supported his> as a day laborer. Recently his wife w. ■ .-ent to an insane asylum, an l in her raving tol l of money hidden in the smoke house. Investi gation revealed $3,200 in greenbacks. It is thought she concealed tbs' money In one of her attacks The discovery not only set the ex -Sheriff on his feet, but cleared his repu tation of suspicion. Wrecked on an Embankment. Lexington, Ky., July 0. -A urM-bound fort express train on tho Ches qicake und Ohio railroad was ditched this !'• ivnoon ut Lc >n station, ninety mile* east of Lexing ton, all the cars going off a ciiil'-uik- Jnent except the sleeper. Conductor Rag land, the engineer and six p.i.w-r pe, s are re ports and injured, the find two quit seriously. A s|kviul train with physicians k:c for the •cene of the wreck this afternoon. Apaches to be Tried. J Ran Francisco. July fi.—Gen. Howard I tins liocn advised that a general court mar |tlnl has been convened to try tl," A|Xi :iio* I who deserted recently and went to raid in ■Arizona. She JUoftting MORMONISM'S SCHEME. The Proposed Constitution a Delusion and a Snare. Salt Lake City, Utah, July 0. —The Tribune this morning in au editorial article pronounces the section of the proposed State constitution abolishing polygamy a fraud. The section, it says, fails to condemn un lawful cohabitation. All that a Mormon would need to do in order to live np to Ids religion would be to quietly marry ).olyga mouslyand keep knowledge of the fact from abstrusively offending the Mormon Prose cuting Attorney for three years and there after he could live in most shameless and indecent polygamy with neither the law nor constitution to say him nay. backed by the church. He would also be backed by the church and dominant sentiment, and the eonstitu tii >n would lie laughed to scorn, as the church programme contemplates. The Tribune contrasts this move witli the declaration of grievances and protests made by the Mor mons two years ugo in upholding polygamy as the truo church doctrine and com plaining of legislation agaist it as infringing on the rights of conscience. Delegate Cain presided at the meeting at which it was adopted and stalled it as chairman. He also presides over the constitutional convention. The same persons and the same powers ordain both, then and now. Then in earn est, now parading for effect and with an attempt to deceive the public If admitted as a State the priesthood will have it all their own way. IN TUB CONVENTION. The day in the Mormon constitutional convention was token up in discussion of the clauses prohibiting polygamy and pro viding for the separation of the churches and State. The discussion was animated, and some vigorous speeches were made against both clauses. The clauses, however, were passed in committee of the whole, and it is thought they will undoubtedly be adopted by the convention by a heavy ma jority. Whether or not the peo ple will ratify the constitution Dy popular vote next August remains to be seen. It is believed there will be a satisfactory majority in favor of the constitution, though many old mid t horough going monogamous Mormons are pronounced m their opposition to the anti-polygamy article. The convention is working liard, holding three sessions a day in order to com plete the work and get the constitution well before the people in time for an intelligent vote on it at the August election. The convention to-day struck the follow ing out of their proposed constitution: “No rougious sect or denomination shall control or apprppriate to its own use any of the public school or university funds of the State.” AN AMERICAN PARTY. The Movement Meets With Encour agement at San Francisco. San Francisco, July 6. —Delegates from various portions of this State closed a three days session here to day in formulating a plan for the organization of an American party. A mass meeting, preceded by a street parade and a display of fire works was held to-night, at which the platform of the now party was read and adopted. The platform calls lor the unconditional repeal of the naturalization laws; modification of laws permitting and encouraging immigration, so that shiftless, criminal and other un desirable classes may be excluded; prohibi tion of alien land holding; total separation of church and State, and no interference by any church with the American school sys tem. The platform also calls for a law compelling citizens to vote at every elec tion. A State Central Cominitte was or ganized, with O. Eldridge as President. The speaker* nt to-night’s meeting predicted that the new movement would become na tional and would suiiersede in power the old political parties. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK. The Baltimore Methodist Conference Meets at Winchester. Winchester, Va., July o.—The Sunday School Convention of the Baltimore Con ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South was organized here to-day. One hun dred and seventy delegates reported. Rev. Dr. John S. Martin, Presiding Elder of this district, welcomed tlio convention. Rev. Dr. S. K. Cox, of St. Paul’s church, Baltimore, responded. President Magruder presented his annual report, and the corresponding secretary and treasurer also submitted reports. The President's report showed a substantial in crease for the year in the membership of tho Sunday schools. Rev. J. T. Wightman, of Baltimore, ad dressed the body oil the requisites necessary for a successful Sunday school teacher. To-night addresses were delivered by Rev. J. T. Williams and Rev. Iv. O. Knott on benevolent work in the Sunday schools. Tho deliberations are well attended. REGULATORS RESISTED. Two Men Make a Brave But Hopeless Fight in Indiana. Corydon, I.vd., July (>.—A terrible fight occurred at Marengo, Crawford county, Sunday night, betwoen a band of “white cais” (regulators) and two brothel's named Naushee. The “white caps” called upon John Naushee for Iho purpose of whipping*- hhn. John and his brother Sherman were awaiting their arrival. and with wagon wu s i spokes attacked the regulators. lii the fight tlint ensu sl Sherman Naushee was probably futally shot ami John was baton with clulis until he was left for deud. The Nuusheos were isiwerful me.:, and it is S'lid that sev eral White Caps were wounded and killed. The charge nguiust John Naushoe wu.s that lie hud ciuse 1 the separation of Justico Toivn'and his wife. Killed by Practical Jokers. Pittsbuhci, Pa., July o.—James Work man. .teed fe years, a r.-iident <>f West End, died to-lay from the effects of a practical joke. He Was drinking with some friends on the Fourth, and while his attention wua distracted for a moment a quantity of cro ton oil wrs poured into his liquor. Shortly after drinking he wus taken violently ill. lie wus removed to his home where he grad ually grew worse until death relieved his buffering. liis friend* will he a rrestod. Robbed His Own Mothor. Montreal, July 0. —The latest revelation in connection with the defalcation of Hecro tnrv Whitney, of the Harbor Hoard, is: tin t he has seriously onilnuTaesod his mother's estate, having disposed of her shares in the Hunk of Montreal arid other leaving hanks to the extent of over f 10,000. To allay her suspicion* he }siid dividends on the stock out of hi* own pocket. liwept Away by Diphtheria. Newark, N. J.. July ti. —The family of Cornell J. Dunn, of .Summit, ha* been nearly swept away in nine days by diphtheria. Already five deaths have oc curred, and fear* ale entertained that two others will die. The premise* where the family resides ary to tie inspected by the li lard of lieaiih. SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1887. ALL JUMP ON MATTHEWS. THE PALL MALL GAZETTE SAYS HE IS NOT A GENTLEMAN. The Same Paper Also Stigmatizes Him As Without Honor—The St. James Gazette Says the Breeze Will do the Government Good—William Henry Smith Says it is the Govern ment’s Duty to Institute an Inquiry. London, July o.—The Press Association says there is good ground for believing that Mr. Matthews, Home Secretary, will not re sign, notwithstanding the action of the House of Commons last night in connection with the Cass case. The Pall Mall Gazelle says: “If Mr. Matthews wore a man of honor and a gen tleman, this morning’s papers would have announced that he had resigned. He crowned last night a ministerial career of almost continuous failure by exhibiting com bined incapacities almost unprecedented.” ONLY A BREEZE. The St. James Gazette says: “The epi sode has damaged the government hut lit tle. The breeze will do it good.” The Globe says: “The uttitude of Mr. Matthews is doubly to Vie regretted as it is certain to be turned to party account.” In the House of Commons to-dav William Henry Smith, the government leader, re ferring to the action of the House last night in the Cass case, said the House acted under the wrong impression that the government was opposed to an inquiry iu the matter. It was the duty of the government to insti tute a full and impartial inquiry to establish the truth in connection with the arrest of Miss Cuss. DEEP-ROOTED DISCONTENT. The conduct of the government over the Cass affair has caused discontent even among the wannest supporters of the min istry. The explanation made by Mr. Smith in the House of Commons was heard in the chilliest silence, except when he announced that the 1 ord High Chancellor would insti tute a thorough inquiry into the matter. In consequence of the feeling in tho Conserv ative party, Mr. Matthews has offered to resign the office of Home Secretary. He has been requested, however, to remain in office until the close of the present session of the Parliament. SERVIA AND BUIsGARIA. A Demand that King Milan Recall the Exiled Metropolitan. Belgrade, July 6.—Tho Ristios demands that King Milan recall and reinstate the Metropolitan who was exiled to Russia for his alleged connection with the late revolu tionary conspiracy. If King Milan refuses the Ministry will re-sign. BULGARIA’S ARMY. Tiernova, July ft. —M. Nicolaiff, Minis ter of War, in a speech to the officers of Hie army to-day asked them to absolutely ab stain from mixing in politics and give their whole attention to tbo army. He said he was happy to be able to declare that the training and discipline of the Bulgarian army was lietter now than it had ever been while under the supervision of Russian in structors. THE SOBRANJE IN SESSION. The Sobranje is holding a private meets ing to choose a Prince, Prince Alexander haring absolutely declined to accept re-elec tion. ZUG GOES INTO THE LAKE. Forty Houses and Two Hotels Carry One Hundred People to Their Death. Berne, July IS.—Half tho new quays at Zug fell into the Lake. Forty houses, a crowded inn and the hotel Ziuiich, a four story structure, full of visitors, vanished entirely. The occupants of the buildings wore engulphed while thev slept, and at least 100 perished, including M. Collin, Pres ident of the Canton. Men are now at work t rying to recover tho bodit* of the victims. Ail infant was found alive in a floating cradle. France’s Anti-German Laws. Berlin, July 5. —The North German Gazette , referring to the French foreigners’ tax hill, says the moment seems to have arrived for Germany to consider whether all the anti-German miwtun* which are being carried out in France should not in a fully reciprocal manner l>e enforced in Germany, especially in Alsace Lorraine. THE BILL IN THE CHAMBER. Paris, July 0. —The committee of the Chamber of Deputies having in charge the measure imposing a tax on foreigners, re siding in France, to-day heard M. Falcre, Minister of tho Interior, argue in opposition to the proposed tax. He said he preferred measures calculated to establish the identity of foreigners residing in France. The com mitter! decided in favor of the execution of the measure. Klein’s Trial. Leiphic. July ft.- In the treason trial to day the procurator demanded nine years at hard labor tor Klein, live years for Greiwrt and acquittal for Erhardt, He declared it noressary that tho trial should be published, as only publicity would refute the aspersions and exaggeration of the French press over the iSetmaeUdo incident. The trial, he suid, hail brought to light the fact that tho French frontier police not only countenanced trea son, but incited it. Judgment will be pro nounced upon the prisoners Friday. The Opera Comique Fund. Paris, July (I.—M. Berthclot to-day an- I riounoed to the Opera Comique committee that the total amount received for the I*unfit of the sufferers by the recent fire is ft 73,000 francs. The orphan* and old people affected by the fire will receive temporary aid oi in ties. The accounts will be closed Hi December. Boston’s Fortuna. London, July ft. —Tho Boston yacht Kor- I tuna has l>een ilocked nt Greenock and will ho fitted as a cutter, with a view to eom petfug in the regattas that are to Ijo held on the South Coast commencing ut the end of July. Austria’s New Turret Ship. Vienna, July ft.—The new Austre-Hun gnrfan turret ship Krunprinz Rudolph was launched to-day at Pola, on the Adriatic, in the presence of th- Emperor and Arch -1 duchess Maiic Theresa. The latter chris tened the vessel. Buying Up Land In Palestine. Berlin, July 0. — The tier man la, says a Palestine so'c-ty is buying piece* of land in ! Palestine uiriu ‘which it l* proposed to found Catholic stations. England and the Porte. Constantinople, July ft. Ird Salis bury has extended Kir Henry Drummond Wolff's stay here until Haftinluy next. Tbo Count of Paris at London London, July ft. —The Count of Paris I arrived in Londou this evening. GLADSTONE’S TILT. Tho Ex-Premier Answers Lord Hart ington Rather Sharply. London, July 6.—Mr. Gladstone to-day wrote a letter to the Marquis of Harrington in answer to his reply to the ex-Premier’s speech of last Saturday. In this letter Mr. Gladstone said ho deemed it his duty to re fer in his speech to tho differences which existed between him and Lord Hartyigton on the Irish question, when they were mem bers of the same government. ’’Unless these references wore inaccu rate,” says Mr. Gladstone, “the Marquis of Harrington is answerable for any incon venience* attending such reef respective ref erences. If they are inaocurate I will wil lingly consent to the publication of anything deemed necessary to show it.” In conclusion Mr. Gladstone reaffirms the statements he made Saturday. Two nights will bo allowed for debate on the third reading of tho crimes hill. If the opposition endeavors to prolong the discus sion the government will move that cloture be applied. MEETING OF THE REFORM UNION. Manchester, July ti.—A meeting of the National Reform Union here to-day was largely attended. A lotter from Mr. Glad tone was read, in which he wished success to the uniou in their efforts to bring tho peo ple to a right view of the Irish question. John Morloy, who addressed the meeting, referring to the defeat of the Conservative candidate for the Spalding seat last week, said that Lord Randolph Churchill, in his comments thereon, seemed to be tap ping at the official door for readmiasiou. Mr. Morley was hopeful that Lord Harring ton would come over to their side as ho did in 18S4 over the extension of the franchise in Ireland. Mr. Gladstone had been perfectly explicit on the subject of tho retention of the Parnellites at Westminster. hartinoton’s inconsistency. Mr. Morley then proceeded to criticise nt length the inconsistency of Lord Harring ton’s position in insisting upon the retention of the Parnellites while he totally ignored their views and desires, and would even ex elude them from the proposed coalition of parties for a settlement of an Irish constitu tion. If imperial control of a Dublin }>ar liament meant revision of every measure adopted by the Dublin body, the only effect would be the burdening of the Imperial Par liament and loss of dignity and self resjiect on the part of the Dublin Parliament. If such control only meant the overruling of unjust and vindictive measures, he ugreixl to tho plan, boom iso he did not believe surh measures would be pasted. Tho zeal dis nlaved in behalf of Ulster was largely arti ficial. He hoped and believed that Ulster did not desire separate treatment. Tho Marquis of Harrington luus written an open lewjr m the Liberals ot I’addmgton urging them to support the Conservative candidate for Parliament. GLADSTONE’S MOTION. London, July 7,3 A. m.— To-night Mr. Gladstone will move in the House of Com mons that “The crimes bill be read the third time this day three months.” POVERTY’S DESPERATION. A Charleston Nogro Claims to Have Been Forced to Steal by Hunger. Charleston, S. C., July 6.—A lively shooting affray occurred this morning lie tween a policeman and a burglar. The burglar was a negro named Reabrook Allen. The policeman found him ut the corner of Warren and Coming streets coming out of a grocery store with a ham in %i.s possession, and halted him. The burglar whipjied out a pistol and opened fire on the policeman, one shot penetrating the officer's arm. The officer opened a return lire on the burglar, inflicting a fatal wound. At the hospital Allen admitted that he was stealing. He said that he could not get work, that hi' had consumption, that his wife was paralyzed, and that ho had three children to provide for, who, with his wife, wore starving. For this reason ho started out on a burglary ex pedition. Revelry at a Funeral Feast. Racine, Wis., July (1. —Some days ago Alderman Knbrniter issued invitations for a feast to the friends of his dead wife who were kind to Jior during her last sickness. Last uight a large number of uninvited persons took advantage of the hospitalities extended and made the gathering one of revelry. Liquid refreshments were the older The host used his utmost endeavors to eject the disorderly parties hut failed. On the streets outside the lawn over 3,000 people congregated to witness the festivi ties. The Fact that physicians had been up jiointed to inquire into Hahreitor’s mental condition enhanced tho interest in the event. A Mine Owner Murdered. Eagle Pass, Tex., July 6.—Word reach ed here this morning from Marita Rosa. Mex., of the killing of James il Duvall, owner of tho Cedral mines. His I* sly was found hidden in some brush near the roadside leading from the mines into Manta Rosa, with a bullet hole through the head. His mule, saddled, was found a few hundred yurds further on with its throat cut. Tin* object of the murder was undoubtedly rob liery, Mr. Duvalj having left his camp Sat urday last with on his person. Shot Down by a Lunatic. Kt. Louis, July & —Advices from Jones boro, Ark., say that yesterday a man got off a west bound train at t hat place and walking up to a small crowd of people, drew a revolver and fired three shots, kill ing oue man and fatally wounding another. The man wus captured. He is a stranger and is believed to bo an eeca|<ed lunatic. Sharp’s Dejection. New York, July 0. —Jacob Sharp feds somewhat better to-day, although he ate no breakfast. This wus Sharp's 70th birthday He made no reference whatever to it, and knowing it would he cruel mockery no one else has mentioned it. He still preserve* as unbroken silence for hours at a time. Mrs. Sharp-still remains by liis side. Two Newspapers Sold. Springfield, Mas-. , July A special to the Itepnbliean says: “The Boston Daily Advertiser and Keening Heoord have boon sold to Charles E. Whitin, of Whitlnsville, for 1 100,000. All of the stock of tho old cor poration is wiped out, owl all of the old stockholders retire from ownership in the new concern.” Destitution at Clarendon. Harrisburg, Pa , July O.—A telegram having l*>en received by Gov. Beaver stat ing that 200 people were homeless ami with out shelter ut Clarendon, the oil town de stroyed by Are on Monday, he ha* ordered 100 tent* to be shipp'd there at once. Dr. McGlynn a Political Delegate. New York, July o.—At a meeting of the First, Assembly district of the United I,ulor party last night l’ev. Dr. Edward McGlynn was ejected delegate to the National Con vention at Syracuse, Aug. Ift. Oon. Loo Off for Home New York. July h.—Gen. and Mrs. Fitz hugh Lee left this city for Richmond this afternoon on the Old Dominion steamer Heueca. GEORGIA’S LEGISLATURE. THE SESSION OPENED WITH A FUEL ATTENDANCE. Col. Reilly Introduces a Bill to Incor porate the First Volunteer Rogtinont —Mr. liusaoll Looking Aftor the Fire Insurance Company’s Incorporation —A Big Batch of New Bills as a Starter. Atlanta, Ga., July ft. —' The General As sembly of the State of Georgia mot ut 10 o’clock this morning. The attendance of members was noticeably large for the first day in both houses. Tho House was not long in getting down to work and on the call of the counties for new matter, the members unloaded new bills freely. It is estimated that there are hundreds of now bills already waiting to bo introduced!, ar guing ill for a short session. At the sum mer session of the last Legislature more than 1,200 lulls wero disposed of. This session will not have far short of that number. Mr. Russell and Col. Reilly were in their (suits. Capt. Gordon arrived to-night. Mr. Russell introduced a bill incorporating the Guarantee Mutual Firo Insurance Company and also one regulating the justice courts of Chatham county. Till- FIRST REOIMENT. Col. Reilly introduced a bill to incorporate the First Volunteer Regiment, which is at tracting the attention of those interested in military matters. The object of the incor poration is to authorise the holding of null estate, looking to a regimental armory and tho issuance of bonds. The Governor’s message will lie sent in to morrow. It is still in the hands of the Htate Printer to-night. IN THK SENATE. . The Senate was organized with tho usual resolutions notifying tho House and Gover nor. The certificate of election of J. T. Hamil ton to fill the vacancy in the Thirty-fourth district occasioned by the death of Earnest Word was received from tho Governor. Mr. Hamilton was sworn in and assigned to com mittees. The Senate concurred in tho House reso lution for a joint committee to attend the IJniversity coni mencement. Iti the House Speaker Little sounded the gavel at 10 o’clock and the session was opened with prayer by Chaplain Branhaiu. Mr. Calvin, of Richmond, introduced a resolution for a joint committee of seven from the Senate and fifteen from the House to visit the University commencement. It was adopted. On motion of Mr. Calvin tho restrictions on debate made at the last session were re pealed. NEW BILLS. On the call of counties the following now bills were introduced: By Mr. Felton,of liibb—A bill to amend tho charter of the Georgia Southern and Florida Railway Company so ns to permit consolida tion with other roads. By Mr. Clay, of Oohb— Incorporating the town of Kennesnw in Cobb county. By Mr. McC'leskey, of Cobb—To amend the registration law of Cobb county; also amending tho charter of Roswell, Cobb county; also incorjxirating tho Marietta Bank. By Mr. Russell, of Chatham—To repeal the 'act regulating courts of Justices in Chatham county. By Mr. Retliy, of Chatham—'To incor porate the First volunteer Regiment. By Mr. Felton, of Bibb—A hill granting exemptions to members of the Southern Cadets of Bibb county. By Mr. Monroe, of Calhoun —Amending the act establishing a County Court in CaT Uoim county; also a bill incorporating Wil liamsburg, Calhoun county. By Mr. Russell, of Chatham—lncorpora ting the Guarantee Mutual Insurance Com- pany. By Mr. Smith, of Crawford—lneorpora tins tho Maoon and Alabama Railroad Com pany. By Mr. Harrell, of Decatur—To repeal section 'J of the act creating a County Court for Decatur county. By Mr. Weil, of Fulton—Amending the charter of the Marietta and North Georgia Railroad Company. By Mr. Weil—A resolution for the relief of the Globe Reserved Mutual Life Instir anco Company of Baltimore from the |tn alty forfeiture of its license. By Mr. Bray, of Fulton—To incoimorate the Atlantic Atlanta and Great Western Railway and Navigation Company. By .Vi i . Smith, iu Glynn ’ld amend tho charter incorporating the Brunswick Street Railroad Company; also, to amend the act incorporating trie Turtle and Altamaha River Canal Company; also, to Jnoor|>onite the Bt. Mary’s, Satilla and Turtle River Canal Company. By Mr. Smith, of Glynn—To incorporate t.iie Brunswick and Atlanta Railroad coin puny with a stock of $lOO,OOO. By Mr. Smith, of Gwinnett—Prohihiyng the'manufacture and sulo of intoxicating liquors within a mile of the Odd Fellows hall at Cains, Gwinnett county. By Mr. H im, of Hall —To prohibit tho sale of totwreo to youths under W years. By Mr. Hill, of Meriwether- Designating the net of burning certain buildings as a felony. By Mr. Chappell, of Muscogee -Extend ing the corporate limits of Columbus. Also, a resolution to appropriate money to pay for the code of parliamentary law of force In Georgia, prepared by Louis F. Garrard, and to provide for the disposition of the pur chaw money dedicated by the author to the purpneen named. By Mr. Little, of Muscogee—To empower the congregation of li’Niii Israel of Colum bus to sell cerium lots donabsi to them by the city. By Mr. Hawkins, of Newton —To amend section 3704 of the Code in relation to the compensation for )iublishing legal adver tisements. By Mr. Walker, of I’ut.nam —To amend .section 1405 of tin* Code prescribing tin* duties of tlie Commissioners of Agriculture in relation to obtaining labor statistics. TUB WU.LIAMK <’AHK. The Governor received oiSlelal notice that in the rnso of Roland Williams, convicted In Cliutham Superior Court of assault with intent to murder, he was s* silenced and carried to the penitentiary; that amotion was made for a now trial, bused on newly discovered evidence, reducing the offense to assault and h;itt*iy; that a nol. pros, wau entered I* 'uusc Williams hail ill ready served seven months; that anew trial was grunt'd some months ago, but there being no funds to pay thcoxpmiwviof carry ing him 1 rick t<> Ciiatlium, be has Isjou kept in tin conviet camp. Tho Govomor to-'hiy ordered his discharge. RAILROAD HKTtrnNK. The Georgia Midland and Gulf railroad filed it* first annual return with the Comp troller today. Up to May I then* were fifty mil<* of roa<t. valued at $575,150. It Is now completad t> Gridin, eighty mile*, and a througu schedule was put on to-day. The, Dade Coal Company to-day paid the Stub' sdfw for the escaped convict J. 11. King, u white man, who made his escape in February of last year. King was in for ten years arid hud served nearly eight. The Unit'd State* D strict Court came in toslay for the disprnal of some unfinished business and adjourned for the term. Tlu' Buena Vista telegraph line made its animal return to the Comptroller to-day mid contributed Ml cents State tax. The penitentiary investigating committee held a short session this afternoon but did nothing and adjourned till to-morrow after noon. MOBILE AND GIRARD. The Lease to the Georgia Central Rati fied by the Stockholders. Columbus, Ga. , July (5. —The stockhold ers of the Mobile and Girard railroad held their annual meeting in Girard, Ala., to day. The lease of the road for t wenty years to the Central railroad was ratified by the stockholders. George H. Fontaine, repre senting 1,000 shares, objected to the ratifica tion of tile lease mid stated that lie would contest its legality in the courts. Or. N. P. Banks was elected President, and J. M. Frazer Treasurer. The directors are Hon. John Peabody, Or. N. P. Banks, VV. H. Mc- Clintoek, N. N. Curtis. O. E. Hochstrossor, C. H. Franklin and J. O. Murphree. A letter from Gen. Alexander was read at the meeting of the City Council to-night offering t'-~> )*-r share for the stock held by the city in the Mobile and Girard rrilroau, but no action was taken in the matter. The Columbus Street, Railroad Company prn|>oso to Isold the rAad for tJic purpose of extending its lino. They will also, at an early date, use electricity or steam ns a sub stitute for horse power. PINKERTON’S LITTLE ARMY. Their Presence Causing a Bitter Feel ing in the Coke Regions. UNfONTiiWN, Pa., July o.—The presence of Pinkerton’s annul men in the coke re gion has caus>d Intense excitement, and se rious trouble may follow. The strikers are indignant, and denounce the action of the operators in bringing detectives into the re gions in the loudest terms. Last night 600 strikers at West Lelsenring held a meeting, and unanimously resolved to continue ‘he strike at Jim town. It is said the men are weakening, and a large number is expected to return to work before the close of the week. William Mullen, Secretary of the Miners Association, in a statement to the newspapers says: “The men are quiet but determined, and the introduction of Pinker ton detectives into the coke re gion will lie the advent of hitter feel ing between employers and employed that years will not eradicate. The strikers will lie counseled to ki-en within the limits of the law, hut, the landing of Pinkerton’s agents has l>een the starting of rioting and or bloodshed wherever they have been used. There may he smile disturbance in the Con nelaville coke region, however, and some lives lost. The responsibility will rust, upon those who brought, the detectives here." The detectives are in charge of Sunt,. Lin den, of Philadelphia, and Capt. Foley, of Chicago, They are not here, they say, to cause trouble, hut to proveut It and to pro tect those who desire to return to work. They will remain until the strike has been broken. TUB REHUMPTION. This was the day set by tbe coke opero tors for a resumption of work by those of their employes who had expressed themselves ns willing to go back at the old wages. The works generally throughout the region were open to all who desired to return. At a number of them some of the strikers reported and were put to work. At no plain whs the numtxir large, though, ns the operators say, there were enough to show that the resumption of work hud actually commenced on the morn ing designated Everything is quiet, and, so far, Pinkerton’s men have hud nothing to do. The real purpose of bringing Pinkerton men hero is to evict men from the company houses who have signed iron-clad leases. They expect to Commence ojierntinnn to morrow morniug at, Isdsenrings, and as a majority are "Iluns,” it is sure to predict that there will be serious trouble. BARRACKS ABLAZE. Fears That the Flamee Will Communi cate to the Magazines. Quebec, July 7, 3a. m. - Between 11 and l’J o’clock to-night lire broke out in the bar racks at, the citadel, a nil it rapidly extended, enveloping Hourly all the buildings fucing tliu entrance. There was great consterna tion among the residents in the neighbor hood. AII the available force in the bat,lory were put to work blowing up buildings to prevent the lire reaching the magazine, and a triuuptcr sounding the bugle alarm for danger, and all hands to keep clear. TUB STARTING POINT. The fire originated in the cavalry stables on the northeast corner of the Citadel, and all the horses, twenty six In number, were either burned or NuH'oouted. The fire from this point spruad to the western portion of the frontage and speedi ly made its way toward the main entrance. The lire destroyed in its course a large quantity of ammunition wagons and guns. “The great field forge," built for such cam paigns ns that of the Northwest, and mini inerublo stores, etc., were entirely con sumed. PROGRESS or THE BLAZE. The fire then made its way ucross the main entrance, and is now burning to the western extremity of the block. A number of bombs are exploding and tho worst fears are entertained. Many timid citizens are leaving the city, thinking tho magazines are bui e to go. Kir A. P. Curun, Minister of the Militia, who was in the city, was speedily on the spot and worked like a Trojan, rendering most valuable ndyico to the officers and men in their heroic efforts to sulsluo the lire. The tire is still raging. One man is report)si missing. FIRE BURNS SB BUILDINGS. Iho Town Without a Flro Department and Hard Work Noceeuary. Grafton, W. Va—July *i.—Fire broke out yesterday in a building on Latrolsi street, und before it was checked, totally consumod, witli almost nil tiielr contents, twenty-eight buildings, including t wnfuffthi) largest hotels, Iwp furniture stores, two drugstores, two millinery stores, the Stnn ilorrt r.ntrrpr>H,‘ newspaperollUc, one hard ware store, one Jewelry store, one clothing store, and a number of other stores, olthoa and private dwellings. No lire de|iartiueut exists here, and only by the hardest work on the part of thecitizerM was the Hr*. llniiily controlled. The total loss will reach nearly 9100,(JlK), and the insurance ouly about 91:1,- OUO. The fire is supposed to have been of incendiary origin. DRY GOODS BURNED. CIIKYEXNK, \VVO , July H.— At a o'clock this morning fire completely destroyed the stock of dry goolx of Cowhide dt Whit comb, valued at 91:15,OUl. and damaged the building to the extent of |15,(1U0. The stock was insured for 9M,(X10, and tho building for lah.isx). The insurance is distributed niuoug thirty eastern and foreign compa nies. Tim cause of the Are Is tiuknown. Five New Cases at Kev Weet. Key West, Fla., July o.—There have been five new cases of yellow fever since yesterday, but no deaths. (PRICE 010 4 YEAR. I 1 4 CENTS A COPY, f FRANK ALLEN A SUICIDE. HE KILLS HIMSELF AT MACON AFTER A PROTRACTED SPREE. Hla Shortcoming’s Forgiven Repeat edly by the Cotton Firm Whose Books He Was Keeping—Self Destruc tion Follows a Discharge—A Promts* to Bury Him Obtained From the Firm. Macon, Ga., July 6.—The click of a par lor rifle uliout 5 o’clock this afternoon in the Ivor of the 1 laisy House led to the discovery of one of the saddest suicides ip the city's history. Frank G. Alien has been for about two years bookkeeper of tho largo cotton firm of W. B. &O. G. Sparks. He is about 110 years old, and came to this place from Washington, Go. He was a native of Savannah. Ho was hand some and intelligent. His principal fault was over indulgence in tho cup. Ha has been on several sprees of late which threatened to lose him his position. His employers were lenient, however, und gave him triul after trial. Young Allen appre ciated the leniency and signed a pledge to abstain from the future, and in which ha agreed to consider hiimiolf discharged if ha again become Intoxicated. HIS LAST SPREE. AVhen his employer left the city a few days ago he noticed that Allen was drink ing, but on his return found that he hud sobered up and gone back to work. Ha concluded then to give him another trial, which ended yesterday in another spree for the unfortunate young man. It began on the Fourth. When lie turned up this morn ing he went to W. B. Sparks and asked if he must consider himself discharged. Ha was told yes. Thou he remarked: “You will bury me then if I should die before to morrow (” Bparks humored what he sup> posed was a Joke and told him “Yes.” POUND DEAD. Nothing more was thought of Allen until the hour mentioned this afternoon when ('harles Ross, who rooms next to Allen at tins Daisy House, was at Sparks’ warehouse talking about Allen. Allen’s peculiar re mark was repeated and the attending cir cumstances related. It occurred to Mr. Ross then that the shot of the ritle that awoke him was a suicide's bullet. He hur ried back to Allen's room and found him diwl in lied —not, however, from a bullet wound, but from some powerful poi Hon that had produced death almost Instantly. Drs .Me Hatton and Williams were called in, but could not discover wiiat the portion was ho drank. LEFT NO LETTER. There was uo trace of any kind nor any letter or clue. Ho was seen in front of tha hotel forty minutes before and twenty minutes before in Ids room. The saddest jMirt of the affair is 1 hat young Ailau was to have boon married fb-moraow night to Miss Ma Taylor, u sweet and accomplished young lady of this city. No connection ia sum meed to exist lietwenn this fact and tlio suicide, us he had prepared for the event aud had invited several friends. The eugago ment was broken off some time since on oe count of his habits, but wax renewed two weeks ago, at his earnest entreaty and promise to reform. His death has produced a marked sensation. Return of a Murderer. Waycrosn, July *1. —Who riff Henderson arrived here lust night with Joseph Arnold, ugainst whom u warrant for murder has been standing for the past nine years. Arnold is charged with the murder of Patrick Ward at Millwood, in this county, and it is‘said the killing was unprovoked. The evidence is conclusive enough to con vict him. Arnold lias been hiding in Texas until throe weeks ago when be wus arrtwted at Austin. He will tie taken to Brunswick for safo keeping. Brunswick's New Bank. Brunswick. Ga.,July A—The (iglethorpa National Bank was Inaugurated to-day, making the third Imuk in the city. Its cap ital is #IOO,OOO. The President is M. Ullman; Vice President, W. E Burbage; Cashier, John L. M. Henman; Directors, M. I'liman, W. E. Buriwtgc, W. K. Kay, D. Glouber, J. H. McCullough, J P. Williams, of Savan nah, and Dudley T. Morton, of Baltimore^ MONMOUTH’B MOUNTS. Six Events Which Were Not Partlcu* larly Noteworthy. Monmouth Park. N. J., Julyfi.— I To-day’* racing events were as follows; Kibkt Uaco—Thn--quurter of a mile Eolian won. with Preclosu second und Cumuyoes third. Time 1:1AH- Second Hack—Three rpiarters of H mile Prince Koval won, with Anihan second and Hut- Isfaction third Time 1:17. Thisd K*i r. 'file; for 8-year olila. Kingdom won, with Esquimaux second uml Tarlxiucbe third. Time 1’46. Foodth Rack One and one-eighth miles. Hi malaya won. with Adrian second and Hrynwood third TlmeldWti. Finn Race Lor 3-year oi ls and upwards; five furlongs Queen of Hearts won. with Salu da second and Pampero third. Sixth Rack One and <ioe-(iuarteriles over hurdles. Blue Day won, with Judge Grittitb second und i’nlancu third. Tune 4:&i. At Monmouth Park to-)lay during tli* first race George Smith. manager of the Commercial Canle Company, at No. W Broad street, dropped dead from heart dis ease while witnessing the finish. CHICAGO RACES. Chicago, July fi.— At the Washington Park races to-day the uttcndanco was good. The events were us follows: Kihst Back. For throe-year olds; one mile. Jacobin won, witli Carus s -coud and Eight-to- Keven third. Time Mcoi*o ItAcr. One nnil one eighth miles, Mies Mot-lry won. with Kosterall second and Kpaltling third. Tine- Idi’A.y Tiimo Hack For two-year-olds; six furlongs. Emperor of Norfolk wim. with Winona second und King Tale third. Time 1:11114. F it-HTtl Race. One arul one-quarter miles. Wales) won, with Irish Put second and firey Cloud third Time 9:0914. Fu-rn Back.—<itie and one-quarter miles Knur Mash won, witli Alamo second and Kea slugton third. Time 8:OlA4 H: ithßacc. For all ages; six furlongs. Little Minch won. with lilu*- Eyed Ik-11 second aud (d-bhull third Tim- 1:15U. Seventh Racs Fur all ages: six furlongs. Mottle J. won. with .Mile second and False Alarm third. Time 1:17)4. THE IMPERIAL GOLD CUP. London, July 6. —Tbe race for the im perial gold cup was run at the Newmarket July meutlug to-day and was won by the I Mike of Westminster's four-year-old lay i-olt Ormond)-, with Hir G. Ci- it wind’s four year-old rbestuut colt Wliitehner second, and Lord liaxtiug’s three-yeor-ohl ouy colt Ixivcgold third. There were no other start ers. ________________ Scotland's Victorious Yacht. London, July b.—Tho Thistle and Irex again corapstn to-day In a regatta at Istigs, Scotland, aud the superior qualities of tbe Thistle were ixice inorc liemonstrated. Light southerly wimts prevailed nt the htart The bvx got tlie best of the Thistle In the start, but did not keep the advantage long The Thistle pawed her and won cosily Tbs wind continued very light.