The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 14, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 ATRAGEDYON THE BEACH THE BODY OF A MURDERED MAN FOUND AT TYBEE. Suspected Parties Arrested—The In auest Begun—Some of the Facts Elicited by the Coroner—Strong Cir cumstantial Evidence When the Dead Man Was Last Seen Alive— Points in His Career-Hia Body- Brought to the City. Tv bee Island beach was the scene of a bloody murder yesterday morning—a mur der that was cruel ami brutal—and the evi dem jes of the crime betray the mark of a cowardly assassin s hand. Not content with taking the life of his victim, the murderer defaced the body, and with cunning craft and cool deliberation sought to hide the traces of his guilt. But nature, to whom he looked for protection, revolted against sheltering the bloody secret and left it bare tp the eyes of man that the ruthless taker of humnu life might be brought to meet a deserved fate. Two theories why the crime was committed have been advanced, but whichever may be the true one the man who was guilty of the deed was a conscienceless and depraved wretch, whose proper place is nowhere but on the gibliet. There is not in the whole affair a single thing that speaks in favor of the murderer, but numberless facts that brand him as a creature without even the instincts of a man. FINDING THK BODY. Early yesterday morning Abram Minis, Esq., and Mr. J.’N. Johnson, both of this citv, who had been amending the night at Tybee, arose and started for a walk on the beach before taking the lioat for the city. They intended to walk to the wreck of a baric which lies upon the sand. Walking leisurely along, they passed Capt. Henry Bluu's cottage, and over a greater part of the distance they had laid out for their walk, when they saw a dark object Iving a few- hundred yards ahead of them. They turned their steps toward it and as they neared it recognized it a the body of a man. They went to it, not thinking at the time that they were to stumble upou the evidence of a foul crime, but that some poor fisherman had been lost at sea and the deep had oast up its dead. When they reached the body, however, they leaned . f their mistake, for they saw that the head was bloody and lying upon the sand that was stained with Wood. They Stooped dowD and riaiinned the corjme anil found that the skull had been beaten in. that the throat had t*eo cut and the marks upon the body proved that the unfortunate, who ever he night be, bad been the victim of a foul deed IDENTIFYING THE BODY. They returned to the hotel and there made known the fact that the body had been found and tried to learn if anyone w as miss ing. No evidence of who the dead man was could be learned in that way, for at that early hour many of those who were in tho hotel were still asleep, so a number of gen tlemen started out with the iinders of the body as their guides to try and identify the dead man and gain what information could be picked lip there. When they reached the scene they were shocked by tlie ghastly sight that, met their view. There lay the body clad only in trousers, socks and a coarse shirt, the clothes bloody and soiled, the head entshod in, the hair matted with blood and a red gash in tho throat. The first chock over, they began to examine the corpse, and after several minutes Mr. John Wright, of the Seaside Pavilion, recognized it as that of George Smith, a saloonkeeper of Savannah, a young man who had gone to the island only the night before to spend a week, A BLOODY CIRCLE. Recognizing that a murder had been com mitted, the party began to search for such evidence of who the murderer was as might have been left on the spot. Footprints were seen loading to where the dead body lay. In the soft sand they could tie easily traced, and it was noticed that there were the footprints of but one man, but they were deep and well defined. Following them back the searchers found a snot where the strug gle for life had taken place. A circle, about 30 feet in diameter, markist the scene of the conflict, and within its periphery the sand boi-e countless marks of feet and was witness that a tierce and desperate fight had occurred there. Over the entire sur face of the circle there was blood stains as if the dead man hail prolonged the fight after his assailant had inflicted one at least of the terrible wounds that the body bears. Noticing this they followed the tracks from the bloody arena to the body. They were irregular and it was evident that the murderer had coolly ealculati'd a plan for washing away the traces of his guilt, for he hail taken the body in his arms and carried it down to the sea to a spot where he thought the waves would catch it and the tide would bear it nwav, but the tide was on the ebb and it receded further, leaving the body more exjsised, and thus refusing to he party to the revolting deed. THE FINGER OF SUSPICION. The news spread quickly over the island, and everyone begun guessing who the mur derer was. Two men had been seen with Smith on the evening liefore. They were Barney White, alias Barney Keyes, and Thomas Cassidy. Maggie Ferrell, was also there. They had called at the Ocean House on the previous evening, but were refused accommodations. They cursed the clerk and became lioisterous and disorderly, but they left the Ocean House and found rooms in one of tho other houses there. They wentto the Seaside Pavilion and there Smith was last seen alive. Mr. Wright said that Smith and Cassidy were sitting <m She piazza at midnight ami he told them that they must come in, as he wished to close the house. They arose and walked to the bar. Smith invited Cassidy to drink, and beer was served to them. Smith purchased a pint flask of whisky and started out of the door, Cassidy following him. They stood on the piazza for a moment, uml then snid that they were going to tho beach to hunt for turtle's eggs, and they started off in the direction of the beach together, and Smith was never seen again. Only his mangled body was found to tell the tale of how his life went out. the ahiikst. The people of Tyliee were confident by this time that Cassidy was responsible for the death, end having seen Keyes, as White wan known, with them. Is- wax suspected of being a party to it. But the boat had left for Savannah, and Cassidy, Keyes, and the Ferrell woman were all aboard of her. The only thing to be done was to inform the Kuvnnnah authorities and capture tin mas ROOD aa the t ug landed. eo a telephone message, which simply said that Smith had been murdered and Cas sidy and Keyes were suspected was sent to the Police Barracks, with the request that Coroner Dixon tie notified Word was sent to the Coroner, who at once proceeded to the whatf with Policemen J. W. Mike]land Patr ck Dwvcr to moot the tug. When the boat steamed tip to the wharf the passen gers were notified that they could not come ashore. Capt. Dixon told the captain of the lioftt why, and informed the {taasengers, to their utter astonishment, of what had hnp ■Md. Cassidy was sitting in the bow of the boat, but Keyes could not be seen. CASSIDY’S DENIAL. A search was made for him and at last ho was found in the pilot house fast asleep. He was awakened and found to lie under the influence of liquor, which the deep slumbers of the night hail not banished. Having them' two, the Coroner permitted the pas sengers to land, and just as Cassidy stepped ashore with Maggie Ferrell Officer Mikell placed his hand on nis shoulder and informed him that he was under Arrest. He warned the officer with an 'iath to be careful aud asked why he was arrested. He was told that it was by order of the Coroner—that he was suspected of killing Smith. He denied all knowledge of the death of Smith, hut quietly ! consented to step into a carriage with Maggie Ferrell and the officer and lie driven to tho barracks. Keyes was ptacixl in a spring wagon and driven to the barracks where he was locked up for sate keeping. He was searched, buthe had nothing but a gold watch and chain. He was asked if he knew where Cassidy had lieen the night liefore. and beciune violently angry and said that if he had a wakened only a moment earlier he would have killed the . He afterward stated that he awakened at 4 o'clock, and as he got out of lied Cassidy ran out of his room. Cassidy hud born in there at his clothes trying to rob him In- thought. A TELL-TALE KI.ASK. Cassidy was taken into the station and was searched, licit ire the search was made, however, lie took from his pocket a whisky flask and drank from it. It was identified as the flask that Smith bad l>ought tho night before just as lie and Cassidy left the pavilion. He had besides $1 SO in money, several keys and a four bladed pen knife. Cassidy and the Ferrell woman were then token to jail and locked up, but later Maggie Ferrell gave a bond of $2OO and was released. She said that she knew where Cassidy had been nil night and would tell at the proper time. A short while Inter tho wife of the tele graph operator at Tybeo telephoned to the barracks that the Ferrell woman hail better be held,"as she could tell more about the murder than anyone else except tho murderer, and she knew more than jieople there thought she did. The authorities were confident, however, that she could bo had at any time and she was not rearrested. The Coroner made arrangements during the afternoon to go to Tybee in a tug and hold the inquest. It had I wen learned that Keyes could have boon in nowise implicate*!, as he was drunk when he reached the pavilion, and went to bed at once, so the Coroner took him to Tybee to testify as a witness. THE CORONER AT TYREE. The tug Cambria with the C< r >ner reach ed Tybeo at about 7:30 o’clock, and the Coroner at once impaneled a jury and pro ceeded to hold an inquest. Twelve white men were sworn on the jury, and they pro ceeded to view the body, which had lain on the beach all day. They found four wounds, two on the bend, one in the neck and one on the breast. The wounds appeared to have been made with a stick, a knife and the heel of a shoe. The body was dressed in an undershirt, trousers and socks. It was apparent that the body ha l boen in tho water. After the body had been viewed it was turned over to the friends of the dead man, who placed it on the tug Cambria and started to the city with it. THE INQUEST. After the removal of the body the Coro ner and the jury retired to the Seaside Pavilion and proceeded to discover what evidence there was as to the cause of the murdered man’s death. Mr. A. Minis, Jr., was the first witness. He related how that on Wednesday morning at about 6:80 o’clock, while riding along the beach in a hack in which was J. N. Johnson, and others, the body was discovered. He described its np|>earance and said tliat a pair of shoes was found near by. The jury examined the locality where the body was, ami evidence of a struggle was very plain. There were tracks of a largo shoo and of a small one, and from the po sition of the tracks it appeared as if the per son who made the large tracks was pursuing the one who made the small tracks. The shot?* found near the body fitted tho small traeks. A statement from Mr. Johnson was read substantiating what Mr. Minis would say. He was excused by the Coroner before the inquest began. MR. WRIGHT’S TESTIMONY. Mr. John Wright, proprietor of the Sea side Pavilion, testified that Smith and Bar ney Keyes came to the island Tuesday night, and that Keyes was under the in fluence of liquor and very noisy. The pro prietor of the Ocean House ordered him away, and he was finally permitted to remain, at the Seaside Pa vilion, on condition that Smith would look after him and keep him quiet. About 11 o’clock Smith came out of his room and in a little while met Cassidy at the Pavilion and had a glass of beer with him. Smith was dressed at *>ut as he was when his Iwxly was found with the exception that he had on shoes and a derby hat. After drinking the beer the two men started down toward the beach. That was let ween 12 and 1 o’clock, and that was the last that Wright saw of either Cassidy or Smith Tuesday night. On Wednesday morning he saw Cassidy running to catch the cars for the boat. A woman, a little girl and a negro boy were with him. So further evidence had been taken up to 11 o’clock last night. The inquest, however, was still in progress. The Tybee telephone worked so badly that it was with the great est diWeulty that anything could tie heard over it. At the island the impression pre vails that the testimony against Cassidy, while wholly circumstantial, is very strong. THE MOTIVE FOR THE CRIME. Two motives for the murder have thus far been assigned. Mr. Walter Smith, the dead man’s brother said that Smith took with him to Tyliee S7O in money and a gold watch and chain, and if was suggested that Cassidy had committed the murder for the purpose of robbing his victim, but the second theory is more proliable: Smith hail U>on known to visit the Ferrell woman in Savannah, and on account of her presence at Tyliee it is thought that she was the cause of the quarrel. In fact, it was said that Smith and Cassidy hail been heard quarreling about the woman before thev left the hotel. Maggie Ferrell will say nothing aliout the alfair, more than that she knows where Cassidy was all niglit, and will tell at the proper time. She lives with her mother over a saloon which Mrs, Ferrell keeps in Ytuna craw. A visit was paid there last niglit and Mrs. Ferrell was found behind the bar serv ing drinks to two young roughs. MAGGIE FERRELL REFVBES TO TALK. She was asked if her daughter was in, and she replied that she was. A request to see her brought the response that she was com ing, and in a moment a big stout woman, apparently "-I'i years old, entered the saloon from the rear door. She was asked if she would make a statement of what she knew of the killing. “Whatf" die asked, “sjx'ak loud I'm deaf."’ "Will you make n statement of what you know of the killing of Smith? Do you desire to make an explanation?" bawled the re porter. "Naw, 1 don’t. I can clear myself and I'll do it at the proper time, but 1 won't say nothing now.” Just then one of the roughs called her out on the stoop and said in a voice loud enough to lie heard oil the bit) of the house: “You keep your mouth shut. Don’t you say a word. You'll make a of yourself if you do." “fill, 1 ain't going to sav nothing, and you can 1s t on that,” responded tho woman, and she walked about the room swinging herself from side to side with an air of great mys tery and importance. A DESPERATE CHARACTER. Cassidy is well known in Savannah as one of the worst, if not the worst, character in the city. Ho came here from Troy, NT. Y., a numlier of years ago and was at one time employed in the Savannah Steam lutnndry, but fur some time he has lieen running a barroom on West Broad street. He has been in a numlier of fights with the police, and the officers have realized more than once that to arrest Cassidy was no light task. About two months ago he was drunk on the street, and Officer Sheehan attempted to take him to the barracks, but Cassidy was the I letter man of the two, and it was some time before Sheehan recovered from his injuries. Two weeks later Cassidy was on another spree, and mounted on a horse he rode at break-neck speed through t lie most crowded streets of the city, and Oill cer Morgan had a long chase aud u hard THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1887. chase catching him. Hr was the bully of Crawford ward, and there were few men in i the city willing to meet him, for he is a j large man and powerfully built. SMITH AND HIS HOME. The murdered man was about 23 years of age and kept a bar on Bay street, between Houston and Price, known as the "Home Plate.’’ He took great interest in the game of base bill, and his liking for the game I doubtless suggested the name of his saloon. His mother. Mrs. Smith, keeps a sailor . boarding house over, or next door to, the ! saloon. His family consists of his mother, a sister lietween lit and 20 years of age, an older half-brother ’ and Ia younger brother. His father died about eight years ago. Three or four years ago i he was employed in tho ji b press departs incut of the Morning News establishment, and was regarded bv his fellow-workmen as a very good natural sort of a young man. He thought a great deal of dress, and was inclined to give a good deal of attention to sporting matters. Noon after he left the Morning News establishment he engaged in the saloon business, and was thought to be prospering. He was not a drinking man though there may have been times when he had a little spree. Whether he went to Tybee to establish a bur there or to have a few days pleasuring on the seashore (Joes not ajqs-ar to lie clearly known. The fact that he had considerable money with him would seem to indicate that he was at Tybee for business. The man, Barney Keyes, lived at his mother's Ikwirding house and seems to have thought a great deal of him and of his brothers and sisters. A MIDNIGHT CORTEGE. About 11 o'clock those who were tore turn to the city gathered at the Pavilion and accompanied the remains, which were in ice, to the tug. They were placed alxxird and the tug steamed out for Havannnh. A large crowd gathered at the foot of Abercorn street to await its arrival. At 1:50 she landed at the wharl and the remains were placed in a wagon. The people present formed themselves into a procession and marched silently bebinil the wagon to the house of the dead man's mother, at 23 Bay street. It was a melan choly sight to see that solemn procession accompanying the body through the streets under the palo light of the moon, and it spoke a feeling for the unfortunate boy that bodes no good to nis slayer. THROUGH THE CITY. Items Gathered Here and There by the News Reporters. There were three arrests for disorderly conduct yesterday. Georgia Tent No. 151,1. O. R., will hold a special session this evening. Zerubbabel Lodge No. 15, F. A. M., will hold a regular communication this evening. The regular quarterly meeting of the Georgia Hussars w-ill be held this evening at the troop hall. The Savannah Mutual Loan Association will hold its seventy-seventh meeting at Metropolitan Hull this evening. Francis Doyle, a native of Ireland, and William Hart lager, a German, were natur alized by the Superior Court yesterday, Mr. Michael Hanley, the well-known special detective officer, lias been appointed a deputy sheriff and will hereafter reside at Tybee. Tlie Metropolitan Savings and Loan As sociation will hold its regular monthly meeting at tho office of Denmark & Adams this evening. The Norwegian bark La Plata was cleared by Messrs. A. R. Bala? & Cos., for Coruna with 7,027 pieces pitch pine lumber, meas uring 894,005 feet, valued at $5,000. Cargo by Messrs. Butler & Stevens. Messrs. A. R. Salas & Cos. cleared yes terday tho German bark Meteor for Stettin with 3,587 barrels of rosin weighing 1,630,- 135 pounds, valued at $0,500. Cargo by Messrs. Paterson Downing & Cos. The Italian hark Gallileo S. was cleared by Messrs. A. R. Salas & Cos. for Coruna with 0,956 pieces piteh pine lumber, meas uring 415,054 feet, valued at $5,000. Cargo by Messrs. Charles Green's Son & Cos. The charter for Ocean City, a town which is to be incorporated under that name on that part of Tybee Island formerly owned by the estate of Screven, and more recently by Mr. Purse, is to be applied for at this session of the Legislature. Tin- Warrens and Amateurs will not play ball to-day, the Warrens consenting to for feit a game to the Amateurs. The reason of this is that Mr. George Smith, who was murdered at Tybee, was the backer of the Warrens, and in view of his death they have concluded not to piay. A stream of smoke was seen issuing from the ceiling of the grocery store of 8. L. Newton, corner of Broughton and Mont gomery streets, yesterday afternoon shortly before 5 o’clock. The fire department was called out, but the blaze was extinguished without throwing any water. It is supposed that rats had carried matches into the ceil ing and they hail lieen ignited. The Morning News acknowledges the receipt of an invitation to a basket picnic at Warsaw, to be given by the Irish Jasper Greens, on July 19. The corps and invited guests and ladies will go by rail to Thunder bolt and thence by steamer to Warsaw. The committee consists of Lieut. E. J. Kennedy, Hergt. P. F. Gleason, Private J. G. Nelson, and T. H. Ryan and pay members L. J. Dunn and J. L. Gallagher. A handsome memorial stone has ten erected in Laurel Grove oemotery over the remains of the lute George Pratt, who. it will be remembered, was drowned in Ossn buw .Sound during March last. A fund for this purpose was "begun recently and the members of the Independent church choir, of which the deceased was a member, anil others interested responded liberally with contributions. The stone bears the follow ing inscription: “Our Friend, George Pratt. Jan. 19, 1863 March 28, 1887,” A QUARREL OVER TWO BILLS. A Drayman and a Jeweler Create a Disturbance. There was a row on the corner of South Broad und Whituker streets yesterday morning that disturbed the quiet of that ordinarily peaceful neighborhood. A dray man named Michael Walsh drove to tho corner mentioned to the jewelry store of \dolph Sack. Sack owed Walsh a bill and Waldi was indebted to Sack and the object of the visit was to square up accounts. In making the settlement a question rose over the amounts of the bills and the two men lieeanw exceedingly angry. Walsh began using the most obscene oaths and with every one he uttered his wrath increased. All immense crowd collected but he paid no attention to anyone or to the laughter of the crowd that greeted each volley of oaths. Several times he got in his wagon and drove oil a short distance, but returned again and renewed his abuse. Then he drove around tho square, and, jumping out of his wagon, drew bark his clenched list as if to strike Sack, but it was only a feint. Then u |Hilioenian rode up and ordered him away, and he jutntied into lus wagon and started in a trot to the barracks, the policeman following in his wake. He was locked up on the charge of disorderly conduct und cursing and using obscene language^ Installing Officers. The following officers were installed by Teutonia lodge No. 7, K. of P., last night, to serve for the ensuing term: C. C. —H. F. Kramer. V. C. -Emil J. Rail. Prelate—J. F. Lubs. M. at A, — l. Wostheimer. 1. O.—F. oreive. O. G.—H. Toehl. The United States Hotel, Boston, covers an entire block, nfT'UTltnK larm*. comfortable outside rooms, with plenty of air and light. Its location is central and wltbln five minutes' walk of the great Southern and West ern railway stations. Horse ears pass its doors connecting with all places of interest and amusement. Careful attention and every com fort at moderate prices. SENT UP FOR LIFE. JOHN RODRIGEZ. ALIAS SPANISH JOHN, CONVICTED OF MURDER. The Slayer of Harry Ennis to Serve the State for the Remainder of His Natural Life—A Blue Jumper Plays an Important Part in a Murder Trial —The Defendant’s Statement. John Rodrigez, alias Spanish John, was tried in the Superior Court yesterday and convicted of tho murder of*Harry Ennis, on the night of June 5. The murder was com mitted on Farm street, near the corner of Indian, about 9 o’clock. Ennis came out of the bagnio of Mary Angelo, and had walked only a few steps when he met Spanish John. They had been together but a moment when Rodrigez raised a loaded cane, which he held in his hand, and struck Ennis two or three times and then walked rapidly away. Ennis fell to the ground, but arose again and re entered the bagnio. He asked Mary Angelo who the man was that struck him, and described his dress. The woman told him that he was called Spanish John. Ennis then went to his home, and from thence he was removed to tho Savannah Hospital, where he died Juno 16. At the trial W. W. Osborne, Esq., and Davis Freeman, Esq., represented the de fendant and Solicitor General dußignon ap peared for the State. THE STATE’S TESTIMONY. The first witness examined was Mrs. Annie Ennis, who testified as to Ennis’ ap pearance when he reljirneil home. She was asked what the deceased said to her, but to that the defendant’s counsel objected, and the witness was not examined further as she hod no knowledge of the facts. Miss Tina Renken testified that at the time of the killing she was standing near the corner of Farm, and Indian streets talk ing to two friends, and she saw a man come around the corner with a white dog. She heard the bark of a dog and saw the man step back, and then she heard three blows. She saw another man fall to tho ground, but did not know at the time that it was Ennis. The other man walked away. She did not see his face, as it was dark. She could not identify Rixlrigez. Mrs. Mary Cosgrove was talking with Miss Renken at the time and saw the killing. She also saw Rodrigez and identified him. Mary Angelo knew Spanish Johu, and saw him on the night of the murder. She described his drees, saying that he wore a faded blue jumper, striped trousers and a brown hat. He had a white dog with him. Mrs. Cosgrove was recalled, and she gave the same description of Rodrigez’s dress. Dr. Colding, the resident physician of the hospital, testified that Ennis’ skull was fractured, and a clot formed on the brain, causing an abscess. AN ATTEMPT TO PROVE AN ALIBI. The defense attempted to prove an alibi, and a case of mistaken identity. Rodrigez was put on the stand and in his broken English he made a statement, in which he attempted to account for his time. He said that he left his house about 5 o’clock, and went to the house of Fannie ALston. He re mained there with Fanny and Frank Alston until late at night. lie made a cigarette and Fannie lighted a match and looked tit, the clock and it was then 1U:30 o’clock. lie then went home, going through Coffee alley. Next day be worked in the country, but on Tuesday he did not go to work. After supper he was arrested but he did not know what for except that someone said that it was for striking Ennis. After he was turned over to Constable Kaufmaun he asked to be taken to the hospital to see Ennis, because he did not believe Ennis would say he had struck him, as they were good friends. Fannie Alston testified that Spanish John was at her house between 5:30 and 10:80 o’clock that night, that she had known him for some time, and knew that he never had a dog. She admitted, on cross-examination, that she had a white dog. Frank Alston swore to the presence of Rodrigez in the house between the hours given above, and that he did not leave the house during that time. DID HE WEAR A JUMPER 1 Policeman Sullivan, who made the ar rest, testified that at tho time of the arrest Rodriguez had on the blue jumper and striped pants. Alary Golden, a mulattress with whom Rodrigez boarded and one of the boarders iu the house, stated that Spanish John did not wear a jumper on that day; that when he left the house he had on a bluo shirt and he had it on when he returned. The argument was opened for the defense by Mr. Osborne and Mr. Freeman followed. Air. dußignon made the argument for the State. The jury was out about two hours and when they returned they brought in a ver dict of guilty of murder, hut recommended mercy. The prisoner was placed in the dock and sentenced to the penitentiary for life. The recommendation for mercy was in serted because of the character of the weapon used. The jury was inclined to the belief that as the weapon was only a walk ing-stiek, tho defendant did not intend to kill Ennis. Teachers Who Don’t Want More Time. Them has been quite a stir among the teachers who propose contesting for the va cancy in the second grade in the Bar nard street public school, caused by the resolution passed by the Board of Education at its meeting on Monday evening, postpon ing the examination, which was expected to have taken place in a few days, until tiie regular time for the examination of teach ers in the latter part of Septemtier. Yester day a number of the contestants addressed a letter to Col. Mercer asking him to call a special meeting of the board to rescind the obnoxious resolution. The pur pose of the resolution was to extend the time so as to allow teachers who are now busily engaged in attending to their school duties, and who are. therefore, unable to spare the time, or who for other reasons have not had the opportunity to prepare for the examination, time to study during the holidays. There would then l>e more appli cants and the school authorities would have a larger list from which to select a teacher. Home of the contestants, however, differ from tin' Board of Education and want the examination to take p ace immediately. Tf is |irohahle that a meeting will Ire hold as requested and the matter receive the further consideration of the tstat'd. A Boy Drowned at Bethesda. Dougald Exam, a ward of the Union So ciety, aged 7 years, was drowned about 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon at Bethesda. It appears that the detsatsed and a number of other small hoys, in disobedience to the rules and in the absence of the superintend ent, who was attending to other duties about the orphan house, went out on the dam lending to the creek and accidentally fell into the water. His coni|>anions were so frightened that they wore unable to ren der assistance, or give an alarm, and it was some moments before the sail accident was known to those whe could probably have saved the boy, and in the meanwhile he had sunk to rise no more ulive. Efforts were at oiks' made to recover the body and after the lapse of about two hours it was found. The little fellow was the sou of Mrs. Exum, of this city, and was placed under the care of the society on March IS last. Young or middle aged men suffering from nervous debility and kindred weaknesses should sen<l 10c. in stamps for largo illus trated treatise suggesting sure means of cure. World's Distienssry Medical Assorts tion. Buffalo v At Uic leu-nett. House, Savannah, Ga., vou get all the comforts of the high-priced hotels, and save from $1 to $2 per day. Try it and be convinced, —Boston Home Jour nal. CHATHAM COUNTY BILLS. Providing for a Board of Assessors and for Reducing Fees of the Ordinary. Among the bills introduced into the Legis lature by Capt. Gordon, the following, re lating to Chatham county, are very import ant. One of the bills provides that the grand jury of the Superior Court of Chat ham county and the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah shall select four up right, intelligent and experienced citizens, three of whom shall be resident freeholders of the city of Savannah and one a freeholder residing in the county, not within the limits of Savannah, who shall constitute a board of assessors for the county. The persons elected shall, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of their office, take before the Board of Commissioners an oath to faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of their office; they shall receive the compensation of $5 per day while ac tually engaged in the discharge of their duties, to be paid by the count} - upon the warrant of the Board of County Commis sioners. The persons constituting the hoard of assessors shall be elected as follows: The grand jury of the Superior Court shall, at the March term next after the passage of this act, and annually thereafter as their terms expire, elect three of said assessors, one of whom shall reside in the county out side of Savannah, and whose terms of ser vice shall be respectively one, two and three years; the fourth assessor herein provided for shall be elected by the Mayor and Aider men of Savannah on or before April 1 next after the passage of this act, and annually thereafter. It shall be the duty of the Board of As sessors to meet in the office of the Receiver of Tax Returns on the first Monday in May of each year, and from day to day. and from time to time, as the duties of their office may require. It shall l)e the duty of the Board of As sessors to review all returns of real and per sonal property made to the Receiver of Tax Returns; and whenever any person or per sons or body corporate, whose duty it is to make tax returns to said receiver of any species, kind or description of property that is taxed, or intended to be taxed, by the lrws of Georgia, shall fail to return the whole, or any part thereof, the said Board of Assessors shall proceed to assess the prop erty of all and every such defaulting per son or persons or body corporate, at such an amount as in their ’ judgment is just and equitable on the best and most reliable in formation to be obtained. It shall be the duty of the Board of As sessors, and they are authorized and re quired in all cases in which they have good reason to believe that full and complete re turns have not been made by any person or persons or I >ody corporate, to notify such jwrson or persons or body corporate, through the Receiver of Tax Returns, to ap pear at his office, for the purpose of amending his, her or their returns; and in default of such appearance and failure to answer as required, such person or persons or body corporate shall be subject to the same penalty as is prescribed by law for a failure to make tax returns. The Receiver of Tax Returns shall be Sec retary of the Board of Assessors, and shall furnish to the board all information in his power regarding each and every return, and also the names of every person he may know who has failed to make returns as re quired by law. The compensation of said Tax Receiver shall be the same as now allowod him by law. The Receiver of Tax Returns shall not en ter upon the tax digest atiy return until the same has been approved by said board of assessors. Any jierson or persons or body corporate dissatisfied with his or their assessment, or whose return has been refused by the receiver, shall have the right and privilege of appearing before the board of assessors and of being heard, and the board shall receive the return if it be correct, or shall proceed to alter, correct or amend tte assessment complained of as the case may be, so as to make it conform to the truth. ORDINARY’S FEES. This bill provides that so much of an act entitled “An act to amend the act regu lating the tavern license in this State, ap- f moved Dec. 15, 1809, so far as the same re ates to the county of Wilcox, and to define the fees of the Ordinary of Chatham county in this State,” as prescribed and established, the fees of said Ordinal - } - of Chatham county to repealed. It further provides that from and after the passage of this act the fees of the Ordi nary of the county of Chatham shall l>e the same as now allowed Ordinaries in this State under section 3094 of the Code of Georgia of 188&8, and his said fees shall be the same as are now prescribed in said sec tion of the Code of Georgia. The City Court. Tho case of P. J. Fallon vs. Salomon Cohen, was called in the City Court, but it was announced that the case hail been set tled except as to costs. Judgments were taken by Solomon Sheftell against Virginia Coahley for #lB9 and #5 72 interest, suit on notes; tlic Bank of Americus vs. Nat Har risen and W. A. Harrison for #17190, suit on bills of exchange; Fales, Oudesluys & Cos. vs. Jacob Belsinger for #ll4 21, suit on account; and James B. Read vs. Charles W. King for #ll7, suit on account. At Estill's News Depot. Savannah Dairy Morning News, Savannah Weekly News, L’Art de la Mode for August, Revue de la Mode for August, A Near Relation, Sunday Maga zine, for August, Ten to Twelve (by the au thor of the Leavenworth Case), The Season for August, Delineator for August, Rand- McNally’s Railway Guide for July, The Colonel, French Weeklies, Puck, The Judge, Harper’s Weekly, Ijeslie’s Weekly, Christian Herald. Sunny South, Horseman, German Weeklies. Boston Herald, Boston Globe, Philadelphia Times, Philadelpliia Press, Bal timore Sun, Baltimore American, New York Herald, Wfirld, Times, Star, Sun, Evening Post, Tribune, Graphic’, Florida Times-Uniou, Jacksonville Morning News, New Orleans Times-Democrat. New Orleans Picayune, Macon Telegraph, Au gusta Chronicle, Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, Charleston News and Courier. F. Gutman, 141 Broughton street, has just received a new stock of Rucking, Chemisettes, Collars and Culls. ~ F. GUTM AN HAS REMOVED TO HIS OLD STORE, 141 BROUGHTON STREET. Embroideries and Laces. This week we will put on sale, besides the balance of other stock, all the Embroideries and Laces which were sav ed at the fire. We promise to give such bargains as will com mand a ready purchase, as we are very anx ious to close out the entire stock at the earliest possible moment. Please bear this in mind and bo certain to examine our stock of Embroideries and Laces. We also offer excellent bargains in Children's and Gents’ Fine Hosiery, Kid, Silk and Thread Gloves. David W kisbkin, 165 Congress street, next door to Solomons’ drug store. Cull and see the newest sliades in Pongee Coats and Vests at Appel & Sehaul’s. Umbrellas for Sun and Bain. Silver and Gold Hanilled Gloria Umbrel las for three dollars and three-fifty, and every other grade down to one dollar, for sale by the Famous Now York Clothing House, 140 Congress street. The lest 45 rent Undershirt in the city at Aunel A: Helmut's. For Comfort of Btout Men. We have White Shirts, open front, with Collars and Cuffs Attached, sizes IT, 17>f, 18, 1 IP. made to order and not called for, which will be sold low, by the Famous New York Clothing House, 140 Congress street. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Accounts Audited and Other Business Attended To. The County Commissioners held their monthly meeting at the Court House yester day, and discussed with Mr. Donald Mc- Donald, architect, the progress of the work on the new jail. Col. Garrard addressed the board regarding the unsold portion of the old jail lot*, and action was deferred to a special meeting, which is to be called. Owing to some differences of opinion be tween Dr. W. S. Lawton, the chairman of the Convict and Drainage Committee of the County Commissioners, and his colleagues, Commissioners J. H. Estill and C. H. Dor sett. regarding the work to lie done, the latter gentlemen resigned from the com mittee, and Commissioners Casey and Walker were substituted in their stead. Isaac R. Nathans was appointed consta ble in Second G. M. district, vice G. P. P. Jones, removed from the State. Applications for liquor licenses and peti tions for county aid were referred to the usual committees. The committee appointed to examine the Tax Collector’s annual settlement of taxes reported the satisfactory manner in which the taxes of 1880 had len collected, and the Tax Collector was instructed to turn over to the Sheriff the insolvent tax fi. fas. for levy and sale in September. The petition of sundry citizens for the ap pointment of William Hartloge as Con stable in the Seventh district was about be ing granted when it was discovered that Haatloge was not a citizen. A communication from Capt. McAlpin, Commissioner of the Augusta regard ing the substitution of brick culverts for wooden bridges on said road was referred to Committee on Roads. The Commissioners audited the county bills, and passed accounts to the amount of $7,535 46. “Buchu-Paiba.” Quick, complete cure, all annoying kid ney, bladder and urinary diseases. $l. At druggists. "Rough on Bile” Pills. Small granules, small dose, big results, pleasant in operation, don’t disturb the stomach. 10c. and 35c. “Rough on Dirt.” Ask for “Rough on Dirt.” A perfect washingipowder found at last! A harmless extra fine A1 article, pure and clean, sweet ens, freshens, bleaches and whitens without slightest, injury to finest fabric. Unequaled for fine linens and laces, general household, kitchen and laundry use. Softens water, saves labor and soap. Added to starch pre vents yellowing. 5c., 10c., 35c. at grocers. Gents’ Clothing In summer weights and Thin Goods in undiminished variety. Bargains in Neck wear, Furnishings, etc. Hats sacrificed. The Clothing Palaeo. 161 Congress street. B. H. Levy & Bro. SUMMER GOODS. Headquarters at the Crockery House of James S. Silva & Son. Keep cool; don’t worry about the hot weather. Know ye that we have a large lot of artistically decorated WATER COOLERS, both plain and porcelain lined, and the prices we put on them will not hurt your pocketbook. We keep the best ICE CREAM FREEZERS to be had. Remember, Fly Fans, Ice Picks, Fly traps. If you want to be sure of the purity of your drinking water use tho GATE CITY STONE FILTER. It is simply perfect. Como and let us show you oiie, explain the working nncD give you a glass of river water without the mud. James S. Silva & Son. N. B.—Our “Odds and Ends" Sale con tinues. The most complete line of thin Coats and Vests now to be had at Appel & Schaul’s. A complete line of Underwear at Appel & Sehaul’s, 103 Congress street. The latest styles of Gents’ Collars and Cuffs at popular prices. F. Gutman. Gutman keeps the following celebrated makes of corsets: C. P., in white and colors; Thompson’s Glove Fitting, in several styles; R. & G., in medium and extra long; French Woven at 750. and upwards; Misses'Corsets and Corset Waists. Our new line of Ribbons, all widths, re ceived. F. Gutman, 141 Broughton street. Gents’ white and fancy Lawn Ties, only Bc. per dozen, at Gutman’s. The nobbiest line of Straw Hats in the city to be seen at Appel & Schaul’s, A complete line of Percale Shirts at Appel & Sehaul's. For the Benefit of the Clergy. Wo have on hand Clergymen’s Black Alpaca Coats, to be sold low, by the Famous New York Clothing House, 140 Congress street. Novelties in thin Coats and Vests just re ceived at Appel & Schaul’s, One Price Clothiers. A complete line of Seersucker Coats and Vests at Appel & Schaul’s. Call and look at the elegant Pongee Coats and Vests at Appel & Schaul’s. For Warm Weather. White Linen Duck Suits, gray and cream color, Pongee Coats and Vests, Black Al pacas, at all prices. Seersucker Coats and V ests, thin Coats for fifty cents; thin Under wear to clone out, by the Famous New York Clothing House, 1 10 Congress street. Diamonds, Gold and Silver. I am looking forward shortly to bo able to move back to my old quarters. It is now my aim to reduce stock or to close it out as far ns possible, to mako the moving a less troublesome matter. To do this I have de termined upon making sacrifices. This is not a device to draw trade, but a positive fact. I offer sterling silverware for wed ding presents watches, diamonds, etc., at actual New V ork wholesale prices. My present temporary quarter is 110’; Broughton street, directly opposite I.uddeu & Bates’ music house. M. Hteunbkku. Balbriggan Underwear in all grades at Appel & Schaul’s, One Price Clothiers. An inspection of our thin (’oats and Vesta is earnestly requested before purchasing. Appel & Bcliaul, One Price Clothiers. Do not fail to see our Fancy Striped Suit of Underwear selling at *1 50 per suit. Ap pel & Sf-haul, IBS Congress street. Muslin Skirts, good muslin, five rows of tucks, only -17 c., at Gutman’s. Closing out the balance of our Parasols and Jerseys at less than cost. F. Gutman. The celebrated Hereules Jean;-: Drawers and Balbriggan Vest and Drawers, ut Gut man s. New ladies' and children’s Hose and Hand kerchiefs just received at Gutmans. 141 Broughton street. HIDDEN <fc BATES 8. M. H. foil tilt; We are busy, very busy; all depart ments crowded. This, in midsummer, rather astonishes us. We thought we would have a good trade, but it rather ex ceeds our utmost expectations. Orders coming in from Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mis sissippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Ken tucky and Virginia, and the rea son of their coming to us is, “ that price and fair dealing, to gether with prompt and careful attention to orders, will sell goods.” Our bargains in Stationery, Artist Materials, Pictures and Frames are still open to Savan nah buyers, and are well worth examination. L.&8.5.1H.H. EDUCATIONAL. YWOLLF.GE OF LETTERS, SCIENCE AND V ART. FACULTY OF SEVENTEEN. Scholarship high. Library, Reading Room, M useum, mounted telescope, apparatus, twen one pianos, complete appliances. Elocution and Fine Art attractions. In MUSIC the Missss (’ox. directors; vocalist from Paris and Berlin; distinguished pianist and ladies’ orchestra. Board and tuition, #207. School begins Sept. 28. MRS. I. F. COX. President, LaOrange, Ga. Rome Female College. (Under tho control of the Synod of Georgia) Rome, Ga. Rev. J. M. M. CALDWELL, President. r T”HIRTY-FIRST year begins Monday, Sept. 5, JL ISB7. For circulars and information address S. C. CALDWELL. Rome, Ga. Lucy Cobb Institute, ATHENS, GEORGIA. r r , HE Exercises of this School will he resumed I SEPT. ISS7. Bellevue High School, BEDFORD CO.. VIRGINIA. A thoroughly equipped School of high grad* lor Hoys and Young Men. r ,**.M Annual Session opens Sept. 15, 1887. I For Catalogue or special information applT to W. K ABBOT, Priw.. Belli V*. NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY MUSIC, FINE ARTS, ORATORY, Literature. English Branches, french, German, Italian, etc. largest and bust equip p’d in the world; 100 Instructors; 2,185 Student* last, year. Board and room, with Steam Heat and Electric Light. Fall terra begins Sept. 8, IKS7. Ill'll Calendar free. Address E. TOUR JEE, Dir., Franklin, Sq., Boston, Mass. pIVIL. MECHANICAL AND MINING ENGI- V 7 SEEKING at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troj'. N. Y. The oldest engineering school in America. Next term begins Septem her 14th. Tho Register for 1887 contains a list of the graduates for the past, fta years, with their position**; also course of study, require ments. expenses, etc. Oandi dates from a dig tanee, or tfiosn living in distant States, by special examinations! at their homes, or at such schoola as they may |>e attonding, inay determine the question or admission without visiting Troy. For Itegister aud fifll information address DAVID M. GItEENE, Director. 5 J'-’fc JF Sew inary for Young Ladies. Area Wm 9 j Home fur rfirlh. Hcairh indcare first. Splendid teacherv Patronized by ■ ■in hi ■mi—in nicu of Uiter.iJ minds in all Churches. Ample room for xrrase.with i itv advantages. A non-secta rian School.ith I fst aids torch Yion. The tone and value of the School shown [<y its success. Lectures on many subjects. French spoken ai tables. The dining *a> n as wss -" ■* rn is the ir.osi- levant m the bin Id- mßzy $5 HJ# ■ a 1- ff gall RIO Lr s.t.,L * .1. , 1 enn m m " ——- ■ ■ ■ A COTT ON SEED WANTED. TO ITWL'IIEKS AM) SHIPPERS OF— COTTON SEED. r pHE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL COMPANY X wiK be !-’’i dy to buy Cotton Seed by Sept. Ist, 1887, and trill want it shipped to our Mills at Atlanta and Savannah. Ga., and Columbia, S. C., whiche t er city is nearest to you, by rail road. Mr. C. FITUSIMONS is our Traveling Agent, nr.d will take |iart in discussions as to tne rela tive value off Cotton Seed and Cotton Seed Meal at any agriei dtural meetings. If they desire it. We consi/.er this important, as there are many error.) ous Fleas about buying, selling and exchanging. Seed for Meal. Address :i 11 communications to SOUTHERN COTTON OIL COMPANY, and send your post office addro s to the mill that Is nearest you, H you wish ih to quote you prices. Wr ask shi | >pers to’remember that it is the erection of otr Mills that will give you bet ter prices this yt nr, and ask your support ip return. We refer y :m to the hanks in tne above cities for our tlnau : ial responsibility. SOUTIIEKN C( tTTON OIL COMPANY. P. S. OLIVER BROS, beg to inform shippers that they ha *e no connection with the "Oliver Oil Company" Mills at Columbia, S. C.. and Oearlotte, N. C. Although these Mills will run under the name of "Oliver OH Companies,’' they an owned by the AMERICAN COTTON OIL TRUST. Shippers wishing to deal with the BROS, will r: dense ship to SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO Ml ANY MILLS. OLIVER BROTHERS. Forme r Owners Oliver Oil Company Mills. SHOES. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE. yygj/ rile on'.v SEAMLESS lILWA Shoe In the world. ' Eluest I lair, perfect 111. arvl / njpff VI warrauteil 1 'ongrraa. Button ■f/ OVu 1-1 and Lace, all styles pm-. As /*S C’ fsf- vi M OvlHli end durable aa c,y v ail those co Mlnz t’i or ts.jft jr H9H ‘BsQ tv. l. Doi iii As *jr J •.5 SHOE carols X oN' Hu- Sillies adver- S .dtbJ' J [Ni ime and price stamped on bottom of eacl Shot .) Beys all wearlbo W.L. POIGLAk #2 SHOE If yi sir dealer ileoa not los’p them, send you* nail te on postal to W. 1,. IMtl G LAS, Brock ton , Man. !' or sale hr BYCK BROS., 17 Whitaker sUerf. Savannah. Ua-