The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 15, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL. '—■ ~~savannah market? OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS,) Savannah, Ga., July 14, 4 p 11 ( Cotton— The market continues very dull and lirely nominal. There was uo inquiry and e siiigle transaction took place during the On 'Change at the midday call, at 1 p. m., a ; mar ket was reported quiet and unchanged. following are the official spot quotations of ihe Cotton Exchange: Middling fair tl% Good ordinary Sfd Island— The market was very dull and unchanged. Th -re is very little offering and no demand There were no sales during the day. We quote: Common Georgias and Flondas 14 @15% Medium.... Extra flue JOVs®^l Choice ® Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Jn.v 14,1887, and for the Same Time Last Year, 1880-87. 1885-86. Idald. Upland Stock on hand Sept. 1 1,149 4,304 561 3,296 j Received to-day 1 Received previously 27,C34:j 771,244i 23,386 j 778,962 Total 28.35. 23,9391 782,260 Exported to-day. . . l! - 25| •Exported previously 27,831;j 775,071 22,458 777.221 ■ Total .. . 775.071 22,458 ; 777.246; 1 Total I tauli 417 ii 1,481 1 5,014i Rice—The market was quiet but very firm. There was a good inquiry, aud about 300 barrels were sold on the basis ot quotations. We quote: Prime Country lots 90 Tidewater 90(&1 15 Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur pentine was quiet and easy. The sales for the day were 150 casks, at 29%c for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the owning call the market was reported steady at 30c for regulars. At the closing call it was firm at 29%c for regulars. Rosjn—The market was quiet and easy at a slight decline. The sales for the day were 1.17(1 barrels. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported steady, with sales of 250 barrels, at the following quotations: a B C and D $1 00, E SI 02%, F Si 0% G SI 12%, H $1 17%, I $1 20, K SI 40(&1 45, M Si ('>o, N Si ~5. window glass $2 10, water white $2 50. At the last call it was steady, with further sales of 215 barrels, at t he following quotations: K $1 40, N Si 70. window glass $2, and other grades were unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits . Rosin. Stock on baud April 1 2.543 77,408 Received to-day 1,191 2.539 Received previously 71,640 1G1,256 Total 76,374 211,203 Exported to-day 3.587 Exported previously 65,083 182,147 Total 65.083 185.734 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day 10,291 55,469 Receipts same day last year 439 1,218 Financial—Money Is very quiet. Domestic Exchange Steady. Banks and bankers arc buying sight drafts at par and selling at Vx percent premium. Foreign Exchange—The market is easy. Commercial demand, $4 83%; sixty days, ninety days, §4 81%: francs, Paris and Havre, commercial, sixty days, $5 24%; Swiss, $5 24%; marks, sixty days, 94%. Securities-- I The market is rather active and investors seem inclined to buy both stocks and bonds in considerable amount, when to lie had at inside quotations. Central railroad stock is in demand, and several lots have changed hands at market price. ■ t<x ks and Bonds— City Bonds— Quiet. At lanta 6 per cent long date, 108 bid, lb* asked: Atlanta 7 per cent 118 bid, 121 asked: Augusta 7 i>er cent long date, 115 bid, 118 asked: Augusta 6s long date, 108 bid, 110 asked; Columbus 5 per cent. 100 bid, 105 asked; Macon 6 per cent. 11l bid. 112 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, October coupons, 101 bid, 102 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent. August eoui>ons, 102 bid, 108 asked. State Bonds —Market steady, with light sup plv. Georgia new Gs, 1889, 103 bid, 104 asked; (ieorgia new i%s. 104% bid, 105% asked; Geor gia T per cent gold, quarterly coupons, 107 nid, 107% asked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons Jauuary and July, maturity 1890, 122 bid, 123 ftbked Railroad Stoclcs— Cent ral common 122 bid, 123 asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 percent guar anteed. 133 bid. 131 asked: Georgia common, 197 bid. 199 asked: Southwestern 7 per ctMit guaranteed, 128 bid, 128% asked; Cen tral 6 per cent certificates, ex interest. 100% bid. 101 asked; Atlanta and West Point rail road stock, ex-dividend, 110 bid, 112 asked; Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent certificates, 102% bid. 103 asked. l.'ailroful Botuis— Market quiet. Savannah, Florida and Western liuihvay Company general mortgage 6 per cent interest, coupons October, 115 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage consolidated 7 per cent coupons, January and July, maturity 1897. 119 bid, 121 asked; Central consolidated mortgage 7 percent, coupons January and July, maturity 1898,110% bid in asked; Georgia railroad6s. 1697. 106 bid, 10s asked; Mobile and Girard second mort k;*ge indorsed 8 per cent, coupons January and •buy. maturity 1889, 105 bid, 106 asked; Mont gomery and Eufauln first mortgage 6 per cent, indorsed by Central railroad, 109 bid, 110 asked; Marietta and North Georgia first mortgage, 50 year.. 0 per cent, 99 bid, 100% asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta first mortgage, 113 asked; Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta second mortgage, 110 asked; Western Ala hiuna second mortgage indorsed 8 per cent, l ,|s bid, lu9 asked: South Georgia and Florida Indorsed, 11K bid, 120 asked. South Georgia and Honda second mortgage, 114 bid, 116 asked; Augusta ami Knoxville first mortgage 7 p i c-nt. j 11 bid. 112 asked; Gainesville, Jef liT ;on and Southern first mortgage guaranteed, 41’* bid, 116%asked; Gainesville. Jefferson and bout hern not guaranteed, 112 bid. 113% asked; Oetvtn Steamship 6 i>er cent lKinds, guaran teed by Central railroad, 102 bid, 103 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern second mortgage guaranteed, 113 bid; t oimuhus and Honui first mortgage bonds iu dorsed by Central railroad, 105 bid, 106 asked; t ohenhus and Western 6 per cent guaranteed, 4 *’ Md, in asked; City and Suburban roil- W, V V first mortgage 7 per cent, 109 hid, 110 u G*d; Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Com -106 lid, 10i asked. Storks —Nominal. Southern Bank of State of Georgia, 200 bid. 205 asked; Mer chants' National Bank, 160 bid. 185 asked; Sa vannah Hunk and Trust Company, 97 bid, 99 * l’ l*iiuk of Savannah, 120 bid, 121 8 Stocks— Savannah Gas Light stock, ex o*vileud, 21% bid, 22 asked; Mutual Gas Light 20 bid, 23 asked. Bacon—Market firm and advancing; demand f‘ M <l; smoked clear rib sides. 9%c: shoulders, '% •; dry Halted clear rib sides. 8)40; long clear, G‘-': *h<adders, none; hams. 13c. bAnniKo and Ties Market quiet. We quote; Gaging .iij tbs, BWB%e; 2 lbs, l% 1 1 ui I J .jje, according to brand and quantify, non tj,. s Arrow ami other brands, $100(0,105 1"' bundle, according to brainl and quantity, tagging aud ties in retail lots a fraction higher. . ’('T’lr.ii Market steady; oleomargarine, 14(31 ‘ ' bcic.* Goshen, 18c; gilt edge, 22c;cream o\ 21^2.*;. ' UmjAOE—Northern, fi^lOc. .’kle The market is firm. We quote for ■ yvll lots: Ordinary, 18c; fair, 19c; good. . • ulioieo, 21c; (leaberry, 22f4c. ' Humn—Market nominal ;small demand ;stock V." quote. lliftl.V. , . ~ F in it Apples, evaporated, 13c; peeledt '* • lvn:hrs, peoieu, isic; unpeeled, s®7c; cur , ,s - *e; citron, 25c. f „ ,RY 'ioons—The market is firm; biisiness iu r Wo quote: Prints, 4S4c; Georgia brown Hmtlnif. 3. t . 4Vije;7 Bdo. s>*c; 4-1 brown sheet- osnaburgs, Bj4®loc; checks, i,.., ' ‘i .V'l'-iis, dec tor best makes; brown drill “I? 1 . "CIFKc. v%" ">• quote full weights: •Mackerel— SOaiOOO; No. 3, half barrels. nominal, %! No. 2, $7 50p,H SO. Herring—No. 1. ‘V scaled, 25 >;^Joc. ”' R Market unsettled; demand moderate. . Extra, $1 10; fancy. $4 85® Jh*. choice patent. |6 s®B 80; family, $4 50® ini. ,< i ,I I - ;*- emotw- Mnrket advancing an<l de mand fair. We quote, $4 OOtJM 60. 'rain-Corn—Market very itrni: demand light 0 quote: White corn, job lots, 68o; carload ® I SA„ mi ,v efl Corn -.3° b ,ots - 01c: carload 1 . ... ' fl,s sieadv; demand goocL We 'r. ,c ! t . e: Mixed oats, 4Bc: carload lots, 40e. Rran fl 10. Meal. Jue: Georgia grist, per sack, ?t 10 : grist, per 1 ushel, TOe. Market veiy iirm, with a fair demand: stock ample We quote job lots: Western, v l 00, cat load lots, 90c. Eastern, none. North ern. none. DE r l\ 00 !r Etc.—Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light; dry flint. 12c; salted, 10c; dry butcher, Bc. Wool—Market weak and decUn- Prtmo m bales, 27%c; burry, 10<^15c. Tfti °' v ’ k ' eer skilis * flir, E 39c; salted. 16c. Otter skins, Iron—Market firm; Swede, 4%<s>jc; refined 2}ic. ’ Lard—Market is firm; in tierces, 7 ; %c; 50-Ih tins. 7%c. Lime, Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala * J* ,no * s * n fair demand, and is selling at $1 80per barrel; Georgia, $1 30; calcined plaa ter 11 50 per barrel; hair, 4c. Roscndalo cement, $1 50; Portland cement, $2 50. Liquors—Full stock; steady demand. Bour- V Z C ' cl 00(^1 35. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails—Market Ann; fair demand. We quote: 3d, $3 90 ;4d and sd, $3 25 ;6d, S3 00; 8d 83 75' lOd to 60d, 83 50 per keg. ’ Nuts—Almonds, Tarragona, IS® 30c; Ivicas. li@18c; walnuts, French. 12c; Naples. 16c; pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c: filberts, 12c; eocuanuts, Baracoa, $5 35 per 100. Ohs—Market firm; demand good. Signal 45c; West Virginia black. 9@loe: lard. 6fc; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 10c; water white, 13U.C; neatsfoot, 62@80c; machinery, 25©30c; linseed, raw, 53c; boiled, 55e; mineral seal, 16c; fireproof, 18c; homelight, 18c. Onions—Bermuda, §1 60 per crate; native, 81 00@1 35 per crate; Egyptian, $2 75 per crate. Potatoes—Scotch, 83 00@3 30 per sack; new, $3 (X). Peas—Demand light; cow peas, mixed, 75® 80c; clay, $1 00®1 15: speckled, $1 00@1 15; black eye, gl 35® l 50; white crowder, 8150® Prunes—Turkish, %c: French, Bc. Raisins—Demand ligLq; market steady; loose new Muscatel, 82 00; layers, S3 00 per box; Lon don layers. $3 25 per box. Shot—Drop, $1 40: buck, 81 65. Sai t—The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots, tWo fob; job lots, 75@.90c. Sugar—The maket is firm; cut loaf, 654 c; standard A, 6c; extra O, 554 c; C yellow, 554 c; granulated, 654 c; powdered, 654 c. Syrup—Florida and Georgia syrup, 40@45c; the market is quiet for sugarhouse at 35<3; 40c; Cuba straight goods, 38c in hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c. Tobacco—Market dull; demand moderate. 'Ve quote: Smoking. 25c®$l 35: chewing, com mon. sound, 25(g 80c: fair. 30(5 35c; medium, 88(gi50c; bright. 60@.75c: fine fancy, H6<g s !)oc; extra fine, 90c® $1 10; bright navies, 45®75c; dark navies. 40@50c. Lumber—The demand from the West is quiet, owing to fear of effect of interstate com merce bill; coastwise and foreign inquiry is only fairly active. Prices for average schedules are firm at quotations: We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes sl3 Bo@l7 00 Difficult sizes 16 00@31 50 Flooring boards 16 00@20 50 Shipstuff 18 50@21 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00(gdl 00 800 “ “ 10 00® 11 00 900 “ “ 11 00® 12 00 1,000 “ “ 12 00@14 00 Shipping timber in the raft— -700 feet average 8 6 60® 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00® 800 900 “ “ 8 00® 9 00 1,000 “ “ 9 00@10 00 Mill timber SI below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail—There has been no arrivals hits week. Vessels, however, are offered freely. The market is very quiet. Freight limits are from 85 00 to 86 35 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia. New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c©8l 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and wind ward. nominal; to South America, 813 00® 14 00; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, 811 00® 12 00; to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27@285; lumber, £3 15s. Steam—To New York, 87 00; to Philadelphia. 87 00; to Boston, 89 00. Naval Stores—Dull. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 2s lOJjjd. and, or. 4s 11-43; Adriatic, rosin, 3s: Genoa, rosin, 2s 1054d. Coastwise—Steam— To Boston, 50c on rosin, 81 00 on spirits; to New York, rosin 50c, spirits 80c: to Philadelphia, rosin, 30c, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin 30c, spirits 70c Cotton—By Steam—The market is nominal. Liverpool via New York $ tt> S~l6d Liverpool via Baltimore 1b H 161 Antwerp via New York / !7 J4d Havre via New York $ 1b 9-16 c Havre via Baltimore 66c Bremen via New York Up lb 11-16 c Reval via Now Y'ork 11-32d Bremen via Baltimore lb 54c Amsterdam via New York 65c Amsterdam via Baltimore 61c Genoa via New York $ lb 543 Boston $1 bale 1 35 Sea island #1 bale 1 75 New Y'ork S bale 135 Sea island $ bale 1 75 Philadelphia p bale 135 Sea island U bale 1 75 Baltimore 14 hale 1 35 Providence $) bale 1 50 Rice—By steam— New Y'ork ip barrel 60 Philadelphia $ barrel 60 Baltimore barrel 60 Boston t* barrel 60 Vegetables—By Steam—(By special contract) —To New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Balti more, standard crates, 20c; barrels, 40c. With out the contract , crates. 35c; barrels, 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls $ pair 8 65 ® 80 Chickens, 54 to 5-4 grown 40 0, 60 Springers 25 ® 40 Ducks 19 pair 50 ® 75 Geese pair 75 ®1 00 Turkeys § pair 1 25 ®2 00 Eggs, country, dozen 14 ® 15 Peanuts—Fancy h. p. Va, r J It ® 6 Peanuts —Hand picked slb ® 5 Peanuts—Ga. p bushel, nominal. 75 ®9O Sweet potatoes, yel. reds IS bush. 50 ® 60 Sweet potatoes, yel .yams W bush. 65 ®75 Sweet pot’s, white yams V bush 40 @ 50 Poultry—Market steady; receipts heavy; demand light for grown; half to three-quarters grown in good request. Eggs—Market steady, with a good demand and scarce. Peanuts Ample stock; demand fair; market steady. Sugar—Georgia and Florida, nominal; none in market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. . MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. London, July 14, 2p. m.—The stock markets to-day are fiat in consequence of the expected disturbances in Paris during the celebration of the anniversary of the fall of the Bastile. Amer ican securities are very flat in response to Now Y'ork quotations. A gloomy feelmg pervades most ot the markets. Prices on Bei lin Bourse are low on account of unfavorable reports. The Paris Bourse is closed to-day on account of the holiday. New Y'ork, July 14. noon. Stocks active but steady. Money easy at 4@5 per cent. Exchange —long 84 B*®4 8254, sO ol ' l 83M7( 4 8854. Slate bonds neglected. Government bonds dull and p. m.—Exchange dull hut steady. Money easy at 2®6per cent., closing offered 254 percent. Sub-Treasury balances—Gold. 8131,156,000: cur rency, 812,384,000. Government bonds dull but heavy; four per cents l*e)4; four and a half per cents 106%. State bonds dull but steady. The Baltimore and < >bio deal was still the great topic in the stock market to day, and Cincinnati. Hamilton and Davton stock again attracted at tention. The first bid for the stock was_ 125. which advanced up to 14214, reacted t 0133, at which figures the last sales were made, and closed at 15244® 153. The course of the stock was accepted as evidence that the syndicate had obtained relief and buying assumed larger pro portions while the feverishness of the forenoon disappeared. Trading in Rending waa especially heavy but Western Union, Richmond Terminal. Omaha and New England were conspicuous for the strength displayed. The general market calls lor no further comment. The opening was very irregular, changes from last evening’s prices varying from % per cent. Itelow to 44 per cent, above. The market was very active aud strong in early trading, with Union Pacific and Reading in the lead. A reaction followed,which wiped out all gains, and the market continued feverish and irregular until noon, when prices were generally slightly above the opening. A decidedly strong tone was developed in the afternoon and material gains made throughout the list, and although fractional reactions were established toward tile delivery hour, the close was quiet but firm to strong nt or near the liest figures reached, and, with few unimportant ex cept ions, the active list is higher. The following were the closing quotations; Ala.class A.2 to 5.106 New Orleans Pa- _ Ala. class B, 6b.. 115 CffiC.lSt mort. 1? Georgia 7s, mort. \m NY( Ju ral ..J07% N. Carolina 6s .+I24W Nrt. & W pref. 4541 N. Carolina 4s 96 Nor. Pacific....... 34 So. (Jaro. (Brown) * M pra... uMyl consols 194% Pacific MaiL 42% Tennessee 6s 73 Reading.. . .... ViriHniatifl 48* Richmond & Alo 2 Va consolidated 54t Richmond A DanvlSO Ch’peake A Ohio. 644 Richin and& W. Pt Chic. A Northw’n.ll664 T f r ™. lno i ,22^ “ preferred 144 Rock Islaiwl I*7 Dcta.Xack AW. 13194 Bt. Paul . r ■ .ggM t,>u 30)4 preferred 120 East Tennessee. Texas Paelfic 94 new .took 1* , Tenn^• CJa! A Iron Imke shore 5M Union Paclflp. ... Mi L'villc & N’ti'ib .. • 91% N. J. Central. ... 4 THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1887. Memphis A Char. 50 Missouri Pacific. .10194 Mobile A Ohio 1894 Western Union.. 75Jl Nash. A Chatt’a. 78 CottonOilTrust cer 37>4 •Bid. t Asked. COTTON. Liverpool, July 14, 12:30 p. m.—Cotton firm and in good demand; middling uplapds 594d, middling Orleans 59id; sales 12.000 bales, tor speculation and export 2,000 bales; receipts 10,000 bales—American 3,200. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, July delivery 5 48-U4d, also 5 44-64d: July and August 5 42-64d, also 5 44-04d; August and September 5 41-64d, September and Gctober 5 21-6td. also 5 25-C4d; October and November 5 16-64d, also 5 17-64d; November and December 5 13-64d, also 5 14-64d; December and January 5 14-04d; Sep tember 5 41-64d, also 5 44-Old. Market steady at the advance. 2 p. m.—The sales to-day included 10,400 bales of American. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause. July delivery 5 44-6-Jd, sellers: July and August 544 04d, sellers; August and Septembers 48-fHd, buyers; September and October 5 24-64d, buyers: October and November 5 17-64(1. sellers; Novem ber and December 5 ]6-64d, sellers: December and January 5 13-64d, sellers: January and February 5 18-64a, sellers; September 5 43-64d, buyers. Market steady. Good middling uplands 5J4d. middling uplands 5943, low middling uplands 5943. good ordinary uplands 5 5-10d, ordinary uplands sd: good middling Texas 554d, middling Texas 594d, low middling Texas 594d,g00d ordinary Texas 5 5 16d, ordinary Texas sd: good middling Orleans 744d, middling Orleans 594d, low middling Or leans 594<1. good ordinary Orleans 5943, ordi nary Orleans sd. 4 p. m.—Futures: Uolands. low middling clause, July delivery 5 44-64(1, buyers; July and August 5 44-64d, buyers; August and September 5 44-64d, buyers; September and October 5 26-6 td, sellers; October and November 5 18-64d. sellers; November and December 5 14-64d, buyers; De cember and January 5 13-64d, buyers; January and February 5 13-64d. buyers; September 5 44-64d. value. Market closed firm. New York, July 14, noon.—Cotton opened easy; middling uplands 19t4c, middling Or leans 10 11-16 c: sales 263 bales. Futures—Market opened steady, with sales as follows: July delivery 10 27c, August 10 29c. September 9 70c, October 9 55c, November 9 45e, December 9 43c. 5:00 p. m.- Market closed steady; middling up lands 10 7-16 c, middling Orleans 1094 c; sales to-day 1.858 bales. Futures—Jlarket closed quiet, with sales of 125,000 bales, as follows: July delivery 10 20® 10 21c, August 10 26® 10 27c, September 9 72® 9 7'3c, October 9 34@9 55c, November 9 45®9 46c, December 9 44®9 45c, January 9 47@9 48c, Feb ruary 9 58®9 54c, March 9 59w 9 60c. Green A Cos. s report on cotton futures savs: ■'Much irregularity has been shown, August and September advancing 6® 10 points, then drop ping to the lowest point of yesterday, or a trifle under, and finally closing a fraction better than last evening, with appearances steadier. There has been further liquidation of old crop, but evidences seem to show that contracts have drifted into pretty strong hands and with reason to believe that considerable short interest has been created. The undertone is more confident on new crop months. Deals are somewhat care ful, yet offerings are fairly well taken and rates ruling comparatively steady.” Galveston, July 14.—Cotton dull; middling 9J4c; net receipts none, gross none; sales l bale; stock 2,941 bales. Norfolk, July 14.—-Cotton quiet; middling 1042 c; net receipts none, gross none: sales 46 bales; stock 2,971 bales; exports coastwise 46 bales. Baltimore, July 14.—Cotton firm; middling 1134 c; net receipts none, gross 60 bales; sales none; stock 867 bales; sales to spinners 2,000 bales. Boston. July 14—Cotton quiet; middling 10>4c; net receipts 18 bales, gross 18; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, July 14.—Cotton nominal; mid dling 1094 c; net receipts 7 bales, gross 7; sales none; stock 961 bales. Philadelphia. July 14.—Cotton quiet; middling 11c: net receipts 14 bales, gross 14; stock 15.624 bales. New Orleans, July 14.—Cotton steadier; mid dling 9440; net receipts 6 bales, gloss 6; sales 1,400 bales; stock 62.234 bales; exports to Great Britain 1.960 bales, coastwise 955. Mobile, Julj’ 14.—Cotton quiet; middling 10c; net receipts none, gross none; sales 25; stock 396 bales. Memphis, July 14.—Cotton quiet; middling 1014 c; receipts 5 bales; shipments 25; sales 150 bales; stock 7,026 bales. Augusta, July 14. —Cotton dull and nominal; middling 1044 c; receipts 21 bales; sales none. Charleston, July 14.—Cotton quiet; middling 1034 c; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 817 bales. Atlanta, July 14.—Cotton—middling 1054 c; receipts none. New Y’ork, July 14.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 63 bales; exports to Great Britain 6,727 bales, to the continent 334 bales; stock at all American ports 226,599 bales. PROVISIONS. GROCERIES, ETC. Liverpool, July 14, 12:30 p. m.- Wheat quiet ; demand fair. Corn quiet; demand fair. Bacon -long clear 39s lid; short clear 3Ws 6d. Nkw York, July 14, noon.—rlour quiet but steady. Wheat lower. Corn bet ter. Pork firm; mess, 816 00® 16 50. Lard steady at 80 9244. Freights steady. Old mess pork firm at 815 00® 15 25. 5:00 p. m.—Flour. Southern firm. Wheat de clined 440, options 44©%c. closing barely steady at near inside figures; No. 2 red, July delivery 8244@83c, Augustß294c. Corn-- spot 44® Lj C and options 44c higher, closing with a reaction of 44 ® 44c; No. 2. July delivery 44c, August 1594 c. Gats a shade stronger and moderately active; No. 2,85 c: No. 2, July delivery 339i@33?-4e, Au gust 3194®32c. Hops quiet and unchanged. Coffee, fair Rio firm at 1944 c; No. 7 Rio, July delivery 17 20®17 50c, August 17 86c. Sugar firm and moderately active; centrifugals 5 3-16 c; fair refining 4 7-16 c; refined firm—C 444®49ie, standard A 544 c. confectioners’ A 594 c, cut loaf aud crushed 6@644c, granulated 544 e. Molasses quiet and unchanged. Cotton seed oil —34@Bsc forenide, 4244©45c for refined. Hides quiet. Wool quiet. Pork firm; 815 25® 15 75 for old mess, 816 23 for new. Beef dull. Mid dles dull aud nominal. Laid 4®B points higher and moderately active; Western steam, on spot 86 9244®6 95, August delivery 86 88. Freights steady. Chicago, July 14.—The feeling in the wheat pit at the opening was decidedly bearish Au gust started at 7144 c, advanced to 72c, and then became weak and fluctuating. The depression was caused largely by vague rumors, and ex pressed fears of hot wheat, though nobody in the room had actual knowledge of a bushel in Chicago elevators that wasai all out of condi tion. It was also reported that the remnant of the California crowds’ holdings was being sold out, anti this created an unsettled feeling. Au gust closed at 7144 c. Corn traders were dis posed to bull the market to-day on the strength of the dry weather reported in many sections of the corn belt Local shorts bought freely, and more outside business was transacted, many or ders being received to purchase for country ac count August opened 44c higher at 8694 c, sold up to 8744 c, declined to 8694 c, and closed at 3644 c. Oats were comparatively quiet. Near futures o]iened higher, in sympathy with com, but lost some of the early advance before the close. August started 94e higher at 26c, sold up to 2644 c, and closed at 2544 c, the lowest figure of the day. Provisions were moderately active early, hut in the latter part of the session the market became slow. The feeling on short ribs was unsettled, but big operators, who have taken a prominent pari In trade for several days I>ast, were not disposed to operate with their usual freedom. August ojiene 1 1244 c higher at $s 20, sold at 88 25, broke to $8 1244. reacted and closed at $8 20. Lard was firmer, parties were selling orders from New Y'ork, but they w ere understood to be for straddlers. August sold at $8 5744, the closing price. No business was done in megs pork Cash quotations to-day ruled as follows: Flour quiet and unchanged Wheat, No. 2 spring 7044 c; No. 3 spring 60c; No. 2 red 78®<344c. Corn, No. 2,3694 c. Oats, No. 2, 2644 c. Lard, $6 5244 Short rib sides, loose, $8 20. Dry salted shoulders, boxed, $5 90®6 00; short clear sides, boxed, 88 00®810. Whisky $1 10. Leading futures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat— July delivery— 71 71 7044 August delivery. 71% 72 71% Corn— July delivery... 8644 3654 3694 August delivery. 3694 3744 3644 Oats— July delivery.... 27 27 2GJ4 August delivery. 26 2644 ~'5S Lard- July delivery ... $6 55 $0 5744 86 5744 Short Ribs— July delivery $8 1744 $8 20 $8 20 Mess Pork—Year sll 50. Baltimore, July 14.—Flour steady but dull; Howard street and Western superfine $2 50® 3 00, extra $2 16®3 75, family 84 00® i 50, city mills superfine $2 50®8 00. extra S8 25® 8 75; Rio brands $t 60®4 75. Wheat—Southern easier and dull; red 82f83%c, amber 83®8flc; Western lower and dull; No. 2 winter red. on spot 814i(ji6194e. Corn—Southern lower and quiet; while 34®55c, yellow 46®47c; Western firmer but dull Cincinnati, July 14.—Flour easier. Wheat quiet; No. 2 red 7444 c. Corn strong; No. 2 mixed 41®4244c. Oats Ann; No. * mixed 3044 c. Provisions—Pork firm at SlO Lard in good de mand at 86 50. Bulk meats strung and higher; short ribs 88 25®H 3744. Bacon stronger; short riiis 89 26, short clear 80 50. Whisky steady at 81 05. Hogs active and firm; common and light $4 20®6 3*i, (tacking uud butchers $4 HO® 5 40. St. Louis. July 14.—Flour dull and inactive. Wheat closed 4*c lower; No. 2 red. cash 7244 c. July delivery i29s®7s44c. Corn belter and firm; cash 824i®SV'. July delivery 3SHc. Oats Juiet but firm: cash 2744® 2844 c; July delivery 44c. Whlkky steady Previsions easier. Pork Irregular; eeiv sls 50® (6 00. laird. 86 M*. Dry salt meats, boxed shoulders $5 75; long clear $3 OOtft S 12U, clear ribs $8 12H@i8 25. short clear #8 37*4(3)8 50. Bacon strong; boxed shoulders $6 25, long clear $0 12V*. clear ribs $9 12b), short clear $9 37*4- Hams steady. Louisville. July 14.—Grain quiet: Wheat— No. 2 red, 70c. Corn No. 2 mixed 88tw@40e. Oats —No. 2,30 c. Provisions strong and higher: Bacon —clear rib sides $9 10, clear sides $9 40, shoulders $6 75. Bulk meats -clear rib sides $8 25, clear sides $8 shoulders $5 75. Mess pork nominal. Hams, sugar-cured tirm. Lard, choice leaf $8 25. New OriJians, July 14.- Coffee quiet but firm: Rio cargoes, common to prime 17kt<q 20c. Cotton seed oil products quiet but steady. Sugars quiet but firm. Molasses quiet but firm. NAVAL STORES. Liverpool, July 14, 12:80 p. m.—Spirits tur pentine 20s 9d. Common rosin 3s (id New York, July 14, noon.—Spirits turpentine steady at 33)4e. flosin steady at Si 05® I 10. 5:OG' p. m.—Rosin dull. Turpentine dull at 83c. Charleston, July 14.—Spirits turpentine steady at 30c. Rosin steady; good strained 90c. Wilmington, July 14. — Spirits turpentine firm at 80c. Rosin Arm; strained 85c, good strained 90c. Tar firm at $1 30. Crude turpentine firm; hard $1 10; yellow dip SI 95; virgin $2 00. RICE. New York, .July 14. — Rice steady. New Orleans, July 14. —Rice unchanged. Fruit and Vegetable Market. The following special to the Morning News is published for the benefit of our Florida and Georgia readers and those interested in fruits and vegetables, aud can be relied upon as accu rate and reliable: New York, July 14. —Most of the late arrivals of tomatoes have been sold for account of freight charges or dumped at sea, the market being supplied by Virginia and New Jersey crops. The 1 .cConte pear meets with favorable sale at $2 (X) for standard boxes and $3 (XI for orange boxes. Watermelons are in heavy sup ply and selling at sls®Bo per hundred; advise shipments of extra qualities only. G. S. Palmer. SHIPPING IMKIJ.IbKM'K. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Sunßises 5:08' Sen Sets 7:04 High Water at Savannah 3:07 a m. 4:06 p m Fiuoay, July 15. 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Seminole, Strobhar. Beaufort, Port Royal and Bluffton—H A Strobbar, Manager. ARRIVED AT QUARANTINE YESTERDAY. Brig Porvenir (Sp), Llull, Havana, in ballast— Strachan & Cos. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Gate City, Taylor, Boston—C G An derson, Agent. I Steamship Win Lawrence, Snow, Baltimore— Jas B West A Cos. Schr Bessie Morris, Wheaton, Philadelphia— Jos A Roberts & Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ethel, Gibson, Cohen's Bluff and way landings—W T Gibson, Manager. Steamer Seminole, Strobhar, Beaufort, BlufT ton and Port Royal—H A Strobhar, Manager. Steamer Swan, Carroll, Crisp and interme diate landings on Altainaha river—W T Gibson, Manager. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Gate Cilv, Boston. Steamship Win Lawrence, Baltimore. Bark Meteor (Ger), Stettin. Bark Gallileo S (Ital>, Coruna. MEMORANDA. New York. July 12—Arrived, schr Dora Mat thews, Brown, Pensacola; J E Woodhouse, Douglass, Jacksonville. Cleared, schr James E Woodhouso, Lawrey, Brunswick, Beach.v Head, July 11—Passed, brig Laugen (Nor), Pattorseu, Savannah for Rotterdam. Dover, July 12—Passed, ship Terpsichore (Nor), Nielsen, Pensacola for . Glasson Dock, July 9—Arrived, bark Heiburg Siebe (Ger), Knaack, Darien. Liverpool, July 11—Arrived, bark Preeiosa (Nor), Jacobsen, Pensacola. London, July 12—Arrived, bark Chalgrove (Br), Francis, Savannah. Lynn. July 11—Arrived, steamship Hercules (Bri, Chambers, Bull River, S C. Middlcsbnrough, July 9— AtVfved, bark Eliza Everett (Br), Keneally, Pensacola. Rotterdam, July 11—Arrived, bark Try (Nor), Taraldsen, Savannah. Sutton Bridge, July 10—Arrived, bark Folk vang (Nor), Henriekson. Pensacola. Swansea. July 10—Arrived, hark Nostra Sig nora del Boschetto (Ital). Peregalln, Pensacola. Boston. July 12—Arrived, sclirs Mary Ann Ma- Cann, Hutchinson, Apalachicola; Otello, Bond, Brunswick. Brunswick, Jnly 12—Arrived, brig IS F Mun son, Smith, Savannah. Sailed 7th, bark Progreso (Nor), Nielsen, Rot terdam; brig Daisey, Nash, Demerara. Coosaw, S C, July 12—Arrived, steamship Ha warden (Hr), Wilson, New York. Cape Henry, July 10—Passed out to sea. brig Clara Pickens, from Baltimore for Savannah. Georgetown, S C. July 12—Arrived, schr Nor man, Smith, Fernandiua. Philadelphia, July 12- Arrived, bark George W Sweeney. Hewitt, Pensacola; schr Mary Sprague, Poland, do. Fernandiua. July 14—Arrived and cleared to. return, steamship San Antonio, Wilder, New York. Cleared, schr Mary J Coolc, Hoffsess, New York. New York. July 14—Arrived, steamship State of Indiana, Glasgow. Arrived out, steamships Eras, New York for Bremen; Adriatic, New York for Liverpool. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. July 14—44 bbls resin, 36 bbls spirits turpentine, 1 cnir melons, 1 car wood, 8 cases clothing, 25 car axles, 37 pkgs tobacco, 40 caddies tobacco. 1 orgau, 1 box bacon, 1 liag hams, aud mdse. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway, July 14—2,161 bbls rosin, I,o7obbls spirits turpen tine, 21 ears melons, 1.287 boxes vegetables, 97 bbls vegetables. 17 cars lumber, 2 cars wood, 1 car ties, 2 cars cattle. 8 boxes milk, 5 bills beer, 56 (i) bbls beer, 130 ft bbls beer, 18 sacks rice, 400 bags grits, 25 pkgs furniture, 20 pkgs mdse, 14 bales hides, 6 bales wool, and mdse. Per Central Railroad, July 14—68 bales yarn. 129 bales domestics, 2 bales wool, HO bales hides, 28 pkgs paper, 100 pkgs tobacco, 10 rolls leather, 27,500 ms lard, 7,254 lbs bacon, 164 bbls rosin. 100 bbls lime, 6,490 His fruit, 433 bales hay, 5 bbls meal, 11 bbls whisky, 2 bbls whisky, 75 )s bbls beer, 105 >4 bbls beer, 20 pkgß h b goods, 1,804 bushels corn, 50 bbls flour. 17 cars wood. 2 cases liquor, 1 pkg wood In shape, 24 casks clay. 250 pkgs hardware, 3 pkgs wax. 6 pkgs machinery, 6 bales paper stork. 18 pkgs mdse. 40 kegs palut. 9 pkgs empties, 7 cars brick, 25 boxes soap. 81 cases eggs, 4 citrs coal, 36 cars melons, 1,040 lbs feathers, 106 bbls spirits turpentine, 433 bales hay. EXPORTS. Per steamship Gate City, for Boston—64 liales domestics and yarns. 113 bales wool, 420 bbls rosin. 135,756 feet lumlier, 76 bales hides. 74 hills vegetables, 058 crates pears, 500 pkgs mdse, 61J08 melons. Per schr Bessie Morris, for Philadelphia—2o3,- 448 feet p p lumlier—T L Kinsey. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Gate City, for Boston—Mrs A J Adams, Mrs J N Johnson and daughter, Mrs Braxton, sTrs Hooper, Mrs Moore, Mrs Chase, .Miss Josie Chase. .Mrs J F Marlin. E J Sawyer, Mrs A L Buck. Mrs S K Parker, R B Morris aud wife, J C Kimball Jr. G W Wilkins wife 3 child ren and srvt, C A Thompson and wife, Mrs J G Ames, Miss Bessie Mitchell, Mrs M L Forsyth, ■Mrs R J Kyal*, Mrs E II CriUev, Miss F Morris, F II Bockway. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. July 14 Transfer Office. A Falk A Son. Pearson AH, II Solomon A Sou, Fpsteiu A W, (I W Tiedeman, J P Williams A Cos, lye Roy Myers & Cos, stmr St Nicholas, Rieser A S, Peacock, H A Cos, J B New ton. H A Uluio, Baldwin A Cos, Brown Bros, G A Keller. Per Savannah, Honda and Western Railway. July 14—Transfer (ifflce. lye Hoy Myers A Cos. G M\ers, M Feist A Cos, M Y Henderson. Savannah Steam Bakery, G V Hocker A Cos, W S Witch, H Myers A Bros, Einstein A L, Pearson A S, J W Hunter, Decker A F. J W Tynan, Epstein A W, Perse A 1,. A Einstein's Sons. M Boley A Son, R E Cobh, Frierson A Cos, it B CasHrls.Tillon A Cos, Dale, I) A Cos, McDonough A Cos, Baldwin A Cos, W W Gordon A Cos, W W Chisholm, C 1, Jones, W C Jackson. Peacock, H A Cos. Kills, Y A Cos, J II liennessy, J P Williams A Cos, J K laMtib. Per Central Railroad, July 15—Forilg Agt. Jos A Roberts A Cos. G S McAlplii. M .1 Doyle, A B Moore. J P Williams A Cos, if W Tiedeman. W D Waples, 8 Guokentieinier A Son, A Hanley, I G Haas, C E Stults, J McGrath A Cos, L Putzel, A J Miller A Cos, Frank A Cos, Eckmau A V, It I. Mercer, C Holler. Llpptnan Bros. Mohr Bros. W D Dixon, Smith Bros A Cos, Lee Roy Myers A Cos. Bendhelm Bros A Cos, A Leffler, Stillwell. I’A M, Southern Cotton Oil Cos, C H Canton, Kexler A N. M Y Henderson. Peacock. H A Cos. M Lsvln, Ellis. Y A Cos, AH Champion, H Myers A Bros. J C Thompson, J K Garmany, W C Brown, J A A West, S X Harper. Times, A F Kublman. TT'OR SALE. Old Newspapers, just the thing I for wrapper-, only 13 cent* a hundred. TV for 25 cents, ct the let-.mess oAlvs. BROKERS. time toYpeculatfl VOTIVE fluctuations in the Market ofTor op portunities to speculators to make money in Grain, Stocks. Bonus and Petroleum. Prompt, personal attention given to orders received bv wire or mail. Correspondence solicited. Pull information about the markets in our book, which will be forwarded free on application. H. P. KYLE, Banker ami Broker, 88 Broad and SI New Sts. New York City. A. L. HA RTRI D,GE. SECURITY BROKER. BUYS AND SELLS on commission all classes of Stockland Bonds. Negotiates loans on marketable securities. New York quotations furnished by private ticker every litteen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. GUMMING. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., ZEBzroZfcex'S. ORDERS EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchanges. RAILRO \ 1> DON l. The undersigned offers for sale at par ex-July Coupon $500,000 of the MARIETTA AND NORTH GEORGIA RAILWAY COMPANY'S FIRST MORTGAGE <> PER CENT. FIFTY YEAIi BONDS, in multiples of SI,OOO to suit buyers. r pHKBE bonds can be safely taken by Inves -1 tors as a reliable 0 i>er cent, security, which will, in all prollability, advance to 15 points above par within the next three or four years, as this road will traverse a country unsurpassed lor mineral wealth, for climate, for scenery, for agricultural puri>oses, anu tor attractiveness to the settler. The company has mortgaged its franchise and entire line of railroad, built and to be built, and all its other property, to the Boston Safe Peinjsit and Trust Company to secure its issue of 50-year t> |>er cent, bonds. These bonds will lie issued at the rate of about $17,000 per mile, on a line ex tending from Atlanta, Ga., to Knoxville, Tenn. A sinking fluid is provided for their redemption. It will be one of the best imying roods in the South. It will be of standard gauge and will develop a region of country extending from Middle Georgia, through North Carolina to Knoxville, Tenn., where it will 0011111*01 with lines leading to Cincinnati, lAUiisville, St. Louis and Pittsburg. The road is now completed to Murphy, N. C., and is to be pushed on to Knoxville as fast as the nature of the country will permit. The high financial standing aud energy of the men prin cipally interested in it sufficiently guarantees its early completion. Further information will bo furnished upon application to A. L. HARTRIDGE, Savannah, Ga , or to BOODY, McLELLAN & CO., 57 Broadway, New York. C ITY HON I>S CITY BONDS. \\TE will receive proposals for thirty days for ' ▼ the purchase of Fifteen Thousand Dollars of the bonds of the Town of Thomasville, Geor gia. The Bonds are in the sums of Five Hun di ed Dollars with coupons bearing live per cent, interest, payable January and .July of each year, and have thirty years to run. They are the only bonds ever issued by the town and they offer a rare opportunity for investors A. P. WRIGHT, Chairman Finance Committee. WHISKY . IMIcIIsm & co.’s Famous “Belle of Bourbon” Is death to Malaria, Chills and Fever, Typhoid Fever, Indigestion, Surgical Fevers, Blood Poisoning. Consumption, Sleeplessness or Insomnia, and Non assimilation of Food. IO YEARS OL D . ABSOLUTELY PURE NO FUSEL OIL. IN PRODUCING OUR KT BELLE orBOURBON’ WE USE ONLY THE FLINTY DR HOMINY PARTOETHE CRAIN THUS FREEING IT Of FUSEL OIL BEFORE IT IS DISTILLED Z&tc'lcnce: Chttom % THE GREAT APPETIZER Louisville, Ky., May 22, 18R6. This will certify tliat I have examined the Sample of Belle oe Bourdon Whisky received from lawrence, Ostrom & Cos., and found the same to lie perfectly free from Fusel Oil and all other deleterious substances and strictly pure. I cheerfully recommend the same for Family and Mediciuul purposes J. I’ Barni m, M. D., Analytical Chemist, ioulsviUe, Ky For sale by Druggists, Wine Merchants and Grocers everywhere Price, $1 25 per bottle. If not found at the above, half dozen bottles iu plain Isixes will be sent to anv address in the United States on receipt of sti. Express paid to all points east of Missouri river. LAWRENCE, OSTIIOM & CO., Louisville, Ky. At Wholesale hy S. OUCKENHEIMER Sr SON, Wholesale (Jroeers; IJI’L'MAN 13H08., Whole sale* Bavannah, (a. BUTTEfL BEHT" Table Butter ONLY 25c. per lb. STRADSr BROS., 22 and 22 1-2 Barnard St. ~COM MISSION M KK< 11ANTS. 16 YEARS ESTADLISHED. Or. S. PALMER, Wholesale Commission Merchant. BOUTHEHN PRODUCE A SPECIALTY. IOH Kflude Street. Now York. Connignmeut* solicited and returns made promptly Stencils and Market reports furnished on application. Rarnxxoa*; -Chatham National Bank, Tbur ber Whviand A Cos., New York. Also, Banks and established IToduoe Merchants of New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston. MERCHANTS, manufacturers, mechanic*. corporations, and all other* in need of printing. lithographing. and blank looks can have their orders promptly filled, at moderate price* at the MORNING NEWS PRINTING HOUSE. 8 Whitaker street. WATER COOLERS RANGES AND STOVES. JTJST RECEIVED -A-USTOTBirEIR LOT OH 1 WATER COOLERS, Artistically Decorated, Plated Lever Faucets, at the Following Low Prices: 114 Gallons. 2 Gallons. 3 Gallons. I Gallons. 6 Gallons. 90c. $1 50. $lB5. $2 20. $2 80. Also Wateiing Pots, with Detachable Rose. 2 Quarts. I Quarts. 6 Quarts, 8 Quarts. 30 Quarts. 12 Quarts. 16 Quarts. 30c. 35c. 45c. 65c. 65c. 75c. $1 15. And Refrigerators, Kerosene Stoves, Ice Cream Freezers, Fly Fans, Hair Dusters, Feather Dusters and the Celebrated Charter Oak Ranges and Stoves, With Wire Gauze Oven Doors. The Construction of Which Equalizes the Heat in all Parts of the Oven. For Sale by CLARKE & DANIELS, Guard* Armory, Comer "Whitaker and York Streets. TELEPHONE 264. IRON WORKS. KEHOE’S IRON WORKS; Broughton Street, from Reynolds to Randolph Streets, Sawannali, - - Georgia. CASTING OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THE RAPIDLY INCREASING DEMAND FOR OUR SUGAR MILLS AND PANS a M TTAB induced ub to manufacture them on a more extensive scale thaa ■p I 1 ever. To that eud no pains or expense has been spared to main tali* W their HIGH STANARD OF EXCELLENCE. These Mills are of the DEBT MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, with heavy WROUGHT UP IN SHAFTS (made lona to prevent dancer to the M 0 operator!, and rollers of the best charcoal pig iron, all turned up true. W They are heavy, strong and durable, run light anil even, and are guarau —gQtmmmmMßjWfHl teed capable of grinding the heaviest fully matured Ml.nir Mill. lire fully nrranie.| for one year <>ur Pans tieing rust with ll,e Isittoius down, isism.'ss Mm>l tliness. ,In 1.1 liiln\ .11,1 inn'.■rmii \ ~f TfV./nBT IfSBIoI Hurt ness I\RSI I I .HI->U To lIP' I. MAM. IN the usual way. Having unsurpassed facilities, WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Large Stock Always on Hand for Prompt Delivery. Win. Kehoe te Cos. N. It- The name “ KEHCE’B IRON WORKS,’ is cast on all our Mills and Pans. DOWITTHEYGa MATTINGS AT REDUCED PRICES AT LINDSAY &, MORGAN’S. IN order to close out our Summer Stork we are selUu< STR AW MATTING AT VERY LOW PRICES. MOSQUITO NETS, REFRIGERATORS, BABY CARRIAGES, and all other seasons able goods MARKED DOWN TO PANIC PRICES. BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS at NINETY CENTS A YARD. Rheumatism and Neuralgia Kept Off by Using Glass Bed Rollers, Our General Stock is Complete. Call on us Early, LINDSAY & MORGAN. 169 and 171 Broughton Street, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BTC. Vale Royal Maniifaeturing Cos. SAVANNAH, G^A., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Mi, tars, ids, Mantels, fw Ends, And Interior Finish of all kinds, Mouldings, Balusters, Newel Posts. Estimates, Price Lists, Mould ing B<inks, and any Information in our line furnished on application. Cypress, Yellow Pine, Oak,' Ash and Walnut LUMBER on hand and in any quantity, furnished promptly. VALE ROYAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Savannah, Ga BRICK. Wm. P. Bailey & Cos., BRICK MANUFACTURERS, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, in large quantities, at their yard on the SPRING FIELD PLANTATION, and will deliver the same In any part of the city upon the shortest notice. The best Well Brick, Pressed Brick, Hard Brown Brick, Gray Brick, Soft Brown Brick. Office— Comer Bull and Ilroughton, at SI MON GAZAN'S CIGAR STOKE, where all or ders will receive prompt attention. lIARDWARK. EDWARD LOVELL 4 SONS, HARDWARE, Irou anil Turpentine Took Office: Cor. State and Whitaker streets. Warehouse: 188 and 140 State street. IKON WORKS, McDononb & BaMtyne, IRON FOUNDERS, MuehiuLsts, Boiler Makers and Blacksmiths, MANUFACTURERS OF STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL and TOP-ItUNNING CORN MILLS, SUGAR MILLS and PANS. AGENTS for Alert and Union Injectors, the simplest and most effective on the market; Gulleti Light Draft Magnolia Cotton Gin, the best in the market. All orders promptly attended to. Send for Price List. PLUMBER. l. a. McCarthy, Successor to Chas. E. Wakefield, PLUMBER, GAS and STEAM FITTER, 48 Barnard street, SAVANNAH. U A Teh'phono 1178. HAMS. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KHD BREAKFAST BACON, N’OlSJ’.ltJ C3- £; IST u X Ixf iNLISt BfAU.NO OUA PATENTCO TSADt-M K. A LIOHT MITArLIO SEAL. ATTAOHEO TO THE (TRIMS, AMO THI (THIPCD CANVAS, |R TNI *UT. MACHINERY. J. W. TYNAN, ENGINEER and MACHINIST, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Corner West Broad and Indian Street*. All kinds of machinery, boilers, Etc-., made and repaired. STEAM PCM PS, GOVERNORS. INJECTORS AND STEAM WATER FITTINGS of all kinds for sale, WOOD. wood: Bacon, Johnson & Cos. Hare a fine stock of Oak, Pine, Lightwood* and Kindling Corner Liberty and East Broad UTMka Telephone 117. 7