The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 27, 1887, Page T, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL. SAVANNAH market. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, i Savannah, Ga., July 2S, 4p. a. f Cotton—The market was very quiet and nomi nal. There was nothing doing and no inquiry, the day closing without a single transaction being reported. On 'Change at the midday call, at 1 p- m., the market was reported quiet and' unchanged. The following are the official snot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: ‘Middling fair Good middling 10% Middling... 10 Low middling 9*, Good ordinary 91q Sea. Island—The market is still nominal and Unchanged. There were no inquiry and no sales. We quote: , _ ~ Common Georgias and Floridas 14 @lsJs Medium 16^0:17 Good medium 17U©18 Medium f1u0.., lSUfij Fine 19^(^tM Lxtra flue a0^.@,21 Choice 22 (til Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand July 20, 1887, and FOR THE SAdIE TIME LAST YEAR. ISB6--87. Ij 1885-86. J | Inland. i; l' !n “ and Mci"u!. Cplanti Stock on hand Sept. 1 i 1,141* 4,30 1 551; 3.298 Rewired to-day ! 7 9 1 1 54 j Received previously j 27,237 771 .3. 0 23,380 760,123 Total j 28,393 Exported to-day Exported previously ■ 27,531 775,094 22,52! 778,798 Total |j 27,831 775,004 22.5211 778, TO3 .Stock on hand and on ship- 1 | 1 board this day \\ 5C2j 505, 1416i 4,077, Rice—The market, was quiet but firm and unchanged. There was a fair inquiry, but with 1-n le offering. The sales for the any were about 117 barrels at quotations, as follbws: Fair Good 4^h(7^4>4 Prime • • • 4j4(<£s Rough— C mntry lots Title water Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur pentine was quiet, hut steady and unchanged. Tin* sales for the day were 150 casks at 28c for i uiiars. At ihe Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported firm at 28c for regulars. At the closing call it was firm at 2Sc p,* regulars. Rosin —The market continues dull but steady at the closing quotations. The sales for the dav were about 1,250 barrels. At the Board of Trade on the first call the market was reported quiet, with sales of 025 barrels, at the following quotations: A, B, C and D 90c, E 95c, F il 09, <r si 05, II Si *O, I si 15. KSi 35, M >1 17V(. N $155, window glass $1 85, water \vh;tc S-.r2 10. A. the last call it was quiet, with further vies of :itx) barrels, at Si 30 lor K and Si 40 for M. Others were unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,543 77,408 Received to-day 1.241 3,030 Received previously 81,030 183,213 Total 84.820 233,000 Exported to-day 955 2,188 Exported previously 71,194 206.779 Total 72.149 208.917 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day 12.671 54,713 Receipts same day last year 846 2,031 Financial—Money is very quiet. Domestic Exchange Easy. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at K per cent, discount and selling par(&V£ per cent, pre mium. T Fenieju Exchanoc —The market is weak. ('ni ivmv al demand, $4 83)4; sixty days, !* i ninety days, $4 BJV4; francs. Paris and i {.iv.", cnnni'Tcial, sixty days, §5 24)4; Swiss. $5 2 ! *4; murks, sixty days, 94)4. Securities —The market is sluggish for all clause, of securities. Stocks are weak, with same pressure to sell. Central railroad and Southwestern railroad debentures are in some little demand at inside figures. Long date bonds, such *is Montgomery and Eufaula, Augusta and Kioxville, and l rniuesvfUe, Jefferrson and boat hern, are inquired for. . and Bonds-City Ronds —Quiet. At lanta ;p r cent long date. 108 bid, 110 asked; Atlanta 7 per cent. 118 bid, 121 asked; Augusta 7 per cent long date, 115 bid, 118 asked; Augusta 0s 1n 7 date, 108 bid, 110 asked; Columbus 5 per cent, 100 bid, 105 asked; Macon 6 per cent. 11l bid, 112 asked; new Savannah spercent, October coupons, JO2 bid, 302)4 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent. August coupons, 102)4 hid, 103t£ asked. Stot, l Ronds- --Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgi in sw 6s, 1899.102>4 bid, 103} {aske 1; tic rgia new 4t£s, 104)4 bill, 1 0.jV4 asked; Geor gia 7 per cent gold, quarterly coupons, 106 bid, 1071.7 asked: Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1890, 120 bid, 121 asked. dndroad Stocks —Central Common. 118 bid. asked: Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent guaranteed, 132 bid, 153 asked: Georgia com mon, 196 bid, 198 asked; Southwestern 7 per cent guaranteed, 128 bid, 12‘vX. asked; Cen tre 1 o per cent certi ricates, 100'C bid, asked; Atlanta and Point rail road stock, 110 bid, 112 asked; Allanla and West Point 6 per cent certificates, 102 bid. 104 asked Roil rood Ronds —Market quiet. Savannah, Florida am! Western Railway Company general inorty.ige 6 per cent interest, coupons October, 115 asked; Atlantic and ‘ Gulf first mortgage, consolidated 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1897. 118 asked; Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1893. 109 V. hid, 110-14 asked: Georgia railroad 6s, 1897. 106 hid. 108 asked; Mobile and Girard second inert P ‘go indorsed 8 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1889, 102 bid. 104 asked; Mont gomery and Eufaula first mortgage 6 per cent, indorsed by Central railroad, 103 bid.lOftasked: Marietta and North Georgia first- mortgage. 50 0 iKir cent, 99 bid. Ioop asked; Char lotto, Columbia and Augusta first mort pre, in bid, 1124 asked; Char lotte, Columbia and Augusta second mortgage, 110 bid, 112>t asked: Western Ala hinna second mortgage indorsed H per cent. I"** hid. 109 a.ikocl; South Georgia and Florida lis bid. 120 asked; South Georgia and Florida second mortgage, 114 bid, 116 asked; Augusta and Knoxville flret mortgage 7 per t “ ii L 111 *.4 bid. 112 asked; Gainesville. Jefter- K*h and Southern first, mortgage guaranteed, H5/.J bid, H6) t ; asked; Gainesville, Jefferson aii I Southern not guaranteed, 113 asked; in Steamship 6 per cent, bonds, guaran t( -d h.v Central railroad, 102)4 bid, 108 hi asked; Caine-vilJc, Jefferson and Southern second mortgage guaranteed, 113 asked; \ 'inmhiw and Rome llrsi mortgage bonds, in lby Central railroad, Htt bid, 406 asked; C mnbus and Western 6 per cent, guaranteed, hid. 111 asked; City and Suburban rail "■‘i.v firsl mortgage 7 per emit, 169 bid, ll' l u • 'd: Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Company, 106 hid, 107 asked. star's -Nominal. Southern Bank of ' '' iti of Georgia, 800 bid, 805 aaked; Mar* chants' National Bank, 157 asked; Sa vannah Bank and Trust Company, 99 bid. 101 u 1 ’ i; National Bank of Savannah, 120 bid, 121 asked. Stock*- Savannah Gas Light, stock, ex dividend. >c; bid, 21 asked; Mutual Gas Light K, °ck, 20 bid, 23 asked. Bacon—Market firm and advancing: demand ” *d: smolcod cleir rib sides, 9jmc; shoulders, ( 'V . dry salted elear rib sides, 9c; long clear, '%'■ houldol’s, none; brans, 13c. ■ acoino and Tiek—Market quiet. We quote: -~*4 ihs. 3' '",*Vje, according to brand mili‘quantity, bon tie* Arrow and other brands, slofi£6lto 1” r bundle. according to brand and quantity. Bagging and ties in retail lots a fraction higher. Bitter Market steady: oleomargarine, M'-ft choice Goshen, 18c; gilt edge, 22c; cream ®ry, 2 }>'. < 25c. J Northern, 10(7M2c. ' i. U ’p:—Murlcet n miinal ;Hinnl! demand;stock llgiit. We quote, llf&hXv ' jfkee- The market i* firm. We quote f<#- 51 11 . * * ots: Ordinary. mV*; fair, 21c; good, 21}£c; Cuol'Xf, 22v*; jioabeny 25c. , Buiko Fruit- \pjlw, e.vaporat.49d,BJo: poelud, ' ( ‘’ lwachoN, pveleil, 19c; unpoclcd s>' 7c; cur* 7c; citron. 25c. I'rv The market is firm; business fair, r ‘fiiote: Prints, 47; be; Georgia brown 3-1, 4Vj"; 7-8 do. 5>.7c; 4 1 brown sheet mg. while osnabnrgs, checks, ' *i ' or, yar is, 85c for bout makes; brown drill urrs, 7^7L>. 1 rei -\\t* quote full weights: Mackerel—No i;. • • ? ' y ' K)Cn ‘’i 00; No. 2, 87 tiOf ffi 50. Herring-No. 1, t *‘l. #7**!; cod. Market unsettled; demr.nd moderate. '• quote: Extra, 84 4 fij ’ c,Joice V> 25^5.70; family, 63 FfnrjT—T/nnons -Market advancing and tla lHaiui Kood. Wu quote: 87 00. .. Grain—Corn—Market very firm; demand light. We quote: White corn, job lots, 62c; carload lots, GPe; mixed corn, job lots. Cue; car load lots, 580. Oats steady: demand good. We quote: Mixed oats, 45c; carload lots, 40c. Bran. Si •*). Meal, 65c. Georgia grist, pel* sack, $1 40; grist, per bushel, 70c. Hay— Market very firm, with a fair demand; stock ample. We quote job lots: Westeru sl 00; carload lots, 90c. Eastern tone. North ern none. Hides, Wool, Etc.—Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light; dry flint. 12c; salted. 10c; dry butcher, Bc. Wool—Market weak and declining; Prime in bales, burry. 10(£15e. Wax, 18c. Tallow, 3(&4e. Deerskins, flint, 20c; salted, 10c. Otter skins, 50(ft$4 00. Iron —Market firm; Swede, 4J4@25c; refined. Lard—Market is firm; in tierces 7%; 50It> tins 7%c. Lime. CAlcine Plaster and Cement—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand, and is selling at $1 30 per barrel; Georgiasl 30; calcined plas ter, 50 per barrel; hair 4e. Roseudale cement, ?1 50; Portland cement .$2 50. Liquors—Full stock; steady demand. Bour bon. $1 50(ft5 50; rye, $1 50@6 00; rectified, $1 OOfftl 35. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails—Market firm; fair demand. We quote: 3d, $3 90; id and sd, 83 ‘25; (id, $3 00, Bd, $2 75; lOd to 60d. $2 50 per keg. —Almonds, Tarragona, 18@20e; Ivicas, 17(g), 18c; walnuts, French. 12c; Naples, 10c; pe cans, ]oc: Brazil, 10c; : filberts, 12c; cocoanuts, Baracoa. $5 25 per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 45c; West Virginia black, 0(0,10c; lard, 60c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 10c; water white, 13)i*e; neatsfoot, 62(g80, machinery, 25(g,30c; linseed, raw, 52c; boiled, 55c; mineral seal, 16c; fireproof, 18c; homelight. 18e. Onions—Bermuda, (7) per crate; native, 3l OOrg l 25 ier crate: Egyjitiaji, $2 75 per case. Potatoes—Long Island Rose, §8 50® 2 75. Peas—Demand light; cow peas, mixed 75(34 80c; clay, 31 OOv/j j 5; speckled, $1 00(g>l 15; black eye, $1 25(g.l 50; white crowder, $1 50 1 75. Prunes—Turkish. s>4c; French, Sc. Raisins—Demand light; market- steady; loose new Muscatel, 82 00; layers, 32 00 per box; Lon don layers, 32 2a per box. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots. 69c fob; job lots, 75(24 90c Shot—Drop, Si 40; buck. Si 65. Sugar—The market is firm: cut loaf, 034 c; standard A, 0' /8 e; extra C, 534 c; C yellow, oV&c; granulated. powdered, Syrup—Florida and Georgia syrup, 40@,45c; the market is quiet for sugar house at 35(0; 40c; Cuba straight goods, 28*j in hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c. Tobacco—Market dull; demand moderate. We quote: Smoking, mon. sound, 25(5,;-Wc: fair, 30(0 35c; medium, 38 bright. 50@75c: line fancy. 85(?j '.Kic; extra line, l*0c:/ Si 10; bright navies, 45^75c; dark navies, 40c^50c. Lumber—The demand from the West is quiet, owing to fear of effect of interstate commerce bill: coastwise and foreign inquiry is only fairly active. Prices for average schedules are firm at quotations: We quote, to b: Ordinary sizes 313 50(5; 17 00 Difficult sizes 16 00(3,21 50 Flooring boards. 16 Sbipstuff 18 Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 OOfell 00 890 - ** 10 (X)ch 11 00 900 “ “ 11 00(gjil2 00 1,000 “ “ 12 Shipping timber in the raft— 7(X) feet average SO 00® 7' 00 800 “ “ 7 00® 800 900 “ “ 8 00® 9 (X) 1,00 1 •• 9 00®10 00 Jlill timber 31 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail —The market is very dull and unchanged. It is, however, bare of tonnage; but one arrival this week. Freight limits are from $5 (X) to 36 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia, New York, Sound pnrts and eastward. Timber, 50c@|l 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and wind ward, nominal; to South America, sl3 to Spanish and Mediterrantan ports, sll 00@ 12 00; to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27(2^285; lumber, £8 15s. Steam—To New York, $7 00; to Philadelphia, 37 to Boston, 39 0t). Naval Stores—Firm but nominal, owing to the scarcity of vessels. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 2s lOlgd. and, or, 4s Adriatic, rosin, 3s; Genoa, rosin, 2s Coastwise—Steam— To Boston. 50c, on rosin. 31 00on spirits: to New York, rosin 60c, spirits, 80c; to Philadelphia, rosin, 30c. spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin, 30c, spirits 70c. Coastwise, two or three cargoes of fering by sail. Cotton—By Steam—The market is nominal. Liverpool via New York f? Tb .... 3-lGd* Liverpool via Baltimore lb ... 3-lGd Antwerp via Now York $ tb tM Havre via New York $ IT> 9-1 6 c Havre via Baltimore 06c Bremen %’ia New York lb 11-10 c Reval via New York 11-32d Bremen via Baltimore V 1b %c Amsterdam via New York 65c Amsterdam via Baltimore 61c Genoa via New York lb Boston hale 135 Sea ssla vi W bale 1 75 New York R bale 1 35 Sea Island P bale 1 75 Philadelphia p i>ale 135 Sea island 7-4 bale 1 75 Baltimore bale 125 Providence p ixile 1 50 Rice—By steam— New A’ork barrel 69 Philadelphia barrel 60 Baltimore barrel GO Boston p barred 60 Vegetables—By steam—(By special contract) — I To New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Balti ni<iv. stiTVard crates, 2e: barrels 10c. With out the contract, crates 35c; barrels 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls pair $ 65 (ty 80 Chickens, *4 grown 40 Q, 00 Springers. . .... .... . *25 40 Ducks i? pair 50 (& 75 Geese $ pair 75 (fol 00 Turkeys V pair 1 27* (m'i 00 Eggs, countiy, dozen — Peanuts—Fancy h. p. V’a. W 1b... Q.c, 7}4 Peunuts-Hand picked 1b (m 6J-0 Peanuts—Ga. V bushel, nominal. 75 (o\ 90 Sweet potatoes.*yel. reds J* bush. 7m) Or, CO Sweet potatoes, yel.yams # bush. 65 (To 75 Sweet 1 Kit's, white yams X* bushel 49 (<l 50 Poultry Market steady: receipts heavy; demand light for grown; half to three-quarter grown in good request. Egos- Market steady, with a good demand and scarce. Peanuts— Fair stock; demand moderate: market ad vancing and higher prices predicted. Sugar—Georgia and Florida, nominal; none in market. (loney—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes-Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. Nrw York. July 25. noon.—Stocks dull anil heavy. Money at —long $4 *2*4 b l 84, short $1 84 W?* * 84-iu. State bonds' neglected. Government bonds dull but S, :/; l <*V p. m. -Exchange dull but steady at 34 KSUkiM 8.*1.y Money easy at percent., closing ofTered at 4. * Sub-Treisir.y balances— (•old, $135,101,090; currency, $12,787,000. Govern meat bonds dull uud heavy; lour per cents 127 L,; four and a half iat cents State bonds neglected. , 'fhere was still no change in the character of the stock market to-dav, outsiders and cliques doing absolutely nothing, and transactions were entirely in the hands of the professional element, 'lucre was some selling by London -arly in the day, hut Hie business done for that interest was insignificant. There was no at tempt to support prices, and traders being bearisldy inclined, again sold the list down, and th-' afternoon made a vigorous drive at. New Fn'-fiind, the result being material losses tlirouglioqt the list. There was some improve ment i’i Pacific mull early in the day upon Paris Advices of the MifcesH of the Panama loan, but the improvement was shortlived, and the steady pressure soon began to D 11. Agitation ot the money question also aided s nnewhut to pro duce the depression. The opening was irregu lar but there war, some degree of animation displayed in the early dealings Fractional ad vances were established in the first few minutes, hut those were soon wiped and small frac tions in addition were lout. The market then bc - o . n„ . vcr\' dull, with generally a firm under tone which continued until the last hour. I>e ei/ied weakir S was then developed in the yu tire list with New England as the special fea ture. and the close was quiet, though heavy, tit Ih-lowest prices of the day. The wiles were K}.;, 000 shares. The following were the closing miotatioua: Ala claw A,2 to 5.10 C Now Orleans Pa- Ali clans H,ss .118 ciOc, Ist moi't... 78 S. Y Central ...108U N. Carolina ■ IJI J 4 Norf. & \\. pruf-. 4IU N Carolina Is, +7U>j Nor. Padflc . ... 3IH So Caro. tßrowu) " prof... Wi rnnsols 105 Pacific Mall 41$ TonnessicoOs 78 Heading.......... Zf/A, VlrclnlaOs .IJB Itichmond & Ale.. 8 Ya consolidated *54 Klolnivind A: l>anvlso 7pmkoOhlo. iH Hlchin'i! *W. Pt. cine. .Y Xortlnv n.ll .vj lerininal •• prefenvil 140 Hock Isluml 180 pela, Wk<Y o'. 1814 Bt. Pau1....... ... H no *• preferred *ll9 l ast Texas l’mlfin 4 L n“n- s-wlt '. m Tcna. Cpal & Iron. MM ijii-i* fihore. .. 93Vt Unioa Pacific 54h I/villo& Nash ... IllV4 • 1 ,1% Memphis i CUar. . Mi-smin iac fic.. .190)4 Motfile A Ohio . l i’4 " cy.teru Onion 75 Nnsti & CUoU'fi ■bJ CottonOilTrustCor &.% •Ask -d. tUid. THE MORMSG- NEWS: WEDNESDAY. JULY 27, 1887. COTTON. Liverpool, July 26, 12:80 p. m.—Cotton flat ami prices irregular; middling uplands middling Orleans 5 5 >d; sales 7.000 bales, for speculation and export 500 bales; receipts 1,000 hales—American tKK). Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, July delivery 5 30-G4d, July and August delivery 5 20-Old; August and "September ; 26--84d, also 5 28- >4d; September and October f> 14-G4d, also 5 10-G4d; October and November 5 10-6ld, also 5 9-H id; November and December ft 5-tkkl, also 5 6 Old; December and January 5 4-04d, also 5 6 64d; January and February 5 G-04d : Septem ber 5 26-64d, also ft G4d. Market steadier after considerable fluctuations. 2 )>. m.—The sales to-day Included 6,500 bales of American. Middling uplands 5 9-10d, middling Orleans 5 9-Hid. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, July delivery 5 30-G4l, value: July and August 5:i9-G4d, buyers: August and Septetnl>er 5 29-Old, sellers; September and October 5 17-G4d, sellers; October and November.*, 10-Old. sellers: Novem ,ber and December 5 7-04*1, value; December and January 5 6-64d, buyers; January and Feb ruary 5 0-G4d. buyers; September J 39-0 Id,sellers. Market steady. 4 p. m.— Futures: Uplands, low middling clause, July delivery 5 30-G4d, value: July and August ft 3u-G4d, sellers: August and September 5 29-04d,buyers: September ami October • 17-04d. buyers: October and November 5 10-64d. sellers; November aud December 5 7-G4d, buyers: De cember and January 5 7-04d, sellers; January and February 5 r-G4d. sellers; September 5 29-64d. buyci*s. Market closed steady. New York, July 26, noon.—Cotton opened easy; middling uplands 10%c, middling Orleans IOJ^jC: sales 2*7 bales. Futtu*es—Market opened easy, with sales as follows: July delivery 10 19c, August 9 50c. September 9 34c, October 9 28c, November 9 27c, Dei ember 9 29c. 5:00 p. m.—Market closed quiet: middling up lands 109£c, middling Orleans sales to-day 460 bales; gross receipts 1,826 bales. Futures—Market closed steady, with sales of 101,400 bales, o.s follows: July delivery 10 17(<; 10 18c. August 10 l6c, September 9 sb &, 9 52c, October 9 32(0 9 33c, November 9 27 (0 9 28c, December 9 26(i/ 9 27e, January 9 29c, February 9 34<b 9 30c, March 9 40(5.9 42e, April 9 9 48c. slay 9 64c. Green & Cos. s report on cott on futures savs: “The position of cotton contracts remain some what unsettled, and most of the trade moved a little blindly. To-day old crop was weaker, while new crop brought out a trifle steadier tone, and it looked as though August was purposely de pressed in order to influence late months and buy in against some of yesterday's sales. The condition of affairs in Liverpool was on the whole tame and disappointing, while advices from the crop are generally regarded as promising.” Galveston, July 2C.—- Cotton quiet; middling 9Lc; net receipts 20 bales, gross 20; sales 47 bales; stoex 2,187 bales. Norfolk, July 26.—Cotton nominal; middling 104 c; net receipts G bales, gross 6; sales b bales; stock 2,544 bales; exports coastwise 3 bales. Baltimore, July 26.—Cotton nominal; middling 11c: net receipts 66 bales, gross 50; sales none; stock bales; exports coastwise 56 bales. Boston, July 20.—Cotton steady; middling lOUc; net receipts none, gross 1,029 bales; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, July 26.—Cotton nominal; mid dling 10‘4c; net receipts 42 bales, gross 42; sales none; stock 580 bales. Philadelphia, July 26.—Cotton steady; mid dling lOvfce; net receipts none, gross none; stock 15.722 bales. New Orleans, July 28.—Cotton steady; mid dling 9 9-iGc: net receipts 104 bales, gross 104; sales 900 bales; stock 49.885 bales. Mobile, July 20. —Cotton nominal; middling net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 322 bales. Memphis, July 20.—Cotton dull; middling 10c; receipts 11 bales: shipments bales; sales 50 bales: stock G.sOO bales. Augusta. July 26 Cotton nominal; middling 10%c; receipts 1 bale: sales none. Charleston, July 26. — Cotton quiet; middling 10ktc; net receipts 3 bales, gross 8; sales 10 bales; stock 840 bales. Atlanta, July 26. Cotton—middling receipts none. New York, July 26.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 247 bales; exports, to Great Britain bales; stock at all Ameri can ports 199,035 bales. provisions, groceries, eto. Liverpool. July 20, 12:50 p. m.—Wheat flat ; demand poor; holders offer freely; California No. 1, 7s Id; rod Western spring 6s3d(ftGs4d: red Western winter 6s sd(?£os Od; receipts of wheat for the past three days 232.000 centals, including 156,000 American, torn dull; new mixed Western 3s lljrkd; receipts of American corn for the past tnree days 11,100 centals. Bacon, long clear 41s. New York, July 26, noon.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat higher. Corn better. Pork firm; mess $l6 <s. Lard linn at $6 92bj. Old. mess pork firm at $l5 23(3*16 75. Freights steady. 5:00 p. m.—Flour, Southern steady. Wheat advanced closing strong; No. 2 red, July delivery August 79U(&80|$c; Sep tember 80?£@83c. torn higher, *1( • sing steady; No. 2. July delivery 14%c, August 45 3-16 <^ > 45 1 /6c, September 4G)kQ.47c. Oats a trifle lower; No. 2, 32*£<&32)$c; No. 2, July delivery August 30%*e; September 30%e. Hops in light demand. Coffee, fair Rio, spot steady at 20*40; No. 7 Rio, July delivery J 8 (>3(ft 18 20c, August 18 Bsc. September 18 4G(& 18 70c. Sugar quiet but strong; fair refining 4 9-16 c; refined steady. Molasses dull and nomi nal. Cotton seed oil quoted at. 27(530c for crude, 41K@43c for refined. Hides firm. Wool quiet and unchanged. Pork steady; mess $l5 15 75 for old. $l6 l6 75 for new. Beef dull. Middles dull. Lard opened stronger but later declined 2(&4 points, closing weak; Western steam, on sj>ot $6 92L>, August delivery $6 90, September $6 99ft7 08. Freights dull. Chicago, July 26.—Wheat opened a shade firmer this morning. Receipts were quite free. 220 cars being reported this morning, ten of which were new wheat. Shipments, However, are large enough to counteract any effect re ceipts might have on the market. September st arted at 70%c and went slowly to 70%0. Sub sequently some lively buying was done by sev eral prominent operators, and a still greater de gree of strength than had characterized the early market was contributed by pure liases mentioned, end without any special effort the price for September wont up to New York dispatches reported exporters as looking around and prospects good for large shipments. Local buying continued up to the close, and September's final figure, was the highest of the day. Corn opened at for September and soon sold at 88%e and continued firm at the latter figure for some time, most of the buying being done for **eouu try accounts.” While interest cannot be said to have died out in corn at any time, it was cer tainly not jis active toward noon as earlier. September, alter selling at 3Sy;,. only reached 3 v>p-, at which figure it closed. The decline in oats n( the past few days brought in fair orders. Offerings were also somewhat reduced and a firmer feeling prevailed. September opened at 25k,c, sold up to 2.5 and closed at the opening figure. There was a pretty fail* business in pro visions, but of a different character from that, transacted during the closing days of last week, being chiefly liquidating. Receipts of hogs were light and price- 5c higher early, but closed with the advaii ’e lost. Parties who haye been buying short rins for .vvera) days past were disiKised to sell them. Short interest, had l#een well eliminated and offerings proved too much for the small demand and a sharp decline re - sulted September opened nt $H 22bj, dronjied to $8 00, and closed at $8 07*7 January $5 95. Lard was quiet hut easier at $6 G?VH mid closed at $6 ihjXj. Kepi ember pork was slow compared with yesterday. Short ribs were 17fcc lower and lard 2Vy<*. Cash quotations to-day ruled as follows: Flour dull and neglected but unchanged. Wheat, No. 2 spring 69btc; No. 8 spring nominal; No. 2 rod 71*40. Corn, No. 2, 3<Tsc. fiats, No. 2. 21c. Mess pork 5F Lard, per 100 lbs. $6 57Uk 6 69. Short rib sides, loose, $7 Dry salted shoulders, boxud, $3 HO: short clear sides, boxed. $8 i ./H • *2O. Whisky $l 10. Leading futures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat— July delivery— CJU 69W 69]4 August delivery. GBU 09 Uj 119 Va Uept. delivery... 7oR 71 \\ 71 '/\ Corn - July delivery. . M 37% August delivery. 34 88^4 Sept, delivery... 38)6 39 88% Oata July delivery 24^ August delivery. 24*4 2!V< 24Vu Sept, delivery... 25*4 9% Mess Run x Year $ll 10 $ll 00 $ll 10 Larp— July delivery— $6 5714 $G GO $6 57J4 August delivery. 6 57V£ 6GO G 57 Sept. delivery.... 070 0 72)4 G 07>J Shout Kirs July delivery $8 12U $8 s7 95 August delivery. 8 12)4 8 12W 7 95 Sept, delivery... B£% 8 tiff 8 02^ Baltimore, July 26.—Flour easy but dull; Howard street and Western superfine $2 3 ii(ft 2 09, extra $8 QOQR 75. family $4(X)(y, 1 40, city mills superfine $2 50(fi8 00, extra $3 75; Rio brands $4 37<®4 C 2. Wheat—Southern easy but dull; red 82<ft*64e; amber 80<aWc; Western firmer and fairly active; No. 2 winter red, on spot 77J4<&78c. Cora—Southern nominal in ab- MT.ce of receipts; white yellow 47(6,48c; Wcateni whoiiy unglectod. St. Lotus. July 20.—Flour steady and quiet. Wheat higher; No. 2 red, cash 71c; July delivery September Corn Mtrutig and hlgtmr; cash August delivery M(<n 3D ic. Oats firm; chli / 24c, Septeinbw delivery 2; 2J'-<c. WhLky steady at $1 05. Provision# e toady. Cincinnati, July 26.—Wheat dull; No. ‘2 red 70 rie. Corn steady; No. 2 mixed 4U4.G-.-LV. Oats in fair demand: No. *2 mixed, new 2lk\ Provisions—Pork quiet at $l6. Lard firm at SG 8214. Bulk meats easier but unchanged: short ribs 535 c. Bacon easier but unchanged; short ribs $9 25, short clear $9 50. Whisky uetivo and firm at $1 00. Ilogs firm ; common and light $4 B5. packing and butchers $5 Uo<?r.s U>. Louisville. July 20.—Grain steady and un changed. Wheat— No. 2 red, 70c Corn No. 2 mixed 40c. Oats—No. 2, 30<gy30Uc, new oats .‘27c. Provisions firm and unchanged: Bacon clear rib sides $0 26, clear sides $0 50. shoulders $0 75. Bulk meats—clear rib sides $8 U), clear sides $8,3016; shoulders $6 00. Mess pork nominal. Hams' sugar-cured firm at 11|-4<&l* Lard, choice leaf $B. New Orleans, July 26.— Coffee steady and firm; Rio cargoes, common to prime l>Hc Cot ton seed products dull. Sugar quiet; Louisiana ojxmi kettle, good fair 5%c; centrifugals, choice yellow clarified C> 3-16 c, prime ditto Go. Molas ses steady; Louisiana centrifugals, strictly prime to fancy 2888 c, fair to good prime 22 (u *2sc. NAVAL STORES. London. July 26.— Spirits turpentine 25s Od. Nkw Yors. July 26. noon.—Spirits turpeutino dull at 31c. Rosin dull at $1 OOf&l 10. 5:00 p. in. — Rosin steady at $1 00(&1 10. Tur pentine dull at 31c. Charleston, July 26.—Spirits turpentine steady at Rosin steady; good strained 90c. Wilmington, July 26.—Spirits turpentine steady at 28c. Rosin dull; strained 81V, good strained 85c. Tar firm at $1 HO. Crude tur pentine steady; hard $! 10, yellow dip $1 90; virgin $2 00. rice. New York, July 26.—Rico steady and in fair demand. New Orleans, July 2G. —Rico steady; Lou isiana ordinary to prime 4(ftse. SHIPPING INITKLLIGI"NCIS. MINIATURE ALMANAC THIS DAY. Run Rises 5:15 Sun Sets 6:58 High Water at Savannah 12:53 am. 1:11 f m Wjsdnbsoay, July 27, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Augusta, Catharine, Now York—C G Anderson, Agent. ARRIVED AT QUARANTINE YESTERDAY. Bark Aurora (Sp), Sosvilla, to load for Europe —Strachan & Cos. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Savannah. Smith. Now York —C G Anderson, Agent. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer David Clark. Usina. Fernandina— C Williams, Agent. Steamer Seminole, Strobhar. TVaufort, Port Royal and BlufTton— H A Strobhar, Manager. SAILED YESTERDAY Steamship City of Savannah, New York. MEMORANDA. Baltimore, July 24—Arrived, sehr City of Jacksonville, McKinnon, Jacksonville. Georgetown, S 0, July 22—Sailed, schrs Nellie Flovd. Johnson, New York; Warren B Potter. Andrews, do, New York. July 26—Arrived out. steamships Rohemia. New York for Hamburg; Alaska, New York for Liverpool. RECEIPTS. Per Central Railroad. July 26—4 bales cotton, 69 bales yarn, 34 bales domestics, 6 bales plaids. 19 bales hides, 80 pkgs tobacco, 1,892 lbs bacon. 165 hills spirits turpentine, 417 bids rosin. 2.156 lbs fruit. 10 bbls meal, 5 bills whisky. shf do, 59 bales hay. 2 pkgs h h goods, 13 cars luniher. 18 tons pig iron. 25 cases liquors. 15 doz brooms, 72 pkgs vegetables. 18 pkgs mdse. 1 car brick. 5 pkgs empties, 23 bales paper stock. 3 boxes soap. 383 pkgs hardware, 1 case eggs, 1 car coal, 3 corn melons. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway. July 25 1 154 bbls rosin. 773 bbls spirits turner 21 ears lumber, 2 cars wood, 1 car coal, .‘l4 head cattle, 5 bales hides. 1 car pig iron. 10 orates pears. 10 ti bars. 2 bbls paint, 11 pkgs h h g<x>ds, 2 boxes 1) ad s. 20 pkgs indse, 7 boxes vegetables, 36 bbls vegetables, and mdse. Per Charleston and Savannah Railwav, July 26—06 bbls rosin. 28 bbls spirits turpentine, 25 boxes tobacco, 52 caddies tobacco. 5 pkgs 25 caddies tobacco. 1 ear wood, 1 bah' plaids, 1 box shoes, 1 crate refrigerators. v EXPORTS. Per steamship City of Savannah, for New York—S.s9K melons, 281 bales domestics and yarns, 68 bbls rice, 555 bbls spiritaturpenUrn*. 670 bbls rosin, 53,100 feet lumber, 43 turtle*?, 60 bbls pears, 439 crates pears, 186 tons pig iron. 71 bbls onions, 131 pkgs mdse. PASSENGERS. Per steamship City of Augusta, from New York —J A Hirsh bach, W R Sexton, B F Kellogg, Mrs W Randall, Willie Randall. IT Bulliwiiiskec, V L Newman. W T Lane, W J Winberg, C Knowles, Thos Eggleston. Mrs E Sagurs, Rev J M < >'Brlen, VV C Ivey, E M Marsh, L Collatt, C R Bloomer and wife, J Simmons, J CTLawton, Jos Owens, A Smith, aud 8 steerage. Per steamship City of Savannah, for Now York—Joseph Ehlen, F J Moody, J H Tate, Mrs Strong. Rev W W Kimball, J G Jones, George 8 ltnnson. J II Douglass, \V J Anthony, M Stew art, G G Rush, Mrs I> O’Connor, Mr and Mrs F C Buffum. S S Rountroe, BTanslck. Mrs Everett , Mhs<*s Everett, J H Jackson, J II White, Mr and Mrs F J Peck, J K Ellis, Mr aud Mrs G C What ly and maid, G W Shaffer, J Mandle, L Rosen field, V B Gordon, E Sanbern, J \V Cox, Edward Carter, It It Hammond, Rev L W Bacon. CONSIGNEES. Per steamship City of Augusta, from New York —A It Altmayer & Cos, Apfiel 8. G W Allen, ft .V Abbott, Byck &S, 8 \\ Branch. .1 G I hitler, Bendhcim Bros & Cos, ( Butler, T P Boikl A Cos, V M Bird A Cos. Brush E Blodgett, M.t Cos, T Baseh, M Doley & Son, .1 Baker, (’ll (’arson, J Cohen. Crohan & D, Cohen A B, E M Connor. A H Champion. Cotton Ex change. A Doyle, I Dasher & Cos. It M Deniere, M J Doyle, J A Douglass & Cos, G Ecteiksn A Go, Eckinan A: V, 1 Epstein A Bio. A Ehrlich A Bro, Einstein &h. Epstein A: *V, 8 A Einstein. Win Estill. J II Estill, G Ebherwein, M Ferst & Cos, Frank &. Cos, A Falk & Son, L Freid, J 11 Fiirber, Fretwell &N. Fisher Bros, Fli'ischnum & ('<>, Freeman V O, J Gorham. Graham A 11, M Gold stein, Gray & < >’B, (’ M Gilbert & Cos, Capt W9’ GiliKon, o Guckcnheiiner & SBon, A Hanley. F G iGnun, Gradv, DcL A: C*. Hex'* r.t K. .J It if iltiwanger, llirach Bros, Beudhtdrn Bros & Cos, W P Harelee, J C & L llartfelder. J Tl Ilelmkcn, (4 M Hedit & Cos, It Judge. 8 Krouskoff. J II Koch. Kavan/iugli A' B, P II Kiernan, N Lang, Jno Lyons A Cos. Lippman Bros, Lind? ay &M, A E l/ovell & Sou, Launey & G, 1) J Lyon, Lilienthal & Son, B II Levy A: Bro, J F Lloyd & A, Lovt ll A II 11 Liviugbtenc. !> Ho gan, uA B. J McGrat h Cos, Mhr Bros, Meinhnrd Bros A Cos, Mutual Co-op A.vrai. Mc- Kenna A: W, f/ **Uoy Myejw A Cos. I, A MeC’nr thy, A J Miller ** Cos, Harshall Ibmre, l, K Mil ieu ‘v Cos, McDonough A: Cos. II Myers A Bros, P Manning. Mull A 11, McDonough A B, J J Mc- Mahon, 1> P Myerson, J G Nels'tn Cos. Tboiuns Nugent, Jno NicoUon Jr. Order L J RC Cos, W On*. Order II Miller, Palmer Brew. Oglethorpe Club. N Pnulwn & (’<. pea-rock, H Cos. ihdattki House. K Platsliek, C I> Rogers, T Itaderick. M Rich & Bro, Kieser&S. Uav A Q, S. FA W Ky, II Solomon & Bn. J J Sullivan, P BSnringer, *' F Slults, Jno Sullivan. W D Simkins \ Cos, \V Schelhing, Screven Hniisf*, II L Schreiner, M Sternberg. Solomons & Cos, JO Sullivan A: Cos. Savannah Steam Bakery, L C Strong. A Farren hftnm, p Tub *rdy, J W Tynan. G W Thideiuan, Smith Bros & Cos, A Vetsburg, G Walter & ( , V* ee.l A; c, Vale itoyal Mfg < Vi, Wylly A (’, stmr Katies la A: Fla 1 8 B Cos, Soutiirrn Ex Co,C R it, S, F A W Ky. Per Central Railroad. July 26—Fonly Agt.. H M Comer A (>*. duo Flannery A Cos. A !i Hull, Bacon, J & Cos, c H Carson, M Y Henderson. !> A Bramble. M Ferst A* 00. A Hanley, Kieser ah, S Guckcnheiiner & Son. Ellis, Y & Cos, C E Stults, I a*o Roy Myers A Cos. Smith Bros dr Cos, II I’or tf r. Trunk A Cos, G W Tlcdeinan. Wurnock A W, \ Nichols, A B Moore, I Epflteln A Bro, Gorrie \oa Cos. A M *V C W West, J VV 11 ester, ), IhjUcl, .1 S Collins A Cos, Baldwin & Cos, \ II Champion, Peacock, II Cos, J P WilliainsiAfc Cos. s Cohen, II Myers & Bros. Stillwell. PA: M, Decker AF. 11 G Ganahl, C L Jones, Ellin, Y' & l ’o. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway, July 25—Transfer Office. 8 Gucken!•rimer A* Son, Savannah Steam Bukc ry, Frank t Cos. J Willis. Lippman Bro*. it D Cox, II Myers A IJrn, .1 Copi-l'ind, M Y Henderson, Ray A (~ Weed A: C, Bend helm Bros & Cos, W I Miller, D Y Dancy, \V S Hawkins. I) B Lester, J C Sullivan ,V Cos, C 1, Jones. Peacock, II A Cos, J I* Williams A: Cos, I>; 1 1• *. I) V Cos, Ellis, YV Cos, W W Gordon A Cos, VV' VV Chisholm. ItD McDoncll, Frierson A Cos, W C Jackson Baldwin & 00, Per Charleston and Savannah Railwav. July 26 Transfer Office, Baldwin <1 Cos, K T Roberta, J P Williams A: Cos. R II Cossels, A J Miller A: Oi. Mflnhard Bros & Cos, M Y Henderson, II Myers A, Bros, Smith Bros A Cos, Beridheiiri Bros A Cos. Advice to Mothers. Mr*. Winslow’s Hoothmg yyrup should alwatys bo un*d when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little suffer at once; it produces natural, quiet sloop by relieving the child from tmiii and the little cherub awakes irn “brig Jit as a button.*’ It is very pleasant to tnate. It soothes ths child, softens the gurns, allays all pun, re l*eves wind, regulates toe boweU, and ia the beet known remedy for (fiarrhci'a, whether arising from teething or other caa es. 25 cunts u lx>ttle. A STRANGE SORT OF CASE. A Negro Woman in Possession of a Child of Fortune. /■Yum Ilic Macon Telegraph. Mention was made in the Telegraph Mon day morning of a negro woman on Fourth street having in her possession a white boy about K years old. On Sunday afternoon, while Officer Grace was on duty, he passed by tiie house and saw the woman beating the child. He reported the matter, and Monday morning the case was before Mayor Price, acting Recorder. The woman is Madeline West, formerly of Savannah, who is claimed to he worth some *lO,OOO or *12,000. She has figured in the court here before. \V hen questioned as to her claim on the child she said it was be ing taken care of by her, and satisfied the Mayor by her statements that she had a legal right to hold it, though she said she would be willing to have it placed in any asylum where it could be properly brought up. She cried considerably over the charge of illtivating it, and in proof that she had not done so stripped the clothing from tho boy and bared its back upon which there were no bruises. Sho was allowed to go. Readers of tuo Telegraph will remember that when the drummers held their conven tion in Maeon, Capt. Whack Bailey was constantly shadowed by a little boy who took a strange fancy to him, followed him all over tho streets, and when Blackshear photographed all tho members in front of the Academy of Music, tho boy occupied a prominent place in the picture by tho side of Capt, Bailey. At last, being forced by the attachment of the lioy to feel an in terest in him, the Captain asked him his name, and it was found to be Clarence Bailey, tho same as his own. It was such a remarkable coincidence that Capt. Whack was almost tempted to hike the boy with him to his home m Augusta. This Clarence Bailey is the little fellow taken core of by Madaliue West. Before the Mayor Monday she said sho had left him all she had in her will, and she denied that sho had treated him cruelly, though she did correct him. The child is remarkably white and fair skinned, has blue eyes and white hair. Madeline lives on Fourth street, betw r eon Plum and l’ine. Mrts. James P. Scott, of Philadelphia, whose recent death in London has uuusid such wide spread regret, bail many peculiar accomplish ments She had a knowledge of the teehuicali ties of architecture, and the finest residence in the Quaker City he irs witness to her taste and ability in this direction. She was a thorough and practical housekeeper, and was also an adept in the dressmaker's art. Besides all this, she danced well, rode magnificently, painted .skillfully in water colors and was an accom plished musician. BROK Kits, ' TIE TO SPECmT VOTIVE fluctuations In the Market offer op portunities to speculators to make money In Grain, Stocks, Bonds and Petroleum. Prompt personal attention given to orders received by ✓wire or mail. Correspondence solicited. Full information about the markets in our book, which will lie forwarded free on application. 11. 1). KYLE, Hanker and broker, 88 Proud and 34 New Sts. New York City. A. la. HARTRIDQE, SECURITY BROKER. BITE’S AND SELLS on commission all classes of Stoekaand Bonds. Negotiates loans on marketable securities. New York quotations furnished by private ticker every fifteen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. (UMMING. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., BroTsiers. ORDERS EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchanges. 19 COMMERCIAL BUILDING. CITY HONKS. CITY BONDS. V\7F will receive proposals for thirty days for \ V the purchase of Fifteen Thousand Dollars of the bonds of the Town of ThomoHville, Geor gia. Tin* Bonds are in the sums of Five Hun dred Dollars with coupons liearing five per cent, interest, payable January and July of each year, and have thirty years to run. They are the only bonds ever issued by the town and they offer a rare opportunity for investors. A. P. WRIGHT, Chairman Finance Committee. FBUIT A \ J> GRCM ERIEB. Li: m VFnW. Cabbages, Potatoes, Onions. 30,000 bushels CORN, 15,000 bushels OATS, IIAY. BRAN, GRITS, MEAL, STOCK FEED. Grain and Hay in carload n specialty. COW PEAS, all varieties. RUST PROOF OATS. < >ur STOCK FEED is pi t pared with great care and is just the tiling: for ilorseo und Mules hi this weather. Try it. T. P. BOND & CO., 150 i: iv Street. PEACHES! Received in large quanti ties daily. In packages to suit all buyers. For Sale Very Cheap A. E CHAMPION. NEW CHEESE. JUST RECEIVED AND KOR SALE BY C. M. GILBERT & CO. WHOLES ALE OROf EUS. BUTTER. "BEST Table Butter ONLY 25c. per lb. STRAUSS IMS, 22 and 22 1-2 Barnard St LOTTERY. L.SL CAPITAL PRIZE," $150,000. “BV 1 10 hereby cert ify that we. supervise ths arrangement* for alt the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of the Louisiana State Lot tery ( ’ oinpany, and In person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in goini faith toward all parties, and ire authorize the ComjHint / to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in Us udver - ComtnißSioners. try/he undersigned Hank, and Hanker, mill pat/ all Prize, drawn in the Louisiana Sfittr. ■' terie, which ttuig ite presented tit our cannier,. J H. OGLESBY, Pres Louisiana Nat’l Bank. PIERRE LANAUX, Pres. Stats Nat’l Bank. A. BALDWIN. Pres. New Orleans Nat’l Bank. CARL KOHN, Pres. Union National Bank. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! U Over Half a Million Distributed. LOUISIANA STATE "LOTTERY COMPANY. , llF' irporatcd in 1808 for \jr> years by the legis lature for Kducntloiial and Cliaritablo pur|K>ses -with a capita! of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over sftfio,ooo has since been added. P.y an overwhelming popular vote its fran chise was made a part of tho present State con stitution, adopted December 2d, A. D. U7'J. The only Lottery ever voted on and indorsed by the people of any State. It ne i*r scales or postpone* Its Grand single Number Drawing* take place monthly, mill (lie K*ini-\imMitl Draw- IngH regularly c\ery *iv months (June and December). A HIM(KM)II) OPPORTUNITY TO WIN \ FOll !’I AK. FJOHTII GRAND DRAWING. CLASS 11. IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NF.W ORLEANS, TUESDAY. Vugust 9, 1 2071!i Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $150,000. i-tV Notice -Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5; Fifths, $2; Tenths, sl. up pm/.rs 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF $150,000 ...51,50,000 , 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 60,000. ... 50,0)0 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 110,000 SO,OOO 2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000 ... 20.000 4 LARI i E PRIZES OF 5,000.... 20,000 20 PRIZES OF 1,000.... 20,000 60 PRIZES OK 600.... 25,000 100 PRIZES OF 1100.,.. 80.000 200 PRIZES OF 200.... 45,000 600 PRIZES OF 100.... 50,000 1,000 FRIZES OF 60.... 80,000 APPROXIMATION PHIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of $llOO $80,050 100 “ “ 200 20,01)0 100 “ “ 100 .... 10,000 2,110 Prizes, amounting to $535,110 Application for rates to dabs should Iki made i mly to the office of the Company in Now Or loans. For further information write clearly, giving full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, nr New York Exchange in ordi nnrv fottor. Currency by Expivssliit our expense) addressed 51. A. D VI PIIIA, Aew Orlruns, La. or 51. A. DAUPHIN, \V Aslilngton, D. C. Address Registered Letters io NEW CHILEAN* NATIONAL IMNR, New Orleans, La. RPMFMRFR That. the presence of Gen KCIVIL iVtf* " . nils Beauregard and Early, whoa" in charge of tho drawings, is a Kuurantee of absolute fairness and integrity, that the chances ure all equal, and that no one can possibly divine what number will draw a Prize. KKMEMRKH that tho payment of all Prizes is Gf Wt.WfEBI) IIV FOUR \ \HOWL HAMAH of New Orleans, and the Tickets lira signed by the President of an Institution. wboHo .•bartered rights are recognized in the highest Courts; therefore, beware of any imitations or anonymous :-c homes. GAS FIXTURES, HOSE, ETC. JOHN HICOLSOH, Jr. DEALER IN Gas Fixtures, GLOBES & SHADES. PLUMBERS’, MACHINISTS’ AND Mi 11 Supplies. ENGINE TRIMMINGS, Steam 'Packing, SHEET GUM, Hydrant, Steam aid Suction HOSE. IRON PIPES AND FITTINGS, Lift and Force Pumps. IJO ami Dravton St. FOOD PRODUCTS. FOREST CITY MILLS. Prepared Stock Food for Horses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pure grain. Guaranteed Sweet and Nutritious. Bond,Haynes&Elton GRAIN ANl> PROVISIONS. _A__ 33. HITLr*, V/holesale Grocer, Flour, Hay, Grain and Provision Dealer. IT'KKSH MKAI, and GRITS in white sacks. 1 Mill stiills of all kinds always on hand. Georgia raised SPANISH PEANUTS, also PEAS; every variety. Special pricee oar loot! lots HAY ami GRAIN. Prompt attention given all orders aud satis faction guaranteed. OFFICE, M RAY. WAREHOUSE, No. 4 WADI.EY STREET, on line Ontml Railroad. M ROICAL. j SI A CM P. EVH Ko M frets or youthful or. H ts 9 — —Jfl t jfror. rsrfy.lre.r. lost lusnhnod. ete. I wilt trod a valuable treatise (sealed) , eotitntmint full fttiftieulsc lor tiorar cure. frtwt or k,. Address Pro.’. 7.0. POWL..IL idjodus. I,’c.ue. I WHISKY. LAWRENCE, OSTROM k CO.’S Famous “Belle of Bourbon" Is death tu Malaria, Chills and Fever. Typhoid Fever. Indigestion, Dysj>epsia, Surgical Fevers. Blood Poisoning, Consumption, Sleeplessness or Insomnia, and Non assimilation of Food. TO YEA. It S OLD. Vt USE CHLY ThE FIIHTY OR HOMINY RSRT Of THE GRAIN THUS FREEING tT PF FUSEL OIL BEFORE IT IS OISTHLEDt, Zfhwlcnce, bottom ftr THE GREAT APPETIZER I/xtiaville, Ky., May 1886. This will c. rtify that 1 have examines l tlia Sample of Bf.u.e nr Bourdon Whisky received from Lawteuce, Ostrom <fc Cos., and found the wuiio to b<‘ perfectly free from Fusel Oil and all other deleterious KiUMitanccs and strlctly pur*. Bheerfully recommend th* same for Family aucrMediciiial purposes. J. I‘. Hamncm. M. 1)., Analytical Chemist, LouiavUle, Ky. For sale by OmggtatH, Wine Merchants ana Grocers everywhere. Price, $1 2fi |*r bottle. If not found at the above, half dozen bottles iu plain boxen will bo sent, to any address in the United States on receipt of ;&>. Express paid to all points east of Missouri river. LAWRENCE, OSTROM k CO.. Louisville, Ky. At Wholesale by S. OUCKENHEIMER&SON, Wholesale Grocers; LI PPM AN BROS., Whole sale Druggists, Savannah. Ga. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ' m urn Cawn Mowers, Three Sizes, Ladies’ Garden Hoes, Hand Plows, Hedge Shears, Pruninng Scissors and Knives, Garden Trowels and Weeders, Fountain Pumps, Rubber Hose and Reels, —FOR SALE BY Palmer Bros 14H and 160 Congress Stroot. I*l IU.IC AT IONS. THE WILMINGTON STAB! REDUCTION IN PRICE. Attention is cnllivl to tho following reduced ratal of subscription, cash in advance: THE .DAILY STAR. One Year $6 00 Six Mmiths 3 00 Three Months 1 60 One Month 50 THE WEEKLY STAR, 1 One Year $1 oc Six Months GC Throe Months 30 Our Telegraph News service has recently been largely increased, anti it is our determination tq keep the Ktaic up to the highest standard ol newspaper excellence. Add toss WM. II BERNARD, Wilmington, N. C. 1 11 ' " -3 ICON WORKS. iDoim & Ballanlyne, IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers and Blacksmith^ MANUFACTt’REHB or STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL and TOP-RUNNING CORN MILLS, SUGAR MILLS and PANS. \ GENTS for Alert and Union Injectors, the simplest and most elfeetive on tuo market! Oullett Light Draft Magnolia Cotton Gin, toe Ijkl In the market. All outers promptly attended to. Send foi Price List. STOCK FEEdT SEED PEAS; Keystone Mixed Feed, —AND— All Kinds of Feed For Horsea and Cattle, Sold By G.S.McALPIN 172 BAY STREET. I*A I NTS VN D Ol LS. JOHN G-. BUTLER, WHITE LEADS, COLORS, GLASS, TANARUS VARNISH, ETC : - READY MIXKL' PAINTS; RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES. SASHES. DOORS, BLINDS ANE BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Sole Agent foi GEORGIA IJME, CALCINED PLASTER, CB ME.NT, HAIR ami I.AND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia lbGo. CHRIS. MURPHY, is House, Sign and Ornamental Painting Tj'XECUTED NEATLY ami with diMiateli. 1 j Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Window Glasses, etc., etc. Estimates furnished on ap. plication. CORNER CONGRESS ANI> DRAYTON STS., Hear of Christ Church. 7 BANKS. KISSIMMEE CITY BAN Klsnimmeo City, Orange County. Flo. CAPITAL - - - 130,000 rpRANSACT a recttlnr bankhigbualricKv. Give 1 particular attcnllon to Florida collections. Corrwuondmon solicited. Issue Exchange on Now York, New Orleans, Kavaunah and Juck kob villa, Fla. Resident Agent* for Cou'.te * Cos. and Melville, Evans & Cos., of London, Eutlartd, New York correspondent: The Seaboard National Baa!:. T