The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 29, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL. SAVANNAH MARKET. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS,) Savannah, Ua., July 28, 4p. si. ( Cotton— Th# market is still very dull an 1 more or less nominal. There was no demand and not a single transact iou was reported during the day. On ’Change at the midday call, at 1 p. in., tbo market was reported quiet and un changed. The following are the official spot Quotations of the Cotton Exchange: Middling fair 103^ Good middling 10% Middling 9$ Low middling 0% Good ordinary 914 Sea bland— There is nothing doing, and the Market remains dull and nominal. We quote: Common Georgias and Floridas 14 @15% Medium 10%@17 Good medium 17%4t)18 Medium fine 18%@> Fine 19Ufr.20 Extra fine 20%@21 Choice 22 <& Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand July 28, 1887, and fob the Same Time Last Year. 1886-87. |j 1885-86. Island, j u 2 >land \ [ Island, j c P la,ul ! Stock on hand Sept. 1 : 1.1491 4,304 i 531 3.298 !Received to-day ] — I —!! —. 46 ! Received previously 27,244 771,357 j 23,386 780,241 Total J 28.393 J 775.661 f 23,937 783,584 j Exported today | — j! —! BSS Exported previously ! 27,531 j 775,094 22,521] 778,798' j Total I _ 27,831 ■ 775, 004 , 22,521 1 779,35': (Stock on hand and on ship-! I board this day I 562 567| 1,41C[ 4,i3Gl Kick. — l The market was quiet, but steady and unchanged. The sales for the day were 15 barrels at, about quotations, as follows: Fair Good 4 4% Prime 4%®5 Rough— Country lots 60(& 90 Tide water Naval Stores—The market was very firm and advancing in spirits turpentine. There was an active demand, and between 500 and 1,000 casks changed hands during the day at prices ranging from 28^4 (>> ‘JSfor regulars. At the Hoard of Trade on the opening call the market was re ported firm at 2b*r'i c for regulars. At the closing call ir was firm at for regulars, with sales rf 14 casks. Rosin—The market was quiet, but ilrm at quotations. Buyers and sellers are apart on all grades above H. There was only a light inquiry. The sales for the day weieabout 7 barrels. At the Board of Trade on the first 5a.1l the market was reported firm ('•-** ! and above, and steady for II and lx 1 w, at the following quotations: A, B, C and i- :wi\ E 15c, F $1 ‘HI. ii si 05, II -1 10, 1 Si 12U. lv $1 .*SO, M :?140. N Si 55, window glass $lB5, water white §2 55. At the last call it was unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,543 77.103 Received to-day 7b4 1,62i [teceived previously 83,121 188,277 Total 80.451 267.307 fixported to-day Exported previously 72,149 208,917 Total. i 72,149 208,917 fcfcock on hand and on shipboard to-day 14,302 £8,390 Receipts same day last year 825 2,340 Financial—Money is very quiet. Domestic Exchange— Scarce. Banks and tankers are buying sight drafts at % per cent, '-count and selling at par®VS percent.pre um. Foreign, “Exchange —The market is weak. Join mere i:d7 demind, 34 83.14; sixty days, |4 8!%; ninety days, francs, Boris and navre, commercial, sixty days, $5 24->4; Swiss. t>s 21 : >4; marks, sixty days, 943 A- Securities—Tne market is quiet with some lemand fur Central railroad and Southwestern docks. Debentures are neglected. Long date Kinds bring inside prices easily. Stocks and Bonos —City Bonds —Quiet. At* nnta6 per cent long date, 108 bid, 110 asked; Ulanta * percent. 118 bid. 121 asked; Augusta ' per cent long date, 115 bid, 118 asked; Augusta long dare, log bid. 110 asked; Columbus 5 jjer 100 bid, 105 askt>d; Jlacon 6 per cent. 111 i'tl, 112 asked; new Savannah 5 jht cent, < letober toupons, 102 bid, 102% asked; new Savannah 5 percent, August coupons, 102£gbid, asked. state bon<i# —Market steady, with light sup rty. Georgia new 6s, 1889. 102*4 bid, 103J4 asked; Georgia new 4V£s, 1043 q bid, 10. > 1 \ asked; Ceor ;ia 7 jxsr cent** gold, quarterly coupons, 106 id, \o7% asked: Georgia 7 |>e” cent, coupons anuary and July, maturity 1896, 120 bid, 121 asked. Railroad Stocks— Central Common, 118 bid. 19 asked; Augusta ami Savannah 7 pier cent :uarant:vd, 132 bid, 133 asked; Georgia com noa, 190 bid, 198 asked; Southwestern 7 jier nt guaranteed, 12S*4 bid, 129 asked; (Vn ral 6 per cent certificates, lid, 101*4 asked; Atlanta and West Point rail <oad shock, 110 bid, 112 asked; Ulanta and West Point 6 per cent certificates, 03 bid. 104 asked , Railroad Bonds —Market quiet. Savannah. Pi >rida and Western Railway Company general U rtgar.* 6 percent interest, coupons October, •15 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first Hortgage consolidated 7 per cent. coup, ms fantiary and Julv, maturity 1897, 118 asked; Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cunt, •oupons January and July, maturity 1893, 109)4 lid, 110% asked; Georgia railroad 'is, 1897. 106 lid, 108 asked; Mobile and Girard second mort gage indorsed 8 per cent, coupons January and •uly, maturity 18H9. 102 bid, 101 asked; Mont pinery and Kufatila first mortgager* per cent, in lorsed by Central railroad. I(*6'4 oid.lo7)4asked; ierie tta and North G ‘orgia llrsi mortgage, 50 ’ears, 6 per cent, 99 bid, lOjVy asked; Char* Dtte, Columbia and Augusta iirfct irunt rage, 111 bid, 11214 asked: Ohar ttte, Columbia and Augusta second nortgnge, 111 bid. 112‘ u asked; Western Ala *ama second mortgage indorsed 8 per cent, 08 bid, 109 asked; South Georgia and Florida ndorsed, il.s bid, 120 asked; South Georgia and Florida second mortgage, ill hid, 116 asked; lugusta and Knoxville first mortgage 7 per ent, bid, 112 asked; Gainesville, Jefier on end Southern first mortgage guaranteed. 15)4 bid, asked; Gainesville, Jefferson •nd Southern not guaranteed, 113 ar.ked; >coan ShMiusbii* 6 per emit bonds, giiaran tih! by Central railroad, lo.'-'i bid, 103*4 asked: lainesvillo, Jefferson and Southern second aortgage guaranteed, 113 asked; Jolumbus and Romo first mortgage lx>nds. in iorsed by Central railroad. 105 bid, 100 asked; Jolumbtis and Western 6 per cent guaranteed. Whirl, ill asked; City and Suburban rail fli mort r • ■•• ; i*#•:• cent. 100 bl l, ilO nUed; Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Company, Ini bid, 107 asked. • Hunk shtcics —Nominal. Southern Bank of lie State of Georgia, 90U bid, 205 asked; Mt- Ii Hits' National Bank. 157 asked; H*i aim ih Bunk and Trust Company, 99 bid, I**l sited; National Bank of Savannah, 120 bid, 121 teked. Was Stocks— Savannah Gas Light stock, ex livldend. yo bid, 21 asked; Mutual Gas Light lock, 20 hid, 2:1 asked. Bacon—Market firm and advancing: demand pod; smoked clear rib sides, 9 shoulders, !'<*'•; dry sillied clear rib sides. 9c; long clear, b: shoulders, none; hams, 13c. Baooinq and Ties -Market riulet. We quote: fagginc 2*4 lbs, B>:i<ftSlsc; 2 lhs. ns, 7(.f,7* j<’, aceoniim to brain! and quantity, ltm ties’ Arrow and • rhe: brands. Si 00i>l 05 ler bundle, e*coroi;g to iiratid and quantity, lagging and ties In lr*ts •••. fraction higher. Bittek- Market oleomargarine. 14(*a be; clioieo Goshrn, lbc; gilt edge, 22c; cream ry. 24 (a 25c. < 'abiiace Northern. 10:7 12c. Cheese —Market nominal ;smnl! demand ;stock klit. We q uoto, 11< 3 15c. CoFKr.K -The market is firm We quote for riuill lots: Ordinary. ‘Jfie; fair, 21c; good, 2iysc; lioice, 22c; k Dhikij Fiiuit—Apples. c; loaches, j>eele(l, 19c; unpceled CUT" nuts. 7c; citron. 25c. , ' 1 >RY Goods —The market h firm; business fair. Ve quote: Prints. 4(0,6c; Georgia brown birting, 8-4, 4J4c; 7*B do, -1 bi-own sh*et tig. Of-jo; white osnaburgL B WtlOw chwks, yarns, 850 for best inakes; brown drill ttgi, 7(^7t<jc. Fioii—\\ o quote full weights; Mackerel No \ ,*;0..J0 o>; No. half barrels, nominal, 16 i)0(f/7 oo; No. 2. $7 Ik*; scaled, 25c; cod, . r ns e. t.or Market unsettled: demand mcxlerate. quote: Kxtru, J 4 (Xkft 1 10; fancy, .’‘l *>■" 10; choice patent, $5 ii), family, lf4 50 -, Fanx—Lemons—Market, advancing and do uind g(X)d. \W quote: $7 00f#i#H 00 Grain -Com—Market very firm; demand Iht. We quote; Wiilte Corn, job lots. r 2c; V lortit lota, (kV: mUci <orn. Job lota, 6fie; car td lot:*, ;>Bc. Oatd steady; demand good* vve q Mixed oots, 4cc; carloal lots. 40c. Bran, cl. w>. Meal, iiitc. Georgia grist, per sack, il 40; grist, jier bushel, 70c. Hay—Market very firm, with & fair demand; stock ample. We quote job lots: Western* vl 00; carload lots, 9uc. Eastern none. North ern none. Hides, Wool, Etc.—Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light: dry flint, 12c; salteil. lOe; dry butcher. Bc. Wool—Market weak and declining; prime in bales, 27*6c; burry, 10@l5e. Wax. m. fallow, 3• r k*. Deerskins, Hint, 20c; salted. lOe. Otter skins, 50(5,$ 1 00. Iron—Market firm; Swede, refined, 2-Kc. Lakh—Market is firm; in tierces T-hi; 50lb tins 7 ? >7e. Lime. Calcine Plaster and Cement— Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand, and is selling msl 30 per barrel; Georgia sl 30; calcined plas ter. 50 j>er barrel; hair 4e. Itosendale cement, bl 50; Portland cement S2 50. Liquors—Full stock; st*adv demand. Bc*ur bou. 50(17.5 50; rye. Si fX>@6 00; rectilitid. Si 35. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails—Market firm; fair demand. We quote: 3d. S3 90; 4d and sd, S3 25; od, $3 00. sd, &2 75; lOil to 61*1 1, $2 50 per keg. -Almonds, Tarragona, 18®20c; TviCiis, 17(f$l8c; walnuts, French. 12o; Naples, 16c; pe cans, 10c; Brazil. 10c; fillierts, 12c; cocounuts, Baracoa, S5 25 per k*o. Oils Market firm; demand good. Signal, 43c: West Virginia block, 9© 10c; lard, 60c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 10c; water white, neatsfoot, 62y/80, maciiinery, 25(.r,3V; linseed, raw, 32c; boiled, 55c; mineral seal, 16c; fireproof, 18c; bomelight, 18c. Unions—Bermuda, 60 |X'r crate; native, $1 00,,. l 25 per crate; Egyiitian, $2 75 per case. Potatoes -Long Island Rost*. $2 50(</ 2 75. Peas—Demand light: cow peas, mixed HV: clay, £1 1 15; sjH*ekled, Si black eye, $1 25<&'l 50; white crowder, $1 50 (& 1 75. Prunes- Turkish. 5 : French, Sc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel. $2 00: layers, $2 00 per box; Lon don layers. £2 25 per box. Salt- The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots. 60c fob; job lots, 75® 90c Shot—Drop, $1 40: buck. Si 65. Sugar— I The market is firm; Put loaf, 63£c; standard A, 6‘4c; extra rt, 5%e; C yellow, granulated. 6 ; Vy; powdered, 6 Syrup- Florida aud Georgia syrup, 40(<7,45c; the market is quiet for sugarfiouse at 35(e.10c; Cuba straight goods, 28c in hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c. Tobacco—Market dull; demand moderate. We quote: Smoking, 25C/,sl 25; chewing, eoni mon, sound, fair, 30v.:)5c: inehum, 38 <o>soc; bright, 500.75 c; fine fancy. 85090 c; extra fine, 9Ocosl 10; bright navies, 450,75 c; dark navies, 400,50 c. Lumber—The demand from the West is quiet, owing to fear of effect of interstahi commerce bill: coastwise and foreign inquiry is only fairly active. Prices for average schedules are firm at quotations: W’e quote, tob: Ordinary sizos sl3 50017 00 Ditlleult sizes 16 o*.-21 50 Flooring boards 16 000.20 50 Ship* t uff 18 50§ 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00011 00 800 ** 10 OQCu'-ll 00 900 “ “ 11 (K) 1,090 “ “ 12 00<&!4 00 Shipping timlier in the raft -700 feet average $ 6 800 ** 7 900 “ “ 8 OOto, 900 1,000 “ 9 004.10 00 31111 timber Si below thc'tk*. figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail—The market is very dull and unchanged. It is, however, bare of tonnage; but one arrival this week. Freight limits are from S3 00 to $6 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia, New York, Sound pnrts and eastward. Timber, 50c-7/,sl 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and wind ward, n niiinal; to South America, Si 3 (X);h 14 00; to Spanish and 3b*diterranian ports, sll 00v£ 12 00; to United Kingdom for orders, timlier, lumber, 133 15s. Steam- To New York, S7 X); to Philadelphia, j>7 to Boston, $9 00. Naval Stores—Firm hut nominal, owing to the si ircitA of vessels. Foreign Cork, etc., for orders, 2s 10*r4d, and, or. 4s lHjd; Adriatic, rosin, 3s; Genoa, rosin, 2s Coastvyise Steam— To Boston, hoc, 011 rosin. OOon spirits; to New York, rosin 50c, spirits, 80c; to Philadelphia, rosin, 30c, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin, 30c, spirits 70c. Coastwise, two or three cargoes of fering by sail. Cotton —By Steam—The market is nominal. Liverpool via New York lb 3-ltkl Liverpool via Baltimore r*lb ••• 8-16d Antwerp via New Yrk '(■* 'qd Havre via New York *4 tt 9-lte Havre via Baltimore 66c Bremen via New York %)fi> 11-16 c Reval via Ne w York 11-32tl Bremen via Baltimore $ lb %c Amsterdam via New York 65c Amsterdam via Balttinore 61c Genoa via New York !b %and Boston bale 135 Sea island bale 1 75 New York W halo. 1 35 Sea Island y bale 1 75 Philadelphia bale 135 Sea island v bale 1 75 Baltimore bale 1 25 Providence 'J bale 1 50 Rick—By steam— New York V barrel.. CO Philadelphia $* barrel 6t‘ Baltimore D bari*el 60 Boston *(p barrel CO Vkuetablf.k -Bv Steam ißy special contract) To New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Balti more, standard crab's, 2e *; barrels 10c. With out the contract, crates 35e; barrels 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls # pair $ 65 (fy, 80 Chickens, to ingrown 40 (& 60 Springers. .. . 25 40 Ducks pair 50 (<t 75 Geese $ pair 75 (X) Turkeys pail* •1 25 ui -2 00 Eggs, country, dozen Peanuts-—Fancy h. p. Va. y dj) 7V^ Peanut s liana picked lb (ft, 6*^ Peanuts- Ga. nominal. 75 fe 90 Bwect potatoes, ye!, reds hush. 50 (J 60 Sweet potatoes, yel.yams ri bush. 65 (g. 75 Sweet f>ot*s, white yams bushel 40 50 Poultry -Market steady; receipts heavy; demand light for grown; half to three-quarter grown in good request. Eoos—3lurket steady, with a good demand and scarce. Peanuts— Fair stoi’k; demand moderate; market ad vancing and higher prices predicted. Sugar—-Georgia and Florida, nominal; none in market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. MARKETS BY TELEGKAPII, FINANCIAf- New York, July 28, noon .—Stocks quiet but steady. Money easy at 475 per cent. Exchange - long $4 824. pi", t 8,(, short $4 Nsu,f■/ I 3th. State Kinds neglected. Government"bomlii dull but steady. s:ou p. m. -Exchange dull but steady at f4 83Mj <T( 4 83Uj. Money easy at B<nH.4 p:*r cent., olos lng offered :d 2. Sub-Treaauiy balances Gold, SPB.'.iiis.rtiO; currency, 812,v:<9,utw. Government bonds dull out steady; four per cents 127 ti: four ami a half per cents State bonds dull but steady. There was n radical change in the temper of stock speculation to-day. and mos' of yenter line's i,. ses were regained. Prices were on a higher plane throughout, und while first print s were jteii'-raily the lowest recorded, the la-st II . were reached In the last half hour. Yesterday :: feverishness and irregularity con tinued to prevail during the forenoon, bub a do cidedly strong tone marked t e dealings oi the remainder of t e day. There wr.s very little news of a character to affect values, hut that i-i'ivpe 1 was of a fftvorublc character. A more pr* mot disposition t> buy became promi mnteaily in tli • day and niei with but little re sißianee, which wa: almost wholly withdraw n ton awl the dose. London bought stocks, and most ot tlie sellers of yesterday were liuyers to and .y. covering of nliorfs licitig very extensive, altlioiigil oiilstanding short interest is still very liiive. Rumors that two of the most influential oiierutnra were buying obtained credence, and fix,m buying in Ro ding and New Jersey Central it was believed ti af tie clique had come to the support of those stocks, lint active stocks show hut slight gains over i js'iiing figures. There was v ry little special feature in the market, which wns unusually iinilorin in Its movements. The i petting wo strong and active at advanot which extended to per cent., but great fever ishuess aud irregularity was deve|,,|ssl. with a geie i'iUly heavy tone, which l"- nne weakdur log tlm llrsi liotir; hut the market soon gathered strength, mid by noon was generally ut nlseit the opening ligutv. Tin .'o wus a marked de cress" in the amount of business after that lime, hut prices slowly advanced, subject to several unimportant setbacks. More jiosltlve strength was shown in the lust hour, and the close .wap strong at the liest tiguivs r e ndesland with Hie list all higher. To day's business was Tis.nini sharca The tulloiviiig were the closing quotations: Ala. class A,* to 5.100 New Orleans Ta- Ala. class B. 5s 11I'4 cllio. Ist inert.. 81 t ieorglo 7s, inort.. 108 tN. Y Central ...108 N. Carolina fis 121 Norf. A \V. pref. 43)(j N. Carolina 4s 90'4 Nor. Pacific. ... 33's Sii (lorn. (Browu) " prof... ftOjn consols 105 Pacific Mail 40W TennesseeC'4 ..... 70 Reading u-Tk Virginia Os *4B Richmond ft Ale.. 3 Vu consolidated. ”54 Richmond A DanvUiO ClTieakeA Ohio, fi Richm'd ft W. Pt. Chic. A Noi 4*4 Terminal 29% o preferred. ..14ti Rock Island ..128)44 Dell., Lack A VV. 131)4 St Paul ....... 81 Erie Offii preferred .118 East Tennessee, Texas Pacific .... 2>-'s lIIE MUKJNINUr NEWS: FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1887. Lake Shore 93% Union Pacific 54% L'ville & Nash. 01% N. J. Central 77% Memphis A Char. 47 Missouri Pacific .. 100 Mobile £ Ohio. .. 13% Western Union... 74Vi Nash. & Chatt'a.. 78% Cotto'nOilTrust cor 35% •Asked. tßki. COTTON. Liverpool, July 28, 12:30 p. m.—Cotton steady and in fair demand; middling uplands 5 9-10d, middling Orleans 5 0 Hid; sales 10.000 bales, for speculation and export I,l*oo bales; receipts 0,000 bales—American HU). Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, July and August delivery 5 34-G4d; August and Sep tember 5 33-64<i; September and (*ctol*T 5 21-0 Id: OctolK*r and November 5 13-04d. also 5 12-0-Id; November and December 5 10-0 Id: December and January 5 9-G4d; Septejpber 5 35-Old. Mar ket quiet. 2 p. m.—The sales to-day included 8,200 bales of American. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, July delivery 5 34-Old, sellers: July and August 5 34 Old, buyers: August and September 5 31 -Old, buyers; September and October 5 19-04d. sellers; October aud November 5 11-64*1. sellei*s: Novem her and December f 9-64<1, sol lei's; lHvember and January 5 8-64d, sellers: January and Feb ruary 5 8-*)ld, sellers;September 5 31 04d,buyers. Market easy. Good middling uplands 5 11-lCd, middling up lands uplands 5 9-ltkl, low middling uplands 5 7-l Gd. good ordinary uplands 5 3 10d. ordinary uplands 4 13- 16*J; good middling Texas 5 IJ-lGd. middling Texas 5 9-l Gd. low middling Texas 5 7-lOd, good ordinary Texas 5 3-lod, onlinarv Texas 4 13-1 fid; good middling Orleans 5 11-10x1, middling Orleans 5 9-l6d, low middling Orleans 6 7-lOd, good ordinary Orleans 5 3 lOd, ordinary Orleans 4 18*1 (id. 4 p. m.—-Futures: Uplands, low middling clause, July delivery 5 34-04d, sellers; July and August 5 33-04(1, sellers: August and September 5 32-04d, sellers; September and October 5 19-Old. value; October and November 5 10-G4d. buyers; November aud December 5 8-64d, buyers; De cember and January 5 7-04d, buyers; September 5 32-64d. sellers. Market closed steady. Nkw York, July 28, noon.—Cotton opened firm; middling uplands middling Orleans 10%o: sales 160 bales. Futures —Market opened steady, with sales as follows; July delivery 10 21c, August 10 24c. September 9 ,:ic, October 9 35c, November 9 30c, December 9 30c. s:oop.m.—Market closed quiet: middling up lands io%c, middling Orleans 10%c; sales to-day 100 bales. Futures—Market closed weak, with sales of 10,080 bales, as follows: July delivery 10 30(?& 10 35c, August l‘> Xu- 10 23c, September 9 40<& 9 41c. October 9 25@9 20c, November 9 20(,/)9 31e. December 9 20t : 9 21c, January 9 21c, Feb ruary 9 29(1?,. 9 30c, March 9 3009 87c. Green & Cos. s report on cotton futures .says: “On old crop the cotton market lias shown quite an irregular tone, involving an advance of 10 points and a subsequent complete ii‘action, closing at a fraction under last evening and weak. The early stimulus seemed to be due to a rather sharp demand to cover, but as soon as buyers were satisfied ail support disappeared and there see.ned to l*e effort on the part of those credited with manipulating that month, to encourage short sales on new crop. The tone was generally tame, and after temporary firm ness. ou an attempt to frighten shorts, the mar ket began to settle off, and continued weak dur ing the balance of the day, with a loss of 809 p lints, from which there w s no recovery. At the decline, however, some of the larger houses were quietly having." Galveston, July 23.—Cotton quiet; middling 9Uc; net receipts 10 bales, gross 10; sales bales: stock l,3s(i4ba!es. Norfolk, July 28.—Cotton steady; middling 10%e; net receipts none, gross none; sales 8 bales: stock 2,551 bales. Baltimore, July 2b— Cotton nominal: middling lie; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 472 bales. Boston. July 28.— Cotton steady; middling 10%c; net receipts none, gross 17 bales; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, July 28. Cotton nominal; mid dling 10%c; net receipts none, gross none; sales none: stock 587 bales. Philadelphia. July 88.—Cotton steady; mid dling 10%c; net receipts 9, gross 2,324; stock 16.500 bales. New Orleans, July 28.—Cotton dull; mid dling 9 9-lGc ; net receipts 7 bales, gross 7: sales 15 bales; stock 44,302 oaies; exports coastwise 1,974 bales. Mobile, July 28.—Cotton nominal; middling %c; net receipts 4 bales, gross 4; sales none; stock 320 bale . Memphis, July 28.—Cotton dull; middling 10c; receipts 7 bales: shipments 10 bales; sales none; stock 6,013 i ale>\ AruvsTA. July 28.—Cotton (lull and nominal; middling los ; ,e; receipts 25 bales: sales none. Charleston, July 28.—Cotton quiet: middling 10%c; net receipts 102 bales, gross 102; sales none; stock NSO bales. Atlanta, July 28.—Cotton—middling 10%c; receipts none. New York, July 28.—Consolidated net receipts for all Cotton ports to-day 138 bales; exports, to Great Britain 1,795 bales, to the continent 750 bales; stock at all American ports 189,770 bales. PROVISIONS. OROCEKIES, ETC. Liverpool, July 88, 18:80 p.m.—Wheat quiet; demand pom-; holders offer freely. Corn steady; demand poor. Pork, prime mess 71s. Lanl, prime Western 34s 3d. New York, July 2S, noon. —rlour dull and heavy Wheat lower. Corn lower. Pork steady: mess $l6 25(<|16 7a. Lard dull at $6 90. Cud mess pork steady at $l5 25® 15 75. Freights steady. 5:00 p. m.—Flour, Southern steady and mode rately active. Wheat %(3.1c and option %:c, r 'v' lower. closing steadier, with decline partly re covered; No. 8 red. duly delivery 79%c, Bepterri ber 81-sC. closing 81!-ic. Corn-No. 2, July de livery !tap:, Sep:ember l(i 1 (M'elO 11-l Cc. Oats— mixed a shade higher, options %<ff;kic better; No. 2. 38c: mixed Western 31®Slie; No. 2, July delivery 82%<?(33%e; August SOHsCd 20%e. Hops quiet and unchanged. Coffee, fair Rio. spot nominal at 20c; No. 7 Rio, July delivery 17 too. August delivery 17 K9@tl~ 85c, September is 00 (ffctsi’e. Sugar quiet and unchanged Molasses nominal. Cottonseed oil quoted at 27<g;3i V- for crude, 41%c fur refined. Hides steady. Wool unchanged. Pork in light request; mess $l5 IB for old, $l6 8.V5. Hi 75 for new. Beef dull. Middles dull. Lard a shade lower and dull; Western steam, on spot $6 90. August delivery $5 87(8(0 91, September $0 9®7 00. Freights duU. C'hicaoo, July 28.—When trading began in tlie wheal pit to day there wasu general rush to sell the cereal, and for a few minutes it seemed as though everybody bad some to dispose of. Septeuilier started at and fell steadily to 70wc. This deellne of over a half cent made the feeling rather weak. A in nit 1,000,000 bushels is said to have been sold lor several prominent local operators. The crowd became a liberal buyer at the break, and September moved up to lie, tbeu steadied down. The last half hour wasaetive. with the market firm. September closed at TO-kjc. Coni opened quiet at 38U,;< tissue for isfffitember. Trading was not large enough to attract nnich attention. The prin cipal influences, however, were on the bull side, and prices gained about by September reached :).l%c. Advices from various i>• >ints i;i the coni belt r qioi-ted drought unbroken and the growing crop injured. in consequence prices were held fairly linn, und September closed at 39c. (tats received but little attention from opefators to-fluy. und nothing of special importance wu : dcvi-tupcd. Scptemlicr op-ii'-d unchanged at B'rjiic, sold down to sß%c, and closed at opening llgnres. Provisions were quiet ami prices without niutcriiil change Receipts of hogs wen- light mid prices u trifle better. Short ribs were the favorite, hut prices only fluctuated Boil be. and rinsed a trifle loner than yesterday. A fair shipping demand existed, und aUU.htm pounds cnsli were taken on private terms, making nearly pounds tuken fi r shipment this week. September . old at sBrtf.* 8 05. and cleM-l.nt $M 05. igird w-.t ntii.*t, and is being absorbed by big packers. September sold at $0 07%4(8 70. Pork inactive and nominal. Cash quotations to-day ruled as follows: l-loui in fsir local Inquiry; prices steady and mV changed. Wheat, No. 2 spring ''•B3.jn7ii.ic; No. 3 spring No 8 red 71 Us-. Corn, No. 8, Ss(,c. Oats, No. 8. Bby vices |sa*k #t;. Igtrd. per mu lt.s, $0 57%(p 6 iKI. Short rib sides, loose, $! 95 it s (V. Dry suited shoulders, lioxcd, $5 so: t. 5 ye; short clear uideu, boxed, $8 35® H 40. Whisky $1 10. Leading lutures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat— July delivery— 69 69% 69% August delivery. 09 69% 09% Sept. delivery... 70% Cons July delivery. 37fe 38% 38% August delivery. 37% 5 i>s 38*4 Sept, delivery. . 38% 39% £!!•% t latm - July delivery— 2*% 21% 21% August delivery. 24U .... .... Sept, delivery... 85% .... .... Mess Pork — Year... $ll 20 $ ... $ Ltnh— July delivery.. $0 60 $6 60 $6 57% August delivery. C 60 C tX) 0 55% Sept, delivery.... 0 70 0 1 0 0 67% Short Rum— July delivery $7 95 $7 07% $7 95 August delivery, 7 95 7 97 % 7 95 Sept, delivery... H 06 8 07% H 05 Baltimore, July 28. Flour Ortte-r In tone; Howard street and Western superfine $2 33® 2 90, extra $3 001x3 75. family $5 NV.r4 kI, city mills su|H-r'tne >8 30®3 tin, extra $3 258(375; Rio brands $4 87®4 09. Wheat-Southern firm and active tor best grades; rial 7965 H8c; atnbcr 816cS3e; Western lower but active; No. 2 winter red, on S|s.t 73M®7K%c. Com—Southern dull and nominal; white 514(580, yellow 47®48e; Western dull. St. Lotus. July 28.—Flour quiet but steady. Wheat Heavy; closed -KA%O loner than ye ter dav: No v i-d. cnh TI'LC: July delivery 70!6 (ftTOUc; September closed at 72c. Corn higher; cash R4%c, August delivery &4vi24%e, September 85(&359£c, closed 35We (.‘fitseasy but dull: cash 28%e, July delivery 23j%c. Sep tember delivery 21%c. Whisky steady at §1 05. Provisions steady. Cincinnati, Julv 28.—Flour in fair demand. Wheat steady: No. 2 red 72c. Corn steady; No. 2 mixed 41W012C. Oaks active and firm; No. 2 mixed, 20%- 27c. Provisions—Pork quiet at $l5 SP. Lard firm at $0 85. Bulk meats steady and unelinnged. Bacon steady and un changed. Whisky $1 05. Hogs weak; common and light $4 2505 25, packing aud butchers $4 90 <&5 25. Louisville. July 28. —Grain quiet. Wheat —No. 2 rod. 70c. Corn- No. 2mixod4oo. Cats —No. 2. 30(/l3O%c. Provisions: B.u on clear rib sides *9 25, clear sides $9 50, shoulders so*s. Bulk meats -clear rib sides $s 50. clear eider. $8 80%; shoulders $6 00. Mess pork noiniiml. Hams" sugar-cured firm at 11)4012. lard, choice leaf $B. New Orleans, Julv 28.—Coffee dull. Cot ton seed products dulf. Sugar quiet; Louisiana open keulc. good lair 5%e; centrifugnls, choice yellow elarirted 0 3-10 c, prime ditto-ic. Molas ses steady; Louisiana centrifugals, strictly prime to fancy 28(5 33c, fair to good prime 22(0,250. NAVAL STORES. London. July 28.—Spirits turpentine 25s Cd. New York, Julv 28. noon. Spirits t:irper.tipo dull at 31 e. Rosin dull at $1 ■*(?/ l 10. 5:00 p. in.—Rosin dull at §1 10. Turpentine steady at 31 %e. Charleston. July 28. -Spirits turpentine steady at 28%c. Kosin steady; good strained 90c. Wilmington, July 28.—Spirits turpentine firm, 28c bid. Kosin dull; strained 80e. good strained 85c. Tar steady at $l 30 Crude tur j*cntine firm; hard $1 10, yellow dip $1 bO; virgiu $1 80. ItICE. New York. July 28.— Rice quiet but steady. New Orleans, July 23. —Rice unchanged. SHIPPING l V t LUG! M U. MINIATURE'ALMANAC--THIS DAY. Sun Rises 5:16 Sun Sets 6:50 High Water at Savannah 3:00 a m. 3:54 r m Friday, July 29, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Dessoug, Ilowes, Philadelphia C G Anderson. Steamship Wm Crane, Billups, Baltimore Jas B West & C >. Steamer Seminole, Strobhar. Beaufort, Port Royal ami Blulfton—H A Strobhar, Manager. ARRIVED BELOW YESTERDAY. Bark Tekuuach (Nor), Hardy, Liverpool, with cotton tics to C R R Agent; vessel to A R Salas & Cos. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Gate City, Taylor, Boston—C GAu dersou. Agent. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ethel, Gibson, Cohen's Bluff and way landings—W T Gibson, Manager. Steamer Grace Pitt. Willetts, Beaufort, Port Royal and Blufft on—Master. Steamer Seminole, Strobhar, Beaufort, Port . Royal and Blufftou—H A Strobhar, Manager. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Gate City, Boston. Bark LiU'rtas (Rue), Riga. Sc hr Annie C Grace, Philadelphia. MEMORANDA. New York. July 27—Arrived, schr Nellie Floyd, Johnson, Georgetown, S C. Cleared, schr Thus P Bull, Johnson, Foman dina. Aberdeen. July 24—Arrived, bark Othello (Ger). Miedbrodt, Savannah. Bristol, July 25- Arrived, steamship Mahara ;aii (Brl. Ainslie, Port Royal, S C. Bilbao, July 22—Sailed, brig Woodland (Nor), Laraage, Brunswick. Genoa, July 24—Arrived, bark Unione P (Ital), Porcella, Pensacola. London, July 20—Arrived, steamship Hen rietta H ißr), Vous, Coosaw. Plymouth, July 25—Arrived, bark Augusta (Sw), Meyer, Brunswick. Rotterdam, July 25—Arrived, hark Skein (Nor), Audronssen, Pensacola. Nassau, June 80—Arrived, schr Goodwill (Br), Sweeting. Key West. North Sydney. July 22—Cleared, steamship Kate Fawcett (Br), Young, from Coosaw for Igjndon. Bath. Me, July 20—Arrived, schr Satilla, Skol field, Darien. Snii ). schrs june Bright. Bartel". Savannah; Samos, Smith, aud Lizzie, Wreson, fora South ern port. Darien, July 25—Arrived, steamship Tona wanda, Brickloy, New York. Georgetown, S C. July 24—Arrived, schrCirace Gower, Wilson, New York. Sailed, schr Waccamaw, Squires, New Y r ork. Pensacola, July 35- Cleared, barks India (Nor), Larsen, Buenos Ayres; Nile (llul), Ferrare, Sharpness; Virginia (Itul), Schlaftino, Dublin; schr Helen L Martin, Fountain, Boston; 20th, barks Able (Nor), Olsen. Rosario; (fjord (Nun, Lanseth, Bordeaux; Sei Amici (Ital), Garibaldi, Genoa ; schr Two Friends, Key West. Philadelphia, July 20—Cleared, sehr Grace Bradley, Mclntyre, Savannah. St Augustine, July 20— Arrived, sebrs Flora Condon, French, wiscasset, Me; Amelia P Schmidt, Pashley, New York. Fernundina, July 2S —Arrived, bark T Hornet (Brl, T< .If >t'd, Bermuda. New York, July 28-Arrived out, steamship Saaie, from New York for Bremen. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savannah Railwav, July 1 28—37 head cattle, 145 caddies tobacco, 4fi boxes tobacco, 100 one-eiglitb boxes tobacco, loti half caddies tobacco, 1 ease smoking tobacco, 23 half I nixes tobacco, l bale wool, l ear blocks, I trunk, 4 cars clay, 9 hales waste, fi bbls rice, M sashes, ti oil boxes, and mdse. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway, July 28—1.197 bids rosin. Kl 9 bhls spirits turpen tine, 13 cars lumber. 13 cars crossties, 1 car coal, 3 cars wood, 10 bales hides, 9 bales woo!. 423 bags meal, 5 cars pig iron, 1 ear staves, 3 bbls mint, 25 cases matches, 10 kegs paint, 15 boxes brick, 10 boxes tobacco. 10 half bbls whisky, 21) kegs beer, 5 bales moss, 10 bdls paper, 10 top files, fi bdls furniture, 20 pkzs mdoe. 19 boxes vegeta bles. 39 bbls vesvetnbles, and mdse. Per Central Railroad. July 29—44) bales yarn, slAales domestics. 12 (Miles plaids. 4 bales w 001, lllliles bides. 3 pkgs leather, 2,903 lbs boeon. 57 bids spirits turpentine. 194 pkgs tobacco, 23,930 lbs meal, 177 bbls rosin. 2,15(5 lbs fruit, 29 eases eggs, (56 bbls cotton seed oil, 85 pkgs bard wore. •1 ear machinery. Scant coal, 7 cars melons, 17 bbls whisky, 81 pkgs furniture, 9 bbls flour. 1,683 lbs flour, 15 ears luinberyl ear wood in sliai-e, 14 cars wood. Sii pkgs wood iii shape, 43 pkgs mdse, 90 tons pig Iron, il bbls heeswux, 7 pkgs empties, 10 pkgs carriage maUTial, 17 pkgs brooms, 25 bales paper stock. EXPORTS. Per steamship Gate Cit y, for Boston—so bales wool. -'44 Imilcs doll.estieu and yarns. 80 i bis rice, 351 bbls I'l.'-ei. 301 bi>ls spirits turp* dime. 175,0ut feet luinls r, 50 Imle.- bides. 194 tons pig iron, 131 crates jssars, 3,390 melons, 500 pkgs mdse. PASSENGERS. Ter steamship Wm Crane, from Baltimore-- .Miss Celia Birch. E Stern. C 11 dVhttahcr. Per steamship Oat I .* City, for Bouton Mrs T P Cater, Mrs Lint'.u Stephens. L M Warfield, 5 T Wulker, Mrs M C Coisuck. E French ami son, )Ii ;s Georgia Burrell, Mrs llornor, Mr and Mrs T II 16 nine. F M Sloarie, I! c Rieliardwin, A A Robinson, (i M Tiffany. C O Gassett, O C liar vey, J A M Varnuni, F Jordan, H (' Iti-dltsii. Ii W Jordan and wife, Mr and Mrs C J Eaton, t. V. Jones, 8 G Walker, W II Hughes, J A Robinson. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Railwav. July 28 MeMiei tilh, II Myers & lir,s. sir Bout well, flmltb BroA Cos, M MendelA Bro, I M L-. M ijisky, Roy Myers A Cos. 11 Solomou A Son, A B ilull. All's II Pillules. Ik-ndlclm Bros & Cos, S Guekenlielmer A Son. J S W ood A Bro. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway. July 28— Transfer Office, Leo Roy My rs A < to, J F Limb, McDonough A Cos, J I* W ilburns A Cos, Bacon, J A Cos. Dal". D A Cos. Stillwell, p A M, Smith Bros A Cos, MFerst&Co, Kay A O, J U Kinon, ii Myers A Bros, J(' Thomp- ti, (‘ lieu J. M Y Umidersoii. Byek A S. Lindsay .V M, A Hanley. Lilb nthal A Sou. \.l Milii rA Cos, M Mendel A Bro. Fret well A N, GniliamA (I. J II lawzon. 0. o xi, A Ehrlieh A lir*. F.ilis. V A Cos, Ii Solomon A Son. A L'tfie;-. c I, Jones, l,ipl>man Bah, iqistein A W, J p V/iiliarn* A Cos, lleadhi-im Br-'S ,5. Cos, Baldwin .V Cos, W ( ,TueL soil. PeaeoOk, II A Cos, W W Gordon A Cos, W W Chisholm. Per Central Railroad. Jnlv 29 -Ford? Agt. Vale Royal Mfg t 'o, Mt( li ik'-r, Oil Cos. A It Hull. Frank A Cos, (4 Eukstelu ft Cos, L i’lit zel. M Holey A Son, A Hanley, Stillwell, Pft "T. (' K Htults. M l end ft Cu, Lippmar i(r ,-. Kay & O, It J Cubtaelge, MeDouougli A Co.ft ii Carson, Baldwin A Cos, J P Williams A 00, I) D Anhtn, Peacock, II ACo. CM Glibertft Cos. ./ If Hedor, .1 (' Tliotnp oil. G W Tie demon. J S Collian A Cos, S Cohen, E leivell A Son, L-e Roy Myers ft Cos, Mohr Bros. (' \ Kobbe, J S Wood a Bro, Hei ms AJ, M Y Henderson, Itieser A Frank U Cos, Weed AC, 1 Epats-ln A Bro, S Guekcuhcimer A Son. Per steamship Deaaoug, from Flnladeloblo- A K Altuuiyer A Cos. Arkwright Cotton Mills, L K. Bvek A Son, Blodgett, M it Cos, Cofrode A 8, Byek a S. () Butler, ’ A H Champion. DimuiWi Bros, c H Curson, City A Sub Ry, Davis Bros, J Cohen, M J Dojde. I Dauber A Cos, J K Eaaon, Evkman A V, I K|*'eiu A Bro, (i F>tlo|kau A Cos, D L Einstein A 00. Frank A On. M Feral A 00, FL’Uhtr Bros. I Fr-id. Kretwell ft N. J Uarxiurr, E O Gleason, Graham & 11, C M Gillvert & Cos, G C Gemunden. G A Gemunden, I. J Gazan, Orady, li -1. A Cos, A llauley. A B Hull, Charles Hetterleh, Hirseb Bros, D Hogan, Jacob Kohn, C Kolshorn ‘V Bro, E Lovell Jt Son, Lovell <fc L, N Lang, Lloyd & A, Lindsay & M, 1) II Lester, Lipptnan Bros, J F LaPor, ! ziun-’y A G, II H Livingston, McDonough A B, A .1 Miller A Cos. I. A McCarthy, J McGrath A Cos, Rl> MeDouell, Lee Roy Myers A Cos, W 11 Moll A Cos, k IVcoek, J G Nelson A Cos, .Tno Nicolson Jr. T J O'Brien, Order 11,1 Thoniasson, Palmer Bros, Savannah Cottou Press Ass n, Pearson A S. S, F A 'V By, Propellor Toiv Boat Cos, .1 J Sullivan, Savannah Steam Bakery, J S Silva A Son. Savannah Times Ibih o v I'Smyth. Jno Sullivan, Slater. M A Cos, J T Sliuptriuo A Bro, J \V Tynan, D SVeisbein, P Tulvmy. Weed A 0, \\ ylly A C, Tledemau A Son, Gu A Fla 1 S B Cos, Southern Kx Cos. Advice to Mothers. Mis. Winslow’s Soothim- Syrup should always Bo nstxl when ohildrou are cutting teeth, [t idi voa tlio little suffer at once; it produce; rmtnrnl, quiet sleep by relieving the child from lxtiu and tile little clieruh nwnltes as ‘‘bright its a Imtto.i." It is ven pleasant to t-nsto. It soothes tlio child, noltotis the gums, allays all pain, re lievo:; wind, regulates tlio boivels, and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising front teething or other causes. 2j cents u bottle, BROKERS. NOW—THE TIME TO SemF \CTTVE fluctuations in tho Market offer ojv portuuittos to swvulntors to make mom\v in drain, Stocks, Honan and lVtrolouiu. Prompt personal attention given to orders received l>v win* or mail. ronvspondentv solleittMi. Full information about tin* markots in our book, which will lo forwarded five on application. 11. 1). KYLE, Banker and 1-rokor, 38 Broad and .’ld New Sts. Now York Pity. 17 l. hartridge, SECURITY BROKER. I)UYS AND SELLS on commission all classes > of Stock a and Bonds. Negotiates loans on marketable securities. Now York uuotat 10114^’ tiniishod by private ticker every fifteen iniiimos. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. rt’ifVflNO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., Brokers. | YKDEKS EXECUTED on the New York, Clil- V t cago and Liverpool Exchanges. ill COMMERCIAL BUILDING. It VN ICS. KISS? MME E Cl TV B ANK, Kissimmee City, Orango County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - $50,000 r T a regular banking business. (Jive 1 |>ailUMilar attention to Florida collections Correspondence solicited. Issue Exchange on New York, New Orleans, Savannah and Jack sonville, iTa. Resident Agents for Ccnitts \ Cos. and Melville, Evans .A Cos., of Jjondon, England. Now York correspondent: Tho Seaboard National Bank. RUTTER. BEST” Table Batter ONLY 25c. per lb. m\m )m olliilLoo Muu.j 22 and 22 1-2 Barnard St. PAINTS AND OILS. JOHN Gr. BUTLER, YUTHITE I.EADS, COLORS, OILS, GLASS, W VARNISH, ETC.: HEADY MIXED PAINTS: RAILROAD, STEAMER AND 31ILI, SUPPLIES, SASHES, POORS, BLINDS AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Sols Agent for GEORGIA LIME, CALCINED PLASTER, CE MENT, HAIR and LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia. 1865. CHIUS. XUBFBY, 1565. House, Sign and Ornamental Painting I EXECUTED NEATLY anil with dispatch. j p.untK. Oil*, Vai fiishi::. Brushes, Window Glasses, etc., etc. Estimates furnished onup plication. CORNER CONGRESS AND DRAYTON STS., Rear of Christ Church. GRAIN ANII PROVISIONS. ZE3. HULL, Wholesale Grocer, Flour, Ray, Grain aud Provision Dealer. ]NREf:I! MEAL and GRITS In white racks. * Mdl stuff ..f all kinds always on hand. Georgia raised SPANISH PEANUTS, also PEAS: every variety. SjMciul price - ear load lots HAY' and GRAIN. Prompt attention given all orders and satis faction guaranteed. OFFICE, R3 BAY. WAREHOUSE, No I WADLEY STREET, on lino Central Railroad. COMM ISSION Mi:i(( HANTS. Id VE/IRS fcSTAm.AIiEII, G. iS. PALMER. Wholesale Commission Merchant. SOUTHERN PRODUCE A SPECIALTY. ]<>G Kcuile (Strvrot, New York. Consi.rnrrviitK solicited and returns mono prompt ly. Stencils and Market reports turn lulled on application. Kz.i Kin si rs: Chatham National Hank. Tliur- Irr, Whyland & Cos. New York. Also. Banks and rsuiiilWr'd Produce .Merchant* of Now York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and llouton. TOILET Alt l It LEH. Fine Bath and Toilet Sponges, Flesh Brushes and Toilet Requisites, —at— BUTLER'S PHARMACY, Cor. Bull nnrt Congrovi Mrivt*. IKON PIPJE. PiDiiTLESS IRON PIPE. KyUAL TO GALVANIZED PIPE, AT MUCH LESS PRICK. Weed & Cornwell. NUKBKKY. KIESLING’S NURSERY, White I’.i.hi Road. OLANTH. DOUyUErS, DESIGNS. CUT A FLOWERS furntHlrxl to order. Is-ave or der* f‘l DAVIS BROS.', Oot i trv Bull aud York lUcSk TrWpbOu* call Jag IRON WORKS. KEHOE’S IRON WORKS; Broughton Street, from Reynolds to Randolph Streets, Sa-vannali, - - Georgia. CASTING OP ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THE RAPIDLY IN( DEM AND FOR OUR SUGAR MIKLS AND PANS Wf a | ]r AS induced ais to manufacture them on a mom extensive scale than AjMS J 1 ever To that end n.> piiiu ;or expense has liecn spared to maintain Vi their HIGH STAN AHD OF EXCELLENCE. These [ills are of the BP T .V UTERI Al. AND WORKMANSHIP. with Ba heavy WROUGHT IRON SHAFTS (made long to prevent danger to tha u opt catori. and rollers of the host charcoal pig iron, all turned uptrue. S™ They ar" heavy, strong and durable, run light and oven, aud am guaraa -1 eetf capable of grinding tho heaviest fully matured VII our Mills are fnllv war r mted for one year. on. Pans being cast, with the bottoms down. 1 hisses; smoothness, durability and uniformity of W.aKPSSW 11 i ~i;es-, FAR SUPERB Hi TO THOSE MADE IN H iving unsuri>a.Hsed facility, WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Stock Always on Hand for Prompt Delivery. Wm. Keli oe <fe Cos. N. B.—The name “ KEHOE'S IRON WORKS,' is cast on all our Mills aud Pans. DOWNTHEYGU MATTINGS AT REDUCED PRICES AT LINDSAY &. MORGAN’S. I N order to clofw* out our Bummer Stm*k wo aiv wlUdlc STRAW M ATTING AT VERY LOW I>KU IS. MOSQUITO NETS, ULi TUGEK.vTOK.-l, BABY CARRIAGES, and all other season able tfoods MARKED DOWN TO PANIC PRICES. BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS at NINETY CENTS A YARD. Rheumatism and Neuralgia Kept Off by Using Glass Bed Rollers, Our General Stock is Complete. Call on us Early, LINDSAY & MORGAN. 109 and 171 Prouprhton Rtroet, , FURNISHING GOODS. Straw Hats! CHEAP STRAW HATS! All our MACKINAWS reduced to closo out. WHITE AND FANCY PIQUE SCARFS, 25c. PER DOZEN. Unbleached anil Fancy Hall' ike at 25c. Pair. Now is the Tima to Buy. An elegant line of BALRHIGGAN and LISLE THREAD UNDERWEAR and HALF HOSE. JEANS DRAWERS and GAUZE DRAWERS, all nizes. NIGHT SHIRTS, Plain and Fancy. HAMMOCKS, with Stretchers, for comfort. CHINESE, CORK HELMETS and BARK HATS. SEN UMBRELLAS, GINGHAM and SILK UMBRELLAS, and the GLORIA CLOTH that wears so well. All sizes ami all prices. RUBBER PILLOWS, RUBBER COATS and LEGGINS, SATCHELS and VALISES, WALK ING CANES and BATHING SUITS, ut LaFar's New Store, ao BULL S'l'lv.B'.JU'J'. GAS FIXTURES, HOSE, ETC. JOHN UICOLSOI, Jr. DEALER IN Has Fixtures, GLOBES & SHADES. PLUMBERS’, MACHINISTS’ AND Mill Suppl ies. ENGINE TRIMMINGS, Steam Packing, SHEET GUM, Hyilrant, Steam and Snetioi HOSE. IRON PIPES AND FITTINGS, Lift and Force Pumps. 90 mill 32 Dvavlon St,. HAMS. ASK YliUfi GiMiGER FOf *WD BREAKFAST bacon ° isr ja cjjjk t.j 13>j- xi MtU BKD.NO OU PATIMffD TDt-WHK. A LIQHT MITAILIO STAL. ATTACH U> TO THI ATniHiT, ANO THA • THi Ai.J CANVAS, AS IN TMS Oil*. BAY SUM. Imported Bay Rum, A FINE ARTICLE, AT STRONG’S DRUG STORE, Corner Bull and Perry stroet lane. FRUIT AND GROCERIES. LE MOKB. Cabbages, Potatoes, Onions. 30,000 bushels CORN, 15,000 bushels OATS. HAY, BRAN, GRITS, .MEAL, STOCK FEED. Grain and Hay in carload a specialty. COW PEAS, all varieties. RUST PROOF OATS. Our ST< )CK FEED in prepared with great care ami is just- the thing for Horses anu Mules In this weather. Try it. T. P. BOND & CO., oJLib b?aTgTBT NORTHERN CABBAGE. ONIONS, POTATOES, LEMONS, COW PEAS, TABLE PEAS, FEED MEAL THE BEST COW FEED, EYES, BRAN, CORN, OATS AND HAY. GET OUR CARLOAD PRICES. 109 BAY. W.D. SIMKINS&CO. PEACHES! Received in large quanti ties daily. In packages to suit all buyers. For Sale Very Che^ A. H. CHAMPION. NEW CHEESE. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY C. M. GILBERT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS. AO HICU I.TU RAI. IMPLEMENTS. FI If HI Lawn Mowers, Three Sizes, Ladies’ Garden Hoes, Hand Plows, Hedge Shear*. Pruninng Scissors and Knives, Garden Trowels and Weeders, Fountain Pumps, Rubber Hose and Reels, —FOR SALE BY Palmer Bros 148 and 150 CVmgreßs Stmet. PUBLICATIONS. THE WILMINGTON STAR. REDUCTION IN PRICE. Attention 1* cnllod to tho following reduced rate* of subscription, cash iu advunuo: • TIIE DAILY STAR. Oral Year S! 00 Six Mouths 3 00 Three Month* 1 50 Olio Month 60 THE WEKKI.Y STAR. One Year $1 00 Six Months 0a Three Monttia 30 Our Telegraph News service boa recently been largely lucre,Lied, and it is our detorttilmtion to keep the Stas up to the highest standard of newspaper oxcellonce. Address WM. H. BERNARD, Wilmington, N. O. TO^MEKgSSSis manhood. tc. I will n ud a Tlublo trwilio(Boal4} 7