The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 30, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL, '"savannah MARKET. WEEKLY HEPOttT. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS. ) Savannah, Ga„ July 29, ISS7. ( General Remarks—The general market was comparatively dull in pretty much all depart ments, and business as a whole was rather light. In one or two branches o£ trade there was a good jobbing demand, usual at this period of the year, while in a majority trading was very much restricted, owing to the very limited call from all sources. In dry goods the receipt of orders from travel ers is quite free, and tho volume of the shipping movement good, although jobbers are exercis ing great caution just at this time and scan purchasers’ credits quite closely, they are, how ever, more or less encouraged by the reports from the interior of tho crops, which are excel lent. Groceries —There is iittle or no change to note in the movement, it has not developed into any more activity, there being no special demand from any particular source. Still, however, thore is a steady demand in progress for the staple articles. In hardware there is a fair business going on, but with no feature other than this. Iu all other depart ments there is little or nothing doing, business lieing restricted owing to tho season of the year. In values there were a few unimportant changes during the week. Collec tions are very slow, buyers evince a dispo sition to buy, still they are, as a rule, very slow in settling up accounts as they come due. and it is expected that this condition will continue until there is a freer movement of t|>o cotton crop. The money market is quite steady, while ii. t easy, there seems to he ample for the pres ent demands. Securities arc dull and inactive. Tlic appended review will show the tone and the latest quotations of the dilfgrent markets at the close to-day. Naval Stores—The week opened with the market for spirits turpeu ine very weak, and prices dropped from BS4£c to 28- for regulars. Thrv , however, rallied to ■ ard the last" half of the week, closing firm at There was a p,(l demand, and fully 4,0n0 casks changed hands during the week. Rosin—The market v. as rather quiet and easy at a decline of :iyp.i 5c nil mound. There was a light inquiry anil a ‘,,iaU movement. Buyers and sellers are lajine what apart. Factors are withdrawing alrpale l ades and refuse to go oil at present prices. The total sales for the week were about 7.2UU barrels. Elsewhere will be found a comparative statement of receipts and exports from April 1 to date, and for the same time last year, sin aviag the stock on hand and on shipboard not cleared, together with the official closing spot quotations. Kice—The first half of the week showed quite a firm market ami with considerable activity, mid offerings were taken quite freely at the. current quotations. But toward the close buyers were scarce, while the trade demand was mod crate and the advantages as to prices is with havers, but no decided concessions are admitted. r lhe total sales for the week were fully l,£oo barrels on the basis of quotations: Fair Good Prime * Rough— <* vmtry lots 00 Tide water f J0(&l 15 Cotton—For one or two days of the past week there was more business doing than fur a month previous, it was, however, at very liiueii easier prices, which fell off fully %c. for all grades. There was little or no ehauge in the tom; of the market whi<*h was dull and for the r.iostpart a nominal feeling prevailed. The to tal sales for the week were only 179 bales. The following are the official spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: Middling fair 10*4 Good middling 10 Middling , 9% Low middling 9H Good ordinary 9 Sea Island. —The receipts during last week were only 7 bags, with no further movement, and the stock remains at 5(32 bags. There has been no material change in tbeconditi. n of the market. During tlie past several days it has continued very dull, and the following quota tions are merely nominal: Common Georgias and Floridas.. 1 t (and 15>£ Medium Htty: 17 Good medium 17V>(*>\18 Medium tine Fine *. IO^^SO Extra fine 90 \6G1 91 Choice 99 The receipts of cotton at this port from all sources the nast week were 93 bales of up land and 7 bales sea island, against 037 bales of upland and 1 bale sea island last year. The particulars of tho receipts have been as fallows: Per Central railroad. 17 bales up land: per Charleston and Savannah railway. 1 bale upland; per Florida steamers 5 hales up land: JK.T Savannah river steamers, 7 bales sea. island. The exports for the week were 17 bales upland; t<* Philadelphia 17 bales upland. The stock on hand to-day was 507 bales up land and 50‘ bales sen island, against 4.9tC> kilos of upland and 1,117 bales sea island last year. Comparative Statement of Net Receipts, Exports and Stocks of Cotton to tlie Following Place to Latest Dates. | stock oh Received since || Exported since .Sei*t. 1,1885. laud anil on POUTS. September Ist. : — — Shipboard. !, Great ! o'th b" It Total I c:<~c INN>6? j 1885-86 Britain.\l’\anee. Ports. Foretyn. Ports. ISS7. | 1 SBG. New Orleans July 29 1.727,309 ’.795,542' 738.605 319,002 877.C54 *,435.161 375.4U8 40.630 16.201 Mobile July 39 313,44' •' 24-7.838 40,*>; 46,8 6 175,042 330 11 Florida luly 29| 13,872 19.2 K 12.872 Texas lulV sft-t T06.!K3! OSKI.T'C 255,547 39, 25. I<M,’>•• 399.7! ;.! 390.59* 1,677 i 2.:k 1 o„. (Upland July 33 1 78,070 j 774. - 233.691 lK.Olf 243,90 426.49: 28N.425 567' 4.305 Bavoonaa y,. : , jg 4.. .j u i' v 26.633 23.013 1.744 ... 1,744 27, 62 1,477 . wi ♦ t Upland .. .July fill 389.85; l*d.2> 89,379! 43,862 143.130! 876.977. 105.578 656 , 2.134 in.uu.stoa ) Ke* Is’J. .July 22| 7,805! 8,231 l. . h 885 8.406 235! 2.010 North Carolina luly 29; 134.833i 100,915 {>.*•:., 7,:;('■ i0,857 109,4i'[ 9>.7><l 587 .si'- ' Virginia ..July 29] so ,r>r, 837.1701 42.3, 'Ml 3. 15 12,3 - ;.3-,-3-'. 222,552 2.*' : 3.0 1 Now York Inly 23] 37,081 1 I'l.l't". f‘l.7!"- 43.52'- 2 ,o. 775.33- l!-.2.h 1fi5.773 Other ports ....July 29 804,844 SS2.KM 3.3, .2. 8,750 34,5<A> 337,277 10,972 28,291 r< Urtto 3 c. .. . ,226,877 . 152! 1,168,30 Total to .kite iu IS-*. I- | i,3#.1,80Ctl ... . I I | Comparative Cotton Statement Of Guoss Receipts, Extorts asd Stock os Hash, Jixy 29, 1887, ASD For. THE SAKE TIME LAST YEAR. ISSC-7. ISBS-S. Itltmd. 'Upland. Island. Upland. ; Stock on hand September 1 1,14a 4.7- -1 551 3.2P8 , ' Received this wwk ?23 i 1 037 hUxreived previously T,2;7 771,381 23,3*6 TTii.tiXi Total 28.m[ Ts.cs: >*.*! Exported this week. j T . Exported previously j 27, si I 775.0* i 22.521 775.517 1 Total I 27.831 S2,SSU 779.383 l Stock on hand and on shJp-j j boat J July JO. I TAA LG, 1,11.' 4.JOL & ■WLItJATEHcomiK HTATrMI'.MT FOB TliE WEEK tNDisr, ,u ly 23, INST. | ,!'. J 1 ,lt all U. S. liol’tK lhis Wick • 8,581 Y :u- 8,914 . ’ iiatu. ; * viair. J * ' ••••• Exports for this week 21.813 Same week hist year ’’ Total exports to dutc. 4,814a)2S Last year.. 4^21.5,236 Stocks at all United States ports iS9.o:>B Last year 233*107 Stf w-k at all interior towns o’jjpj Last year. >j Stock at. Liverpool 070JXJO V aßt year 896,4)00 American afloat for Great Britain 85,000 laoit year. 40,000 Liverpool movement for tue week enoixo JELV 29. 1887. AND FOR THE CORRESPONIIiXQ WEEKS OF 1686 AND 1685: „ , _ , 1887. 1886. 1885. bales for the week... £O,OOO 50,000 40,000 Exporters took 4,500 2,300 3,301) Speculators took oxi l.soo 3IK) Total stock.. 670,000 590,000 751,0 K) Of which American.. 405.000 426,(KN) £:;i, oeo T'l imports for week. 82,4*11) DO.'iklO k’ooo Of which American.. 41,000 tt.iKH) Actual exports , 2,300 tilsoo Amount afloat 98,00) 1)0.000 46,000 Of which American.. 25,ftk) 40.000 10,000 1 rice 59-14x1 5 5-Hxl 0.,fl THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT SHOWS THE NET RE CEIPTS AT ALL PORTS FOR THE WEEKS ENDING! JELV 29 AND JULY 22, AND FOR THIS WEEK LAST year: Tins Last Last It Vet'. ItViVv, Year. Galveston 217 42 131 New Orleans 3,035 3,017 I.CU2 Mobile 9 7 33 Savannah 30 01 (;;i. Charleston ill go ]s|~ Wilmington 51 ’ 43 Norfolk 16 pi 335 New York 36 Ml various 82 65 4,120 . Total 2.581 3.295 8,914 Movements of Cotton at Interior Points, giving receipts nnfl siiipinents fgr the week eml lug July 29 ami stock 011 hand to-night, and for t lie sands time last year: .-Week ending July 29, 1 —, Receipts. Shipments. Stacks. Augusta 3 41 1,778 Columbus 35 108 Rome 2 2 Macon .... 20; Montgomery is f 1 179 ■Selma 1 11 1,741 Memphis 88 200 6,651 Nashville 170 355 242 Total 320 060 10,906 /-Week ending July 30, 1886.—, lii'Kiptn. Shipments. Stacks. Augusta 112 1,815 7,032 Columbus 165 219 855 Rome 8 .... Cl 2 Macon 55 1,i98 Montgomery 38 68 1,692 Selma 39 3 9 2,184 Memphis 250 3.328 7,587 Nashville ‘213 131 1,090 Total 846 5.715 22,200 Visible Sit-ply of Cotton.—Below we give the table of visible supply, as made up l>y cable and telegraph for the Financial and Commer cial Chronicle to July 22. The continental stocks, as well as those of Great Britain and the afloat, are this week's returns, and consequently all the European figures are brought down to Thursday evening. But to make the totals the complete figures for July 22 we add the items of exports from the United States, including in it the exports of Friday only. 1887. 1886. Stock at Liverpool 704.600 601,000 Stock at London 31,000 10,000 Total Great Britain stock ... 735,000 617,000 Stock at Hamburg 5.000 2,800 Stock at Bremen 57,000 35.400 Stock at Amsterdam 33,000 25,01X1 Stock at Rotterdam 2cX) 40u Stuck at Antwerp. 1,100 1.000 Stock at Havre 211.000 149,000 Stpck at Marseilles 3,000 6,800 Stock at Barcelona 41JKK) 58,000 Stock at Genoa 5,000 18,000 Stock at Trieste 13,000 12,000 Total continental stocks. ... 369,300 312,000 Total European stocks 1,104,300 929,000 India cotton afloat for Europe.. 184,000 160.000 American cotton afloat for Eu rope 33,000 91,000 Egypt, Brazil, etc., afloat for Europe 30.000 2,000 Stock in United States ports... 212,ti;. , 2 256,296 Stock in U. S. interior towns.. &i,860 57,875 United States exports to-day.. 2,583 10,728 Total visible supply 1,589,305 1,515,899 ()f the above, the totals of American and other descriptions are as follows: Americcen— Liverpool 433,000 437,000 Continental stocks 200.000 214.000 American alloat for Europe ... 33,000 91,000 United States stock 212,822 250,290 United States interior stocks.. 22,800 57,875 United States exports to-day.. 2,583 10,728 Total American . 915,005 1,nGti,893 Total East India, etc G74.HOJ 411),000 Total visible supply 1,589,305 1,515,893 The imports into continental ports this week have been 20.000 bales. The above (inures indicate an increase in the cotton in sipjht to date of 73. 45(1 bales as com pared with the same date of 1838, an increase of 33.1 it! bales as compart'd with the correspond ing' date of 1883. and a decrease of 318,023 bules as compared with 1884. India Cotton Movement.—The following is the Bombay statement for the week and Year, bringing the ligures down to July 21: BOMBAY UECEIITS AND SHIPMENTS FOR FOUR YE Alt3. Shipments this week— Gnat Britain. Continent. Total. ISS7 2.000, 13,000 15,000 INNS B,ooo' 8,000 10,000 1885 1,000 1,000 1331 8,000 2,000 10,000 Shipments since Jan. 1— Great Britain. Continent. Total. 1337 353,000 041,000 904,000 !• 301,000 022,000 923,000 18*, 209,1*0-0 459,000 004,000 1834 470,000 584,000 1,080,000 h'eccints— This week. Since Jan. 1. 188; 0,000 1,483,900 1880 9.000 1,321,000 1885 2,000 971,000 1884 6.000 1.511,000 According lotbo foregoing, Bombay apjwars to show <> decrease compared with last, year in the week's receipts of 3.000 bales, and a decrease in shipments of 1,000 bales, and the shipments since Jan. 1 show an increase of 11,000 bales. FINANCIAL. Money Maknet— Money is very quiet. Domestic KxciMNitE—Scarce. Banks and bankers are buying sight droftsat 46 per cent, diseouut aud selling at par@Jj per cent, pre mium. , . . , Foiieion F.xcuanqe—Tho market is weak. Commercial demand. !?-l Si: sixty days, SI ninety davs. S4 H 144: lranes. Bara, and Havre, comriiereial, sixty days. $5 24%; Swiss, 85 2434; marks, sixty days, MJi- SecehiilKs llie market is dull and weak. Delimit arcs arc freely offered at quotations ('it v bonds are neglected. L< ng date railroad bonds are in some little demand. STOCKS AND BONDS. state Bonds— Bid. Asked. See; (icorgia IV-i per cenl limids. 105} i (jeorgia new os, 18S9, Juijiiaryaua iulv coupon* I ll * I(l * State of (hvri;m gold quarterlies. 10< 103)5 Georgia Smith's, maturity 1890, ex-interest lvU A tVmtu Oper cent J®? j, 1 ,® Atlanta 7 jktcent. |is J-l Augusta 7 iter cent J 1 ’ Augusta ait cent . JJK ! C,ilumbus 5 ism cent Jt'j Mueon 0 per cent , 111 n ~ yew Savannah 5 per cent, quar telly. Of toller 1 10 " M New Suvatinab 5 per cent, quar tetly. August cou|kjiis Id.-, 1 * b-UMi Railroad Bonds Savannah, Ft. rida and Western I’iilioa.l general mortgage Ismda. 0 per cent interest eou- Atlantic and titilf Ih'st mortgage couH-diilated 7 per cent, columns January and July, maturity JW (Vni'rai eousoliilate.l mortgage 7 percent.ooujk.iis January and Inly, maturity MB JJ® ChS "u-! ivimubto a...i Augusta ' second mortgage. •: - Mobil.- and clrard. second mort- X Indors.-l H pet- cent, cou pons January and July, mature v isrti. ex interest •.-• • • *• .!'a 03 looii 3 ,0# vm Western Alabama second niort ' .i-uml h per cent, eou- Slils Oci<'lHM\ maturity 1800.... 103 103 South ik.ii'gta and Florida in- JjJO BoutT’Oeorgia and Florida see- JM bv o'dral IWB "i S i 10=M mi Game e tlle. Jelfersou OB<l South ern, ti" guaranteed ••• iIJ l ■• ‘He. .Ml*rson aiH' N'-tl'* THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, JULY3O, 1887. era. second mortgage, guaran teed 113 Columbus and Rome, first indors ed 6s 101 105V6 Columbus and Western 6 per ceut first guaranteed 107 Augusta and Knoxville railroad 7 in?r cent first mort:rago bonds.. 111)4 112 City and Suburban Railroad, first mortgage 7 per cent bonds 109 110 R< i Annul Stocks— Augusta and Savannah, 7 percent guaranteed 132 133 Central common, llbUj Georgia common - 100 108 Southwestern, 7 per cent, guaran teed 128 128 U Central, 0 jier cent certificates.. . IOOFj 101 >4 Atlanta and West Point railroad stock 110 112 Atlanta and West Point 6 percent certificates 103 104 Hank Stocks — Southern Bank of the State of • rgia .. 900 205 Merchants’ Nat ional Rank 157 Savannah Bank and Trust Com pany ..17 00 National Bank of Savannah. 12*3 121 The OglethoiqK* Savings and Trust Company 100 107 (7as Stocks — Savannah Gas Ligjit stock 20Uj • 21 Mutual Gas Light 20 23 Factory Bonds — Augusta Factory Gs 105 .... Sibley Fact ory 0s 103 .... Enterprise Factory Gs 103 .... Factory Stacies — Eagle and Phoenix Manufactur ing Company 120 121 A ll grst a Factory 105 Granitevillo Factory 140 I .angley Facte >ry 108 Enterprise Factory Company 48 Enterprise Factory, preferred. .110 J. P. King Manufacturing Com pany. 102 Sibley Manufacturing Company.. 97 Naval Stores.—The receipts for the past week have been 5,299 barrels spirits turpentine and 12,313 barrels rosin. The rts were 2,602 barrels spirits turpentine and 13,989 barrels rosin, moving as follows: To New York. 3.068 Imutcls rosin and 1,7 32 barrels spirits turpentine; to Bal timore, 400 barrels spirits turpentine andl,46s barrels rosin; to Philadelphia. 166 barrels spirits turpentine and 351 barrels rosin; to Boston, 301 bands spirits turpentine and 551 barrels rosin: to Glasgow, 3,086 barrels rosin; to Riga, 3,165 barrels rosin: U< Genoa, 2,290 barrels rosin. The following arc the Board of Trade quotations: Rosin- A. B. C and l> 90c. E 95c, Fsl 00. G Si 05, II Si 10, I £1 12K>. K Si 30. M $1 40. N Si 55. window glass $1 85, water white S3 35. Spirits turpentine—regulars 28>jc. Receipts, Shipments and Stock from April 1, 1886, to date, and/or the corresponding dust last year: Spirits. Basin. Spirits. Rosin. On hand April 1 . 2.543 77.403 2.116 61,821 Uec’d this week.. 5.299 12,373 5,862 12.221 Rec'dpreviously. 79,330 179,234 05.201 149,926 Totals 87,222 209,015 73.179 223,903 Shipments: Foreign — Aberdeen .... 3,080 ... 3.544 Antwerp 0,574 3,486 8.055 5,416 Bristol 3,174 2.370 1,904 4,994 Buenos Ayres. 2,500 .... 1,500 Crons tad t .... 8,800 Carthagena.. 1.103 Dantzig 3.13:4 Genoa 5.450 4,000 Garston Dock 6 j *59 Glasgow 3.986 1,841 9,00) Goole 2.850 . . 3,223 Harburg 3,043 Hamburg 2,818 5,017 5,956 Hull 2,074 Liverpool ... 5,470 London 12,711 14..J17 4.800 14,530 Montevido I,4<h) .... 1,500 Marseilles 3.735 3,800 Oporto - 000 Pooteeloff Harbor 18.798 3,180 Pernambuco 1,531 Paysandu 507 Queenstown, for orders 1,963 573 Riga 2 12,855 8,700 Reval 1,417 Rotterdam 1,422 11,007 2,051 900 Stettin 3.587 C. 200 Trieste 200 10,300 .... 4,840 Coastwise — Baltimore 4.970 28.804 0,720 30,584 Boston 5,564 3,820 5,414 5,272 Brunswick 600 464 Charleston 1,000 Philadelphia 3,4; 8 1,590 2.887 4.741 New York 29,395 60,096 15,224 52,; (0 Interior towns ... 3,573 930 5,810 2,387 Repacking, ulage, etc .... 1,358 Total shipments.. 72,153 211 ,t>GB 62,317 188.595 Stock on hand and on shipbourb July 29 14,769 57,347 10,832 35,373 Bacon—Market firm and advancing: demand good; smoked clear rib sides, 9%e; shoulders, 7bf*c; dry suited clear rib sides. 9c; long clear. '.)el shoulders, none: hams, 13c. Baooing and Ties -Market quiet. Wo quote: Bagging -21-4 ibs, ; ,qc; l : b IDs, 7<&7J4e, according to brand ami quantity. Iron ties Arrow and other brands, Si 09(5,1 05 per bundle, according to brand and quantity. Bagging an 1 ties in retail lots a fraction higher. Butter -Market steady: oleomargarine, l-Lf, 10c; choice Goshen, 18c; giit edge, 22c; cream ery, 24® 25c. Cabbage Northern. 10.7? 12c. Ciieese—Market nominiu;small demand ;stock light. We < niite, 1 l(p 15c. Coffee—The market is firm. We quote for small lots: Ordinary. 20e; fair, 21c; good, 22c; choice. 224 c; peaberry 25c. Dried Fruit Apples, evaporated, 13c; peeled, 7c; peaches, peeled, 19c; unpeeled 5 /.7c; cur rants. 7c; citron. 25c. Dry Goods —The market is firm; business fair. NVe quote: Prints, 4® tic; Georgia brown shirting, 3-4, i)-Ae; 7-8 do, 5V5c: 1-1 brown sheet ing. OLc; white osnaburgs, 8 cheeks, (V>4 7£7c : yarns, Kse for best makes; brown drill ings, 7(&7 Me. Fish -We quote* full weights: Mackerel—No 1. sr r .WlO 00: No. 3, half barrels, nominal, $6 00(9;7 (H); No. 2. $7 20c; scaled. 23c; cod, s(3*Bc. Flour—Market unsettled; demand moderate. We quote: Extra, £4 5 10; choice patent, §5 25(0*5 50; family, £4 4 60. Fruit—Lemons—Market advancing and de mand good. We quote: $7 O'L/,8 00 Gra 1 n—Corn—Market very firm; demand light. We. qu-'to; White corn, job lots, 62c; carload lots. (k‘c: laixc l corn, job lots, GOe; ca.*- load lots. 58c. Oats steady; demand good. We quote: Mixed oats, 4 r *c; carloatl lots, i()c. Bran. <O. Meal. Georgia grist, per sack, $1 40; grist, per bushel, 70c. Hay—Market very firm, with a fair demand; stock ample. We quote job lots: Western- Si 00; carload lots, 90c. Eastern none. North ern none. Hides, Wool., Etc.—Hide*—Market dull; re ceipts light; dry flint, 11c; salted, 9c; dry butcher. Bc. Wool —Market weak and d<*elining; prime in bales, burry. 10<&15c. Wax, 18c. Tallow. 3ff/4i*. Deerskins, flint, 20c; salted, 10c. Otter skins, s<• /81 00. Iron—Market linn; Swede, 4J4@sc; refined, 234 c. Lard-Market is firm; in tierces 7%\ 500> tins 7%c. Lime. CAI/Tnk Plaster and Cement—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demaud, and is selling at $1 30 per barrel; Georgiasl 30; calcined plas ter. £1 50 per barrel: liair 4**. Uosendale cement, £1 50; Portland cement $2 50. Liquors—Full stuck; steady demand. Bour bon, Si 50®5 50; rye, $1 50&M 00; ns-tili-d, iil 3’>. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails—Market firm, fair demand. We quote: 3d. $3 90; 4d and .xl, $• 25; 6d, $3 0i), B<l, $2 75; lOd to GOd, £2 50 per keg. Nuts—Almonds. Tarragona, 18(5'20c; Ivicos, 17(0tl8e; walnuts. Frcucli. 12c: Naples. 16c;|h - cuiis, 10c; Bruzil. 10c; filberts, 12c; cocoanuts, Bar&coa, $5 25 jkt llv. Oils-'Market firm: demand good Signal, 45c; Went Virginia black, 'jv ioc; lard, <'4v; headlight, 15c: kerosene, 10c; water white, noatsfoot, G2C/-80. macfilnery, . linseed, raw, 52c; boiled, 55c; mineral seal, 10c; fireproof, lSe; hotnelight, 18c. Onions—Bermuda, !?1 <K) jx'r crate; native, £l 00(7/ 1 25 jvr crate; Egyptian, $2 75 per case. Potatoes Pram Demand light; cow pens, mixed V>(<\ 80c; clay, block eye, Si 25(c>i 50; white crowder, §1 1 75. Prunes—Turkish. Wic; French, Sc. Rajmns—Demand light; market sternly; loose new Muscatel. §2 00; layers, S- 00 per Ujx; Lon don layers, *5 per box. Halt—The demand is inodoratc and the mar ket is quiet; carl joU lots. 00c f o b; jap lot i, 75(2V Wc T Shot—Drop. $1 40; buck. Si 05. Sugar -Tfie market is firm: cut loaf, 6-Hc; standard A, 6* ,c; extra yellow, s^c; granulated, fib/- ; powdered, tw^c. Byrui Honda and‘Georgia yrup. Fx*; tie* market is quiet for sugaruouse at Cuba si:aight gotxls, 28c in hogsheads; Migar house moiaSSOH. 20c. Tobacco- Market dull; demand moderate. We quote: Smoking, Sk&fl 25; chewing, com mon, sound, 2 7f( / Hoc:,- medium. 38 (it 50c: bright, 50^75c: line fancy, extra fine. Voc,'isl 10; blight navies, dark navies, lo^soc. Lumber The effe<*t of the interstate com merce bill, coupled with scarcity of ears, has considerably curtailed shipments and quieted demand from the West. (• Mist wise and foreign demand is quite active, and prices rciaaia firm at auotatbufs. Wi 'iwte. fq b: Oixlinarj' sixes ?1S Difticultsixes i6 0>(r v 2i 50 Flooring l>oards '0 00(r20 50 ShijvstutT 18 -1 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal. Wo quote: 700 l'oet average 9 ll o 0 800 “ “ 10 Wi 11 00 900 “ “ 11 iXI V f 12 (X) 1.0(H) “ “ 12 IHHf/'M IK) Shipping t inilx*r in the raft— -700 feet average S 6 OO '- 7 tX) KX) •* 4i 7 00'Vr. 8 00 iHH) ** “ 8 OiKfii 9 (X) 1.000 “ “ y ooe,io oo Mill timber Si below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber -By Sail —The murket is very quiet, a few cargoes offering for New York uud Baltimore. All arrivals this week were previously closed. Freiglit limits are from $5 00 to $6 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the ('hesapeako ]x>rts, Philadelphia, New York, Sound ports and east ward. Timber, 50e<w $l (H) higher than lumber rales. To the West Indies and wind ward, nominal; to South America, §l3 Oiu 11 h); to Spanish mid 3lt*diterrauiau jxu*ts, Jil (kKn 12 00; to United Kingdom foronlers, timber, 27(3285: lumber, .1)3 15s. Steam To New York, $7 00; t> Philadelphia, $7 00; to Boston,s9 00. Naval Stores—Firm but nominal, owing to the scarcity of vessels. Foreign (\rk, etc., for orders, 2s 10t<id, and. or, 4s lU,d; Adriatic, rosin, 3h; Genoa, rogin, 2s tVaistwise Steam To Boston, 50c, on rosin. $1 (K>on spirits; to New York, rosin 50c, spirits, 80c; to l*hiladelphia, rosin. 30i*, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin, 30c, spirits?oc. Coastwise, quiet. Cotton—By Steam The market is nominal. Liverpool via New York lb 3-lCd liiveriool \ia Baltiniore lb .. ... 3-10d Antwerp via New York lb . .... Jqd Havre via New York tt) 9 lt>c Havre via Baltimore. 6(>e Bremen via New York lt> 11 Hie Heval via New York . 11-32d Bremen via Baltimort* V It* & e Amsterdam via New York 65c Amsterdam via BaltUnoro. 01c Genoa via New York p lb •Hi-l Boston p hale 1 35 Seu island p bale 1 75 '{cw York r 1 bale 1 35 Sea Island p bale 1 75 Philadelphia p bale 1 35 Sea island V) bale 1 75 Ilaltinore p bale 1 25 Providence p bale 1 50 Rice By steam— New York p barrel.. 60 Ph i la del ph ia P barrel 60 Baltiimre p barrel 00 Boston p barrel .. 60 Steam (By special contract) —To New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Balti more, standard crates, 29c; barrels 40c. With out the contract, crates 35c; barrels 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls p pair t> 65 (fo so Chickens, V.j to 94 grown 40 (&, 60 Springers. .. .... . 25 (./, k) Ducks p pair 50 (5 75 Geese p pair 75 (g,l 00 Turktjys p pair 1 25 (g‘2 00 Eggs, country, p dozen — Peanuts l'ancy b. j). N'a. fMb . (•/■ 7-j Peanuts Hand picked plb (O 6^, Peanuts—Ga. p bushel, nominal 75 (</. IK) Sweet potatoes, ycl. reds p bush. 50 (c; 00 Sweet potatoes, yel.yauw P bush. 05 ($ 75 Sweet put’s, whiteyams p liushei k) (m 50 Poultry Market steady: receipts heavy; demand light for grown; half to threo-quarter grown in good request. Egor—Market steady, with a good demand and scarce. Peanuts Fair stock; demand moderate; market ad vancing aiul higher prices predicted. Sugar -Georgia and Florida, nominal; none in market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light ; demand good. SAVANNAH MARKET. OFFICE OF THE MORNING Nt'WS, I Savannah, Ga., July 29, 4 i>. m. i Cotton —The market was very dull and de clining. There was no inquiry and no sales. On 'Change at the midday call, at 1 p. m.. the market was reported quiet at a decline of t£c for all grades. The following are the official spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: Middling fair 1014 Good middling .10 Middling o}i Low middling 9*,% Good ordinary 9 Rice—The market was quiet, but steady and unchanged. Trie sales for the day were only 15 barrels at about quotations, as follows: Fair i ■ 114 Good .. Prime .... 4%<&5 Rough— Country lots *.... 60(9) 90 Tide water Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur pentine was quiet, but firm and higher. The sah‘s for tlu* day were only 56 casks at 28%c for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported firm at 28Uc for regulars. At the closing call it was firm at 28) rt <' for regulars. Rosin—The market was very quiet and unchanged. The sales for the day were about 650 barrels. At tin* Board of TraJo on the first call the market was reported dull for 1 and above, and steady for H and below, at the. with sales of 430 barrels at the following quotations: A, B, C and 1) '.>•. E 95c. F Si (Xi, G £1 05, H St 10, 1 $1 12b.. K $1 30. M Si 40. N $1 65, window glass Si 85, water white $2 35. At the last call it was unchanged. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINAXCIAJ-. New York, July 29, hood.—Stocks qni<*t and lu*avy. Money easy at 4(u,5 per cent. Exchange —long $4 h:m | short $4 8J 1 / I Si ; L. Stato bonds neglected. Government bonds dull hut steady. 5:00 p. m.—Exchange dull but steady. Money easy at 4(&f per cent.. closing at Sub- Treauiry balances— Gold, $134,904,000; currency, $12,.VJ7,000. Government bonds dull but steady: four per cents 127'i; four and a half per cents 108%. State bonds dull and rather heavy. The stock market to-day was very nearly a repetition of thut uf Wed lies'lay, bears and t raders hainmeriug stocky all around the room, and the close of business saw a very material decline from last night's figures. Much expecta tion had been indulged in by holders that the improvement of yesterday would l>e continued, but tho market early s owed a drooping tend* eney, and notwithstanding some purchases by London, steadily declined. This was very dis couraging to the bulls, and they began to throw over their stocks, the advantage of which was quickly taken by the bears, and at one time in the afternoon a state of semi-panic was pro duced, aided by nil sorts of rumors which laid a depressing tendency, Boston because a seller, and it was current that that interest was liquidating. A noted privilege broker won re ported to have lain down on his customers, and the dividend on Missouri Pacific, it was said, would be reduced to 0 tier cent. Western Union, Missouri Pacific. New England and Pacific Mail were attacked early in the day, and grangers and coalers in the afternoon, byt a feverish and unsettled condition of the market at tlu do m gave the Irnpreg lon that the bears had begun to cover. First sales were made at irregular cli ng*s of slight fractions only from last night's closing, and the market was quiet though generally heavy in tone, which gradually developed into decided weakness. As weakness increased, the amount of business done became larger, and in the afternoon, when the beam obtained complete control, transac tions were very large. A suddpn drop was made shortly after noon, from w.-fich there was a feeble raliy. but the declim; was quickly re sumed, and the lowest figures were generally n-eoivh'd at 2 o'clock. A slight rnljy occurred in the last hour, but the clow* was lieuvy at but a .shade better than tho lowest. nrie#*s iva- he 1. Total sales 370,009 shares. The following were the closing quotations: Ala. clans A.2 to ft. 10ft New Orleans Pa- Ala, class B. ' 11A£ ciflc. Ist most... 81 Georgia 7s. uiort. 198* N. Y Central .. io;' j N. Carolina bs 121)4 Norf. &W. prof... N. Carolina 45.. 90;-j Nor. i'acitie So. Caro. (Brown) ’* prof... f>9Vj consols 105 Pacific Mail 39L, Tennessee Gs 71(4 U*a*ling 51<’, Virginia 0s *43 HichmondAAle 3 Va. consolidated. t 54 liichrnond & l>anvlso Ch'fHiake & Ohio ft lUchmM &W. Pt Chic. A Northw’n. 110(4 Terminal 28 “ preferred ..141)4 Rock Island VSi Dela., Lack &, W.. 138(4 bt. l*aul 81'V, Erie 29)5 “ j 'referred .11'(k East Tennessee, Texas Pn/’ifie.. . 27J 4 now st<s’k 12 Term. Coal it Iron. 8 l y -\ Shorn 92 Union Pacific 58' 4 L’ville A Nash ft ,:, fj N. J. Central 75Vs Memphis /t Char 18 Missouri Pacific... 9H5j Mobile A Ohio ... Vi Western Union... 72* 4 Nash. JC Chatt'u.. 7x8)4 CottonOUTruatccr U 4 U •Bid. t Asked. COTTOX. Liverpool July 29, 12:30 p m.- Cotton flat; prices somewhat irregular: midiUtiig uplands Ml-Hkl. middling Orleans 5 9 10(1: gales 8.000 bales, for speculation and export I.OOU bales; re ceipts 10,000 bales American 3.100. Futures -Uplands, low middling clause, July delivery 5 30 >4d. also 5 29 (Vfd: July and August 530 fti|, also fi2tMVld; August and SepkroMv fi‘2U-04d, also ft 27-04d; Scptemlx:r and October ft I (Hi Id, also 5 Jftftid: October and November 5 Hftld, also ft 7 fthl; November and Deeenilx*r ft OOUI. also ftft-Old; Dooemljer and .iunuary 5 5-okl, nl:w> 5 8 044; January and February ft 4-ftid. nlv> 5 ft-Ofd: S**ftemi***r ft 23-04<l, also ft 27 (ifd. Market irregular. The tendew of tebverlea at to-dav'e clearinga a:iKHint*d to 25,000 bales new docketr.. Sales for the wook 50.000 bahw VnK'rtran 42.009 bales: siwciilutors took on bih:i>; ex porters took 1,500 bales: forwarded from ships' side 9.200. ball's; actual cxpori 4,900 bales; total receipts for the week 30,000 bales—American 9,UN bales; total stock 670000 bales—American 405,000 bales; total afloat 98,000—American 25,000 bales. 1 p. m. —The sales to-day included 7,000 bales of American. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, July delivery 5 29 64d, sellers; July and August 5 28-04d, sellers ; August and September 5 26-64d, buyers; September and October 5 14 64d,bu.\ ers: November and December 5 4-Old, sellers; De cexnber and January 5 8-Gld, buyers: January and February 5.4-0 id, buyers. Market closed steady. New York, July 29, noon.—Cotton opened easy; middling uplands 108-10 c, middling Or leans 10 5-lCc: sales 562 bales. Futures— Market ojMned steady, with sales as follows: July delivery 10 12c, August 9 Ole. September 9 1 -e, October 0 I,V, November 015 c, December 9 19c. 5:00 p. in. Market closed easy; middling up lands 10 3-iOe, middling Orleans 10 5-10 c; sales to-day 601 halt's Futures—Market closed steady, with sales of 15d,;.*0 bales, us follows: Vugust delivery 9 91 (t)9 9 2c, September 9 •>(,</ 9 29e, Oetol>er 9 90(5'. 9 .*oe, November 9 15( f >9 lOe, December 9 1 9 16c, January 9 185> 9 l ( .k\ February 9 21(5 9 25c, March 9 30;d'9 82c, April 9 37c, May 9 43(q,9 lie. Green & Co.'s report on cotton futures says: “It has lie.on a bearish market throughout, with a particularly heavy break in old crop Indeed, support seemed to I*'entirely withdrawn from August in a scramble to sell, but the cost was raided to the extent of .‘ls points from last even ing, closing on fractional reaction, but without much tone or evidence that there was a special desire to work it up again. September lost about 12 points, and later mouths some 00/,7 points, with a pretty good offering all day, the South remaining as seller on continuation of good crop prospects as indicated in the general showing. Liverpool was tame and lower, aud this, together w ith the depressed tone on the stock market, contributed in a general way to the heavy tone.' 1 Weekly net receipts bales, gross 5,004; exports, to Great Britain 9,540 bales, to tho continent 1.483, to Franco 2,216, ba1e52,738 bales, stock 118,279 bales. Galvkston, July 29.—Cotton easy; middling 9V£c. Norfolk, July 20.—Cotton nominal; middling liH^e. Baltimore, July 29.—Cotton nominal; mid dling KKfcjc. Boston, July 29.—Cotton steady; middling 10Uc. Wilmington, July 29.—Cotton nominal; mid dling IOL4C. Philadelphia, July 29.—Cotton steady; mid dling 10%c. New iikleans, July 29.—Cotton easy;middling 9kc. Mobile, July 29.—Cotton nominal; middling 9^gc. Memphis, July 29.—Cotton dull; middling 10c. AiuivsTA, July 29.—Cotton dull and nominal; middling lff%c. Charleston, July 29.—Cotton quiet; middling loi^je. Montgomery, July 29.—Cotton nominal; mid dling 9Lje. Macon, July 29.—Cotton—middling 10c. Columbus, July 29. —Cotton dull; middling lOifcC. Nashville, July 29.—Cotton steady; middling 10^c. Selma, July 29.—Cotton steady; middling IOI4C. Home, July 29.—Cotton nominal; middling 10J4c. Atlanta, July 29.-—Cotton middling M4C. New York, July 29.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 215 bales; exports, to Great Britain 3,102 bales: stock at all Ameri can ports 189,058 bales. PROVISIONS. GROCERIES, ETC. Liverpool. July 29,12:80p. m.—Wheat steady and in fair demand; receipts of wheat for the past three days 225,000 centals, including 41,000 American, Corn firm and in fair demand; re ceipts of American corn for tho past three days 570 centals. New York, July 29, noon.—r lour quiet and weak. Wheat lower. Corn better. Fork steady; mess s'lo 25"/ 10 75. Lard (lull at $0 99. <Md mess pork su.‘udy at sls &H&1575. Freights firm. 5:00 p. m.—Flour, Southern quiet. Wheat opened linn, ('losing heavy at near bottom re ceipts: No. 2 red, July delivery 79Vi<* August Stq tember 80%(Lfc81**e. Corn >. 4 c b and ter, closing steady; N<>. 2, August delivery 45 1 j Sept*‘iiiix j r 46->j(g 46 15-10 e. Oats un set tied; mixed Western 31*./,36c; No. 2, July delivery 33c: August September 3lc. Hops quiet but steady. Coffee, fair Rio, spot dull and nominal at 19*40; No. 7 Bio, July delivery 17 85c, August delivery 17 oCf£l7 75c, Septeiulier 17 centrifugal 5%c; refined quiet. Molasses dull and nominal. Cottonseed oil quiet. Hides in moderate request. W(ol quid .tnd barely steady. Pork tlull. Beef dull. MiddL's dull and nominal. Lard very dull and unchanged. Freights dull, Chicago, July 29.—Tameneas characterized characterized all trading on the Board of Trade today. There was very little life in the wheat pit. No one \v<is disposed to do anything not made necessary by au order of some kind, and there were but few orders. Clearances from the seaboard yesterday were only 304.500 bush* r el.s, not indicating much of an export demand. Added to this is the free receipts of new wheat mixed in with a large quantity of old, giving a bearish tone to the pit as a whole. September opened at 707g0, free selling in a lord way ton ed it to 7' l .p\ but. it recovered slightly and closed it Corn received more at tention than wheat. September oin u lat 39Jqc, occasionally went Vrc higher, tenuod downward, and by noon had broken off quite: materially, going os low as 38$£c. The men looked upon uh leaders were nil disposed to sell it. A good many bull messages came in different, sources, but the willingness of the Inert I trade to sell corn overcame the influence they might ordi narily have had. During the latter series there was option, closing steady at 39r. Oats opened strong and fractionally higher, but quickly became dull, and August closed be .low the latent quotations of ycst* ni.iy while more deferred futures finished B,c off. In pro visions the day's business consisted almost wholly of extending maturing August contracts to later months. August, trade . fur lard were transferred to September at ti diff'Tence of lffe, and to October ut 17y6e. Sep*ember short ribs were over Angus*, uhd • Octobi'r was 20c under September. *. rd was firm md with out quotable change. (‘losing ut JJfi 67 for August, 7( for Septyunlx.T, and $6 75 for October. :'.Yrt ribs advanced VMffr over yesterday. A.irh little new tradin ' in dulged in, confined m::irdy to September, which bold from $8 oari;.. up to s>B 15, and closed at $8 15©8 17U ~ August s!:ort ribs closed at $8 07J4 and October ut $7 95. Pork was quotegl at sl7 00 for cosh, and sold for January ut tfn rs.viii firm.. Cash quotations to-day ruled as follows: Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat, No. 2 surim- Wf,-;. (i5;,,,:: No. spring nominal: No. 2 red 7)i 4 c. Corn, No. 2, 88)4®8S)4c. flats, No. -! m •iiUj'irUMr. Mess pork, now sls. laird. j-r inn lb*. fa .iltjoiiiii. Short ritisides. loo<"c,sSOS. Dry salted shoulders, bored, |sHKi„',:iii short clear hitlr.r boxed, !* iffjrt do. Whisky sllO. Ixoidiug futures ratigeu us follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wilt!at— July delivery.... 6874 60 68)4 August delivery. 68% CO 6tl)Z Sept. delivery... 70% 70)4 7/>)<, July delivery... 38U 38U 37% August delivery. :IKb] 88)4 3* 1 .,, Bept. delivery... 110)4 30>g 38% Oats— July delivery— 25 35 21V4 August delivery. 25 25 21)| Sept, delivery... 25)4 25)4 25)4 Mess Putut— Year 511 45 $ S I.ABD— July delivery.... 86 00 $6 60 $ 67W August delivery. 060 660 ii 57)4 Sept. delivery.... 670 6 10 6 67)2 Shout Ulna— July delivery 58 00 $8 07)4 $8 07)4 August delivery, noi 8 01)2 8 07)4 Sept, delivery. 8 10 8 1.5 8 15 IfAETiMoitE, July 29. —Flour nominally steady; Howard ::nr and Western s iiKTllne $2 85.',/ 2 00, extra $8 00®3 75. family $: ‘is(q | to, city mills super!!lll- $2 50<g>8tl0, extra s.l 254)8 75; life brands $4 37<&4 02. tVlieat—Houtliern easier ami fairly active; red 78®M|e; atrilier si//,*eic; Western steady lint quiet; No. 2 winter red, ou spot 7xajf, t ;:ie. Corn Southern iii/miniil in ab sence Of I'S/eipts; white 51<£,52c, yellow 47® 18c; Western tinner but dull. IxiEisvii.i.s. July 2J.—Crain steady. Wheat —No. 2 red. 70e. Corn—No. 2 mixed Ibe Oats —No. 2, 80®30*4c. Provisions: llaeon eh'arilb sides $0 25. clear sides $0 50. shoulder , $6 75. Itulli meats- clear rib sides $8 50, clear Hides $8 80)4; shoulders sil no. Mess pork nominal. Ham*, sugar-cured (bon at 11)4® 12. laud, choice leaf SB. CiMcllOMTi, July 20.—Flour quiet. Wheat dull; No. 2 red 72c. Corn easier; No. 2 mixed MU' IH4C. lata steady; No. 2 mixed, 288 V 2'iUc, rrovisions -Fork steady at sls 50. Lurii quiet at. $6:12)4. Hulk meats quint ami unchunged. Ilite in quiet and unchanged. Whisky active at $lO5. lings quiet. St. Loom. July 29.—Flour quiet and easy. Wheat weaker; heavy arrivals caused n decline, and Hie market closed V "k'' below . • ' 1 day; No. 2 red, cash 700;.70;4C. July delivery 70 Wc, Corn We higher; cash 85c, August delivery 31)445350. 1 >atH quiet ami 1 iwer; cash 21)4c, August delivery 28)4c. Whisky steady at $1 05. Frovisi,ms steady: Fork Irregular: new mess at sls 50. laird, $0 25. Dry salt meats, boxed shoulders $5 75; long clear 8* 12)4, clear ribs $8 12t4,c 8 2f>. short cleur $k 07)44i k fsi Bacon —boxed shoulders fii 25,1'mg dear mid clear ribs SO. short clear SO 25. iiams steady at sll 00® 11 25. NAVAL STORS&. Liuerpool, July 29, 12:30 p. m.—Spirits tur pentine 20s 3d. New York, July 29, noon.—Snlrits turpentine dull at 31?jc. Rosln steady at $1 00(3J 10. 5:<H p. in.—Rosin steady ut $105(5 1 IC. Tur jx'iitine steady at 31V£c. Charleston, July 29.—Spirits turpentine steady at 28%e Rosin steady; good strained 90c. Wilmington, July 29.—Spirits turpentine firm at Rosin dull; Htmined 80e. good etrained 85c. Tar firm at $! 30. Crude tur peutine firm; hard $1 10, yellow dip $180; virgin $1 60. RICE. New York, July 29.—Rice quiet but steady. Nkw Orleans, July 29. -Rice unchanged. SHIFPIXO l NTKLLIG NCF. MINIATURE ALMANAC- HUS DAY Sun Risks 5:17 Sun Sets 0:55 High Water at Savannah 1:06 am, 4:5t pm Saturday, July 30,1867. ARRTVED YESTERC)A Y. Steamship Chattahoochee. Daggett, New York —0 t r Anderson. St earner David Clark. Usinu, Fernandina—C Williams, Agent. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Augusta, Catharine, Now York (Ml Anderson, Agent. Bark Emilio Cionq)a (Ital), Caiiero, Genoa— A R Salas A Cos. DEPARTEI> YESTERDAY. Steamer David Clark. Usina, Fernandina—C Williams, Agent. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Augusta. New York. MEMORANDA. Dover, July 20—Passed, lark Gustav Frede rick Fucking (tier), Micheisen, Savannah for \\\ lgast. Plymouth, July 27—Arri\g)d, steamship Mer cia (Brl, Taylor. Coosaw for Stettin and pro ceeded. North Sydney, CB, July 25—Arrived, Btnirs Wnlvisioii OJr), Edmondson, Coosaw for Fluted Kingdom: Ashclell (Br), Main, Bull River for do (and both cleared). Georgetown, S C. July 25—Arrived, Lizzie S James, Johnson, Boston. Jacksonville, July 25—Arrived, steamer Louis Bucki, Mount. New York; schr Frank M Howes, Grover, Baltimore. Wi'(‘asset!. Me. July 25 Cleared, bark Kate, Crowley. Pensacola. Fernandina, July 29—Arrived, brig Acacia (Br), Mattenson, Halifax. New York. .Inly 29—Arrived out, steamship Celtic, New York for Liverpool. SPOKEN. Schr ICdna from New York for Fernandina July 27 off Charleston. RECEIPTS. Per steamer David Clark, from Fernandina— -1 case boots and shoes, 1 box clothing, 1 bbl su gar. 5 hales hides, t box snuff, 169 bids rosin. 30 bills spirits turpentine, 10 boxes grease. 1 pkg cigars, 1 bid pears, 1 pkg mdse, 1 bag poors, 1 bd! bending, 9 doors, 1 sack wool, 1 bill ladders, 1 box 1 rods. 1 tool chest. Per Charleston and Savannah I tail wav. July 29 20 boxes tobacco. 5 bids tallow, 10 pkgs 50 caddies tooaceo, 11 doz brooms. 9 pkgs 45 cad dies teliacco. 1 bale hides. 2 Isixes shoes, 7 boxes el<>tliiug. 8 axles. 8 bars iron, 12 bdis spokes, 8 bills 23 hubs, 1 bids Hour, 70 plow irons, 100 bas kets fertilizers, 5 plcgs 45 sash, 8 bills wheels, and mdse. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway, July 2. 1.122 bbls r< isin, 646 bids spirits turpen- I car melons. 1 ear pig Iron, 150 Idds flour, 30 ears lumber. 1 ears wood, I car cattle, 100 hf kegs beer, 70 Lf bids beer, 5 bbls b(*r*r, 7 bales wool, I*2 bales hides. 8 boxes tooaceo, 12 lxlls rails and spikes, 12 bureaus, 4*l pkgs nuUe, 263 boxes veget able*. 30 vegetables, and mdse. per Central Railroad. July 29—17 bales yarn, II bales domestics. 5 pkgs wool, 5 bales hides, 2 pkgs paper, 12 pkgs tobacco, 5,080 lbs bacon, 77 bills spirits turpentine, 217 bids resin, 4,940 lbs fruit, 1.000 Imshels oals, 1 bid whisky, 60hf hhls beer, 100 qr bids beer, 125 bbls flour, tear .staves, 13 cars lumber, I car doors and sash, 143 pkgs w< ><>d in shape, 85 tons pig iron. 2 pkgs wax. 37 pkgs brooms. 18 pkgs nulse, 9 pkgs empties, 7 cars brick 375 pkgs hardware, 1 car coal, 10 cars oil tanks, 4 cars melons. EXPORTS. PersteamshlpOity of Augusta. for New York— -202 hales domestics. 693 Idds spirits turpentine, 1.887 htds rosin. 164,910 feet hfinlier, llJJOfimel • ■ iis. 96 bbls pears, l.ooi crates p. hrs, 72 tons pig iron. 3.594 staves, 343 pkgs mdse. p. rbaik Emilio Ciampa (Iatl). for Genoa— -2.700 bills rosin, weighing 1.168,525 pounds— Paterson, Downing & Cos; 2.100 staves by Butler & Stevens; 3,600 staves from Charleston. PASSENGERS. Per steamer David Clark, from Fernandina— Thus Earioy, N Morrison, John Dunivan, and 1 deck. per steamship Chattahoochee, from New York (’ M Holst., W IT Wade. S U Hans, W J Sparks. Miss E Palrner, Miss S Palmer, J F Hinson. D M Jacobs, C S Wood, < * B Smith and wife, Stella Sweet and 2 infts (col), J A Spalding, Judge W It Hnminoud S Jones, C V Grant. J Hurras*, \ R Mtmayer. J J Dillon, J F Carr, Kate Lynch, W II Lynch. ItSOllveros, T E McArthur and wife, F W Cluff. Steerage—J Venable, M Zined baum. I’(rteamshlp City of Augusta, for New York— . A F Arnold, W Parsons, G A Nieoll, Miss A Wil m. Dr E H Nichols, Mrs A N Wilson, ,J G Cain, L J! Lindsay, J F Sweat. D Hecht, A R Cohen, A (‘ Oelficbig, Mr and Mrs Ainsworth and inft, Miss Mary Ainsworth, Mrs Hackett, W M Ingra ham, W II lleardefcs, I) A Stone, Miss Emin a htoiie. Miss M Scbelrensaelj, Mr and Mrs Stok , Mrs 1> Hogan. 3 iufts and svt. Master I) P Ho gan, Mix J s Bracewell, Miss S E Burke, A W Yotiiw*. G W (iret*ne, F .Silva. Mrs Jus li Gamble, j V Milton, < W Mar* hall. Mrs L C Ma&fley, Mrs L R Massey, Miss Nellie Haslani, Mrs G W llus lam, Mr and Mrs D B Hull and daughters. F H Lipsley. F II Reed, Mrs M A Walker, Mrs Jose jihlne Rogers. Miss Lilia Woodbrldge, Miss Geor gia Lamar. Mrs John Riley, Miss Jennie Gordon. Mrs J K Williains. A Uosenfeld, I> Rich, Mrs H Walker and mother, C M Mirant, C A Bloom 51 Redding, E M Levy, and 3 steerage. CONSIGNEES. Per stenmor David Clark. from Fernandin— a P Williams & Cos. H Myers & Bros. Mrs W II Puvne. Mein hard Bros & Cos, Smith Brrts & Cos, I> H lx vy A: Bro, C 31 Gillxjrt & Cos, W T Gibson, W C Jackson, fi Rothschild. L Mack, A Hanley, If.MVwood. G A Cos, Lippman Bros, Mohr Bros, CV'llnt Bros. M Y Henderson, Standard Oil Cos, II L Ilarl ridge. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. July 29 Transfor Office. W, Fleming Bros, II Myers A Bros, Blodgett, M & Cos, M Y Hen ilersoii, H .Solomon & Son, A Einstein's Sons. Per Savallnati. Florida and Western Hallway, July 29 Transfer Office. Roy Myers & Cos, M S' Henderson, G Meyer, Mohr Bros,Pernod I'. W R Humphries, M Ferst & Cos, Bacon. J A Cos, U D MeDone.ll. Dale, D Cos, A Ehrlich & Bro, K U Cate Is, A liCtth r, Frierwai X Cos. M Wylly, Frank A: Cos, Standard < >il Cos, Srnitli Bros & Cos, (. Kefeiksu A Cos, D Cox, Fret well N. s Cohen, A I Miller & Cos. J (’ Thompson, Baldwin A; Cos, Peacock, U A Cos. Lilienthal A* Son. ET Roberts. Ellis. Y A Cos, C L Jones, W W Gordon & Cos. J P Williams A Cos, W W Chisholm. W C Jack 8011. Per Central Railroad. Jnlv 29—Fordg Agt. E Lovell A Son. Soritl-ern Cotton Gil Cos, Then StelbniM. II Myers A Bros, J P Williams A Cos, Lloyd A A. Warn n A A, C E Sinks, Weed &C, I*'ret wvll AN. 51 Farsi & Cos, T P Bond A Cos, L Pu/a*l, A H Chamjilon, Byek A S, New Home b M Cos. Times, Lee Roy Myers & Cos, I (; Haas, B Guckenboimer A Son. If non A G,C FI Carson, M Y Henderson, W B Midi A Cos, Buidwin A Cos, Peacock, II A Cos, Stillwell, P& M, A Hanley, Standard Oil Cos, W C Jackson, D A Altick’s Sons, Mohr Bros. Per steamship Cliattabooeliee, from New York Alt Altmayer ft Cos. .1 Baker. S W Branch, () Hntlt r, liyek A S, Blodgett, Mft Cos, L Ben tier, Ueiidlieini Bros ft Cos, C H it 11kg Cos, W F Chaplin, W 0 Cooper, J S Collins A: Cos, KM Connor, C illat Bros. K C Connell, Civilian & D, HC Daggett, I Dasher ft Cos, Decker ft F. MJ Doyle. A Doyle. Epstein ft W, A Klirlleh ft Bro, l .ekinan ft V, G Fx-kslein ft Cos. 1 Kpstein ft Bro, Kvenin ,- Call Pub Cos. J II Kstlll, Wm F.still, D H lOs e. Frank ft Cos, M Ferst ft tki, Fretwell ft N, J 11 Fm her. Flcischnian ft Cos, Fay ft Eohberg, S (luekenhelmer ft Son, C M ClUliert ft (Jo, Jos Cootie, l; M liorfunkl-, Cray ft (VP, llarmon ft C. Hit sell Bros, J II llelliiken, Habersham St Piiamuiey. J ,M Henderson, 1 Cymes Bros & Cos, J I, Hm tfel'l i'. 1, Jones care Harnett ft IS, stmr Katie. Kuviiiiaugb ft 11. H KronskotT, A Kruusn, Nixing, I.iiipuiati Bros, D J Kyous, If Bogan. Undsny ft M, II II Ix-wis, A Ix-fller, Lovell ft |„ K Ixivell ft Son, Jno Lyons ft Cos. If F l.ulisft Cos, II If Levy ft Bro. M Lavin, A J Miller ft Cos, McKenna & W. lev Koy Myers ft Cos. Molir Bros, J Meffralii ft Cos, II Moyle, A McAllister, George ■Meyers. W B Mell ft Cos, 1) P Myenwm, Malaga Glass (to, Teeple ft Cos. It D McDonell, Marshall House, J u Nelson ft Cos, N N Nichols, G Noble, Gglethorpo Club, Order II Miller agt, D Porter agt, Patx-rson, li ft Cos. Palmer Bros, LPntzel, C H Richmond. T lloderiok agt . C D Rogers, S, F ft W lty. Bouthem K.x Cos. Southern Cotton tail Cos, J T Shuptrlne ft Hro, E A Schwarz. C K Stubbs, J J Sullivan, LC Strong. Strauss Bros. Solomons ft Cos. Jno Sullivan, I* B Springer, M Sternberg, W D Slmklna ft Cos, Screven House, Singer Mfg Cos, Solomons ft Son. G W Tiadoman. S T Thornton, T P Townsend. J W Tynan, Vale Koval Mfg Cos, Weed ft C,; A M ft C W Went, Ua ft FU I H B Cos. LIST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT 09 SAVANNAH. Savannah, July 29, 1887. ST IAMSHIPB. Chattahoochee. 2,BSHtons, Daggett, New York, Idg—C G Anderson. DcsHoug, 1,807 tons, Howes, Philadelphia, ldg— CG Anderson. A Wm Crane, 1,470 ton?, Billups, Baltimore, dls— Jus B West & Cos. Three steamships. BARKS. Altauioha, 320 tons, Pray, Philadelphia, dis— K Clarke & Cos. Pohona (Bn. 799 t ns, Jamieson, Europe, ldg— Jas K < 'larke & C'o. Emilio Ciampa i Ital). 420 tone, Cafiero, Genoa, eld—A R Salas A Cos. Telomach (Nor), 632 tons, Hardy, Liverpool, dia - A R B&las .v Cos. Auroro (Sp), Wii tons, Bonet, Europe, ldg— Strachan A Cos. llans Thiis i Nov), 889 tons, Tbiis, Europe, ldg— St rue I mu A Cos. Obdulia (bp), 342 tous, Bullet, port iq Siiaiu, ldg —Butler A Stevens. Ole Bull Nor -. 545 tons, lUiso, Europo, ldg—M S Cosulich A Cos. Eight barks. BRIGS. Porvenlr (Sp). 328 tons, Llull, at quarantine, wtg —Strachan A Cos. Clara Pickens, 491 tons, Eddy, Baltimore, dis— Jos A Roberts A Cos. Two brigs. SCHOONERS. Ida Lawrence, 515 tons. Young, Baltimore, ldg— Jos A Roberts A Cos. (’arrie .strong. IT4 tons, Strong, Boston, ldg—Jo* A ifi>l tei i .Cos A Denike, 428 tons-, Townsend, Baltimore, ldg— Job A Itolx its & Cos. Harry ProM-< ti, 434 tons, Doane, Kennebec, dia —Jos A Roberts A Cos. Island City. 4p6 f‘iis, Voorhees, Baltimore, dis—* Dale, Dixon A Cos. Five schooners. BROIv Kits A. L I IARTKIUOE, SECURITY BROKER. I>UYS AND SELLS on commission all classes > of Stocks and Bonds. Negotiates loans on umrketublo stcaritit. New York quotations furnished by private ticker every fifteen hihiutes. - —\ — - WM. T. WIU.IAMS. W. CUMMINO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., TBx'oTfeex's. OUDBRS EXECUTED on the K.-vv Vork, Chi* cajju anil Liverpool Exchanges. li) COMMERCIAL BUILDIXO. BANKS. KISSIMMEE CITyHbXnK Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - $50,000 npUANBACT a regular banking business. Give I 4ai%iciilar att*? 3 Ton to Florida collections, ('nrivsi>ondeeo solicited. Issue Exchange oa New York, Now Orleans, Bavannah and Jack sonville. Fla. Resident Agents for Coutta A Cos. and Melville. Evans & Cos., of London, England. Now York correspondent: Tho Seaboard National Bam:. ——— ~~ FHIfIT AND (• HOCEKIEB. 3? O T _A_ TOE sTI Long Island Potatoes. Onions, Cabbage. Cow Peas. Seed and Feed Peas. Hay, Grain. Bran, Eyes, Etc. Got our prioi's on lurgo lots of Grain anil I lay before buying. 109 BAY ST, W. D. SIMKINS & CO. L E A L O IST S. Cabbages, Potatoes, Onions. 30,000 bushels CORN, 13,000 bushels OATS, IIAY, BRAN, GRITS, MEAL, STOCK FEED. Grain and Hay in carload a specialty. COW PEAS, all varieties. RUST PROOF OATS. Our ST< >CK FEED is prepared with great care anil is just the thing for Horses and Mules la this weather. Try It. T. P. BOND & CO., 155 Hay Htreet. PEACHES! Received in large quanti ties daily. In packages te suit all buyers. For Sale Very Cheap A. H. CHAMPIOI. NEW CHEESE. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY ' C. M. GILBERT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS. ITIHJCATIONs. THE WILMINGTON STAS: REDUCTION IN PRICE. Attention is called to the following reduced rate* of subscription, in advance: TIIK DAILY STAR. One Year $6 00 Six Months 3 00 Three Months 1 50 One Mouth 50 THK WEEKLY STxVR. One Year $1 00 Six Months 60 Three Months ao Our Telegraph News service ha* recently boon largely increased, aud It is our determination to pvp the Stak up to the highest standard of newspaper excellence. Address WM. H. BERNARD, Wilmington, N. C. FOB S M.K. Desirable Property for Sale fTMIE residence of the lata C'apt. John Cooper, I No. 208 Smith lir./adstreet,mid vacant hulf lot adjoining. (.City lot, ground rent only $25 per annum.) —J 1.50 House No. 209 York street and vacant half lot adjoining. —ALSO— Two houses, Nos. 190 and 193 State street. —ALBO— S-’ven houses on lots Nos. 15 and 10 Waltoo ward. — Tract of land) 12 acres, with Improvements, situated on Ogeeche ■ road, near Battery Park, half under cultivation, other half good hum mock and well wooded. Apply to B. E. MIMS, Suvannoh, Ua.. Or JOHN COOPER. Macon, da 7