The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 31, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL. MARKET. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, 1 SiVAJWAH, Qi. v July 30, 4p. m. f CcyrroN—The market was very dull and en tirely nominal. There was no inquiry and no sales On 'Change at the midday call, at Ip. the market was reported nominal at a de cline of M c aII arouncl - The following are the official spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: ::::::: Good ordinary B'M swi Island, —The market remains entirely _ miinal There is no inquiry and no sales were reported. 'Ve quote nominally: Common Georgias and Floridas 14 O.ISU Medium l<H4@lt (j lM wl medium 1.U(5,13 Fine lOV| vr 30 Extra lino SOUyS^l Choice ~~ w Comparativo Cotton Statement. Receipts, Extorts and Stock on Hand July 30, 1887, and for the Same Time Last Year. jj 18SC-87. | 1883-86. |/stand, Miud} V P land Stock on haml Sept. 1 1,149 4.304;' 551 3.298 Received to-day !i 1 *2j Received previously 27,241 771.357 |i 23,38 11 7>0,290j Total 88,308 775,6511 j 23,039 788,600 Exported to-day •• 164|j 2,319 I Exported previously j 27,831 775,004 : 22,521 779,383 1 Total 27,8311 775,256 28,521 781, 7?2 !zL~rr.zi:T" z 7!l j i 1 Stock i >n luvnd and on ship I [ board this day ,1 5C2\ 4G3|| 1,410| Rice—The market was quiet, but steady and unchanged. The sales for the day were only 10 barrels at about quotations, as follows: JTj.jj* Jf<j Good 4->h<&4 H Prime. . Rough Country lots 00<ft 90 Tide water 90(&1 15 Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur penrine was very firm and advancing. The sales for the day were *OO casks at for regulars. A! the Board of Trade on the owning rail the Jnarket was reported firm ut 28'kjc for regulars. At the closing call it, was firm at 29c for regu lars Rosin—The market was quiet, but steady anti unchanged. The sales for the day 9 were alnut 950 barrels. At the Board of Trade on tii • rti-ct call the-marxet was reported firm for I and above, and steady for H and below, with s ilesof 1:0 barrels at the following quotations: A. 13, C and D 90,, E 9.5 c, F $1 o*. GSi 05, II : p. 1 ,51 K t>i 80, >1 Si 40. N $1 55, window glasV Si 85, water white S3 85. At the last call it was unchanged, with further sales of 167 barrels. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,513 77.408 Reet*i ved t o-day 651 1.618 Received previously 84,078 191,607 Total 87,872 870.633 Exported to-day 3.175 1,989 Exported previously 72,453 211,668 Total 75,628 213,657 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day ...... 12,244 56,976 Re 'ivpts same day last year 503 1,658 Financial—Mon j y is very quiet. Domestic Exchange— Steady. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at Vr per cent. di" >imt and selling at par@}£ percent, pre miurn. huretgn Ecchangc— The market is weak. Commercial demand, 84 83*4; sixty days, 34 814|: ninety days, $48114; francs. Paris and Havre, eo.nm uviai. sixty days, $5 Swiss. I >:t; marks, sixty days, 9 Hi. BscUitrriEs—'The market is dull and weak, lb* teninros are freely offered at quotations. City bon Is are neglected. Long date railroad bonds arc in some little demand. Stocks and Bonds —City Rond a— Quiet. At lanta 6 per cent long date. 108 bid. 110 asked; Atlanta < percent, lis bid, 121 asked; Augusta I percent longdate, 115 bid. lift asked; Augusta Gs lonr date, ids bid, 110 asked; Columbus 5 per •Tie. i k lad. 105 asked; Macon 6 ]>er cent. 11l bid, 11c asked; new Savannah 5 pM’wnt, Octolier coupons, 102 bid, 102,4 asked; new Savannah 5 percent, August coupons, 10264 bid. 10-9/2asked. Bonds —Market steady, with light sup ply Georgia new 6s, 1889. 102(4 bid, 103*4 asked: Georgia new pi 7 per cent gold, quarterly coupons, 106 bill, 10* 14 asked: Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1896, 120 bid, 121 asked. h’enhml AYfic/w-Central Common, 119 bid. I- 1 asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent guaranteed, 132 bkl, 133 asked: Georgia eom -196 bid. 198 asked; Southwestern 7 per c* :it guaranteed, 128J4 bid, 129 asked; Con f 1 ! 3 * 6 pur cent certificates, 10064 Fa 101 asked; Atlanta and West Point rail road stock, 110 bid, 112 asked; .vd.-inta and West Poiul G i>er cent, certificates, I'd bid. 104 asked ]!m 1 rot id Bond*— Market quiet. Savannah. II '"Mh end W. stern Railway Company general invigage ' >er cent interest, coupons < October, II- asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1897, 118 asked; i-’cMtr;*! consolidated mortgage 7 pin* cent, coitions January and July, maturity 1893. 109 W tii., llid 4 asked; Georgia railroad 6s, 1897, 196 bid, ion asked; Mobile-and Girard second mort indorsed 8 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity IKS'.), 102 bid. 104 asked; ‘Mont- P‘iutry and Lufaula first mortgage 6 per cent, in a" by Central railroad, KMU, oid. Unasked; -uanetta and North Georgia first mortgage. 50 prs, 6 per *ent, 9lA<j bkl. asked; char h, h.. Columbia and Augusta first mort lit bid. 1121*. asked; Char [yh'\ Columbia and Augusta second mortgage, m bid, 112 w, asked: Western Ala tnn second mortgage’ indorsed 8 per cent. 1 1 ‘id. Wtt nsked: South Georgia ana Florida ir-Morsod. 113 bid. 120 asked; South Georgia and ,n ' ll second mortgage, ill bid, 116 asked; oipista aiid Knoxville first mortgage 7 per ‘ )1, bid, 112 asked; Oaiuesville, Jeffei - ~ s' M l,h orn first mortgage guaranteed, JpHfb'd. 116 K asked; Gainesville, Jefferson an-i southern not, guaranteed, 113 asked; t.x i*! 1 S, * :a, “ship (i per com h mils, guaran II hy 6.Mitral railroad, 10. V 2 bid, 103 asked: ,n !' i ' Jefferson and second 'pgage guaranteed, 113 asked: 1 '•inbus and Rome first mortgage bonds, in ' •I by Central railroad, 105 bid. 106 asked: ,rt,s and Western 6 i>er cent guaranteed, ..'i‘'d* 111 asked; City and Subui*lian rail Ea..i. r ' t l'Vi'i.j.'t * > pr*H t !j" ,l ** v * Savings and Trust Company, '' storks Xomiinl. Bouthern Bank of ( - xf heGeorgia, yihi bid. 2)5 asked: Mer N National Bank, 157 asked: Si ' i': ,ank and Trust Company, 99 bid, 101 aI m| at i°nal Bauk of Savannah, 120 bid. 131 -Savannah Gas Light stock, ex , V' 1 , •. 1,1 bid, 21 naked; Mutual Gas Light K * -'bid. 21 asked. ' -N Market firm and advancing: demand i S,n '; .and clear rib sides, 9%c; shoulders, ! k : . 11 •' clear rib sides. 9c; long clear. •••'iioiihiepß, none; hams, 13c. p..‘;’ r ~!v' * and Ties- .Market quiet. Wo quote f.v , ‘* 4 t,v’„ '* F- according to brand auTl quantity. ,„. 1 Arrow uud other brands. Si )■ ' ' ,!i 'd'\ neeurding to brand mid quantity ’k-s in retail lots a fraction higher, j, 11:: Market sternly; oleomargarine, M(& eri ' lw n . l,iK , Northern, 10(01120. I,Market nominal ;sma!l demand ;stock quote 11 oj} isc. . * 1 1 hi* mar. cl is firm. SVo quote for r! .V. o, *dina.*y. tfie; fair, 21c; good, 23c; " • ; iwabcrry J6e. w ; . Kr, T \ppJes, evaporated. 13c; peeled, pooled. iOc; uupeeled 6({^7ck.cur citron, 35e. V,. 1 Tlie mark(‘t in firm; business fair. t./'ic; Georgia brown it , , s bl’ - * : , -4 brown shiN-t --s r • "hite osnaburgs, inis .'. ''‘hs, 8,5 c for best makes; brown drill ?•' ' '' 'tJjC. 1 <iume full wvfchta: Mackerel No -:'a “ M -: No. hall banfls. nominal, a • Nll. S, MW. h SO. Herring -No. 1. ''o4. ivafe. \X,' ... , -arkotu:ik,•!(!(■, 1; demand morlcrntp. r, Kxtra. KWa.4 10; fancy. sl*s '' it.)' " UlTO Patent, $5 iiiij,.-, j 0; family, *4 MW/. mlhy.l V' n, . on! ' Market advancing and a nd quote: sr Uo(®(t 00 lk-ht V' oni Market very Unit: demand; cait. ..i i V 'luote; White com. Jol> tats, Kite; j, " ,s - '■"V: mis..! coin, jolt lots, tine: car uii,.i . c.' ' -utm iendy: demand flood. Wc .'OXe.i oiiu*. 4.. e; carload loU. JOo. liran. I $1 00. Meal, 65c. Georgia grist, per sack, $1 40: grist, per bushel, 70c. Hay—Market very firm, with a fair demand • atock ample. We quote Job lots: Westeru ft); carload lota, 90c. Eastern cone. North ern none. Hmcs. Wool, ETC.-Hides-Market duU; re ceipt light; dry flint, 11c; salted. 9c; dry butcher, Bc. Wool—Market weakanddeclining* primo in bales, burry, 10@15c. Wax, 18c. Tallow, B®4c. Deerskins, flint, dOc; salted, 160 Otter skins, 50<3.54 00. Irox—Market firm; Swede, 4hi®sc; refined. Lard—Market is firm; in tierces 74ji; 505> tins7^jc. Lime, CAlcine Plaster axd Cemext—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand, and is selling at $1 30 per barrel; Gaorgiasl 30: calcined plas ter, SI 50 per barrel; hair 4e. Rosendalc*eement, SI 50; Portland cement S2 50. Liquors—Full stock; steady demand. Bour bon, SI 50@5 60; rye, $1 s&<g6 00; rectified, 51 00©1 35. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails—Market firm; fair demand. We quote: 3d. J3 Ik); 4d and sd, *3 2'.; (id, $3 00, bd, S2 75; lOd to Wd, $2 50 per keg. Nuts—Almonds, Tarragona, 18@20c; Ivicas, 17®18c; walnuts, French, 19c; Naples, 16c: pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c;, filberts, 12c; eocoanuts. Baracoa, $5 25 per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal pc; West Virginia black, 9@loc; lard, tiOc; headlight, 15c: kerosene, 10c; water white, lfi'vke; neatsfoot, 02®S0, machinery, 25@30c; linseed, raw, 52c; boiled, 55c; mineral seal, 10c; fireproof, I8e; homelight, 18c. Oxioxs—Bermuda, SI 60 ;ttT crate; native, 51 iX)f;,l 25 per crate; Egyptian, $2 75 per ease. Potatoes—Long Island Rose, S2 5!)®2 75. Peas—Demand light; eow peas, mixed 75®. 80c; clay, Si OO.ffil 15; speckled, $1 00® 1 15; black eye. Si 25(2,1 50; white crowder, Si 50© 1 15. Prunes—Turkish. 534 c; French, Bc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel, §2 00; layers, $2 00 per box; Lou u)ii layers, $2 25 per box. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots. 600 f o b; job lots, 75® DJc Shot—Drop, Si 40; buck, Si 65. Sugar—The market is firm; cut loaf, C’Kc; standard A, tilde; extra 0, 5-*4c; C yellow,; granulated, powdered, Syrup—-Florida and Georgia syrup, 400 He; the market is quiet for sugariiouae at Cuba straight goods, 28c in hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c. Tooauco—Market dull: demand moderate. He quote: Smoking. 25@$1 25: inon, souiul, 2&(fc3oc: fan*, •J0035c; medium, 38 bright, fine fancy. 85@90c; extra line, 90c6/.3?l 10; bright navies, dark navies, 4050 c. Lumber—The effect of the interstate com merce Vill. e )upled with scarcity of ears, has eonsiderably curtailed shipments and quieted demand from ihe West. Coastwise and f< *reign demand is quite active, and prices remain linn at quotations. We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes SJ3 50® 17 (X) Difficult sizes I6 oo<r 21 50 Flooring boards :6 Grq2o 50 iShipstuff 18 50<&21 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 ooy> ll iN> BiH) •* ‘ k 10 Uo<f7 11 00 900 “ “ ll 1.000 “ “ 12 Shipping timber in the raft— -700 feet average § 6 006£ 7 00 800 “ “ 7 900 “ “ 8 <MVh. 9 00 1.000 “ “ 9 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail— The market is very quiet, a few cargoes offering for New York and Baltimore. All arrivals this week were previously closed. Freight limits arc from $5 (X) to $6 25 from tills and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia. New York. Sound pnrts and eastward. Timber, lumber rates. To the West Indies and wind ward. nominal: to South America, sl3 00(5 ll 00; toSpanisli and Meditcrmniau ports, sll OOyr, 12 to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 2r<2 2 Ls; lumber. I*3 15s. Steam— I To New York, 87 00; to Philadelphia, $7 (; to Boston, $9 00. Naval Stores Firm but nominal, owing to the scarcity of vessels. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 2s and, or, 4s H'd: Adriatic, rosin. 3s; Genoa, rosin. 2s loqid. Coastwise—Steam— To Boston, 50c. on rosin. $1 udon spirits: to New York, rosin 50e. spirits, 80e; to Philadelphia, rosin. Hftc,- spirits Brtc: to Baltimore, rosin, 30c, spirits7oc Coastwise, quiet. Cotton -By Steam—The market is nominal. Liverpool via New York ft 3-10d Liverpool via Bultimoi*e lb ... 3-lud Antwerp via New York ih Havre via New York *F k> 9-1 tic Havre via Baltimore 66c firemen via New York 11-l6c keval via New York 11-32d Brt?men via Baltimore fi ft> r s c Amsterdam via New York 05c Amsterdam via Balttmore 61c Genoa via New York *4 lb %and Boston bale 1 35 Sea island bale 1 75 New York V bale 1 35 Sea Island W bale 1 75 Philailelphia bale 1 li” Sea island *p bale 1 75 Baltimore p bale 1 25 Providence bale 1 50 Rice—By steam — New York H l)arrel GO Pbiladelpiiia p barrel 60 Baltimore ban*el 60 Boston i* barrel 60 Vegetables - By steam -(By special contract) -To New York, Philadelphia. Boston and Haiti more, standard craG's, 2uc; barrels 40c. With out the contract, crates 35a; i;u*i els 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls p pair © 65 (/>, 80 Chickens, to % grown 40 (& 60 Springers 25 (k, 40 Ducks pair 50 75 (rtiese p pair 75 Turkeys p pair 125 (c 200 l’.ggs, country, dozen . . — Peanuts- Fancy h. p. Va. lb . op 7Uj IVanuts—Hand picked *## lb. . —to Peanuts—Ua. V tiushel, nominal. 75 (n, fjO Sweet potatoes, yel. reds bush. 50 to 60 Swwt potatoes. 3’el.yams g? bush. 65 C<A 75 Sweet pot's, white yarns $ bushel 40 Oj, SO Poultry—-Market steady; receipts heavy; demand light for grown; half to three-quarter grown in good request. Egos—Market steady, with a good demand ami scarce. Peanuts— Fair stock; demand moderate; market ad vancing and higher prices predicted. Sugar -Georgia and Florida, nominal; none in market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. MAEiKETS BY TELEGRAPH. yiNAXCIAL. New York. July 80. noon.-Stocks active and I unsettled. .Money easy at 5 per cent. Exchange —long $4 82b*, short $4 State bouds neg- I lcoted. Government bonds dull but steady, i .voo n. m Exchange active but unsettled and } heavy at MUfir. i 85V$. Money easy at \(n s per cent., closing offered at 5. SiilvTreasuty i balances Gold, 5131,9.M,006; currency, 2* 12,. *29, ! uhi. Government bonds (lull but .-t‘a6y: four per j cents 127Vy: lour and a half per cents H>\L i Statu bonds negh-cted. 1 Tii> sit h i session on the stock' market to day was the liveliest, that has been seen since the I bre ;k of June 21. and th-i discouragement of the nulls noticed yesterday quickly develops! I 11110 a panic, slocks Mug thrown over right j cud lett and very many accounts wiped out on j the loii" side, stop orders were met in nearly all the active list, while the only buying notice able was hy London an i c vering 01 shorts. I I aid the depression the private hi k *r rumored ! yesterday to he in trouble did not make his ap j peuranee upon the street and hDcollateral was I diiti 11 '**< 1 uiMin the market. Dealing, were very i large and the market extremely fovetlsa throughout, with vei*y vink*nt fluctuations, the ! 'ci that the session would last hut two hours I aVl.Mif !•’ni.'il,,'Ui • ilrmor.ili/atlun a* i 1.,..,-,,iik- „’a* in a Imrry I" >:•■' '■>}■ Tli-tii wan i„,:k .1,1 til,- lit that was lit-ld, But nil . decliiietl togeth -r. tlie loss*s diiTenug only 111 whit,* o<wl Mocto*. Kl'n.linK and Lacta- I mn.'i rni iii'dnd Uw lintrinst loavs among tm ■n ltvp list Imn'llvr stoflts were fc,m|Vii anvely negleeted, Ihongh a few of them showed very wine llnetnations. A halt was made and the i nivsiinition is lhut the leaders of the Utarmove I fnent were afraid to let the decline go further | The opening was generally heavy, though tie- I Oiis-s rp .u 11 -I evening s prKvs were lor wn.i free!ions only, leu the great nressurn '■ sell |.ii,,,.li„i pi-ue.., off immediately and deelmea rani'tiig un (o ltd s per cent wen, made in Ihe llral’liall hour. A slight •vaction was followed hmuediatel fhy a renewal ot the decline, and ..'•• •y, hm -weiit oil wit i a r.i n. Ihe lowest ('■'Ui<"t were re iclied about 11:15, When losses ;,,.| np to nearly 5 per cent from yesterday s hnl figures' a smart and rapid recovery <>f ' ht cent followed, Imt us force was soon spent'and prices again settled down Ihe lina li uire in many eases lielng the lowest of th. div The elose was active, feverish and un settled ul or near the lowest figures. The busi ness done aniounttsl to HOO.lldh shares. Every thlng istiittlernlly hover, the |.rlnei,wl deedaes I „, ..t r KcAdinir 3UL Canada Bout hern 4%. in !,;.s'ee t 0..1 ■& Jeh..,oud and West Point it, v.• i.'n. |n t-J 1 .. Colorado ( oul g l 4. Northwest e in n s'-,' Si Poeltle Mall. Oreg-m Tritis-CotU dieiUal, M mhattan and Lackawanna •' and othere. small n' anion.its. The following , were the closing duotatlons: a t ,iass i • t,, j it).) NeH oneaim i a MWp-i T.:;r-eos THE MORNING NEWS; SUNDAY. JULY 31, 1887. Virginia 6s MS Richmond & Ale .10 Va. consolidated. t 54 Richmond & Danv 150 Ch'peake& Ohio 6 RiclmPd &W. Pt. Chic. & Terminal 25% 44 preferred. ..14244 Rock Island 127 Dela., Lock &W. 12% St. Paul Erie 25% “ preferred llfi^j East Tennessee, Texas Pacific 27 new stock 11 Vi Tenn. Coal A Iron. 31 % Lake Shore 91 Vi Union Pacific 52L 4 L'vilic&Nash N..I. Central 73 Memphis & Char. +49Missouri Pacific... 97 Mobile & Ohio 13-Vi Western Union... 703£ Nash. & Chatt’a.. 7‘B CottonOilTrust cer 3.3’q •Bid. t Asked. The weekly statement of the associated banks, issued by tno clearing house today, shows the following changes: Reserve decreased S 366.350 Loans decreased Specie decreased 1,385.700 Legal tenders increased 372,900 Deposits decreased 2,585,800 Circulation decreased 16,300 Banks now hold $8,130,975 in excess of the 25 per cent. rule. COTTON. New York, July 30, noon. —Cotton opened easy; middling uplands 10c, middling Orleans KH*c; sales 7,217 bales, including 6,217 forex port. Futures -Market opened steady, with sales as follows: July delivery 9 58c, August 9 83c. September 9 27c, October 9 18c, November 9 15c, December 9 14c. 5:00 p. m.—Market closed easy; middling up lands 10c. middling Orleans sales to-day 7,217 bales. Futures—Market closed steady, with sales of 71.500 bales, as follows: August delivery 9 sot;/. 9 82c, September 9 23<&9 2lc, October 9 24<in 9 25c, November 9 20(i-9 21c, December 9 20to 9 21c, January 9 23(&9 24c, February 9 31c, May 9 48(a>9 50c Following a drop of 36 points in cotton yes terday, the market opened very feverish at the Cotton Exchange to-day. Salt's for shorts ag gregated 71,500 bales, a good showing for Satur day. Large sales wore the result of an attempt to cover short interest. In the course of the morning August dropped to 0 67c per pound,the lowest point reached. At the closing hour, at noon, a reaction had set in, which brought prices for all months except August 2 to 5 points above yesterday's closing. August closed 10 points below yesterday. A recovery began half an hour before the close. It resulted Iron* re ports of drought in Texas, and injurious effects of excessive rain in Georgia and Alai aim a. In the last half hour the recovery amounted to 7 points all aion r t e line. Green & Co.’s report on cotton futures savs: “The feature of oi<l crop was another consul ar able drop in price, 21 points against last even ing. It was evident, however, that August was only used to pound the general market, and upon a revelation of large spot business and an increased desire to cover, prices quickly re acted 14@15 points; closing steady, with light offering. New crop fell away about 3 points early, but shorts coming in, there was a prompt recovery and firmer tone at the close at 5 points above last evening. A free movement of sp<u is reported for export, with 10c quoted for mid dling uplands.' 4 Galveston, July 30.—Cotton quiet; middling 9*k,c; net receipts 49 bales, gross 19; sales 4<’ baies: stock 1J26 bales. Norfolk, July 39. Cotton quiet; middling 10c; net receipts none, gross none; sales 271 bait's: stocK 2.283 bales. Baltimore, July 39.—Cotton nominal; middling lOWjc; net receipts iso bales. # gross in); sales none; stock 472 bales; exports coastwise 180 bales. Boston. July 30.—Cotton easier; middling lOUc; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, July 30.—Cotton nominal; mid dling lOtqe; net receipts 1 bale, gross 1; sales none; stock SKJ bales. Philadelphia, July : 10.—Cotton quiet; mid dling 10) s e; net receipts none, gross none; stock 1 r.r*4 hi bales. New Orleans, July 3).—Cotton dull: mid dling net receipts 21 bales, gross 21; sales Ilk) Dates; stock 40,661 bales. Mobile, July 3:).—Cotton nominal; middling 9>£c; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 329 bales. Memphis*. July 30.—Cotton quiet hut steady; middling 9%c: receipts 7 bales: shipments 206 bales: sales ioo bales; sbK-k 6,458 bales. Augusta. July 3-).—Cotton nominal;middling lOvlrfC; re\‘ipts i bale: sales 25 bales. Charleston, Jul> •'). -Cotton quiet; middling 10e: net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock Biii bales. Atlanta, July 39. —Cotton—middling receipts none. New York, July 3+.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-dav 398 bales; stock at all American ports 187,693 bales. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 1,514,024 bates, of which 861,721 hales are American, against 1,488,925 and 990.325 bales, respectively, last year. Receipts at all interior towns for the week 1.2 )7 bales; receipts from plantations 1,330 bales. Crop in sight ,6,345, |6lB bales PROVISIONS. OROOERIES. ETC. Liverpool, July 30, 12:30 p. m.—'Wheat quiet; demand poor; holders offer moderately. Corn quiet but steady; demand poor. New Yorz, July 80, noon.—rlour dull and b*avv. Wheat '•%■> ‘ l*wer. Corn Wft %c lower. TV>rk*steady; messSlfi 25(5.16 75. Lard dull at $! 90. Old mess pork steady Freights steady. s:od p. m.—Flour,*rn quiet and about steady. Wheat -spot declined le and op tions U(&lc, closing heavy at about inside rates; No. 2 r**d, August delivery 78 11 -16^79c,c10 at 78%c. Corn lower and less active: No. 2, September delivery 303 je, closing (lorn-spot very dull and a shade lower; options tp* lower, (dosing steady; No. 2, August de livery k*e; .SeptemlxT 46 7-l(lf?> Hops dull and unchanged. Coffee, fair Rio, snot weak at I‘lU.c; options heavy aud lower, with moderate business: No. 7 Rio, not quoted; September delivery 17 25(5 17 .se. Octolier 17 4*' 1 . 7‘h*. Sugar steady but very quiet; fair lefiniug quoted at 4 16c; retin-*d steady. Molasses nominal. Petroleum—ci ude 5-Uv refined at all ports O Vfce. Cotton seed oil quoted 27(Ttekkr for crude, 4ifor refined. Hides in moderate request. Pork dull and more or less nomin and; m**ss 81.5 :*:> Or 15 75 for old. >516 25('{,16 75 for new. Beef dull. Middles dull aud nominal. Lard without quo table change but very dull; Western steam quoted at $ > 90, September 56 97, August closed at .?G 90. Freights dull: cotton 5-32.1, Chicago, July Taken altogether the Board was decidedly bearish to day, but not greatly more so than usual on Saturday, the last, of the week almost invariably bringing out all the small “longs* there are on the floor. There was a marked scarcity of salient features ia news, and mutters affecting prices seemed in, the equilibrium. All of the grain markets, however, opened with the least show* of strength presented for some lime before. Wheat was selling under Friday'* closing prices. Corn took a wjuare drop for August, ember and October, and oats, the slowest of the three, to more either way, sold lower for August and >4c low er for Bepteinl*r and Octolier. Wheat snowed no signs of ntrength, and the decline, which began early, left holders at the close quite discouraged. August opened a‘ %c under at 67%e. sold up to 08c and down to 6* tyc. and closed at 67?A\ rt(‘ptcmbe,r opened •!(,(• off* at 70 and sold down to 6.*bjc, and sold *4olower yesterday .at < .*toh. r sold down 1.0 71Uje, v/liere t vvasattlieclose. Corn receipts D*ing fp*e and rejx*rts agreeing that CeiitUl and Southern Illinois had lieeu favored this inoruiiig with fair sized rain, aided bears in this eeivajj. MeptemlßW. which closed last night at • oiiened poorly *‘t the inside flgtin* a* '! dev doped a steady and liui f. ;>>W.e. There was a little rally right at the close cause I by buying in of shorts by local scalpers, September leaving off nt 38*4 Oats very dc pressed 011 account (*f large offerings ol mo. - than the usual jyeportiou of ei>n.*,igmm*nt; luv iug to I'h* placed in at ore. Speculative tradin': was light, and fluctuat ion-; In prices very nrr row. iTovieloJts closed weal: for September, the pivotal futures, was unchanged for lard and 2%c higher for short ribs. Lard for Sop • •••mber sol I at S5 76 aud short ribs at }8 15(77.8 2* 1, closing at" $6 for former and 17V*C/n 26 for Rliort ribs. Cash quotations to-day ruled as follows: Flour quiet and uuchnuged Wheat. No. 2 spr'ng fiPi<a.(i7*\.c; N. 3 spring bSe: No 2 red 7 ‘<*. Corn, No. 2. 87%c. (tats, No. 2, 24 Mes.* jvirk. #l5. Ivird. j> j r ino lb*?. S : * 57yk. Short rib sides, loose, $8 Dry salted slioul ders, boxed, s•"* short clear bides,boxed, $s 45. Whisky 1 lu. Leading tutu res ranged as foilowa: Oiieuiiitf. ilighejt. Closing. No. 2 Wins at- July delivery — 58 I*B 67% August delivery. (18 68 37 y h Sept, delivery... 7070J4 C'.t)** Cohn- - July delivery 3747 37% 37^ August delivery. 37 % 37^ Sept, delivery. . 38 )% 36*5® (4 ATS — July delivery— 24t4 24Vi 24% August delivery. 24y\ 21% Seju. delivery... '£)% M EHB Pulllt— Year 51145 $.... $ Lard— July delivery. $6 00 $6 60 $0 57U August delivery. 000 000 0 57y* Short Kins July delivery $8 10 $8 10 $8 <>7Vv August delivery. 810 8 10 8 07Lj Baltimore, July 3d.—-Flour steady but quh*t: Howard Ktre* t and WestejTi superfine $2 2'.id, extra s9oo€i3 7fi family §4HV(.4 ((*, <*ity mills HUj *riire *4 <Ki, extra 3 75; Rio brands $1 37<&4 02. Wheat -Southern lower; red 78((i8 k‘ ; ainis*r Western lower but active: No. 2 winter red, on spot 7T%c bid. Corn —Southern firmer tor yellow; wliite yellw 48'J,fid. I>msa%TUJE. July 30.—Grain quiet. Wheat —No. 2r* i. 70c. Corn— No. 2 mixed 40c. Gats —No. 2, •*>‘;3*. 3054 c. Provisious: 1 Sacou clear rib sides SO 25, clear sides S9 50, ahoulders $6 75. Bulk meats -clear rib sides $8 50, clear sides SBHOK>: shoulders S6 00. Mess pork nominal. Hams, sugar cured firm at 11$£(&12. Lard, choice leaf SB. Cincinnati. July 30.—Flour easy, with free offerings. Wheat dull; No. 2 red 72c. Corn in fair "demand and steady; No. 2 mixed 4U. 4 c. Oats quiet; No. 2mixed, old 80U*e; No. 2 mixed, new 26G3C. Provisions —Pork steady. Lard scarce at $6 3V, Bulk meats dull; short clear 9VV, short rib SUc. Bacon firmer; short clear 94&C, short rib Whisky steady at $1 05. Hogs quiet. St. Louis. July 30.—Flour quiet and easy. Wheat was weaa and dcuioruhz -d all st'ss.ou; clostvl l(relUe lower than yesterday; No. 2 red, cash 69 l qc; July delivery 09‘*c, S'*ptimber B) C37P4C, closed at 7(*V\ Corn ' s hnver: cash 31'^(iv34*41*, August delivery 83Ve 34*4c. Sepfemlier 347j 4 closed 35Wc*. Oats easier: eiish A&igust delivery Whisky steady at $1 05. Provisions steady. New Orleans, July 30.--Coffee dull and drooping; Rio cargoes, common to primo 21c. Other articles unchanged. NAVAL STORES. Liverpool, July 30, 12:3J p. m. Spirits tur pentine 265. London. July 39. Spirits turpentine 25s 91. New York, Julv 30, noon.—Spirits tur|>ontine steady at 31 %c. Rosin steady at St 05@1 10. 5:00 p. m.—Rosin steady. Turiientine steady at 31^i(/32c. Charleston, July 30. Spirits turpentine steady at Rosin steady; good strained 90c. Wilmington, July 30. Spirits turnentina steady at 2KVjjc. Rosin quiet; strained TTUjc, good strained 82Uc. Tar firm at $1 30. Crude turpentine firm; hard $1 10, yellow dip $1 80, virgin $1 80. RICE. New York. July 30. —Rice steady. New Orleans. Jiilv 30. —Rice firmer; Louis iana, ordinary to 4 , 4( f /\se. SHIPPING 1 NTKLI.IO ! \( F.. MINI ATUKK ALMANAC -THIS DAY. Run Rises 5:17 Sun Sets 6:65 High Water at Savannah 5:09 a m. 5:56 p m Sunday, Julv 31. 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ethel, Gibson, Cohen's Bluff and way landings -W T Gibson. Manager. ' CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Dessoug, Howes, Philadelphia--0 G Andornon. Steamship Wm Crane, Billups, Baltimore—Jas B West & Cos. Bark Ole Bull (Nor), Riise, Rotterdam—M S Ct Lsulieli tY Cos. Baric Huns Tbiis (Nor), Thiis, London—Stra cl ran &. Cos. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Win Crane. Baltimore. Steamship Dessoug, Philadelphia Bark Emilio Ciampa fTtal), Genoa. MEMORANDA. Fernandina, July 80—Ait!ved, brig W IT Lati mer, Davies, New York. New York, July 28—Sailed, bark Wm Phillips, Brunswick, Ga. Bristol. July 27 - Arrived, barks Belvidcre (Br), Tivfrey. Savannah; 28th, Fortuna (Nor), Christ ian (Mi, Brunswick. Liv>M pool, July 28—Returned, bark Francisca de Villa (Sp), Noyares for Savannah. Plymouth. July 28—Arrived, steamship Hartle pool (Hr), Evans, Bull River. Rotterdam. July 28—Arrived, bark Mida (Nor), Ta 1 laksen. llnl n s wick. Sunderland. July 27—Arrived, bark Trento Gtah, Fazio, Pensacola. Hio Janeiro, July 2—Arrived, bark Mimer (Non, Hans mi, Brunswick, Ga. Sailed July 1, barks AUellaee. slc(‘nmiack, Para; Mary G Reed, Warren, do: 2d, Birgitte N r), Torgensim. Tybce; 3d. Java <Bn. Brynon, lVnsacola; Sunshine (Br), Smith, Barbados : 6MI. TstavatNor), Svenings j n, Brunswick, Ga; Tria f ira (Nor), Andersen, Pensacola; Alabama, Mar tin. Barbados. Cleared July 6, bark Minerva (Nor), Hansen, Tv!ee. Baltimoiv. July 28- Arrived, solir William R Drury, Sweetland. Brunswick. Bnuiswick, July 23—Arrived, bark Walters Massey, I’ludau. New York. Arrived 26th, sehr Genevieve. Hand, PhiladM* phia: 28th. bark Henry LGregg.(karter,Boston. Sailed 221. barks Geneva, Gregory. Elmira (since spoken); 24th, Sansone (Aus). St.areich, Valencia: 25th. Liitona (Nor>. JaoobseM, Santos; 2Sth. Stephen G Hart. Pearson. Providence. Belfast, Me, July 27—Sailed, schrs St Johns, Gilmore. Jacksonville; Nellie S Pickering, Flow ers, St Simon. Fernandina, July 28— Arrived, bark Hornet (Br), Ted ford, Bermuda. Jacksonville. July 26—Arrived, stmr Kemble, New York. Bqlow, sehr John S Davis, Johnstone, from New York. Cleared, steam sehr Louis Bucki. 3lount, New York. At anchor off the bar, sehr Nat Meador Brown, from New York. Pensacola, July 28—Cleared, barks Finland (Rus), .Melon, Hamburg; Amadeotltal),Capurro, Buenos Ayres. Port R yal, SC, July 28 -Cleared, bark Isabella (Bn, Williams, Ipvergordon. Providence. July 27 Sailed, sehr IMnnie L Child, Hart. Brunswick, Ga. Richmond, Va, July 28— Arrived, sehr John H Tingue, Burdge, Fernandina. \A'iseuss**tt. July 27 Sailed, bark Kate, Crow lev. lVnsacola. S'ew York,.luly 30—Arrived, sb*amshins Ell>e, Bremen: Adriatic, Liverpool; France. London. Arrived out, steamship Denmark, New York for Loneon. RECEIPTS. Per Ktearner Ethel, from Cohen's Bluff nnd w iv bindings—2>7 hbls ro in, and coops fowl, r.i blls spirits turpentine, i soda water cinte. 1 Ih.. eggs, 1 orate eggu, 2 bales hides. :i bbls Hour, 1 hale wool. Per Charleston and Savannah It ail wav. July 3T—l car w od, i hales hides, 58 bbls rosin, id bbls spirits turpentine, 10 j>kgs tobacco, 1 ease clothing, n bbls glue, 3 bbls bungs. 2 kegs rivets, 1" lulls iron. 1 Uhls rice, 1 car melons, 17 bars iron, 25 cmUlies tobacco, and mdse. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. July .'Jd —1,• * 1 .*i bbls rosin. 5(11 bbls spirits turpen tine, 4 iron. 2 cars grits, 2 enrsoats, lot boxes vegetables, 2?J bbls vegetable-. 1 ear wocnl, 18 cars lumber. 1 ear blx?ks. Kid V| bbls beer, }*. hbls tioer, 10 bales hides, 4.1 pkgs mdse, l *n gine famleraud wheel*. 2 haler, wool, and mdse. Per Central Railroad. July ‘Xi—i bale yarn. 31 bale* (loiiientica. I naie wool, 10 bAles hides, 8 mils leather. 1 pkg paper, 34?) pkgs fobttcco, KW bbiai spii its turjientme, 410 bbls resm. d,320 lbs fruit, 8 bbls whisky, ft bbls w hisky. J car wood. H pkgn h li goods, i7 cui*s lumber, 1 pkg, twine, 2 pkgs wax, *D tons pig iron. 1 bale paper 7 pUgs empties, 30 pkgs indue, 17 pkgn hardware, 2 pkg junk. 17 bales plaids, 4 cars melons, 1 car coal. EXPORTS. Per steamship Wm Crane, for Baltimore 7 bales sea island cotton, fib bales domestics and .pirnI', 1 ', KW Mils rics . 170 Mls tuvrsmtine, 2, 4'jii bids resin, IO.aOO feet lurnlvr, lulls hidis, •it' imllk leather, l.fiou watermelon*, 57 pkgn fruit, Ti 1 pkgs nid*u*. Per ste.-uuahip Desttoug. for Philadeluhia 2 bales upland cotton. <2 Ude paiier stoi.*k, HI hale.N dormvitlcs and yarns. 72 easKs clay, 21. i,iil.s rosin, Jilfi bbls spirits tu' |n“nti k*. *2.i,lfiU ioet lumlH.*r, 435 empties, 37,375 shingles. 1.31*2 melons. 18tons pig iron. 11l pkgs mdse, lit hbls |> • r.?, 112 crates iwars. l er bai l. Huns Thus (Non, for London—2.2lo bbls ftgirit? tuiqtentine, 113,532 gal lons Jas Jarie. Fr. Per bark Ole Bull (Nor), for Rotb*rdain 3,130 bbls rosin, weighing 1,533,115 jxiurul, 8 p Stmt ter S: Cos. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Win Crone, for Baltimore - S Adler. J M Bennett, Jos Wiloon, W PljuKoche, Miss Belle Fulmnn, W W UHboine. Miss Anna llriuljr, II B Altlc, Miss Bertha M Ci-mentu, E \, flotfman wlf* and t elilldron. Miss Maggie Berk lev, Carl BemUanqHUi, Wm Hobday uml wile Miss Allison. Per st<*amer Ethel, from Cohen's BlufT and way landings Geo W Greeu. H F. gnunfock. L SchieM*. Mai O E Smith and wife. KG Motion ir, D McFarland. W W Henry, Mm Henry, W ii Ruth, J H Stii'MikH Jaudoii, R Rogers, J]* Solom -riH, i. M Onaiin, Miss A E Morgan, G Pain, Mlb* Alice lierry, Mrs W C Surat. CONSIGNEES. Per *t**amer Etliel. from Cohan’s BlufT atel way landlnga Ellin. Y & Ck), Peacock,){ & Cos, Hal I win A Cos, \V ( .hurknon, J P Wiiliams A Cos, liny A g. Order, Ji MyerhJt Brov, Decker & 1 , D fl LeKtor, A B Hull. Per Chur lot ton ami Savannah Railway. July 3?> Transfer Office, A Ehrlich X’ llro. J F 'l’ur ivnt. i'eacock, li A* Cos. .1 P Williams Si Cos, Mrs T <1 Bullock. J>*e Roy Myers A Cos, Brown Bros. II Myers A: Bros. M 7 !lendersin. Per 8a van mm. Florida aty I Western Railway. July 9* -Transfer Office. M<‘fe>noii£li A Cos. P 11 K oniaii. Jl Myers A Bros, Krten.on (>, WI, Walt hour, S Guckenheimer <fc fckm, D V Dancy, A Lt*ffler, K Cohen. S A l .mP*iii. a Falk & Son, H Kok*nion <4 Son, A Ehrlich A** lire. I’erne AL, J G Sullivan <4 (’o. Metnbard Bros Si Cos, D Mor riMOii. l/*c ltoy flyers ic (To, J (3 Thompson, Geo Meyer, M Y Henderson. Dale, D<4 Cos. Uyc k .4 8, J K Clarke V Cos. Frank & Cos, kieser AS, Anna Blake, W*ed Jti C. Neidlinirer & K. Baldwin A Cos, Peocvxik, II & Cos. .J P William* .1 Cos. Appel & S, W W CbiMfmlni. C L Jones. W C Ja*kson. Mrs N M I>*w|m, \Y W Gordon S: Cos. EUim, Y>4 Cos, 0 E banocig. E T Hoocri.*. M lUcktui. I Per Central Railroad. Juiv 30—Fordg Asrt. Singer MtgOo. A .1 Miller £ Cos, Solomons & Cos, .7 II Schroeder, M Ferst & Cos, W D Dixon. G S Harris, Eckinan&Y, Bendhelm Bros & Cos, H Carter, Frank A Co,Harms A J. A H Champion. Lilienthal & Son, S Guckenhoimer Bon. C E Btults, Smith Bros A' Cos, II Solomon & Son, L Put*el, A Leffler. Leo Roy Myers A (’>, B Roth wcll. A M & C W West, c H Carson, H Myers & Bros, Stillwell. P A M, Chesnutt £ O’N. T L Kin sey, J P Williams A Cos. Kills,Y A Cos, Baldwin & Cos. Peacock, H A Cos, M Boley A Son, Warnock A \V. DOORS, sami, BTC, ANDREW HANLEY, DEALER IN Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. All of the above are lirst Kiln-Dried White Pine. ALSO DEALER IN Buiiders’ Hardware, Slate, Iron and Wooden Mantels, Grates, Stair work, Terracotta Sewer Pipe, Etc., Etc. Paints, Oils, Railroad, Steamboat and Mil! Supplies, Glass, Putty, Etc. Lime, Plaster, Cement and Hair. Plain and Decorative Wall Paper, Frescoelng, House and Sign Painting given personal atten tion and finished in the best manner. ANDREW IIAM.KY. WATCHES AND JEWEL.RY. THE CHBAREST PLACE TO BUY WEDDING PRESENTS Such as DIAMONDS, FINE STERLING SIL VERWARE, ELEGANT JEWELRY, FRENCH CLOCKS, etc., is to be found at A. L. Deshouillons, £1 BULL STREET, tho sole agent, for the celebrated ROCKFORD RAILROAD WATCHES, and who also makes a specialty of 18-Karat Wedding Rings AND THE FINEST WATCHES. Anything you buy from him being warranted as represented. Opera Glasses at C’ost. CROC ERIEB. JUST RECEIVED Salmon & Lobsters IN FLAT CANS. THE BEST IN THE MARKET. ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL LINE OF Staple & Fancy Groceries —AT— The Mutual Co-Operative Association, Barnard and Brouchton Strvi't Lane. STEAM LAUNDRY. SAVANNAH STEAM LAtNDRV, 131 Congress Street Mots aiifl Laco Garlaijs Cleaned as Good as New. SEE OUR NEW REDUCED PRICE LIST. Work Called lor and Delivered. PROPOSALS WANTED. Proposals for Paving. City ok Savannah, Ga.. j Office of the City Ki kvlvor, r July 29th, 18S7. ) PROPOSALS will be rocehr.] until WEDNKS 1 DAY, August 21th, at 8 o’clock r. m., directed to Mr. I*. E. iT-earer. Cl‘i kof Council of tli • city <l* Savannaii. fin., for tin* paving of that portion of Cougr •? street in said city lying between the cant projarty lint* f Went Broad street and tin* west property line of Drayton street: also, that put ion of Dull street in said city lying bet ween tin* south line of ('ongress street and the north line of State street, being a total area of üboul eight thousand square yards. The nronoaals may lx* for granite grawackn or asphalt blocks or for sheet asphalt, the speci flcat.ioiiM of which will b*i the same as given by the Engine r Department of tho District of Co lumbia in their report for RKG. Any person desiring to bid upon the above work, but. use different s)*ciflcat ion* from those enujiie-uird bow. may do so provided that a copy of the specifications upon which they bid iseucio:.-*<i w ith th*ir bid. All i ids for grawacko, granite or asphalt bloci • inij' t be accompanied by a specimen of the blocks intended to is* used. Set hi rate bids will also Im* received for the fur nishtngand laying of about thirty-Urn hundred running feet of curbstone, of cither blue stone or granite of the following Tllinensions: four inches broad, sixteen iucbea deep, mid in lengths of not less t.l:;in five led. The curbing to lie dressed on the top tdi inches from tiie top on the front, face anu four inches from the top on tie* rear i km*: to Is; perfectly straight and s iuare on the ends. Tho right, to reject any or all bids is reserved. For further i fo *ina ik m addro • J. dzBKUYN KOPS. Jn., C. E., Acting i Ity Hurwy ir. in mumim; mu ICB Omc* Health officer, l Savannah. Da . May 1, 1887. f From and after MAY Ist, 1887, the city ordi nance which •))ecilhM th* (Quarantine requiro menta to lx observed at the port of Savannah, Georgia, for period of time (uuiiu illy from Mav 1 h to November Ist, will ho most rigidly cm forced. Merchant* and all other parties Interested will Is* supplied with printed copies of the Quar anisic ordiu nice upon application to office of He dth Ofllc-r. From and nft/*r this date and until further no tice all steamships and vessels from South Am- rum, Central America, Mexico, West Indies, Sicily, ports of Italy south of to dogs. North latitude. and cuoxt of Africa l>e ween ]o degs. North and 11 dogs. South latitude, direct or via American jiort will lie sub* K'l' l to clone (Quarantine and lie roanirod to reixirt at the gua ran tine Station and ba treated as ben : from infected a*r su: pec od port* or localities OaplaiiiM of these vessels will have to iv <i iin at guaruntino Station until , then* vessels arc relieved. Ail steamers and vessels from foreign porta not included above, direct or via American port*, whether wxjkiug, chartered or otherwise, will Ih* required to remain in qiiarm until boarded and passed hy the guarani. n# Officer. \( d/ter the (‘a plain* nor any one on b >ard of tilt'll vtMttU trill be allowed to cume to the city v.dil the i ‘t'.AM*ln arc inspected anti panned by th* (Ju'arti n tinr (fjftirer. As fsirtii or localities not herein enumerated on- reported unhealthy to tho Sanitary Authori ties, (Quarantine restrictions against same wili j tie enforced without further publication. The quarantine regulation in quiring th** /lying of the ipUmiatitif. jin a tru iruhjerted f J * (letioitton or i .i*rtec*um wilt !#' rigidty en Im ■■ 4 ( J. X. McFAKLAND. M. D.. ldealth oiUcvr i MIXXIXERY. new“millineby KROUSKOFFS Mammoth Millinery House We are now offering immense lines of New Straw Hats, Ribbons, Feathers, etc., which are now being shipped daily by our New York buyer, and our Mr. Krouskoff, who is now North to assist in the selection of the Choicest Novelties in the Millinery Line. It is astonishing but a fact, that we sell fine Millinery cheaper than any retail store in New York. How can we do it? Cannot tell. This is our secret and our suc cess. Perhaps on account of large clearing out purchases or perhaps from direct shipments from London or Paris—but no matter so long as the ladies have all the advantages in stock and prices. We are now ready for business, and our previous large stock will be increased, and we are now offering full lines of line Milans in White and Colors, for Ladies, Misses and Children in an endless variety of shapes RIBBONS, RIBBONS, new novelties added and oux regu lar full line entirely filled out. We knock bottom out in the price of Straw Goods. We continue the sale of our Ribbons at, same prices as heretofore, although the prices have much advanced. We also continue to retail on our first floor at wholesale B. KROTTRKOFF, WATER COOLERS RANGES AND STOVES. JTJST received ANOTHER LOT OH 1 WATER COOLERS, Artistically Decorated, Plated Lever Faucets, at the Followi|g Low Prices: 1 % Gallons. 2 Gallons. S Gallons. 4 Gallons. 6 Gallons. 90c. $l5O. $lB5. $2 20. $2 80. Also Watering Pots, with Detachable Rose. 2 Quarts. 4 Quarts. 6 Quarts, 8 Quarts. 10 Quarts. 12 Quarts. 16 Quarts. 30c. 35c. 45c. 66c. 65c. 75c. $1 15. And Refrigerators, Kerosene Stoves, Ice Cream Freezers, Fly Fans, Hair Dusters, Feather Dusters and the Celebrated Charter Oak Ranges and Stoves, With Wire Gauze Oven Doors. The Construction of Which Equalizes the Heat in all Parts of the Oven. For Sale by CLARKE & DANIELS, Guards Armory, Corner Whitaker and York Stx-eets. TELEPHONE 264. TRUNKS AND SHOES. Our Trunks Have Arrived, And we are ready to show you the largest assortment ever brought to Savannah. If you propose to take a summer va cation don’t wait until you are ready to leave, but come around to see us at once and make your selection while our assortment is complete. Trunks, Trunks. Ladies’ Louisa Leather Saratoga Trunks, Ladies’ Lady Washington Leather or Zinc Saratoga Trunks, Gents’ Sole Leather Trunks, Ladies’ and Gents’ Leather Satchels, Ladies’ and Gents’ Leather Club Bags. All styles and at Rock Bot tom PItICES. Don’t Fail to examine our Gents’ Calf $3 Shoes, in Con gress, Lace and Button, best in the city, at JOS. ROSENHEIM & CO.’S IPOZPTTIxA-IR SLLOJC STORE, 135 BROUGHTON STREET. N. B. The repairs in our store having been completed we are again ready lor business. IRON WORKS. KEHOE’S IRONWORKS; Broughton Street, from Reynolds to Randolph Streets, Sa-vannali, - - Georgia. CASTING OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THK RAPIDLY INCREASING DEMAND FOR OUR SUGAR MILLS AND PANS . * Tr AS induced ns to manufacture them on a more extensive scale than *1 ever To that end no pains or expense has been spared to maintain tP their HIGH STANARD OF EXCELLENCE. Q These Mills are of the DENT MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, with heavy WROUGHT IRON SHAFTS (made long to prevent danger to the m Km operator), and rollers of tlie l,e.t charcoal pig iron, all turned up true n JW 'they are heavy, strong and durable, run light and even, and are guaran teed capable of grinding the heaviest fully matured All our Mills are fully warranted for one year. • . o<* • | r* and uniformit vof WE GUARANTEE OUR PrIcES TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Large Stock Always on Hand for Prompt Delivery. Wm. Kehoe Sr Cos. N. 11. -The name " KEHOE’S IRON WORKS.’ is cast on all our Mills and Pans. Vale Royal Manufacturing k SJWJVNISrjV-H, GA, MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Mi, Doors. Binds, Mantels, Ft* Ends, And Interior Fioiah of all kind*. Moulding*. Balusters, Newel Post*. Fstimatc*, Price IJat*, Mould* iug Books, and any information In our line furnished <*n application. C’ypivsa, Yellow Pino, Oak. vlt au>l Walnut Ll/'MBKU uu hand and in auy quantity, furnished promptly. VALE ROYAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Savannah. Ga 7