The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 07, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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6 GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. NEWS OF THE TWO STATUS TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. A. Negro Found Dead at Augusta Un der Melodramatic Circumstances -A Denial of the Report that an Attempt is to be Made at Rome to Force all Cotton Coming into that City into the Warehouses. GEORGIA. Tpe arms for the Sylvania Rifles arrived Inst Monday. E. M. Wash & Cos., of Columbus, have purchased a site for an ice factory at Griffin and will begin work at once. The steamer Laurens ran np to Dublin last Friday and made its first trip since it was raised from the bottom of the Oconee on the next day to a point about twenty miles down stream and back. Mrs. Elam Deracken, of Seuoia, recently picked a cabbage containing seven Well de veloped distinct heads. The most remark able part about the cabbage was that every head was growing inside of a large one and •ach head was separate. There is a brand of cigars colled “Ever Faithful." A large dog is lithographed on the cover, on his neck tho above words aro printed. In the negro cemetery at Monte zuma one of the laliels is pasted on the head-board of a grave. A little fellow living in Way cross, be tween 3 ami 4 years of age, was asked what bis kitty did in a light between her and a dog. “Well,” said he, “she jumped up her back as high as she could; sho made her tail as big as she could and then sho blew her noso in his face.” One of the queer freaks performed by the bolt of lightning that struck the residence of Mr. Mayo at Americas Tuesday night, was the lifting of a chimney from a lighted lamp, extinguishing tho Ham ' and setting the chimney down in an upright position upon the table without breaking it. A fine young mule was killed on tho Mun roe place, where T. C. Ayeoek lives, a few miles south of Cuthbert, ou Thursday of last week, white attempting to jump a picket fence. It failed to jump high enough to clear the fence and mmo down upon it, two pickets piercing Hear through its body, killing it almost instantly. It is astonishing how many of stock a half acre sanu ndge will accommodate during a freshet. There was one on Ogle tree's place, in Crawford, the only dry land within a long stretch of swamp. It was re ported thut on tiiis half acre 105 head of cattle, about fifty heads of goats and as many hogs had congregated to escape drowning. One of the stack chimneys of W. P. Ed mondson's residence at LiGrnnge came down “like a thousand of bricks'’ on Sunday afternoon For a time cc *i intern at inn reigned supreme in tiie household. Happily no one was hurt, Brteks rolled on the roof, tlio plastering and the floor. The accident was probably caused by a leak, the water loosen ing the cement. On Monday last, the wives of two ne groes in the employ of David Bragg, in the upper part of Soriven county, became in volved in a quarrel. Finally their hus bands took the matter in hand and con cluded to fight it out. During the melee one drew his pistol and fired upon his antago nist, inflicting painful wound in his arm. The prise '.r- .O:dried in the jail, at Buena V istv i _ii< their escape a night or two since by . or dig a hole through tiui floor of the building, through which they passed out to the street beyond. There were some five or six prisoners confined in the jail and on their departure they left a note addressed to the jailer, saying that “the job of boring out was a tough one. but their liberty was troll worth the trouble.” I. R. Bridges, of the firm of Bridges & Lund, of Cuthbart, lost a fine mule in n sin gular manner a few days ago. He had loaned the mule to a friend to drive to Thomas county. When ho had reached his destination and the mule was turned loose in a lot, as all mules w ill do, this one laid down and wallowed. In attempting to get up, by some awkwardmovement, its buck was broken and it died in a short time. Mrs. Hhadrick Dukes, of Washington county, has a clothes brush which her grand mother presented to her son, Mrs. Dukes father. The brush was brought from Ire land by the grandmother ninety years ago, and is probably considerably over one hun dred years old. It is in an excellent state of preservation, in fact, good for another gen eration or more. It is better now than many new brushes. Mr. Dukes has another curiosity in the shape of a gourd four feet la length. Oil Wednesday of last week Amos Wil liam*, a negro, living on the Gibbous place on Savannah river, in Seri veil county, l<e caine angry with his wife and struck her on top of the head with a chair leg, in which was a piece of the round, and the piece of round fractured the skull and entered the brain. He then went for Dr. Bowie, who on arriving found the brain oozing out of the wound and the woman in an uncon scious state, from w Uich she had not rocov ered up to lost accounts. Much has recently been said about an alleged attempt of the warehousemen of Romo to force all the cotton into the ware houses before it can be sold, or, in other words, to allow no cotton to be sold on the streets of Rome. To get at the bottom of the affair, and to correct u rumor that would prove damaging to the business in terests of the city, a reporter has inter viewed a number of the Councilnien and leading cotton men on the subject. The truthfulness til the statement was denied, and some severe language was used in regard to the author of the report, whoever he may be. The rains of a week past have l-en des tructive of chimneys in Cuthbert. Mr. J. J. Mathews had a chimney to fall, as did ulso N. R. Brown. But Gapt. Dows was the greatest sufferer In this particular. On Sunduy night a large stack chimney, which gave exit to smoke from lour fire-places, two up stairs and two down stairs, came crashing into the rooms, demolishing furniture, ruining carpets, and playing havoc with things generally. One of the rooms was used us a jiarlor, and the beauti ful parlor furniture was badly damaged. In the three bed-roolus the destruction was equally great. At Augusta at ft o'clock Thursday night it wus report**! at police headquarters tliat an unknown negro man wua dying out on South Commons. Nergt. Cartledgo anil Officer Cobh wont in search of the man, and to render any assistance in their power. Piloted by two small boys the party noon came upon a block heap lying among the wet, rank gl ass and weeds, where only twenty-four hours before the overflowed waters of the Savannah hail lieen. With a match it was found that the man was dead, but still warm. He lay stretched out on his hack, his Klossy eyes set in doath, reflecting back the dim moonlight, while off to the west an a;> preaching storm was heralded by vivid flashes of lightning, together with tlie hour, making a most unploasaut picture of deso lation in keeping with tlie scene. A small group of negro women soon gathered around the corpse, and the name of the man was leurned. Matilda Tolbert said lie was Henry Franklin, and that he used to lie head ilriver for Mrs. Dunbar of Beech Island, and that his wife now lived licit in town somewhere near the upper market Death resulted from natural causes. The Boston oomwpondent of the Nkws, under date of Aug. <i, writes as follows; The orope in tlie neighborhood of Boston, Thomasvilie, Cairo, Ochlochnee and other localities of this county, and in the counties adjoining, are in a rather sorry condition from the rain. The corn crop, except where overflowed, is injured almost none, other than the loss of fodder; mid where overflowed the damage is less than at first U|iposed. Much of the corn is yet standing erect, and while a good per cent of this will be more or less rutted the total lows will jKuuaps fall hort of oae hulf. The cotkm crop has fared worse, the incessant rains having penetrated the mature bolls, causing them to rot badly, whilst the top crop of squares, blooms, and even young bolls, is shedding fearfully. But the damage most to be dreaded is from rust. I hare noticed closely and failed to find a field or patch in which it has not appeared, from Albany to Quitman, along the line of railroad or through the country. The section above named has had very little wind, but every little depression is a lake of water, and tho streams are out of their banks. They are doing much damage to bridge.-, and roods, and in many places the land is badly washed. There is very little loss of live stock so far, and the worst is supposed to be over. FLORIDA Joe Merry, of Beresfurd, iias a whito mocking-bird % H. H. Gause, of Glencoe, Ims raised 300 bushels of Irish potatoes to tho acre this season. The Chattahoochee river is higher than was ever known before and all the crops in the river bottoms arc a total loss. Tho growing of different varieties of to bacco will be one of flic new features of the State Agricultural College next season. At Citra a gambling den was shot into Friday night by somo unknown person. Four negroes were shot, two painfully if not fatally. Wednesday night a thief entered the resi dence of J. \V. Hall, of Live Oak, and roblsxl him of about f.lfi in cash, a gold ring and sl)s in notes. There aro several large families in Colum bia county, of eight, to twelve members each, that have grown up and have never called in medical aid. A ship laden with timber took fire and was ran ashore at Tortugas last week. It is reported that one of the Morgan steam ships rescued the crew. It was the desire of the Congregational ists of New Smyrna to form with tiie Meth odists a union church, with Mr. McWattars as pastor, but the offer was declined. The scholars of tiie New Smyrna Sunday school are raising a fund for the purpose of making their teacher. Mrs. Jane Sheldon, a life member of the Methodist Church Mis sionary Society. A number of the farmers in tho northern part of Columbia county have laid by their crops und are now cutting logs and throw ing them into tho Suwannee river for Bncki’s mill at Ellaville. J. Piodelli, wine merchant, senior mem ber of the linn of fJ. i'iodcili & Son, doing an extensive wholesale and retail busnees at Key West, died last week after a brief ill ness of kidney troubles. While the peninsula, recently, C. H. Root, of New Smyrna, saw a snake so wound in a spider web that it was power less, while several large spiders were busy bleeding it to death. The snake was uliout four feet long. A prominent lioarding house of Daytona, served porpoise steak for dinner the other day. The boarders when asked how they liked the meat all responded favorably but none of them could tell what it was. Tiie replies ranged from liver to ham. Mr. Bruce, who owns the Bonifay Manu facturing company’* large store, reports business brisk, anu the prospects for a re munerative fall trade aro very encouraging. He states that more business has been done this summer than in any preceding winter. Tho firm of Makinson & Katz, of Bartow, made an assignment Tuesday to W. B. Ma kinson. Their liabilities are #‘..'1,000; their assets will exceed their liabilities; the pre ferred creditors represent $13,0!)0. The in dications are that overy account will be paid in full, dollar for dollar. A wealthy Mexican capitalist, just ar rived in Key West, is said to be negotiating witli I Amis Pierce aud others,for tliopurclmse of one of the upper keys, which will imme diately be laid otr in town lobs and a Cuban colony located thereon. Several Key West manufacturers, anticipate transferring their interests there. At Fort Meade Friday the Polk County Real Estate and Banking Association was formed, with D. Hughes as President; Wil liam V.-' '. Treasurer; F. N. Varn Secre tary. Yu organization is similar to that now in operation at Jacksonville, and rep resents tho wealth of the county. 8. O. Chase has resigned his position as treasurer of the land department of tiie South Florida Railroad Company, and that office has lxdu merged into the office of tho treasurer of the railroad. Dr. C, C. Has koll, Treasurer, and Mr. W. H. McAllister, Cashier, are in charge of all matters here tofore transacted by the former office. Gov. Perry made the following appoint ments Friday; To lie Supervisors of Regis tration, W. J. Daniel, for Hernando county; J. O. Andrews, for Levy couuty; J. W. Ad erhold, for Osceola eounty, and John H. Merryday, for Putnam county. To lie County Commissioner for Alachua county W. D. Diukoraon; to be County Commis sioner for Volusia couuty, L. I). Hurston. Current reports in Orlando say that enough stock has been tnkon to establish another bank in that city, and Hit new in stitution will open for business at an early day. It is to be located in the south room of the new Kedney building, which is to lie especially fitted iip for the purpose. The stock is mostly taken by Orlando people, and will lie somewhere about the figure of $50,000, unleSß it should bo decided to large ly increase tho capital stock aud admit Eastern capital. On Hniuiay. July 10, n man by the name of Henry Does was passing the place of Rufus Robinson, near Live Oak, und seeing a peach tree limb hanging over the fence near him lie reached up and procured three of the peaches. Mr. Robinson being in the house near by saw Mr. Dees take the fruit, and last Saturday he had Mr. Dees tried for stealing. Tiie Unit and second jury failed to agree on a verdict, so tho case was con tinued uutil last Monday, when another jury (making the third) came to a decision and rendered a verdict of “not guilty.” William Cooper, the colored man con victed, at. the last term of the Circuit Court, of the murder of Liverpool Bain and George Hudson and an attempt upon tlio life of an other one of his coal-UUruiug neighbors on Pino Key. iu accordance with the verdict of the court mid the order of the Governor, suffered in tho jail yard at Key West last week Saturday the awful penalty of the crime for which he stood “guilty.” He showed remarkable fortitude and bravery ill bis last moments, but ho mode no address whatever to the thousands of curious spec tators. He died from strangulation. At New Smyrna Jake VVliiseuhunt’s rela tions would not let him go to cainp-meetiug, because it was not lielieved that lie had good sense. But one night lio ran away, got to the arbor ahead of all of tile congregation, and climbed up on a huge eifws-beum, right over the altar. Soon the nrlxu- was tided wit h worshiper*, and it wasn't very long before the altar was full of mourners. One old sister got happy, shouted, clapped her hands, pointed straight up at .laze, and cried: “I see my Jesus! I see my Jesus!" “You are mistaken, ntadame." said Jake, suddenly making himself visi ble. “It air not Jesus, but Jake Whisen bunt whom you see.” About !o’clock Tuesday night the Lake Charm neighborhood was' alarmed at. hear ing one of the most unearthly dins that ever emanated from horse fiddle, 'cow hell, niill saxv, or a scoro of tin pans of every size und shape, the prime cause of which was the marriage of old Mr. John S. Wormble. This is his fourth marriage, and he has probably heard the aliovc deserilied Heron - nudes until they are like Mark Twain’s patient man, “really growing monotonous. ’’ In fact, he entered a demurrer at first liy commanding a speedy retreat of the whole party, but his threats and warnings were answered by a burst of music that would have drowned the voico of hall a dozen steam whistles. last Thursday afternoon about 5 o'clock a wind storm or cyclone pussed two miles north of Madison, doing more or Ires dam age to plantations for several miles along its course. Tlie first damage it did was on the CWm plate, whole tome Umber wm THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. AUGUST 7, isß7. felled and tho fencing torn apart and scat tered broadcast. It next struck the plant ation of A. Livingston, known as the old Church place. Here the road was blockaded by pine trees, twenty-seven being piled together in a space less than flfty yai-ds in length, the fencing was literally swept from its foundation and several sheds blown down and one or two other buddings unroofed. It then paid Alls'l l. Cottinghani’s plantation a passing visit, doing but little damage save that sus tained by his crop and ferns-s. At Mrs. (hunble’s the fencing was ngaiu taken for an object of its fury, lieside* several build ings, which were more or less damaged. A family gathering at Frank Webb’s was broken into by its sudden appearance and the inmates of the dwelling were, in a twinkling of au eye, left with no covering above them and subjected to a drenching rain. One or two other housed of this place were also unroofed. No damage resulted farther northward than these last named places. Happily no lives were lost and no one sustained bodily injury. Lake County’s Commissioners mot at Bloomfield Tuesday and transacted the first business of new Lake county. The mem bers wore ail present. Lawyer Gaines was selected ns attorney for the county. The next subject of any importance was the transforming of that part of the old records from old Huintor and Grange counties that pertains to Lake eounty. It was ably ar gued on each side for and against the copy ing of the records. It was ordered that the County Clerk, H. H. Duncan and Judge Ynnsoy should call for such transfer from old Sumter as in their judg ment was wanted by Lake county, and C. M. Knott, of old Humter, was ordered to furnish copies of the some for record in Lake county. C. M. Knott, clerk of Humter county, made a proposition to furnish I>nke county with a full copy of all the records pertaining to Lake county, at one-half of tlio regulation fees for the work, and to wait for iiis money, without interest, until the county got the money in the treasury to ] Hiy it. It was estimated that Isiko county would receive about $7,000 from okl Orange county and about S7,(XX) from old Humter county, starting Lake county with about $14,000 in cash in tlio Treasury. The first year’s taxes will bring Lake county about :i(),000, making about $44,000 in cash in the treasury by March 1, next. Commissioner Owons was appointed to visit old Orange county clerk's office and ascertain the truo amount due Lake county from Orange, and to report at tho next meeting. Lake County Commissioners are to meet at Orlando with the Orange County Commissioners on the second Monday in August. Couuty Clerk H. H. Duncan is ordered to meet with them. Lake county was divided into five eommisHiouera’ dis tricts. It was estimated that it would cost Lake county about $12,000 to get a copy of ail the records to Lake county. Tlio county was divided into twenty-four voting pre cincts. Lakes Harris and Eustis nearly equally divido tho twenty-four to about half on each side of those lakes. The elec tion on a permanent couuty sent was called for Oct. 35. Then it will be decided whether Eustis or Leesburg will have tho county seat. FAREWELL TO THE CAMP. The Laßt Day in the Famous Farmer's City. Spartanburg, August s.—As tin’s was Governor’s Day, at daylight the activities of the occasion began. The smoke of a thousand fires here, there and everywhere through the forests showed that the farm era were up betimes and making ready for a right royal nclohratlon to close the fes tivities. The soldier’s camp was also alive with its bustling battalions, aud the cool of the mom was taken advantage of by the host of visitors in Bpartunburg to make an early pilgramage to the Encampment. Ev body appeared to be going one wav and lieiit on doing something, and that was to make a great history for Governor’s Dav. Owing to somo misunderstanding or the programme the vast crowd waited under the jiavillon for an hour on Gov. Richard son, who in the meanwhile had been doing military duty, making an official inspection of the soldiers in Camp Morgan, to whom he made a stirring speech, complimenting them on the manner in which they had stood tiie siege, on their handsome appear ance and on tneirperformance of their duties us a branch of the general State govern ment. The cheering of the soldiers at the conclusion of tlio Governor’s speech an nounced that he was on his way to the isivilion aud in a few moments he upfieored escorted by some of his military chieftains and members of the local en campment committee. The time before his appearance, however, was well utilized. Chancellor Johnson, of Marion, wascallod up for a speech, and lie responded promptly. He said lio had never before addressed such a vast concourse, and lie congratulated the promoters of the enterprise on its success, as demonstrated by that fact alone. Before the conclusion of Chancellor John son’s address Gov. Bichurdson arrived and took a sent upon the stage. Tho Spartan burg band began to play “Dixie,” and there was a vast amount of cheering. When it lmd partially subsided, the chairman of the meeting, Capt. Walker, introduced the Governor in a happy and neat speech, and Gov. Richardson arose to speak. Then there was a repetition of the storm of cheer ing, after which the speaker was permitted to proceed. The rest of the morning session was con sumed in tho hearing of two adilresses, one by tiie Hon. Giles J. Patterson, of Chester, and the other by Secretary J. T. Lyon, of the (roorgia State Orange.' A large ~|>urt of Mr. Lyon’s address was ou the subject of the Piedmont Exposition in October next at At lanta, and h invited the co-operation of South Carolina in the affuir. The meeting then ndjonrned and recon vened at 3 p. m., when addresses were made by Congressman Perry, of Greenville, and Cant. It. Graham, of the United (States sig nal service. Mr. Perry’s essay dealt with the tariff as affeoting the Interests of farm ers of South Carolina. Capt. Gfaham’s paper was on “The signal service in its rela tions to agriculture." Upon the close of the set speeches an “ex perience meeting” was held, nt which the results of the present encampment were dis cussed. The following gentlemen took part in the discussion; Capt. (’harles Petty, of the Carolina Spartan, Hon. 1). K. Duncan, Hon. M. F. Ansel, of Greenville, and Chan cellor Johnson, of Marion. It is needless to sav there was a refreshing unanimity of opinion us to the practical and )>errnmient value of the first encampment. The meeting adjourned after a few remarks by Cupt. n! F. Walker, who conducted the meetings throughout with marked ability. Botweon the business sessions to-day there was an exposition of blooded stock. After the inspection of the troops this morning Gov. Richardson wns imme diately surrounded by all the soldiers, who demanded speech. He spoke to them in a very complimentary vein, and pledged to them his liest efforts to secure a proper amount of assistance from this (State to aid the military in having an annual summer soldiers" encampment. Adjt. Gen. Bonham wns also called upon for n sjmeob, and responded promptly, say ing many deserved and kind things of Brig. Gen Richbourg, his i-oimnand. and the ad mirable conduct of the troops during the past four days. There was then nothing else for Gen. Uiehoourg to do but to reply, which he did In a happy and characteristic manner. The dosing social event of the encamp ment took place to-night in the court bouse, where u Util was given in oomplitnent to the visiting military and their Indy friends. “Hope on, hope over." liow many delicate Indies there are who, while they at tend to their ilully duties, do so with ach ing heads, a sense of fullness, pain in the back and dcpresae.l spirits, who are “only keeping ahout,” ns the phrase Is. Home day they “go into a decline,” mid leave their children motherless. To such we would sav, “Cheer up." Timely use of Dr. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescription" corrects all female irregularities, weaknesses, and kindred af fvetuuw <m*Uj , plv.wauuly tuid quickly. THE NEW YORK OSS HOUSE. Graphic Description of Its Appearance Before it Was Burned. New York, Aug. 6. —The Are at 203 Chatham square, New York, last week dosed the career of the first Chinese house of worship in the metropolis. The caroer of the church was a brief one*. It was started'at lfi Mott street in 1880. In 18S5 the attendants had grown too numerous for the accommodations, and the entire floor of the large ■warehouse at the address men tioned was hired by the Trustees ofjho or ganization. Here for nearly two years the sacred lamp was kept burning and ’Oss sticks numlicrless have boon consumed. The entrance to the church is eminently mercan tile and prosaic. A narrow hall similar to that in all the business buildings down town, where the deceptive hatchway is per petually opening and bundles and barrels are being raised and lowered, gives access to two flights of narrow and steep stairs. At the end of these is a small square landing fronting a heavy door lined with wrought iron and studded with heavy steel nails. As if in contrast with the formidable aspect of the portal, a long vermilion banner pasted on the wall reads in firecracker char acters: "All are welcome to Joss.” The door is seldom fastened between dawn and midnight. As it opens it rings a gong that may be heard throughout the building. Before-the doorway is a reception halt, cool, clean and neatly oilclothed. From an adja cent room comes a priest, tall, stout, well fed and genial. Whether the visitor be friend or stranger, he receives tlio same' wel come. From the reception hall a short pn.v ago leads to tho joss room. This is a large?' and roomy apartment about 50 by 25 feet in dimensions. From the ceiling hang cut crystal French chandeliers, Chinese lamps and lanterns, framed inscriptions in the primary colors and queer carvings and vo tive decorations. The walls are covered with scarlet banners containing quotations from the great poets, odd pictures illustrat ing life on the Yang-tsze-Kiangand the my thology and folk-lore of the Flowery King dom. Around the room is a continuous row' of heavily carved ebony chairs and tables of the most massive description. The altar stands in a scarlet recess. It is nine feet high, six wide and two deep. In gen eral aspect it is an irregular box. whose open front is broken into spaces by elabo rately carved columns. Everything is gilded so heavily as to resemble solid metal. The gold is in four colors, bright yellow, yellowish red, yellowish green and bronze gold. As tho eyes become accustomed to the glare, the symbolism of tho altar be comes apparent. Tiie highest ornament is the sun shining in full effulgence; below it are the leaves and branches of the forest, typifying the heaven, and groups of birds, the oid feeding the young and young ones billing and cooing, representing the two highest passions, filial and marital love. Be low and above all the great dragons which symbolize the physical force of the uni verse. On every column the serpent of evil is trying to ascend, but is forever crushed by the winged griffins of Joss. Beneath the altar iff a panel filled with crabs, corals, shrimps and sea weed to indicate the oceans. In a square embrasure painted on the finest satin is a portrait of Joss, a tall, handsome and intellectual looking man. On one side of him stands tho symbol of war and jus tice, a fierce soldier armed to the teeth, and on the other that of peace and prosperity, a beautiful woman bearing fruit, flowers and gold. In front of the altar is a large table cov ered with bronze urns and bowls, glass and jxiroelain vases and bunches of artificial flowers and fruits. The urns are filled with sand, which serve to support joss sticks that are lighted bv the devout, and that give the impression of u huge pin cushion whose pins and needles arc all in combustion at their heads. At ono of the tables two silent merchants are playing dominoes and sipping tea with tliejr cigarettes. One duy last month, when I visited the church wfth a party of friends, the priest turned to one of the ladies and said: “How likee Chinee Churelii” “Very much, indeed,” was her answer, “but it seems strange for these men to be drinking, smoking and having a good time here.” “You likee children?” asked the follower of Confucius. “Certaiuly.” “You likee children to have good time and be happy?” “Why, or course.” “You likee children to have good time in your house or in saloon round comer?” “In myownhouse.” “Alloc games, Joss. You and me evely body his children, and he likee all his chil dren to have good time in his house in New York allee siunee China A’ou likee cigal ette, or cup of too or coffee, me velly glad to give them you here all the time.” The offer was gracefully declined, but there seemed to be somo force or meaning iu the sentiment. A Chinaman enters, hands the priest some little coin, lights a Landfill of joss sticks and inserts them In tiie sand, of an urn in front of the altar. He then stands upon a pray ing cloth before the urn, bows several times, crosses himself, utters swine prayer either in silence or in an audible tone and departs. This is tiie Mongolian style of worship, quick, business-like anil economical The Chinese are net at all exercised at their loss. Tliev had insured their property, and have already applied for the mono valid arranged to build a handsomer joss house than the one destroyed. YVilliam E. 8. Falks. The Douco Played the Deuce With Him. fYom the Chicago Herald. At a poker game down at the Standard Club recently a guest who had been intro duced by Maurice Kosnnfeld was sitting in and playing with mighty good luck. It was a rather substantial party, like most of the Standard parties, and the rolling was high. The guest, by drawing, found himself hold ing four deuces. Iu the lotting to and fro, the seeing and raising, the money in front of the man with the deuces gave out and he had to go down into his pockotbook for more. When the hands were called the four deuces were triumphantly announced, but when were laid down, unfor tunately there were only four,of them in the hand and only three deuces. It had a very queer look, and the guest was naturally greatly embarrassed. Of course he could do, nothing but surrender the pot anil/ think hard of wlrnt had become of that other two spot The next morniu;; Rosenfeld's gu**st was down town earl/ explaining to Maurice that, he had fount! the other deuce in his pocket-book on gniig home. He could only explain it by lelii-- ing that, in his earnestness mid ncrvousniis h had put it in as he took the bank lulls out. Did Maurice believe the other fellows would give up the pot on hearing the e.-fpla nation? Maurice was not sure, but tfiierc wns no harm in seeing them. Bo Und un fortunate guest of the Standard trudged around from ono big down-town clvthing house to another, explaining the domr, urn! showing tin- picket-book and describing how the cord got In the porteinonnaie. But all to no purpose. The Standard Club fellows were willing to make a concession, however. They told their disconcerted friend to come around to the Standard some other night and play that deuce. Tbey*l keep the Don't Experiment, You cannot afford to waste Mine in ex- IHTimcuting when your rungs are in danger. Consumption always seems, at first, only a cold. Do not |>ennit any dealt*- to impose u [Kin you with some cheap imitritlon of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs nod Colds, but Is- sure that you get the genuine. Kocutiso he cull iiinltc more P>fl tie may tell you he hassom*thing just as gisxl. or just tlie same. Don't l(e deceived, but insist U|M>|| getting Dr. King's New Disl covery, which is guaranteed to give relief ill all Throat, Lung and Chesf affections trial bottles free at Ltppimui Bros,' drug kt/wv. Ltti bottles (L Rough on Rata,” Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flios, ants, bedbug*, beetles, Insects, skunks, jack rab bits, sparrows, gophers. 15c. At druggists. “Rough on Corn3.” Ask for Wells’ “Rough on Corns.” Quick re'ief, complete cure. Corns, warts, bun ions. 15c. “Rough on Itch.” “Rough on Itch” cures skin humors, erup tions, ring-worm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chilblains, itch, ivy poison, barber’s itch. 50c. jars. "Rough on Catarrh” • Corrects offensive odors at once. Complete cure of worst chronic cases; also unequaled as gargle for diphtheria, sore throat, foul breath. 50c. Wife—Do you know what effect the speoches of George and McGlynn have had upon the country? Husband—Yes; they have made its head ache.— Pack. DRY GOODS, ETC. Exceptional Reductions IN AT Mu 4 Diiicr’s, SUCCESSORS TO I B. F. McKenna & Cos., 137 BROUGHTON STREET. FIGURED BATISTE CLOTHS. WE will clot* out t.he remainder of our stock of these fine goods, formerly sold at 18c. a yard, now reduced to 12t£c. 30 pieces Figured Lawns. 33 inches wide, regu lar priei 12J4c. a yard; now BJ^c. 75 pieces Figured Lawns, choice styles, atßlsc. SO pieces Wide Width Lawns, regular price 10c. a ynrvl; now Hl^c. One lot Crinkled Seersuckers, regular price 15c. and 17c. a yard; now 12t£c. One lot of Dress Ginghams, choice styles, regular price a yard; now 10c. 30 Irnpprted Marseilles Quilts, slightly soiled, formerly! sold at 83. We will close the lot out at 81 85 dach. 75 10-4 Honeycomb Quilts, good value at 60c. each. We have marked them down to 35c. Hosiery and Underwear. 100 doaen Unbleached Black and Colored Hose, regular price 12W\; now 9c. a pair A uiited lot of Misses - Fine English Hose, Ribbejl, Plain and Silk Clocked, regular price or these goods from 25c. to 60c. We will close the lotoufajt 17c. a pair. 50 dbzj'ii Ladies' Gauze Undervests, regular priced 2jc. and 30c.; now 19c. each. 80 flatten Ladies' extra fine quality Gauze Un dervesta, regular prices 50c., 65c.. 70c and 88c. We will offer the lot at the extraordinary low price/of 47c. each. Onr/Sl Unlaundriod Shirts Reduced to 90c. 78 dozen Gentlemen's Untaundried Shirts, re iufdrcod back and bosoms, the best $1 Shirt manufactured. In order to reduce our large stock we w-ill offer them at 90c. each. CEPHAS & DOONER. CLEARING JUT SALE. To Make Room for Fall Stock, I will offer Special Inducements la MY ENTIRE STOCK, lflth exception of ray Empire State Shirt. r P(iE following goods will be sold cheaper than A ever offered in Savannah: Slimmer and India Silks. (Ire am, White and Light Shades of Albatross, (jolored and Black all Wool Dress Goods Mack Camel’s Hair Grenadines at 85c.; 40-Inch wte. {Printed Linen Lawns at less than cost. Heal Scotch Ginghams at less than cost. Black Henriettas at $1 40 and $1 75; sold at 92 ami 82 25. lUdies' and Children's Silk and Lisle Thread JMse in black and colored. Ladies' and Children's Umlervests; best goods In the market. Linen Sheeting and Pillow-Case Linen. Cream and White Table Damask 2-4 White Damask at $1; former price 81 50. Kapkins and Doy Hes in cream and white. Linen Damask Towels in white and colored bes-dered. Linen Huck in white and colored bordered. Pantry Craah Doylies at great reduction. The above goods will bo offered at prices to insure quick sale. J. P. GERMAINE, Next to Furber's, 132 Broughton street. CLOTHING. APPEL & SCHAUL, [CLOTHING, HATS, GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. i ONE PEICE THROUGHOUT. " ~ ■"■'* ■ PLAIN FIGURES. YOUR INTEREST! —OUR INTEREST! 163 CONGRESS STREET. DRY' GOODS. eckTst ElN^g; Down, Down, Down! GO THE PRICES As the Stock of Summer Groods Gets Less, Less, Less! The prices we have been offerlngSeasonable Goods this past week have had the desired effect. We have been kept very busy and many of the bargains have been sold out. We have made still further reductions, and will every day this month have special drives to offer. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY THE BARGAINS WILL BE IN Silks at 50c. and 69c. a yard. Dress Goods 10c.. 12J4C., 15. Black Goods 20c.. 50c., 75c White Goods Bc., 10c., 12Ue. India Linen BUc.. 10c„ 15c. Fancy Lawns 4C., 5c., 10c. Mourning I .awns 10c. Crinkle Seersucker Bc., 12J4c. New Prints 5c., 634 c. GKEESTTS’ WEAR. A few boxes left of those Linen Collars and Cuffs at 75c. a dozen. Gauze Undenfests 19c White Jean Drawers 50c. White and Colored Ties 10c. and 15c. a dozen. Balbriggan and Fancy Socks 10c. and 19c. per pair. Sun Umbrellas 75c. We are headquarters for Mosquito Nets and Canopies. Pull stock, by the piece and ready made 40c. a piece. THURSDAY and FRIDAY all Short Lengths and Odd Lots will be sold at a sacrifice. ECKSTEIN’S, Congress and Whitaker Sts. f: gutman, 141 BROUGHTON ST. SPECIAL SALE OF FANSTHIS WEEK BLACK SATIN HAND PAINTED FANS at 50c„ worth 8L BLACK SATIN HAND PAINTED FANS at sl, worth S3. COLORED SATEEN FANS at 60c., 65c., and 75c., worth 85c., Si and 81 50- Just received, anew line of LADIES' BLACK LISLE THREAD HOSE at 50c.; worth 75c. ORIENTAL LACES at 15c., 25c., 35c. and 50c. a yard; WORTH DOUBLE THE PRICE. L. Gr XT T IVL A. N. CLOTHING. OUR STOCK at all times containing the apparel of correct and seasonable taste is now complete with an assortment of goods which will be found especially interesting for those preparing for the country. Particular attention is Invited to our line of DUSTERS, lEGLIGEE SHIRTS, Bathing Suits, House and Lounging Coats, NEGLIGEE CAPS, POJAMAS, And the many little fixings which add so materially to comfort and appearance during an Outing We are algo showing several novelties in SUMMER WEAR, which are delightfully cool and of the styles and fabrics used in fashionatile centres. We will consider it a pleasure to show any one through our stock. A. FALK & SON. ICE. ICE ! Now is the time when every body wants ICE, and we want to sell it. PRICES REASONABLE! 20 Tickets, good for 100 Pounds, 75c. 140 Tickets, good for 700 Pounds, $5. 200 Tickets, good for 1,000 Pounds, $7. 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c. Lower prices to large buyers. ICE Packed for shipment at reduced rates. Careful and polite service. Full and liberal weight. KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO. 1-44 BAA ST. \\ ATI lIKS AM) JEWELRY. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY WEDDING PRESENTS Such as DIAMONDS, FINE STF.RLING SIL VEHWARE, ELEGANT JEWELRY, FRENCH CLOCKS, etc., is to bo found at A. L. Desbouillons, SI BULL STREET, the sole a (rent for the celebrated ROCKFORD RAILROAD WATCHES, and who uLu makes a specialty of 18-Karat Wedding Rings AND THE FINEST tVATCHEa Anything you buy from him being warranted as represented. Opoi'n. Ctlusssoh at Post. MERCHANTS, manufacturers, mechanics, corporations, anti all others in need of lirintliut, lit hog rapidity and blank lH>kn can have their order* promptly filled, at moderate price*, at the MORNING NEWS PRINTING I HOUSE, 3 Wltbaker straw. Summer Hose 1213 c., 25c. a pair. Lace Mitts 39c. a pair. Children’s Hose 15c. a pair. Oriental Lam 6c., 10c., 12(4e. Embroideries 5c.. lOc., 25c. a yard. Colored All-Overs 50c. a yard. Ladies' Handkerchiefs 12t^c. Fine Pooketbooks 25e. Silk Sun Shades 75c. DOOMS, SASH. ETC. ANDREW HANLEY, DEALER IN Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. All of the above are Best Kiln-Dried White Plnaw ALSO DEALER IN Builders’ Hardware, Slate, Iron and Wooden Mantels, Grates, Stair work, Terracotta, Sewer Pipe, Etc., Etc. Paints, Oils, Railroad, Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Glass, Putty, Etc. Lime, Plaster, Cement and Hair. Plain and Decorative Wall Paper. House and Sign Painting given personal atten tion and finished in the l>et manner. AX DREW HANLEY. GROCERIES. Best Raspberry Vinegar, Qt. Bottles, -60 e Best Lime Juice, Quart Bottles, -35 c Best Syrups, Pint Bottles, • • - 450 Best Vanilla, 4-Ounce Bottles, - - 25 Best Essence Lemon, 4-Ounce Bottles, -20 e Good Essence Vanilla, per Bottle, - ifo Good Essence Lemon, per Bottle, • - iOc AT— NICHOLAS LANG'S, 19 BARNARD STREET. POT .A. T O 33 S - Island Potatoes. Onions, Cabbage. Cow Peas. Seed and Feed Peas. Hay, Grain. Bran, Eyes, Etc. Get our prices on large lots of Grain and Hay before buying. too HAY ST. W.D.SIMKINS&CO. ■W.S. M ■ * —g CONTRACTORS. P. J. FALLON, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, K DRAYTON STREET, SAVANNAH. I ESTIMATES promptly furnished for building J of any class. PLUMBER. l. a. McCarthy, Successor to Chas. E. Wakefield, PLUMBER, GAS and STEAM FITTER, 48 Barnard street, SAVANNAH, GA. Telephone 373. ————— ii '1 m roic \l. Tfl WEAK H|n of *jrouthfii! r | tfi 111 Bf| fcj# Qlrort pnrly dicftv io4 iunhood. etc. I will mpl ** valuftblo tvtftllM containing full pertlcnlcr* for hoina euro, rwß. AHonmfUuU 0. IfO WJJtE. Mooda*