The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 13, 1887, Image 1

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< ESTABLISHED 1850. 1 ( J. H. ESTILL, Editor and Proprietor, f GHASTLY INJTIE EXTREME. No Doubt that the Death List Will Exceed 100. THE ORIGIN OF THE FIRE STILL A MYSTERY. Officials of the Road Incline to the Theory that Human Hyenas Applied the Torch—The Living and Dead Stripped of their Valuables by a Band of Ghouls-Sickening Sights in the Charnel Houses -Heartrending Suf ferings of the Injured—Wild Excite ment all Along the Line. Chicago, Aug. 12.—A special to the Times from Forest, 111., says: The coro ner’s inquest on the bodies of those killed in the disaster Wednesday night, which began last evening, was held on the top floor of the public school house. Thor# were present only tho coroner, the jury, President Leon ard of the Toledo, Peoria and Western rail road, Supt. Armstrong of the same road, Master of Bridges Markiey, Justice of the Peace Estes and several reporters of Chicago and Peoria papers. The first witness called was Supt. Armstrong, He testified that he was on the ill-fated train, which consisted of six sleeping cars, two chair cars, live pas senger coaches, one special car and one baggage car, and was drawn by engine No. 13, Engineer MeClintoek and Fireman Applegreen, and engine No. 21, Engineer Ed Southerland. Engine Mo. 13 was next to the baggage car. The name of the fire man of engine No. 21 the witness did not recollect. His car was next to the baggage car. The train left Chatsworth about 11:46 o’clock Wednesday night. After leaving he went into his own car and sat there for three or four minutes, when he felt a fear ful shock to the train. The next instant the car passed over the burning bridge. He was thrown out of a window into a hedge fence. RUSHING FOR HELP. He got up and asked the fireman where the first engine was, and was told that Engineer Southerland had gone to Gilman for help. The engineer came in about three quarters of an hour with doctors. The wounded were taken out of the wreck where possible and sent to Chatsworth and Piper City, while all of the dead were sent to Chatsworth. The bridge was only partially demolished when the w'itnesse (irst saw it, the stringers at both ends having gone down. Dirt and brush were thrown on the ttamas. The engine set fire to nothing, and only one car and a Pullman sleeper were slightly burned. The wiuess met the section foreman near the wreck after the occur rence, and the latter said he went over the section at 5:30 o’clock Wednesday and there was no fire there then. The witness had warned him to have the section hands go over the section after quitting work, know ing that the excursion train was going over the road that night. No train went over the bridge after 5:30 o’clock Wednesday. The witness counted the tickets before reaching Chatsworth and found that there v ere a few over <IOO persons on the train. He said he believed there were only three or four dead persons in Piper City. The w it ness did not think it. possible that any body could have been so fiendish as to burn the bridge. THE DISCOVERY OF THE FIRE. The train was running, he judged, about thirty-five miles an hour at the time of the aecident. Engineer Southerland told him that he saw a very small blazeliefore reach ing the bridge, but thought it was a few loaves burning outside the track. The engineer also wild him that he did not see the fire until he got directly over the bridge and then he called for brakes, but it was too late to avoid the accident. The witness remained at the wreck until 7 o’clock in the morning and saw to the handling of bodies. He saw one or two persons examining the pockets of the dead. He was informed by those making the search that they were seeking for their relatives. If he had had any suspicion that bodies were being rifled by persons it would have been averted by the way in which the searchers answered him. lie saw no one robbing the dead or cutting off the Augers of the dead to secure rings. There vus plenty of help to get the bodies out of the wreck, valuable assistance being louden si by the Chatsworth tire company. In the corn Held near the wreck he heard a man calling, “Help,” “help.” The wit ness went toward the place and found a man with his left, leg broken above the ankle, 'i he man asked him to turn his toes down. The witness did so, and told a farmer’s boy who came along with a bucket of water to stay near the man v\bile the witness went to the assistance of others. In w #w minutes after leaving him, the wit ness heard a shut, and turning nack found that the man had shot himself in the fore head, producing instant death. The boy had meanwhile gone away a short distance to give water to another wounded person. The witness remembered having noticed the and censed trying to get something out of his pocket while the witness was turning his toes inward. SOLIDITY OF THE BRIDGE. J. H. Morkley, master of bridges and buildings of the Toledo, Feorin and Western road, testified that he inspected the bridge in May last. It wus made of two pile bents, lour pilings to each bent, it was 13 fuel loir; anil H feet high. Tin: stringent wore 7 by 10 inches, two of them being under each rail. Tuo ti<* were H' by H inches and si foet long. The .stringers, ties and guard rails were put in fourteen months ago. The piling was good for about two years. There was a wall of eld timbers at each end of the bridge to keep up the embankment. Its condition was good. The witness examined the bridge yesterday and found nothing left but part of the partially burned curb and a few Pieces of small timber. The piles were burned off close to the ground. Three or four of them were sticking up two feet above the ground. The witmus thought it "on Id take a 1 suit two hours tor such a {•ridge to hum. Other bridges on road bad been on fire this year but ha 1 bum s ".i in (inn to prevent aoci dents. Thd burn oil bridge wus about two 'mien and a half east of Chatsworth. At this point the inquest was adjourned until to-day. for thk wounded. Another special from Forest to the 'Timm M y,: As fast as the wouuded wore brought into Chatsworth from tlie wreck they were taken directly to tho town hall, which had been turned into a temporary hospital. It is a two-story • rame building, the lower floor of which is used as quarters for the local (ire company, while in the up|>or hull entertainments are Riyen. I lists und cot* were brought in from neighboring houses, together with the neeewu y bedding and the sufferer* wore cared for by loving hands. The floor of the hall greatly resembled that of the drill room of the Uespltiinn* street police station in Chicago on tho night of the Huyinarket Hot, Torn and bleeding human beings in nil fljje Jttafning the different stages of suffering lay around the room, moaning and crying in agony, while doctors and nurses were binding up thoir wounds. Bloody clothing, torn anu covered with mud, lay around on tiie floors m heaps, together with the car cushions, mattresses and blankets, on which they had been brought from the scene of the wreck. Many patients were under the influence of ether or chloroform, while their faces, ghastly white and teeth tightly clenehod, showed the sufferings w hich they were un dergoing while partially oblivious to the fact. Blood was everywhere—on the floors, walls, clothing and hands of the wounded, as well as those who were caring for them. As the day wore away and the afternoon shadow's lengthened into evening the scenes changed somewhat. Tho wounded had been dressed aud bandaged, and most of them rested quietly enough, overcome by mental and physical suffering, resting on comfortable beds, watched by tender-hearted men and women, a majority of whom had never seen the patients until yesterday. They slept oblivious to the slaughter which had taken place. LIKE A BATTLEFIELD HOSPITAL. Coal oil lamps were placed around the hall, their light carefully shaded, and the scene was strongly suggestive of the interior of a hospital on a field of battle. In one corner of the lower hall lay John C. Steer, a resident of Jersey City, a large and pow erful man. Both of his legs were broken and he had received such internal injuries as rendered his recovery doubtful. Adam Shoeberger, of Peoria, lav near him, semi conscious and slowly breathing his life away. One of his legs was broken and he was injured internally. On the upper floor a handsome woman aliout 20 years of age, stylishly dressed, lay extended on a couch. She was Miss Hattie Brennen, of Farmington, 111., and was on her way to Niagara Falls with several rela tives. In the party was a young man named Walters, also of Farmington, and to whom she was engaged to be married. He had been badly injured and lay near her on a bed attended by a couple "of surgeons. While Miss Brennen was physically unhurt, yet the fright and knowledge of her lover’s injuries has rendered her insane. THE IMPROVISED MORGUE. In the depot at Chatsworth and in an unoccupied store used as a morgue the scene was suggestive of a slaughter house. Stretched out on the floor in different direc tions were the corpses of men, women anil children, dressed in the clothing in which they had met their death. In an empty storeroom, twenty feet wide and forty feet long were counted twenty-seven corpses at one time. Their clothing was tom and dis hevelled and their stiffened arms and hands in a majority of cases were crossed over their breasts. The heads of the dead were generally mangled in a most frightful man ner and were always covered by some article of clothing. The face of a young woman who was ly ing on the floor of the depot had been so beaten in that recognition was entirely out of the question, and her hrains and the flesh of her face were a pulpy mass in which dabbled her long red hair. She was not identified. A man with a heavy dark moustache, and who was apparently about 35 years of age, had been struck in the face by some substance which had torn away his jaw and the side of his face, leaving the throat and lower part of his face exposed. A 5 year-old boy with a chubby face and curly hair looked contented and smiling. His legs were not broken, but his flesh was so mangled that it bore the appearance of raw beef. His chest was crashed in and his little body was covered with bruises. Nearly every corpse was mangled or disfigured The faces of some of the dead were as black as though they hail died from suffocation, while others were deadly white. A dispatch from Springfield, 111., says: “The Board of Railroad and Warehouse Commissioners will go to Chatsworth to-day and conduct an investigation of the wreck of yesterday morning.” AWAKENING CHATSWORTH. Another dispatch from Forest says: “The news of the disaster arrived at Chatsworth about forty minutes after its occurrence. The peaceable residents of the little town were suddenly awakened by an alarm which was ringing simultaneously from all the alarm boxes in town. After a few min utes everybody was on his or her feet, and people were running through the streets from all directions, all inquiring where the fire was. When the actual facts were learned another alarm followed which was soon vigorously re-echoed by the bills of all the churches in town. The people made a rush for the roads to Piper City. Dr. Vaughn, of Chatsworth, was the first to appear at the scene. He was seen bv a reporter and told briefly what ho saw. When I arrived I found ttie great est confusion, he said. Hell itself could not present a more horrible picture—men and women fighting with death and ready to clutch at a straw to be saved. One man held his dead wife and a dead lit tle child in his arms while his own fret were broken and caught in the wreck. I relieved the unfortuate man of his burden and helped to drag him out and bring him to a sleeper. One of the greatest misfortunes was the fact that the wreck took place almost in a desert. It was impos sible to accord the wounded sufficient assist ance. There were no ambulances and nothing to -carry them on. Thoy were dragged and pushed and this accounts for the great number of people who succumbed to their wounds.” THE FIRE MARSHAL’S STORY. Fire Marshal Henry H. Game, of Chats worth, says he was one of the first to arrive at the scene. “I had no time to observe anything that trans pired around me.” he said. “Myself nnd my entire force were working like beavers a| i the time, and in the course of half an hour wo hail thirty-three people, killed and wounded, dragged out of the debris. Four cars were standing on the track and tbe only tiling I knew about thorn is that I carried wounded men and women there.” Tho following names have been added to the list of deoil since last night: Mrs. Dr. Duckett, of Forest: Mrs. A. ft. Croswell, of Kankakee; J. D. Whiteridge, of Franklin, Noi.; K. I). Brass, of Poona; Mrs. John Voorhees. of Washington, ill.; Miss Mamie Powers, of Peoria, Mrs. Rev. fiaymill, of Abingdon: James Blair, of Eureka; Arthur McCarthy, of Eureka. PRESIDENT LEONARD’S SUSPICIONS. President E. F. Leonard, of the Toledo, Peoria and Western Company, said to a re porter of the Times that ho hail made a careful, but necessarily brief, investigation of the Occident und is >uld in no way ac count for it, unlinh on the presumption that the bridge was set on flro deliberately by (lends for the purpose of wrecking the train and robbing tho (mssengers. To say that he deplored the accident, but, faintly expressed his feeling*. President lysward came from Springfield in tho afternoon, accompanied by Col. John .Stephens, general solicitor of the road. When tbe tiody of Edwin K. Adams was searched by ono of Ills friends, noither his pocket book nor his gold watch and chain could lie found. Although he was known to have started on tho trip with a large snui of money, the only cash round on his person was s#), which lie had in the watch pocket of his trousers A TERRIBLE SIGHT. An eye witness who reached the wreck in SAVANNAH, GA„ SATURDAY, AUGUST 13. 1887. the morning says; “The sight of the dead and wounded lying in the adjacent fields was horrible. Sly friend counted ninety seven dead liodios at noon yesterday, and the wreck was not nearly cleared away. They were lying in little hehps of about n dozen, all having been killed in a different manner. Throe-fourths of the dead never knew what killed them. It was a sight I never want to look upon again. There were young ladies in pic nic dress with their white skirts saturated with blood, and the front of their faces mashed beyond recognition. One young looking mother had held her baby in her arms, when a timber striking the child in the back, impaled both victims in instant death. The mother’s face did not bear a scratch, but the expression upon it will haunt me to my grave. I was sick when I returned from trie catastrophe last night. It would make any man sick. AT THE PEORIA DEPOT. “The depot at Peoria was surrounded by 5,(W0 people, all waiting for news from the wreck, ’flic switch yards had, been cleared of cars, and along between the rails stood rows of cots to receive the dead and wounded as they were brought in. Near these cots were backed up perhaps 100 covered wagons, and beyond the wagons stood 150 soldiers to keep the crowd back. A committee of 100 citizens wearing crape were stationed at the cots to take care of the victims. All Peoria is in fears. There were scores of her best citi zens on that train, among them being many young ladies. Everybody says it was tho jolliest party that ever started on an excur sion. They were as merry as school chil dren. Hundreds had been to tho train to see their friends depart, but thous ands were there to take their dead bodies away on the return. THE RAILROAD OFFIC IALS CONDEMNED. “The action of the railroad officials after the accident was condemned by almost everybody. Hundreds of people got as far as Forest on their way to the wreck, but had to walk the rest of the distance —six miles. The officials rode up and down the tracy, and a few slow-going trains brought in the dead, but the wounded and dying were left on the ground, with no relief except that which their partners in grief could give them. They lay in the muddy fields all night, with the rain beating down, while their groans and cries went up in vain. As fast as the baggage could tie taken from the cars, no matter whose it was, it was torn open and dresses and shirts appropriated for bandages to dress the wounds of the suffering. After tho physicians anil nurses had finished with the trunks thieves rifled t hem and carried off what was valuable. “I myself,” said Mr. Church, the speaker, “saw the head, shoulders and arms of a young woman hanging from a car window, and a man went up and began stripping the rings from her dead fingers. Some of the passengers interfered and made him desist.” THE PECUNIARY LOSS. Chicago, Aug. 12, 10 p. m —A Chigago Times Forest, 111., special says: Tho pecu niary loss arising from the accident is sim ply enormous. Under the laws of Illinois the relatives of those killed in the disaster will, if they have any claim at all, deplete the Treasury of the Toledo, Peoria and Western of something like $350,000, and those injured would receive at least a quarter of a million more. The Railroad Commissioners were at the scene of the dis aster to day, and will endeavor to locate the exact cause of the occurrence. The task is no easy one, but the officers of the State are clothed with full authority to investi fate all persons and )>apers and report. hey laid the foundation of an examination to-day and will resume operations in Peoria Tuesday. It is bound to make a great big law suit, one that will furnish new precedents nnd rulings on the law of common carriers. The Coroner’s jury is still pegging away. There are some scores of witnesses yet to be examined and the railroad board will make an investigation on its own account. The matter will probable not be adjusted for ten years to come. THE LATEST ON THE DEATH LIST. All manner of speculation is heard here as to the number of dead. The Coroner says he can l account for seventy-seven bodies, and believes there are no more in the wreck. The latter part of the statement is unquestionably true, but the latest and most reliable advices swell the number of fatali ties to over eighty. The railroad people have agents at work collecting information as to the number and residences of the dead and wounded. Many were taken away from Chatsworth and Piper City early yesterday morning before the extent of their injuries was made known. Some of these have, it is said, died to-day. The railroad people say that eighty-seven have already < lied and thirteen more are in a critical condition. It is understood that the company will to-night, through its gen eral offices at Peoria, furnish to the public a complete list of the dead, wounded and missing. Unless this is done the general public will never know the full extent of the calamity. The bodies of the victims, nearly all of wounded and the personal effects of the passengers, are no longer in Chatsworth and Piper City. All efforts to accurately ascertain the iden tity of the sufferers up to this time have been unavailing. The Coroner himself is at sea with his figures, nnd now intimates that he may possibly have under estimated the full extent of tho disaster. The railroad officials alone can enlighten the public on this point. The newspapers are powerless, as numerous bodies and wounded people were removed before any of the correspondents arrived in Chats worth. CLEARING THE TRACK. Chatsworth. 111., Aug. 12.—At 7 o’clock this morning Master Mechanic War ren, with u wrecking train and a large force of men, were at work. Mr. Warren was confident the track would be cleared for trains by noon. They were certain all thfi bodies had been removed from the wreck. A special car with officials of the Wabash road reached the wreck early this morning and tendered the use of their wrecking out fit and offered to be of any service possible. The Illinois Central also offered any re quired assistance, but Mr. Warren said he thought his present equipment would enable him to clear the track. President Leonard, Supt. Armstrong, and other Toledo, Peoria ami Western officials, were seen this morning. They have given devoted attention to tho relief of the injured and care of tho dead. Both show signs of the terrible shock which the accident has been to them. President Leonard said so far ns the railroad officials could estimate there were aliout eighty killed and 100 seriously wounded. There are many who were slightly injured, of whom no record has yet lieen obtained. A list is being compiled in the Peoria offices of the company. President Leonard said that a* near as he could ascertain the train was making about thirty miles an hour ut the time of the accident, not an excessive rate of speed, as the track was in good condi tion. THE BRIDGE. The bridge, an ordinary fifteen foot wooden structure, was all right, at 5 o'clock in the nfternoon, when a train passed over it, and half an lour later the section men in*(ectod it, under orders, in advance of the excursion train. It was all right then. As to the liability of tbe company or the future of the road, the President could uotsav. The first thing the officials did was to direct their attention to tho care of the un fortunate victims. It was a How which would, of course, l>e most serious to the road, but that was as nothing compared with the death and injury to human beings. President leonurd said he could in due conseienco say ho believed the road had provided every reasonable and customary safeguard. With the consent of the coroner, President Leon ard arranged that all unclaimed bodies should be eared for, washed and placed in cof fins and conveyed to Peoria, where, with all their effects, they will wait identification. The bodies will he left there as long as pos sible and then if not identified will be buried. THE HORRORS DEEPENING. The horrors of the wreck seemed deepen ing early this morning instead of lessening. Added to the pitiable spectacle of the dead and the miseries of the dying a stench sick eningly foul was issuing from nil the numerous places where the corpses of vic tims yet remained. No picture of the hor rible occurrence immediately succeeding the accident could eoual in terrible details the scene at the Toledo, Peoria and Western depot to-day. The west end of the little structure is a coal house and lumber room, where, promiscuously stretched on the floor in t he coal and rubbish, were seven unidenti fied Is wiles, blood-stained and bedraggled. Hheets and Mankots wore thrown loosely over each, but afforded but little protection from the swarms of flies which were con tinuously hovering over them. The odor emanating from the Hslies effectually kept the room clear of all but the hardiest crowds. Two of the victims were women, and the sight of their faces was one never to be forgotten. GHASTLY IN TIIE EXTREME. The distorted features, wide-staring eyes anil putrefying wounds were gaze l at but an instant, even by those looking for a miss ing father or daughter. In a few hours one of them, a young woman with light, reddish hair, would be absolutely unrecognizable from the effects of the heat.. Close by her, raised above the other corpses in tho room, was the dead body of a portly man supported on a couple of old boxes. He was in his stocking feet and coatlees, and was rapidly decaying. Other dead men on the floor were in nearly as bad condition. Outside on the platform of the depot were several coffins filled with those identified during the night, and now awaiting shipment. The east end of the depot was in even worse confusion than the west. Tiie floor continued strewn with unclaimed baggage in an inextricable mix. Little knots of (oople were poring over the broken satchels and masses of soiled and torn linen and trumpery, bring ing to light here a little infant’s garment and there the crumpled remains of a widow’s tx>n net. A little down the road is a large vacant furniture store in which thirteen corpses were festering. Only six of them wore men. The others were women and children Most of the thirteen had not yet been recognized by friends, and their countenances were so mutilated and their clothing so drabbled wit h dirt and blood that it is doubtful if they ever can be identified. One pretty little woman, terribly mangled, lav motionless beside a babe toward which site was partly turned. Across the room was a stalwart mail ujion his back dead, but with his right arm still raised in agony ami his fist tightly clenched. Over in the big school house two more corpses were still uncoffined waiting claim ants. Wounded to the number of 4f) filled the fire engine house, up stairs and down, and the same faithful ladies and girls who had scarcely slept since tho wreck w'ere at the bedsides. In addi tion to those there were at toast a score of injured distributed among the private residences of the town too badly hurt to lie moved. A few hours had scarcely elai>sed, however, when the aspect of the depot and other morgues was completely transformed. A large force of men was set at work boxing up the dead, forwarding them to Peoria and clearing out generally. They succeeded admirahly, and before noon had appearances so changed that a chance visitor in Chatsworth could scarcely have believed it tho city of horrors that it was last night and this morning. The list of killed, so far as is known up to noon to-day, foots 156, of whom 63 are from Peoria. THE WORK OF FIENDS. Sensational features were developed this morning as to the cause of the wreck. Ru mors were afloat last night that it was due to robbers, who fired the briilge, but little credence wns given them. This morning new facts, apparently showing the catas trophe to be the work of an organized band, came to light, and the company find them worthy of serious investigation. Supt. Armstrong said to an Associated Press reporter that the more lie investigated the more it appeared to him that the bridge hail been set on fire. The burned grass in its immediate locality was not of a nature that seemed likely to admit of the bridge catching from it. He hail observed many thieves at work, and h.ul stopped them while despoiling the wreck of property and money. Instances of the robbing of the dead were lining brought to bis attention. The excursion had been extensively adver tised, and the time it would pass over the bridge was well known. The citizens say that a gang of suspicious fellows have been loitering around Chatsworth for some ilays. Many of these were found early at tho r reck, paying more attention to relieving bodies of their valuables than to caring for them otherwise. The trainmen and passengers hail frequent contention with the vandals. In one instance Htipt. Armstrong found a well known thief in the depot room where the property taken from the wreck was stored. While the people of the town have done all in their power for the sufferers, there is a horde of tramps and thieve* in this vicinity who do nothing but carry off everything they can lay thoir hands on. THE TRACK HAD BEEN INSPECTED. At tbe morning session of tiie Coroner’s jury some decidedly significant testimony was given. Timothy Coughlan. section foreman here, testified that ho hail four men helping him on his six and a half miles. Ho received orders on'Wednesday to go over ills section and see that the bridgesand track were all right. Coughlan went to the east end of his section und burned the grass along the track for half a mile. He burned a piece a little over half a mile from the wreck and put the fire out. He examined the bridge about 5 o’clock and found no smoke aliout it, and otherwise it was all right. Aliout three weeks ago the grass under the bridge had been cut away for ten feet from the bridge timlxTS, and lie bad no idea ho-.v the bridge could have caught fire. Christo pher Ennis, the rondinaster for the line from the State line to Peoria, said he went over the road Wednesday from Fair bury to Gil man. He went over the fatal bridge just before 4 o’clock in tbe afternoon. He was on the rear end of the car and saw that the bridge wns all right. There was no fire or smoke about the bridge. Mr. Ennis said: “My opinion is that tho bridge was set on fire by somebody. My train was the last train over before the special, aud if there was fire there the men would have dis covered it. The bridge could have been burned in two or three hours. About three year* ugo two attempts wore made to ditch the 10 o'clock passenger train at that bridgy, and we kept a watchman there for six weeks. Obstructions were piled oil tb track. It is a very lonesome place, far from any house ” MORE ROBBERIES CROPPING OUT. Stories and incidents concerning the dis aster are coming to light as the excitement in a measure duis out. More robberies are becoming known. Miller Patterson, when he left fi\ yoiniug, his home, carried a silver watch ana had about S3O in money after buying his ticket. Only $2 was found on his body. A man, apparently a tramp, about 50 years of age, was caught in the act of nibbing a corpse and was spotted thereafter by a young man, anil made a sneak for Piper City. For throe hours one woman was hanging out of a car window, her body lifeless. She was caught by tho thighs and it took aliout fifteen minutes to extricate her. Her legs were horribly mangled and the flesh torn completely off. A GHOULISH ACT. One of tiie most ghoulish acts ever re corded is going round. A man was getting out of the cars. Near him during the jour ney wuls a woman with a fine gold watch and chain. She was badlv injured and cried with anguish: “Oh, God, help me!” The man turned apparently to assist her, but in stead stooped over, grabbed the watch and chain and (list. The wrecking party, who were among the first to go through the wreck, saw watches, chains and pocketbooks scattered around. Such of these as they hail time they picked up and restored to their owners. The train wreckers are working both ways at the wreck and it is almost certain that they wifi get the track cleared lieforo to-morrow night, in the third coach from the engine was a man with his wife and daughter. When tho wnx’k occurred he lost, his liand satchel but afterward found it, but his pock etbook containing $65 was gone. A NEW THEORY. Anew theory has been developed. It is in effect that at the inquest ail attempt will be made to prove that there was n fire at that bridge on the afternoon of the acci dent. Mr. Dalph, or “old man” Dnlpli, as he is known here, lives northeast of tho wreck. His house is about a quarter of a mile from the wreck, while liis land comes right up to the bridge. What it will be attempted to prove by him is that dur ing tho afternoon he saw smoke rising in the direction of tho bridge. Knowing how dry it was and fearful lest his oat* stubbles and shocks should be burned he went to the place and found tire around the bridge 11. Ila vis, who lives a quarter of a mile east will lie called on to corroborate him. A LIST OF THE KILLED. The list of the killed so far us ascertained at 12 o’clock to-day is as follows: From Peoria—Miss Pearl Adams, Mrs. William Allen, Mrs. Pearl Andrews, Mrs. William Ball and daughter, Mrs. Blandin and two children, J. Brady, Mrs. 8. B. Breeze, M. Breeze, Elizabeth Brees, (‘apt Dahklo, Harbor Master of Peoria, Peter Itnlke, Mrs. James Deal, Mrs. Fannie Deal, Mrs. Doty and daughter, Mrs. Ed wards anil two daughters, Pearl French, Willium French, Mrs. Ada Gale, Mrs. W. Garre toon, Mrs. Gersten, E. Gotlel, Go del, son of E. Godel, Mrs. Kelly, Miss Kelly, Elsie Mach, Miss Maggie Malvow* Mra. 11. T. Mann, Edward MeClintoek, En gineer Eugene MeClintoek and daughter, Mi's. Marv McEvoy, Mrs. Miller, Miss Mor ley, Mrs. John Murphy, Rosa Murphy, John Murphy, L. S. Neil, Mrs. Jennie O’Hhaugh nessy, Miss Mamie Powers, Phena Phiam. Sir. Purdy, Sirs. Putney, William M. Rogan, J. D. Richards, Mrs. Ida iSauTsbury, Mrs. Bindell, George O. Smith, T. A. Smith, Con Smith, William F. Sterns ami two daughters, William Stevens and two daughters, Mrs. Snedeker anil soil Frank, Emma Stevens, Ida Stevens, It. E. Strachan, Trovollo, Elsie, Ulrich, Mrs. Valdejo and daughter, Mr. W. fi’al dejo. Miss Julia Valdejo, Mrs. Valentine, Miss Ada Weiister, R. R. Wright, Mrs. Wright, Mr. Wright, Mrs. F. B. Wrennette, Frederick Wrennette, Miss I'earl Wren nette, Mrs. William Zendel, Mrs. Zimmer man. The following dead are from other points: fill's. Rev. Haymill, of Abingdon, III; Ezra Sale, of Alta, 111.; Michael ltegan, of Bing hamton, N. N.; Capt. A. A. Martin, A. A. Maxten, A. A. Morton, of Bloomington, III.; J. J. Body, I). A. Green, J. A. Green, J. F. Kelly, J. S. Kaler, J. S. Kelly, of Breedsville, 111.; James Shonnan, of Brim field, 111.; W. H. Potter, of Bushnell, 111.; Noah Havertnore, of Canton III: Chowda, of Chenoa, III.; Wil liam Craig, of Cuba, III.; W. 11. Lott, of Elmwood, 111.; Matt Castle, of Elpaso, 111.; James Blair, Mrs. J. A. Clay, J. M. Clay, Mania Clay. Maj. Sher man Laws, Miss Jessie Meeks, Mrs. Judge Meek, Arthur McCarthy of Eureka, ill; Emeline Carruthers, of Evans, 111.; E. J. Adams, of Falrburg, 111.; Mrs. Dr. Duckett, of Forest, III; Miss Eva Allen, Mrs. Name Alter, Miss Minnie Alter, Miss Eva Alter, of Fort Madi son, la.; J. D. Richardson, J. I). White ridge, of Franklin, Neb.; I)r. William fil. Collins, Mr. E. Gode.ll and son, Mrs. Mc- Clure and child, P. P. fi 7 an Liew, of Gales burg, III.: William Forbes, of Glen wood, III; lienry Single and son, of Keokuk, la.; Gluey Spurt h, of Green Valley, 111.; Rev. O. Sparks, of Green Valley, III; John A. Moore, of Jacksonville, III; Mrs. Arch Cross well, of Kankakee, 111.; Mrs. H. li. McClure, of Keitlisburg, 111.; Jlelvin Smith, Mrs. Melvin Smith, of Metamoin, III.; Isaac Bady, Isaac Bentley, of Morrison, III; Infant Neal, child of Mrs. Joe Neal, of Mossville, ill.; Mrs. R. H. Clark, of Rich town, O.; Oscar Johnson, of Sever, 111.; .Mrs. Marsh, of Syracuse, N, Y.; Mrs. Cooper, Henry Hinchen, Poul Killter, of Pekin, III; Mr. Stoddard,of Wateeka, 111.; Mrs. Stoddard, of Wateeka, 111.; filattie ( arsell, Mrs. Elizabeth Cross, George W. Press, Mrs Poyton Press, Mrs. John Voor beos, of Washington, III; Mrs. E. D. Stod dard, of West Point. la.; filisrs Emeline Cnl• tester, of Winona, 111.; Trim, a travel ing rnun in the employ of John Kranz, of Chicago, 111. THE WOUNDED AT CHATSWORTH. Peoria., 111., Aug 12.—Following is a list of the wounded at Chatsworth: Mrs. Ann Kellogg, of Trcmont, slightly; Mrs. J. Welch, of Peoria, slightly bruised; Mrs. Isaac Hoary, of Morrison, severely injured; Catharine Lott, of Peoria, seriously injured; John McMaster, of Peoria, bark and leg bruised; Mrs. E. J. I guvs, of Eureka, head cut and side bruised; Sarah Mnv Laws, of Eureka, face cut and jaw broken; John W. Ktaron, of Green Valiev, h‘K broken und cut across the abdomen; John Stein, of Bush nell, leg broken and spine injured; a lady from Tonica, ankle broken: llnvid Craw ford, of l'eoria, bruised on the head; A. Abraham, of l’eoria, arm broken, leg broken, rib* broken und head bruised; C. ft. Nowsom, of Canton, hijulislocated; K. T. McGee, of LuhJtrj>*, bruised; Mis. Walters, of Peoria, leg mil jaw broken anil tiadly cut; K. F. Wrench, of l’eoria, slightly braised; Elton Walters, of Peoria, tbigb broken, and injured internally; Mrs. H. 11. Clark, of Rfototowii. Ohio, limbs broken and bead badly cut; C. O. < ioodrl, of Peoria, head cut and log badly hurt: film. Ed th Chellow, of Glasford, hip joint dis located, and legs bruised; Robert Zimmer man, of Peoria, buck and side bruised, head cut and foot crushed . Mrs. It. Zimmerman, of Peoria, collar lone broken, and severely wounded about the head; fib's. J. W. Grant, of Peoria, wedged in the wreck for hours; Mrs. Mary Morris, of Peoria, bruised aud sliaken up; Horner Bond, of Colchester, in jured internally, shoulder dislocated and lead cut; Miss Emma Alter, of West Point. la., badl v cut end right teg bruised; S. C. Carter, of Burlington, la., slightly out; Harry I Jiwronce, of Burling ton, la , face and back hurt ; Miss Frabm, of Peoria, badly injured; Miss Lizzie James, of Peoria, foot crushed; YV. I'. Smith, of Peoria, badly out ; John Keeler, of Breeds, leg broken; Miss Hatnill, of Abingdon, leg amputated above the knee; William Ul rick, of Peoria, leg broken. ON THE BRINK OF A HORROR. An Aocident Near Albany Similar to That in Illinois. Albany, Ga., Aug. 12. —The Cincinnati express train, consisting of throe coaches and a Mann boudoir car, leaving here at 10 o’clock last night, plunged off the trestle of the Brunswick and Western railroad bridge over the Flint river at this place. The rear trucks of the sleeper jumped the track near the switch, seventy five yards front the trestle, upon reaching which it t ell therefrom, a distance of fourteen feet-, falling upon its side. The other cars fol lowed. The second-class and baggage car turned completely over, falling upon their tons, and were crushed like an egg shell. The engine coupler broke, leaving it upon tbo trestlo. a conductor's leap. Conductor M. Verdory, who was standing in tlio door of the bagguge car when it fell, jumped from it, a distance of twenty feet, narrowly escaping falling upon a pile of drift wood and sustaining internal injuries. The fire alarm boll was rung and the fire department responded. It was a dreadful sight. Inthedarkness couldbedistinguished the wrecked cars lying in the ooze and mud loft bv the recent freshet,. The cries of the wounded wore heart-rending. The firemen organized themselves into a relief force, and the wounded were extricated and placed upon mattresses obtained from the sleepers and carried to the various hotels. NINETEEN INJURED. Nineteen injured porsi ms wore taken from the wreck. It, is remarkable that none were killed. Though many were seriously shocked, only one rierson was severely in jured. He was Bdlwood Emmet, repre senting the Rublier Faint Company, of Chicago, who was thrown violently from his berth and had Ins leg and thigh injured. The other wounded were: Mix. Barker, of Sumter county, Florida. Mix. J. 11. Wilson, of Baton Rouge, La. George E. Smith, of Cleveland, O. O. Rodgers, of Atlanta. Hr. W. I, Hikes, of Sumner, Go. R. J. Hammond and C. VV. McCratiio, of Ty Tv. L. M. Peeples, of Nashville, Ga. A number of negroes on the second-class coach wins- injured. James Thomas was the most seriously hurt, being found with his head jammed through a lime in the roof and bleeding profusely. The wounded are resting easily to-day. No fatalities are an ticipatcd. IVES’ ASSIGNMENT. The Creditors Taking Steps to Seucre Time for the Assignee. New York, Aug. 12. —'The only new de velopment in the Ives’ matter to-day was the statement that the District Attorney had taken up his case anil would lay the facts before the grand jury. When Mr. Ives was asked what his information was in regard to this he referred to his counsel, A. H. Sullivan. Mr. Sullivan did not, want to talk on the matter, however, and after stating that he knew nothing that Mr. Ives could lie in dieted upon wanted to retract even that statement. It was admitted that Mr. Ives’ •house, on which he has spent over SIOO,OOO, was in his sister’s name and not included among the assets. A MEETING OF CREDITORS. There was a meeting of creditors friendly to Mr. Ives at the office of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Company in the afternoon, at which Russell Sage, C. Waite Coombs, of Boston, Judge ltnniso}’, W. C. Wattels, W. M. Fellows, Morgan and both members of the firm of Cromwell At Sullivan were present. Four fifths of the creditors in all wero represented. The assignee reported that serious efforts were being made, with substantial pro gross, looking to iiayiug off all the secured indebtedness of Henry S. Ives Cos., mid that a syndicate hail been formed with this view. Ho also an nounced that the Cincinnati, Hamilton arid Dayton (Jornpany was working in the same connection and aiding in every way by the use of its own name and credit. After some discussion, in which Russell Sage opposed the general views, a resolution was adopted recommending that the creditors holding securities take no action at present, but to give the assignee reasonable time in which to provide for all claims. After the meeting was over the assignee stated that the loans of Mr. Von Hoffman to August Belmont, amounting to $500,000, has lieen taken up by the syndidate, thus preventing the sale of the collateral as advertised to day. •langston'b trial. A Belief That the Jury Will Not be Able to Agree. Petersburg, Va., Aug. 12.—The argu ment for the defense in the Langston mur der trial, which consumed the entire day, was concluded to-night. The court imme diately adjourned, on account of the illness of one of the jurors. Self defense was argued ns justification for the shooting, and the medicnl treatment of the wounded man was severely criticised as improper as as fatally aggra vating the pistol wounds. The case will be given to the jury to-morrow, but it is thought that there is littlo chance of a ver dict. _ DISCRIMINATION CHARGED. The Philadelphia and Norfolk Road After the Atlantic Coaet Line. New York, Aug. 12.—The Philadelphia and Norfolk Uni iroad Company complains to tlie Interstate Commerce Commission that the companies con>|ioaing the Atlantic Coast Line refuse to make through rales to Baltimore, Philadelphia ami New York with them and to afford facilities for inter change of trafH: while they do make such through traffic rates with ami afford fa< id tics to other companies competing with the complainant. This the complainant holds to tie a violation of section H of the inter state commerce act. Correction of the matter is asked. SIX KILLED OUTRIGHT. A Now Water Tank Bursts While Be ing Tested. Chicaoo, Aug. 12. — A Tims* special from Mar<|iitte, Mich., says; “Workmen on the North western road, near Norway, yesterday completed anew water tank and filled it with water for a teat. While they were standing near by the tiinlmr* suddenly gave way and the whole structure collapsed. Six men were killed end six were seriously and a number slightly injured.’' Malta’s Cholera Visitation. London, Aug. 12.—At Malta during the past twenty-four hours there have been 5 new cases of cholera and 5 deaths. I PRICE 810 A YEAR. I ] 5 CENTS A COPY, j AMERICA'S IRISH FUNDS. NEARLY ALL THE LEADING AGITA. TORS MADE EASY. Parnell Got £40,000, and Davitt One of the Prettiest Estates in tbe Vi cinity of Dublin Many Irishmen Drawing War Pensions from the United States. Baltimore, Aug. 12. —The .Van will pub lish to- non ow a letter from its special cor respondent in Dublin in which he speaks of the disposition of the money collected iu this country for Ireland. He says: “The testimonial to Parnell made up in America and here amounted to £-40,000, or, in round numbers $200,000. Before this his circum stances were much embarrassed, but with tliis he paid off the mortgages on his prop, erty, started fresh, and his finances aro now in most comfortable condition. Most of the other Irish Nationalist leaders have been given testimonials rang ing in amounts from £I,OOO to £,OOO. Michael Davitt said for a long time that he would not accept any reward for his efforts, but lie Anally accepted a testimonial in the shape of one of the prettiest estates to be found in the vicinity of Dublin.” “Mr. Cochrane, head of the largest Arm in Dublin said there has been little or no money contributed for the Irish cause in Ireland, and there could be no increase in the contributions on this side. It was the money which came from America which kept up all agitation, and if America stopped sending contributions the agitation would soon cense. The people in America, he said, could have little idea of how many idle men were living on their money.” Speaking of the Y'nited States pensioners in Ireland, the letter says: “Among the duties of American Consuls in Ireland is the payment to several hundred persons who are on the United States pension rolls of their quarterly dues. A small proportion only of tlieseever were citizens of the United States. Some were hired as substitutes and others went to the war actuated only by tbe higli bounties which wore paid. Not a few of these pensions amount to as much as s4fl ]ier month. This incident has caused much interested comment, as the United States is the only government in the world which tw.vs pensions to people who do not reside within its borders.” PROCLAIMING the league. London, Aug. 12.—The Cabinet met to-day and discussed at. considerable length the advisability of proclaiming the Irish National League. They Anally adjourned until early next week without coming to a decision. In the meantime Lord Ash bourne, Lord (Chancellor of Ireland, will remain in 1 ,ondon. PARNELL ON THE LAND BILL. In the House of Commons to-day Mr. Parnell, on a motion to consider the House of Lords amendments to the land bill, de clared that the alteration providing that rents lie reduced in ratio with the fall in prices was a vital change. It would dimin ish by one-lmlf tiie value of the bill to ten ants. It deprived the commission of dis cretion in the reduction of rents, tying them down to a hard and fast line. It was de ceptive, also. If prices had fallen Id per cent, a reduction of 10 per cent on the same holdings would be too little, while on the other hand it would be too much. As the bill now stood it would lie no loss to the land question or Ireland if the measure were post (Killed until another session. [Pnr nellite cheers.] Alter a heated debate Mr. Hartington suggested a postponement of the rent clause until Monday, the House proceeding in the meantime to the discus sion of other amendments. W. H. Smith, on behalf of the govern ment, accepted the proposition. Tin* remaining amendments incorporated in the bill by the House of Lords were adopted. FERDINAND’S JOURNEY. The Foreign Concilia Will Not Attend His Reception. London, Aug. 12. —Prince Ferdinand embarked at (Jurnserverin for Widdon. The foreign consuls at Rustchu decided to atisent. themselves from the Prince's recep tion. The Bulgarian War Office is buying horses for the army. PASSING SI3TOVA. Sistova, Aug. 12. —All the heights sur rounding the town and the quays on the river front wore crowded to-day when the steamer itearing Prince Ferdinand passed on its way to Kustehuk. The Prince was enthusiastically cheered. He will return from Hustehuk to-morrow and review tile troops here and will then proceed direct for Tirnova, where the Prefect will read a manifesto to the troops and assembled in habitants. COMPELLED TO RESIGN. Vienna, Aug. 12. Maj. La ha, who is accompanying Prince Ferdinand to Bul garia, has been compelled to resign his com mission in the Austrian army under pain of arrest. FRANCE HOLDS ALOOF. Paris, Aug. 12.—The French agents in Bulgaria have lieen instructed to avoid all intercourse with Ferdinand and his govern ment. SALUTES FIRED AT SOFIA. Sofia, Aug. 12.—A1l the garrisons her* have fired salutes to announce the presence of Prince Ferdinand in Bulgaria. FERDINAND’S PROCLAMATIOn. Widhen, Aug. 12.—Pritujn Ferdinand has issued a manifesto in wlinfl he says: “Hav ing lieen elected Sovereign of the Bulgarian people I consider it my sacred duty to set foot at the earliest possible moment on my new country in order to devote my life to the happiness, greatness and progress of the loving people. I am convinced that they will sup|>ort my endeavors to realize a glo rious future for Bulgaria.” India’s Chiefs Pleased. I/iNDON, Aug. 12.—1n the House of Com" mens this evening Sir John Oorst, Pallia incutary Secretary for the Indian office, re ferring to the rumors that Mahotrajab Hol kur had returned to India dissatisfied with his reception during the jubilee festivities: said that all the Indian chiefs hail expressed themselves ss warmly gratified at the treat ment they received in England. America's First Episcopate. London, Aug. 12. —The centenary service to commemorate the establishment of the llixt Episcopate iu America was given in Westminster Abbey to-dav. Canon F. K. Harford conducted the services, and prayers were read which iinjl been esjje<-jally writ ten by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The sermon was delivered by the Bishop of lowa. Noutrallzatlan of the Canal. Parih. Aug. 12. Heveral newspapers here announce that the English and French governments have agreed upon the basis of a plan for the neutralization of the Suez ••anal. A convention embodying these prin ciples, they assort, has lieen framed and its signature by the two governments may be ox iwtod.