The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 16, 1887, Image 1

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i ESTABLISHED 1850. ) ( J. H. ESTILL, Editor aud Proprietor, f aland grant revoked. *0,000,000 ACRES RESTORED TO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. The Atlantic and Pacific Company’s Failure to Live Up to j£s Agreement Results in Forfeiture-Several Other Roads Come in for Similar Penalties. Washington, Aug. 15.—Secretary La mar to-day revoked the order of withdrawal of indemnity lands for the benefit of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company, aud in a letter to the Commissioner of the General Laud Office directed that these in demnity lands be restored to settlement under the pre-emption and homestead laws. It is stated that between 50,000,000 and 130,000,000 acres are involved in this decision in the case of the Atlantic and Pacific company alone. The above order also applies to all of the other railroads named in the Secretary’s rules of May S3 last, except the St. Paul, Minneap olis and Manitoba, Hastings and Dakota, St. Paul and Sioux City, Sioux City and St. Paul, and Winona and St. Peter. "These ore still under consideration and undecided. THE CONCLUSION. After a long and elaborate review of the cases the Secretary closes his letter to the Commissioner with the following para graphs: “On a full consideration of the whole subject I conclude that the withdraw al for indemnity purposes if pennissable under the law was solely by virtue of ex ecutive authority, and may be revoked by the same authority. That such revocation would not be a violation of eitber law or equity, and that said lands having been so long withheld for the benefit of the company, the time has ar rived when public policy and justice de mand that the withdi-awal should lie re voked and some regard had for the rights of those seeking and needing home3 on the public domain. RECOGNIZED BY CONGRESS. “If I had any doubt I would tie confirmed in this course by what may bo regarded as a distinct recognition by Congress of the correctness of its policy, to be lound in sec tion of the act of April 21, 187(5, (18 stat. So) where it is said: That all such pre emption mid homestead entries which may have been made by permission of the land department, or in pursuance of the rules and instructions thereof, within the limits of auy land grant at a time subsequent to the expiration of such grant, shall lie deemed valid, and compliance with the laws and the making of the proof required, shall entitle the holder of such claim to a patent. ORDERED RESTORED. “I therefore direct that all lands under withdrawals heretofore made and held for indemnity purposes under grant to the At lantic and Pacific Rudroad Company be re stored to the public domain anti opened to settlement under the general land law s, ex cept such lands us may be covered by ap proved selections, provided the restoration shall not affect rights acquired within the primary or granted limits of any Con gressional grant. As to the lands covered by unapproved selections, applications to make filings and entries thereon may be re ceived, noted, and held subjet t, to the claim of the company, of which claim the appli cant must be distinctly informed aud u memoranda thereof entered upon his papers. NOTIFYING THE COMPANY. “Whenever such application to file or enter is presented, alleging uj>on sufficient I't-imn facie, showing tout the land is from any cause not subject to the company’s right of selection, notice thereof will lie given to the proper repre sentative of the company, which will be allowing thirty days alter the service of said notice within which to present ob jections to the allowance ot such filing or entry. “Should the company fail to respond or show cause before the local officers why the application should not lie allow ed said appli cation for filing or entry will be admitted and the selection held for cancellation, but should the company appear und show cause an investigation will be ordered under the rules of practice to determine whether said land is subject to the right of the company to make selection of lhe same, which shall be determine*! by the register and receiver, subject to the right of appeal in either part. APPEALS MUST BE PUSHED. “When appeals an taken from the de cision of the register and receiver to your office in the class of cases herein provided for, you will dispose of them without delay, and if the decision of your office shall lx* in favor of the company, and no appeal be taken, the land shall be approved or certi fied for patent, without requiring further action on the part of the company. If the decision of your ofiiee should be adverse to the company, and no appeal he taken, the selection will be cancelled and the filing or entry be allowed, subject to compliance with the law. TO TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. “The order of revocation herein directed shall take effect as soon as issued, but filings and entries of lands embraced therein shall not lie received until after giving notice of the same by public advertisement for a period of thirty days, it being the intention of this order that as against actual settle ment hereafter tho order of the department withdrawing said lands shall no longer lie an obstacle. The rights heretofore attach ing. both of the company and of settlers, will tie decided according to the facts in each case. GIVEN EVERY CHANCE. “If any lists of selections have been pre sented by the company with a tender of fees which have lieen rejected and not placed on file, and noted on the records of the local office, you will, if said lists are in your office, or in tho local office, cause said selections to be noted on record immediately, and if such lists are Dot in your office or the local office you will advise the attorney of the company that they wifi lx: allowed to lilo in the local office said lists of selections and the same will bo noted on the records ns of date " lien first, presented, provided the same lie I resented before the lands are opened to filings and entries." TEXAS FEVER AT OSWEGO. Tho Disease Contracted in a Pasture Where Texans Had Grazed. Oswego, N. Y., Aug. 15.—A disease said to be Texas fever has broken out umung the cattle in this neighborhood. Ten days ago John C. ltowe brought a herd of twenty sight cows here from Jefferson county to butcher for market. Seven were killed and “old, when it. was discovered that the others had Texas fever. lon died and the rest Were killed in t'tc presence of State Veteri nary .burgeon i idurson, of Syracuse. The all!,* took !.. ,i., use from a pasture where II ' iirtoa l m 'iota * cuttle wore received two months ago. Farmers are alarmed. Danville's First Street Car Line. Danville, Va., Aug. 15. —'The first street oar fine aver operated in Danville wax Dpe.n.l to the public to-day. Tho line “ laid with the beet of mils, and is well •quipped. fpjje JKtfftiinj f CONTRACTS FOR CRUISERS. Secretary Whitney Awards the Work for More New War Vessels. W ashington, Aug. 15. —The Secretary of the Navy to-day awarded the contracts for the construction of the five new naval vessels for which bids were ojiened recently. Cruiser No. 1, the Newark, is awarded to Cramp & Sons for $1,248,000, according to the department plans for machinery; cruiser No. 4 to Cramp & Sons contractors’ plans for $1,350,000; cruiser No. sto the union Iron Works, of San Francisco, department’s plnns for hull and machinery for $1,428,000, and gun boats Nos. 8 and 4 to N. F. Palmer, Jr., & Cos., of New York (Roach’s assignees), at $400,000 each. Cramps bid for cruiser No. 5 was SIB,OOO lower than the San Francisco bid. In referring the bids to the President Secretary Whitney calls attention to this fact and says: “You are to say whether from the bidding it appears that the bid of the Union Iron Works is a fair price for the work. It was clearly not intended that the lowest bidder should necessarily be entitled to the contract, tor this rule was easy to state and had been the law in previous cases. On the contrary Congress apparently had in view the difference in conditions of the different parts of the country for this work, and intended to permit the President to consider these differences in determining upon what should be deemed a fair price. This difference of SIB,OOO in the bias will not cover the difference in freight against California upon the materials accessary at the present tune to be purchased in the East,’’ , the president’s endorsement. Upon this letter the President made the following- indorsement: “Under the provis ions of the act of Congress authorizing the construction of ships herein referred to, which act requires that one of said ships should be built on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, or the waters connected therewith, unless the same cannot be there constructed at a fair cost, and the bid of the Union 1 1 on Works of San Francisco being within SIB,OOO of the lowest bid for the ship to be constructed ax-cording to the plans of the Navy Department, which sum of SIB,OOO does not more than cover the difference against the Pacific coast of the cost of necessary transportation of materials, and the bid by said company not appearing to be in excess of the fair cost of said ship, I do hereby pursuant to said statute and in accordance with the manifest intention of Congress in the premises, authorize and direct that the contract for the construction of the ship within named to be built according to the plans of the Navy Department be given to the said Union Iron Works, of San Fran cisco.” SECTION HANDS CARELESS. The Bridge Caught Fire in Conse quence—An Arrest Reported. Chicago, Aug. 15. —A special from Chatsworth says: A statement was made by J. T. Bullard, a citizen highly respected, to a reporter to-day. Bullard says he saw the section men carrying water into the house of the section foreman Wednesday afternoon between 2 and 4 o’clock, while lx:fore the Coroner's jury tho section fore man and his men testified they wore on the load at the time mentioned. Mr. Bullard was disinclined to say much, but from his remarks aud those of other citizens it is in ferred that the road was not examined at all Wednesday, despite the instructions re ceived by the section foreman from the roadmaster. “Wednesday morning,” Mr. Bullard said, “the station agent, who is my neighbor, told me that extraordinary pre cautions had been ordered to be taken as a heavy passenger train was expected.” an arrest. The Times to-day has "a dispatch stating that two men had neon arrested on a charge of being the incendiaries who caused the Chatsworth horror. The authority given for the information is a man named L. Dobbs who has been working for sometime past for a farmer named Morris Kennoya about, threemUesfrom Konland, Ind. Dobbs informed the Times correspondent that the two men wore arrested on suspicion of hav ing set the bridge on fire. They were iriven a preliminary examination be fore a Justice of the Peace and the proof against them was considered strong enough to hold them ill jail, where t hey are now confined pending further proceedings. Dobbs added that his employer, Mr. Kennoya, was present at the examination. The correspondent inter viewed W. F. Terrell, conductor of a freight train, and learned from him that the arrest had occasioned considerable excitement in State Line. He also said Yardmaster Jones, of the Toledo, Peoria and Western railroad, who is stationed at State Line, visited Kent land, Saturday evening and confirmed the truth of the arrest. AMERICA'S DISCOVERY. Spain to Take Part in Commemorat ing tho Event. NEW York, Aug. 15.—The Independent publishes this week some correspondence between the American Minister to Spain, Jahez L. M. Curry, and tho Spanish Min ister of State, Senor Moret, on the matter of tho celebration of the discovery of America by Columbus in 1492. Senor Moret, in a very friendly letter says: “first, that Spain will take the initiative in celebrating in a most solemn manner the centemiiary of the dis covery of America in the year 1492: second, that for this purpose it will invite all nations who people the territories dis covered by Columbus to take part in the celebration: and third, that Spain is ready at the same time to take par in any other erlebaation and solemnity which may be undertaken on the . meru aii continent to comm ‘morale the great event. I hope this reply will completely satisfy tho inquiries which you have been good enough t/> make, and enable you to inform your government and all interested in the* matter as to the purposes and decisions of Spain.” A FIGHT WITH COLOROW. Five of the Redskins Either Killed or Wounded. Denver, Aug. 15.—A Denver Mews special from Glenwood says: “Nothing has lieen heard from Sheriff Kendall since Thursday, but enough is known to justify the belief that a battle has lieen fougpt with the Indians and that Colorow got the worst of it. It is known that live Indians were either killed or wounded, and that jjenogode Utes concluded to go hack to the reservation if permitted to iio so. Colorow asks that be be given fittecn days in which to take the wounded Indians back to the Unitah Agency. This request is believed by some to lie a nine to give hun more time to receive reinforcements from other renegade tiands who are roam ing over the country. Others tx'lieve he will return to tho ugency and settle down lor a time at least. Gen. West will remain here several days awaiting developments.” Two Cacen aud Three Deaths. Key West, Fla., Aug. 15.—Two new ee:-es of fever were reported by the Board of Health to-day and three deaths, one adult aud two Cuban children. SAVANNAH, GA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 16. 1887. A SMACK SUNK BY A SHOT. SENSATIONAL RUMORS OF AN OUTRAGE BY CANADA. People of Buctouohe Report Hearing 1 Firing and Seeing an American Ves sel Sink -The Cruiser Said to Have then Started in Pursuit of Another Fishing Vessel. Halifax, Aug. 15.—There is no confir mation here of the report telegraphed from Ottawa that a Canadian cruiser had fired upon and sunk an American fisherman off Buctouehe, causing a loss of all on board. The report emanated from Buc touche, outside of which place positively nothing is known. Many tele grams of inquiry have been sent to Buc touche and vicinity, but so far no informa tion has been elicited. Whatever founda tion there is for the report, it seems pretty certain that the people of Buctouehe have been talking about the matter for several days. The affair must either have been seen by someone there or the rumor must have originated in and been confined to that place for some little time before it reached the outside world. CANNON SHOTS HEARD. Halifax, N. S., Aug. 15, 11 p. m. — The telegraph wires between New Brunswick and Halifax have been crowded all day with inquiries as to the sources of the rumors that a Canadian cruiser had sunk an American fisherman and it has lieen learned positively that the reports of a gun were heard off Buctouehe harbor some day's ago. They were heard between 8 aud 9 o’clock in the morning and were thought by the people, not yet out of their houses, to be peals of thunder, but the sky was cloud le-s in all directions. The story then goes that a man came up to the village from , the shore and reported that an unknown Dominion fishery* cruiser had dismasted and sunk an Amer ican fisherman, the vessel going dowu with every soul on board. So far as can lie ascertained the vessels were too far out from shore for any row boats to render assistance, but ou this point no statements of a sub stantial nature are to be obtained. THE WHOLE STORY DISCREDITED. The whole story is thus discredited, as it is not to be believed that men would stand idly on the beach gazing calmly upon a ves sel disappearing beneath the waves without making the slightest efforts to rescue the perishing. Coupled with other rumors of the same unconfirmed character is the statement that there was another United States fisherman in the vicinity at the time, and that after one sank the cruiser gave chase to the other. It is impossible to say what gave rise to the re ports in the first instance. The Asso ciated Press has reliable intelligence to tho effect that gun shots were actually heard off Buctouehe ou the morning in question. Whether some fishermen of the locality used this occurrence to form the basis of the sensational story for the delec tation of the village cannot be said posi tively, but it is the only reasonable expla nation. A SIX-POUND SHOT’S POWER. Commander Scott said this afternoon that it might be a very easy matter for n six-pound shot from a cruiser to sink a schooner, but if such an event did happen the Fishery Department would reoeivo the particulars at once. There was a few fish in the water off Buctouehe, but not sufficient to take Americans into those waters. The cruisers are (laying little or no attention to what is going on at or near Buctouehe, their services being required elsewhere. The Buctouehe district is cov ered by the cruisers Advance and L. Houlette, but they have not been known to lie in that vicinity for several weeks. Consul General Phelan is also impressed with the belief that there is no foundation for the sensational report, but has tele graphed to various points to ascertain what there is in it. TAKES NO STOCK IN THEM. The rumors given herein have been told to him. but he regards them as empty and groundless, and refuses to entertain them seriously. “I cannot,” he said, “for one moment think that such a serious thing ha* occurred. It would be impossible for it to lie so and we be with out particulars for so many days. No, it is not true.” The public are equally slow to believe the report. No excitement has been caused here and there will be comiiaratively little interest shown unless something more defi nite is forthcoming. SCHOENBERG A FORGER. The Mystery of His Departure No Longer a Puzzle for Anybody. Philadelphia, Aug. 15.—The mystery which has been thrown around the de parture from this city of Emil Schoenlierg, who has for some time been supposed to be a partner of John F. Betz, the million aire brewer, in some of his enterprises, is gradually being cleared up, and the state ment is made that he is a forger for a largo amount. He was supposed to have been associated with Mr. Betz ill the con struction of a now opera house in the northwestern phrt of the city, and was a holder of stock to the amount of $125,000, and mode President of the Germania Brewing Company, a now corporation. Mr. Betz makes a declaration point blank that Schoenberg lias forged his name, and intends to have him arrested if be is found. Schoenberg was interested in a good many enterprises, hut every ass-t he lmd was hypothecated for loans, along with much forged paper, tho bogus collateral being in most instances of greater face value than the genuine collateral. New victims continue to show up. The heaviest losers; so far as known, are Brewer Betz, direct loss SBO,OOO and liability for $70,000 more; B. K. Nestor, a wealthy man of Geneva, N. Y., about $0,000: David Stewart, $13,000; E. F. Poulterer, $',,000; Brewer Yuongling, of New York. £5,000. The available assets are Schoenberg's house and some negotiable collateral, but tho margin between tile assets and liabili ties will lie $175,000, representing the re sults of Schoenberg’s diplomacy. PURSUING STANFORD. Judge Sawyer Issues an Order Seek ing to Make Him Talk. San Francisco, Cal.. Aug. 15.—United States Circuit Judge Sawyer issued an or der to-day, citing Senator Iceland Stanford to appear next Wednesday and show cause why he should not he compelled to an swer certain questions asked him by the Pacific Railroad Commission in regard to expenditures of funds for the purpose of influencing legislation. At the session of the commission to-day the attor ney for the Central Pacific informed the Commissions:* that they were not able to present their case owing to the demoralized condition of the account* und papers, but they could And the accounts and papers be fore October, as the Commissioners would conclude their investigation in Mew York. INVINCIBLE VOLUNTEER. The Defender of the America's Cup Again Proves Her Speed. Cottage City, Mass., Aug. 15.—Fully two-thirds of tho population of this place witnessed tho departure of tho four great single-stickers and the throe fast schooners on their race for Brenton’s reef. The May flower crossed the line first, standing in close to shore, at 10:01:14. The others followed in this order: , h. u. s. Sachem 10:01 :44 Volunteer 10:01:4H Magic 10:0*: 'A! Halcyon 10:0*:44 Puritan 10:00:05 Norseman 10:04.04 Palmer 10:05:vS The sloops crossed on the port tack with all sails set except the jib topsail. The schooners had all sails set. Tho Atlantic was mo far east as to bo handicapped by the ten minutes’ limit. The Atlantic came from tho eastward, and passed East Chop at 10:40. bound after the fleet. The Volun teer had the windward position, and was abreast of the Mayflower oil’ West Chop, and took the lead on the starboard tack going down tho sound. At 10::t0 o’clock the yachts passed Wood's Holl In the following order: The Volunteer was leading the Mayflower nearly one mile, and was con stantly gaining; the Puritan was gaining on the Mayflower, which was less than a quarter of a mile ahead of her. THE VOLUNTEER WINS. Newport, Aug. 15.— At 3:05 o’clock this afternoon the Volunteer dropped anchor in the harbor here amidst salutes. The Puri tan crossed the line 13 minutes behind the Volunteer. The Mayflower came in third. THE THISTLE SIGHTED. London, Aug. 15.—Capt. Arminton, of the British steamer Annie, which has ar rived at Queenstown from Baltimore, re ports that he passed the Scotch yacht Thistle on Aug. 6. A fresh southerly wind was blowing at the time and the Thistle was proceeding under plain sail. SPOKEN BY A STEAMER. Philadelphia, Aug. 15. —The steamer Lord Clive, which arrived in port this after noon from Liverpool, report* that she spoke on Sunday, Aug. 14, at 10:25 o'clock in the morning, the British schooner yacht Thistle, Capt. Kerr, bound for New York, in latitude 39° s(l’ north, and longitude 70’ 52' west. All were well, and the Thistle was proceeding steadily. The position given would put the yacht about 150 miles east of Sandy Hook, and as she was proceeding with all visible sail un der light southwest winds, and making about three knots, she is expo-ted to arrive in New York harbor about 11 o’clock to morrow morning. Her captain reported all of the twenty-five persons on board well, and signalled that he had encountered liois terons weather at the beginning of the voy age, with light, baffling winds toward the coast. A BLACK ROMEO FOR JULIET. Montffomary Warns A Negro Scoun drel to Keep Out of Town. Montgomery, Aug.. IV—.Popular indignation agatest an article hi tho Herald, n weekly paper edited by a colored man named Jesae Dukes, reached a climax here' to-day. The article come out Saturday and is as follows: “Every day or so we lead of the lynching of some negro for outrag ing some white woman. Why is it that white women attract negro mon now more than in former days. There was a time when such a thing was unheard of. There is a secret to this thing, and we greatly suspect it is the growing appreciation of the white Juliet for the col ored Romeo as he becomes more and more intelligent and refined. If something is not done to break up these lynching* it will be so after awhile that they will lynch eveiy colored man that looks at a white woman with a twinkle in his eyo.” A largo public meeting to-i'ny adopted resolutions de nouncing him and warning him to keep away from Montgomery at the peril of bis life. Dukes’ paper has been bitterly parti san and lias more than once contained ar ticles to which the whites seriously objected. He was mail agent until President Cleve land came in. DRUGS EXPLODE. One Man Killed and Another Danger ously Injured. Decatur, 111., Aug. 15.—A terriffie ex plosion of chemicals in Clinton Webb’s drug store at Macon this evening caused the in stant death of Nelson McDaniel, and prob ably fatal injury of Mr. Webb. The drug gist was engaged in comiKiunding a mix ture when the explosion occurred. No one was present except Messrs. Wohb and Mc- Daniel, and it will lie difficult to learn what Webb was doing, as lie is unable to speak. Riddleberger Surrenders Voluntarily. Winchester, Va., Aug. 15.—The excite ment over the imprisonment and subsequent release of Senator Riddleberger has sub sided. The court adjourned Friday until to day. The Senator voluntarily returned to jail this morning. All is quiet and the court lias taken no further action iu the case. Mr. Riddleberger remain* quiet In jail. A motion made iu court to-day to re lease him, which motion Judge Newman de nied. All is quiet. Poisoned by Ice Cream. Mobile, Aug. 15.—The family of William Turner, a prominent mill man here, con B)stinE of his wife, two daughter*, two grandsons, a granddaughter, two female and one male servant, are nil sick from the effect* of poison in ice cream eaten Friday night, 'i'ne case of Mrs. Turner is consid ered quite serious, and the sufferings of ull arc very severe. Wilful Murder Smspoeted. COLUMBIA, H. C., Aug. 15. Will Mont gomery, a negro bov 8 years old, living in Lancaster county, yesterday shot and in stantly killed Alice Huey, a colored play mate, aged 13, and severely wounded his sister Lizzie, aliotit the Mine age, with n shotgun. Ho claims that it was accidental, hut the circumstance* point to wilful mur der. Judge Hall Very lU. Richmond, Va., Aug. 15.—Aspeciulfrom Ash villa. N. C., say* Judge Samuel Hall, of Atlanta, a member of the Georgia Huprnie Court, is critically 111 at that place from a second attack of paralysis. Receipts and Disbursements. Washington, Aug 15.—Receipt* of government simv Aug. 1 amount to 833 and disbursement* to kMEJO.-MB, being an excess of receipts of 113,31(1,100. Fine Crops Around Danville. Danville, Va., Aug. 15.—There liars been fine rain* here yesterday sud to day. and all sorts of crop* promise the best ana largest yield for many years. Baltimore's Firs Bale. Baltimore, Aug. 15.— The find bale of ootdou of the new orop was received at this port to-day. It classed a* middling. conservative chagrin. THE GLADSTONIAN CANDIDATE WINS IN CHESHIRE. Grave Importance of the Contest Ad mitted Before Hand by the Gov ernment Organs The Successful Candidate Characterizes the Result as a Message of Peace to Ireland. London, Aug. 15.—The election in the Northwich division, of Cheshire on Satur day to lilt the vacancy caused by the death of R. Verdin, Liberal-Unionist, resulted in another victory for the Oladstoniaus. The votes stood: Brunner, Gladstonian, 5,112; Ixird Henry Grosvenor, Liberal-Unionist, 3,'.(83. Grosvenor is a son of the Duke of Westminster. In the last election, when the Liberal-Unionist candidate was successful, the voto was as follows: Verdin 4,416, Brunner, Home Ruler, 3,998. The result of tho Northwich elections is a crashing blow to tho Conservatives and Dis sidents, who were confident that they would retain the seat. At thoir clubs the news was received with consternation. The home rule clubs and centres were correspon dingly elated. A week ago the Conservative Standard saw that the issue would be a trial of strength under peculiarly significant cir cumstances, and pointed but that though Mr. Brunner was a large local employer, his opponent was a member of an old Cheshire family that had been seated in tho county for centuries, and had special claims for the support of every Unionist. Mr. Brun ner made an address to-day to tho elector* of his district. In the course of his remarks, he said: “You have won a victory for Mr. Gladstone and for Ireland. The issue between the classes and tho masses hus been mado absolutely clear for the first time. The significance of this message of peace to Ireland it is impossible to over rate.” Owing to the exodus of Conservative members of Parliament the government will probably find it necessary to abandon both the Allotment and Education bills. Mr. Parnell has gone to Avondale, his estate in Ireland. nationalists jubilant. Dublin, Aug. 15. —The Nationalists here are jubilant over the Gladstonian victory in Cheshire. They declare that the govern ment cannot proclaim the National Loaguo in the face of a defeat which completely changes the political situation. The tenants on tho Ponsonbv estate have engaged a civil engineer to supervise the construction of worics of defease in prepara ration for expected evictions. Barricades are 1 icing erected and trenches and drain* made, aud in case of emergency the farms will be flooded from the bog. Judge Flanegan’s Went Clare tenants have decided to purchase their holdings under tho land act at fourteen yours’ judi cial rent, the landlord cancelling all arrears except for the current year, and those will be reduced. BULGARIA’S THRONE. The Sultan Recognizes The Election, But Is on His Dignity. Tirnova, Aug. 15.—Prince Ferdinand formally closed the Robranjo to-day. THE rORTE’H ATTITUDE. Tirnova, Aug. 15. —M. Vulkovitch tele graphs to the government from Constanti nople that tho Sultan recognizes Prince H’er dinund’s election, tint that as the Prince did not first obtain the Multan’s consent the lat ter will maintain his present attitude for a certain period. A PROVISIONAL CABINET. Sofia, Aug. 15.—Prime Minister Stoiloff has consented to form a provisional cabinet. All the officers anil soldiers of the garrison here have taken tho oath of allegiance to Prince Ferdinand. AN EMPEROR FOR FRANCE. Prince Victor Bonaparte to Air His Claims to the Throne. Paris, Aug. 15.• —A manifesto written in behalf of Prince Victor Bonaparte by Clement Leroyer was read at all the Bona partist banquets yesterday. In it M. Is: royer says: “Prince Victor intends in the future to he sole chief of ali the imperialist committees in France. By the I’rince’s order I am to continue to communicate with the Com missioners of Paris, and the different de partments. Under his personal direction we shall achieve the concentration that is necessary to success. This policy is destined to restore the empire.” 70,000 DIE OF CHOLERA. A Frightful Record In the Northwest of India. Simla, Aug. 15.—Medical returns show that 70,000 persons died from cholera in the northwest provim-es of India during June and July. Malta’s cholera victims. London, Aug. 15. -Eight new cases of cholera and five deaths were reported in Malta yesterday. Italy's infection. Rome, Aug. 15. —The cholera returns for to day are us follows: Naples, night new case* and six deaths; Palermo, seven cases and four deaths; Catania, seventeen caw-f --at ifl six deaths; Hvracuse, five canes and three deaths: At oilier places, ninety-three cases and forty-six deatlis. A Conflagration in Scutari. Constantinople, Aug. 15.—A great con flagration is rognig In Scutari op(*wite this city. Many hundreds of bouse--, have already Iwen destroyed. A high wind prevails ami the flameit are st ill spreading. Later.—The lire wns finally extinguished, but 1,009 houses mid two churches were destroyed, and two women ami a child ware burned to death. Thousand* of pnrnonsnre homeless. The Multan has made a donation for the sufferers and hus appointed a relief committee. Germany and Russia. Berlin, Aug. 15. Prince Bismarck had a long conference to-day with Count Hchou valoff, the Atnlia-wi'lor, at which all pending political questions were dis cussed. This will enable the Chancellor to dispense with an interview with Prince de Giers. Russia in India. Bombay, Aug. 15.—Tne Russian* are forming canton met) t at Uittle Kargazoi, near Barikot. south of Hhighnun. The rail way from Cliadjiii to lJ.ilkaru is nearly complete. Ex-Oov. Blackburn Dying. Louisville. KY., Aug. 15.—A Courier- Journal special *ays: “Ex-Oov. Luke Blackburn, who has been dangerously ill at Frankfort,, Ky.. tor same weeks, i* rapidly sinking, anil his death may bo oxjsx'tod at, any moment. His family, Including bis brother, Senator Blackburn, ha* been summoned to his bed aid*. His trouble la Bright’* disease and heart affection." RUSHING IN NEW BILLS. Both Houses Devote the Day to the Same Purpose. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 13. —In the Senate to-day the following new bills were intro duced : By Mr. Dean—A bill amending paragraph 1. section HSTit of the Code of 1882, by changing the words “once a week for one month” to ten days before the older of the Court shall bo applied for. By Mr. Foster —A bill incorporating the Chattanooga and Eastern Railroad com pany. The following measures passed: A resolution authorizing the Governor to employ counsel for the purpose of prosecut ing suit in the Court of Claims for the re covery of #55,000, known ns the Trozevant claim. A resolution for the relief of the Norwich Fire Insurance company. In the House. In the House to-day the following new bills were introduced: By Mr. Hill, of Wilkes—To incorporate the Anthony Shoals Land Improvement Company. Also a bill—To amend section It'll of the Code, fixing the pay of the members of the General Assembly. By Mr. Clay, of Walton—Prohibiting the sale of spirituous or molt liquors within , three miles of the Methodist church at Jer sey, in thut county, and within three miles of Walnut Grove Academy, in Walton county. By Mr. Williams, of Upson—Repealing the net establishing county i.ourts in certain counties as relating to Upson county. By Mr. McLendon, of Thomas—Author izing the foreclosure of mortgages in coun ties m which crops are made. Also to appropriate S2OO for tlio com pensation of Ennnett Barnes for special work dono as stenographer for a special in vestigating' committee. By Mr. Lamar, of Richmond—Extending the charter power of the Western and At lantic railroad. Also to make the Judge of the county Commissioner of Roads. By Mr. Calvin, of Richmond—Establish ing two expet'lmental farms in the State. By Sir. McLendon, of Thomas—To in corporate ttie Thonuisvillo and Northern Railway Company. By Mr. Tate, of Pickens—To provide for the working of convicts of the State in the opening side lines from the main railroads in sections having no railroad connection. Also to provide for the erection of stock gaps or crossings by railroads on the lands that they may pass through, when so de sired bv the owner of the lands. By Mr. Oliver, of Oglethorpe—To incor porate the Lexington Terminal Railroad Company. By Mr. Chapel 1, of Muscogee—To protect the owners of bottles listsi by soda water manufacturers, to prevent them being used by other manufacturers. By Mr. Faulkner, of Johnson—To amend section 3,(141 of the Code. By Mr. Black, of Gordon—To prohibit the sale of mult or spiritous liquors wit hin two miles of the Baptist church, near Mr Daniel .Station in Gordon county. By Mr. Bray, of Fulton—To amend an act incorporating the West End and East Point Railroad Company. By Mr. Howell, of Fulton—To nmond section 4337 of the Code increasing tli-• penalty for carrying concealed weapons. Also to prescribe regulations for the issu ing of bonds by railroad companies. By Mr. Denny of Floyd—To amend sec tions 10 and 12 of the (’isle. By Mr. Blalock of Fayette—To prohibit the manufacture and cole of spirituous liq uors in Favette county. By Mr. Franklin of Fannin—To relieve the Tax Collector of Fannin county. By Mr. Rawls of Effingham—To require verdicts in divorce oases to apply to both parties. By Mr. Candler, of DeKalb—Amending the act incorporating the Atlanta and Edge wood Street Railroad Company. Also incorporating the Atlanta City and Suburban Street Railroad Company. Also a resolution for the relief of Mrs. S. P. Meadow. By Mr. (Jay, of Cobb—lncorporating the town of Austell in Cobb county. By Mr. Blalock, of Clayton—Prohibiting the manufacture of spirituous liquors in Clayton county. By Mr. Russell, of Clarke—uthorizing and confirming the sale of tjio branch line from Cornelia to Tallulah Kails by the Northeastern Railroad Company. By Mr. Terrel, of Meriwether —Incorpo- rating the Bank of Greenville. BRIDGE; ED AWAY. A Heavy Bill for Repairs Imposed on Jefferson by the Freshet. Louisville, Ga , Aug. 13. —Every bridge in the county, with the exception of one or two, was either carried away or badly damaged by the recent freshet. The most complete wreck was the railroad bridge over the Ogeechee river, two miles from here. The bridge was I,MOO feet long and every foot was moved out of position. A good many of the timbers were lost and many more would have Is on had they not taken 1 the precaution to chain it together. The directors have lieeti using every ef fort to replace it, and now r|ss-t to have the trains run Into Louisville next Thursday. Cotton is opening very rapidly, and the general impression is that a good tidal will Is l marketed before Sept. I. FLOrUDA’d METROPOLIS. Organization of the Orange Auction and Forwarding Company. Jacksonville, Aug. 15.—T0-day a com pany win formed in Jacksonville styled the Orange Auction and Forwarding Company of Florida. The object of the new concern la to make Jacksonville a depot for all the fruit and product-; of the Hint** nud sell fruit to tm.-ers instead of doing any com mission budiiess. The directors are A. 8. Mann, H. A. L'Engln, .1. <J. Bin-bridge, M. 8. Mormnn, C. W. Docosta, J. C. Grecly and Dexter Hunter, all men of woulth and iiiflue'ce. Tb" directors are enthusiastic over the concern and think it will bring u great deal of bushins to Jacksonville, Tim Htate a ~ enldy of the Knights of have hce.i in sir slot! ail day consider ing who shall be State lepresentative to the National Labor Convention. A Desperate Attempt at Murder. SutiRKXCv. Ga., Aug. 15. —While one of McDonough tit Co.’s engineers, named /V J. Ford, was working on his engine Friday morning a negro named John Pinkston crept stealthily up to him aud dealt him a blow with the sharp end of an ax on the head, inflicting a fearful wound. Ropes of recovery are very slight. The negro made good hfs ex-ape. Searching parties have gone out in all directions. McDonough & Cos. have offered a reward of #IOO for his arrest. The negro is coal block, about i feet C or 7 inches tall, M yeai's old, bus small side whiskers anil a sullen apimirance. End of the Venetian Strike. Venice, Aug. 15. —The strike of the gon doliers is ended. j PRICK 910 A YEAR.) ( 5 CEBITS A COPY. | AN INNOCENT3IAN JAILED AFTER GETTING FREE HE SUES THE LESSEES FOR SIO,OOO. Refused an Opportunity to Prove Hi Identity or Innocence of the Crime Charged-Maconltes Ask that Wool* folk be Tried Immediately The Farmers Convention. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 13.—The Governor has received several petitions signed by a large number of prominent citizens of Bibb county begging him to order a special term of Bibb Superior Court for the trial of Woolfolk. The Governor has replied thut it is a matter wholly with the courts, as ha lias no power under the law. “Jiin” Furlow (colored) was fined S4O and costs to-dav by Judge Anderson for selling liquor on the street. Jordon Fanil's, a negro, sued the Chatta hoochee River Brick Ooiniiany to-day tor #IO,OOO. J. 11. Lumpkin, a lawyer, filed hia suit. Farars says that last year Wil liam H. Turner (white) arrested him in Alabama, where he was working as a laborer. Turner was sent, after him by the C'battahooi hee company, who claimed that he was a convict and had escaped from them. Farnrs offered to prove that he waj not a convict and hail never been one, but was not allowed to establish hia identity. He was brought to the Chat tahoochee camp, near Atlanta, in chains. He was shackled, compelled to don a.striped suit, and go to work with the other convict*. The lessees attempted to show by wit ’le vies which they scraped up that Farars was not Farm's, but an escaped convict. They utter ly failed anil then gave him hia liberty. While at the camp ha repeatedly begged to be allow' 1 to go before some tribunal and prove that they had the wrong roan and to establish his identity. They steadily refus'd to i t him do so. This case in looked upon here as a fresh horror of the convict lease system of Georgia, unit Janies English and William Lowe, the lessees, are roundly denounced for the treatment which this innocent negro has received at their camp. THE FAIIMKIW’ CONVENTION. The interstate convention of farmers, which begins its session here to-morrow, promises to be one of the most inportant convent ions ever held Indications point to a lurgu attendance, and judging by the pro gramme presented, the sessions will be full of instruction, and will result in much prao t/icul K< Km I. The convention proper will lie called to order in DeGive’s opera house at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning, Gov. Gordon presiding. Mr. Henry VV. Grady will deliver the address of welcome on behalf of the State, and Hon. Tyler Cooper on behalf of the city. The list of topics to he discussed and of speakers appointed is as follows: 1. Defects in the Agricultural System of the Cotton Stab's- Assigned to North Caro lina: L. L. Folk, Raleigh. 2. General View of the Cause of Depres sion and the Remedies- -Assigned to Ten nessee Col. B. F. Cockerell, Nashville. 3. The Exact Objects n Farmer Should Seek to Accomplish, and the Best Moans of Accomplishing These (ibjocts— Assigned to Alabama—Prof. J. 8. Newman, Auburn. 4. Government in Its Relations to Agri culture —Assigned to Georgia—Senator A. H. Colquitt. 5. “All Cotton;” Its Relation to the Pres ent Condition of Agriculture—Assigned to Mississippi. W. The Use of Commercial Fertilizers; Its Relation to the Present Condition of Agri culture Assigns It., South Carolina—CoL Charles C. Law, Coronaco. 7. Labor: Its Relation to the Present Condition of Agriculture—Assigned to Ar kansas; Col. W M. Fishhook. 8. Credit; Its Relation to the Present Condition of AgrVulture—Assigned to Louisiana: Hon. 11. C. Stringfellow, Cotton Point. 9. Extensive and Intensive Farming—As signed to Florida. 10. Diversity nt Crops as Promotive of Agrieu Iturul Prosperity — Assigned to Texas j Capt. Bam Evans, Fort Worth. 11. Industrial Education—Charles W. Dabney, Priwidqat Agricultural College University of Tennessee. The Brotherhood of L r-emotive Enginerz 300 in number, and a large party of Atlanta citizens wlio went to Balt Springs on an ex cursion to-day, were given a complimentary' banquet at the Hweet Water Park hotel. Col. Edward Huribut made a speech which was responded to by Grand Chaplain Ev erett. The Brotherhood retimied to tbv city and adjourned nine dir,. A MAN BAKED TO A CRISP. He Chose an Oven for a Bed and Was Locked In. Albany, N. Y., Aug. 15.—John J. Reilly, aged 23 years, foreman in the scratch shop of Rathbun, Hard A Co.’s stove foundry, disappeared Haturday morning. To-day his body was found in an oven for baking ladles. It is presumed that he went In there and, laying down, fell asleep. Fire was started Saturday, and the door of the oven was lucke 1, liis presence not being noticed. He was baked for alxiut forty hours. A Strike for Higher Pay. Auocsta, Me., Aug. 15.—Two hundred weavers in the Edwards Coinjiany’s mill, struck this morning for higher pay. The company say they will close their mill be fore they will accede to the demands of the strikers. An Engineer Falls Overboard. Mobile, Aug. 15.—While the steamer Carrier was on her way up the Alabama river Saturday night, t B-orgeTaylor, second engineer, fell overt .card and Is supposed to have been drqwned. He Started the Horse. From the Meut York Time*. A story is told of a Dutchman (and, o| course, there’s not ono word of truth In it) that owned a balky horse. One day when he was in a very great hurry the nag took a notion to stop and stay. The Dutchman was annoyed. There lie was with a wagon load of freight and but a few minutes Uj spare if he wus going to catch the Fall Rivet boat. A great crowd of sympathizers gath ered around and made remarks. At last th inevitable small boy worked his way to the front and volunteered to lauko toe horse move. Ills proposition meeting with ap proval, he started off and soon returned with a condiment and poured It into the an imal’s car. In about ten seconds the horse was speeding up the street, flipperty-flap, scattering goods in all directions, smashing and banging the wagon, and having things his own wav despite the frantic efforts of shouting policemen with outspread arms. “Where you got dotf” inquired the phleg matic Dutchman, taking his pipe from his mouth. “Right ’round the comer," replied the dw lighted boy. "How much was the cost of dot?" he next asked. “Only 10 cents,” said the lad. “Sol I vish dot you got me a tollar’i vorth, and here's the toiler. Put dot stuff in my car right avay, by ehimminy Gracious dot horse 1 must catch him.”