The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 26, 1887, Image 1

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( KST VBUSHF.O I8(M>. I ') J. I. ESTILL, Editor mid Proprietor. ( GLADSTONE'S GAUNTLET. HE THE GOVERNMENT TO HOW ITS DOCUMENTS. The Apd Champion Wildly Cheered On Ifcroduclngr His Motion to Re quest the Queen to Suspend the Proclenation- Liberals Standing By the Hague as a Political Organiza tion. Lonikn, Aug. 35. —Forty Liberal mem riers of lirliament hod a meeting in the House ojCotnmons to-dny, and resolved to support lie Irish National League, as they were satfefied that the organization was purely apolitical one. Twenty othor Lib erals wnte letters expressing sympathy with the nirpose of the meeting. There were no fU'ty leaders present. GLADSTONE MAKES THE MOTION. Mr. Gladstone was greeted with cheers in the Housoof Commons this evening when he arose t< move his resolution: “That an humble adlress bo presented to the Queen, representing that the Viceroy of Ireland lias procsimed the National League a dangeroi* association, that no informa tion has lecn furnished to Parliament to justify tie proclamation, by virtue of which her najesty’s subjects are to be ren dered liablo to be punished as criminals without a judicial inquiry into the nature of their acts and that this House, in the absence of such information, prays that said proclamation shall not continue in force as to the association named and described therein.” THE INFORMATION DEMANDED. Mr. Gladstone said that the Irish Viceroy, in declaring that the league had incited to violence, must have acted on information, but where was that information? The Irish chiefs had a right to demand to know the grounds on which the government had acted. If the facts were withheld the op position must forthwith urge three proposi tions upon the House and the government: 1. That it was a slight, almost an outrage, on the dignity of Parliament to suppose that it was to discharge such an important statutory duty without knowing the grounds. 2. That it reduced to utter destruction and to an absurdity the main contention that the government advanced during the discussion of the crimes act —that the safe guard promised had proved a farce. He asked, What was the value or meaning of parliamentary approval given in ignorance of the facts? Why not follow the course taken by Wellington and Peel in 1829 re garding tlie Catholic league and suppress it? 3. What could the House think of informa tion that they must thus know would not bear the light? [Cheers.] THE GOVERNMENT CHALLENGED. Mr. Gladstone said he had always con tended that the government were legislating against a combination apart from crime, and now was the time for the government to show that he and his friends were wrong. Rut the government shrank from the test and declined the challenge. They had sub stituted an arbitrary will for regular legal action. This principle was a most dangerous and di graceful one in any country, and especially in Ireland. Law in Ireland was still on trial. A great misfortune was that those who administer it. especially locally, were not in sympathy with the feelings of the people. The procla mation of the National League, Mr. Glad stone declared, was a near approach to a declaration of war on the Irish peopel. The people of Ireland generally sympathize with the league l>ecause they believe that it has been their salvation. [Pamellite cheers. ] Nobody did anything for the tenants until the league was founded. The government were pressing Ireland very hard, ami it was evident that they intended to work and act by summary jurisdiction. * A MERE FARCE. The government’s action absolutely ex cluded the House from anything except an absurd and perfunctory operation in con nection with the great duty devolving upon it und'T thn statute. Their cognizance of this proclamation was reduced to a mere farce. There would bo no jury, judge or resident magistrate and no Parliament to control I island. There would ho nothing bat tiie absolute, unmitigated, arbitrary act of tiie Irish executive, which was neces sarily partisan. He hoped that the Irish would continue to bear the pressure. They would not have to suffer long. It was cer tain that they would not obey the law through fear [cheers], but from a strong, vivid, buoyant hope, whicli even at the last election was not damaged, and winch now was brighter and livelier, [cheers.] The Irish believed that the government's policy had not the sanction of the British nation. [lrish cheers.] The government’s foundation was slipping from tinder them, and their action in reference to tiie proclamation of the league, showed that, their strength was failing. Ireland, J’-jjljk this, trusted the English nation to ■mil II her reasonable wishes, ami was con- Vhirc.l that her expectations would not be uisappoimed. Mr. Gladstone then pre nted bis resolution amid prolonged cheers. Balfour replies. u . M r- Balfour said that Mr. Gladstone mild hnva been wiser bad he rested his ■ Kliment on tin allegation that the House . ’ as '(•"■""•(itit of the grounds for the proela /"i. rat her than on a defence of the league. ie government's difficulty was not the inning of evidence to justify the proclaina -1"• ” ,t ' selecting of it from the enormous 'i'T evidence they possessed. There was tlcienf foundation to justify the procla *i‘ n u in the columns of the local newspu '.villioutgoing into the government's •’ i .dential reports. Mr. Balfour argued I! Gladstone proclaimed the ■'“ague he did so when Mr. Parnell y imprisoned, and when Parliament was ■ sitting, and that ho nfTorded noinforma- I ' nny o ne concerned, lie quoted at 1 'ys-unients to show that the league - ' guilty of boycotting, coercing and in s’ 11 ’ I ''-; infractions of tie* law. „/"■ " hiiani Vernon Ho roourt asked Mr. I ' , " 11 ” whether the documents from which .J u ", “ 1 would lie submitted Hr the House, tin ■ t >,l ’ < " lr refused to submit the docu ttvi a l* < v proceeding, other in the league’s unlawful action. M, ill, ™ asked the Speaker whether ■ n.tllour was bound to table the official mx'uumnts cited. NOT UOt’ND TO TARLETHICM. .^i K>Q,ff >r replied that Mr. Balfour !, ‘ K, nnd to table confidetial document* , (.). no cssc was different with official pa -11., v ’■ 1 Bio House might wunt to verify, w < I2" choor ] Although Mr. Ralfour dr*..,.. '. in quoting from confldetitial tin,, n,H ' f ll,> authority of such quota- L , i ', 'Vf wakened, because tho documents “admit !„ labelled. I cyL .ri-onrt- After the Bpuaksr’s ruling, M n i* lut Bio pujicrs will lie tabled, km,i our I shall do nothing of the 1.. doetuneiits are of three sorts, * al V* confidential papers and my own mtin , “I® poople realized the true 'veil,i 11111 working of the league, they r ''K n rille* of crve<-l or iwirty, sup 'll ' r ' r J^?J ,,>rn * u *Rb [Ministerial chom-s.] thie,, -i ! l ?, ol, r nccuasi tiie opposition, efi *“ i . 1 iiadstone, of making them tlicjia uPi fr * r > <u ‘d therefore accom- Wbt fflafnim Mr. Harrington (Nationalist) commented u P°n the worthlessness of the documents which the government refused to table. He said it would be the duty of the league to continue to work and not to shrink from the consequences. Mr. Buchanan (Liberalist Unionist) said that the government’s action was ill-timed. Mr. Balfour had not given a fair account of the doings of the league, which, from the most reliable data In the possession of the House, had been largely instrumental in having rents reduced in Ireland. The English iieople desired that tho Irish diffi culty be treated amicably. Tho govern ment were pursueng the contrary course. He hoped that even at the last moment they would refrain from continuing their unwise policy. RUSSELL’S POSITION. Mr. ltussell, after remarking that Mr. Gladstone had somewhat misconstrued some of his statements, protested against coercion of the league, but said that having support'll the crimes bill he could not with hold from the government the powers thov demanded. Mr. Bradlaugh (Radical) said that boycot ting was not peculiarly an Irish institution, but was invented in England to extermi nate the Irish. If the government’s state ments were true, why had they not pro claimed the loague before as an association for the promotion of crime? Tho country would judge the conduct of government which obtained powers ostensibly to sup press crime, but really to suppress a politi cal organization which they dreadod. Mr. O'Connor (Nationalist) said that tho effect of the proclamation would be to re move the partition existing between the tenantry and the evicting landlords. Ad mitting that there had been a few cases of intimidation the government had ample power to deal with them without proclaim ing tho league. Intimidation had not boon unusual with English trades union. Where the league was strong there was little trouble, but where it was weak there was much trouble. In many eases branches had been dissolved by the central body for boy cotting, and other actions wiiich tho league disapproved. On motion of Mr. Trevelyan the debate was adjourned. Mr Chamberlain was absent during the debate. Lord Randolph Churchill has returned to London. He is not expected to speak dur ing the present debate in the House of Com mons, but he will vote for the government. Lord Hartington will follow Sir G. O. Trevelyan in the debate to-morrow night. The Daily News says that Messrs. Cham berlain and Collings, and half a dozen other Unionists, will vote in support of Mr. Gladstone’s motion. THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS TO BE UPHELD. Dublin, Aug. 25.—The Nation and Weekly News to-day publish nil article of which tho following is an extract: “Any attempt to infringe upon tiie liberty of the press must be grappled with at the outset. If any branches of the league are forbid den to nitvf~ri‘ shall be happy to publish reports of the resolutions of their secret conclaves if sent to us, and will face tho con sequences.” RUSSIA BALKED. Turkey Refuses to Aid in Coercing the Bulgarians. London, Aug. 25.—Turkey has refused to assent to Russia’s proposals for coercive action toward Bulgaria, either in the form of occupation, or by sending Artin Effeudi with a Russian commissioner to Bulgaria to secure tiie election of a now Sobranje and a new Prince. Turkey prefers to uwait con certed action by all the powers, parties to tho Berlin treaty, to hasten ing a quarrel with the Bulgarians. It is the general opinion of leading Euro pean diplomatisfa that Gerninny gave her assent to Russia’s pro}H#.als for an Ottoman commission and a Russian General to settle the Bulgarian question, Germany to place herself in a position to lie able to prevent Russia from taking any precipitate action which might again set tlielialknns ablazo. RUSSIA AND BOULANGER. Vienna, Aug. 25.—A dispatch from War saw says the extreme Russian Pan-Slavists liavo shown a desire to invite Gen. Boulan ger to visit Moscow but have been warned by tho government that such a step would not be tolerated. NOT A WITHDRAWAL. VIENNA, Aug. 25 —Diplomatic represen tatives here say l hat the statement that, tiie powers would recall their agents from Sofia is without foundation. Austria, Italy and England do not moan to withdraw their agents at present. The transfer of Baron Thieltnann from Sofia to Darmstadt, which was hastily interpreted as Germany’s withdrawal, was the origin of the report. Boron Thlelmaun will remain at Sofia for some time. RUSSIA’S ONLY AIM. St. Petersburg, Aug. 25. — The Journal de St. Petersburg says the Berlin Taablatt's suggestion that tiie powers recall their agents from Sofia is valueless unless the powers also demand redress and the restoration of rights violated by Prince Ferdinand. The only act of devotion to Bulgarians that is left for that Prince to accomplish, says the Journal, is to quit Bulgaria forthwith. Well-informed persons state that the gov ernment does not intend to take further no tive steps in regard to Bulgaria, but will confine itself to efforts to prevent the legali zation of Prince Ferdinand’s proceedings. By thus paralyzing his action the govern ment expects to compass iiis downfall. TONTOHEKF DECLINES. Sofia, Aug. 25,—M. Tontcheff has finally declinoci to form a Cabinet, declaring that he can be more useful to Prince Ferdinand and tho Bulgarian cause by remaining out side the Ministry. FRANCE’S COMMUNISTS. # A Congress to Form a Federation Called to Meet at Paris. Paris, Aug. 35. —A conflict is imminent hotwocn the government and the Municipal Council. A decree was to-day published denouncing tho latter’s resolution inviting delegates from all tho municipalities in France to n grand congress here, but the municipal committee had already issued tho invitations, and a large mini 1 .or of towns are certain to respond. The gov ernment announces that it is determined to prevent tho cotigress, which will is: the first step toward the federation of the communes. France to Evacuate. Paris, Aug. 25 .—La I'nys claims to have received news from London that, an agree ment has been reached on the Ne.w Hebrides question, and is only waiting tiie signatures of the proper officials. Ln t'ayx adds: “It goes without saving that our flag will be pulled down, aud our troops evacuate Port Sandwich and Port Ilalsmnah in obedience to the yelping of the Australian colonies.” Like Sending Coals to Nowcaatlu. Berlin, Aug. 35.—Tho Cologne Gazett says that large quantities of pig iron are being exported from Sweden to Pennsyl vania for railway bridges. Hydrophobia from a Fox Bite. Dublin, Aug. 45.—Viscount Donoraet, who was bitten bv a fox last January, has been attacked with hydrophobia SAVANNAH, GA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1887. IN A GALE ON THE LAKE. A THRILLING TALE OF SHIPWRECK AND SUFFERING. Davy Jones Gets His First Prisoner by Sweeping Overboard--The Captain Washed from a Plank to Which He Was Clinging—The Only Survivor Hurled Senseless on the Beach. Chicago, Aug. 25. —A special from Mil ler, Ind., reports the first fatal wreck of the season. The schooner Clara, of Manistee, was driven ashore yesterday, and her wreck age is strewn along the beach for miles. Capt. Olson, her master and owner, and one of the sailors, last their lives, and John Gustavson, the mate, escaped by swimming ashoro on a plank. The vessel was bound for Chicago with a cargo of lumber. She left Manistee Monday morning with a light wind, but toward afternoon a squall swept down upon her from the northeast, jerking her head sails out of the bolt ropes, and crippling her so that she became unmanage able. STAGGERING BEFORE A GALE All night long sho staggered before a gale that kept increasing in violence. The sea ran very high and the waves swept hor decks of everything movable. She arrived off Chicago in such a disabled condition that it was impossible to work her to the harbor, and she was driven up the lake. Realizing that she was about to be wrecked on the Iteaeh, Capt. Olson let go his anchor when abreast this place, but the flukes failed to hold, and she dragged on the sandbar, half a mile from shore. The seas kept dash ing over her and her crew of three men were compelled to climb into the rigging and lash themselves to keep from being washed overboard. In less than an hour tiie coverings of tiie hatches were carried away and the sea swept into the hold, filling it to the decks. SWEPT OVERBOARD. Then she rolled over on her side aud Hans Christenson was carried away on the crest of a wave. Capt. Olsen and Gustav son got hold of a plank. It was raining hard, and the night was so (lurk that they could see nothing, but, they clung to the plank in tiie hope that tho. waves would push it onward to tho beach. Gustavson says ho heard a loud cry, and looking be hind him saw tho captain hod relaxed his hold and was even then disappearing be lieath the wuves. He was unable to help him, and the captain went down. DASHED ON THE SHORE. Gustavson does not recollect much about his battle for life. Three times the plank turned over and buried him in the water, but he hung on to it and was dashed, bleed ing and senseless on the sandy beach. When lie regained his senses he was lying on his hack with rain pouring down on his face. There was not a house in sight, for tho vil lage is three miles back from the lake. Naked, bruised and bleeding he made his way along the beach to the club nou le of the Calumet Shooting Club. FELL FAINTING BY THE DOOR. He had just enough strength to give a feeble rap on the door, and whon it opened be fell fainting across the threshold. He was carried inside and kindly cared for until lie recovered sufficiently to relate his story, and after being provided with cloth ing took a train for Chicago. Before leaving, Gustavson went down to the bench to sue what had become of the wreck. He found that it had broken up, and broken timiiors and cargo were scattered in every direction. THE captain’s chest robbed. The captain’s chest, whicli Gustavson says contained a large sum of money, was found, but it was broken open and its contents were missing. Gustavson thinks the chest had I)■ ion rifled by thieves. Neither of the bodies have been recovered. All day and night a crowd of men from tho village have been on the beach gathering up the cargo as it drifted ashore and hauling it away Ben Langloys, of the Chicago life saving crew, who came down bore with a reporter, says he never saw such a hungry lot of thieves around a wreck in his life. THROWN INTO A WELL. Tramps Attack a Woman Who Fed Them and Rob "Her House. Chicago, Aug. 35.—A Minneapolis spe cial says: “A bold outrage at Maple Grove was, last evening, reported to the police. L>. L. Hiller lives upon a farm near that placo with liis mother and brother. Yesterday morning, while the brothers were absent from the bouse, two men called and asked for something to eat. Mrs. Hiller complied with their request, and whon they had fin ished eating, one of them picked up a poker and threatened to kill her. Tiie old lady bogged them to spare her life, whereupon the brutes draggisl her to a cistern and threw her in. The cis tern is twelve feet deep and was Half full of water, but Mrs. Hiller clung to the lead pipe of the pump and managed to keep afloat, until noon, when her sons returned and she was taken out in an exhausted con dition. An investigation showed that trstnjis had ransacked the house and ab stracts-1 8170 in cash and $1,350 in certifi cates of deposit upon tiie First National bank of Minneaisills. Mrs. Hiller is 65 years of ago, and It is feared the shock from the brutul treatment she received may re sult fatally.” A WART ON HIB LARYNX. Crown Princo William’s Trouble Not a Cancer. Philadelphia, Aug. 35.—The Medical News of this week will publish Prof. Vir chow’s paper on the case of the Crown Prineo of Germany, road before the Berlin Medical Hociety at its lute meeting. The .Wtrs supplements this technical document with a translation in English according to which Prof. Virchow has not discovered any appearances indicative id’ malignancy in tiie specimens examined, and front hw knowledge of pathology he do -s not hesi tate to pronounce tho morbid growtli in the Crown Prince’s larynx to Ik. n sfimile wart, without any cancerous tendency. The fact of recurrence does not militate against this view and lie expresses the opinion that every recurrence of the growth can l*> suc cessfully removed as it presents itself until, as in tiie history of similar cases, final eradi cation is accomplished. Cholera’s Work in Malta. London, Aug. 35.—Seven new cases of cholera and seven deaths wero reported in Malta. THE RECORD IN SICILY. Home, Aug. 25. —There were ten deaths from cholera in Catania to-day. In Paler mo there were twenty-four new cases and ten deaths. Pope Leo on the Alert. Rome. Aug. 35.- The government of New Mouth Wales having offered 300,000 acres of land to any missionary society that will un dertake to civilize the natives, tiie Pops has directed that immediate attention be paid I to the offer, in order to forestall Protestant societies. COLOROW CORRALLED He Wants to Talk With the Big White Man, But Not With Cowboys. Denver, Aug. 25. — A courier arrived this morning at Glenwood Springs with the following message for Gov. Adams: Maj. Leslie has Colorpw corralled, with 200 bucks. They want to see the big white man, but won’t talk to the cowboys. They say the whites want a little light, and tiie soldiers must go back or have a little light. Sheriff Kendall has only fifty-two men. Tnis is positive. All other information on this point is raise. F. M. Reardon, Brigadier General. Another dispatch from Glenwood Springs urges Gov. Adams to go there immediately, saying that an emergency exists which re quires his presence at once. Gov. Adams, accompanied by Congress man Sy mines, Attorney General Marsh and Hon. VVilliaiiis Byers, left this evening for Meeker to hold a conference with Colorow. The Governor stated that he sincerely hoped to be able to induce the Indians to return to the agency and end the present trouble. CAN TROOPS BE USED? Washington, Aug. 25. —Adjt Gen. Drum has received the following message from Gen. Terry, dated Chicago, Aug. 23: “Your dispatch of yesterday reached me this morn ing and I have sent it to Gen. Crook for his information and guidance, but as I under stand the information, perhaps imperfectly, the present trouble is entirely within tiie boundaries of the State of Colorado, aud has risen from an attempt to serve the process of a civil court of that State. The Sheriff has called out a posse, and militia has been sent to him, or is on the way to him. Under these circum stances, and in view of section 15, of the army appropriation act, approved June IN, INTB, Ido not see tliut the troops of the United States can be lawfully used in aid of the Sheriff, unless the Legislature or Governor of Colorado shall represent to the President that an insurrection exists and shull call upon him for aid in suppressing it, nor does there seem to be any other action that military officers can take, so long as the sheriff witli his posse and the militia are pressing the Indians ami threatening immediate action. Efforts to induce Colorow and his followers to re turn to tho agency would in all probability lie useless. The only course that appears to me to lie legal is to induce the State authorities to suspend the execution of their process till an effort can bo made by the United States authorities to induce tho Indians to return to their homos. As yet no troops have been sent to the scene of action, though they are held ready to inarch. In view of the severe punishment imposed by the act of 1878 on military officers who shall unlawfully use troojis in aid of civil authorities I ask for more explicit instructions for my guidance." - # A TRAIN ON A BROKEN BRIDGE. The Engineer Buried Beneath His Car in the Sand. Denver, Aug. 25.—The Union Pacific and Burlington rood* cross Sand Creek ton miles east of hero, on bridges almost par 1 allel and within a few feet of each othor. When tho engineer of the Union Pacific ( rain last night, which leaves here about thirty minutes ahead of the Burlington train, was within a few feet of the bridge, he was hor rified to see that tho flood in the early part of the evening had washed the middle sec tion away. The fireman jumped into the stream and stuck in the sand, whence he was taken out half an hour later unconscious. He may die. Engineer Mastorton reversed his engine just as it plunged into the water with the baggage car, which foil on top of his body, burying it in the sand. His engine was completely submerged in the sand. Baggageman Breedlove was badly injured by falling trunks. An old German lady living near by heard the cries of the frightened iteoplo and rushed out with a lantern and stopped the approaching express on tho Burlington route within a few feet of tiie bridge, probably saving other lives, ns tho bridge of this road was also in a dangerous condition. LOTHROP TO RESIGN. Reports That the Minister to Russia Will Soon Come Homo. Washington, Aug. 25. —An evening paper says that Hon. George Lothrop, United States Minister to Russia, passed through Geneva yesterday on his way to the United States, !>v way of Paris, aud that, upon his arrival here, he will tender lils resignation. The State Department has received no official int imation of a purposoon tho part of Mr. Latiiron to resign his ]>ositioii, but there are tnose among his acquaintances who believe that t.lio rumor that he will shortly resign is not without foundation. Tho climate of St. Petersburg is a trying one, and it is said that in private correspondence tho Minister lias recently expressed a strong disinclination to remain longer in exile. BERTHS FOR 63 MEN. The War Department Offars Positions for Many Persona. Washington, Aug. 25.—The Civil Ser vice Commission to-day received from tho Secretary of War a request for certificates of 212 eligible*,, all malo, from which fifty three selections muy lie made to fill vaoan cies now existing in his offic e, eight in the >1,200 grado und forty-five in the $1,500 gruile. This is the lar gest requisition ever made upon the commission, and to fill it at least four certificates wore made for each of t.lio States and Territories. These appointments are for low-grado positions made vacant by the promotion of clerks under the new rules governing promotions in tho departments. SEMMEB TOO AGED Secretary Lamar Aimoat Sure to Suc ceed Justice Woods. W ashington, Aug. 25.— There is believed to lie nothing ill the report tliut Thomas J. Heinmes, of New Orleans, will lie appointed to the vacancy on tiie Supreme Court lionch, can ssl by the death of Justice Woods. Mr. Seninies, as the leader of the Southern I sir, has all the qualifications, except that he is too fur beyond the age limit fixed by tiie Honato Committee on the Judiciary, it is tiie opinion of every is sly who has tiie means of knowing, including tho present members of the United Stats* Supreme Court, that Secretary Lamar will succeed Judge Woods. OPEN FOR ENTRY. The Land Offices Notified of the Gov ernment’* Action. Washington, Aug. 26. —Acting Land Commissioner Stockslagor to-day issued in nt ructions to the proper local land ofll'-ns in accordance witli the recent order of tho Sec retary of the Interior, representing the res toration of the indemnity lauds of the Mis souri, Kmisas aud Texas railway, tie* Gulf and Ship Island railwuy, an l the Florida Railway and Navigation Coinnanv WALL STREETS WRECK. GROVESTEEN & PELL’S LIABILI TIES PUT AT $ 1,800,000. The Announcement of the Failure Causes No Flutter In the Stock Market—The Assets Only a Drop in the Bucket—The Whereabouts of Ives’ Books Still Unknown. New York, Aug. 25. Grovestoen & Poll, the firm whose hypothecated securities were offered under tho rules yesterday, notified the Stock Exchange shortly after tho opening this morning that they had made nil assignment to I’. W. Harding. The announcement was expected after yester day’s developments mid had no effect on tho market. There were many rumors current, however, tliut they had dragged down other houses by their failure, but all tiie parties mentioned deny that they lose enough to cause trouble. Tho President of tho Bank of New York, where tho firm kept its ae counts, said; “We have a loan with Grove steen & Pell, but have not certified a single check for them, und our loss in consequence of their failure will not lie serious.” SHAUKS SOLD OUT. A few hundred shares of stock were sold out for the account of the firm after the suspension was announced. At the office of Grovetsoon & Pell the doors were all locked anil tho knob was taken off the door to the main office. There was no response to calls or knocks and other parties in the building stated that there was no one in the office. Tlic estimates of the liabilities vary, some placing them as high as $1,800,000, while the friends of the firm stato that SBO,IKK) in cash would settle everything. Their assets are nominally placed at $200,000, but the Ismds which compose them have no ready sule. Some of them are actually valueless, Assignee Harding states that the liabili ties amount to $1,500,000, most of which are secured by East and West Alabama and Rome ami Decatur railroad bonds. It is stated that most of their liabilities are due ti> thirty different hanks, and that they owe about $200,000 to Stock Exchange mem I sir*. JUDGE DAVIS STOPPED. A Claim that He Exceeded Hta Au thority in Pressing Ives Nkw York, Aug. 25.—This morning’s proceedings in tiie reference ease licfore Judge Davis, to compel Henry S. Ives & Cos. to show cause why they had not pro duced certain missing books ami turned them over to tiie assignee was summarily stopped tiy an order from Judge Donahue, of tiie Common Pleas Court, based on an affidavit of John J. Davis, which cited as tiie cause for asking the order, that the referee had exceeded Ills authority in examining Mr. Ives scarch ingly after Attorney Sullivan, representing the assignee, hod rested his examination. Judgo Davis postponed the hearing until 2 ifeioek this afternoon to give Mr. Sullivan a chance to apply to the court to rescind the order. In the afternoon there tvns a change in the tactics of Ives’ caunsel. Mr. Adams announced that he would permit the ex amination of any witnesses whatever with out an order of court. Ives assented. The hearing will bo resumed to-morrow morn ing, when tho bookkeeper of H. S. Ives & Cos. will tie examined, and tiie janitor of tiie building where the office of tiie firm is situ ated. The effort to discover tiie missing books will be discontinued. ROBBED HIS FATHER. The Thief Then Succeeds as a Gambler on Horse Racing. New York, Aug. 25.—Inspector Byrnes received a dispatch from Chief of Detec tives Charles W. Woods, Philadelphia, Aug. 10, asking him to capture .Samuel Fabyan, of that city, who had lied to New York the day before with SIO,OOO, stolen from Joseph Fabyan, who is his lather. His father, having refused to make Samuel any further allowances, Samuel, on Aug. 15, entered Dr. Fabvan’s safe, anil stole SIO,IKK) worth of Philadelphia six }ier cent, bonds. The bonds wore registered, and Samuel forged his father's name to an order for the transfer of the bonds to a purchaser. Samuel went to the banking house of J. W Drcxel & Cos. arid secured the money. He was traced to this city and urn-stod yester day afternoon. He spent his time while here at race tracks, and proved himself a good gambler, as the detectives recovered ail but s'so of the stolen money. Fabyan is locked up in jHihee he;ulquartors, awaiting extradition papers on complaint of J. W. Drexel & Cos. A BANK OOEB UP. No Statement as to tha Cause of the Failure. Rochester, Aug. 25.—'The First National Bank of Danville, N. Y., of which James Fuulkiier was President and L. Kuhn cash ier, closed its doors this morning. The cause of tiie failure is unknown in this city, but it has been expected for some time, us the liank had commenced to let its notes go to protest. None of the banks of this city are effected as far as fs known. The capital stock of the liank was $50,000 and the sur plus given by the last ro|xirt was $22,000. A BATTLE WITH BANDITS. Mexican Officials Capture a Mule Train of Smuggled Goods Galveston, Tex., Aug. 25.—A special to the News from Brownsville, Tex., says: “On Aug. 17, in tho mountains near Sun Carlos, a party of thirty bandits, under Mutiriano Reseudcz, were overtaken uftor a chase of fifteen miles and routed by a force of customs police and troops under Senores Felix, Tames and Joaquin G. Castilla and Capt. Romero of the Fifth Mexican Cav ulry. The fight was a lively one and resulted in the capture of tell mules and horses laden with smuggled goods. The extradition of itowuidcz as a smuggler is naked for, but ns smuggling is not one of the offerin' * itidieutod in the extradition treaty lietween the United SLa tee and the Mexican Republic, it is almost certain that tho request will not meet with favorable consideration. ” • SHOT TO THE HEART. An Old Feud Rerived byaTragedvln West Virginia. Chicago, Aug. 25. — Tiie Times' Man nington, W. Va., special save: “The old Cartwright feud which has caused wi much bloodshed in Marion county, has broken out again. Yesterday, as John Cartwright was standing in frout of the house of Frank Jones, where he made Ills home, he was fired iqsin with a rifle by some unknown person. The ball struck tiie old man just ulxiut tiie heart, aud iui died instantly. The assassination has created the wildest ex citement. There M a* yet no clue to the murderer ' RUNNING DOWN CRIME. The Extradition Conference Finishes Its Work and Adjourns. New York, Aug. 35. — At to-day’s session of the Interstate Extradition Conference the Committee ou Forms and Practice pre sented a code of rules to be observed iti ex traditing criminals. According to this code, the prosecuting officer of the district shall make application and state that ho believes that no has sufficient evidence to convict thp alleged criminal and that his agent liu-s no personal in terest in the arrest of the fugitive; that the arrest is desired for no private pur pose whatever. The fact that the alleged criminal was in the State where the crime was committed at tho timo of its commis sion, shall lie in the absence of other proof, sufficient evidence that he is a fugitive from justice. If a grand jury has found nil in dictment the facts and circumstances of t lie crime, as known, must lie certified to before a Magistrate. In tho ease of a convicted prisoner who escapes from jail, the jailor or sheriff may make application. The rules wore adopted. MINOR OFFENSES. The question of extradition for minor offenses was discussed at length, and t here was adopted a resolution deprecating such extradition, except, in special eases mid un der aggravating circumstances. Ou motion of Mr. Wright, of Georgia, it was decided that when the conference ad journ it do so to meet in Washington when Congress is in session. It was resolved to formulate the conclu sions of tho convention in a bill, which in due time will bo presented to tho next Con gress, together with a memorial praying for its pussage, and enumerating the reasons therefor The proposed enactment will first he presented to tho Governors and At torney Generals of the several States for re vision and suggestions. Ex-Oov. Stewart, of Vermont, who occu pied the chair in the absence of Gov. Beaver, of Pennsylvania, appointed the following committee in tho premises: .fudge Mont gomery, of Georgia; Attorney-General •Sherman, of Massachusetts; Attorney-Gen eral Kirkpatrick, of Pennsylvania; Goodwin Brown, of New- York, and Executive Clerk Prior, of Ohio. The Chairman, who himself is a member of the next Congress, is of tho committee ox-offioio. The gentle men named are vested with full power to draft the Gill in question and to further its enactment as they may deem best . After a vote of thanks to the Bar Associa tion for its hospitality, and a similar com pliment to the several chairmen of the past, three days, tho conference adjourned sine die. SHARP GETS A STAY. Judge Potter Grants the Motion on Throe Grounds. Whitehall, N. Y., Aug. 35.—Judge Potter has granted a stay in tho Jake Sharp case. Judge Potter granted tho stay on tho ground that there is reasonable doubt that the judgment reached in the court of Oyer and Terminer should stand, and he orders a stay in the execution of such judgment un til iui appeal shall Ijo decide! by the general term. THE JUDGE'S REASONS. The stuy is granted for three principal reasons: 1. The admission in Sharp's trial as evi deuce against himself of Sharp’s testimony before the legislative investigating com mittee. This is held to be in violation of the principle that no man shull Lie cnni|ielled to testify against himself. This testimony was admitted against tho protest of (Sharp's counsel. 2. Tho fact of the absence of persons charged In tho indictment with the defend ant with the crime of bribery and their so journs in Cauadu as tint excuse of their non production as witnesses against the defend ant by the prosecution. 8. The opinion or supposition of tho wit ness Miller as to the motive and purpose of Della‘y when he handed Miller the $5,000. Bourke Cochran this afternoon stated that the case could not come up now until the General Term meets next October. An application will at once bo made to have .Sharp released on ball by sumo Judge of the Supreme Court. The news of the decision by Judge Potter reached tho city about noon and created no little excitement. A number of people (locked to the Court house at once to mwvi ta in the truth of the report. Nearly all the leading lights in the trial are out of town. J udge Barrett is at Block island. THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S ATTITUDE. West End, Loku Branch, N. J., Aug. 25. District Attorney Martino, of New York, who is at Heunright, said to-night tiiat he find anticipated that a slay would lie granted in the .Sharp ease. Several days ago lie applied to Gov, Hill ask ing him in case a stay was granted to convene an extraordinary session of the general term, which would allow ar guments in the case to be heard at once. If Sharp’s lawyers ask that he !*• admitted to bail, District Attorney Martino says he will demand that bail !*■ fixed at f 1,000,0U0. FLEEING FROM A FLOOD. Three Hundred Miners Stampede Be fore a Bursting Pocket. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 35. —A special from Wilkesbarre, Pa., says: < “Three hundred men employed at the No. 1 slope of the Susquehanna Coal Company at Nan tlooke hail narrow escapes with their lives this morning. This large body of men was engaged in mining coal in the iowest vein in tiie mine when a great volume of water, stored in one of the upper veins broke through into the gangway where tho men were at work. By tho aid of electric alurms the men oil through the mine were made aware of tho danger in store for them, and a mad rush was made for the ojs'iiiugs. All succeeded in milking their escape, but many of the older men and young boys were kins-lced down ami trampled upon, Before tiie last man got out the water had increased to three feet in depth in the main gangway, and some of the miners hud to paddle their way out. The mine will not tie able to resume Op,rut ions until the water can lie pumped out, which will take a wivk or more. Ninety mules per ished. The loss to tho company will he con siderable.’’ Pennsylvania's Prohibitionists. llarkihuchu, I’a , Auit. 36.—Hon. Himon B. Chaw, of Easton, was nominated by the Prohibition convention by acclamation for Hnprane Judge, ami ('apt. I). C. Irish, of Newcastle, for Htatn Treasurer by acclama tion. __ Persecuting the Hebrews. OnKKha, An;;. '-16.—1n conscinience of the nnncsutiou of Taganrog and Kostotr to the Doncowack district, the Jews residing in (hose places haw- I s en ordered to (le|iai-t, for other |(Hide of the empire. Many of them will emigrate to America. A German Deputy to bo Prouocutod. J’eki.i.n, Aug. 36. —Deputy Ilaienolevrr will Is- prosecuted for belonging to an illegal association. The trial will take place at 14. . . | I'RICKAIO A YEAR. I j A ÜBNTH A COPY, f CONVICTS FLAYED ALIVE. GOV. GORDON JUMPS TO THEIR AIO IN A RAGE. Lessees Commanded to Show Cause Why Their Rights Should Not B® Forfeited - The Proper Authorities Ordered to Prosecute the Inhuman Whipping Boss. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 35. —Tho sensation here to-day has been an executive order issued by Gov. Gordon calling on Peniten tiary Companies 2 and 3 to show causa Kept. 1 why their lease contracts should not lie cancelled and annulled. Tho trouble grows out of gross mismanagement of 111® convict camp near Griffin, having ISO con victs, with C. C. Bingham as superintend at and whipping boss. Complaints have ! it made of this camp for some time, but Tues day tho Governor received a communica tion signed “Convicts," alleging the mast inhuman cruelty of Bingham and asking him to send to tho camp and investigate. The Governor sent Messrs. Towers and Hhubriek at once. They found the charges true. Four of t.he convicts had laien stretched over barrels and whipped till almost flayed and two others showed th® effect* of similar treatment, all of which the Superlntemtent made no effort to justify except partially in one case. The officials reported to the Governor last night, who Immediately issued an order discharging Bingham, and ordering further that he should never Isi employed by the lessees in any capacity in the management of rnnvii-U or convict camp*. C. A. Redd, of Columbus, was apixiintod to supply the place icuipo rnrily. This order was executed this morn ing and tho camp taken charge of by th® State. ORDEHED PROSECUTED. Following this, the Governor this morn ing issued the following additional order: Static or Quorum, | Executive Department, Atlanta, Ua., Aug. 85, lsS7. j Whereas official information has boon re ceived at this department 'baton or about Aug. IS), certain convicts at worn on the Georgia Midland Railroad, in Spalding county, were ioaten and inhumanly w hiitis-d by C. <Ring ham, whipping boss for snlil convicts, it is or dered that the principal keeper of the penitentiary, or his assistant, at once take steps to prosecute said Bing ham for said inhuman treatment bf slicing out a warrant against said Bingham for said offense, and that the (Solicitor General of the Flint circuit lie requested to bring the mat ter to the attention of the grand jury of Spald ing county at the next session of the Superior Court of said county. It is further ordered that penitentiary com pany Nos. 3 and il be cited to appear at th® Executive office at 10 o'clock Thursday morn ing, tiie (li st day of September next, to show cause why tiie contracts with tho State for tlia lease of convicts should not bo annulled and that W. 11. Lowe, President of Penitentiary Company No, ?, ami W. I). Grant, President of (Vmipntiy No. "I. ami also.l. W. English. Acting Prosidanl of Penitentiary Company No. 4, men lie fucni*h,id with a copy of this order five days liefore said hearing. It is further ordered that the Solicitor General of the Atlanta Circuit be requested to institute suit In the nuine of the State on the bond of said Penitentiary Companies Nos 3 and Sto recover damages for the cruelty indicted on said con victs as aforesaid, and that he insiitute said suit without unnecessary delay, and that said Solici tor General be furnished with a copy of this order. Joish B. Gordon, Governor. CAPT. LOWE SEEN. Messrs. English and Grant were out of tho city, but a copy of the order was sorvixl ou Mr. Lowe this afternoon. lie said to th® News correspondent that tie bud no appre hension of the clfeot of the oriler on hi* company. His defense will be that Bingham was appoinbvi by Company No. 3, was ratified by the Governor, and that Company No. 2 hod nothing to do witii it. True, some of tho victims of Bingham's cruelty belonged to Company No. 2, but he did not think the eompouy could be held responsible. He did not think either of the companies could lsi held n-s|*>iislble or liable to the extent of fo-feiture of the lease, us Hiieh abuses could not always be pre vented in time by the lessee*. Tiie law pro vides the punishment for Bingham’s offense, and lie ought to be prosecuted. The Governor issued an additional order this aftoniisui directing William Turner, tho penitentiary guard, to go to Griffin and take charge of the tamp as agent of the Htate till further orders and make daily re port*. Dr. Westmoreland, tho principal physician, was also ordered there to-day anil is at the camp to-night. Bingham lias already lieon arrested in all probability us t he warrant has been sworn out by principal keeper Towers. GEN. KELL EXPLAINS. There has been some criticism of the Ad jutant General by certain military eomiia nies tiiat while negro companies recoivodan invitation to the Philadelphia centennial celebration, they were ignored. Adjt. Gen. Kell said to the News correspondent to-day that the fault Is with the battalion com manders. Where there were battalion or ganisation* military etiquette required ths invitation sent, to the Ixittulion commanders instead of the Captains, mid by them com municated to the ooni|Ulies. In case of un attached companies as is the case with the negro companies, the Invitation is sent to them direct. Adjt. (ion. Kell said it would not he u great while before every company in tho Htate would be put in a battalion. Gen. Koll lins received from the War De partment an invoice for forty rifli-s and ac coutrements for the Hancock Vanguards, for which a requisition was made some time ago. Application has i ceil made for tiermiwion to organize a negro company in StMirtu. It was refused, because the com plement of negro oortipuiiiee is full. Judge Hull has been removed to Mt. Airy, and reports to-day indicate that his condition is unchanged. A. Day was btsikcd to-night for violating the prohibition law by selling liquor at lus wine room on Alulstum street. Tho country home of Col. Prior Mynatt, n*ar Uocatur, was destroyed hv Are this morning. Nothing was saved. Tiie house, Including the furniture, was valued at $12,010. It was iii*nnl for alxmt SO,OOO. All the policies of in-nrance were burned in the building The family narrowly csraiied with their fives. Col. Mynatt thinks the fire was the work of an incendiary. The pro!Nihility is that lie will rebuild. SHE ATE UP HER FAMILY. The Woodsmen of Manitoba Driven to Cannibalism. Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 25,—Ths Journal'll Winnipeg special says: “Letters from Messrs. Frazier and Ktewart, dated Ft.- Cbippcwyan, July 5, statu that they reachtvl that point after many hardships. Forest fin* have been numerous and de structive. The destitution at Ft. Cliippo wyun lust wintor was terrible, and several cases of oanuiiialism are rejsirteil, one old woman at Little Red river having killed and uaten In r whole fumily. Starvation and cannibalism are also reported from McKenzie river. Following the Gulf Stream. Washington, Aug. 35. — The signal offiry reports that tiie cyclone heretofore reisirted has moved oust of Capo Hatter as and is ap parently following the court® of th® Uuii Hires n