The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 27, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Cbc3%nung!lcfos Morninpr News Bu;'ding, Savannah. Ga. SATURDAY. AUGUST 27, 18*7. Registered at the Post Office in Savannah. The Morning News is published every day in fbe vear. and is served to subscribers in the city, |jy 4flpsdealers and carriers, on their own at* OoudFat 25 cents a week. $! 00 a month, ?5 00 for six months and $lO 00 for one year The Morning News, matl > one month, fl 00: three months, §2 60; six months, $5 00; one year, $lO 00. The Morning News, by mail , six times a week (without Snndav issue), three months, $2 (X); six months. $1 (H) one year. $8 on. The Morning News. Tri weekly. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays three mouths. $1 25; six months. $2 50: one year. $5 00. The Sunday News by one year. $2 00. _ The Weekly News, by mau, one year. $1 25. Subscriptions payable in advance. Remit by postal order, check or registered letter Cur renev sent bv mail at risk of senders This paper is kept on file and advertising rates may be ascertained at the office of the Ameri can New6pa|>er Publishers* Association, 104 Temple Court, New York City. Letters and telegrams should be addressed “Mornino News. Savannah. Ga.'* Advertising rates made known on application. P&X TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Special Notices As to Rills Due Evening Call; Of Interest to Ladies, A S. Cohen; Notice, FEed W. Habersham. Insurance —Semi-Annual Statement of the Niagara Fire Insurance Company of New York. Educational -Kenmore University High School, near Amherst C. H , Va. Removal—A. Minis, Jr.. Attorney at Uw. Cheat Column Advertisements Help Want ed; Emploj'iivpnt Wanted: For Kent; For Sale; Boa*xl; Personal: Miscellaneous. Kosher Pickled Beef -Nicholas Lang. Steamship Schedule —Ocean Steamship Cos. Notice— Application for Local Act. Cotton Seed Wanted—Southern Cotton Oil Cos. Auction Sales Three Houses, Harness, etc., by C. H. Dorset t. ANNUAL SPECIAL EDITION —OF THE— Savannah Morning News —AND THE Savannah Weekly News, —TO BE— ISSUED O.N SEPTEMBER 3d, ISS7. The Annual Special Edition of the Daily Weekly News will lie issued Sept. 8. It will contain a complete and comprehensive review of the trade of the city for the past year, and will show the progress the city has made in everything that helps to make up its wealth and that contributes to its prosperity. The facts relating to cotton, naval stores ami the different branches of the city's wholesale trade will be so presented as to give a clear idea of the city's business for the year ending Sept. 1. The business men of Savannah cannot make a better investment than by buying copies of the Moaxiso News Annual Special Edition and sending them to their friends and correspon dents. A newspaper like this Special Edition, containing an accurate account of the business of this city, is the l*st advertisement of the energy and activity of the people of Savannah. Every citizen, whether he is a capitalist, iner chant, manufacturer, mechanic ora man of leis ure, should feel a pride in the progress the city is making, and in presenting to the world the inducements which it offers to thoso who are seeking homes in the South. This Special Edition will be sent to nil sub scribers of the Daily and Weekly News, and a large number of extra copies w ill be mailed, thoroughly covering the territory tributary to Savannah. Advertisers will find this Special Edition of great value, and space in its columns can be ob tained upon application to the Business Office. The Morning News will begin next. Sunday the publication of a very interest ing story by Miss S. Lucy Joyner, of North Carolina, entitled “Five Old Letters.” Tho story is a comparatively short one, but it will be well worth reading. It looks as if the New' York Socialists are finely estranged from tho United I>abor party- A cablegram announces that John Rus kin is certainly insane. Few men have done more good in his day or brought pure pleasure to so many thousands. His books are classics. There is a movement in New York to unite the Labor and Temperance parties. In everyday life there is no better, stronger coalition. How it will work in politics re mains to be seen. Mrs. Langtry’s mother lias gone to England to see what can be done toward getting Mr. Langtry out of the way in order that Mr. Freddy Gehhardt may become known as Mrs. Langtry's husliand. A noble ambition is that of Mr. Oehhnrdt’s. How public opinion overhears law was recently curiously illustrated in a French court. A duelist was sentenced to impris onment, not because he had wounded his adversary, but lx*enuse lie* parried a thrust with his left hand while hi* stabbed with his right. Dueling is illegal in Franco. Chicago is much dissatisfied, because in the programme of the President’s Western visit she is allotted only one day while* three are given to Bt. Louis. Is this an outbreak of tho old jealousy, or only evi dence that Chicago share** the pride most of his countrymen feel in Mr. Cleveland; Rev. Dr. Spreeher, of Euclid Avenue Presbyterian church, Cleveland, 0., is a minister who puts principle before salary. He was offered Mr. Beecher’s old plnce at Plymouth church, with a salary of 820.000, but refused it Ixx-nuso of tho latitudinarian doctrines of the congregation, with which he did not care to be identified. A lot of des{x*rate stsx’k gamblers are said by the Philadelphia Time* to lie using money anil every influence they can bring to tx*ar to induce the employes of the Read ing Railroad Company to strike, in the ho|>e of profiting by the decline in tho stock which would result. Men are sent to jai 1 for much smaller crimes against their fol lows. The recent long controversy in tho ease of the forger Blackman, illegally arrested in Bouth Carolina by a Richmond county offi cer, causes the hope that the labors of tho recent extradition conference in Now York may result in something practical. State sovereignty is a good thing, but it should not shield criminals. Sacrificing Principles for Success. The attitude of the Republican papers of New York with rospoet to the United Labor party, whose ticket lias Henry George’s name at its head, is a rather interesting sub ject for study. They give the new party all the encouragement they can without ac tually supporting it. They do not criticise its lenders or its candidates, and they im prove every opportunity to say that it will, in all probability, cast a large vote. This attitude of the New York Republi can pa)ers is due to their belief that the new party will draw its strength chiefly from the Democratic party, and will make it possible for the Republican party to carry the State at the election this fall. But even if the new party should draw more votes from the Democratic than the Republican party, it is by no means certain that the Republican party would carry tho State. The Prohibition party is much stronger in New York now than it has been at any previous time in its history. Its con vention met at Syracuse on Thursday, and was engaged in the work of framing a plat form nnd nominating a ticket yesterday. It will doubtless poll about as many votes as the new party, and they will be drawn almost entirely from the Republican party. The strongholds of the new party are in the cities; those of the Prohibition party in tho rural districts. Unless the new party polls a phenomenal vote, like that polled by Henry George at the municipal election in New York city, it would not be surprising if the Prohibition vote were larger than the new party vote. The Republican papers, therefore, have excellent reasons for trying to build up the new party. They hope to make it do tho Democratic party more damage than the Prohibition party will do their party. The struggle for success causes forgetful ness of priuciples. It seems strange, for instance, to sec the New York ’Dribvvir, tho leading protectionist organ of the country, lending a helping hand to Henry George, an avowed free trader. Tho truth of the remark that ‘"polities make strange bed fellows," was never more clearly illustrated than in this case. Mr. George is not only a freetrader, bat the land theory he teaches is akin to the doctrines of tho Socialists. It is true that the new party refuses to have any association with the Socialists, but there is reason for thinking that its course in this matter is dictated by the belief that the So cialists would do it more harm than good. If the new party leaders believed that the Socialists would strengthen their party it is not im probable that an alliance with them would be formed. The Tribune , however, and other Republican | wipers of New York have nothing to say against Henry George’s land theory, which has been adopted by his party. Indeed, it is within the bounds of possibility that the}- would advocate that theory if, by so doing, they could insure tho success of the Republican {tarty. There is yet no occasion for the Demo cratic party of Now York to be alarmed. The new party will not make such inroads upon the Democratic vote as the Republi can leaders expect. The vote which Henry George received for Mayor of New York is not a safe basis upon which to make a cal culation of the new party’s strength. It is doubtful if the new- party will poll in the whole State ns large a vote as that which Henry Gixirgo received for Mayor. If it does not, and the Prohibition vote isas large as it is expected to lie, the Democrats will carry the State by a fair majority. Seeking a Way to Reach Criminals. For several days our dispatches con tained accounts of the proceedings of the in terstate conference at New York city, which had for its object the adoption of a uniform system of practice for the delivery, from one State to another, of criminals who are fugitives from justice. Twenty-two States and Territories were represented at the con ference, and the prospect appears to bo that the system agreed upon will be sat isfactory. The method pursued in extradition cases is quite different, in different States. In fact, the laws of the various Stntos on the subject an* so different that complications arise, and criminals are permitted to escape punishment. Not very long ago complica tions in an extradition case arose between this State and South Carolina, and it was quite a long while before a satisfactory un derstanding was arrived at. What is needed is a simple set of regula tions which could be quickly complied with, and with which oflk-oraof tho law would have no difficulty in becoming familiar. At pres ent when a criminal escapes from one State to another, a lawyer has to be consulted and the extradition laws of the two States looked up, and arrangements made to comply with them, before any steps can lx l taken to cap ture the fugitive. The delay thus caused, and the difficulties which frequently arise from the failure to follow the strict letter of the law, often defeat the ends of justice. If the work of this conference should prove acceptable it is not improbable that a conference to secure uniform divorce laws will be called. It is doubtful if the laws relatiflg to divorce are alike in any two States. Asa consequenee some grove complications arise. A person may secure a divorce in one State which is not regarded ns valid in another, and he is in the curious position of being a single man in one part of the country and a married man in an other. If ho should marry agaiu he would run tho risk of lining prosecuted for bigamy, and if he should die there would be a dis pute with respect to the division of his property. Congress has boon urged to take stops to secure uniform marriage and divorce laws, but its authority to do so is questioned. An easy and satisfactory way to accomplish the desired object would boa conference of the States and Territories. Thcro certainly could be no great opposition to such a con ference, since there is a strong public senti ment in favor of getttng rid of the evils which necessarily result from inharmonious laws. It is to be hoped that the failure of Groves teen & Pell, of New York, announced in the Morning News of yesterday, will not affect unfavorably two North Georgia railroads, with which they are intimately connected —tho East and West and Rome and Decatur. Both are important lines to the development of the mineral resources of that portion of the State. Tho terminal point of one of them, Pell City, a smart nnd pretentious Alabama town, was named for tho junior member of the firm. There appears to be a disposition in Texas among the Anti-Prohibitionists toread those of tho Democratic leadeiw who assisted the Prohibitionists at the lute prohibition elec tion out of the party. It would be well for them to curb that disjxwition at once. The Prohibitionists wero defeated in Texas, but they were not so crushed ns not to lx- reudy to make another light for prohibition. TIIE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, ISS7. Sharp’s Start Toward Liberty. The chances are that Jacob Sharp will never become an inmate of the penitentiary. A judge of the Supremo Court lias found sufficient grounds, it seems, for granting n stay in his case. The general term of the Supreme Court does not meet until Octotx-r, and, of course, tho exceptions taken during the trial cannot bo passed upon until then, unless the Governor should call an extra session of the court. There is no proba bility, therefore, that Sharp will have to put on the striped suit of a convict for a month or more, and, perhaps, he may never have to put it on. The grounds upon which the stay w-as granted may lie good ones, but the general impression will be that it would not have been granted if Sharp were a poor man and without influential friends. The next move will be, of course, to get him out on hail. It will lie said that his surroundings are very unhealthy, and that his health is very had. It seems, however, that there are doubts about his being as sick a man as ho pretends to be. Re|x>rts have gained currency in New York that ho is pretending to be a much sicker man than he really is for the purpose of exciting sym pathy. Ho is not a strong, healthy man, of course, because he is over TO years of ago, and it is time that he should show some signs of failing health. That there is anything tho matter with him, however, of a very serious character is doubted, it is alleged, by physicians who are as eminent in their profession as the one who is attending him. If the verdict against him should be set aside it would be extremely di<Ti*-ult to get another satisfactory jury to try him. About every intelligent man in th city of New York lias niadk up liis mind with regard to tho question of Sharp’s guilt, and a jury would have to lie marie up of those of a rather low order of intelligence. Tho ex pense which tho county of New York has already been put to in order to secure Sharp's punishment is something enormous, and tho expense of another trial would, in all probability, lxi still greater. Doubtless the taxpayers of New York hope that the higher court will find that no mistakes were made thnt justify anew trial. Wrecked by an Operator. On last Monday night two freight trains on the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad came into collision near Charleston, W. Ya. Two engines and fifteen freight cars loaded with merchandise were demolished. Imme diately after the accident the demolished cars caught fire and, with their contents, were consumed. Tho total loss was about 875,000. What was the cause of the accident? Why, a young telegraph operator fell asleep while on duty. The question which presents itself is this: Was the operator qualified for the position which ho occupied? He may have known how to send and re ceive messages, hut was he old enough, and had he sufficient experience to understand the responsibility which rested upon him? Accidents are all tho time happening on railroads through the carelessness and incom petency of employes, and in these accidents hundreds of lives are lost and thousands of dollars worth of peoperty are destroyed every year. Still there are railroad com panies which continue to employ unfit men because they can Vie obtained for small wages. These men are put into responsible positions nnd, foiling that they are not adequately paid, or not realizing the respon sibilities of their positions, they neglect their duties and disastrous accidents are the result. The desire to make good dividends, and thus please the stockholders, or to make a handsome showing of net earnings to aid s]x*eulntion, influences railroad managers in too many instances to pay wages that will secure the services of only those who have no feeling of responsibility and no fitness for tho discharge of the duties required of them. This young operator who caused a loss of 875,000 to tho Chesapeake and Ohio railroad was clearly unfit for the responsible place lie held. Boy-like, lie yielded to a t iced nnd sleepy feeling, thinking porhaps that tho clicking of his instrument would awaken him if he were called. A carefully selected man would never have taken such a risk. He would have remained awake as long as he was on duty. The pres sure for dividends, however, js so groat that railroad managers are often forced to put incompetent men in responsible places, Tho Canadian government, in attempting to prevent tho construction of the Red River railroad, connecting that distant province with the great American systems of roads, is fighting against fate in attempt ing to divert trade fix m its natural chan nels. If persistod in, this effort to save tho Canadian Pacific monopoly may lead to a serious strain upon the union of the prov inces and greatly increase the number of Canadians who look to annexation to the United States as the only cure for the economic ills which afflict the Dominion. If they must he prisoners they may think it bettor to have tho freedom of the whole continent than of a thin line of jocky prov inces on the edge of the polar wastes. From the reports in the New York papers the Republican Immigration Commissioners at Castle Garden, New York, are incompe tent and unfit for their positions, nnd the re ports seem to be well founded. The propo sition to remove them calls forth from the Republican partisan ]>A|>erv tho statement that the attacks on the commissioners are intended only for political capital, and that if they are removed it will lx* because their places are wanted for some of the political (x*ts of the administration. When was it thnt the Republican pa{x*re ever advocated anything because it waft right? The readi ness with which they will cover up the wrong-doing of Republican officials is mar velous. Tho discontent, caused among the anti- Gorman Maryland Democrats by the Sen ator's ascendency in State politic* and his allowed control of Fisloral appointments is likely to endanger the success of the iwrty in the fall election. This faction, led by John K. Cowen, a man of great wealth and high ehaiwter, is openly pledged to tho sup port of the Republican ticket, in tho nam ing of which it probably hod a voice. Tho Now York Star having ugroed to liooin a steel pen in connection with the Grant monument may nlso undertake to boom someone of tho many patent medi cines in tho same way. If it gets enough articles to boom it may finally succeed in raising the monument fund. A New York Socialist accuses Henry George of having diverted to his own use $ll,OOO contributed by an Anarchist for a political purjKise. Nobody will believe an Anarchist ever had that much money. CURRENT COMMENT. The Way to Abolish Poverty. Erom the Phihidel phia Press (Rep.) The price which Henry Cieonr© demands for a lecture suggest* that his platform is: “Every man abolish his own poverty. As lain a little lame I will begin now." The Politician’s Heartlessness. Erom the Providence Evening Journal. Was there over anything more wicked in gov ernment than tho attempt of the Tory Ministrv of England by unjust laws to goad the Irish tieople into mislfobavior and violence, in the hot>e thut they will thus alienate the sympathy of the English voters and give the Tories anew chance for power. Stop Juggling* With the Tariff Issue. /Von? the Philadelphia Record iDem.) The Philadelphia Times says that New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and Indiana were car ried for Cleveland because the platform of IRB4 distinctly declared for tho protection of Ameri can labor. If the Record should say that these States were carried for Cleveland in spite of a juggling declaration in regard to the tariff there would be strong presumptive proof to back its assertion, while tne Times hns none. In JMP> all these States gave rousing majorities for Tilden on a platform favoring drastic tariff reform. Thev will give rousing Democratic majorities again whenever the Democratic party shall rise to the occasion and plant itself on its time honored principles. BRIGHT BITS. Dude -I say, me boy, cawu't you give me a tip? Jockey—l would if Iliad you out in a boat. But you wouldn't sink. “Why not?” “Head's too light. " -Exchange. In* the midst of a fervent exhortation to sin tiers a Portland revivalist, who is by business an auctioneer, exclaim**]; “Twenty-nine I've got: thirty, shall I have ’em? Bless the liOrd! Twenty-nine are saved: who will come next? Shall I have thirty?” The Earth. Omaha man—Your section seems to be a great place for feuds Southerner—Oh, well, we have had feuds there, but they are nil settled now. "l am glad to hear that, very glad.” “Yes, the folks are all dead.”— Exchange. “Prisoner, you acknowledge having stolen several bales of hay from th** gentleman. What urged you to commit this crime? •‘Hunger, your honor.'' Paris Gault)is. The prisoner must l ave taken tin* Judge for a donkey to expect him to believe that.— Neve York Tribune. Guest (to summer resort landlord) —What is th^capacity of your hotel? Limilora —That dep nds. If tho guests are Nmv Yorkers we can take care of 1,000 com fortably; but if they are from Boston, I wouldn't dare strain the building with more than 500. Hurjfcr's Bazar. Time, 3 a. ml: Mrs. Jollyboy—Where on earth have you been? Mr. Jollyboy.—l cannot tell a lie. I've been at in' offish. Mrs. J.— I That's where we differ. I can tell a lie—when I hear one. (Cruel silence, in w hich something is heard to drop.)— Exchange. A correspondent imparts the thrilling infor mation that Mi's. Cleveland kissed a baby at Marion the other day. The President will prob ably not engage in such a business until—until h* is nominated for a second term and swings around the cirri * on an electioneering tour. P. S. —That is, other people's babies — Norris town Herald. lleavtside—How do. Miss Prettypert? Why have you taken off your hat? Miss Prettypert- I've been bathing and I want my hair to dry. 11. All! Now, if I were to take mine off, I should get a fearful cold. Miss P.—Oh. Is i ppose that's why you haven't raised it yet.— Fun. (Jus I saw Cholly Dusenhury at the Hoffman to-d-n-ay. ('holly's looking flue. Jaok—Ya-as. Gus- By the way, d'ye know Cholly's address? 1 forgot to ask him. Jack -Yn-as (consulting his note 1 book). Chollv's address is s stt*en hundred and twenty Ninth Avenue, top floor, back. Mulligan's bell; ring twice.— Tid-Bits. Chicago Hospitality.—Chicago Man—Wel come. my old friend. Welcome to glorious America. Distinguished Foreigner—Before accepting your hospitalit}’ itisinyduty to deliver some messages from our chief officials to the chief officials of Chicago. “Well. I'll hustle around and see if any of them are out of jail.” -Omaha World. Waiter Anything else I can help you to, sail? Guest No. I think not. Waiter Everything satisfactory, sah? Guest Yes, it seems so. Waiter Service all that could be desired, sah? Guest -Good enough, I believe. Waiter I always knows when I meets a gem men especially, sab. a Boston geinmen. Dey idlers has liakud heaps and fish, and dey know when duy's sarved well, sah. No grumblin' c!nr, sah, and dey nevaw--ah, thanks, sah.” (Gives out.) Aside. “1 jest thought I'd fotch dat old wenden-hoaded skinflint. I specks he gimme dls yer quarter jes to stop my elumquence.”— San Francisco Wusp. PERSONAL. Miss Anna Dickinson has so far recovered her health as to lx* able to take short walks in the open air at Honcsdale. John L. Sullivan's exhibition at Nantnsket netted exactly sl.Nk\ which is to go toward the erection of a church at that place Justice Field, of the United States Supreme Court, thinks the division of California into two States is certain to occur before long. Thf. cities of Cleveland. Detroit, Toledo and Sandusky will wlebraie the anniversary of Com. Perry's victory on Lake Erie on Sept. io. Gov. Foraker will deliver the annual address at the gathering of the Western Reserve Pion eer Association at North Solon, 0., Aug. 31. Among the m songers on the steamer Um bria. which left Liverpool for this country on Saturday, are tho Duke of Marlborough aud Lord Pysart. Walt. Whitman, peremptorily refuses to re ceive a weekly pension from the Boston Whit man Society, lie is not a “good gray poet” for revenue only. (Jen. Oruki.y, of Arctic fame, was banqueted ou Saturday by the New Bedford Board of Trade, and made to recount his experiences in the re gions of perpetual snow. Harriet Bf.kciikr Stowe has written a letter to a triend denying that she is in poor health. She says she is able to take a long walk every day and finds strong aud hopeful. John DeMif.h, of Allentown, Mo., claims to be the oldest volunteer fireman in the United States, lie joined Relief Company No. ‘J. of Cincinnati, 0., in He is now 80 years of age. Horace T. Cook. Treasurer of Cayuga county, New York, is entitled to distinction as a tena cious office holder. He was llrst elected to that losition thirty-nine years ug>, and has just been renominated for the fourteenth consecutive time. Talmadoe A. Lambert, a Washington lawyer, who says In* is the sou of l>avid Igimbert, a nc\vspui>r man in the North went years ago, has begun proceedings to establish his claim to 478 acres of hul l on tic* shore of Lake Pbalen, Minn., valued at $1,000,000. Kx-Speaker Galcsea A. Grow, who secured the passage of the homestead law. has received a cane bearing this inscription: To the Hon. Gal us!, aA. Grow, Speaker of Congress 1801-3. This care grew on the first homestead in the United States Presented by the first home steader, I>auiel Freeman. Heat rice, Nebraska. Murat Halstead writes that he has i>ent two days in close examination of the battlefields west of Met/., ami professes himself unable to make out the Positions which he, Monctire I>. C'onway and Von Moitke occupied seventeen years ago. *'ln fact,*' he adds, “the lines of battle are not what 1 had supposed them to lie when a si>ootator, so that contemporary history may have to I>e rewritten." Cardinal Newman's brother. Prof. William Newtimn, is also an octogenarian. He is anm \ of the deepest scholarly attainment and a con firmed freethinker. For forty years he and bis brother, the priest, were strangers, hut recently the Prince of the Church and his atheist brother met and embraced, and now they are theliest of friends, and never allude to their differences of opinion nor long years of separation. Sam Jones told an anecdote at Hound N. Y.: “1 can get along with an old sinner; I can beur patiently with a poor drunkard: hut when a church iiienl**r logins to apologize for Ids meanness and gets mad Iteoause he is told of ills faults, it makes me sick at my stomach. If any of of you get mad ut whAt I am saying Just come up like gentlemen and ask my pardon and I’ll forgive you." Nobody ajologizod ( 'ear Alexander has found n diversion very sMthlug to his disordered nerves. A short time ago the complaint reached his ear that the i carp and pike iu the isinds of Gatshina were multiplying too fast. The Csar resolved to <x*- cupy Ids leisure hours with fishing. While at llrst only *|>ort to him it has now U*come a con tinued habit. Indefatigable he sits on the hank with a fishing rod and waits patiently for a bin*. A White Snake in a Lump of Ice. From the Xorristmrn Herald. A lady purchased a lump of crystal ice a few days ago and placed it in an ice cooler, which was perfectly clean. She added no water, allowing it to melt without as sistance. Some time later she drew a glass of the melted ice and was lifting it to her lips, when, from the very center, a tiny snake reared •tvs diamond head, its scintillating eyes and glistening forked tongue causing a scream of fright to issue from'the lady’s lips. Fortunately sh * held on to the glass and was thus able to prove to the incredulous friends who answered her call the absolute truth of this strange story. The snake was almost pure white, measured an inch ami a half in length, was fully developed and belongs to a species as yet unclassified. How it came into the ice. and how it could live and display such astonishing liveliness in liquid of a temperature so near congelation is a mys tery worthy the attention of our local scientists. Old Wine in New Bottles. From the Bcok of Judges as I road— “ Make me a sling.” wee Robbie said. Like those you were reading about in there, That hit the mark to the breadth of a hair,” “And make another for Richard, too. Ami we'll sing as the Benjamites used to do; And make another that baby can whirl— A little one, mind she's only a girl.” So I made him a sling like unto that Swung by the men of Jehosaphat; “May songs of victory tune your breath Like the slitigers who smote Kir-haraseth.” I smiled as I heard tlf exultant cry Of the hosts of Benjamin passing by; 1 smiled in time, oh foolish man— For I smiled no more when the fight began. For the stones crashed through the window pane And rattled down on the roof like rain; They pelted poor Sport clear out of the fray And battered The Rectory over the way. The air was blue with the flying stones, And shrill with shouts and wails and groans; For people who looked and pedple who ran, Were pelted alike by the slinging clan. Richard and Robert, the two mighty men, Were slinging six ways for Sunday; but then Baby was weeping, the sweet little maid, For she smote herself in the shoulder blade. Then I learned that no riglgftimded boy can bring A left-handed Benjamite's skijl to a sling, For the aim of a left handed, cross-eyed man Correct s its obliquity—none other can Robert J. Burdette. Romantic Love and Personal Beauty. From the Saturday Review. In one section of his book Mr. Finck is rather more fortunate, though his crude transatlantic ideas mar his work even here. He is a great defender of flirtation against prudery on the one hand, and Coquetry on the other, and we approve his efforts. But even here he has not quite risen to the full conception of the great art—to-wit: To the idea that it is an art, and, like all arts, has an end in itself. In general, Mt. Finck's intentions appear to be better than his execution—a fact perhaps not difficult to anticipate from his having written his booK. He does not like v r.v small waists—on which point he is no doubt generally right, though we are quite unable to admit with him that a small waist is ugly in itself. It is not; but the means taken to secure it bring about other ugli nesses for w hich the small waist is no compen sation. lie does not like to see ladies’ heads loaded with dead birds and beasts, and here we are wholly with him. He hates strong-minded women w ith an in every sense holy hatred, and f< >r this alone we could lx* content to forgive him everything, except that fatal, irrational, and, in far more than the common sense im moral. error that romantic lore and conjugal love are different and incompatible. The thing is the odder because lie is a warm advocate of marriage —that is to say, of killing the goose (we mean no sarcasm) that lays the golden eggs. This and his sacrilegious remarks about Solomon and Catullus are bad,and his ignorance of mediaeval and other matters is bad, and what we at least suspect to be his concealment of the real cause of that ignorance is bad. and his de preciation of blondes is bad, and his overvalua tion of Ovid is bad. But. as having, even if not quite according to knowledge, stood up for the noble and traduced art of flirtation, perchance he may be finally saved, if so as by Are, and be allowed to enter the paradise of lovers. Charley’s Vision. From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. From the northwest nurt of Macon county. Mo., comes a wonderful 'story of the appearance of a spirit form a few days ago. The source of information is regarded absentiredy trustworthy. Mr. Samuel Phillips, a well known farmer, was at work in his field, three miles west of La Plata, on the afternoofr of May 30. Within a few rex Is his 11 -year-old son Charley was also at work with a hoe. Suddenly the hoy cried out, then ran forward a little way, and, stumbling over his hoe, fell to tliq He continued looking up into the air and stretched his hands upward. The father at once ran to him and in quired the cause of his action. The little fel low was crying in a heartbroken manner, and sobbed out: “Oh, it was mamma! it was mamma!" Not understanding what he meant, the father asked an explanation. Charley related that while working he had been attracted by sweet music in the air above him, more lovely than he had over heard b *fore. On looking up he had soon two beautiful beings floating down ward and coming toward him through the air. They stretched out their arms to him and he ran to meet thorn, being almost drawn toward them by something he could not understand. When befell down the music ceased and he saw the heavenly visitants going a wav farther and farther, until out of sight. Notwithstand ing his father's persuasions the qhild declared that he had seen these* forms just as he de scribed them, and he could not be snaken in the l>elief that one of the persons was his mother. Over and over mii snoe tin- ocomronoe has the hoy relateu the story, without variation, and always seems to be greatly affected by the memory of the vision, as he cries and trembles violently whenever speaking of it. When Charley was an infant his mother died, and the little boy has not the faintest recollection of her. An older brother also died before the mother. Charley has always been an affection ate, sweet-spirited and truthful child. Why the Duke Sold the Picture. From The Tablet. The Duke of Westminster has got himself into a difficulty and out of it. it came about in this way. Some seven years ago this wealthiest of all the peers and lords of lands and manors innumerable, laid a last tribute of homage be fore the shrine of the political deity lie had spent his life in worshipping when lie paid down 2,000 guineas l’or Millais’ portait of Gladstone. All the world remembers it. with its anxious, pallid look, and how Mi's. Gladstone explained t hat her husband had come to look so through grief grief at what Lord Bnocdnsfleld had be n doing in England. But times change, and we with them; and though Mr. Gladstone still looks out from the calm of the canvas just as he was painted years ago, the Duke of West minster meete his gaze with other eyes. The sight of the statesman who. in Grosvenor House, is thought* of now chiefly as the shifty despoiler or church hs and th henchman of l'amell. was a trouble to the ducal digestion. Accordingly the thing came down from the dining room wall and went to the hammer, and brought the pribe h<* had paid—with more than compound interest. All the world wondered, and some thought the Duke, and others that the buyer, had blundered. Anyway, the Duke kuew he was happier, and his agents told him he was richer. He was vexed no more at bis simple breakfast table, or across “the sullen splendor of his feasts” by the sight of that sign upon the wall of the betrayal and the ruin of the Liberal party. But it is the sequel to the story that I have to tell. Mrs. Gladstone Knew of the sale, and, woman like, resolved to know the reason why. She had loved that work of Millais, painted just at a time when her husband was getting out of the long valley of the shadow of Disraeli, and In coming “tlirt grand old man.” And she had boon specially glad that it had found a home in Grosvenor House, under the guardianship of a family lnmnd with theirs by ties of an immemo rial itit imacy. “I ’at herine,” wheu she makes up her mind to a thing, is a very direct person— has a way of telling her mind, even to her lord, in language straight and simple. This time she wrote to her old frieud, a Cheshire neighbor, and asked him just what she wanted to know why hud he sold the picture he prized? It wasa dilemma for the Duke. His young wife was tbera to oounsel; bat tien feminine tact saw no way out of t-ds dreadfully simple question. ’ Why did you sell bis portrait?” The nuke put pen to paper—but how could he tell “Catherine” that ue found it impossible to di gest with her husband glaring from the wall? The Liberal-Unionist peer was hard up, very hard up, for an excuse, or, at least, an evasive answer, the only thing he had ever been liar l up for in his life. At last, with the magnificent audacity of despair, he told “Catherine”quite simply and briefly that tne reason which had compelled him regretfully to part with what he had desired for an heirloom for his house was obvious ami distressing—poverty! Whet her t he word was written to the accompaniment of a ducal chuckle, or what “Catherine” said, 1 know nt. % An article is printed with the heading. “How Man Should Treat Man.” The best way is to allow him to select his* own drinks. Xebratka State Journal. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Capt. John B. Moore, known throughout the country as a horticulturist and agriculturist, died on Monday at Concord, Mass., w here he was bora, in 1817, and had liver! all his life. He is said to Lave stood almost without an equal in the cultivation of roses. Among the papers of the late King of it is stated, have been found the manu script of two light, operas on the style of Auber, written by Richard Wagner when he was very young. These, it is added, are now to be pub lished under the titles the composer gave them, “Les Fees” and “Defence d’Aimer.” The seller of licorice sherbet is a familirr object to all acquainted with life in the East. He parades only through the main thorough fares and business part of the city, clattering incessantly the two bright brass bowls in his right hand. The well-filled goat skin hangs sus pended from his shoulders against his left side, a large piece of snow at its mouth, a little of which be scrapes into the bowl before filling it. His trade is brisk, as this cooling, refreshing drink costs only half a cent a bowl. Conformably to the laws of advance and retreat of glaciers, it is said those in the Valley of Chamounix, Switzerland, are now beginning to advance, The lower extremity of the Glacier des Bossons is “not more than 3,000 feet above the level of the sea," and is going still lower. During the past three years tnis lower extrem ity “has advanced at the rate of fifty yards a year.” It is said that “a grotto cut out of the ice in May, 1806, a quarter of a mile from the extremity, has moved down more than sixty yards.” The steamship Trave, of the North German Lloyds Line, was visited on her latest voyage to this country by the Crown Princess of Germany, and her daughters, the Duchess of Edinburgh, Prince Louis of Battenlx*rg, Count Seckendorff. an others. The Trave bad stopped at South ampton to receive additional passengers from London, when the Princess, who had been stop ping at'Osborne, seized the opportunity to ex amine a great steamship. Every portion of the ship was shown the party, from the captain’s bridge to the engine-room, and the Princess ex pressed her admiration of the elegance of the saloons. Among the passengers by the Trave was the Chevalier de Hesse-Warburg, the geo graphical savant and explorer, whom the Prin cess had met before, and with whom she con versed before her departure for the shore. “No little annoyance is felt here,” says the Paris correspondent of the London Times, “at the publication in the Blue-book on Sir Drum mond Wolff's mission of a translation of an ex traordinary note iu Turkish, sent to the Sultan by M. de Montebello on June 19. The Temps says: ‘Contrary to diplomatic usages, this note, before being inserted in the Blue-book, was not communicated to our Ambassador at London, who would not have failed, we are assured, to point out certain inaccuracies/ A Radical news paper, which daily vilifies both Germany ami England, charges the latter with having pro cured the note by improper means, and with having published a document which was not its property. If, however, the publication was in discreet, the note it*elt was plainly much more so. and it would be well for both sides to con sider it unw'ritten and unpublished.” William F. G. Shanks, who was one of Hor ace Greeley's pets, and his trusted city editor, puts at rest forever the unjust story that White law Reid forced Mr. Greeley out of the Tribune. Mr. Shanks says it was done by Samuel Sinclair, the publisher, w ho told Greeley that the Tribune had been taken out of the Republican party at great loss; that it was in serious financial straits; that it would be necessary for Horace Greeley to retire as editor, and that the Tribune must be sold. Then Greeley went mad and died. The Tribune was sold by Sinclair to Orton, of the Western Union, who had arranged to have Schuyler Colfax editor. The Credit Mobilier scandal was sprung on Colfax, and he could not be editor. Mr. Reid then borrowed the mouey from W. W. Phelps and gained control of the paper. This is the whole story, and it is credita ble to Mr. Reid. Dr. I). H. Williams is the one rich colored physician in Chicago. There are four other colored members of the profession, but they practice solely among their own race, and are not possessed of any means. Williams’ patients are as much among the whites as the colored. His standing in his profession is so good that he is one of the salaried staff of the South Side City Railway Company. Dr. Dan Williams ow es his success largely to the kind-heartedness of the widow of the whilom “Honest John Jones.” She picked him up when a boy and gave him a home. He was sent to school, and, after work ing for a doctor, studied and graduated from one of the medical schools with much honor. He is now the owner of more than a dozen buildings in different parts of the city. Wil liams is very light, but has the race lineaments. His beard, however, is reddish, and a cursory glance would not detect his negro blood. While the address of the so-called Republican party of Virginia is signed only by “William Mahone, Chairman,” observant Virginians, re versing the usual quotation, declare that the hand is the hand of Mahone, but the voice is the voice of John S. Wise, the son of the old Gov ernor who hanged John Brown. John S. Wise is one of the few* able lieutenants whom Mahone enlisted in his earlier fights, who still clings to the fortunes of that astute and wily chieftain. He was elected Oongressman-at Large on (he Readjuster tidal wave which carried Cameron into the Governor’s chair and Riddleberger into the Senate, and expects to himself elected Governor in a similar reaction. The slashing onslaught on Gov. Fitzhugh Lee, who defeated him at the last election, is said to be the unmis takable production of John S. Wise. Mahone is an organizer, a political despot, and one of the shrewdest of all shrewd politicians, but he has not the literary capacity and dash which this address evinces. • Philadelphia has some well-dressed an*d re markably clever men. A fashionable tailor of that city says to the Bulletin: “A party at tempted a neat little dodge on us the other day. We knew him sufficiently well to take his ord€ r for a $35 suit iff clothes without requiring a cash deposit. Wheu the suit was made he tried it m, and declared it did not fit him. He hail numerous faults to find, and finally refused to take the garments. As he insisted it was a mis fit, we could do nothing but put the clothes away. A week later his son came to the store and said he would like to see the -suit made for the father, with a view to purchasing. Ho tried on the coat, pantal ons and waistcoat, and expressed himself as satisfied that they fit him well enough to wear. Then he offered us $26 for the suit, saying that inasmuch ms the suit was thrown on our hands as a misfit we ought to lie glad to get rid of it at that price. The dodge was too transparent, and we declined to dispose of the clothes for a cent less than the original price.” The report of the Boston Board of Health for July shows that in that month the number of deaths exceeded that of any previous month since the hoard was organized. The number of deaths in Boston was J.'llO, whereas the number for July, 1886, was only 889. Figuring on a basis of 400.0 CD population, the rate per 1,000 inhabi tants for the year was 33.5? last month. The meteorological statement accompanying the mortality table shows that the mean tempera ture during the month was 73°. It was 73° in July. 1873, and 73.8° in July, 1870: but in those years the death rate was not excessive. The comparative humidity, however, is striking, for, whereas in 1873 it was 60.4°, and in !576 09.4°! this year it was 77°, showing the heat of lasi mouth to have been the most oppressive and fatal of any month for fifteen years, which is ns far back as the table goes. Children, of course, suffered severely from the weather, and more than half of the whole number of July’s dead were children under 5 years of age, while amost half wen* very young infants. Gen. Tcherniayeff, whom tho cable an nounces as Katkoff's successor in the edit >rship of the Moscow Gazette, Ms a well-known Pan- Slavist agitator. He was born in 182S, educated in the military school of Nieolayev, and served in the Crimean war. in 1854 he was sent to Turkestan, where he conquered Taahkeud. In 1857 he left the Russian army and entered upon the practice of law, but was soon reinstated in his rank as General, the Czar having taking a liking to him. Not receiving n suitable com mand, however, TcberniayeiT definitely resigned in 1876 ami Iwcaixte the editor of the fit. Peters burg h'UMkij Mir The following year he went to Belgrade and was appointed Commander ia Chief of the Servian army, but was disas trously defeated by the at Alexinatz. ‘H * took no part in the subsequent Kusso Turkish war. In 1877 he went to Prague, whence he was expelled by the Austrian government for incit ing anti-German demonstrations, and he was equally unsuccessful in attempting to organize a Bulgarian rising in 1879, being arrested at Adrianonle and sent back to Russia. In 188.’ he became Governor General of Tashkend. but his indiscreet tactics, wnich almost led to a war with England, caused his rvnll in IHHt He was appointed a member of the Council of War, hut lost recently also that position, owing to his having attacked in the newspapers (Jen. Annen koff's management of the Central Asian railroad. liir. most flagrant case of professional dis courtesy on record occurred on n Southern I Pacific train the other day. Some highwaymen, ! after cleaning out ihe passengers of every i dollar, wont away without giving tho sleeping i oar porter a single cent. \ i BAKING POWDER. PURE pPPRICCs CREAM W p L^ Used by the United States Government. En dorsed by the heads of the Great Universities aa the Strongest, fairest and most Healthful. Dr. Price’s the only Baking Powder that does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only ia Cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. DRY GOODS, BTC, Exceptional Reductions IN Summer Goods AT M & Dim's, SUCCESSORS TO B. F. McKenna & Cos., 137 BROUGHTON STREET. FIGURED BATISTE CLOTHS. ’ K will close out tlie remainder of our stock v V of these fine goods, formerly sold at 18c. a yard, now reduced to 12^c. 25 pieces Figured Lawns, 33 inches wide, regu lar price 12Vbc. a yard; now B^c. 75 pieces Figured Lawns, choice styles, at 3t£c, 50 pieces Wide Width Lawns, regular price 10c. a yard; now 6>^c. One lot Crinkled Seersuckers, regula rice 15c. and 17c. a yard; now I2V£c- % One lot of Dress Ginghams, choice styles, regular price a yard; now 10c. 30 Imported Marseilles Quilts, slightly soiled, formerly sold at $3. We will close the lot out at Si 85 each. Hosiery and Underwear. V 100 dozen Unbleached Black and Colored Hose, regular price 12>djc.: now flc. a pair. A mixed lot of Misses’ Fine English Hose, Ribbed, Plain and Silk Clocked, regular price of these goods from 25c. to -50 c. We will close the lot out at 17c. a pair. 50 dozeu Ladies’ Gauze Undervests, regular prices 25c. and 85c.; now 19a each. 35 dozen Ladies’ extra fir ■ quality Gauze Un dervests. regular prices 50c., dse., 75c. and 85c. We will offer the lot at tli9 extraordinary low price of 47c. each. Dor $1 Unlaundried Shirts Reduced to 90c. 75 dozen Gentlemen's Unlaundried Shirts, re inforced back and bosoms, the best $1 Shirt manufactured. In order to reduce our large stock we will offer them at 90c. each. ORPHAN & DOOXER. MEDICAL, T utt’s Pills Kill save the dyspeptic from inanj lays of misery, and enwble him to eaf whatever he wishes. They prevent Sick Headache, iansethe food to assimilate and nour ish the body, give keen appetite, anti Develop Flesh inti solid muscle. Elegantly sugM muted. Price, 25cts. per box. SOLD EVERYWHERE. ™ PILLS mu always k.rwa ctual. I j bf 10,000 Aai*rioan rUPKBIOft TO ALL • THIM, u> tttii tt*n*D*n. Don't waste mooJ oo Wobthlms Nostrums. TRY THIS RKMKDY FIRST.and jou will nerd no oilier. ABSOLUTELY INFALLIBLE, r articular*, i**al-d. 4 cent*. . . ~ _ • WILCOX srECiriO CO., Philadelphia. p* For sale by LIPi’MAN BROS., Savannah, Ga I PAR ttf BfSfeGiN G N I C| Tho lJfht Curo for Coughs, Weak Lungs. Asthma, Indt gCßtion, Inward Pains. Exhaustion. Combining the most valuable medhiues with Jamacbu linger, it exerta a euiw* live power over di.<*M*o unknownto other remedies Weak Lunge. Rheumatism, Female Complaints, and tha dlstressingilbol'thoritoinacli. Liver, Kldnernand Bowoia ore dragging thousands to the grave who w ould recove# their health by t ho timely .uao of Pajikkr'sQinoer Tonics, It Is new life and strength to the aged. 60c. al Drug* gist* Mucox to., ioj Williamgnat, N. I, t*nn tne lead la the bates of that cl.ns of remedies, and has given almost universal sauslac* UVB , MLRPHY DROS^j Q has won the favor of the public and now rsuka amentr site leoiimj Mett cioas oftlie olldoa. A. L. SMITH. c Bradford. Pi, Trada supplied by LIPPM AN BROS. MANHOOD RESTORED nit lTemature I tocay, Nervous Debility. IxmC Manhood, etv.. having tried in vain every known remedy, ban discovered a simple self-cure, wljicb he will send FUKK to his fellow sufferers. Ad drees C. S. MASON, Post Office Cox 317D, New York City. M BBERT. KIESLINGFS NURSERY, While Bluff Road. PLANTS. H- UQ JiiTß. DEiSIUNS, CUT I FLOWERS furusdiod to order. Leave of tiers atDAVl*> i,.„t/**.’, corner Bull and York a reets. Telculmna call 2U>.