The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 28, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 GOTH AM’S NERVOUSNESS. THE MESSENGER BOYS THE ONLY SLOW POKES. Restlessness of the Bonifaces To-Day ae Compared with the Olden Timers - The Money Kings Rushing About Like Cyclones-Absurdities of Home Dec oration Apparently Limitless. Neiv York, Aug. 27.—New Yorkers have the reputation of being the most nervous people on oarth. A stranger is at once im pressed with this fact as he takes nn elevated train to go to his hotel. People bustle in aud out of the train like mad, and there is no waiting for anybody It is only by this promptitude of action t hat it is jxwsible to transport half a million jieople a day on tho elevated railways of New York. Wall street is the centre of New York’s nervousness. Watch the men who frequent it, and you will see that they rush down tho thoroughfare as if pursued by somebody. Jay Gould, nnd even staid old Russell Sage, step along with a springy gait, outwalking the messenger boys, who are about the only deliberate persons seen on the street. On the Stock Exchange every man is constantly ou the move, and it is this desire for per petual action which' leads members to snatch off each other’s hats, and engage in all man ner of horse play, such as stuffing bite of paper down each other’s hacks, and similar movement* of an undignified nature. The typical old keeper of a hotel used to be a man of slow movements and great de liberation, but there is in New York but one of this old school, and he is Landlord Ashman, of the Sinclair House. Frank Al len, of the Aster House; Edward Yernam, of the Morton House, and Edward Stokes, of the Hoffman House, are examples of the restless modern landlord. Mr. Stokes is perhaps the most nervous man in New York.' There is a legend to tho effect that he is never known to sit still for more than five minutos at a time. Next to him in the line of nervousness is a buyer for Sweetzor, Pembroke & Cos., the dry goods men. The salesman who sells him a bill of goods must follow him as he paces the floor, or perha| s pursue him up stairs into the upper story departments of the house. If you meet on the street a printer or a composing room foreman from one of tho great newspapers you will imagine that you have at last found men who are not in such an eager rush as the rest of New Yorker--, but when onee they have returned to work every man of them goes about his labors with quick, energetic movements. This is especially true of workers on the afternoon papers, where time is measured by the sec onds, and where a delay of a minute or two in issuing an edition may mean the loss of the sale of thousands of copies. Mr. Morosini, Gould’s right hand man, is a large gentleman of formidable physique. He lives up the Hudson, nn hour’s journey from his office on Wall street. Early every morning he rides to the Grand Central de pot, at Forty-second street, and then walks with a quick, nervous tread from there to his office on Wall street, a distance of over two and a half miles. The old Dutchmen, who wore once in the majority in New York, wore men of slow movements, but their descendants are as restless as the New YQrkers of Yankee de scent, and the infection seems to have spread to the Dutchmen in the Fatherland across the sea. Jay Gould relates how he went, not long ago, to Amsterdam to negotiate a railroad deal. He supposed that tho Am sterdamers would smoke and deliberate over the matter a day or two. He called on the parties in interest, laid the ease lief ore them, and was surprised when they consummated the bargain in exactly ten minutes. The Vanderbilt boys, with the exception of the poetic George, are early risers, rapid walkers and nenjpus in their movements. Chauneey M. Depew rushes into his office like a hurricane early in the morning, and is constantly on the move until he goes home in tlie evening. Go into any of the resorts where prominent New Yorkers take their luncheons, and you will he at ouee im pressed with the fact of their nervous temperament. The brothers of Roliert Bon ner take their midday meal daily at the As tor House. The moment they drop into their seats a well-trained waiter reishes out te the carving table and orders their lunch eon, with the supplementary remark: “It is for the Messrs. Bonner, hurry it up!” Rob ert Bonner himself is a man of slow move ment as compared with other New York editors. Stick a pin in him, and ho would probably turn about, with the calmness pe culiar to the old school of New Yorkers, and ask what you meant. Try the same ex- Eeriment with James Gordon Bennett, and e would wheel about and offer te give you battle on the spot. Resort to the same arti fice with Joseph Pulitzer, und ho would spring up Vitli rage, turn, upon you and probably knock you out in a jiffy He is the most nervous of all New York journal ists. and- walks rapidly, with his broad shoulders thrown well back. Even Mark Twain, who onee had the reputation of being slow in action, has visited New York so often that ho has caught the Infection of nervousness, and he has almost abandoned literature for the more exciting pastime of speculation. He is reported to b*- now engaged in one of the most, gigantic financial enterprises of bis life. Henry Watierson comes to New York every summer to get n-st and entire relief from the cares of nis newspaper. He starts cut on his vacation with the instruction to liis editors that ho is not to be bothered with the details of his office, but after ho has been in New York about a fortnight his energy gets the bettei;of him, and he keeps a private wire from New York to tho Courier-Journal hot with specials for his paper. Mr. Arkell, publisher of the Judge, is a short, firmly built bundle of nerves, talks in quirk, jerky sentences, and has the faculty of conversing with energetic Mr. Gillmaii, his head artist, and a caller in the game breath. The host field for tho study of the pro verbial nervousness of New York is Broad way. Watch a stranger attempt to cross the thoroughfare, und you will see him hesi tate, wait u long time, and finally try to cross the crowded street with his accustomed deliberate gait. A New Yorker, ou the other hand, makes a dive into the surging S recession of vehicles, darts almost under le feet of an up-going team, dashes in front of a down-bound car, oseujics being run over by a hair’s breadth, anil is across the street in a jiffy. Observe the drivers of trucks and street ears on Broadway, and you will see that they are affected with the same restless spirit. Generally speaking, it is im possible te accelerate the tide of travel on crowded Broadway street, hut the truck drivers yell at drivers ahead of them, urge them te hurry'on, and curse in a manner that would fljl the heart' of a canal lioat man with envy. The street car drivers keep shrill whistle* ip their months, and blow them with a constant screetch of warning to drivers ahead of them to hurry up. AH this intenso nervousness seems to have affeoted the reflective literary men of the metropolis, and you will scarcely find one who is not spare in build and in movement. This was particularly notice able at the reception, some weeks ago, to Walt Whitman, at which about the only perfectly ctiinjiosed aud restful personage was Walt Whitman himself. Amos J. Cummings. 11. The absurdities of homo decoration are apparently limitless. I called the other day on an acquaintance, who is invariably a de voted follower of the latest fad in the art of making home grotesque, and found her in wrapt admiration of her latest acquisition. The maid opened the frontdoor slowly, anil stepped softly bock. Hhc was so mysterious that she imbued n:e with some of her own emotion, and I tip-toed into the hall after her. Ou the lowest step of the stairs sat the Indy of the house, with her round chin in her chubby hands, gazing in intense absorp tion at anew umbrella rack. It consisted | of two pieces of pipe of tho kind ordinarily 1 used for drains In the public streets. The : two lengths were set up side by side and ! joined by a series of silver bands. On each | drain pipe was a terracotta vine, and an I immaculate white lilv was painted near tho | top or the joint ends. They were of tho same dusty and dirty hue that characterized j them when taken out of the ground. In | fact, the dirt had not been thoroughly washed from them, except, where tho lillie* were painted. This was the latest thing in j umbrella racks. “It’s not my own idea,” the lady of the I house said, regretfully, ns I stared at the | extraordinary mixture of sewer pipes and j high art, “the idea comes from London, of course. I saw them in a dozen houses j there, and when I arrived on tho Aurania, two weeks ago, I sent a note to Commis ! sioner Hess, whom I know, and he had two i bits of old pipe sent to me from Broadway, wh ire thev are tearing up the pavement, so as to lay the Wires underground. They are deliciously old and disreputable specimens, and top anything I saw abroad. The effect of extreme ugc is the one to be most sought after, and newness is to be abhorred. I am going to Newport on Saturday. I’d go to morrow, only 1 have to wait until the car penters can make a black walnut case to hold the rack.” “Are you going to carry it to Newport with yon.” “Well, rather. It will be more of a sen sation than anything that has been shown there thus far this season. It ought to carry me through tho first week amid intense ex citement.” Tlie croze for queer and uncouth objects for decorating houses grows more rapid constantly. Not long ago I was in an apart ment decorated almost entirely by whips of every conceivable fashion and size down to modem cowboy lash. Tho effect was un usually interesting. A Rhllodelphia mill ionaire named Fales, who died some years ago, had devoted a great deal of his time to oollcctiiv canes. They were from all quar ters of the globe, nnd ranged from the spike sticks of the .South Rea Islanders to the Lon don “crutch and toothpick” canes, which were popular in London at that time. Nearly ail of them weresold at auction in New York. I never heard what became of the collection until about a month ago, when I saw nearly 400 of them ranged around the walls of a library in a big house in Seventy-second street. They stood up right on the floor, held by a rack, and they formed an admirable substitute for wain scotting. Tho history of every cane was fastened on the wall above the handle of the stick to which it refereed. I know of a Japanoso room in which sev eral panels of the wall are formed of Japa nese tapestries, ivith portraits of various members of the family worked in. The head oV Vie house is distinguished by eye glasses aud a pair of enormous whiskers. His portrait is the most prominent one in tho room. All but tho face is Japanese, and no one can have any idea of the absurd effect of a Japanose mandarin with side whiskers and eye-glasses until they see this work of art. It is by all odds the most wonderful thing I ever saw, yet the family look upon it frith abject reverence. The extreme in decorative art is becoming humorous. Blakely Hall. COLUMBUS CHAPTERS. A Black Burglar Lodged in Jail After an Exciting Chase. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 27.—Henry Red ding, a negro who has committed numerous burglaries here, was spotted to-night by Bailiff Owen, who attempted to arrest him. The negro ran down Broad street, followed by n large crowd of citizens. He was finally captured by I’hil Hartman, but not before considerable excitement hnd lieen caused by the chase. The prisoner was safely lodged in jail. The trial of Martin Culpepper, the white man who is charged with wife-murder, which has been in progress at Marvyn, Ala., was adjourned to-day till next Tuesday for the purpose of exhuming the body of the dead woman, when an examination will be made. A white man named George Rogers stole a horse in Taylor county, and was arrested in Muscogee. He was tried today at Hat let-, convicted and sentenced to four years in the penitentiary. The new Jewish Synagogue has been fin ished and the dedication services will take place next Friday. A largo number of invi tations have Ix4*ll issued and several visiting Rabbis will be present. ON SARATOGA’S TRACK. The Weather Good and a Big Crowd Out to See the Flyers. Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. 27.—The weather was good and the attendance at the races very largo to-day. The events were as follows: First Rack Three quarters of a mile. Ca pulin non. with Pendennis second and Tidal Wave third. Time 1:1714. Second Rack One mile and a furlong. Burch won. with Littroll second and Frank sVard third. Time 1:5814- Tn: nn Rack-One and three-ouarter miles. V.lkwood won. with Royal Arch second and Brown Puke third. Time 3:08(4. Fourth Hack—Mile. Irish Pat won, with Ohirkahominy second and Sour Mash third, ’rime 1:47. Firm Race Mile nnd a furlong: heats; over five hurdles. In the first heat Wheatly won, with Justin Mock second and Percy third. Time 2:09. The second heat was also won by Wheatly. givine him the race. Justin Mack was second and Meadow Queen third. Time 2:10. AT MONMOUTH PARK. New York. Aug. 27. — Following is a summary of to-day’s races hare: First Rack -One mile. Eolian won. withPre ciosa second and Bess third. Time 1:4.5. SKcovn Rack -Three quarters of n mile. Maxim filly won, with Paragon second and Lo cust third. Time 1:17. Thtro Race Ore mile. Esquimaux won, with SMiyvesaut second nnd Belvidere third. Time 1:45. Fourth Rack—Mile nnd a quarter. Ecru won. with Long Knight second and Phil Lee third. Time 2:13(4. Firm Race -.Mile and n half. Rupert won, with Kaloolah secoud and Housatonio third. Time 2:4134. Sixth Race—Seven furlongs. Tipsey won, with Queen ol' Hearts second mid Editor third. Time 1:31 Seventh Rack -Three-quarters of a mile. Cyclops won, with Fiivor second and Bruit third. Time 1:1814- MAUD S. AS GOOD AS EVER. She Does a Mile to Wagon on a Short Track in 3:13 1-4. Tarrytown, N. Y., Aug. 27.—Robert Bonnet- drove Maud 8. this afternoon on a three-quarter mile track on his farm, tlie fastest, mile that has ever been made to wagon. The first half was made in 1:08'4, nnd the last in 1 ri)4 n *. making the piile in 2: IG’a. Mr. Dourer urged the mare only on tho last half. Mr. Bonner weighs thirty pounds over tlie regulation weight. Ho says the world has never seen "Maud S.’s” equal, nnd that she is a better more to-day than she ever was. STRIKERS ARRESTED. A Brockton Shoe Manufacturer Will Make a Test Case. P.rockton, Mass., Aug. 27.— Joseph Mc 1-auglilin and Patrick O’Brien, two of the striking employes of the Douglass Shoe Factory, were arrested to-day at tho insti i gation of Mr. Douglass who charged them I with conspiracy to injure Ills business. Tho | strike was inaugurated two weeks | ago, and since then the prisoners | have been loitering about the factory | trying to dissuade new hands from apply j iug lor work. Mr. Douglass proposes to | push the matter and make a test ease of it. The prisoners were bailed to-uight in $5OO, 1 to appear in court Momlay morning. At the Harnett House, Savannah, Ga., you got nil the comforts of the high-priced ho els, and save from $1 to $2 per day. Try it and be convinced.— Button Home Jour■ THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 1887. A RIOT AT DECATUR. The Marshal and a Negro Dead, and Many Others Wounded. Atlanta. Ga., Aug. 27.—1n a bloody riot at Decatur, six miles below here, this afternoon, two men were killed and one seriously hurt. The negroes of DelCalb county had met in the Tabernacle in Deca tur, the county site, to have a Sunday school celebration. Fully 5,000 negroes were in town; many of them were drinking and boisterous. Late in the afternoon, John Hubbard, a big yellow negro, while drunk, drew a pistol, and brandished it over his head as he walked about the taber nacle. The people were alarmed and re quested the Marshal, Tobe Hurst, to arrest Hubbard. Marshal Hurst, assisted by Tom Chivers, ex-Marshal of Decatur, arrested the negro, and disarmed him, when a crowd of negroes rushed upon the officers aud took the man away from them. THE RIOT. A warrant was then taken out for Hub bard, and Marshal Hurst. Mr. Chivers and Sheriff Austin proceeded to rean est Hub hard, when a number of negroes drew pis tols and a riot ensued. A negro named Jake Pritchard ran up behind Marshal Hurst and shot him in the left side, killing him instantly, and about the same time Tom Chivers, his deputy, was danger ously wounded by a bullet in the breast. One negro fired three shots at Sheriff Austin at short range, but missed him. The Sheriff shot at him six times in rapid succession, and he was afterward found dead in the woods. Pritch ard, the murderer of Marshal Hurst, got away. POLICE OO TO TIIE SCENE. Chief of Police Connolly, of city, ac companied by three good officers, went to Decatur to aid the Sheriff and posse in find ing Pritchard. At midnight news reaches this city that they have located the negro in a house on Phelan’s farm, near Decatur, and tho impression is that he will be hanged before morning. The riot created tho wild est excitement at Decatur, and to-night the citizens, armed with shotguns, are patrolling the town. Two of the rioters, Jack Goldsmith and Bob Hey wood, have been caught and jailed at Decatur. The jail is closely guarded. Several Firms Burned Out. Montreal, Aug. 27. —Fire destroyed the Herald building last night. It was occupied by the St. Leon Water Company, George Hart, a coal merchant, the business and grin ting offices of the Montreal Herald, J. tewart & Cos., auctioneers, and the Mon treal Steam Laundry Company. The loss is $125,000. The property is insured. Sharp’s Condition Unchanged. New York, Aug, 27. —There was no change in the condition of Jacob Sharp this morning. Ho was quite restless last night. He-still seems to be quite indifferent as to Judge Potter’s decision in his favor and to Gov. Hill’s action in calling for immediate argument of tho stay of proceedings. DIED IN HIS CHAIR. Death of tho Man Who Witnessed Thrilling Scenes at Harper's Ferry. At Macon, Ga., Friday, Hiram Herring ton, a machinist, was found dead in a chair in his shop on Second street. Mr. Herrington was in many respects a wonderful man. He was horn in Spring field, Mass., and was aged 69 years. When 5 years of age his father moved to Harper’s Ferry, in Virginia, in a wagon. When 12 yeain of age he was an orphan. Thrown upon his own resources, he made a lathe, and then commenced his life as a machinist. To-day the firing-pin used in all breech loading guns is his invention. When old enough he was master machinist and draughtsman of the United States Armory at Harper’s Ferry under Col. Lucas, then Superintendent of the armory. In 1859 lie passed through, aqd was a wit nees to the thrilling scenes of the great in surrection of John Brown. w hen in October of that year Brown captured the armory, Mr. Herrington was one of the few officers who were not made prisoners anil held as hostages. His spn. Hubbard, now living in Macon, was a member of the Floyd Rifles of that place, and was one of those who did guard duty during those stir ring times. When Brown was captured, and in the December following was duly executed, Mr. Herrington would not attend the execution. Whoa the war began Mr. Herrington left the United States service and entered that of the Confederate government. In 1861 he was assigned by the latter government to Richmond, and at the same time received a tempting offer to go to Spain to take charge of an armory, but he loved the South and refused it. 'The Secretary of War assigned him to Fayetteville, N. C., when he established the armory there, and in 1863 he was transferred to Macon when he became master machinist and draughts man of the armory, which was located on Cotton avenue, near Orange street. When the government built the now brick armo ry, he began the work of moving into it and making the pistol-making machinery for it when the war ended. Since Hint time he lias resided in Macon, and,never loft tho city, with tho exception of one winter he spent iu Baltimore. A Kidnapped Boy Recovered. On Feb. 19 last, in the morning, Willie Holley, aged 10 years, left his home in Beltewood, near Atlanta, (la., to visit rela tives in Buckhead district, Fulton county. While walking along a lonely country road ho was accosted by a man named Joe Mat thews, who suddenly turned a curve in the road in a wagon. The man talked to the boy a few minutes and ther asked him to get in his wagon. The boy ijeelined and moved on, when the man took after him. The boy ran for dear life, but was overtaken, placed in the wagon despite his screams and strug gles, and driven rapidly in tlie direction of Roswell Junction. Near that place lives a farmer named Marion Donahoo, and to his pa io Wiilij Holley wasjt ikon. He has be< n kept on this farm ever since last February. Ills mother, Mrs. E. H. Holly went alp lost wild with grief when she realized that her boy was lost. Hho sought him at her rela tive's in Buckhead, but he could not lie found. She knew nothing of his wheiv alxmts. The disappearance of the child was , eported to the police headquarters and the force have been on the lookout for tho lad ever since his mysterious taking off. A few days ago the mother 1 aimed, for the first time, that her son v. is ou the farm of Marion Donahoo, and she at once notified Chief Connolly, who appriztxl the marshal of Roswell Junction of tnat iact, and asked him to recover the boy. Thursday Mrs. Holley wont up to the junction The Marshal summoned 200 citi zens, who rode out to Marital Douahoo’s farm, headed by the Marshal. They got the l*o_v and returned him to his mother at the junction. No more |iathotic scene has ever Is on witnessed than that which took plare, when the long lost son was restored to the anus of his fond mother. She was almost overcome with joy as she pressed him to her bosom. The kidnapers will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Was It Walker? Some of the ueonlc living in the district where the Woolfo k trailegy occurred are of the opinion that Mr. Frank Walker, Torn Woolf oik’s attorney, has visited the scene in disguise. Thoj' say that a few days ago a man a Unit 30 years of age was seen in the neighborhood with a bucket of paint and a brush, and wa engaged in repainting fur niture. especially among the negroes. He seemed to tie a tyro at the business, and was exceedingly anxious to learn all about Tom and the murder. Ho left there as mysteri ously as he came. “Mr. Snaooh, what is a stag party?” asked Mrs. Bnaggx of her husband. “l’aradoxlral a* It may seem.” replied Snags:*. "• stag party is one to which lb* dear* are not admitted.” I'ittsbnrq <'hrouicle- ’ T 'eLc\ ran y. MRS. CLEVELAND MOBBED. An Exhibition of Vulgar (furiosity Al most Beyond Belief. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, who was a passenger on the sound steamer Pilgrim at the same time with Mrs. Cleve land, describes as follows some of the scenes he witnessed: 1 had seen Mrs. Cleveland and had no par ticular desire to see her again, although I will admit she is well worth seeing. But as to venturing into that mass of perspiring and panting humanity, I would not have risked it in order to catch a glimpse of Venus herself. And I had seriously begun to think of beating a retreat to some other part of the boat when I found to my amaze ment that retreat was cut oil. Back of me, the passage ways into the cabin or rather the gallery of the cabin through which it was necessary to pass in order to get down to the main saloon, was one mass of people all coming my way. On they come, the typical tour ist on his travels, followed by his ivomen kind. If the father of family, with his hat over his eyes, a bag in his hand, his linen duster creased with the day’s travel, was anxious to get to his cabin and have a wash lie fore attacking Mrs. Cleveland, the daughters or the wife would not allow it; the waiter had told them that Mrs. Cleve land was on board, and Mrs. Cleveland must be inspected if they got ne t a mouth ful to eat or a wink of sleep that night. Tlie scene became really comic. I sat hemmed in, the incoming tide almost roll ing over me, and now anil then I really had to stand up in. order to lot peoplo know that I was there and not to be trampled on. Would any one believe that no less than five women actually went up to the state room door and pushed it open with .the in tention of getting a look at Mrs. Cleveland, and then went gigglingly and exultiilgly back to their friends with the accouut of their exploit? Two attacking parties were made up right in my neighborhood, and I was forced to overhear both the preparations and the results. “I shoved the door and I says: ‘Excuse mp, is this Mrs. Brown’s stateroom?’ aud then I backed out as quick as possible, for I had a real good look at her. Hue is as pretty as a picture.” This came from a sharp faced Yankee woman, who had resolved to do or die. At the fifth attack the lattice door was closed and locked. The next at tacking party discovered this, and then it was rumored that Mi s. Cleveland had gone to dinner. It showed great strategic skill upon Gen. Greelv’s part that he actually got his wife aucf Mrs, Cleveland down to the dining-room before the hungry crowd on the upper deck had discovered tlie move. There is an inside door to the large staterooms on the Pilgrim connected with the saloon and the Greely party had gone down without coming out on deck. The news that there had been a flank movement spread like wildfire, and the rush for that cunirig-rOom was something to be remem bered. In “Martin Chuzzle.wit” Dickens describes the effect of the dinnor bell upon the American hoarder. Dickens ought to have seen the Pilgrim’s passengers go to the dining-room in Mrs. Cleveland’s wake. They couldn’t rush because of the throng, but they pushed with all their might, and within five minutes after the news had spread that Mrs. Cleveland was at her soup there were 500 people clamoring for admis sion to the dining-room. Waiters were stationed at tlje gangway to see that peoplo did not go down faster than there was room for them, and they had a hard time of it that night, General Greely and his party were placed at the other end of the dining-room. The crowd, by pushing hard, managed to push a few or the leaders into the door of the dining room, so that those leaders could see Mrs. Cleveland in the distance and pass back a desreiption of what was going on. Each stage of the dinner was thus de scribed in detail, and the informa tion was passed along for the delectation of the 500 who could see nothing. Mrs. Cleveland must have eaten a very good dinner that night, for when I thought that the whole excitement must have died away, and went down at 8:30 to get some dinner, the throng was still there waiting. Hundreds had distributed themselves on the neighboring lounges, leaving instructions with the negro waiters to call them when Mrs. Cleveland appeared, and it is to the credit of the waiters that they did nothing of the kind, but allowed the distinguished party to get up the gangway and escape be fore the devoted 500 knew what had hap pened. CENTRAL DID NOT BUY. Grovesteen & Pell Attempt to Force Its Hand and Fall Disastrously. The New York Times in its Wall street gossip has the following: Friends of Groves teen & Pell, meautime, talk of conspiracies, which they aver were directed against the broken firm. The bear speculators, they say, gunned for them, and, taking adven ts ge of a temporal’)' weakness, pressed them to the wall in a common highway-robber fahion. Against this idea, however, is to be placed the fact that it has been an open secret in railway circles for some time that the rail road enterprises of the firm were threaten ing serious embarrassments in more than one direction. The 1 b one and Decatur road it. is that has chiefly caused the downfall of Grovesteen & Pell. This road was projected on the theory that the rich Georgia Central system would be obliged to take it in. And the idea was a good one; if they who were responsible for it had been able to bold out to the end it doubtless would have won. It makes a natural line for the Geor gia Central, and managed as that company could manage it there would be profits in its operation. And the disaster of to-day possibly is but a surer stop toward the con summation of the original purpose, only that doesn’t pay the New Yorkers as once it promised to. It isn’t only New York genius, though, that gets a hit by this sudden collapse. At least one distinguished Southron surveys a fine crop of blasted hope.-:. John C. Cal houn who is a grandson, was deeply inter ested in the success of the Grovesteen & Pell projects. No, he didn’t have any cash in vested. But he was to boa big gainer when the enterprises were safely floated. For ne gotiating services betweou the Rome and 1 locatin' and the Georgia Central, he was to have $5,000 in money, and one third of the company’s capital stock. And, alas! that contract is off. Somebody asked one of the firm of Grove steen & Poll sometime ago what he thought of the South in its new era of development and enterprise, aud what were the particu lar features of the country through which his firm’s Southern railroad ran. The an swer was a confession that he had not even lieen over the route and knew personally little or nothing nliout it. There is a pre mium put on failures sometimes. Contractors are all right in their way, no doubt, but left all to themselves they are not exactly an economical investment to railroad build ers. The money which Grovesteen & Pell have lately been obliged to riliso in 'Vail street was to meet the demands of a Geor gia railroad builder, who claimed $250,000 due on his contracts. If Mr. Calhoun had but brought his Georgia Central friends to terms promptly, there would have been plenty of money to pay all such bills off hand. and make the Calhoun household al together happy in the bargain. But as it is ’tis otherwise. Victory at Last. Consumption, the greatest curse of the age, the destroyer of thousands of our brightest nn 1 best, is conquered. It is uo longer imurable. Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Discovery” is a certain remedy for tiis terrible disease if taken in time. All scrofulous diseases—consumption is a scrofulous affection of the lungs—cam be cured by it. Its efforts in diseases of the throat and iungs are littlo less than miracu lous. All druggists have it. A riyiATiNo rxm uition of Spanish products w ill soon leave Valencia for South America, and will visit all the principal South American sea ports The object is to open new markets for Hnanish (roods. JACK MYRICK I.YNCHED, His Old Mother Witnesses The Execu tion. Frrn the Marianna ( Fla .) Enquirer. On Monday morning last, directly after breakfast, the report was circulated on the streets that Jack Myrio.k (colored), the in human fiend who had committed the dia bolical outrage upon the person of Mrs. of which we gave the particulars last week, had been captured. \V e immedi ately went in search of the information, as reported, and learned he had been captured near Haywood’s Landing, in this county, at the house of Gus Hays (colored, > who entertained him until he sent a messenger to Henry Koontz, (colored.) who arrived early on Saturday morning and took him iu charge, he mak ing no resistance. The prisoner was under the impression that he would lie taken to Greenwood and put in the hands of Sheriff Scott and lodged in the county jail at Mari anna. He soon learned his error, and was carried by a party of men into Alabama, near where the offense was committed. It is reported this is the third offense of which he is charged, but which, upon being asked, he denied, we are informed. He was held by the guard who had charge of him until Monday. During the timo re ports went out that he was to be publicly hanged in the State of Alabama at 12 o'clock m., and everybody in the neighborhood, white and black, expected to be present Ip witness it, and a3 an example to others of the enormity of the crime, which he repeatedly acknowledged and was wil ling to be hanged, but not burn ed or shot. After reflecting, the guard be came intimidated by the expressions of cooler and older heads, and the constable was sent for, and thp prisoner put in his charge. The constable summoned a posse of eight armed men to guard him and placed him in the giii-house of Dr. J. W. Granger, until arrangements could lie per fected to carry him to Henry county, Ala bama, jail. A party of infuriated men determined to avenge the crime he had committed, walked to the door of the ginhouse, iu the face of ■the guard apd defied them—taking Jack Myrick by a chain secured around his neck, arid led him down the road in the direction of the State line about fifty yards and across the line, in Alabama, near the public high way, about 10:15 o’clock, selected a tree with an appropriate limb, and in the pres ence of a multitude of people, procured a horse, which he was ordered to mount, and placing the noose around his neck, and securing the other end to a limb, the horse was led out from under him, and the soul of Jack Myrick was launched into eternity. Ho had been hanging but a few miputes, and before life was extinct, a volley of bul lets from guns and pistols was emptied into his swinging form by a party of bystand ers. His aged mother was present and said to him white near the tree: “I tried to learn you and raise you as you should have been, but from your disobedience and disloyalty, you have brought this upon yourself.” When we arrived the crowd had begun to disperse, but from inquiry we learned the prisoner was willing, as he knew he had to die for the acknowledged crime he had com mitted, to be hanged, and preferred this death to shooting or burning. He assisted, it was said, in adjusting the rope, and stood upon the horse until it was tied to the limb As is the case, usually, he “was going straight to heaven,” and said that he wanted to be hung then rather than risk being shot on the road in going to jail. He was about six feet tall, 23 years of age, poorly clad, and pAsented a most ghastly spectacle. HER LITTLE NOTE. Here is her dainty little note— The writing clear and line. Upon each word I fairly dote. And often with a thrill I quote, The ending—“ Ever thine.” Her notes were like those of a bird; Each sentence seemed divine! But wit h what joy my pulses stirred When I had read the closing word And came to "Ever thine.” With what a fond and tender touch She would these words combine! Most surely there were never such Sweet words combined which meant so much As these two—" Ever thine.” And sometimes when she wrote these two, The first she'd underline, To make me sure that she'd be true; And well I know she meant it too, When she signed “Ever thine;” For when in after years I prayed This maiden to be mine, Within my own her hand she laid— And oh, what joy those words conveyed? She said: “I’m ever thine!” Van Dyke Scribbler. Excessive Hot Weather makes Colgate & Co.'s toilet waters a necessity. A few drops render a bath doubly refreshing. CLOTHING. CAUTION! Unscrupulous dealers in woolen fabrics, seeking to take advantage of the Ef nr-licmasii Popularity OF OUR SANITARY Wei Underwear, VRE putting upon tho market spurious articles, manufactured iu imitation of Dr. JAEGER'S Goods and Brand. All persons are. therefore, warned against purchasing any of these jjoods unless stamped with our TRADE MARK as exhibited on every garment manu factured by us, with Dr. Jaeger's Photograph and fae simile Signature. A complete line of our goods can always be had of our Agents. A. Falk & Son, SOLI; AG-KNTB FOR DR JAEGER S SANITARY WOOLEN CO. SPECIAL NOTICES. a. iiiniii, jig, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Has removed his offices to the Northeast Cor ner of Drayton and Bryan Street*, Upstairs, NOTICE, All those indebted to the Evening Call will take notice that MR. O'KEEFFE is the oply au thorised agent to collect and sign receipt*. THE DIRECTORS. PARI* GREEN. LONDON PURPLE, PATENT WATER CANS, AND— FOUNTAIN PUMPS For applying same. A cheap and sun l method of destroying cot ton worms. Send orders or curres|>ond with WILLIAM M. BIRD * CO., UUb East ltoy. Charleston 8. C. DR. IIEARY • OMJMi DENTIST, Office corner .tones and Dravi • • --f, MARRIAGES. MERRIHEW-TAYLOR.-Married, at St. Philip’s church, Atlanta, Aug. 25, 1887, by the Rev George Macauley, James P. Merriheiv to Hettsk A., daughter of Mrs. u. L. Taylor, all of Savannah. 1 I NEPAL INVITATIONS. BROWN.—The friends and acquaintance of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown, of Mrs. Clare Brown and Sir. James Norwood are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral of the former, on Hall street, four doors from sVest Broad, MON DAY AFTERNOON at 4 o'clock. IN MEMORIAM. JONES.—On the 7th of August there breathed out in this his beloved city one of the purest, noblest, gentlest, yet manliest, natures that it is men’s rare privilege ever to come in contact with. M. Gardner Jones was uot especially distinguished among his fellow men. it is true, hut while others of those who were his contem poraries might have been, and still are, may be, shining and brilliant lights in the world, his was no less steady, and clear, and true a light, and perhaps, for aught that human heart can know-, or human heart can tell, even more marked by Him who is the great Source and the good Giver of all light. He was a man free from show. Unostenta tious and of exquisite courtesy, he alike im pressed his friends and those who knew him as the gentleman, real and rare, as well as the straightforward and manly man, for manli ness with him was not of the sort that prides it self on being brusque and supercilious. He knew how to Ire firm aud positive in his own opinions, and yet exhibit the finest regard for the feelings as well as the honest convictions of others. And his face would he illumined and Ills whole na ture thrill with sympathy tvt any declaration of noble or lofty sentiment from others, while the shadow of great horror would visibly pass over him at any, the slightest, intimation ortbought, or word, or deed of wrong. A pure soul! Men may be praised for their various qualities of character that have made them great as the world counts greatness—for their valor, their wisdom, their wit or their wealth. But is it not in many instances true that such praise is as unmerited as it is so lavishly accorded? How natural to forget, in our admiration of those who by hard labor have risen from poverty to wealth, that it has otten been at the sacrifice of all the holier impulses of the soul and try the constant hardening of their hearts against every faintest inclination towards generosity or open handedness, and by-being dead to all else save self! These are not the men that bless the world. And these are not the ones to whom praise most is due. It is to the comparatively poor of this earth who are ever extending the hell ling lymd to others, and who. when "silver and gold they have none," know how- to give that which is worth more than whole mints of money—sympathy. And such a character was M. Gardner Jones! His tenderness of heart was as genuine as his nature was devoid of selfishness. He could feel with one. and sneak ringing, cheery words when occasion demanded; and men always felt they could confide their innermost soul secrets to his keeping with perfect safety. Like the chevalier Bayard he was sans reproche. It is impossible to miss, much less lose, his in fluence. It ceased not at his departure from earth, but, rather like the pebble which, cast into the lake, causes the ever receding waves to widen and widen still further, till the uttermost shores are reached, even so it goes on continu ing to bless those who were privileged to come in contact with him The world needs, in these harsh times when there is such unnatural, swift wear and tear in business life—the world needs, we say, men like this man to soften and restrain and ease the grating friction of its jar ring machinery, and to keep it cool, and prevent the social atmosphere from wholly becoming anything else than sweet and fresh and pure. And therefore it is that we give thanks for his young life. He was only 35 when he died. His last year or two on earth were marked by a pain ful disease (consumption), which, while it wrecked w hat was at no time a powerful, or even ordinarily strong, constitution, failed to affect either the composure and resignation which he show-ed ns a Christian or the fortitude which he exhibited as a mail. He never boasted of his individual creed nor paraded his religious faith. Innate modesty and humble self depreciation deterred hunfrom expressing himself freely as to these the most sacred themes of the human heart, but his rev erence for. aud trust in, his Maker were as pro found as they were beautiful to behold, and if we may follow the rule of the blessed Lord, "by their fruits ye shall know them,” his sorrowing relatives And friends can confidently look up to the "skies that be above the skies” in the sure hope that he is "not now a stranger and a for eigner, but a fellow-citizen with the saints and of the household of God." “Were a star quenched on high, For ages would its light, Stil! traveling downward from the sky, Shine on our mortal sight. So when a good man dies For years beyond our ken. The light lie leaves behind him lies Upon the path of men." A Friend. SPECIAL NOTICES. LOOKING FOR THE WAGON! Some people in the United States think they understanu the printing business because they have out a “shingle.” They think the brains, push, tact and working capacity necessary can be bought out of a huckster’s wagon. They get left. They stop improving, start to rust and say the business is going to the dogs. They forget that the live business man will always encour age a worker, and it is because TOWNSEND is a worker that he has met witli such success. He is not a clam. He has a “complete” outfit, and nobody can do a better piece of work. He is not limited to hours, and is on deck all the time. TOWNSEND, Fine Printer and Binder, 86 and 88 Bryan street, Savannah, Ga. “TELEPHONE 341.” FOR RENT OR LEASE. That three-story store with dry, airy cellar, corner Bull, Congress and St. Julian streets. Possession when desired. Also, from Oct. Ist, 11-rtom brick house, with stable and servants’ quarters. No. 36 State street. J. C. ROWLAND, 96 Bay street. MISS E. 31. JOHNSTON Will open her school MONDAY, Oct. 3d, on Taylor street, bet ween Drayton and Abercom. NOTICE. Neither the Captain nor consignees of the British bark “Ixia,” whereof Churnsbide is Mas ter, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. A. MINIS ,fc SONS, Consignees. NOTICE. Office Brush Electric Light ash I’owf.r Cos., ) Savannah, (4a., Aug. 21.1887. f All the outstanding bonds of the Brush Elec tric Light aud Power Company i being Nos. 1 2 3, I. 5, 6. 7. U, HI. 11, 12. 13, 14. 1.5, 16, 17. 30, 31,31 98, 24, 25, 27. 2*. 39. 30.31. 33, 31. of s.',m each, and Nos. 1,2, 3, 4. 5. 6. 8, 9. 11, 13 11. 15, 16, 17, 18, 20. 21, 22, 23, 24. 25, 26. 27, 28. 36. 38. 39, 40, 41. 42. of $100), will be paid, wits accrued interest, to September l, IKB7, upon presentation at the office of the Company's Rooms, 8 and 9 Odd Fellows building, Barnard street. After said date interest on said bonds will cease. By order of the Board of Directors SAM. S. GUC'KENHEIMER. Secretary Brush Elect r • Ligh: and Power Cos. NOTICE. Cotton shippers aud warehousemen: SVo will continue the manufacture of Colton Ink and re spectfully solicit your patronage. Yours, "always on hand,” SMITH & BERRY, Stencil and Rubber Stamp Manufacturers. Savannah, Ga. TO THE PATRONS OF THE HI UGLAR ALARM COMPANY. Having lieen informed that, certain unauthor ized parties lime visii.-d some of our patrons, represesltina themselves as i Miplotjn of this company, 1 would hereby inform all if otir pat rons, that the officer* of th is roiti puny are re quired to wear the official badge of the corn pony, and no others are authorised by us to enter your premises or tamper w ith our wires or alarm boxes, uuder any circunistnnot s. CHARLLS WHITE, Sup t. Savannah, Aug 25. 1887 noth :: I will be unavoidably absent from the city until the first of Octolier, Consignments of Rice, intended for me, may he mode to MESSRS. W. W. U< BOON & CO„ who have kindly consented to attend to busi ness for me during my absence FRED A HABERSHAM, Bits Be-’ or. INSURANCE. A Great Financial Institution. TheNew York Life Insurance Cos. Record for 42 Years, 1845-1886 The new yoke life insurance com pany began business in 1845 on the purely mutual plan, bavins: neither capital stock nor stockholders from the beginning. Received from Policy-holders in Premiums, in 42 years, 1845-1886 $159,525,918 92 Paul to Policy-hold ers and their rep resentatives, 1840-1880 1880 $96,714,644 63 Assets held as se curity for Policy holders, January 1, 1887 75,421,453 93 Total Amount paid Policy-holders, aud now held as secu rity for their con tracts $172,136,098 04 Amount paid and held exceeds amount received $ 12,610,170 13 Received from Inter est, Rents, etc., in 42 years, 1845-1886. $40,251,099 33 Death Losses paid in 42 years, 1845-1880 . 86,678,744 66 Interest and Rents exceeded Death Losses paid $ 3,572.354 66 Dividends paid in 42 years. 1845-1886... $30,294,550 63 Legal Surplus over Liabilities, under State Law, Jan. 1, 1887 15,549,319 53 Amount saved Policy holders from table rates $45,843,870 15 AN IDEAL LIFE INSURANCE CONTRACT. The New York Life Insurance Company, 346 and 348 Broadway, New York, with cash assets of over seventy-five million dollars, has lately perfected a Non-Forfeitable Five-Year Dividend Policy, which provides for— First. A surrender value in paid-up insurance at any time after three years. Second. A surrender value in cash at the end of any five-year period after issue. Third. An accumulated dividend in cash, paid-up insurance, or annuity, at the end of each five-year period. Fourth. Freedom of action with respect to occupation, residence and travel. Fifth. Death Claims under these policies are payable immediately upon the receipt, and ap proval by the Com; any, of the required proofs of death, and with every Death Claim is paid a Mortuary Dividend equal to fifty per cent, of all premiums paid during the five-year period in which death oceurs. R. H. PLANT, General Agent Ga., Fla. and Tenn., Macon, Ga. A. T. CHAPMAN, Asst. Supt. of Agencies Ga., Fla. and Tenn. J. F. BROOKS. Local Agent, 135 and 137 Bay street. HOTELS. NEW HOTEL TOGNI,' (Forpterly St. Mark’s.) Newnan Street, near Bay, Jacksonville, Fla. WINTER AND SUMMER. THE MOST central House In the city. Near Post Office, Street Cars and all Ferries. New and Elegant Furniture. Electric Bells, Baths, Etc. $2 50 to $3 per day. JOHN If. TOGNI. Proprietor. MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAH, - - GA. O' 1 EO. D. HODGES. Proprietor. Formerly of I the Metropolitan Hotel, New York, and the Grand Union. Saratoga Springs. Location cen tral. All parts of the city and places of inter est accessible by street cars constantly passing the doors. Special inducements to those visit ing the city for ousmess or pleasure. DTJB’S SCREVEN HOUSE. ''PHIS POPULAR Hotel Is now provided with Ia Passenger Elevator (the only one in the city) and has been remodeled and newly fur nished. The proprietor, who by recent purchase is also the owner of the establishment, spares neither pains nor expense in the entertainment of his guests. The patronage of Florida visit ors is earnestly invited. The table of the Screven House is supplied with every luxury that the markets at home or abroad can afford. SUMMER RESORTS. Ocean House TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA. CEA BATHING unsurpassed on the Atlantic O coast. Comfortable rooms, neatly fur nished. Fare the best the market affords. Bathing suits supplied. Terms moderate. GEO. D. HODGES, Proprietor. THE BRISTOL, A SELECT FAMILY HOUSE, 15 EAST 11TH ST., NEAR STH AVE., N. Y. Well furnished, superior table. Ia lies traveling alone or with children receive careful attentiou. PRICES AS REASONABLE AS A BOARDING HOUSE. TYBEE RAILROAD, SAVANNAH AND TYBEE RAILWAY? Standard. Time. COMMENCING SATURDAY, July 16,1887, the \J following schedule will be in effect: No. 3. No. 1. No. 5. No. 7.* Lv. Savan nah 10:30 am 3:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:50 pm Ar.Tybee.ll:4s ain 4:lspm 7:oopm 11:05 pm No. 2. No. 4. No. 6. No. B.* Lv.Tybee. 7:ooam 4:ospm 9:lspra 8:00pm Ar. Savan nah B:lsam s:2opm 10:25 pm 9:lopm •Trains 7 and 8 Sundays only. All trains leave Savannah from Savannah and Tyliee ileiKit, in S., F. and W. yard, east of |>as senger depot, leave Tybee from Ocean llou^e. Band plays at Tybee Tuesduys, l hursdays u*x4 Saturdays,leaving Savannah on the 3 v. M. tram, leaving Tybee on last train. Tickets on sale at depot ticket office, and at Fernandez's Cigar Store, corner Bull and Broughton streets. C. O. HAINES, Supt. Savannah, July 15, 1887. CORNICES. CHAS. A. COX, 46 BARNARD ST., SAVANNAH, GA., —MAJTUFACTt’RER OF— GALVANIZED IRON COIiMCES AND TIN HOOFING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. The only bouse using machinery in doing work. Estimates for city or country work promptly furnished. Agent for the celebrated Swedish Metallic Paint. Agent for Walter’s Patent Tin Shingles. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Don't Do It! Don't Do Vkatf IUHV don't walk our tony streets with thai t nice dress or stilt of clothes on with Steiui or Grease Spots in, to which tlte Savannah dint sticks "closer than a brother,” when Japanese Cleansing Cream will take thorn out clean an a now pin. 2&e. i bottle. Made only by J. R. HALTIW ANGER, At his Drug Store*. Broughton and Drayton Wb.i-iker ji: J Wavuu street*