The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 31, 1887, Image 1

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( ESTABLISHED ISAO. ) I J. H. EBTILL, Editor and Proprietor, f 4 HARD FIGHT TO EYICT. BAILIFFS AND POLICE MET WITH STONES AND HOT WATER. Five Men and Four Women Barrioade Themselves In a House for the Fray —A Crowd of Howling Sympathizers Surging About the Police on the Out side. Dublin. Aug. 80.—The evictions on the O’Grady estate at Herberlstown began to day. Tbo bailiffs were re-enforced by 100 soldiers and 300 policemen. All the houses occupied by tenants were barricaded and guarded for the defense. The house of Mrs. Crimmins, a widow, was the ilrst advanced upon by the bailiffs. The widow and her friends were well armed with paving stones ind boiling water, mid both were showered upon the bailiffs with such tolling effect that they were repulsed no less than four times. Tho Sheriff's men in their attacks attempted to crowbar their way through the walls and roof, and Mrs. Crimmins had the scalding eater poured over their heads, faces and necks. After the fourth repulse of the bailiffs, police attempted to storm the house. They also were driven back. Finally, a joint rush was made by tho bailiffs and police, and tbe house was broken into ami captured. It was found that the defenders numbered but live men and four women. All were taken prisoners. A large crowd had collected about Vie bouse to witness tho contest. Tho crowd all sympathized with Mrs. Crimmins, and did all in their power to cheer her up m her battle and to annoy and exasperate the officers. When the widow's party were at last overpowered the crowd became frantic aud pressed closely up toward the house. The prisoners, when they were led out, sang ‘•God Save Ireland.” The crowd joined in the singing and became So demonstrative that the police had to club their way out with their batons. Numerous tenant farmers in the county Limerick have instructed their solicitors to apply for a revision of rents under the new land act. A MEETING OF THE LEAGUE. William O’Brien, editor of the United Ireland, presided today over the fortnight ly meeting of the Irish National League in this city. Tho meeting was unusually large. A number of Catholic clergymen were pres ent. Mr. Harrington announced that Charles Augustus Vansittart Conylieare (Radical) member of Parliament for North west Cornwall, and Charles Ernest Schwann (Liberal), member for North Manchester, had joined the league. Mr. (.''Brian said that tlie first branch of the 1 ague against which tbe government should issue a proclamation would hold its meet ings with closed doors and refuse to open them for tbo police even if they and ’manded admittance. This would lrave the police nothing to do but to break their way in if they were determined to enter. As tbe police would probably re sort to this violence the central branch of the league would then ask tho Lord Mayor to grant the use of the city hall, with special police to defend it during the league’s meet ing therein. A majority of the Dublin City Council, as well as the Lord Mayor, are strong Nationalists and leaders in the league. A HASTY CABINET MEETING. London, Aug. 30. —A Cabinet meeting was held to-day. It was hastily summoned, and it is understood that the object of the conference was to take action respecting the serious and determined opposition of the Libera! Unionist loaders to the govern ment's action in proclaiming tho Irish Na tional League. It is reported that the Cabi oot has decided to modify the proclamation •o that it shall apply to certain districts only. HEALY DENOUNCES BALFOUR. 11l the House of Commons this evening, in the debate on the vote for the Irish Secre tnry’s office, T. M Hoaly denounced Mr. Balfour as a Scotchman ignorant and care less of the duties of his office. He then outdo a long and violent attack upon Col. King Harman, the Under Secretary, and was loamy called to order for referring to the Under secretary as a convict because he had once been imprisoned for making an assault upon the police at Cromorne. Ho accused Col. Hnrrnan of inducing Timex re port to suppress his admission in the House of Commons, that he had threateued to shoot ouo Weldon. The chairman also reminded Mr. Healy that Col. King Harman was absent. Mr. Healy retorted that he was within call proceeding. Mr. Healy said that Mr. Balfour was a mere shadow, but not so Col. Harman, who find been hand and glove in Feuianisni, hurl stood for Parliament as a home ruler, and had been Secretary of the Home Rule League. WHY HE WAS CHOSEN. lie had beeh informed that the Chief Secretary’s brother, Gen. Balfour, hud stated that Arthur had been appointed Chief Secretary because he despised Ire land. [Parnehlte cheers.] The chairman, on application from Mr. Balfour, ruled Mr. Healy out of order. Mr. Healy accepted the ruling, but refloated the allegation amid an uproar oil both sides. After denounc ing Col. King Hannan's connection with Orangemen who, he said, had committed •’>oo murders to the Ribbonmen’s one, Mr. Healy declared that th" Pamellites objected to dealing with the Secretary “through a glass darkly." Since they had to deni with Col. Harman, they preferred to deal with him as Chief Secretary. At this point ( '"1. King Harman entered the house, and fer his edification Mr. Healy re lented the charges he lmd made. He added that his appointment "ns n disgrace to the government. Tin was glad, however, to notice tlmt Col. Harman "us abandoning his combativeness. It seemed to imvo dawned upon him that he "as not the minister of an Grange society, but of the people of Ireland. lie advised him to sever las connection with the Orange men. A BOYISH ESCAPADE. Col. King Harninn here complained of the attacks made upon him in his absence, wit the chairman informed him that Mr. Hoaly desired that ho should bo called into tli" House. Continuing, the Under Secre tary said that the Cremome affair was a [•oyisli escapade. As to the allegation that I " had threatened to shoot Weldgn. be Would state that that was an abominable falsehood. The chairman bogged the speaker to be moderate in liis language. Cos!. King Harman said lie regrettoa that such n scene hml occurred in the House, but the matter touched his jiersonnl honor. [lronical cheers from the Irish benches.] A heated altercation now ensued oyer King Ilarnmu's connection with Nieridnn and Egan, Hnd the Chair man was obliged to call both Mr. Healv and the Under Secretary to order. Col. King Harman admitted Earing addressed a Lanadowne meeting at Dungannon, and maimed that ho hod protected Mr. Healy from outrage on the street them. A PRECONCERTED PLAY. Mr. Healy rnpliod that men were present r. i* |'J Pt ' or m to attack him. Col. King Hannon—l don’t believe it. I •food U p and did niy best for the honorable member, a * 1 would do now. [lronical miwhUr.] I contain lv advocated hom o, h p ■j s til nrmi it it ii% fim r rule, but that was before the Parnellites drove Mr. Butt from his posi tion ns leader of the Irish party in Parllu luent. I think that I have now replied to all tho charge* made against me by the hon orable member. Mr, Healy, resuming the attack, said he did uot bliuue Col. Harman for accepting office, but ho blamed the government for appointing a notorious law-breaker and re leased convict. Col. Harman appealed to the chair, and Mf. Healy repeated the phrase with em pEasia. Thu chairman reminded Mr, Healy that he had not given the correct legal descrip tion of the Cremorno incident. Mr. Healy withdrew the expression “no torious law-breaker and released convict,” at the same time remarking that ho knew no legal term that would accurately de scribe Col. Hannan’s conduct In conclu sion ho said he was unable to propose*a re duction of tho Under Secretary’s salary because he had boon told that he received none. He had, however, his own opinion about that. HEALY INTRACTABLE. Col. Harman censured and warned Mr. Healy, who accepted the rebuke, but said Col. Harman was a landlord whose reuts had been reduced by the commissioners aud it was obviously wrong to place him in a position where he would have influoueo in the uppoiutment of commissioners. Mr. Healy moved to reduce tho rate to .ttl.OdO. Other Parnellites continued the debate. Mr. Balfour testified to the ability, effi ciency and industry of Col. King Harman, and accused the Parnollitos of inventing and exaggerating the charges against him. The Chairman called Mr. Balfour to order. Mr. Balfour defended himself against tho charges made agaiust him. He said that few Chief Secretaries had been irishmen. Mr. Smith repeated Mr. Balfour’s good testimony regarding Col. King Harman, and said lio hoped the time would come when the Irish would cense such personal ties, whereupon Mr. Bigger exclaimed: “These remarks come witn peculiar force from a vendor of ‘Parnellism and Crime.’ " [Pameliite cheers.] Mr. Hoaly’s motion was negatived by a vote of 118 to 52. LONDON’S PEACE SOCIETY. John Bright Writes of the Blessings of Arbitration. London, Aug. 30. —John Bright, writing to Secretary Jones, of the London Peace Society, who is one of the deputation going to the United States to present a memorial to President Cleveland in favor of the es tablishment of an international arbitration treaty says; “There is talk of a permanent arbitration treaty between the United States and England. The project is a reasonable one and discussion may lead to its adoption. If the government of the United States were willing and wore in any way to signify its willingness to become a party to such a treaty, there is a force of good men with us to induce our government to consent. If this be done it will be a grand step forward iu the world’s march, and be followed in some not distant time by other nationalities willing to escape the sorry burden of mill tary armaments. Two hundred mem bers of the House of Commons sign the arbitration memorial. But far more than this number will be ready to urge acceptance of the troaty upon our gov ernment if the action taken at Washington bo favorable to the success of the scheme. England anil the United States will still re main two nations, but I would have them always regard themselves as one people. An arbitration treat}’ honestly made, and ad hered to would tend much to bring about this blessed result.” MANITOBA’S RAILWAY. The London Standard Thinks There Should be a Compromise. London, Aug. 30. —The Standard, re ferring to the Manitoba railway trouble, says: “The more clearly the rights of the question are understood the more emphatic will be the opinion here that Mani tobans are trying to derive an unfair advantage from their geographical position. The best prospect tor a settlement lies in the direction of a compromise, of which the preliminary ought to be immediate suspension of opera tions on the Manitoban railway line. No effort should be spared to conciliate the Manitobans, but they must be made to con form to their duties as British subjects and Canadian citizens.” VICTORIA A BENEFACTOR. Gladstone Pays a High Compliment to the Queen. London, Aug. 30. —Mr. Gladstone, speak ing at mi warden today on “The Retro spect of the Quean’s Reign,” said that the leading change during the reign was the system of representative Parliament, elected by direct influence of the people, ruling the country. Many sovereigns consented to laws because they could not help them selves. From individual personal expe Hence he knew that Queen Victoria had given willing, hearty ami active consent to all beneficial changes ami had made herself a prime benefactor of tho country. RUSSIA’S ONLY AIM. Turkey Said to Have Consented to a Provisional Governor. St. Petersburg, Aug. 30.—The Noroxti says that the Porte has accepted Russia’s proposal to send Gen. Ernorth as Pro visional Governor of Bulgaria and Eastern Roumelia until anew Sobranje shall legally eloct Prince Ferdinand to the Bulgarian throne. Tho paper adds that tho Porto is seeking the assent of the powers to the carrying out of the pro posal, and that the Sultan has guaranteed that Turkey will assist, Gen. Ernorth to carry out his mission, and supply him with a Turkish army if necessary. Afghanistan’s Throne. Bombay, Aug 30.—Tho latest Afghanis tan news says that since it first became known that the Ameer was ill, two parties have risen into prominence at Cabal. One of these divisions favors Ayoub Khan Te heran, while the other supports Ishnk Khan. Both parties are urging their favorites to come to Cftbul, and bo ready to assume the throne in tho event of the Ameer’s death. TilK PRESENT MINISTRY TO HE RETAINED. Sokia, Aug. 30.—Owing to the difficulty of forming a Oabinent, Prince Ferdinand has decided to retain the present Ministry. Ru3sia and Republicanism. St. Petersburg, Aug. SO.—The Russian government has taken occasion to apprise staff’s of teachers throughout the empire, on the reopening of schools after tho vaca tion, of the adoption of new and stringent regulations designed to check the spread of republican principles in Russia. Patriotism In Phrases St. Petersburg, Aug. 30 Prince Slosh Tcheriki, in the Gruthdanin, now the official organ of the Czar, makes a violent attack upon France. Ho say*: “A nation whoso patriotism only exists m phraaoa can not bean ally of Russia.” SAVANNAH, GA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1887. EXPRESS COMPANY TOLLS JUDGE CHISOLM ANSWERS THE INTERSTATE COMMISSION. A Claim that t'.'.o Act of Congress Does not Oovfl' Companies Merely Doing an Express Business An Opinion by Chief Justice Waite on Special Rates. W amiinuton, Aug, IK). — "W. H. Chisholm, general counsel of the Southern Express Company, lues submitted to the Interstate Commerce Commission a printed answer to the circular communication of the Com mission, in which answer the company argue* that it is not legally bound to fur nish a schedule of rates. It is, says the answer, a corporation established under tho laws of Georgia, using various railroads, steamboats, steamships and other vehicles of oonveyauuo. The use of the railroads has always been subject matter of special contractu which dilfwr in their terms and conditions, and are subject to change or abrogation at the will of the rail roads. The re.toe niul charges of the ex press company arc therefore made up of an estimated reasonable allowance for the use of its own property and for the use of other linos. W ith one railroad it may contract for car space, with another upon the ton nage basis, and to a third it may pay a per centage of its revenues. LEGALIZED TO MAKE SPECIAL RATES. The answer quotes from an opinion by Chief Justice Waite sustaining the rights of an express company to make special con tracts with railroads, and it likens the rela tions of the express and tho railroad to those between the railroads and the Poet Office Department, or tho Western Union Tele graph Company, it is submitted that legis lation to reverse established legal principles should certainly make some inference to the law or principle to bo changed, yet section ti of the interstate law not only contains no reference to the express companies but declares in unambiguous lan guage tnat its provisions apply only to railroads. The schedules provided for are required to state places upon tho rail roads and contain clnssiiication of freights in force upon the same, and copies of the schedule are required to bo kept in every depot or station, yet the express company owns no railroad, has no control over rail road rates of classillcation, and has no offices or agents in many depots of lines with which it has contracts. PUBLICATION OF SCHEDULES. The sixth section, it is averred, no more requires the publication of schedules of rates, fares, charges and classifications by express companies than by other customers of railroads. Again it is asked how would it bo practicable for the respondent to make joint contracts with several railroad lines with some of which it may have percentage and with others space on tonnage contracts. And what would be the condition of the respondent if forced to make joint contracts in case one or more of the lines observed the contracts and others did not The statute makes provisions for the protection of the innocent rail lino in such case, but no provision is made for the protection of the express company. Foreign Countries May Come. Washington, Aug. 30. —The President will issue to-morrow a proclamation, allow ing free entry of the arms, munitions and baggage of such foreign military organiza tion as m v dcsiro to participate in the Na tional Militia Encampment anil drill to be held in Chicago in October next, upon satis factory assurances being given that none of the articles shall be sold or permitted to re main in this country. Cleveland’s Vacation. Washington, Aug. 30.—1 t is the inten tion of the President to spend the next few weeks at Oakview. He regards this as his vacation time, and while he will spend it near the capital so that he can attend to actual public business, bo will not feel obligod when necessarily called to the White House to devote any time to persons seeking places or merely desirous of paying their respects. Prof. Baird’s Successor. Washington, Aug. MO. —The President to-day appointed Prof. tx. Brown Goode, assistant director of the National Mu /uni, to be Commissioner of I'ish and [fisheries, vice Prof. S. A. Baird, deceased. Judge McCue, Solicitor of the Treasury, who was first tendered the ofiice declined if, because of his lack ot scientific knowledge. Gen Lawton Well Received. Washington, Aug. so. — The State De partment has advices that the treatment, accorded our mini -for to Aust rin, Alexander R. Lawton, when he presented his creden tials on yesterday "fi'so kind and courteous ns to evidence a strong desire to wipe out all recollections of Austria’s conduct in the Keily aiTair. ENGLAND AND ’BE 1 I6H. Mr. Chamberlain f ppointed Commit sioner and He Will Como Horo. London, Aug. 30.— Sir James Ferguson, Parliamentary Secretary for the For. ", .i Office, announced in the House of ( itunmon.; this afternoon that the government had agreed upon u new commission to represent British interests in the North American Fisheries Convention. He added that lie was glad to say that Joseph Chamberlain had accepted th<> office of principal High Commissioner for Groat Britain. CITAMHEKLAIN’B LUCK. London, Aug. 31, 4 a. m. —Mr. Chamber lain expects to go t>> America at the oloso of the present session of Parliament and has decided to abandon his proposed Ulster visit. The Aries, commenting on the appoint ment of Mr. Chamberlain as a member of the Fisheries Commission, says: “The up poiritment of tho commission is an im portant fact, but that of the commissioner eclipses it in interest. That the government had an eye to its own advantage is n per fectly safe calculation. It was obviously desirable to have him out of their way. Wo congratulate him and the country and felicitate him upon his clever escape from the toils of the Tories." England and tho Seniors. London, Aug. 30. —The Times protests against the treatment to which British sealers In Behring's sea are subjected by tho American authorities in Alaska. Riid suggests that the government send a cruiser to Alaskan water- to soeurn strictly legal treatment for British vessels. England’s Fishery Commissioner. London, Aug. 30' -In answer to ques tions in the Hms of Commons Kir James Ferguson said that the deliberations of the Fisheries Commissioner would lie solely upon points in controversy between Canada and the United States. McbLizatlon in Franco. Paris, Aug. an. Gen. Farr on, Minister of War, has ordered t ie Seventeenth army corns to begin mobilising to-morrow BAD BLOOD IN VIRGINIA. The Negroes Like Punishment for Dis similar Cases. Petersburg, Va., Aug 30. —Tho city to night is in a feverish state of excitement caused by a clash between the races during the past week. A weak ago Mrs. Dejaretfc was struck in the street by a negro man while she was interfering in behalf of her child, who had trouble with a young negro. Tho negro man was arrested, fined SSO and sent to jail. Friday Dr. Samuel Hinton, a prominent physiciun, interfered iu nu altercation be tween his young son and some colored chil dren, among whom was n girl. The girl, with a stick, threatened Dr. Hinton’s non. Dr. Hinton expostulated, and the girl’s re sponee was that she would lull tho boy. Dr. Hinton then struck the girl. He was ar rested and brought before the Mayor’s Court on Monday, nml the case was continued un til to-morrow. THE NEGROES VERY VIOLENT. The negroes have become very violent aud have demanded, through a colored law yer, that the same puulshmont lie inflicted on Dr. Hinton that was given in the case of tbo negro who struck Mrs. Dojarnett. A violent card published in tho Index-Appeal this morning and signed by prominent ne groes, has incensed the white portion of tho community. Warrants were issued and the editor of the Index-Appeal and the signers of the card were o i rested to-night on n charge of libel. The parties were ail bailed for ap pearance to-morrow. Tbo excitement bus become ao intense that the Mayor ordered throe companion of militia to hold them selves in readiness to preserve tho peace. Great anxiety for to-morrow’s decision is felt here, as if not satisfactory to the col ored element it may result in a collision be tween the whites anil blacks. RANDALL'S FIGHT. The Tariff Resolutions the Battle Royal at Allentown. Allentown, Pa., Aug. 80. —It appears likely that the Democratic State conven tion will meet to-morrow at noon with a definite settlement of tho vexed question, whether Mr. Randall will bo able to control its deliberations and adopt as a party declaration on tho tariff the resolutions adopted by the Chicago National Conven tion in IHAi. or whether Congressman Scott and Mr. Hingerly, of the Philadelphia Record, will bo able to commit the party to the more pronounced utterance of President Cleveland in favor of reform of the tariff. All other issues havo been for tho moment cast aside, while tho battle royal upon this question has been waged by the loaders aud delegates. Mr. Randall was early on the ground, and this morn ing took possession of rooms at the hotel Allen, where he has been assisted by Congressman Sowden, Gov. Curtin and others all day long in work among the dele gates. At 5 o’clock Messrs. Scott and Singerly an-ived, and the fight soon became as interesting as any one could desire. The point of vantage which tho opposing elements sought to command was the control of tho Committee on Resolu tions, which it was imderstood was to hold tho key to tho situation iu the convention. There is to Ix3 one member of this commit tee from each .Senatorial district in the State, fifty in all. GOV. BUCKNER INAUGURATED. Crowds of People In Frankfort to Wit ness the Ceremonies. Frankfort, Ky., Aug, 30.—Frankfort was crowded with people from all parts of the State to-day, and all was bustle and excitement, tho occasion being the inaugu ration of Gen. S. B. Buckner. The grand stand in the State house yard was beauti fully decorated with flags, festoons and flowers. Seats wore provided for the people in front of it, and back of the State house were 150 tents spread for the use of tho soldiers. A procession com posed of tho State militia, officials, Judges of the Court of Appeals and Superior Courts, and the city fire department and police escorted (foil. Buckner to the State I Ions", where the oath of office was ad ministered to him by Chief Justice Pryor. The retiring Governor, J. Proctor Knott, will make liis home in Louisville and re sume the practice of the law. STANFORD’S SILENCE. Commissioner Littler Gives His Views on tbe Decision. Chicago, Aug. 30.—A Springfield special says: '‘Commissioner Littler was seen bust night in regard to the refusal to grant the order applied for to compel Senator Stan ford to answer certain questions in the Pn cific railroad investigation, and Mr. Littler said: ‘Tne decision, as I understand it, wilt restrict the commission in further prosecu tion of its inquiries into the ex|*ouuituro of money for the purpose of corruptly influenc ing State and Fede-al legislation. So la-as I can see no oth"r effect will flow from if. The main and important iuquiry prescribed by the act of Congress -ne ve y: :ix to how the government can secure the payment of the amount advanced to the several coie ) allies —still remains the important subject of inquiry, and the commission will have lull power to pr.vr ■ I with the taking of evidence upon every question mentioned in the act creating the commission.”’ FIDELITY’S DIRECTORS. An Attempt to Hold Thom Responsi ble for $3,000,000. Cincinnati, Aug. 30. An evening paper says that Receiver Armstrong, who is in charge of the Fidelity National Bank, bos prppared a petition to be filed against the late directors of that l>ank, Kugene /firn morman. Henry Pogue, W. H. Ohat.ffoM and Briggs Hwift, for a sum aggregating be tween #2,000,000 and $3,000,000. They will lx- ehvrged with having betrayed their trusts as directors, and having become indi vidually liable for the losses of depositors. Directors Gahr and Harper are also defend ants iri the action. A Convention of Catholics. Berlin, Aug. 30. — The annual assembly of German Catholics opened at, Treves yes terday. Three thousand delegates were present,. Herr Wmdt burst, in an address, said the entire eordi lie which existed las tween the Pof>o and the Emperor was highly important as indicating a turning point in their relations. Ho proposed the health of the two potentates. Fordlnand Laasale's Followers. Berlin. Aug. 30.—The police order for bidding Socialist* to celebrate the death of Ferdinand Lokkulc, did not have the desired effect, as thousands of followers of the great lats>r union orz%nlzor inode a pilgrimage to Grunau yesterday. A row occurred during the day and several arrest* were made by the fioflca. Malta’s Scourge. London, Ang. 30.—At Malta, during the past twenty fours, there were liven*w ease* of cholera und live death*. A CRISIS IX COLORADO. COLOROW SAID TO BE AGAIN ON THE RESERVATION. President Cleveland Admonishes the State Authorities not to Overstep their Jurisdiction A Disastrous Outbreak Can Only Be Averted by Conservatism and Good Diplomacy. Washington, Aug. 30,—The following telegram from Gen. Terry, dated Chicago, Aug, 2D, was received at the War Depart ment today i “Referring toMaj. Hand let t's dispatch of Aug. 27, forwarded to mo this morning, I suggest that under sections 2147, 2UO and 2150, United States Indian Agent Byrnes should ho instructed to remove from liis reservation nil persons who may intrude upon it and that the mili tary commander at Fort Duchesne lie instructed to give him all the assistance that he may require. It is hardly to bo sup posed that tbo civil and military officers of 'Colorado will forget that State writs do not rule beyond the boundaries of the State, but in the excitement of the situation this may bo Overlooked, and MaJ. Rondlott docs not seem to feel at all sure that the punish ment of the Indians will not continue. I think that us a precaution the orders which 1 suggest should bo given." THE PRXHIPENT ACTS. Gen. Macfooly, Acting Secretary of War, submitted this telegram to tho President at the Cabinet meeting to-day, and tho sit uation was carefully considered, resulting iu telegraphic instructions being sent this afternoon by tho President, through the Interior Department, to Governor Adams, of Colorado, to confine the actions of the civil authorities strictly within the limits of tho 8 Cute, so as to pre vont the yiheriff’s posse or the militia from crossing the reservation border. Khould such precipitate action lie takun it is feared that a disastrous outbreak of the reservation Indians would follow, and every thing possible will ls> done to avoid suoh a result. AT THE AGENCY. A later dispatch from Gen. Terry dated to-day conveys the following from Mnj. Ramllott dated Fort Duchesne, Aug. 2D; “Colorow and nil his followers are now at tho Ouray Agency, fifty miles from Colorado and manifest a disposition to remain on their reservation. There is no more oxoitement among the In dians. Tho militia and cowlaiys hold hun dreds of horses and thousands of slioep und gouts belonging to Colorow and Cheplta (Ouray’s widow). This stook was grazing on the land claimed by the Indians as belonging to their reservation, and where they have been permitted by thoir agent to live for years. Colorado set tloiu havo claimed location there, and have at last sueceedod iu driving the Indians in. Colorow has not in this trouble boeu on tho warpath and has made Ids way to the reser vation, avoiding hostilities ns tar as possi ble." COLOROW SAYS HE WANTS PEACE. Agent Byrnes, of the Ouray Agency tele graphed under date of yesterday to Indian Commissioner Atkins ns follows: “Colorow ncl his followers are now at the agency. They Am y they are not mad and don’t want to fight. They express a willingness to remain on the reservation. Maj. ix>she, who fired on those Indians on the border of the reservation, took possession anil run off about 300 head of their horses that wero grazing on the public lands near the reservation line. “The horses wero corralled at Rangoly, Col., by Maj. Leslie, who informed Lieut. Burnet that he would hold thorn until until certain Indians were delivered up to him. The cowboys are breaking these horses for their own use. Unless something is quickly dorre there horses will not be recovered. 1 therefore request that you obtain authority from the War De[>artmont to allow Col. Randlett, commanding Fort Duchesne to send a detail of men to bring these horses on tho reservation as it would be dangerous for the Indians to go, as well as the agency employes, as they would be roughly handled, being known to be in sympathy with the Indiana These Indians, when pursued by Hheriff Kendall, wem compelled to abandon 2,01)0 sheep, besides large herds of goals which should also bo recovered with the horses Those Indians when attacked in Colorado were on a peaceful hunting expe dition, and they believed that they had a right under the treaty of 1874, and as un derstood with them and the commission, to hunt upon these lands in Colorado. Please send authority by telegraph.” the commissioner’s reply. Commissioner Atkins replied to Agent Byrn< as follows: "You will, pursuant to the statute, remove from your reservation all persons found therein contrary to tho law, and prevent unlawful encroachments or entries tlieron for any purpose. The military will lie at once or,lorel to co operate with you and aid you in inforcintr these instructions. The. civil authorities of Colorado and those acting with them must proceed in the manner provided b.V law for the enforcement of any process hv Kioto authority, nnd tin; govern merit will, if the emergency arises, assist them in orderly and lawful efforts to en force such process, You wifi also collect and rcstok- to the Indians on the reservation nil the property abandoned by them. Gov. Adams has been requested to direct tho de livery to you of the horses captured from the Indians and now held by order of Maj. Leslie." A TELEGRAM TO GOV. ARAMS. Acting Secretary of the Interior Muldrow telegraphed fiov. Adams, of Colorado, as follows: “Agent Byrnes, of tho Uintah arid Ouray agency, reports that Maj. Le Ho has taken possession of 3fK) head of Indian Lip- that were grazing on the public lands near tho reservation line, that he Imd corralled them at Rangely and will boll them until certain Indians were delivered up to him. I am directed by tho ITosi dent to request that you take all proper measures to deliver these horses to Agent Bernes. Agent hymen will he directed to take jiosscxsfon of the same for the Indians, us soo i as arrangements are made for their delivery. lal o respectfully ask you to co-operate with Agent Byrnes in collecting the ex p, goal < mul other prop erty of the-** Indians, with a view of re instating tho same to them on tho reserva tion." Copies of this correspondence were laid before the Kqcretary of War, with a request that military assistance he furnished Agent Byrnes to ((liable him to carry out his in structions. A Murderer Arreeted. Lynchburg, Va., Aug. 30.— A Bristol, Tcnn.. sjiecial to th A'inancr says: “A. C. Adams, mu- of the murdo ers of Wiley Craft and Will Cook, ol Letcher county, Kentucky, was arrested late last night by detectives. Ills accomp'ice, Wash Craft, was witli him but aseapSed," Schaefer Defoate Rudolph. Paris, Aug. HO.- Hchaefer defeated Ru dolph benight ill a billiard match of 3 ,000 }K>iut*. Thu score was: Schaefer k.IKXI, Uu (ioluh 1.033. COAL OPERATORS ASSIGN. ‘ Indorsement of Paper the Cause of Their Embaraxsmont. Philadelphia, Aug. 30. —This morning the announcement was made that Robert Hare Powel & Cos., and Robert Hare Powel, Hons & Cos., tho great coal mining firms of of No. 410 Walnut street, hud failed and the street was necessarily startled. The failuro was admitted by John C. Bradley, wlio is manager and partner iu both firms. He stated that the failure was the result of tho sus pension of Charles K. Penniok, of villo, an extensive iron pluto merchant, whose paper boro the Indorsement of both (inns -Robert Hare, Powel A Cos. and the Junior ono of Robert Haro Powel, Sons & Cos. • THE LIABILITIES ANl> ASSETS. The 1 labilities lie placed at $1,500,000, which is assumed to be tho aggregate amount for which they became Indorsors of the Peimtok notes t hat wore protected yester day, while tho assets, consisting of vast tracts of valuable coal hurls and appurtenances, are fixed at $4, 000,(XX). The Guarantee Trust Company has been made assignee, and Mr. Bradley was, at 7 o’clock, in consultation with President Cochran, of that Institution. It was generally believed that the assets of the two firms arc far above their liabilities, and that the course adopted of assigning the estate was the wisest, to meet all legiti mate claims and prevent sacrifices. BANKS THE PRINCIPAL CREDITORS. Banks are the principal creditors of the two firms. In this city the Central, Fourth Street National and Second Natioual hold largo amounts of the firm’s paper, hut there Is some at several other banks. Tho National State Bank of Camden. N. J., is also a large creditor. A number of banks iu Huntingdon, Bedford, Clearfield and other counties in tho interior of the State are also involved. The firm of Charles E. Pennock & Cos., made an assignment Monday to Col. Au gustus Boyd, of this city. Tho firm operates a plate iron rolling mill at Coates Tide, and has been doing a g<>od business. Be fore making the assignment the firm gave a Judgment note for $203,000 i,o Powell <v Cos., thus securing that firm. There is no mortgage on Peacock & Co.’s plant-which is estimated to be worth be tween $200,000 and #400,000, and is now overdoing a profitable business, so that Powell & Cos. ore secured against loss in that quarter. A PRIZE PICKED UP AT SEA. 6,000 Barrels ot Oil on a Bark Which a Steamer Towed in. Halifax, Aug. 30.—Tho steamer sighted off this plow last evening with a disabled vessel in tow proved to bo the Richmond Hill, nnd her prize was the German bark Highflyer, of Elsfleth. They arrived in the harbor at a Into hour. Cant. Hyde, of the Richmond Hill, reports failing iu with the Highflyer Saturday. After passing her the bark ran up signals of distress, and bearing down ou her Cfept. Hyde was in formed that the vessel was in a helpless state. Her topmast and jibboom were gone, hor bulwarks stove in, ami there were three feet of water in her hold. The captain stated that the crew refused to work. SET ON FIRE. The captain of the bark bail resolved to abandon the vessel before the steamer was sighted, and had not fire to her, but the flames did not appear till after the crew were taken olf by a boat from the steamer. A boat crow returned At once uud put out the lire. Some time later Haines burnt out again and threatened to prove too much for the men, hut they finally suc ceeded in overcoming them. The steamer and the bark were then connected by a hawser and their heads turned for Hal if'jix. The bark is not seriously damaged by fire, and ;ui she lias over 5,000 barrels of oil on board is a valuable prize. She left Now York Aug. 10 for Dautzic. The Richmond Hill, which will proceed to-day for London, is from Now York with a cargo of cattle and general goods. PELL’S CROOKEDNEHB. W. C. Stokes Claims that He Obtained $20,000 on Misrepresentations. New York, Aug. 30. —George H. Pell, of the firm of Grovesteen & Pell, the stock brokers who recently failed, was arrested to-day on an order granted by Judge Dono hue. Walter C. Stokes & Cos. claim that Pell obtained $20,000 from them by fraud. The bail was llxod at ♦15,000, and John Andor.v.'u and George Silva furnished it. The util It v:t on which the order of arrest wan granted is signed by Mr. Stokes. It states that on the afternoon Indore Grovesteen A Pell failed, Grovedwn asked him. on (ho Stock Exchange floor, for the loan of 000 on four first mortgage lwinds of the Rome and Decatur Railroad Company, and twenty first consolidated nonoa of the East and West Railroad of Alabama. Just before 3 o’clock Pell went to Htokes A Co.’s ofTice for the money. At that time Pell assort'd Stokes that, the collateral was perfectly sound and that, the interest on the bonds was paid regularly. Pell added that the East and West bonds Imd sold that day at 101. The next tiny Stokes A Cos. de manded payment of the loan and it was re fused. Htokes later met Grovesteen on the floor of the Stock Exchange and told him of the trouble. Grovesteen still insisted that all was right. Afterwards the bonds were offered at rates from 100 down to (15 without bidders. Then St/ikes thought it time to believe something was wrong, and obtained on order of arrest, CHINCH BUGS IN ILLINOIS. Great Destruction Threatened by the Viultor’s Ravages. Hfhinokieuj, Il.r„, Aug. 30.—The Secre tary of the Mate Board of Agriculture is in receipt of a very dim-enraging report from Prof. Forties, the Htute Entomologist, in reference to the very general distribution of chinch lings throughout the State. The piofes/or Ims made a very thorough investi gation eoncernlng the location and extent of th<‘ presence of this post and his conclusions are briefly summed up as follows: “It is very destructive in thirty counties; occur' in large numbers in sixteen others; in moderate number in seventeen, and in num b- rs not especially injurious, but sufUcient to threaten harm another year, in twenty five; while from thirteen counties it is re portoi as practically absent. As the weather con litjoii" throughout the greater part of the Htute have thus fnr I icon pecu liarly favorable to its multiplication, the people will pe able to estimate the era vity of the danger threatened to the agriculture of the Htate,” The War on the Bucket Shops. Chicago, Aug. 30. -The Postal Telegraph Company was to-day ordered to take its wires out of the open Board of Trade. Tito quotations received by the ojien Board of Trade were sent to bucket, shops, it Is claimed by the big hoard, and this was iho cause for ordering their removal. New York's Democratic Convention Saratoga, Aug. 30—The Democratic Hteto ('<invention was Uwin csjled to mod At Saratoga Tues 'ny. Suet. 27 I PRICE *lO A YEAR. I j 0 VBMVU A COPY, f A FIGHT WITH OUTLAWS. TEXAS POSSES TRYING TO RU*s DOWN A BAD GANG. The Band Magnificently Mounted and Well Supplied With Money—They are as Bold as Lions, and Fight Like Veritable Demons of the Plains. Chicaoo, Aug. 30. —The Times' Houston, Tex., special says: “On Wednesday last four of a gang of horse thieves which had been making raids near here for some tint* rode to Thompson's Switch, a small station seventy -seven miles from Houston, mounted on thoroughbred horses. They ordered din ner, after which they got drunk, fired off their pistols and terrified the inhabitants of the settlement, when they rode off in a northwesterly direction. On Saturday John Williford, a farmer and stockman of (Jypreaston, reported to Sheriff Ellis that ha hud two horses stolen from him Thursday, and that the thieves were still in the vicinity of his farm. SHERIFFS ON THEIR HEELS. “Sheriff Ellis at once left for Navassla, where ho organized a posse and started af ter the outlaws, i:i the hope of heading them off. Yesterday morning two men rode lap) Houston, uml notified Deputy Sheriff Altiert Krichson that the outlaws werocuuqied ut Eureka, five miles from this city. Deputy Krichson mounted u horse and immediately started for the camp of the outlaws. On arriving at. the spot where tile outlaws were cainiKxi, Erichsou discov ered that the gang Imd gone. After n-.i'ig about for some time the Deputy found three men camped under a tree on the prairie. He at once telegraphed Houston for as sistance, and a posse, under command of ( apt. Lubbock immediately left for the scone of action. On arriving at Eureka the posse parted, Deputy Sheriff Erichsou and a part of the posse proceeding in the direc tion of SmokeyviUc, and the remainder un der C'apt. Lubbock heading for the prairie. A RUNNING FIGHT. “The latter posse soon struck the trail,and in a short, whilo located the outlaws, who were still comped under the lone tree. I 'apt. Lubbock then formed his posse in line, about fifteen feet apart, and advising all to reserve their fire until within thirty yards (if the outlaws, begun advancing to ward the camp. The outlaws seeing this, quickly saddled their animals and started out at a quick gallop. After riding a few minutes the leader of the outlaws, who was riding n magnificent roan horse, threw his Winchester on his loft arm, and slightly turning in iiis saddle, began shoot ing his iiflo v sending shot after shot at the officers. The other outlaws, who were armed with six shooters, also liegan firing at tho posse. ('apt, Lubbock’s men reserved their fire as ordered, until it was evident that the outlaws would reach the timber. The command to fire on the outlaws was then given, and atsmt forty or fifty shot* were exchanged, the outlaws halting aud making a desperate fight. THE CASUALTIES. “During the skirmish the horse of Capt. Lubbock was killed. One of the German citizens, named Kassnor, who lives near Hockley, nnd accompanied the party, was wounded in the arm by a rifle fiall. After the encounter on tho prairie, Capt. Lub bock returned to the city, and another party started out in pursuit It is learned that the Se -geant of a convict camp near Ciollis, on the Internationa* road, had a pack of I fiord munds ou tit trail, but withdrew them for tear the outlaws would kill them. From the peculiar method the outlaws had of lying low on their horses, and their quick wheeling in running and firing, it is thought they wero iart of the old .Sam Bass gang, who defied the State authorities of Texas a few years ago. From large rolls of money displayed by the outlaws on their visit and drunken spree at Thompson’s Switch, it. is confidently thought that they are the same gang who robbed tho Southern Pacific train at, Flatonia in June. A dis patch was received from Sheriff Ellis nt Cyresss last night Htatlng that he was on a hot trail, and oxpected to Hag liis game before daylight. The robbers are plucky and des perate, and a bloody battle is anticipated should they be discovered.” FURIOUS FLAMES. One Hundred and Twenty Houses Laid in Ashes., Aug. 30. Over 130 dwelling liouw-s, Ix-sides a large mill known a* the Boyrl Manufacturing Company’s Mill, were burned in yesterday’s lire. The town is al most destroyed. The loss is SIOO,OOO. The insurance is light. SEVERAL FIRMS BURNED OUT. Richmond, Ky., Aug. Fire broke out this morning in Riggs’ livery stable, destroyed it, and then spread to the busi ness portion of the city ami Arnold’s grocery, Gentry & Co’s, hardware store, the New < Ijiera House, Neff’s produce store, Doug lass’ butcher shop, Green’s Opera House, the Aduuu Express Cornpaniy's office, QMk nell & (Jo’s, restaurant, and Smith & ton’s shop were destroyed. The loss if about SBO,OOO. Tho insurance is $30,000. LEBANON’S BLAZE. Louirvillk, Ky., Aug. 30.—The loss by fire at, Lebanon, Ky., yesterday, is esti mated at SSO,(XXI. Among the places burned was the office of tho Htnndard-Times. 1,000 RAUREI.H OF OIL BURNED. New Orleans, Aug. 80—Maginnises’ warehouse and I.(XX) barrels of cotton seed oil were burned to-day. The loss is esti mated at $15,000, A BRIDGE BURNER'B WORK.' He Is Seen Running Away as the Train Croesed in Safety. Lafayette, Ind., Aug. 30.—An attempt was made yesterday to burn the bridge over a culvert on the Wabash railroad one mile east of tit is city. A freight train came around the curve at full speed, and the en gineer seeing fhe fire steam and Isi ssisi over safely. The second section of the ttain was flagged and stopped before it reached the bridge, nnd thetrainmen put out the fire. As the engineer of the first train reached the burning bridge, he saw a man rtin out of n hiding place and disappear in the woods. The fire had gained but little headway, and the bridge was only slightly damaged. Wabash detectives were put ou the trail. _______ Assaulted His Daughter. Lynchburg, Va., Aug. 30.—A special to tiie Advance from Bufordville says that Alexander Mitchell (colored) was arrested to day for assaulting Ids daughter. He was captured by colored men and would have been lynched, but for the interference of white men. lie was lodged in juil at Lib erty, Va. Mr Sartorls Over on a Visit. New York, Aug. Mrs. Nellie Grant Sat bil ls and her little daughter Vivian, aged H yours, urrived today from England on the steamer Elbe. Mho'comes for a sis weeks vnut with her mother at Long branch, anil friends in Saratoga