The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 03, 1887, Page 11, Image 11

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C'OMMXRC IAL ~~ SAVANNAH MARKET. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, , Sayxnxah, Ga., Sept. 9,4 P. M. c Cotton—The market was fairly active and firm, but prices were rather irregular. The .ales for the day were 1,197 bales. On 'Change at the opening call, at 10 a. m., the market was reported Arm and unchanged, with sales of 001 hales. At the second call, at 1 p. m., it was Arm at an advance of 1 16c for good middling and middling, the sales being 601 bales. At the closing call, at4p. in., the market was steady, middling fair declining l-16e, with further sales Of 395 bales. The following are the official closing spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: Middling fair 3 7-16 Good middling 9 5-16 diddling 9 1-16 how middling 8% Good ordinary Nominal. sea Island— The market is dull and entirely nominal. Tbeie were no sales. The receipts this week were only 1 bag. leaving the stock at 576 bags. We quote: Common Georgias ana Floridas 14@15 Medium 16® 16% Good medium 17®17% Medium fine 18® Fine 19®19% Extra fine 20®21 Choice '• 22® Comparative Cotton Statement. 'Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Sept. 2, 1887, and ' for the Same Time East Year. 1887-88. j 1886-87. : Maml. IM '-P*** Stock on hand Sept. 1 575 6,818| 1,149 , 4,301 Received to-day J 1, -17! j 1.112, Received previously 2,435| 1,830: Total r 575 lI.OTOj UUlht T.2WI Exported ' 2,318' 2*Bl6} Exported previously ... ! [ 1 452 ! Total . ..i 2.318;! ....i 2.768 1 1 Stock ontand andonahlp l board this day !i 575! 8,752 1,149i 4,47 H Rice—T' e mar cet. "as active and strong, tut not quotably hig -er. The sales for the day were 301 barrels, which about exhausts the stock in first hands. We quote: Fair 494® Good. 4%® Prime 59s® Rough- Country lot Ho@ no Tide water 90®1 15 Naval Stores—The market for spirits turppn ppnriae was quiet but steadier. The sales for the day were 130 casks at 29%c for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported quiet at 29%c for regulars. At the closing call it was quiet at 29%c for regu lars. Rosin—The market was fairly active and firm. The sales for the day were 3.114 barrels. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reporte,l Arm, with sales ol 3 028 barrels at the following quotations: A. B. C and D 90c, E 95c, F 97%0, G 97%c <v SI 00, HSI 05, I SI 15. K SI 3'. MSi 40, NSI 60. window glass $3 05, water white $2 55. At the closing call it was unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin Stock on hand April 1 2,543 77,408 Received to-day 445 2,593 Received previously ; 106,086 250,454 Total .109,07+ 330,455 Exported to-day . • 300 100 Exported previously 93,671 267,491 Total 98,071 267.591 Stock on hand and on slii phoard to-day 15,103 62,864 Receipts some day last year 681 2,778 Financial -Money is in active demand, but somewhat stringent, Domestic Exchange— Easy. Banks and hankers are buying sight drafts at % per cent discount and selling at % per cent discount to par. Foreign Exchange— The market is weak. Commercial demand, §4 80%; sixty days, $4 7734: ninety days. $4 76: francs, Paris and Havre; commercial, sixty ‘lays, $5 29; Swiss, $5 29; mirks, sixty da vs. 93%. Securities—The market is firmer, with stocks and bojils more urn,: and Inclined to harden. Stocks and Bonds—o 7;/ Ronds— Quiet. At lanta 6 per cent long date, 108 bid. 110 asked; Atlanta 7 per cent, 118 bid, 121 asked; Augusta ; per cent long date. 116 bid, 1!S asked: Au gusta 6s long date, 108 bid, 110 asked; Columbus 5 per cent. 100 bid, 105 asked; Macon 6 per cent, 111 bid, 112 asked; new Savannah 5 percent, October coupons. 1019+ bid, 102% asked; new Savannah 5 percent, November coupons, 101% bid, 102 asked. stole Bonds— Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgia new 6s. 1889. 101 bid, 102 asked; Georgia new 4%5, 104% bid. 10516 asked; Geor gia 7 !>er cent gold, quarterly coupons. 105 bid, <O6 asked: Georgia 7 percent, coupons Janu ary and July, maturity 1890, 130 bid, 121 asked. Railroad Storks— Central common. 113 bid. 119 asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent guaranteed, 131 bid. 132 asked: Georgia com mon. ] bid. 198 ask-'d; Southwestern 7 per cent guaranteed, 127 bid, 128 asked; Central fiper cent certificates, 99k| bid. 9914 asked; At lanta and Point railroad stock. 109 bid, 111 asked; Atlanta, and West Point 6 percent certified! es, 11.8)4 bid, 108 asked. Honda— Market, quiet. Savannah. Florida and Western Railway Company general min t iage t> per cent interest. coupons October, lis asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mort gage consolidated i per cent, coupons danu ary and July, maturity 1897. 115 bid. 117)4asseu, Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1808. 110)s bid, 111)4asked; Georgia railroad 6s, 1H97. 100 bid, 108 asked; Mobile and Girard second mort gage indorsed 6 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1889, 103 bid, 108)4 asked; Mont gomery and Eiifaula first mortgage 0 per cent, indorsed by Central railroad, 106)4 bid. 108 asked; Marietta and North Georgia first mort gage. 50 years. 6 percent, 100 bid. 101)4 asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta first mort gage lli bid, 119 asked; Charlotte, Colum bia and Augusta second mortgage, 110 asked; Western Alabama second mort gage indorsed 8 per corn, 109 bid, 110 asked; South Georgia and Florida indorsed, 118 hid. 120 asked; South Georgia and Florida second mortgage, 114 bid, 116 asked; Augusta and Knqgville first mortgage 7 per cent, 111)4 bid, 112 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and bouth eru first mortgage guaranteed, 114 bid, 115)4 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern not fuaranteed, 118 asked; Ocean Steamship per cent bonds, guaranteed by Cen tra! railroad, 102)4 bid, 108 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern second mortgage guaranteed, 118 asked; Columbus and Home first mortgage bonds, indorsed by < .V tra.l railroad, lot bid, 105)6 asked: Coliniibus sad Western 6 per cent guaranteed. 117 asked; City and Suburban railway first mort gage 7 per cent. 109 bid, 110 asked. b< ink Stock* —Nominal. Southern Hank of the State of Georgia, 198 bid 202 asked; Mer chants' Natloi il Bank. 157 asked; Savannah Bank and Trust Company. 97 bid, 100 asked; National Bank of Savannah, 120 bid, 121 askedj Oglethorpe Savings aud Trust Company, 107 bid. 108 asked. ■ 'hit Stock*— Savannah Gas bight stock, ex dividend, a bid. 21 asked; Mutual Gas bight *tock, 20 bid, 28 asked. tUcog—Market strong and edvaneing: de mand good; smoked clear rib sides, 9)40: shoul der*. $*&:; dry salted clear rib sides, lie; long dear. Sic; shoulders, none: tans, 13c. Baoooino and Tibs Market, irregular. We quote: Bagging—3).; Iba. rt),| sStyc; 2Tbs. cytfc-. I'H lbs. according to brand and quantity, iron ties- Arrow and other brands, none: nominal, $1 95 per bundle, according to brand and quantity. Bagging and ties in retuil lots a fraction higher. Bt*TTKit- Market steady; oleomargarine. 14® Ite; choice Goshen, 18c; gilt edge, 2#©2sc; creamery, 25f%56c. Cabbaok- Nbrthern, I8tf?il8c. Cheese Market nominal: small demand: •tock light. We quote, 11® 15c. CorFEE - The market is firm. W# quote for small lots: Ordinary, 20)4c; fair, 21)40; good, ■SUc: choice, 230; peaberry. 26c. IlgiEn Fai'tT—Applet!, evaporated, 14c:peeled. t)4c. Reaches, peeled, 19c; impeded. 5<2 ic. Cur rants, Tc. Citron, 250 Day Coons—The market Is firm; business fair. Wo quote; Prilita, 4 i£(k". Georgia brown shirt ing, 84. 4)4c; 7-8 do. 5)4.;: 4-4 brown sheet big, BJ4c; whip- oanaburgs, 8l4®l(k:; checks, *44®ic; yarns, 85c for best mates; brown drill ,n K". 7®7l4<\ Flan -We quote full weights: Mackerel No. I $7 50®10 0); No. 8. half liarrels. nominal, $6 90®, 00; No. 2. $7 C4V.'■ V). Herring- No. 1. HOo: sealed, fee; cod. 57;.5c. Fia>ra- .Market steady: demand moderate Wo quote; .JCxtra. t* 70,'d>3 85; fancy, $4 GO® 4 85, choice patent, JL'j IS®.i 40; family, ft 094) 4 Ilk Fruit Iwmons Demand fail-. We quote: $3 50® 4 00. Apples, Northern, $2 75®3 50. Orux—Cora—Market very firm; demand light. We quote: White corn, job lots. 69c; ca, load lots, 66c: mixed corn, job lots. 65c; car load lots, 02<\ Oats steady: demand good. We ooote: Mixed oats. 45c: carload lots, 40c. Bran, ?1 Oil. Meal, 7214 c. Georgia grist, per sack, $1 50; grist, per bushel. 75c. Hay—Market very firm, with a fair demand; stock ample. We quote job lots: Western, 31 10: carload lots, $t 00; Eastern, §1 10; North ern. none. Hides. Wool, Etc.—Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light; dry flint. ll(&U%e: salted, 9(g,9%0: lily butcher, Bc. Wool-Receipts light; xirime, in bales, 93c; burry. ’.o®]sc. Wax, 18c. Tab low, 3®4c. Deer skins, flint, 20c; salted, 10c. Otter skins, 50e@S4 00. Iron—Market firm; Swede; 4>.4®.5c; refined; Ward—Market is easy; in tierces, 71.4 c; 50 tb tins, 7340. Lime, Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala bama lump lime is in lair demand, and is sell ing at $1 30 per barrel: Georgia. Si 30 per bar rel: calcined plaster, $1 50 per barrel; hair 4c. Roseiulale cement, $1 50; Portland cement, $2 50. Liquoßs—Full stock, steady demand. Bour bon, $150®5 50; rye, $150®6 00; rectified, $1 00® 1 35. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails—Market firm; fair demand. We quote; 3d, $3 .10; 4d and sd, $3 25; 6d, $3 00; Bd, $2 75; 10d to 60d, $2 30 per keg. Nuts—Almonds—Tarragona, 18®20c; Ivicas, 17@18c; walnuts, French. 13e; Naples. 16c; pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c; filberts, 12c; cocoanuts. Barracoa. $5 25 per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal. 45c; West Virginia black. 9® 10c; lard, 58c; headlight, 15c; kerosene. 10c; waterwhite,l3%c; neatsfoot, 62®80c: machinery. 95®80c; linseed, raw, 50c; boiled. 53c; mineral seal, 10c; fire proof, 18c; homelight, 18c. Onions—Northern, per barrel, $3 73. Potatoes—Long Island Rose, $3 00. Peas—Demand light; cow peas, mixed, 75® 80c; clay, $1 00® 1 15; speckled, *1 00@1 15; black eye, $1 25®i 50; white crowder, $1 50® 1 75. Prunes—Turkish. .4%<:; French. Bc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel, $2 00; layers, $1 85 per box; Lon don beers. $2 25 per box. Salt—The deniao 1 is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots, 65c fob; job lots, 75® 90c. Shut—Drop, $1 40; buck, $1 65. Sugar - The market is firm; cut loaf, 6)40: standard A, 6%c; extra C, .Vise I yellow C, 5%e; granulated. 05t,c: powdered, 6%e. Syrup -Florida and Georgia syrup, 45c; the market is quiet for sugarhouse at 30(5 40c; Cuba straight goods, 28c in hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c. Tobacco—Market dull; demand moderate. We quote: Smoking, 25c®$l 25; chewing, coir, mon, sound, 25®30e; fair, 30®85c; medium. 38 itsoc: bright, 50®75c; fine fancy, 85®90c; extra fine. 90c® $l 10; bright navies, 45®75c; dark navies, 45® 50c. Lumber—The demand from the West is fairly active, and the railroads are endeavoring to meet the wants of the trade in making rates. Coastwise and foreign demand is fuite active, and prices remain firm at quotations. We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes sl3 50@17 00 Difficult sizes 16 00®21 50 Flooring boards 10 00®20 50 Shipstuff..* 18 S0&21 50 Timber -Market dull and nominal. \\ e quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00®, 11 00 800 “ “ 10 00® 11 00 900 *• “ 11 00®12 00 1.000 “ “ 12 * ®l4 00 Shipping Umber in the raft— -700 feet average 8 6 00@ 7 00 800 " " 7 00® 800 900 “ 8 00® 900 1,000 " “ 9 00® 10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By sail—Coastwise business continues dull, with vessels in good supply and rates weak. Freight limits are from $5 oi)®6 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia, New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c®$1 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West indies and wind ward. nominal; to South America, sl3 00®1100; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, sll 00® 12 00: to United Kingdom for orders, timber, s®2Bs; lumber, £3 15s. Steam —To New York, |7UO: to Philadelphia. $7 00; to Boston. $9 00. Naval Stores—Firm but nominal Foreign— Cork, etc., fo orders, 3s 3d. and, or, 4s fld; Adri atic, rosin. 3s; Genoa, rosin, 2s 10%d. Coastwise— Steam—To Boston, 50c on rosin, fIOO on spirits; to New York, rosin 50c, spirits 80c; to Phila delphia. rosin 30c. spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin 30c, spirits 60c. Coastwise quiet. Cotton—By Steam—The market is nominal. Liverpool direct 19-64d Liverpool via New York f) 1b 5-13d Liverpool via Baltimore lb 316d Antwerp via New York $ lb 516<g)%d Havre via New York $1 tb 9-10 e Havre via Baltimore 06c Bremen via New York <3 Tb 11-10 c Reval via New York 11-33d Bremen via Baltimore $ lb Me Amsterdam via New York t;sc Amsterdam via Baltimore 61c Genoa via New York $ lb Boston 9 bale $ 1 36 Sea island bale 1 75 New Y r ork $ bale 1 35 Sea island bale 1 75 Philadelphia bale 135 Sea island bale 175 Baltimore 1$ bale 1 25 Providence $ bale 1 50 Rice—By steam— New York <8 barrel 60 Philadelphia <9 barrel 60 Baltimore <9 barrel 60 Boston $ barrel 60 COUNTRY PRODUCE. G rown fowls pair $ 65 ® 80 hickens, %to % grown 40 @ 60 springers 25 ® 40 Ducks W pair 00 @ 80 Geese $f pair 75 @1 00 Turkeys fl pair 1 25 ®2 60 Eggs, country, <8 dozen. 22 ® Peanuts—Fancy h. p. Va, slb ® 7 Peanuts—Hand picked i* tb to 6 Peanuts —Ga. ft busted, nominal... 75 to 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds f* bush... 50 ® 60 Sweet potatoes, yel. yams sjl bush. 05 ® 70 Sweet potatoes white yams, <9 bush 40 ® 55 Poultry—Market steady: receipts heavy; de mand light for grown; half to three-quarters grown in good request. Egos—Market firm, with a good demand, but scarce. Peanuts— Fair stock; demand moderate; mar ket steady. Sugar -Georgia and Florida nominal; none in market, Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York, Sept. 2, noon.—Stock* fairly active and firm. Money easy at 4®5 per cent. Exchange—long S4 79-44® 4 80, short $-1 8314 ®4 83% State bonds neglected. Government bonds dull but steady. 5:00 p. m.—Exchange steady but dull. Money active at .3®B tier eent.. closing offered at 6. Sub-Treasury balances—Gold, $135,092,000; cur rency $13,127.000. Government bonds dull out steady to firm; four per cents 123%: four and a half percents 10814- State bonds (lull and feat ureless. The stock market was somewhat feverish in consequence of the effort of the bears chiefly in tiic forenoon to check the advance. Bulls late in the day gave several stocks a sharp twist and the market recovered decidedly firm, became buyer and purchasers were stimulated by rumors mat a prominent banking house, as well as several influential operators, were acquiring large lines of stocks. The impression that the Baltimore and Ohio deal is close to a final set tlement also induced a large proportion of buy ing Considerable pressure was brought against Western Union. Missouri Pacific and New Eng land in the early dealings, and the latter stors was sluggish all day long. Others, however. i‘h Manhattan. Reading and Richmond and West. Point, were specially strong toward the close Advices from Philadelphia of tho inten tion of tlire t.iusteos to pay back interest on the ( orsolidated improvement*, and that they had modified the plan of reorganization of the fius quebtutuuli canal, which would insure a deposit of stock, aided the advance In Reading very materially There was heavy realization, but the fresh buying robbed it of it* effect. Total business was 357,(0 shares. The following were tho closing quotitJons: Ala.clans A. 2115.103 Now Orleans Pa- Ala. class B, 5s ..112* elflc. Ist mort... 81% Georgia 7s, mort.*Kls% N. A (Jentiai 108 N. Carolina 65... 122 Norf. &W. prof. 43 N. (taroima Is *97% Nor. Pacific .... 27% Ho, (Taro (Brown) “ prof... 58% consols 101 Pacific Mail 40% Tennessee 6 68 Reading 89 Virginia6s 48" Richmond & Ate.. 9 Va consolidated 45 Richmond tt Danv 150 Ch'peake & Ohio 6% Ricbin and& W. Ft. Chic. Northw’n. 114 , Terminal .. .. 27% ** preferred .144% Rock Island 127% Defat., Lack& W.. 190% 81. Paul 88% Erie 83% " preferred .119% Mass Tennessee, Texas Pacific. 87% now smelt 11 Tenn.Pual & Iron. 97% Lake .Shore 91% Union Pacific 85 L’viUe it Nash 89% N. J. Central 74% Memphis A I 'har. M Siissourl Paolfic... Mi Mobile .t 0hi0.... 11% Western Union .. .4% Nash. * Obatt'a ,77 ! 'ottonOiH'ruit oer 293* • Asked ’tid 1 orro LtVKoroOU Bcpt. 2. '2:V'l>. m.-Cotton steady, with fair He ond: midilfug uplspds 6’-d. mid dling Orleans 5%d; sales 9,000 bairn, for l THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1887. speculation and export J.OOO bales; receipts none. Futures -Uplands, low middling clause, Sap teiuosr delivery 5 2.-64d. also 5 2V64d; Septem ber and Oct 1 tier 5 ! 1-64.1, also 7 1,5.61d; October and November 5 9-G4d: November an i December 5 7 64(1: L'ecember and January 5 G-64d: January and February 5 6 Old; February and March 5 7-64d; March and April 5 8-lild. also 5 9-64d; April and May 3 10-64d. Market steady. No tenders. Sales for the week .">4.000 bales - American 37.(XX1 bales; Specula-*' I-S took 2,7151 bales: ex porters took 3.B(X* 1 mi >s: forwarded from ships' side direct lo spinuers 6.6X1 bales: actual exjiort 4,400 bnies; tota! import 23,(XX) liaies American 21.000 bales; total slock 339,000 bales American 278,000 bales: total afloat 7G,tXW— American 40,(XX) bales. 2 p. m.—The sales to-day included 6,000 bales of American, Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, Sep tember delivery 5 36-64d. sellers: September and October 5 15-64d. sellers: October and November 5 u-rttd, value; November and December 5 5-B4J, buyers; December and January 5 6-64 U. buyers; January and February 5 6-64d. buyer* 1 February and March 5 7-64d. buyers; March and April 5 i>-84d. sellers: April and May 5 10 64d, buyers. Market quiet but steady. 4 p. m.—Futures: Uplands, low middling clause, September delivery 5 27-64d, sellers: September and Octolior 3 J5-64d. buyers: Onto ber anil November M)-61d. buyere: November and December 5 8 04d, sellers; lieeember and January 5 7-l;4d. w-liers; January and February 5 7-64d, sellers; February and March 5 8-64d. sellers; Marih anil April’s 10-64d. sellers; April and May 5 Jl-64U, buyers. Market closed firm. New York, Sept. 2. noon.— t'otton opened finq; middling uplands 10c, middling Orleans 10%:: : ales 4tW bales. Futures —The market opened quiet, vvitli sales as follows: September delivery 9 47c, October 9 33c. November 9 28c, December 9 28c, January 9 35c, February 9 43c. 5:00 p. m—Market closed firm; middling uplands 10c, middling Orleans 10%c: sales to-day 455 1 iiiles; net receipts bales, gross 2.209 Futures—Market closed 'mrely steady, with sale* of 06,700 bales, as follows: September de hve-f 9 j®9,sic, October 9 ;as®9 36c, Noveintier and Deceinlier 9 29t09 3(X>. January* 0 34 ®9 35c, B'ebruary 9 42c, March 9 49c, April 9 5H®9 57c, May 9 63®9 64c, June 9 69®9 70c, July 9 73® 9 77c. Green & Co.’s report on cotton futures says: “Cost has averaged somewhat higher 011 cotton futures, but the tone was not so strong ns yes terday and tlie advance could not lie sustained. Evidences of outside buyiug continue, lint the demand was. in the main, from the shorts and sharpest on near option*. This latter feature may be attributed 10 the scarcity of actual cot ton and continued latent feeling of apprehen sion regarding the outcome of the deals for the current month, the later months obtaining bouyancy mainly on crop advices. During t lie afternoon, however, the feeling became slaek and about all the gain disappeared under more cheerful reports of crop conditions and a very fn 1 run of receipts shown at the interior town*. Outside orders are not quite so plenty to day. Final rates were only I@2 points above last evening." Weekly net receipts 102 bales, gross 10,388: exports, to Great Britain 14.447 bales, to the continent 2.821, sales 4,771 bales, stock 34,453 bales. Galveston, Sent. 2.—Cotton firm; middling 9%c. Norfolk, Sept. 2.—Cotton steady; middling f'.Ai.TiMoni' Sept. 2.—Cotton firm; middling 10c. • Boston, Sept. 2.—Cotton quiet; middling 10c. Wilmington, Sept. 2.—Cotton firm; mid dling 9c. Philadelphia, Sept, 2.—Cotton firm; mid dling IGHc. New Orleans, Sept, 2.—Cotton steady; mid dling 9%c. Alobile, Sept. 2.—Cotton firm; middling 9%e. Memphis, Sept. 2.—Cotton quiet; middling 9*4C. Augusta, Kept. 2.—Cotton very quiet; mid dling 9c. Charleston, Sept. 2.—Cotton Ann; middling 9Wc. Montgomery, Sept. 2.—Cotton firm; middling %0. Macon, Sept. 2—Cotton steady; middling 8 1846 c. Columbus, Sept. 2.—Cotton firm; middling 834 c. Nashville, Sept. 2.—Cotton quiet; middling 9%e. Selma, Sept 2.—Cotton firm; middling B%c. Rome. Sept. 2.—Cotton steady: middling 9%c. Atlanta. Sept. 2. -Cotton -middling —c. New York, Sept. 2.—Consolidated net receipt., for all cotton ports so far this week 39.80 C bales; exports, to Great Britain 30,438 bales, to the continent 1,616 bales. PROVISIONS. GROCERIES. ETC. Liverpool, Sept. 2, 12:30 p. m.—Wheat firm; demand fair: holders offer sparingly; California No. 1, os2d@6sßd; the receipts of wheat for the past three days were 206,000 centals, inelud mg 96.000 centals of American. Corn dull; de mand poor; the receipts of American for the pas; threedays were2-l,soOcentals. The weather is wet and stormy. New York, Sept, 2, noon.—Flour steady and quiet. Wheat !4@?ije better. Corn a shade better, Pork steady; mess sls 50t0,15 75. Lard firm at $6 82%. Old mess pork sls 50®10 76. Freights steady. 5:00 p. m.—Flour, Southern quiet and un changed. Wheat, spot lots %®%c higher and (airly active: stock to arrive has good demand; options opened firm, advanced li®t4C, later weakened and fell back closing heavy at about the bottom; No. 2 red, September de livery closing at 80%®8:0; Outobei ftl%®Bi%v, closing at 81 %c; November 82%® sake. Corn, spot lots steady and moderately active: options opened %® : %c higher, closing weak with advance lost; No. 2, September de livery 49%®-50c, closing at 50c; October 50® 50V.jc, closing at 30c; November .50%®.50%e. closing 50%e. Oats, cash firm; options %®%c lower; mixed ’Western 81®38c; No. 2, Septem ber delivery 31%&31%c, closing 81J4c; October 3ls*c, closing r.t 31%e: November 3,'%c, closing 32%.*. Hops’ clos'd steady but quiet. Coffee, spot fair Rio firm at 20%c: No. 6,19 e; No. 5. 19*%c; CoMt t Sica about 19%o; options opened firm, closing s®lU points lower; No. 7 Rio. Sep tembei* delivery 18 16® 18 2.x:; Octo'oer 18 45® 18 55c; Noveiniier 18 70(3,1.3 7.V Sugar active and strong; centrifugal 59rc; inolaases sugar 4 7-16 c: fair refining quoth 1 at 4 1146 c; refined firm and active. Molasses dull but steady. Cotton seed oil quoted nl 34®36c for crude. 40® 43c for refilled. Hides quiet and firmly held. Wool quiet ami about steady; domestic fleece 80<a87c, pulled 14®85c. Texas 9in..Z,c. Pork active and steady; mess sl4 75(0 .15 0(1 for old. sls 50® 15 55 for new. Beef dull. Middles (lull and nominal. Lard 2®4 points lower, with moderate business: Western steam, October dclivery $6 79(q,6 8% November $6 7,®6 75. 1* reigiits to Liverpool closed weak; cotton ii-32d, wheat l%tl. 'Chicago. Sept. 2. -There was a bullish feeling in the wueat nnu-lcet atghe opening to-day. but it was largely a continuance of the tone estab lisbed in the afternoon session yesterday, and did not last long. There were evidently too many longs, who were anxious to take profit, .. jwever .-snail, and when these parties began to realise tip* marteet weakened from lack of out side duced selling wan the f.iUlng off in the export movement Mud the iin-lhasivl receipts in the Northwest receipts here were also slightly larger than expected, and estimates for to morrow are lai-ge. A moderate shipping in quiry existed, but late cables reported prices, but the demop 1 wattless urgent. October Wheat opened about %c better at 715*c, sold down to Tflihc. up again to 71%c, and back to 7(%0, and cloned at 71c. Corn was rather quiet 10 day, with trading *Ol nowtlut limned and the feeling easier There was a fair demand from (hints for September early, and a prominent Im al operator bought quite freely. The market opened about the same as the closing priors of yesterday, whs steady for a lime under mode rate offerings, theu ruled weaker, when it be came known thrt 53ti,(X)0 bushels ere expo.;tel to morrow, and values d("■lined %to G ruled quiet, him (dosed X^ii> : %c jO'Ver than yesterday. October o)iein-H a 1 *t.>i*c. oud dosed at ll r %c. Mav noM from 4534 c down t:45%c, then broke to *4 Jtc, 4P<l dosej at 43%®4.5%c. (oats were more active than yrsterdsy. selling higher early and lower at the close. October opened at *-5 and closed at. 2fs*. May sold at 36%0 and 80%c. closing' that figure. I’iovi.siou, were fairly settv*, partlcnlai ly short ribs, which were de cidedly stronger and higher. The stocks here snowed more of a reduction than anticipated, as it waa generally expected that there would be at least 25,(105,000 pounds, but the report only showed In round nuinbeiw 23,990,000 pounds, a >1 'crease of nearly lU.OUo.OIW poiuals during Au gust. Holders were disinclined to sell and shorts anxious lo buy, and price* advanced 17% ®2oe, mid closed at nearly the top. The ship ping demand was fair, and Armopr sold l.OdO,o9opounds cash in lots at $8 80. Ke|>temlier ojiemvi at $8 to, solo at $8 J6(B.h 40. and closed at $8 37%. January wa* ueglecied, and sold at $6 45. Lard was offeredmore frivly, and prices declined 3%'.**■ Bcpteuilssr soi l at $6 thipiO 56, closing at $6 47%; January at $3 42%®U So, anil cloned at S’, 57%. Mess |X>rk was slow at sl2 47% ® 12 55, and dosed at sl* 50 for January. Cash quotations to-day rilel as follows: Flour In lairloral Inquiry: prices continue Arm. Wheat. No. 2 spring Tsjto69 Me: No. 3 spring Sflc; So 2 red ite. Corn, No. 2, 4t%0. Oat*, No. 2,24 c. Me*<* iKirk, por Imrrel. sl4 X)® 14 25. lard, per 100 lo cs 6 45. Short rib sides, loose, $ t U'% Dry salted •houldei'.i, boxed. $.4 14X6 5 .40: shdrr. clear side*, Isixed, $8 50®8 55. Whisky $1 10. leading fdnire* range 1 as follows: Opcumg. Highest. Closing. No. a WntAT— Serf delivery... WM 9W Gut. t|eit<ary,,., 71% 71% Nov. delivery . 73% 7H\i 72$< foft.s, No. i - delivery,4lM 41% 41% Oct. delivery.... 42% 42% 41% May delivery 45% 45% 46% Oats No. 2 , Sept, delivery... 243-7 24% 21% Oct. delivery 35% 25% 25 May delivery. 30% 30% 30% Mrs.s Poke Year, per barrel.sll 85 $ $ Jan. delivery.... I*2 55 12 57% 12 50 l-AHD— Sept. delivery.. $0 45 f . $ Oct. delivery 6 50 6 52% 6 47% Jan. delivery.... 6 60 6 60 6 57% Shori* P.tas— Sept, delivery... $8 40 $8 40 $8 37% (let. delivery. . 840 845 840 Jan. delivery 6 40 Baltimore, Sept. 2.—Flour firm, with fair demand: Howard street and Western su perfine $2 2£*(i( 2 75, extra $3 00®360, family $3 7.5 ®4 35, city mills superfine 24®:! 62, extra $3 50; Kio brands $4 15®4 50. Wheat—South ern firm and active; red 78®80c; amber 80qt82c; Western higher but quiet; No. 2 winter red, on spot and September delivery 78%. > ; st,,e. Corn Southern steady and llrm; white 56®57c, yel low .44;ip.55c; Western nomiually steady but dull. Louisville. Sept. 2.—Grain dull. Wheat— No. 2 red, 72c. Corn, No. 2 mixed 44c. Oats, No. 2 mixed 2Sc. Provisions quiet. Bacon —clear rib sides $9 25, clear sides $9 75, shoulders $6 50. Bulk meats clear rib sides $8 50, clear sides $8 87%, shoulders $5 75. Mess pork. sl7 90. Hams, sugar-cured at sl2 00® 13 50. Lard, choice leaf $8 00. Cincinnati, Sept. 2.—Flour dull. Wheat dull; No. 2 red 71 79c. Corn st l onger: No. 2 mixed 44%®44e. Oats dull: No. 2 mixed 27% @*%c. I’revisions Pork dull at sl4 50. Lap! strong at $9 40. Bulk meats stronger: short riiis held out of the market. Bacon stronger; short ribs $ 1 25, short clear $9 75. Whisky in goml demand at $1 05. Sugar firm. Hogs quiet; -common and light $4 00®4 15; packing ami butchers $4 90® 5 40. St. Louis. Sept. 2.—Flour closed dull and un changed. Wheat opened higher, but the close was %c below yesterday; No. 2 red. cash 69%® 70c; September delivery 099i@G9%e; October 71%®71%c, November ,3@73%e. Com %@*ifcc lower: cash 87%@38%e. September delivery 37% U) 37%c; October 38%®88%c, May 41%®41%c. Oats %c lower; casn 24@24%c, September de livery 83%c. October 24<%c, May 29%i*. Pro visions firm: Pork irregular; new sls. Lard at $6 30. Dry Salt meats boxed shoul ders $5(50; long clear $8 24, clear ribs $8 37%, short clear $8 67%. Bacon—boxed shoulders $6 12%, long clear $9 OOivjyi 05%, clear ribs $9 05 ti> 9 10%, short clear $9 37%®9 40. Hams steady at sl2® 16. New Orleans, Sept. 2.—Coffee in light > mil but holders firm; Kio cargoes mi l coi uto prime 18%®2i%c. Cott.-n seed produci.- quiet nut steady; prime cru* ' oil 26®280, offered: summer yellow oil 87®ire; cuise aud meal 20® 30 24c per long ton f. o, Sugars strong; Lou isiana open kettle, fuliy fair 5%e. good fair 5%c: I.>misiana centi fugais, off white 5%® .4 316 c. choice yellow i arined 6%,■, prime yellow clarified 0 1-16 C, se< > 'tills s®.’)%c. Molasses scarce and firm; Lour am centrifugals, strictly prime to fancy SB® 33c, good fair to good prime 22®25c, common to good common 18® 21c. NAVAL STORKS. New York, Sept. 2, noon.—Spirits turpentine dull at 32%c. Rosin dnit at $1 <)s®l 10. 5:00 p. m.—Rosin (bill at $1 05®1 10. Tur pentine steady. Charleston, Sept. 2.—Spirits turpentine steady at 29c. Rosin steady; good strained 90c. Wilmington, Sepf. 3.—Spirits turpentine firm at 29%c. Rosin dull; strained 72%c, good strained 77%c. Tar firm at $1 30. Crude turpentine firm; hard $1 10. RICE. New York, Sept, 2. —Rice steady and fairly active. New Orleans. Sept. 2. —Rice active, firm and higher; Evuir.iana, ordinary’ to prime 4%®5%c. SHIPPING INT'^II.LIGENC'E. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Bun Rises 6:88 High Wateii at Savannah 8:49 a m. 0:07 i> m Saturday, Sept 3, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Wm Faiwrence, Snow. Baltimore— J B West <t Cos. Bark St Marys, Meat's, Port Royal, S C, in bal last, to load for Perth Amboy -Master. Belli* Ida Lawrence, Young, Charleston, in ballast—Jos A Roberts & Cos. Steamer David Clark. Bravo. Fernandina—C Williams, Agent. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Savannah. Smith, New York —C G Anderson, Agent. Schr A D Ixunson, Smith, Baltimore—Jos A Roberts & Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY'. Steamer David Clark. Bravo. Fornandina- C Williams, Agent. SAILED YESTERDAY'. Steamship City of Savannah. New Y'ork. Scbr Marthas’ Bement, Brooklyn. MEMORANDA. New York, Aug 31—Cleared, steamship High laud Prince (Br), Milburn, Savannah. Antwerp, Aug 31—Sailed, bark Brabant ißelg), deVries, savannah. Corunna, Aug 26 Arrived, bnrk LaPlatta (Non, Hendrieksen, Savannatp lieal. Aug 81—Passed, bark Hans Tkiis (Nor), Thiis. Savannah for London. Ghent, Aug 31—Arrived, bark Triumph (Nor)), Aosuedsen, Pensacola. Hamburg. Aug 31—Arrived, bark Subra (Ger). Otterbek, Brunswick. Montevideo, July 20—Arrived, bark Monark (Nor), Halvorseu, f’ensacola; 89th. schr Mauza nillaißri. Smith, Rio Janeiro; Aug l.liarkMary K Camptiell (Bri, O'Neill, Buenos Ayres. Sailed. liarks Christina (Nor), Hausen, Pensa cola: 28th, Isaac Bcnbain (Nor), Klaveueas, do. Rotterdam. Aug 35—Arrived, bark Ole Bull (Nor), Riis, Savannah. Rio Janeiro, Aug 3—Sailed, ship Magdala (Nor), Petersen, Pensacola. Santos. July 2> Sailed, barks Pomona (Nori, Omundsen, ®ls-e; 6th, Aukathor (Nor), Tlior 3en. do. Baltimore, Aug 3! Cleared, steamship Alba nia t Br 1. Simmons. Savannah, and sailed Sept 1. Darien, Aug 29 Arrived, schr Ella M Hawes, Purington, Savanitali. Georgetown. S (Aug 31—Soiled, schr D W McLean. Hudson. Philadelphia. Pensacola, Aug 31—Cleared, ship Greenock (Non, Hansen. Liverpool r criuuidhm, Sept 2 Arrived, schr Ridgewood, Weaver, New York; brig G L Guery, Conklin, do: Sarah E Kennedy. Walter, do. Cleared, schr T P Ball, Johnson, New York. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Northport. L 1. Aug 31 —The outer black buoy at entrance to Northport Bay is 200 yards N of the front, of tho flat. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston anil Savannah Rail wav, Sept 2- 3) bales cotton, 10 bids spirits turpentine, 150 bhls rosin. 3 oars wood, I car cattle, 210 empty bills, 24 kegs nails, 85 boxes tobacco, 3 cases *ta tionary, 75 caddies tobacco. 5 rases cigars, 50 dog brooms, 2 bales hides, and mdse. Persvaimah, Florida ami Western Railway. Sept 2—940 bale* cotton. 20 cars lumber. 2 cars wheels, 1.801 bids rosin, tears wood, 1 car cattle. 870 bills spirits turpentine, 9 bales hides, 1 car laths, 1 car sheep. 9 tanks, and mds** Per Central Railroad. Sept 2—853 lades cot ton, 90 hales vain, 67 bales donestlcs, 1 cursantt, 40 pkgs hardware. J3 bales hides. 16 cases eggs. 7 rolls leather. 4 cars coal. 6 pkgn paper. 10 half lit,ls whisky, 221 tobacco, 22,1>)0 lbs lard, 4,749 lbs bacon, 299 hbls spirits turpentine, 48Q bills rosin. 226 lbs fruit, 200 sacks brail, 135 half hbls beer. 3D.’i qr bbh* beer, 101 pkgs furniture. 25 lihls flour. 1 horse. 30 cars lumoer, 2 cars wood. ! car box material, 12 -asks clay. 3 bbl* wax, 1 pkg Machinery', '-W- pkgs mdse, 9 pkg* empties. I bale paper stock, 1 pkg Junk EXPORT.?. Per steamship City of Savannah for Now York—l.7o7 hales upland cotton. SO bbh) rice. 90 bales dumestlc* ana yarns. 2.413 bbl* rosin, 112 hbl* spirit* turpentine, 51,212 feet lumber. iSS pkgs mdse, 7 bale* bides, 47 turtle, 4 bbl* fruit, 68 cratas fruit. Per scbr A D Lamson, for Baltimore—3lo 747 feet p p lumber. 55,066 feet cypres* lumber - Stillwell, Pike & Milieu PASSENGERS. Per steamship City of Savannah, for New Y'ork— Dr and Mrs J J Waring. T P Waring, Mrs R M Dernere. Master Edward Domere, Mia* Nannie Bond, Mrs J U Johnson and child. Miss Lon Hurn:ii\ 1, Mi** M J Woods, (Jims Hudson. B It Itarruum, i’etsr J F ay, Mis* Kate Conner. Miss Emma (kmnor. Raymond D Willdns, E J Kennedy, E J Lyons, W H Feeley, D B Btepheu sen. Mis* L A Shot we 11, Airs (i E Burrell, T liar ri*. A Bell, J R Young, J J Illun, J K Fletcii, J R Sheldon, CO Dilworth, J -May, H Berg, R W Hodder, and steerage. Per steamsi* David Clark, from Feriiandio* - John Bravo. Mrs S A Bravo, N B Baiun, S A Weil, K A Smith, L Brown. D H Rolans. John Brown and son CONSIGNEES i'er steamer David Chirk, from Fernandina— II Myers A Bros M Y Hendevaon, wsrren A* A, J H Wood A Bro, Jno FUunery A (to, R Cum mings. J P Williams at Cos. M Y A I) I Mclntlre, Bavamioh SUmm Bakery. Baldwin A Cos, W L Oignllllat. Palmer Bros. Kill*. Y t Cos Per Charlecon and Ba'*'in9 Rad wav. Sept 8-l> H Kennedy, K.T Roiiert*. A Klnntein s Hon*. (I W Tiedomaa. M Y Henderson. .1 S Bunting. Baldwin A Cos. Blown Bros. R it CiwufU, Fisher Bros, MeMUliui Bros. M Bolev A Son. B M Oar funkel, Decker & V. Standard Oil Cos. Collector Customs. Ueudheim Bros A Cos, A Ehrlich & Bro, lAte Roy Myers & Cos, E Lovell A Son, Harnett, 8 A Cos, Rainier Bros. Per Savnmuin, Florida and Western Railway. Sent £—Transfer Offli'e. .(no Flannery * Cos. Metuhard Bros* Cos, 6Guokenhcimer * Son. M Mayers. I ee Rov Myers * Cos. MoDouough * '"o, Lippman Bros, Ft Myers * Bros. A .1 Miller * Cos, R B CAssclx, Dale. 1) * Cos, W Harkins A Son, Bush & Mel, Smith Bros A Cos, .1 l) Weed A Cos, Keppard A Cos, Bacon, J A Cos. M Y Henderson, Epstein A W, M Ferst A Cos, J 0 Sullivan A Cos H Hohenstein. A Falk A Son, Frank A Cos, I 'I Fletcher, II Solomon A Son. A Ehrlich A E Standard Oil Cos. Baldwin A Cos, 0 Walter A W W Gordon A Cos, J P Williams A Cos, Perkn Garnett. S A Cos, Butler AS, reacock, H A Cos, Ilerron & Cl, 0 L Montague, J S Wood & Bro, F M Farley, Warren A A. M Maclean. Woo is A Cos. Per Central Railroad. Sept 3—T'ordg Art, G Walter A Cos, Garnet t, S A Cos, Woods A Cos. Herron A O, .Ino Flannery A Cos, Maclean A Cos, W \V Gordon A Cos, Warren A A. Baldwin A Cos, H M Comer A Cos. F M Fai'ley. J S Wood A Bro, Montague A Cos, R D Bogart .1 P Williams A Cos. W W Chisholm, M Y A I> 1 Mclutire, Butler & S, A Ehrlich A Bro, I) G Kinstefn A Co.C H Carson. Teenle A Cos. I .or Roy Myers A Cos. J PerlinsUi, M Y Henderson, Times. Southern Cotton Oil Cos, Moinhard Bros A Cos, Frank A Cos, Eckinau A V. Bond, li A K, M Ferst A Cos, J Rosenlieim A Cos, W B ,Mell & Cos. G W Parish, G W Ttedeman. J E HI u kshear A Einstein's Sons, Stillwell, PA M, I G Haas, HJlvev. Lippman Bros. Harms A J. B .1 Cold icdge, V,’ D Simkius A. Cos, Maclean A Cos, ,1 P Gilliams A Cos, I'eacock, H A Cos, A Lelfler, M Boley A Son, Solomons A Cos, Warnock A W, 0 Kolshorn A Bro. MoDonough A Cos. 1. PuUel, A.l Miller A Cos, AY C Jackson, E A Schwarz, T I, Kinsey, A S Butler, L Alexander, 1. liege, G 1) Hedges Jrndheim Bros A Cos, RieserAS, 8 Gucke,, t Son LIST OF v . .SEI 8 IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Sept 2,1857. si.jams •ties. Tallahassee, 1,830, tons, I islier, New York, dis— C O Anderson. Juniata, 1,821) ions, Askins, Philadelphia, cld— C U Andcson. Ixia illn, I .‘.'Si tons, Grim wade, at quarantine, e ta- A Minis A Sons. Wm Lawrence, 1,040 tons, Snow, Baltimore, dis .las B AVest A Cos. Four steamships. BARKS. Emilio Ciampa (Ball, 120 lons, Caflero, Genoa, repg—A it Salas A Cos. Telemach (Nor), 882 tons, Hardy, Buenos Ayres, Idg A R Salas A Cos. Moore Rosa (Rail. 707 tons. Della Casa, Buonos Ayres. ldg--A R Salas A Cos. Arendal (Nor), 484 ions, Josephsen. Europe, Mg A K Salas A Cos Theta (Nor), 618 tons, Narbow, Belfast, cld— Holst A Cos. Daphne iNori, 807 tons. Hansen, Brunswick, cld Holst A Cos. Flirgitte (Nor), Mi) tons. Torjesen, at quarantine, wig Holst A Cos. Sarah A Staples. 480 tons, Gay, Philadelphia, cld- Jos A Roberts A Cos Anita Berwiud, 004 tons. Mcßride, New York, Ulg—Jos A Roberts A Cos Melohoir VidnllcU (Auk). 401 tons. Toneri, Eu rope, ldg—M S Cosulich A Cos. Pusnaes (Nor), 485 tons, Aanonsen, at quaran tine, wig Paterson, Downing A Cos. Eleven barks. BRIGS. John Wesley, 486 tons, Van Gilder. Baltimore, ldg- Jos A Roberts A Cos. Clara Ihckcns, 11)1 tons, Eddy, Baltimore, die— Jos A Roberts A Cos. Robert Dillon, 431 tons, Leighton, New York, ldg Master. Three brigs. SCHOONXRS. A D Lamson, 448 tons, Hmith, Baltimore, eld— Jos A RolicrtH A Cos. Grace Bradley, 657 tons, Mclntyre, Boston, ldg— Jos A Roberts A Cos. Minnie A Bonsai!, 469 tons, Lodge, New York and Wohawken. ldg—Jos A Roberts A Cos. Wm 11 Wood. 588 t ons, Corson, New York, Idg Jos A Roberts A Cos. W H F redeem, 822 tons. Saunders, Brooklyn, Idg Jos A Roberts A Cos. Wapella. 869 tons. Bagger, Now York, ldg— Jos A Roberts A Cos. John G Schmidt, 470 tons, Van Gilder, Philadel phia, din—Jos A Roberts A Cos. Grace Andrews, 588 tons, Andrews, Kennebec River, dis—Jos A Roberts A Cos. James K Bayles. 898 tons. Robinson, New York for Galveston, in distress, repg--Jos A Roberts A Cos. Annie Bliss. 835 tons. O’Donnell, Philadelphia and Wilmington. Del. Idg—Dale. Dixon A Cos. Welcome R Beebe. 384 tons, Lozier, New York, dis—McDonough A Cos. Satilla, 398 tons, Skolfleld, Bath, dis—Master. Twelve schooners. BHOKKRS. HJlltlffli, SECDBTTY BROKER. Buys and Sells on Commis sion all Classes of Stocks and Bonds. Negotiates Loans on Mar ketable Securities. New York Quotations Fur nished by Private Ticker Every Fifteen Minutes. Theodore Gordon, BROKER. of all kinds bought and sold on commission, Special attention given to good fitock* r.ud Honda for investment*. New York quotations by wire. ___ F. C. WYLLY, Slock, Bond and Real Estate Broker, 119 BRYAN STREET. SAVANNAH, GA. Securities of all kind bought and sold strictly on commission. L. A. WAKBMAN, BBOKBR, A PCD DKAI.KK IN Stocks uuil Bonds. No, JOT Batteraby's bulkllng. Bay Street, SAVMTWAH, - fl-KOKOIA. L. M WARFIELD, JBIROIKIIELR,. STOCKS, BONDS AND COTTON SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA.. BROKERS. WM. T. WIIJ.IAMS W. CUMJIINO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., Brokers. ORDERS EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchange*. is'COMMERCIAL BUILDING. NAVAL STORES FACTORS C. S. Ellis, Savannah, Ga. J. R. Torso, Savannah, Ga. C. B. I’akkeh, Longview, ito. ills, Young 4 Cos, Naval Stores Factors AND DEALERS IN Naval Stores Supplies ► <j •—ALSO — GROCERIES, PROVISIONS & GRAIN, Savannah and Brunswick, Ga. YV’Ebeg to announce to ouv friends that wo Tv have enlarged our GROcKltlHff \Nl> SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT, and will In-rear ter keep on hand a full line of Groceries & Provisions. Which we offer at lowest market prices, and on accommodating terms. Buying direct from first hands, and In large quantities, and guaran leelngthe quality of onr goods, we cannot fail to please all who place their orders in our hauvlw. We enumerate some of the articles wo shall keep constantly fresh In stock FLOUR—AII grades. BACON Smoked and Dry Salted. TOBACCO—Home of the same favorite brands which Tine raiders kindly left behind RICE, BOAP, CANNED GOODS. —ALSO— CORN, OATS, HAY, MEAL, GRIST, * - BRAN. We shall continue to keep in large stock all Naval Stores Supplies SPIRIT BARRELS—Palmer’s and all other brands. • HOOP IRON—Only the very best, quality. GLUE—The best quality, and also a medium grade, selected with great care. BATTING -Manufactured expressly for us. BUNGS AND RIVETS. HACKS—We are Hole Agents for the Council Hacks, which have been recommended by some of ibe most intelligent operators in Georgia as the best hack in PHE. We keep two qualities on hand the “Standard,” a beautiful polished Hack, and the “Black Joe," a rough or un polished tool, thought by some to be superior on this account. WE SHALL CONTINUE OUR Naval Stores Factorage Business WITH ENLARGED FACILITIES AND IN CREASED EXPERIENCE. Our charges are moderate, and we guarantee as full prices as any house in the city. We are prepared to make usual advances on consignments, and will give our personal at ten tlon to all the details uf this department, os well as all others of our business. We invite orders and currua(>ondence both at Savannah and Brunswick. T. T. CHAPEAU, NAVAL STORES BROKER, STODDARD'S UPPER RANGE, SAVANNAH. - GEORGIA. Hunt & Owen, BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OK COTTON AND NAVAL STORES, Savannah, Ga. GAS FIXTURES, ROSE, ETC. JOM BICOLSOI, Jr. * DEALER IN Gas Fixtures, GLOBES & SHADES. PLUMBERS’, MACHINISTS’ •—AND— - .M ill Supplies. ENGINE TRIMMINGS Steam tracking, SHEET GUM, Hyflrant, Steal ai Suction HOSE. IRON PIPES AND . FITTINGS, Lift and Force Pumps. 30 and 33 Drayton St, FOOD PRODUCTS. FOREST CITY ILLS. Pkepahkd Stock Food for Horses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pure Guaranteed Sweet and Nutritious. Rond ,Haynes&Elton LOTTERY. L.S.L. CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000. “If> dn hereby certify that we supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi- Annual Drawings of the J.nuis ana State Lot tern Company, and in person manage and con trol the l>ru • ing.i themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty , fairness, and in good faith toward ail parties . and we autkorf ie Vie Company to use this certificate, with fno si lies of our natures attacked, in its adver* tlscmcnu. ” Commissioner*. IFe thr undertime *d Bank.* n urf Banker* ir.BX pap all Pi istM (frui'm in /Ac (xiuieiana State Lot tci ics which tray fa* presented at uur counter*. J. H OGLESBY. Pres Louisiana Nat'l Bank. PIERRE LANAUX, Pres. State Nat’l Bank. A. BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans Nat'l Bank, CARL KOHN Pres. Union National Bank. •UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! U Over Half a Million Distributed, LOUISIANA STATE TOTTERY COMPANY. Incorporated In IBflß for ‘JB years by the I.jegia* latlire for Educational and Charitable purposes —with u capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over SJSSO,OOO has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its fran* chine was made a j>art of tbs present State con stitution, adopted December 2d, A. D. 187 V. The only Lottery ever voteit on and indorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Ii Grand Huclr Number Hrnwlngn (aku place moiHlily, nud the NcniDAnimal Draw, lugw regularly every ai.\ months (June and December). \ HPLIMMD OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. ninth grand drawing, CLASS TANARUS, in THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY, rweplember 13- lb 7 AlOHlIi Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $150,000. Notice—Tickets are Ten Dollars onlyx Halves, $5; Fifths, $2; Tenths, sl. I.IST (Ur I-HIZKS 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF $150,000 . #150.000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 60,000 . , BOJWO J GRAND PKi/.E OF 20,000 ... 80,000 2 LARGE PRIZES OF JiI.OOO 80.000 4 LARGE PRIZES OF 5,000... 80,000 £0 PRIZEH OK 1,000 ... 80,000 50 PRIZES OF 500 .. 26.01 M 100 PRIZEH OF Ml. .. ;KOOO 200 PRIZES OF 200 40.000 800 PRIZES OF 100.... 60,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZKH. 100 Approximatiou l’rizea of S3OO $30,000 100 “ '• 200 20,000 100 “ “ ioo. ... 1.000 Terminal “ 50 50,t)0 2,179 Prizes, amounting t 0........... $585,000 Application for rates to clubs should be ma.d only to tho offleo of th Company In New Or leans. For further Information write elearly, giving full address POSTAL NOTES, ' Express Money Order*, or New York Exchange In ordi nary fetter, Currency by Express (at, our expenaal addressed M. A. DAtl’IIlN, New Orleans, La. orM, A. Dtl PIID, Wn.liingtiin, O. 41. Address Registered Letters io NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. New Orleans, I,a. RFMFMRFR That the presence of Gen r\ t_ I VI C. IVI DL. r\ Ibvmregard nnd Early, who are in churge of tho drawings, is a Siorantee of absolute fairness and inte.rrity, ■at the eUauces are all equul. and that no on* can possibly divine what number will draw a Prize. ItESIKSI ItKlt that, the iiaymentof all Prize is GCAIIANTKKII BY Pltl R NATIONAL HA His „f ffew Orleans, and the Tickets are signe.l h.v the >*residentof an Institution whose chartered rights are recognized in the highest Courts; therefore, beware of any imitations or anonymous schemes COTTON SF.F.D WANTED. COTTON SEED WANTED THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO., CAPITAL 10.000.000, HAS juttt constructed eight new Cotton SeiJ Oil MHU, located at the follow ing points, each having the capacity per day indicated: Columbia, S. C., - 100 Tons. Savannah, Ga., - - 100 “ Atlanta, Ga., - - 200 “ Montgomery, Ala., - 200 “ Memphis, Tenn., - 200 “ Little Rock, Ark., - 200 “ New Orleans, La., - 300 “ Houston, Texas, £OO “ CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. AddrM% at nearest Mil). Southern Cotton Oil Cos. _ n CHIMNEYS. HOUSEWIVES A*T-, FARMERS. <C> STUDENTS Jl andall OTHERS SHOULD USI fM| MACBETH & COS /-vEARIIif CHIMNEYS K AjjfffKScl A >r YO ' J DON'T WAFT fc ft I he ANNOYED by Constant ft Ww S BhiAKlrtG OF CHIMNEYR best chimney made For Sale Every wherai MADE OflbY Ar EPJMCBETHICO. FROM HIT.HOLYOKE SEIHMI HIITTSBUNSH r*F We UM nearly (800) thre. ill! trA.l*' mum. hundred light* every even' .rated PEARL TOP anl idgment ii that we would rather nay a dollar a dotes rtnem than 8 fly centa adorer for any other Chim* Vwo have overused. LX. PORTER. Steward. "■—■.'ig HARDWARE. EDWARD LOVELL & SONS' HARDWARE, Iron m Turpentine Took Cor. RUu? and Whitaker streets. Wsrehoune: 188 ami HO State street. KIBSLINO-’S NURSERY, Whito 1 Ain 11 Hoad. PLANTS. BOUQUETS, DKHIUIfIt, CUT 1 FLOW EiiK furnished to order, Ivjavc or ders ntuAVlo Bcu.,. . ciauer Bull and YolA ftru'ti lew: bom. call 44a. 11