The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 09, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 TINEV THOMPSON MISSING FOSSIBLY FOUL, PLAY BUT PROBA BLY A SHORTAGE Be Left the City Friday With $2,500 Ostensibly to Pay Off Mill Hands— Nothine Heard of Him Since—Discrep ancies in Bank Accounts Already .Found The sudden and unexplained atisenee of Mr. Tinev B. Thompson, of the firm of J. 0 McDonough & Cos., lumber dealers, has caused his friends and acquaintance a deal of anxiety and worry, and has completely prostrated his wife and mother. Mr. Thompson was the managing partner of the concern, and, besides his oftice work, was on the road to a considerable extent. Last Friday he told Mr. Delannoy, the Chief clerk, that ha intended leaving that evening to visit the company's mills at Burrencyand Kingsville, and that he would probably visit, Brunswick. He addl'd that, be would return Tuesday morning in all probability. He left on the evening train on the Savannah, Florida and Western rail kray. A friend saw him off, and stated afterward that Mr. Thompson appeared all right and was as cheery as ever. This was the last seen of him. as far as can be learned. Up to the present writing. MR. M’DONOUGH RKCALI.ED. As Mr. McDonough was in New York, the work that Mr. Thompson had to see to Was greater than usual, and his absence also placed the force on double time, as it Were. As the business at this time, on ac count of the arrival of several vessels at once, was pressing the force closely his re turn was eagerly watched for. Not return ing Tuesday they began to fear some dis aster had befallen him, and as he did not drive Wednesday, Mr. McDonough was telegraphed the facts in the case. He at once ptarted for this city and arrived yesterday pioming. Meanwhile Mr. Delannoy had telegraphed to the different mills to see if Blr. Thompson had lieen at any of them, ut no trace could be found of his where abouts. He had not lieen at any of the ini Ha nor at Brunswick, where he was ex pected Sunday afternoon. FOUL PI.AY SUSPECTED. All this worried his friends and the com pany’s employes, and when Mr. McDonough returned he found them all greatly troubled. There was no clue as to which way he went pod a most thorough search could not bring fco light any trace of the missing man. His jfriends searched high and low for him and left no stone unturned to unravel the myste rious disappearance. There seemed no good keason for nis sudden departure, and all fbared foul play. Mr. Thompson had only two hobbies, if such they <*uld hie called, the drama and field spirts, Neither of these could explain his absence. A few days ago he purchased a fine hunting dog and outfit, and some of his friends think he is off enjoying a quiet hunt to himself. Others say his head has troubled him greatly the past year, and they fear his flight was caused by temporary insanity. Friday he consulted a physician regarding his eye and head troubles which had dis tressed him of late. RUMORS SPRINO INTO LIFE. He was told he must rest his eyesight hy remaining in a darkened room a fortnight Or so. He had heard of an Atlanta oculist, Ur. Calhoun, and he told a gentleman the early part of last week that he intended going there to consult him. The sudden disappearance of a gentleman to prominently identified with one of the largest interests of the city, soon created rumors of all sorts. They increased in size and degree, as they passed from mouth to mouth, till at last they mounted to a very sensational height, one rumor being that ne was short in his accounts to so great an ex tent as to seriously cripple the Arm of which he was a member. - ENTANGLED ACCOUNTS. Mr. McDonough was foupd last night in bis private office working energetically on a mass of papers spread on the desk before him, and asked regarding Mr. Thompson’s absence y “I don't know the slightest thing regard ing it,” he answered wearily, “and 1 haven't any opinion whatever to offer. The hare fact of Mr. Thompson's strange disappear ance u known to me and that is all. I was in New York and when I received the tele- E announcing his unaccountable absence nca returned and arrived this morning, know as much about it as I do.” “Are there any business troubles that Uade him leave,” was asked. “No, nothing that I know of. Since coming home the books have been partially Investigated, as would be naturally done, but everything seems all right. The only thing in bail shay is Mr. Thompson's own [work. For the last fortnight it seems as if that portion hud run itself, hs I find matters greatly isnnplicated and entangled. Many records seem to be missing, and I am trying to straighten up matters, but it gives me four times the work in-sides the trouble and annoyance. It may lie lie found the work getting behind and lost his head over it, and feeling despondent suddenly left the city, hardly conscious of what he was doing.” THE RUMORED SHORTAGE. “Has he suffered from these head troubles before r “Yes,” replied Mr. McDonough, “very often, and a* times they seemed to utterly prostrate him. 1 recollect one uight about six months ago, when we walked up town together. Something happened 1 didn’t like and as we stood talking by my gate. I spoke very harshly to him. He seomed to collapse at once and nearly fainted away, and was ill several days afterward. He complained of hi head t roubles and was afraid they would increase." “How about the rumored shortage, Mi-. McDonough f “There’s nothing in it that I know of,” sharply answered the gentleman. “We found nothing out of the way, particularly, in the books, and I cannot see how any shortage could occur. I certainly don*t know where he could have secured any large amount of money. If any was taken it -wasn’t more, probably, than he was en titled to draw on his salary account. Wo keep our deposits in two banks, and I have ju*t been examining the bank books, but they seem to be all right. No, I haven’t made any further efforts te trai-e him. If he’s gone for good, whv, he’s gone. If not, he’ll turn up soon. There would be no use to try to hunt him up.” MRS. THOMPSON PROSTRATED. Mr. McDonough further said Mr. Thomp eon had risen to nis present position from a boy in the yard, ana was u most energetic young man, and well liked by all. When aakM if Mr. Thompson had taken funds along to pay the mill employee, he said no The money for this purpose was always ■ent. hy express, as Mr. Thonqison’* time was too valuable for such purposes. A visit was made to Mr. Thompson's resi dence, buUMrx. Thompson was prostrate) by her husband's mysterious rate, and could not be seen. A frienii, however, wild that she didn't know anythingalxnit it. He told her he was going to inspect tho mills, and ns he was out very often she thought nothing of It. Hite and ner mother in-law- were greatly grieved over the matter and were rendered quite ill by the excite ment. and their distress of mind. A BANK OFFICIAL’S STATEMENT. Late last night a prominent official of one of the banks with which McDonough & Cos. did business gave some very important facts regarding the cane from another standpoint. He xaid hoth hunk accounts were gone over carefully, and that a shortage was found In each hilt only small onea, ooni|iaratively. He further added thut Mr. McDonough said that the shortage, if there is one, would not •xoecd s2’>,oUi. Gut that at the present time it wall impOMubie te make the statement that Thompson had taken one dollar, save the fU.SjUi which be took with him to pay '•K the mill employ ml TU* was all he could my anw i Mr. Thompson was a very energetic young ■ man, was wall liked, and has a large ac quaintance throughout the city. His friends still maintain their apprehension of foul play and say he would not have remained away so long unless something of the kind had happened. He had a happy home, a i good business (xxsition. and there seemed not ! the slightest inducement for any ai t out of the wav. Steps will he taken to-day by some of his friends to oudeevor to trace his course after leaving the city and to ascer tain where he left the railroad. TURN ABOUT 13 FAIR PLAY. Mrs. Barnwell Takes a Part in the Game of Making Affidavits. Last week, it will lie rememlrered, Mrs. Kate Barnwell, living at the corner of West Broad and Indian streets, was brought up liefore Justice Sheftall, on charges pre ferred by Charles Bardett, a carpenter. He made an affidavit to four charges, viz: for keeping a gaming house, larceny, breach of the peace and assault and battery. Mrs. Barnwell gave Ixinds for a hearing before the City Court, and said she was innocent of the charges. She then, the following Friday, made affi davit charging Bardett with perjury, so she says, and expected he would be arrested. Her experience in the matter for the next few days, according to her account, was ex tremely unsatisfactory. At one time she was told that the case was settled, and that Bardett had paid the expenses attached to the proceedings. She was soon after in formed, however, that the case was not ■settled, and that Bardett had not been arrested. Wednesday Bardett was ar rested, however, and committed to jail. M. .T. O'Connor represented her up to that day, Mrs. Barnwell says, and advised her in all the stejis she took. Wednesday, however, h • ap.ieared for Bardett, which she thought very queer, especially as she says she made a bar gam with him to represent her for #lO and paid him #5 tor drawing up a bond at the beginning of the case. Mrs. Barnwell makes some queer statement* regarding her legal experience, and it is not unlikely the Solicitor General will take some action in the matter on his return. Mr. Bardett was released on bond yester day. BOY DETECTIVES. A Negro Desperado Spotted by a Trio of Young Amateurs. Thomas Aiken (colored), the desperado who so brutally beat and injured Tom Burke, the express company driver, in Rey nolds square Aug. 7, was arrested yesterday afternoon by Offli-er Hanlev in Congress street lane, in the rear of Herat's bakery. The arrest was made through the shrewd detective work of three young lads—Johnny Mahoney and two of his companions. These lads, were positive Aiken was the one who did the beating, and for the last two weeks have been shadowing him. They saw him at a Port Royal excursion some time ago, and to make sure one of the lads went up to him, and scanning his features closely asked for a match. The negro was displeased at the close scrutiny of the-boy and roughly ordered him off. The inspection satisfied the trio of youthful detectives that he was the man wanted, but they “laid low” for him. Yesterday they saw him in the lane and telephoned to the barracks at once for an officer, and when he arrived pointed out the man to him. When arrested Aiken pro fessed his ignorance of what he was wanted for, but finally admitted to the officer that it was, he supposed, for a row he had had the month previous. THE ODD-FELLOWS VICTORIOUS. The Queer Insurance Association Beaten in the Courts. The Cincinnati Enquirer, of Sept. 4, con tains the following: “Mr. J. R. Miles, Grand Master Odd-Fellow for this State, arrived in this city jestonlay from Mount Gilead, Ohio. His miss,on is an important one, and is of interest to every Odd-Fellow in the United .States He comes to investigate the Odd- Fellows' National Benefit Association, a cor poration which lias appeared in a rather bad light throughout the country. It is organ ized for the purpose of insuring the lives of Odd Fellows. It has agents all over the coun try organizing divisions. The conditions upon which an Odd Fellow’s life is insured are such that the only chance his heirs had of deriving any benefit, from the associa tion would lie if the member died from being struck by lightning. The association was sued bv twenty members of a tSuvan nab (Ga.) lodge. The trial was heard be fore 'Souire Bright and a jury on Wednes day ana Thursday. After being out nearly six hours a verdict was rendered in favor of the plaintiffs. Mr. Miles has ordered a transcript of the proceedings, and will in vestigate the doings of the association." This is the association that was exposed in the Morning News in the latter part of May. Creditors’ Meeting. A meeting of the creditors of James H. Hodges & Cos,, was held in the law office of Chisholm & Erwin yesterday afternoon. Mi - . W. R. Leak m represented Mr. Hodges. A number of the creditors were present, and at one time a friendly settlement seemed S visible. But when it was ascertained that essi's. J. S. Collins & Cos. hail issued and Nerved nine garnishments, securing the greater portion of the assets of the debtors, the meeting was post]*mol till to-day. The liabilities are about #2,000. Local Personal. Elton A. Smith, Esq., arrived home yes terday from his summer vacation. Capt. H. M. C. Smith returned home yes terday after a brief visit to Asheville, N. C. Col. Grantham I. Taggart returned to the city yesterday. Ho haa been spending the summer North. Mr. Lester Hubbell leaves to-day by steamer for New York. He will be absent four or five weeks The Misses Blun, daughters of Capt. Henry Blun, leave for New York this morn ing on the steamer Naeoochee. Mr. John 11. Griffin, traveling paasenger agent of the Evansville route, was in the city yesterday. He paid a flying visit to Isle of Hope. Mrs. R. Webb has returned to the city and tho weekly meetings of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union will bo re sumed to-day. Among the arrivals at the Screven House yesterday were: H. Morgenthan, O. Pierre Havens, Charles Fraser, New York; John W. Keller, Paducah, Ky.; John S. Ernest, Macon; B. P. Hollis, B.H. Hawkins, Anieri cus; D. Barwald, W. S. Cowles, G. J. Burg heim, Atlanta; William Donovan. Wadley; R. B. Hillyard, Jacksonville; Joe B. Me- Shane, Philadelphia. At the Pulaski House were W. H. Brown, Greenville. 8. C.; J. S. Tomas, J. B. Albert, G. W. Wilson, Baltimore; J. H. Turner, Atlanta; J. K. Motto, Charleston; 8. Van Wyek, J. C. Dußois, Julian Dußois, New York; Dr. O. W. Watkins, Sparta; J. M. Enderson, London, Eng.; C. Hhanklin, Chi cage; H. T. Pu main .Detroit; P. H. Devine, Washington, 1). C.; E. FT Gould, Philadel phia; Vv 8. Gage, Brunswick; A. Jones, Washington, 1). ('. At the Marshall House were E. J. Coch ran, Girard; R. B. Hillyard, Jacksonville, Flu.; J. W. Hudson, Boston; George R. Vernon, New York; I). H. Paxton, Mrs. I>. B. Paxton. Paxton; Asa la France, Elmira, N. Y.; H. W. Harrison, C. B. Lloyd, Bruns wick; John Williams, Thomas Jones, steam ship Itftspruy; Thomas K|xittx, steamship Napier. At tiie Harnett House were J. G. Chittey, Halcyon!bile; W. S. Harper, Patterson, John Ord, George R. Hill, Orasburgh, Vt.; W. N Ni ii. WhTtoav ills; H. C. Hillis, Burke county; Alfred Johnston, Mrs. R. H. John sum, Cohen’s Bluff. S. C.; J. W. Morrison, Columbia, Ain ; J. S. Allen, Gainesville, Fls.; J. T. Alien, Stockton, Mrs. Biitch, Eiien; Mrs. J. W, Bransn. Tumps M hteinc, J. ft Sumer, Soarboro, John 1 Rountree, Mid villa; Hon. Q S. Rountree, Rwain*boro, J. Dawson, Citra, Fla. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1887. THROUGH THE CITY. Items Gathered Here and There by the News Reporters. Tiie members of the Cotton Exchange will move up stairs, that is on the street floor, next week. Three arrests were made by the police yesterday, one for gambling, another, a woman, for drunkenness, and a third for vagrancy. Mr. George P. Hodges has retired from the management of the Marshall House and Mr. Gus Paniels, formerly chief clerk, has assumed charge. The plasterers at work on the new jail did some very crooked “blocking off” on the outside of the building. The contractor is having the work done over. Ten dollars was realized at the Mayor’s donation party yesterday morning. James Wilson (colored), for stealing some of Frank Sawyer’s fine chickens, was held for the City Court. Mr. J. M. Case, for several years the keeper of the Pulaski House in this city, has been unfortunate in his hotel venture at Saratoga, the Columbian having dosed un expectedly last week. The large amount of building and repair ing now going on in this city has made a great demand for mechanics in all branches of the building trades. Good, steady men can get the highest wages and pick their places. The City and Subnrban railway' has sold the locomotive Vernon to parties in West- Held, Fin. It is a good engine, but too light for the business of the road. Its wheels are now being changed to suit the standard gauge. The Savannah Street and Rural Resort railway' is before Council with another route. The route don’t appear to lie as de sirable as that first asked for; that is, as far as the convenience of the people is con cerned. but it is probably the best the com pany can get. The Tybee railroad has sold one of its new engines to the Lookout Mountain railroad, Chattanooga. The engine was never used for the reason that it is too heavy for the road. It is expected that the other engine will soon be disposed of. The company pro poses to buy lighter engines. The residence burned yesterday morning on the White Bluff road belonged to Mr. Jos. E. Loiseau and not to Dr. A. Best, as stated. Several of Dr. Best’s friends drove out to his place early in the morning to as sist him, if possible, and they were greatly relieved to find that the Ceport was erro neous. The Scriven county Hussars have ordered sixty-four uniforms. Mr. P. G. Meara, of this city, went to Halcy'ondale on Tuesday and took the measures. The uniform is a blue cavalry jacket and buff trimmings for privates, and officers the same with gold trimmings, hat regulation helmet. Capt.*J. J. Brewer is commanding officer. GENERAL RAILWAY NEWS. Matters of Money and Management About Various Lines. The crossties for the Winter Park and Or lando (Fla ) railroad are being placed along the route ready for laying. Roailmaster Walker, of the South Florida railroad, has severed his connection with that road, and L. W. Malsby has been ap pointed in his stead. The Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West railway shops at Palatka, Fla., are again in full operation, as w r ell as everything else on this splendid line of roads. Sylvania Telephone: The Sylvania rail road is doing a fine business in carrying freight and lumber now. It should nave anew passenger coach by all means. The troubles of the Orange Belt railroad, Florida, have about ended, and work has again started, and tracklaying will now go ahead at the rate of throe mill* a day. All attachments against the company have been settled, and the work will be pushed to completion, giving one more line from the Gulf to the interior. The first shipment of steel rails for the Buena Vista and Ellaville railroad arrived at Americas Wednesday morning, and it is thought that tracklaying on that line will begin about the first or next week. The roadbed at that end is nearly completed and but little work remains to be done between there and laCrosse. A small train left Griffin for McDonough on the Georgia Midland on Tuesday after noon, carrying President Grantland, Super intendent Gray, Chief Engineer Greene, Attorney Goetchius, Auditor Howard, J. M. Mills, Col. F'rank Flynt and George Mooney. The train made the trip in a short time and was back before dark. The road is reported to be in fine condition and ready for a schedule to be put on. • The engineers who are surveying a route for the “South Bound railroad,” which is projected from Columbia, S. 0., to Augusta, have reached Brighton. 8. C , a small town about five miles from the Savannah river. It is the purpose of the projectors of the road to have two routes surveyed. One of them crosses the Savannah rivpr to a point on the Georgia Central, in Effingham coun ty, and the other reaches the Charleston and Hnvannah railroad at Hardeeville, S. C. An extension of the latter route haa lieen suggested, viz: from Hardeeville to Augusta, crossing the Savannah river near there President Drane, of the South Florida and Georgia Air-Line, and also the Jackson ville, Manatee and Gulf Railroad Com panies, has called a meeting to be held in Jacksonville at Hotel Togni on Sept. 21, at 8:110 a. m., standard time. The object of the meeting is to hear a report from the President as to what has been done since the last meeting and a statement of the status of the company, also that the stockholders may confer as to final arrangements for constructing and equipping the road us soon as possible. The President assures the stock holders that financial matters with the com pany have a very favorable outlook. Judge Dorsey, ot Atlanta, has been ap pointed receiver for that portion of the Rome and Decatur railroad lving within the State of Georgia, and Mr. ft. Herxberg has i>eon made receiver of the road for Ala bama. In noticing the appoint ment of receivers for the road the Atlanta Constitution says: “It is said that as soon as arrangements can be made with the bondholders the money will be forthcoming to finish building the road.” President Printup does not, seem disturbed about the matter, and says the road will certainly be finished. He says there was no fight made on the appointment of a receiver, as was stated by the Constitution. All were willing for this to be done, as it would most speedily adjust the matter. Darien will soon have a railroad. It should have had one long ago. It has a fine harbor, a river navigable ror hundreds of in lies and busy, enterprising and well-to-do citizens. Mclntosh county has given the “Darien Short Line” the right of way along the Cowhorn road, which is a public high way sixteen miles in length. And it is stated tint the railroad company has secured the right of way over the tranirood, which was formerly used in connection with Mil ieu's mills. From this statement it will lie seen for a very considerable part of the line the cost of preparing the roadbed will be quite small. In fact, outside of the tramroad ami the public highway, only.twelve miles have to be graded to make a continuous roadlied, ready for the ties, from Darien to Walthourville, on the Savannah, Florida and Western railway. The charter under which this road is lielng constructed per mits the line to be extended to Millen. Ga., and to Dog Hummock, in Hapelo sound, where there is twenty-five feet of water. Telephone Subscribers. The Strauss Printing Go., Bay street, No. 410, has Ixxiii added to the telephone service. Thirty Tons Pressure is given to every cake of Colgate A Cos s ('ash men- Homme! lot let snap. It wears away very AnyiH i g needed for Men's wear at Rel singer's, if Whitaker street. SOLVING thl mystery. ESTABLISHING THE IDENTITY OF THE MURDERED WOMAN. An Inquest Under the Trees-A Ghast ly and Horrifying Sight—Testimony That Tells Who She Is—On the Trail of the Murderer—Negroe3 Give Hints of Who He Is. “Murder will out” is an old saw, but it holds true in the present age as well as in the time when it was younger, and the case which was veiled in so much mystery yes terday promises soon to prove again the truth of the old saying. The Coroner’s in quest has been held and the body, clothing and surroundings have lieen thoroughly searched for evidence of the identity of cither the murderer or his victim, or both. The search was without avail, for not a sin gle article that could throw any light on the case was found. There was a congregation of the neighbors about the ghastly spot, however, and the small facts that one and another knew were made common property, and putting them together they became of importance. Now the identity of the woman is established to the satisfaction of the people of tho vicinity, if no one else, but it is better to record the events of tbe day, and permit'the facts to come out in their proper order. ON TUB GROUND. Coroner Dixon and his assistant went out to hold the inquest, accompanied by Dr. T. B. Chisholm, who was the medical expert. The Coroner also had with him one gentle man who thought he could probably iden tify the body. He had seen an old man and an aged woman around life store about two weeks before, and he suspected that she might have been the woman who was murdered. A glam-e at the body showed him his mis take, however, for there was not a gray hair in the head of the corpse. Arriving at Beaulieu station the party left the train anil mounted into a wagon, which Capt. Brown hail provided for tneir convenience, rode to the spot where the body lay. A plain pine coffin also had its place in the vehicle and it drew as a magnet will steel all those who saw it pass up the road. Before the wagon had gone half the distance there were a number of negro men and women following behind, and they swelled considerably the crowd that was awaiting the arrival of the officer. Reaching the spot the contents of the wagon were discharged and the coffin was laid upon the ground, a few feet distant from the corpse. Two barefooted negroes were provided with spades and started to work at once upon a grave. No one thought of bringing the body to the city, or of burying it in any cemetery. The fitting place for its inter ment was the scene of the crime, and all present seemed glad that it was to be laid away there to rest. MATERIAL FOR THE JURY. Meantime, the Coroner leaned his port folio against a tree and began to look about him to see if he had a fitting jury. Dr. Chisholm took out his case ot instruments and prepared for a post mortem. The crowd gathered around thine two and watched every movement with interest. Interest in that case had been stirred to its depths, and there was not an eye but noted every movement. Every trivial thing that occurred was noticed and commented upon, the effort constantly being to connect each with some phase of the case. Finally the Coroner and the surgeon com pleted their preparations and prepared to move to the spot that had concealed for so long so foul a crime. No place on earth, within the limits of hnbi tation, could be more suitable for the pre serving of such a secret than this, though it lies within 900 yards of three dwellings. It is situated between two reals, which are about 100 yards apart. For a few feet back from the roads the trees have been thinned out. Within this space is an irregular cirelo of pine saplings that grow so densely that it is at times difficult to work one's way be tween them. WHERE THE DEADLY WORK WAS DONE. Within the centre of thus circle is another, about fifty feet in diameter, and in it there is a thick growth of fennel that stands above a man’s shoulder. In the centre of the fennel was where the body lay. No doubt it was covered over by the' weeds that towered above it when it tell, but the buz zards and hogs had killed the weeds immedi ately about, the body, leaving it the central object in a small cleared space. Leading to this open spot was a path about two feet wide, It was plainly marked, hut the condition of the weeds showed that it was newly made. It was the pathway the swine had made. Stand ing on the outer edge of tbe cirole of trees nothing could be seen of the fennel save here and there where a green spot showed between the trunks of the saplings. From the center where tho body was, nothing could lie seen lieyond FYom neither of the roads could any view of the spot be obtained, and although many people passed within fifty yards of it day by day, not one had ever found it until Farmer Carter, by acci dent, came across it. A skeleton’s ghastly tale. The account t hat reached the city uight before last stated that the body was only partly decomposed, and that the features, while not distinguishable, retained a sem blance of their sliape, and such a body did all expect to find, but when the pre cession filed through the pathwmy and came suddenly upon the corpse a feeling of horror came over them. There lay a mass of putrid fiesb. scarcely in the shape of a human being. The skull was white and gleaming. No eyes, no nose, no cheeks, no lips, no brain —simply a white and broken skull, as nicely cleaned as if in preparation to be mounted on a skeleton, living just alxive it was the woman’s hair, plaided and then coiled up about her head. It had fallen from her skull, but it was still nicely dressed, for the blood that issued from the woman’s head when she was struck, had matted it together and held it firmly in its shape. The txxly was lying face down, with the nrms out stretched and the fingers half closed, ns if they had been clutching something when they became cold and stiff in death. The body, legs and arms had Ixxn hollowed out by the worms that had not waited for the grave to receive the body before they began their disas trous work. They hail punctured holes in the skin, and had made them places of in gress and egress, and they had done their work so well that not one thing was left save tho skeleton and the skin stretched over it. On the back, where the skin had lieen exposed to the sun, it hail become, in places, a tan color and os hard and FIRM AS A DRUM HEAD, which it very much resembled. The flesh remained upon the feet and hands Hut it was horrible to look at. A piece of the skull as large as the palm of the hand hail been broken completely out of the right side. The lower jaws had been broken and revered from the upper, and throe teeth had been broken from the upper jaw. Beside the body lav the barrel of an old musket which had lieen broken just by tho hammer. Tho Itarrel was bent slightly near tho muzzle ns if a severe blow had lieen struck with it. The laxly lay upon the stock of the gun and when it was taken out und examined u rudely marked but un mistakable W was found upon it. The clothes that tho woman had worn had boon almost completely torn from the body by the bM> ot prov md animals. Neither hat nor shoes were found, bat her basque and sfis'kings were near tier, and whole, showing that they must have been removed by herself or xomo one else, for hal the animals torn them off they would have been in shreds. The skirt* were tern to tatters. Toe garment* were plain and pour in qitaiitv, and some of them were patched in many planex. They ware searched for mark* of identification, but not one could be found. A STORY OF A MISSING WOMAN. Dr. Chisholm made an examination of the body, and his testimony was that the wo man was between 25 and 30 years of age, and white, and that she came to her death from a fracture of the ethnnid tone, caused by a blow with some blunt instrument. The Coroner also took the testimony of farmer Carter, which was substantially given yesterday. When Mr. Love, the tele graph operator, made his statement, he gave a story that was some what startling. He said that a man named Thompson and his wife lived on Harris Point. Thompson was a fisher man and hauled oysters in the season. A Norwegian sailer went to Mrs. Thompson and told her that Thompson had another wife. As soon as Thompson returned to the house his wife asked him whether the story was true, and thereupon ensued a bitter quarrel, so hitter that Mrs. Thomp son tiecanie afraid of her husband. He tried to get her to enter his boat one day to go somewhere, but she would not do it, for she feared he would throw her overboard. A little over a month ago Mrs. Thompson resolved to leave her husband, so she left home one day and walked to Beaulieu. There she met several of her acquaintances whom she told of her flight from home, and she promised them that she would write in four or five days and let them know where she had gone. She started up the road and since then she has never been seen. THE MURDERED WOMAN IDENTIFIED. In height she compared with the body found; her hair was a reddish brown, as was also that of the dead woman's. She disappeared *bout a month ago, and Dr. Chisholm said that the body had laid in the woods not less than thirty days. These facts, put together, clearly point to the identity of the dead woman as Mrs. Thomp son, though there is no positive puoof that it was she who was murdered After these facts had been heard the usual verdict in such oases, of death from blows inflicted by some blunt instrument in the hands of a person or persons unknown, was written and the jury signed it. The body was then placed iii the coffin and borne to the grave. When it had been lowered, Rev. Dr. Mat thews, of Bt. Philip’s church. Savannah, read a portion of the burial service that the un fortunate woman should not go to her grave without burial rites, and w hen he had con cluded the earth was thrown in and the mound heaped up, and then the lookers on left her to lie but a few feet from where she had fallen, and they returned to the city. A CLUE TO THE MURDEUEP. Late last night Mr. Robider, who has a store on the White Bluff road, stated that from some negroes in his neighborhood he had picked up some information which, if true, would lead to the arrest of the mur derer. The obtaining of this information from negroes, * together with the fact that the musket was one such as Is never used by any but negroes points very strongly toward some negro as the murderer. Mr. Robider de clined to tell what information he had re ceived, but he says he intends to investigate it, and if it is true, to bring the criminal to justice. Whether the trails which those in terested are now working are true or false they will serve a good purpose, for they will keep the hunt going until finally the perpe trator of that foul crime will be brought to justice. BEATEN TWO TO ONE. Charleston Again Defeats Birmingham With Ease. Charleston, S. C., Sept. B.—Charleston sat down on the infants this afternoon in an eight inning game which was as dreary as was the audience, the gate money barely laying the guarantee fund. Flood and Stalling for Birmingham, and Hungier and Childs for Charleston, were the batteries. For five innings the visitor ; never hit the ball nor got a man to first base. In the sixth inning they got in six runs by errors of the home team, who played loosely. The score by innings follows: Charleston 6 2 0 0 4 2 0 o—l 4 Birmingham 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 I—7 Errors—Charleston S, Birmingham 6. Total base hits—Charleston 21. Birmingham 11. Left on bases—Charleston 4, Birmingham 3. Stolen bases —Charleston 6, Birmingham 2. Struck out By Hungier 2. Phantoms—Charleston 4, Birmingham 1. Wild pitches—Flood 1. Passed balls—Childs 2, Stallings 1. Time -Two hours. Umpire—Sucks. Games Elsewhere. At Washington— Washington 0 1 0 40000 1— 6 Philadelphia 30004000 x— 7 Base nits—Washington 18, Philadelphia 10. Errors Washington 4, Philadelphia 0. At Boston- Boston 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 o—s New York 000000000-0 Base hits—Boston 9, New York 3. Errors— Boston 2, New York 1. At Detroit— Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0— 0 Detroits 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 1 0— 4 Base hits Detroits 10, Pittsburg 7. Errors— Detroit 2, Pittsburg 5. At Brooklyn— Brooklyn 000 100000-1 St. Louis 3 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 x— 7 Base hits—Brooklyn 3, St. Louis 13. Errors — Brooklyn 7, St. I aims 3. At Baltimore— Cincinnati 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 I—6 Baltimore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2—2 Base hits—Baltimore 5, Cincinnati 11. Errors —Baltimore 3. Cincinnati 1. At Philadelphia— Athletics 2 3 1 1 0 3 0 2 0-12 Cleveland 03001010 I—6 Base hits —Athletic 19. Cleveland 12, Er rors—Athletic 2. Cleveland 7. At Staten Island— Metropolitan 0 1001010 0— 3 Louisville 4 <WO 0 10 11 x— 7 Base hits—Metropolitans 11, Louisville 8. Er rors—Metropolitans 7, Louisville 3. At Chicago— Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1— 5 Indianapolis 15302000 I—lo Base hits—Chicago 10, Indianapolis 12. Er rors—Chicago 10, Indianapolis 1. To the Retail Trade. Ixivell & liattimore are prepared to show the best lot of stoves and kitchen ware gen erally, together with a first-class assort ment of brooms, buckets, baskets, dusters, tin toilet sets, agate and planished coffee fiots, etc. Our cook stoves are strictly first-class and among the finest to be had. There are no stoves at any price practically lietter than our Black Acorn and Farmer Girl Cook, and as for ranges the Othello, Model Acorn, New Record and others are to be entirely reliod on. Lovell & Lattimore Headquarters. Many thanks for past favors. Will guarantee you the same good satisfaction, both as to nt, quality of goods, etc., as here tofore. P. G. Meaha, Tailor, No. 445 Bull Street, Savannah, Ga. Best Catawba Wine, $l, at Lester's. New line of fall teok puff and plait Scarfs at Belsinger’s, 24 Whitaker street. New pack Tomatoes at a bargain at D. B. Lester’s. _ Home Again. Back into our old quarters, and it feels like home. We’ve been pent up long enough and feel like spreading ourselves. Come and am US; we have a regular palace, and looks as noat as a pin. We’ve prepared our selves for this move with new and attractive goods and are ready for business. We shall endeavor to retain the coiltldem-e our friends ami patron* have placed in us for sailing only the finest, grades of Watches, Jewelryf Silverware, etc., of which we have an at tractive assortment. We always carry the largest line of that water Diamonds in tho State. M. Htkhnbeko, 157 Broughton street. New Swiss Cheese, new fat Mockarel for sale cheap at D. B. Lester'*. At the Harnett House, Mavannsh, Ga., you get all the comforts of the high-priced ho eh, and save from #1 hi tJ |ier day. Try it and bo convinced. —BntUrn Ifmna Juur mil Try Lau-r s Vic.. 50k. and 25c. Tea. Weather Indications. Special indications for Georgia: FAIR Cooler, followed by warmer iair I weather, light to fresh variable winds. Comparison of mM temnerat’ire at Savan nah. Sept. 8 1887, and the mean of same day for fifteen years. Departure Total Mean Temperature : from the Departure I Mean | Since for 15 years Sept. 8. *B7. --or Jan. 1,1887. 78.0 | 80 0 2.0 1 195 0 Comparative rainfall statement: „ _ : . . i Departure i Total Mean Daily Amount f rom the Departure Amountfor for Mean j fence 10 Years. Sept, 8, 87. __ or _ Jan _,, 1887 . 7s r .00 1 - 18 I -9.48 Maximum temperature 86.0. minimum tem perature 'is.o. The height of the river at Augusta at 1:33 o’clock p. m. yesterday (Augusta time) was 7.1 feet—no change during the past twenty-four hours. Cotton Region Bulletin for/ 24 hours end ing Op. rn., Sept. 8 1887. Toth Meridian time. Districts. j Average. V.„_ i f Max. Min. Rain- N tons. Ten ‘P Te, “P faU 1. Wilmington i 11 86 68 .01 2. Charleston 8 94 66 *T 3. Augusta 12 92 66 .00 4. Savannah 13 96 66 .00 5. Atlanta 13 90 68 T* 6. Montgomery 9 j 94 66 .02 7. Mobile 8 I 96 64 .00 8. New Orleans 13 j 94 68 .00 9. Galveston j 21 j 98 j 70 .65 10. Vicksburg ! 4 j 96 72 j *T 11. Little Rock 15 4 66 .00 12. Memphis ! 19 j 90 | 66 .00 Averages | | | | *T denotes trace of rainfall. Observations taken at the seme moment of time at all stations. Savannah, Sept. 8, 9:86 p. m.. city time. Temperature. Direction. 5 1 Velocity. P Rainfall. Name of Stations. Portland .1 54 W Clear. Boston 60j N Clear. Block Island ! 66i (Tear. New York city ... 62 NW!..j OleaK Philadelphia 64 NW j i Clear. Detroit 661 W !..| Clear. Fort Buford 58 NW: ... Fair. St. Vincent 54 S E|..! Clear. Washington city.. 60|N E.. .... Clear. Norfolk 66NE dear. Charlotte 72| F, 6| .. .Clear. Hatteras .. | Titusville. > 74 8 W ...... Clear. Wilmington I 74|N E|. \ .01 Cloudy. Charleston 78 NE; 6, ... Fair. Augusta 76jNWj....... Clear. Savannah I 78! S | Cleat'. Jacksonville | 82 SW 6 Clear. Cedar Keys | 84! W| 8 .... Clear. Key West S.’tNW . i.... Clear. Atlanta.... 76! N 110! Clear. Pensacola 82! W 1 6i Clear. Mobile 82.8 W, 6 .... Clear. Montgomery 84 dear. Vicksburg 84! Cloudy. New Orleans I 82 W Clear. Shreveport 84 8 E Clear. Fort Smith 82! S I Clear. Galveston 82 S 8 Clear. Corpus Christi— 82 S E dear. Palestine 78 S 6.. . dear. BrownesvlUe. 76 F. dear Rio Grande j 80 !S E 6 Clear. Knoxville i 68l N Clear. Memphis j 74 N Clear. Nashville j 7b! N Clear. Indianapolis 1 64 E . ... dear. Cincinnati 64, Clear. Pittsburg 58 NW Clear. Buffalo to W Clear. Cleveland 54 . Fair. . Marquette 60 R Cloudy. Chicago 68 S W Cloudy. Duluth 60 SW . .30 Cloudy. St. Paul 72 8 E .14 Fair. Davenport 66 S. E---ICXJ/auiy. Cairo 6HIN E 1 Clear. St. Louis ?4;8 E Clear. Leavenworth... 82 S jClear. Omaha 82! S Clear. Yankton 80!SW| 'Fair. Bismarck 82: N i Clear. Deadwood J 58 NE .. .70 Cloudy. Cheyenne I 64 E 1.. .06 Clear. North Platte 1 78 N Cloudy. Dodge City 78' 8 Clear. Santa Fe 64 N E . ,j_ 01 Cloudy. *T denotes trace of rainfall G. N. Salisbury Signal Corps. Hats for the Fall. The Famous has received the latest styles Hats for fall, selling them cheap in order to call attention to their removal to the northeast corner of Congress and Whitaker streets. The largest stock of Fine Old Rye, Bour bon, Corn and Malt Whiskies ever brought to Savannah at D. B. Lester’s. Broadway Silk Hats just out at Belsin ger’s, 2-1 Whitaker street. Umbrellas. Gloria, wears better than silk, for #3 50, silver-tip $3, gold-tip S3 50, Ginghams from SI upward, all selling low to show our patrons that we have moved to the north east corner of Congress and Whitaker streets. The Fly and Spiders Scarf Pin at Bel singer’s, 24 Whitaker street. Tomatoes are going up, and now is your time to make a bargain at I jester's. Stiff Hats just out at Belsinger’s, 24 Whitaker street. Savannah, Ga., Aug. 22, WB7. —Messrs Shuptrine <£ Bro., City—lleah Sirs: Sev eral physicians treated me, without success, for what they pronounced a stubborn ease of eczema. In addition to this I have tried every so-called remedy that was suggested to me, but nothing did me the slightest good until, in sheer desperation, I tried your Tetterine. This effected what seems to be a permanent cure, and I take pleasure in testifying to its merits. Very respectfully yours, Isaac O. Haas. Ten large cakes of Roap for 25c. Good Sardines for Oc. at D. B. Lester’s. Get this Under Your Hat. ‘The solomcholly days have come. The saddest of the year. When latest styles arc coming in, And the old must disappear. The English of it is that to have room, and wide room at that, for fashionable Fall and Winter styles, our only object for an en suing short jieriod is to get rid of our re maining summer stock of Gents, Youths ami Boys Fine Clothing and Furnishings. “Any price” or “your price” are our mot toes. The goods must go. At the same time take a look at our superb stock of Jaeger's System Underwear and Over shirts. The Centre of Gents Fashions, 161 Con gress street, B. H. Levy fc Bro. Old Kentucky Bye Whisky, made March, 1684. Only f;j. P. B. (jester's. Fall Clothing Beginning to arrive. Ready to show a nice selection for early fall wear, also fall Over coats. They are nicer and prices lower than ever, to show our customers that we have removed to the northeast corner Con gress and Whitaker streets The Famous New York Clothing House manufacture all the clothing they sell, dealing direct with the consumer. We save every one who buys of us at least 25 per cent. ‘ No humbug, but a good drawing Tea for 35c. at I). B. 1 jester's. Boys’ Knee Pants lor 26c. Iron-Cled pentn, ages 4to 12, the Famous New York Clothing House is selling fnr JV. a pair in order to show the boys their new store, northeast corner Congress and Whit aker streets. BAKING POWDER. ■ 131 mi POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varies. A marvel of Purity, Strength and Wholesomeness. More economi cal than the ordinary kind, and cannot lie sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Powder Cos., 106 Wall street. New Y’ork. I,l' DIIEN <fc BATES S. M. H. STODDARD’S 10c. LIBRARY! 13 PAGES OF MUSIC FOR ONLY 10c. The Cheapest Music in the World, 200 numbers, each containing from THREE to FIVE PIECES of choice VOCAL and INSTRU MENT*.!/ MUSIC from best composers. Printed from Full Sized Music Plates, on the Best Quali ty of Music Paper, and the same in all respects as music usually sold at from 89c. to 81 50 per piece. L. & B. S. M. H. L.&B.S.MH. 'Writing Papers. lb. Commercial Note at 5 cents a quire. 6-lb. “ “ at 10 “ “ 4-lb. Octavo “ at 5 “ “ 10-lb. Congress totter at 15 “ “ 12-lh. “ ” at 20 “ 10-lb. Foolscap at 15 “ “ 12-lb. " at 20 “ “ 10-lb. Legal Cap at 15 “ ** 12-lb. “ at 20 “ “ 10-lb. Bill Cap, either broad or long at 15 “ •* We sell any of the above papers by the ream at 20 cents a pound; weigh- of paper to ream of 20 quires or 4*o sheets as denoted above. These are strictly FINE PAPERS, and are the best made for School, Home or Business Use. L A B. 8. M. H. POCKETBOOKS, CARD CASES, ETC? We have had a fine line of leather goods manufactured expressly for our own trade. They are made by one of the tost American manufacturers, and are guaranteed best value for money ever offered. YVe also offer a large assortment of LADIES' SHOPPING BAGS of new designs. They can be hod with or with out belts, in genuine Seal, Alligator, Japanese and Monkey Leathers. L. & B. S. M. H. TUN ING AND DRATINB. The reputation of our New York Professional Piano Movers, stand unquestioned, when safety, careful and quick handling are taken into con sideration. Our price for moving Squares & Uprights. $3, parlor floir to parlor floor. OUR TUNING DEPARTMENT is still iu charge of Mr. H. N. Moore, who is without competition, when good and honest work is considered. We employ no tramps, our tuners and repairers being men of unquestioned standing, and whose work stands on its own merits. They are men who have been in our employ for years, and the finest instrument is safe in their hands. Single Tuning, Squares & Uprights, $3; Grands. Yearly Tuning, Squares & Uprights, $8; Grands, 812. The best work wi 11 be found the cheapest. LUDDEN & BATES S. M.H. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. A. J. MILLEIU CO., i48,150 and 152 Broughton St, Desire to call attention to the fact that they are offering their Immense stock of Furniture and Carpets, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT Big Bargain Prices. Our NEW FALL GOODS are crowding in upon us, and we MUST make room by rushing out the goods. Parties contemplating fitting up will find it to their advantage to caU on us and obtain our estimates. U. MILLER & CO. ELECTRIC BELTS. Electric Belt Free. r pO INTRODUCE it and obtain Agents wewlU I for the next sixty days give away, free of charge, in each county in the United States a limited number of our German Electro Galvanic Kutierisory Belts—price, $5. A positive and un failing cure for Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Emissions. Impotency, Etc. (500 reward paid if every Beit we manufacture does not generate a genuine electric current. Address at once ELECTRIC BELT AGENCY P. O. Box 178. Brooklyn, N. Y. BAY RUM. Imported Bay Rum, A FINE ARTICLE, AT STRONG'S DRUG STORE. Corner Bull and Perry street lane. DAVIS IlltOs. DYNAMITE] NOTWITHSTANDING the fact that we have x lieen blown up, we are still in the ring, and can sell you Just as fine a line of 6TA TIONERY' ami FANCY GOODS as ever. The burglars left all PIANOS and OR GAN’H, and we can give you Just as good bar gains to-day lu the celebrated KNABE, KRAN ICH A BACH, BA US and KBTBY PIANOS, and I.STE V ORGANS, as we could tofore /RE ac cinierr. Call around and buy a Piano from us. thereby Inpiping us to make up dome of thU loss. We can sell you Just as good a Piano and on Ju.,t as easy terms as anyone else. Try usl DAVIS BROS. State OF Weather.